#Danvers dentist
danversfamilydentist · 10 months
Discover the secrets to maintaining a bright, white smile after teeth whitening. Learn post-treatment care tips, from avoiding hot/cold foods to using fluoride products. Our Danvers dentist offers professional whitening solutions for lasting results. Schedule your appointment today for a confident, radiant smile!
Learn more: https://www.caledoniacrosstowndental.ca/be-prepared-for-dental-emergencies-insights-from-an-emergency-dentist/
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Kara: Uh, Lena. Can I ask you a favor?
Lena: What is it?
Kara: Well, Y/n's dental appointment is tomorrow.
Lena: Oh Kara, you know I would do anything for little Danvers. Yes, I can take y/n to the dentist tomorrow.
Kara: Yeah, the thing is y/n know all of our tricks already. God knows how hard it is to handle my sister going to the dentist. Or hospitals. Alex and I could really use your help.
Lena: hmmm, so you want me to trick your sister...
Kara: Well, kind of. Just invite her to brunch or indoors game, or theme park or anywhere she'll follow you. Once you guys reach at the dentist, I will drag her in.
Lena: I like where is this going.
Y/n: Hey Lena! I'm so glad both of my sisters are busy!
Lena: Hey little Danvers! Wow, someone excited.
Y/n: How can I not, I get not to be somewhere that I have to be. Plus, I get to hang with you, sis.
Lena: Oh, I am your sis now huh?
Y/n: Yes you are. So, where are we going? Sis..
Lena: Disneyland.
Y/n: You're kidding. You're kidding!
Lena: No I'm not.
Y/n: Oh my god! You are so cool! You're my favorite sister from now on!
Lena: We'll see.
Y/n: Lena? This is not Disneyland.
Lena: I have noticed.
Alex: There you are.
Kara: come on bug, it going to be just for a while.
Y/n: Lena. You.... *drag by Kara.
Alex: thanks Lena. We meet inside.
Kara: So, what did you tell her?
Lena: Disneyland.
Alex: Really? She falls for that?!
Lena: Yeah, and seems like I am her favorite sister now.
Kara: That little...How come she never believed us but follow you easily?!
Lena: maybe because I actually going to take us all to Disneyland.
Kara: you're kidding!
Lena: That's exactly how Y/n reacted!
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dhampiravidi · 9 months
🍳 our muses are having breakfast at a local food place (Caleb and Pogue @in--noctem, sorry for the anon I'm on the wrong blog xD)
Caleb probably wouldn't've agreed to skip school with Pogue if the night before hadn't left them both feeling so drained and upset. Mr. Parry had had yet another tantrum, smacking his son around while his wife cooked dinner (only stopping to tell them to get out of "her space" in the kitchen). As usual, Pogue teleported straight to the Danvers, glad that his parents didn't do any magic. Because it'd been years since Caleb had realized what Pogue's parents were truly like, he had a plan in place. He set his best friend up with a decent dinner, then called the police (who were familiar with the situation) so that they wouldn't think Pogue had been kidnapped. It always took a while longer than he would've liked to get Pogue to bed. There were bruises and cuts to be treated, and even then, Pogue was far from being OK (not that he was expected to be). On days like those, he had multiple nightmares, so the Danvers had learned to have him sleep in Caleb's room. The boys always ended up under the same sheets together, arms wrapped protectively around each other--but Caleb knew to untangle himself before Pogue woke up and freaked out.
They went out of town to avoid any suspicious adult eyes. Pogue, who had bought a motorcycle as soon as he'd turned 16 (he only waited that long because he knew he had to pass the tests before driving it) apparently found a diner on some day when he'd gone out of town instead of to the Danvers, post-dad tantrum. So, he drove the two of them there. Caleb knew that Pogue probably would've been more physically comfortable using one of their cars, but he didn't want his own mom worrying about them--even if she might not leave her room til the afternoon.
Caleb liked the place as soon as he saw it. The outside was plain, but it was perfectly clean, with bright paint and absolutely no dirt on any of the paneling. "It doesn't look like much, I know...food's not as good as yours, but it's a nice spot," Pogue said quietly, putting his gloves away for the moment. He was surprised to feel a gentle-yet-firm hand on his shoulder, and he looked up to see one of those smiles that made him feel guilty and giddy at the same time.
"Thanks, man." Thanks for bringing me, for letting me come with you this time. Thanks for the compliment--even though you're always silently moaning when I cook us something.
"Yeah." Pogue started off for the front doors, Caleb only a step behind. There was music from the 70s and 80s playing, not enough to be anything but a quiet soundtrack. About half of the place was full, which was interesting for a restaurant's weekday. Pogue sat down in a booth not far from the bar, and Caleb sat across from him. It was all of 5 seconds before a waitress in a pink-striped uniform rolled up, beaming.
"Kiddo! How are ya!?" she cried, beckoning for Pogue to hug her. He did, a sheepish grin on his face as she kissed his cheek.
"Hey, Donna. Donna, this...uh, this is Caleb." He sat back down, and suddenly he couldn't look his friend in the eye. But Donna certainly could. She grinned mischievously.
"Caleb Danvers. Oh yeah, we've heard about you. What are ya in the mood for? Pogue always gets a stack a' cinnamon pancakes, but he says you make the best French toast--"
"I'm just sayin'. Here, I'll get ya' a menu. Don't worry about what's for breakfast and f' lunch--Jimmy doesn't mind makin' both." Over the next hour or so, Caleb learned that Donna was taking classes to become a dentist's assistant, and she had a little boy named Ricky who thought Pogue was a god because he'd let him sit on his bike once. He also learned that Donna could read people's minds (not literally, he hoped), Pogue came to the diner about once a month (even if his parents weren't being horrible), and that Pogue had told Donna (plus the other two waitresses who knew him) all about Ipswich, minus the magic part.
Both boys left Donna and the rest of that shift a hefty tip--after all, they were the heirs to family fortunes--and took milkshakes and fries to-go. They went to Boston to explore, then had a picnic on the outskirts of Ipswich. Caleb had to keep reminding himself that it wasn't a date, that he was just keeping Pogue company while the other guy took a day.
He liked to think that they'd had enough fun to forget the night before, at least for a little while.
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Not dead, just poor.
Speaking of which, if you charge me $145 and then give me a show with 3 characters missing I reserve my God-given right to go on the internet and complain. For shame, McK. For shame.
I hadn't been to the show in a few months, partly because of school but mostly because of the price hike, but I don't feel like myself unless this place is a steady part of my life, so back I went. I understand bad visits happen, and like everyone else I've had my share over the years. But in eleven years I don't think I've ever felt quite so let down by the place. Get it together, beloved old building. You've given me immense joy over the years, and I've given you a shit ton of money. Don't fuck me on this.
Goodbye, dear sweet Other Other Kelly. She seemed to be having a lot of fun during the rave, and while wringing her hair out in the stairwell after.
Terrible news: the lilacs in the apothecary were in fact hydrangeas all along. Very upset.
For some reason Zina/Hecate is a lot scarier when she has her hair up.
My dearly beloved Macduffs got new ceilings lights, or else they've just escaped my notice for all this time?
