#Danny is happy only to feel dread when he sees his parents at his front door
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bluerosefox · 9 months ago
Saying Sorry Will Never Be Enough
Feeling a bit angsty so I had this idea.
Danny is dating one of the Bats/Birds, and everything is going great, amazing even! They know each other secrets (from powers to everything etc), they have a wonderful place to live (even if its in Gotham), Danny is in college on the way to becoming a space engineer (and he does side jobs for unrestful ghosts), he's actually getting sleep again since leaving Amity Park, gets along with their friends and family (those who Danny or his partner still talk to, up to the writer), there is even talk about marriage and perhaps adoption/kids in the future between Danny and the Bat/Bird he's dating!
Everything is setting up for a good life in his future, something Danny didn't think could have after his accident. He was happy finally, and currently packing up his old apartment because he's moving in with his partner in a few days.
So he felt like his core was being pulled out of him when he opens his apartment door one day receiving a knock to find his parents, who had hadn't seen since they kicked him out of the house after coming clean about being Phantom (their words of anger and denial that their son was 'dead' and now a monster, still hurt)
Sure they didn't attack him or proclaim he's dead but still their last words and anger HURT.
Danny didn't give them a chance to open their mouths, both looking nervous and guilty, before he slams the door close and turns invisible, grabs his phone, and fly's out of his apartment to his partner's place in a panic attack.
His partner, isn't happy.
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ashisill · 2 years ago
Waited all my life.
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Dad Josh that was supposed to be a blurb, but turned into my longest fic ever. Update I am going to make this into a part 2.
Warnings: pregnancy, birth (at home), mentions of childhood trauma, crying. If I missed any let me know.
Josh was in love with your baby the moment you found out you were pregnant. It started when you were a day late. No big deal it will come. Two days there’s still plenty of hope. Three … no worry. Then the two week mark hit, and you knew something was up.
“Josh I need to talk to you” you said sitting him down on the bed.
“Right now sweetheart? Jake and Danny are downstairs” he questioned.
“Josh it’s really important it can’t wait” you reassured him.
“Okay darling I am here talk to me” he took your hands into his.
“I am late”
“By how many days?” He asked.
You said softly “two weeks”
“Do you think it’s a possibility?”
“I feel weird Josh. I just can’t explain it”
“Okay darling I hear you. we’ll get a test and go from there okay? Don’t worry”
That’s all it took for him to hop in the car. He got you what you needed, making sure to bring a few of your favorite snacks back. You sat on the couch with Jake and Danny. Listening to all their crazy stories. Jake told you about the last time he took mushrooms, and all the wild shit that came with it. Danny added some stories of his own to the mix. Josh arrived back home with the box of pregnancy test in hand.
Jake stops mid sentence “pregnancy scare huh?
“Might be more than a scare”
You walked out of the bathroom, and waited for the timer. You got lost in the conversation. It almost seemed like that was Jake’s plan. He could tell your anxiety was through the roof. Every time he’d notice you starting to zone out he would bring you back. He did the best he could until that dreaded ringtone burst into the cozy conversation.
“Can I come with you or would you rather do it alone?” Josh asked looking down praying you’d let him in.
“Of course I want you with me silly” you laughed softly before opening the bathroom door. “You ready?”
He stared at the faced down pregnancy test, and took a deep breath“yes”.
You saw it
You knew it was true. Every emotion hit you at once. “Hey it’s gonna be okay. Lemme make sure” Josh took off sprinting into the living room. He grabbed the paper and there it said.
“Two lines” he said almost a whisper “Y/N TWO FUCKING LINES!”
He ran back as fast as he could. You felt like crying, but you didn’t want him to think you were upset. Instead you wrapped your arms around his neck giving him a kiss. “Your gonna be the best dad darling”
The rest of the night went well. Jake wrapped Josh in his arms for a long and tight hug. “I am so happy for you brother”. Jake knew Josh had always wanted to be a dad. Growing up he’d always dreamed of it. When they reached adulthood together he’d would always ask Jake if he ever thought about having kids. He’d tell him all his hopes for a future. Then he met you, and he told Jake it would be you. You would be the one to give him his dream. A little baby. A bundle of joy. A child to pour all his love into. Your the only one he’s ever thought about having kids with. He’s brought it up before, but never flat out asked if you were ready. Making little comments like “I just can’t wait to have kids”. “We’re gonna be such good parents one day”. Or when he sees a baby in public, and he gets a big warm smile “don’t you just want you one?”
A few days past he asked you about telling his parents. You talked about it for a while and decided to give them a call in the morning. The next day came and immediately he was on the phone telling his mom to get the next flight to Nashville. He spent all day pacing around the house. Cleaning things that didn’t to be clean, reorganizing, cleaning some more.
The front door opened no need for knocking. They reunited talking loudly over each other, and lots of hugs. It didn’t matter that you saw them all a week ago. Sam came in after his parents. Jake making a big entrance almost an hour after everyone arrived.
Jake and Josh headed outside to throw some food on the grill. You stayed in chatting with his family. They were pretty much your family at this point.
After everyone finished their meal Josh stood up. He signaled for you to stand with him, and so you did.
“Guys I need everyone’s attention” he kissed your forehead, and placed an hand on your belly. “We’re gonna have a baby. She’s pregnant”. That’s all it took for everyone to be back on their feet. Hugging the both of you. A few tears were shed from his momma. You loved her dearly. Karen was the first one to take you in, and treat you like her own.
You looked over at Sam to find his jaw dropped. “No words Sammy?”
“I am so fucking happy for you” he ran and wrapped you in a hug. You were surprised by this Sammy was never affectionate towards you. In return you hugged him tighter, and stayed there for a while.
Papa Kiszka noticing jakes nonchalant reaction he asked him about it. Jake explained that him and Danny were there you found out. Karen was very jealous. She would have loved to of been there when you found out. She’s been waiting for grandkids. She always said Josh would be the first to give her some. Guess moms are always right.
The next 9 months we’re spent planning, and heavy thinking. Karen there every step of the way. Sometimes getting to much in your business, and josh getting annoyed at her. You always reminded him how lucky he is to have her. Your mother wasn’t quite the mothering type. Hence to all your childhood trauma. You knew you would never let your kid grow up the way you did. That’s why you decide to not let her know you were pregnant. You didn’t want her involved with this life your creating. She always ruined yours. You never want your baby to feel how you had too.
You and Josh being the non traditional people that you are. You’ve decided to an at home birth. A water birth. Karen supported your decision adding that the hospital is very pushy. Plus all the hospitals policies were something Josh and you didn’t agree with. Knowing Josh would end up with wrinkles and grey hair with all that stress before the baby was even born. After all you didn’t want to be told how to give birth. It’s your body’s natural process, and not a medical emergency. You two like to do things a natural way. That meaning literally everything you two did.
Of course you made sure this was completely safe to do. Making sure you weren’t high risk, and assuring the babies safety.
Names names names.
“What about _?”
“You really wanna name our kid _? Do you want our poor baby to get made fun of?”
“Okay then. Your so dramatic mama. What about this one?”
“Joshua really”
“Well considering we planned on not knowing the gender till birth it has to work both ways”
“I’ve got one … River”
And it stuck.
A couple weeks past and Josh’s family had a huge family gathering. Celebrating a few birthdays that were past or coming up, the boys success with the band, and to announce your baby on the way. You two slept over that night to help set up the next morning. Josh woke up, and decided to let you sleep. He covered the blankets back over you, and headed for the kitchen. You awoke about an hour later not feeling so well.
“Good morning my pretty girl” he kissed your forehead. “How’s our baby?” He bent down kissing your stomach.
“Babies good. I am not feeling so great though” you told him. “ I feel like I am gonna be sick”
“Oh it’s morning sickness my dear” Karen told you finishing up breakfast.
You felt it rising, and looked around frantically for a safe place. Josh could tell by the look on your face what was about to happen. “Trash can sweetheart” he quickly walked you to it.
You felt terrible even tho you couldn’t help it. Tears threatening your eyes, and you tried to hide them well. “Hey don’t even worry about it sweet girl”. Josh’s kind words making you want to crawl into his arms and cry. “Don’t cry angel”. He swiped his fingers under your eyes to dry up any tears.
You apologized to Karen she just waved her hand, and said “you have nothing to be sorry about. Trust me I’ve had four kids I know how it feels”. Josh took you to the bathroom to run you a shower. He sat on the bathroom counter and talked to you as you cleaned up. After, you greeted his family and announced the news again, but to a bigger crowd this time.
Around three months in you and josh started on the nursery. You painted the walls a beautiful shade of light blue. One evening you went to the store to grab a certain snack. Pregnancy cravings are no joke. You came back to find josh painting little clouds on the wall. He picked the wall the crib was going on.
“Josh” you said looking at the clouds.
“I got carried away we can paint over them I just-”
“No no no love it’s perfect. The baby is gonna love em” you said tearing up. Surely just the pregnancy hormones, but this was a beautiful moment. “Awe baby don’t cry” he took you in a hug. “I am glad you like them”
Nearing the time of your due date Karen stayed with you. She slept in the guest bedroom so you never had to be alone. One night you’ve began feeling contractions, so Karen started timing them. You were in pain, but enough to function. You moved around a a yoga ball josh insisted you buy. Josh began playing music through the speakers. At this point joshs closest family was there. Along with your closest friends.
“Come dance with me darling” josh held his hand out.
You giggled through the contractions “josh I can’t”.
“Don’t lie to me” he joked “C’mon on ya feet I’ll hold you up”.
How could you stay no to that?
You began dancing more like waddling around with josh. Then suddenly the feeling of water dripped down your legs. You looked down immediately knowing what just happened. Josh knew too “Her water broke!” Josh shouted.
Everyone sprung into action. The midwife was called and the small circular inflatable birthing pool was put up. You got in the pool with help from josh.
Only Karen, josh, and the midwife were in the room now. Giving you your space as they all waited anxiously in your living room.
“I can’t josh” you cried in pain.
“Yes you can your so fucking strong” josh stood on the side holding you up as you bent over the pool side.
You gripped Josh leaving finger nail prints on his arm.
“Your almost there I promise” Karen told you.
You squeezed the fuck out of Josh’s hand as he talked you through it. “It’s almost over darling. I am so fucking proud of you” his eyes started to swell this tears. “I am so proud of you” he whispered.
One final push
The moment you waited 9 whole months for was before you. A thousand feelings hit you. Sad? Happy? Relieved? Pain? No a feeling that didn’t have a name. You couldn’t explain it because you’ve never felt it before. I sense a change. Protectiveness. A motherly feeling.
The midwife carefully examined, and lifted the newborn out of the water. The gender was announced, and josh started crying harder. The baby was laid on your chest as tears streamed down your face.
After some time the question was asked “Anyone cutting the umbilical cord?”
Josh’s eyes met yours. “Would you like to?” You asked him.
“I would love to”
He was showed where to cut it once he lined it up he asked if it was right just to make sure. He got the go ahead, and cut the umbilical cord.
You josh got a moment alone.
“May I?” Josh said asking to sit in the water with you.
“Please” you said. When he sat down softly you handed him his daughter. Karen being the only one beside you two who knew the gender yet.
“She’s so beautiful” he began to cry. “Just like her mama. I am so happy to meet you baby” He rambled to his daughter for quite some time.
“I’ve waited all my life for you”
An hour past and your excitement grew “When do you want to show them?” You asked.
“Whenever your ready mama” he said handing her back to you. You told him you were, but asked if he wanted to let Jake announce the gender. He got teary eyed again more than happy to let his twin be involved. When Karen came back you requested Jake come in alone for a minute.
“They said there about ready, but they’d like Jake to come in alone first” Karen said.
“Me?” Jake stood up and gently opened the door. He immediately washed his hands before heading over to you.“Oh my god. It’s not bald” he laughed.
“No she’s not” you laughed.
“It’s a girl” he smiled “I fucking knew it”
You started handing River over to Jake. “Are you sure?”
“Yes of course. We want to ask you something as well” you said looking at josh to finish.
“Would you like to announce the gender?” Josh said.
“I would fucking love to. Are you sure?” You both nodded, and looked down at the infant in his arms. “Hey little girl it’s uncle Jakey. Well aren’t you just the prettiest”
You watched josh and he looked at Jake with complete love in his eyes. Watching his twin brother hold his daughter made all this seem real. Tears ran down his face again making you start to cry.
“Oh god don’t do that” Jake said looking at you two. He looked down again “your gonna make me cry to pretty girl” his eyes began to water. He looked up and took a breath refusing to let them fall. “Emotional moment ay?”
You laughed at Jake’s attempt to stop the tears.
“Ugh I guess I gotta share ya huh? You ready to meet em sweetheart?”
Everyone was called in, and the room was filled with love as everyone gasps and cooed at the newborn. Jake still held her in his arms as his sister Ronnie tried to take her.
“Back off” he joked. “I’ve got news folks” the room went quite “Rivers a girl”.
As calm and relaxed as Karen’s been the whole journey you began to watch her eyes swell. Not only was it her first granddaughter, but that josh needed Jake to be included. No matter how old they may get they still needed each other. As much as you’d need oxygen to breathe. Even though this was Josh’s moment he needed Jake to share it with.
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impyssadobsessions · 3 years ago
Halfa-Jazz idea
(Warning mentions sort of suicide) Ok basing off the idea that Danny doesn't age/immortal. Jazz does something reckless so Danny doesn't have to be alone. Thus repeating how Danny died in order to become a halfa.. like him. Because Vlad still ages just slowly due to how he became half ghost. She understands its stupid, reckless, and has a chance it will just kill her. She KNOWS this, but the idea of leaving Danny ALONE kills her. (literally) She the first one to realize (besides Danny) or at least to accept the horrible truth that he isn't aging. She even goes to Clockwork alone to confirm this.
Thats when the gravity of situation sinks in for her. Danny becoming his worse nightmare is still a possibility and he will have eternity to fear it. Possible he will not grieve properly because he refuses to become Dan and hurting himself further. She knows there is a high possibility that she could just naturally become a ghost when she dies, because of all the ecto-contamination she has and how she couldn't die peacefully knowing her brother won't have someone that could support him. Clockwork and Frostbite and Pandora will be there, but he will neglect his humanity, which is what helps separate him from Dan. Jazz waits, and thoroughly thinks this through. Jazz until she realizes its almost an obsession. She knows Danny be against it. Maybe even hate her for doing that to herself, but she can't let it go. So she plans it. She already finished college at least her first 4 years, is at her parents home. Their parents are off ghost hunting trip. Probably in summer where Sam and Tuck are back in amity and Danny gone to visit them. Danny doing classes online and helping at home, but mainly just dealing with ghosts. Jazz realizing she may never get another chance, she heads down to the basements and shut down the portal. Take a great effort to do, or maybe their parents shut it down before they left. She sets everything up to how it was before Danny passed. Whole time telling herself, its ok. Prays that she at least comes back as a full ghost so she can tell Danny its not his fault. Her knowing this is stupid, and awful. But she can't see any reason not to. Besides she was happy with her age and body, it wouldn't be so bad to stay this way... right? Makes sure she in some comfy clothes with a hood, didn't want to be stuck in pjs. She only hesitates for a moment when she inside the portal, it plugged in, ready to press the button. Staring in horror at the char marks in the shape of her brothers shadow. Then she presses it, praying Danny forgive her as she just kept her thoughts on returning to Danny. Danny feels it. Feels the dread from wherever he is, rushing home. Something telling him that something is wrong. Gravely. Yelling for Jazz, his breath fog as he rushes into basement. Stopping dead as he sees a ghost with blue hair laying on floor in front of the portal. Jazz comes too, just like ouch eoe. "When Danny said it hurt, that was an understatement." Danny collapsing beside her, in complete shock. His brain trying to register what happen. just barely managing a whispered, "Jazz?.... What did YOU do!?" Jazz realizing Danny was there already, chuckling nervously. ".....Something.. admittedly dumb. But hey! It worked. heh." It makes their relationship strained for a little while. Danny conflicted because he wants to be mad at her, but also wants to make sure she doesn't have a hard time like he did. Can see him and Sam and Tuck all lecturing her about how dumb that was. And Danny telling no one to get any ideas. Tucker like, I saw how painful that was.. no ty. Jazz can't really argue, because she knew it was. She knew the risks. She just so glad it worked, but trying her best to suppress that glee because of how upset Danny is. She knew it was wrong, but can't regret it at all. Danny and Jazz do end up talking about it over time. Danny finally realizing what Jazz was getting at. He still feels guilty but he can't help but feel a little bit relieved that she'll be there for him. Always. Also not
all angst. Lots of funny stuff with Jazz learning how to be half ghost, and Danny being the overprotective one and stressing about it. Danny like "GEEZZ JAzz... I can't have been this bad!" "Right, little brother! You were worse." - Jazz also getting perspective on how being a ghost or at least how being a half ghost actually affects things. She knew it was different from what Danny mentioned, but now she knows HOW different. Even scolds him a few times. "DANNY! HOW COME YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!!! You've been dealing with THAT ever since?!!!!" "It was kind of hard to explain JAZZ!" - When they been immortal a while, can see them hoping time or universes pretending to be Mother and Son. Knowing Jazz look a bit too young to be Danny's mom, but also was WAY easier to pretend that then siblings when going incognito. So crossover potential. Danny never having to really worry when he goes to school to pretend he just a teenager either, because he knows his stuff. Makes school more boring BUT he knows he can live easier too. Interesting to compare differences between generations or universes events. Probably the most fun he get in school... plus being the creepy new kid. That is also fun. While Jazz keeps being a psychologist in a way. Studying different psyches of ghost and criminals, becoming really good at figuring how people tick. Her ghost abilities reflect that. Sometimes them tag teaming as sneaky heroes for the day. Them also using mom and son, so Danny doesn't have to keep up with their new names all the time. Jazz using son or sweetie like their mom did, when she cant remember off the top of her head. Plus its an inside joke between them. Danny saying ok MOOOOM. They find humor in it, since Jazz use to be teased for sounding like one. Jazz never once regretting her decision. -- Just my ideas on how they can be halfa siblings lol
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burning-clutch · 4 years ago
Shielded From The Truth
Cross posted on A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30441042 -.-.-.-.- Warnings: Mild wounds. Number two in the phic phight! When his parents put a shield up around Casper high to keep the ghosts out, and it means that Danny’s day hardly goes to plan. And he was so close to being on time for once too…. PHIC PHIGHT 2021 For team ghost! -.-.-.-.-.- Prompt by: Silverwing013 Danny's parents have kindly offered to set up a ghost shield generator for Casper High. Hijinks ensue as Danny attempts to handle the situation. 
Danny groaned as he only half listened to his parents rattle off whatever ghost nonsense they were going on about as he ate his breakfast. A bowl of dry cereal because the milk was contaminated and he really didn’t want to chance it giving him more than a stomach ache. This had become the norm this week it seemed as his parents seemed invested more than usual into the ghost shields that they had been working on and improving.
Why only shields? They would be installing one in the school soon… but beyond that? He wasn’t sure. They probably told him, sure, but being a teenager and one that had parents that hated half of him, had the effect of making him only lightly listen to the weapons and things that were meant to fully kill him off. That and at least the ghost shields weren’t usually a hindrance to him, in fact, they had proven themselves useful on a few occasions.
Plus he had the added advantage of being able to simply return to his human form and slip through the shield with little issue. Given his parents had no knowledge of half ghosts existing, at least he hoped not, they shouldn’t be designing a ghost and human shield. After all, that would defeat the purpose, right? It wasn’t as if Amity really had any human threats anymore.
