#Data Engineering Consulting Firms
Transforming Business Insights with AI Predictive Analytics: A Deep Dive by Aretove Technologies
In today's data-driven world, businesses are increasingly relying on advanced technologies to gain a competitive edge. AI predictive analytics, data engineering, and business intelligence tools like Power BI have become essential components for organizations looking to harness the power of their data. As a leading data science and analytics consulting firm, Aretove Technologies provides comprehensive solutions that empower businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimize operations, and enhance customer experiences. In this blog, we will explore the role of AI predictive analytics, the importance of data engineering, and the transformative impact of tools like Power BI in the business landscape.
The Rise of AI Predictive Analytics
AI predictive analytics involves using machine learning algorithms, statistical techniques, and data mining to analyze historical data and make predictions about future events. This powerful tool helps organizations forecast trends, identify risks, and seize opportunities. Here’s how AI predictive analytics is revolutionizing businesses:
1. Enhanced Decision-Making
AI predictive analytics provides businesses with accurate and actionable insights. By analyzing patterns and trends in historical data, companies can make informed decisions that minimize risks and maximize returns. For example, predictive analytics can help retail businesses anticipate customer demand, optimize inventory levels, and reduce wastage.
2. Improved Customer Experience
Businesses are increasingly leveraging AI predictive analytics to understand customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing data from various touchpoints, companies can predict customer needs and deliver personalized experiences. This leads to higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention rates.
3. Operational Efficiency
AI predictive analytics helps organizations optimize their operations by identifying inefficiencies and predicting potential bottlenecks. For instance, manufacturers can use predictive analytics to anticipate equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.
4. Risk Management
Predictive analytics plays a crucial role in risk management across industries. Financial institutions use predictive models to assess credit risk, detect fraudulent activities, and comply with regulatory requirements. By identifying potential risks early, businesses can implement preventive measures and minimize losses.
The Role of Data Engineering in Predictive Analytics
While AI predictive analytics is a game-changer, it is the foundation laid by data engineering that enables businesses to leverage its full potential. Data engineering involves the process of collecting, storing, processing, and organizing data to make it accessible for analysis. Here’s why data engineering is critical:
1. Data Integration and Management
Data engineering consulting firms like Aretove Technologies help organizations integrate data from disparate sources, such as CRM systems, ERP systems, social media platforms, and IoT devices, into a unified data platform. This seamless integration ensures that data is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date.
2. Data Quality and Governance
High-quality data is essential for effective predictive analytics. Data Engineering Consulting Firms, that data is clean, validated, and free from inconsistencies. Additionally, it establishes data governance frameworks that define data ownership, access controls, and compliance standards.
3. Data Pipeline Automation
Automated data pipelines are crucial for efficient data processing and analysis. Data engineering enables the creation of automated workflows that ingest, transform, and load data into analytical platforms. This automation reduces manual intervention, minimizes errors, and accelerates data availability.
4. Scalable Data Architecture
Data engineering consulting firms design scalable data architectures that can handle large volumes of data and accommodate future growth. Aretove Technologies specializes in building robust data architectures that support real-time data processing, enabling businesses to derive insights faster and make timely decisions.
Power BI Predictive Analytics: Unlocking Business Intelligence
Power BI, a leading business intelligence tool by Microsoft, has become an essential component of data-driven decision-making for organizations. With its powerful predictive analytics capabilities, Power BI enables businesses to visualize data trends, forecast outcomes, and drive growth.
1. User-Friendly Interface
Power BI offers a user-friendly interface that allows business users to create interactive dashboards and reports without requiring advanced technical skills. Its drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to build visualizations that provide valuable insights into key business metrics.
2. Integration with AI and Machine Learning Models
Power BI integrates seamlessly with AI and machine learning models, allowing users to perform predictive analytics directly within the platform. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, businesses can forecast sales, predict customer churn, and optimize marketing strategies.
3. Real-Time Data Insights
With Power BI, businesses can access real-time data insights that enable them to respond quickly to changing market conditions. The tool supports real-time data streaming, ensuring that users always have access to the latest information for informed decision-making.
4. Collaboration and Sharing
Power BI’s collaborative features allow teams to share reports and dashboards across the organization. This fosters a data-driven culture where stakeholders have access to consistent and reliable information, enabling better collaboration and alignment.
Aretove Technologies: Your Partner in Data Science and Analytics Consulting
As a leading data science and analytics consulting firm, Aretove Technologies offers end-to-end solutions that empower businesses to harness the power of their data. Here’s how we help organizations achieve their data-driven goals:
1. AI Predictive Analytics Solutions
We specialize in developing custom AI predictive analytics solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Our team of data scientists and machine learning experts leverages cutting-edge algorithms to build models that provide accurate and actionable insights.
2. Comprehensive Data Engineering Services
Our data engineering consulting services include data integration, data pipeline automation, data quality management, and data architecture design. We help businesses build a solid data foundation that supports advanced analytics and AI initiatives.
3. Power BI Implementation and Optimization
Aretove Technologies is a trusted Power BI solutions provider, offering comprehensive implementation, customization, and optimization services. We help businesses unlock the full potential of Power BI by creating interactive dashboards, integrating predictive models, and providing training and support.