Jenn Payan/Lady MD, which to my knowledge is new. She does one of my favorite things, which is to make sure her husband is watching before she takes the shot.
For the first time I saw Danvers get everything on her tray knocked over at the party. She was not pleased.
Real big fan of the new Dothraki-looking Man in Bar.
Spent a lot of time just reading patient files in the hospital - Jack Favell has a drinking problem and sees Rebecca's ghost. At night he tried to slit his wrists in the dentist's office. Lady Macbeth is infertile and addicted to seconal, and Macbeth signed her out AMA. Also, she's the one who wrote "more in them than mortal knowledge" over and over again in the operating theatre. I always figured it was the nurse.
I was so hungry that I wandered into the lobby restaurant in the hopes they'd left some toast out like in the old days. (Don't pretend you've never done that.) Anyway, they hadn't, but I did take a look at the menu for the first time. It's the same as in the King's Suite, which seems like a ripoff for the King.
I had a lot of fun at Halloween and liked the top-down format, though it did lead to me managing to miss all the ballroom performances. Alack and fie for shame.
Hopefully just an off night for both the building and me. Better days ahead.
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nhomsdanvers · 2 years
MassOMS: Massachusetts Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Danvers
If you are looking for a dentist in Danvers, MA, look no further. MassOMS: Massachusetts Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Danvers is a dentist located in Danvers, Massachusetts. Some of the services we offer include: dental implants and tooth extractions. Schedule your appointment today by giving us a call at: 
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kendrene · 2 years
Her personal phone buzzes almost as soon as they end the call. True to her word, Sam has already sent her an email.
Lena scrolls through it and logs into her Spotify account to peruse the selection. Sam has linked some True Crime shows — while hearing about murders may give her some fresh ideas on how to dispose of Sam's body, Lena doesn’t think they’ll help her sleep — several horror ones —  “are you fucking kidding me?” — and no less than five finance focused podcasts.
The latter may actually put her to sleep, Lena isn't sure the quality of her rest will be improved.
She's about to write back and admit it was a legitimately good prank, when her eyes fall on a link at the very bottom of the email.
I think this one's right up your alley, Sam wrote, punctuating the statement with a ;) Give it a shot!
Lena sighs and clicks on it without bothering to see what it's about.
Can't be worse than the others, can it?
She presses play.
"These ancient stars are incredibly dense." A woman's voice fills her office. "So dense in fact that a teaspoon of their matter would weigh as much on our planet as an elephant— 5.5 tons to be exact. Can you imagine?" The speaker laughs, soft yet bright. "White dwarfs are tiny too, if compared to the sun we're all familiar with. Typically, their radius is .01 times that of Sol. Mass wise they are about the same."
Lena pauses the recording and releases a breath she hasn’t realized she was holding. For a moment, the stranger's voice transported her elsewhere. To the top of a quiet hill, a sailboat at sea, away from the city and the headache pounding against her skull and L-Corp's very pressing problems. Someplace where it is already night, where this unknown woman is sitting next to her, whispering the ancient secrets of the stars in Lena's ear.
A quick internet search — the podcast is aptly named Starstruck—  yields a photo and a name.
Dr. Kara Z. Danvers, graduate cum laude of UC Berkeley and one of the youngest astrophysicists in the country, is a tall, handsome-looking blonde with shoulders for days, and the sort of perfect smile that’d put a dentist out of business. Her eyes are such a vibrant oceanic blue she seems to be staring out of Lena's laptop screen and right into her soul. Lena feels, somehow, that she should already know her.
Fuck. She inhales Kara’s accompanying biography slack-jawed.
She’s exactly her type, too.
You could have put her podcast at the top, Lena types to Sam, unable to tear her eyes away from the photo. Actually, she could have been your only suggestion.
I know, Sam sends back, almost immediately. I wanted you to suffer a little.
I hate you.
Will you still hate me after I tell you she has a Youtube channel too?
Lena types up an answer, deletes it. Types it up again — some slightly more colorful language included — and doesn’t hit send.
Thought so.
Sam is lucky that there’s a country between them.
One extra round of Googling later, Lena pulls up the YouTube channel in question, which makes things a 100% better, but also 1000% worse. Because now she has visuals — now she can watch Kara talk about the mysteries of the universe in crystalline clear 4k resolution. She stares enraptured as Kara talks about solar eclipses and climbs the sheer side of a mountain in the Italian Dolomites in a tight tank-top, all bronzed arms and powerful back muscles. The moment she gets to the top and turns to the horizon, the shot panning dramatically to take in the view, the montage shifts forward into night.
A different angle. There’s so much noise the camera can barely pick up the shot. Kara points to a light hovering shy of the nearest peak, and as the image zooms past her finger to bring it into focus, she explains the concept of planet alignment.
The screen fades to black, changes to a feed of Kara walking along the crest, her shoulder camera shuddering a little with each step. Another climb, this time by moonlight, and Lena’s heart is racing every step of the way. But, seemingly bottomless ravine right at her feet notwithstanding, Kara is calm — collected. She leans against the cairn at the very end of her trek as the sun is breaking over the horizon. Looks straight into the camera and smiles. Pink, otherworldly light illuminates her.
She isn’t even out of breath.
“Miss Luthor?” Red-handed, Lena jumps and shuts the laptop’s lid. It’s only Jess. “I, uh, was going to go home? If there’s nothing else?” Jess frowns at her tablet, then at Lena’s face which must be burning supernova-bright. “Are you alright?’
“Yes. yes of course.” God, it’s well past 6. Did Lena really just waste her afternoon on YouTube? “And no. There’s nothing else. You can go home.”
“If you’re sure…”
“Positive.” Lena cautiously re-opens her laptop. The video looped back to the start and froze on a frame of Kara halfway through the first climb. “Please, close the door on the way out.” She ought to watch it a few more times, Lena thinks, hitting resume as soon as Jess ducks out of the office. To better understand its concepts.
For science.
She goes through the rest of Kara’s content like a madwoman, and Sam was right, it helps her sleep, but she runs out of things to consume in a matter of days.
Lena is addicted. She’s a junkie and she’s hooked. Without her fix she becomes intolerable to be around.