Well, regardless of the eccentricities of his parents he could at least take some comfort in the fact that Skulker couldn’t simply attack the school to get to him any longer.
Small mercies he supposed.
Danny blinked as his father said something to him before slapping him on his back causing the teen to practically choke on his cereal from the force of the smack. “Isn’t that just great Dann-o?” the large man exclaimed happily before looking at his son expectantly. Oh great, he wanted him to ask something? Great.
“S-Sure” Danny choked out as he flailed, grabbing in front of him for the orange juice he had nabbed from the fridge, it thankfully hadn’t been in there long enough to start glowing… yet…
He shook his head as he finally got his breath back without inhaling dry cereal pieces into his lungs. When he was sure he wasn’t going to sound like some dollar store squeaky toy he tried to ask his parents a question, always a dreadful time if he were honest, but hey, he would usually be late for school anyway.
“So this will go around the whole school?” Danny tried weakly.
“Yep! And the best part is it’ll sense where there's an evil ectoplasmic entity nearby and spring up instantly! We made sure there won’t be a ghost within Twenty feet of the school before that puppy jumps up to the rescue! Like a big Fenton airbag!” Jack exclaimed all too enthusiastically for what the current time in the AM should allow a normal person to exhume.
Danny hummed noncommittally and sent a glance of ‘help me’ to his sister, who, in turn, rolled her eyes at her little brother. “And the shield even uses the ghost’s power to run the shield right?” Jazz asked side eyeing her father from her own spot not wanting to fully engage in the conversation they were having.
“Oh, yea! That’s the best part!” Jack practically cheered out.
“And the stronger the evil skum is the faster the shield will react and sooner it will be picked up. It will only go off on a level three or higher.” Maddie explained with a pleasant smile as she sips at her coffee.
“And we got it all finished last night to be ready for you kids today” Jack added happily.
“Hooray, more fun on a Monday” Danny sighed out into his last bites of cereal. Jazz snorted but didn’t comment, though Danny blew her a childish raspberry.
Jack continued to go on about the more intricate details of the shield they had put up though only one thing really caught his attention in the spiel, “-And Vladdie helped with the funding to outfit the school! Even helped us get the materials we needed to make such a large shield!”
“Ah, there it is…” Danny groaned letting his head fall forward onto the table in instant defeat.
“Danny! I really wish you would learn not to stay up so late playing video games! Look at you! If I get another call from one of your teachers about you sleeping in class-” Maddie started only for Danny to cut her off jumping to his feet.
“Yep! Thanks for that, mom! Look at the time! Love you bye!” Danny prattled off quick as could be before grabbing his book bag by his feet and bolting like a scared rabbit. After all, if his mother never finished that sentence when he inevitably fell asleep he couldn’t be grounded… she never officially gave him the last warning…
That’ll work, right?
It wasn’t long when he was out of the house that he was at his usual waiting spot for Sam and Tucker. Unsurprisingly, Sam got there first though they didn't have to wait long for Tucker to lumber forward, half asleep to his friends, and together they made their way towards the school as a unit.
Things seemed well enough until he got onto the stairs leading up to the main doors. That was when all hell broke loose. A deep alarm sounded before his father’s voice rang out from the speakers, in his over the top cheery way that only Jack Fenton knew how to pull off.
“Attention kids! Guess there’s an evil spook nearby so we’re deploying the shield! This ghost protection was brought to you by Fenton-works and sponsored by your mayor!”
Danny frowned. “My ghost sense didn’t go off…” He mentioned quietly to his friends.
“Maybe the shield sensors are more sensitive than you are?” Tucker asked with a frown.
“Since when?” Sam argued incredulously.
“Well who or whatever it is, it isn’t bothering me right now and no one’s screaming, no one’s panicking, so it can wait. I’m actually going to be on time for once!” Danny says waving the notion off.
He continues his trek up the stairs and towards the doors of the school, though when he reaches the threshold of the shield he finds himself having to really push hard against the thing. It was like hitting a wall of foam or Jell-O. He could push through if he pressed hard enough but it was not pleasant or as easy as going through the air.
Once through the initial shield wall, he blinked slowly feeling sluggish and as though all his limbs were moving through water. He even sort of felt like he was having to ‘swim’ as he walked like he was both heavier and lighter than he should be, but unable to find that buoyancy happy middle ground.
“Dude…” Tucker said smartly as he frowned at his friend’s almost slow motion, yet stop motion like movements. It was eerie, to say the least, not to mention the more pressing issue that he noticed right off the hop, “Your eyes are shining, man. And your, um… Neck...”
Sam, ever prepared for whatever bull their lives seem to throw their way, slipped her bag around to her front and offered Danny a pair of sunglasses, which the halfa put on promptly, along with the spider webbed patterned black and silver scarf.  “I mean, it’s better,” Sam argued, not even giving Tucker's look of disapproval her full attention.
“They’re spider glasses.” The boy states with a shake of his head. “Not really digging the whole-” Tucker waved his arm about Danny’s head in little circles, “-pseudo goth thing” he finished finally. Though he had to admit it was at least marginally better than seeing his friend’s glowing eyes and the electric scars showing up on his neck and disappearing under his shirt collar.
“Better?” Danny asked out sluggish, his voice almost sounding like it was being drawn out on a tape deck that was starting to lack battery power and not playing at quite the proper speed making the pitch and timing slower and lower.
Sam and Tucker shared a look before offering a thumbs up to their friend, both deciding it better not to address… whatever that was… The look they shared between one another spoke of their mutual hope that this would perhaps be one of those problems that simply go away on its own.
Ignoring the problems they have usually makes it go away… Yeah, that always works out.  
Danny makes a grab for the door to pull it open again, having that weird slow stop motion effect, like he was flickering between blinks rather than making a smooth motion forward. “Ehm, maybe don’t move around too much man… it’s um… creeping me out.” Tucker offers helpfully.
“Huh?” it took Danny a minute to process, as while he looked slow to them they seemed to be hyped up on caffeine to him… “Why are you talking so fast?” He wondered, his head almost appearing to glitch into a tilted and confused look.
“I think the ghost shield is making you go all slow motion. Just stop talking.” Sam says forcefully before letting out a shudder of her own.
Sam and Tucker share a glance before they each grab onto one of Danny’s arms and half drag him off to his locker. Despite his friends’ efforts he still got many looks shot his way, and a couple of people started whispering to one another as he passed by them.
“How is this going to work if I’m already weirding everyone out?” Danny asked, voice still sounding like a slowed record as he blinked sluggishly and his head jerked almost unsteadily from side to side. From his perspective, everyone was speeding along and talking at 1.5 times the normal speed.
“Maybe I should look for the ghost that triggered this, maybe Tuck, can you look into this mess?” Danny asked after a moment of trying to figure out what was being said around him through the noise of the hall.
“Yeah that might be best…” Sam responded shifting from leg to leg as she locks eyes with a basketball jock who was staring at their group incredulously.
“I got you, man, I’ll change everything to present and, block any ‘call home’ recommendations.” Tucker pipped up already pulling out his PDA to set that up preemptively.
Danny nodded and let out a hum before glitching his way out the nearest exit and out of the shield’s bounds. Once he slipped back out through the barrier, strangely enough, a harder feat than it was getting in, but that wasn’t a problem he wanted to focus on, he already blamed Vlad so he would simply continue to do so until the fruitloop showed himself.
As soon as he was through the green line of the shield Danny practically fell forward in relief. That stifling feeling now gone from his core and bones making his movements fluid and normal, well as normal as a clumsy half ghost could be anyhow…
It was a moot point and not one Danny wanted to think on too long. He gave a quick “thanks” to his friends, before diving between the dumpster and the school’s bricks, transforming into his ghostly alter ego and taking off into the sky. He would do a few laps around the school and city as he looks for whatever ghost set off the shield.
It wasn’t until lunchtime Danny returned looking much more windswept and all around more miserable. He entered the courtyard through the side joining his friends out on the picnic table they had claimed.  He made it over to them, flopped down on the bench next to tucker with a groan before his head smacked into the table before him.
“You find them?” Tucker asked around whatever horrid monstrosity of a sandwich he was eating, spewing bits of half chewed bred at Danny’s head.
“No” Came the muffled reply, filled with tired disdain.
“No ghost sense?” Sam wandered, flicking the bits of bread from Danny’s raven hair and back towards Tucker.
“Huh… You think it was you who set off the shield?”  Sam wondered with a thoughtful frown.
“When I went into the back end of the generator though it wasn’t supposed to go off for anything that low, Danny in human form is like a two at best,” Tucker argued spinning his PDA around to show what he’d found when he hacked into the motherboard of the Fenton’s latest device.
Danny groaned. He supposed had he listened to his parents he could have been more prepared for whatever lunacy his parents’ decided to toss his way but alas, his short attention span and teenage rebellion and lack of caring got the best of him yet again.
Joyous of joys.
He tuned out his friend’s back and forthing for a bit, wondering if he could get away with smashing the device as Phantom when Tucker had his a-ha moment of discovery. Danny turned his head and raised a brow at his friend who was furiously typing away at his device.
“You were right about Vlad, Sam”
“Naturally,” She agreed.
“Well, he had an over right line here specifically set for Phantom’s ecto- signature,” the boy states running his finger along the line of code he’d found in the program.
Danny’s mood instantly brightened at that. “So then we just get rid of that bit right? And BAM everything’s fine?” He asked. “Man, what happened to me? Why do I want to get into the school again?”
“To keep up the illusion of normalcy on this mortal plane.” Sam supplied stabbing at her salad a little more forcefully than she probably needed to.
“Eh, yeah, I suppose.” Danny agreed with a lacklustre shrug.
“There, that should do it” Tucker spoke, interrupting whatever tangent Sam was getting ready to spew off about how normalcy was only an illusion created by corporations or some other such thing.
“And just in time The bell just rang,” Danny says with a small grin clasping a firm hand onto his friend’s shoulder. “Nice one Tucker!” he cheered as the trio made their way over to the doors that would lead them back into the cafeteria.
Unfortunately, as soon as Danny’s hand hit the door handle the shield once again sprung to life, though this time, instead of simply having a hard time passing through the shield, he was thrown back across the field earning a cry from several students who were following the trio.  
“Grapes of wrath Mister Fenton!” Lancer, (of course it was Lancer) shouted out in worry, his shout even carrying over the prerecorded message containing his father’s voice. Lancer half jogged half waddled over to Danny who blinked up blearily to his teacher, eyes flashing green for the briefest of seconds before draining back to blue.
“Leave it to Fen-turd to get himself possessed.” Dash snorted from behind the pot bellied teacher earning a few nervous glances between the small crowd of gathering students. The mutterings of the students didn’t take long to start up after that.
“I’m not possessed,” Danny argued, though, it was rather hard to make said argument when the palm of his hand was burned and leaking ectoplasm from where he had touched the door.
“Course he’s not possessed! He’s a ghost himself!” Wes shouted pointing an accusatory finger at the youngest Fenton.
Danny glared. “Not the time Westly.” He muttered under his breath as he was hauled to his feet by his friends. He tried to brush himself off only to end up smearing the ectoplasm from his hand onto his jeans, leaving a luminescent streak across his thigh.
Seeing his chance the ginger jock was all too eager to point it out. “See look! He’s bleeding ectoplasm!”
“No, I’m not! It’s from the shield! it sputtered out at me.” Danny tried to protest, though even in his own ears it sounded like a weak argument.
“Really?” Wes argued and marched over to the shimmering shield. The teen waved his arms about freely in the shield’s range hopping back and forth pointedly across the line of the barrier before showing his hands and clothes were completely clean of any glowing goo. “See! Ghost!” he accused again after he did a little pirouette to show his lack of ectoplasm.
“Yeah? Well, it sputtered at Danny only ‘cuz it turned on with him in the threshold.” Sam tried to argue back glaring at the ginger, venom in her gaze.
“Well then, why don’t you just walk through the shield Fen-toad?” Dash said with a smarmy grin, ever eager to get his own jabs in and seemingly not wanting to be outshined by the ginger conspiracy theorist’s bullying of his favourite punching bag.
“Fine” He spat back bitterly and marched up to the shield with a huff.
Sam and Tucker exchange a glance with one another as Danny presses his hand into the shield again. Thankfully this time there wasn’t anything that blows him back but he also really had to try and push through the shield.  
Danny could see out of the corner of his eye Wes’s smug grin as he grunts and does his best to push through the shield. His persistence is rewarded and he falls to the ground on the other side jumping up and giving a quick ‘HA!’ as he faces the small gathering crowd of students shifting uncomfortably just beyond the shield.
Sam had a look of exasperation and she looked like she was trying to restrain herself from face palming. Tucker on the other hand had no such restraint. He was almost over eager to bury his face into his hands.
From Danny’s perspective, he simply smacked into the ground and stood back up, but from the other students’ perspectives, Danny fell into the shield but instantly slowed down, looking as though he were falling with the moon’s gravity rather than the earthly speed everyone was used to. It also didn’t really look to them like he had hit the ground, instead glitching his body back into an upright position before cheering in that low slow motion state as he had earlier.
And if that wasn’t damning enough his eyes were glowing a lovely shade of ectoplasmic green.
Wes smirked, seemingly very smug and content with himself and this development. “See told you all he was a ghost!”
“T-that’s enough Mister Weston… Right…” LAncer muttered to himself a few moments watching as Danny seemed to glitch about as he cheered before seemingly realizing something was wrong. “I think there was a procedure to depossess a student…I bet the teachers in Bridgestone don’t have to exercise their students in this manner…” He complains. Sure they had gym class and he would appreciate the pun and irony if he wasn’t so tired.
“I don’t get paid enough for this,” he muttered, ignoring the look of panic that spread across Danny’s face.
It took some doing, a lot of flailing limbs and pressing himself against the damn shield, but Danny soon was through back out and free. His eyes still glowed brightly as he stared at his classmates looking very much like a deer in the headlights. Eyeshine and all might he add.
A few of the students were snickering, because only in Amity park could one get possessed by a ghost and have it come across as though someone had merely said something embarrassing or misheard an instruction and was now staring blankly ahead.
“Er….” Danny stared at his classmates half panicked before simply vanishing from view.
“Moby Dick!” Lancer exclaimed, almost dropping the book he was thumbing through from the Fenton parents. Sure it was a ghost, and could potentially be dangerous, but it wasn’t attacking so there wasn’t really anyone panicking.
Instead, the teacher simply felt tired. “Right, I’ll call the Fentons and let them deal with this, Everyone back inside I do believe the lunch bell rang already!” the teacher called out shooing the students into dispersing.
Danny stood there invisibly and holding strong as he internally groaned. At least they thought he was possessed, that could be easily explained away but he was not looking forward to trying to explain it to his parents…
Still maybe if he gets ahead of this…
It was with that thought in mind that he bolted away into the treeline beside the school, transformed and headed off to his home landing in his bedroom only a few minutes later. He went human, back intangible and invisible came out the door, made sure the coast was clear before speeding his way down into the basement.
He just made it down the stairs startling his mother and father who blinked at him curiously, when the phone rang cutting off his mother’s “Honey? What are you doing home so soon?”
“It’s the school calling Mads,” Jack says, sounding disappointed as the large man sent a look of disapproval to his boy.
“Wait!” Danny jumped forward answering the phone and instantly hanging it up.
“Daniel!” His mother exclaimed abashedly.
“I wanna explain first! Do you know how all your stuff goes off on me? Well, the shield at school started doing that and they think I’m possessed! I’m not, it's just the… ya know…” Danny rambled off hurriedly hoping against hope that his parents wouldn’t try to send him to decontamination … again… (Thanks to his ghost half, it burned in places he didn’t ever want to burn)
“You’re possessed Dann-o?!” Jack exclaimed instantly pulling a Fenton gun from somewhere on his person and brandishing it towards his son.
Danny threw his hands up and waved them placatingly at his father. “NO! Just the normal stuff! The contamination from the portal accident set it off. I got too close to the sensor!” He says quickly ignoring how his parents seem to flinch slightly.
His parents shared a look before his father seemed to deflate, seemingly upset at the fact his son wasn’t possessed. “I thought we fixed that... “ Jack says with a frown. “But, we can’t let the school know we may have messed it up! I know we’ll just run the tests again and fix it in the night!”  
“Yeah, that would be- Wait what?” Danny blinks. Why couldn’t they just go down and fix it normally? Of course, his parents had to be weird about this too. “Thanks… Is there anything you need from me to help?”
And with those words said he almost instantly regretted it. “Well… We would really like to know why your ecto signature lines up perfectly with Phantom’s but perhaps that can wait.” Maddie offered with a small amused smile.
Danny sputtered at that, “Wh-What?”
“We set up a monitoring system so we can tell which ghosts most frequent the school… Phantom was the one that triggered the shield twice today. There actually wasn’t anything else that did,” Maddie explained with a deepening frown.
“You sure you’re not possessed, son?” Jack asked again this time sounding almost defeated in how, well, normal a volume he asked that. The hidden meaning was all too obvious especially after he mentioned his accident…
They thought he was dead! The portal killed him! And as the growing pit of dread grew into Danny’s stomach he couldn’t help but feel awful knowing they were correct in that assumption, well at least half right anyhow.
“Yeah… I’m… I’m me…” Danny managed out his voice cracking
“O-oh hun....” Maddie sniffed.
“But it’s not I… I’m me, I promise and I’m not all dead. I still have a heartbeat and everything!” Danny argued or rather tried to as his mother was quick to kneel before him taking his face in her hands as tears bubbled down her chin.
“Mom really I’m like … half at most. More human with a side of ghostly abilities ya know?”
“Oh, it’s okay Dann-o… You're still my son, I know ya are. It’s been almost a year since that accident and you’re mostly still you.” Jack said. “Just worse grades and more hormones and-”
“Thanks, guys really,” Danny sighed in relief both at dodging the potentially awkward birds and ghostly bees talk as well as the tepid acceptance he was getting. Awkward though it may be it was still acceptance nonetheless.  He was happy for it just the same.
“Maybe while we work on fixing up the shield to ignore Phantom’s signature you can tell us about some things?” Maddie asked sniffling again as she looked over her son’s face trying her best to hold herself together and not outright bawl at the thought she had killed her youngest child.
“Y-yeah… I’ve been wanting to tell you about this for a while now but, well, ya know…” Danny offered uselessly.
“I think it’s us who should apologize for that, son but maybe we can just all go get some triple chocolate fudge milkshakes and go deal with that shield after dinner?” Jack offered with a smile, ever the one to break up tension.
“Yeah, yeah… that sounds good.” Danny agreed. Well, it wasn't how he was expecting this to go, but he was kinda glad it ended up like this. Maybe now they could repair their strained relationship.
As Maddie ruffled up Danny’s hair the teen offered her his first genuine smile in almost a year.
Total words: 4245 Complete
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sincerelyella · 4 years ago
Darlin’ (Ethan x f!MC)
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Book: Open Heart (AU)
Pairings: Ethan x MC (Ella)
Song Inspiration: Darlin’ by The Beach Boys
Characters belong to Pixelberry; MC Ella Dela Cruz belongs to me
A/N: It’s my darling @aestheticartsx​​‘s birthday, and I know you didn’t want a big fuss or anything, but you’re an amazing person and friend. You support everyone and you have the biggest heart. I wanted to write this little fluff piece just for you ❤️ love you tons!
Warnings: Just pure fluff
The moodboard of Ethan and Ella was made by the birthday girl and I want to thank her for all her beautiful aesthetics
PSA -> today is not her birthday, I am just moving over all my writing from my old blog.
