#Dean Ambrose x Renee Young fic
glowrioustrash · 6 years
Prompt: “If you could make it a horror story involving Dean Ambrose and Renee Young as a couple? Along with Seth Rollins and Cathy Kelley as exes who pretend to hate each other, though it's clear they still have feelings for one another. I'm trying to think of a way the four of them can be brought together... Maybe Dean and Renee could be going on a road trip, and he invites his friend Seth, while she invites her friend Cathy. How the road trip leads to horror is completely up to you, but my friend loves horror and suspense, so make it as creepy as you want." Requested by @devilzadvokitty​ for her friend’s birthday. 
Pairing: Dean Ambrose x Renee Young, Seth Rollins x Cathy Kelley
Word Count: 6200+
Warnings: Kidnapping, blood, various (nonthreatening) injuries, mentions of a gun?, lots of swearing. It’s not a fun one lol
Author’s Note: WOWEE So this was a challenge - and I love a challenge. This was out of my comfort zone for a few different reasons, including: the genre, trying to get it done in time, I don’t typically write Renee, I’ve never written Cathy. Basically I had no damn idea what I was doing, but I hope it turned out okay! Part of me felt it was really short as I edited, but the fact that the word count is over 6000... and honestly this is kinda tame. I could have really put these four through the ringer, but again... timeline.
ANYWAY Happy birthday mystery friend!
Tagging: @castielscamander​ / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury​ / @kakakatey​ / @thirstiswet​ / @calwitch​ (I don’t have my tag list with me ATM, so if I miss anyone, sorry!)
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“All set?” Renee asked over Dean’s shoulder as he loaded the last of their bags into the trunk of the SUV.
“All set.” He confirmed, turning to lay an arm over her shoulders. “Just gotta wait for the tagalongs.”
“Don’t call them tagalongs,” Renee laughed, smacking him lightly on his chest. “That makes it sound like they weren’t invited.”
“Fine. The squatters.”
“Dean!” She laughed even harder, shaking her head. Dean grinned down at her, squeezing her shoulders.
“Seth’ll be here soon, then we can hit the road.” Dean told her, noticing the way she froze under his arm.
“Yeah. You told me to invite a friend.” He reminded her.
“But not Seth!”
“Who else did you think I’d invite?”
“You thought Roman would want to come to a cabin in the woods with us, for a whole week away from his wife and kids?” He asked her, skeptically.
“Well, not when you put it that way.” Renee grumbled.
“Why is this such a problem anyway?”
“Because I invited Cathy.” Renee told him.
“Ahh, shit.” Dean cursed. “This is gonna be nice and awkward.”
Seth and Cathy had been dating until a few months ago, both of them agreeing that the relationship just wasn’t working. The stress of being on the road, as well as dating a coworker, was getting to be too much and they parted ways. It had initially been a fairly civil breakup, a few words exchanged in passing and a functioning working relationship. In the past month however, the working relationship had dissolved. Now the ex-couple would ignore each other at best, snide comments and glares across the way at worst. Everyone knew it could be worse, they had seen plenty of messy break-ups in their company, but those usually ended with one of the two either quitting or getting fired. Their friends all hoped it would resolve itself before it got to that.
Dean had been right, though he wish he hadn’t. The moment Seth and Cathy saw each other, the temperature around the four of them dropped. Lucky for the married couple, it seemed that today the duo were happy to ignore each other and not get into any sort of fight. The silence in the car was stifling, Renee trying to carry the conversation for 45 minutes before she eventually gave up. She turned the radio on to try and alleviate the tension.
Three excruciating hours into the drive, Dean pulled into an old, abandoned looking gas station.
“Is this place even open?” Seth scoffed.
“Says it is.” Dean shrugged, pointing at the neon sign blinking in the window. Without that sign, there was nothing on the outside of the building that would give any hint to it being a functioning gas station. Renee shot him a look, clearly asking if he was out of his mind. He just shrugged and opened the door, stepping out of the SUV. Seth followed him from the backseat.
Renee turned to look at Cathy, who seemed to share the same sentiment.
“Stretch our legs, I guess?” Renee offered.
“Yeah, it’ll be nice that we stretched once we’ve been murdered in the middle of nowhere.” Cathy shot back, only half joking.
Renee glanced at the guys who were making their way into the building. “What’s going on with you and Seth?”
“Nothing’s going on. What do you mean, what’s going on?” Cathy answered, a shade too quickly for it to be true, prompting Renee to shoot her a look of disbelief.
“Everything was fine when you two broke it off, but lately...” Renee trailed off, searching for the right words.
“Maybe… maybe I miss him.” Cathy admitted quietly. “But maybe I’m just lonely. I don’t know. I can’t tell if I’m missing him for him or if I just miss someone being there.”
“Why don’t you say something?”
“Please. He hates me.” Cathy shook her head.
“You’d be surprised.” Renee encouraged.
“We should stretch before the guys come back.” Cathy shut the conversation down, opening the door and climbing out of the vehicle. Renee sighed and followed suit.
Inside they found the boys skeptically searching through the offered snacks. Nothing looked particularly appetizing. Most of the packages were covered in dust or had visible mold inside. Renee reminded herself to share the hand sanitizer she had in the car once they left. She glanced around, seeing Seth was out of earshot if she kept her voice down.
“Babe,” she wrapped her arm around Dean’s waist as he grimaced at the bags of chips. “Do you know if Seth still feels anything for Cathy?”
“How would I know?” He asked with a shrug, picking up a bag to inspect it.
“Don’t you guys talk?” Renee questioned.
“Why would we talk about his ex? He hasn’t brought her up and I haven’t asked.” Dean explained as he set the bag of chips back with disdain.
“Could you ask?” She prompted, giving him her best doe eyes.
“Why? What kinda trouble you tryin’ to get me into?” Dean smirked down at her.
“Cathy misses him. What if the break-up was just stress from all the travel or something? We’ve had a few drag downs on the road. It’s normal in this business.”
“Yeah, but we make up. And I do enjoy making up with you.” He growled lowly, pulling her in close, making her giggle.
Seth was a few rows down, frowning at the “food” being offered. He looked up at Renee’s giggles, wandering away from the section with a sour look on his face. He questioned why he had agree to come on this road trip at all. It would have been bad enough being the third wheel to the happy couple, but now on top of it he had to spend the time with his ex. It was a lose-lose situation.
Thinking about his ex, he couldn’t help it as his eyes locked onto her where she stood at the magazine rack, sunglasses pushed up on top of her head. She looked good in her peach coloured sundress. Before he could let his thoughts get away from him, he forced himself to look away. That’s when he noticed the large, older man standing at the cash register, waiting for them to finish their purchases. The man was being extremely obvious as he looked over Cathy, clearly appreciating her dress as well.
Seth frowned and marched over to Cathy, draping his arm over his shoulders.
“Seth!” She jumped. “What are-”
“Shh, the guy working here is eying you.” He whispered, picking up a magazine. “It was giving me the creeps.”
“Oh.” Cathy settled down, accepting Seth’s hold. She even leaned into his shoulder… just to really sell it, she told herself.
“So, where you kids headin’?” The man at the cash asked as Dean approached with a box of twinkies. They were dusty, but those things lasted forever, he reasoned with Renee.
“Uhh, just a cabin little ways from here.” Dean answered, keeping it vague.
“Nice rom’ntic get’way, huh?” He man leered, showing off his several missing teeth.
“Something like that.” Dean shrugged it off. “How much for the twinkies?”
“Sure tha’s all you want?” The man tried.
“Yeah. You know what?” He threw a five dollar bill on the counter. “Keep the change.” Dean stormed out.
“Dean…” Renee started as the door to the store closed behind them.
“What? Did you want to spend anymore time in there?” He challenged, which Renee didn’t respond to. “That’s what I thought.”
He opened the box, happy to see the twinkies looked edible. He tore into a package, passing one of the two to Renee. They leaned against the car, waiting for Seth and Cathy.
The two exited shortly after, neither having bought anything. Renee saw that Seth’s arm was draped over Cathy and got excited, but Cathy shook her head subtly. Renee deflated at that.
“We set?” Seth asked.
“Yeah. Thank god we packed food.” Dean spoke around a mouthful of twinkie as he opened the door.
“Let’s get out of here.” Cathy agreed, pulling her sunglasses off her head and putting them on. The four climbed back into the car, happy to have stretched their legs. Renee and Dean noted that the climate between Seth and Cathy seemed less hostile as well, which hopefully meant the rest of the trip would go over smoothly.
Dean turned the key to start the car but the engine sputtered and failed.
“Are you serious?” Renee groaned. He huffed and tried again, only to get the same result.
“What the fuck, man?” Dean grumbled under his breath as he kept trying to get the engine to turn over. After five times he sat back with a loud groan.
“What do we do?” Cathy asked from the backseat.
“C’mon Rollins. Let’s take a look at this thing.” Dean ordered, climbing back out of the vehicle. “You two stay in here, okay?” He told Renee and Cathy before closing the door. Seth parroted the instructions for the girls to stay put before he joined Dean outside. Dean popped the hood easily, looking over the engine.
Cathy and Renee sat inside, anxiously waiting for the guys to fix the car. Neither of them liked that with the hood up, they couldn’t see the guys at all.
“I’ve got no service.” Cathy spoke, moving her phone around to try and get some reception.
“Let me check.” Renee dug her cell phone out of her pocket too, unsurprised to find that in the middle of nowhere, she wasn’t getting any reception either.
“Well, if the guys can’t get it figure out, we can go back in and ask if they have a phone.” Renee suggested.
“I really just wanna get out of here.” Cathy admitted. “I’d rather not talk to that guy again.”
“Yeah, me too... “ Renee agreed. “Not that we’re damsels in distress by any means, but we’ve got some pretty good men to take care of us while we figure it out.” She joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“You’ve got a good man.” Cathy corrected. “I’ve got… well, I don’t really have anyone.”
“Seth’s not gonna just leave you out here.” Renee argued. “No matter how he feels, those two are gonna figure this out.”
Cathy opened her mouth to respond, but they were interrupted by a loud thumping noise and the car jerking suddenly. Both women jumped, looking to the front of the car. They heard a loud yell from Seth before a second thump was heard, paired with another jostle of the car.
“The hell was that?” Renee asked.
“Seth?!” Cathy called loudly, knowing it wasn’t easy for the men to hear them through the car.
“Dean?!” Renee tried as well. It was very quiet, not even the sound of the men speaking could be heard. The only noise the women could hear was the whistling of the wind through the car.
Renee reached for the door handle only for Cathy to stop her with a shout.
“They’re not answering. I’m not just going to sit here.” Renee argued, opening the door.
The hood slammed closed, making both women jump. The man from the register leered at them through the windshield, Dean and Seth nowhere in sight. Cathy screamed as Renee slammed the door shut again.
“What the fuck do you want?!” Renee screamed at him.
“Where are Seth and Dean!?” Cathy yelled. The man bent down, disappearing behind the front of the vehicle. He came back up, an unconscious Seth hauled over his shoulder making both women scream again.
“Seth!” They both called for him as the man turned and started walking back into the store with him over his shoulders.
“What do we do?” Cathy sobbed.
“Dean’s still out there.” Renee answered, determined as she opened the door. Cathy yelled at her to stay in the car but she was already outside, leaving the door open.
Dean was laying on the ground, barely conscious with a trickle of blood flowing from his forehead.
“‘Nee?” He groaned when he saw Renee. “Ge’ back in-”
“He took Seth. You need to get up.” Renee urged frantically and took Dean’s hand in her own, trying to pull him upright. Her tiny frame couldn’t support his dead weight, making him flop back onto the ground. “Dean, please.” She sobbed. “You have to get up. Before he comes back.”
“Renee get back!” Cathy cried for her. The outburst made Renee look up, another man appearing in the doorway of the shop. He looked like the first, but he was leaner. The same grown out beard, but this one was greying more than the other man’s.
“Dean, please!” She sobbed, trying again to pull Dean up.
“Go!” He moaned, trying to push her back. She reluctantly let go and ran around the side of the car. She was about to slam the car door shut when the man’s meaty hand grabbed a hold of it. He ripped the door back open, Renee scurrying back towards the driver’s side, kicking out at him as she went. The man stood there, not moving, but smirking at her.
“Get away!” Cathy yelled, throwing her shoe at him. The man chuckled and looked down at the door, one fat finger pressing the door unlock button.
The click of the lock was followed by the driver’s side door being wrenched open, Renee falling out into the arms of the first man. She flailed and screamed as the larger man picked her up easily, carrying her back into the store.
“No!” Dean screamed, trying to pull himself upright. For good measure, the man kicked Dean in the head on the way by, effectively knocking him out.
“Just you an’ me, princess.” The man still standing at the passenger door sneered at Cathy, barely heard over the sound of Renee’s screaming. “Where you gonna run, huh? I like to chase.”
