#December sags are the best sags
studioab · 2 years
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✨🤩✨🤩✨🤩✨ IT’S SAG SZN✨🤩✨🤩✨🤩✨
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
May I ask you if the Strike will ever end? :(
At this point I am just letting time tell.
I think that the plan originally was for the studios to hold out until October, assuming only the writers were striking. But with the actors being in the mix now, that definitely increases the stakes for the studios to come back to the table and actually negotiate in good faith.
The question is are they going to go back to the table to negotiate with SAG AND the WGA?
I just can't see the actors being on strike past October, but if the studios are really, really stupid (they are), then yes, it could go into 2024 (The Emmy's are prepared to postpone until January. So that's their worst case scenario at least...).
I personally don't think the actors will be on strike into 2024 because none of them being able to promote movies/shows each passing day is going to start pressuring certain studios to cave sooner than others, and that's what could inevitably force those other studios to follow suit. No one wants to want to exist in a world where all of their competitors are back to work and they are not.
The problem is that right now lot of the studios are seeing each other as equals/allies, despite being competitors. But still, at the end of the day they will always be competing, and that's going to be their downfall as the clock ticks for their little studio suicide pact.
Again I think a lot of the studios initial plans (best case scenario) was to stick it out together vs. the writers until Oct. before even coming back to the table, then hoping it would end sometime around then with the writers being forced to take a shit deal because they need work to live. They also probably hoped that the public would be taking their frustration out on the writers.
Obviously that plan has veered way off course, so it's possible based on that alone we could see it all end sooner than it would have.
But that's wishful thinking overall tbh. It's just too soon to tell.
I think, best case scenario we could start hearing actual back and forth between SAG and the studios by the end of August.
Now, that doesn't mean they'll make a deal in a day and agree on it (it could last another month + despite talks happening soon). It means that maybe we'll start seeing verified reports of some back and forth about negotiations starting to happen again.
If it's coming from the studios, we can't really make anything of that, because if SAG is saying on the other side that they're not getting any calls, then it's all fodder.
So for the time being, we need to wait to hear from SAG or the WGA about what's going on to even gage if any progress is being made at all. Until even an inkling of something like that occurs, it's not happening anytime soon.
Maybe we could hear something like that going on by the end of the month with SAG, but maybe not.
I do have worries that what we'll start seeing on the studios end, sooner than later, is talks with SAG but not the WGA. If that happens and WGA stays on strike, we're still looking at a standstill regardless of if SAG comes to a deal with the AMPTP.
As far as I know SAG can't like write in their deal that they'll only agree if the studios make a deal with the WGA. It's not that simple. And it's possible the studios could use that to their advantage. But that's also assuming that the studios are even willing to come to a good deal that SAG will agree on anytime soon.
It's pretty likely though that the studios already know of the deal they're going to make that the writers and actors will be willing to agree to, but they're holding out. And that's just the grossest part of all.
TBH we're dealing with really slimy people which is why I can't even say with utmost certainty that the strike will end.
Hope this helped 😅😭
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eroselless · 4 months
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series masterlist | part 1 | part 3
[charles leclerc x reader, carlos sainz x reader]
warnings: angst, talk of pregnancy, Spanish
note: Part 2! I already feel extremely invested in this and I started new adhd meds so I've been able to rlly hone in and work hard on it :) Let me know how you guys are liking it!
SPAIN, DECEMBER 2022, 3 weeks later
1st trimester/7 weeks/2 months
You sit idly at the kitchen table, face pale and drawn from another bout of morning sickness. You fiddle with the loose threads of a doily that sit trapped under a large bowl of fruit in front of you. Despite the warmth of the sun and the stillness of the countryside, you struggle to adjust. The noisy streets of Monaco seemed to bring you comfort, a reminder of Charles and how eventually he’d come home to you. But that was all gone, replaced by the dulcet tones of the birds outside and the gentle breeze clinking the windchimes on your aunt’s porch. 
Aunt Ines bustles around the kitchen, her movements brisk and efficient as she prepares a brebaje for you, a concoction to soothe your queasy gut. She places the mug in front of you and you recoil slightly at the smell. It wafts up, mingling with the scent of coffee and eggs. 
“Tomatelo, que eso ayuda con las náuseas,” she says drink it, it’ll help with the nausea. You take the mug, hands trembling slightly. You take a big gulp, ignoring the slight burn the liquid leaves behind. Your hands tremble slightly as you put the cup back down on the table.
“Gracias, tía,” you murmur, voice barely above a whisper.
Ines watches you, her gaze a mixture of concern and affection. She didn’t hesitate to pick up the phone when you called her that night on the train. Her heart ached for you as she watched how you would check your phone for a man who had let you go so easily. Your belly was growing a little every day but the life and joy in your eyes seemed to fade as each day passed. 
“Linda, ¿por qué no vas por un pancito a la panaderia?” She asks Sweetie, why don’t you go get some bread from the bakery? You let out a groan and she can almost see your old self appear briefly as you sag in the chair, arms flopping down at your sides.
“I don’t feel like going out,” you protest weakly. She places her hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently. 
“I know it’s hard, but you need to get out a little. Some fresh air will do you good. And besides, you can’t stay cooped up in this house forever.”
You sigh, mumbling a quiet bueno, okay as you get up from the table. Ines watches you pull your shoes on with a huff. She twists a rag in her hands, recalling how spirited you used to be. As you bid her a quick goodbye, she can’t help but shake her head as you check your phone one more time before tossing it on the table by the door. You were checking for Charles again. 
You looked for him in the mirror every morning, in your sheets, in your dreams. She could hear you call out for him in your slumber. Or hear you cry in the early hours of the morning when you thought she was asleep. She could hear you talking to the baby, asking it questions, both love and anger pouring out in your words. 
Charles’s silence seemed to weigh heavy on your conscience. Was all the love shared in the two years you spent together just gone? Picked up by the wind and dropped into the ocean, sinking down to its dark depths? 
Ines would try her best to distract you from Charles and focus on the baby, gifting you a hand-knitted blanket and yellow booties. Each item was made with love and care, trying to remind you that you had love at your fingertips, in herself and the little bundle growing within you. 
You make your way to the bakery, the morning air cool against your skin. You can’t help but wonder what Charles might be doing. Were you occupying his thoughts as he was occupying yours? Maybe he was waiting on his phone, waiting for your call as you waited for his every day. You get pulled from your thoughts as a little boy skids in front of you, you let out a yelp as he scurries after a red toy car.
“Disculpa, señora!” He exclaims as he chases after it Sorry, lady! You watch him as he wanders off, finally catching it. Another boy, older, follows after him. You both watch as the little one, maybe 3 years old, flicks at the tires of the car, laughing as they spin. He beams up at the older boy and they smile at each other, conversing and giggling as they continue their way down the street. You smile as they walk away from your eyeline, a sad, bittersweet smile.  
The streets are lined with charming little buildings, bustling with kids and adults alike. You can soon smell the yeasty scent of bread trailing down the street. You breathe deeply as you reach the doors of the bakery, greeted by warmth and the delicious smell of freshly baked goods. Walking through the threshold of the bakery, a kindly old man smiles at you as you enter. 
“Buenos dias, señorita,” he says. “What can I get for you today?” You manage a small smile. “A loaf of your freshest bread please.”
He nods and disappears into the kitchen. You pull out some coins, moving to lean against a table that stands off to one side. You try settling in the warmth of the cozy bakery, trying to draw some comfort from the soft glow of warm lighting and the inviting scent of cinnamon and sugar. You close your eyes for a second, hand resting on your tummy. It's grown since the night on the train. If you pulled your shirt tightly against your body, you’d be able to see it starting to poke out. You wonder what the baby will look like. Would she look like you? Or would she inherit the features of her father? Would it even be a she? Or would it be a little boy, the image of his father? 
The baker calls for you, pulling you out of your brief daze and hands you the loaf wrapped in brown paper. You hand him the money and thank him before heading back home. 
Your walk back is easier, your mind occupied with thoughts of the baby. You cradle the warm bread against your chest, eyes flickering to its crispy outside. You’ll carry the baby like this someday. 
Back at the house, Ines is waiting for you. She leans on the doorway, a smile on her face. She takes the bread from you, walking into the kitchen. 
“No tan mal,¿cierto?” She teases lightly Not that bad, right? You nod, feeling lighter. 
Putting the bread down, she pulls you into her arms. 
She feels her chest fill with relief as you relax into her embrace, face tucked into the crook of her neck. You hold onto her, feeling the love that surrounds you. For the first time in the last couple of weeks, you don’t feel as if the world is fighting with all its might against you. You let out a smile. This time a little wider than before.
Laughter seems to bounce off the walls of the small home. You’re sitting on the kitchen counter, a bag of carrots in your lap. You bite into one, handing another to your aunt as she chops them up and tosses them into a pot full of celery and potatoes. 
“Do you remember when Jorge used to feed the dog his bottle?” Ines chuckles, shaking her head. Her children are older than you, occupied with their own families in different corners of the world. “He was so terribly convinced that the dog needed it more than he did.” 
You laugh, the sound bubbling up from deep in your chest. “And Mateo used to put his toys in the fridge! Mom would always find action figures next to the milk and cheese.”
Ines laughs again, a bittersweet smile on her lips. “Esos peladitos, always keeping us on our toes.” Those little guys. 
You laugh at her comment, hopping off the counter as you hear your phone buzz on the kitchen table. Ines chastizes you as you do so, telling you you shouldn’t be jumping around like that. You shake your head, a smile still playing on your face. You brush your hands on your pants, not caring for the slight orange residue they leave behind, and reach for your phone. 
