#Data Marketing Wizard
powerexec · 2 months
The Power of Big Data Profits Lead Gen For Insurance & Real Estate Agents
Big Data Profits: Hyper-targeted Leads for Insurance & Real Estate Agents The data power of fortune 500 companies without breaking the bank! You know how Fortune 500 companies have access to massive amounts of data and use it to generate leads at will? Well, guess what? You can now tap into that same data power without breaking the bank! Imagine having access to the same level of data insights…
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isabelguerra · 2 months
hi guys!
this feels a little silly to ask, if you have a spare minute and don't mind sending an ask about what you've enjoyed about wizard au so far and what you would like to continue seeing from it moving forward, i'd really appreciate feedback!
we all know it's an izjo-centric character exploration about the paranatural characters, specifically isabel, at wizard school, but is that... is that, like, what engages people? would you guys still read it if there wasn't some big overarching plot about a huge mystery at the school? is a character-driven romcom enough? is it funnier if it's a character-driven romcom that has all the weird mystery shit going on to Max The Protagonist in the background but gains little no to recognition because the narrative is about the two wizardball jocks and their inability to understand their own emotions???? help.
if you have the time, what is it that you actually like about wizard au? i'm working out the beats for the potential first fic, and I’m struggling with what to write. An idea of what my audience actually enjoys about it would really help me narrow down how i want to go about this, map out potential directions to take, and what priorities to focus on. thanks everyone!
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sunflowerwizard · 4 months
We Don't Talk About Abdel: the ""Canon"" Gorion's Ward and Why I Hate Him
If you've only played Baldur's Gate 3 you may have heard of Abdel Adrian. The Hero of Baldur's Gate, late Grand Duke, and Bhaalspawn who died, badly.
There is, unfortunately a lot you might not know. Spoilers ahead for the original Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn, and Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal. And their shitty novelizations you should not read.
Your choices matter. Allegedly.
There are many ways to handle continuity in a series of choice-heavy RPGs with custom main characters. There's the approach the original Fallout games did, by setting the second installment long enough after the first, that your player character can be vaguely alluded to without much friction. There's the Bioware approach, of uploading your save data from previous games to slightly effect the world in the next one. And then there's the Baldur's Gate series, which splits the difference and makes the worst of both worlds: a century has past and there's no cheeky vagueness to transplant your own player character as the Hero of Baldur's Gate. It is Abdel Adrian's world and we are merely living in it.
I'd argue there's one thing that very clearly separates a Commander Shepherd from an Abdel Adrian, and that's serving a role in a game that lines up with the story being told.
What's the deal with Bhaalspawn?
I'd like to get one thing out of the way first. Bhaalspawn =/= The Dark Urge. I only mention this because I've seen some people assume all Bhaalspawn operate on the "sleeper cell turbo murderer" framework that the DU does. The majority of the first Baldur's Gate game, the player character themself doesn't know they're in any way unusual. You get ominous dream sequences as the story progresses, up until the Big Reveal.
At which point, one of the themes reveals itself: nature versus nurture. Your PC is a 20-something year old young adult who lived inside a walled town, and had their entire support system torn away the second they left. Unless you've chosen to roleplay that way, they may not have ever felt a particular inclination towards violence. This is in stark contrast with Big Bad, your half-brother Sarevok whose upbringing was filled with struggle and violence.
It's even more apparent in Throne of Bhaal, when you're confronted with it outright: what if your places had been switched? Maybe you would've committed even more atrocities than your half-brother.
We now have to talk about the books. Unfortunately. Canonically the novelization of Baldur's Gate is the origin of Abdel Adrian. He is Philip Athans' brainchild and there's fuck all we can do about it. Unless I get a word of god response from Wizards of the Coast or story beats are directly contradicted in other BG-related media that has come out since, I am treating the events of the books as canon.
A narrative treadmill of a character arc
The game starts out in relatively bog-standard hero's journey fashion. It's morning in Candlekeep, you're leaving home for the very first time with your adoptive dad, and he's been very cagey about the details other than "we need to leave, I'll explain later."
Abdel Adrian, has already left Candlekeep at the start of the novel. He's already in his mid-twenties, and has been traveling the Sword Coast as a sword-for-hire for nearly a decade (presumably cornering the child soldier market). He also really likes killing people, hence his line of work. The big inciting incident with Gorion happens because he sent Abdel a letter about needing to talk, at which point Sarevok shows up, kills Gorion, who tells Abdel to seek out Jahiera and Khalid with his dying breath.
I'll break down my issues with this point by point. -Abdel is very clearly not a level 1 character. Perhaps this is a petty point, but isn't half the fun of this style of fantasy story watching the protagonist grow in skill, until they can eventually face off against the seemingly indomitable Big Bad? Spoiler: Abdel is already at the peak of his Swordsmanship Power™ and we will not see any growth on that front.
-What are the stakes, actually? We went from "everything I know and love has been torn away from me. I'm a level 1 adventurer in a big, dangerous world and cannot go home." to "I'm a big tough fighterman with a penchant for murder who's going to avenge the father figure the book tell-not-shows you I cared about" Like my previous point, we have no baseline, no sense of what the main character has truly lost. I'm much less interested in watching someone start from the middle and fight their way to the top, than seeing someone from rock bottom getting there.
-His Bhaalspawn heritage manifests itself as murdergremlin tendencies. If you've not encountered a player with murdergremlin tendencies while playing a ttrpg, you've almost certainly heard horror stories about them. The guy who loves to escalate encounters into combat, who threatens and maims because "it's what my character would do" and often times view themselves as the main character.
If that sounds exhausting, this is the character whose head we're trapped inside. A guy whose two big motivators are murder and sex, whose external moral compass is his love interest (Jahiera deserved better). AND EVEN THEN by the end of the second book, the only growth he has experienced as a character is "maybe sometimes I won't murder everyone who makes me angry" when he just point-blank refuses to kill the antagonist of BG2. Oh, but not before he had sex with and violently murdered the other main antagonist who was also a woman.
"Okay the books are awful, but why be angry at Abdel?"
Because by virtue of WOTC continuing to use "Abdel Adrian" as THE Hero of Baldur's Gate and a canon character, those books are still canon. SOME elements had to be retconned for being incongruent with the games (did I mention in the first novel Abdel leaves Khalid to die during a fight in the first novel?) but otherwise? I've seen no revisions to his base character. And now every piece of Baldur's Gate media is built on this shitty, rotten foundation.
Are these points somewhat petty? Yes! Either Wizards should've come up with an entirely new stand-in Bhaalspawn to wash the shit taste of those novelizations out of everyone's mouths, or they should've written future material to only vaguely allude to BG 1&2's protagonist. The Bhaalspawn saga was wrapped up perfectly fine in Throne of Bhaal. Either he should've stayed dead with Cyric taking on his domain, or find another way to bring him back. Abdel Adrian having .0001% Bhaal Juice still in his blood and thus turning into The Slayer is a "Somehow, Palpatine returned" way of doing it.
