#Daveed Diggs x you
isa-beenme · 1 year
single mom with Cassian?
I can totally imagine myself trying to run away from him because he's handsomely intimidating
Someone made the request, and then I scrolled down through Cassian Appreciation Week and BOOM idea
"6. Day Six: Lord of Bloodshed X Cassian is one of the most powerful Illyrians in history. How do you think he earns - and continues to earn - his unofficial title?"
Answering now: he has his fandom, every famous person has one, it wouldn't be different for him
Idk if the time is over for this prompt, but in my time zone there's still one hour left so
Kiss The Girl
As a single mom, you had always been supportive of your daughter's interests, even when it came to her fascination with the General of the Night Court. Despite the warnings from her classmates and teachers at school, she was determined to prove that he was awesome and cool. Since the first time her grandmother (your mom) told her about the day the General saved her life during the attack against Velaris, your daughter has been obsessed with him.
From wearing something red in every outfit (her dress, her lipstick, her shoes, her ribbon, her socks, or anything like that) to reading every single book of history she could find in the public library that told some tale about her. And then she would tell you over and over again during dinner.
She was his biggest fan (or smallest, if we are talking about height), how couldn't she be? He was the greatest warrior in all of Prythian, the best General in the history of the Night Court, the best Illyrian male, the Lord of Bloodshed, the Prince of Bastards. Oh my, and wasn't he the strongest and bravest soldier in history?
Your daughter kept rambling about it over and over again as you walked through Velaris, buying food and some other supplies for the dresses you had to make during the week. Eloise loved this type of walk since she was always excited with the possibility of finding the General somewhere. As you chose some strawberries and raspberries for a future cake she suddenly started to shake your hand and jump up and down.
-Mom! Can I walk alone? I saw something I like - She started tugging the hand you held her, quite stronger than usual if you could say.
-Let me just pay for the fruits and we can go together, love - You drop her hand to grab money, counting the coins you had.
-No, mom! It needs to be now! Pretty please? - She sounded almost desperate, making you laugh a bit, but one look at her pleading eyes you could only smile and nod, dreading the power she held over you.
-Alright you can go, but be careful, sweetie - To your surprise, instead of walking to a store close to where you were she started to scream with joy and run though the streets, leaving you behind in one of the fruit tents - Eloise, wait! - You called after her, your heart already pounding with worry.
She bolted towards an aleatory spot while you tried to see where exactly she was going to follow her after you finish you payment, since you don't want to steal everything in your bag (although from the laugh the tent owner was holding you don't think he would care that much if you ran behind her too). What you didn't see was the glimpse she got of Cassian walking down the street, two siphons around his hands shining bright red, just as her dress.
The General was just a few streets away trying to look for the art supplies Feyre told him to get when he spotted a little red thing running towards him. It took him some seconds to identify the red running thing as a mini fae and he immediately crouched down, trying not to look intimidating when he confirmed that she was indeed going toward his direction. But your daughter was the most fearless child you ever met. She went straight up to him and wrapped her tiny arms around one of his arms, her tiny frame not even rounding one big muscled arm.
-Well, hello there, little one. Is everything alright with you? - He said as he smiled wide and tapped her back.
-Yes! I just wanted to say that you're the best, General Cassian! I love everything about you! - She jumped up and down on his arms as small tears started to form in her eyes.
-Oh, do you now? That's very kind of you to say - He quickly dried the droplets that threatened to get out of her eyes, the bag with requests from Feyre long forgotten on the ground.
-No, really! I want to be just like you when I grow up. Can you teach me to fight and be a general too? - She let go of his arm to look at him from the front view, but never let go of him, fearing he might disappear.
-What's your name, small thing? - He played with some strands of her hair, making her even more excited with the situation.
-I'm Eloise, sir - She said confidently, straighten up the posture and all.
-Well, little one, being a general takes a lot of hard work and hundreds of years of pure training. But I'm honored that you look up to me. Maybe one day we can talk about it - Eloise's eyes sparkled with admiration, and she continued to pour her heart out to him, sharing all the reasons why she thought he was incredible. Cassian listened attentively, his heart melting at her genuine affection.
-You are my favorite person in the whole wide world, Cassian! I mean… after my mommy and my granny, but then you are my favorite - She said convincingly, making the General throw his head back in laughter, adoring the attention.
-Thank you so much, Eloise. This makes me happier than you can imagine. I'm glad to know I have such a brave and wonderful fan like you - She squealed in happiness as she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him as tight as she could ‐ I believe you're not here alone, right?
-Of course not! Mommy is here with me… somewhere - She said sheepishly, almost if she just remembered about her mother.
-Hold on tight, little warrior - Cassian said before lifting her up with one of his arms, letting her rest on his waist - Let's go find your mom, shall we? Can't have her worrying about you.
Meanwhile, you finally caught up to them, slightly out of breath from the chase after running around the blocks searching for your daughter. You were both relieved and a bit mad, but it all disappeared in amusement after seeing Eloise fearlessly chatting with Cassian. And oh my, wasn't he as amazing as your daughter mentioned.
-Eloise, there you are! I was worried about you. Don't ever run away from me like that again - You said as you tried to make sense of your surroundings and not keep looking at the General like a crazy person.
-Mommy, look, it's General Cassian! Isn't he amazing? - She said pointing at him, he turned at you with such a big and radiant and beautiful smile that almost made you weak on your knees. Almost.
-Yes, he is, sweetie - His smile got even bigger if that was possible, he seemed to enjoy the attention, and you kind of felt inclined to give it to him every day of your life.
-You have an incredible daughter. She made my day with the amount of praises, it's hard for me to get those.
-Really? How so? You're so amazing and look so good that… - You seem to catch your train of thought as you laugh nervously, almost making a fool of yourself - I mean, that's what Eloise always says, so… I would imagine that is a routine for you to be… praised? - You smile as best as you can and take your daughter back, trying your best to not touch any part of that very well toned and built muscles - Anyway, thank you for taking her. She really adores you.
-I think I adore her too. She's quite… remarkable - Cassian's eyes met yours, and there was an instant connection. He seemed to look at you as if the rest of the world didn't matter, in a way that your late husband never looked at you.
Cassian couldn't help but search for an engagement ring on your hand, but as he found none he felt a mixture of relief wash over him that almost made him feel sorry for himself. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but notice how tall, big, and undeniably handsome he was, which definitely made you feel a little intimidated. Feeling ridiculously overwhelmed by his attractiveness, you decided to take your daughter away, practically running from him.
-Come on, sweetie, let's get going! - You said quickly as none of you seemed inclined to look away from each other - Thank you very much for talking with her. It was nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you, General Cassian - Your daughter practically screamed as you took her away, scared that he might scent the interest you took on him.
-It was nice to meet you too, little warrior - Cassian, however, was determined to win you over, just as he had already conquered your daughter's heart.
Days went by and you couldn't get Cassian out of your mind. You even started to pay a lot of attention to your daughter's tales about him, making her more excited to tell you over and over again. You worked quietly every day in your sewing shop thinking every single detail Eloise told you about the General while you made the dresses to sell, it didn't took you long to realize good part of your drawings and works were coming out red, you let out a laugh when you noticed the amount of red dresses you had around.
Your late husband wasn't exactly the love of your life, you could say. He was a nice gentleman that took responsibility for your daughter once you found out that you were pregnant after one good night with him. There wasn't desire between you two, there was love, but more like friendly love. And when he died in the war against Hybern you mourned him like a friend. It was always you, your mother and your daughter, there was no space for love or anything else. And you were still young, once Eloise would grow up you could find a love for you to settle for and finally relax. So it was hard to understand whatever you were feeling for the General, why your thoughts went to him all the time even if you barely talked to him that day.
As you continued to work in your studio, you were completely surprised when Cassian suddenly appeared in the store. His tall form almost touched the ceiling as he looked around as if searching for something. Or someone.
-Hello there. May I help you? - You blushed slightly at his presence, feeling uncertain yet intrigued by his sudden approach.
-Your daughter told me you had this store and I wanted to check it out by myself - He said it as if he wasn't certain of any of his words, smiling nervously at you.
-She really told you? Why? - He took time to think, you could almost see the parts of his brain trying to come up with an answer until he sighs and gives up.
-Okay, I lied, she didn't tell me about the store. I don't even know why I tried to lie. I think I'm nervous, sorry - He started to rumble a lot and you tried to make sense of his talk, at the same time as you tried to calm down your heart at the mere sight of him - Hm… I asked Azriel- do you know Azriel? Spymaster and stuff? Yeah, I asked him to find you for me and we found out you worked as a seamstress, which made the opportunity to talk to you fall like a glove since Feyre- you know, the High Lady? She's looking for someone to make some dresses for Nyx's birthday and I thought "uh, I can ask you if you can do it and then I can talk to you like I've been wanting to since the day we met" and here I am.
-Wait, wait, wait. Calm down - Your mind was turning over and over as you processed the whole situation - Yes, I can make a dress, but… you were searching for me?
-Yeah, I actually promised a good amount of food and wine to Az for him to find you.
-Why? - The question left your mouth as if you were asking yourself, not him.
-Hm… so, about that. You daughter, Eloise, right? - You only nodded your head, still confused about everything - So, she mentioned she wanted to train. And I can do it, you know? I have a lot of experiences with kids, they love me.
-You have a lot of experience training kids?
-Yes! It's more like the basic, only self defense and basic knowledge on punches and kicks. I am in charge of training Nyx, actually - He said convincingly, trying his best to keep the smile on his face.
-You are in charge of training a barely two years old kid?
-Yes… when he grow up - You couldn't help but laugh at him, his face seemed to chill once you smiled at him - I must admit, your daughter's energy and spirit impressed me. I believe I could help her practice her skills, if you'd allow me, obviously.