Cathy was shaking wildly as she reached for the door handle to the backseat driver’s side, thinking it was her best bet. It was farthest away from the man. She pushed it open and ran out, stumbling to the ground in her hurry. She heard the man laugh as he rounded the car. She scurried back to her feet, ready to run.
His meaty paw closed over her arm and she swung back at him. She caught him in the jaw, but he was barely phased. He pulled her close to him, her back to his chest, and she started flailing to get loose.
His free hand came up and covered her mouth and nose, cutting off her air. Cathy grabbed his arm, scratching at him to get free. He didn’t budge as darkness crept into the edges of her vision. She tried to bite at his hand, scratch him up, kick behind her to connect with any part of him she could. She was doing everything she could to get free, but it wasn’t long before she fell limp against him.
Renee was still conscious when they threw her into the cellar beside Seth, who was out cold. A welt had popped up across his forehead, but he looked fine otherwise. The man followed down the stairs and held her down as he secured her hands behind her back. The cool metal and the clicking made her think they were handcuffs but she couldn’t be sure. He then clipped her cuffs to a chain around a pole in the center of the room so she couldn’t leave. The chain could move up and down the pole, letting her stand or sit, but she couldn’t move from the spot.
Soon after, Cathy was brought in and thrown unceremoniously to the ground. She called for her friends, trying to get them to wake. She could see them both breathing, which was a very small comfort.
“Let us go!” She screamed when she heard the door open once more. She watched in horror as the two men threw Dean into the room, letting his body tumble down the few stairs until he crashed to the floor beside Seth.
“Dean!” She yelled, trying to run to him to make sure he was okay. The blood had smeared over his face during the fall. She couldn’t tell if he was still bleeding from the same place as earlier or if they had hurt him anymore. “What do you want, you sick fucks!?” She shouted at them. One of the men merely laughed as he closed the door. She heard the loud clicking of a lock before she was left alone with her unconcious friends.
“Dean! Jesus Dean, please wake up.” She cried, watching as Dean’s chest rose and fell as he inhaled and exhaled.
“Seth?” She called to the brunette, who was laying almost within reach of her feet. “Seth, wake up. Please!” She begged, managing to barely nudge him with the toe of her shoe.
She kept yelling, begging for one of the three to wake up. She didn’t know how long had passed when the door to the cellar opened again, one of the men descending the stairs with an old rag.
“Please, let us go.” Renee pled.
“You’re a mouthy one, ain’tcha?” The man sighed, bending down to her level.
“W-what are you-” Renee was cut off suddenly as he tied the rag around her mouth, silencing her. She gagged as the dirty rag touched her tongue. She tried not to think about where it had been before this.
“That’ll keep you quiet.” He had the nerve to smile at her. He patted her on the head like a dog, which she flinched away from violently. The act of defiance made him frown deeply, earning her a backhand across the face. Her head snapped to the side as she cried out in pain. The man chuckled at her before retreating back up the stairs.
Renee cried quietly to herself, unable to do much more until one of her friends woke up. There were no windows in the cellar, the only light coming from a flickering fluorescent bulb overhead. She had no way to tell how long she sat there, waiting. She pulled at her bonds until her wrists were raw and aching.
Seth was the first to stir, rolling onto his side with a long, drawn out groan. Renee tried to call for him around the gag in her mouth. She tried to nudge him with her foot again, but he had rolled in the opposite direction.
“The hell?” He growled, holding his head in his hands. Renee tried once more to get his attention and he finally looked over at her.
“Renee? The fuck?” He sat up quickly, a dizzy spell hitting him and he had to brace himself to avoid falling over, even from his sitting position. Once the spell passed, he slowly looked around the room.
“What the fuck is going on?” He gasped. Renee tried to motion for him to help her and he finally crawled over, pulling the rag away from her mouth.
“Seth! Thank god you’re awake.” She gushed.
“The fuck is going on? My head is killing me.” He breathed as he took in her appearance, a little confused from the blow to the head.
“That guy… the creepy one at the register. He jumped you and Dean or something. We couldn’t see, the hood of the car was up.” As she explained, Seth looked at the chain holding her to the pole, trying to get her undone. After a moment with no progress, Renee continued.
“Please go check on Dean, he was bleeding and I don’t know how bad it is.” She started crying again, the reality of the situation hitting her all over again as she had to explain it out loud.
Seth looked towards Dean, seeing the dried blood covering his face. He crawled over, rolling Dean onto his back. Renee watched with bated breath as he checked over his tag-team partner.
“I think he’s okay?” Seth told her, sounding unsure. “He’s not bleeding anymore, and he’s breathing.”
“Thank god.” Renee breathed a sigh of relief.
“Dean?” Seth gave his shoulder a shake but the man remained unresponsive.
“Cathy?” He tried, scurrying towards his ex-girlfriend. She whined in her unconscious state as Seth gave her a shake to rouse her. “She’s coming to. Do you know what he did to her?”
“No.” Renee shook her head. “They pulled me away and locked me down here. She was still in the car when he grabbed me.”
“They?” He asked, pulling Cathy up into his lap.
“Asshole has a friend.” Renee huffed as Cathy curled into Seth.
“Cathy? C’mon baby, wake up for me.” Seth urged, stroking her cheek.
“Seth?” She croaked as she woke, blinking up at him.
“Is she okay?” Renee called over, trying to see.
“I think so.” He answered, brushing Cathy’s hair out of her face.
“Renee?” Cathy asked, lifting her head to look for her friend. Once she caught sight of Renee, still tied to the pole, her eyes widened. “No. Oh god, no.”
“Shh, it’s okay.” Seth tried to soothe her as she started crying. “We’re gonna get out of here. We’ll figure it out.”
“Are you okay? He just grabbed you like it was nothi-”
“I’ll be fine. Headache, but nothing I can’t handle.” He reassured her, forcing a smile.
“How are we going to get out of here?” She whimpered.
“Shhh!” Dean hissed, making the other three in the room jump.
“Dean!” Renee called for him, trying to move closer to her husband, the chain rattling as she moved.
“Tryin’ sleep.” He grumbled, throwing an arm over his eyes. His groaned in pain as his forearm flopped into his aching head.
“Dean, you gotta wake up, man.” Seth told him.
“Seth?” Dean questioned, pushing his head up to stare at his friend. “What’re ya doin’ in my bedr’m?”
“Dean, are you okay?” Renee urged.
“Wh’re we?” He slurred, sitting up while holding his head. He froze when he saw Renee. “Why ya tied up?”
“Try to help Renee, let me check on Dean.” Seth told Cathy, who nodded. She moved to stand, but cried out in pain when she tried to put weight on her ankle. Seth steadied her right away.
“I… I must have sprained it when I fell out of the car.” Cathy thought out loud, wincing as she slowly tried to set weight on her foot again.
“Oh fuck… that fuckin’ bitch ass....” Dean groaned as he started to remember what happened. Seth helped Cathy over to Renee, setting her down before he moved to Dean.
Cathy looked behind Renee’s back, seeing the padlock that was keeping her handcuffs attached to the chair. Seth meanwhile was looking at Dean’s pupils, try to tell if he had a concussion.
“Back off, Rollins.” Dean groaned irritably, pushing Seth away. “Could just ask. Yeah, feels like I got my bell rung. The fuck he do to me?”
The four of them paused when footsteps were heard overhead, all four of them holding their breath. They heard the man above them giggling, making their stomachs drop. Luckily, the footsteps moved away from them.
“Dean, think you could pick this?” Cathy asked.
“Let me take a look… prob’ly.” Dean nodded as he pulled himself up to cross the room. Seth followed, helping Dean get there without stumbling too much.
Dean pressed a kiss to Renee’s temple before examining the padlock. “Yeah, this is pretty simple. Either of ya got a bobby pin?”
Cathy pulled a bobby pin out of her hair, handing it to Dean.
“Just relax babe,” He soothed Renee as he fiddled with the padlock. “I could pick this in my sleep.”
“Then why didn’t you?” She teased back, trying to laugh but it came out more like a sob. Seth set his hand on her leg in solidarity as they waited for Dean to work.
It took him longer than he would have liked, his vision swimming every now and then, but the telltale click of the lock giving way echoed through the room.
“Thank god.” Cathy breathed.
“Bring your arms around your front now.” Seth suggested to Renee.
“He’s right. Easier to manage.” Dean nodded, letting himself give in to the spinning of his head for a moment now that the lock was undone.
“Help?” Renee asked. Seth helped her to stand, then kept her balance while she brought her hands past her feet, stepping through until they were locked in front of her. She saw that she had been right in guessing they were handcuffs.
She saw Dean still sitting on the ground, holding his head, and dropped to her knees next to him. She leaned heavily into him, nuzzling into his shoulder.
“Thank you.” She whimpered.
“I got ya.’ Dean cooed in response, wrapping an arm around her.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I’ll live.” He tried to smile but it was a pathetic attempt.
“Know how to pick those cuffs?” Cathy asked.
“Yeah, just… I need a minute. Took some concentratin’...”
“Take your time.” Seth told him, trying to calm him down while eyeing the door warily.
“I was so worried when they threw you down the stairs.” Renee cried.
“Explains the pain.” Dean huffed. “C’mon now.” He gently pushed her away so he could look at the cuffs. “Sooner I get ya outta these, sooner we can prison break.”
The other three watched as Dean inspected the cuffs. He made a point of not focusing on how chaffed Renee’s wrists were from trying to get them off. He could worry about that later.
“Lock’s decent. Chain’s cheap. We might be able to break it with somethin’ heavy. Hammer or somethin’.”
Cathy had to stay sitting because of her ankle, but Renee, Seth and Dean all started looking through the cellar for a something that would work. Seth came across a small mallet when they heard the lock of the cellar door unlatch. Dean grabbed Renee and pulled her back towards Cathy, on the opposite side of the room from the door. Seth crouched down low beside the concrete stairs.
“Well, I see our guests woke up.” The second man, the one who hadn’t been inside the store, drawled as he started to descend.
“Fuck you.” Dean spat, standing in front of the women, Renee huddled next to Cathy.
“Oooh, smart mouth on the bleeder.” He laughed. “Boy when you went down. Hooo, we had a good laugh. Bled like a stuck pig ya did. Had the blonde all worried.”
“Don’t fucking look at her, fuck face.” Dean snarled, taking a step to block Renee from the guy’s view.
“Oh, you’re gonna be fun to break.” The man sneered.
“Funny. I was thinking the same about you.” Dean spat back. Seth took that as a good cue to lunge, hitting the man in the head as hard as he could with the mallet. The man crumpled to the ground in a heap, already unconscious. Dean ran forward, giving him two swift kicks to the head for good measure.
“C’mon. Let’s go.” Seth urged, nodding towards the stairs.
“My foot.” Cathy reminded him as Dean helped Renee up.
“Shit… Dean, take this.” He handed Dean the mallet. Dean took it and stood at the bottom of the stairs anxiously.
Seth scooped Cathy into his arms, carrying her easily. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you. I’m gonna get you out of here.” He promised.
“Stay close.” Dean warned Renee before ascending the stairs. Renee kept her hands on his lower back, both to stay close and to help steady him.
Dean stuck his head out, looking left and right. There was no sign of the other man and he crept forward, motioning for the others to follow.
“Left.” Renee whispered to him, remembering the route the men had taken to throw her into the cellar. Dean gave a short nod and turned left.
“Hold up.” Seth whispered, making the other two stop. He turned back towards the door and pulled it shut. “Babe, get the lock.” He told Cathy, who was able to snap the lock shut easier than he would have.
“Smart.” Renee nodded.
They stayed low, moving quickly and trying to stay quiet as Renee guided them through the house. She led them to a door at the end of a long hallway before she grabbed Dean’s arm, stopping him.
“I think this leads back to the store. He’s probably there.” She cautioned.
“Well he’s not gonna get the jump on us this time.” Dean growled, standing to his full height. With a loud roar he kicked the door open, charging into the room.
“For fuck’s sake!” Seth huffed, setting Cathy down next to Renee and rushing forward to be Dean’s back up. Cathy leaned against the wall, keeping her weight off her injured foot.
The women watched as the men stood back to back, much as they would if they were working together in the ring, searching for the other man.
“He’s not here.” Seth told them as Dean lowered the mallet. Cathy wrapped an arm around Renee’s shoulders and hobbled forward.
“We need a phone.” Renee told them. “The car wasn’t starting, remember?”
“Fuck!” Seth hissed, rushing towards the counter. There was an old landline next to the register but when he picked it up, there was no dial tone.
“There’s no service out here. We tried earlier.” Cathy mentioned. “What do we do?”
“We walk.” Seth sighed.
“We’re in the middle of nowhere.” Renee pointed out.
“And I ain’t stayin’ here. Let’s go.” Dean added.
