#remorseful lord eclipse offshoot
sigery · 1 year
The portal in rdci is still located in the castle so people would likely run into Moon, Sun, Monty, etc before even finding anything out about Lunar Anguish. So it wouldn't be difficult to try and paint Lunar as the bad guy. Well depending on who said people are, it could be but without Lunar Anguish there to defend himself, the others are the only source of knowledge.
Moon and the others are the ones running things after Lunar Anguish fled.
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sigery · 1 year
Remorse Doesn't Cut It
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, but Moon & Sun don't forgive Eclipse, all the hard feelings. Moon ultimately kills Eclipse, the star immediately attaches to Lunar.
Lunar hadn't fully forgiven Eclipse, but Eclipse had apologized and promised to be better. Which he was, he had just needed more time and a chance to prove it to everyone else. No one believed Lunar when he tried to speak up. Stockholm syndrome, emotional manipulation, whatever was needed to call Lunar's words false.
Things quickly devolve into a mess. Lunar is the only one remotely upset about Eclipse's death. Moon insists Lunar needs to give him the star, that it's too dangerous to handle. Lunar is just a child, and though verbally unsaid, it's implied Lunar is too dumb to handle it.
Lunar will not give the star up though. And the star won't be given away. When Lunar is restrained, the star burns any other hand to touch it. Ultimately, the star sinks into Lunar's core. The room bursts into a blinding light. When everyone's vision finally returns, Lunar, and the star are gone.
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sigery · 2 years
Who Is Who
Not Alone AU (offshoot)- Atlas (Eclipse back up, Lunar's head mate) Lunar Rogue (Blood Moon) Rascal (Harvest Moon) Citrus (Eclipse back up, twins' head mate)
Remorseful Lord Eclipse AU (offshoot)- Envy (Eclipse, Lord) Gluttony (Lunar, heir) Wrath (Blood Moon) Sloth (Harvest Moon) Lust (Sun) Pride (Moon) Greed (Monty) Gore (alt Blood Moon, gladiator verse) Glory (alt Harvest Moon, gladiator verse) Chaos (Kill Code)
Stolen Data AU (rewrite verse) Periwinkle (Lunar) Rusty (Blood Moon)
Brother Location (alt dimension)- Solar "Glitch" Eclipse Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon "Scarlet" Eclipse Sun Moon
Other unrelated extra buds Alli Gator (Eclipse back up, inprinted on Monty)
'Very Sad Eclipse' (Killed Lunar for the star, immediate regret)
Lil Lunar (Found star disguised as a toy)
Lord TC (half joking half OTP)
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