While you felt drawn to his charisma, you couldn't shake off the feeling of intimidation caused by his undeniable attractiveness. People simply shouldn't be allowed to look so good. However, the thought of your daughter spending time with someone she admired excited you, and you kind of wanted her to get to know him better.
-Well, I suppose... Maybe we could have dinner together someday, my mom needs to know you too, since you will be taking her granddaughter to kick and punch. That way, Eloise can decide if she wants to train with you - Cassian's face lit up with delight, clearly pleased with the invitation.
-That sounds wonderful! I promise I'll behave, and we'll have a lovely evening. If Eloise agrees we can discuss what exactly I can do.
-And the dress for the High Lady? - He looked at me like he completely forgot about that, the nervous smile coming back to his face.
-She will come by to talk about that - And so, you set a time for dinner at your home.
You were never the best cook in your family, far from that. But you had your skills to be proud of. Your nervousness made you spend hours preparing a delicious meal while your mother laughed at you for feeling like that for a male, a mix of anticipation and fear rising in you as the evening approached. When Cassian arrived, he was the epitome of charm and warmth, making your daughter feel excited right away and your mom turning to you and raising a thumbs up.
-Wow, you're even cooler when you wear normal clothes! Can you really teach me how to fight? Mommy said you wanted to - She pointed at you, who was still helping to set up the table.
-Of course, little warrior. I'll teach you everything you need to know - He even had the audacity to blink at you! Your cheeks burned as if fire was rising inside of you.
Throughout the night, Cassian regaled your small family with tales of his adventures before becoming the General, the ones that weren't written in the books, and your daughter hung onto every word, captivated by his bravery and humor. As the time went on, your initial uncertainties began to fade, replaced by the genuine connection and shared laughter as he made all of you feel at ease.
In the following weeks, Cassian kept his promise and started training your daughter in combat and self defense. It turned out he actually didn't have much experience with kids, but his genuine passion for teaching and caring nature won your daughter's heart even more. As time passed, you found yourself not only appreciating the mentorship he provided to Eloise but also enjoying his company more and more.
He grew closer as a family, helping your mother with her garden by bringing new seeds from every Court and asking tips for Elain or always taking your daughter to eat some sweets after training and always making sure to give her some red gift (her obsession with the color never fading), or even stopping by your store to leave something to eat or taking and fetching Eloise at school so you or your mother wouldn't have to stop working. And easy like that your feelings of intimidation were replaced by a deep admiration for the kind, caring, and honorable male Cassian truly was.
In the end, it was clear that Cassian wasn't just a charming and handsome general; he was also a genuinely good person who cared deeply for the ones he loved. The once-feared general of the Night Court had found a special place in your heart. Not that Cassian's compliments about your looks or scent always helped you ease your growing feelings for him, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to deny the attraction you felt.
One day, as your daughter caught her breath on the ground after a particularly intense training session, Cassian turned to you with that all-too-familiar mischievous grin he wears everytime you stay longer to watch their sparring.
-You know, I can't help but notice how your eyes sparkle when you're watching. It's rather enchanting - Your face flushed deep, not knowing how to react once his tall form reached the bench you were sitting on, you quickly rose from your position to look at him from a better view - I always try to know if it is because of Eloise improvement or if it's just you really happy to see me - Before you could respond, your daughter chimed in, playfully teasing the both of you.
-Come on, kiss the girl already so I can call you my dad! - She said breathlessly but with a smile that reached both sides of her face.
You and Cassian exchanged surprised glances, both of you slightly caught off guard by her remark. However, her words seemed to break the tension that always formed when he flirted, and you decide to take a leap of faith. You leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on Cassian's cheek, despite feeling like your face was on fire from blushing. He looked at you even more surprised as a smile started to play on his lips.
-Well, I don't know about calling you dad just yet, but I can't deny my daughter's wishes, you know? - Cassian's eyes sparkled with delight, and he chuckled warmly.
-I couldn't agree more. How about we have that dinner we talked about last week? Just the two of us? - He pulled you closer by the waist, your hands resting on his chest.
-Yes, I'd like that - With that, he leaned in, and this time, he gave you a soft, lingering kiss, your daughter's squeals making you smile during the kiss, feeling as happy as she was.
As the days turned into weeks, your relationship grew stronger, both of you falling into an easy routine. Your daughter's admiration for Cassian only deepened as she saw how much he cared for her family, and in time, she called him "dad" without hesitation.
In the end, this unexpected journey brought love, happiness, and a newfound sense of belonging to your heart. And it all started with your daughter's innocent fascination with the once-feared Lord of Bloodshed, also known as your husband (and Eloise's favorite daddy).
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elocinnicole · 11 months
Much Needed Break
Much Needed Break
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Black!Reader
Rating: 18+ SMUT (oral f receiving, unprotected sex, foreplay)
Requested: No
Summary: Starting to feel burnt out and Reader gets a surprise from Daveed.
Note: I’ve been writing like crazy y’all. These past few fics have been WIP’s that have been collecting dust on my laptop. I took a sick day earlier this week and have been finishing up these WIPs I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 3K
Whoever said being a Mom is a beautiful experience, fucking lied. Never in your life have you wanted to be more alone than this moment right now. Daniel had a meltdown in the middle of the store because they were sold out his favorite cereal and refused to pick a different one. Ari has been going through diapers like tic-tacs. The last pregnancy you couldn’t produce enough milk, now it seems like you had to pump every hour or you’ll start leaking through your clothes. You were still healing from your C-Section with Ari which made dealing with everything that much more painful. The plan was to have a home birth but Ari was breech which made you have the C-Section and pushed back you filming the newest season of Bridgerton.
“Maybe you need a break.” Jasmine suggested
“I mean Daveed’s movie premiere is tomorrow. We got a hotel for the night.”
“No, that is not a break. You need a getaway with your husband.”
“I don’t know, I don’t have the time and I feel like even if we do go on a trip, I’m gonna be too tired to do anything.” You’re finding it harder and harder to get up each morning, since Daveed is in the middle of filming his days were early and long. Meaning he wasn’t there to help you in the morning with the kids. You really didn’t want to hire anybody but maybe you need to, at least until you’ve finished filming.
“My Fenty came in today so I thought I could put it on and see what happens.”
“See what happens? Girl I ain’t know it was this bad. You need to get that back broke like a glow stick.”
“When do we have the time Jazz? Between the Bluey marathon or Gracie’s Corner?”
“That’s a start but I still think the two of you need a break. Mainly you.”
“We’re getting a hotel tomorrow.” You reasoned
“Girl, a break from the kids, LA, your house.”
“Maybe you’re right, I’ll talk to Daveed about it.”
“I am. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Alright girl, bye.”
You heard a car door shut, and eagerly ran downstairs to get ready. You’ve been missing, Daveed…a lot. Not only were you filming a show, but you’re also only four months postpartum, adjusting to being parents for two under the age of five, and Daveed filming his movie over seas, the time to be intimate was almost nonexistent. You went into the kitchen and poured yourself and Daveed a glass of wine before heading back upstairs to wait for him. The kids were asleep, candles were lit, you had a bath waiting for the two of you upstairs. You had everything planned.
You waited and waited for Daveed to come upstairs, but it’s already been ten minutes. You tried to stay awake but the exhaustion from your busy day took over and you fell asleep.
When you woke up, there was a blanket placed over you and the wine glasses from last night were gone. You got out of bed you glanced at the clock, and it was only 8:00 AM. You checked on Daniel and Ari, and they were already out of bed. Daveed must’ve taken them downstairs.
You walked into the kitchen, and you should’ve been grateful to see your husband making breakfast but the only thing you could think about is the mess he’s making while doing it.
“Morning! I didn’t want to walk you, Ari was fussy, so I gave her a bath. By then, Daniel was already up so I figured we’d get breakfast started.”
“We made you breakfast, Mommy.” Daniel smiled; face covered in syrup. Daveed smiled you tried to return it, but you walked over to the highchairs where your children were nestled safely, kissing their foreheads. You made yourself a cup of coffee and went to sit in the sunroom alone.
You were torn at your feelings; you’ve been waiting for the day when Daveed woke up with you and had breakfast as a family. The one thing you wanted to do right now had some peace and quiet to yourself. You’ve been in Mommy mode for the last three years and you were exhausted.  Not that Daveed wasn’t present, but you were the one who got the phone calls from daycare, took Daniel to the dentist and doctor. Ari was breastfed and since Daveed started filming soon after she was born, she was a “Mommy’s Girl”. Which left you very little time to be alone as Ari would refuse to go to anyone even sometimes Daveed.
“I made you a plate.” You turned to see Daveed standing in the doorway with a breakfast tray for you. You felt a pang of guilt, Daveed probably wanted to spend time with you but then you remembered that Daveed didn’t come to bed last night.
“What did you do last night when you came home?”
“I-I was uh…playing video games?”
“Why are you saying it like it’s a question, were you or weren’t you?”
“I was, it was a long day and I needed to unwind.”
“Okay, thanks for the breakfast.” You said, unsatisfied with his answer.
“Babe, I’m sorry I didn’t come to bed sooner. By the time I came up you were already sleep and I didn’t want to wake you. I didn’t know you had planned something—”
“It’s okay,” No it wasn’t. “Thanks for breakfast.” You grabbed the plate from Daveed.
“Thanks for the breakfast.”
Daveed can admit it, his schedule has been busy for the past few weeks, to be honest, months. It’s taken time away from not only you but the kids. Not that you weren’t happy for him, his movie is expected to generate a lot of Oscar buzz and he has to do press. Daveed tried to make up for it by calling and facetiming you and the kids often, but that still doesn’t make you miss him any less or him feel less guilty. 