4. Data Science and Analytics Consulting
Our data science and analytics consulting services encompass the entire data lifecycle, from data strategy and architecture to advanced analytics and machine learning. We work closely with our clients to understand their business objectives and deliver solutions that drive growth and innovation.
In a rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations must harness the power of AI predictive analytics, data engineering, and business intelligence tools like Power BI to stay ahead of the competition. Aretove Technologies is committed to helping businesses unlock the full potential of their data through our comprehensive data science and analytics consulting services. Whether you need AI predictive analytics solutions, data engineering expertise, or Power BI implementation, we are here to guide you every step of the way.
For more information on how Aretove Technologies can help transform your business with AI predictive analytics and data-driven solutions, visit our website or contact us today. Let us be your partner in driving innovation and achieving data excellence.
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innovaticsblog · 4 months
Discover top-tier AI consulting solutions from Innovatics - India's foremost provider. From comprehensive Data Strategy to cutting-edge Cloud and AI Consulting, expand your business with our acclaimed services spanning the USA, Australia, Canada, and worldwide.
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insignia2023 · 1 year
The Role of Data Engineering in Building Robust Data Infrastructures | Insignia Consultancy
Explore the crucial role of data engineering in constructing resilient data infrastructures. Gain insights into data pipelines, ETL processes, and data integration methods to ensure efficient data flow.
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indizombie · 3 months
Indian media's collapse has meant that serious issues such as unemployment do not get the attention they deserve. Joblessness is not framed as a question of political accountability but is couched in technocratic language and buried in a maze of data and conflicting claims. Those who intruded into parliament reportedly told the police they were upset about high rates of unemployment. Youth unemployment in India is at around a staggering 23 percent, the highest for any major global economy and nearly double that of neighbouring Pakistan and Bangladesh. For graduates under 25, a report by the Azim Premji University estimates, this number rises to 42 percent. IT firms such as Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services and Wipro have announced they will reduce the hiring of engineering graduates by 30 percent-reducing it by 40 percent from the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology-leaving thousands of freshly graduated students without jobs. Since the onset of the 2022 funding winter, 34,785 employees have been laid off by just 121 Indian startups, with 15,247 of them fired by 69 Indian startups so far this year. An improvement is unlikely. Pranjul Bhandari, the chief India economist at Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, estimates that while India will need to create 70 million jobs over the next decade, it will only end up with 24 million. Put simply, India's demographic dividend has turned into a demographic disaster.
Sushant Singh, ‘Fire and Smoke’, Caravan
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mariacallous · 2 months
In April, an unassuming old building in New Delhi’s furniture market housed roughly 30 youngsters. Some were hunched over their laptops crunching data on Excel or analyzing a heat map, while others huddled to discuss strategy. These were engineering graduates, economists, political scientists, and others. There were office chairs, desks, and a couple of white boards.
The entire setup could easily have passed as a startup office, but it wasn’t. This was an election war room.
From there, Sapiens Research founder Rimjhim Gour’s team served as the brains of Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP. The party’s senior leadership had entrusted Gour with mobilizing 12.5 million female voters across India, and her team spent their days crunching historical polling trends, using data to pinpoint critical constituencies, browsing WhatsApp for real-time on-ground updates, and shaping electoral strategies to usher in BJP for a third consecutive term.
Gour’s team was successful: Modi was sworn in as the Prime Minister on June 9 after the BJP formed the government through an alliance with 293 seats. India’s general elections happen once in five years, and in 2024, a record-breaking 642 million Indians voted. Of the total voters polled, 312 million were women. This was BJP’s grand experiment: The party wanted to micro-target and mobilize female voters, and hired people like Gour to make it happen—revealing, says Amogh Dhar Sharma, author of the forthcoming book The Backstage of Democracy: India’s Election Campaigns and the People Who Manage Them, “the hidden power of a new technocratic elite that has become critical for parties and politicians to fight elections and win votes in India.”
“In most places [in India], electorates who are registered but not voting are always women,” says Gour, who previously worked as a media strategist at Indian Political Action Committee, the legendary firm widely recognised for propelling Modi to victory in 2014. Dressed in an off-white salwar kameez, with a big pair of round glasses keeping her hair off her face, Gour is suave and confident, and fluently switches between English and Hindi. “That’s when it struck me that if we have to mobilize someone, it has to be women; they make up 50% of the electorate but still haven’t been tapped into completely in a systematic approach.”
Over the past decade, the Indian electioneering landscape has been overhauled by the advent of social media, data-driven insights, and political consultants. “I think the 2024 Indian general election confirms … the inordinate role of campaign professionals in Indian elections,” says Sharma. From call centers being used for “screening” party supporters, to WhatsApp for real-time updates, and a specialized app for reporting and documenting meetings, each tool served a unique purpose in this BJP campaign. “The speed at which these technologies are being embraced by parties and the growing emphasis on them is certainly unique,” says Sharma.