On the off chance anyone is morbidly curious about the terrible novels, me and some pals did a live-reading not too long ago. If this post gets 100 notes I will make a Greatest Hits compilation of terrible moments. Spoiler: one of them includes the "spider in her cleavage" scene.
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dduane · 2 years
Sfsjshdjshs Diane Duane is here?! Your books were such a big part of my childhood. 🥰🥰🥰 I especially loved your young wizard stories. They dared to be weird in a world of more “marketable,” “palatable,”consumable literature that didn’t take any chances.
They’re a big reason I dare to be weird today. Thank you!
You’re absolutely welcome. :)
I have to say that when I first started writing the Young Wizards books, my publishers didn’t seem overly concerned about them being weird. They seemed happy that they were new and interesting… even a bit challenging.
Back then—as in the 1970s/1980s, bless them—at least some of our publishers were bolder than they seem to be these days. They often seemed to believe that good writing should be allowed to shoulder the weight of passing strange-ish new ideas on to a new readership… and that the readership was smart enough to handle what those new ideas seemed to be saying about the world.
Over the last few/four/five decades, the world has changed around us. (eyeroll) All around the world at the moment, people (who usually haven’t been taught to be better) are being encouraged to be cruel to different people, odd people, weird people, thoughtful-but-not-in-the-usual-ways people.
This being the case, it seems to me as if it’s time for folks generally to take a deep breath and do the thing you hoped (as a child) you’d never have to do: stand up for the weird. Many of us would, in the ancient day, have run and hidden rather than do that. Now we no longer have the luxury.
You may not do it perfectly. (Some correctly notable names in our field catch grief even now for their early inclusiveness not being “good enough” by today’s standards.) But this kind of nitpicking is something we have no time to indulge, especially if we’re currently doing the best we can with the data and advice we have at hand in the here and now. 
So: be weird, and (because you would anyway) while standing up for the weird, let people know what you’re doing, and why. Mind yourself when you do, for in this world we now inhabit it’s not always safe to be weird, or even to talk about it. But you’re the one best equipped to tell the rest of us what you’re thinking, and you have a right to be heard.
My only caveat about this: Work to communicate your thinking with the greatest clarity you can manage… and read liberally among those who’re gifted at this art, to learn how to do it better. Do your very best to make it impossible for the people to whom you’re talking to, or for whom you’re writing, to mistake what you mean. Unfortunately, all around us seethes a great furious pool of those who seek to put the worst possible construction on your words, thereby to further their own agendas.
…They’re going to do this anyway, of course. But make them work for it. By and large the enemies of the Weird are unclear on how to use Language to its best advantage. (We should all be grateful for small mercies…) In the meantime, what else can I say but: good hunting. :)
(…And a last word: at the Young Wizards end of things, I’m not done yet. See youngwizards.com for details... especially about works you haven’t read yet: and about the YW fandom, which is small but quite, quite vital.) :)
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imagine an evil sect of divination wizards who cast all kinds of scrying sensors all over the place and then sell that data to advertisers. all their familiars and homonculi and whatever minions they have sitting down and writting what they see through a crystal ball and then the wizards pull a cart with all those super boring tomes to the market
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ask-crimson-weaver · 22 days
Research: done. Wizard: arrived. Here’s what we’ve got so far:
First, Clearlee Cosmetics. It’s a relatively new company (less than a year since it was founded) and is absolutely a multi-level marketing scheme. Focuses on selling skin care products marked up to make them seem fancier. Had Strange look at the hand scrub that showed up, and it’s mundane— no weird magic going on with it. Suppose that can’t speak for the entire product line, but we don’t have anything else to inspect right now. The founder-slash-head person’s name listed on their website is, I kid you not, Karen Clearlee. No other identifying info info online (the Clearlee website and social media are all pretty generic and brand-focused) so we’re assuming it’s an alias. Some of the next-tier members seem to be using their real names though, so Red’s trawling the web to pool some data on them.
Speaking of Res: the footage.
It… honestly doesn’t show much? Hannah didn’t leave the apartment, only came out to head to the bathroom for a minute with the hand scrub before going back to the bedroom. Harls ran some visual identifier program over it, and he did manage to pick up on some distortion in the footage, isolated to the wall where our bedroom is. Started a few minutes before Hannah came out, ended right before she left the room. Trace magic inside suggests that someone else— or at least something using the same type of magic Han’s been dunked in— was in there. Explains how the hand scrub got in, but also means someone else stopped by for a visit. The Karen Clearlee lady, maybe?
Now for the wizard’s input.
It’s definitely vampirism— or, at least, a form of blood magic that mimics what we consider to be vampires. Somehow, though, that doesn’t narrow it down, so he’s gonna have to take his notes and do some research on what type of blood magic-based vampirism we’ve got going on.
Something a bit more concerning is that, from a mix of how the magic is structured and the point it’s progressed to, he… doesn’t have a way to draw out the vampire stuff without some major magical consequences. Something about… bound blood? Connection to the vamp that did the vamping to Hannah, or something like that. Best way to release the hold with the fewest repercussions is to take out the top vampire. But, of course, we’ll have to track her down first.
So… yeah. That’s where we’re at right now.
I guess, for the foreseeable future, my girlfriend is a vampire.
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sprout24live · 10 days
Guide to Running a Successful Social Media Agency
Table of Contents:
1Chapter 1
2Chapter 2
3Chapter 3
In this comprehensive guide, I share insights on establishing and growing a successful social media agency. It covers identifying your niche, creating a solid foundation, and effectively packaging services to attract clients. The guide also delves into strategies for running successful social media campaigns, understanding your audience, and creating engaging content. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of team building, expanding client base, and staying ahead of industry trends. This resource is invaluable for anyone looking to launch or grow a social media agency.
Connor Reynolds  May 1, 2024 174 0
Sprout24 is reader-supportedWe may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through our links. Rest assured, this does not affect the cost of your subscription.
Fed up with reading biased reviews and analysis from SaaS vendors themselves?We understand; they're often just trying to sell their services. That's why we've created this guide – to provide you with a straightforward and unbiased overview.
In the digital realm, where every like, share, and follow counts, it is not surprising that the social media marketing agency has emerged as a game changer.
As the digital landscape reshapes traditional marketing norms, the role of social media agencies is increasingly gaining prominence, acting as a critical nexus between businesses and their audiences.
Why so?
The numbers are impressive, but the real potential lies in the connections, engagement, and relationships built on these platforms.
A social media agency wears many hats – from strategist and content creator to community manager and data analyst. Leveraging their expertise, businesses can tap into the potential of social media, sparking conversations around their brand, engaging with their audience, and driving growth.
Let’s embark on a journey to explore the fascinating world of running a successful social media agency.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Starting Your Social Media Agency
1.1 Identifying Your Niche
The answer is your niche.
