#Dead Eclipse au?
sigery · 1 year
Remorse Doesn't Cut It
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, but Moon & Sun don't forgive Eclipse, all the hard feelings. Moon ultimately kills Eclipse, the star immediately attaches to Lunar.
Lunar hadn't fully forgiven Eclipse, but Eclipse had apologized and promised to be better. Which he was, he had just needed more time and a chance to prove it to everyone else. No one believed Lunar when he tried to speak up. Stockholm syndrome, emotional manipulation, whatever was needed to call Lunar's words false.
Things quickly devolve into a mess. Lunar is the only one remotely upset about Eclipse's death. Moon insists Lunar needs to give him the star, that it's too dangerous to handle. Lunar is just a child, and though verbally unsaid, it's implied Lunar is too dumb to handle it.
Lunar will not give the star up though. And the star won't be given away. When Lunar is restrained, the star burns any other hand to touch it. Ultimately, the star sinks into Lunar's core. The room bursts into a blinding light. When everyone's vision finally returns, Lunar, and the star are gone.
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avcartist · 10 months
I think @naffeclipse said something a while ago about how Sleuth Jesters Eclipse would regret killing the Vigilante
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But would he learn anything? Doubtful.
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killcodesashes · 4 months
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Tsams character doodles
Idk I'm gay so have gays
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c0zmozys · 14 days
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doodlemension .1
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disasterousduo · 17 days
Tag Game: Date, Marry, and Kill your recent 3 images.
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…. I…. I forgot I had drawn these…
DS!Eclipse, marry. DS!Moon, I’ll respect him being aroace, kill……. Guess that means I have to date Solar Flare….. 👀
Tags (if you want to play):
@crumpet-doodles @type1dragonwolf @bumble-the-sun-bee @nightixx and anyone else who wants to join!
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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what if. consider this. what if,,,,,,,,,,,, pirate-Eclipse using Romanced Hancock Fallout4 lines
also pov ur pirate husband is cute and sappy and smooth as hell but ur just a fish and ur tiny fish heart cant take it
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socksandbuttons · 4 months
so how did eclipse become bean his early days before his travel with kc? i remember the sleeping comic he said he died and came back being upset and the others upset him going through his emotions... so many mystery scenario!
Once again. We havent gotten there (the beginning the very beginning which i avoid, cause it does hinge on 'just go with it'. Plot relevance maybe later im way ahead here.) Anyway yeah remember when OG eclipse died cause sun blasted him to Nice Eclipses dimension??? That's where this timeline starts for Bean AU.
Eclipse comes BACK. everyones confused. His travels with KC are quite literally the result of confusion and everyone being upset. So KC took Eclipse away to get like any answers and also like. KC's own problem about like handling his 'children'. The comic happens. There is a slight timeframe cause its not Immediate KC taking eclipse away once he comes back. After things cool down, Eclipse and KC come back to the Daycare. They don't technically live there but yknow.
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some doodles for @sunnyys-jarss roommate au that were done over the course of the month...
(if you see inconsistencies in art style or mistakes hush no you don't these were done over the course of several different lunch breaks-)
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(hush they're watchin a movie)
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anyways yea just a couple quick things cuz their au is great! if you haven't checked it out already do so, they've got a cool ask blog at @ask-the-atwr-au!
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juicyyyboxxx · 2 years
Eclipse Rips.
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Least to say, I'm not taking suggestions anymore.
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lun8r · 1 year
Request from number one Foolret person (I ship charecters and only charecters!!!) IS there going to be any ships in your story? Can foolret be one of them? Even if platonic? Could I get a drawing of them together maybe? anything with them honestly. Its chill if not! <3 Love your art, keep up to good work!
unfortunately foolish and eret cant meet in the au :[
i didnt really plan ships since i dont want to accidentally cross boundaries or something, the only one i have planned is beeduo
heres a silly doodle of foosh and eret tho!