Today he was home, the official premier of his movie is tonight. The plan would be you and Daveed we get a hotel in the city with the kids. While you two were out, Nicolette and Jasmine were going to watch the kids. Then, back to the hotel for the night and check out the following morning. This would be the first night in a long time that you and Daveed were going out, just the two of you. You wished it wasn’t a LA movie premier but, nonetheless, it would be your fist night without the kids, sorta. You’ve never gotten dressed for an event with both Daniel and Ari though, you’ve done it plenty of times with Daniel but now you have him and Ari.
The easy going morning was short-lived as you stated getting ready to leave for the hotel. Daveed had gone to get something he needed from the store. You urged him to have it delivered but he just had to go. Leaving you with the kids. Alone. Again. You put both of them down for a nap so you could pack in peace. You were currently in Daniel’s room getting his bag together. A series of rapid knocks and the doorbell ringing pulled you out of your thoughts. You instantly groaned,
“Who the hell is that?” You mumbled to yourself. You dragged your feet down the hall and down the steps. You opened the door and weren’t ready to see your friends standing on the other side.
“What the hell?”
“Are you gonna invite us in or?” Nicolette asked.
“Uh, yeah come in. What are you guys doing we’re supposed to meet you at the hotel.”
“We know, Daveed called us last night.” Jasmine explained.
“Last night?”
“Yes, so go upstairs. Daveed’s gonna be here in like five minutes.” Jasmine urged.
“I’m not packed! I was getting the kids stuff together.”
“Daveed packed your bags for you. Put something on he’ll be here soon!”
You went upstairs to your bedroom and sure enough, Daveed had your bags packed you frowned at the luggage he used. Maybe he packed both of your things together. You threw on your favorite lounge set and some sneakers. You went back downstairs, luggage in tow to see Jasmine and Emmy playing with Daniel and Ari.
Not wanting to draw attention you waved silently left to meet Daveed outside. You smiled upon seeing your husband waiting outside the car for you. Forgetting about your luggage, you run up to Daveed and jumped into his arms.
“I’m sorry,”
“For what?”
“Being a bitch this morning.”
“I’m to blame for that, I know I haven’t been around—”
“It’s not your fault,”
“It kinda is, so we’re flying to France for the premier there.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, also I want to show off the woman that’s been holding me down for the last six years.”
“What about the premiere tonight?”
“We’re not going, we’re going to the airport tonight. But we only have five hours so I’m gonna send you off to your nails and hair done and then we’re going to the airport.”
“Daveed—” he cut you off with a kiss
“I’ll see you later. I’ll finish up here.”
Right after your pamper session, you and Daveed were on a first-class plane ride to France.
You still don’t know how Daveed managed to get this all set up in a little bit of time he had. Daveed prepared a full afternoon for you as soon as you landed, a private couple massage in the hotel room he booked, lunch brought to the room and a facial. The premier wasn’t until the next day, but Daveed wanted to pamper you to the fullest. He was out doing some last-minute things so you took this time to call Jasmine and Nicolette.
“Girl I wish I had a husband like yours.” Jasmie joked
“I know I might have to let him get some ass tonight. He’s been asking since we got together.”
“Girl you gonna have to do a split on it.” Nicolette teased
“Make a whole movie.”
“What’s your new Porn Star name girl?”
“Shut up, how are my babies?”
“Ari’s been up since 7:30, Daniel’s still sleep. We’re about to wake him up and give them breakfast.”
“Is Ari okay?”
“She was fussy last night but we got her to lie down. Daniel’s been fine, girl he hasn’t even asked about you guys.”
“That sounds about right, well I was just calling to check on you guys. Thank y’all so much.”
“Of course! We got you girl, go get dicked down tonight.”
“Oh my gosh, bye!” As soon as you ended the call Daveed entered the room. A fresh bouquet in hand
“Are those for me? Babe, this is entirely too much.”
“I don’t think it’s enough.” Daveed pulled you into a kiss
“Daveed, really this is just…thank you babe.”
“You deserve it.”
“What’s the plan for tonight?”
“Dinner at Substance and then you’ll see after.”
You were amazed at the attention to detail that your husband put into making you feel loved and appreciated in this little bit of time. Some how the two of you had a private dinner a in room away from everyone else. You haven’t spent this much time as a couple since before you had Daniel. Not that you weren’t grateful for the little family that you’ve made but you miss just spending time as husband and wife, but with your growing popularity and life it’s been difficult.
“Promise me, that we won’t lose this when we go back home.” You said
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I don’t want the only time we have time together…just the two of us is when you plan these elaborate getaways. I want alone time with you back in LA too.”
“I know I’m partially to blame for that…we’ll do better. I’ll do better to make sure we don’t forget about us.”
“It’s not just you, it’s me too. I love being a mom, but I don’t want to forget how to be the person you fell in love with.”
“Me either. I love you so much.”
“I love you too Daveed.” The two met in a loving deep kiss. You wrapped your arms around Daveed’s neck, he pressed his hand against the small of your back pulling you closer, as if that were possible. You pulled away first, breathing heavily.
“Make love to me, Daveed.”
Daveed’s lips never left your skin from time you left the restaurant to now laying against the bed while Daveed took his time undressing you. In the car leaving the restaurant, Daveed teased your clit over you lacy thong while sucking on your neck. You had to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud in the car. It didn’t help in the elevator that Daveed was kneading your ass while waiting to arrive to your floor. His hands and moth were attached to you in some way, driving you crazy. He always stop just short of making you cum, edging you.
“Daveed,” you moaned impatiently
“Wait…” Daveed tenderly took the straps off your shoulders and shimmed the dress down your body happy to only see you wearing a black thong.
“Damn baby just a thong?”
“All for you.” Daveed attacked your neck before making his way to your breasts, taking one nipple in his mouth gently biting and sucking in it while he tugs on the other. You cried out in ecstasy, arching your back off the bed. Daveed switched to the other breast offering the same treatment. Your lift your hips, hoping to feel something.
Daveed makes his way down your body, avoiding where you want his mouth the most, instead he kisses your inner thighs.
“I love you so fucking much. You deserve the whole world and if I could give it to you I would. So perfect, beautiful, my wife.” You moaned at the praises mind too foggy to say anything. Daveed opens your legs and moans at the sigh before him, your thong soaking wet from the foreplay. He mouths at your clothed pussy, and you let out the most pornographic moan that went straight to Daveed’s dick.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.”
“Daveed…please. I want you.” You breathed.
“You have me, baby.”
“Use your words, what do you want?”
“I want…I want your mouth on my pussy.”
“See, how hard was that?” Daveed moves your panties to the side and sucks on your clit. Your hands shoot to his hair, pulling on it, causing him to groan.
“Oh, fuck Daveed.” He opens your folds and starts eating you out like it’s his last meal. Daveed could feel your walks squeezing around his tongue, he pulled his tongue away and plunged three fingers in you finding that spot and went back to sucking your clit.
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” You squealed as your juices flowed into Daveed’s awaiting mouth. You pulled him in for a passionate kiss, teeth clashing against each other. You moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips. Desperate for something, you began grinding your hips up against his to feel anything. You started tugging on his clothes, tired of being teased.
“Too many clothes.” Daveed smirked, he loved when you were fucked out and needy. He quickly took off his clothes and threw them to the floor. He hooked his hands under your legs and pulled you toward him. He grabbed his dick and rubbed his tip on your folds, you were so wet he could’ve just slipped his dick in but he anted to tease you some more.
“Make love to me. No more teasing.”
“Since you asked me so nicely.” Daveed slowly pushed in until he bottomed out. You moaned at the stretch, it’s been a while since you and Daveed were intimate, but you welcomed the slight pain. Daveed had to compose himself before moving, your pussy hugging his dick so nicely that he almost came at that moment. He placed your legs over his shoulders for a deeper angle making you both groan. When he started thrusting it didn’t take long for. The squelching of his dick going in and out of you was music to your ears. Some days, it was rough and hard, sometimes you only have time for a quickie, but now Daveed wanted to take his time with you and live in this moment forever. There was no rush, no Zoom interview, no five-minute commercial break, just the two of you in this moment.
“Daveed, Daveed,” You clawed at his back as you reached your peak, quicker than you wanted to. Daveed kept the same pace not wanting this to end, holding his own release at bay. You closed your eyes overtaken by the immense pleasure your husband was giving.
“Look at me,” Daveed ordered you opened your eyes and was met with Daveed’s intense stare. “keep looking at me, okay.” You nodded your head gasping as he kept fucking you into your next orgasm.
“Daveed, it’s too much.” Daveed’s slow deep stroke were killing you. You chanted his name over and over like a mantra.
“One more, just give me one more baby. I know you can do it.” Daveed’s thrust were getting sloppy as he was reaching his peak. One more thrust and you came together, your walls squeezing him as he came inside you. You both breathed heavily as you were coming down from your high. After a few moments, Daveed pulled out of you and pulled you close to him.
“Hey,” He breathed, you smiled softly.
“Hey. That was amazing.” You could see the compliment go to your husband’s head and rolled your eyes. You drew lazy circle on his chest.
“Thank you everything.”
“I should be thanking you and I’m sorry for not making you feel appreciated. I love you and I wouldn’t want to do life with anyone else but you.”
“I love you too Daveed.” You shared one final kiss before drifting off to sleep in the arms of your husband.
Tagging: @nikole-witha-k @iknowthekoolaidflavor @ramp-it-up @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @blackpinup22 @chrisevanswife0405 @mellie-teh-goblin-queen @azxulaa @luckyfriess @thatdamnlyssa @endless-romantic-stories @daveeds-wife @emilia-i @gothic-slaherfan-weeb @slashersluxsworld @chattykathysquietsister @aliyahsomerhalder @crystalannetem @tuhnayshuh
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hiddleswiftt · 1 year
kiss the girl! (y/n’s version)
prince eric x fem reader!
