#Decay of angels bsd
iwanttohugsigma · 13 days
Fyodor: *interviewing Nikolai* Where do you see yourself in five years?
Nikolai: At your funeral.
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nikosaki · 4 months
this is the look I would go for if I was in the decay of angels with my bby fyodor
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dqzaiie · 1 year
with the existence of beast, imagine all of the other universes we aren’t aware of. an idea i’m particularly fond of is if dazai joined the DOA.
imagine this: mori holds dazai back just a minute or so longer, and ranpo doesn’t stick around to make small talk with oda—both leading to dazai arriving as oda is already on the floor, unable to speak. instead of imparting advice on his young friend, oda tears off dazai’s bandages as he exhales his final breath.
there is no moment of realization for dazai. no clarity, no purpose. he feels empty, he feels betrayed, he feels angry. angry enough that, without oda’s guidance, and feeling as though he has no one else he can turn to, he seeks the advice of the only other person to understand him—fyodor.
fyodor, just beginning the initial stages of his plan at this point, is all too pleased to use this opportunity to invite dazai to join him. two demons with a similar goal in mind: to rid the world of abilities.
hear me out. oda was killed because he was a gifted. his ability was the only one to match gide’s, and mori desperately needed the gifted business permit. dazai surely recognized this, and i’m sure he isn’t very fond of special abilities after the fact. especially because his own ability isn’t considered normal among other ability users. he’s been described as “anti-gifted”, and that’s what his ability is—the antithesis to the gifted. the exact power which fyodor seeks.
he could’ve taken advantage of dazai’s vulnerable state. grief-stricken and bitter, dazai very well may have accepted. a new purpose, a way to avenge odasaku. this would the reason to live that he had been searching for. he didn’t care for right and wrong, good and evil; they were both the same in his mind. in his final moments, oda changed this for him. oda and dazai share parallels as well, which is why dazai did exactly as he asked of him—because he trusted oda’s judgement without question.
i think it would be really interesting to see dazai making use of his ability in this way. maybe i’m the only one…idk haha
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tachimichishrine · 8 months
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"high school"
doa + hunting dogs {high school AU! hcs}
warnings: none!! just keep in mind this isn't an xreader!!
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decay of angels
nikolai is, without question, the class clown, and head of the drama club
the teachers HATE him
he asks waaaaaay too many questions, and all the time, too
and they're so random???
they'll be in the middle of a test and he'll ask the teacher "how's your marriage doing right now? how's your partner, are they doing well?"
lowkey gets kicked out of the class daily
now spends most of his time playing cards with the secretary in the office
bram sometimes gets sent there as well, just because he's in the mood to take a nap
however, he doesn't really say that, he'll make up some kind of excuse like "oh it's my medical condition, I have limited energy" because he's paraplegic, even if it's bs
he's also that one edgy kid who sits in the back of the class discussing the end of the world
"death cometh for thou," like dude okay no need to talk like that???
the only person who actually understands what he says is fyodor, the reigning chess champ in the school
he's also very tired all the time, but he doesn't sleep, he'll just answer a few questions here and there if he's forced to, just to shut up the teacher
does the absolute bare minimum effort to pass class because he thinks it's all useless
"you have great potential, and I'm sure you understand all the material, fyodor, so with just a bit of effort-"
"thank you for the advice."
gets up and leaves 💀
fukuchi is the gym teacher that yells all the time and tells students to do pushups just because he feels like their face is mocking him
everyone either loves his class or dreads it
nikolai is fine, he's not all that athletic but he can run pretty decently and, worst case scenario, he just needs to bug the teacher and get sent to the office again to complete his game of poker with the secretary
fyodor hates gym class
with a burning passion
hides under any large object and waits it out
bram is in a wheelchair so he just smugly looks at coach like "haha sucker!", only to be given dumbbells and told to do upper body workouts
now, fyodor and bram are hide-from-gym-class buddies
sigma is in preschool
yk since he's like 3 years old-
he's so precious unlike all the other toddlers, but he does cry a lot
"sigma, you have to share your blocks with our friends, okay?"
the caretakers still love him tho
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hunting dogs
jouno and tecchou are the upperclassmen, which is surprising given how many braincells they share between them
jouno is hands down the pretty popular jock on campus and all the girls FALL TO THEIR KNEES
he does get in trouble every once in a while for bullying people or threatening them, but he has practically seduced the principal at this point, so it's no biggie
tecchou is that one kid who raises their hand in class and gets everything wrong
he's great in gym class, though, seeing as he likes to work out in his spare time
some girls try to approach him while he's doing his own thing and staring at the ground but he's like "wait."
"...wait? for what?"
"the ants"
"...the ants???"
