#Darth Maul fluff
ivorydragoness44 · 8 months
Darth Maul x Reader: That's Mine
Word Count: 525 Warnings/Notes: Reader is feeling playful and takes Maul’s lightsaber. Light verbal warning, nose nudges, and a brief kiss. I’m keeping the original title for this. I think this was supposed to go in a slightly different direction, but it’s been a few years since I had written this idea for a fanfic. Summary: The Reader is feeling playful and decides to take Maul’s lightsaber. Maul watches them closely and asks for it back, but they refuse.
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  Moods. Changing like a tide and largely affected by a greater outside force.   As your day progressed, you found yourself in a rather teasing and playful mood. It was a wonder why you took so long to find Maul. He had not moved for quite some time. The holopad within his grasp had been holding his attention with a variety of news outlets. The holopad, however, was not what you were after.   Locking your eyes on your target, you moved stealthy forward casually. The long silver hilt of his lightsaber hung on his belt, nearly motionless.   Even if you were to make an actual effort in being sneaky, it would not work. He was always aware. Always. Force or no Force, you were sure it was natural for him.   Walking by him, you gingerly reached out and snatched the weapon off of his belt.
  Maul rose a brow ridge, his eyes chasing the motion of your hand. At the sound of him setting the holopad on the table in front of him, you turned around, pausing your movements with a hidden smile.   Overlooking your posture, he likewise sensed your demeanor. He studied you, something he found himself doing occasionally. Eyes flickering around your face, he stopped. “My lightsaber,” he requested with a sigh. But you made no indication that you were going to move.   Slowly, he approached. I’m only going to ask you once more.“   You shook your head in refusal, smiling. Though when he got within arm’s reach, you swiftly hid the hilt behind your back with both hands.   Maul stood stoic in front of you. With his closeness, you could feel both his body heat and his breath as he exhaled smoothly. All the while, neither of you broke eye contact.   Placing his hands on your shoulders, Maul slid them all the way down your arms. When his hands reached yours, they molded over yours in a gentle grip.
  Another moment of staring at the other, you finally made a move. A simple nudge, from the tip of your nose to his.   Maul’s face relaxed and his shoulders followed suit, and hung low. Adoringly, he smiled at you and nose nudged you back. It was brief, but as you kissed him sweetly, his breath caught. Would he ever get used to such an action? A gesture that he obviously returned.   Slipping one of your hands out from under his, you offered his lightsaber.   He took it almost leisurely, and clipped it back onto his belt. With his other hand, he continued to hold yours, bringing them to your sides and out of hiding.   “Do you need to return to your holopad?”   “Not presently,” he voiced silkily, his free hand lightly pushing against your lower back until you closed the small gap of space between the pair of you.   You hummed contently. “Maybe I should spoil you,” you thought aloud. Resting a hand along his arm, you gave his bicep a teasing squeeze.   As important as his lightsaber was, it was only a tool for Maul to use. You were exceedingly more important. Someone he cared about, and who cared about him in return.
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ddejavvu · 5 months
I saw you were requesting Maul asks and there’s something so sexy about him on the throne on Mandalore. Perhaps sitting in his lap on the throne and things get heated??
happy may the 4th! send me star wars requests/headcanons and we'll have a party <3
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Maul's lip curls up into a sneer as you rush towards his throne, your steps pattering against the stone floor and echoing around the chamber.
"What are you wearing?" He demands, gazing at the blue silken robe you're bundled up in. Before you can defend yourself he reaches with a clawed hand to yank at the robe's closure. The tie comes undone and the robe falls open, revealing your lingerie beneath in familiar red and black hues.
"Take it off," He snarls, "And join me."
"Maul," You plead, eyeing his brother and the surrounding guards warily, "I- there's other people here."
Savage chuckles darkly, and Maul's teeth glint as he grins wolfishly.
"And? If they look at you bare, I will rip their beating hearts from their chests.
Several armored men shift uncomfortably in their places, and you're grateful that it reduces the number of eyes on you. Savage's linger, though; he's not scared of his brother.
"Come," Maul commands, beckoning you with two of his clawed fingers, "Take the robe off."
You let the silken material slip off of your shoulders with a shudder when the cool air hits your skin, and you're all too happy to barrel into Maul's chest where he lounges across the throne of Mandalore. His skin runs warm, Zabrak blood coursing hotly through his veins, boiling with ancient magic and dark, rotting rage.
"You look divine," His grin can't get more dogged, lust and greed and all things sinful swirling in his golden eyes as he slits the closure of your lacy bra open with a single claw, "Fit for a queen. For my queen."
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zeenmrala · 1 year
━ stay alive
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summary: your depression is tearing you apart, and you do not think you can survive the night. darth maul reminds you of your strength. pairing: darth maul x reader (no pronouns used) tw: suicidal ideation, depression, trauma, mental health. angst and hope and comfort. word count: 1k a/n: this short fic is for the maul lovers who experience mental health distress and find themselves lost and exhausted in this life. for those who need a reason to stick around. it may feel impossible to stay alive, but try to survive the night. there may not be peace. but there is always hope. music: i always wanna die (sometimes) by the 1975
please click here to view international suicide hotlines.
“if you can’t survive, just try.”
Stay Alive - [Read this story on AO3]
Your body succumbs to the weight of your fractured mind. All the pain, loss, trauma and hardships that have been stacking up like rancid bricks in your skull over the long years of your life have become a burden too great to bear. The wall of sorrow has collapsed above you, raining down in crashes of devastation, pinning your body beneath the wreckage: you are anchored to the ground by the breadth of your mental anguish.
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That wretched hollow ache in your chest is devouring you whole: you are imploding with despair and emptiness and the harrowing truth of your colossal depression. The tears come, streaming down your cheeks, the saltiness settling on your skin, in your ears, pooling in the skin of your collarbone. You hold yourself with your arms on the floor in a last ditch effort to keep yourself from falling apart. 
You are languishing so entirely in your misery that you do not hear him enter the room. You do not notice the muted whirr of his cybernetics, the soft thud of his metal footsteps, the glaring weight of his gleaming amber eyes. You don't register his unique midnight scent, the usually notable gravitas of his presence. The entire galaxy, including him, has slipped away into complete sorrow. 
But then he speaks, that rich velvet voice you know and cherish so dearly breaking through the oppressive cloud of sadness. Darth Maul speaks your name with a mix of concern and confusion. A wash of shame steals your breath from your lungs as your hazy mind acknowledges his presence. 
He shouldn't see you like this. 
"Why do you weep?" He asks in a rare gentle tone, his usual severity is muted. Do you really appear so pitiful?
"Leave me," you snap at him, the emotional turmoil sharpening your shame against him. You wipe your face with your sleeves, pulling yourself up against the wall at your back, resting your head in your arms, hiding. "Don't look at me."
He ignores your demands and wordlessly approaches. You hear him settling beside you on the floor. 
"Gods, it’s disgusting," you whisper, embarrassment washing over you like a tide.
"What is?"
"These feelings," you admit between gritted teeth as you shake your head. "This weakness."
He is silent, and you refuse to look at him, your face still hidden behind your arms.
