#Darkling Donnie
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Who made that first one? Not me.
More Darkling Donnie sketches because I cannot get him out of my head. The fucking fur coat and the authority and the fucking UUAHAHHSHDNDNDNJSJSSJ
I want to do something to this man/j
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unknownfanartist · 1 year
I really really like your art and I love how you draw Donnie and I think that my Darkling!Donnie and your cowboy Don should meet-
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Also just discovered I can't send pictures of it's anonymous-
hello! I'm glad you enjoy my art :) it would definitely be super interesting to see how those two would react lol. I have to say though, the cowboy Don was inspired by @shiftandshade so the credit goes to them! ah- I'm sorry about that, I don't know if thats something on my end that I can fix or if thats just tumblr being weird but if youre okay with your user identity being revealed, just let me know. I like your art by the way, its very nice :)
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What's wrong, little moon?
[Donnie gave a sharp gasp as an elegantly caped figure landed in front of him, grinning, causing him to scrabble back slightly.]
P-Prince Michaelangelo! Y-You... y-you haven't attended one of these since-
Yes, yes, since your brother was here with you. Such a shame he couldn't be here now, to see such a pitiful performance.
Wh-What... wh-what do you mean...
[The prince of meteors laughs, almost cackling at Donnie's confusion.]
You don't even know where he is! Some brother you are. It's hard to believe that a twin couldn't know when something happens to the other.
Wh-What do you mean? Wh-What did you do to him?!
[Donnie's eyes teared up, Michaelangelo's grin spreading wider.]
I did nothing. Don't you think it's strange that your brother hasn't contacted you?
H-He- H-He's on his honeymoon, I-I told him not to-
[Prince Michaelangelo clicks his tongue, silencing Donnie's shaking form.]
I wouldn't be so sure...~
[Tears ran down Donnie's face as the comet prince chuckled darkle, backing into the darkness.]
[Donnie's legs gave out as his hands gripped the side of his head, eyes wide as he stared at the ground, barely even making so much as a whimper.]
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thesedoomdays · 4 years
I don't normally do this, but i'm, like, really obsessed over this and... Why not, huh? Here i go!
Why i think Materialkis are way more powerful than it was showed in the three Grishaverse books.
There i was, reading the second book from Grishaverse, Siege & Storm, when a thought hitted me. I got really curious... But Leigh Bardugo did nothing to clarify my doubts. Sometimes it looked like she was letting things there that seemed to prove what i was wondering. Other times... It felt like she was stepping back.
So, let's put things in the table before going ahead:
We have Grishas.
We know we have, normally, three types of Grishas. Let's just ignore Shadow Summoners, Sun Summoners, Tailors and Corpsewitches here in this one.
Leigh Bardugo taught us that Grishas aren't really something like witches. They just don't go around using magic. Actually, Grishas have a very specific kind of power. They manipulate matter:
"Everything in the world could be broken down into the same small parts. What looked like magic was really the Grisha manipulating matter at its most fundamental levels.
Marie didn't make fire. She summoned combustible elements in the air around us, and she still needed a flint to make the spark that would burn that fuel. Grisha steel wasn't endowed with magic, but by the skill of Fabrikators, who did not need heat or crude tools to manipulate metal."
— Shadow & Bone, chapter ten.
Now, keep this in mind but follow me ahead:
Etheralki manipulate natural elements.
Corporalki manipulate the human body.
Materialki are said during the the three books to manipulate matter composed of such things like metal, glass, chemicals, etc.
But even though that's what is said, there's somehing that doesn't fit. If Materialki can only control matter composed by those specific things — non organic matter and chemicals —, then how can David manipulate the horns of the Morozova's Stag? How can the Materialki in Sturmhond crew's manipulate the scales of the Sea Whip?
This left me confused. And wondering. If Materialki could manipulate scales and bones, then they could act like Corporalkis? What would stop Materialki from manipulating bones? Could they only manipulate organic matter after being removed from its source — a tree, a stag, a sea monster —, the thing that, technically, keeps the cells alive? Could they only manipulate organic matter if it was dead? That could make sense, but it still had something that really bugs me.
And while i was wondering, we also are introduced to Ilya Morozova. AKA the Bonesmith. The Materialki's hero. Sankt Ilya of the Chains.
It's pointed that Ilya Morozova was a Fabrikator way above average. And the central point of his theory is about manipulating everything:
"One of the essential tenets of Grisha theory was "like calls to like," but Morozova seemed to believe that if the world could be broken down to the same small parts, each Grisha should be able to manipulate them. Are we not all things? he demanded, underlining the words for emphasis."
