wip · 3 months
Is there anyway yall could make deactivating not permanent? At least not for 30 days, giving users a time period where they can reactivate their account.
I’ve had so many people I know deactivate their accounts and regret it afterwards, or wish they could just shut down their account for a week because of being hit by endless hate anons. Most other social media platforms I know of have a period of time that you can reactivate your account after deactivation. I think something like that would be really beneficial on here.
Answer: Hey there, @automaticllamacycle!
So you’re right. There is currently no community-facing way that you can get your account back in the event it is deleted.
However, we are not too far away from having this technically feasible on our backend, and we don’t think it would take too much work to make it a reality. You’re right on this one—such a feature would be really nice to have, and we’re grateful you drew this to our attention.
Leave this with us—we will see what we can do. In the meantime, you can catch up with updates here at @wip or at @changes, should we have them.
Thanks for your question, and keep ’em coming. Happy weekend!
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lonestarbattleship · 7 months
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USS TEXAS (BB-35) arriving at the Norfolk Navy Yard, Virginia for her deactivation.
Date: February 13, 1946
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On Tumblr, you either die young (have your blog deactivated for openly supporting trans women) or live long enough to see yourself become a Seth Everman (derogatory™).
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To be honest I really just wanna deactivate this blog and all my other social media accounts and just drop of from the face of the earth my mental health and physical health has been getting worse and I just wanna start fresh again like I just wanna leave and start over from the ground up again but I feel like the only thing that's holding me back is that if I do that after I do come back to this site when I'm ready and my mental health has gotten better I'm scared all my mutuals/friends/people I've interacted with and made so many good memories and have chatted with will either be deactivated/disappeared and gone or have archived their blogs or not be active anymore and then I'll end up with nothing but regret and loneliness like I feel like I always have since I was younger the feeling of people leaving you behind or the urge to want to talk to someone who has disappeared...it's tiring and scary for me to think about
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jellyfishinc · 2 months
Silenzahra has been deactivated!
Lovelies, if you know anything, could you please reblog?
@mariobroslover @pianokantzart @elitadream @the-brucest-fan @vulpixfairy1985 @mrspockify @akiiame-blog @theangelofangst
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leelany-world · 1 year
Dbh October event: Ghost in the machine, Day 7: Deactivation.
This is the seventh drabble for @connor-sent-by-cyberlife event (on twitter).
Alice; no angst? 😄
Kara, Luther and Rose stood around Alice, who was lying on a hospital bed, smiling up at them.
Meanwhile, Chloe and Kamski were busy in the background, checking parameters and settings.
"This is the last moment to change your mind," Kara whispered as she held her hand.
"I know. This is what I really want."
"We will still miss you, little one," Luther said.
Chloe joined them. "It's time."
Everything was set for little Alice's deactivation—
—to be activated in a new body.
Alice was the first YK500 to be transferred into a newly developed teenage android body, the YT900.
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kad-r-aj · 11 months
Hesabı kapatabilirm.Yada tamamiyle baştan düzenleyebilirim bilmiyorum.Ama bu hesabı açma sebebim zaten genelde postlarımdan belli olur ve bu hesabın artık durma gibi bi gerekçesi kalmadı..dediğim gibi ismini değiştirip postları tekradan düzenlerim yada tamamiyle silerim..
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godsbadassblade · 2 years
I like seeing popular posts from deactivated accounts, its like stumbling across the remains of a derelict ship and wondering what it was all about
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anxiety-lemsbian · 1 year
oh my god
okay so this one better not be a fake funeral (jesal im still mad at u abt that)
i just noticed that
is, obviously, deactivated
which pains me greatly because honestly
we weren’t even mutuals but i loved their posts and i loved them and I’m really sad
I’m really, really sad
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filmjunky-99 · 1 year
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i, r o b o t, 2004 🎬 dir. alex proyas 'Deactivation'
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your-favorite-cr0w · 2 years
tfw your favorite smvt writer is deactivated
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daystarsearcher · 2 years
Whew! On February 17th, this blog got deactivated with no warning or reason given. Not sure if I got caught up in a bot purge or what. Anyway, for three weeks I tried multiple avenues to get my blog back with zero response: the original support contact form I was directed to, rejoining Twitter to tweet at tumblr support, literally joining reddit just to post on a forum for people with deactivated accounts. I was starting to go a little frantic because I felt like a ghost; I would tweet or make a comment on reddit and all the comments around me would get responded to but not me!
Anyway, for anyone who is in the same boat, sharing the thing that finally worked for me--and within twenty-four hours!--was filling out this form here: https://help.tumblr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=8247220561175
Anyway, off to go make screenshots of my mutuals in case this ever happens again.
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I've emailed once again Tumblr asking to resucitate @itusedtobemebutnow, my original, deactivated account... not particularly optimistic about it but...
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cheyj05 · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder if the deactivate button has a “are you sure?” check but I don’t wanna check. But still.....I wonder
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jbfly46 · 1 year
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faerie-starv · 2 years
Closing my Deviantart account for good
Alright everyone, so here's my post for my date announcement deactivation.
I will deactivate my DA account for good on January 13, 2023 at 9 pm Eastern Time.
While I'll be busy during the holidays at work(and travel), I'll use my free time to chat there. I want to spend my final two months here before I go so I can say good-bye to everyone here on Deviantart.
It's been a good decade for me and was able to earn myself over 400 watchers but I'm sad that this site has gone down to shitter. The site now allows AI art and awarding lazy deviants for Daily Deviation, it's just a breaking point to me. I don't want to support that site that allows art theft(AI is a mish mash of stolen pics put together in Frankenstein pic) to run rampant.
I won’t lie, I will miss that site as it was my very first social media that I’ve joined. It also means that I’ll loose over 400 watchers that took me a decade and a half to earn. :( Which means that I’ll have to start over on other sites like Inkblot and Tumblr.
I’ll be spending as much as my free time on Deviantart till my closing date so I can finally rip off the band aid and move on.
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