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Unloved (The Unlucky Ones #2) by Marley Valentine
Just finished ☑️ Book Review: ***spoilers little here and there*** I’m glad that Rhys met Lennox and Samuel. Because they were who he was missing in his life. It took tragedy for both Lennox and Samuel to see they were it for each other. Only thing they were missing was Rhys. I so sad about Rhys relapsing again when his horrible dad showed up again. I wish he let one of the guys be there for…

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International Day of Sign Languages (23 September)

The annual celebration of International Day of Sign Languages on September 23 is done to raise awareness and extend support for the linguistic identity and cultural diversity of hearing-impaired people.
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Sevgi varsa engel YOK... 3 Aralık Dünya Engelliler Günü... . . . . . . . .... ... . . . . . . .. . #3aralıkdünyaengellilergünü #3aralıkengellilergünü #engellicanlaraöncelik #engelli #engellilerhaftası #engellilergünü #işitmeengelliler #işitme #duymayankalmasın #işitmekaybı #deafpeople #görmeengelliler #duymaengelli #odyoloji #rehabilitasyonmerkezi #meb #ziyaselçuk #fahrettinkoca #coronamaske #covid_19 #sondakika #pandemi #sağlıkbakanlığı #rte #koronavirüsü #maske #koronaaşısı #korona #koronatürkiye #sağlıkbakanlığı . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . @isitmeengellilerfederasyonuief @engellilericinelele @rterdogan @drfahrettinkoca @ziyaselcukprofdr https://www.instagram.com/p/CIT4L2VHJY2/?igshid=h64ej1mj4ty4
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I finally got my new light purple glitter ear molds for my new #hearingaids!! I can’t wear the right side hearingaid yet because of recent surgery.... but they’re comfortable! I like them! #classy #asl #deafawareness #deafpeople #deafcommunity #deaf #hoh #hardofhearing #deafpride https://www.instagram.com/p/B1PoJfOnBv7/?igshid=1lg0zlct4b4oq
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#car#cars#carporn#luxury#auto#automotive#exotic#automobile#supercar#bmw#racing#race#deaf#asl#sign language#deafpeople#deafawareness#deafcommunity#racecar#loudon#gopro
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Deaf Mexico
Escuela de Educación Especial de San Miguel de Allende (EEESMA) was founded in September 3, 2012. It opened to educate the deaf children of the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. This city in Mexico before had no formal education for the Deaf. The parents of deaf children had to enroll them in a hearing school where they struggled as they had no special teaching tailored to their needs.
However, with the opening of this school deaf children have been able to progress farther in their educational endeavors than before. For example, “in 2019, for the first time, three young women completed their on-line high school classes.” This is a great example for the others to follow as they can now see others who are deaf just like them succeed in a world that was previously hindered by roadblocks to the Deaf community.
EEESMA is founded by grants, donations, and fundraising. Therefore, it is a great help any kind of monetary support that is received.