The BJP’s use of technology and social platforms has evolved as politics has, as they have gone from being niche tools to essential infrastructure. The BJP emerged as the highest spender on political ads on Meta platforms this election. If the 2019 election was characterized as the “WhatsApp Election” because of the excessive use of the messaging platform, the 2024 campaign was the “YouTube Election.” It marked an unprecedented use of YouTube influencers by BJP that featured softball questions with political candidates and paid promotions. While rival parties worked to catch up, the BJP still leads the pack with dedicated cyber troops for year-round content creation—and not just during elections.
And the BJP’s decision to hire a dedicated consultant to woo women votes seems like the next step in this broader evolution of using tech.
Historically, women voters lean towards progressive parties. But over the past decade, under Modi’s rule—characterized by what critics describe as creeping authoritarianism due to attacks on civil society, religious polarization, and cracking down on dissent—there has been a noticeable shift, with both the 2014 and 2019 elections recording higher female participation and increased support for the BJP amongst female voters. The BJP had been launching female-friendly welfare schemes including subsidized cooking gas cylinders and maternity leaves, for greater equality. As a result, in 2019, women’s poll participation exceeded men’s for the first time. This time it was about going a step ahead to remind a specific cohort of targeted women about Modi’s policies and nudge them to go out to vote.
Gour’s get-out-the-vote effort, which used a potpourri of apps, data analysts, and personal outreach by party workers, thus represented a convergence of two trends in an attempt to consolidate a women’s vote newly open to the BJP.
For Modi to return to power, BJP had to win 272 of the 534 parliamentary seats. Gour’s young team was focused on 235 seats, which they identified as “critical seats”—areas where the BJP has either won or lost by less than 10% margin of votes in the past. The goal was to identify women self-help groups, or SHGs, in those 235 critical voting areas, and then use BJP’s party workers, or karyakartas, to meet, motivate, and mobilize female voters.
India’s rural SHGs are collectives of 10 or more women who pool their money and support each other through savings; nearly 100 million women are part of SHGs. And women involved with SHGs are already more politically active.
“Often the hardest problem for political parties who want to engage with women and get women to participate in public life is to figure out how to get these women to participate in a political cause,” says Anirvan Chowdhury, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University who studies the BJP’s attempts to target female voters. “And in a context where politics is often seen as unsuitable for women, reframing politics as seva [selfless service] or using existing institutional frameworks like the SHG structure helps solve that problem.” Because of this sustained effort, there has been a pro-BJP tilt in women’s political preference in many northern states which have a strong history of support for Modi’s BJP, research shows.
For Gour’s Sapiens Research team, the challenge wasn’t merely to locate these self-help groups but to identify potential BJP supporters within these groups—a task that requires data analysis. Ujjawal Agrawal, the program manager at Sapiens Research, spearheaded the initiative of meticulously mapping voter and demographic information to phone numbers of women in “critical” SHGs. Agrawal then mustered the BJP’s in-house network of 20,000 call center operators—run by another Indian Political Action Committee alumnus Diggaj Mogra—to identify BJP sympathizers within the large SHG cohort.
The call centers did so by asking a few pointed questions. One key question was whether the woman would help mobilize 10 other women for the BJP. If she responded positively, she was deemed a supporter. If the SHG member’s response was no, then she would be categorized as a swing voter or non-supporter. For instance, in West Bengal, Agrawal said, 10% of women who were part of the SHG refused to mobilize voters for the BJP. (Interestingly, this approach bears some broad similarities to the Donald Trump campaign’s strategy for this year’s US election.)
Soni Bam is the sort of SHG mobilizer Gour’s team was looking for. She is from the Leparada district in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh and her eight-member group, called Hiri Molo, is dedicated to making women independent by finding ways to earn and save. But since October 2023, she has been involved in the BJP’s election-related work: going door-to-door explaining women about the elections, and advocating BJP schemes that will help women. She also asks women to attend meetings organized by the BJP workers.
Gour’s team used the 20,000 callers from the BJP’s call center to do 300,000 “screening” calls a day to create the final target list. “We are the brain and call centers are basically your eyes [of political campaigns],” says Gour.
It has become commonplace in India for political parties to set up call centers in the weeks leading up to polling, says Sharma. “These call centers can provide a range of functions—encouraging citizens to update their voter ID card, reminding them of the party’s manifesto promises, gauging their intention to vote, and even soliciting their feedback on the ticket distribution or chief minister nomination process.” But what’s unique, says Sharma, about the BJP is the massive investment in an in-house network of 20,000 call center operations across 350 locations. No other party has a comparable infrastructure for electioneering.
BJP’s central leadership monitored the SHG meetings organized by party workers through the revolutionary SARAL app, which stands for Sangathan Reporting and Analysis. (Sangathan in Hindi means “organization.”) It’s the BJP’s “digital handheld office.” Nearly 4 million BJP party workers use the app monthly, where they can upload party activities and share images of events, and details of people they meet during campaigns. In the months leading up to elections, the BJP ran a campaign on the app called “Shakti Chaupal” to mobilize female voters. It was overseen by Gour’s team.