In the digital marketing world, a “one size fits all” approach rarely brings success. Your agency must have a unique focus that aligns with your passion, expertise, and market demand.
Niches can be industry-specific, demographic-focused, or platform-centric. However, your niche should resonate with you and be something you’re passionate about, as this passion will be your fuel on this journey.
So, whether you’re a fitness enthusiast wanting to help gyms with their social media, or a tech wizard focused on helping software companies, finding the right niche will make your services more targeted, valuable, and sought-after.
1.2 Building a Solid Foundation
An idea without a foundation is like a skyscraper without its base—destined to crumble.
Building a robust foundation for your social media agency involves a deep understanding of your brand, services, goals, and objectives.
Think of your brand as a person. What does it stand for?
What are its values?
What is its personality?
Setting clear goals and objectives is another crucial aspect.
What are you aiming to achieve in the next year?
Maybe it is to secure five ongoing clients or to reach a specific revenue milestone. Having these goals allows you to develop a roadmap for your agency’s growth.
Remember, these goals should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Solidifying your brand, defining your services, and setting clear goals is like building a strong foundation for your agency. These elements are the bedrock upon which the rest of your business strategy will be built.
1.3 Packaging Your Services
Deciding on which services to offer is only half the battle won. The real challenge lies in packaging them attractively, thus appealing to your potential clients.
Think about it from the clients’ perspective – why should they choose your services over others?
What unique value proposition are you offering?
A neat trick is to offer services in bundles, where each package caters to different needs and budgets.
For instance, a basic package could include content creation and basic SEO, a mid-tier package might offer social media management and engagement tracking, and a premium package could provide a complete solution, including paid ad campaigns, comprehensive SEO, and data analytics.
By doing so, you’re not just selling services but solutions that promise results, packaged to meet diverse client needs and budgets.
1.4 Winning Clients
A useful starting point is leveraging your personal and professional network. Reach out to local businesses, attend industry events, join online communities, and let them know about your services.
Remember, word-of-mouth is a powerful tool. Satisfied customers can become your brand ambassadors, bringing in more clients.
Regularly publish blogs and articles on industry trends and best practices. This positions you as a thought leader in your niche, attracting more clients.
Social proof is another powerful way to attract clients. Case studies, testimonials, and client success management stories provide tangible evidence of your capabilities. It helps build trust and credibility with potential clients.
However, the most important strategy for winning clients is delivering top-notch service. Your clients are investing their money and trust in you, and nothing speaks louder than results.
Make their satisfaction your top priority, and they’ll not only stick around but also refer you to others. Building strong, long-lasting relationships with your clients is the real secret to a successful social media agency.
Connor Reynolds  July 30, 2024 Social Media Tools
Sendible is a powerful social media management tool that can help your digital marketing team to streamline their social media activities and better engage with your target customers across different social media platforms.
 Deployment: SaaS
Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Running Successful Social Media Campaigns
2.1 Understanding Your Audience
So, how do you get to know your audience?
It’s not about guessing or assuming; it is about data-driven insights. Social media platforms are a treasure trove of data.
Leveraging analytics tools like Google Analytics, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social, you can uncover vital information about your audience—demographics, interests, online behaviors, and more.
It’s about knowing what resonates with them, what sparks their interest, what drives them to engage, or what influences their purchasing decisions.
These insights will help you tailor your content, tone, and messaging, ensuring they hit the right chord with your audience.
Remember, understanding your audience isn’t a one-time process; it is continuous. As audience preferences evolve, so should your understanding.
Always be on your toes, ready to learn, adapt, and deliver what your audience truly wants.
2.2 Creating Engaging Content
In the world of social media, content is the currency. It is how you engage with your audience, how you communicate your brand message, and how you drive actions – be it likes, shares, comments, or conversions.
So, how do you create content that not only grabs attention but also incites engagement?
How-to guides, thought leadership articles, fun quizzes, or behind-the-scenes stories?
This is where your audience analysis comes into play.
Quality trumps quantity every time. It is better to post less frequently but provide value with each post.
Always ask yourself, “What’s in it for the audience?”
Ensure your content adds value, be it in the form of information, entertainment, or inspiration.
Don’t forget the power of storytelling. People connect with stories, so weave your brand message into a story. Share success stories, customer testimonials, or your journey, making your brand more relatable.
Lastly, encourage engagement. Ask questions, seek opinions, run contests, or use interactive features like polls or quizzes.
The more your audience interacts with your content, the higher the chances of it being seen by a broader audience, thanks to the algorithms of social media platforms.
Creating engaging content isn’t about luck; it is about understanding your audience, delivering value, and fostering engagement.
If done right, it can turn your social media platforms into bustling communities, driving growth for your agency.
2.3 Monitoring and Adjusting Your Campaigns
Social media isn’t a “set it and forget it” game. It is a dynamic ecosystem that demands constant monitoring and adjustments.
Because social media trends evolve rapidly, audience preferences change, and what works today might not work tomorrow.
Tools like Buffer, Agorapulse, Sendible, Sprout Social, and Hootsuite offer comprehensive analytics to track these metrics.But numbers alone don’t tell the full story. Dive deeper to understand what these numbers mean.
Are your posts getting good engagement but low click-throughs?
Maybe your call-to-actions aren’t compelling enough.
Is your follower growth slow?
Perhaps you need to be more active in community engagement.
Don’t shy away from experimenting. Try different types of content, posting at different times, using various hashtags. See what works best and double down on those strategies.
And don’t forget to keep an eye on your competition.
What are they doing differently?
Can you learn from their successes or mistakes?
Remember, monitoring and adjusting your campaigns isn’t a once-in-a-while task; it is an ongoing process. The more frequently you check and adjust, the better your campaigns will perform.
After all, the key to winning the social media game is staying agile and ready to adapt.
2.4 Measuring Success
Measurement is the compass that guides your social media journey. It tells you if you’re heading in the right direction or if it is time to pivot.
But in the sea of data that social media provides, what should you measure?
Here are some key metrics to keep an eye on:
Engagement rate is a measure of how much your audience interacts with your content. It includes likes, comments, shares, saves, or click-throughs.
Reach and impressions tell you how many people saw your post and how often. If these numbers are low, perhaps you need to adjust your posting schedule, use different hashtags, or promote your posts to reach a wider audience.
Follower growth is a measure of how your audience size is growing. While it is not the only metric to focus on, a steady growth in followers indicates people find value in your content and want to see more.
Conversion rate is the ultimate measure of your campaign success.
If your conversions are low, maybe you need to tweak your call-to-actions or offer more compelling incentives.
Remember, these numbers are just data unless you glean insights from them.
What are they telling you about your audience, your content, or your strategies?
What lessons can you learn, and how can you apply them to future campaigns?