The Venus transition - Lena is a CEO with insomnia. Kara is an astrophycisist with a podcast. OR A different Supergirl reveal. Read it on Patreon.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being a feral Avenger
Avengers x reader
warnings: guns and death mention (but no one dies dw)
a/n: s/o to @emcon-imagines for the idea since we needed smth OPPOSITE of the norm. also i find it really funny that i got a request for a feral xmen hc while i was writing this
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you were just.....too much for the team to handle
and that was saying something considering you were THE AVENGERS
“guys, guys, guys, oh my god, look what matt damon just posted” -you
“since when do you care about matt damon?” -literally any avenger
“i dont” -you
absolutely no idea when to quit
so there’s never a dull moment
“who is screaming ‘i fucking knew it?’ some of us are trying to work” -tony
“i think you know” -nat
“follow up question: why?” -tony
“i believe they are watching ‘the mandalorian’” -wanda
“WITHOUT ME??? SON OF A—” -tony
not being allowed to have coffee
or really any kind of caffine but
“sowhatimtryingtosayisshieldwasconnectedtohydraandhydraisdefinitelyconnectedtotheilluminatisowereweapartoftheilluminati?” -you
“...vis? did you give y/n coffee?” -wanda
“i wasn’t aware that it had this effect on them” -vision
accidentally punching a hole in the wall
putting a picture of the team over it
“oh, that’s nice...oh, nevermind” -sam
yes, you announce yourself every time you enter the room
*arms raised* “hello all, it is i, your favorite avenger” -you
“actually my favorite avenger is natasha” -clint
“okay, then it is i, that bitch” -you
“im going to duct tape your mouth shut” -tony
fun fact tony cracked peter’s formula for web fluids just so he could web your mouth shut
*mmph. mmmmph. MMMMMMPH* -you
“ah, finally. peace and quiet” -tony
being found asleep (or just lying down) in some odd positions and locations
the quinjet, on the helipad, in natasha’s room, on the kitchen floor, under the couch cushions, and more
*finding you lying on the kitchen floor* “you alive down there?” -tony *nudging you w his foot*
“hnnnnnn” -you
“cool” -tony
steve has tackled you on the battlefield several times. why, you ask?
“dont go chasin’ waterfalllls stick to the rivers and the lakes that youre used toooo...erbaneanananeeneedododoo...” -you
“y/n, watch out!” -steve
you can put the rest together
also just being the worst on the comms
“clint u gotta pull ur pants up” “work it, wanda!!!” “anyone else smell hamburgers?? hey peter, why don’t you get me a combo?” “look guys! i got one of their weapons! wonder how it works—NEVERMIND” “woah, holy shit, nat. can you teach me how to do that???” -all you, babey
“i don’t remember hitting ‘play’ on the director’s commentary of this mission” -natasha (courtesy of the brilliant @emcon-imagines)
“tony?” -rhodey
“yep, turning off their comms now. they’ll manage without us” -tony
“you’re the genius, why don’t you develop a real-life mute button for them?” -rhodey
“yeah, let me just turn y/n into a cyborg first. thanks for the input” -tony, sarcastically
“GUYS??? GUYS???? ARE YOU ALL DEAD??? IM THE ONLY ONE LEFT???? this is not how i imagined this happening. maybe i can get a bigger room at the compound. hmph.” -you
whipping a random ass chain around??? where did you get that???
flagging down rhodey
*lands* “what?” -rhodey
“did everyone die?” -you
“no” -rhodey
“why cant i hear them on comms?” -you
“see you later” -rhodey, flying away
sleepless nights tbh
why? why. whywhywhywhy why
was it nightmares? was it hunger? straight up restlessness? wouldnt you like to know
“do i smell popcorn?” -nat to wanda in the dead of night
you had two ENTIRE boxes of popcorn bags out on the counter
“maybe you should just knock them the fuck out, wanda” -natasha (also a product of @emcon-imagines’ genius)
“no!!! movie night!!!” -you, moments before falling into nat’s arms
ur not only feral.....ur also a good friend
“y/n, i really need your help” -peter
“shoot. wait—is it illegal? i’ll do it if it’s illegal” -you
“?? no, no, i just need you to schedule my dentist appointment. my aunt says she won’t do it for me anymore” -peter
*gasp* “can i make up my own character??” -you
you were actually a fan favorite
at times
*in front of news cameras* “hey cool fact about captain america: he can lift his legs behind his head”
social media legend
wintersoldierthirstpage: “can you tell us if bucky’s metal arm vibrates”
y/n_l/n: “can neither confirm nor deny. yes.”
you had a tiktok that was half trends/dances and half memeing serious situations
*pointing camera at secretary ross* “dude’s really trying to take away our rights and shit” *phone smacked out of hand by rhodey*
*all the avengers arguing with “say so” being played over it*
walking into the room covered in string lights
burning ur cookies!!!!
taking clints bow and arrows for “practice”
bad decisions all around
“oh no” -you, rushing out of your room
“what? what’s ‘oh no’” -sam
“my toilet is on fire” -you
“are—are you joking?” -sam
“where’s the fire extinguisher.” -you, VERY CALM
“fire alarms are a myth” -you
they act like they cant stand you but deep down, you make their lives sm more interesting and they don’t know what they’d do without you. there isn’t always someone trying to achieve world domination.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich //
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
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💫 AU | 🖤 Angst | 💚 Angst With A Happy Ending | 🎄 Christmas | 🐻 Familial | 🌟 Fave | 💛 Fluff | 🎁 Gift | 🎃 Halloween | 💙 Hurt / Comfort | 🏳‍🌈 LGBT+ | 👤 No Reader Insert | 🌼 Platonic | 🌈 Pride | 🎵 Songfic | 💕 Soulmate AU | ❗ Trigger Warning | 💘 Valentine’s Day
Marvel / MCU Masterlist Part 2
Fantastic Four
PS4 Spiderman
Raimi Spiderman
Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse
The Amazing Spiderman
A Place Where I Belong [Steve Rogers x OC] [WIP]
Tony Stark
Gif Imagines
Tony Comforting You When You’re Upset 🎁
Tony Taking Care Of Titan Reader
“Stay with me tonight, please”
Peter Parker
Gif Imagines
Comforting Peter After Tony Dies 💙
Telling Him You’re A Lesbian 🌈
Stargazing 💛
Peter Worrying You’ll Get Hurt Because Of Him 💚
Spending Hanukkah With Peter & May 🎄🕎
Loss 🖤
Stress Relief 💙💛
Dating Peter Parker 
Dating Peter Parker Being Tony Stark’s Daughter 
Peter Parker In Relationships 
Peter Parker’s Weird Animals Lover S/O 
Spidey Saving You 
Peter/Liz Love Triangle 
Peter Parker’s Nurse S/O 
Peter’s Bubbly S/O 
Peter’s S/O In Infinity War 💕🖤
Crushing on Peter Parker/Spiderman 
Spending Halloween With Peter 🎃
Spending Valentine’s Day With Peter 💘
“I brought food”
“That’s my twin sister, you idiot”
“You look so perfect standing there” “Are you quoting a song?”
“Am I cute enough? Can I get a kiss? Please?”
“I wish it didn’t have to be this way…”
“Maybe it would be better if I just dissapeared”
“Sometimes home isn’t four walls, it’s two eyes and a heartbeat”
“I can’t let you go because what if something happened to you?!”
“Don’t roll your eyes at me!”
“I think you make a cute Spiderman… But Iron Man is still the cutest”
“You’re Spiderman? Wait, you’re Spiderman!”
“Are you really taking his side against me?” “Go then, leave! See if I care!”
“It’s you!” 💕
“Not you!” 🖤
“I will never be more than a friend to you, won’t I?”