The tech-savvy team of data analysts at Sapiens’ office in Delhi would then aggregate the trends, and submit weekly or monthly reports on the extent of voter mobilization to party leaders. “If they send us those two photos on a WhatsApp number, it will be difficult for us to monitor,” Agrawal said. “We get clear, systematic data from SARAL.” In the three months leading up to May, an estimated 5000 meetings were conducted, and 5877 party workers helped Sapiens team in mobilization.
In late April, during the first phase of the election, where nearly one-fifth of all parliamentary seats were going to polls, witnessed poor voter turnout. The dip in voter turnout compared to elections in 2019, gripped Gour and the BJP with panic. Early doubts over BJP’s decisive victory surfaced online. Soon, the BJP machinery redoubled outreach activity and notched up demands on state-incharges to address voter apathy.
One crucial battlefield for the BJP was the Kendrapara constituency in the eastern state of Odisha, which has been ruled by the Biju Janata Dal, or BJD, for two decades. Gour’s team was responsible for mobilizing the SHGs in the area. When it came time to vote, Gour’s war room sprang into action. Her team began calling party workers every few hours for updates on the SHGs voting. After that, a round of bot calls were made to the SHG women, since the human call centers were at capacity. At the end of the day, an automated call went out to SHG women, asking if they mobilized, who they mobilized, and if they could share pictures and data.
This process was repeated in constituencies across the country, to great effect: By the end of the election, Gour says, they personally mobilized 12 million women voters.
Despite Gour’s best efforts, though—and positive feedback they received on WhatsApp, SARAL, and call centers—the BJP suffered huge losses in their Hindi-speaking heartland states such as Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. From being the single largest party with 303 seats in 2019, Modi’s BJP was cut down to size with 240 seats, and formed the government by entering into a power-sharing agreement with smaller regional parties.
Consultants like Gour continue to claim the election as a win, with a caveat that while their work contributed to the vote share of the candidates, they were “not the only factor.” Other experts tell WIRED that there were likely additional reasons women came out to vote during this cycle, such as religious polarization and welfare programs such as free food or cash handouts. The ultimate lesson may be about the enduring power of traditional methods.
“No Indian politician,” says Sharma, “can as yet dispense with holding public rallies, road shows, or door-to-door canvassing, which create momentum both for ordinary voters and for party workers themselves.”
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bloodyboybreakdowns · 4 months
Google Search Console may show more breadcrumb warnings
Google has updated its breadcrumbs rich results report within Google Search Console to potentially show more warnings and notices around structured data issues with your breadcrumb markup. This update started on June 8, 2023 and may result in an increase in the number of warnings that show in that report.
What Google wrote. Google posted the update and said:
“Search Console started to show a warning when sites use the HTML id attribute to specify an ID for Breadcrumb structured data. As a result, you may see an increase in warnings in your Breadcrumb report. See the Breadcrumb documentation for more information on how to specify IDs.”
Google Search breadcrumb. A breadcrumb in Google search is when Google shows the path of where the page is located within the site directly in the search results snippets. “A breadcrumb trail on a page indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy, and it may help users understand and explore a site effectively,” Google wrote.
Why we care. You may want to check out the breadcrumbs report in Search Console to see if there are any new warnings or errors showing up. You can then decide if you want to address those warnings and resolve any issues that Google may have reported on.
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About the author
Barry Schwartz a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on Twitter here.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/gorilladigitalseo/services/social-channels-management
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rainfestive · 5 months
Google Search Console may show more breadcrumb warnings
Google has updated its breadcrumbs rich results report within Google Search Console to potentially show more warnings and notices around structured data issues with your breadcrumb markup. This update started on June 8, 2023 and may result in an increase in the number of warnings that show in that report.
What Google wrote. Google posted the update and said:
“Search Console started to show a warning when sites use the HTML id attribute to specify an ID for Breadcrumb structured data. As a result, you may see an increase in warnings in your Breadcrumb report. See the Breadcrumb documentation for more information on how to specify IDs.”
Google Search breadcrumb. A breadcrumb in Google search is when Google shows the path of where the page is located within the site directly in the search results snippets. “A breadcrumb trail on a page indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy, and it may help users understand and explore a site effectively,” Google wrote.
Why we care. You may want to check out the breadcrumbs report in Search Console to see if there are any new warnings or errors showing up. You can then decide if you want to address those warnings and resolve any issues that Google may have reported on.
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<![CDATA[ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:770px; min-height:260px; @media screen and (min-width: 1279px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:800px!important; min-height:440px!important; ]]>
About the author
Barry Schwartz a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on Twitter here.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/gorilladigitalseo/services/social-channels-management
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louinthekitchen · 5 months
Google Search Console may show more breadcrumb warnings
Google has updated its breadcrumbs rich results report within Google Search Console to potentially show more warnings and notices around structured data issues with your breadcrumb markup. This update started on June 8, 2023 and may result in an increase in the number of warnings that show in that report.
What Google wrote. Google posted the update and said:
“Search Console started to show a warning when sites use the HTML id attribute to specify an ID for Breadcrumb structured data. As a result, you may see an increase in warnings in your Breadcrumb report. See the Breadcrumb documentation for more information on how to specify IDs.”