— Ruin & Rising, chapter four.
But in Ruin & Rising, we also have Baghra, his daughter, talking about their life during her childhood. Where she explicitly says he was a craftsman and a healer. So... We have a Materialki manipulating organic matter that wasn't dead, or removed from a source. He was manipulating bones, skin, blood. The human body. Doesn't it sounds like a Corporalki? (also, why Corporalkis can only manipulate the human body and not other animal's body? Weird.)
Ilya Morozova healed the shattered body of his younger daughter before using merzost to bring she back to life. And, of course, we can say it was because he was super powerful and mega special — He created the amplificators, right? Extraordinary dude —. But then... David and the Materialki in Sturmhond crew's were there, manipulating organic matter like it was natural. Baghra said her father was a healer like it was natural. Darkling made David travel with him because he was the most powerful Fabrikator in the Second Army. He knew David could manipulate the bones, organic matter, in the most perfect way.
Again, what would stop Materialkis from simply manipulating the bones of the people around them?
Then i remembered something. In Siege & Storm, Alina decides that Fabrikators should have military training instead of just producing for the Second Army. Darkling didn't do that. He is something like 200 years old. Or more, we can't be sure. Older than The Unsea. And Baghra said that before the Grishas didn't distinguished between Etheralki, Corporalki, Materialki, Healers, Infernis, Alkemis, whatever. They didn't have the Second Army. They didn't have Orders. And yet, somehow, Materialkis endend up without military training. Somehow, Materialki ended being looked as less powerful, less worthy. Someone made that choice. Someone who built the Second Army.
I believe the Darkling deliberately made the choice to to put away Fabrikators from the fighting scenery. He inserted them in workshops, where they would focus on production instead of fighting. He lived in the time where Grishas didn't felt in categorys. He was Ilya Morozova's grandson, and was obsessed over the work — the work of a Fabrikator who's naturally seem as a Healer too — he left behind, after all.
He must have known what a Materialki could do. He must have known their potential. So, why he didn't use that goddamn potential in his army? Was he afraid to see Fabrikators that were military trained and seen as valuable soldiers, manipulating the human body? He must have thought they were too strong. They controled too many things. Organic and inorganic matter. Basically everything that Corporalki do, but more. Better. Maybe even turning some Etheralki useless too.
Following this, Materialki could, theoretically, manipulate chemicals like the ones Etheralki could. Or manipulate organic matter like a Corporalki could. And then become even better than these two Grishas types. Etheralkis can't play with poison, and Corporalkis can't mess with other organic matter besides the one in the human body. They need to have, of course, strength to do it. But just like it takes strength to Harshaw, or Adrik, or other Summoners, to use their power. Just like it takes from Tamar and Tolya. They just need to be trained.
"We say like calls to like, girl. But if the science is small enough, then we are like all things."
— Ruin & Rising, chapter seven.
This is what Grishas manipulate.
In its most fundamental way.
From the latin, materia.
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kdgalactic · 2 years
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After seeing the Rottmnt Trailer, I imagined what an older set of Scarlett and Violet would look like.
Scarlett and Violet knew of the Kraang from their species’ history, as they were the ones to create the Changelings darkest enemies, The Darklings. Changelings have a unique ability to prevent the Kraang from taking over their bodies (due to their shape shifting abilities.)
Scarlett’s powers make her a formidable foe, but she spends most of her time using her powers for defensive purposes. Violet can also use her powers defensively.
Unfortunately, from why I see of the trailer, it looks like Raph and Donnie perished in the future. My possible story is that Violet and Scarlett both escaped at the urging of their significant others and saw them perish. Violet inherited Donnie’s tech to use. I’ll nail down more of this when I see the movie.
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scripttorture · 5 years
H! Do you know of any survivor accounts that focus on recovery? A big part of the story I'm writing happens after the main character is rescued from torture, and I want to make sure I don't downplay the effect it had on him and portray his recovery realistically. I'm mainly interested in a timeframe for reintegration/being able to go back to a "normal" life. If it's relevant, he is imprisoned and tortured (mostly beatings, stress positions, starvation and sleep deprivation) for about a month.
I’m sorry this one took so long. My best guess (and it is a guess) is somewhere in the range of 3-10 years. The rest of the answer goes into my reasoning, factors that typically effect recovery and things I’ve found helpful when I’m trying to write this sort of plot.