“We never know what we have until we lose it”
“I miss him so much, Y/N…”
“I’m your Spider-nurse”
So Much For The Genius 💛
Special Like You 💚💛
Spider-Pal 💚💛
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Gif Imagines
Steve Looking After You When You’re Sick 💙
Steve Comforting You About Your Powers
Being An Avenger With Wings & Dating Steve
Teaching Steve How To Use His Phone
Badass And Beautiful
You’re Beautiful 💙💛
Biggest Fan 💛
Dating Steve Rogers
Steve And Videogames 
Steve’s Shy S/O 
Steve’s Caring S/O 
Steve’s Artist S/O 
Steve Crushing On Reader
Hugging Steve
Steve Taking Care Of Your Broken Leg
“You got in a fight?! Are you okay?!”
“Let me hold you for a bit longer” “I love your laugh”
“I’ll keep them safe” “And I love you, don’t you know?”
Speak To My Heart 💛
Priority 💙
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
“And when the clock struck 12… I was erased from his memory”
Natasha Romanoff
Gif Imagines
Natasha Teaching You Self Defense
“We all know I have a hard time trusting people, but I trust you”
“Kiss me now”
Truth Or Dare 
Clint Barton
Gif Imagines
Cuddling During A Thundersdtorm [Deaf!Clint]
Dating Clint Barton
“Guess I should have knocked”
Clint Barton Hufflepuff 
Bruce Banner
Gif Imagines
Helping Bruce Control The Hulk
Dating Bruce Banner 
“Come back to me, I know you’re in there!” 💚
Wanda Maximoff
Gif Imagines
Accidentally Calling Wanda Pretty 
Going On A Date To Theatre With Wanda 💘
Wanda Loving Your Buzzed Hair
Wanda’s Insecure S/O 💙
Wanda Maximoff 
Bucky Barnes
Steal Your Pain Away 🌟💚
No Hope 💛🖤
Sick Cuddles 💛
Pumpking Carving 🎃
Dating Bucky Barnes
Dating Bucky Barnes Being Tony’s Sibling 
Jealous Bucky 
“You still find another way to amaze me, and I love you for it”
“Go back to sleep”
“Stay awake!” “I won’t loose you too” “I need you to wake up”
Bucky Barnes 
Soft/Morning Bucky
Loki Laufeyson
Gif Imagines
Being Welcomed Into Asgard By Loki 
Coming Out To Loki As Pan & Genderfluid 🌈
Loki Comforting You About Your TVA Job
Loki’s Autistic S/O 
Loki’s Genderfluid S/O 
Loki Falling For Artist Reader 
“Need help with that?”
“Shut up, Loki” “Make me”
Loki Laufeyson 
Stephen Strange
Dating Stephen Strange Being Tony’s Daughter 
Stephen Strange’s Sweet S/O
Stephen Being Vulnerable About Reader
Stephen Strange 
Dating T’Challa
“Y/N, don’t worry. I am alright, I promise”
“I actually feel the same way”
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” “I don’t feel so....” 💙
Peter Quill
“I think you’re falling for me”
Maria Hill
Being Maria’s Mutant Child 🐻
“I don’t hate you, if anything I hate myself for hurting you”
Michelle Jones
“You’re a nerd” “You’re so cute”
“Can you do that again?” “I thought you didn’t like affection” “I don’t mind it as much from you”
Gif Imagines
Vision Helping You With Homework
Scott Lang 
Gif Imagines
Scott Showing You His Magic When You’re Sad
Carol Danvers 
Gif Imagines
Reuniting With Carol & Helping Her Get Her Memories Back
Pietro Maximoff
Pietro & Speedster Reader
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you“ “You’re blushing”
Sam Wilson
“Don’t give me the puppy eyes”
Yelena Belova
Gif Imagines
Comforting Yelena 💙
Being Natasha’s Adoptive Child & Meeting Yelena 💚
Accidentally Confessing To Yelena
Your Life With Yelena After The Red Room
Alexei Shostakov
Gif Imagines
Reuniting With Alexei
Gif Imagines
Steve Reuniting You With Bucky 
Reuniting With Bucky And Peter 
Sharing Music With Peter & MJ 🎁
First I Love You  💛
Dentist Visit 💙
Affectionate Gestures 💛
You’re Badly Injured 🖤💙
Scars 🖤💙
Bad Relationships 🖤💙
Smoking Habits 
Fainting Spells 
They’re Jealous 
Asking You Out  💛
They See Your Scar 
They Cheer You Up 💙
They Walk In On You Changing
They React To Your Pixie Cut
They React To You Not Taking Your Meds
Their S/O With Fire Powers
Bucky And Steve’s Short S/O 
Avengers Hogwarts Houses
Tony Stuck In A Closet 
Avengers Reacting To British Shield Agent
Thor & Loki’s Self-Conscious S/O 
Avengers Reacting To Reader With Anxiety 
Avengers Reacting To Badass Reader 
Reader With Powers Creating Scary Creatures
“What did you do?!” “I’m sorry, I panicked!” “So you hit him with a wrench?!”
"Congratulations Tony, you finally have the child prodigy you wanted so much”
The Power Of Love [Thor & Loki]
Cousin Pete [After Endgame] 💛👤
He Was My Son [Infinity War, Irondad] 🖤👤
Dead Or Alive [Endgame] 🖤👤
Father [Endgame] 👤
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marvels-writings · 4 years
Embarrassing Stories
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Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) Masterlist
Requested by Anon: Carol x fem!reader where reader has something done (maybe wisdom teeth?) and is very loopy afterwards? like very affectionate towards carol. wants everyone to know carol is her wife
Word Count: 838 (short, fluffy and chaotic)
A/N: I was watching birds of prey while writing this and felt a little chaotic
“We should go home,” Your wife stated, trying to help you up but you refused, still sitting on the couches in the dentist’s office.
Carol had been with you the entire operation, only leaving to go to the bathroom. But you claimed you’d gotten scared when you got out of the operation and she wasn’t with you. The fear had led to anger, in your drugged state, you refused to get out of the dentist’s office.
“Babe, we need to go,” Carol said, moving to kneel in front of you, each of her hands on your knees.
“You left me,” You huffed angrily, drool seeping out of your mouth. Your wife chucked, reaching up with a tissue and wiping the drool off of your chin.
“I won’t leave you again,” She assured, your face lit up at that. You reached forward your left pinky towards her.
“Pinky promise?”
Carol laughed and nodded, reaching forward with her pinky to link it with yours. Your wedding rings clinked together, bringing a soft smile to her face. You noticed the ring and grinned, linking your hands with hers. The blonde helped you up, wrapping one arm around your waist as you rested your head on her shoulder.
“I love you,” You whispered, letting her carry you into your car.
The blonde had considered driving you in her bike, but the drugs would cause you to fall off the bike. Your car had been harder to drive than she had thought, but she got the hang of it. Just in case you refused to let her drive, she had brought Natasha along to calm you down.
“And not me?” Natasha feigned hurt as she leaned on the back of your car.
You nodded, trying to mumble you loved her but differently, but it came out as gibberish as more drool filled your mouth. Natasha made a sound of disgust and amusement while climbing into the driver’s seat. Carol laughed and began to help you into the backseat while the redhead started the car.
“Carol,” You whined when she began to sit down next to you. She hummed and turned to face you to find you beginning to sitting in her lap instead.
“We need to get her on less drugs,” Natasha remarked, starting the car and driving out of the dentist’s office.