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description - y/n and eric are longtime childhood best friends. you have been in love with him (so is he, but she doesn’t know it yet) for a while now and eric’s parents have plans to set him up with a woman so he can be married. before any arrangement can be married for eric to marry another woman, you must tell him how you feel (fluff and slight angst - jealousy! - parts of this make me think of that one amy and laurie scene in the 2019 little women film!)
for as long as you could remember, you and eric would be always sitting on the beach near the castle talking nonstop, laying together under the sun during the day and under the stars during the evenings.
as you got older, things between the two of you changed. eric’s duties became slightly more important than you (not according to him - the queen’s own opinion), but he always made himself available for you after a long day, just to sit on the beach and relax with you.
you loved his company. you personally never thought you’d ever be associated around royalty. ever. eric considered you as family, even if you were just a village girl. you were still surprised now after knowing eric and his family for eight years that they welcomed you in their own, even if you had a crush on the prince.
you had just had a knock at the door, you rushed to open it. just incase it was going to be eric standing at the door smiling at her, but it wasn’t. it was grimsby.
“what is it, grimsby?” you ask, your smile fading as you hoped something bad hasn’t happened. eric went away on a quick voyage trip, you had asked to come along but grimsby advised not to. you waited for grimbsy’s response, staring at him with a worried face. “grimsby?” you ask again, getting more worried about what he could say, “is it about eric?”
he looks at you and nods. “he’s had a small accident. he almost drowned, we brought him home early.” he told you, “the prince wanted you of all people to know first before everyone else.” you stand at the door shocked at the news. “is he okay? is he home?” you ask instantly. grimsby looks at you, and asks you to come with him.
you walk down with grimsby to the parlour to find the queen and a few other servants bundled around. you find eric sitting down in the room with a bandage around his head. tears start falling from your eyes, happy to know he’s alive. he sees you and tries to smile at you although in a small amount of pain, “y/n?” he says, trying to stand.
you gracefully walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek and lean in for a hug. tears still falling from your eyes, still in shock from finding out what happened.
you and eric sit on the beach together. you advised him to get some air and sit on the beach with you. it was late, but the two of you didn’t really care since you both had each other as you lay under the stars studying the constatations.
you’d occasionally glance and admire at him as he’d continue talking. eric would look back at you, not realising that you weren’t listening, “y/n? are you listening?” he’d laugh at you, still pointing at ‘capricornus’ while he focuses on you.
you laugh, “yeah.. sorry. so what’s going on with you? do you ever think you’d ever find that mystery girl?” he looks at you, now quite suprised. he lays back next to you again, “not sure.” eric replies, unsure of what to say, “mother was thinking of arranging a marriage with a woman from another place? im not completely sure if i am fond of that idea.”
you look at him, now a little upset about eric possibly having an arranged marriage. you had hoped by now that he would have possibly loved you as well as you do for him but you were doubting that he ever has loved you. you sit up slightly. “i don’t think i could see you with someone you hardly know, eric.” you say, becoming slightly upset still.
he turns to you, admiring your face. “why’s that, y/n?” he asks you.
you look at him and sit up on the sand and cross your legs, “because, it’s not going to be the same. you and i. you’re gonna be running off somewhere with a girl who will probably become your wife! we don’t be sitting on this beach again anymore like we used to when we were children!” you tell him, “you know? being here, right now is what I want to do forever. i don’t want this to stop. and with you being being possibly married? i just can’t bare to see it. i can’t do it, eric.”
he looks at you, knowing exactly how you feel. so he sits up and faces you, all of a sudden you were both extremely close together. eric reaches his hand and intwines it in your hair and cups your cheek. their eyes met and time stood still as they gazed at each other. a moment of complete silence passed between them, then he moves his hand from your cheek towards your hand, letting you intertwine it in his.
“im not going to let that happen, y/n..” he tells you, as he keeps his hand intwined in yours. you pull a large smile as if you’ve had a coat hanger stuck in your mouth ever since you’ve met him. “really?” you ask.
he nods. “really.”, he replies instantly, still looking at you. you both lean in gently, with you now holding his cheeks. our breathing and your hearts beating between us. he laid his lips to yours, kissing you softly and slowly. the world around the two of you, blurring and disappearing. you move your hands from his cheeks and put them around his neck and place your fingers in the ends of his hair.
the both of you didn’t care if anyone saw you both. he didn’t want to go with his mother’s plans. he wants you. nobody else. after all this time he had plans to ask you to marry him. he would do it, whatever his mother would say, even if you were only just a village girl.
as long as they’d love and care for each other, it didn’t matter. they’d be able to explore together those wild uncharted waters.
please don’t copy my work! <3
(let me know what you think of this fic by giving this post a like, follow and a comment!)
— h4uerkings
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textsfromthetva · 9 months
I don't know if this will quench the Brad/ X-5 thirst or just make it worse, but I was just delightfully and randomly surprised to find out Rafael Casal is primarily a rapper...and a really really good one too! (I guess you already knew this, but I didn't want to risk this not being known!)
I was literally watching this really cool short film/music video and was like "Wait wait wait....why does that guy look like Brad....HOLY SHIT SNACKS, IT IS BRAD! "
I know exactly three facts about Rafael Casal:
He's also a rapper
He's besties with Daveed Diggs
He's a horse girl
the last one is obviously the most important one. we love a male horse girl in this house.
(I'm personally really enamoured with the Hobbes & Me series of youtube shorts, where he and Daveed recreate Calvin & Hobbes comics. it's incredibly charming)
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nojodasjuan · 9 months
Have you noticed that this is Hamilton month?
- January 2: Renee GoldsBerry's birthday🎉
- January 4: George Eacker's death day.🎉
- January 7: My third anniversary since seeing Hamilton. 🎉
-January 11: A.Ham's birthday.
-January 16: Lin's birthday.
-January 20: 9th anniversary of the musical.
-January 22: Philip's birthday.
-January 24: Daveed Diggs' birthday.
- January X: Theodosia Jr's Death day.
- January X: Frances Laurens's birthday.
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
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Story List
Deck the Hallways
Teacher!Bucky x Teacher!Reader  (Anon ask)
It’s Christmas time at Shield HS. Can you and Bucky keep your secret under wraps?
Santa, Daddy Chris Evans x Reader (Anon ask)
Thanks to a bet with Scott, you are Santa’s helper for the night.
Christmastime to Me Duke! Henry Cavill x Reader (req x @ysmmsy)
Henry is your best friend’s baby daddy. And a Duke!
Try a Little Tenderness Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader (req x @clawnotes​)
Steve can’t buy you with gifts. He needs to try a little tenderness.
Can You Stand the Rain Winston Duke x Reader (Anon Ask)
Winston wants a do over of that infamous IG post.
What’s This?  Henry Cavill x Reader x Sebastian Stan (req x @adoreyouusugar)
Halloween or Christmas? Why not both? 😉
I Still Have You Chris Evans x Reader
(How I Met Your Father AU) req x @maroonsunrise83​
It’s a very pregnant Christmas for the Evanses.
All I Want Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader
(req x @clawnotes​) Pt. 2
Steve has left you alone for a week with no explanation. Will you let him back into your life?
My Favorite Things Ari Levinson x Plus Size!Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Ari is your best friend in town. Could he be a little more?
Mistletoe by @elocinnicole
Daveed Diggs x Reader
Daveed offers his girlfriend some relief as she prepares for finals.
If The Fates Allow Andy Barber (Drew) x Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Andy did you dirty and you are done. Can he convince you to give him your heart again?
All These Things And More Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Ransom is a dad now, but you’re neglecting Daddy.
I’ve made the executive decision to be done with Christmas. Yay!
There will be time for Jake and for Chris, and probably for next Christmas. I want to THANK YOU for this gift of your response to this challenge.
I’ve pushed myself and grown so much, written 11 new fics, and have been in awe at the response. You’ve given me a new kink that I’m obsessed with, 👀 and I’ve earned new friends.
I’m going to chill for a bit, and revisit those WIPs that need attention. Requests are closed for a while, at least until Valentines Day 🥰
Thank you, thank you, thank you! And Love you all!
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villxinmiixx · 1 year
“Ten Rounds” part i.
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Daveed Diggs x female! reader 
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♡ reader is a well known singer, rafael invited forced daveed to come with him to a concert of hers and he's enamored of reader.
♡ warnings; all characters are 21+. rpf ( real person fiction ). sexual tension?? idk
♡ wc; 1.7k 
♡ notes; also i have a new writing format soo yeahhdeuf. the female named “imani” is intended to be black. feel free to change some things with your imagination. the song performed was sativa sung by jhené aiko ( you sang her parts ) and swae lee ( imani sang his parts ). 
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ㅤTODAY WAS THE DAY OF YOUR COLLABORATION PERFORMANCE with you and your friend, imani (ee-mah-knee) her stage name being destiny. she is a great singer, but not as well known as you. you figured you can help her popularity and make people realize she’s a great singer by collaborating with her. imani was ecstatic when you invited her to a collab. soon enough the song “sativa” you both made went viral, and today was the performance for that song ( and the other songs you and she made. )
ㅤ“girl you do not know how excited i am for this shit!” imani was excitedly jumping around, her teal-green outfit making some ruffling noises, as you put your manicured hand in front of your lips as you laughed at her enthusiasm. “oh right! i heard that THE gOD FUCKING DAMN rafael casal will be in the vip section” imani grabbed your shoulders and shook you “isn’t he that actor? from blindspotting?” you asked your friend. “yeah, bitch!” she waved her hands around in excitement. “ didn’t he have a friend acting with him in blindspotting?” “yeah, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh daveed diggs!” imani snapped her fingers when she recalled his name. 