Google Search breadcrumb. A breadcrumb in Google search is when Google shows the path of where the page is located within the site directly in the search results snippets. “A breadcrumb trail on a page indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy, and it may help users understand and explore a site effectively,” Google wrote.
Why we care. You may want to check out the breadcrumbs report in Search Console to see if there are any new warnings or errors showing up. You can then decide if you want to address those warnings and resolve any issues that Google may have reported on.
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<![CDATA[ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:770px; min-height:260px; @media screen and (min-width: 1279px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:800px!important; min-height:440px!important; ]]>
About the author
Barry Schwartz a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on Twitter here.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/gorilladigitalseo/services/social-channels-management
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thequeenofharakiri · 7 months
Google Search Console may show more breadcrumb warnings
Google has updated its breadcrumbs rich results report within Google Search Console to potentially show more warnings and notices around structured data issues with your breadcrumb markup. This update started on June 8, 2023 and may result in an increase in the number of warnings that show in that report.
What Google wrote. Google posted the update and said:
“Search Console started to show a warning when sites use the HTML id attribute to specify an ID for Breadcrumb structured data. As a result, you may see an increase in warnings in your Breadcrumb report. See the Breadcrumb documentation for more information on how to specify IDs.”
Google Search breadcrumb. A breadcrumb in Google search is when Google shows the path of where the page is located within the site directly in the search results snippets. “A breadcrumb trail on a page indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy, and it may help users understand and explore a site effectively,” Google wrote.
Why we care. You may want to check out the breadcrumbs report in Search Console to see if there are any new warnings or errors showing up. You can then decide if you want to address those warnings and resolve any issues that Google may have reported on.
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<![CDATA[ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:770px; min-height:260px; @media screen and (min-width: 1279px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:800px!important; min-height:440px!important; ]]>
About the author
Barry Schwartz a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on Twitter here.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/gorilladigitalseo/services/social-channels-management
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sailor-italian-coconut · 10 months
Google Search Console may show more breadcrumb warnings
Google has updated its breadcrumbs rich results report within Google Search Console to potentially show more warnings and notices around structured data issues with your breadcrumb markup. This update started on June 8, 2023 and may result in an increase in the number of warnings that show in that report.
What Google wrote. Google posted the update and said:
“Search Console started to show a warning when sites use the HTML id attribute to specify an ID for Breadcrumb structured data. As a result, you may see an increase in warnings in your Breadcrumb report. See the Breadcrumb documentation for more information on how to specify IDs.”
Google Search breadcrumb. A breadcrumb in Google search is when Google shows the path of where the page is located within the site directly in the search results snippets. “A breadcrumb trail on a page indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy, and it may help users understand and explore a site effectively,” Google wrote.
Why we care. You may want to check out the breadcrumbs report in Search Console to see if there are any new warnings or errors showing up. You can then decide if you want to address those warnings and resolve any issues that Google may have reported on.
Add Search Engine Land to your Google News feed.    
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<![CDATA[ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:770px; min-height:260px; @media screen and (min-width: 1279px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:800px!important; min-height:440px!important; ]]>
About the author
Barry Schwartz a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on Twitter here.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/gorilladigitalseo/services/social-channels-management
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Infosys is a well-known global leader in IT services and consulting based in India. Founded in 1981, Infosys has grown to become one of the largest IT companies in India and has a strong presence worldwide. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting and business process outsourcing.
In the field of web development, Infosys provides comprehensive solutions to its clients. They have expertise in building custom web applications, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites. Their web development team is skilled in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies to create robust and scalable web solutions.
Infosys has a track record of working with clients from diverse industries, including banking and finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their deep industry knowledge and technical expertise to deliver innovative web development solutions tailored to meet their clients' specific requirements.
Additionally, Infosys focuses on utilizing emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain and cloud computing to enhance the web development process and deliver cutting-edge solutions.
3. TCS (Tata Consultancy Services)
TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) is one of the largest and most renowned IT services companies in India and a part of the Tata Group conglomerate. Established in 1968, TCS has a global presence and provides a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting and IT outsourcing.
TCS offers comprehensive web development solutions to its clients across various industries. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites. They have expertise in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies to build robust and scalable web solutions.
TCS has a customer-centric approach and works closely with its clients to understand their business requirements and goals. They leverage their deep industry knowledge and technological expertise to provide innovative and tailored web development solutions that align with their clients' specific needs.
4. Wipro
Wipro is a prominent global IT consulting and services company based in India. Established in 1945, Wipro has evolved into a multinational organization with a presence in over 60 countries. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting and digital transformation.
In the realm of web development, Wipro provides comprehensive solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Wipro emphasizes delivering customer-centric web development solutions. They collaborate closely with their clients to understand their specific requirements and business objectives. This enables them to create tailored solutions that align with the clients' goals and provide a competitive
5. HCL Technologies
HCL Technologies is a leading global IT services company headquartered in India. Established in 1976, HCL Technologies has grown to become one of the prominent players in the IT industry. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, digital transformation, consulting and infrastructure management.