The laughter seems to fade from the room, the joyful noise dying in your chest. You blink a few times, words on the screen not fully registering in your mind. A headline stares back at you, the words blurring as tears fill your eyes. 
You stare at your phone for a moment before tossing it carelessly onto the table and running out the front door. Your aunt looks back at you from her spot at the sink. 
“Mi amor,” she calls for you, moving quickly to follow after you. “¿que paso?” what happened? You don’t answer, heaving as you stop at the edge of the property. The world seems to spin around you and you try to catch your breath. Your chest feels tight and the air only seems to get hotter as you stand there. You want to scream. Inside, Ines watches you with confusion, wiping her hands on a rag before picking up the phone with the screen still on. Her heart fills with dread as she reads: 
Prince of Ferrari, Charles Leclerc seems to have parted ways with his illusive girlfriend after being spotted with new mystery woman in a Monaco restaurant. Who is his ex-girlfriend and why did the F1 star break up with her?
She swipes at the screen, eyes scanning over the pictures attached to the headline. Charles sits at a table, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He’s leaning into the woman, noses almost touching as he leans in for a kiss. There’s a smile painted on his face, his arm draped around her shoulders. The pictures show him gradually getting closer until his lips are pressed to hers. 
She presses a hand to her mouth as she puts the phone down, making sure to swipe the page away before making her way out to you. You’re sobbing, with your head in your hands. Your shoulders shaking with such force, Ines thinks you could heave. 
“Lo siento mucho, mi amor,” she consoles as she nears you I’m so sorry, my love. She pulls you into her chest, her own tears dripping down her face as your body wracks against hers. Her hands rub soothing circles on your back. 
The pain feels unbearable, a mix of betrayal and heartbreak. The man you love, the father of your child, moving on without a second thought. You think of the nights you cried for him, the mornings you searched for his presence. It felt like a cruel joke. 
“Casi ni siquiera ha pasado un mes,” you manage to choke out between sobs. “Y asi como nada.” It's barely even been a month, and just like that.
Ines pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes. She brushes away the hair that’s begun to stick to your cheeks. Your eyes look beautiful as they drip with immense sadness. There was so much beauty in your tragedy. 
“We’ll get through this,” she whispers firmly. “One step at a time.”
You nod, taking a small comfort in her words. They don’t do much to ease the crushing weight in your chest. Any hope you had for a future with Charles crumbles before you, replaced with an uncertain reality. You sink into her arms and let yourself release a sob, clutching tight to your middle. You whisper a quiet apology to the little bump, tears only streaming harder down your face. 
“I’m here,” Ines says softly, her voice steady. “And I’ll always be here. We’ll get through this together.” She holds you tight, her love wrapping around you like a warm blanket, offering the only solace you can find as the world seems to crash around you.
.˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ ✧ ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚.
The weeks pass slowly and you find yourself sitting on the porch day after day. It's almost like that one scene in Twilight but in the warm and bright climate of Spain. Your morning sickness dwindles, some days better than others. It's yet another crisp morning that you find yourself sitting there, enjoying the sound of the windchimes and birds once again. Ines pokes her head out the door, peering at you. 
“Linda, te puedo pedir un favorcito?” she asks, her face in a little grimace sweetie, can I ask a little favour from you? You look up, nodding your head silently. She lets out a sly smile.
“I’m running low on a few things for dinner tonight and I can’t go to the market with all the chores I need to finish.” she winces. You know what’s coming and you relent, getting up to grab a grocery bag. 
“Thank you, mija,” she says, pressing a kiss to you head. “I just need some tomatoes and carrots and maybe a loaf of bread.” you nod fervently at her request, not stopping the shadow of a smile that appears on your face as she hobbles away to grab a pen and paper. With now a list in hand, you step out into the bright morning light.
The market is just a short walk away, and as you make your way through the quaint streets, you try to focus on the task at hand, pushing any thoughts of Charles to the back of your mind.
The market is alive with activity, vendors calling out their wares, and the air filled with the mingling scents of fresh produce and baked goods. You wander from stall to stall, selecting ripe tomatoes, crisp lettuce, and fragrant herbs, your basket slowly filling with the ingredients Ines needs.
As you reach for a bundle of carrots, you hear a voice call from behind you. You turn, eyes widening as you see Carlos approaching you, arms wide and a smile playing on his face. 
“Es tan lindo verte,” he says, eyes crinkling with a warm smile it’s so nice to see you. He pulls you in close arms wrapping around you completely. You relax a little, finding comfort in seeing a familiar face. A mixture of emotions hits you as he holds you. His presence is a reminder of the world you left behind, a reminder of the love you lost. 
“Hola, Carlos,” you reply, managing a soft smile. He lets go, eyes looking over you. 
“You look… different,” he observes. His face is full of concern as he looks you over closely. Your smile fades as he does. Your bump is sticking out a little more as you enter your second trimester. Your shirt is taught against your tummy, fabric being pulled back slightly as he lets his arms drop. The growing babe causes your belly button to slowly start to poke out. “Yeah,” you murmur, tugging your shirt loose. “I guess I’ve been going through some changes.” 
You feel a blush rise to your cheeks as he reaches for your small belly, stopping abruptly before his fingers make contact with it. “Are you…?” he trails off, his voice filled with surprise. 
You nod, and Carlos can’t tell if your expression is of pride or shame. He nods sympathetically. He’d heard about what happened with Charles, whispers spreading quickly through the paddock as the news broke. But not this, no one had mentioned this. “Charles doesn’t know, he doesn’t need to,” you explain, eyes pleading with him. 
He nods, eyebrows furrowed. “Lo siento mucho,” he says, reaching out and placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder I’m so sorry. Though Charles didn’t share you much with the world, you did occasion a race every now and then, mostly hidden away from the cameras. When he saw Charles step out on town with someone else, he suspected something had happened. 
You nod, a lump forming in your throat. “Yeah,” you whisper. His hand lingers its spot, sending a strange sense of comfort to wash over you. Despite the pain you’d been carrying with you for the last few weeks, the genuine kindness he was offering you seemed to alleviate it a little.
"Listen," Carlos begins, his voice gentle. "I know things are tough right now, but if you ever need someone to talk to or just a shoulder to lean on, I'm here for you." 
His words catch you off guard, and you find yourself blinking back tears. "Thank you, Carlos," you whisper, feeling a swell of gratitude in your chest.
He offers you a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Anytime," he says softly. "Cuidate, okay?” Take care of yourself, okay?
With a final nod, Carlos bids you farewell, leaving you standing there in the bustling market square.
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tags: @kravitzwhore @janeh22 @apollosfavkiddo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @tremendousstarlighttragedy
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fans4wga · 1 year
[September 1] Don’t Fall For Hollywood Bosses’ New PR Spin
'Today marks the 122nd day of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike and 48th day of the Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) strike. The dual work stoppages have brought Hollywood to a standstill, with production halted on films and television programs, and premieres and other promotional events either scaled back or canceled. Both guilds are striking over demands that are more than reasonable, particularly given studio executives’ record pay. These demands include fair compensation for streaming media (particularly better residuals, which currently pale in comparison to what they are for network and cable broadcasts), robust studio support for health and retirement funds, and safeguards around the use of artificial intelligence. (For more on why WGA and SAG-AFTRA are on strike, read the excellent reporting of Jacobin’s Alex Press). 
In a move that has shocked…pretty much no one, Hollywood bosses don’t want to share their earnings with the very storytellers responsible for generating them. At the same time, they’re happy to make workers pay the cost for their own miscalculations about streaming.
The major Tinseltown studios – organized under the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) trade association – remain stubbornly opposed to striking a fair deal with either guild. Under the leadership of AMPTP president Carol Lombardini, studios have employed brutal tactics to bust the strike, including threatening to drag things out until writers lose their homes and using management-friendly trade publications to pressure the guilds into accepting lowball offers. These tactics have backfired spectacularly: not only have they failed to end either strike, but they’ve also turned the public overwhelmingly against the AMPTP. A new Gallup poll finds that Americans back the WGA over the AMPTP by 72% to 19%, and SAG-AFTRA over AMPTP by 64% to 24%.
Aware of their reputational damage (but willfully ignorant of the anti-worker attitude that caused it), the AMPTP announced a “reset” to its approach this week – not by negotiating in good faith or meeting the guilds’ demands, but by hiring a pricey crisis-management PR firm to revamp its image! According to Deadline, the AMPTP has hired The Levinson Group – a D.C.-based PR shop best known for representing the U.S. Women’s  National Soccer Team in its campaign for pay equity – to “reframe the big picture for studio and streamer CEOs who have been characterized as greedy, imperious and out of touch.”
If you’re feeling like you’ve seen this movie before, you’re not wrong. During the last WGA strike 15 years ago, studio bosses hired former Clinton comms strategists Mark Fabiani and Chris Lehane to revive the AMPTP’s flagging public image. The revolving-door duo were paid a jaw-dropping $100,000 per month by the AMPTP to strike-bust, deploying campaign-style spin attacks designed to break the WGA’s resolve. 
As I wrote for The American Prospect in May:
“Fabiani and Lehane created a website with a live tally of the millions of dollars in income that guild members and on-set crew had purportedly lost by striking. They urged studio CEOs to publicly refer to WGA representatives as “organizers” rather than “negotiators” because the former “sound[ed] more Commie.” Lehane even told the press at one point that striking writers were “making more than doctors and pilots,” cynically arguing that the strike was harming “real working-class people” like below-the-line workers who had lost income from struck late-night talk shows […] Fabiani and Lehane were [also] the brains behind a “strongly worded and downright menacing” AMPTP press release breaking off negotiations with the WGA in December 2007. This move allowed the studios, which cited a protracted strike as an “unforeseeable event,” to invoke force majeure contract clauses and cancel multiple writer-producer deals worth tens of millions of dollars, severely demoralizing the WGA’s rank-and-file members.”