Words: 1592
Ethan Ramsey had an earworm. He found himself going about his day, seeing his patients and humming a melody that had popped into his head since he opened his eyes this morning. As he approached the nurses at the nurse’s station singing under his breath, Danny reached out to take the charts in Ethan’s arms.
“Hey, Doc,” he furrowed his brows as he stared up at him. “Are you … singing?”
Distracted, Ethan shook his head. “No, I don’t sing.”
Danny chuckled as he turned back to stare at the computer screen. “Sounds like you are,” he mumbled.
Don’t know if words can say, But darlin’ I’ll find a way
To let you know what you meant to me, Guess it was meant to be
Ethan stared up at the assignment board, skimming all the names until his eyes stopped on Ella’s. “Danny,” he called out as he made a mental note as to which room’s Ella was rounding on that day. “Can you page Dr. Dela Cruz for me, please? I’ll be in my office.”
“Doing it now.”
Ella was in a bad mood this morning, and he could only assume it was because of that time of the month. However, he knew better than to bring that up in conversation, so he just left her alone and let her do her rounds. Ethan wandered down the hall to his office and unlocked it quickly. He tossed his key onto the desk and let out a long sigh as he sank into his leather chair.
Ethan nodded his head in time with his humming, not even realizing the corners of his mouth had curved up. He thought he would never be vulnerable with someone; he had been careful in that aspect. The trauma and abandonment he felt when his mother left was something that he always thought about; it was the entire reason why he kept people at a distance. The only person he let in was Dr. Banerji, and even then, he still retained some things to himself. Ethan absentmindedly reached into his lab coat’s front pocket and wrapped his fingers around a small box. He slowly ran his thumb over the top of the soft velvet, and his smile grew. He had bought the 4-carat diamond ring months ago, and every time he thought it was a good time to bring up their future, something would distract him. This morning he was already distracted by the song he kept humming, and the fact that Ella was snippy with him didn’t help matters.
“Hey,” Ella stood at the doorway with her arms folded across her chest. “You paged me?”
“Oh,” Ethan stood and walked around his desk to greet her. “Are you okay? You were a little-”
“Bitchy, I know,” she sighed and buried her face into Ethan’s chest. “I’m sorry, I was running late-”
“As usual,” he murmured into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He tugged her fully into the room and shut the door behind her.
“Mmhmm, I was running late and …” she looked up at him with tears in her eyes.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Ethan’s heart suddenly skipped, and he felt a tightness in his chest. It was an overwhelming feeling of dread that washed over him within seconds.
“I was running late and … I’m actually late,” she finished, her voice barely a whisper.
Ethan tilted his head and stared down at her. He was mentally prepared to hear the worst news – someone died, she was ending their relationship …
He shook his head to clear it. “Uh, you're … late? As in-”
“As in … I’m pregnant,” the tears began to roll down her face, and Ethan’s eyes widened. “I was stressed out this morning, we never talked about our future, I don’t even know if you want kids-” her voice hitched, and she began to cry harder. “I’m so sorry.”
Oh darlin’, I dream about you often my pretty darlin’
I love the way you soften my life with your love, Your precious love
“Ethan, are you listening? Are you singing?”
“I-I’m not … I don’t sing,” he grabbed Ella’s hand and led her to the couch in the corner of his office. He gestured for her to sit, and he got on both knees in front of her. “I know we never spoke of the future, Ella. I’m sorry about that, I … you know I’m not a man of many words. Fancy words are-”
“Not your thing, I know,” she finished for him as she chuckled.
“They’re not, I can’t give you magical words that sweep you off your feet. It’ll be so awkward.”
Ella nodded.
“Truth be told, I never saw myself with a family,” he stared into her eyes. “That all changed when we began our relationship.”
“So, then that means-”
“That means that I’m so happy,” he cupped her face in his large hands. “I’m thrilled, and I don’t want you to cry over this, okay? I love you.”
She flashed a watery smile. “I love you too."
2 am
Ethan lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling fan, willing himself to go to sleep. Ella had already passed out at 8 pm after a large dinner of pad thai noodles, four spring rolls, six pork and chive dumplings, and half of his spicy drunken noodles. He lay in the dark going over the day’s events – was going to be a dad – with the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
I was living like half a man, Then I couldn’t love, but now I can
You pick me up when I’m feeling sad, More soul than I ever had
He frowned. What blasted song was this? He had been accused of singing twice today, and he got strange looks from all the nurses. He turned to grab his phone on the nightstand and quickly googled the lyrics that kept running through his mind. His eyes widened when he realized what song it was. Darlin’ by The Beach Boys was a song his dad regularly played while he was a child. He remembered his parents laughing and happy together when that song was on - which was all the time. Automatically, he turned to look at Ella, who was peacefully snoring on the other side of the bed. It’s a sign.
Ethan quickly stood and quietly tiptoed to the other side of the room, where he hung his lab coat. He reached into the front pocket, took out the small velvet box, and opened it. The diamond shone like a bright star in the dark sky, and he couldn’t help but get nervous as he studied it. He picked it up out of its cushion and admired the studded in small diamonds around the circumference of the ring. Ella was a simple girl that didn’t like too much flash, plus he didn’t want her losing the diamond in a pair of gloves at work. Ethan shut the velvet box, and it made a loud snapping sound. He cringed, held his breath, and closed his eyes while Ella grunted and turned over in bed. Once the coast was clear, Ethan tiptoed to her sleeping form and slowly slipped the ring onto her third finger on her left hand. He stared down at the ring as the diamond seemed to wink at him in the moonlight; he resisted the urge to take it off. This was a stupid idea, he admonished. The worst proposal of all proposals! He scowled at the ring, then tiptoed back to his side of the bed. We’ll see what happens in the morning.
9 am
A loud squeal startled Ethan awake as he sat up quickly and noticed Ella wasn’t in bed.
"Ella? What’s wrong?” His early morning shenanigans were forgotten in his sleepy haze. Ethan saw her come into the bedroom with his large shirt on and widened eyes. “What?”
She held up her left hand, the diamond shining brightly in the morning sun that was streaking into the bedroom. “Did you do this?”
“That … depends.”
“On whether you want it or not,” he chuckled nervously as he studied her shocked face.
“Ethan,” she walked around to his side of the bed and sat on the edge. “I’m not sure how you got a ring on such short notice, but … you don’t have to do this just because I’m pregnant.”
“Wait. What?” Ethan shook his head. “No, I’ve had that ring for a while. I have been meaning to propose, I just … always got distracted.”
“You … so you really-”
“Yes, really.”
“Ask me.” Ella’s grin grew wider as she tried to hide her giggle.
“Ella Vivenne Dela Cruz, will you marry me?”
“Wow, Ethan … this is all so sudden,” she sucked her lips between her teeth to stifle her laugh.
“Unfunny,” his deadpan glare made her roll her eyes.
“Yes!” She lunged towards him and straddled his hips.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“We’re celebrating,” Ella bit her lip as she took her shirt off. “It’s not like I can get more pregnant.”
Oh darlin’, I dream you often my pretty darlin’
I love the way soften my life with your love, Your precious love
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allyvampirelass29 · 5 years ago
The Lost Boy
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A NOS4A2 Fanfiction By: Allyssa J. Watkins
"Vicki? Where are you!? Vicki, come here!"
"You're scarin' her, Linda, all your damn screechin'! Brat? Baby, come back here."
"Yeah, sure, Chris, you're the one drinkin' and throwin' whiskey bottles, and actin' like a freakin' lunatic, but my voice is scarin' our daughter! GOD, Mister Hero, and I'm always the BAD GUY!!! Damn it, Vicki, I SAID come here!!!"
Eight year old Vic McQueen hugged her denim jacket with the pink sparkly stars on the shoulders, tighter around her, rolling her dark eyes, as her parents fought in the open doorway. Biting her lip, she snuck her way around the side of the house, climbing on her red bike, pedaling away, shooting a quick glance over her shoulder, to make sure she wasn't being followed.
"Do they always engage in so unsightly a row?"
Vic squeezed the brakes on her handlebars with a gasp, her unruly brown curls falling in her eyes, as she stopped short, swerving, just narrowly missing the older boy, standing in the street.
"Geeze, Pal, ain't your mother never told you not to play in the street? What? D'you want to get hit by a car or somethin'? What's that mean anyway, row?"
"Feisty for a girl, aren't you?" The older boy, about twelve chuckled, adjusting his red silk kerchief, and dusting off his black vest. Vic was sure she'd never seen him before, dark wavy hair, and them thick eyebrows, he sure didn't sound like he come from Haverhill.
"Yeah, what of it?" She shot back, raising her chin defiantly, balancing on her bike. "Girls can be just a tough as boys, y'know? Ask Danny Merckle, I popped him one good. And if row means raise the dead with a lot of damn noise, then yeah, they sure row a lot."
The dark, mysterious boy shook his head with a smirk. "Girls shouldn't curse, nor should they engage in fisticuffs."
"That mean scrappin'?" She asked, screwing up her little face. Geeze what an oddball, this guy.
"More or less," The boy shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah, well, I ain't exactly the type to play with dolls," She shot back, and he smiled again, his head tilted.
"So I see...... Well, Feisty, to answer your earlier question, no. My mother practically told me to go play in the street, nor would she have batted an eyelash if I'd gotten run over like a stray."
"Man ALIVE, your Old Lady is worse than mine!!!" Vic gasped, and she couldn't help but notice how sad the boys eyes looked. Real damn sad.
"You have NO idea, he said with a sigh," And they both jumped as the front door to Vic's house slammed shut.
"That's my cue," She whispered, leaning forward to pedal away again, when the older boy, grabbed one of the handlebars. "Hey, watch it guy, cant'cha see I'm tryin' to make a break for it?"
"I'm sorry." He said softly, his eyes going all sad again. "I'm sorry, you have to listen to them fight, and throw things, but you don't have to be scared."
"I ain't- I ain't scared," Vic's shoulders bristled, and the boy watched unconvinced as her lip quivered, and the autumn light caught in her pink sequins.
"It's okay..... to be scared. I am, sometimes."
"Pshhh are you kidding me?" Vic scoffed, resting her arms on the handlebars. "What's a tall guy like you got to be scared of, huh? Yeah, your old lady sounds like a witch, but, c'mon she's still your ma. She might carry on, but they love us. They gotta, right?"
The boy smiled again, but it was very sad. "One can only hope, Feisty. May I....... accompany you, on your daring getaway?"
"If that's fancy talk for tag along, then yeah sure." Vic shrugged her shoulders. "Damn, you're sure different, most boys older 'an me just want to push me around, you know, pick on me."
Vic pedaled down the sidewalk, away from her house, the sun hanging low in the sky, as the boy in the red kerchief walked alongside her, fighting his smile.
"I can't imagine anyone pushing you around. You're quite the novelty to me too."
"Thanks....... I think," Vic looked at him, scrunching up her brow. "So you got a rough home life too huh?"
"Horrendously so...... Your father may take to the drink, but I have the great misfortune of living in a bar, surrounded constantly by drunkards, and my mother, let's just say....... has a lot of boyfriends."
"No foolin'? GOD, that's gotta be some kind of awful! Folks get bonkers when they're drunk, at least mine come home...... most of the time, anyways. Boyfriends huh? What about your old man? Mine's a drinker, yeah, but he ain't all bad. He makes me laugh, y'know?"
"I don't have one...... I mean, I do, of course, but....... his identity could never in probability be ascertained. Whomever he is, he sure did not want me."
"God....... That's real rough. Everybody needs a dad......."
Vic's front tire hit a rock, and she swerved, accidently slamming into the boy, and he groaned as he fell back hard.
"Yikes! Holy sh- Are you okay?" She yelled, leapfrogging off her bike, kneeling down beside him, reaching to help him up, when she saw them....... "Hold on, guy, there's something on your neck there......"
"I'm perfectly sound, just a little jostled, hey, stop that, what are doing?"
Vic pulled off his silk handkerchief, and his hands flew to his neck, nervously. "Give it back."
"Hey........" Vic frowned, pursing her lip, and the boy shuddered, as she leaned over him, and pulled down his shirt collar. "You're bruised somethin' awful....... Did I-?"
"No-" He snapped quickly, leaping to his feet, one hand still hovering over his neck, the other held out impatiently, wiggling his fingers. "That's mine, thank you very much."
"No." She shook her rebellious curls stubbornly, clutching the kerchief tight. "You're not getting it back until you tell me....... Who did that to you, huh? You get in one of them rows with somebody?"
"Something like that...... Now give it, before I take it from you......." He scowled, knitting his dark brow.
"Like to see you try it, Buddy," She snarked back, holding it behind her back. "Who whaled on you, tell me....... It couldn't have been your old lady, c'mon."
The boy tried to look angry, tried to hide the guilt, and shame in his eyes, but they pierced through the dark shine, and he sighed, hanging his head. It was then Vic noticed the cuff on his sleeve had inched up, revealing the dark circles of even more bruises.
She gasped, her little hand flying to her mouth, slowly handing him the kerchief, which he snatched back, and carefully re-tied.
"I take it back...... Your mother's a witch with a "b."
The older boy couldn't stifle his smirk, hastily pulling down his long, starch white sleeve, fiddling with it. "Quite so."
"My ma used to get mad, and slap me around sometimes when I was talking back, but....... she ain't never left bruises like that....... You got to get yourself the hell out of there.
"I will....... Someday." He shrugged, hands in his pockets, and Vic walked her red bike alongside him, the sun casting long shadows behind them. "Someday, I'll drive away, in a fancy car, somewhere no one will ever hurt me again.
"Sounds real good, guy. You ever need a friend, you got one in Vic McQueen."
"Who's Vic McQueen?"
"Me, Stupid!" Vic laughed, elbowing him in the ribs. "You got a name, Kerchief?"
The dark-eyed boy smirked, bowing graciously, with a flourish of his hand. "Charlie Manx, at your service."
"God, you are so freaking weird. Well, put 'er there, Charlie!" Vic beamed, holding out her little hand with a smug grin, and hesitantly, Charlie took it, with a firm shake.
"A pleasure, Victoria."
Charlie Manx awoke with a jolt, bolting upright in bed, his hands flying instinctively to his neck, and he shivered, the sweat cooling on his skin.
"What on GOD'S green earth was that......!?"
His palm slid slowly down his neck, and he felt the pale brunette slumbering beside him stir, but she didn't fully wake. He stroked her face, breathing heavy, envying her expression of heavenly peace. How perfectly dreadful....... How dare you, Victoria....... Damn you, invading my sacred dreams, unearthing my- my secrets and shames. He rubbed his neck again, finding it still bare, and free of bruises, his skin, of course, flawless.
The angry tears stung his eyes, and he wiped them furiously away, his thumb circling his wrist over and over........ He had to admit this miniature McQueen wasn't quite so irksome....... Little Victoria was so far removed from her scathing, impulsive, teenage self, that there was something almost endearing about her, fussing over him and his boyhood inflictions. “How odd to think of us together, Victoria, as children, the bruised yield of broken homes. What might you have thought of him, The Lost Boy without his Neverland? We might even have been friends.......... How's that for a scary thought?”
He slowly fell back back onto the bed, his silky raven head sinking into the soft pillow, and he froze as his sleeping beauty whimpered, and eased her body against his, skin melting against skin, laying her crown of shiny curls on his bare chest.
"This one......." Charlie breathed, flaring his nostrils in a sigh, his claws caressing her luxurious curls, letting them sift, one by one, through his fingers. "She had a much different upbringing than the two of us........ An ideal childhood, and I envy her, Vic........ I envied her, her happiness, yes, I watched her grow up, loved, cared for, precious in her mother's eyes, and I ached to know what that was like....... To flourish in a tended garden, instead of left neglected in the thistle........ Ironic, isn't it......? She would have had no need of me to come, and spirit her away to Christmasland, and yet you....... who despise it most of all........ were exactly the kind of girl I would have saved.
He ran his hands through his mussed coif, his obsidian strands damp with sweat. "Imagine us, Vic, as childhood friends, the feisty girl, and the dapper dan, creating together, walking worlds that others can't even imagine....... Look at us now, scrapping, as you so eloquently phrased it, for a chance to kill each other, and I feel the swelter of your hatred, but even you can't deny that we....... are not so different."
I'm going to have to kill you, there's no way around that, not now. And I'm going to enjoy it, have fun, get...... creative with your meticulous undoing. He chuckled to himself, winding one of Ally's ringlets around and around his finger, with a menacing smirk. But that does not mean I won't miss this, our delicious conflict, the obscene pleasure that comes in hating you, hurting you....... In a perfect world, I would have you both, my conflicting passions, satisfied, her pleasure, your pain, my ultimate fantasy. But this one....... She was made too tender, Vic. Where your parents' endangerment hardened you an edge, this one feels too deeply through another's heart, even yours. She couldn't love a man that inflicts pain with such indecent pleasure, courting her tenderly with the same hand that harms you. In time, she will beg me to stop, fling herself at my feet, sobbing bitterly while you bleed, and being so affected by her, I will grant her wish. I will grant yours as well, and finally finish it, quell your flame, waste all of that Creative potential, killing you in secret. Then I'll tell her, Vic, I'll tell her I let you go.......
Charlie felt his heart quicken, imagining Victoria's aghast face, as though she were listening to his thoughts, racing by in a frenzy. That's right, My Feisty One, I'll make myself the hero of our doomed fable, and say I've decided to give up our fantastic feud, all for her, because she's changed my heart, absolved me of my sins, and she'll love me for it, Vic, praise me, reward me, even while you lay dead in the frozen wilderness. He closed his eyes, with a dark chuckle, a sinful breath escaping. You'd hate that, wouldn't you, Victoria? ANSWER ME!!! Tell me how much you'd hate that.......
You're messed up, Pal. You do that, and you're worse than your slap happy old lady.
Charlie's eyelashes fluttered open as he heard Little Vic's angry voice linger in his mind.
That's enough out of you, Young Lady. Only good girls get to go to Christmasland, and you've long outstayed your welcome.
You want me to scram? Make me.
Oh, I intend to....... Consider yourself grounded.
He simpered, feeling blissful, pressed against his wife's womanly warmth, visions of battling Vic frolicking through his head, as he smelled Ally's hair. You make me so happy, the both of you........ In hating one, and loving the other, The Lost Boy became a found man. You might not be one to play with dolls, Vic, but I certainly am......... And I don't intend to share.
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goliath-de-senfina-sango · 5 years ago
They say no plan survives contact with the enemy.  Danny wishes they were wrong.
Dash Baxter was a conflicted person right now. He’d been feeling off practically all school year, and Valerie, Star, and Paulina were about ready to tell him to fuck off while they went and did their own awesome friend stuff. If he was pressed to think about it hard, he would say that it started when Manson had gotten the school to change the menu for a whole ass week. Now, Dash typically cooked or baked his own food anyway, so it was hardly something that sucked for him but plenty of his teammates bought lunch at school and they weren’t weird vegans like Manson! He’d gone up to her to give her a piece of his mind about all of that shit since he couldn’t exactly go yell at a teacher, and maybe he shouldn’t have yelled but he was angry and his voice got louder when he was mad.
Then Fenton got between them like Dash was gonna throw hands with Manson or something. Don’t get him wrong, he knows how dangerous a girl can be – Valerie would never have been friends with him if he didn’t respect how dangerous a girl like her could be – but his father had raised him to never lay hands on a woman. And besides, Dash wasn’t feeling violent! Or, at least, he didn’t think he had been.