ㅤ“YO, RAFA WHAT’S UP?” daveed greeted his best friend that just busted open his door as he was splayed out on his own couch glancing at rafael and went back to his phone. “YO I GOT US SOME VIP TICKETS TO [STAGE NAME]’(S) PERFORMANCE TONIGHT.” rafael shouted at the top of his lungs. “huh” daveed looked up from his phone as he raised an eyebrow. “you don’t have a say in it, diggs. we goin’.” rafael smirked while waving around the gold tickets “get’cho ass ready, man!” he laughed and threw himself on the couch next to daveed. “man when does it even start” daveed inquired looking at his phone’s clock which showed 5:28 pm “thirty minutes.” rafael responded “..and how far is this concert?” daveed slowly looked at his friend as he questioned once more, squinting his eyes. “twenty minutes.” his best friend smiled. “this motherfucker..” daveed got up from his spot and quickly went to his closet grabbing a few clothes before rushing to the bathroom. 
ㅤ“so why’d you even get the tickets, man?” daveed asked, his hands on the steering wheel of the car. “dunno, heard [stage name] was cute so i wanted to check the real deal.” rafa huffed with laughter “you didn’t even search her up? the fuck, you didn’t even look who was on the website when you bought the tickets?” the dark skinned best friend deadpanned at the guy on the passenger seat. “hell nah! i wanted it to be a surprise and you better not look at the billboards!” daveed rolled his eyes before he chuckled. “alright fine. this better be good though, rafa.” “oh i know it’s good, at least that’s what i heard on tik tok.”
ㅤthe two arrived at the arena where the concert would be taking place, daveed parked the car, both men getting out of the vehicle and going to the VIP usher. where they got a stamp and went inside. they were escorted to their VIP seats. it was only a few minutes before the performance, a countdown on the large screen in front of everyone.
ㅤ“THERE’S SO MANY PEOPLE!” imani peeked out the curtain. “you’ll be the first one out there since the first verses are you, make sure to give it your all!” you smiled at imani, adjusting your costume. “yeah, i will! again, thank you so much for this opportunity, girl. i love you so much!” your friend hugged you tightly and you did as well. “girls, the show will start in one!” your manager called out. “just like we practiced, okay? i’m so proud of you!” imani nodded, before running to the elevating platform. the large screen counted down from five, the fans were screaming. “THREE! TWO! ONE!” 
ㅤ“yeah, oh, oh, yeah” the both of you sang, not showing up on the stage yet. the platform where imani was standing, started to rise up onto the main.  “why you make it so complicated? off the drink, we concentratin” your friend sang on the stage, her glittery green costume shimmering from the light focused on her.
ㅤ“IS THAT [STAGE NAME]?” daveed asked his friend next to him, rafael was about to shrug before a fan screamed “GO DESTINY!” “ah, it’s a collaboration performance.” daveed was getting into the beat, shifting around his seat and moving his body. it was really catchy, he had to admit. rafael followed suit. “is it hot in here or is it just me?” you came out from the red curtain in the middle of the stage, you sang in a rather sultry voice. people started screaming your stage name including imani’s. 
ㅤdaveed’s eyes widened pleasently, his eyes focused on you. “i said , now go and take a shot on me.” oh hell yeah, he was definitely going to do that ( sooner or later but not today ). “but i lasted ten rounds like a fre~ak like a g” you and imani started dancing along with the backup dancers. the way your body moved so swiftly, and your flirty attitude on stage just captivated the curly haired man. as you and imani sang there was a moment you looked into the crowd and saw daveed, you winked at him before you resumed looking at the other fans. 
ㅤ“holy shit, rafa did you see that?” “oh hell yeah, man. i saw that clearer than daylight!” rafa hyped his best friend up “we better go backstage later to meet her, dude!” “bruh, we can’t do that-” “trust me, she’ll be okay with it!” “alright fine.” daveed grinned as he shook his head gently. 
ㅤTHE SONG ENDED AND THE CROWD WENT WILD, screaming ‘i love you’ and stuff similar to that. “i’d like to thank [stage name] for this, if it wasn’t for her i really would’ve never been up here!” imani wrapped an arm around your shoulders before hugging you completely. “she’s the best, really!” “destiny, you absolute sweetheart! i just wanted people to see how much of a great singer you are!” you smiled at her. the people aww’ed at your friendship ( some even saying “they look cute together” something like that ) 
ㅤ“we’ll be taking a twenty minute intermission! feel free to leave your seats, get some snacks and drinks or take a look around the merchandise. make sure to not push anyone when leaving, and please be careful with the food! you might spill it!” you said before waving and walking backstage with imani. ”holy fucking shit, girl! at first i was so nervous but excited and when i finally got on the stage, OOOOOH girl, my confidence went up!” you giggled along with imani as she explained her first time singing live on stage. the knocking on your door hushed both of you.
ㅤ “[name], imani, two people wanna see both of ‘ya and i’m sure you wanna see these guys.” you can practically see the smile on your manager’s face despite not seeing her yourself. you looked at imani silently asking her if she wants to. “i mean- why not y’know?” she grinned. you raised a brow as you smirked before nudging her with your elbow. “alright, i’ll escort them here.” you removed an uncomfortable piece of your costume while imani was moving around and humming your guys’ song. after a minute or two you heard your door being knocked on again.
ㅤ”the door’s unlocked.” you call out. the door was opened by your manager and two ( hot ) men stepped inside. you were applying lipgloss and glanced at the two before smacking your lips “ oh, it’s you two.” you smiled up at them as you closed the container.  “daveed diggs and rafael casal, correct?” imani’s eyes shot up when she heard the two names being mentioned looking at the two men. she screamed “HOLY SHIT” before grabbing onto your arm “oh uhm! you can sit down on that couch over there!” and ran into a corner where they couldn’t see in their spot. your friend grabbed onto your shoulder blades and shook you. “what are they doing here?! let’s get their autographs! how old are they again? holy mother of- they’re so hot” imani was rambling.
ㅤyou giggled at her, telling her to calm down and breathe so she did. “seriously though, why are they here, girly?” “weren’t you the one that said you heard rafael casal will be coming?” “WELL I DIDN’T KNOW THEY’D ACTUALLY COME TO US PERSONALLY!” “let’s get to know them more, it wouldn’t hurt!” “alright, let’s go.” she grinned and you chuckled before the both of you leaving the corner to greet your two guests.
ㅤ”sorry for the wait, do you guys need anything? why’re you visiting us?” you questioned them, pouring water in two glasses and giving it to them. “ah, no nothing in particular. we just wanted to see the singers personally!” rafael exclaimed, nudging daveed’s upper arm. “uhhhh we wanted to ask if y’all wanna hang out after this or maybe sometime. both of ‘ya seem nice.” daveed said, smiling. “i’m down, how about you, destiny?” you asked your friend behind you that was reapplying some highlighter. 
ㅤ“hell yeah, i’m down!”  imani grinned at you, the two guys snickered from the couch. “uh yeah, girl, this ain’t gon’ work. it ain’t fair if ‘ya know our names but we don’t yours.” daveed smirked. “I'm not sure if i should be surprised or not that you guys don’t know. usually people would search it up themselves.” you said, placing a hand on your hip and smiled smugly. “i’m [name, last name]. she’s imani moore.” you pointed to your friend with your thumb. 
ㅤ”heyyo!” she smiled and posed a peace sign. “now we all know each other!” you beamed, and clasped your hands together. you looked at your phone’s clock and realized you and imani had two minutes to get on stage for your next song. “we gotta get ready for the upcoming track. let’s get some drinks after, yeah?” you said putting your hands behind your lower back “hell yeah, girl! we’ll come back here after the show or the next intermission.” rafael smiled at you and stood up to leave along with daveed and left.
ㅤbefore daveed could fully leave the room he glanced at you and you winked at him. he smirked and left the area. ‘he’s cute’ you thought and looked at your friend who was smugly looking at you. “i saw that.” “how-” “there's a mirror next to the door y’know.” “please shut up.”
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ㅤ©𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘅𝗶𝗻𝗺𝗶𝗶𝘅𝘅 - 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱. 𝗡𝗼 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗲𝗱, 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱, 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁; 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱.
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Where Have You Seen Loki Season 2's X-5 Actor Before?
This post contains spoilers for the season premiere of "Loki."
"Loki" is back this week, and along with the return of Norse trickster god Loki (Tom Hiddleston), agent Mobius (Owen Wilson), and the rest of the Time Variance Authority, the show's premiere also sees the introduction of a few new key characters. Among them? Ke Huy Quan's helpful, tech-savvy Ouroboros (or O.B.) and X-5, a mysterious new TVA agent played by Rafael Casal. And it's the latter who is particularly intriguing.
So far, we haven't seen X-5 do much besides question whether jet skis are part of the sacred timeline, but the character already seems to be an agitating force within the organization. He's also quite possibly poised to become a recognizable Marvel villain. After all, a featurette for the second season had a couple bits of footage from behind the scenes that showed him in a TVA jumpsuit, as if he was being held prisoner. So that should be interesting to watch play out. But there's more.
As /Film's Sandy Schaefer pointed out back in July, the trailer for "Loki" includes a poster for a movie called "Zaniac!" which fans have tied to Casal's character via leaks and speculation. Zaniac is a noteworthy character in Marvel Comics, though he bears little resemblance to X-5. The character was an evil entity that possessed the man who would become Jack the Ripper, and later took over slasher actor Brad Wolfe.
Ahead of the show's premiere, Casal has been credited by several outlets as Brad Wolfe, not X-5, so it seems likely that he could play out some form of the Zaniac plot this season. Regardless of Casal's true role in the show, though, he's an excellent multi-hyphenate artist whose past works deserve attention.
If X-5 looks familiar, it's likely you recognize Casal from "Blindspotting," a fantastic 2018 musical comedy-drama that he co-wrote with longtime creative partner Daveed Diggs (yes, of "Hamilton" fame). "Blindspotting" was a labor of love for Casal and Diggs, who also produced the film about two best friends living in Oakland, California whose lives are disrupted by the broken policing system. As serious as that sounds, "Blindspotting" is also laugh-out-loud funny, and Casal is a totally charming standout as hot-headed Miles.