Carol couldn’t agree more, you were sitting sideways in her lap, facing the window and beginning to roll it down. The blonde frowned, her left hand still linked with yours as you finished opening the window.
Once you opened the window, you took your hand out of Carol’s and stuck it out the window, showing the wedding ring to whoever looked your way.
“I’M MARRIED TO CAPTAIN MARVEL!” You screamed from the window.
Everyone walking on the street, the people from the cars around you, all turned to face you. The wedding ring on your finger was about to fall off, you were close to shouting again when your wife pulled you away from the window and began to close the window.
Natasha was laughing in the front seat while you began to wrestle with your wife to try to get the window open again. Once you finally gave up, you rested your head in her shoulder, trying to kiss her neck after Carol wiped the drool from your face.
“Babe,” Carol chided, trying to scold you while laughing. You were still seated on her lap, your head resting on her neck.
“What were you thinking?” She laughed, unable to be mad at you.
It wasn’t the first time you’d done something like this. The day you got engaged, you burst into the Avenger’s compound, showing off the wedding ring to anyone who asked while Carol followed you with a small smile. This was the first time you’d done this drugged.
“I want to tell everyone you’re my wife,” You grinned, sitting up to face her as more drool dripped off of the side of your lips.
Carol laughed and shook her head, using another tissue to wipe away the drool. You looked ridiculous shouting to everyone from the window of your car. But the blonde had never been more in love.
“Maybe when you’re not drugged off your ass,” Natasha remarked, still laughing as she drove back to the compound.
“Remind me to not give her as many drugs,” Carol joked, laughing as you finally settled down in her lap. Your head buried in her neck, the blonde had set down a small pillow on her shoulder so you wouldn’t drool on her.
“I love you,” you muttered, the drugs and the comfort of being in your wife’s lap lulling you towards sleep.
“I love you too,” Carol whispered, rubbing your back to help you fall asleep.
The blonde knew when you woke up, this story would be one of your most embarrassing. The small moments of love, the random chaotic things you did is what she fell for. She couldn’t wait to make more embarrassing stories with you.
A/N: Tell me what you think!
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver​, @versdan​, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught​, @lovebotlarson​, @dhengkt​, @hstoria​, @natasha-danvers​, @veryfunnyal​, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ , @ophelias-heart​  , @never-didbefore​ , @justarandomhumanhere​, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn​ , @lesbian-x-blackwidow​ , @marvelbbyx​ , @wlw-imaginesss​ , @hcartbyheart​​ , @summergeezburr​​ , @imnotasuperhero​  , @dversstark​ , @a-stressedstudent​ , @aaron-despair​ , @rooskaya-yelena​   let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
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danversfamilydentist · 6 months
Proper care for dental crowns is essential to maintain oral health and longevity. Follow expert tips like maintaining excellent oral hygiene, avoiding hard foods, and using a night guard for teeth grinding. Regular dental check-ups help monitor crown condition, and prompt attention to signs of issues ensures timely intervention. If you experience pain, swelling, or visible damage, seek professional dental care promptly. At Danvers Family Dental, we prioritize patient oral health and offer exceptional dental services. Contact us for dental crown maintenance or any other dental needs to achieve a confident, healthy smile. Schedule your appointment today!
Read more: https://www.danversfamilydental.com/expert-tips-to-care-for-your-dental-crowns/
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c-nan · 3 years
15, 43, 48, 63, 97, and any others that you really want to answer :D
Thank you thank you thank you!! Omg!! I really took “and any others that you really want to answer :D” and ran with it
15. Favorite Book You’ve Read as an Assignment?
An Unkindness of Ghosts! I read it for my Witches in Literature class! It’s one of my faves now :)
43. Hoodie, Leather Jacket, Cardigan, Jean Jacket, or Bomber Jacket?
Good ol’ hoodieee
48. If You Were a Fruit, What Kind Would You Be?
I’m already a fruit 😌 but fr id be a kiwi bc I taste good with and without skin
63. Five Songs You Would Pay in Your Club?
Okie my brain is failing me with songs bc it’s fuzzy but yeah :) this is what comes to mind
I Forgive You by Kelly Clarkson
I Do Not Hookup by Kelly Clarkson
Into the Groove by Madonna
9 to 5 by Dolly Parton
Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship
I answered 97 on the other ask :) and this is where I went unhinged and picked and chooses the ones I wanted to answer
11. What Would You Have for Breakfast on an Average Day?
17. Most Frequently Worn Pair of Shoes?
Dinosaur shoes 😌
(This is when they were brand new at the beginning of 2020, they are made for kids lmao but my feet be small)
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19. Sleeping Position?
Stomach and stomach only. No sleep otherwise😤😤 also must have my hair in a ball on my forehead or no sleep😤
21. Obsession From Childhood?
Xena: Warrior Princess (no wonder I’m fruity)(but also specifically “A Family Affair” bc Hopes child both terrified me and fascinated me)
57. The Three Biggest Struggles You’ve Overcome?
Mm felt as though I needed some self care/appreciation on this fine night so
Moving from home to college (literally the hardest thing I’ve ever done)
Giving up something that damaged my mental health but was addicting
Realizing that I have needs and one of those needs is having 😣boundaries🤢 (boundaries are very important please don’t ignore your needs yall)
58. Four Talents You’re Proud of Having?
More self care yaaaaay
Writing (although perfectionism ruined it for me, I can admit that my writing can be good when I get out of my head enough to actually sit down and get words down)
Gif-Making (I’m not the best (yet😏) but I’m really proud about how far I’ve come)
Helping people (currently not good at this at the moment bc brain goes on vacation and plays Carrie songs everytime I have to actually think but when I can, I do think I’m pretty good at making people feel better and I really do love myself for that)
Scream singing in my car/lip syncing while walking to class (literally I’m the best at this I’m not even kidding😌 I put my whole ass into it. I get weird looks while I’m walking but I literally cannot help it lmao. I act out the songs. The songs emotions are now my emotions and I don’t exist I am the song the song is me and I’m nothing and it’s perfect)
62. Seven Characters You Relate To?
This was actually harder than I thought it would be, who am I😭😭
Mabel Pines
Star Butterfly
Luz Noceda
Dana Fairbanks
A mix between Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers
Orla McCool
Pinkie Pie
75. When Did You Lose Your First Tooth?
Ooh this is a story. So in kindergarten there was a tooth wall and you got to put your name on it whenever you lost a tooth. I didn’t lose a tooth in kindergarten so I didn’t get to put my name on the wall like everyone else :( then 1st grade past and I STILL HAVENT LOST A TOOTH!!! Teeth were starting to grow in behind my baby teeth (shark teeth😈) . In second grade i was at the park sliding back and forth on a slider thing (that was like 6 feet off the ground) and I deadass let go and my knee hit my chin and ouchie. Some tooth fell out and I was ecstatic, I thought I lost a tooth!! But turns out it was only chipped 😔 finally at some point the dentists decided it was time to pull out two of my teeth and that’s how I lost my first (and second) tooth
87. Your Greatest Fear?
The people I love the most dying
88. Your Greatest Wish?
That I can teleport to my bf anytime I want/need
89. Who Would You Put Before Everyone Else?
My beloved Lu of course @nevertoomanyhugs (follow him or perish 😌)
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Love At "First Sight" - superkara
Word Count: 1, 550
Summary: "You're MY wife??"