"Why do I live with it?" You ask, not him or yourself or anyone in particular. The question just comes out, a stream of truth pouring from your lips. "This gnawing distress and despair. It's a constant shadow. It will never go away. There is no use in fighting it's will any longer."
"I should let the waves of it take me," you whisper, your arms falling forward, your flushed and wet face revealed to the chilled air. "Let the inevitability of mortality wash me away."
He immediately understands. "To an early grave?" 
"A timely one. A just one. Perhaps it is my fate for this to consume me tonight." A pause, weighty and loaded. "I'm just so tired, Maul."
He stays silent, allows you the relief of a confession, of his listening. 
"I am defective. Broken. This rot within me is me. The part of me that has been slowly decaying has spread so deep that I have become it. The damage is done and I cannot undo it or repair it. I cannot stand it any longer."
"You suffer," he acknowledges. "There is strength in that."
You scoff. "There is no point to my suffering. I cannot harness its power like you. At least there is some purpose to your pain, a boon you can claim from it. I have nothing." You inhale and close your aching eyes. "I am nothing."
"No," he counters softly. "Not at all. Not to me."
You look at him, bask in the sweetness of those words, the unique beauty of his strange face. He returns to his silence, and does not look at you, but straight ahead. 
"Death is not what I want," you whisper, clarifying. "But what I need, I think. It is not that I want to give up, but I want...to..."
"Give in," he finishes for you. 
"Yes," you reply, the relief of his understanding both a balm and a heart wrenching revelation. "Yes."
He turns to look at you then, his golden eyes meeting yours. "The scars of your past will always be with you,” he says clearly, “they may weigh you down, consume you, haunt you. But they do not define you."
You blink, your eyebrows slightly furrowed in confusion, such kindness and candour coming from him is a sweet surprise.
"It is true that I gain power from my suffering. My fear. My hatred. But all of that...it is mine. I own it. Your anguish is yours. And though you cannot rid yourself of it, it is part of you.” He reaches towards you, places a gloved palm on your chest, directly above the emotional ache. “Feel it. Embrace its wrath, note how brutal and relentless it has been. How it has battered you and worn you down over the years.”
You close your eyes and do as he says, delving into the ache, recalling the long years of pain and despair, how broken and lost you are…
“Now think of how you have endured it. That you are, despite everything, alive. What kind of person could have survived such an ordeal?”
Alive. You feel the heat of his palm on your chest, the sting of tears on your cheeks, the scent of space that lingers in the starship. You notice the cool chill of durasteel beneath your back, the beat of your heart, the breath in your lungs. The miracle of life, of experience, of tolerating the suffering and joy to this point in time.
“You have achieved that. You. The person that has endured all of that has the strength to survive another night. Stay alive. You owe yourself, - ” he pauses, moving his gloved fingers to your wet cheek, caressing your skin, “- this person that has fought and overcome so much anguish, another day.”
You lean into his touch, and his palm cradles your face. You nod softly, and almost whimper because yes, the pain is still there and it hurts and it is engulfing you entirely and it’s overflowing yet empty all at once. And it may always exist, eternal and timeless. But you have proven to yourself that you can endure it, again and again, as you have before, surviving those countless nights of misery that you have put behind you. You can stay alive. You breathe in the scent of his crimson skin, feel the weight of his strong arms tighten around you. You allow him to hold you for the remainder of the night, and you hold him in return, finding strength and the will to survive in yourselves and each other.
suicide hotlines
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wanderinggoldenwaffles · 11 months
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He’s been on my mind a lot lately. A Maul AU from my fic ‘Conquered’
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a-dorin · 6 months
“All my choices lead me to you.”
i'm really getting antihero vibes from this, lots of turmoil from the character. this would fit really well with maul, anakin or quinlan x reader!
this is so maul coded. time to write a self-indulgent maul blurb! <3
"you don't get it."
the words are a snarl, nothing but a fiery fury burning in his amber depths. he shakes his head, brow furrowed, "you. do. not. understand."
"how?" you counter, tears blurring your vision, "how do i not understand?"
"i had a destiny! i was supposed to be a mighty sith lord! i was supposed to rule the galaxy alongside my master! but i am here! i am standing here before you, humbled by your beauty. the sight of you makes me so weak i cannot stand it. gods, i cannot bear to be this weak, yet there is this desire within me that is burning. it is consuming me whole."
your eyes widen, "what are you talking about?"
the zabrak hangs his head, the words low and broken, barely audible enough for you to hear, "all of my choices lead me to you. i came to mandalore for you. i destroyed their hierarchy for you. i have slaughtered, destroyed, and burned villages for you. do you have any idea what i would do for you? i would burn down the entire fucking universe if it meant that a single hair on your head would remained unscathed."
"maul," you bring a hand to your mouth, "oh gods, i--"
"say no more," in the low light, there is the glitter of a tear as it streams down his cheek, "i-i'm sorry. there is this part of me that does not hold back when it comes to you."
"maul," taking a step forward, you wrap your arms around him, the zabrak careful not to prod you with his horns as he buries his head in your chest, sobs wracking his body.
"there is no greatest fear than losing you. gods, you make me so weak."
"you will never have to worry about that again," you murmur, gently placing kisses along his temple, "i promise. i'm staying. i'm staying here with you."
"you have brought one of the strongest men in the galaxy to his knees. you are holy, the greatest treasure in my life. once i was filled with hatred, but now i overflow with love. love for you."
"i love you."
maul exhales, relaxing in your embrace, "and i love you. more than you will ever know."
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yourneighborhoodporg · 11 months
The Guardian
Series Masterlist
Rating: T
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Summary: When Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka crash land on the desolate, ice planet Hoth, they meet a stranger with great power and deep connections to their past. You join the trio, hoping to face your destiny, which has long been foretold. But when the Separatists and Sith threaten you and your newfound family, you’re forced to make sacrifices to defend your friends, fulfill the prophecy, and protect the man you’ve grown to love.
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Part I: Rescue of the Fates
The Hoth Arc
Chapter 1: The Accident
Chapter 2: The Revelation
Chapter 3: The Escape
The Arrival Arc
Chapter 4: Arrival— Part 1 & Part 2
Chapter 5: Identity
Chapter 6: Patience
Chapter 7: Master
The Dark Waters Arc
Chapter 8: Blackened Water— Part 1 & Part 2
Chapter 9: Ancient Instruments
Chapter 10: Troubled Water
Part II: Dawn of Enmity
The Malevolence Arc
Chapter 11: Alone— Part 1 & Part 2
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hello! Maul needs some love lol Can you write one of Maul and his love struggling with his feelings. She knows about him being a sith and yet is understanding. Maybe add a bit of angst but with a fluff ending.
Thank you 😊
Maul, huh? Yeah, I bet he'd be a complicated partner. Let's see what we can do for him 😊
Maul x Fem!Reader One-Shot - What Is Love
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Angsty Fluff
You're not sure if you're really a couple. Maul and you have never talked about it. Your first heated encounter led to others like it, but you never verbalized what was actually going on between the two of you.
Maul showed up at your apartment today. Right now he's sitting on your sofa, silent, frowning. He seems to be thinking, not having said a word except for the brief greeting. After a moment's hesitation, you sit down next to him, scooting a little closer.
