clefable-time · 20 days
Duet for Ruined Monsters - Chapter 1: Ice Knife
Rated E.
Still working on the next chapter, but since my original blog's posts are being hidden from search, I'm reposting this on a new blog in the meantime. :)
⚠Content Warnings:
This chapter contains description of a suicide attempt and self-harm. And sexual situations.
Astarion's breath puffs cold over her skin as he laughs. "You've no appreciation for the vision, dear." He clucks his tongue at her. "Plenty of girlish fantasies involve moonlit trysts with a gorgeous stranger." Tandrii can't help but laugh, herself. "It's a shame I've no girlish fantasies to draw upon, I suppose." She's emboldened, as she often is when they quip like this. She cranes her neck forward, until their breath mingles between them. "I'll just have to make my own."
If you'd like a visual reference for Tandrii, I had this reference sheet of her commissioned from @Phantomarine.
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thebakkart · 6 years
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worldbuildguild · 5 years
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With my DND PC Tandrii, who’s an elven sorcerer with draconic ancestry, I’m trying to push her character design a bit more - I want her to look a bit more monstrous, but I always feel like I’m going too far. Elves are supposed to be ethereally beautiful, but I don’t want my character to be conventionally attractive - her nose and teeth are too big (she keeps her mouth shut most of the time so they don’t show,) and she had silver scales from her bloodline. I suppose I was wondering if you could help me achieve balance.
Submitted by clefabletime  
I love this character she looks so tired and done! You say her nose is bigger than average but honestly i think you can push it a bit more especially since you have a loose cartoony style. or if you want her to look more monstrous you could go the opposite and make her nose small and snake like, kinda like elf Voldemort lol!
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another way you can add to her monstrous effect is to make her silver scales more pronounced and textured like the Voldy demo above. Adding some features inspired from animals in nature can also help, especially with the eyes since they can get pretty wild with out completely straying away from humanoid  
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I noticed she doesn’t have eyebrows and while that will add to her alien monster look it could also limit how well her facial expressions read. This doesn’t mean you have to give your eyebrows but its just something to think about when designing characters. 
hope this helps! 
~Mod Todd (ko-fi) 
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bblueemotions · 8 years
"Uneori as vrea..sa daram intre noi ziduri..."
Doi ochi verzi…sinceri, calzi si tandrii. Ma ratacisem in bratele lui si simteam ca acolo imi e locul… M-am pierdut, m-am fastacit in fata lui si am cedat primului sarut. Din ziua aceea stiam ca avea sa ne lege o nebunie …“ o nebunie care nu cunoaste limite"… M-am dezbracat in fata lui de secrete si inhibitii si i-am facut loc in sufletul meu, cu toate ca inima o aveam rupta in mii de bucatele. Sufeream… plangeam… nu dormeam nopti. Dar cu toate astea m-a facut sa uit de dureri de inima, de suflet si m-am ambitionat sa merg cu capul sus si sa trec peste toate. De fiecare data cand ii intalnesc privirea, isi fac aparitia mii de fiori si parca imi vine sa-l indes intr-o cutiuta mica unde sa incapem amandoi si sa nu ii mai dau drumul de acolo niciodata… sa imbatranim frumos impreuna. Matur dar pastrandu-si latura de copil inocent… Serios dar in acelasi timp pus pe glume… Cand ma atinge, ma face sa ma simt doar a lui. Si da, cum am zis mai sus, m-am dezbracat in fata lui de tot ceea ce tine de mine…si ne-am lasat dusi de val in cearceafuri pline de aroma noptilor nedormite si superbe ❤ !!! Omule, m-ai facut sa te iubesc!!! ❤🙈 Cu toate ca am “sfeclit-o” uneori…n-am sa uit niciodata esentialul pe care il adora …“ nebunia cu care m-ai tratat de la bun inceput”. Te-as tine de mana o viata intreaga ❤. Doar…iarta-mi neatentiile esentiale ! 😔🙈 PS: that’s for you GF ❤
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clefable-time · 2 days
WIP Wednesday
Finally participating in something like this now that I've made a reminder to do so - god, I've been working on this chapter for like, eight months asdfasdads
You can read chapter one of Duets for Ruined Monsters here.
He isn't sure whether it's seconds or minutes of silence that pass between them – though he could measure the passage of time by her heartbeats if he truly wanted to. His hunger rushes to the forefront of his mind at the idea, and he swallows it down. 
Just a little longer – he only has to hold out for a little while more. They'll find the damned Nightsong, return to the damned Towers, and then he can drink his fill of cultists and beasts and whatever else happens to step in front of his fangs. He has gone far longer without blood – for an entire year, once – this is nothing. 
“You haven’t been eating.”
He nearly jumps from his own skin. The telltale writhing of the tadpole behind his eye is completely absent; no, she isn’t reading his mind. His discretion must simply be faltering. 
“I’m almost insulted,” she continues. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” Then she laughs – an airy laugh that he quickly identifies as practiced. Her gaze falls to the specimen jars he uses to haul blood from camp to camp, all of them empty and spotted with blackened, congealed residue. “You drained your reserves a while ago, and there's nothing alive out here.” She peeks up at him, cold eyes poking out from beneath the dusky sheet of hair she's flipped to one side of her face. 