In the end, success in social media isn’t just about hitting numbers; it is about understanding what these numbers mean, learning from them, and using these insights to continually refine your strategies. Because in social media, as in life, the real success lies in continual learning and growth.
Connor Reynolds  May 26, 2024 Social Media Tools
Agorapulse is a powerful social media management tool that can help your team streamline workflows and boost engagement on your company’s social media pages.
 Deployment: SaaS
More details +
Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Growing Your Social Media Agency
3.1 Scaling Your Services
There’s a fine line between growing and scaling. Growth often means adding resources at the same rate that you’re adding revenue, but scaling is about adding revenue at an exponential rate without incurring significant costs.
As you experience success with your social media agency, it is crucial to think about how to scale effectively.
Knowing when to scale is as important as knowing.
How are you turning away potential clients due to lack of capacity?
Is your team consistently overwhelmed with tasks?
Are your existing clients asking for more services that you currently do not offer?
As you scale, focus on your core competencies. You don’t need to be everything to everyone. Identify the services that you excel at and that your clients love, and expand on those.
Outsourcing tasks that are not within your core competencies can also help you focus on what truly matters.
Invest in tools and technology that can automate or simplify your processes. This can include social media scheduling tools, analytics tools, or project management tools. By automating repetitive tasks, you free up time to focus on strategic decisions.
But remember, while you’re scaling your services, never compromise on quality. Quality is what earned you your clients in the first place, and it is what will keep them around as you grow.
3.2 Building a Team
Behind every successful social media agency is a strong, skilled team. As you scale your services, you’ll need more hands on deck. However, building a team isn’t just about hiring more people; it is about hiring the right people.
Start by identifying the roles you need. You’ll likely need social media managers, content creators, graphic designers, ad specialists, and possibly more, depending on your range of services.
When hiring, look for individuals who bring not only the necessary technical skills but also align with your agency’s culture and values. Remember, skills can be taught, but attitude and work ethic can’t.
Once you’ve hired your team, invest in their growth. Provide them with regular training and resources to stay abreast of the latest trends and techniques in social media.
Delegate responsibilities effectively. Make sure each team member knows their roles and responsibilities. Clear delegation not only increases efficiency but also empowers your team, leading to higher job satisfaction.
Finally, celebrate wins and learn from losses as a team. Foster a culture where each member feels valued and part of the bigger picture. After all, the strength of your agency lies in the strength of its team.
3.3 Expanding Your Client Base
Attracting new clients while retaining the current ones is an art every social media agency needs to master. Your client base is the lifeline of your agency, so it is crucial to keep expanding it.
Start by identifying your ideal client.
What industry are they in?
What size is their business?
What are their pain points?
The more specific you can get, the more targeted your marketing efforts will be.
Leverage your existing clients. Word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Encourage your clients to refer you to their networks. You can even offer a referral program with incentives to make it more appealing.
Content marketing can also help attract new clients. By sharing valuable, relevant content on your website or social media platforms, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your field, attracting potential clients.
Networking should not be overlooked. Attend industry events, join online forums, or participate in LinkedIn groups. The more people in your industry know about you, the higher the chances of getting client referrals.
In the end, expanding your client base is about building relationships. Whether it is with potential clients, existing clients, or industry peers, invest time and effort in nurturing these relationships, and they’ll pay dividends in the long run.
3.4 Staying Ahead of the Curve
In the ever-evolving world of social media, the only constant is change. Trends shift, algorithms update, and new platforms emerge. To stay relevant and successful, your agency needs to stay ahead of the curve.
First and foremost, be a lifelong learner. Social media is a rapidly changing field, and what worked a few months ago might not work today.
Follow industry blogs, attend webinars and conferences, participate in online forums, and learn from other industry leaders.
Tools like Google Trends, BuzzSumo, or SEMrush can help you keep track of the latest trends.
Don’t be afraid to experiment. The best way to understand a new trend or platform is to get your hands dirty.
Try out different types of content, experiment with new formats, explore different platforms. Some of these experiments might fail, but the lessons learned will be invaluable.
So, even if a new trend feels daunting, lean into it. You never know—it might be the next big thing for your agency.
Staying ahead of the curve isn’t just about being the first to jump on a new trend; it is about continually evolving, learning, and adapting to the changing landscape.
It’s about being proactive, not reactive. In the fast-paced world of social media, that’s what sets successful agencies apart.
Final Takeaway
We’ve traversed through the realms of establishing, running, and growing a successful social media agency.
From identifying your niche, building a solid foundation, packaging your services, and winning clients, to understanding your audience, creating engaging content, monitoring campaigns, and measuring success.
And we didn’t stop there. We explored scaling your services, building a formidable team, expanding your client base, and staying ahead of the curve.
Embarking on this journey isn’t for the faint-hearted. It requires dedication, hard work, continual learning, and most importantly, a passion for social media.
But remember, every large agency you admire today once started small. They too faced challenges, made mistakes, learned, and grew. The key is to stay committed to your vision and to continually adapt to the evolving landscape of social media.
Here’s to your journey in running a successful social media agency. May the virtual world of likes, shares, and comments become your playground, and may you create digital magic that wins hearts, minds, and businesses.
Now, go out there and make a difference. You’ve got this!
What is the first step in starting a social media agency?
The first step in starting a social media agency is identifying your niche. This involves deciding which industries you’ll serve, what social media platforms you’ll specialize in, and what kind of services you’ll offer. Having a specific focus allows you to become an expert in that area and provides a clear direction for your agency.
How can I attract clients to my social media agency?
Attracting clients to your social media agency involves several strategies. You can leverage your existing network, offer a referral program to incentivize current clients to refer you to their networks, create valuable content that showcases your expertise, and participate in networking events or online groups. Remember, building a client base is about building relationships.
What services should a social media agency offer?
The services a social media agency offers depend on its niche and expertise. Common services include social media management, content creation, social media advertising, strategy development, audience analysis, and social media auditing. You can also offer package deals that include a combination of these services.
How can I make my social media campaigns more effective?
Effective social media campaigns start with a deep understanding of your audience. Once you know who your audience is, you can create content that resonates with them. Regularly monitor and adjust your campaigns based on performance, and measure success using key metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversion rates. It is also crucial to stay current with social media trends and incorporate them into your campaigns.
What are the key metrics to track in a social media campaign?
Key metrics to track in a social media campaign vary based on your goals. However, common metrics include reach (how many people see your content), engagement (likes, shares, comments), click-through rate (how many people click on your links), and conversion rate (how many people take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter). Understanding and analyzing these metrics can provide insights into your campaign performance and guide future strategies.