The parallels between 2008 and today are striking. Like Fabiani and Lehane (who have worked for scandal-plagued clients like Gray Davis, Bill O’Reilly, Lance Armstrong, and Goldman Sachs) the Levinson Group has no qualms about representing greedy and unsavory characters. Over the years, Levinson has done PR for predatory student lender Better Future Forward, reviled monopolist Live Nation/Ticketmaster, a talc mining company linked to the Johnson & Johnson baby powder cancer scandal, and Theranos fraudster Elizabeth Holmes. 
And just like the ex-Clinton spin doctors, the Levinson Group boasts close revolving-door ties to powerful politicians and the news media. The firm currently represents President Biden’s personal attorney Bob Bauer and previously represented John Podesta’s family lobbying firm. Levinson partners have previously worked for an array of influential politicians, including former President Bill Clinton, Senators Jon Tester and Amy Klobuchar, Representatives Maxine Waters and Ted Lieu, and former and current Los Angeles Mayors Eric Garcetti and Karen Bass. The firm’s founder and CEO Molly Levinson spent eight years working for CNN and CBS, while two of the Levinson Group’s top managing directors are alumni of CNBC and The Wall Street Journal. With a web of strong connections to power players in the entertainment industry’s twin capitals of LA and New York, along with the nation’s capital, Levinson could help the AMPTP tilt the regulatory and media scales back in the bosses’ favor. 
Though this may sound demoralizing, striking writers and actors shouldn’t lose hope. For one, consider a surprisingly uplifting parallel between 2008 and 2023. Fifteen years ago, after Fabiani and Lehane took the AMPTP’s contract, the SEIU and other unions that had previously worked with the duo severed ties with them for trying to bust the writers’ strike. Fast forward to this week: the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team Players Association (Levinson’s star client!) publicly rebuked the firm for doing the AMPTP’s dirty work and voiced support for the dual WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. If history is any indication, it’s only a matter of time until other pro-union Levinson clients – like the majority SEIU-owned Amalgamated Bank – follow suit and sever ties with the firm. 
There is also one crucial way in which 2023 is thankfully not like 2008: The Levinson Group is bad at their jobs. 
Consider an August 27th New York Times article about AMPTP President Carol Lombardini*, which was almost certainly pitched or otherwise molded by Levinson flacks. The article goes to ridiculous lengths to rehabilitate Lombardini’s image:
The article passively describes Lombardini’s tenure as “marked by labor peace until now” (a peace that she has now broken) and shifts blame for her unpopular decisions to anonymous AMPTP members (how convenient!).
Article co-authors Brooks Barnes and John Koblin quote a 2014 email from then-WarnerMedia CEO Kevin Tsujihara praising Lombardini’s negotiation skills and recommending she receive a $365,000 bonus. Curiously absent from the article is any mention of Tsujihara’s high-profile 2019 resignation from WarnerMedia for pressuring actresses into non-consensual sex.
Barnes and Koblin attempt to paint a “she’s just like us” picture of Lombardini (who reportedly earns a $3 million annual salary), mentioning her upbringing in a “working-class town outside Boston” and love for Red Sox and Dodgers games.
Barnes and Koblin paint a rosy picture of the AMPTP’s “sweetened proposal” (their words) to the WGA, describing the studios’ August counteroffer as “including higher wages, a pledge to share some viewership data and additional protections around the use of artificial intelligence.” Barnes & Koblin never quote the WGA’s well-founded reasons for turning down this lowball offer, saying only that the WGA is “holding firm to demands related to staffing minimums and transparency into streaming-service viewership.”
Bizarrely, the core issue of underpaid streaming residuals (the main reason writers are demanding greater streaming transparency) is never mentioned in the article.
Barnes and Koblin frequently imply that criticism of Lombardini is unfair, describing her as an “easy target” for the “grievances of striking workers” and singling out a tweet purportedly “mocking [Lombardini] as a fuddy-duddy who hangs out at chain restaurants”.
Barnes and Koblin quote a pre-strike September 2022 Deadline interview with Teamsters organizer Lindsay Dougherty to claim that Lombardini has the “grudging respect” of union leaders who see her as a “fair individual.” They did not quote more recent statements from Dougherty, who last month tweeted that the “greedy” AMPTP had “declared war on Hollywood Labor” by refusing to negotiate in good faith with WGA and SAG-AFTRA.
In one unintentionally eyebrow-raising line, Barnes and Koblin state that Lombardini was “inspired to become a lawyer by reading articles about F. Lee Bailey.” Neither Bailey’s sordid clients (like OJ Simpson) nor his multiple disbarments are mentioned in the article.
And it’s not just me who finds the Levinson Group’s efforts laughable. Discussions of the NYT story on Reddit and Twitter are dominated by comments tying the story’s blatant reputation laundering for Lombardini to the AMPTP’s concurrent hiring of Levinson. A recent New Yorker puff piece on Warner CEO David Zaslav has been met with similar ridicule – with many commenters also pointing to Levinson’s potential influence. So too have recent stories from management-friendly trades like Deadline – all of which have failed to make a dent in strong public support for WGA and SAG-AFTRA. This is a good sign: not only is the public more inclined to side with striking workers than it was in 2008 – it’s also seemingly more attuned to the role of corporate PR flacks in shaping the media narrative. If studio bosses think they can remake the same movie and end another strike with flashy spin-doctors, they’re sorely mistaken. 
So here’s my advice to the AMPTP (and it won’t cost you six figures per month to hear it): the way to fix your reputation problem is to end the strike by giving writers and actors what they want. No strike-busting comms team can rescue you from the hole you’ve dug yourself into. 
As the LA Times’ Mary McNamara recently put it, “You’ve lost the war. The best thing to do now is negotiate the terms of surrender.”'
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kpopfanfictrash · 9 months
The Ten Days of Ex-Mas (Teaser)
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Posting Date: Tuesday, December 19th, 7:00 PM CT
Creative Collaborator: @kithtaehyung FOR THIS AMAZING BANNER!
Genre:  Holiday / Second Chance!AU / Hockey!AU
Pairing: Jimin / Reader (F)
Length: One Shot 
Synopsis: Three months following the worst break-up of your life, you finally feel ready to start moving on. The world, it seems, has other ideas when you pick up the phone and find your ex-boyfriend calling.
Jimin Park, star right winger of the NHL and (until recently), the love of your life, has a very large problem. Despite the courage he regularly shows on the ice, in his personal life, Jimin is kind of a coward. When you broke up this fall, he could barely admit it. Not to his neighbors. Not to his friends. Not even to his family, who are expecting him home for Christmas. In a desperate plea for more time, Jimin begs you to pretend you’re still dating – and to his surprise, you agree. Faced with a second chance, Jimin is determined not to squander it. If only fixing a relationship were as easy as falling in love.
Author’s Note: Part of the Jingle All the Way collaboration!
Estimated WC: 45K (... whoops; this will probably be multiple parts)
Rating: 18+
Preview: 2,141
You should have known better than to trust Namjoon with your dating life.
Yoongi never would have put you in this situation. The more level-headed of your two best friends, Yoongi approaches matters of the heart with the same rationality he does everything else. Namjoon, on the other hand, is a great guy – who is notoriously bad at reading other people.
The number of times you’ve been forced to step in and save him from phone scams is astounding. It’s not his fault, really – Namjoon trusts too easily, which doesn’t serve him well in this world. He’s always willing to give others the benefits of the doubt, which gets him into trouble. 
And now you, by extension, having accepted the blind date he proposed.
Mike Davis moved into Namjoon’s building two months ago, and Namjoon has been adamant since the start that you two would hit it off.
“He goes to all the same conventions you do,” he assured you last week on the phone.
“Which conventions?” you asked, squinting hard at the wall. “I know you’re not big into nerd culture, Namjoon, so as an FYI – not all cons are considered equal.”
Namjoon rattled off a few you’d attended, impressing you enough to agree despite the initial disinterest. This agreement may have been spurred by tonight being the three-month anniversary of the worst break-up of your life.
Almost as soon as you sat, you realized your mistake. While you may have reached a point where you don’t cry every time your ex’s name is mentioned, the prospect of dating someone else is an entirely different matter. Getting dressed up felt strange, as did traveling to the restaurant and waiting for Mike at the bar.
The fact that Mike called this place a ‘restaurant’ should have been your first clue, as Hat Trick is most definitely a sports bar – specifically, a hockey bar. Had you known (really, you should have known), you wouldn’t have gone, but you were nervous and trying to make a good impression. Upon arriving, you arranged yourself awkwardly on a sticky bar stool and waited seven minutes for Mike to walk in.
Nearly an hour later, you find yourself regretting coming at all. Mike excused himself two minutes ago for the bathroom and as soon as he left, you sagged with relief.
He’s a nice guy, you suppose. Good looking, with light brown curls and dark eyes. You can see why Namjoon thought he might be good for you – Mike is the exact opposite of your ex in many ways. Constantly frazzled, he arrived late to the bar, only to immediately duck outside because he forgot to pay the parking meter. Jimin was the type to unpack his suitcase immediately after reaching the hotel and brought several chargers in case one of them died.
Once the meter was paid, Mike sat down and immediately launched into his entire life story. You suppose you should have been happy about this, since lack of communication ended your last relationship but instead, found yourself overwhelmed. 