He looks at you critically. For a moment, he looks at you like an intruder as you approach him, but he neither pushes you away nor says anything. His gaze finally turns thoughtfully back to an imaginary point in the void.
A little uncertainly, you reach for his arm and lean against him carefully. You long for more than the heated encounters, wish for closeness, wish he would open up to you. But you know what he is, what he does, what drives him. Darkness, power, his service to his Sith Master. Actually, Maul is a walking red flag, controlling, with ruthless determination. But you know there's a lot more buried beneath the facade, and to you, he's always been decent, in a way.
"What are you thinking about?" you ask gently.
Abruptly, he yanks his arm free, throws himself around, and buries you under him on the sofa. Hovering over you, he stares at you, his intense eyes eyeing you fierily. Once more, your gaze wanders over his horns, which adorn his skull like a crown. Your gaze wanders again to his eyes, searching therein for an answer to your question.
His pelvis rests between your thighs, you don't want to think about it or get distracted, but you automatically get hot. For a heartbeat, a smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth, he feels it too, has his feelers outstretched in power for you.
Finally, in a tone that ripples under your skin, he asks, "Why do you ask?"
"Because I'd like to know. You look like something is bothering you."
"I could say the same thing about you. The last few… encounters we've had have been different from before. You seem to be absent in thought."
Actually, it shouldn't surprise you that he noticed. But it does.
"Well," you say hesitantly, "I've been wondering if there's more to you and me than just…. These encounters."
"More? In what way?" he asks you, scrutinizingly.
You swallow, a little nervously.
"Well, are we a couple?"
Maul blinks in surprise.
"A couple?" he echoes.
"Yeah, you know, being in love, spending time together-"
"Love," he interrupts, "What is love but a distraction, a weakness? What we have is a pleasant pastime"
His words hit you unexpectedly and much harder than you would have believed yourself. You feel a leaden heaviness settling on you, you tense up under him. Of course, your reaction does not escape him. He grits his teeth, his eyes jumping from one point to another for a moment before they look at you again.
"You were hoping for a different answer," he finally states.
"Does it matter?" you ask quietly, tonelessly.
Maul sighs softly, leaning his forehead against yours.
"What is it you want me to say?"
"Nothing," you say defiantly.
He laughs softly.
"You're lying."
With a sigh, you say, "I know who you are, what's expected of you. I don't know what I expected to happen between us".
"Hmm" he hums softly "I understand"
His hand strokes your cheek, he shifts his weight a little, snuggling closer to you.
"Just to clarify, you mean something to me, more than just a pastime, but what we've done together so far has been nothing more than that"
Your fingers gently but firmly reach for the collar of his robe, as if grasping for hope that lies in his words.
His lips gently graze yours.
"So you want more from me?"
"Yes, indeed," you whisper against his lips.
"You want to name this between us?"
"Only if it has meaning"
Maul whispers, "You mean something to me, being close to you means something. I wouldn't call it love, but it's deep and real, and I don't want to miss it."
With a small smirk you say, "That sounds suspiciously like love"
Maul growls softly, "Stubborn thing, yeah, it's probably something like that"
"It is love" you insist.
With a sigh he finally relents, "Yeah, it's probably love".
His hand strokes your cheek again, tenderly, before his lips, seal yours with a heartfelt kiss.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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helpinghanikan · 2 years
Domestic December: Day 21
Maul: Sleeping
An: This was super rushed and admittedly sucks.
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Maul doesn’t say much when he crawls into bed. Simply moving the covers and sliding up behind you.
He doesn’t stay like that for very long. Not liking his arms to be contained while asleep. Pulling his arms out and rolling over. His back now towards you; a perfect opportunity for you to take the big spoon position.
“You’re warm.” You mumble into the back of his neck.
“Funny,” He says, muscles relaxing. “As I’ve been absolutely freezing the entire day.”
Your leg slides up over his. Wrapping around his waist and pulling him close, as if he wouldn’t be able to escape from your strength alone.
Although he could easily get you off Maul doesn’t bother. Instead he relaxes into your body and the bed. Sighing contently when you nuzzle into his neck.
An interesting part of Zabrak anatomy is their ability to purr. It seems they don’t have complete control over it. The same way you may not control a laugh or eyebrow raise at a situation. It takes time to learn how to control it.
This is why so few know about Maul’s ability to purr. You were of the special few who got to hear it. You were also part of the maybe three people who have had the privilege of causing it.
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bookmauls · 17 days
I'm listening to Shadow Hunter again and Maul remembers reading about the Talzin (the weird invisible-in-the-force worm thingo) on an obscure holonet site.
I have to wonder if maul is a supermassive troll on socials. I mean Plagueis mentions he has fuck all to do when not tasked with a mission or training.
The only thing more terrifying than Maul is the combined powers of his social media footprint and his search history.
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year
Darth Maul x Reader: Rescue
Word Count: 1,621
Warnings: Mentions of abduction, canon violence, injuries/wounds, angst, Reader tied up (bound at the wrists), and fluff.
Notes: I feel like I don’t write hurt/comfort enough. Hah, and I may have enjoyed writing Maul going from absolutely feral to a softie too much.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
  Abduction was not a part of your plans when you had arrived at the docks in Mandalore that morning. All you wanted to do was oversee the new shipments as they were unloaded from the ships. It had been proceeding well at the time. There even came a moment when you knew you would unleash compliments about the operations to Maul. However, you never got the chance to return to the palace. The group appeared to form out of thin air. Those on the docks did their best to fend them off, but they were out-numbered and caught off-guard.    Hours had passed since then. There was no telling where you were aside from the small room you were being held in. The room smelled of a stale light scent. You much rather not figure out the source of it, whether it was still in the room or elsewhere. It was particularly unpleasant. For this, despite your hesitance, you did not breath deeply.    This group, your captors, did not skimp out on details. A scratchy fabric bound your wrists together, rather than a cuff or chain of some sort. Likewise, you never caught a glimpse of their faces. Each one wore a helmet for one reason or another. That was the only similarity they had in common. All of their styles of clothing varied, creating no sense of uniformity. From is, you could only assume they were bounty hunters. Bounty hunters held no allegiance. Or so you were told by Maul once.    Your body had ceased aching long ago. However, you knew that you would develop bruises eventually, if not already, from knocking around their ship and being tossed to the hard ground. Oddly enough, you would find yourself left alone with only yourself and your thoughts. They knew you were not going anywhere. Wondering about your capture definitely became one of your first questions. Were you a part of a random and spontaneous napping, or was this all well-thought out? You did not recall doing anything wrong or harming someone in any way. If it had been planned, they likely knew that you held a significant importance because you lived in the palace. Beyond that, they held no detail further than that. And for that reason, they would not see their fate until it was too late.