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Unlock Your Social Media Potential: Try Sendible Enterprise Today
Agorapulse Vs Sendible: Unraveling the Best Social Media Management Tool
Guide to Running a Successful Social Media Agency
How do we evaluate the SaaS Products?Manual testing is the process that goes beyond just ticking boxes. Our team start by defining clear testing objectives based on the intended use of SaaS product. Each product undergoes a rigorous user experience analysis, where we simulate real-world scenarios to gauge performance, usability, and reliability. We pay special attention to the integration capabilities, data security, and compliance standards of the SaaS vendor. This hands-on 25 test-point approach allows us to uncover nuances that automated testing might miss, providing a more holistic understanding of the product.
How do we evaluate and benchmark the SaaS products and service effectively?Our evaluation process is data-driven and multi-dimensional. Our team analyze the product performance metrics against industry standards and similar products. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are meticulously examined, including ease of use, customization options, scalability, customer support effectiveness, and innovation. We also incorporate user feedback to ensure our benchmarks reflect actual user experiences and expectations. This comprehensive method ensures a fair and effective comparison of the SaaS products.
How accurate are these comparisons and alternative suggestions of the SaaS products?We pride ourselves on the accuracy of our comparisons and suggestions. Our team expertise, combined with advanced analytics tools, ensures that our data is both current and relevant. We constantly update our database with the latest market trends and user feedback, which helps us provide accurate and timely recommendations. However, it's important to remember that each business has unique needs, and our suggestions are a starting point for their decision-making process.
Why software buyers trust Sprout24 reports and analysis?Our reputation for trustworthiness stems from our commitment to impartiality and depth of research. We don't just skim the surface; we delve deep into each SaaS product capabilities and shortcomings. Our reports are comprehensive, easy to understand, and transparent, explaining not just what we recommend but why. This transparency and thoroughness are why software buyers trust our reports. Our FTC Disclosure explain the sources of funding and revenue of Sprout24 platform, this enable us to curate straightforward and unbiased reviews.
How these reports help in reducing the time to purchase a SaaS platform?Our reports and guides significantly reduce the time to purchase by providing clear, concise, and comparative information. SaaS buyers don't have to spend countless hours researching; they can find all the necessary information in one place. Our Sprout scoring system, user reviews, and feature comparisons simplify the decision-making process, enabling buyers to make informed choices quickly.
How effective is the scoring system and help software buyers in making fast decision?Sprout Score Scale of 0-10 rating is crafted to provide a quick, yet detailed view of a product's overall standing in various categories. This scoring system, backed by in-depth contextual data analysis, allows software buyers to immediately gauge suitability of the product for their needs. It simplifies complexity and enables fast, informed decisions, which is crucial in the fast-paced world of business.
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Digital Marketing Agency
PICK MY URL, Digital Marketing Agency- Call +91 9819595495 for more details.
Revolutionising Digital Marketing: Unveiling PICK MY URL and Our Path to Success
In the realm of digital marketing, where innovation is the heartbeat and creativity is the soul, PICK MY URL stands tall as a pioneer, reshaping paradigms and crafting success stories. As the digital landscape evolves at lightning speed, our agency remains steadfast in our commitment to excellence, harnessing cutting-edge strategies and bespoke solutions to propel brands to new heights.
At PICK MY URL, we believe that every brand has a unique story to tell, and our mission is to amplify that narrative in the digital sphere. With a potent blend of data-driven insights, creative flair, and technical expertise, we orchestrate bespoke digital campaigns that resonate with audiences and drive tangible results.
Our approach is rooted in collaboration and partnership. We don't just work for our clients; we work with them, as an extension of their team. By immersing ourselves in their brand ethos, understanding their objectives, and aligning our strategies with their vision, we forge strong bonds that foster mutual growth and success.
Central to our ethos is innovation. In an industry characterized by constant evolution, stagnation is not an option. That's why we stay ahead of the curve, continuously exploring emerging trends, technologies, and platforms to deliver unparalleled value to our clients. Whether it's harnessing the power of AI for targeted advertising, leveraging AR/VR experiences for immersive brand storytelling, or mastering the intricacies of social media algorithms, we are relentless in our pursuit of innovation.
But innovation alone is not enough. Execution is key. That's where our team of seasoned professionals comes into play. From visionary strategists and creative wizards to analytical masterminds and tech virtuosos, each member of our team brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table, united by a shared passion for excellence and a relentless pursuit of success.
What sets PICK MY URL apart is not just what we do, but how we do it. Integrity, transparency, and accountability are the cornerstones of our operations. We believe in delivering results that are not just impressive on paper but also sustainable and ethical. Trust is earned, and we are committed to earning the trust of our clients every step of the way.
As we look to the future, our vision for PICK MY URL is bold yet grounded. We aim to continue pushing boundaries, challenging conventions, and shaping the future of digital marketing. But amidst the whirlwind of innovation and change, one thing will remain constant: our unwavering dedication to our clients' success.
So, to all the brands out there ready to embark on a transformation digital journey, we say this: Let's write the next chapter of your success story together. With PICK MY URL by your side, the possibilities are limitless.
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Hey Friends, Do you know, nowadays everyone searching for AI Marketing company and specially from India?
As now Indians are shining brighter than everyone in this digital competition. Well this video will help you with some extra bonus tips from PICKMYURL a Digital Marketing Agency and how can they help your products and services to get strong online presence.
India is rapidly becoming a global hub for digital innovation, and AI marketing is leading the charge. With a young and tech-savvy population, businesses are recognizing the immense potential of AI to drive growth and stay ahead of the curve.
PICKMYURL, a leading Digital Marketing Agency in India, is at the forefront of leveraging AI to deliver exceptional results for its clients. Our team of experts combines cutting-edge AI technology with in-depth industry knowledge to create tailored marketing strategies that drive engagement, conversions, and ROI.
In this video, we'll share valuable insights on how AI can transform your business and explore the unique advantages of partnering with PICKMYURL. Get ready to unlock the power of AI and take your marketing efforts to new heights!
Boost Your Business Growth with AI-Powered Marketing Strategies by PICKMYURL Best AI Marketing Company In today's data-driven marketing landscape, AI is no longer a futuristic concept - it's the key to unlocking explosive growth.
But navigating the complexities of AI marketing can be daunting. That's where PICKMYURL, your one-stop digital marketing agency, steps in. What is AI Marketing?
AI Marketing harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to automate tasks, personalize experiences, and optimize campaigns for maximum impact. Unveiling hidden customer insights: AI analyzes vast data sets to understand your audience on a deeper level, uncovering preferences and predicting behavior.
Crafting hyper-personalized campaigns: AI tailors content, messaging, and offers to resonate with each individual customer, driving higher engagement and conversions.
Optimizing campaigns in real-time: AI constantly analyzes performance metrics and makes adjustments on the fly, ensuring your campaigns stay ahead of the curve.
How PICKMYURL Can Help Your Business Thrive with AI Marketing: At PICKMYURL, we're not just digital marketing experts – we're AI pioneers.
We leverage cutting-edge AI technology to: Develop a personalized AI marketing strategy: Our team of specialists will tailor an AI marketing plan that aligns with your specific goals and target audience.