Mike finally paused for breath once your drinks arrived, allowing you a moment to answer his questions. The moment you said you ran a pretty popular cosplay TikTok, Mike instantly shifted from arrogant to insecure. 
“I can’t believe you came,” he exhaled with a shake of his head. “When Namjoon showed me your picture, I said no way would you go out with me. You’re way too beautiful.”
Somewhat awkward, you laughed. “Don’t try and get me to leave, now, Mike.”
His eyes widened, not catching your sarcasm and it took several moments to get back on track. Everything since has been downhill, so when he excused himself for the bathroom, all you felt was relief.
Digging through your purse, you pull out your phone and swipe to the group chat.
Y/N: Namjoon, WHAT possessed you to set me up with this man [7:46 PM]
Yoongi’s reply comes immediately.
Yoongi: told you it was too soon [7:46 PM]
Namjoon’s ellipses join in.
Namjoon: what! Why? What happened?? Mike didn’t try something on you, did he? [7:47 PM]
Y/N: no, no – nothing like that [7:47 PM]
Y/N: he just keeps saying how *amazing* I am and how he doesn’t know why I’m on this date at all [7:47 PM]
Yoongi: dude [7:48 PM]
Y/N: EXACTLY [7:48 PM]
Before Namjoon can respond, the bartender changes the channel and an all-too-familiar name blares over the speakers. Slowly, you look up, and all thoughts of Mike fade, faced with NHL coverage.
Nope, no – absolutely not.
Leaning over the counter, you lightly tap the bartender. “Hi.” Brightly, you smile. “First off, could I have another glass of white wine? And then, maybe… could you change the channel?”
Glancing around, the guy shakes his head. “Yes, to the wine, but no, the channel,” he says with a shrug. “Half the people in here came to watch the game. Pre-show coverage is part of that.”
With an apologetic nod, he grabs a rag and disappears. Sinking back in your seat, you stare at your hands, clasped tightly together. Your spot at the bar puts you in the unfortunate position of hearing each word the announcers say crystal-clear.
“Well, Josh, what chance do you think the Blackhawks have tonight?”
The silver-haired man beside him bobs his head. “Steve, I’d say their chances are pretty darn good. You’ve seen this team’s early games. Their first line is strong, especially now that Park’s back.”
“Oh, absolutely – Jimin Park has been crucial in the last couple of games. He was sorely missed last season.”
“Ha! You can say that again.”
Trying to hide your wince, you clasp your hands tighter as a fresh glass of wine is set down. “Thanks,” you mutter, downing half in one gulp.
Immediately, your plans for later tonight shift to accommodate another bottle of wine. Movement catches the corner of your eye, and, despite yourself, you watch the montage of star right winger, Jimin Park, tearing his way down the ice. Shamefully, you recognize every shot since, although you broke up in September, you continued to watch every game.
“One of the most talked about moments last year in hockey was the late check on Park by Blues player, Brent Howard,” continues the announcer, Josh. “His helmet came loose when he hit the boards, and he went down hard on the ice. Park suffered a sprained knee and herniated a disc in his neck. A complicated surgery took him for most of the season, only starting to skate with the team again over the summer.”
Hearing the trauma recounted with such callousness, you find yourself gripping your wine glass tighter than before.
“I don’t think anyone ever expected Park to play again,” agrees the other announcer, Steve. “It’s a damned miracle he’s back on the ice – but to return and be this good? Park has always been one of the best right wingers in the league, but I’d say he’s the best offensive player on the ice right now.”
“A bold claim!” laughs Josh. “But I might just agree. Even Jungkook Jeon on the Rangers hasn’t been matching Park in assists.”
“Exactly! I mean, look at the numbers. Last year, the Blackhawks barely made the playoffs and now, they’re first in the Western Conference.”
“Truly amazing, given the nature of his injury last November. I don’t know how familiar you are with herniated discs, Steve, but –”
Mike slides back onto his stool. Grateful for the distraction, you turn fully to face him. Having already lived through the injury once, you have no need to reminisce. Replacing your phone in your purse, you smile gamely at Mike.
“So,” you say, attempting to save the conversation. “Namjoon mentioned you like conventions? What fandoms are you a part of?”
“Oh.” Mike loosely shrugs. “I doubt you’ve heard of any of them.”
At his dismissive tone, you stiffen. Your experience with the male side of fandom is always a toss-up. “Well, there are a lot of them. Any that are more mainstream?”
He considers. “Marvel?”
Stunned, you blink once or twice. Marvel has to be one of the biggest fandoms on the planet, let alone in the country. Even if you weren’t deep in the convention circuit, you’d have heard of Marvel.
“Yeah,” you say slowly. “I think I’ve heard of that.”
“Cool, cool.” Mike nods. “Namjoon said you do cosplay – and showed me your TikTok! You know, you’d make a great Wonder Woman.”
You can practically feel your jaw tighten. “That’s DC, not Marvel. But thanks.”
Silent, you add for nothing. While you love Wonder Woman and have, in fact, cosplayed her many times, men usually only request her for one reason and that’s the skimpy outfit. Whenever you cosplay as circa 2010 Wonder Woman in pants, they’re decidedly less interested. By now, you’ve learned only to pick your characters based on personal interest.
“Have you ever cosplayed?” you ask.
Unbidden, your gaze slides to the TV. Commercial break. Stifling your twinge of disappointment, you refocus on Mike.
“Nah.” His nose wrinkles, and your stomach sinks further. “I don’t do that stuff.”
Hearing your tone, his eyes widen. “I mean, it’s cool for you. I saw your TikToks and you look amazing. I’d just look dumb,” Mike says, attempting a laugh.
Sweetly, you smile. “I don’t know. My ex used to cosplay with me, and no one ever laughed at him.”
Admittedly, this is something of a low blow since your ex-boyfriend is Jimin Park, but either Namjoon didn’t tell him, or Mike doesn’t care. Which – if that’s so, maybe Mike deserves more credit than you gave him. 
“Ah.” He nods, taking a sip of his beer. “Have you ever thought about cosplaying as Wonder Woman, though?”
Your smile vanishes. Then again, maybe you’ve given him exactly the right amount of credit.
“I have,” you say. “But more recently, I’ve been cosplaying Dimension 20 characters. It’s kind of niche, but my last character was Sundry Sidney from A Starstruck Odyssey. You know – giant machine gun arm, roller skates and a mechanical eye. Oh, and a ‘fuck erotica ann’ button, of course.”
Mike’s smile freezes. “Why… would you dress like that?”
“Because it’s fun.” Finishing your glass of wine, you toss a few bills on the counter and stand. “Well, it’s been nice meeting you, Mike, but I think we’d be better off as friends. Don’t you agree?”
Even with the answer right there in the question, still he looks flummoxed.
“Or acquaintances,” you add, pulling on your pea coat. “Or nothing at all. Whatever you prefer.”
Slinging your purse on your shoulder, you wave at the bartender and start to leave. You only make it several steps before Mike mutters something beneath his breath – loud enough that you hear.
“Stupid,” he mutters. “This is why you don’t date women like her, Mike.”
You come to a stop. Really, you should keep going. Common sense – and Namjoon’s HOA – depend on you being the bigger person and walking out. But your therapist has said you need to work on communicating, even when the message is something the other person won’t like.
Turning around, you tap Mike on the shoulder.
He glances upward, surprised – and then reddens, realizing you heard.
“Yep, I heard,” you say shortly, retracting your hand. “Was your muttering supposed to be secret?”
Mike opens, then closes his mouth, like a fish.
“What did you mean, ‘women like me?’” you demand, folding your arms. “Ones with self-respect? Or hobbies? Women who know more about a subject than you do?”
Behind the counter, the bartender snort-laughs, rising in your esteem despite the whole TV channel thing. 
Mike stares at you, stunned. He seems to grow a pair in that moment though, straightening to face you on his stool. “Women with sticks up their asses,” he blurt.
Stifling an eye roll, you lean closer. “Listen, Mike,” you say, placing one hand on the counter. “If you think you can hurt my feelings – think again. Someone broke my heart three months ago, so nothing you say now will remotely compare. Do you really want to know why women like me won’t date you?”
The furrow between his brows deepens, and you take this as a sign to continue. Leaning even closer, you lower your voice.
“It’s because you’re insecure,” you say softly. “Giving someone a compliment and putting yourself down in the same sentence isn’t nice, it’s awkward. Not to mention, you’re sexist,” you add, watching him stiffen. “Telling me – a two-time Comic Con trivia champion – that I wouldn’t know Marvel is wild. Oh, and you’re a snob. Tabletop games are awesome, and cosplay is fun. Have a good night – I paid for your drink.”
With that, you turn around and march out the door to a smattering of applause from your new favorite bartender. 
© kpopfanfictrash, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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slapper-sw-h-13 · 19 days
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Diaper check for Slapper 😁 Nothing pleases me more than seeing My Slapper Wear Diapers 24/7. This remember Is her first real punishment she recieved for going against me in June when I said "well OK so you refuse to do as I ask and the voters who voted ask for, then you WILL Wear Diapers 24/7 everyday Till 31st December and this will be your toilet from now on. No need to use the loo anymore you are now a mobile walking toilet. The best thing is you know she's been cos the diaper really fills out and sags really lowly. It's been a great punishment for her, and great for having her round my home doing bits and pieces of my work abd housework of course. Now as I'm liking Slapper In a diaper there is now talk of extending her time in diapers well into 2025 😂
What do you lot think or am I just being a little cruel.
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jbaileyfansite · 9 months
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Jonathan Bailey attending the SAG Committee Screening for Fellow Travelers (December 5, 2023). Clothes by Giuliva Heritage. Boots by Manolo Blahnik. Watch by Omega. Styled by Emma Jade Morrison. Hair by Benjamin Parker Thigpen.