  Your eyes became heavy again, exhausted and in dire need of sleep. It would have to wait though. You dared not to let your guard down, whether someone was in the room with you or not.   The door opened, and your head snapped back up, wide awake. A group of them ushered in, but just as quickly turned away from you. Weapons drawn, they faced the now shut door in defensive stances. There they stared, waiting in the dense silence.   You swallowed dryly in your confusion and fear. What could they be preparing for?    In the distance, beyond the outside of the room, came a mixture of muffled yelling.    Now it had occurred to you. It could mean only one thing—    Another more chilling scream cut off mid-breath.    —or someone.    Such a sound should not give anyone a sense of hope and impending relief as much as you felt it. But it did.    While they were distracted, you huffed quietly, wiggling your body against the wall in an attempt to sit up straighter.    The yelling and pistol fire neared. The ones in the room shifted on their feet.    In an uncomfortable effort, you pulled and twisted at your bindings. Surely the fabric should give to some extent. As much as it scratched and irritated your skin, you persisted. Your breathing hastened with each second. Glancing between them nearly made you dizzy at the speed of your paranoia. You could not be caught freeing yourself. Not now. Timing was on your side. You hoped. Their priorities had changed. It all appeared to be in your favor.    The door only just slid open, its sound breaking the room of its tension. One of their own flew through the small opening, crashing into another. As they clamored on to the floor, a growl coursed to your ears, and your heart leapt. Maul.   For the tiniest fraction of a second, your eyes met. The usually clear orbs were clouded with a fiery haze, but sharp enough to pierce through any armor.   Launching himself at his closest opponent, it was hardly a challenge. They were in the midst of falling from their wound when he slashed his blade at the next one.    All you could do was gawk as he hunted and slaughtered each individual down in his unhinged rage.    Maul blocked and deflected what bolts shot toward him with unmatched precision. The light and dark sabers in his grasp painted the space around him. His deadly accuracy created a singed scent permeating through the room.
   When the last one fell, you slumped in relief against the wall.    Maul surveyed the room with critical eyes. Deactivating his sabers, he clipped them to his belt and rushed over to you.    The echo of his cybernetics hitting the floor rang in your ears even as he knelt in front of you.    Reaching for your bindings, he ripped it apart effortlessly as if the fabric was entirely fragile and could turn to dust by simply breathing on it. It was discarded away from you in a haphazard pile on the floor.    Delicately, Maul took ahold of your hands. As they lied in his palms, he inspected your wrists wordlessly. The skin was more scratched up from your attempted escape endeavors. The determination was definitely there. Visible and clearly irritated. He looked to you then, his eyes impossibly soft. A stark contrast to his earlier menace.   He placed a gloved hand to your cheek. “You’re safe now,” he said, voice low and strangely calm for your current surroundings.    Everything happened so fast. After hours of waiting, for anything, it all ended within moments. A whimper caught in your throat. Barely audible, but enough to be noticeable by the zabrak in front of you. Mixed with the tears welling around your eyes, your braced state broke.   With heavy arms, you reached up tiredly to him.    Leaning into you closely, Maul gently nuzzled his face to yours as your arms hung over his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I have failed you,” he said, hand cradling yours to his chest.    You shook your head slowly, his nose poking into your cheek. “You didn’t. You’re here,” you whispered, tears now burning your eyes.    “And I shall take you out of here and back to Mandalore.”  
 Scooping you up into his arms, Maul straightened to his full height. As he turned with you toward the door, you could see the aftermath of his rage more closely. A light steam still lifted from the durasteel and other armor of your captors’ fatal injuries. It was ghastly. Thankfully, he walked you out of the room and into a long hall. The ease for your eyes, however, was short lived. No matter where you looked, you glimpsed a wreckage of unmoving bodies littering the floors.    Resting your head on his shoulder, you wanted to focus less on the carnage, and more on your rescuer. With a single hand, you placed your palm on his exposed chest. Feeling his warmth and hearts beat was a familiarity you needed after all of the previous events. Your senses became enveloped by him and only him. The fabric of his tunic brushing your cheek, the singular sound of his cybernetic feet making contact with the floor. Simply being with him again gave you comfort. You were safe. You were loved.    “Rest now,” Maul spoke soothingly. “We’ll be home soon.”    Your eyes grew heavy again.    When the sounds of the outside struck your ears, your interest peaked, if only a little.    “Lord Maul—” A mauldalorian.    “Prepare the ship. We go back to Mandalore immediately.”    And with his words, your eyes drifted closed.
   Eyes opening with a slow flutter of eyelashes, initial confusion swept over you. There was no clue visible to you as to how much time had passed since you were carried over to the ship. As long as you were safe, you did not really care.    Letting out a wide yawn, you felt your body’s arrangement. Your entire form was curled up snugly into Maul’s embrace. Resting between his arms and legs, it was no wonder you had not moved.    Peeking up at him, you gave a soft smile. “You’re still here?”    Maul’s head was surrounded by pillows. It made the intricate headboard of the bed non-existent to your eye-line. You could only imagine how many were supporting his back.    “Of course. And I don’t plan on leaving you any time soon.” His tone was calm but direct. And after what you had been through, you were certain neither of you were going to leave the other’s side for the next few days. Or longer.    One of his hands began caressing up and down your arm fondly. A simple comfort that even he needed deeply. You were with him. Alive and safe under his protection.    “I was scared,” you muttered into his chest. A chest that stilled in his breathing, becoming solid in his momentarily tense state.    “They can’t harm you. Never again. I’ve guaranteed it. For now,” Maul’s voice grew unbelievably silky, “you can continue to rest. I will remain here for as long as you need me.”    You hummed contently, your fingers curling around a fold in his tunic. “Then, I guess you’re not going anywhere.”    He chuckled. A pleasant sound to finally hear. “As you wish,” he smiled, kissing your forehead with the utmost tender touch.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
Thank you for reading! I hoped you enjoyed.
Also, a huge thank you for this commission. I really did enjoy putting this concept all together.
For those of you who may be interested, yes I do take writing commissions. You can check it out here if you’d like.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
You voted, and we have a winner!
never ever ever ever get between a mandalorian and their jedi. you will die.
It is muscle memory that makes Ezra slip his knife back into its sheath, because he has no thoughts for anything or anyone besides the girl across the room. She lies on her back on the interrogation table, strapped down, pale, eyes closed, blood dried and crusted in trickles down her face from a dozen separate cuts.
Ezra is beside her in an instant, ripping off the restraints that bind her arms and legs down. She doesn’t even notice.
She responds with a weak whimper. It’s a sound that should come from a wounded animal, not the fearless Jedi he knows.
He takes a risk, and runs his fingers across her cheek, brushing the sweat-damp hair from her face.
Now she gasps, lurching away from his touch with a choked, “no, no, please, please no—”
“Sabine. Sabine! I’m not going to hurt you—it’s me! It’s Ezra!”
Her struggling stops and her tear-damp eyelashes flutter; she looks without seeing.
“Ezra,” she whispers, trying the name out slowly. “Ez-ra. Ezzsraaah…?”
And then, oh, praise the stars—a light in her eyes.
“Yeah. Ezra.”
She raises a hand, shakily, searching blindly until her fingers brush the cold beskar of his helmet. They trace across it, following the shape, and even with the solid layer between them, he can almost feel her touch on his skin.
Her hand drops down and she stares at him for a long, heart-stopping second. Then she smiles hazily.
“You have wonderful eyes.”
Ezra can’t help his snort of laughter. He took the Creed years before they met. She doesn’t even know what his eyes look like.