Seth crouched next to Cathy, instructing her to get on his back. The four of them left the store, seeing the men had rummaged through their vehicle. Their suitcases were spilled open all over the place, articles of clothing having blown away in the wind. The cooler Dean and Renee had packed was left open, but there was still water inside. Renee grabbed a bag, Dean helping her to fill it with the water. They had no idea how long they’d have to walk until they found help.
“Here.” Dean held an open water bottle up for Renee to drink from. She guzzled half of it down, he throat still raw from screaming and crying while the other three had been unconscious.
Seth crouched down, picking up a large branch that was laying on the ground. It wasn’t ideal, but it would work as a weapon if that first man made an appearance.
The quartet started walking down the road, Dean’s arm over Renee’s shoulder to help him keep walking through the dizzy spells of his concussion.
They had been walking for about 15 minutes when Dean stumbled badly, catching Renee off guard. The two fell to the ground. Renee was unable to catch herself properly with her hands cuffed and fell hard on her side.
“Shit. M’ sorry.” Dean slurred as he held his head. “Fuck, you okay?”
“You good?” Seth asked, crouching beside them.
“Head’s killin’ me. Think I’m gonna puke.” Dean admitted, leaning forward just before he started dry heaving.
“I’ll be okay.” Renee told Seth, ignoring her now aching arm. She scooted towards Dean, rubbing his back the best she could.
“We have to keep moving.” Cathy spoke up, looking back the way they came.
“Give him a minute.” Renee spoke up.
“No, she’s right.” Dean croaked, pushing himself to standing before helping Renee up. He inspected her arm, seeing she had scraped it up in her fall. He wiped the blood away with his shirt.
“Are you okay?” Renee questioned him.
“Lived through worse.” He tried to grin at her, but it was cut short as he lurched forward, dry heaving again.
“Someone’s coming!” Cathy called happily, pointing down the road where they could see a vehicle kicking up dust.
Renee guided Dean as the four of them stood off to the side of the road, out of the way of the speeding vehicle. Cathy started waving her hands  from Seth’s back, trying to flag them down. The truck stopped next to them, the person inside putting it in park but leaving the engine running as he opened the door.
“Well, well, well,” the man drawled as he stepped out of the vehicle. The man was tall and lanky, unlike the other two they had encountered. He had a thick accent like the other two, but had a noticeably nicer smile. “What do we have here?”
“Please, o-our car broke down.” Cathy started.
“Doens’t look mighty good, all this blood.” He grinned, sauntering towards the group. Renee moved closer to Dean as the man approached. “And you’re all cuffed up.”
“Long story.” Seth butted in. “Can you help us get to the nearest town?”
“Nearest town? Son, your best bet is to head back the way you was comin’ from.” The man told them. “Bet Charlie’d be real happy to see y’all again.”
Dread filled the four as the man smirked maliciously. Dean pushed Renee behind him, wobbling as he held the mallet up.
“Stay back.” He growled. Seth set Cathy down again, coming up to stand beside Dean.
“Hold on, no need for that.” The man had the audacity to laugh. “Don’t want any trouble now.”
“Oh you’ve got trouble.” Seth spat, swinging the branch to keep the man at bay.
“Fiesty ain’t’cha? I see why Charlie wanted y’all so much.” He practically giggled.
“Charlie can lick my left one. Get the fuck back.” Dean snarled.
“That’s enough outta you.” The man’s demeanor changed immediately, his smirk dropping as he reached behind him.
Seth didn’t hesitate, bolting forward and swinging the branch hard enough to knock him off his feet. Dean followed, landing a hard kick to the man’s gut.
The women hung back, knowing they couldn’t help in their current predicaments. Both of their blood ran cold when they saw the man had been reaching for a gun hanging off his belt.
The man was a blubbering, bloody mess by the time the men finished with him. Seth bent down and plucked the gun from the holster, tucking it into his waistband.
“Use one o’ those before?” Dean panted, looking pale.
“No, but I’m guessing I’m a better shot than you at this point.” He told him. Dean stumbled, Seth reaching out to steady him. “Renee, help me get him in the truck.”
Renee ran over, placing herself under Dean’s arm. The man was nearly dead weight on the other two at this point, dragging his feet.
“‘M fine.” He slurred.
“Get in the truck.” Seth told him, not wanting to argue. They managed to push him into the small backseat, Seth helping Renee to climb in with him. She laid his head in her lap, brushing his hair back.
“Tired.” Dean mumbled.
“I know, just wait til we get on the road, okay? Once we’re far away from this shit hole, you can sleep.” Renee pled.
“Killjoy.” He huffed.
Seth meanwhile rounded the truck to pick Cathy up, depositing her in the passenger seat.
“Are you okay to drive?” She asked, cupping his cheek.
“I’ll be fine.” He nodded. He started to pull away when Cathy slipped her hand around the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss.
“Get us out of here.” She whispered against his lips. Seth nodded, staring at her in surprise before he closed the door, rushing around the front of the truck. He climbed in, cursing when he noticed the truck was a stick shift.
“Can you drive stick?” Renee asked from the back, looking up from Dean.
“Yeah. Been a while though…” Seth grumbled as he situated himself. It took some thinking, especially with the headache he’d been sporting since he woke up, but within a few moments he had the truck peeling down the road.
Cathy turned to look out the rear window, making sure no one else was coming to get them, but they were alone on the road. After a few minutes, everyone felt like they could breathe easier.
“R’ly wanna sleep.” Dean mumbled, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Okay, babe. You can sleep.” Renee told him, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
“Th’nk’ya.” He mumbled, reaching blindly for her hand. Once he had it in his own, his breathing evened out.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Cathy asked, looking back at the married couple.
“I hope so.” Renee breathed.
“Ambrose can handle it.” Seth told the women, hoping to alleviate their worries. “He’s had worse concussions than this.”
“Yeah, and a trainer right there to look at him.” Renee pointed out.
“He’ll be fine. We’ll all be fine.” He promised, reaching over to rest his hand on Cathy’s leg. She gripped his hand tightly in her own, silence filling the car as they drove. None of them would call it a comfortable silence by any means, all three of them trying to make sense of what they had just gone through - replaying it in their heads, wondering what they could have done differently to prevent it - but as they got further away, as their aches and pains flared up as their adrenaline waned, the tension left their bodies as they realized how lucky they were to have escaped.
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littlemissmoxley · 4 years
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This fic here could be a little angsty I suppose. This was written from something I was going through at the time, so looking back now I'm glad I was able to express my feelings this way
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Love is Blind: Chapter 7
A/N: Oh my sweet, amazing, darling little pumpkins!! You guys are awesome!!! Thank you so much for your kind words and support!! I wish I could give all of you big fat hugs!!! You guys know the drill! Lmk if there are any mistakes and if you’d like to be added to the tag list!! And now, chapter 7!!
Seth Rollins x Blind OFC
Warnings: Language, and if you squint really really hard and tilt your head to the left you might see a glimmer of hope!
Word Count: 2000+
Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all?    
Amanda frantically looked for Lily, some friend she was, losing Lily when she needed her the most. As she ran around the corner she let out a sigh of relief when she saw Lily being held by her friends, grateful that there wasn’t any sign of Seth. Too bad she spoke too soon.
Lily was caught up in reuniting with Renee, Dean and Roman when an all too familiar scent hit her nose. For a brief second she closed her eyes, inhaled and allowed it to engulf her. When she opened her eyes again, they were full of unshed tears.
“L-Lily.” The first word uttered from Seth after so many painful and lonely years.
Everyone froze, silence so deafening, one could hear a pin drop. No one dared to breathe for fear of causing some sort of messed up chain reaction. Lily bit her bottom lip trying desperately to keep it from quivering.
Seth didn’t think, he just walked straight for her, caught off guard when she turned around, facing him. He felt the air leave his lungs as he looked into her eyes for the first time in years.
Lily stood still, listening to his footsteps as he got closer. Roman and Dean were rigid and Renee gave Lily’s hand a gentle squeeze, the three of them watching Lily and Seth’s every move.
After all the prayers, heartache and tears, Seth was finally standing in front of Lily again. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and never let her go... but he knew he couldn’t. He couldn’t hope that things would magically be as they once were. It would take time and hard work, but if she was willing to give him a second chance then he’d be willing to do damn near anything just so he could have her back in his life. But all that came to a screeching halt with one tiny word.
“Why?” Lily whispered, a single tear sliding down her cheek.
Seth was dumbfounded. He didn’t know how to answer that. She placed her soft hand gently on the face that was tattooed on her heart.
“I would’ve gone with you to the ends of the earth had you simply asked.” Her voice so quiet and small. With that she turned and walked away, not knowing where she was going, but she really didn’t care.
Seth would rather she screamed at him, push him, hell, he’d even take her slapping him. That he could handle, but he couldn’t handle seeing his once strong and fearless Lily so vulnerable and fragile, all because of him.
Seth went to follow after Lily but was stopped by a severely pissed off Amanda. Before he could protest, she clamped a hand over his mouth. Nodding her head towards a vacant room, she pulled him by his arm (although truth be told she would’ve much rather pull him by his ear) and dragged him away from their beloved Lily.
Once the door was shut Seth went to speak but immediately shut up when Amanda glared at him. They stood there in silence for what felt like eternity. She had the right mind to throttle him for the pure hell he put Lily through.
“Do you know who I am?” Amanda asked with a scowl that could make the Undertaker quiver with fear. She couldn’t help but chuckle on the inside at how mob like she sounded.
Seth simply nodded.
“You know who Lily is to me?”
Again, just a nod in response. Of course he knew who Amanda was. He knew everything about Lily’s life, knew how close they were and knew how intensely protective Amanda is of her best friend.
“Good. I’m only going to say this once, so listen up. Lily has had my back since day one. When everyone told me I was stupid to pursue music, she was the ONLY one who encouraged me to do so, she’s been there for me when I was at my lowest of lows and she dropped everything to come on tour with me when I broke my damn hand. So believe me when I say that there is nothing, and I mean nothing, I wouldn’t do for her, so if I see so much as one more sad tear because of you, I will not hesitate to lay your ass flat! Broken hand or not!”
Seth let out a sigh, knowing that he couldn’t argue with her. If the rolls were reversed, and someone hurt Dean or Roman, he’d be acting the same way. He knew he had to fix this if he had any hopes of winning his Lily back.
“Look” Seth said, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I know I screwed up. I screwed up big time and not a day goes by that I don’t regret the shit out of it, but please believe me when I say that I would happily spend the rest of my life making it up to Lily if she’d have me back.”
Amanda stood there listening to what Seth was saying, scrutinizing his every word and movement. Inside she was secretly hoping that he meant what he was saying. Although she hated to admit it she knew that Lily still loved him. The dumb asses needed each other.
“Fine.... but I mean it, Rollins! One more tear-“
“I know, my ass is grass. Believe me, I don’t want to hurt her anymore than I already have.”
Satisfied with his response, she simply nodded and left the room, leaving Seth to figure out a way to get back in Lily’s good graces.
Renee and Amanda sat with Lily on the couch in Lily’s hotel room while Dean and Roman watched the three women. After the show they decided it would be best to head back to where Amanda and Lily were staying. As fate would have it, they were staying at the same hotel that the WWE superstars were staying in. Dean and Roman were a little tired from performing. That, and the fact that the four of them chased Lily down before she got lost or hurt. Roman was the first to reach her.
Lily stormed down the hallway, not caring where she ended up. She could hear the others catching up so, as juvenile as it was, she started walking faster, breaking out into a jog.
“Uh-uh baby girl, nice try.” Roman grunted as he threw his arms around her waist, hoisting her into the air, walking towards Dean’s dressing room.
“Put me down, Roman!” She said through gritted teeth, squirming in his hold.
“Not gonna happen, doll.” Dean said catching up, Renee close behind.
“Um, what’s going on here?!” Hunter asked, slightly worried at the scene unfolding in front of him.
Renee motioned for Roman to take a still struggling Lily into the room, Dean following them inside along with Amanda who had just rejoined the group.
“Before you freak out, there’s somethings you need to know.” Renee explained calmly to a very confused Hunter, “When Dean, Seth, Roman and I were in college Seth was going through a similar situation, y’know, headaches, little to no sleep and irritable all the time. We didn’t know what to do, we were so worried about him and desperate for a solution.”
“How did you guys get him to snap out of it?” Hunter was willing to try anything at this point.
“We had almost lost all hope, then, one day, Lily happened. The girl Roman was just wrangling.” Renee said when she saw the confusion on Hunter’s face. “She was the only thing that pulled him out when he was drowning. A girl, who most considered broken, was able to hold Seth at night and reassure him that all would be alright.”
“Ok,” Hunter said, scratching his beard, “what happened then?”