Best of Jonathan Bailey in 2023 | Top 6 Looks (in no particular order) [5/6]
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ms-m-astrologer · 10 months
Transiting Sun enters Sagittarius
Wednesday, November 22 - Friday, December 22, 2023
This has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I love the lights, the good cheer, the hot chocolate, the buying or making presents, all of it. I love the feeling of the old year coming to a close (great memories!), and the anticipation of what the coming year could bring.
It’s just going to be a little more challenging to enjoy it, this time. The Sun makes few “flowing” aspects (sextiles and trines) during its 2023 trip through Sagittarius. We’re all going to be prone to the less positive Sagittarian traits. Jumping to conclusions, oversimplification, commitment-phobia, excess, insisting that one’s own traditions are the only valid traditions.
Maybe you can’t decide which holiday party to go to, and your refusal to commit results in you sitting home, alone. Maybe you’re determined to have a lavish holiday, and you overspend. You could quarrel with someone over when to open gifts. (A teenaged Ms M was horrified to learn that not every family opens presents on Christmas morning.)
What can we do? Keep in mind that this Sag season brings challenges, and rise to the occasions. Work hard to avoid materialism and competitiveness. Cut everybody a ton of slack, including yourself, during this especially stressful time of year. The whole point of Sagittarius is to be resilient and tolerant and wise - and the best way to develop those traits is to get experienced.
Give all these aspects a day or so on either side.
Thursday, November 23:
Sun/Sagittarius square Saturn/Pisces, 0°49
Sun/Sagittarius (0°57’) sesquiquad Chiron Rx/Aries (15°57’)
This is Thanksgiving Day in the US, and it’s easy to imagine these aspects manifesting over the dinner table. Disappointment and hurt feelings.
Friday, November 24 - Sun/Sagittarius semi-sextile Pallas Athene/Scorpio, 2°25’. Wanting to be strategically sneaky about something, but not having all the information.
Monday, November 27 - Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Vesta Rx/Cancer, 5°16’. Back to work or school, in the US, and difficulty with concentration and focus.
Wednesday, November 29:
Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Jupiter Rx/Taurus, 7°14’
Sun/Sagittarius (7°34’) sesquiquad North Node/Aries (22°34’), semi-square South Node/Libra (22°34’)
These are excessive. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and him being in Taurus points to material excess. We’re trying to force our viewpoint and it isn’t workkng.
Friday, December 1 - Sun/Sagittarius (9°18’) sesquiquad Eris Rx/Aries (24°18’). A lot of bluster. (If Geminis are “blarney” then Sags are “bluster.”) We’re trying to shout our own way.
Tuesday, December 5 - Sun/Sagittarius (13°37’) semi-square Pluto/Capricorn (28°37’). The outside world intrudes. Trying to make a profound change but running into problems and delays.
Thursday, December 7 - Sun/Sagittarius trine Chiron Rx/Aries, 15°37’. Here’s where we can try to make it up to people we may have hurt or offended. And where we see that forgiving is healing.
Saturday, December 9 - Sun/Sagittarius square Juno/Virgo, 17°53’. Probably some disagreement about how to celebrate the holidays.
Monday, December 11 - Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus Rx/Taurus, 19°56’. Another occasion to be wary of going overboard with material things.
Wednesday, December 13:
Sun/Sagittarius (21°07’) sesquiquad Jupiter Rx/Taurus (6°07’)
Sun/Sagittarius trine North Node/Aries, sextile South Node/Libra, 21°49’
We may not be getting our own way about something, but we can handle it.
Saturday, December 16:
Sun/Sagittarius trine Eris Rx/Aries, 24°13’
Sun/Sagittarius square Neptune/Pisces, 24°55’
Trying to get into that “holiday spirit” a little too aggressively?
Wednesday, December 20 - Sun/Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto/Capricorn, 29°01’. The final degree of their respective signs - intimations of the future. Their conjunction will be at 29°59’ Capricorn, and both move on into Aquarius immediately afterward.
Thursday, December 21 - Sun/Sagittarius opposite Vesta Rx/Gemini, 29°38’. Distraction &/or lack of focus, as we try to finish up the Sag-type business, most likely in the form of another person. (Or are we the ones distracting them?)
The Sun’s trip through Capricorn will yield us many opportunities and blessings - so hang in there!
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macmanx · 1 year
In December, 2020, in the depths of pandemic winter, the actress Kimiko Glenn got a foreign-royalty statement in the mail from the screen actors’ union, SAG-AFTRA. Glenn is best known for playing the motormouthed, idealistic inmate Brook Soso on the women’s-prison series “Orange Is the New Black,” which ran from 2013 to 2019, on Netflix. The orchid-pink paper listed episodes of the show that she’d appeared on (“A Whole Other Hole,” “Trust No Bitch”) alongside tiny amounts of income (four cents, two cents) culled from overseas levies—a thin slice of pie from the show that had thrust her to prominence. “I was, like, Oh, my God, it’s just so sad,” Glenn recalled. With many television and movie sets shuttered, she was supporting herself with voice-over jobs, and she’d been messing around with TikTok. She posted a video in which she scans the statement—“I’m about to be so riiich!”—then reaches the grand total of $27.30 and shrieks, “WHAT?”
The post got more than four hundred thousand likes and nearly two thousand comments, many from disbelieving fans: “Wait how is that even legal??” “how is this even real you were on one of the biggest netflix shows.” This past May, with screenwriters on strike and labor unrest sweeping Hollywood, Glenn reposted the video on Instagram, where she has almost a million followers. This time, not only fans but castmates weighed in. Matt McGorry, who played a corrections officer: “Exaccctttlllyyy. I kept my day job the entire time I was on the show because it paid better than the mega-hit TV show we were on.” Beth Dover, who played a manager at the company taking over the prison: “It actually COST me money to be in season 3 and 4 since I was cast local hire and had to fly myself out, etc. But I was so excited for the opportunity to be on a show I loved so I took the hit. Its maddening.”
Television actors have traditionally had a base of income from residuals, which come from reruns and other forms of reuse of the shows in which they’ve appeared. At the highest end, residuals can yield a fortune; reportedly, the cast of “Friends” has each made tens of millions of dollars from syndication. But streaming has scrambled that model, endangering the ability of working actors to make a living. “So many of my friends who have nearly a million followers, who are doing billion-dollar franchises, don’t know how to make rent.”
Despite the Beatlemania-like fame, many cast members had to keep their day jobs for multiple seasons. They were waiting tables, bartending. DeLaria continued doing live gigs to keep up with her rent. Diane Guerrero, who played the fashionable inmate Maritza Ramos, worked at a bar, where patrons would recognize her.
These are just some highlights, but the entire article is worth a read, especially if someone you know is (or you are) so deep into watching celebrity culture that you’re having a hard time understanding why actors could possibly want more than they’re getting now.
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getmehighonmagic · 9 months
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Sunday Six, December 24th, 2023
(but it's actually already Tuesday and I completely forgot. forgive me.)
Thanks for the tags, @eusuntgratie and @bigassbowlingballhead ♥
Was I supposed to start another wip? No. Did I do it anyway? Oh hey, look, I guess I did. Have I, once again, paired Alex up with yet another one of Nick's characters? Absofuckinglutely! Meet Halex! ♥
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” “It didn’t take much convincing, so get over yourself.” June grumbles as she tugs the collar of her coat higher over her chin. She sags a bit lower into her camping chair and puts her head on Nora’s shoulder. Nora, in return, chuckles and presses a kiss to the top of her head. Alex feigns disgust by gagging dramatically and sips from his thermos, cinnamon flavored coffee doing its absolute best to keep his spirits up. He unlocks his phone and scrolls mindlessly through twitter to kill some time. If he’s honest with himself, he’d have to confess that this probably isn’t one of his better ideas. He should have thought of numerous things before proposing it to his sister and best friend - like the fact that temperatures drop drastically during the night, as the Spring season has only just began to show itself, or how sleeping on the curb in front of The Moody Theater in Austin probably isn’t legal, but he’s nineteen and in love with a boyband member. What else is he supposed to do?
I'm just gonna tag @firenati0n @magicandarchery @kiwiana-writes @wordsofhoneydew @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @anincompletelist but like, see it as a tag for WIP Wednesday or something, I'll tag along then too, haha!
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weclassybouquetfun · 9 months
Awards season is inching to a close with the last gasp of screenings coming up the week of January 8th. My favourite movie of the year is SALTBURN and Amazon-MGM is holding three screenings of it on the same day to end its FYC run. The same night Disney finally remembers THE CREATOR exists and is having a screening/Q&A with its director Gareth Edwards.
Notable award season dates:
Jan. 6th-7th: The Creative Arts Emmys. This is the portion of the Emmys that awards the winners of the Outstanding Guest Star category. TED LASSO has four in this category: Three who have all been previously nominated for their roles on the show: Harriet Walter, Sarah Niles and Sam Richardson; and newbie Becky Ann Baker as Dottie Lasso.
If James Lance wasn't promoted to regular, surely he would have received and likely won a S3 nomination in this category.
James and his hair situation with his fellow voice-over artists for the BBC Radio 4 show "We Forced a Bot to Write This Show".
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Jan. 7th: The Golden Globes
Prayer circles for Barry Keoghan and Rosamund Pike for their work in SALTBURN and TED LASSO, Jason Sudeikis and Hannah Waddingham.
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Wed. Jan. 10: The SAG-AFTRA awards nominations
Sun. Jan 14th: The Critics Choice Awards . Hate that there was no love for TED LASSO and that SALTBURN actors and the script was ignored (but at least the artisans were recognized).