The performer reprised the role for Starz's "Blindspotting" TV show, which ran for two seasons and was recently canceled. A criminally underseen hidden gem of a series, "Blindspotting" takes place after the film and puts the focus on Miles' girlfriend, Ashley Rose (Jasmine Cephas Jones), as she parents the pair's young mixed-race son in a racist world, all while Miles is behind bars. Despite his character's incarceration, Casal still appears in the show frequently and his hilarious, soulful character is a fan favorite. If you're looking for a thoughtful, entertaining, dynamic watch – or just want to see what Casal's made of – you can't do much better than either iteration of "Blindspotting."
The performer has also made a name for himself in other projects, including several collaborations with Diggs. A poet and rapper in addition to his acting creds, Casal appeared on three seasons of "Def Poetry Jam" on HBO, released a mixtape with Diggs in 2010, and contributed to the soundtracks for "Blindspotting," including in the catchy (and foulmouthed, fair warning) song "Easy Come, Easy Go." He reunited with Diggs in the acclaimed 2020 miniseries "The Good Lord Bird," a wild historical fiction series led by a fiery Ethan Hawke. Casal and Diggs even started a public theater project called Bars Medley, which remixed classic literature into musical performances.
Other on-screen works of Casal's include a supporting role in the 2019 Hugh Jackman flick "Bad Education" (he played the love interest of Jackman's closeted character) and a multi-episode turn in the "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" revival. Casal played a ringmaster named Mr. Tophat in the reboot of the classic, kid-friendly horror series. Next up, Casal is appearing in "Wildcat," a biography of Southern Gothic author Flannery O'Connor that's directed and co-written by Hawke. The X-5 actor plays a character in one of O'Connor's short stories in the movie, which premiered at Telluride but hasn't been released to the public yet.
Whether X-5 is a frustrated TVA employee, a secret evil entity, a movie actor, or something else entirely, it's exciting to see an artist as talented and versatile as Casal take the stage in a major Marvel series. You can catch his next moves on Disney+, where new episodes of "Loki" stream Thursdays at 9pm ET.
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When at the Oscars After Party
harry styles x fem!reader
Trope: love at first sight
Warnings: uhhh none I think
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You were twelve years old when your best friend, Josie, told you she would take you with her when she became rich and famous.
"I'm gonna have a huge mansion and a Mercedes Benz, and you can come with me to Hollywood or New York and we'll live together and travel the world. You won't have to work either, and you can come hang out with me on movie sets and it will be so fun," she rambled off. The two of you had sprawled out on your trampoline after some intense tumbling.
"Okay yes on the car and the mansion and everything but the me not working. I still wanna curate museums. That's like the perfect job," you responded, staring up at the sky.
"Fine, you can work with art and stuff, and I'll be a movie star," she agreed.
"Can I be your date to the Oscars?" You asked, hoping to secure the spot ahead of time.
"Only if Zac Efron isn't up for it," she shrugged.
16 years later and Zac Efron was not up for it.
So, now you were at some high end bar or something, mingling with an insane amount of wealthy people. One of the night's winners' costars offered to get everyone's tabs for the night, so you'd strode right to the bar while Josie chatted up Chris Evans in the corner.
"Could I get a martini, please? Three olives," You asked, dropping your forearms on the bar and putting your weight on it, rather than your heels.
For college, you and Josie had run off to Los Angeles with your savings and the assurance that you would both eventually be successful enough to pay off your debts. During your junior year, you'd scored an internship at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and worked hard enough to score a job with them after graduation.
Josie went for audition after audition, scraping by in school but scoring smaller roles and appearances in movies before getting the job of a lifetime in a Marvel movie sophomore year.
After almost ten years in LA, you were offered a position at the Met in New York, coincidentally at the same time Josie decided she was 'over LA' and 'NYC would suit her'.
The money from your new job was great, you were very hardworking and very lucky. Maybe you didn't come close to Josie's wealth, but you did more than well enough for yourself. Enough to buy your own expensive shoes, even if you were wearing a dress from the rack of free clothing Josie was given but doesn't plan on wearing. No shame in it, someone's gotta wear 'em, right?
The bartender returns a minute or two later with your drink. You gave him a grateful nod before plucking the toothpick from the glass and sliding an olive off with your teeth, careful not to ruin your lipstick.
Sipping from the glass slowly, you started running your eyes over the crowd. You and Josie had arrived only fifteen minutes ago and there was an entire half of the room to get through still. The bar was in the shape of a circle, planted in the center of the floor. There were dark wooded booths with red velvet cushioning lining the walls, and an area in the back with upper level seating. Apparently there was even a hierarchy for the societal elite.
Your eyes danced over the faces in the room. Andrew Garfield was talking animatedly with Oscar Isaac, Ariana Debose and Daveed Diggs were telling some story to Lin Manuel Miranda in a booth across the room. As you looked around at everyone else, you could feel someone looking at me. you slowly glanced around at the other people surrounding the bar top, searching for the culprit.
Across the bar and three people to the left you spotted him. Sunned skin, soft brown hair, and green eyes that were planted right on you. When he realized you'd caught him staring, he didn't relent. He just gave you a small smile.
You stupidly closed your eyes for just a split second, to figure out if you were dreaming. You had been attending these events for years and you were rarely noticed by anyone other than Josie's coworkers and friends. When you opened them again, he hadn't looked away. Your eyes ran over his Gucci adorned shoulders and back up to his eyes. Your stomach whirled and you felt a wave of comfort and contentment wash over you. You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks and ears.
You flashed a timid smile back at Harry. You watched him grab his glass of tequila and step back from the bar. Then, a flashy gold cocktail dress glinted in the corner of your eyes and you turned around to see Josie's dark skin glowing brilliantly in her dress.
"What was that?" She immediately asked, eyes wide.
"I honestly have no idea," you knocked back the rest of your martini and bit off another olive.
"You look like you're in love!" she laughed, earrings swinging as she twisted excitedly.
"Do I?" You stood straighter, heat rushing to your cheeks again.
"Holy shit. I know he's hot but god you look like you're actually swooning right now," Josie's eyebrows were raised to heaven and she looked at you in gleeful awe.
"I swooned for sure. Like I don't think I'll ever be the same. I would follow him anywhere," you spoke in complete seriousness. Josie said nothing else, just shook her head with a grin. "What?"
"Nothing," she stated.
"Something. What? Do I look stupid? Am I insane? Is there something on my face?" You rattled off questions.
"He's coming this way," she said smugly. Your heart jumped in pure panic.
"No he's not. Why the look? What was the look?" You refused to turn around to confirm her statement about Harry approaching.
"No he's definitely coming over here. The look was because you just fell in love after ten seconds of dreamy gazes between the two of you," Josie said with a smile.
"He can't come over here. There's no way, what do I even say?" You asked her, hanging on to her wrist as she backed away. You grimaced once she was out of your reach.
Play it cool.
Play it cool.
Play it cool.
You twisted back around to your original 'leisurely leaning on the bar for maximum shoe relief' pose. For three seconds you could feel the left side of your arm tingle as he got closer, like your body new he was near. At the fourth second, the tingle exploded and shot to your chest, flipping your heart around.
"Hi," you heard his voice. Your peripheral vision was taken over by him as he leaned forward onto the bar beside you.
"Hi," you repeated, finally turning to look at him.
"I'm Harry," he said, his eyes dancing between yours.
"I know, I mean Y/n, I'm Y/n," you failed a little at playing it cool.
"It's nice to meet you," he said, smiling as he reached his hand out. You rose from the bar, straightening your self out as he followed suit.
"It's nice to meet you too," you stuck your own hand out this time, watching as he shook it gently.
"I like the feathers," he lifted his other hand to run over one of the feathery pieces on the front of your dress.
"Thanks," you breathed out. He paused for a moment, like he wasn't sure if he should say what's on his mind.
"Will you run away if I tell you that I feel like I already know you?" He brazenly asked.
"Funnily enough, I feel the same way," you said, not oblivious to the fact that his fingers were still holding on to your own. His lips quirked before he spoke again.
"Do you believe in love at first sight, Y/n?" He questioned. His eyes hadn't left yours, and if it weren't for the sight of Zendaya just like twenty feet ahead, you would've forgotten anyone else was there at all.
"I do now," you nodded, meaning it.
Harry Styles Trope Series Masterlist
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aanoia · 1 year
All I Need is You
Daveed Diggs x reader
Summary; after a suicide attempt you're empty yet Daveed never left your side. What happens when you drag him down with you?
Warnings; suicide, self harm, bandages, sadness ig
Words; idk but it's short
Also wrote this a while ago but I kinda like it.
Requests are welcome and encouraged!
If you're struggling with self harm or suicidal thoughts please reach out! You have people in your life that care enough to stay with you the way Daveed does in this fic, you just need to give them a chance.
I'd also like to note that the way this fic plays out is not how it aways goes. Please do not just not reach out abt your mental health due to a fear of dragging people down with you.
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“Hey, baby, how are you feeling?” Daveed quietly asked, sitting down on the bed and gently rubbing my arm.
I laid motionless, my mind blank.
“I’m not,” I responded. My voice was hoarse. How long has it been since I’ve said more than three words at once?
Daveed sighed and carefully helped me sit up. I rested against the headboard as he slowly unwrapped the bandages around my wrists. It was quiet as he cleaned the wounds, the only sound was our breathing. Oh how I wish I wasn’t breathing right now. He wrapped clean bandages around the cuts.
He sat, rubbing his thumb across the bandages.
“I love you so much,” He whispered and looked into my eyes. “We’ll get through this. You’ll get through this. I know you will, you’re so strong, my love,”
“Daveed,” I whispered, a happy glint filled his eyes, optimism flooded his bones.
“Yeah?” He whispered back.
“I don’t want to get through this,” I told him and laid back down, turning away from him.
He paused before getting up and leaving the room. I heard him. His sobbing. He’s breaking. Honestly, I couldn’t find it in myself to care.