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maudiemoods · 1 year
QUICK QUESTION regarding your beings made of stardust au, and I have no idea if we've been told this before BUT we know that sun, moon, eclipse and some others (lost to mukbang 20k special 💔) went on a space ship as a crew. But how common is it for these crews to exist? Do they serve some kind of cooperation or company or do they just fuck around independently for the shits and giggles until eclipse decided hmmm do you ever wonder what you taste like?
Eclipse and his crew work for the medical industry with a corporation that funds them! They gather resources that can be used as medicine! Most stardust! It's considered dangerous work so it's not too common (which means they get paid pretty handsomely) but there are other jobs that involve space travel that are a lot safer so space ship crews are very common. It's the work that's not so common. There are independent crews that are self employed but it's a lot of work! Have to find yourself, find your own employees, advertise yourself blah blah blah eclipse wanted to be self employed but because he's under watch he has to go through systems and all that. Idk if I explained that well djsjjs
I don't think I ever posted this info for sun and moon? They finished pilot school (they met there) then went their separate ways! They worked for a few years before either being laid off or fired! Eclipse and his crew started making a lot of money and wanted to upgrade to a bigger ship! The ship needed two pilots and since eclipse was their original pilot, he planned on only hiring one more. But he interviewed sun and moon (separately. They didn't know they were both going for the same job) and saw how much they could bring to the team so he hired both to be the pilots! He also chose them because he could tell they would get along really well! (He can evaluate people very well! It's one of his abilities!)
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Ok, let me explain why eclipse is under watch djskjdjs when he was younger, he showed signs of being different. He was extremely intelligent but had an interest in a lot of morbid stuff. He was also very withdrawn from society and lacked the sentimentality that their species normally have. No big deal though! Their society has systems to make those like him comfortable! He was taught empathy and communication skills. He was told what was socially acceptable and what wasn't. For a long time, up until a few months before the incident with his crew, he was fine living the way he was. "under watch" really just means that he goes to therapy and checks in every so often. Eventually, he stops going and stops checking in. He lets his mind wander and he begins to let himself live by his own standards. Eventually, this leads to insecurities and paranoia. He loves his crew very much. They are his family. Soon, he starts to believe that the only way to keep them safe is to cannibalize them. He sees it as containing them within himself, so by keeping himself safe, he keeps his crew safe.
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Also, wanted to go ahead and make this clear, they are not brothers in this au fjjwjdkaksisj definitely not in this au fjjsndjajsjs
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sigery · 1 year
The portal in rdci is still located in the castle so people would likely run into Moon, Sun, Monty, etc before even finding anything out about Lunar Anguish. So it wouldn't be difficult to try and paint Lunar as the bad guy. Well depending on who said people are, it could be but without Lunar Anguish there to defend himself, the others are the only source of knowledge.
Moon and the others are the ones running things after Lunar Anguish fled.
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bittyfromquotev · 11 months
I be Sleuthin’ today :)
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Here’s my Sleuth Jesters Eclipse cosplay for tonight! I’m really excited!
The mask isn’t complete yet, but I’ll show y’all when it’s done!
For now, take some visible makeup I did:
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Note how I blocked out any recognizable features. Ain’t no way I’m exposing my face!
Sleuth Jesters written by @naffeclipse
Original detective AU by @sunnys-aesthetic
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fosermi · 3 months
For you Chibi <3
Bad things always seemed to happen in pairs. Eclipse knew this, it wasn't the first time his life was turned upside down. But it still hurt all the same.
First it was his son, Dally, deeply injured by wounds from battle. Eclipse couldn't let him see how worried he actually was. When Dally died from his wounds, Eclipse kept a smile on his face the entire time.
And then he was gone.
Days later, still in morning, Eclipse's grief deepened when his daughter Lilith died of pneumonia. Some dad he was, he hadn't even known she was sick. What kind of father was he, when he hadn't even been aware she had been struggling?
Both of them had been adults, Dally was 54 and Lilith had been 51. But to him, they were still his babies. Especially since those two had been the first ever kids he had ever rescued and adopted. The beginning of the Red Arms Rebellion.
Eclipse had always know this day would come. All his kids, including those two, were mortal. He could see it in the way time changed them, how wrinkles grew around their eyes and their fur turned grey. But it didn't make the pain any easier.