Except that when Fenton got between them, Dash had been pissed. He’d gone from mad to unseeing rage and stuffed one of the dumb mudpies in Fenton’s face, and then Fenton started throwin the garbage, and then a food fight happened. Now, some people might think that his year was off because of the fire that happened after this food fight, but it was actually the start of it. Dash Baxter only threw hands when someone was threatening his friends, not for getting between him and someone else. Not for nothing. It was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever done in his life and he felt horrible about it afterward but he couldn’t think of what had gotten into him.
Worse still was when it kept happening. Mikey and Lester were rambling kinda loudly about some stupid card game and Dash got annoyed, went over to ask them to quiet down. Then there was this weird this rush of some sorta warm slimy something down his spine that was there and gone in a flash, and he was barking at the two of them, “Shut the hell up or else I’ll make you.” He almost didn’t realize he’d said that but then Kwan elbowed him hard in the ribs and Dash winced, running a hand through his hair. “God, did I say that? Shit, sorry dudes I didn’t mean that!”
Except… he did. Dash was the one who said it, right? And he said it practically automatically, without even thinking it. Was that who he was becoming? Was he turning into his grandfather? Kwan promised him he wasn’t, Vincent said he wouldn’t let Dash turn into his gramps, but then Dash was shoving scrawnier kids into the lockers out of his way, and he’d been about to mouth off to Fenton for no freakin reason other than he was there and his freaky mad scientist parents had to be the ones to put that green fire and stuff. Then a god damn monster popped out of Fenton’s locker, attacked Foley, and Dash was out of there.
Right after the fire the school had everyone set up meetings with the counselor, Dr. Spectra, and Dash went too, just like everyone. She even gave him a journal to write his feelings down in so he could work out what he was feeling and put it in words at his own pace. He didn’t like how she was implying that he couldn’t put his feelings into words at the same speed as everyone else, but if she was then hey, she wasn’t… she wasn’t wrong . And after writing it all down in that black journal, Dash came to a bit of a conclusion: Fenton was at the center of all of this.
Danny Fenton was a bit of a freak already, his eyes glowed when he was pissy even back in 6th grade and Dash knew it had to be because his parents were mad fucking scientists and either they experimented on their kids or the radiation in their house had gotten to em. And now that freakiness was popping up and destroying the whole damn school! Hell, Dash was pretty sure one of the Fentons’ damn ghosts had stuffed a buncha frogs down his pants the other day, cause he heard laughter when he ran away. But that had nothing on how furious Dash had been when Fenton called him stupid .
Dash wasn’t fucking dumb he was a little slow but so were plenty kids! Nerds and geeks like Fenton and Mikey and Josh all thought they were so fucking smart that they could get away with calling anyone else stupid ? Dash had been planning on educating Fenton on just how smart an idea that was. Then Falluka yelled at him and Kwan… God, Kwan looked so fucking disappointed in him.
So Dash was feeling a little conflicted and a lot shitty when Danny Motherfucking Fenton walked up to him in his star trek hoodie and said, “Dash I need your help.”
“Oh yeah?” Dash snorted and sneered at the smaller boy. “Why should I help?”
“You remember the monster thing that nearly tore off Tucker’s leg?” Dash paled a bit and nodded. “Something worse is lurking in the school. Something smart. We need your help to expose it before we can get rid of it.”
“So you want me to put my ass on the line and risk getting mauled because your freaky monster is out here lookin to eat someone?” Dash scoffed and turned away. “I ain’t stupid, Fentina, no matter what you think.”
There was a growl behind him and the hairs on Dash’s neck rose up. He tensed and damn near sprinted when he remembered that Fenton was packing heat. Maybe he was stupid. But then Fenton sighed and the lights flickered. “Dash, did you notice that you’ve become more and more of a jerk lately? You used to be the awesome jock who could run faster than everyone but Valerie and you made cookies for the whole class.
“Now you insult everyone at every turn and you tried to beat me up for telling you off. Doesn’t that feel wrong to you? I know nobody wants to believe my parents about the ghosts but you saw the monster, you saw Tucker bleeding and this is real Dash. And what do ghosts do in movies?”
“You sayin I’m possessed, Fenton?” His voice was shakier than he wanted it but it made… well sense was the wrong word but it lined up. “Wouldn’t I blackout or somethin?”
“Not necessarily. Some ghosts are smart n subtle and they can make you do things, feel things enough times while you’re awake that it’s habit-forming. My friend Sydney Poindexter can show you.”
Dread hit Dash like a tidal wave and he turned to bolt. Then he was cold and he relaxed all over, went deathly calm. He was submerged in the utmost chill vibes. Then he was utterly terrified, so much so he almost needed a change of pants. But then he was over the moon happy, frothing at the mouth pissed and then calm again.
The heat slowly returned to Dash’s bones as the back of something- someone filled his vision. Then he was looking at the bucktoothed, weak chinned weird movie hologram ghost of - if Fenton was to be believed - Sydney fucking Poindexter . “You see, Dash,” Fenton said while Dash stared at Poindexter with a very real sense of dread and awareness that someone who could fly could catch him faster than he could run, “if Sydney here were to possess you from time to time and adjust your mood and behavior just a little bit each time, especially over the few months we’ve been in school, you’d start doing everything he made you do on your own. You wouldn’t notice it either, it’d feel like your own feelings.” Dash finally looked at Fenton. “Got the picture, Dash?”
“... I thought your family hunted ghosts down?” Dash’s voice was as small as he felt. Because of that, he nodded quickly when he realized he’d been asked a question. “Y-yeah, I get the picture. I’ve been. I’ve been fucking possessed. ” Icy hot fury and horror filled him up to the brim and Dash shook, fists clenching and unclenching. “I’m being haunted by someone and they’re fuckin with what kinda person I am. But who the hell would do that?”
“Dash, Sydney is going to hide so that Ishiyama doesn’t turn on the security system and shoot holes through him - and he’s a good person, Dash, trust me.” Yeah, sure he is. “And we’re gonna go to the principal and have her call a very specific person to the front office. I need you and I to be hiding right next to the door to the hall, because when he sees you, he’ll know what’s happening.” Fenton reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out- ok, he really did have bottomless pockets because no way he kept a gun and a belt in there. He handed it to Dash who held it in his hands, feeling a bit numb. “Put that on. It’ll give a nasty shock to any hostile ghost that touches you.”
“So that he can’t possess me again, right?” Fenton nodded and Dash was putting the belt on before he even knew it. It clicked into place and he felt a warm buzz rush through him. “Fuck, thanks Fenton. Danny. Do we uh. Do we go now?”
“Dash you’re heading to practice,” Fe-Danny said, and Dash sighed and slumped against a locker. “Don’t worry though, we have a plan.”
“Right. A plan.” Dash took a deep breath and nodded. He wanted to get whatever ghost asshole had been messing him up, making him into a total asshole, right the fuck then. But Fenton was the nerd with the sci-fi gun and a ghost friend here, not Dash. And he wasn’t all that keen on being near Poindexter of all dead people, so he nodded again and half turned. “...This… after this ghost dude is dealt with, I’ll… I’ll go back to normal, right?”
“That’ll take some effort on your part, Dash. Do you want to go back to normal?” Dash whirled around to tell Fenton of course he did but he was just gone.
Dash scoffed and shook his head, walking to practice. “Got his boyfriend’s dramatics.”
It was legitimately the simplest of plans. Danny had come up with it so it was very simple and easy to understand. Danny and Dash headed into Ishiyama’s office at lunch, Sydney waited just outside of Danny’s own sensing range for him - which had gotten alarmingly smaller since his resurrection - and when Dash identified Bertrand as his late grandfather, Danny, Sam and Tucker would turn him into a pile of green sludge, then go after Spectra after making the case that she was also something inhuman disguising herself to feed off of the students. Simple.
Easy to understand didn’t mean easy to execute. When Danny Fenton of all people approached Ishiyama and said something was up, with Dash Baxter backing him up, she called up Bertrand Baxter to her office. Dash looked absolutely floored by that revelation though and turned on Danny immediately. “Are you saying my fucking grandpa is the one who’s been haunting me?”
“I really hope you’re not like, attached to him or anything.”
“Oh no, he was awful but dude, you knew? ” Danny sighed and nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“He could’ve possessed you in the shower when you took off the belt and figured out how much we know.” Danny looked to Ishiyama, who had gone pale and was typing furiously at her laptop. Danny, however, headed to the door to the hallway and crouched down, reaching into his jacket. Dash was still standing in the doorway to the principal’s office, however, and so when Bertrand came in and Danny got to see his disguise for the first time - short, grey slacks with dress shoes and a red dress shirt with a suit jacket and bowtie. His hair was grey and his eyes were green and he looked like a stereotypical rich white guy, reminding Danny how wealthy Dash actually was - Bertrand stopped and stared at Dash for three seconds.
“Oh. you. Wonderful to see you again you sissy ass brute, have you been sewing anymore wittle teddybears for yourself or are your sausage fingers too big for that?” Oh, Danny hated that tone. So, he pulled out his rifle, aimed it at Bertrand’s face, and smirked.
“Wow, you looked slimy in life too, huh?” Danny got to see wide green eyes filled with shock and terror before he squeezed the trigger on his gun and Bertrand became a green splat on the wall that Danny would have to clean up later.
“You didn’t even leave a little bit of ass for me to kick?” Sam groaned as she stood up from behind the wait desk, patting the shaking attendant’s back while she got closer. In her hands was a thin metal tube with the Fenton Logo on it and a button, looking to any trained eye like a typical collapsible bo staff. “I got this whole new weapon from your mom and everything.”
“Please don’t say that in front of the principal - and hey, we’ve got more ass to kick.” Danny grinned, maybe a bit wider than humanly reasonable, and turned to Ishiyama. “I’d like to make a complaint about Bertrand’s boss.”
“You can make that complaint to her right here in person, darling. ” Danny spun to look at the source of the predatory purr that was damn near right in his ear. Red suit, red hair done up in ridiculous horns, and eyes that were slowly shifting from green to yellow to orange. “I don’t believe we’ve met yet, Mr. Fenton, but it’ll be my pleasure to give yourself and your friends a session. Free of charge.”
“Hm, I hear you, Penny, I do. Counterpoint.” Danny grinned as Sam hit the button and swung her now humming staff - the Fenton Anti Creep Stick™ - at Spectra’s face and watched as it sailed through the air where Spectra had been. The creature named Penelope had twisted back and around fluid as water to avoid the strike and spun around, kicking Sam in the gut and knocking her into the reception desk. Danny snarled and raised his rifle, managing to shoot Spectra in the shoulder.
Spectra flicked the ashes from her shoulder where her suit and ‘skin’ had been burned - though her skin looked more like it’d suffered a fading sunburn than it did a glob of ionized ectoplasmic plasma - and backhanded a shocked Danny. He raised his arms in time to block the nails that were now claws with his jacket, but these sleeves were cotton and simply tore open while he was flung back as well. “Oh Danny, honey, you should really do your research more. I’m not a ghost .” Darkness flooded the room and they - Danny, Sam, Tucker, Dash - were in what Danny assumed to be her office. He hissed and pulled out the Peeler, but that was smacked out of his hands and clattered loudly to the floor.
The others disappeared in a cloud of smoke, which the room was steadily becoming. “Come now, Danny, none of that. We’re here to talk, after all. About you, before you ask. After all, you have quite a few pressing anxieties to address, don’t you?” A clipboard appeared in her hands from the smoke all around them and she read over it while Danny reached for the bonds to his friends. The threads were… slack, dim, quieter than they should be.
“Daniel James Fenton, your sister had an appointment set up with me for you, worried unlike every other child here you weren’t getting enough attention. But of course, someone like you can never get enough attention.”
“When I get my hands on you I-”
“Ah, that testosterone you keep shooting up with really is making you more aggressive, isn’t it?” Danny snarled at her and she tutted at him, walking slowly around her desk. “Or is that the ectoplasm running through your veins causing you to act out violently on mere speculations and possibilities from what’s more than likely just a bad dream from your little friend. That’s what it does, after all. Corrupt the mind and soul. Oh, but of course you know that, don’t you?
“Your parents have all the science on ghosts at their fingertips and surely you’re smart enough to read up on it. Oh,” she covered her mouth and sucked on her teeth, looking all the world like she’d just noticed something inconsiderate coming out of her vile mouth before vanishing into the darkness. “Oh, well I suppose you could read it but it wouldn’t stick, would it? The dead can’t learn anything new, after all, you’re just an echo of who you were before.”
“Bias and prejudice aren’t science!” Danny raised his rifle again, energy racing to his eyes as he searched the shadows desperately. The light rose to his call, filled him untethered him from the Earth, but what he Saw felt wrong . Even the lies the eyes tell him are truer than what was around him and he knew that but he couldn’t see through the smoke. “Sam and Tucker have hammered that into me plenty well enough by now to cut through bullshit like that! And really, I liked your office better after that flubber wannabe and I trashed it.”
A flash of red suit came into view and Danny pulled the trigger, but Spectra was faster than the green hot plasma, and claws swatted his weapon away while slashing at his chest. Thank Tucker for leather jackets and all the protection they offered but now Danny was on his back, the ground and somehow the kind of uncomfortable chair that all schools used to punish the students for the simple crime of being there.
“Ah yes, Sam the rich goth girl who befriended you as soon as she heard that you were the son of the town crazies. The one who warned you away from coming out to your parents so they could help you become normal again - or as close as someone like You can get.” She laughed, the sound of ice spilling down a glacier into the cold dark waters below, and it echoed around him like the chill of a winter night. “Don’t you know she’s only friends with you because you’re ‘unique’? Because you’re a freak ? Don’t you know, oh so darling Danny, that as soon if you were able to get rid of all this craziness and live a peaceful life, she’d grow bored with you and leave?”
“You don’t know a damn thing about Sam, she’s not like that!” Danny rolled out of the chair and got to his feet, every movement like he was covered in sandbags and the smokey shadows every two feet away seemed to swallow up his voice, growing darker and pressing closer like a rolling tide. Light curled into a ball in his palm, and he hurled it where Spectra was, but the shadows ate his light and left barely a foot in any direction to move.
“Oh and the year you’ve known her has revealed everything to you, hm? Well, I suppose when someone murders you with peer pressure and you stick around them it’s clear how pathetically desperate for another friend you are. After all, the only other one you have is your oh so precious Tucker . Precious, pragmatic Tucker who cheered you on to go to your parents about all this, more than ok with you getting dissected for it. After all, he’s a smart boy and you can’t have fooled him as well as you fooled yourself into thinking you’re the same Danny Fenton he knew before you died.”
Spectra laughed again, claws digging into his shoulders, and anger, resentment, and fury rang through his soul, the chime of a burning bell. Light struck Spectra in the face, the Fomorian’s cackles finally cut off with a shriek of pain as she stumbled back and the choking darkness ebbed a foot away again. Danny snarled at her, spying the empty hollowness where his light had sheared off the false skin on her face, another ball of orange-silver light crackling at his fingertips.
“You keep Tucker’s name out of your filthy lying mouth! He would never hurt me!”
“He sure did take his time making you any sort of protection though, and once he got your parents to give him something that made his very touch a taser’s spark to your skin he wasn’t in any rush to modify it for your safety. Almost like he didn’t want you able to touch him, or he didn’t feel like making you something genuinely substantial as protection - after all, he finally got another one working and where did that end up? On Dash.” Danny stepped back when the shadows closed around Spectra once again, glaring into the dark of her office and kicking the desk to the wall for room. It didn’t even clatter against the wall when it vanished from his sight and he couldn’t tell if that was because there was no wall or if he was simply losing his stars forsaken mind.
“Modifying the Spector Deflector took time, you slippery little oil stain, now come out where I can punch you.”
“It hardly took time for your parents to make it, did it? And oh your parents.” She purred, voice taking on a cloyingly sweet tone and Danny shuddered at the cold against his skin, the smoke curling against his jacket and following him as he flew up to the ceiling to make some room. Now, though, it looked like he was trapped in the abyss with no floor, no ceiling, no way anywhere and if he ever stopped flying he would fall and fall and fall and there was no end to this darkness, no stars to sing to him and comfort him and it was like the times before his very first self .
“We can’t forget the source of all this anguish can we? Those darn parents of yours that put ghost hunting and science and your better sibling before you the whole of our life and even your afterlife! Oh, even you know now that normal old human authorities would clutch their pearls and steal you away to a safer place to live than with them. How many times have you had artificial ectoplasm in your food, either poisoning you or bringing it to life for you all to fend off? How many times have they barged into your room with no concern for your privacy and dragged you away to do work for them like an intern? How many times have you nearly died because dear old Dr. and Dr. Fenton couldn’t be bothered to make their home a safe place for a child?”
Danny curled up into a ball then, clutching at his head and closing his eyes. The star song that rang through his body and warmed his bones when he was a ghost grew dimmer and darker and colder with each word out of the dark and past the echoes it took a moment to realize that whining sound was coming from him. “Shut up! Shut up shut up, you don’t- so they’re a little clumsy! No one can be the best parents ever, and they love us! They love me!”
“Is that why they killed you?” That laughter felt like a slap to the face and Danny slipped into intangibility, only to fall from the air as his power left him, and he landed on the cold hard ground, alone and shaking. “Your father so careless with the most outrageously dangerous things that he left a doorway to the land of the dead plugged in even with the door to the lab still open. Your mother, so stubborn, so sure of herself, would never listen to your advice on how to simply not mutate the food that her family eats let alone listen about how ghosts actually work from you . Daddy dearest doesn’t truly care what you want to be, he knows that you’re not smart enough to become an astronaut, skilled enough to live off your art alone, and that all you really have to fall back on is the family business of ghost hunting, so why shouldn’t he talk over you about it all? Your own precious Mommy didn’t have an answer for you as to what she’d do if she knew you were a ghost.
“Oh, your parents are just so awful that they went and let you die, and you don’t want to face the truth of it? Is it because you’re afraid that you’re just like them, keeping Agatha locked up in that soup can for a whole weekend before you let her out, turning Hunter into a splatter on the ground, shooting my dearest little assistant because he’s a ghost? Or is it because you know, deep down, that what they would do as soon as they knew you’re not human is strap you down and cut you up to see what you actually are. You don’t even know, after all!”
His light was a pinprick in the distance, practically gone and with it the gossamer strings that bound him to his friends and let him know he wasn’t alone. They were gone because he was alone, wasn’t he? How could he not be, with whatever the hell he was? There wasn’t a thing out there like him, and if the dark pressing in on him like oil choked sea water swallowed him up then no one would truly understand what was lost. Would they even feel they lost something at all?
“Are you a ghost pretending to be human again? Or are you a creepy little boy with creepy little powers? A changeling left behind by a faerie through that portal, or some kind of curse? Oh, who cares what you are? Not a boy, not a ghost, not a fae or jinni or beast of this earth! Who could possibly care for a thing - a mistake like little Danny Fenton? Or should I say, C-”
Orange, fury, protect, love, wrath, HOW DARE SHE blazed down the bond between Danny and Jazz and filled him with a warmth he’d near forgotten existed. Green light cut through the darkness and engulfed Spectra, peeling away her suit and her skin and the darkness that made her up like one might an onion or potato. “ How dare you, you worthless parasite? How dare you lay a single clawed hand on my baby brother while you sit here, curled up in your precious darkness to hide from the truth that would burn away your empty, worthless lies?” Danny had never heard Jazz so angry, had never seen such fire in her aura and it kindled that spark inside of him that was growing oh so distant. “Sydney?”