“Did they drug you, or are you just having one of your weird Force moments?” he asks as he slides his arms under her, lifting her as gently as he can.
She rests her head on his chestplate and taps the beskar. “You’re shiny.”
Both, probably, he decides.
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queer-irritator · 1 month
Padawan! Obi-wan Kenobi x Padawan! Reader Part 2
A/n: This is FINALLY part 2 to this ask from the lovely @projectdreamwalker! Thank you all for being so patient, life has really been wild! This has got a little bit of everything, it kinda goes off on a tangent but... that's how my brain works 🥴 So sorry if some parts are like "wtf is this doing in here??" We got some Anakin, Padme, Ahsoka, Rex and Maul screen time in this one, folks.
CW: So much, everything in ROTS, fluff, sadness, death
Never proofread as always 👍
Word Count: 4,287
The next 10 years were incredibly busy. Anakin was proving to be quite the handful and you had become a Master Jedi Investigator. You spent most of your time undercover in the lower levels of Coruscant keeping an eye on crime and ensuring the temple was free from threats. Unfortunately, being undercover meant having extremely limited contact with other Jedi. You mostly communicated via encrypted voice messages, but you did have the pleasure of going off-world once in a while and were able to see some old friends, including Obi-wan Kenobi. You even had a handful of missions with him over the years. He would never admit it, but he looked forward to working with you the most, despite the antics you and Anakin would get up to. The two of you were quite the pair at getting under Obi-wan’s skin and testing his patience. When the Clone Wars began, you were stationed back at the Jedi temple on Coruscant. 
You received a message informing you of the Battle of Geonosis and the clone trooper army appearing seemingly out of thin air, and orders to return to aid in the ongoing war against the Separatists. That had been about a week ago, you had been traveling across the galaxy in the meantime. It was mid-day when you landed on Coruscant. You stepped off your ship, squinting from the sun with your R4 droid trailing behind you. It had been quite a while since you were last on the upper levels, probably about 6 rotations; but things didn’t seem to have changed much. 
“Welcome, Master (y/n). I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations. The Jedi have been incredibly busy, so I will be escorting you to your quarters.” A gold droid, C-3PO, introduced himself and began to lead you inside.
“Thank you. I guess you already know me, this is R4.” You gestured to your droid, following close behind him. “Is Obi-wan here..?” 
“Oh! You know Master Kenobi? He has been in meetings all morning with his clone army commander. He has taken on the position of General in these trying times.” He explained.
“Wow, he always was a high achiever.” You thought aloud. 
C-3PO stopped in front of a door, “Here you are. Master Kenobi has a room down the hall from here as well. Please do let me know if you require anything.”
“I will, thank you.” You said as you entered your room. 
You looked around as you heard the remanence of the droid’s conversation. 
“Come now, R4. I will get you cleaned up.”
You set a small bag you had brought with your down on the bed. You had been sitting all day, really all week, so you weren’t too keen on settling in quite yet. Besides, you couldn’t sit still knowing Obi-wan was so close to you again. After giving yourself a quick look-over in the mirror, you exited your room and headed towards the center of the Jedi temple. 
You stopped multiple times to catch up with old friends and mentors you hadn’t seen since you went undercover. Just as you had said good-bye to someone else, you turned to see Obi-wan standing with his hand resting on his beard and his eyebrows drawn together as he was deep in thought, looking down at a holo-map. You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as you took him in. Still as handsome as ever, but he seemed wiser now, more focused. That seemed to happen each time you saw him, he was always sharpening his skills. 
Obi wan’s gaze broke from the map and shifted to you. There’s no doubt he could feel someone’s eyes staring him down. When he made eye contact with you his stoic demeanor dropped. His eyebrows raised and his mouth parted slightly in surprise. Then he once again furrowed his eyebrows, as to ensure he wasn’t imagining things. He called your name as he started to walk toward you. 
“Is that really you?” A smile was spreading across his cheeks as he got closer.
“It’s me.” You confirmed, closing the gap between the both of you and enveloping him in the tightest squeeze you could, “I missed you so much.”
He returned your enthusiasm with an equally tight hug. 
“I missed you too, darling.” he whispered in your ear. 
You breathed in his scent as you lingered in his arms, if only you two were alone. It was almost insufferable how badly you wanted to kiss him and just stare at him for hours. 
Obi-wan let out a chuckle, his breath tickling your ear, “Mind your thoughts. We are in a building full of Jedi.”
You blushed and playfully pushed him away, breaking your hug, “Oh, shut up.” 
But you knew he was right. You hadn’t been around other Jedi in a decade so you weren’t used to controlling your thoughts or feelings as much as you should. You looked him over and gently placed your hand on his cheek.
“You look good, Obi.” You smiled and dropped your hand back to your side.
“So do you.” He said as his eyes flicked between your eyes and your mouth. 
“There you are, Master. You’re late for our meeting.” A familiar voice burst the bubble the two of you had been enveloped in.
“I was on my way.” Obi-wan began to defend himself as he spun around. 
“Anakin?” You questioned, seeing the man before you. He certainly wasn’t a padawan any longer. 
Anakin looked past Obi-wan to see you and a smirk crept onto his face, “Oh I see. I’m sorry if I was interrupting anything.” 
“Come here.” You rolled your eyes and gave him a hug, “You been keeping Obi-wan in line?”
He chuckled and hugged you back, “Always.” 
You let go of him, “Good, good.” 
Before you could begin scheming with Anakin about ways to annoy Obi-wan, he placed his hand in the middle of your back, beginning to lead you as he walked, “Why don’t you join us in the meeting? We can catch you up on what you’ve missed.”
You nodded and followed his lead. And there was definitely a lot to catch up on.
Your role in the clone wars was to assist any teams that needed an extra hand, mostly on stealth missions as it was your specialty. After sitting through meeting, after meeting, you finally had some time to be alone with Obi-wan later that night. The moment he had shut the door to his room behind him, you were on his lips. The two of you muttered endless ‘I missed you’s and compliments to each other. You particularly let him know how hot he was with a full beard. That night was passionate, needy, and sloppy. Everything the two of you needed it to be after not seeing each other for so long. 
However, the next day you were diving head first into the chaos of war. There was almost no time to breathe with all the moves the Separatists were making. There were moments to catch up with Obi-wan between battles and meetings, but one of you were always on the move to your next objective. The next time you had any substantial quality time with him was after Satine died. Obi-wan needed your support. He needed a sound voice in his head to keep him sane. Something to quiet all the hatred, anger, and guilt he felt. 
You were sitting on the edge of Obi-wan’s bed with your hand gently rubbing circles on his back, doing whatever you could to soothe him.
“He’s taken everything from me.” Obi-wan had his elbows resting on his knees, his back hunched and his head hanging low. 
“I’m so sorry.” You spoke in a hushed, gentle tone. “He’s not worth taking up space in your mind. The balance of the force will come back around, he will pay for what he’s done.”
“I know it’s wrong… But I want to make him pay myself.” Obi-wan’s hands tightened into a fist against his pants. “I want to kill him.”