"Yes" Kara's laugh filled the room.
"Holy shit!"
Lena gets her wisdom teeth removed and Kara is left with a very much drugged wife.
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Make wise Choices Part 1:
Hold me (baby Danvers)
Never have I ever written something in my life (except for Christmas cards for Santa when I was a kid or you know the regular affidavit when I lose a ticket for my expenses report from work, and that should count like poetry itself 🤓)
Anyways after reading for a while in different platforms I became quite curious about writing something myself. I noticed a lot of Baby Danvers fics and developed a sort of attachment to the concept of a third sister. Also I’m a sucker for fluff and sick fics. Even though I do have a dark side I wanted to try something tame first.
I have no idea if its any good and also take into consideration English is not my native language, I’m sleep deprived and using an iPhone because I’m too lazy to get my laptop and it’s like 3 am and I’m supposed to be at work in 3 hours LOL 😂
Without further ado I leave you my first story with baby danvers going through some painful wisdom teeth surgery recovery (so not an original idea but this actually happened to me and I can relate, impacted teeth sucks big time )
You had to get your wisdom teeth removed and you knew it was perfectly normal to experience some anxiety prior the procedure. In your case, your anxiety levels were through the roof. Your sisters knew this and of course they wanted to be there for you, and you couldn’t be more grateful for that; However, you were very nervous. Because of your anxiety you had to be sedated for the procedure and the effects very rough on you. You felt just awful and very loopy. Kara had to carry you from the dentist office to the car and up to her apartment. You were practically a rag doll in her arms, drooling saliva and blood on her sweater, because of course you were disgusted by the gauze and you took it out. Kara didn’t mind that at all, she felt bad you were feeling poorly after your surgery. You just cling to her like a koala and nuzzle your face in the crook of her neck.
Kara: “Careful there little one, don’t press your cheek into me so hard or you will hurt yourself” - Your sisters felt awful to see you like this, but you knew they were going to care for you during the following days after the procedure. Even thought you are a big baby when it comes to pain and doctors, the procedure was indeed very difficult, your teeth were impacted and required surgical extraction.
You just grunted in response and kept rubbing your face into your sister’s neck and shoulder. Until you did it too hard and felt a sharp pain in your mouth. Y/N: “Ow Ow Owie!” -You cried out and tried to move into a more comfortable position in her arms, you felt exhausted and wanted to sleep, but due to the weird feeling in your mouth and the odd sensations due to the medication you couldn’t quite find a proper spot to feel comfortable.
Alex: “Come one Y/N, don’t press your face like that and just hold on a few more minutes, we are almost home, and you can take your pain meds and sleep for a while. Don’t fall asleep before that, just hang on a little longer baby”
The three of you were in the elevator waiting to reach the apartment your shared with Kara.
Y/N: “Nooooo! I want to sleep now and eat a corn dog” – once again you rubbed your face into Kara and again, it hurt. – Ow Ow Ow!” You cried once again and tried to pout miserably, feeling just bad. You had tears in your eyes and you just looked like an overtired toddler with your big hazel teary eyes and rosy cheeks.
Alex: “Damn it Y/N, be careful you’re going to reopen the stitches and we will need to take you back to the dentist so she can patch you up. And no, you can’t have a corn dog just yet. It will hurt trying to eat something hot and solid”
Apparently, that was the worst thing to say because you just looked at her with big scared and hurt eyes and started to cry. – Y/N: “I’m sorry, but I just feel so awful and can’t get comfortable I just want to sleep. This suck! Dentists sucks, stupid wisdom teeth and stupid stitches! And I really want a corn dog Alex, pleeeease!!!!” - Moving your mouth to complain and speak your discontent made your incisions to bleed more and that of course made you cry more.
Y/N: “ugh blood taste awful!” – Kara tried to adjust you into a more comfortable position in her arms and rubbing your back in a soothing way to calm you down.  While Alex tried to clean the slobber and blood from your lips and Kara’s shoulder with a handkerchief. Both gave you a sad smile and just felt sorry for you. You were clearly in pain and felt just awful.
Alex: “Oh sweety please don’t cry, we’re almost there. Damn elevator it´s taking forever!” – she gave a frustrated sigh while trying to keep you from falling asleep and avoided mentioning the corn dog in order to make you forget about eating one.
Kara: “I know, I think there’s something wrong it, but we are almost there. Shhh… little one, we are almost there, and you can rest after your taken your meds. Ok?, Lena is waiting for us already with lots of cold juice and ice cream so you can feel better pretty soon”
You perked up at the mention of the green-eyed woman. Y/N: you sniffled and asked your sister- “Lena is here?”– It was no surprise for the Danver sisters that at the mention of the younger Luthor you would cheer up. You were very loved by your sisters and their friends, but it was no secret that you had the young CEO wrapped around your little finger. Lena was your sister Kara’s girlfriend, but she was enamored with you and she was very protective of you as well. She is like a hero to you; you admire and look up to her so much. Not that your sisters weren’t amazing as well, but the relationship you have with Lena is very special and strong.  She is always pampering you and spoils you rotten. You never take advantage of the way Lena is with you and her affection. You are not a brat, you are a very easy-going person, a ray of sunshine and everyone was smitten with you. But when your feeling down or sick you get cranky and you can be a little annoying. You know that, but you feel no shame whatsoever.
Kara: “Yes! She is waiting at the apartment and she said she was going to be prepared with lots of yummy things you can drink, and some things you can eat. We can watch movies after you rest for a bit if you want. What do you say?” – your bubbly blonde sister said while stroking you back and trying to make you stay alert for a bit more until you reached the apartment.
Y/N : You just gave her a tired smile and rubbed at your eyes with a fist and said- “Ok, that sounds nice.”
The elevator dinged and the door opened in the hallway. Alex and Kara, with you in her arms, stepped out of the elevator and walked to the apartment door. Lena was already waiting at the door with a big smile on her face, however she frowned a little when she saw your pained face and teary eyes. Your cheeks were starting to swell, and she knew the first couple of days were rough after that specific dental procedure. She also hated to see you in pain, so she just holds the door wide open to let Alex and Kara walk into the apartment.
Lena: “hi sweet girl”- she presses a kiss to your forehead while greeting Kara and Alex as well. She gave Kara a peck in the lips and asked her to put you in the couch. She walks to the kitchen to grab a bowl with cold water and a cloth to help reduce the swelling to your cheeks while Alex read trough the indications given by your doctor and sort your meds at the table.
Meanwhile Kara tries to lay you down on the couch, but you refused to let go of her and you just cling harder with your arms circling her neck and your legs into her hips. Kara just chuckles and rubs your back: “come on little one, let me set you down on the couch, you will  be more comfortable laying down and I’m just going to bring your blanket and some pillows and bring a pair of comfy pajamas so you can be more comfortable.”