HCL Technologies provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients worldwide. They have a dedicated team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
HCL Technologies has a broad industry presence and serves clients across various sectors such as banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their deep industry expertise to deliver web solutions that are not only technologically robust but also address the unique challenges and requirements of each industry.
6. Mindtree
Mindtree is a global technology consulting and services company based in India. Founded in 1999, Mindtree has grown to become a well-known player in the IT industry. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, digital transformation, cloud services and data analytics.
Mindtree provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals with expertise in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
One of the key strengths of Mindtree is its focus on delivering customer-centric solutions. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific business requirements, goals and target audience. This enables them to create tailored web development solutions that meet the clients' unique needs and deliver a seamless user experience.
Mindtree serves clients across multiple industries, including banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their industry knowledge and experience to provide web solutions that align with the specific challenges and regulations of each sector.
7. Tech Mahindra
Tech Mahindra is a multinational IT services and consulting company based in India. Established in 1986, Tech Mahindra is part of the Mahindra Group conglomerate. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting, digital transformation and IT outsourcing.
Tech Mahindra provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients across various industries. They have a team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Tech Mahindra focuses on delivering customer-centric web development solutions. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific requirements, business objectives and target audience. This enables them to create customized web solutions that meet the clients' unique needs, enhance user experience and drive business growth.
The company serves clients across diverse sectors, including telecommunications, banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their industry expertise and domain knowledge to provide web solutions that are tailored to the specific challenges and requirements of each industry.
Tech Mahindra embraces emerging technologies in their web development services. They leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, cloud computing and other advanced technologies to enhance the functionality, security and scalability of the web solutions they deliver.
8. Mphasis
Mphasis is an IT services company headquartered in India. Established in 2000, Mphasis has a global presence and offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, digital transformation, consulting and infrastructure services.
Mphasis provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients worldwide. They have a team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Mphasis focuses on delivering customer-centric web development solutions tailored to meet their clients' specific requirements. They work closely with their clients to understand their business objectives, target audience and desired outcomes. This allows them to create customized web solutions that align with their clients' goals and provide a competitive edge.
9. L&T Infotech
L&T Infotech (LTI) is a global IT solutions and services company headquartered in India. LTI is a subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro, one of India's largest conglomerates. The company provides a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting, digital transformation and infrastructure management.
L&T Infotech offers comprehensive web development solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals who are proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
One of the key strengths of L&T Infotech is its customer-centric approach. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific business requirements, objectives and target audience. This enables them to create tailored web development solutions that align with the clients' unique needs and deliver tangible business value.
10. Cybage
Cybage is a technology consulting and product engineering company headquartered in Pune, India. Established in 1995, Cybage has grown to become a global organization with a presence in multiple countries. The company offers a range of services, including web development, software development, quality assurance, digital solutions and IT consulting.
Cybage provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals who are proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Cybage focuses on delivering customer-centric web development solutions. They collaborate closely with their clients to understand their specific business requirements, goals and target audience. This enables them to create customized web solutions that meet the clients' unique needs, enhance user experience and drive business growth.
The company serves clients across diverse industries, including healthcare, retail, e-commerce, banking and finance and more. They leverage their industry knowledge and domain expertise to provide web solutions that address the unique challenges and requirements of each industry.
Cybage emphasizes the use of emerging technologies in their web development services. They incorporate artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain and other innovative technologies to enhance the functionality, scalability and security of the web solutions they deliver.
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Aretove Technologies specializes in data science consulting and predictive analytics, particularly in healthcare. We harness advanced data analytics to optimize patient care, operational efficiency, and strategic decision-making. Our tailored solutions empower healthcare providers to leverage data for improved outcomes and cost-effectiveness. Trust Aretove Technologies for cutting-edge predictive analytics and data-driven insights that transform healthcare delivery.
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sikariatech · 9 months
web design company in patna
web design company in patna
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Delhi NCR (National Capital Region) is a bustling hub of business activity in India, and within this dynamic landscape, numerous digital marketing companies have established themselves. These companies offer a wide array of services aimed at leveraging the power of digital platforms to enhance brand visibility, engage audiences, and drive business growth.
Digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR are known for their diverse expertise, innovative strategies, and a client-centric approach. They typically offer a comprehensive range of services encompassing various facets of digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, and more.
One of the defining traits of these companies is their adaptability to the ever-evolving digital landscape. They stay abreast of the latest trends, algorithms, and technologies to devise strategies that align with the specific goals and requirements of their clients. These companies understand the importance of a strong online presence and work towards maximizing a brand's visibility across multiple digital channels.
In addition to offering specific digital marketing services, these companies often provide holistic solutions that include website design and development, branding, analytics, and comprehensive digital strategy planning. This integrated approach ensures that the marketing efforts are cohesive and aligned with the overall business objectives.
Furthermore, digital marketing firms in Delhi NCR prioritize client collaboration and communication. They engage in thorough consultations to understand the client's business, target audience, and unique selling propositions. This allows them to tailor strategies that resonate with the brand identity while effectively reaching and engaging the intended audience.