You could feel your heart cracking and aching for the man besides you. You’ve always known him to detest violence, only resorting to it when there was absolutely no other choice. 
“These feelings and your anger are natural, Obi. We will get through this, together.” You assured him. 
“I just can’t believe she is truly gone…” His voice trailed off, he was silent for a few moments before you felt his body begin to shake and the sounds of his sobs were filling the room. 
You pulled his body closer to you and gently laid down on the bed with him. You were laying so you were facing each other and you had an arm wrapped around Obi-wan. He had curled up his body to a fetal position and held your hand that wasn’t rubbing his back. The two of you stayed like that all night. Eventually Obi-wan’s breaths had evened out and he had fallen asleep. But you stayed up almost the whole night, watching over him. Thinking of anything you could do to lessen how bad he was hurting. 
You two had also spent the next day together. Taking things easy, watching cheesy movies like when you were padawans, and trying to convince Obi-wan to eat. Despite his tragic loss, in a few days he was getting back to his normal self. 
“You can stop worrying about me, you know.” Obi-wan spoke, his back turned to you while he poured a cup of caf in a small cafe area just outside the main mess hall.
You had been watching him like a hawk from the table you sat at, worried that any reminded or mention of Satine will have him crumble to the floor. But you also knew how strong he was, arguably the wisest Jedi Master and one of the top Generals in the war. 
You sighed, “I can’t help it. You know you’d be doing the same thing if you were in my shoes.” 
Obi-wan walked over to you and placed a mug down in front of you as he sipped his own, “I can’t argue with that.” 
You smiled up at him, though your sadness for him was transparent. You thanked him for the beverage and took a sip. 
There had been a thought stewing in your mind, festering and bringing on so much guilt. As hard as you tried to hide it, Obi-wan knew something was going on. 
“What’s on your mind, darling?” Obi-wan asked as he sat down across from you. 
You looked into his eyes, “I just… I know how much you loved her.” You winced as the words tumbled out of your mouth. This was not the right time to talk about the love triangle that was between you, Obi-wan, and Satine. 
Obi-wan reached out and took your hands in his and gave you a soft smile, “I did love her. But… it wouldn’t have worked for us. Even if she were still here, we led two very different lives and had pledged our lives to different causes.”
You nodded slightly, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be bringing this up right now.” 
“Don’t be. Loss brings up many emotions.” He brought your hand up to his lips and gave it a soft kiss before letting go. 
Just then, Anakin walked into the room. Luckily it was just after Obi-wan had let your hands go. 
“Alright, we gotta get a move on. I so graciously got us all on a mission together.” Anakin announced, hands on his hips and feeling obviously proud of himself. 
You exchanged a glance with Obi-wan before getting up and embarking on your next adventure. 
The war trudged on for about half a rotation longer, then something in the tides seemed to change. Anakin was growing alarmingly closer with the Chancellor each day and the Jedi council was not happy about it. Obi-wan was just assigned to defeat Grievous on Utapatu while you had just received a message from Ahsoka requesting back-up on Mandalore.
Obi-wan and you had gotten into a habit of taking turns sleeping in each other's rooms whenever you had downtime at the Jedi Temple. When you two would be on missions together you would share a room for “safety”. There had been a few times when you two had been sharing Obi-wan’s bed that Anakin would barge in and you would throw the excuse of falling asleep while discussing work in his face. Anakain would usually roll his eyes and mumble a ‘sure’ or ‘yeah, right’ before impatiently waiting outside the room for Obi-wan to collect himself. 
That’s where you were at the moment, stuffing a few items into a bag before rushing off, and Obi-wan was doing the same but not as hastily as you. This was the most anxious you felt for a mission in a long time. You were going to have the chance to help capture Maul. 
You closed your bag and triple-checked off your mental list. You were only torn from your thoughts and anxiety when you felt Obi-wan’s hand on your shoulder. 
“You’re shaking, darling.” he squeezed your joint lightly.
You shifted your attention fully towards him, “This is a big fucking deal… I’m scared.” 
Obi-wan gave you a sympathetic smile, “You and Ahsoka will do what is needed. I have complete faith in you both. There’s no one I would trust more to this task.” 
You reciprocated his smile and leaned your cheek against his hand, “Thank you.” 
You took a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body, letting the words sink in. Having regained some confidence, you moved to stand in front of Obi-wan and placed a kiss on his lips. He happily returned the gesture and moved his hands to your waist. 
You reluctantly pulled away from him after a few moments and rested your palm against his cheek, “Stay safe, Obi-wan. I’ll see you when we get back.” 
“You too. May the force be with you.” He placed a final kiss to your forehead. 
“And with you.” You bowed slightly to him before walking out of the room to hurry onto the last ship of reinforcements that was leaving for Mandalore.
You couldn’t believe your eyes as you were dangling from a steel beam. Maul had finally been captured, Ahsoka had got him. You used the last bit of strength to pull yourself up as there was a stun blast sent directly to Maul and he fell unconscious, wrapped in cords by the clone troopers. 
In between pants to catch your breath, you looked to Ahsoka who was standing on the steel beam across from you, “You did it.” 
She turned her head to you, “No. We did.” 
She graciously hopped over to you and helped you into one of the ships that had just flown up. The battle had taken all day and night, you just needed to oversee the transfer of Maul and make contact with the Jedi council. 
While Ahsoka spoke with Master Windu and Master Yoda, you mostly stayed quiet, as it was her mission that led to the successful capture. You had a glimmer of hope that perhaps Ahsoka would come back to the Order after the mission, but that hope was dashed when she referred to herself as a citizen. 
It was midday when you said your goodbyes to the Mandalorians and headed back to the command ship.
It was midday when everything went horribly wrong. 
It hadn’t been long since you jumped into hyperspace when the clone troopers turned on you and Ahsoka. The two of you got separated almost right away and it wasn’t until you nearly took her head off in the medical bay that you got reunited. Ahoska quickly got you up to speed on the theory of the clones’ inhibitor chip and that she had let Maul go to create a distraction. 
“You let him go?? Willingly?” You could see her way of thinking, but it was devastating to hear. 
“I know, I know. But it was the only thing I could do to give us a fighting chance.” She explained as numerous droids began to run tests on the unconscious Rex laying before you. 
When you took a moment to think about the last few minutes, it wasn’t until you heard loads of gunfire and clone troopers yelling commands in the distance for you to be able to kill the clones that had cornered you and then managed to escape to the med bay. You had a close call, a blaster shot grazed your side and you had been tending to your wound when you heard someone approaching the door. 
“Thank you.” You spoke softly, looking to Ahsoka once again, “You did what needed to be done.” 
“Don’t thank me until we get off this ship alive…” She muttered and took over locating the inhibitor chip in Rex. 
Once the chip was successfully taken out of Rex, the three of you devised a quick game plan on how to survive at least one more day. 
It took a lot of close calls, some skill, and a little luck, but you, Rex and Ahsoka were able to make it off the ship and away from the clone troopers. 
The three of you had only caught your breath for about 10 minutes before you piped up, “I need to go back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.” 
“What? Are you crazy? We just escaped one war zone and you wanna go to another?” Rex turned to look at you in bewilderment. 