He remembers the day she cut it, indiscriminately shearing off chunks with a dull knife until Karlach came by with her razor to even it out. The fuzzy stubble on the back of her scalp rasps over his chest.
“You minx.” He grins, fangs grazing his bottom lip – he’s far more experienced at this game, and he’s more than willing to circle in tandem with her, as warring tom cats will before one makes his decisive pounce. “Trying to change the subject, are we?”
But she simply smiles right back at him – wicked and toothy. “I am.” 
The honesty is enough to catch him off guard, and she capitalizes on even the slightest falter in his expression; she’s the one who pounces.
“I thought we had an arrangement.”
He chews on his cheek. Truthfully, he's loath to be beholden to any single source of food; he has lived that way for two hundred years. Feeding from her was less to keep himself sated (she could never produce enough blood for that – no one could) and more of a way to hold her interest. It was a way to test the limits of the tadpole – how it affected his control over him.
“We did.” He swallows. “Before.” 
Below him, she mouths the word as though it's one of a foreign tongue, feeling out each syllable. Her brow furrows, then, candlelight glinting off of her scales: “What changed?”
His loosened grip on her waist is regained as he flexes his fingers against her, digging into her skin through thin fabric. “You, er,” he says, clearing his throat. “Don't seem to enjoy it like I thought you might have.”
“Enjoy it?” She snorts - she actually snorts at the concept. “Why would I enjoy it?”
She is not stupid (nor is she particularly naive.) She knows the ways of their world and its histories and nuances – but there are gaps in her knowledge, excised from her with her memories, that leave her wanting in very specific areas. She knows how to cast a spell flawlessly but not when she first learned it; she can read the Draconic script on her choker, but can't write or speak the language herself. He'll see the frustration in the crinkle of her nose, in the way her eyes dart back and forth to search for an answer to what should be an easy question only to trip and stutter when the search comes up fruitless.
At moments like this, he is tempted to tease; it would be very easy to do so, and her reactions are endlessly entertaining. But in this specific instance, he feels what he can only describe as relief – his suspicions are correct, and the part of “tawdry vampire lover” can be tossed aside with its accompanying script – but that also leaves him without much else to say.
“There are… some that do,” he says, after taking a moment to formulate. He recalls that drow back at Moonrise – an unsavory woman with putrid-smelling blood. “It is a terribly intimate act, after all – a fearsome monster pressed to your neck, holding your life in his hands. Plenty of those books you enjoy have explored the subject further than that.” He does find an opportunity to tease her then, pulling her closer and dipping his head to nose at her shoulder – to mouth at her neck without biting. She tenses in his fingers, but remains otherwise motionless. Spoilsport. “So, I suppose that such a thing could be... romanticized.” He makes sure to purr that last word along the pointed tip of her ear, and catches her harsh shiver in his arms.
“That’s…” She squints. “...asinine.” 
He comes apart then, barking a laugh – pressing his face into her shift to muffle the noise. 
Her head whips around to glare up into his eyes. “What? Would you find breastfeeding erotic? It's the same principle; it's just eating.”
It takes every remaining ounce of his composure to resist outright howling at such a comparison. “There you go again, darling,” he wheezes out between giggles. “With that obsession of yours.” He blinks away a few tears that well up from the pressure of withheld laughter. “Should I start stuffing my shirt? Is that the secret to gaining your affection?” 
“Shut up,” she hisses. A swift elbow to the ribs paints his newfound mirth red with throbbing pain – but it's well worth the delight he takes from seeing her face scrunch up in frustration, ruffling her scales. “You know what I mean!”
He steadies himself through the stray giggles, nestling his cheek atop her head, his nose buried in her hair. “Is that how you see me? A defenseless babe who requires constant feeding?” 
“You certainly whine enough to play the part convincingly.” She draws her knees to her chest, pinning his hands atop her stomach. “All that I'm saying is that you need to eat, as any one of us does – especially with Thorm and the Absolute and who knows what else waiting for us. We have to be at our best.” She rests back against him, her shoulders collapsing with her breath. “It doesn't have to come from me, but down here, I don't see any other options.”
“There aren't,” he mutters. “I’ve checked.” And checked, and checked, and checked. It was practically torture – a subject with which he is well-acquainted – watching the cleric bleed herself time and time again throughout this maze of a temple, so eager to waste such a precious, delicious resource just to be rewarded with Shar’s next deadly obstacle course. 
Perhaps she has a point about the cleric's priorities.
Not tagging anyone because I don't really know anyone in the community right now -- kinda starting from scratch with this new blog. If you see this, then consider yourself tagged!
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thebakkart · 6 years
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a character/outfit ref for my dnd character, tandrii - i’ve said it before, but she’s an eladrin elf sorcerer with silver draconic ancestry <- link to sheet on dnd beyond
i’m glad to at least have an outfit cemented for her - her magic focus is the opal around her neck, and she deals mainly in illusion and cold magic
i’m super attached to her as a character and have even been thinking of developing her and my partner’s characters as sort of series characters for like comics and stuff, idk - we’d need a third main character to round things out visually, though, since tandrii is 6′0″ and their character, dar’eeth, is a 2′3″ kobold 
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thebakkart · 6 years
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some development of a design for my dnd character, tandrii - she’s an elf sorcerer with draconic ancestry (silver)
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