"you were about to step on them."
girls have now stopped trying to approach him
tachihara is the Bad Boy™ with Family Issues™ and Inferiority Complex™
he gets in trouble A LOT
unlike Nikolai, it isn't for harmless questions or disturbing the class, it's for beating up someone else and egging someone's locker and placing a pin on the teacher's chair and-
needless to say, the teachers hate him with a burning passion
he's taking teruko as his apprentice in chaos, given she'd be around two year younger than him
she doesn't get in trouble bc (assuming this is a different school and everything) the gym coach fukuchi defends her in front of the school staff ALL THE TIME since she's his favorite student
she's surprisingly good at most subjects, except...
m a t h 
she screams and throws a full-on tantrum by tossing her math book outside the window then setting it on fire because this girl CANNOT survive variables and constants and graphs and parabolas
fly high, math notebook 😞✊🕊
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kingg-of-avidya · 1 year
no but guys, actually, how old is fyodor really? considering he was still his old crusty rat self even back when ADA was yet to be established, he's gotta be a lil old
i have heard people say that he's 39 but come on fukuzawa is 45 and no one can convince me that the two are only 6 years apart
either fyodor has the most elaborate skincare routine known to man or the stress of being a single father of 7 is really getting to fukuzawa
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twsted-idiot · 1 year
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blvcklizard · 1 year
I'm sorry, I tried to pretend that I'm normal about this but unfortunately I am extremely not.
Anyway, on Fyozai's chess board, the Hunting Dogs are pawns, or at least I can't get over how incredibly fitting and simultaneously sad this is.
(This is only loosely including Teruko because we don't know enough about her goals and role in the DOA's plan yet, but to me it seems like she's been acting on her own in the latest few chapters, so this would still apply to her as well.)
Like, the role they play in the plan isn't exactly significant if you think about it. Compared to characters who have been confirmed to be important pieces like Sigma and Lucy, all they're doing is hunting the ADA. Sure, they're strong, but like if you ever played chess you know how incredibly annoying pawns can be. They don't hold much value, but they can make things a lot harder for you if you're trying to win.
Sounds familiar?
The Hunting Dogs played a major role in the current arcs, but essentially they didn't really do anything, from an in-universe standpoint. Compare them to the other pieces- Lucy, Fukuchi, Ango, Chuuya, Sigma, Bram. The Hunting Dogs barely moved, and let's be real, this elite unit that has never failed once did ridiculously little here if you add everything up.
And they're disposable.
Sure, that's a big word considering that they weren't planned to be sacrificed; Tachihara's and Jouno's betrayal wasn't planned and Tecchou would have won the fight with Kenji if he hadn't slipped up with that comment. But still, even after Jouno's betrayal, which appeared to effect Fukuchi on an emotional level, he moved on and completely dismissed him from his plan. This pattern applies to all three of them; no one bothered to look for Tachihara, Tecchou was the only one who cared about Jouno, and no one minded Tecchou's actions/defeat either. Yeah, of course, they have better things to do- because the Hunting Dogs have no big significance on the board.
This gets even better in light of chapter 92, because that's the point where Jouno would have changed his role had he acted according to the DOA's plan (aka joined them). Basically he had come far enough to play a bigger role on the board and step out of the doomed Hunting Dogs.
I don't know if this was intentional, is a cool coincidence or I'm overinterpreting here, but god I love it so much.
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limbooog · 1 year
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I love the og designs of the DOA but i got bored and did some minor redesigns
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nixnephili · 28 days
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Maybe you dislike them because they're everything you can not be.
Loyal, devoted, effortlessly loving and happy, trusting...
Maybe you dislike them because loyalty took Odasaku from you.
Loyalty killed him. Be it to the mafia, to the children, to his personal values. The way he still clung to some sense of morality that you, yourself, tossed away. Or rather, never had to begin with.
You always were pretending anyway.
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A very rare sighting of this DOA trio
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iwanttohugsigma · 21 days
Sigma: Nikolai. Your lover is immortal and you only reincarnate when they stop thinking about you. One day you die and reincarnate. What is your first thought?
Nikolai: You forgot me Fedya?
Fyodor: why did you immediately assume I am your immortal lover?
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tunamayuuu · 4 months
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happy june!
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minticai · 2 months
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How inspiring!
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junewi02 · 3 months
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So confused. . . and stressed. . .
You can see it in his eyes he needs to chill out
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frostlineprince · 4 months
it was funnier in my head
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kingg-of-avidya · 1 year
ok, so i was watching bsd for the third time and noticed something.
On the fourth season, at the end of those Origins of ADA episodes, it is revealed that the group behind the unsuccessful kidnapping of Natsume Sensei was named V, as in "Five". These guys seemingly wanted to eliminate people with abilities, very similar to our current Decay of Angels. And we even see Fyodor standing menacingly on a rooftop at the end of the last episode and correcting Ranpo about calling their group V, and says it's in fact Five. So I think it is very safe to assume that this was in fact Decay of Angels.
But you see, this scene took place 12 years ago, when Ranpo was just fourteen. And one of the members of the Decay of Angels, Sigma, was created just three years prior to the current events. He didn't exist at the time. But Fyodor still called their group "Five".
Does that mean there was another member besides Fyodor, Nikolai, Fukuchi and Bram in Decay of Angels at the time, before Sigma joined after being created by the Book? If so, what happened to them? Where are they? Will they be relevant at some point?
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