Automate repetitive tasks: Free up your valuable time by letting AI handle tedious tasks like content scheduling and social media management. Drive laser-targeted advertising campaigns: Utilize AI to reach the right customers with the right message at the right time, maximizing ROI.
Continuously improve and optimize: Our AI platform constantly analyzes data and fine-tunes your campaigns for ongoing success.
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markrosewater · 2 years
Here's a question I've been thinking about how to put into words. I see people at wizards rebuff criticism of the game or gameplay with "well we changed it and now we're selling more of it so it must be better." Is it fair to say that criticism of magic as a game is not necessarily criticism of magic as a product? So, defense of magic direction for product reasons is not necessarily a good defense of magic's game direction? I'm trying to reconcile this because it keeps coming up as a topic.
The message I keep giving is we make changes because we think it will make the game at large more enjoyable for the largest amount of players. Sales is but one metric we look at. We do market research, we have play data, we have digital data, we can look at various trends. We have a whole BI team who spends a huge amount of time analyzing all the data.
The key thing that drives me as Head Designer is making Magic the best game it can be for the audience that plays it (and the potential audience that would enjoy playing it). The tricky thing, as always, is the diversity of players and player desires.
The reason I like my buffet metaphor is it demonstrates how we think. Having seafood will do a lot to make the seafood lovers enjoy the buffet. Maybe others hate seafood, but as long as we provide food they love, they can eat that. The haters of seafood are less pushed away by seafood’s existence than the lovers of seafood are drawn in by it.
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rahuljangir · 4 months
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Unveiling Ahmedabad's Finest: The Best Digital Marketing Agencies
In the bustling cityscape of Ahmedabad, where tradition meets modernity, businesses are thriving amidst a competitive landscape. In such a dynamic environment, the significance of digital marketing cannot be overstated. As businesses seek to expand their reach and solidify their online presence, the role of a proficient digital marketing agency becomes indispensable. Let’s take a closer look at some of the premier digital marketing agencies in Ahmedabad that are spearheading innovative strategies and driving tangible results for their clients.
Digital Upstarts: As one of the leading Best Digital Marketing Agency in Ahmedabad, Digital Upstarts has earned a stellar reputation for its comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. From search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing to content creation and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, they offer a holistic approach to digital marketing that ensures maximum visibility and engagement for businesses across various industries.
Pixel Studios: With a creative flair and a strategic mindset, Pixel Studios has emerged as a powerhouse in the realm of digital marketing. Specializing in web design, branding, and digital strategy, they have helped numerous businesses carve out a distinctive identity in the digital sphere. Their innovative campaigns and visually captivating content have captivated audiences and generated impressive ROI for their clients.
Digimark: Renowned for its data-driven approach and analytical prowess, Digimark stands out as a top-tier digital marketing agency in Ahmedabad. Leveraging cutting-edge tools and technologies, they delve deep into market insights and consumer behavior to craft targeted campaigns that deliver measurable results. Whether it’s optimizing conversion rates or enhancing brand visibility, Digimark excels in driving growth and fostering long-term success for its clients.
Digital Dynamo: True to its name, Digital Dynamo is a force to be reckoned with in the digital marketing landscape of Ahmedabad. With a team of seasoned experts and industry veterans, they offer a diverse range of services encompassing SEO, social media management, email marketing, and more. Their strategic approach, coupled with a relentless focus on innovation, has propelled numerous businesses to new heights of success in the digital realm.
Web Wizards: Combining technical expertise with creative brilliance, Web Wizards has carved a niche for itself as a premier digital marketing agency in Ahmedabad. From designing visually stunning websites to devising targeted digital campaigns, they excel in helping businesses amplify their online presence and drive meaningful engagement with their target audience. With a client-centric approach and a passion for excellence, Web Wizards continues to set the benchmark for digital marketing excellence in Ahmedabad.
In conclusion, the vibrant city of Ahmedabad is home to a diverse array of digital marketing agencies, each bringing its own unique strengths and capabilities to the table. Whether it’s crafting compelling content, optimizing online visibility, or driving lead generation, these agencies play a pivotal role in empowering businesses to thrive in the digital age. By harnessing the expertise of these top-tier agencies, businesses in Ahmedabad can unlock new opportunities for growth and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
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makemybiz1 · 5 months
Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi/NCR
MakeMyBiz - Your Premier Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi/NCR In the bustling heart of Delhi/NCR, where innovation meets tradition and dreams collide with reality, there exists a beacon of digital prowess - MakeMyBiz. As the digital landscape continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, businesses are increasingly seeking partners who can navigate this dynamic terrain with finesse. MakeMyBiz emerges as not just a partner, but a catalyst for growth, a harbinger of success in the digital realm.
A Confluence of Expertise
At the core of MakeMyBiz lies a team of seasoned experts, each a virtuoso in their respective domains of digital marketing. From SEO wizards who conjure visibility out of thin air to social media maestros who weave narratives that resonate, MakeMyBiz is home to a diverse array of talents, unified by a singular passion - to elevate brands to their zenith in the digital sphere.
Tailored Solutions, Boundless Creativity
MakeMyBiz understands that one size does not fit all in the world of digital marketing. Every brand is unique, with its own story to tell and its own audience to captivate. That’s why MakeMyBiz crafts bespoke strategies, meticulously tailored to suit the distinct needs and aspirations of each client. Whether it’s a startup looking to carve its niche or a conglomerate aiming to fortify its digital presence, MakeMyBiz weaves a tapestry of creativity and innovation, setting the stage for unparalleled success.
A Holistic Approach to Digital Domination
In the labyrinthine realm of digital marketing, success is not merely about having a strong presence on one platform or executing a single campaign flawlessly. It’s about orchestrating a symphony of strategies across various channels, each harmonizing with the others to create a crescendo of brand resonance. MakeMyBiz understands this intricate dance better than most. From SEO and PPC to social media marketing and content creation, MakeMyBiz leaves no stone unturned in its quest to ensure that your brand reverberates across the digital landscape.
Data-Driven, Results-Oriented
In the digital realm, conjecture holds no sway. It’s a realm ruled by data, where every click, every impression, every conversion tells a story waiting to be deciphered. MakeMyBiz doesn’t just collect data; it transforms it into actionable insights that drive results. Through rigorous analysis and constant iteration, MakeMyBiz ensures that every campaign yields not just clicks, but tangible returns on investment.
A Partnership Built on Trust
In an industry often marred by smoke and mirrors, MakeMyBiz stands as a bastion of transparency and integrity. From the moment you engage with us, you’re not just a client; you’re a partner in success. MakeMyBiz believes in forging long-term relationships grounded in trust, communication, and mutual respect. Your goals become our goals, and your triumphs become our triumphs.