“Well,” she said, letting out a sigh “they moved in together, started dating, fell in love. But, Seth being Seth, decided to end things, thinking it would be easier for Lily since he was gone most of the time. How he ended things tho was pretty tragic.”
“I’m afraid to ask but what did he do?” Hunter felt like he was listening to a soap opera.
“He simply stopped all communications with her without any explanation.” Renee wiped a stray tear from her cheek. “It nearly broke her.”
“As sad as all of this is, why is she here and more importantly, why is Roman man handling her?”
“Well, she had a run in with Seth just now and some emotions were let loose, so she took off. Roman is taking her to Dean’s dressing room for the remainder of the show. As for why she’s here, well, you asked if we had any solutions. She’s the only thing that can save him. That is, if they’re willing.”
“You sure you don’t want me to stay with you?” Amanda asked, hugging Lily goodnight. Dean, Roman and Renee had long since returned to their respected rooms, physically and emotionally drained from the events earlier that day.
“I’m sure. All I want to do now is climb under a mountain of blankets and pass out.” She gave Amanda her best reassuring smile while ushering her out the door.
Once she was alone she drew herself a soothing, warm bath and soaked away the heartache and pain that reopened from being around Seth again. When she was dressed she collapsed on the bed. It was then that she allowed her tears to fall and her sobs to run free. She didn’t care how loud she was being, she needed to get this out or it would do nothing but fester.
Suddenly her breath started to hitch. Oh no, not now. Not when she’s alone. She started hyperventilating between each cruel sob, her body shaking uncontrollably. She tried reaching for her phone to call Amanda but knocked it off the side table in the process. This only caused her to panic even more. Gasping for air and feeling light headed, she started to fade. Just then she felt strong arms wrap around her, forcing her onto her back.
“Shit, breathe, baby, breathe. That’s it, deep, slow breaths.” Rough hands smoothed her hair out if her face, forehead meeting forehead.“You’re ok, pretty baby, everything’s gonna be ok.” Flipping them both, Lily’s head was laid on a hard chest, fingers lovingly stroking through her hair as she continued to cry, body trembling.
Calming down, Lily was finally able to breath normally. Her tears ceasing and her weeping turning into small whimpers here and there. When she felt lips on her temple, however, she snapped. Pushing with all her might, she tried to create some distance. When that didn’t work she resorted to small fists pounding against solid chest.
“Let go of me, Seth!” She yelled, “How did you even get in here?! Forget that, why are you here?” She continued her assault on his chest, but he kept his hold on her. The dam breaking and years of pent up pain and anger unleashed on him.
“You have no r-right to be here! You, you left me! Let me go like I was some useless piece of garbage!!” She wailed.
Defeatedly she gave up, she knew she was no match for his strength. Instead she covered her face and quietly cried.
“I gave you all of me...” she whispered “and it wasn’t enough.”
Seth’s heart was shattering all over again, but he deserved it. ‘You did this to her when you chose to let her go, asshole!!’ he reminded himself. She was saying the truth, who was he to argue with her?
His room was right next to hers and he could hear every sob. When he couldn’t handle it anymore, he ran to the concierge’s desk and demanded a key to Lily’s room. It’s a good thing he did too, had he not, who knows what would’ve happened to her? It tore him apart finding her convulsing, gasping for air while her body was wracked with merciless sobs.
Shuttering at the thought, he pulled her closer to his chest, his lips in her hair as his hands ran up and down her back. He didn’t know if he’d ever get to hold her again so he was going to saver every second.
“I know baby, I completely screwed up and I broke not only your heart but your trust as well. I have no right to be here and nothing I can do will change the past. I know you’re better off without me and you don’t need me, but” he sighed. Here goes nothing, “I need you.”
Lily felt her heart flutter.
“I have no right asking you for a second chance, but I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you’ll have me.”
Seth felt like his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. He knew what he was asking of Lily was 100% selfish, but if there was even one iota of a chance she’d take his sorry ass back, then he had to try.
Placing a hand in his chest, Lily gently pushed herself away from him and sat up with her back to him. Truth be told she wanted nothing more than to give in, to have him back in her life, but could she trust him so intimately again? Was she willing to chance the heartbreak?
Seth wanted to pull his hair out as he sat waiting for her answer. Not knowing is far worse than getting a negative response. Just as he was beginning to lose hope, he heard her soft voice.
“It’s going to take time.” She whispered, “I can’t just give you my heart again.”
It wasn’t the answer that Seth was hoping for, but there was a small glimmer of hope, so he took it.
“Ok” he said, leaning towards her and placing a small kiss on her temple. Getting up off the bed, he was about to leave, hand in the door knob.
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @calwitch @lost-in-the-stories @team-elias @hanaslay @panda-girl1999 @neversatisfiedgirl
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imaginexwwe · 6 years
Old Friend 2|? (DEAN AMBROSE)
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(ANON) Reader has know Dean since his Moxley days and had since lost touch. But after a random run in, would be still remember the drunken promise they once made? (A) NGST
Warning: NONE
Writer's Notes: PART 2: Y/N's still trying to face the facts that the man she's sorta been holding out hope for is married, while Renee is growing more and more curious about her husband's 'OLD FRIEND' (C) URIOSITY (A) NGST
Married, I repeated silently in my mind once again as I slowly came to a stop at the red light.
Jonathan Good, married.
My Jonathan Good, married.
Could that explain the lack of contact?
Well the loss of contact, considering it's basically been at a negative zero for the past few years.
A loud couple of car horns and a few angry yells from drivers behind me, was all it took to get me out of my head as I glanced up seeing the red light had turned green.
I'm actually happy that he found someone, one of us needed to eventually.
I just hope he's happy, I thought as I began driving the rest of the short distance to my house.
"This was an interesting morning, huh Jon..?" Renee asked as she crawled into bed next to her quiet husband. "I met a new friend who happened to be your old friend." She added with an somewhat awkward laugh.
Jon nodded, replying with an more forced than awkward laugh of his own. "Yep, interesting." He said finally speaking up with words, and not just head gestures.
No, he wasn't upset or mad over his short run in with Y/N.
It was actually nice getting to see her familiar face again.
He just hated how it went, or well the circumstances it was under.
Especially after that old, old promise he had brought up so long ago.
"If we're not married by the time we're thirty, let's marry eachother..." He silently recalled the promise to himself as he laid in bed on his back starring up at the ceiling.
Did she still remember that?
Was she even single, still?
While his eyes crept down to her fingers, yes, seconds into sitting down in front of a woman he hasn't seen in years, the first thing his eyes roamed was her fingers, he didn't notice a ring.
But that didn't mean she couldn't have been in a relationship, though.
Jon was aware that her birthday was sometime last month, on the twenty second, if he's not mistaking.
Meaning she was indeed thirty.
It just was no way she was the one that ended up with the short end of the stick, I guess you could say.
Y/N was a beautiful woman, has been since the day he met her years ago, and if he was able to find love and someone who was up for marrying him...
Jonathan shook his head.
He just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Y/N wasn't as lucky.
It just seemed hard to believe.
"Jon, are you talking to yourself?" Renee asked with another laugh, as her eyebrows furrowing after noticing her husband shake his head.
"Uh, no." Jon answered quickly before adding, "Just thinking about something, ya know."
No I don't know, Renee wanted to say, and always about to before Jon spoke up again, this time giving her a quick "goodnight," and rolling over on his side with his back to her.
"Yeah," She mumbled, thinking how strange and how out of the ordinary that was for Jon.
They hardly ever slept with their backs to eachother, unless they were mad at eachother at the time, and she knew Jon wasn't always much of a cuddler but he still would pull her close cause he knew how much more relaxing it was for her to be in his arms even when sleeping.
And what was on his mind so much that he seemed to be having a mental conversation with himself?
Was it about the woman she'd befriended this morning at the coffee shop?
The woman, her husband couldn't seem to make eye contact with for more than a few seconds?
Not that Renee was complaining.
I don't know, she thought suddenly as a yawn escaped her lips.
Maybe I'm just reading to much into this.
But then again, it did seem like they had a history that was more complicated than any of a simple friendship, Renee's mind continued to wonder before sleep took over.
"... Joe, I know I'm stupid for asking b--"
Renee let out a frustrated sigh after being cut off by Joseph, a good friend of both her husband and her.
"If you know it's stupid, then why keep trying to ask?" Joseph questioned her back.
"I just needed answers." She quickly mumbled, her guilt building up more and more. "It'll be hard to have this conversation with Jon, and Y/N can't be asked cause I just met her and she seemed really cool from the conversations we had, so giving her the thought of me being this nosey, annoying wife of her friend is out of the running."
The built Somoan across from her nodded, his serious face seeming to have become even more serious, as Renee got out more words.
"I just want to know if this history of there's went deeper than Jon is letting on, Joe."
After a second or two, she could hear a sigh more frustrated than the one she had let put a few minutes ago, come from her friend. "All I've ever heard from Jon is that she was a great friend, and he hated how things were left between them." He said finally giving Renee some of what she wanted. "I don't know, but I never got the feeling that something happened with them..." He said finishing up with a mumble.
Renee knew just from the look on his face that he didn't want to be apart of this.
Telling his friend's stories behind his back.
Not that she needed the look to confirm it.
She, herself didn't want to ask Joseph anything that her husband may have confided to him but after his behavior last night, let's just say she wouldn't be able to get a good night's sleep or even focus on anything if she hadn't gotten some kind of answer.
But like she basically told Joe, there was no way in hell she was going to Y/N with her questions.
And even though there was another person, Colby to be more specific, that she could've went to, she knew better.
In the past he was the quickest to ruin simple surprises that she'd planned for Jonathan's birthdays or whatever, so she could just imagine how fast he'd be to run his mouth about something as big as her digging into her husband's past.
"Thank you Joe," Renee replied with a smile as she got up from her seat in the catering area, pushing her chair back in. "You're the best." She added flashing a grateful smile to the man across from her.
She turned her back to him, beginning to walk out through the closest double doors, before she remembered the reason she had also gone to him.
The reason other than the questions she needed answers to.
"Oh and don't forget about me and Jon's housewarming party." Renee called out, looking over her shoulder. "I want you and Galina there."
I stopped typing away on my office computer after hearing my cell going off.
As soon as I picked it up, I noticed a text on the lit up screen.
RENEE: Me and Jon are having a housewarming Saturday want you there ☺
I flinched slightly after feeling a sharp pain on my bottom lip, only now realizing I had bitten it as I read the message.
If I'm being honest I had totally forgotten I had even given my number out to Renee.
And I totally didn't expect for her to actually text me, let alone invite me to a party she and Jon was having.
Like, isn't that the kind of stuff you do with friends that you actually know, and not one you just met literally a day ago?
I shook my head, putting my phone back onto my desk, focusing on my work once more.
A party at their place is the last thing I want to be apart of, but would it really be so bad?
Maybe me and Jonathan could have a chance to talk and I could settle my wondering mind once and for all, knowing for sure if he's happy or not with his life.
Not that I'm still holding on by a thread that he could be mines.
I'm just a friend concerned about another friend's happiness.
Years apart doesn't change that, especially in a friendship as close as ours once were.
Renee put down the Corona beer bottle she'd been holding in her hand the second her phone went off.
A huge smile forming on her face after seeing it was a reply from Y/N.
Y/N: Thanks for the invite
I'll be there
"Why are you all smiley?" She heard her husband ask, startling her and causing her to jump a little.
"Y/N," She replied bringing her hand up to her chest while her heart raced a bit. "I invited her to our housewarming Saturday and she just confirmed she'll be here."
"Oh," Jon mumbled his demeanor changing within seconds of hearing his wife's news. "That's good." He added trying to make his voice seem more cheerful that the "oh," he'd just mumbled.
It wasn't like he was made about it.
Jonathan just wasn't ready to be put in a situation where things could get awkward with Y/N.
If anything he would've liked the opportunity to meet up with her alone and talk about how things were left off.
Maybe even throw in an apology or two, considering the fact that he felt like their friendship ended because of him getting more and more busy while on the road trying to make his wrestling career happen.
Bottom line, he really wanted to get rid whatever tension that could be lingering over them because of that promise, when their was just the two of them, not when it was the two of them, his wife, and a bunch of other friends around.
@littleprincess1621 @princesstoniii @pookiepookie8 @monochrome-decadance @cam0flug3 @finnbalorsbabygirl @blondekel77 @calwitch @eshia16 @moonchildcorbin @jadalecki-jackles @jooheonie-bee @rebelfleur22 @lost-in-the-stories @scars-tears-and-suicide @panda-girl1999 @racheo91 @evelinhardy40
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wwe-fluff-fic · 8 years
Okay so we’ve been casually just scrolling through our social medias and we’ve seen this blowing up everywhere:
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OKAY GUYS THIS IS NOT REAL!!! I (Nikki) made this post earlier as a Jon Moxley request and this has clearly been altered from that; exact same words and everything:
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Now we may sound fairly calm and relaxed but we are not. Moxxii and I are really pissed off for multiple reasons.
