#Daryl the cat
supakixbabe · 6 months
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I want a jacked Daryl.
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lghockey · 6 months
The council will see you now
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blindinghope · 5 months
daryl saying "what a bunch of assholes :(" after blowing up a gang into bits and pieces is funny to me because how does he manage to be so violent yet not really. like a little kid getting pushed on the playground
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I identify as a cat
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ccherokee-rose · 4 months
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all 😺 love rick grimes
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linusbenjamin · 7 months
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The Walking Dead 5.01 — No Sanctuary
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cowboycatdotcom · 10 days
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cathrrrine · 9 months
daryl: hey y/n
y/n: hi daryl!!! how’s your day going?
y/n: um
[10 minutes later]
daryl, crying on carol’s shoulder: i didn’t know what else to SAY-
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psychotic-star-girl · 3 months
Shane through out the walking dead:
Shane when he did Lori in the woods:
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Shane looking at anyone:
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Shane when Rick breaths:
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Shane's signature pose:
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Shane taking a shower at the CDC:
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Shane shaving his head:
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Shane when Lori left him:
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Shane trying to leave but Lori holding him back:
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dale looking at Shane:
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Shinada Global "Mochineko" (aka Daryl)
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evilrobotdog · 2 years
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Walking Dead characters as warrior cats to make my old middle school self happy... If people like these I’ll make more. Feel free to request characters even haha
BTW im only on s5 right now
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darylsdeadboy · 2 months
do you think daryl is a little meow meow?
of course!
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daryl-and-carol-oh-my · 2 months
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The Walking Dead; Arrow On the Doorpost
"This is a joke, right? They ain't gonna work anything out. Sure, they'll do their little dance and tomorrow, next day. . . they'll give the word." - Martinez "I know." - Daryl Dixon
Carylering On<33333333333
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Omg I found another who does moodboards!
Daryl x alt!fem!yn
Thank youuuu 💕
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daryl's alt girlfriend ✩.˚₊
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stiveroon · 6 months
This is my first ever real fic, so spare me if there's spelling mistakes and all that sort of stuff X)
This is like dad Daryl-ish, where he meets a little girl and soon enough becomes her "father", or that's what it feels like.
Warning: nothing rlly
"Rachel!" You heard your mother whisper to you, pulling you into a closet.
"What are you doing mama?" Rachel asked, looking up at her mother who's pushing herself into the closet aswell.
"We're going to play a game of silence, yeah? Who stays silent the longest wins, ready?" She whispered into her ear, holding her close. Rachel nodded, keeping her mouth shut, not knowing what was going on.
Soon they both heard people breaking into the store they've been hiding in, and due to the sudden noise, Rachel starts to tug her mother's shirt.
"Mama?" She whispered, but quickly shut up when her mother puts her hand over her mouth.
And soon, the closet door flew open, her mother taken out and Rachel being left alone, in a cold, dark closet. All she heard for the last few minutes were her mother's prayers, praying them to not hurt her baby girl, to leave her alive.
A few days later Rick, Daryl and Glenn went on a run for food, water, whatever is and will be useful.
Rachel was still in that same closet, hungry, cold and absolutely terrified. But then she heard people come close. So she decided to carefully step out of it.
At the sudden noise, Daryl, who is grabbing some canned meat, turns his head around. Only to see a little girl whose no older than 7.
"What're ya doing here?" He asked, frowning at the little girl.
Which Rachel didn't reply to, only staring at him before taking a step back. She shook her head, too afraid to talk.
"C'mere kid, I ain't gonna hurt you." He mumbled, holding his hand out.
"No talking to strangers." Said Rachel, knowing that her mother taught her to never talk to people she doesn't know.
"You saw me, I saw you. We ain't strangers no more." He said in a slightly annoyed tone, slinging the bag over his shoulder.
"We got a save place, food, water, shelter..." He added, walking towards the little girl.
"C'mon. Just come. We're gonna get food for ya." He said as I held his hand out once again and Rachel took his hand into hers this time.
Daryl, Glenn, Rick and Rachel all came back to Alexanderia, where others were surprise that a little girl came by.
Everyone accepted Rachel though, and Daryl took her in. Mainly because Rachel trusts him, and wouldn't let go off his side, like a damn koala.
But he'll gladly accept it, if she's happy he's happy, if she thinks of him as her father then she's his daughter.
"Kid. I gotta go." I mumbled, trying to get her to listen.
"No! Dont go!" She whined, holding onto his hand.
"I'll be back soon. Might get ya a toy or sum'." He sighed, pushing her hand away before walking off, leaving Rachel alone.
She doesn't like being alone, not after her mother died, but she's willing to accept it since she might get a new toy.
Hours later Daryl came back, putting his crossbow on the coffee table before taking a deep breath.
"Rachel! Come 'ere!" He called out, which Rachel heard and ran towards her father.
"Yeah?" She said with a smile, hoping she got a new toy.
"Got you somethin', you like cats right?" He asked, which Rachel nodded excitedly to.
"Here ya go." He said as he gave her a cat plushie.
Rachel quickly took it from him, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
"Thank you! Thank you daddy!" She smiled wider, hugging the plushie to her chest.
She hugged Daryl soon after, which Daryl first reacted a bit uncomfortable with but soon enough hugged her back.
"Glad you're happy with it." He whispered, smiling softly as he saw his daughter with a bright smile on her face.
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tricktrashing · 2 months
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Some drawpile doodles with @qqlettuce~
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