They were robbed!
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Really pulling for Da'Vine Joy Randolph of THE HOLDOVERS, Charles Melton of MAY DECEMBER and for Young Actor/Actress, Milo Machada Graner for ANATOMY OF THE FALL.
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If Milo wasn't this category, I would be rooting for THE HOLDOVERS' Dominic Sessa who is in the same category. Though, Sessa will very likely win.
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Mon. Jan 15th: The Primetime Emmys. We have nods for Jason Sudeikis, Hannah Waddingham, Juno Temple, Brett Goldstein, Phil Dunster, nods for outstanding writing, directing, editing,production design, VFX, hairstyling, original music & lyrics and series. I am just hoping for some wins.
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Thurs. Jan. 18th: The BAFTA Film Awards nominations.
Tues. Jan 23rd: The Academy Awards nominations
During this time Sundance Film Festival will be live (Jan 18th-28th) ,there we will likely get a couple of presumptive nominees for 2024-2025 film awards season.
Tues. Jan. 23: Academy Awards nominations. I'm a broken record. I'm all in on SALTBURN, especially hoping for nominations for Barry Keoghan and Rosamund Pike.; and one for Best Film. But as I was all in on BABYLON last year and it got goose eggs, no film should want me as a fan.
I'm hoping for JA Bayona's SOCIETY OF THE SNOW gets a nom and win for Best International.
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And as France didn't submit ANATOMY OF A FALL (I assume there's too much English spoken for it to qualify), I hope it gets the same love last year's ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT received and it's put up for Best Picture.
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Sun. Feb. 18: BAFTA Awards.
Sat. Feb. 24: Screen Actors Guild Awards
Sun. Feb. 25: Spirit AwardsSun. Mar. 10: Academy Awards
Then we pause until late April and Emmy season kicks right up again and we continue the dance.
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james-beaufort · 9 months
Post your favourite and most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months).
I was tagged by the wonderful @pascow - ty for the tag I love doing these and looking back over the year <3
MOST POPULAR: Scream VI + horror cameos FAVOURITE: Lizzie McGuire movie
MOST POPULAR: Michelle Yeoh wins best actress at SAG awards FAVOURITE: Brooke Davis + Sour
MOST POPULAR: Scream + Trivia FAVOURITE: Shauna + Anti-Hero
MOST POPULAR: Scream VI + Letterboxd FAVOURITE: Ricky and Gina Twin Flames
MOST POPULAR: Beauty and the Beast FAVOURITE: Yellowjackets 1x08
MOST POPULAR: Buffy Summers FAVOURITE: Yellowjackts 2x09
MOST POPULAR: Madlyn 4x08 FAVOURITE: Rina unusual you
MOST POPULAR: Olivia Rodrigo Guts FAVOURITE: Misty Quigley Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl
MOST POPULAR: Carrie FAVOURITE: Bride of Chucky
MOST POPULAR and FAVOURITE (aka only posted one set): Brooke Davis eras tour
MOST POPULAR: Horror + colour symbolism FAVOURITE: Safe
Tagging (no pressure!): @naomismcpherson @hauntedlilies @harrison-ford @laylakeating @perccyjackson @usernace @narliee @bakerolivia @dhawanmasters @katecastle @paceyjoeys @elena-gilbert @slayerbuffy @xenobites and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it <3
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
featuring jake (hangman) seresin
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daddy kink (n): involving the depiction of sexual activity or tension between a person who is referred to as a father figure and a submissive.
note ; surprise lol here’s day 14 of kinktober even tho it is quite literally december <3 anywho my first time writing for this sexy man and i am so excited over it i want to have his children so bad
warnings ; daddy kink, little bit of breeding kink, p in v, sex during pregnancy
It was an accident.
All of it.
The tequila sodas consumed on your honeymoon, the pregnancy (although some would classify it as a pleasant surprise), the hormonal mood changes that caused your brain to spiral down a never ending abyss, the way the word daddy flew from your lips during sex…
What began as an accident was soon enough so common that you forgot that Jake Seresin’s real name wasn’t daddy.
It feels like he’s splitting you open in two as your tight walls sink down, engulfing his veiny length to its hilt. Your thighs encircle around his, his hands gripping to your hips for stability. There’s a groan that exits his mouth that reminds you how long it’s been since he’s felt your weight on top of his. With the 6 month baby bump and all, you expect to look up and meet his gaze on your tits, but instead, he’s entranced by the way your belly glows in the soft light of your bedroom, heavenly and ethereal despite the actions you’re partaking in.
He takes it all in; your glowing skin, your breasts that have doubled in size, and most importantly, the consistent reminder that your body is carrying what will be the second most important person in his life: his child.
Jake has done many, many wrong things in his life. This, is not one of them.
“Baby,” Your whisper comes out as a soft moan, bringing him back to the present. His fingertips engrave into your hips. “Fuck, I forgot how big you were.”
His ego doesn’t swell up at the sound of that statement, he just rubs circles into your hip bones, “Be careful, darlin’. Don’t need you hurting yourself and the seed.”
You move your hips immediately after, the desire to be fulfilled after months of his tongue and fingers, noting the emptiness of those versus the way he fills every inch of you. The mattress sags under your weight, his elbows coming off the mattress as he leans into your body. His mouth finds its way on yours, his fingers entwined in your hair, all dirty and filthy like normal but yet there’s a caution that lingers as you glide your slick pussy up and down his cock.
Your juices squelch with each gentle movement, and he meets your motions with a thrust upwards. A gasp falls from your lips, “Feels so good, fuck. I needed this so bad.”
He knows you won’t give in if you’re tired, that you’ll work yourself just to please him. There’s a gap between your sweaty bodies that is divided by your protruding bump, but he fucks himself up into you, reaching the part of you that elicits a scream. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, right there!”
“Doing so good for me, baby girl. Taking my cock so well,” He coaxes, his lips lost somewhere between the crook of your shoulder and your neck.
The pads of his fingers press into your spine, stabilizing your needy and incessant grinding on his cock. The sound of skin slapping echoes achingly loud throughout the room, gasps and moans exiting your desperate lips. He swears it’s the best sex he’ll ever have with you. “Fuck, just like that, baby. Keep riding me like that,” He throws his head back, your own knees delving further into the mattress with each pounding.
Your hands encircle his neck, grip onto the back of it for dear life and the action fills his chest with a warmth, like you’ll never let go. His sparkling eyes meet your own, his large hand reaching out to grasp at your chin and take in all your features that he only gets to adore when you’re deep in slumber.
“Daddy,” It falls from your lips before you have time to catch it, too lost in the feeling of being full and chasing a release. It’s a word he’s heard so many times that it’s almost comforting (in what he tells himself is a non-weird, non-perverted way.) “I-It feels so good, I can’t-“
He doesn’t flinch, bat an eye, do anything remotely Hangman-like. At this moment in time, it’s all about you. What you need. What he’ll give you. What he’ll always give you.
“Sh, sh, darlin’. I’ve got you, always got you,” He places his palm on your hips, guiding your movements and feeling your liquids soak from your entrance down to his pubic bone.
“Look so damn good with my baby inside you, makes me wanna fuck another one into you,” He grunts, his hands moving your weight up and down his cock that aches and twitches with the prospect of his cum filling you up.
You feel so light, despite the extra poundage your child gives you. Feels like you’re floating on clouds with the way he holds you so tight and fills you up to the brim. “Daddy, I’m really close, I-I think I need to cum.”
“Yeah?” His thumb caresses over the soft skin of your cheek. His eyes gleam with adoration and a gentle, steady love that puts you at ease. “I want you to cum for me, darlin’. You deserve it. Been such a good girl for daddy.”
And, it’s like a dam breaking, like water rushing through a once enclosed space. It’s like the breath of fresh air after being submerged in water. Your whole body quivers, shakes with the force of your orgasm rattling through your entire body. You can feel the warmth of Jake's release inside of you as he shivers and drives his hips into your helpless cunt one last time, making them flush with yours.
He collapses beside you on the bed in a series of breaths, wiping the sweat off his forehead from what you’re sure he’ll call “one of his best.” But, underneath the cockiness and the shit-eating grins and the crude remarks, is a man who loves his two baby girls. Jake turns over to you, eyes widened in horror and hand firmly placed on your stomach. “Oh no, do you think I hurt seed?”
You giggle, “No, but I definitely think she’s misplaced after that.”
masterlist + request
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eroselless · 4 months
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series masterlist | part 2 | part 3
[charles leclerc x reader, carlos sainz x reader]
warnings: angst, fighting, mentions of pregnancy
note: I don’t listen to Billie Eilish all that much but my best friend got me hooked on her latest album and for some reason, Wildflower inspired me to write this. Might not have any correlation but ya know, when life give you lemons. Also here Charles and Carlos aren’t as close as they seem to be in real life. Hope you enjoy it!
You stand in the dim light of your living room, the soft glow of the lamps casting long shadows across the floor. Two years' worth of memories are strewn across the carpet like scattered leaves on a chilling autumn afternoon. Your chest heaves as you face Charles, the weight of your emotions pressing down on you.
“I feel like I’m drowning here, all on my own,” you breathe, your voice trembling with raw emotion. “You’re never home, you’re always away! What about us?”
Charles runs a frustrated hand through his hair, his agitation palpable. “You fully know that racing isn’t a hobby for me; it’s my passion, my life. I thought you understood that,” he spits out, his words sharp with frustration.
“I do understand that!” you exclaim, hands going up to rub at your eyes. Your face is slick with tears, they seem to fall at a never-ending pace. “But passion shouldn’t come at the expense of our relationship. You could come home, but you don’t!”