 From the sounds of it I think the most useful thing would be someone’s diary, but I don’t think there is actually a published diary covering the period immediately after a survivor was released for months and years afterwards.
 Survivor’s accounts often talk about recovery but- the thing is that isn’t usually why they make their experiences public so that often doesn’t end up being the focus.
 Alleg talks about recovery but his aim in publishing his memoirs was demanding the French authorities stopped torturing people in Algeria. Similarly people like ‘Donny the Punk’ Donaldson and Nadia Murad Basee Taha talked about their experiences to highlight abuses that were taking place on a wide scale.
 And that is often the reason people make their experiences public: to raise awareness, to draw attention, to demand change.
 By its nature that kind of discussion tends to make recovery secondary.
 It’s also worth noting that most survivors write about what happened to them a significant period of time after it actually happened. I believe there are some Inquisition era diaries that recount the period a victim was held for, but they’re rare and I think most of the authors were killed.
 Monroe is interested in recovery but it’s recovery in a rather broader sense. It’s less about what people can do when and instead about the more nebulous idea of holding on to humanity and being able to have faith in other people. Her focus is war but this isn’t the sole focus of the book.
 I do recommend her book, A Darkling Plain, generally. It’s most constructed of interviews her students took. Their instructions were to find someone who had lived through- Monroe calls it ‘political upheaval’, which sounds like a euphemism when she goes on to list war, genocide, violent revolution and oppressive regimes as her examples. The students were taught Institutional Review Board procedures and interviewed a survivor about their experience.
 One of the things I think is… enlightening about the approach is that emphasises how close we all are to survivors. We all know someone even if we don’t know the details of what they lived through. I think it’s easy to forget that sometimes.
 The interviews are very much led by the survivors. They’re generally looking back on experiences that happened years or decades ago. They go into how an experience changed the survivor, how it effected their outlook on life and whether/how they moved on.
 I believe you’d find it helpful but I don’t think it necessarily answers the more precise questions that effect writing. When someone could return to a job, when someone might be ready for a relationship, how they’d interact in the community.
 Based on modern accounts of the living conditions survivors find themselves in- I think the question of when people can comfortably do things is difficult because survivors are often put in a position where they’re either forced to do something before they’re comfortable with it or they’re actively prevented from doing it when they want to.
 Let me try to explain that with an example. A lot of survivors now are in refugee camps. A person’s ability to find work will vary depending on the camp, the country and the individual’s legal status.
 In some situations people in the camps are given very little support. In which case if the survivor doesn’t find some kind of work they might end up starving. In other situations a survivor’s immigration status might mean it’s illegal for them to work. Earning a wage can also be used as a reason to cut charitable or governmental support. Which can be a problem if the survivor is only capable of working occasionally and needs a steady source of income to keep them alive between the periods where they can work.
 The environment these people are in can force them into work when it isn’t healthy for them or it can prevent them from working when having a job would help.
 Environmental factors like these can obscure individual choice.
 Generally I’d encourage you to think about environmental factors and how they could effect the character’s recovery. Survivor’s still have bills to pay and they might be surrounded by people who think working or going back to a mainstream school/university would be ‘good for them’.
 Taking away environmental pressures there’s still a question of the character’s drive and motivation. A lot of people want to go back to doing things that are important to them. They want to recapture a sense of normality.
 A character who feels very strongly about their job and is highly dedicated is more likely to be back at work quickly whether that is healthy for them or not. A medic who has built their identity around helping others is much more likely to be back at work after three months then someone who doesn’t identify with their job.
 This does not necessarily mean the medic would be doing a good job or should be back at work. People do have a tendency to throw themselves back into tasks they identify strongly with.
 With work there’s also, potentially, an aspect of physical recovery to consider. A character who has survived a suspension torture, with the resulting nerve damage, may not be able to go back to being a pianist. At least not without a considerable period of time adapting to their disability.
 Even if a character is still able to do their job without adaptions and feels strongly about it they probably won’t be up to handling much stress or their previous workload. This does not necessarily stop people from trying.
 Whether a character identifies strongly with their job or not they might feel they ‘should’ be doing some form of work. And work has the potential to be extremely helpful during a mental health crisis. It can provide routine, a reason to get up when that feels impossible. A point of stability and a place of relative safety.
 Of course the flip side is it can also become a huge source of additional stress and pressure. Which it is depends on the job, the survivor, the working environment, the support (or not) of colleagues and the adaptions in place to support the survivor.
 Reintegrating into the community is also complicated by factors that have very little to do with the survivor character or their symptoms.