The expertise within these firms is diverse, encompassing professionals skilled in SEO strategies, social media management, content creation, data analysis, and marketing automation tools. They harness these skills to create compelling campaigns that drive traffic, generate leads, and ultimately increase conversions for their clients.
Client satisfaction and measurable results are paramount for these companies. They often showcase success stories and case studies highlighting their ability to deliver tangible outcomes through their marketing efforts. Data-driven approaches, analytics, and key performance indicators (KPIs) are integral parts of their strategies, enabling them to track and optimize campaigns for maximum effectiveness.
Moreover, the competitive environment in Delhi NCR fosters a culture of innovation and excellence among these digital marketing companies. They continuously strive to differentiate themselves by offering innovative solutions, staying updated with industry trends, and delivering exceptional services that exceed client expectations.
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insignia2023 · 1 year
Empowering Insights through Effective Data Management | Insignia Consultancy
Discover the world of data engineering and how it enables organizations to unlock the power of their data. Learn about data management strategies, tools, and techniques for extracting valuable insights.
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chevyharvelle · 1 year
Google Search Console may show more breadcrumb warnings
Google has updated its breadcrumbs rich results report within Google Search Console to potentially show more warnings and notices around structured data issues with your breadcrumb markup. This update started on June 8, 2023 and may result in an increase in the number of warnings that show in that report.
What Google wrote. Google posted the update and said:
“Search Console started to show a warning when sites use the HTML id attribute to specify an ID for Breadcrumb structured data. As a result, you may see an increase in warnings in your Breadcrumb report. See the Breadcrumb documentation for more information on how to specify IDs.”
Google Search breadcrumb. A breadcrumb in Google search is when Google shows the path of where the page is located within the site directly in the search results snippets. “A breadcrumb trail on a page indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy, and it may help users understand and explore a site effectively,” Google wrote.
Why we care. You may want to check out the breadcrumbs report in Search Console to see if there are any new warnings or errors showing up. You can then decide if you want to address those warnings and resolve any issues that Google may have reported on.
Add Search Engine Land to your Google News feed.    
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About the author
Barry Schwartz a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on Twitter here.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/gorilladigitalseo/services/social-channels-management
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govindhtech · 11 months
IBM Maximo AWS Deployment Strategies
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The Business Value of IBM Maximo, a recent IDC report that surveyed 9 companies with an average of 8,500 employees, found that adopting IBM Maximo resulted in a business benefit of USD 14.6 million per year per organization, 43% less unplanned downtime, and USD 8.6 million in total equipment cost avoidances.
One comprehensive, cloud-based application platform for asset monitoring, management, predictive maintenance, and reliability planning is IBM Maximo Application Suite (MAS). Maximo optimizes performance, extends asset lifecycles, and reduces downtime and costs for high-value assets using AI and analytics. Hosting Maximo on a scalable infrastructure maximizes performance, hence the current tendency is to shift it to the cloud. In this trip, MAS migration and deployment on AWS Cloud are gaining popularity.
The growing demand for Maximo AWS Cloud migration
Migrating to cloud helps enterprises improve operational resilience and dependability while updating software with minimal effort and infrastructure constraints. Due to the growing demand for data-driven asset management, firms must aggregate data from diverse departments to identify trends, generate predictions, and make better asset management decisions.
Last April, IBM said Maximo 7.6 and add-on support would stop in September 2025. All Maximo EAM customers must upgrade to the latest cloud-based MAS. Maximo migration and modernization are become increasingly significant to clients.
IBM has released new containerized versions of Maximo Application Suite as a Service (MAS SaaS) on AWS Marketplace with Bring Your Own License (BYOL) to assist Maximo migration to AWS. MAS SaaS on AWS is another milestone in Maximo’s integration of Monitor, Health, and Visual Inspection into a unified suite.
What makes MAS SaaS distinct
IBM Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) specialists use best practices to continuously maintain and administer MAS SaaS, a subscription-based AWS service. This partnership gives customers an industry-leading IBM asset management system underpinned by AWS’s size, agility, and cost-efficiency.
Upgrades and migrations to MAS 8 are possible with MAS SaaS. The data update is similar to prior upgrades, but ROSA and other dependencies require architecture changes. The migration is comparable to how clients transitioned from on-premise to Maximo EAM SaaS Flex, but with MAS changes. Perpetual on-premises customers would stop paying Service & Support (S&S) and purchase a SaaS subscription, on-premises Subscription License customers would start a new subscription, and existing MAS Flex and MAS Managed Service customers would start a new subscription to migrate to MAS SaaS.
Our IBM Consulting Cloud Accelerator (ICCA) technology lets firms plan migration and upgrade strategies before investing.
Maximo migration strategy of a global energy firm
IBM worked closely with an energy company confronting the following challenges:
Infrastructure needed for latest Maximo version takes longer.
WebSphere, Maximo’s core, experienced high-availability and performance difficulties.
Lack of data fabric and integration layer hinders cross-application data interchange.
Complex setup, failures, and security with manual end-to-end deployment.
Since Maximo Application Suite 8 (MAS8) tackles industry issues like failure risk, escalating maintenance costs, sustainability, and compliance laws, the customer chose it. The client chose AWS Cloud for its deployment flexibility, scalability, high availability, and secure architecture. 