He shifts uncomfortably from across the room, his eyes darting away from yours to the carpeted floor below. His nostrils are flared in anger as he speaks. "So, what are you saying? You want me to give up my dreams? To stop racing?"
"No, I want you to find a balance. I want you to make time for us, for me. I can't keep feeling like I'm always second place. When you do come home, which is hardly ever, it’s like you're not even here. You’re closed off, cold. We barely spend any time together, and when we do, it’s like you're trying to hide me away.”
Charles’s eyebrows furrow, his jaw clenching as he shoves a finger in your direction. “I keep our relationship private to protect you from the media circus, you know that!” he interjects. "I can't believe you're being so selfish, Y/N," Charles snaps, his fists clenching at his sides. "You knew what you were getting into from the very beginning."
You let out a shaky breath, your shoulders sagging with exhaustion. It's an excuse you’ve heard time and time again, and there's only so much of it you can handle.
“Selfish?" you shoot back, your voice trembling with anger. "I'm the one who's been here, supporting you, waiting for you, and now I'm asking for a little bit of your time, and I'm the selfish one?" Your chest aches as you take a breath, your resolve melting away.
"And you fully know that I can handle whatever the media comes at me with,” you sigh. You turn and make your way down the hall, to your room, Charles following close behind you. All he can do is stand and watch as you start to shove things in a backpack. 
As you pull on a jacket and prepare to leave, he reaches out to stop you, his voice small with confusion. “What’s going on?” he asks, his hand reaching for yours.
You swat his hand away, your heart heavy with sorrow and frustration. “We're just two people trying to make a relationship work. But if you can't even be here for that, then what's the point?” you argue, your voice trembling with emotion.
“You don’t need to worry about keeping us a secret anymore, Charles.”
There’s a tense silence as he struggles to process your words, tears beginning to prick at his cerulean eyes. You stare into them, searching for a sign, a plea for you to stay. But you see none. And with a heavy heart, you slip out of the door, leaving him behind in the empty silence of your once-happy home.
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You gaze out the window, eyes tracing over the contours of the darkening landscape. Raindrops patter slowly against the glass, each droplet a melancholic echo of the turmoil raging within you. Outside, the trees and grass blur together, mirroring the jumble of emotions swirling inside your chest. Your hand falls gently to your tummy and you can't help but glide your fingers over it tenderly. 
With trembling fingers, you reach into your bag and pull out the pregnancy test, its plastic casing cool against your skin. The two bold lines glare back at you, a stark reminder of the life beginning to grow inside you. Fear and uncertainty fill the cavities of your chest, threatening to overwhelm you. You close your eyes, tears tracing silent paths down your cheeks once again. 
Leaving Charles before telling him about the baby feels like abandoning a ship in the middle of a storm. Guilt gnaws at your chest as the train hurtles further and further away from Monaco, the distance between you and Charles widening with each passing moment.  You couldn’t shake the truth that seemed to present itself in bold letters before you. Charles may have been there, he may have laid in the same bed as you but for some time, his thoughts were miles away.
Another fear blooms at the edges of your mind. At 21, you never expected to face the daunting prospect of motherhood on your own. It's not the path you imagined yourself on at all. You thought you would marry Charles and share the joys and challenges of this baby with him.  But now, as the reality of your situation sinks in, you find yourself grappling with the harsh truth that you are all alone in this journey.
You loved how passionate he was about racing, and admired the fire in his eyes as he chased victory on the track. But in his relentless pursuit of glory, he seemed to have left you behind with nothing but his silhouette, a mere afterthought in his quest for greatness. 
In that moment, you realize that in many ways, you'd have to raise the child on your own regardless of Charles's presence. His absence has left you feeling isolated and alone, grasping at the fragments of your fractured relationship. If you'd stayed, who knows if he would have changed? The uncertainty weighs heavily on your heart, threatening to drag you under.
With a sigh, you feel yourself sag further into the train seat, the weight of your decision pressing down on you like a leaden blanket. The ticket inspector’s voice cuts through your thoughts and you hastily produce your ticket, handing it over to him with a shaky hand. Across the aisle, you catch the gaze of a woman's eyes full of unspoken sympathy as she watches your fingers tighten around the pregnancy test. You give her a tight-lipped smile as the ticket inspector hands back your ticket before turning back to the window, your gaze fixed on the blurring landscape outside as you hurtle toward an uncertain future.
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a/n: a little short for the first chapter but they’ll be a little longer in the future, hope you guys enjoy this first one :) also if you made it this far, I just wanted to share that the word pato means duck. It's not too important for now but it will be later! As always, thank you for reading!
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elminx · 10 months
Energy Update: December 2023
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December is a “1” Universal Month [12 (December) + 7 (2023) = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+ 0 =1] in a “7” Universal Year. Things have come full circle and we are back at the beginning all over again. “1” months always represents a beginning of some kind but this one will be bookmarked by “9” months on BOTH sides of it because 2024 is an “8” Universal Year which will make January a “9” Universal Month [1 (January) + 8 (2024) = 9]. This coincides well with December’s dubious honor as holding our fourth and final Mercury retrograde of the year which will transition Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune out of retrogrades, effectively ending our retrograde season on 1/1/24. We are almost there. But, not yet.
The Set Up
We begin the month of December with the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn, Venus in Libra, retrograde Jupiter and retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn and retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Over the course of the month, the Sun will enter Capricorn, Venus will enter Scorpio and then Sagittarius, and Mercury will cross back and forth over the Sagittarius/Capricorn border three times. Additionally, three of our planets will station (change directions) – Mercury will station retrograde, Neptune will station direct, and Jupiter will station direct. We are exiting a sixth-month-long retrograde cycle, as of 1/2/24, only one single planet will remain in retrograde motion (Uranus).
The Nitty Gritty
December is a month that traditionally begins with a lot of warmth and joy (Sagittarius/Jupiter) but can often end in more solemnity than people like to admit to (Capricorn/Saturn). Where Sags sometimes seem to fly in the face of consequence, Capricorn stews in it. I say this because this switch-off between these two signs this year may be especially contentious for many and, for the most Mercurial of us, it will happen more than thrice. Mercury alone is going to make this journey three times (twice in December) but the Sun, Venus, and Mars are all soon to follow. That’s…a lot. If things are getting a bit serious and NOT festive this month, know that you are right one time.
Not only does Mercury enter Capricorn on 12/1 (an augury of the month ahead as a whole), but our planet of communication, technology, and travel immediately comes into a heavy sextile with Mr. Consequences himself, Saturn. Saturn doesn’t sit easily in the sign of Pisces because well, Pisces (and the 12th house it rules) is ephemeral and sometimes not even conscious. If you’re not living consciously and in this world, you’re not going to do well with Train of Consequences because you might not even notice that you’ve wandered onto the tracks. That’s going to be a theme of the month, for sure. Keep in mind that Mercury is already in its pre-retrograde phase here, this is pass #1 of this aspect which repeats again on 12/21 while Mercury is retrograde and again on 1/18/24 when direct. Is there a lesson you’ve been intentionally (you might say “not intentionally” but we’re being real here) avoiding? You might want to look at it sooner rather than later this month.
That first weekend in December is looking kind of rough. Not only do we have Mercury sextile to Saturn (remember here that even though sextile is a “supportive” aspect Saturn is rough no matter how you spin it), but we also have Venus in Libra squaring off with Pluto in Capricorn. That’s some pretty intense breakup weather if you catch my drift. Not if you are in a good relationship, mind. Breakup weather isn’t meant to scare you. But we all know – WE KNOW – that couple. The one that exists for red flags and long nights. That seems to manage to exist as a couple based entirely on what, we all assume, must be the best makeup sex ever. Venus in Libra will stay together no matter what, Libras is just codependent like that. On the other hand, Pluto in Capricorn is on the tail end of its 26-year tirade to end contractional obligations that just don’t work. (sidenote: not that I’m endorsing it, but this a good weekend to work magic to “help” along the desolvation of relationships that shouldn’t continue)
On Monday 12/4, Venus enters Scorpio and makes an immediate trine with Saturn which only accentuates this sense that we need to be in the right place, with the right people, or else. I’m a bit of a relationship anarchist so take what I am about to say with that in mind but: this is not the time to commit yourself to something that isn’t right for you or something that you don’t believe in. That’s a message for somebody. Venus in Scorpio can be quite the vindictive bitch (affectionate), so let people down as nicely as possible. Keep in mind that there’s about a 1/5 chance that Venus is in Scorpio during Sagittarius season (she is always within 2 signs of the Sun) and I promise you, this is the worst combination for the holiday crazies. We are all going to have to pack our patience and our very best regulation skills to get through this month as smoothly as possible.
Neptune stations direct on 12/6 but it’s likely we won’t notice it as much more than a bit of added muddle to the madness. Neptune is pretty effusive in the best of times and in its native sign of Pisces its energy is just mist. You may notice that time passes slowly during the mid-week as most planetary stations tend to create some time distortion.
On Thursday 12/7, our Sun makes a trine to Chiron in Aries. This is undoubtedly a pain point in our month which makes some sense given the holiday season and our aforementioned breakup weather. It is what it is. It might be hard to separate yourself from your triggers during this time – especially familial triggers. For those called to work with Chironian energy, this is a powerful moment to stand tall and own your own pain. (You know who you are)
On Friday, 12/8, Mercury makes its first trine of three with retrograde Jupiter in Taurus. You can expect some big ideas or plans during this time, but not a lot of follow-through. Mercury will trine Jupiter for a second time during their retrograde cycle on 12/18 and a third time in direct motion on 1/19. It’s worth noting here that Jupiter rules this weekend as Venus in Scorpio opposed Jupiter the next day. Things could go very well or very poorly during this time. A lot will have to do with how you are showing up and how stuck you and your others are in your own shit. There’s no great day to do abundance or money work this month, but Saturday will be the best one we’ll see until Mercury and Jupiter have left their post-retrograde shadows come January.