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I don't need to be too cool on my own.✔️ #deafcommunity #deafgirl #deafawareness #deafworld #deaftalent #deafculture #deafs #deafpeople #deafvideo #deafandproud #deaf #deafgay #deaftraveler https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTOD26AxT1/?igshid=1kom43se491vp
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INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SIGN LANGUAGE #asl #signlanguage #deaf #americansignlanguage #deafcommunity #deafculture #deafawareness #deafworld #deaftalent #hardofhearing #deaflove #deafpeople #deafpride #love #deafness #hearingaids #deafvideo #hearingloss #deafeducation #learnasl #deafgirl #deafnation #deaffriendly #deaflife #onepiece #deafboy #deafgain #signing #hearing #inclusion (at भीमपुरा नं. १ जनपद बलिया उ०प्र०) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci1FN4shdNT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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According to Miller sign language is a form of communication that uses mainly hand movements to convey messages. Most sign languages are used by people who are hearing impaired as their primary form of communication. As Miller states, sign language provides a fully competent communication for its users, just as spoken language does [(Miller, Barbara. Cultural Anthropology in a Globalizing World (Page 177, Chapter 9)]. Furthermore, sign language is not a universal language — each country has its sign language, and regions have dialects, much like the many languages spoken all over the world. In different parts of the world, many varieties of sign language exist, including American Sign Language (ASL). Like any spoken language, ASL is mostly practiced in the US and Canada, and it is a language with its own unique rules of grammar and syntax. According to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDOCD) the exact beginnings of ASL are not clear, but some suggest that it arose more than 200 years ago from the intermixing of local sign languages from Native American tribes and French Sign Language that have melded and changed into a rich, complex, and a mature language. On Thursday, October the 25th, I visited my close friend Austin Rutland, a student at the Gallaudet University and a famous coffee blogger in DC. While we were walking from the University campus to his apartment, Austin asked me to wait for him until he would get his coffee. To my surprise, we have stopped at the first Starbucks coffee shop in the United States where every single employee is fluent in American Sign Language. As seen on the picture, the entrance says “Welcome to Starbucks Coffee” in ASL and has a board inside with different “signs of the day.” Starbucks chose the H Street block at the Northeast of DC for its inaugural ASL store because of its proximity to Gallaudet University, the world’s only liberal arts university for the deaf and hard of hearing people. From an anthropological perspective, I would like to know how the introduction of more stores/restaurants/theatres/cinema with personnel fluent in ASL would affect the DC society and people’s perception of the deaf.
Another term Miller defines in Chapter 9 is language family, which is a group of languages that descend from a parent language. A language family is a group of languages related through descent from a common ancestral language or parental language, called the proto-language of that family [(Miller, Barbara. Cultural Anthropology in a Globalizing World (Page 185, Chapter 9)]. The term “family” reflects a tree-like model of language origination in historical linguistics, which makes use of a metaphor comparing languages to people in a biological family tree. According to Bruce Rowe a “living language” is simply one that is used as the primary form of communication of a group of people. There are also many dead and extinct languages, as well as some that are still insufficiently studied to be classified, or are even unknown outside their respective speech communities (Rowe, Bruce M. (2015). A Concise Introduction to Linguistics. pp. 340). Furthermore, one of the branches of the language family is Proto-Indo-European (PIE). It is the linguistic reconstruction of the hypothetical common ancestor of the Indo-European languages, the most widely spoken language family in the world. The linguistic divergence throughout millennia led to the evolution of the current descendants, the modern Indo-European languages. Today, the descendant languages of PIE with the most speakers are Spanish, English, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, German, Persian, French, and Greek. The picture above shows my best friend’s desk who is currently studying at the Georgetown University Law Center focusing on international litigation. As we can see there are books focusing on criminal law, property law, constitutional and administrative law. It is well known that the American legal system has a lot of Latin terminology in it. Latin is a classical language belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European languages. All Romance languages are descendants of Latin dialects and the Latin alphabet itself is derived from the Greek and Phoenician alphabets. The expansion of the Roman Empire over continental Europe, England, Northern Africa and portions of the Middle East resulted in the development of dialects spoken in different parts of former Roman Empire that eventually evolved into dozens of distinct languages across the Indo-European continent. From an Anthropological perspective I would like to know more about how much the Indo-European languages have affected the development of countries not belonging to the “Old-World.”
#michalispolygiannis#signlanguage#ASL#National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders#starbucks#DC#gallaudetuniversity#deafpeople#hearingproblems#languages#historicallinguistics#indoeuropean#oldworld#influence#latin#georgetownlaw#lawschool#intetrnationallitigation#globalizingworld
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Şeffaf maskelerin bir an önce seri olarak üretilmesi umuduyla😊 Bizler yine de evlerimizde bu şekilde kendi maskelerimizi yapmaya devam edelim😇 Engelsiz bir pandemi süreci için elele ❤🙋 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #duymayankalmasın #şeffafmaske #maske #mask #koronavirüsü #covid_19 #coronamask #korona #deafpeople #deafworld #deafpeopleproblems #işitmeengelliler #işitme #işitmeengelli #işitmecihazı #işaretdiliöğreniyorum #işaretdili #sağlıkbakanlığı #meb #medikal #odyoloji #odyometrist #odyometri #odyolog #sosyalmesafe #rte #fahrettinkoca #ziyaselçuk #sondakika #türkiye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @drfahrettinkoca @rterdogan @isitmevedengetoplulugu @isitme_cihazi_marmara @isitmedernek @isitmeengellilerfederasyonuief @isitme_eng_cocuklar_dernegi @odyolojiarastirmalari @odyolog_melisadeniz @gelecegin.odyologlari @covid19gundem @coronavirusguncel @sondakika.turkiye @pandemiturkiye @saglikbakanligi @biyonik_kulakli_cocuklar @pdrkadincocuk @seffaf.maskee @ev_yapimi_maske @sirintasarimlarim @dunyasaglikorgutu @natgeo @deafpeopleunited @sagirhaber @engellilericinelele @duymayankalmasinsayfasi @dergipdr @zerenle @saglikcibilgilendirme @odyologlarsite https://www.instagram.com/p/CIJiyYiHYPE/?igshid=1036q6e2az9c4
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YES. I've been wanting sign language to be a class in high schools. We need more people to learn sign. Deaf people face SO many challenges in everyday life. The least we can do as a society is give people the chance to learn it in schools and truly understand the struggle of the deaf community.
Hot take but sign language should be taught in schools as a language option and all cinemas should provide subtitles on all their movie screenings
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3 Aralık Dünya Engelliler Günü... . .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... ........... . . . . .. . #3aralıkdünyaengellilergünü #3aralıkengellilergünü #engellicanlaraöncelik #engelli #engellilerhaftası #engellilergünü #işitmeengelliler #işitme #duymayankalmasın #işitmekaybı #deafpeople #görmeengelliler #duymaengelli #odyoloji #rehabilitasyonmerkezi #meb #ziyaselçuk #fahrettinkoca #coronamaske #covid_19 #sondakika #pandemi #sağlıkbakanlığı #rte #koronavirüsü #maske #koronaaşısı #korona #koronatürkiye #sağlıkbakanlığı . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . @isitmeengellilerfederasyonuief @engellilericinelele @rterdogan @drfahrettinkoca @ziyaselcukprofdr https://www.instagram.com/p/CIT4t07nyJD/?igshid=10n9ytueqwrg9
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