The cycle repeated daily. He’d feed me, bathe me, change my bandages, then go have a breakdown outside our room when he didn’t see any improvement. Every day I’d hear him cry. Deep down my heart ached in him. He was the love of my life, of course it hurt to hear him cry. But my heart doesn’t control my body. My brain does. And my brain is dead. It doesn’t care. It doesn’t want to live. Even if it means making Daveed happy. Ain’t that selfish?
Today must’ve been particularly hard for Daveed. I could see it in his eyes when he came to give me food. He was tired. Exhausted. And when he left to cry nothing came. Until it did.
Loud crashes broke the silence. Grunts, and yells of utter pain and despair could be heard. His sobs echoed through the house louder than ever. Self-deprecating words cut through the silence. Something snapped in me.
I was letting myself die, and dragging Daveed down with me. I was not only killing myself, but killing the love of my life as well. What am I doing? Am I really so selfish that I’d ruin someone else’s life so I can be okay? No. The answer is no.
I pushed my aching bones and tired muscles. Slowly I lifted myself out of bed. A dizzy spell fell over me and I grabbed onto the wall for support. Carefully I made my way to the door and opened it. Pain coursed through my veins as I followed the sobs, but I ignored it. No more.
Daveed has helped me in ways I can’t even imagine. He’s putting his own mental health on the line for me. Me. Anyone else would’ve left me after a week of nothing but laying in bed. But he didn’t. He stuck around. And now I’ll stick around for him as well.
I entered the living room to find a hunched over Daveed. I only now noticed how his hair was a mess, he hasn’t been taking care of it. His clothes were wrinkled and in a disarray. I quietly walked over to him and knelt down behind him. His body shook as I wrapped my bulky, bandaged arms around him.
We stayed there for hours, gently rocking back and forth. We had each other. That’s all we needed.
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therafanatics · 5 months
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Rafael Santiago Casal is an American writer, rapper, actor, producer, director and showrunner originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also an online creator of poetry, music, web shorts and political commentary.
Raised between Berkeley and Oakland in California, Casal was able to build a respectable career, starting his apprenticeship as a slam poet at HBO's Def Poetry Jam and moving on to various fields of entertainment.
In the past he was a two-time champion of the Brave New Voice Poetry Slam Festival.
Among his most famous poems we remember:
Barbie & Ken 101
Rafael is also known for being the collaborative partner and longtime friend with Daveed Diggs, also from the Bay Area and best known for his role as the Marquis de Lafayette in the musical "Hamilton." Their first album "THE BAY BOY Mixtape" will be the beginning of a long series of musical featurings.
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Furthermore, both are co-founders of the BARS Workshop: a theater program to hone the skills of emerging writers and actors through verse. The latest season dates back to 2020.
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Casal and Diggs even collaborated as actors and screenwriters in the 2018 film "Blindspotting" and from which the TV series of the same name was subsequently based, divided into two seasons. (2021/2023)
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Daveed Diggs and Rafael Casal in their respective roles of Collin Hoskins and Miles Turner in Blindspotting. (2018)
On a cinematic level, Casal is also known for playing a former student in the 2019 film "Bad Education" with Hugh Jackman as his old high school teacher and love interest. In the same year he debuted in the reboot of "Are You Afraid Of The Dark?" in the guise of Mr. Tophat as the main villain of the series. In 2020 he plays a minor role in "The Good Lord Bird."
On October 6, 2023, he arrives for the first time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a minor antagonist in the second season of Loki.
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Rafael Casal as Brad Wolfe/Hunter X-05 in "Loki Season 2." (2023)
On May 3, 2024 he will return to the cinema in the role of O.E. Parker in "Wildcat", a film based on the life and stories of American writer Flannery O'Connor.
Being also active in the world of music, Rafael Casal has released several solo mixtapes online: "As Good As Your Word" (2008), "Monster" (2009) and "Mean Ones." (2012)
While among the most recent singles we list:
"Bad Egg" (2017)
"Oxygen" (2019)
"Quicksand" (2021)
Rafael has demonstrated that he can also manage as a Youtuber, publishing the following Web Series:
The Away Team
Hobbes & Me
The Rafatics (As a political commentator)
Warnings: This biography is nothing less than a brief summary, for more information see elsewhere.
You can follow Rafael Casal on:
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elocinnicole · 11 months
Cookie Crumbles
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Black!Reader
Rating: 18+ Minors DNI suggestive language
Summary: Daveed figures out who’s leaving crumbs in their bed
Requested: No, another Drabble that was on my mind. I've had this WIP since Emmy and Daveed’s AD House Tour, which is still my favorite house tour. Also, this is fitting given the recent news of Daveed and Emmy announcing they’re having a baby!!! Enjoy!
Word Count: 752
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Daveed huffed as he wiped the cookie crumbs off the bed, he’s been meaning to talk to you about it. Daniel must be leaving crumbs behind after he’s in their room. There’s always seems to be a trail of crumbs on his side of the bed when he gets back home from work.  The only ones home right now are you and Daniel, with you and Daveed having just moved from New York to LA, the two of you were still looking for a preschool for Daniel during that time he stayed home with you.
You shuffled into the bedroom, having just entered your ninth month of pregnancy; you were taking a break from working after just ending your run with Hadestown as Persephone three months ago. Now that you and Daveed made the move to LA you were looking to get into more screen acting roles.
“Who keeps leaving these crumbs?”
“Huh, crumbs?”
“There’s always crumbs on my side of the bed. I’m not mad it’s just every day.”
“It must be Daniel; he likes to sit on your side when you’re gone.”
You groaned as you climbed into the king-sized bed.
“Oh, my bad, babe.” Daveed grabbed your hand and helped you onto the bed.
“It’s fine,” You huffed out of breath.
“I’m so ready for this baby to come out. I’m so tired, you know I had to sit down on the steps midway. My feet are so swollen. I can’t fit any of my shoes.” You mumbled Daveed smirked as he moved to the end of the bed and started to massage your feet.
“I can get you new shoes.”
“That’s not the problem, with Daniel I barely gained any weight with this one I look like a—" You moaned aloud when Daveed massaged a pressure point on your foot.
“Feel good?”
“Let me put one in my mouth.” Daveed joked, you giggled and tried pulling your feet away.
“Stop! We’re gonna wake up Daniel!” The two of you talked about your day. Daveed filled you in Season 3 of Blindspotting and the switch from STARZ to Apple TV. You talked about your meeting with Shonda Rhimes, there’s been talks of you joining Bridgerton for the next season. Daveed kept messaging your feet until he heard a soft snore. He tucked you into the bed and kissed your forehead before going to sleep himself.
Daveed heard chewing and assumed it was their new puppy Rocky, but he knew for sure that he put Rocky in his cage for the night. He sat up to inspect and accidentally leaned on to a bag of Toll House cookies on the bed.
“Babe!” You froze mid bite hoping that Daveed was talking in his sleep.
“Babe, I see you. You the one eating cookies in bed?”
“Hmm, you heard me. You lied on your own son.” You sighed as you sat up, the cookie still in your mouth.
“I can’t help it; your baby has me craving sweets. I’ve never had a sweet tooth before.”
“My baby?”
“Yes, your baby that you put in me.”
“Oh, the one you begged me to. ‘Leave it in Daveed! I want it! I want it!’” Daveed said jokingly mocking you.
“Be quiet!” You said slapping your husband on the chest. “I usually sit on your side because I miss you.”
“Aww!” Daveed teased pulling you in his arms.
“See, this is why I didn’t want to tell you. Let me go.”
“No, it’s sweet.” Daveed landed a wet kiss on your forehead making you groan aloud.
“I’ll make sure to get rid of my evidence. Next time.”
“Hmm, can I at least get a cookie?”
“Hell no, these are mine.”
You sat in Daveed’s embrace, listening to his heartbeat. Sitting in a content silence.
“What if she’s still breech?” You asked softly, at your last appointment, the doctor was worried that your baby hasn’t rotated yet. Daveed sighed heavily and held you closer wanting nothing more than to ease your mind of that possibility.
“If she’s still breech, then we have our other plan. We’ll do the C-Section and have a healthy baby girl. If not then, we have our original birth plan and have a healthy baby girl. Either way, we’ll be delivering a healthy baby girl. Okay?”
“Okay.” Daveed kissed the top of your head you sighed contently, ready to fall asleep.
“Let me put just one toe in my mouth.”
“Daveed, shut the fuck up and go to sleep.”
Tagging: @nikole-witha-k @iknowthekoolaidflavor @ramp-it-up @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @blackpinup22 @chrisevanswife0405 @mellie-teh-goblin-queen @azxulaa @luckyfriess @thatdamnlyssa @endless-romantic-stories @daveeds-wife @emilia-i @gothic-slaherfan-weeb @slashersluxsworld @chattykathysquietsister @aliyahsomerhalder @crystalannetem @tuhnayshuh
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rxmos · 6 months
i feel like most hamilton fans quit supporting anthony after cheating (which was where most of his fanbase started watching him more) which i understand to a certain extent. however we don’t know the full story.
we don’t know the ins and outs of their relationship, as much as they were public they were very much private . we just all spiraled and most fans stopped sticking by him. the reason i stood by anthony (and jasmine) was because i still didn’t believe the rumours because at the end of the day THEY WERE JUST RUMOURS.
i wish the best for jasmine and as much as i post about anthony i love jasmine deeply and i wish she thrives in her career as well. i want some jasmine asks as well but i dont really keep up with her as much as anthony. maybe because anthony is messy and always gives us something to talk about whereas jasmine is just keeping to herself and releasing her new music.
i love hamilton as much as the rest of you . this is also a daveed diggs account because i love him deep. so this is basically an OG Hamilton Cast account, a criminal minds acc, shemar moore, anthony ramos + mgg
enjoy my content x
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randomcollectionitem · 11 months
clipping. - Face
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Hey, we finally had a record show up! This is the 2018 vinyl reissue of the 2012 debut EP from beloved industrial rap trio Clipping (they stylize it as "clipping." but it fucks up my formatting mojo so I'm sticking to the capital C for this one). The A side is the original 3 track tape, and the B side is remixes and an acapella. This version was released by Deathbomb Arc, the same label that put out the original EP.