By Monday 12/11, things will be getting a bit dicey. Mercury will retrograde on Wednesday which means that it has already slowed to a near standstill in our skies as it prepares to switch directions. This tends to make all realms ruled by Mercury especially murky and untenable – watch out for all communication throughout this week. There will be misunderstandings. Catch them early if you can. We will also be experiencing a Mercury-Venus sextile on Monday and a new moon at 20° Sagittarius. This new moon is going to be closely trine to both the North Node and Chiron in Aries, so tensions will be high and pain may feel quite close to the surface.
This new moon has some very interesting numerology. Firstly, it’s on 12/12 which we should all recognize as 3/3 energy – three is a powerful number for creation and manifestations of all times. Additionally, this particular moon carries the energy of “9” of every Sagittarius new moon [Sun in Sagittarius (9) + Moon in Sagittarius (9) = 18 = 1+8 =9] and “1” [9 (Sag moon) + 1 (December 20230 = 10 = 1]. Nine is the number of endings and 1 is the number of beginnings which reflects the overall energy of our month wherein we go from 9 (November) to (1) December and back to (9) January again. This new moon will likely be a turning point in the month, either a major pivot or a significant Ahah moment. Using the numbers 1, 3, and 9 in any new moon spellwork that you do can help amplify your magic during this time.
On the next day, the Sun will trine the North Node and Mercury will officially enter its retrograde at 08° Capricorn. I have already written about this particular retrograde cycle here which you can reference for specifics. The gist is that Mercury will remain in retrograde until it reaches 22° Sagittarius on 1/1/24 which will be a major power day. Until then, we will need to sit tight and try to ride with the tides that come to us.
By Friday, Mars in Sagittarius will be trine to Chiron in Aries and the Sun will be squaring off with Neptune in Pisces so we enter a weekend that may be painful and confusing. There’s a lot going on here and not everybody will be on the same page. I’d stake a lot on the fact that someone involved in all of this is lying. Or at least intentionally obscuring the truth. Try to step away from your ego as you can. Be the bigger person. Or don’t. I can’t tell you what to do.
On Monday 12/18, retrograde Mercury meets up with retrograde Jupiter for their second trine. This is the lying times. It has Boy Who Cried Wolf energy. Whatever the story is right now, it’s still heavily obscured so don’t make rash decisions that you’ll regret later.
By the end of the week, we are back deep into the consequences and Saturnian energy. On Thursday, the Sun enters Capricorn and winter begins, retrograde Mercury meets up in a sextile with Saturn for the second time, and Venus opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Not only do actions have consequences, but they may have dangerous consequences during this time. The Sun and Mercury enter full conjunction (cazimi) on Friday which means that all reasoning has been blocked out by the light of the ego. It’s not going to be pretty. We’re in the big holiday weekend, too.
I’d say stay home if you can this weekend, but I know it’s not an option for most people. It’s going to be a tough time to be around family. Retrograde Mercury enters Sagittarius on Saturday which means that everybody is going to be a know-it-all. Mars will be directly trine to the North Node so the words said are going to pack a punch. And the Sun in Capricorn is now directly sextile with Saturn, so the consequences are consequencing. Pack your very best self-care and ninja boundaries if you can. Maybe try to remember that most people are fighting with themselves and not with you.
By 12/25, Venus in Scorpio will be trine with Neptune in Pisces so we all might be a bit weepy over the things that were said and done in the days before. The full moon is on the horizon, too – peaking on Tuesday evening (EST) at 04° Cancer. We have a bunch of planets sitting between 24°-05° along that that are all tangled up in a nasty knot. The Sun is still conjunct to retrograde Mercury and Mars (their conjunction is exact the next day) and sextile to Saturn while the moon is closely conjunct with retrograde Jupiter. Both Mercury and Mars are bringing in Neptune in Pisces energy through a mutable square.
Nobody really knows what’s going on right now, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t up in their egos about it. Give everybody a break during this time, most especially yourself. Pick that fight on a different day – maybe even in another life where you are both cats.
The numerology of this Cancer full moon brings with it the energy of “5” [10 (Capricorn Sun) + 4 (Cancer Moon) = 14 = 1+4 = 5] that is found within all Cancer full moon and the energy of “6” [5 (Cancer full moon) + 1 (December 2023) =6] that is specific to THIS full moon. So what I am saying is that there IS a chance. 5 is a bit of a conflict number, but 6 plays an important role as the number that follows it – 6 can FIX the problems of number 5. This is the best auspicious thing about the entire month, we should all attempt to use it. You can bring the number six into your life by using six in any way that feels good to you during the 48 hours surrounding the peak of the full moon. (From around 7:30pm (EST) on 11/24 to 7:30pm on 11/27) This makes this time the cosmic right time to right a wrong, bring your big kid apology pants to this party. But also maybe remember to not take credit for things other people did.
We’re in the homestretch to our new year and Jupiter and Mercury both stationing direct, but the hits keep coming in. On Wednesday 12/27, retrograde Mercury and Mars meet up for a fiery conjunction (that could be good but watch your mouth – are you telling the truth or spinning a yarn?) while also squaring off with Neptune in Pisces. Remember that Mercury is really close to stationing direct and that means the mouse trap is close at hand. Is the immediate reward worth those consequences? Only you can answer that question. The Sun in Capricorn is trine to retrograde Jupiter in Taurus, so luck could swing either way.
On Friday 12/29, Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto for a hot minute (echoing that breakup energy from earlier in the month but with a lighter touch…dare I say it could be makeup energy but I hope not given who I think might break up) before entering into Sagittarius. Venus in Sag is a firecracker but she’ll be heavily tempered by the intensity of the Capricorn/Saturn energy we’re experiencing. Can you keep your dreams alive in the face of opposition? How do you hold space for the fire and inspiration in your life?
Finally, on New Year’s Eve, Jupiter stations direct at 05° Taurus which is an amazingly auspicious transit to ring in the new year with a bit of luck that all of us will certainly need. That may lead to excessive partying, so just beware. And finally, on 1/1/24, Mercury stations direct as well.
I find it absurd that we begin our calendar on an odd day in the middle of Capricorn season, but here we are. 1/1 is not just the first day of the month but also the first day of a year! This is a way to superpower the 1 energy of starting new projects (the magic behind New Year’s resolutions). This is very in alignment with Mercury and Jupiter stationing direct at virtually the same time. I personally will not be out partying because I want to be at my best to take advantage of this energy to start our new year.
As mentioned above, 2024 is an “8” year, the number of the Ouroboros. What has gone around will come around again because life never ends. That said, January is a “9” month, and hence, an ending. Contradictions are and I am really looking forward to this one.
The Details
12/1 – Mercury enters Capricorn 12/2 – Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (1) 12/3 – Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 12/4 – Venus enters Scorpio 12/5 – Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces 12/6 – Neptune stations direct 24° Pisces 12/7 – Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries 12/8 – Mercury in Capricorn trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (1) 12/9 – Venus in Scorpio opposed retrograde Jupiter in Taurus 12/11 – Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio 12/12 – New moon 20° Sagittarius 12/13 – Mercury retrogrades 08° Capricorn, Sun in Sagittarius trine the North Node in Aries and sextile the South Node in Libra 12/15 – Mars in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries 12/16 – Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 12/18 – retrograde Mercury in Capricorn sextile retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (2) 12/21 – Sun enters Capricorn (Happy Winter!), retrograde Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (2), Venus in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus 12/22 – Sun conjunct Mercury (Mercury cazimi) 00° Capricorn 12/23 – retrograde Mercury enters Sagittarius (29°), Mars in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries and sextile South Node in Libra 12/24 – Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 12/25 – Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces 12/26 – Full moon 04° Cancer 12/27 – Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus. retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (2) 12/29 – Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn, Venus enters Sagittarius 12/31 – Jupiter stations direct 05° Taurus 1/1/24 – Mercury stations direct 22° Sagittarius
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growwithmeastrology · 10 months
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Monday, December 11th 2023 Sun in Sagittarius ♐️🔥Moon in Sagittarius ♐️🔥
I hope everyone is happy and well today especially after that Scorpio Moon we’re just now exiting. It made for an interesting and emotional weekend. We’ve also had Venus in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus. That energy is still very present but starting to calm. Hopefully you kept your spending in check and your hearts open to new perspectives.
The Sagittarius Moon will square Saturn in Pisces. You may be feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Responsibilities are limiting or restricting the areas where you want to expand. Try to tap into the more optimistic side of Sag. It’s a delicate balance between optimism, faith and realistic long term success with these energies.
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio brings in ease, harmony and flow. This could fill your day with events that makes you feel your best. Pleasant experiences are going to chase you. All you need to do is acknowledge and accept the good.
We are working our way into a New Moon in Sagittarius tomorrow that encourages us to broaden our horizons and tap into the imagination. Sagi’s ruler Jupiter is retrograde in Taurus and we’re entering a Mercury retrograde with this New Moon. Again, balance out between what is practical and visionary. There’s room for both. Emotional and mental restrictions will only delay abundance.
Your biggest challenges cannot be resolved with logic alone. Quiet the mind and trust your heart and intuition. 💚💫
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📸: Fernanda Meier Photography. Check out her work at FernandaMeier.com
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