But you, feeling poorly and cranky, shed some tears and asked to be held by your sister. You just felt so clingy. Y/N: “Noo… please Kara don’t go. Just stay with me I don’t need a blanket or pajamas.”
You were beyond exhausted and being up since early in the morning and since you didn’t get that much the sleep night before, you were just so nervous about the whole thing. Now that it was over, you felt all your energy drained, and in addition the pain meds were staring to wear off and that made you feel even worse.
Alex: “Sit down with her Kara, I’ll bring the blanket pillows and pajamas. Let me just grab the meds, and hey Lena can you bring a glass of water and – oh you already have a bowl of water and cloth that’s perfect, thank you. Go and sit down with Kara and set those on the coffee table. I´ll just change real  quick and we can give Y/N the meds and make her more comfortable so she can take a nap.”
Lena just nods and walks to the couch carrying the tray with a bowl with cold water, a few clean hand towels and a glass of water with your meds on it. She set the tray on the coffee table and takes one of the smalls towels and dips it into the cold water in the bowl to make a cold compress for your cheeks. She then turns to Kara and speaks softly to you.
Lena: “Y/N is it okay if I hold you for a little while so Kara can go change into more comfy clothes? What do you say, want me to sit with you for a bit?” - she gives you a big smile and you just nod and make grabby hands toward her. Kara chuckles once again at your antics and transfers you to Lena’s lap making sure you are settled alright and gives you a kiss to your forehead.
Kara: “I’ll be right back”- you just hum in approval and rest you head into Lena’s shoulder while the green eyed woman smiles down at you and brings the cool towel to your fast swelling hot cheek to make you feel better.
Y/N: “That feels nice”- you say in a sleepy voice while clinging to Lena.
Lena: “This will help with the swelling, I’m sorry you feel so poorly sweet girl. But don’t worry we are going to make sure you are comfortable, and you can take a nap after you take your pain meds. Look, Alex is here, come one just sit a little bit so you can take the pill.  Alex walks into the living room carrying several items in her arms.”
Alex: “Y/N come on kiddo I have your comfy jammies. Please sit for a bit for me baby.”  You sit with your back to Lena’s front and you hold your arms up while Alex works fast removing your current top and bra and pulls the button-up pajama top on you, while Lena keeps a hold of you supporting your hips and shoulder so you don’t fall from her lap. Next are your jeans, you let yourself fall backwards into Lena and she just chuckles and holds you close so you don’t slide down to the floor while Alex works on removing your jeans and putting the pajama short on you. Once you are  in your pajama set, Alex smiles at you and helps you try to lay in the couch, but once again you refuse and you move sideways on Lena’s lap so you face is nuzzled on her upper chest and sitting on her lap with your legs in the couch. Alex is about to try and make you move, but Lena just holds up her hand: “Its fine Alex, she is not heavy I can hold her and once she is asleep, we can move her to the couch or switch turns, because I think someone is  going to be very clingy for the next couple of days.”-  She says while looking down at you and giving you a soft smile.
Alex sighs but knows what you are saying its true, when you don’t feel good you turn into a koala bear and refuse to let go from your sisters or Lena’s arms. But you’ve been like this since you were little,       and your sisters love to provide any comfort you need. And right now, you want to be cuddled and sleep. So, Alex gives you a nudge and brings a small pill to your lips and hold a glass of water so you can swallow the medication. Alex: “Good job baby, now close your eyes and rest for a bit.”  
You let you head fall back into Lena and close your eyes mumbling something about corn dogs being soft. Alex smiles down at you while giving Lena the cool towel so she can press it down to your cheek and walks to the kitchen with the tray and to  figure out diner for Kara, Lena and herself and something soft and easy to drink for you. You won’t be able to eat anything solid for a few days, so that’s going to be a challenge. You love food as much as your alien sister. You don’t really like bland food nor drinking smoothies but that’s a fight for after you wake up from your nap. To say you are going to be an unhappy and very grumpy camper it’s the understatement of the century.
Kara took the opportunity to take a quick shower and walks into the living room in sweatpants and a lose top.  She smiles when she notices that you’re almost asleep with a small smile on your face while resting on top of her girlfriend. She spots your favorite blanket next to Lena in the couch, she drapes it over you and Lena and presses a quick kiss to your forehead and a kiss to Lena. Kara sits next to the both of you while surfing for something to watch on Netflix while Alex is busy in the kitchen. Lena is watching you fall asleep and still holding the cool rag to your cheek. After few minutes you are completely passed out and a little bit of drool and blood starts to spill from your lips.
Lena: “Kara, honey can you pass me one of those clean towels on the coffee table, please? Kara notices the little bit of blood and takes the clean small white towel and tenderly cleans your lips and chin. Kara takes away the other wet towel Lena was using for your cheek and leaves the new one so Lena can put it in between her shoulder and your chin. You sleep peacefully while being hold be Lena and Kara in the couch. Alex finally returns to the living room announcing she made diner, actually she made a phone call to order take out because she didn’t feel like cooking or cleaning dishes. She brings refreshments for everyone, a glass of wine for Lena, a glass of chocolate milk for Kara and a beer for her. She also brings a sports bottle with juice and ice, the ones that have a little rubber tip so you can drink easily and can keep the liquid cold. So once you´re awake you can drink something cool and remove the taste of blood from your mouth.
Yes, the next couple of day are going to be a little hard on you, but you have your sisters and Lena to keep you comfortable and dot on you while you recover.
 Next chapter: Y/N wakes up from her nap. And so, it begins…
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer Additional Tags: Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, saint patrick's day, Maggie cheering on the gay, green drinks, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Lena will pay your Dentist, Fluff and Humor, Too Much Drinking, Lesbian Lena Luthor Summary:
“Kiss Me, I’m Lena.”
Well...that’s what her whiskey soaked tongue said without her own permission.
Maybe her brain had tried to say, ‘Kiss Me, I’m Irish.’ But it’s not what clumsily fell from her slightly numb lips.
The bright blue eyes of the woman across from her squinted a bit before she doubled over in a full belly laugh.
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Three Little Words (Carol Danvers x Reader x Natasha Romanoff)
Summary: It’s time to get your wisdom teeth pulled and your girlfriends are there to support you.
Words: 1195
Warnings: Besides a polyship, I can’t think of any.
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You nervously gripped your girlfriend’s’ hands as you sat in the dentist’s waiting room. Technically you were still in the Compound - being an Avenger meant you couldn’t exactly go to a regular doctor (heaven forbid you accidentally blurt of state secrets) - but that didn’t matter. You were about to get your teeth pulled and you were terrified.
Carol smirked at Natasha over your head, squeezing your hand in support. “You’re going to be fine, (Y/N).”
“What if my powers activate?” you worried, glancing at the blonde. “What if I catch fire and burn the dentist or...”
Hoping to soothe your panic, Natasha kissed your cheek. “Relax, malysh, they’re prepared for the worst. Everything is going to be okay.”
With a retort on your tongue, you opened your mouth but a door cut you off. Peeking up, you went pale at the sight of the dentist’s assistant.
She smiled kindly at you, but it did little to reassure you. “We’re ready for you, Ms. (L/N).”