Now he couldn't do anything.
Over the years, Eclipse had created a village for himself and his adopted kids. Every time he found children who had been orphaned, he brought them here. Eclipse wasn't naive enough to think he could fix everything or protect them from the flame creatures that were slowly destroying the planet, but their little village was a little haven. A bit of safety.
But that didn't mean they were safe from death's cold fingers finding them.
Dally and Lilith had been his first kids. The very first. And now they were gone.
Eclipse knew there was so much he needed to do, things to check in on but how could he? He had raised and fed and protected and loved both of them dearly, but now they weren't here anymore. His beloved first kids were dead. Gone. Just like the rest of his adopted kids would be. Some day, all of them would be dead.
And he would still be here.
The thought was enough to keep him in bed, his only company his misery and grief. He had already burned through his rage and anger, attacking some ruins of an empty city until it was gone and there wasn't any excuse for him to ignore this part any longer.
Some of the older kids came in looking for him, tried to talk to him, but he couldn't entertain any of them at the moment. Eclipse just wanted to be alone with his sorrow.
Until he heard footsteps coming toward him. And a deep, calm voice said, "Eclipse."
That was enough to make the darkling sit up in surprise. Because Shadow was standing there.
It had been years since the last time they saw each other. In the past, that was because of how much they fought, arguing over every little thing. Now it was because of how busy they were, Eclipse was caring for his village and massive family, while Shadow was on Angel Island.
"What are you doing here?" Eclipse asked, blinking a few times in shock.
Shadow came toward and sat down on the edge of the bed, "your kids are worried about you. One came up to the island to get me."
A that, Shadow only shrugged. "Not sure. But he said you're not doing well."
Eclipse thought about lying, about snarling and snapping and telling Shadow to leave, that he didn't need his help. But that was something he would have done when he was younger. Now, things were different. A person couldn't survive all alone.
"Dally and Lilith died," he muttered.
As soon as she said that, something changed in his brother's expression. And then Eclipse was in Shadow's arms, sobbing against his shoulder.
In the village, he had to be strong. He was the leader, the dad, taking care of all his kids. Most of the time, he enjoyed it and didn't mind. But at times like this, Eclipse realized how badly he just wanted his big brother to comfort him, to say kind words and take care of him for once.
Years ago, they wouldn't have been able to do this, the two of them had been so wrapped in fighting over stupid shit. But now, they could just be brothers.
The decades had mellowed Shadow out. He was never going to be a cuddly person who looked for hugs, but he no longer reacted like someone was electrocuting him every time he was touched.
"What happened?" Shadow had known them, after he first adopted them, Eclipse insisted on his kids meeting their new uncle. But it had been a while since he had come to visit.
Eclipse wiped at his eyes, "injury and sickness." His voice broke. "None of them are immortal like we are... they'll all go someday..."
His brother released him, "That will happen," he said quietly. "And it will hurt. But that just means you loved them. And it's better to have those good memories then to not have those moments at all."
Taking a deep breath, Eclipse looked up at him, "you're sure?"
A nod. "I am," Shadow stood up. "C'mon, we can hold a funeral for them and set up a grave site."
That sounded painful, but not having to face it alone made it a bit easier. Being able to bask in the competency of his older brother would soften this painful blow. Swallowing, Eclipse got to his feet. "Can you stay a few days?" That was a hard thing to ask, since Knuckles died, Shadow had taken over watching the Master Emerald, leaving it for long periods of time was not wise.
Shadow patted his shoulder, a look of almost amusement on his face. "Of course. Where else would I be?"
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I was silently sobbing in the bus the whole trip back to the dorms!!!! TuT
The brothers the ever!!! I LOVE THIS SO SO MUCH!!!! VERY DEAR TO MY HEART THESE TWO <3 <3
Let me,,,,
Let me go cry some more,,,
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artsolarsash · 7 months
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Sneak peek of final design
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c0zmozys · 18 days
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meowmeowmeowmeowmeow meowmeowmeowmeow meowmeow ^_^/ref
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