1. SOMEONE has STOLEN our work and made it into something which it isn’t which is disrespectful
2. It’s not fair to Dean and Renee themselves; in fact its borderline disrespectful - if someone was to see this is would look awful for the whole fandom and god knows how it would make them feel
3. Not only did the STEAL it, they changed it even though it was still obviously ours and gave no credit.
Now if people are going to continue to pull shit like this we’ll stop these social media imagines which is pretty disappointing,
If people could share this post so people can stop tagging Renee and spreading it over various social media platforms we would be grateful as this shit is unnecessary and rude.
~ Nikkii and Moxxii
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panic-angel3314 · 7 years
Fates Intertwined- Dean Ambrose x Reader
A/N: Okay guys so this is the Dean fic I was talking about. It's super long and also the first smut fic I've ever written so be gentle. Again I'm thanking @theworldiscolorful , @smolsassynalilsmartassy , and @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury they are my babes and so supportive and loving. I love you guys soooo much 💋💋💋
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Credit to Gif Owner :)
Warnings: Angst, Smut, Cursing
Word Count: 10K+ EEK I’m sorry guys but thanks for sticking around.
Summary: You're a wrestler turned Rockstar. You and Dean were absolute soulmates until he decided to throw it all away. You're asked back to perform at this years Hall of Fame. Is fate bringing you both a second chance or will it all be for not??
Also I don't own WWE or the song I used as inspiration.
Never in a million years did I ever dream that one, I would be a former WWE Superstar turned Singer/ Song-writer, and second that said company would be calling me to perform and their Hall of Fame ceremony.  
I had left the company on reasonably good terms. I made sure to fulfill all my contractual obligations and I'm made sure to relatively keep all my relationships intact, except for him. After his betrayal, I made sure to stay as far away from him as possible. No contact.
 Who is this person that literally tore my heart in two, you might ask? It was none other than lunatic heart throb, Dean Ambrose.
 We had met in NXT when he was a little more Moxley than he was Ambrose. Seth Rollins, my childhood friend, had introduced us and of course Dean laid it on real thick the moment he opened his mouth. Funny thing was I didn't take an ounce of his shit and it wasn't until he quit trying to get in my pants that I let him into my heart.
People said that because of me, he had changed and mellowed. I never thought that was true. To be honest I think given the chance Dean could've always been the sweet lovable guy I know he is. He needed to truly trust in someone before he let down all the walls he had once built. Plus, I wasn't the only one to try and break them down, a lot of help came in the form of Roman and Seth.
I'm not going to lie at a point in time I thought he was the one, my forever. I knew his past and his tendencies, I helped him through them all. I told him in the beginning of our relationship that cheating was the absolute worst deal breaker. He knew and respected it and I thought we were doing just fine. Hell, I thought he was on the verge of proposing at one point.
But like all good things in Dean Ambrose's life, he would rather ruin them himself than to have them stripped away from him. He knew the only way I would ever truly leave him is if he cheated on me. So that's what he did. He invited the new reporter Renee Young to our room and he set into motion one of the biggest mistakes of his life.
 I walked into our shared suite at the hotel we were staying at and it was there I saw him practically swallowing her face, and she was topless which led me to believe five minutes later and I would've caught them in the full-blown act.
I cleared my throat to catch their attention, “You know what I just need to get my gear and head. Please feel free to continue. Don't stop on my account."
I don't know what was wrong the shock I saw on Renee's face or the shock I didn't see in Dean's. In fact, Dean's face was void of all emotion while I was breaking from the inside out.
I grabbed my gear bag not worried one bit whether Renee had left or not and just as I was about to leave through the suite door, Dean decides to make his presence known.
"That's it? No yelling? No fighting? You're just gonna walk out of my life and never look back?"
"What do you want me to say Dean?! Huh? What is the correct way to handle the fact that I just caught the love of my life cheating on me with some blonde bimbo?"
"I don't know, (Y/N)! Scream at me, hit me, break something!"
"No! I'm not going to give you that satisfaction. I'm not the one who cheated. But let me just ask you one time, why? Why Dean? Was I not good enough, did I not make you happy?"
There was a slight pause and in the blink of an eye Dean's whole demeanor changed from the man I love to the man I used to loath, Jon Moxley. He walked towards me closing the small distance that was created from our fighting. Condescendingly he reached up to cup my face and replied with the smuggest expression on his face, "It has nothing to do with you, Babydoll. You just can't teach a street dog new tricks. But it was fun while it lasted I'll tell you that."
I wanted to slug the absolute shit out of him but I knew that was the reaction he was looking for and I wasn't going to grant him the satisfaction.
So instead I wretched his hands from my face, "Fun? Fun! 3 years all for a little fun. Fuck you, Moxley! Don't just stand there and tell me it meant nothing! I loved you for god’s sake." 
Nothing really caught his attention until my last statement only then did I see a glimpse of my Jon.
"Loved?" He looked at me with glassy eyes.
"Dean, what?"
"You just said 'loved' (Y/N) not 'love'."
Taking a deep breathe I considered his eyes and told him the absolute truth, "Of course I love you, Dean. God how I love you. I'll probably always love you but right now I also really hate you. Hate that you can just throw away three years of our life like that and say it was all in good fun."
"Oh, give it up (Y/N)! I'm never gonna be the man you want me to be, alright? I'm not changing for anyone not even you!"
"I never wanted you to change for me, asshole! This is going nowhere. You got your wish, you wanted me gone, so I'm going."
"Yeah, well have a nice life babe." He spat with fire in his eyes.
I laughed ruefully," You too, Mox. I truly hope you find your soulmate one day."
With that I left and shut the door on that chapter in my life. What I had missed at the time though was Dean whispering to the door I had just closed was, "I did find her, I just let her walk out of my life for her own good."
What I didn't know at the time was Dean's insecurities are what lead him to the consequences of that day. He loved me too much, he felt he didn't deserve that type of love and that if he didn't end it now something somewhere down the line would end it for him and that would break him more than anything. What he soon realized it was way past that point.
Either way that was the past and this is the very REAL future. It both honored me and made me nauseous to think about performing at a WWE event when it's been close to two years since I was even associated with them.
However, I couldn't really say no to Vince after everything he and his daughter have done for me. They were the one bridge I made sure to keep intact on my way out. The WWE was once my home and truth be told I missed it and everyone that came with it, even if I was unable to admit that particular part to myself. 
I made it a point to not keep the slightest tab on Dean's relationships through Roman or Seth if he was healthy and relatively doing well that's where my inquiries stopped. My heart never could handle the answer but now that I was going to perform at the Hall of Fame it was time to woman up and see him. 
Now here I am and it's the morning of the Hall of Fame ceremony. I knew the girls were going to be here any minute with the glam squad to start getting ready. The girls being The Bella's, Nattie, and Naomi and don't get me wrong I love these girls to death but.... I was a little nervous about all the inevitable questions I knew I was going to be bombarded with. And on top of that I didn't really have a date to the Hall of Fame. Seth had offered being the greatest best friend he is but so did my friend Jason Momoa who was in town for one thing or another. 
Jason was a very close friend of mine who knew everything about my time at the WWE and why I left, so he was more than happy to and I quote "Show that motherfucker what he's missing out on." I love Jase to death but sometimes he can be a loose cannon.
Before I could overthink too much more a knock at the door broke me of my thoughts. Knock being the polite way of saying it. It was more of bangs, shouts, and excited squeals. What can I say, I guess my girls missed me?
"(Y/N)! Get that cute little ass up and come open this door!" The ever-lovely Nikki shouts.
Swinging the door open I greet four very excited faces with a," Excuse me my ass is up and has been waiting on you four divas for about an hour now."
"Oh, really then what took you so long to answer the door huh???" Brie replied with an almost knowing look.
"Nothing just caught up in some thoughts is all."
"Would those thoughts have to do with a certain lunatic or is it more of whether you should take a date to the ceremony??" Naomi asked.
Damn these guys knew everything, it's why I loved them and hated them sometimes.
"You guys know me too well. So, before we dive into this subject you better break open that bottle of whatever you're caring Nikki so we can get to it."
"Won't it mess with your vocal cords??" She replied.
"No if anything it will help with the rasp I need to achieve some of the different notes tonight."
"Oh, okay then let's get to it girl!!"
A chorus of cheers followed as the glam team started to set up in my deluxe suite. What can I say perks of being a superstar?
After having explained my dilemma and few glasses of champagne later here we were.
"Look I can tell you right now for him to actually have a date it would require him to speak to someone of the opposite gender. Girl ever since you left he's only hung out with Seth, Roman, and the Uso twins. He doesn't even look at any girls anymore especially when we go out." Naomi divulged.
I never wanted to know Dean's relationship status especially after how we left everything but hearing this almost made me sad, almost.
"Maybe he just has someone on the down low y'all don't know about or maybe he's gotten better at hiding his escapades."
Naomi straightened me with a look really quick, "Girl you haven't seen him lately. And whatever bullshit Ro and Seth have fed you are exactly that bullshit. I know they don't want to worry you but girl people are actually starting to worry about your lunatic."
I couldn't hold back the eye roll that popped up when replying, "He's not my lunatic anymore, you know that. He made sure of that a long time ago."
"We are not trying to upset you Babe. We just know that you two were absolute soulmates and to see both of you like this hurts us because we love you." Nattie spoke up always the wiser with her words of truth. 
"Nattie, I'm fine. Or at least I thought I was.... Guys what am I going to do?? So, do I take a date or not? At least with Seth I know I'll be fine because he's like a big brother but with Jason I know he will be unpredictable. Especially because of Dean." 
I put my head in my hands trying to calm my beating heart and racing thoughts. It was then Momma Brie came up to hug me and started to rub my back in a soothing motion.
"Whatever you choose we will support you. But I think Seth is the safe choice and it's seems to me like you need the extra support tonight. If it were up to me, Nikki and I would be your dates but I don't know how Bryan and John would feel about going stag."
"Couldn't they just go together?" I whined, earning a chorus of giggles from the girls.
"I don't know girl. I think I'd get too jealous to let anyone else take my man on a date, even Bryan." Nikki replied.
"I guess." I sighed getting up to reach for my phone. "I'm going to go call Seth right now. I'll be back in five."
Finally, after a bit more gossip and a couple more glasses of champagne, the girls and I were ready to head down to the lobby to our prospective dates. 
It was nice seeing all my girls' male counterparts once again and trying to catch each other up on everything.
While the conversation was veered off me for a minute I turned towards Seth to whisper in his ear, "Where's Roman? I thought he'd at least want to see me before everything."
"He did Babe. But he's with Dean tonight since they're both going stag but he told me to tell you he loves you and he can't wait to see his Babygirl." I couldn't help but giggle at Roman's nickname for me. From day one each of the Shield boys had a special nickname for me, Roman's being Babygirl, Seth's was Babe since like childhood, and Dean's was Babydoll. I always found it very endearing, like it was their way of showing just how much they loved and cared for me.
Just as I was about to reply to Seth we heard the girls squealing the limo was here. Each couple entered the limo, Seth and I being the first two to hop in. We were sat in a corner that was secluded enough that we could converse quietly but also close enough to the others so we didn't look antisocial.
While I was sitting there It finally hit me that this was it. I was going to see Dean again whether I liked it or not. All the scenarios in my brain had me very quiet and very nervous, so much so Seth took notice.
He grabbed my knee to stop it from bouncing, which I didn't even realize I was doing.
"Relax Babe. Roman told me they are going to try and go a little later to avoid all the couples and such. He probably won't even know you're there until you're up on stage about to perform."
"Do you think he knows I'm back??"
"I don't think so. You know Dean, he repels technology and it's been pretty mums the word on your return. Question though. Are you just returning to perform or are they asking you back officially?”
Looking up at Seth I knew I couldn't lie to him, he was practically my brother after all.
"I'm not going to lie to you but yeah Stephanie and Vince really want me back."
"What?! That's great! What did you say??"
"Shhh.... I haven't said anything. Besides it depends on how tonight goes honestly."
"Between you and Dean? Honestly I think it's going to go a lot differently than you think."
"How do you know what I'm thinking?"
Seth shot me a "Really?" look and I couldn't help but sigh and drop my head down in defeat. 
Gently Seth raised my chin so that I was considering his deep imploring eyes, "Whatever happens tonight Babe, just please keep an open mind. He might surprise you. Hell, you might surprise yourself. No matter what happens you have the best support team backing you 100%."
"Here, here!" Cheered all my friends.
I guess our corner wasn't as secluded as I had thought. But before I could worry about that the limo had stopped and we had arrived to what I like to call "D-Day".