In the bustling metropolis of Delhi/NCR, where dreams are as diverse as the people who inhabit it, MakeMyBiz emerges as a beacon of hope, a guiding light for brands seeking to navigate the labyrinthine expanse of the digital realm. With a team of seasoned experts, a penchant for creativity, and an unwavering commitment to success, MakeMyBiz is more than a digital marketing agency; it’s a catalyst for transformation, a harbinger of triumph in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
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digitalmuse01 · 5 months
Unleashing Digital Marvels: Discovering the Best Online Marketing Company
 In the realm of digital marketing, where keywords are the magic spells that unlock online success, finding the best online marketing company becomes a quest for uncovering the most potent enchantments. Join us on a journey through the enchanted forests of SEO, the mystical realms of PPC, and the captivating lands of social media as we unveil the secrets of the best online marketing company—masters of keyword sorcery who wield the power to turn clicks into conversions and dreams into reality.
Keyword Alchemy: Enter a world where keywords are the alchemical ingredients that fuel success. The best online marketing companies are adept at keyword alchemy, weaving these strategic words into content, ads, and campaigns that resonate with audiences and rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs).
SEO Wizardry: Behold the wizards of SEO, who weave spells of optimization to enchant search engines and attract organic traffic to your website. With a sprinkle of keyword magic and a dash of technical prowess, they ensure your brand shines brightly amidst the digital stars.
PPC Enchantments: Explore the enchantments of PPC advertising, where keywords are the currency of clicks. Top online marketing companies conjure up compelling ad copy, bid strategically on high-performing keywords, and maximize your ROI with spells of conversion optimization.
Social Media Charms: Dive into the charms of social media marketing, where keywords spark conversations and ignite engagement. The best companies harness the power of keyword-rich content, hashtags, and targeting to enchant social media platforms and build a loyal following.
Analytics Sorcery: Peer into the crystal ball of analytics, where data-driven insights reveal the secrets of campaign performance. The best online marketing company use keywords as breadcrumbs to track user journeys, optimize conversion paths, and unlock the mysteries of ROI.
Content Spells: Uncover the spells of content creation, where keywords are woven seamlessly into compelling narratives that captivate audiences. These keyword wizards craft blog posts, articles, and videos that not only rank high but also resonate deeply with your target market.
Local SEO Potions: Discover the potions of local SEO, where keywords unlock doors to local customers. The best companies sprinkle location-based keywords into your online presence, ensuring your business appears prominently in local searches and maps.
Mobile Magic: Step into the realm of mobile marketing, where keywords cast spells of mobile optimization. Leading companies optimize keywords for mobile searches, create responsive designs, and enchant mobile users with seamless experiences that drive conversions.
E-commerce Enchantment: Journey through the realms of e-commerce, where keywords are the keys to digital storefronts. The best online marketing company optimize product pages, enhance searchability, and cast spells of persuasion that turn visitors into loyal customers.
Continuous Keyword Mastery: In the ever-evolving digital landscape, mastering keywords is an ongoing quest. The best online marketing companies stay abreast of keyword trends, conduct keyword research regularly, and adapt their strategies to ensure your brand remains competitive and visible.
In the enchanted world of digital marketing, where keywords reign supreme, aligning with the best online marketing company is like wielding a magic wand of success. Choose your keyword wizards wisely, for they hold the power to unlock a treasure trove of online opportunities and lead your brand to digital greatness.
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morlock-holmes · 2 years
I want “being an artist” to continue to be a thing people are allowed to be, and I’m a variety of ways. Not just training an AI to generate images in my off hours. I know there is no rational justification for this feeling but it’s incredibly depressing that nobody seems to care.
Well, the primary problem appears to me to be that capitalist markets deal poorly with abundance.
There's no immediate threat to art in the broad sense from these programs, the existential crisis of complete automation of all human labor is still decades, if not centuries away.
Where there is a threat is to artists who make money from non-copyrightable aspects of their work. The idea of, say, Wizards of The Coast training AIs on all their existing card art and just having the card designers write prompts for the art is not really very distant, and is arguably already possible.
Photography did a lot to hurt the market for painted portraiture; Digital photography did a lot to hurt the market for filmed photography.
Art has always had an awkward place in Capitalism because most of the *cost* of making it goes into producing the original, but the *profit* comes from selling copies.
Which means that it's very easy for people to cut you, the artist, out of the revenue stream.
The solution has been to simply legally prohibit certain people from making copies of (certain aspects) of artistic works, which, ironically, has proven to be a different way of cutting artists off from revenue streams for their work.
Technology is making the crisis acute, and I'm really skeptical of trying to patch things by just restricting what people can copy more and more.
*particularly* because the large corporate media monopolies will still be able to cut artists out. Disney and Wizards have the clout to get people to sign contracts explicitly assigning them permission to use work for hire product to train AIs; some unprofessional guy in a basement trying to make some nice stock art for the board game he's tinkering with doesn't.
I mean, quite frankly I'm almost certain that Wizards owns every piece of Magic: The Gathering art outright so they probably don't need artists' permission to use it as training data; Disney has an insane dragon hoard of imagery that they own outright and can easily use for training data.
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dduane · 1 year
After knowingly being a fan of your Star Trek work since the 90s, and having pushed Young Wizards on as many folks as I can for the last (how long have I been on here?) dozen years or so, and having bought the full download pack just before UK sales went on hiatus due to taxes, I have finally, finally started reading SYWTBAW. I'm instantly in love. The character introductions are perfect. The system explanations are natural, fitting with what the characters know themselves. I'm so happy! But that's an aside, a happy bonus...
I have been a fan of the X-Com/UFO game series since I first discovered it, which was when they brought the game to the Playstation in '95? Wow, that game was wild. I would go visit my friend and play with him, working on tactics for missions for hours on end, then come home and boot up my own system and run more missions on my own. I had multiple memory cards so I could save while engaging the enemy and also keep a save safely back at base if things went pearshaped. When I finally entered the PC-owners market in 97, it was one of the first games I installed there and I still have a copy on every computer I've owned since, and play regularly. I have the official strategy guide, and (the point of this message) I have the tie-in novel that you wrote! Finding that was a lucky thing, I've never seen or heard of another copy. I love what you did with the story, how it ties in well to the mechanics and spirit of the game without remaining constrained to the specifics of the game engine's limitations due to programming requirements.
When it came to writing about games, and writing for games such as Wing Commander, did you (do you still) play (m)any of them to learn more about the systems and lore?
Firstly: thanks for the nice words about my work. :) Much appreciated.
In answer to the question you wound up with: I'm not gaming actively at the moment... there's too much other stuff going on locally that requires my attention. But when I've been asked to participate in a game-based project, I absolutely spend as much time playing it as possible before I get down to work. I'll never be able to spend as much time on it as any given game's major enthusiasts would. But I do my homework, and make sure I have the data I need to handle the story issues and to drive a decent plot.