Grumbling about how creepy you found that statement, you stood up and pecked Carol’s lips before twisting around to do the same for Natasha. With slumped shoulders, you followed the assistant out of the room.
The door swung closed behind you.
“She looked really nervous,” Natasha mused, pursing her lips as she stared at the closed door.
Carol smiled, reaching across the empty chair to grab Natasha’s wrist. “She’ll be fine, babe. It’s a standard procedure. She’s dealt with a lot worse.”
“No one knows how her powers are going to react to the anesthesia, though...” Natasha had the urge to go after you. She wouldn’t admit it out loud, especially to Carol, but she was just as worried as you. She knew how much your powers scared you sometimes. What if you woke up without them and you panicked?
Carol sighed, scooting over. She swung her arm over Natasha’s shoulders and tugged her close.
“Fury and Tony have every precaution in place for this. If she catches on fire, the fire suppression system will put her out before she does any damage.”
Leaning into Carol’s embrace, Natasha sighed. Despite the former Kree’s logical response, Natasha couldn’t stop worrying. But, she knew there was nothing she could do but wait.
After the procedure finished, Carol and Natasha were led back to your room. You were still passed out, but the dentist promised you’d be awake soon. The drugs were burning out of your body at a ridiculous pace so it wouldn’t be too long.
Carol pulled out her phone, thumbing through her apps before aiming her camera sneakily in your direction. She was certain that you were going to be hilarious once you woke up and she didn’t want to miss anything. She was fairly positive the others would want to see this too.
With a groan, you jerked your head and shakily raised your hand to touch your mouth. You blearily blinked, the room fuzzy around the edges as you tried to focus. Your eyes landed on Natasha, who was standing near you against the wall, and you gasped.
“Am I dead?” you questioned, your words muffled by the cotton balls shoved into your cheeks.
“No,” Natasha laughed, reaching out to touch your warm hand. “Why do you think that?”
“Because you’re an angel...” you relied in awe.
Carol snorted. “That’s the oldest line in the book, (Y/N),” she teased.
Turning your head to stare at Carol, your eyes got wider. “I really am dead...” you whispered.
A faint blush burned Carol’s cheeks but she ignored it, opting to smirk instead. “How are you feeling?”
“I don’t know,” you replied absently, your eyes flickering between your girlfriends. They lingered on Natasha for a moment. “You want to get drinks later?”
Carol’s smirk deepened. “She’s taken, (Y/N).” You went to repeat the question to her, but she cut you off. “I am too.”
“Oh.” You pouted, glancing away from the two women. You could feel your heart breaking but you didn’t want to say anything. “They’re really lucky.”
Natasha rolled her eyes, frowning at how hot your hand was getting in hers. She wasn’t a fan of Carol teasing you in such a state - especially when you had very little control over your powers. “You don’t have to ask me out, (Y/N). We’re already dating.”
Your jaw dropped open and you stared at Natasha. “You and me?”
“And me,” Carol piped in, a little hurt that she was left out.
You suddenly sat upright and ripped your hand from Natasha’s, tossing your arms up in the air. “Yes!”
Natasha made a noise of surprise and Carol burst out laughing. She was so glad that she was recording this.
“I’m the luckiest girl in the world!” you cheered - loudly.
“Shh,” Natasha hushed you, amusement evident in her eyes.
“Sorry,” you whispered, slowly dropping your arms. “I’m just so happy.”
Laughing at your antics, Carol rose and walked over to you, slipping her phone back into her pocket. “You ready to get out of here, babe?”
Nodding, you slid off the chair, your knees wobbly. Carol slid her arm around your waist and Natasha let you loop an arm around her shoulders.
Sighing happily, you leaned against your lovers. “I love you two. Like, a lot.”
Carol and Natasha paused, causing you to stutter in your steps. The three of you hadn’t said those words yet. Carol was still getting used to letting her feelings control her and Natasha still struggled with her Red Room trainings, but you didn’t hold those same traumas so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you would be the first one to say it.
“I...” Natasha didn’t know what to say.
You were completely oblivious to the sudden tension. You started walking - albeit awkwardly - down the hall, leaving your girlfriends behind.
Carol and Natasha shared a look, both dumbstruck by your words. You were the soft one in your relationship; the one who didn’t think twice about pressing a kiss to their lips or bought flowers just because you could. You were the one who picked up their favorite meals when they were sad and reassured them they weren’t failures when missions went south. You were, in a way, the glue that held everything together and even if they couldn’t say the words right now, they both knew in their hearts that they loved you - and each other - too.
Maybe they couldn’t say it back yet but that was okay in your drug-addled brain. They knew you loved them and that’s what mattered most. You didn’t care if you didn’t hear those precious words fall from soft lips. They deserved to know how you feel - and now they did.
Before either could say anything else, your voice rang out excitedly, “Did you know I have fire hands?”
Balking, Carol and Natasha rushed after you, their fears of the future left behind. One day those words would be spoken with absolution and ease, but for now, all they needed to do was keep you from burning down the Compound.
The rest would come when it was supposed to.
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lottielived · 3 years
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lottie danvers // pre-apocolypse
the basics
full name: charlotte remington danvers
preferred name: lottie
birthdate & zodiac: 21 dec 1995, sag
gender & pronouns: cisfemale, she/her
sexuality: undiagnosed bisexual
occupation: cafe worker
hometown: atlanta, georgia
family: jamie danvers [younger brother], lydia jones [daughter, age 7], blu jones [fiancé, deceased]
deeper dive
alignment: lawful evil
myers briggs: enfj
hobbies: nail art (she even runs a small salon out of her apartment kitchen in fairvale), arguing (call it a pastime, but it’s also the reason she went into law), sewing (she is a very skilled seamstress, having even made her own clothes back in high school), hiking (blame this hobby on her late fiancé and her daughter, they were the outdoorsy type, she was dragged along)
favourites: food - sushi drink - vodka sprite movie - bring it on song - rihanna // love on the brain colour - millennial pink
habits: mild drinker, one glass or two after lydia is in bed || never smoked a cigarette || has never smoked weed || never tried hard drugs and never intends to
nervous tics: braids her hair when she is stressed, cleans under her nails when she’s anxious, taps her foot a lot
loves: nail polish, make up, trendy clothes, the feeling of the wind on her face, arguing, sewing, cooking, baking, really anything that involves food
fears: walkers, cats, losing her daughter, anyone she cares about going beyond the walls, the dentist
talents: very skilled with sewing by hand and machine, talented cook and baker, gifted painter (although her preferred medium is nail art), can run in heels
height: 5’8”
weight: 122 lbs
tattoos: a few geometric shapes on her knuckles and a lip print on the side of her left hand
piercings: ear piercings
scars: a scar on her shin from falling down the stairs of the first house they lived in after the divorce, a small scar on the side of her nose from a fell cheerleaders nail when fell during a stunt
hair colour: light brown
eye colour: blue
fashion: typically leggings and a baggy, off the shoulder shirt, or a skirt with a belly shirt, chunky sneakers or heels for shoes, since she never goes beyond the walls, she dresses for fashion not function
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