Being there in front of the WWE Universe was like a breath of fresh air, like I could finally breath. Don't get me wrong I loved all my fans whether they were with me because of my music or wrestling. There was just something about the bond I had made with the WWE Universe that really touched my heart and made me happy to be home.
But before I could soak up too much of the crowd Steph and Triple H had stopped me and Seth on our way down the red carpet.
"Hey guys! Seth, (Y/N) you look so beautiful."
"Thank you, Steph, Nice to see you again! You too Trips."
These too were the absolute best in and outside of the ring. Not only had they been some of my biggest supporters in the WWE but also outside of it too.
"It's so good to see you again, Kid. We couldn't be happier to have you join the family once again." Trips mentioned.
"Yeah now let's just hope we can keep her." Steph piped up. I couldn't help but laugh at these two always in cahoots together.
"Aw come on guys no double teaming." Seth was quick to defend. 
"No, no. You know we love you, (Y/N/N). And miss you too. Besides what I was coming to ask is since Seth is your 'date' do you mind joining him to his interviews."
"I don't see why not but who are they with?"
That's when Steph's demeanor changed slightly.
"I'll give it to you straight. One of them is with Renee but we have warned her to keep it completely professional so there shouldn't be a problem. “She said imploring me with her big blue eyes.
"Aww Steph not the puppy dog eyes! You know I can't say no to them. Alright, fine, but only because I love you two. And I'm too excited to be back to let it ruin my fun."
After we said our good byes Seth led us through a couple of simple interviews with the same old spiel of 'Welcome back', and 'Who are you wearing?', or 'Are you dating?', and lastly 'If I was returning to the WWE'.
Soon it was time for the dreadful interview I would much rather skip but here I was being lead gently but still firmly on the small of my back by Seth towards the she-devil.
At the same time, you were about to be interviewed by Renee, Dean walked in with Roman not too far behind.
Dean's POV
"Man Ro! You said we would be able to skip all this nonsense this year." I whined to my best friend.
I was walking down the red carpet trying to smooth out the stupid suit Roman made me wear when I heard a laugh. A laugh I had been dying to hear for the past two years since it was stripped from me by my own doing. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but as I looked up there she was, the woman of my dreams, my soulmate, standing there in all her glory doing an interview with Renee Young, of all people.
Damn did (Y/N) look amazing no number of photos or media coverage did her justice and that sweet laugh that I had been dying to hear since the day she left....
Was this a sign that she was here right now?
What no one, and I mean no one, knew is that ever since (Y/N) left she took everything I loved with her. My passion for her and wrestling were the only two things I ever truly lived for and without her, my love for wrestling had all but diminished. Whether anyone has noticed or not I've been coasting ever since she left and this whole last month I've been truly contemplating whether to keep wrestling for the WWE.
I genuinely believe (Y/N) is my other half and whether anyone knows it or not I broke too the day she left.
I thought I was doing it for her own good, saving her from myself but I soon realized I was just scared to be happy. I should've trusted her more with my heart but before I met (Y/N) I didn't know what real love or even true affection was and without her, life does not feel worth living. 
I don't care what god put her and I under the same roof tonight but I'm going to talk to her and I'm going to come clean about everything that went down. 
"Dean! Dude, why did you stop in the middle of the walkway." Roman taps me on the shoulder and breaks up my rapid thoughts.
"Ro, did you know she was gonna be here?" I ask pointing towards you. Just as Roman looks up we hear the tail end of your interview with Renee.
"So (Y/N) one last question, how is to be back and see everyone, especially Dean Ambrose?"
"Ha-ha you must love your job Renee with all your clever hard-hitting questions."
I couldn't help but chuckle at that. It reminded me of one of the reasons I love my Babydoll (Y/N) so much, with her spit fire personality and no filter.
"As for being back, I feel at home, I love it here. I haven't seen Dean yet but I'm sure I will. I have absolutely no hard feelings towards him. I loved him then and I can honestly say I still love him now. He helped me grow a lot as a person and as a wrestler. I wish him all the happiness in the world because he deserves nothing less than the absolute best this world has to offer. So, thanks Renee but we're going to head in now, you have fun asking the questions that matter."
As soon as she was done talking I look to Roman, as if he has the answer to the question I don't even know to ask.
"Yeah man she's here to perform tonight and join the after party. Don't look at me like that I just found out a few hours ago and I knew if I told you, you would've never come." Roman sighed patting his large hand on my shoulder before continuing, "It's time Dean and by the sound of that she's ready to see you too."
I was speechless, how was I supposed to approach or even get her alone long enough for her to even talk to me. However, I didn't have long to fret before Roman spoke up again.
"Don't worry, Uce. Lucky for you Seth and I are your brothers and are going to help you win her back. Even if I must lock you two in the same room, to either kill each other or make up. Now let's go you only have one interview but it's with Renee then we can go find you some liquid courage."
Roman patted me on the back once more and sent me on my merry way to be interviewed by Renee. Don't get me wrong I don't blame her for mine and (Y/N)'s break up. I more just feel like an asshole for using her to do it.
"Please welcome my guest at this time WWE Superstar Dean Ambrose?" Renee was quick to getting down to business. I wouldn't blame her if underneath her professionalism she hates my guts.
I answered all her mundane questions as politely as I could fathom. I just wanted to get this over with and get a drink to calm my raging nerves. It wasn't until a certain question was thrown my way that I really tuned in.
"So, Dean, now that's (Y/N) is back the WWE universe wants to know your thoughts on it? Have you seen or talked to her yet?" Renee asked quite smug about the off-guard reaction her first question rendered. But I'm Dean Ambrose for god’s sake and I don't scare that easy, so I just said the first thing that came to mind,
"To answer your first question Renee, she took my breath away she looked as gorgeous as ever. As for my thoughts, I'm not sure what you want me to say. I loved her then and I still love her now. I wish her good luck tonight on her performance and hope this isn't the last we see of her. If that's all thanks Renee."
No sooner was I ushered away by Roman to the nearest open bar to get some jack and coke to settle my nerves before finding our assigned seats.
Dean's POV 
 I hadn't had a chance to see or talk to (Y/N) since the show had started. By the time I had the courage to seek her out it was time for everybody to be ushered to their seats. 
Unfortunately for me we were assigned to seats on opposite spectrums of the arena. Ro and I were sat near his family and a few of the Hall of Famers while (Y/N) and Seth were surround by most of the Smackdown Women's roster and their prospective dates. Damn did she look amazing though, truly she was the most beautiful creature not just on the outside but inside as well. That woman has a heart of gold I always felt I was so undeserving of. But after almost two years of being deprived of such beauty, I felt like a dying man out in the dessert. I was drinking her in like she was the last oasis on earth. She must have felt me starring because before I knew it her big beautiful eyes were locked on to mine and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Something in them was like nothing I've seen before. Was it longing? Was it love? No, it couldn't be. I wasn't that lucky. I didn't know what to do or say because damn was I under her spell like never before. However, it was her to initiate the break in tension. 
Sending me a shy smile and wave that nearly had my heart beating out of my chest but before I could get too excited I looked around me to make sure it was for me. After having found no one else I sought her out once again only to receive one of her 1000 watts smiles I would've given life or limb for since the breakup. 
All to soon though she was being pulled into conversations with the people around her. I too was broken out of our interaction by Naomi clicking her tongue at me.
"Ambrose, I swear to god if you miss this second chance you've been given to make things right, I'm going to murder you. That's my best friend and I'll be damned if I see her happiness stolen away from her again."
"Naomi," I sighed not sure how to reply. "I-I fucking love her, okay? Is that what you want to hear? And all I've ever wanted was for her to be happy."
"Yea you were just too stupid to realize her happiness included you. So, you better talk to her and make things right before the end of tonight." She gave me a stern look that had me literally scared for my life. What can I say my Babydoll was quite loved by all?
"I will, I promise." I implored Naomi.
Before anything else could be said the ceremony commenced
Dean's POV 
And all to soon it was the intermission before (Y/N)'s performance. I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous to see just what songs she picked to perform tonight. So much so I was on my way back to the open bar to have a few more drinks while I still could.
 (Y/N)'s POV
Damn why was I so nervous? I've performed in countless sold out venues with thousands of screaming fans. Why was this so different? Oh, that's right the main person responsible for the subject matter is here, possibly going to hear it for the first time.
I'll be the first to admit when I wrote most of my songs I was hurt and in a very different state of mind. But now I've healed and forgiven him. Hell, I said I still loved him for crying out loud on live television.
Relax, (Y/N) you can get through one performance and then after if he doesn't hate you too much you can talk to him. Ahh I hope it's not too late for us.
"10 minutes till we go on and everyone is being ushered back to their seats." A stage hand called out.
Perfect! This is my time to sneak out to the open bar for one last drink. As I walk towards the bar very lost in my thoughts of my upcoming performance I ran into what felt like a brick wall. And seeing as I was in 6" stiletto heels catching my balance was not an option. But before I could continue crashing towards my inevitable doom two very familiar hands caught me. My body was lit ablaze by these two familiar hands. I felt as if the touch that belonged to the owner was seared into my soul for all eternity. A permanent fingerprint on my very being. It wasn't until I looked up into the all too familiar stormy blue eyes, that the owner of said hands were confirmed.
It took me a minute of starring into the stormy eyes before I realized just how close and firmly he was holding me to him. Our bodies were slotted together like two missing puzzle pieces finally coming together. Between the warmth of his body and his intoxicating scent I was at a loss for words, barely able to gasp out a simple,
As he registered his name falling from my lips his eyes softened and his demeanor changed as if he had held his breath for the past two years waiting for the day I would speak it once again.
"Hey there, Babydoll."
I was shocked I didn't know what to say or do. I knew my time was limited but before I could say anything he spoke first.
"We need to talk."
My body tensed just a fraction, not because I didn't want to talk but because I didn't have much time before I had to perform and I didn't want him to feel like I was blowing him off.
Sighing and hanging his head he replied, "I know you probably want nothing to do with me but I swear just give me five minutes of your time and if you don't like what I have to say... I swear I'll never bother you again."
The dejected sad puppy looks he was sporting had my stomach in knots, I had never seen him like this and I'd be damned if I ever did again.
Gently I placed my hand under his chin and lifted until the eyes that I have come to crave were starring right back at me.
"Jon... I would love nothing more than to give you those five minutes but I'm about to hit the stage and I don't really think this is a conversation for here."
The hope that sparkled in his eyes had my heart soaring and he was quick to reply," Of course yeah, I know. Can I meet you after or something? I promise you, name the time and place and I'll be there."
"I'll leave a card to my suite for you at the front desk if that's okay but there's just one more thing I have to say..."
At this he hung his head I guess expecting the worst but I had to carry on and warn him about my set list that was chosen for me tonight.
"It's nothing bad, Dean. You can look and me. Please..." I waited until his blue orbs met mine once again, " I just want you to know that the songs that were chosen for me to perform tonight were written when I was in a very dark place... I need you to know that I don't feel that way anymore. I guess what I want you to understand is-is"
"(Y/N)!! There you are we got to go you're on in five and we still need to do touch ups."
And before I could say another word I was being dragged in the opposite direction of the love of my life. Before I could be pulled too far I made a rash decision....
I didn't put too much thought into it as I ran to Dean and before he could utter a single syllable, I grabbed him and kissed him for all he was worth. Best part about it was the kiss was instantly received and returned. I could feel both our love and passion for each other translate through the kiss. All too soon though I broke it so I could say,
"Understand that I still love you..."
And then I was off not waiting for his reply. I had to run towards the stage and pass a very peeved stage hand. But I didn't care not when I felt the universe was giving me and my one and only soulmate another chance at happiness.
Most of my set wasn't too bad it was the closing number I was worried about. Yes, I had performed Praying (by Kesha) many times in countless venues but never in front of him. To my knowledge anyway, later I would come to find out Dean was one of my biggest supporters and had even been to a couple of shows. 
But as of right now I was terrified I didn't want him to feel like this song was a dig at him. It never was, even when I first wrote it. It was more for me to heal than anything. To purge my thoughts of all the bad because in the end I knew I loved this man with all my heart and soul. I just didn't want to ruin the second chance we had been given before it even had a chance to happen.
Throughout most of my set list I made sure to no make eye contact with Dean. Not because I didn't want to but because I knew I would break if I did. But with this song there was no easy way to avoid that. I was constantly going back and forth in my mind not sure of how this was going to play out. But before I knew it was time to announce my closing song.
"I just want to take a moment and thank my fans especially the WWE universe for sticking by me through everything. I love you guys and without y'all I wouldn't be able to do what I love whether it's making music or wrestling. So, thank you so much. This next song is very close to my heart so I ask that y'all be gentle with me okay?"
Cheers resounded from the front row to the balcony and I couldn't help the cheesy smile that popped up on my face.