 A lot of communities reject survivors. Child soldiers and victims of rape (especially if it resulted in pregnancy) are often portrayed as traitors who have taken the ‘side’ of their abuser.
 This can apply to torture survivors too. If the dominant culture sees torture as a way of obtaining accurate information (this isn’t possible) then the assumption is often that the survivor must have ‘betrayed’ the community. People also tend to assume that if someone was arrested or otherwise targetted for torture they must have been guilty of something.
 If the survivor was subjected to ‘clean’ (non-scarring) tortures then- well then people usually assume that the survivor is lying and they weren’t tortured. From the sounds of things all the tortures your character survives are clean.
 These factors often work in tandem and make it impossible for survivors to feel welcome in their community. That isolation and lack of support has a huge negative effect on recovery. And because it’s so rare that survivors don’t have to deal with these additional stressors it’s difficult to estimate what recovery looks like without them.
 Anecdotally a lot of survivors report that support from their families and from religious institutions was incredibly important to them.
 I feel like a lot of this comes down to what a ‘normal’ life means.
 Because life for this character probably wouldn’t be quite like it was before. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t look normal.
 Perhaps he wouldn’t be able to cope with the stress, pressure or uncertainty of his previous job. But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t work. Perhaps he’d struggle to do things he previously enjoyed, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t find other hobbies.
 I’m sorry that I can’t provide an accurate, statistically supported timeframe. I hope that I can describe a helpful way of approaching the problem as a writer-
 It’s unlikely that the character will be able to fix everything at once. He might be able to get a ‘normal’ working routine before he has a ‘normal’ social life, for instance. Or vice versa. I’d suggest splitting up the different aspects of his life that have been effected and thinking about them separately.
 You can categorise things in a way that makes the most sense for you. I’m outlining the way I would do it as an example, but if my categories don’t make sense for your story then add or remove things as you see fit.
 I’d split it up into: Work, Social life, Family life, Romantic/Sexual relationships (if applicable), Communal life and Ritual (ie engagement with wider cultural activities, such as religious services, may pole dancing, getting pissed at the solstice or anything else that’s a big event).
 I’d try to think about them separately and think about which area is the biggest priority for the character. I’m assuming ‘work’ comes first for the rest of the example because survivors still have bills to pay. I’m also assuming the character has enough support and stability to recover at his own pace; that the environment isn’t pressured and his environment isn’t adversely effecting his recovery.
 So I would start with the symptoms and the way they manifest.
 If he has anxiety or hypervigilance, what kind of situations set that off? For instance if his symptoms are triggered by crowds and loud noises then he might not be able to work in a popular night club any more.
 If his ideas of ‘normal’ and his goals revolve around doing that particular job again then his recovery and returning to work would take longer. It could take several years. If his personality/experience means his goals are more flexible then he might be able to find another career that provides a less triggering environment and includes something he liked about his previous job. In that case he might be working regularly again in six months or so. Possibly less.
 That could then provide enough stability/routine to let him find a balance in other areas of his life.
 If he has insomnia then trying to fit his life into a regular 9-5 schedule might be more stressful then it’s worth. Finding work that lets him be flexible about when he comes in, working from home or part time or free lance- could mean a speedier return to something like ‘normal’.
 Once I have some ideas about one aspect I’d take a look at the others and the wider plot. I’d think about whether there’s anything going on in the other categories, the plot or with the other characters that could impact on the survivor’s recovery.
 When I’m looking across the different categories I’m also on the look out for ways I can use them to feed back into the plot.
 So, if I stick with the night club example, perhaps this character has now started a job at a recording studio because this lets him indulge a passion for music with less crowds. And may be I can use that change in environment to introduce him to other characters. May be Drama at the night club is still effecting him through his social circle. May be working somewhere different means he’s unaware of the Drama and that aspect of the plot is going to take him by surprise.
 Stress from the different categories will feed into how he’s doing overall and so will positive things like stability and support. Some of the aspects of the character’s life are likely to look ‘normal’ before others.
 My best guess for reasonable time frames based on what I’ve read is something in the region of 3-10 years. But that’s taking everything into account across all those categories.
 In the best possible circumstances your character could have one aspect of his life looking normal within a year, possibly even as short a time frame as six months. But that assumes an unusual level of support, financial independence, access to treatment and- the internal flexibility to accept a normal that’s distinct to their pre-torture experience. Which could mean a different job, or a different way of socialising or a different degree of engagement with the community.