When I was working on Privateer 2: The Darkening, this wasn't so much of a problem, because I came in as cold as anyone else: nobody outside EA had played the game before. :) That said, I hadn't been hired for my expertise as a gamer, but as a screenwriter. I did spend a lot of time with the game designers and engineers, watching how gameplay was supposed to go and working out how I could best reinforce that rhythm in the way the scenes I was writing played out. It was a really enjoyable collaboration, as the engineers were as fascinated with what I was doing as I was with what they were up to. If there was a downside to the experience, it was having to be more or less a prisoner in Slough for six weeks while the writing and rewriting happened. But this kind of thing is an occupational hazard, best taken as gracefully as possible. (Though that wasn't hard in retrospect, especially considering the cast who wound up speaking the lines I'd written. Clive Owen, Brian Blessed, Mary Tamm, David Warner, John Hurt, Mathilda May, David McCallum, Jürgen Prochnow,... my God, what a lineup.)
X-Com: UFO Defense, though, I'd known for a long time and had played quite a bit: so when asked to pitch, I more or less came in hot with a bunch of issues that I felt needed more attention than they'd had in the actual game. I was delighted to get more or less carte blanche to handle them, and to create a bunch of edgily professional characters to run around destroying the bad guys. It was also, frankly, a ton of fun to use the narrative to blow up or drop alien spacecraft on things that (in real life) were annoying me in that timeframe. For example, in the culmination of one battle I dropped a big alien ship through the beautiful Renaissance Revival roof of the main rail station in Zurich because I was cranky about some slippery floor tile they'd installed downstairs in a refurbishment of the ShopVille shopping center. (I mean, seriously, people track huge amounts of snow and slush in down there when they come off the escalators from street level: why would you not put nonslip tile on that floor? It's deeply irresponsible. So they had it coming.) :)
...Anyway, it was really enjoyable having a chance to play around with what I imagined Earth's geopolitics to be doing under gameplay conditions, while also enacting a more than usually complex game scenario in prose. I don't know if or when I'll be doing that kind of work next, but writing the X-Com: UFO Defense novel definitely left a good taste in my mouth.
Thanks for asking!
(ETA: and here are those tiles. ...The cubical affair in front is an art installation: an illuminated "fountain". It was originally made of wires or strands of plastic cable, down which drops of glycerine, or something like it, slowly slid. But they seem to have swapped that out for water. And, oh look, there's video!)
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seostarlight · 8 months
🌐 Master the Art of SEO with Aakar Computer Institute! 🌐
Ready to boost your digital presence and skyrocket your website's visibility? 🚀 Aakar Computer Institute is thrilled to introduce our comprehensive SEO Course, designed to turn you into an SEO wizard!
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📅 Course Overview:
Fundamentals of SEO: From keyword research to on-page optimization, master the foundational elements.
Technical SEO Mastery: Dive into the technical aspects to enhance website performance and user experience.
Link Building Strategies: Learn the art of acquiring quality backlinks for higher search engine rankings.
Analytics and Reporting: Utilize tools to measure success and make data-driven decisions.
💡 Why SEO Matters: In the digital landscape, SEO is the key to unlocking online success. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or aspiring SEO professional, this course is your ticket to dominating search engine results.
👨‍💻 Who Should Enroll?
Marketing enthusiasts wanting to specialize in SEO.
Business owners aiming to improve their website's visibility.
Web developers and designers looking to add SEO expertise to their skill set.
🚀 Why Choose Aakar Computer Institute?
Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry experts with a proven track record.
Practical Approach: Hands-on projects to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Certification: Receive a recognized certification upon completing the course.
📍 Where to Find Us: Aakar Computer Institute, [S.K.P School Campus, Mother Dairy Road, Near Nehru Nagar Signal, Nehru Nagar, Kurla (East), Mumbai-400024]
📞 Contact Us: [91 98210 85899] [[email protected]]
Embark on your SEO journey and take your digital presence to new heights! 🚀✨
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whitebunnie · 10 months
PPC Demystified: Unraveling the Magic of WhiteBunnie's Digital Alchemy
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In the labyrinth of digital marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC) emerges as the enchanted elixir, and WhiteBunnie is the master alchemist. Join us on a journey to demystify PPC, explore the strategic concoctions we brew, and witness the transformative spells that turn clicks into conversions.
Chapter 1: The Enchantment of PPC
Decoding the Magic:
Peer into the wizardry of PPC, where every click is a step in a magical dance between brands and their audience. WhiteBunnie's approach unveils the secrets behind transforming this dance into a symphony of success.
Chapter 2: The Potions of PPC Success
1. Audience Segmentation Elixirs:
WhiteBunnie's potions include audience segmentation, ensuring your message is delivered to the right potion-drinkers. From casual sippers to those thirsty for immediate conversion, our elixirs cater to all.
2. Ad Copy Incantations:
Crafted with precision, our ad copy incantations bewitch the audience. WhiteBunnie's creative spellcasters conjure copies that not only resonate but leave an indelible mark, compelling users to heed the call.
Chapter 3: WhiteBunnie's Alchemical Expertise
1. Strategic Bid Potions:
Bid potions with WhiteBunnie are not just numbers; they're carefully brewed concoctions. We mix ingredients like bid strategy, ad position, and budget allocation to create the perfect brew for your campaign.
2. Alchemy of Analytics:
Dive into the cauldron of analytics with WhiteBunnie's alchemists. We decode the mystical language of data, offering insights that guide future potion-brewing for sustained success.
Chapter 4: The Magical Symphony of PPC and SEO
1. PPC: The Instant Gratification Spell:
Experience the instant gratification spell with Pay Per Click (PPC). WhiteBunnie seamlessly integrates this magic with SEO's long-term charm, ensuring your brand's digital symphony resonates across the enchanting realms of the internet.
2. Cross-Channel Conjuring:
WhiteBunnie's wizards harmonize cross-channel magic. From social media to search engines, our spells maintain a consistent enchantment, ensuring your brand's magical aura captivates users wherever they roam.
Chapter 5: Unveiling the Elixir of ROI
1. Conversion Crystal Revelations:
Peer into the conversion crystal ball with WhiteBunnie. Our alchemical revelations focus on the metrics that matter, ensuring your ROI elixir is not just potent but legendary.
2. Evergreen Refinement Spells:
The magic doesn't wane after the initial spell. WhiteBunnie continually refines your campaigns, adapting our spells to the changing winds of the digital realm for evergreen success.
Chapter 6: Ready to Embrace the Magic?
Are you ready to embrace the magic of PPC with WhiteBunnie? Contact us today, and let the enchantment begin. Together, we'll weave spells that elevate your brand into the mystical realms of digital success.
In the enchanting world of digital marketing, WhiteBunnie's PPC alchemy transcends the ordinary. Unlock the magic, embrace the spells, and let your brand's digital journey become a mesmerizing tale of success in the realms of online enchantment.
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