Approach to solution
This is how IBM accelerated the energy company’s Maximo move to AWS:
Used Infra as a code to upgrade Maximo from to
IaC allowed instance spin-up for auto scaling. This automation reduces the time to spin up and execute the new environment and addresses multi-AWS availability zone deployment latency.
Used AWS DMS for data migration and schema conversion.
IaC spun the DR environment on demand to reduce database replication (DR) infrastructure and expense. DR capabilities update data in availability zone and DR area.
Achieved data exchange across applications using IBM Cloud Pak for Data and standardized integration using IBM Cloud Pak for Integration components.
Solution components
Maximum Enterprise Application Management (EAM) has a 3-tier design with these components:
HTTP/Web Tier and Application Tier using IBM WebSphere and HIS installed EC2 instance under private subnet for application security.
Database Tier uses AWS Oracle RDS with replication for DR under private subnet.
AWS best practices were used to configure VPC with public and private subnets.
Application servers and deployment manager were autoscaled by Auto Scaling Group. 
Maximum web-based UI resolution for external access using AWS Route 53.
WAF was the initial line of defense against web exploits.
Integration of Terraform and CFT IaC scripts provided autoscaling architecture.
AWS Reference Architecture
Max on RedHat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) helps clients
Containerized MAS 8.0 runs on RedHat OpenShift. AWS, IBM, and RedHat developed an IBM MAS on ROSA reference architecture to help customers inexperienced with production containerization. ROSA, a fully managed, turnkey application platform, supports IBM MAS configuration and offloads cluster lifecycle management to RedHat and AWS, allowing organizations to focus on application deployment and innovation. This means IBM MAS clients don’t need to develop, administer, or maintain RedHat OpenShift clusters.
Operating Model and Maximo Migration
Top 3 Maximo AWS migration accelerators
Clients can migrate to the cloud using three IBM MAS deployment methods on AWS Cloud:
ROSA-powered MAS SaaS on AWS
ROSA-powered AWS MAS
Customer-hosted ROSA
Why use customer-hosted ROSA
The customer-hosted ROSA option for hosting IBM MAS in a customer’s VPC with ROSA is powerful. ROSA is perfect for MAS deployments because it seamlessly deploys, scales, and manages containerized applications.
The benefits of this choice are enormous. Full control over the infrastructure while still subject to the organization’s monitoring, controls, and governance standards allows businesses to customize and adjust the environment to their needs. This control includes adding MAS integrations and enforcing cloud security and governance requirements. ROSA charges are combined into one AWS bill and drawn from any AWS enterprise agreement, simplifying financial management.
AWS enterprise agreements and Compute Savings Plans offer infrastructure savings for MAS implementations. Because the ROSA cluster operates under the customer’s AWS account, customers can buy upfront ROSA contracts and get a one-year or three-year ROSA service charge discount.
Why IBM for Maximo AWS migration?
Any modernization effort must include cloud migration. Cloud migration is not a one-size-fits-all method, and each organization faces unique cloud adoption difficulties.
IBM Consulting’s Application Modernization offering helps clients migrate and modernize AWS applications faster, cheaper, and more efficiently, reducing technical debt and accelerating digital initiatives while minimizing business risk and improving business agility.
IBM offers unique cloud migration services to accelerate customer application migration to AWS:
Cloud migration factory capabilities including proven frameworks and processes, automation, migrating templates, security policies, and AWS-specific migration squads speed up delivery.
IBM Garage Methodology, IBM’s cloud services delivery capabilities, ROSA, and AWS Migration tools and accelerators accelerate migration and cloud adoption.
ICCA, IBM’s proprietary framework for migration and modernization, reduces risk. ICCA for AWS Cloud automates various modernization procedures, simplifying and speeding up company agility. Before investing, businesses can plan migration and modernization strategies. Discover IBM Consulting Cloud Accelerator for AWS Cloud.
Our well-defined pattern-based migration methodology includes re-factor, re-platform, and containerization using AWS managed services and industry-leading tools to remove and optimize technical debt.
Finally, IBM offers customizable t-shirt-sized price models for small, medium, and large migration sizes, ensuring clients’ migration scope is obvious.
IBM helps clients migrate applications, like Maximo to AWS Cloud
In conclusion, clients seek IBM’s expertise to:
1.Upgrade Maximo 7.6x (expiring 2025) to MAS 8. 
2.On-premise workload to AWS Cloud for elastic, scalable, and highly available infrastructure and runtime
IBM Consulting can help
AWS Premier Partner IBM Consulting accelerates hybrid cloud journeys on the AWS Cloud by leveraging business and IT transformation skills, processes, and tools from many industries. On AWS Cloud, IBM’s security, enterprise scalability, and open innovation with Red Hat OpenShift enable enterprises grow swiftly.
BM Consulting develops cloud-native apps in AWS Cloud with 21,000+ AWS-certified cloud practitioners, 17 validated SDD programs, and 16 AWS competencies. IBM Consulting is the best AWS partner due to acquisitions like Nordcloud and Taos, advancements at IBM Research, and co-development with AWS.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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