“I agree with Rex. It’s too dangerous, we need to find somewhere to lay low.” Ahsoka supported the clone’s notion. 
“You two can. I can’t… I have to find Obi-wan.” You explained, a bit in your stomach began to grow as you realized there was a good chance he didn’t make it. You and Ahsoka both felt the massive amount of loss and darkness when the clones turned. 
Ahsoka called your name, bringing you out of the dark thoughts, “I want to find him too, but…” She stopped herself, seeing the hurt on your face. She didn’t have to finish her sentence, you both knew the grim reality of the situation. 
You took in a breath and forced the next words out of your mouth as sternly as you could manage, “I have to find him, Ahsoka. I love him.” 
Ahsoka could only look at you with pity and hurt, knowing there was nothing she could say to stop you. 
Rex glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. He may have been bred and programmed for war, but even he knew the kind of love you meant was more than a friend. 
“Please.” Your voice broke, strength and stoicism failing you. You didn’t have the energy to hide your feelings anymore. Ahsoka sighed in defeat, “Okay. We’ll find a system nearby safe enough to stop at. Then you can take the ship. Rex and I will make our own way from there.” 
You nodded and tried to relax in your seat for the rest of the ride. 
You were on your way to Coruscant, in hyper-space when an encrypted message came on your comlink. It was a warning for any remaining Jedi to stay clear of the Temple. You knew it had to be Obi-wan’s doing. He’s the only fool brave enough to walk into a trap just to warn others. You hadn’t been able to contact anyone when you were aboard the ship, fighting for your life. You decided to try one more time. 
You put out your encrypted distress call to all Jedi frequencies, and a separate one to Obi-wan, Anakin, and Padme’s personal comlinks. Sitting with the dead silence of space was becoming more unsettling with each passing moment. Just when you had lifted your finger to shut off your distress signal, a distorted crackling came over the radio from Padme’s comlink.
“Hello? Padme? Can you hear me? Are you and Anakin okay? Have you seen Obi-wan??” You hurled rapid fire questions at the static filling your cockpit. You held your breath waiting to hear a reply. 
“Darling? Darling, it’s me.” Obi-wan’s voice came over the static.
You let out a cry of relief and disbelief, “Obi-wan?? Is that really you? You survived?” 
“Yes… I have a lot to explain, but I’m sending you coordinates. Get here as soon as you can, it’s not safe to talk on here for too long. But, I’m glad you’re safe.” He audibly sighed in relief
The coordinates popped up on your computer screen, “I got them. Ahsoka is safe too, we managed to help Rex as well. I… I love you, Obi. See you soon.”
“That’s good to hear… I love you too.” he replied before the connection was severed. 
You arrived on Polis Massa just as the twins were born. You ran inside to the medical center, escorted by a droid where you saw Padme’s lifeless body on an operating table and Obi-wan holding a newborn baby boy. Master Yoda began to bring you up to speed on what became of Anakin Skywalker, and the duel on Mustafar. 
As you sat in a sterile white command room on a new ship, listening to Master Yoda, Bail Organa, and Obi-wan discuss the next steps you should take, the world seemed surreal. “Listening” is actually a strong word, it was more like you could hear the hum of talking but you weren’t taking any words in. Everything you had ever known had fallen apart. It wasn’t until a gentle hand placed on your cheek drew you back into reality. 
The room was empty now, with just you and Obi-wan left to yourselves. You turned your head to the man next to you. 
“Anakin…” You mumbled, still in disbelief. 
“I know.” Obi-wan answered you without you needing to say another word. He dropped his hand from your face and stared at the table in front of him. 
“It was all for nothing.” He stated
“What was?” You questioned, brows furrowing in confusion. 
“Everything.” He lifted his head to look into your eyes, his own filled with tears. “Qui-gon and Satine died for nothing. Dedicating my entire life to a code that now ceases to exist. And depriving myself of you.” 
You were speechless, not even a thought could form in your mind. 
“Come with me.” He continued, “To Tatooine, we can be together and watch over Luke.” He took your hands in his, giving them a slight squeeze. 
You nodded, “Of course, all I’ve ever needed was you, Obi. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
A small smile formed on your lips, and Obi-wan matched it. He gently pressed his forehead against yours.
“I’m sorry it took so long, that it took all of this for me to realize what I truly wanted.” He began to apologize, but you started to shake your head slightly.
“It wasn’t just you. And we made it. We’re here now.” You reassured him, and sealed it with a deep kiss you poured all your love into. 
He returned your enthusiasm and pulled you onto his lap to bring your bodies closer together. The two of you stayed in that room, sharing sloppy love filled kisses for what felt like hours. You had to make up for lost time somehow. You made mental notes of how his lips felt against yours, how he tasted, the way his beard and mustache tickled your face. You never wanted to forget this moment. 
You swore you could have stayed on top of him for eternity, but the jolt of the ship switching into its landing sequence interrupted you. Reluctantly climbing out of Obi-wan’s lap, you took a moment to take in his messy hair and swollen lips.
“Only you could make me horny on the worst day of my life, Kenobi.” You chuckled slightly and brushed your fingers through your hair. 
“Well, I could say the same thing about you.” He bantered, following your motions and fixing his own hair. 
The two of you quickly boarded a different ship once the current one had landed on Naboo. The three of you were now in hiding. Everything you grew up with, your morals, values, your way of life now had to be kept secret to ensure your survival. Obi-wan had barely set down the baby, Luke. You could sense how much the child meant to him, he and his sister are all that remains of Anakin and Padme. You sat in the cockpit and took off, setting the course for Tatooine, where Anakin had some family that would take in Luke while you and Obi-wan silently watched over him. 
After arriving on the desert planet and an uncomfortably long ride on an eopie, you could see the lights of moisture vaporators come into view. You unraveled your arms from around Obi-wan’s waist as the creature laid down for him to dismount. He carefully swung his leg over to the side and stepped onto the dusty earth. 
You reached out your hand to gently take the baby’s smaller one, “Goodbye, Luke. Stay out of trouble.” 
You let go of the child and Obi-wan walked over to Owen and Beru who had just emerged from their home. He carefully handled Luke, swaddled in a soft white blanket to Beru. She smiled at him before walking over to her husband, who was watching the suns set. 
When Obi-wan had made his way back to you and the eopie, he silently got on the animal and started to head toward the Jundland Wastes. It would become your new home while you quietly watched over Luke from a distance. 
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wanderinggoldenwaffles · 11 months
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Old Maul x Insert doodle that I’m still kinda sort of obsessed with <3
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Ok so the night sisters are there.
Darthomir is the looming planet Thrawn chooses to land in.
There's a zombie army
But Dave, I only want to know one thing.
Will you or will you not get Sam Witwer to be Maul again or literally another zabarak cause like I need to see him in live action 😩
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 9 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
🔥🔥 don't forget to reblog tysm! 🔥🔥
Want to be on the tag list? -> Comment with 'tag me!' Have an idea for next chapter or clicked the wrong option? -> Reblog about it! Check the bottom for the Ao3 link. Latest chapter is below the cut!🔥
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~King of the Dragonfish: Chapter 18~
Obi-Wan wakes himself up with a powerful sneeze. He groans, long and low. The sudden jerk of it sends a flash headache searing through his skull like a forest fire. As the pain fades, he realizes that everything aches, and his respiratory system feels scratchy from the back of his throat down into his chest.