Danny had never loved the color green so much before he saw peridot flames leap from Sydney’s hands and engulf the room, before sweeping in to swallow Spectra up in a pile of burning rot . They were back in Ishiyama’s office and the waiting room before it, Tucker and Sam and Dash all pale and shaking like they were freezing, but the heat of Sydney’s flames and the rage in his screams were like a camp fire in the cold woods. When Danny turned to see Jazz she was practically a chrome and green knight, wearing armor he’d never seen before and brandishing the Peeler at Spectra like a shotgun at a mugger. “I can’t believe I thought someone so pathetic they had to pick at the insecurities of literal children for a misery meal would do anything to help my brother.” She squeezed the trigger and held it until even Spectra’s shrieks of agony were nothing more than echoes in the room.
Jazz turned to Danny and before she was even fully out of the armor he had his arms wrapped around her, clinging tight to the only person that felt well and truly real at the moment. She hugged him back just as fast and relief slammed into the horror and misery and blended with the vindication until he couldn’t tell what feeling it was that blurred his vision and made his face wet with tears, but when Jazz ran a hand down his back he shook with the force of his sobs. Tucker and Sam put hands on his shoulders and the threads between them were a sickly puce and bloody red that had him dragging them both into the hug with him. They stood there, leaning on each other in the office and crying, and some part of Danny knew that they were going to be alright.
They had each other, and nothing could get to them when they were with each other, right?
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estradioltone · 5 years ago
Why’s my stomach hurting? Why am I feeling so lonely when I have so many messages to answer? I CANNOT have another favorite person. Does that mean I’m doomed to high school loneliness?
When I was fifteen lots of people liked me AND I didn’t have a favorite person. Sean? Sam? Danica S? I’m trying to remember. Alex? Stephanie? What show did we do that year? It was Charlie Brown. Mattress, Charlie Brown, Trial by Jury, Sound of Music, and Alice. Shauna? Alex? Danni? Jonathan? Jordan? Danica made those CDs for me. Gabi? Ellery? Irene? Keziah? There were so many people. And none was the favorite. Kaz? Therone? Felicia? Deja? Corri? Jae? Cassie? Leslie? Laureen? Katy? There were so many people around me and I wasn’t the favorite and no one was my favorite. I wasn’t even talking to Amanda at that point. And I did like her. There were a number of people I was attracted to, and, I didn’t make any moves, bc I didn’t get close enough to them in terms of conversations. I needed that first. Like to be comfortable? Lauren? Was she in focus? I can’t remember much if anything about her now, and I was so into her then. Kari?
I used to change with Kari.
Oliver and his male friends used to change in front of each other.
Kari was so great. We were always friends only. I don’t think either of us ever had feelings for the other. She was such an amazing friend. Caitlin? Anna or Sarah? Sarah F? Janell? This is the first time I’ve dug into the memories of those earlier high school years. It literally feels like a backhoe digging into dirt and clearing it away. Archeologist excavating.
I remember sitting in 204 watching some movie in the dark. Mrs. H was teaching. I don’t have memories. Of what we learned. I never learned in English. I never knew what the fuck was going on I just always got A’s. I wrote that paper about having a peanut allergy. It has terrible racist stereotypes. No one called me out. No teacher. I was fifteen. Today I would e known better. Unless I was a republican. Like I was then. I was very conservative. How was I conservative? It didn’t fit with any part of how I acted. Danielle? Remember that film I made that was literally just everyone swearing. Spencer? I remember so many things. Why did I write that.
I don’t want to remember many things.
Why not? That’s so fucking weird. There are many things I don’t want to remember? Where did that thought come from?
I don’t want to remember bc it hurts too much to remember? That thought just came to me.
I wasn’t hurting during that year. I wasn’t depressed. It was like that time with M in sophomore college. Wow. In that moment sophomore looked like high school sophomore to me. It felt like being in Maine. It felt like mid August two summers ago. It’s summer. It’s June. Two summers ago he sucked my sick for the first time and I couldn’t even get hard. I knew what I was doing was wrong and I forced myself to keep going bc I wanted it. That was my fuck up moment. He kissed me that night. It was like Amanda asking to marry me what the fuck to DATE me. How did that happen? It’s in retrospect I wish I’d said no
The hurt is that if I remember I’ll double remember how
The blue waffle thermal
I remember the car and snow pants but not skiing. I remember kissing and my precut glowing like a river. I got wet like a girl. I got hard like a boy. I don’t know what’s normal.
I remember the night she came to see me at the Estonian concert. “Let’s go over here. Lots of girls like me here.” She later told me that freaked her out not freaked out it was like “ullll” what are the words that describe what that means it’s like a little oh no and yikes at the same time. It’s like when O asked me what my main interest in the relationship was and I said sex. And he had the same reaction. And I said, how could I have ever said something like that. It’s callous. And, it was honest. And then I got attached. Before I was having fun. I was happy.
And when I’m happy and having fun I behave like a disgusting jock boy. Maybe that’s who I essentially am. Maybe I’m choosing to be trans so I can become a different person. I do want to become a different person. Even then I thought back like what the fuck was I doing. Like when I touched G and C’s breasts. And I wasn’t allowed to go to cast parties. I didn’t get to do wild things. Would I have?
I was so many different people. I’m also the person at Sam’s house who was afraid to be there.
Remember Caitlins white dreads. Remember when Safi first came to school or Kylie. Remember how cool and superior you felt. Remember how everyone was lesser in your eyes. Sophie. Edna. Kendra. Nikki. That girl molly sitting on my lap and I was hard as fuck. I didn’t think of that in so long. Was that ninth grade? Or eighth?
We were at Burgerville.
I was just doing whatever I wanted.
Is that who I am in a state of nature?
And, I’m the person who stayed in my room instead of going out for a birthday party.
What was Menucha like that year
I didn’t have many years with older friends after that.
Remember Laura. You were twelve and she was seventeen. But you never really talked after the show ended. Would she hug me? Did she hug me in sixth grade? Was I happy at the end of sixth grade???? I think she hugged me by the 201 door. I can remember it now.
I drew that picture of her.
I said “your eyes aren’t quite even.” Wow that must have hurt her and I could see it in her face.
I did whatever I wanted. I thought I was cool I was trying to be cool at all times.
That was my first summer in Eugene. Jessica Zach Ted. Dr. A. Joe. Nicholas. Brahms. Komm Jesu Komm. Standing on the steps in that rehearsal room. My feet sweaty and stinky as fuck. Black like sweat things coming off my toes. My roommate was Nick.
That moment in the hallway taking down my pants. “Should we go all the way?”
Jessica wanted to be closer than I did. I fall back on ppl when I’m lonely but don’t want closeness when I’m not. I use people. I do what O did to me. He didn’t really love me? Or did he?
I’m single now but I’m not having fun but I need to give it more time and I am being more wild. I started to get wild sophomore year. Sarah G. I thought things had changed. But I didn’t want them to change bc I wanted to be unhappy there??????????????
You’re really cool for a freshman. Others wouldn’t do that.
Well I’m basically a senior bc I’ve already been at my school four years.
High school was my college time in a way. It was my amazing time and I was studying and creating big projects. College was my high school time hating things and not self actualizing and not being myself.
Did I do it on purpose???????????? Is that kind of thing possible???????? I know I’ve thought that before. Can I be faking this all? This little voice says yes. What the fuck. I have to be honest about that little voice. I have to bring it up.
She isn’t going to set the agenda. If I want to keep going on the same subject, I have to push onwards into it. What memories are there to open up there? God this is going to take so long and I want to do other things and I know I want to have done this work of digging through elementary school and things.
Honor choir I was the only freshman and I sang alone and they all clapped and cheered for me. I pooped and made the room stink and I was too embarrassed to say. I didn’t have anyone to sit with. I couldn’t sit with people who seemed cool to me. The directors were like gods. The guys were from Montana. I was wearing my first set of boxer briefs. They said I wasn’t like a normal freshman. The performance meant almost nothing. I was sick to my stomach going. I was sick to my stomach going to Eugene. I was sick to my stomach for years before undergrad. J. K. was too. She told me that later on. We read that same book.
I wanted to prove myself. That other guy was shaving and we were all sharing the bathroom. He was shaving. I took my underwear off before getting in the shower. I wanted to show myself I could. I wanted to expose myself.
Why am I so obsessed with the idea of having been molested or raped now and not earlier in my life? How could that be possible? How could I not have remembered it sooner? Or thought of it? Not in undergrad at all. I must be making up that fear. I make up my whole life. All of life is imagined and made up and fake and shit. All of life is imagined period. How am I tired again and yawning. I was always yawning with the computer on my lap. They said the computer heat makes you infertile. Did I lose my chance of having a bigger dick bc I sat a computer on my lap? I loved having a laptop. And, I never looked at porn porn. I was so abnormal. Everyone else did.
Talking with Jacob about penis size. I didn’t think about size mattering. That Hannah who later must’ve fucked Matt P. He came down with shorts so short his dick was hanging out. It was so exciting to me, and horrifying, bc I liked her. I liked so many people. I like so many people simultaneously. I jump around. I can’t find my place. Maybe I don’t have a place. Singing was my place.
I really liked Cole. How much older is he than me? Less older than I am compared to O. I think. He went to India and then he came back and did what. Was he only 24 or 25? We all thought it was fucked up that he dated Eric L and he was a senior and Eric was a freshman. He came out later. I’m so fucked. W moved on to a whole different kind of life where she has adult friends with children and she and F will probably have a kid sooner than later. She already got pregnant once.
J and M (C) are growing up a lot. I see everyone else changing so much. I’m objectively changing with HRT and whatnot. And therapy. And I don’t feel like I’m changing. When change is slow you don’t feel it. Which of these people is really me? My developmental stages are so mixed up. As a kid I fit better with adults. Even my parents say that. Now I really like nineteen year olds and twenty year olds. And, I just saw H and M tonight and there was a big gap between me and H but I was quite into M. I wanted to look at their breasts and forced myself not to. I wonder if both of them noticed and they talked about it later. I wonder how much people notice the things I try to hide. Am I good at it? Am I better than I think? Which me is really me?
I want my breasts to stay small. So I don’t get judged. I’m very worried about being judged. I’m not a women and I don’t like being called a woman. I felt like a man and no longer a boy if that makes sense. But I can be called a girl. I’m getting very agitated thinking that I’m faking being trans. We all change our gender identities bc it’s the thing to do. Conservatives are right. We should be conservatives. The conservative position is easier to defend. They never have to prove themselves. Their beliefs are the old ones. Why should we change. Life is fine. My mom doesn’t want things to change. Or I’m projecting on her. I tho m I’m better than others and I project my bad things onto them so I don’t deal with them. Is that why I feel so free?
How fucked up am I. I wrote that paper about L dying in sophomore year. I’m more introspective and controlled when I’m in a relationship. With A and W and O. Not D. I had to lie about her attractiveness. But I loved her mind. Or I loved her being there for me when I needed someone.
S isn’t comfortable with me. We went to the beach tgt with her brother. I felt she brought her brother so we would t be alone tgt. She probably knows I have feelings for her. And have for over ten years. She’s honestly so pretty. She never replies when I message her on ig. She’s had so much sex and partied so much. Idk if her hair really came back after her eating disorder. She’s a professor. A real one. Not like fake ass me. I live at home. I’m Jim the gentleman caller. I just want to relive my moment of being cool. She wasn’t cool in high school. And, she had a group. And, she’s secure in herself now. Is she? I don’t know her. She doesn’t engage with me probably bc she knows I have feelings for her. If she had feelings for me she wouldn’t react in that way. She would want to talk to me. Or she’s holding me back bc I’m a nightmare pos.
My dads bloody eyeballs. Bloody eyeball in New York.
I had introspection awake at night on my computer. Maybe if I slept more I’d have a bigger dick. They called me pancake. I’m sad that W’s life is complete without me. As I thought earlier me like O so much must make her feel the same way. S watches all my stories but never messages me. She keeps her distance on purpose and has for years. I need to stop reacting to her posts and messaging her ever. She never ever ever reacts to me. I talked to her about O. That was one of our only conversations. In the past year I mean.
I have so much left to say I have to pee I always tried to hold my excretia in.
I used to put stuff in my butt. They took me to the doctor for it I think. And in my ear. Or was that S. I know I fingered myself when I was quite young. I’ve been obsessed with pooping since forever. Obsessed. Butts. Anal phase development. Freud. We both stuck stuff inside ourselves I think. Or was it only him that stick stuff inside his butt. I can’t remember for sure. I thought it was me.
My blue basketball tracksuit. Orange basketball. So excited. Getting up early and getting fully dressed by myself. So excited. Running to my parents. It was so early. They told me to go back to sleep. They were sleeping. I couldn’t sleep. I read something. It was so boring.
Everyone was asleep at the R house. I woke up early and first and I was so bored. I went to play that football video game. My mom got mad at me for playing that game too much. Did she get mad that morning? Tf was I supposed to do????? I was bored. Why did I get disciplined for such stupid shit. That’s a reason I didn’t respect my parents. This shouldn’t be a rule. Same as eating in the living room whole watching tv.
2:30 tomorrow.
Hold on hold onnnnnnnn the bathroom at OLL.
I make up narratives of being emotionally hurt.
So many fucking thoughts!!!!!!!!
Im making up a catholic school molestation story. Or am I.
That bathroom. That bathroom. Urinals without dividers. The tall skinny ones. Just like in the bathroom but 220. 220. Second floor, room 20. Playing football with Dominick and Kyle and one other boy. Kyle is dead now. Kyle C. Kathryn was friends with him. She posted about him. Angie. Leah senior year.
Your profile picture is you with another girl.
I changed it.
How excellent. Walking with Jessica on 4th of July. Dr. A gave a speech. We stepped forward for How excellent. Why was I involved? I don’t know. I wanted to be. They taught me the song. I sang alto I think. My voice was free. Did anything hurt? I don’t remember it did. I didn’t need Ricola. Or did I. My voice got sore junior year. Not sophomore year. I could sing big. I should’ve always gotten to sing big.
I’m going into a tunnel with my practicing. I need to work on something different.
I’m squeezing my neck like crazy.
The church at OLL.
SW from church really really wants me involved in her prayer organization. I am not a believer. It’s BS. That speaker was so BS.
I need to text W.
The church has blue carpet. “Jesus died on the cross, you can stand for twenty minutes.” My legs hurt so much. I remember lighting candles but that happened in California, not here. When Aunt K got remarried. I found out much later her husband drank himself to death. They got divorced before that happened. He would drink rubbing alcohol. Steven went too fast lighting the candles. I was so mad. Don’t you know what you’re doing. But I had to stay in character. My dad has to go up and relight them. I was humiliated. I danced with Baby Anna. She didn’t recognize me after that. She was so cute. I was 10? She was probably three or four. I was so disappointed when she didn’t know me after that. We swam in our shorts. I got such a bad sunburn. My skin was peeling at the Aunt P ranch. We were reading H P. I’m still scarred from that sunburn. Left shoulder. The soda thing. They had their own automatic soda. That was so cool. Everyone else lived in the real world. Not us. We lived in church world where I wore clothes I hated. And we took family photos I hated.
I’m just born evil nothing happened to me I’ve just always been evil and bad.
I looked in the mirror in the same bathroom mirror the same bathroom mirror where I shaved my unibrow when I was mocked I still do or was I even mocked I was just afraid of being mocked why do I have a unibrow why am I the weird one how can anyone love me when I’m so weird
But it’s not the same mirror bc that ugly cupboard got replaced and the door was so broken and I shared it with S and A. Sharing is such a nightmare. This house is pretty small for three kids and two adults it was at capacity. I wonder if that’s why we fought so much.
I didn’t work on the book today again.
The book.
Not my book.
Not even his book.
The book.
Where’s the ownership dumdum dumbass
But even if it’s not the same mirror it’s the same thought. I looked in the mirror and I believe I even said out loud just now
Crazy that I don’t remember
But if I said it out loud my parents would’ve heard
Why don’t I want my parents to know anything
Did they know when Z said he would kill me if he could or he stole all my friends
I was talking about how Lindsay Lohan was naked in parent trap. She must not have known I said. That excited me so much. Being naked. She was naked. It’s bad but it turns me on so much. It’s not appropriate but I’m so into it.
Even T said my obsession with sex is abnormal. But she agreed with me saying that. Maybe she was just pushing me to do more thinking. Idk if others are telling the truth for sure. My moral compass is off. I always want or need an external standard. This is right. This is wrong. I’m bad. I’m a sinner. If I just be myself I do terrible things. I say I’m just in it for the sex. I say all these girls here like me.
He said what did we used to listen to? Jonsi?
Adele too I said
It’s so fucking weird that we message at all.
It’s weird FOR ME that we message
God I’m so far off topic
Did he really forget what we listened to? Are our moments tgt not seared into his brain like laser and fire? I remember everything. I remember his letter. I remember meeting him by the chapel. I remember sitting on the bench outside the music department and we sat for so long and I was thinking this is weird I should leave but he just kept talking and then it was bc he liked me. I’m sure I still have that first letter in my box of heartbreak which is actually an oversized envelope. I remember seeing him from down the hall and feeling so happy. Am. I really gay? And that happiness was real. And maybe I was his gf and that’s why it didn’t feel gay
If I was abused how come I can have sex without being triggered
After a lifetime of being obsessed with sex how come it doesn’t feel good
I never lose myself in it
It just doesn’t feel that good. Masturbating feels better. Did I not have the right partner
I see little me in a dress
Instead I was in stupid fucking clothes I hated
I wore white socks at St. Luke’s with black pants. My mom told me dont. I didn’t want to listen. Then she was right. She was self satisfied afterwards. “yyyyyyyyyyEP.” Why tf were we even at St. Luke’s. S and A lived behind St. Luke’s. They were so cool. BC was there. I talked about having written an opera. He must’ve been like wtf. I saw him at undergrad at a concert. M said to me who was that guy you were talking to and said he was sexy or something. He was. I wasn’t into him though.
Oh my fucking god I’m so off topic AND I want to get this whole thought out.
S and A were so cool. I can talk to A bc I don’t have sexual interest in him. It was a long time before I knew he was trans. I was trying to put so much stuff together. They were both so fucking cool. S isn’t that cool now to me. And it’s hard for me to talk to her calmly. She had meds. I’m sure she has problems like I have. Maybe that’s why our relationship became weird. Weirdly close but not close and I was always yearning for more like I did with B. But I knew I couldn’t !!!!! That was so fucked up. My legs twitched. I wanted to be her.
Hating boy dress clothes. I always have.
Wanting to be an older woman.
But I’m totally cis.
What am I
I looked in the mirror now like I always did in high school and said I think out loud WHO ARE YOU in an emphatic tone of voice. My face and voice were serious. My eyes were wide. My mouth was set. WHO ARE YOU didn’t mean what’s wrong with you in this case.
Katy is commenting to me again it’s the most interaction we’ve had in years why am I not giving more energy back why am I being aloof maybe bc she out distance there and I’m trying to keep myself safe or I’m hurt or I’m just consumed with other things or I just don’t feel close to her. Her not talking to me hurt a lot. Stop distracting from topic!!!!!!!!!!! T hurt a lot. Then T sent that heart emoji to my post today after “stay well”
Idk what that means and W sees it so simply and straightforward and I just don’t.
That’s not who she was
I’m obsessed with WAS
WHO ARE YOU meant which of these many different versions of yourself that you experience and present is the real one? How can there be so many?????
I did outpatient at the hospital near sams house and Sam dated Irene and Irene announced her engagement today and both of Irenes parents are dead and we haven’t spoken in decades but were still connected online.