"I love you guys and without further a due here's the last but certainly not the least song for tonight Praying. And I encourage y'all to jump in at any time."
As I started the first few riffs of the song I was able to calm my racing heart and let the music naturally flow through me.
Well, you almost had me fooled
Told me that I was nothing without you
Oh, but after everything you've done
I can thank you for how strong I have become
'Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell
I had to learn how to fight for myself
And we both know all the truth I could tell
I'll just say this is "I wish you farewell"
As I started to sing I got lost in the memories of our breakup. All too soon I could feel tears sting the back of my eyes and my voice cracked during part of the chorus. I was able to catch myself just enough to continue to the next line because I'd be damned if I messed up the bridge. It was the most important part.
I'm proud of who I am No more monsters, I can breathe again And you said that I was done Well, you were wrong and now the best is yet to come 'Cause I can make it on my own And I don't need you, I found a strength I've never known I'll bring thunder, I'll bring rain, oh When I'm finished, they won't even know your name...
Again, I had the audience help with the chorus and as soon as the next part came I don't know what possessed me but I locked eyes with glassy blue orbs as I uttered the next part of my song, 
"Oh, sometimes, I pray for you at night
Someday, maybe you'll see the light
Oh, some say, in life, 
you're gonna get what you give,
But some things only God can forgive" 
and then I high the incredibly high note without missing a beat. All too soon the song was done but right before I blew a kiss goodbye to the crowd I looked straight at Dean and mouthed the words 'I love you'.  And seeing him there giving me a standing ovation along with everybody else was amazing. But the most amazing part was seeing his unshed tears followed by a reply of 'I love you too'. Right at that moment is when I let a few tears fall as I made my way backstage. I headed straight to my dressing room not letting a single person stop me.
On the way, there I was overwhelmed with the thoughts running through my head. It felt like I was telling him goodbye for some reason but I wasn't. If anything, I was saying good bye to all the hurt and anger I had carried for so long. I just hope he understands. God, I hope he understands.
 I walked into my dressing room and completely broke down, sliding my back against the wall until I landed on the floor, with all my pent-up emotions I didn't even hear the knock at the door nor did I hear someone walk in.
It wasn't until I felt two arms wrap around me and had his familiar scent hit my nose did I know it was Dean. He shushed my crying and rubbed my back, saying things like 'It's ok, Babydoll, I'm right here'. 'It's all going to be okay'. 'I promise.', while also kissing the crown of my head every now and again.
Soon I had stopped crying but I was at the point exhaustion kicked in. Before I could voice what I needed he was already scooping me up and heading out the back to his rental he brought. He just knew, he always knew what I needed, most of the time before I even knew. I guess that's the thing about soulmates, you're one in the same. Two parts of one whole and at this moment I was glad to call him my other half. Before we reached the car Dean made sure to send a quick text to Roman and Seth.
Only silence passed as we drove back to the hotel we were staying at, foregoing the after party all together. Though no talking was done, Dean made sure to give me little nonverbal reassurances by holding my hand and giving it a good squeeze every now and again.
Finally, we had arrived at our hotel but instead of letting me walk Dean once again picked me up bridal style, with my hands around his neck and my head tucked in between where his shoulder met his neck, while we headed to my room number I had muttered in his ear on the way to the elevator. 
Throughout the whole journey I couldn't help but release a few residual sniffles or sobs. I felt so raw in this moment and the way Dean was holding me like I was his everything, like he would protect me in my most vulnerable state, even now it meant the world to me.
He was able to open the door with ease as he slipped us inside and walk straight towards my bedroom.
Dean's POV 
Seeing my Babydoll so raw and vulnerable had my stomach in knots and my heart absolutely aching. I just wanted to take her pain away, the pain that I had caused. Not having faith in myself and the love we shared all those years ago will be my single greatest regret for as long as I live. But starting right now I wasn't going to deny her or myself the love that was meant to be any longer.
As I walked us into her room, I gently laid her on the bed. I was planning to go find her a change of clothes. But as soon as she felt me letting go her arms became a vice around my neck and I heard a whimper, "Please don't leave me."
If my heart wasn't already aching, that sure did the trick. I combed my fingers through her hair shushing her panicked state. "Babydoll, I promise you, I'm not leaving you ever again. Until you ask me to leave, it's going to take god himself to pry me from your side. I just want to find you a change of clothes. As pretty as that dress is, it's not much for sleepwear. Now just lay down darlin' while I find you some clothes."
I laid her down gently and went off in search of some sleeping clothes. As I was looking through her suit case a certain item of clothing caught my eye. As I picked it up I realized it was my Deftones concert t-shirt she always used to wear when we were together. I had been looking for that shirt for ages, mainly because it was a reminder of her. Never did I think she'd have it or even want a reminder of me. I grabbed the well-loved shirt and a pair of those boy shorts she always use to wear around the apartment. Damn did I miss the good old days. Focus Dean this isn't about you damnit this is about taking care of your Babydoll when she needs you the most!
Snapping out of my thoughts I see her curled in on herself and nearly asleep. I had to coax her up and out of her dress. 
"No Dean! I'm naked under here. I'll change myself in the bathroom." She whined trying to bat my hands away.
"It's nothing I haven't seen before darlin'. Now will you please shush and let taking care of you. Please?" I implored. A slight pause followed but it wasn't until I received a head nod that I proceed to unzip her gown. 
Gently I made sure not to ruin the delicate backing of the dress and as my hand descended the curve of her back, my hand brushed her spine and I saw a visible shutter pass through her. It was good to know she was as affected as I was but now wasn't the time nor place for that. 
Quickly I pushed the gown to pool at her feet and slipped my t-shirt over her head. Then I had her sit on the bed so I could slip on her underwear making sure to keep direct eye contact the whole time.
Once she was dressed and situated, having also wiped of the mascara tracks that ran down her face along with the rest of her makeup, I laid her down under the covers and kissed her heading before heading towards the couch where I would be taking up residence until the morning. But before I could even turn around a small hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.
"Dean, please don't-"
"Shhh, Kitten I'm not leaving I'm just gonna crash on the couch and we can talk in the morning but we will talk I can promise you that."
"No Dean please, just lay with me. I don't want to be alone anymore." She had whispered so quietly I almost missed it. Damn Dean you really did a number on your Babydoll...
I felt like the wind had got knocked out of me when I heard those words. It took all I had in me not to break down and cry. Most people thought I was a heartless lunatic with no emotions. What they didn't know is that I gave my heart away a long time ago to (Y/N). The one good thing in my life and I had nearly broken her because I felt like I wasn't enough, like I didn't deserve to be loved the way she loved me. 
Without saying a word, I stripped off my shoes, dress jacket, and belt so I could climb into the other side of her bed, opening my arms wide so she could crawl into my embrace. She practically molded to my body and I hadn't felt this whole or at peace in a while. I didn't know what tomorrow would bring but I would hold her tight for as long as she let me.
"You're not alone, Kitten, not anymore. Just get some rest and I promise you everything will be better in the morning." I finally told her emphasizing my words with a lingering kiss to her temple.
The only reply I received was her snuggling closer to my body and her face burrowing further into my neck, like she used to when we were still together and had just had some passionate love making. The gesture gave me the chills but also hope of what tomorrow would bring. Right before I succumbed to slumber myself I whispered gently to (Y/N), "I love you, Babydoll and I swear I plan on making things right. I don't care how long it takes I will make it up to." 
Dean's POV
Waking up with my Babydoll in my arms was such a bittersweet moment. It was a feeling I have craved for the last two years. I never thought I'd get this chance again, if I'm being completely honest with myself. But after last night and seeing (Y/N) so vulnerable and raw I couldn't help but want to soothe her pain. She is the love of my life after all.
Walking into her dressing room last night after her heart felt performance and seeing her with tear stained cheeks and snot coming out of her nose, I swear she never looked more beautiful to me. Even now without the makeup and flashing lights she was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, inside and out.
I watched her sleep in peaceful slumber for as long as I could. I made sure to memorize all the features I had been denied these last couple of years. Just in case I never got the chance to be this up close and personal with her again. Before I could realize it, I found my hand gently tracing over her cheeks as my thumb came to rest where her dimples would appear in times of joy and happiness. It had me want to relive all the moments that I was the one to make them appear. I know she always said how much she loved my dimples but nothing could compare to hers and the way the made my heart flutter anytime they made an appearance.
Her eyes fluttered open and I could see the recognition of last night's events pass through her eyes. 
"Dean..." she gasped.
"Hey Gorgeous." I smiled at her loving the sleepy adorableness that accompanied her voice but all to soon the moment shifted and I could tell she was upset about something.
"Dean...I-I'm so sorry about last night. That-that song... I didn't want you to have to hear it, not like that, not if front of the WWE universe like that. I'm so sorry." She started to sob in the crook of my shoulder.
"Hey, hey, hey, Shhh. Babydoll, look at me." I waited until her glassy orbs met mine. "That wasn't the first time I've heard that song and believe or not I deserved that."
"Wha- No Dean you-"
"(Y/N), I'm telling you it's okay. I'm not mad. Kitten, please I could never be mad at you not after what I did to you." 
"Dean I-" 
"No (Y/N), I need to explain myself. We need to talk about what happened that night I made you leave."
(Y/N)'s POV
"Before you say anything Dean. I need to know one thing."
"Why? Why did you do it?"
There was a long drawn out pause lingering between us. I wasn't going to be the first one to break it. We have come this far and he could at least have the decency to tell me why.
I could see the storm brewing in his eyes, the guilt, the sadness, everything passes through him until he finally spoke.
"Honestly (Y/N), I was scared." He sighed.
At that I pushed myself out of his arms and sat up on the opposite side of the bed from him.
"Scared of what Dean?! Scared of someone loving you like you deserve to be loved!" I yell incredulously. 
"See that's the thing I don't deserve it! And I was scared that if I was too happy that something somewhere down the line would take you from me. I mean honestly Kitten you deserve so much more than a mangy street mutt like me. You deserve someone who will give you more than I ever could. So, I did what I had to do to set you free and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret it. I mean I don't know if you've noticed but I'm drowning here without you (Y/N)."
God, I didn't know whether to kiss or punch this self-deprecating asshole. When was he going to learn he deserves so much more than life has given him. Whether he knows it or not he has one of the kindest hearts I ever known and for him to feel this way about himself pisses me off. 
"Haven't you ever heard the saying Dean? 'If you love someone, you let them go. If they return to you they were always yours and if they don't they never were.'"
"Well then Darlin', then that's what this is, me return to you. Cause let's face it I'm yours, I will always be yours whether you want me or not. (Y/N), I can truly stand here and tell you my life did not begin until you walked into it that day at FCW."
"No Babydoll I mean it! And I know there is nothing I can do to take back what I did but I promise if you let me, I'll spend the rest of our lives making it up to you."
Considering his eyes, I could see the sincerity and the vulnerability of his words. I knew I loved this man, I knew he was the one for me but I was scared, not of getting back together with him. I feared having to learn to live without him again if I did let him back in.
"I'm scared, Jon. I don't know if I could learn to live without you, again. It-It would destroy me." I whimpered.
When I said that his unshed tears had finally fallen and it's shook me to the core, not once in the time that I had known 'Dean Ambrose' did he let himself be this open or this raw. All I wanted to do was hold him and tell him everything was going to be fine. That no matter what I'd always be there for him but my fear was gripping me too tight.
Dean closed the gap between us and cupped my face in his big calloused hands so that we were looking straight into each other's eyes. Eyes I missed waking up to every morning or seeing as the last thing before I went to bed. For a moment, I genuinely felt like we were seeing each other's souls and it was at that moment my fear finally diminished but it was Dean who spoke first.
"I promise you, (Y/N) on everything that is good and right in this world, you will never ever have to learn how to live without me again. I will be with you always, every step of the way. I want to love you, marry you, give you babies. I want to grow old with you and sit out on rocking chairs on a porch looking out into the yard at all our future grandchildren and reminisce on the good times we had. Please let me show just how much I love you. Let me show you I'm here to stay."
At this point I was crying but not sad tears. I was overjoyed at the prospect of our future together and for Dean to be the one voicing it meant everything to me.
Unfortunately, he saw my crying as a negative, "No, no, no. Babydoll please don't cry, please. I love you (Y/N). Please."
I couldn't help the next words that flew out of my mouth. I looked him deep into his soul and said, "Show me. Make love to me, Dean."
It was as if the air had been knocked from his lungs but he didn't need to be told twice.
He kissed me like he was in a dessert for two years and I was his only oasis. At one point, I had to grab his face and pull him away so I could get air to my lungs, however, his pout that surfaced on his face nearly melted my heart.
"Take it easy, Handsome. I'm not going anywhere. “I bore into his bright blue eyes and finally saw the love and light return to them.
He had such a sheepish expression as he replied, "Sorry Kitten. I've just missed you so damn much."