Oh bother. He's caught a bug, one potent enough to overcome a jedi's natural immunity to illness. Or, equally likely, he's just that worn down.
The only good part of waking, relatively speaking, is that he's alone and somehow… on a mattress..?
Obi-Wan rolls his head to look at the situation. His vision lags behind the turn of his eyes, making him nauseous, and moving makes his scalp flare in warning. He closes his eyes and breathes for a moment, drawing the force to him in the same way a weaver might run their fingers through freshly sheared wool. It flows through him, and begins bolstering his body against the sickness.
Settled a bit, the jedi opens his eyes to try again. Carefully.
He is still in Maul's private chambers, but that doesn't change the fact that beneath him is a futon mattress, like he'd seen on daybeds in fancy guest rooms. It was thicker than his own pallet in the temple, and zipped up in a soft, removable cover. This is what he lays on.
Obi-Wan has the stray thought that it really needed proper sheets. He sets a hand on his face, and sighs at himself. No, wrong, what it needed was to go back where it came from, just like him.
Cautious, slowly, the jedi master sits up and looks around. He is nonplussed to see his clothes are gone, and confused but interested to notice a literal bottle of water set beside the bed. What he does not see is a sith lord turned deep sea creature.
The memory of claws comes to him, deadly sharpness trailing down his back in the gentle touch of a prospective lover. Obi-Wan droops where he sits. Unfair. This is all utterly unfair.
Maul had become something out of a fantasy. The idea of him, deep under the sea, pining for years to take his revenge, only to change his mind at the sight of his mortal enemy, and instead kidnap them away to be lovers? It was a the plot of a one credit bodice ripper novella, and the force hasn't even seen fit to give him a bodice to wear while, apparently, living it.
Blast it, where are his clothes?
Obi-Wan stares down at his calloused fingers, each digit a little paler than usual. They're dry and cracked from repeated dunks in salt water. The texture of his own fingertips distracts him.
‘I might be disassociating a bit,’ the stewjoni thinks to himself while rubbing his thumbs and forefingers together. ‘I’ve stumbled into somewhere between nightmares and dreams, and my options to deal with it are so few.’
He sighs softly, being open and forgiving with himself.
‘I want to have sex with the man that killed Qui-Gon,’ he mulls wryly, ‘if I make it out of here alive, I think that merits a trip to the mind healers for a guided deep dive of my psyche.’
Obi-Wan chuckles a little, but stops quickly when even that makes a flash headache shred at his brain.
‘Indeed, a good long look. In the meantime… I…’
The jedi draws his knees up, feeling them tremble with fatigue, until he can set his head against the sailcloth over his thighs. He leans there, bonelessly.
Obi-Wan feels cold, but is he actually? Is it emotional cold, fever cold, brisk air on naked skin, or true chill?
Blast it, but he wants Maul to come back. And that is a terrible sign.
Obi-Wan shivers a bit where he sloughs against his legs, just accepting the fact that he wants to be held and petted and treasured and doted on by his own personal monster. It is, most likely, a completely normal reaction to being ill, to want those things. Yes, it really is, isn't it? He exhales heavily, and just lets the truth of it be.
Obi-Wan refuses to cross that line, to consummate this foolhardy preoccupation with his own jailor, but, these feelings are still valid and reasonable.
He feels better for acknowledging it.
Now onto matters of the physical.
Gingerly, the sick jedi eases himself over to get a hold on the water bottle, drawing back and cracking it open. He sniffs it, questioning the water's potability. It's stale, but clean tasting. To his scratchy throat it's a little painful, and a little soothing. He dearly wishes it was tea with honey and lemon.
The jedi drinks half, then recaps the bottle and sets it aside in favor of lowering himself back down onto the futon. If asked, Obi-Wan would swear that he merely closes his eyes for but a moment…
He blinks muzzily, and comes around to fingers carding through his hair. Claw tips slide back over his scalp, so gently it almost tickles.
“Kenobi,” the sith calls, soft and singsong, “Keno… bi~.”
“Mmnnnh,” he replies, feeling the length of Maul's tail pressed against him under the covers. He is dry, sleek scales like rounded glass. One of his pelvic fins rests on Obi-Wan's hip, lightly holding on to him, while the silky upper caudal fins that trail the sith are draped over his legs under the sail cloth and tarp. They're soft. Smooth. When Maul shifts they flutter against the skin of his ankles pleasantly.
Obi-Wan is, once again, wrapped up in the arms and fins of the very same ‘dragonfish king’ he was sent to kill. With an incredible amount of ‘fuck it’ energy, he noses forward under Maul's chin.
“I'm a bit sick,” he admits.
“Hnnn… your flushed cheeks and reddened eyes told me so already,” the other man says, still toying with his hair.
“I want tea,” he sighs, “with honey and lemon. My throat hurts.”
Maul makes this… incomprehensible noise. Not human, not zebrak. In the force he feels… pleased?
“Making wishes of me now?” the sith murmurs, “I suppose I could share one or two, seeing as I have three but do not need any of them.”
Obi-Wan pulls away to look at him with all the skepticism his dizzy self can muster. Maul smiles back, a cruel twist of lips framed by the most charming dimples imaginable.
He is stunned. This is Obi-Wan's excuse for why he doesn't move away when the sith captures his lips, biting oh so gently at him with his needle-like teeth, then licking his way across and inside.
Obi-Wan lets it happen, eyes drifting closed as he reciprocates slowly. Oh. Kissing makes his head feel better. Whatever chemistry that's about, it's working.
“That's it, jedi mine,” the sith croons to him, “taste me in return, and I will bring you tea.”
Well if it's for a good cause.
Tentatively, Obi-Wan licks at Maul's lips. They're thin but plush, utterly normal if wider than before his transformation. The other man hums, encouraging, the tip of that long pink tongue flicking playfully against his.
Obi-Wan chases it as the slick muscle recedes, finding the pointed tips of Maul's new teeth. He explores them with care, finding out which of his experiences with making out can and cannot apply.
He finds a good angle and pumps his tongue into that wet heat, slickness sliding against slickness. Obi-Wan's head twinges with the movement, but he's a bit too enthralled to care.
Maul makes, just, the sweetest little noise. Begging. Needful. Obi-Wan feels himself stiffening, his cock pressed to Maul's belly where skin fades to scale.
Oh dear. Now that is quite enough of that indulgence.
With one light kiss of the traditional sort, Obi-Wan pulls back and relaxes onto the mattress with a sigh. He watches yellow-green eyes blink open, pupils blown and slow to focus.
“Very good,” the sith tells him, trailing the backs of his fingers down Obi-Wan's face. “You will learn that I keep my promises, Kenobi.”
“If you bring me bread of some kind that hasn't been drowned in salt water, I'll do that again.”
Maul chuckles, sliding out from under the makeshift covers. “You see? Gifts are a good way to show favor.
The jedi would roll his eyes if he wasn't a hundred percent certain it would feel like an icepick in his brain to do so.
To be continued...
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