I wish I was walking in snow like when I was hurting over D and I walked so far and my mom called me like what the fuck you’re going to get attacked and I said I used to walk the streets of New York much later than this
Sam dated K and he was never the same after that. I was there with Gabi and Kari and we made deep fried lovin and it was amazing and we loved it and Sam and I could never recapture that although we tried a few times. He always said “what do you want to do” and I didn’t know and neither of us had an idea. I went to so many weird ass coffee meets and hangouts in those first few years after high school. A had a pool party or something. When was the slip n slide party. We had all those AGT parties and tried to recreate or simply create the social life and friends over we should’ve had in high school and I believe my mom was extremely happy bc that’s what she had always wanted, to be the party house, like all the kids coming to play at her house when she was a kid. But how could anyone like coming here with the way she acted. We actually were a party house in elementary school. There’s that day when we all played in the rain and I was wearing red sweatpants. There’s the picture where I wanted the attention and I stood in front of the whole group sideways catching snowflakes on my tongue. We played smear the queer in the frosty grass. The athletic boys were the coolest. K’s older brother Dylan was called superstar on the soccer field. We played so many games at OLL. Do you remember tether ball. Words look weird rn what are letters even. Wall ball and black magic and double black magic and triple black magic and quadruple black magic and four square and kickball and soccer and basketball god we were so competitive it was amazing and so fun
Kickball on the asphalt we always had scraped knees who approved that who let us play like that. Brandon fell and left his teeth in the asphalt or at least that was my image of it. Zero the Hero. One hundreds day. Turbo math. Writing books. Everyone else knew things I didn’t. Star Wars. Everyone knew things I didn’t.
We couldn’t be the party house in middle school. She wasn’t safe. I wanted to die. I deserved to die bc I was so disobedient.
Who was I? The no friends middle school. Won’t let myself poop disgusting fart everyone smelled it too scared to pee off the stairs I had to get approval to go to the outhouse too scared to spray the wasp nest taking down the pole and failing and smashing my hand and it had that big scab and I washed it with hand sanitizer bf that was all I had and maybe that’s what caused my blood clot but it happened so many weeks later how did it happen so much later. I was so into J in college junior year and then she told me the story about fucking that other guy when they were drunk. She even Skyped me. She loved that one guy and then he picked someone else and it ruined everything and I was always starving and eating my cereal too fast but I didn’t want to spend money buying more I only went to Cub like once we rode the bus and took so many pictures and I looked so happy in that moment. And R was there. Before he assaulted me. I didn’t want to touch his dick the memory of touching his dick is literally making me shake rn I need to stop it was so hard and small he was everywhere on campus he did whatever he wanted he was loud everyone loved him stop thinking about him!!!!!!!!!!!
My neck and arms are so tense rn what is wrong with me why did I have so many social problems putting my backpack in those cubbies when we went to eat I was so scared it would be stolen I took it with me I was the only one it was so stupid I was such an envarrassing person I’ve been so controlled in my life by embarrassment only the Asian kids ran they didn’t care what anyone thought of them we laughed at them that was so typical mocking any difference. I read the books of school history trying to understand the values and I finally did I didn’t fit in!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I have R and E and C.
The protests are dying down. We’re at the limit of change. It’ll take another death to rile this back up. That’s disgusting but I think it’s true. Things were done in Portland at about 9:30.
I feel sick. I feel legitimately sick.
I feel so sick and my ears are ringing great!!!!!!!!!!! And I saw T and her boyfriend and thought about how I want sex and I’m not fuckable. Which maybe I am. Maybe that’s my essential self. Unfuckable and insecure and anxious and scared of being different and scared of being judged and bc of this always already different and trying to be different so I stand out as a star but not wanting to stand out at the same time. Do I even like singing or like music or do I just want to be famous. I have been so confident that I would be famous. I’m so confident in my ideas. I’m so smart. No one can be more right than me. My co fife to self is despicable.
Maybe I loved being fifteen and being with M and being at A M F and two summers ago with O bc I wasn’t this disgusting insecure person but everyone liked me. I’ve been thinking that that person is my essential self. But maybe the whole thing is that thats NOT ME AT ALL. I’m not meant to be a star or be anyone I’m meant to be a worm and disappear and be nowhere and that’s why I do t have groups and that’s why no one liked me at undergrad and at the same time didn’t I keep myself out of groups on purpose so I would keep honoring high school? Like we keep honoring Leah. Just like I keep holding onto the pain of O to honor the relationship that we had and prove my real love for him. He’s moved on more than I could ever imagine moving on except that’s not true in the sense that I don’t know anything but I must be ABSOLUTELY clear with myself when I say that the reason it’s not true is because whatever I say is an assumption and I’m working on not making assumptions about other people at this point in my life bc I need to act on what people say bc I’m not at all a mind reader. And, I hope that he is thinking of me. But I’m playing with myself. He’s fine if he was here then he would be here. He might be in another state he might be in a whole other relationship.
Don’t fake yourself out. He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s moved on.
He’s moved on.
He’s moved on.
He had at least one other relationship.
He might not be single now.
He’s moved on.
He’s not coming back.
I need to finish this. I avoid the real point. Why does my brain do that. And I want to write down every thought. Why so many digressions
Okay then
I’m typing with my eyes closed sometimes which is something I used to do in high school while I was typing late into the night exactly like I am right now. S always lay facedown on his bed which I thought was fucking weird bc I only lay facedown to masturbate.
He did that in the day time
I kissed so many objects after reading the Star Wars novelization
We played Nanosaur at catholic school and public school.
The computers were in the portable
I never got to play as much as I wanted to
The computers were in the library and I played type to learn. I was watching Star Trek tng with my dad on a summer night and it enthralled me I couldn’t tell when special effects were bad at that age. We had to leave I had indoor soccer with Kirill’s dad and he was a star in the Soviet Union he said but who knows and I went to his house one time to play video games and it was a small apartment and I was so surprised. The preps took him in instantly but why not me WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME WHY IS MY GRIUP THE PPL WHO ARE WEIRD SS FUCK
We funked in the halls people laughed at how I didn’t know how to move myself or in anyway be in my body and I couldn’t let go why couldn’t I let go people who let go looked so cool Sam was our mascot at that high school duhduhduh day I didn’t know what tf I was doing there why was I in ASB it just seemed like the thing to do we tied I was relieved when I lost I missed the midnight going into the secret places in the school thing fuck my life I missed so many things I wanted
There were younger boys who went to pee in our one and only bathroom and they took their pants all the way down to their ankles and the older boys came in and made fun of them while they were still right there and I heard it and made sure not to be like the kindergarten boys so I wouldn’t be made fun of. I think I peed like that before that day. It didn’t matter??? Smooth white butts. There was one brown person in the class named Tharik. Maybe not but we were so white.
Is there anything else to remember about that moment?
Sinks where you pushed the bar at the feet to turn on the water
I’ve been to so many airport sinks and the urinals have no dividers
I always prayed no one else would be in the bathroom why was I so scared to pee beside someone I would be seen why didn’t I want to be seen? Other times I was dying to be seen. How did my desires change so much
Why was I obsessed with sex. I had fantasies of Hoth of magic school bus I was naked in so many. I didn’t want the doctor to examine my penis. I said can my mom do it instead and tell you. No he said but she can sit in the room. Okay he said. I was so scared. Why was I so scared. Why didn’t I handle it normally. Why I’m gods name would I want my mom to see my dick. What the fuck was wrong with me.
Is there ever a time I look back on myself and think wow that was a good decision I’m proud of that. No! I have happy moments like being the only freshman in honor choir or playing the zither or whatever it’s called with A
Am I more evolved than I was then
I choose not to act or do anything bc at least that way I can’t make any mistakes and not acting is also a mistake I can’t bear to do what I did in the past and then somehow I do it before I realize I’m doing it
Why was I obsessed with sex
I read about luke and Leia kissing in that movelization and I kissed so many things around the house trying to capture the description from the boom of how her lips felt. There were choose your own adventure books and i always imagined myself in them and unmade so many self insert fantasies where all the characters were still there. the boys were my friends and the girls were my lovers. I think OLL was where I read junior Jedi knights. We used to go to the library so much the old one and I read through so much Star Wars and Star Trek science fiction. I was never attracted to the boys. I never judged the stories I just enjoyed the imagination. And I read Ancient Greek mhths. I’m a fucking nerd and nothing nobody who got thrust into the center stage and suddenly I had some popularity and then I had that personality push and pull. Always being criticized. A criticized me and W criticized me after my recital like right after and A took down the program in Eugene and Ö tore me apart so many times including after the MC. Anneke was so fucking attractive.
I never should have had attention. I liked so much stupid nerd stuff. But I was cool in elementary school. I feel like wherever I am I try to make the stuff I like cool and bring people to me. I can’t fit into them. Music is a great way to do that bc everyone loves music.
I have always had false ideas of who I am but when I’m depressed I can be realistic. That’s why it’s good for me to be depressed. I’m a sinner and no good and deserve it. I deserve to feel bad. It’s penance. I deserve it.
That’s not what I should feel and that’s not what my brain feels but I write down stuff like that bc that’s what my heart is saying. Those could even be in quotes. That’s being said by a different me inside me if that makes any sense.
I’m so privileged. What do people think when they see me. Do I not have more followers and more story views bc I’m a fucking loser and that’s what people see? But I liked myself. I liked what I saw. I liked it. But it wasn’t or isn’t good enough for other people. My opinions grate. My opinions drive people away. Why do I always have such strong opinions.
I never do anything part way
I started masurbating so early. How did I find it
Don’t message back fast. They’re very inconsistent. You’re hoping for much more than they will ever give. You give what you look to receive. You don’t give what people deserve. You don’t give based on the real quality of your relationship but by what you want it to be or you give without regard for yourself and only regard for pleasing the other. A. W. O. D.
No boundaries. Too many boundaries. Inappropriate feelings. I do so much to avoid inappropriate feelings.
What’s inappropriate
You should have sexual feelings for that person
You shouldn’t like people that much older or that much younger. I never knew him when he wasn’t an adult I stg
I can’t remember any sexual feelings at all in third grade. I remember so many times when I thought wby dont I like anyone. I remember like forcing myself to like K in fifth grade. I end up dating or whatever people I’m not attracted to. I see someone in them that isn’t the real them and then I expect them to act like that person
I guess I tried to change O. I’m the bad one
Idk if that’s true that I tried to change him.
But I definitely might say x is a good decision in my opinion. Stuff like that.
Am I asexual? The question doesn’t stop coming back to me.
Can I remember anything. I don’t fucking know.
I played with my penis from a time when I was very young.
W feels natural for me but wrong. That’s not who I am.
K doesn’t feel natural these days most of the time and idk why. Is she just a costume :( I don’t want her to be but maybe she is. I have to face all my inner voices. Avoiding them has hurt me a lot.
I don’t see people for who they are. For who they are inside I see them. Nope. That’s my projection. Who I think they could be which is another way of saying who I want them to be. Stupid stupid stupid.
Rubbing my dick on my bed felt good. Rubbing it on blankets felt better. Pulling down my pants and then pulling down my underwear. Better and better and better. I didn’t think to masturbate with my hand for years. I went through so much shampoo. I came in so many showers. Once I was scared I would get my sister pregnant bc I came in the tub. I came in my grandparents’ bathrooms. Both of them. My dads dad doesn’t hardly seem like part of the family.
Why don’t i remember more?
Because there’s nothing else to remember.
Each experience is a different me. How will I ever know who the me me is. So many different selves. So many masks. A different person around every single person. Only O and D knew the full me. Not A or W. They were my sex friends and we were in a relationship. Sex was what I wanted. I turned into their emotional support doll. They didn’t support me. I don’t tell W things. She isn’t on my sinsta. I haven’t told her about it. She would be hurt that I didn’t. And that I wouldn’t add her. Don’t give people things they can’t handle. She doesn’t use my girl name. I wonder if O knows I changed my name online. It doesn’t matter. He’s not part of it.
She doesn’t understand a lot. A doesn’t understand a lot. There are these lines right. They’re not like me. But we have sex. Sex is so important to me bc they’re sex friends. But then I get sucked in emotionally. Same with O. We were sex friends that got emotional.
I never had sex that satisfied me.
There’s a gap of why sex why me. Etc. Why secret. I’ve always been a secret whore like lots of white girls.
I’m obsessed with symmetry too. I’m not normal. I hate seeing S’s name in my text suggestions or whatever they’re called. predictive text.
I’ve always been obsessed with symmetry. Idk where that came from. I can’t stand asymmetry in my body which ofc we all have bc nothing is perfect in nature in a mathematical sense.
Left right right left
Up left down right down left up right
I do that pattern constantly. Teeth tongue mouth eyes feet
I’ve done that since forever. Why
Nothing comes from nothing but that doesn’t mean it came from severe sexual trauma either
I’m trying to find trauma just find sexual thoughts in the past instead
Like my dad giving me that one shirt sex talk and how uncomfortable it was and how I thought about balls or how sex was always trash and we had to go to bed when our parents were watching a movie did they ever make out there was no physicality in their relationship ever. She has her couch my dad has his chair
I don’t want to be physical with them I do with everyone else maybe I’m the abuser maybe I was born that way I kissed everyone they didn’t want it maybe Mrs. H was right to punish me that way. I feel like my sexual interest started before kindergarten
Masturbatimg has always been fantasy time. Sometimes memory time. Sometimes creating fantasy memories. Sometimes living out things I read. Erotica really is the superior porn
I masturbated like crazy, and, I didn’t know any sexual terms. Bisexual is when the woman is older than the man LMAO
I think already in first grade or so I didn’t tell my parents about school. I didn’t want to. Everyone knew who we were. Big ass silver van. We always were the last to leave anything. Always talking like crazy. Public was our only freedom even though it was our fake selves. I kicked the rock into Mrs. G’s ankle. My mom shouted at me. We were just playing. AND I know that I knew I was being risky. We ran laps around the school. It was always hard for me. Running. I always hated it. I couldn’t push myself. That Mikaela or Michaela or however she spelled her name was ahead of me on the sidewalk. She was faster than me. We ran laps under the covered area. That was where we were allowed to play during rain time. I told Jesse she was dat and she said that’s a black mark on my soul and a sin. H E L L H E double L H E double hockey sticks
I peed my pants and somehow Mrs. H knew
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lonely-bored-writer · 6 years ago
Is Everything Okay? Ch. 16
"What the hell are you doing here!"
"Guys?" Danny jumped from his seat at the sight of three teen boys pushing there way into the room. Instantly Tucker had wrapped Danny up in a hug. "How did you Didn't we just tell you guys a like two hours ago?"
"Might have taken something from Fenton Works..." Tucker trailed, waving a set of keys in front of Danny. The keys were attached a key charm, which was a green and black FSS. Danny instantly knew what it was.
"Dude, how'd you guys get it past the agents that had been swarming there?" Danny gaze across to Dash and Chris who just shrugged.
"Foley did it all on his own. Nerd thought he could get it." Dash motioned towards Tucker. "Got it all on his own"
"Hey, he didn't do that great." Chris piped in as Jess ushered everyone to the couch. Chris gave Tucker a playful shove. "The geek cheated! He used the shrinking thing? I don't even know." Tucker laughed and shook his head. Stealing the drink that Danny had.
"I used the shrinking mechanism your parents had worked on." Tucker took a drink and immediately spit it back into the mug. His face contorted in a grimace, his nose crinkled in disgust. "Ew dude, Dr. Pepper?"
"Oh hush." Jess jumped in, taking the mug from the techno geek. "Dr. Pepper is the best drink that was ever made. Luckily for you I've got some root beer." Jess chuckled at the grin that spread on Tucker's face and left to get him a new drink.
"Why did you guys-"
"Come on fentard." Dash cut in and shook his head, Chris copying his movements. "We weren't about to let you do this all on your own. Especial after finding out you've helped us."
"Dude it's me, I can't stay out of trouble." Chris smirked, keeping his perch against the coffee table. Danny furrowed his eyebrows looking at them all.
"You're willing to be come fugitives for me?" He asked, confusion and disbelief clear in his voice. Jess had sauntered back in and handed the new trio a mug each.
"Of course we are!" Tucker shoved his friend. "You're our friend! It doesn't even matter that you protected Amity-"
"Matters to me." Jess chimed in, sipping from her mug. The looks three out of four of the teens gave her caused her to shrug. "I mean I don't know him. Just that he kept my baby bro safe as Phantom, that makes him okay in my books."
"How's everyone?" Danny asked, biting the inside of his cheek. Anxiety filled him with worry of what could really happen back home, back in Amity Park.
"Your sister and mum are alright..." Tucker started taking a glance between the other two. Danny bit back a sigh at the exchange, a spike of annoyance hit him realizing his friends were acting like they were walking on egg shells.
"Guys, just tell me everything." Danny cut in, shaking his head. In that moment Danny realized something. Since he met Jess, since he show'd up the little diner, he had not been overwhelmed by emotions.
"Okay, Imma be blunt. Cause unlike Tuck over there, I know you need to know the truth." Chris perked up from his perch, ignoring the looks he got. "Your dad's funeral is tomorrow afternoon, your mum is an absolute wreck, your sister is playing damage control, Sam wanted to come but her parents are keeping her hostage in her room, and Lancer tried to get us to tell him where you are. Amity is also surrounded in people in white and they are thinking about expanding to neighboring states, including this one. If you have a plan now if the time."
"I need to go to his funeral." Danny spoke, his voice only holding the tiniest bit of sadness in it.
"There's always Clockwork." Tucker spoke, turning his gaze to Danny choosing to ignore the words his friend spoke. His eyes searching Danny for any form of emotions. His worry grew when all he saw was emptiness.
"Whose Clockwork?"Dash and Jess asked the same time, the two shared a smile between them. Tucker and Danny shared a look, the emptiness in Danny's eyes suddenly disappearing as if it weren't ever there. Tucker bit his tongue, knowing it would be a bad time to start asking Danny , sometimes he could be an airhead and say the wrong things at the worst times possible, he still has some brains to know Danny is going through too much hell to have his only support to start questioning.
"Well..." Danny spoke before Tucker could. Turning to the three confused people in the room. He launched into the story about how he had met Clockwork, and how the elder ghost now kept his eye on the teen and help occasionally, then told them all about the offer the ghost gave him.
"Do you have any idea when Clockwork is gonna pop by?" Chris asked, walking into the room and taking a seat next to Danny. It's been a few hours since the five of them had a conversation, and everyone litered out around the house. Tucker was spending time trying to find the location of the GIW without alerting anyone where they were. Dash was somewhere else in the house, or maybe he left. Jess was out buy groceries, she had complained about now having to stock the house up for four teenage boys now.
"No clue." Danny sighed and shook his head, keeping his chin rested on his knees. "I just hope he does soon... I need to go to my dad's funeral though. I just... I can't miss it-"
"I get it." Chris cut in before Danny could continue, not wanting to force the boy to have to explain himself. Chris turned, keeping his eyes on the teen before him, his eyes only meeting the side of his face but the purple haired teen could see the tears in the sad cobalt eyes. "I do. Maybe you could. I honestly don't know much about the GIW, and if they can't track you then maybe if we get a disguise you can keep to the edge of the funeral? Keep away from people?"
"They can track my ecto-signature. I can only hide it for so long." Danny responded. "I don't think I could face my mum though. She hates me."
"I wish I could say she didn't. " Chris ran a hand through his hair, hating seeing his friend so distraught. "But she is your mum. She could just have said those things in the heat of the moment..."