 Generally- there’s a lot lacking in the environment survivors find themselves in. There’s lack of support from family, friends and wider community, if not outright rejection. There’s a lack of accessible, specialist medical care. There’s a lack of safe housing and financial support.
 My impression is that a period of years is closer to reality for most people. But we’re talking about fiction and you can choose to make your world better then the one we inhabit.
 This kind of recovery isn’t linear. People do backtrack. Even people who are ‘better’ have bad days. Mostly- it’s about showing slow improvement over time and how frustrating slow improvement can be from the inside.
 I hope that helps. :)
 Available on Wordpress.
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 21 - Wednesday, January 22
SPIKE: Anya, do be specific and tell a fellow just exactly what you're doing here. ANYA: Well, Spike... I'm here, obviously... for...um...sex. SPIKE: Uh, beg pardon. ANYA: You and me. Here and now. Let's go. Let's... get it on, you big bad boy. SPIKE: Wait, wait, Anya. Just a minute. This is not exactly – is that a stake? ANYA: Yes. Kinky. SPIKE: Uh, well, yeah, but what do you -- ANYA: Shh. No questions. No talking. I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about you and us and our brief but unforgettable time together. I mean, it's – why else would I be here? I mean, it's not like I'm snooping around looking for proof that you're some sort of wacked out serial killer. (laughs) I don't know why I said that. Forget I said that. It's craziness talking. It's just nerves. Nerves. Nerves and-and horniness. Oh, just shut up, William, and take me. Take me now. (starts nuzzling at his neck)
~~Sleeper (Season 7)~~
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musicmaam · 5 years
Donnie Darko but instead of Jake Gyllenhaal it’s the Darkling
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thebravestkoala · 7 years
Rules: Answer the twenty questions then tag twenty people to get to know them better.
Thanks for tagging and sorry for the wait @witherhips
Name: Donnie
Nicknames: well my names technically a nickname of Donald but nobody calls me that. also Koala. 
Zodiac sign: Libra
Height: 5′6″
Orientation: Asexual 
Ethnicity: A Caucasian mishmash 
Favourite Fruit: blueberry
Favourite Season: Winter and Fall sort of blend together into one big great time
Favourite Book: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Favourite Flower: I love them all don’t make me pick 
Favourite Scents: Petrichor, a freshly opened pack of MTG cards. 
Favourite Colour: Green but like a bright green but not really neon, the kind that goes REALLY well with the lighter shades of blue. 
Favourite Animal: I would love to say koalas but let’s be honest they’re a #hotmess and also my dog Riley is my favorite animal hands down. 
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Tea
Sleep hours: I usually pass out sometime between midnight and 4 am and then wake up roughly when I am forced to. 
Cat or dog: Why would you ever chose. 
Favourite Fictional Character: nope. 
Blankets: I have like 5 blankets of various thickness/size/texture on the bed at any given time to adapt to the situation at hand 
Dream Trip: you start in Scottland and end in Spain but along the way you go quite a few really interesting places but mostly Amsterdam (for the Van Gogh museum) and France. 
When did I make this blog: 2012ish? 
Number of Followers: 157
Tagging: @darkling-dearest @one-doesnt-simply-walk-in-bagend @ayotofu @absentlyabbie @coffeebuddha @princesschillona @when-youcant-sleepat-night @gretainthewild
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Doodled a couple Darkling Donnies~
Then made a couple memes-
But anyway, I really like the color palette and I think I might just tweak a couple things before I finalize it:3
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Y'all are foaming at the mouth over him so here you go-
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Him on his own.
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So, a few of these are just doodles, but I also have a few more DG donnie sketch pages, along with a cross over au I wanna start between Shadow and Bone (the book) and Rottmnt.
The first sketch I have for it is Darkling Donnie and whooooo...
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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh take this *drops and runs*
Also, I'm not done with Darkling Donnie dw
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i uh I have more Darkling Donnie sketches🥺
Do you guys want them🥺?
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I want your Mad Scientist!Donnie to do crazy experiments on me it's not even funny
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I Need to draw him so bad istg I'm going feral on all fours shaking him like a rag doll/pos
I have doodles on there that I might share- like ones I haven't posted yet due to fear lol
It's funny that ms Donnie is being dumped over more then Darkling Donnie did. I mean, I didn't do as much stuff with him, but ms Donnie is just so much more fun to draw
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DARKLING DONNIE!!!????!!!!!?????
mmmmmmnmmMMMMMMMMMM I can only imagine Donnie as the Darkling and it's driving me crazy. And like I read a scene and was like oh my god it's donnie. Morally grey tall mutant Darkling.
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