#Data information
bazzybelle · 10 months
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Some snap shots of my Spotify 2023 Wrapped. None of this surprises me. Could have sworn I listened to more Midnight than Crazy Monkey (lofi creator), but there you go.
Also, those podcasts are incredible!
Not surprising that I'm a Shapeshifter (HI GAULT!!!). My taste in music is all over the place.
Love that they pinged me in Victoria... I think if I had listened to more French music, they might have gotten my location correct.
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sin-simps · 2 months
-bangs pots and pans- come get y’all Sebastian angst/silly
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starfall-isle · 1 year
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stargir1z · 7 months
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byung chul han, vita contemplativa
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rohirric-hunter · 16 days
Genuinely amused when people who don't know anything about Christianity try to draw on it as a source for their fantasy -- "Oh this is my half-demon OC who takes damage from holy things and is stuck in a church, better hope that communion wine in the back doesn't spill anywhere!" You mean the regular. wine in the back? The very normal alcohol that is completely indistinguishable from any other alcohol to anyone at all until the actual communion ceremony? The Mogen David? That wine? Okay. Sure. *is imagining your OC screaming and running from a liquor store*
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Okay I'm curious: I've seen a lot of Christians use/refer to the phrase "hosanna in the highest!" which is used in the New Testament and I've frequently heard it pronounced "hoh-ZAHN-ah". However, it's a much older liturgical phrase in Hebrew and definitely not pronounced like that. I want to know: (1) were you taught the actual meaning of this word by your community/do you know what it actually means without googling it, (2) what variety of Christian are you, and (3) if, after googling it, were you correct?
Sorry fellow yidden and other non-Christians; this poll is specific to people who identify as Christian and/or who were raised as such. (Edit: gerim who were raised Christian can vote, but you have to base it off of what you were taught as a Christian, not what you know now.)
Christians who answer: if you googled this after voting yes and were taught wrong about it, please let me know in the notes.
(If you're wondering if you "count" as Christian or having been raised as such, for these purposes I would say interpret it broadly to include anyone who views Jesus as the messiah and grew up reading the New Testament as part of your bible.)
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54625 · 9 months
Imagine sending an extremely professional ruthless mercenary to do some mercenary business on an island far away and while he's there he finds a young kid who he adopts as his son and he has a journey of self discovery and acceptance in regards to his sexuality and he meets a really nice guy who he starts an almost-relationship with and he learns the true power of friendship and all in all does everything except what you sent him there to do
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One of western Canada’s largest rental property companies is warning tenants about a cyber security breach it says was discovered earlier this year. In a letter to tenants on Aug. 19, also published on its website, Mainstreet Equity Corporation says on it discovered a third party had gained access to a portion of its IT infrastructure on May 21. “Upon discovering this, we immediately undertook countermeasures to prevent any further unauthorized activity,” the company said.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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mostly-natm · 4 months
Welcome to Commission Information Post Part Two, Electric Boogaloo! This time, we’ll be going over my $20 doodle commissions!
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First things first: they’re $20! Whether your character is a cat, or an 8-limbed dragon/human hybrid.** Do you want another character interacting with the first one? That’ll be +$5 for each additional character! Do you have an idea of a character you want to create, but don’t have a reference drawn? We can make it come alive together! If you’re interested, shoot me a DM!
I have decided to give these guys slots! 10 of them, to be precise. Slot status and more examples under the cut. Thank you!
**Something I will say about very detailed designs is that my doodle style is simplified, and some details will be lost. But all the important ones will stay!
Number One: Taken!
Number Two: Taken!
Number Three: Taken!
Number Four: Taken!
Number Five: Taken!
Number Six: Taken!
Number Seven: OPEN
Number Eight: OPEN
Number Nine: OPEN
Number Ten: OPEN
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(Psst… As with any commission, accepting it is up to my discretion. However, with this round, I am open to taking NSFW commissions!)
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wdapteo · 5 months
you know, there are more than 2 genders. you can fuck with a bar graph, a pie chart, a chord diagram, or even a scatterplot. and depending on the context you can fuck with different graphs at once! data visualisation is a beautiful part of the LGBT community <3
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
How many times do you think Tuvok used the Tarkalean flu excuse before Janeway started going "Hmm..." Seven years is a long time and I'm certain that the first few times Tuvok got the 'flu' Janeway didn't remember or think much of it. Especially depending on how common the Tarkalean flu is (it'd be much less notable if it was the equivalent of being out sick with 'a cold') At what point do you think Janeway went "Let me make a note of this..." and then the next time his 'flu' rolled around, seven years later, she went back to confirm that note. But a good scientist needs more consistent results than that - so it really took a third period of seven years to fully cement this knowledge as fact in her mind. Meanwhile Tuvok's making detailed psychological notes on her. They're a perfect team!
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datamined · 1 year
Because it's relevant to the blog: TLDR; The United States' Justice Department have Google in an Antitrust lawsuit over it's ability as a monopoly to corrupt search engine results and more people need to understand what's going on and why this is important. https://www.npr.org/2023/09/12/1198558372/doj-google-monopoly-antitrust-trial-search-engine At work one of my bosses threw a fit (justifably) because Google is doing a lot shittier things with advertising and their algorithm than you think. I feel like most people know at this point that Google search results are essentially bunk- the top searches is influenced by how much a company directly works with and pays google. People bid to make their names or businesses at the top of the search results. But it goes a little deeper in that. Recently, I learned that top bidders do not actually get the top result. Why? Because Google wants to make it look less bad when Amazon always gets the top result for virtually anything you're looking for. Top bidders get second top search, the NEXT top bidders actually get the top spot. I could be wrong, but this is essentially my understanding of it at our office in super simple terms. But the biggest issue right now is that Google actually quietly (but significantly) raised their prices for bidding and nobody has any fucking say in it. This makes large corporations (such as Amazon) more likely to be only ones that can manage to take up these top spots, and smaller companies continue to get shafted because they simply cannot compete and Google is essentially stiffing the competition, so to speak, harder than ever before. BUT ON TOP OF THAT, my boss also found that Google is actively making it harder to find information about this and the incoming huge fucking lawsuits thrown at them. They're trying to make it difficult for their users (and basically, the entire world considering so many devices automatically use google search, as Google has deals with Apple and Samsung) to find out anything about their corporate greed and corruption. When searching for the same thing in a different Search Engine like Bing, the lawsuits are the first things to come up. It's huge fucking news but few people know about it or are talking about it. The results of this lawsuit are going to permanently and drastically change the internet and how people find their information.
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garadinervi · 25 days
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W. E. B. Du Bois, [and Atlanta University students (researchers and designers)], [A series of statistical charts illustrating the condition of the descendants of former African slaves now in residence in the United States of America] Assessed value of property owned by Negroes in three states of the United States, (ink and watercolor), Paris, ca. 1900 [Library of Congress, Washington, DC. The W. E. B. Du Bois Center at the University of Massachusetts Amherst]
Bibl.: W. E. B. Du Bois's Data Portraits. Visualizing Black America, Edited by Whitney Battle-Baptiste and Britt Rusert, Introduction and captions by Silas Munro, Design by Benjamin English, Princeton Architectural Press, Hudson, NY, 2018
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stuckinapril · 6 months
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