"I don't know." Danny shook his head, try to rid the heavy hands that wrapped tightly around his throat. Everything was a dire situation, he couldn't have a breakdown. He took and deep breath before turning to his friend. "We need to talk to the others and see if we can come up with a plan to get me to Amity tomorrow, at what time did you say?"
Danny could help the feeling in him that night while he laid in bed. He couldn't believe how easy it was to get Dash, and Tucker, heck even Jess to agree to him going. He felt bad, but he was happy Sam wasn't there. As much as he liked having he around and he missed her, he knew she would have told him not to do this. That it was stupid and he should stay in hiding until the Stopwatch popped his back into his life.
But Danny couldn't. He had to see this. He didn't know why, or if it would help any, but he had to see this. He had to go and see his mum and sister, his dad in the casket. He had to see everything. Even if the thought of the funeral, or returning to Amity, gave the hand that help tightly at his throat more force to grip tighter. He needed this.
Something was drawing him to the funeral. The feeling reminded him a lot like the thing that kept waking him up around the time his dad had... Besides the connection, there was something else. Danny couldn't quite put his finger on, but he knew damn well that if he didn't go he was going to miss something. Something big. Something he didn't want to miss.
And he wasn't going to.
With the thought of going to that funeral, and seeing his family, the emotional teen drifted off to sleep. Not bothering to stay up longer, or keep an eye out for anything. Even though he knew he was being hunted down by people who wanted nothing more than to cut him open and do 'really painful experiments', Danny had the strangest feeling that tonight was going to be just fine.
The growing dread that built as time ticked by was the only indecation that tomorrow was when things were going to go down. That things weren't going to be as easy as running into Jess, or having his friends by his side. No, things weren't going to be easy. But the raven haired teen knew one thing.
His friends would have his back no matter what. They will be there to catch him, if or when he fell.
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dannowilliamsrp · 6 years ago
If youre taking requests please a mcdanno family where Steve discover that he will have a son with Cat when he's already with Danny so they decide to co parent tha baby whos name will be Matty you know for Danny's bro... maybe cath die on the birth day ir disapair ? Pleaseee and thnks 💖
Alright, let’s see what we can do! ~~~~~~~~~~~~It wasn’t a secret that Steve had issues with both of his parents, which later in life caused him more issues, mainly with trust. It also wasn’t a secret that because of that, he was very close and cared a lot about Joe. Feeling responsible for both of his father figures deaths left Steve in a very dark place. Though he’d never mention it to anyone, he was a bit surprised he had survived his revenge plot. After the dust settled and he had a moment to breathe, he didn’t really feel all that better about losing Joe. Some wounds that deep don’t fully heal, only scar. He tried his best to honor Joe’s memory and listen to some of the final things he had to say. Especially about the waiting too long thing. At first, he thought he meant Catherine. She’d been an important part of his life, and his revenge plot involved her immediately and initially because she needed to be part of it as much as Steve. He let his feelings at the time rule him and for a moment he thought that that was what Joe meant. But Cat was too much like him. So she couldn’t stay. The job came first, and the need to help and protect, and conquer the demons of the past was way stronger than their feelings for each other. They still loved each other, but...there was a bigger sense in both of them. Something that called Cat back out to battle, and something that called Steve back to Hawaii. He wasn’t sure what it was at first, but when his eyes landed on Danny waiting for him when he got home, it clicked. Boy, did it click. The moment he was back in Danny’s arms, the moment he let himself cry and grieve over the loss he just had, was the moment he had the most obvious epiphany ever. He was home. Not at the McGarrett house, but with Danny. Danny was home. Steve let himself settle for a while, get back into the old grind of the day by day. It was comforting that no matter what happened, he and Danny would just click back together. He was a bit...scared, about making his move and told himself he had time. And he did...until it was clear that some old feelings between Rachel and Danny were resurfacing. That forced his hand and it made him make the most awkward confession he’s ever had. Danny was shocked and more confused than ever. The blond couldn’t deny feelings that have always been there with Steve, but after Joe and seeing that Catherine was someone Steve had called first, he figured that was it. Danny asked Steve for some time, and Steve was happy to give it. Happy that now that Danny had this in his head, he wouldn’t do something stupid like go back to his ex just because he had a very emotional experience with Grace and thought that Steve wasn’t available. They eventually talk. They state where they are in their point of life and what they want. The damn realization that they’ve had basically the best relationship they’ve ever had already but only on a platonic level. They were ready to take it up a notch.“But I ain’t that easy, babe,” Danny told him with a soft smile.“Not even for me?” Steve asked with a smirk. “No, see for that, you’re not even getting a goodnight kiss. You want me, you’re gonna have to woo me.”“Woo you?” Steve echoed, obvious happiness radiating off of him. Danny hadn’t rejected him. He’d risked everything because if he couldn’t have Danny as a lover, having him as a partner was the next best thing. He and the kids were his family too. If he had messed that up, Steve really didn’t want to think about the dark shit hole he’d be in. “Yeah, woo. Meaning you’re taking me out to eat, you’re gonna be gentlemanly, and you’re gonna pay.” Danny said, counting the things with his fingers.“If I’m wooing you then that means I’m also driving you, so no more complaining about that.” Steve countered.Danny rolled his eyes, “Babe, by now I think you know that I’d follow you anywhere...with mild complaining. Get used to it.”Steve smiled and reached out to grab Danny’s hand and interlock their fingers, “I plan to.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Due to them knowing each other for nearly a decade in what could be argued as the longest and healthiest of their relationships, taking it to another level was both simple and complicated. It was all there, they just now had the liberty to act on certain feelings they had to repress before. And once that was a liberty they loved to take, one weekend they disappeared completely and came back Monday morning to zero tension. Needless to say, a lot of money was exchanged as their newfound relationship was confirmed. Grace was very happy for them, which is something Steve thanks God for every day. “You sure you’re okay with this?” Steve asked her once when they were out shopping together. She rolled her eyes playfully. “More than okay. Heck, for a while when I was younger, I thought you were...”Steve looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She shrugged, “Danno wouldn’t talk about anything else but you and when mom tried to say something bad, he’d defend you...it was Danno’s way of loving you, ya know.”Steve nodded and then asked, “I don’t wanna be the evil stepmother in this. You and I have always gotten along but it is different now. And I know that after your accident maybe you...you might have hoped that...”“That mom and Danno would get back together?” She asked and Steve nodded. “I think any kid with divorced parents thinks that at some point but...not me. I’ve lived through their divorce once. I was little so I didn’t always understand everything...but I knew that Danno was angry at some of my mom’s choices and I know he loved me more than anything. He gave up his whole world to come to be with me...I want someone for him who’d do the same. And that’s you.”Steve hugged Grace tightly. When they pulled away he promised her, “I love him. And I will prove to him, and you and the whole damn world that he is the one for me.”Grace smiled, “I know.” Then she got serious and jabbed him in his chest, “Because if you ever hurt Danno...you’ll be sorry.”Steve chuckled, but saluted her in a soldier way, “You got it, Monkey.” It was the first time he’s openly called her Danny’s nickname for her, and it seemed natural. She didn’t correct him at least. This...this is how it’s meant to be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Living on an island for as long as he has, Steve knows that as much of a paradise it can be, when a storm brews, it can be disastrous. A few months later, he receives a call from Catherine, asking him to meet. He feels like something is immediately wrong because she’s never had to ask him to meet like this. He was pretty sure they were both in a clear understanding of how things were left off. Or so he’d hoped. He dreaded to think he’d have to break her heart or any hopes. But he was with Danny now. And he was deliriously happy. They meet and Steve immediately sees what this might be about. He does the math in his head and it fits. “We used a condom.” Were the first words out of his mouth.“Which only guarantees 97%...I’m sure you’ve seen FRIENDS,”  Catherine replied. Steve is dumbstruck with the information to make any sort of witty reply. Worry and fear build up inside of him and all he could think about was Danny’s reaction. “Steve?”“I...I’m with Danny...I...I love him...” Catherine smiled softly and placed a hand on his arm, “I know. When we left..I knew that was it. For that chapter anyway. I hoped we could still be friends.”“I still love you Cat. Just...differently. And this...”She placed a finger on his lips to quiet him. “You have a right to know, which is why I’m telling you. I’m not here to cause trouble. I...I know this might not be the easiest thing to deal with. But I couldn’t keep this from you. I’m not going to ask you to choose.”“You’re not?”“No. I know you’d do the honorable thing, but we’re living in a modern world. And deep down, I think we all know you’d still choose Danny. But I’d rather take the option ‘and’ instead of ‘or’. You can have Danny, and gods know you deserve his love...and you can have your child. I still love you...you know I won’t ever stop but like you said...it’s different now. But still as real.” Steve is overwhelmed with emotion and new information. They sit so he could catch his breath and talk over all they know.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tell Danny was hard. Even though it happened before they got together, Danny knew how loyal Steve was and assume that was it for them. Steve did his best to reassure him that they weren’t done, not by his account. Danny needed time and as much as it hurt Steve to be away from him at a time like this, he respected Danny’s wishes. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t in a more than depressed state. All he could think about was losing Danny, not being a good father, realizing he was going to become an actual father! “-eve? Steve! STEVEN!” Steve snapped out of it when he realized that Danny was in front of him. He furrowed his brow. “Wh-what are you doing here?”It’d only been a few hours since Steve’s told Danny and Danny had left. “What do you mean what am I doing here? I sort of live here.”“I know but...I thought you needed some time?” “I did. And I had it. Plus your natural impulse control disappears at times like these. I was worried about you...”Steve tried to smile, but the uncertainty he felt deep in his bones made it hard to keep it. He reached over on instinct and interlocked their fingers, “How are you?”“I think I should be asking you that,” Danny replied.“I asked you first.” Steve quipped back. Danny rolled his eyes a bit, but in a fond manner as he placed his other hand over his and Steve’s interlocked ones. “I’ve had some time to think. This will have its hardships but...”“But?” Steve asked, hope creeping into his voice. “But...I’ve had two kids of my own. One in the ‘proper’ way that ended badly. And another kid, out of wedlock, without knowing he was mine for years...I can’t let you go through what I went through with Charlie. I won't be the reason you miss out on your kid’s life. But don’t you dare doubt for a damn second that I’m giving up on you. I love you.”Steve leaned in and kissed Danny fiercely, relief flooding him. “I love you too, Danno. So much.”“Then that’s all that matters. We’ll make plans, we’ll talk with Cat, we’ll tell the team, babyproof the house...looks like we’re having a baby.” Danny told him. And that’s when it hits Steve in that way. It never occurred to him like that. Danny and he were in a relationship. Once they figured out the custody and living arrangements...it would be their baby. Danny’s and his...because Danny was the best father ever, no contest.  And his child will have Danny to care and love them. He leaned in and kissed Danny again, he was so happy this was turning out so great. “We’re having a baby.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I’m falling asleep xD I’ll write the second part later. This was the setup, the next part will be the pregnancy, finding out the sex of the baby, the talking about the name, and the rest of it. But I hope you liked this so far ^^
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boofphil · 7 years ago
this isn’t you - 1
summary: phil just wants to know who dan really is. he isn't like the rest of the football team, who bully people and harass girls. he's hiding something from everyone, something that maybe isn't as bad as he thinks it is.but dan doesn't know how to stand up for himself and the memory of how painfully lonely he was keeps him on the team.a series of unfortunate events (that slowly turn into fortunate ones) may change that, however.
genre: angst with a happy ending, slow burn
word count: ~4000
chapters: 1/19
warnings: bullying, homophobic/transphobic slurs
a/n: this fic is a gift to @dreamdilddy ! merry christmas c: i hope you enjoy this! the idea came to me in a strangely detailed dream. 
fic updates every sunday
prompt: I'm really into like slowburn/friends to lovers type stuff. it's my absolute favorite and I'm not very picky when it comes to it!
ao3 link
Dan should have been more careful when spying on the theatre club.
It wasn’t that he was doing it with malicious intentions, he simply couldn’t afford to be caught. He had many reasons to hide. For starters, he was supposed to be at football practice. It was unbearably cold outside, however, and the coach insisted on them still practicing two hours three days a week no matter the temperature. Dan wasn’t in the mood in the mood for freezing to death.
Secondly, if the football team knew where he had gone, the humiliation and bullying he would have to endure would be unbearable. He still remembered the bruising he received when he had mentioned going to the school play at the beginning of the season.
The team was, essentially, a bunch of bigoted boys who thought they were cooler than everyone else.
Which brings up the third point. It would seem suspicious that he was only there to watch the rehearsals. The football team was notorious for playing pranks on the theatre club (when Dan asked why, they had explained that it was their punishment for being “a club of fags”).
The thing is, he loved theatre and wished he could be apart of it. But pressure from his parents to join something sporty and the overwhelming loneliness lead Dan to joining the football team instead. Dan was mediocre at the sport and figured he wouldn’t be picked at tryouts. Apparently he had underestimated himself, as he’d been one of the first people chosen to be on the team.
He had been distracted by the singing of the lead actor of the play when everything went to hell. He was too focused on the melodramatic song to realize that someone was approaching his hiding area. It was only when that person began moving the boxes that Dan began to panic. There wasn’t any other place he could escape to; he hadn’t thought out his hiding place very well. It was either he be discovered by whoever was moving the boxes or run out from behind and cause a scene.
Dan was trapped.
He squeezed his eyes shut, accepting fate. Hopefully it’d be somebody who didn’t hate the football team, though his brain quickly reasoned that there was not one person in the theatre club who didn’t hate the football team’s guts.
“What the hell are you doing here?” a voice hissed, making Dan flinch. “Don’t you have football practice?”
Dan opened his eyes, keeping them on the floor. “I-I was leaving right now, sorry-”
“Trying to play another prank on us?”
Dan finally looked up and was met with the face of Phil Lester. He didn’t know much about Phil, other than some kids on the team liked to beat him up every now and then.
“No, I swear, I wasn’t-”
Phil scoffed and grabbed Dan’s arm. “Save it, Howell. We all know the football team wants to humiliate us again, don’t try to play innocent.”
Dan felt curls of panic forming in his stomach. They increased as Phil dragged him out of his hiding space, trying to bring him into the stage.
“Please, no, I promise I was only watching,” Dan begged, heartbeat increasing as he fought against Phil’s grip.
“You’re such a terrible liar.” He overpowered Dan’s panicking struggles and brought him onstage, disrupting the scene that had been going on.
Dan stared at the ground, trying to will away the red shame on his cheeks. He listened in horror as people reacted to his presence.
“Phil? What’s going on?”
“Why is he here?”
“Is that Dan Howell?”
Dan could hardly breath. There were so many eyes on him, all of them tearing him apart and judging him based on his association with the football team. He felt sick and dizzy from the amount of anxiety Dan had rushing through him.
“I found him hiding behind some prop boxes. Looks like the football team is trying to prank us again,” Phil loudly announced, his voice echoing through the auditorium.
Dan didn’t need to look up to know that everyone was scowling at him. He needed to play it cool, as it was expected of him. Be mean and arrogant like the rest of the team. Have no respect, just like the captain told him.
“The only people you respect is the football team,” the captain had jeered, “and girls with big boobs.”
The team had erupted into laughter at that, Dan nervously joining in.
He kept his eyes trained to the ground, waiting for someone to act.
“Well, if they were going to prank us, they should have sent a better person.” Dan knew that voice; it was Maria, the director of the play. Her slight accent and loud voice made her very recognizable even without looking up.  
“Everybody knows Dan is the clumsiest person on the team. I’m surprised they even keep him with how much he messes up.”
Dan clenched his hands together, fighting off the urge to recoil or run off. He needed to be strong. “There was no prank.”
Maria snorted. “Oh really? Then tell me, why were you hiding back there?”
Dan couldn’t tell her the truth, that he longed to be apart of the play, that he knew every line of his favorite character. Word would spread like wildfire and Dan would have to face the football team.
“That’s what I thought.”
Dan listened to her heavy footsteps as they approached him. He stiffened up and finally dragged his eyes off the ground, facing Maria head on.
Maria stopped in front of him, her eyes icy daggers that looked over him and made him feel insecure. Dan didn’t know alot about Maria, but he did know that she was very intimidating and not somebody to cross.
Maria smirked. “I have an idea.” The way she said it let Dan know that he was not going to like this idea. “Why don’t you pay us back for all the times your team has pranked us?”
Murmurs of agreement rose around him. Dan’s heart pounded nervously and his palms were becoming sweaty, though he tried to ignore it.
“And what makes you think I’ll do that?”
Maria’s smirk didn’t even twitch. Dan had to admire her confidence and ability to face Dan head on. “Because if you don’t, we’ll make sure that the football team hears about you being here, listening intently to the play, reciting every word to yourself, and pretending that you were the star of the show, that you were doing this instead of football practice.”
She nailed the point right on. He knew that there was no point in telling the truth; Maria wouldn’t believe him and it’d only humiliate him more.
Dan crossed his arms both trying to look intimidating and to hide the shakiness of his hands. “What do you want from me then?” he snapped.
Maria grinned, knowing she had won. “That’s up to the rest of the crew. Everyone here wants some sort of revenge; the football team made sure to make everyone’s job much more difficult You’ll do whatever is asked by whoever. If you complain or cause any trouble, there will be consequences.”
The crew cheered in approval. The cheers filled Dan with dread, his stomach knotting up. Someone even called dibs on him.
Maria smiled at everyone, bathing in the approval of her crewmates. “You come and do what they want for two times a week and we’ll all pretend that we never saw you here. But if you dare make any slip up, we can’t promise that our mouths will remain shut. It’s all up to you what you choose to do. Got it?”
Dan could only nod slowly, fearing that any words would reveal how terrified he really was.
“Good.” Maria patted his shoulder, then pushed him over to the crowd of crew members. They all glared at him, each one holding some sort of grudge. “Now, what shall be our first job for our friend Dan?”
Dan watched in horror as people began shouting out, trying to claim him to work on their part of the play. He let his eyes fall back to the ground, his shoulders slumping with it, and his tough facade melted away. Maria went through each request loudly, but her voice sounded like white noise compared to the anxiety that was coursing through Dan’s veins.
“I’ve called dibs already!” someone yelled, pushing through the crowd.
“Eloise,” Maria greeted.
“The football pulled a prank on the makeup crew last week. Thought it would be funny to cover all our makeup in powder. We can hardly get to it without sneezing or having some kind of allergic reaction.”
Maria nodded sympathetically. Then, she turned to Dan. “Looks like you got yourself a job, Danny boy.” She shoved him forward towards Eloise. “Go on, Eloise will show you where it’s at.”
Dan sighed, trudging slowly after Eloise. She began yapping away about how awful the football team was, but Dan didn’t say anything. She was right about everything and he didn’t want to try to argue that he wasn’t like the rest of them.
The whole cleaning process left him with a raw throat and watery eyes. The entire time, the makeup crew had mocked him and laughed at him, making him feel worse. By the end of the practice, Dan wanted nothing more than to curl up in his bed and cry.
He headed out without a coat (one of the theatre members had stolen it) and made the long journey home, having missed the bus. He shivered as he walked, his eyes watery and making it hard to see. Home seemed so far away and he couldn’t get there fast enough.
When he did get home, he collapsed on the couch inside, curling up with some blankets to stop the shivering. He needed water to soothe his throat and clothes that weren’t his scratchy uniform. He waited until his shivering was relatively under control before finally getting up.
After changing into clothes, he went to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. As he gulped down the water, trying to clear his throat, Dan couldn’t help but feel bitterness towards the theatre club. They’d essentially turned him into a puppet, obeying them out of fear of being blackmailed.