Once I could finally breath again he resumed searing kisses to my mouth, jaw, and neck. It wasn't until he reached my collar bones that I received a frustrated growl and a muttered, “Wearing too much clothes."
Before I could even register what he said his shirt that I wore was ripped off my body exposing my naked chest to his loving gaze.
"I can't wait to mark up all this beautiful skin, Kitten. I have a lot of making up to do. Be ready to not leave this bed... ever."
"Dean..." I whined tugging at his shirt. "I want to see you too. Show me what's mine." I purred the last word in his ear. As soon as it left my mouth Dean tore his black dress shirt making sure to pop off all the buttons in the process. The amount of lust shown in his eyes were mirrored in his actions of undressing himself, down to his underwear. But as soon as he returned to the bed to hover over me the lust in his eyes turned to love quickly.
His hands gently traced my curves from my hips all the way until they landed on my breast. He received quite the breathy moan only further encouraging him to get reacquainted with me body after so long away from it.
"Dean please I want-" but before I could finish my words turned into a silent moan as he pinched and tweaked each nipple in his rough and calloused hands.
"Want what Babydoll? Just tell me and it's yours." He husked, kissing my cheeks and encouraging me to voice what I wanted him to do to my body. 
"Mouth Dean. Please I want your mouth." I panted not able to concentrate with all the sensations he was creating on my body. I honestly don't know how I went two years without this man worshiping my body.
He slowly descended from the love bites he was leaving on my neck to attach his mouth to my breast kissing, sucking, and even biting the sides of each one. One particular bite had me grabbing at his shaggy auburn hair. Earning a growl from him and an answering moan from me. This man knew all my buttons and was pushing at them faster that my body could handle. I was in such a haze I missed him literally ripping my boy shorts from my body and I couldn't even be mad because all too soon his dirty mouth was on my core. 
He teased at my outer lips, licking and sucking at the juices that had gathered at the apex of my thighs by all his teasing.
He growled as my juices first hit his tongue, "God damn, I've missed this, so sweet, so wet." He lapped at my cunt, "I could spend all day between these thighs, Babydoll."
"Dean, Baby, please no more teasing." I gripped his hair and guided him to my throbbing clit. The moment his tongue lashed my bundle of nerves I was screaming his name. The way his tongue moved and writhed, I could tell he was branding my pussy as his once again. And soon his thick fingers were joining the fray.
"Fuck, Doll. So tight, even tighter than I remember. Fuck!" He panted against my pussy.
"This-" he emphasized by thrusting his fingers roughly in and out, "this is mine, Babydoll. No one can have this. You and this pussy are mine you hear me." He growled.
"Yours, always yours. There's no one else, never has been. I love you, Jon" I whined. 
"I love you too. Fuck I love you so much. Cum for me, Babydoll. Cum for me." He grunted before sucking my clit and humming on it. I was instantly cumming with his name on the tip of my tongue, fingers buried in his hair, and back arched off the bed. I can't remember the last time I came that hard by my own hand.
I couldn't dwell too much before Dean had cleaned my spilt juices and was on his way up my body. Leaving hot kisses in his wake trying to sooth my body down from it's high. Quickly I was met with bright blue eyes and a cheeky little smile on my lunatic's face.
"Oh yeah laugh it up Babe. Seems you still got a mouth on ya." How is it that this man was between my thighs not two minutes ago and I'm the one who's blushing?
"You know you love my mouth Kitten." He mumbled against my lips as we languidly kissed each other until the tension built to an all-time high and his not so little Mox was poking at me through his boxers.
"I think your friend would like some attention. Why don't I return the favor?" I finally spoke as I tried to wiggle out of the embrace he had me in to reach his member, I knew it had to be aching by now. 
He grabbed me by the hips before I could get too far. "Nuh-uh not today. You wanted me to show you how much I love you and I'll be damned if you don't know by the time I'm done."
"I know, Jon. I know." I told him running my hands across his jaw, through his hair, and dragging my nails down his back in a teasing manner. The visible shutter I was rewarded with encouraged my actions. Slowly I trailed my hands all the way down to his trim waist and glided my hands across the waistband of his boxers.
"Take them off." I demanded and he was all too eager to obey.
As he got closer and settled between the apex of my thighs I grabbed his hard member and gave a few exploratory tugs making sure to run my thumb over his angry red tip, spreading the precum that had gathered there. Earning a lusty moan in response. 
"Fuck Kitten it's been too long since I've been touched like this. You keep that up and I'll blow before we even get started."
His words had me pausing mid stroke. "What do you mean 'You haven't been touched in a while'. Dean are you saying you haven't had sex since we broke up???"
"God no Kitten. I couldn't even think about someone other than you touching me. I'm yours (Y/N) always have been."
I was shocked at this confession, here was this man, this sexual animal that could ooze charm and charisma, that at any given moment could have women falling over themselves to get into his bed. Knowing he hadn't been with anyone since me really cemented what the girls had said to me, that we were soulmates and if anyone was meant to be together it was us.
I couldn't help but pull him by the back of his neck and kiss the ever-living daylights out of him. While he was so distracted by my assault, I slowly started to slide him in relishing every achingly thick inch of him. Soon we were connected and it felt as if two missing puzzle pieces had finally come together.
I knew he needed a minute by the way he was heavily trying to catch his breath and I was in the same boat having not been stretched like this in a long time. Being connected to him like this, I finally felt like I was home.
They say the home is where the heart is well this lunatic had had a strangle hold on it since day one.
"Fuck Babydoll. It feels like coming home... I've missed you so fucking much."
He mumbled against my breast as he began his slow and steady thrusts. Making sure I felt every inch on the way in. I couldn't help the way my hands ran down his back and grabbed at his ass hungrily, motivating him further in his assault.
"Dean, fuck baby. Please harder." I moaned.
He was all too enthusiastic to pick up the pace and intensity. I instantly felt it in the pit of my stomach starting to build. Between his open-mouthed kisses, he left on any patch of skin he could reach and the power behind his thrusts, I knew I wouldn't last that long. 
He knew as much and commented himself on the matter, "Shit Kitten you keep gripping me like a vice like that I'm not gonna last much longer. Fuck!" His hips stuttered as his dick finally started hammering at my g-stop with pinpoint accuracy. "Where do you want it Babydoll? Come on baby tell me where." He kissed my lips once more. 
"Inside me. Please Dean your Babydoll needs to feel her lunatic." I purred against his mouth. He growled one last time as I screamed his name to the heavens as we came together and he filled me with his hot sticky cum. 
We both laid there desperately trying to catch our breaths. His hands slid up and down all my curves soothing any aches his enthusiasm might have caused, while I combed my fingers through his hair as his head rested on my naked chest, placing a few kisses every now and then right over my heart.
I couldn't help the giggle that left my mouth at the turn of events. In our haste at reuniting once again it completely slipped my mind it was WrestleMania Day and I let him know as such.
"Well no WrestleMania could replace the love we share or memories we just created." He said. 
"Oh, is that right?"
"That's right." He replied kissing me on my nose for emphasis.
"Not even if a certain Kitten was to make her WrestleMania return to help out a certain lunatic fringe. I hear he runs the asylum and I'm quite intrigued to see where they go with each other.”
The laugh that rolled through his body had us both shaking in the bed. But soon the laughter died down and he was looking at me with such admiration and love it nearly brought me to tears all over again.
 "I love you, my feisty little Kitten."
"And I love you, my unstable lunatic fringe." 
A/N: Thank you if you stuck til the very end. Sorry if it was complete trash. I’d love to hear feedback either way. Please and thanks again!! 
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imaginexwwe · 7 years
Old Friend 1|? (DEAN AMBROSE)
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(ANON) Reader has known Dean since his Moxley days and had since lost touch. But after a random run in, would he still remember the drunken promise they once made (ANGST)
Warnings: NONE
Gonna try something different and use Dean’s real name lol
“Jonathan, you’re drunk.” I said with a giggle, calling out my best friend after he’d just said something that sounded so ridiculous.
Jon shook his head while giving me a look.
A look that seemed to say, “Oh and you’re not..?”
“No, Y/N…” Jonathan said as he put his empty beer bottle down on my coffee table. “I’m serious. If me and you are still single by the time we’re 30 then let’s do it. Let’s drive to Vegas and get married.” He said laughing slightly.
For someone who’s suppose to be serious, he sure is contradicting himself with that laugh.
“Sure Jon. If I’m single when I’m thirty, I’ll marry you.” I replied with a giggle of my own, before getting up to get us a couple more beers.
At the time I was just going on with what he’d said, but who knew years later I’d find myself actually holding out for that drunken promise to become reality as my 30th birthday came and went.
“Mocha Frappichinno with chocolate drizzle…”
I quickly glanced up from my phone as I threw my hand up, as if I was a child in school who knew the answer to the question the teacher had just asked.
“Right here…” I said, making my way past a few people who were still standing in line for their order.
I was so wrapped up in some random thought that flashed through my mind that I didn’t even notice that there was a blonde woman making her way up to the counter just as I was.
“That’s me.” She and I both said at the same time.
I giggled while giving the blonde stranger a quick look, with my hand still up. “I think that’s mine.” I told her trying to come off polite.
“How do you know..?” She asked looking over at me. “They are the same, you know.”
That’s why I said I think, I thought to myself mentally snapping at her.
“Look, I said I think, not that I was su–”
A loud huff came from the blonde that stood next to me, as she began speaking over me. “Shouldn’t you have the name for who’s order it is?” She asked the confused teen behind the counter.
Well damn, is she going to get an attitude with the whole world?
“Oh, um…” The teen nodded, quickly holding the cup up trying to read the scribbled and half smudged name on the cup.
The annoyed blonde shifted from one leg to the other before she extended her arm grabbing at the cup. “You know what I don’t think the name matters, they’re the same order, anyways.” She said before pulling the cup from the teen’s grip.
“Yeah, but it says Y/N, so…” I started while I took what was now clearly my drink from her. “Thanks.” I added while flashing a smile her way before turning on my heels and walking out of the line and back to my table.
Not like she deserved it though.
I once again got comfortable in my chair, that was in the back of the coffee shop, and it seemed the second I took out my book I heard someone clear their throat.
“It’s me again…” The blonde from the line said as she looked down at me. “Can I sit here?” She asked while already pulling the seat out before I could answer.
Why even ask?
“Sure…” I mumbled before flipping a page of the book.
Considering you’re already sitting, I silently and sarcastically added to myself.
“I just wanted to apologize for what happend a few minutes ago.” She said, speaking up again. “It’s just my morning’s not off to a good start, I got into a fight with my husband, he dropped me off then ditched me and I don’t know, I kinda ended up taking it out on you and that employee.”
I nodded still focused on my book. “That’s a good to know.” I replied trying to make it really noticeable that I wasn’t interested in what she was saying.
I mean, who just sits down at a table with a stranger and tells them her life story?
Well at least her morning events.
“I’m Renee, by the way.” She said speaking up again.
It was then that I let out a barely audible groan while slamming my book closed because I clearly wasn’t gonna have a peaceful read with her sitting across from me.
“Well at least you are married…” I said with a laugh as I slipped the last bit of my mocha frappichinno. “I turned thirty a month ago and I’m still single.”
Renee laughed along with me as she shook her head. “I don’t believe that.”
I sighed biting my lip as my laughter died down.
Me and Renee had been chatting for what seemed like a little over an hour and honestly she wasn’t so bad.
You know, when she’s not yelling at random people.
“It’s the truth.” I replied after a minute or two of silence. “Like, there was this guy and he made me this stupid promise that we’d marry eachother if we both were single at thirty but obviously that didn’t work out.”
Renee nodded as she picked up her phone after it vibrated. “That’s my husband right there, wondering if I’m still in here.” She said putting the phone back down.
“Oh, you’re leaving?”
She shook her head in response before a playfully smirk formed. “Nope. I told him I wasn’t ready to leave, so he can either sit out in the car or come in.”
And as if on cue a tall man slowly walked up to our table, taking a seat next to Renee.
His hands slowly came up to take his shades off and trust me, when he did I felt my heart drop.
Renee’s husband was the man that had slowly faded from my life.
The man that had made that promise to me.
“Jonathan…” I said unable to hide the shock from my voice.
Renee almost immediately looked between me and Jon.
“You know my husband?” She questioned and for a bit I didn’t know if she was coming off upset or just surprised.
But before I could answer, Jon nodded, speaking up and giving his wife the answer to what she’d just asked.
“Yeah, she’s an old friend…” He mumbled while sorta staring at me.
Tag List: @princesstoniii @pookiepookie8 @monochrome-decadance @cam0flug3 @finnbalorsbabygirl @blondekel77 @calwitch @eshia16 @jadalecki-jackles @moonchildcorbin @lost-in-the-stories @panda-girl1999 @scars-tears-and-suicide
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