I was a little late to the Clipping party and got on board with them shortly after the release of their semi-self-titled debut album, CLPPNG. CLPPNG dropped right after Death Grips broke up and the hype surrounding Clipping on the internet was mostly /mu/ posters heralding them as The Next Death Grips. I always thought that comparison was questionable. Outside of a vague sense of being in the same genre they don't share a lot of DNA, with Clipping pulling heavily from harsh noise and power electronics in contrast to Death Grips' sample-heavy sound fueled by math rock-adjacent live drums. Regardless, the JENNY DEATH WHEN era hype train brought Clipping in front of a relatively big audience of outsider rap nerds looking for another hit of bizarre sounds, and they brought it in spades. After listening to CLPPNG an embarrassing number of times I worked my way back to midcity (their first mixtape) and Face. Face really stuck with me, so I was thrilled to see it reissued in 2018 and picked it up immediately.
The original EP is a short-but-sweet three song affair that wastes no space and takes no prisoners. The opening track, the eponymous Face, is a blistering assault of lighting fast bars, blasts of noise, and a catchy x-rated chorus. It's followed by Studio Freestyle 01, which serves as a sort of mental breather in the middle of the list (as much of one as Clipping will give you at least), with mid-tempo freestyle verses alternating call-and-response style with bursts of harsh noise. The EP rounds out with Block, my personal favorite track from the project. Block showcases Daveed Diggs' uncanny ability to make even the smallest things seem profound and significant. A song about nothing becomes a song about everything as he paints a picture of a city block on top of a slow-burning beat. There are no characters. There is no action and no narrative. And that's the beauty of it.
The B side is a collection of remixes backed with an acapella of the first track. I'm normally not a huge fan of remixes, but the selection here is a fun listen. The first two are remixes of the title track, with the first turning it into a stompy industrial club tune and the second chopping it into a wall of samples (including a shockingly straight-faced interpolation of Gangnam Style, and a slightly less straight-faced interlude of the intro to Never Gonna Give You Up). This is followed by Clipping's remix of This Song Is A Drug Deal, by LA noise rock drum-and-shout group Foot Village. It chops up the spastic drums from the original song and uses them as a bed for some verses from Daveed. The side closes out with the acapella of Face, not exactly critical listening but I'm glad it's out there for DJs and remix artists to take advantage of.
As previously mentioned, the copy in front of me is the 2018 Deathbomb Arc vinyl issue, the only vinyl issue to date. The 2012 original pressing was only on cassette, and this deluxe reissue was also available on cassette with an expanded tracklist containing additional Face remixes. I opted for the vinyl version because, frankly, I lived through tapes the first time around; they sucked then, they suck now, and part of me withers away every time I have to buy a new one. Regardless, the vinyl edition is simple but well-presented. The album art still looks good when blown up to 12"x12", and they did a nice job typesetting the back cover. It includes a download code for the download-inclined, and opts for a polybag rather than a paper inner (I breathe a sigh of relief every time I open a new record and don't need to immediately resleeve the LP, records are too damn expensive now for these labels to cheap out with the crappy paper inners that shed everywhere and scuff your new record up). The pressing is fairly shallow, but my copy plays well with little to no surface noise. The sound is a bit dull, but it's not exactly a hi-fi recording in the first place so I'm not going to complain. No inserts or liner notes on this one, but an EP doesn't really need all that anyways. Overall I think they've done a nice job with the reissue.
I think the beauty of Face is that it paints a fairly complete picture of Clipping in only 3 tracks. You have the high energy sonic assaults, you have the artsy contemplation, and you have the fearless harsh noise and power electronics interludes. While it's not their most essential work, if you want a short elevator pitch for why you should care about Clipping, this is it. A great start to a legendary career. Rest assured, if I keep doing this long enough we'll see plenty of other Clipping releases in the future, so strap in for some more noise rap greatness down the road. In the meantime, may your music stay pleasantly abrasive and may your preferred genitals be in your face.
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willa-cole · 11 months
Lams (Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens)
3rd POV
Alexander was studying in Kings college library (Does it have one? Idk y'all don't judge me I'm just dumb) when Angelica Schuyler,the volunteer librarian,walked up to him."Alexander you've been here for five hours it's closing time" she said."Oh come on Angie please I've stayed past closing time before..." said Alexander. "Alexander... It's already past closing time I would've kicked you're workaholic ass out an hour ago if it wasn't for Eliza begging me to let you stay!" "Don't yell we're in a library..." "ALEXANDER IT'S EMPTY" "Jeez someone's on her period..." "... THAT'S.IT.OUT.NOW!" "Okay okay I'm leaving...But if I fail the exams it's your fault" "ALEXANDER HAMILTON THE EXAMS ARE IN EIGHT MONTHS GET OUT" Yelled Angelica and Alexander obligated.He look at his clock which read 11 p.m. 'It's too early to sleep...Guess some more work won't kill me' (Burr will :D) He said and walked up to his dorm which he oh so happened to share with his buddy (Yeah...Buddy *wink wink*) John Laurens...
John POV
I look at the clock and it reads 9 p.m. I guess waiting for Alex won't kill me...(Not making a pun on that cause I don't want to pay for therapy) I took Alex's book about the third U.S. president Daveed Diggs and started reading...
*an hour later*
It's 10 p.m. which means the library is closed...Which means Alex should be here...Why isn't he here yet? God I wish he wasn't such a workaholic...And he also makes it hard to care...You see I'm in love with Alex (you could say he's got you...HeLpLeSs) but it's so obvious he is straight...At least he's an ally though... That's good enough for me...I keep reading his book on his bed and accidentally fall asleep
*insert door opening*
I slowly wake up and see Alex,I read the clock and it's 11 p.m. "Where have you been I've been worried sick!" I said "I was at the library and...Is that my Daveed Diggs book?" "I thought you died and you wanna talk about Daveed Diggs?" "...Yes..." "Gosh Alex you have done all assignments for the next six months and have studyed for the exams...Which are eight months away!" I say trying not to yell "I wanna be prepared and...Did you next SIX months...OH MY GOD I MISSED A MONTH!!! LAURENS I'M GONNA FAIL I NEED TO STUDY" "Alex no" I say (Guess John could say no to this ;)) "Why do you care anyways it's my life!" He said "CAUSE I LOVE YOU" I yell. Alex stares at me with dumbfounded eyes "S-sorry I me-meant as a friend hehe..." I tried covering my confession up. "John...I don't love you" my heart drops "But I do have a like you...I. A more than just a friend way" Now it's my turn to stare,he notices my actions,comes closer to me and brushes his lips against my own and I kiss back..."Please work less it worries me" I say... "I guess for you I'll try not to be a workaholic..."
Okay so this is my first one shot but I think I did pretty well what do y'all think? You can also leave requests below :)
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priokskfm · 6 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset Big Love Radio Show – March 2024 – Lovebirds Big Mix Seamus Haji 1. Micky More & Andy Tee featuring Kathy Brown - I've Got Love For You (Extended Mix) - Soulfuric Trax 2. Key To Life - Forever (Michael Gray Remix) - Sub-Urban 3. Gianni Bini - Dancing & Grooving (Dave Lee Z Edit) - Groove Culture 4. Leo Sayer - Easier To Love (Riva Starr Edit) - White Label 5. Kelly G. X Candi Staton - Power Of One (Extended Mix) - Glitterbox 6. Blaze - Breathe (Natasha Diggs Remix) - Slip’n’Slide 7. Cleo Soul - Life Will Be (Michael Gray Remix) - White Label 8. SouLutions featuring Kathy Kosins & Louise Mehan - Distance - Soulutions 9. STR4TA - To Be As One (feat. Theo Croker) [Venom Remix] - Brownswood 10. Alicia Myers - I Want to Thank You (Short version) - MCA 11. Reel People feat. Mica Paris - I Want To Thank You (Kaidi Tatham Remix) - Reel People 12. Kai Alce, Ash Lauryn - Underground & Black (12 Inch Version) - NDATL Muzik 13. Demuir - Beat 7 - In Awe of You - Demuir 14. Seamus Haji feat Mike Dunn - Serious - Big Love 15. Orange Muse - Keep The Funk Alive (Primetime Mix) - Soulfuric Trax 16. Luv Muscle Body Check (Tedd Patterson Remix) - SoSure Music Lovebirds 1. Terrence Parker - Loves Got Me High (Marc Romboy Remix) - Systematic Recordings 2. Lovebirds - Burn It Down (Dub Mix) - Glitterbox 3. Disco Boogie Classics - Super Lover - Giant Cuts 4. Babak - Mon Repos - Neovinyl Recordings 5. Funkyjaws - Star Struck - Glenview 6. Ben Watt - Lone Cat - Buzzin Fly Records 7. Jon Cutler, E-man - It’s Yours - 4 To The Floor Records 8. Kathi Baker - Fa La La - Toledo 9. Lovebirds - Burn It Down (Club Mix) - Glitterbox 10. Julio Cruz - Dancing In The Stars - Must Be On Wax 11. Paxton Fettel - This Love (Get Over It) - Greta Cottage Workshop 12. Moullinex - Love, Love, Love - Discotexas 13. 40 Thieves - Don't Turn It Off (Session Victim Dub) - Permanent Vacation Germany Follow Big Love here ➡️ https://ift.tt/V2QdB4A House, Disco, Electronic, "Deep House", "Nu Disco", "Jackin House", "Classic House" www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/5zVTLhq
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