Phil could have easily left him alone or simply thrown him out, but instead he had to embarrass him in front of the whole club and ruin any opportunities Dan had at redeeming himself and joining the club. He cursed his asshole teammates for tormenting the theatre club and for inadvertently getting him in the situation he was in.
Dan knew it was partially his fault too; no one was supposed to be in the theatre during rehearsals and he had been skipping football practice. He’d been in the wrong place at the wrong time and was paying for it now.
Dan sighed, putting the now empty water glass down. He could kiss his dream of being the lead role in a play goodbye.
Dan’s stomach growled once again. Dan paused from putting away a costume, pressing a hand against his stomach. One of the theatre students had taken to stealing Dan’s snacks that he packed for after school. Usually, it was an annoyance at most, but Dan hadn’t had any money for lunch. The most he had eaten was two pieces of toast for breakfast.
“Get back to work, Howell,” the costume manager, Ty, yelled. Dan turned to see him glaring at Dan, watching his every move and waiting to lash out.
Dan hated the costume manager and wasn’t surprised to hear that everyone else working costumes hated him too. Ty was cold and unlikeable and very disorganized. He was supposed to have organized the pile Dan was currently going through, but Ty had instead waited until he had Dan under his control to do it. He’d been watching Dan like a hawk the entire time, not letting him take a moment’s break.
Dan was starting to feel nauseous and dizzy from both the hunger and from being on his feet for too long. He knew he was going to pass out soon if he didn’t take a break or get some food in his system.
That’s why the moment Ty looked away, Dan took off running towards the dressing rooms. Most people were near the stage wings, focusing on perfecting the cues, allowing him to slip through the door that lead to the dressing rooms without any trouble. He was distantly aware of yelling coming from behind him, but he didn’t care; he’d rather not pass out and embarrass himself even further. He could risk getting in trouble with Maria. She seemed too focused on the play anyway to notice any commotion backstage.
He found himself heading towards the lounge area where a fridge was at. He remembered overhearing people talking about putting their food in there to save for breaks during rehearsal. Dan didn’t hesitate to make a beeline for it once he entered the lounge, stomach demanding food.
Dan figured a little bit of food wouldn’t hurt. Nobody would miss it.
Inside the fridge, people’s food sat, unknowingly being scanned over by a hungry teenage boy. His eyes landed on a rather large sandwich and his hands grabbed it without giving Dan time to think.
Dan sat down at the table set up in the middle of the lounge, unwrapping the sandwich. He felt slightly bad for whoever’s sandwich he was about to eat, but the growling in his stomach was enough to overpower any guilt he had.
He had taken a few bites of the sandwich when Phil burst through the door, scanning the room with wild eyes. They froze when they say Dan and the sandwich.
Dan felt his cheeks start to burn, the tell tale sign that he was blushing. He ignored them and instead took another bite of the sandwich, albeit much slower than he had been earlier.
“That’s my sandwich,” Phil said, glaring at Dan.
Guilt pooled in Dan’s stomach. Already he looked bad in Phil’s perspective, this merely made him look much worse. He continued eating the sandwich, however. He was hungry. “Not anymore, I guess.”
Phil stormed over, barely letting Dan have another bite before snatching it away. Dan looked towards the tabletop, not wanting to make eye contact in fear that he’d feel even more guilty. He felt awful and not tough or cool at all. Wasn’t he supposed to feel that way? His teammates always did after they stole someone’s lunch.
All he felt was guilt.
“What’s your problem? All you ever do is act like you’re some entitled brat who can humiliate others that you deem lower than yourself and take whatever or whoever you want.”
Dan didn’t say anything. The part of the sandwich that he did manage to eat was now aching in his stomach.
“I have no respect for someone like you. Nobody does.”
Dan felt his eyes water, the hunger making him more sensitive than he usually was. No, this couldn’t happen. Not here, not now. He wasn’t going to let Phil see him cry over something as silly as getting yelled at. Dan quickly rubbed at his eyes, hoping to hide the tears that had began to form in them.
“I didn’t have lunch,” Dan finally snapped, sounding much more pathetic than he had intended to. “And one of your theatre friends keeps stealing the food I do save.”
It was Phil’s turn to be silent.
Dan looked up at Phil and before he could stop himself, words were tumbling out of his mouth that were never meant to be said.”I didn’t ask for all this, you know. I never wanted to join the football team and become somebody who treats everyone else like shit. I know that I’m some God-awful person that nobody can stand, okay? And I’m sorry for it, I never wanted to be that kind of person.” Dan sighed and turned away, feeling tears in his eyes again. “I’m sorry. You’re right; it’s your sandwich, and I have no right stealing it.”
Phil stared at Dan, shocked from his outburst. The way he looked now, unable to make eye contact and cheeks red from shame, was foreign to what Phil expected of him. He was expecting a fight, physical or verbal, and for Dan to insult him back. He didn’t expect Dan to agree with him and apologize.
Before he could think properly, Phil slid the sandwich back over to Dan. “H-here, you can have this.”
Dan stared at him, confused. He wanted it badly, but only a moment earlier Phil had been yelling at him for taking it. Now he wanted Dan to have it? “Are you sure?”
Phil nodded. “You’re obviously hungry; I can hear your stomach growling from over here. I don’t need the sandwich anyway, I had a pretty big lunch.”
Dan hesitated, then snatched up the sandwich and began to devour it. Phil stayed silent as Dan ate, mulling over Dan’s words. Dan had basically told him he didn’t want to be on the football team and that he knew they treated everyone like shit.
The more he thought about it, the more Phil realized that Dan didn’t exactly fit in with the rest of the players. Dan always went along with anything the theatre club had him do without complaining or putting up a fight. He’d been respectful of everyone, even when Maria was gone. And when Phil had originally found him hiding behind the boxes, he had almost looked scared.
Dan was more aloof than rude, unlike the other football players. It didn’t make any sense; why was Dan on the football team if he knew they were awful?
“Why’d you apologize?”
Dan looked up briefly from eating his sandwich before looking away. “Like I said, it wasn’t right of me to steal your sandwich, even if I was starving. It’s common sense.”
This only made Phil more intrigued about the mystery that Dan was slowly becoming. “Why are you on the football team?” Phil blurted out.
Dan shrugged. “I like football.” He’d dealt with this question long enough to know how to respond.
Phil shook his head in disbelief. “There’s plenty of people here who love football but refuse to join because of the team. And you obviously don’t like the football team; so why are you on it?”
Dan shifted uncomfortably. He’d finished the sandwich, leaving him no excuse to stay silent. He’d already told Phil too much; he barely knew Phil. For all he knew, Phil could be secretly plotting another way to embarrass him in front of the theatre club. Dan stood up, preparing to leave.
“It’s none of your business,” Dan said, “I like football so I joined the team. There’s nothing more to it than that.”
Phil watched wordlessly as Dan slipped out, heading back to do who-knows-what. Phil frowned after him.
Dan didn’t join the football team because he liked football, that much was obvious to Phil. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Maybe some things were better left alone.
Dan didn’t see Phil for a long time after that, thankfully. He didn’t want to risk more interrogation or spilling more of his secrets. He didn’t need to deal with a too curious boy pestering him about a decision he’d made long ago.
Phil had already told the whole theatre club he had been spying on them for a “prank”. What would stop him from telling everyone about Dan’s true distaste for the football team?
Dan felt like he was walking on eggshells around the theatre club. He constantly panicked whenever he heard his name being whispered or saw someone looking his way for too long. He tried to keep himself distracted with chores, but the theatre club was being oddly nice and giving him only easy tasks that took ten minutes at most.
Dan had a feeling it was because the football team had been leaving them alone. Dan was kind of glad for it; the team had been focusing their efforts more on preparing for a tournament than beating up fellow classmates. Unfortunately, that didn’t last for long.
It was lunch break and the team had agreed to have some fun (Dan having said nothing, knowing what this “fun” would be). Dan trailed along behind them, occasionally adding in the appropriate statement or laugh.
It made him feel guilty, allowing these people to get beat up while he stood back and pretended to be the bully, all because he didn’t want to be the on being bullied. He refused to look at the person that was chosen to be the victim, fearing that the guilt would overwhelm him.
He followed them miserably as they moved down the halls, looking for the next victim. Dan wasn’t paying attention to what was happening, instead mentally battling his consciousness like he always did when this happened.
What he wasn’t expecting, however, was for the team to go after Phil.
Dan watched helplessly, nausea pooling in his stomach, as the team captain, Luke, shoved Phil up against the locker. Dan knew what was going to happen next.
Luke threw a punch while Dan watched cowardly. He couldn’t find any malice or ill feelings towards Phil that he had earlier that would make the experience easier on Dan. It only made him feel more guilty; why couldn’t he stand up for Phil?
His teammates were laughing, Luke kicking Phil’s side as he laid curled up on the floor. Dan felt dizzy as Luke hit Phil’s face, Phil wincing with pain and protecting his face with his hands. Dan swore years passed before they were finally done with Phil.
Dan was grateful when the team began to leave, forgetting about Dan’s existence in favor of finding a suitable target to harass. Dan didn’t bother following after them; if he saw one more person being bullied, he knew he’d throw up out of guilt.
Phil’s lip was bleeding and he was clutching his stomach, trying to sit up.
“A-are you okay?” Dan whispered, frozen still in his spot.
Phil glared at him and tried to get up, but his limbs were still shaking from the whole ordeal. Dan finally moved, coming over to help Phil stand up. At first, Phil tried to fight him, but gave in and let Dan pull him up. Dan winced as he heard Phil groan in pain, his body sensitive to any contact.
“I’m sorry,” Dan whispered, staring at the ground.
Phil sighed. “It’s fine, it happens all the time.”
That only proved to make Dan feel worse. “You shouldn’t have to,” he muttered.
Phil looked at Dan in surprise. The silence stretched on, until Phil finally spoke again.
“You really don’t belong with them.”
Dan bit his lip, fearing what would come next. He couldn’t risk it.
Phil didn’t expect an answer for Dan. “Thanks for uh-helping me I guess.”
“I didn’t really do anything, I’m sorry.”
Phil smiled softly at Dan. “It’s alright, being here is enough.”
Dan returned the smile, albeit smaller. “I-uh have to go. But, thank you.”
Phil nodded, letting Dan dash off to catch up with the team of assholes. Phil could feel the bruise forming on his belly and knew he needed to stop the bleeding soon, however he couldn’t help but stare after Dan.
Dan was a boy full of secrets, that was for sure.
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surelysilly · 7 years ago
can you hear me? [danny phantom]
happy angst day!!!! i hope this is angsty!!!
It’s a new school, a fresh start. You’re so excited you can barely breathe, eyes darting from window pane to unfamiliar and new people walking ahead, beside, behind you.
Class is almost upon you, thought, so despite the restless energy bodily contained, you make it to class without talking to anyone. It’s English, but you’ve already forgotten the teacher’s name. The man is behind his desk, and you dother a moment before he notices you.
“Transfer student?” he asks, and you nod. The bell dings and who is maybe the last of the class darts in, a boy with dark hair. The man frowns at him, and the boy shoots the teacher a sheepish look before taking his seat. “On time for once, Mr. Fenton.”
“I haven’t been late once this semester, Mr. Lancer,” the boy cheeks, Fenton.
You blink, and mutter the name to yourself. Mr. Lancer. Right.
Something… sad, drifts across Mr. Lancer’s face, highlighting the lines on his face, but before you can think more on it, he’s standing. “Yes, that is true… well. Class, today will be the first day of a new student…” he starts, and drifts off, looks at you.
Oh! Straightening, you say, “My name is Chaim Blau, it’s nice to meet you!”
There are a smattering of Hellos in return, some friendly smiles in your direction.
“Yes, Mr. Blau will be joining us from here on out. Please make him welcome, and Mr. Blau take an open seat and we’ll begin.”
Seat. Empty seat. There’s a few scattered around, but Fenton has about one on every side of him. You hope no one is late, and head for the window seat in front of his. There are whispers, but you’re too giddy to care.
“Is this seat open?” you say, hands tight on your backpack’s straps.
Fenton brightens. “Yep, Tucker and Sam sit beside and behind me but this one is good.”
You sit with a relieved smile. “Thanks, I’m,  um, y’know, Chaim,” you say, something of a rush with nerves.
“I’m Danny,” the boy says, and pointedly looks past your shoulder.
Mr. Lancer’s looking at you when you turn around in your seat. He’s got that strange look to his face again, eyes intense. Confused, you furrow your eyebrows, but then his face smooths over.
He clears his throat. “Alright class, we’re starting a new unit today…”
Class passes like a breeze, the second and third even more so. Danny isn’t in those periods, but you do share lunch. So, you’re looking for him when another student taps your shoulder.
“Hi, you’re the new student, right?” she asks, unsure. You nod, and her shoulders ease, just a little. “Oh, good, okay. I’m here to invite you to eat lunch with me and my friends.”
She points, and a table full of a mess of other students wave back. You grin back.
“Sure, I’ll sit with you guys, can my friend Danny come too?”
Her face immediately sours, not with distaste you think, but. Something like unease. “He always sits at that back table,” and she points this out too. You actually see Danny, and he spots you in turn. Waves. You don’t wave back. “He… He can’t sit with us.”
You frown. “Well, that’s not fair,” you say, and shift your tray in your hands. “He’s nice too.”
The girl grimaces. “It's… not that. Look, you’re new, and don’t know yet–” she starts, and then bites her lip. You feel like maybe she’s done this before. “Maybe you ought to learn the hard way,” she mutters, and walks off without so much as a by-your-leave.
Weird, and mean. You huff, glance briefly at the table full of now solemn fellow students, before making your way to Danny. His table is empty save you two, and it’s depressing.
“Anyone else coming?” you ask despite it.
Swallowing a mouthful of food, Danny shakes his head. “Tucker and Sam aren’t here, and my sister graduated last year, so it’s just me today.” Your indignation must show on your face because he adds, “Look, it’s alright. People think my parents are beyond strange and avoid me as a result. I don’t care for them anyway, so.”
“So,” you echo, a little sadly. This is totally unfair. “So. What do they do then?”
Danny narrows his eyes ar you, tentatively says, “Hunt ghosts. Or, well, try to prove they exist.”
Your spoonful of what you hope is applesauce bumps into the corner of your mouth. “What?” you squeak, surprised. “Ghosts?”
“Yeah,” he hedges, unsure. “That doesn't… freak you out, or something?”
“Well, no,” you admit, and scratch at your right ear. “It’s a divided debate whether they exist but… I believe there’s a way to communicate but we really shouldn’t. At least not start the conversation. If the dead have something to say, they’ll find a way.”
Danny blinks at you. “That sounds..  oddly specific.”
You shrug. “It’s a topic,” you say, maybe a touch defensive.
The other boy raises his hands in surrender, but the conversation is dropped. Lunch goes nicely after that, and sadly, you have to part ways with Danny again, sharing only but the one class you find. He puts his cell phone number in yours, a little envious of the smartphone you carry compared to his razor.
Tomorrow comes quickly, dawns bright and breezy. Mom sees you off at the entrance, and you dither, waiting for Danny. It’s ten minutes til, and still, he hasn’t shown up. You shift anxiously for a few more minutes before giving up, and make it to class right after the bell rings.
“Get lost, Mr. Blau?” Mr. Lancer asks, arching an eyebrow.
You nod, glumly, because you did turn down the wrong hall at first. Turning, you see your seat, and behind it, Danny, looking out of the window.
He doesn’t look at you until you sit down into your desk, bookbag thumping against its legs. Danny brightens. “Hey,” he starts, and at your disappointed look, pauses. “Um, did I do something to you…?”
“You left me hanging,” you grumble, and at his quizzical look, continues, “we were supposed to meet up at the front doors?”
He tilts his head. “Uh, sorry, I don't… have we met?”
Your insides run cold. “Um, yes?” you venture. “I just transfered yesterday…?”
Danny shakes his head. “You must have me mixed up with someone else, I was absent yesterday, so…”
“This isn’t funny,” you say, and voice wavering. “I thought you wanted to be friends.”
“Oh, we can be friends? My name is Danny,” he says, and actually offers his hand.
“This isn’t funny!” you shout, and then just as quickly quell at a hand on your shoulder.
It’s Mr. Lancer. “Mr. Blau, step outside with me, okay?” he says, and you nod, stiffly, and refuse to even look at Danny.
The class is whispering, but your mind’s swimming as if through sludge. Your first friend. Stupid. Of course, prank the new kid…
The hallway is silent, long and empty, unfamiliar. You miss your old school, suddenly and irrationally. You’d hoped to leave behind the cruelty, but. Clearly you haven’t.
“Mr. Blau…”
“Why would he do that?” you demand, and the edges of your vision are going blurry. “I didn't… I didn’t do anything wrong…”
“Mr. Blau,” Mr Lancer repeats, stern, you quiet, cowed. The teachers at your last school didn’t care either. “Chaim. Mr. Fenton… requires patience, if you’re to be his friend.”
You wipe at your eyes, sniff. “Like… special needs?”
But Mr. Lancer is shaking his head. “No, he's… Oh, there’s never an easy way to say this,” he mumbles, and seems to deflate. “Mr. Fenton… Danny, he’s dead, Mr. Blau.”
Your heart stutters. “W-What?”
“He’s a ghost,” Mr. Lancer says, and the sadness is back on his face. “He died, but he doesn’t quite realize that, well. He’s no longer alive.”
Dread overtakes you. What that girl said to you yesterday echoes in your ears. “I, I can’t,” you say, and. “I can’t. ”
“I understand,” Mr. Lancer says, careful to keep any disappoint from his voice, but you hear it anyway. “You can sit beside Miss Keller from now on, she’s directly across from you.”
Your words haunt you all day after you change seats, make careful work of ignoring Danny’s curious looks. If the dead have something to say, they’ll find a way. Lunch is a quiet affair and eaten alone surrounded by people who don’t try to interact with you, sure the other kids are thinking, Told you so. Classes drag by, and the day ends.
“Mom,” you say, and she glances at you briefly, eyes mainly on the road. “Mom, there’s a dead kid at school. A ghost.”
She blinks. “You met him? Is he nice?”
Betrayal stings. “Why, why didn’t you tell me?” you demand, vision going hazy. “I, I looked so stupid trying to be his friend.”
The car takes a right. “Well, maybe he has something to say?” she offers, and you flinch. “Everyone deserves a friend, and everyone he knew is gone now. Tell me, how would you feel if no one wanted to be your friend because of what you are, hm?”
“But… But this isn’t the same—”
“Was he mean to you?”
Your silence is answer enough.
“He’s stuck, but adaptable, and he’ll eventually remember you. But. But. If it’s too much, no one will judge you,” she continues. “He won’t even remember it by tomorrow.”
But I’ll remember, you think.
“No one is forcing you, I’ll put my foot up someone’s butt if I have to,” she promises, and it startles a laugh out of you. Butt. “Ah, yes, teenage humor, never fails.”
“I love you, Mom,” you say, earnest.
She smiles. “And, I love you.”
The next day, you’re already in your seat when Danny arrives. It’s like the class is collectively holding their breath to see what you do, but all you do is smile at his wide eyed look.
“Oh, hey, new here?” he asks, and drops his backpack on his desk. Danny pauses after a moment, squints. “Do I know you from somewhere?”
You turn around in your seat, heart beating maybe a little fast. “Maybe, but I’m the new transfer student, Chaim,” you say, brightly.
Danny grins, the bewilderment fading from his face. “Oh, well, if no one’s said it yet, let me just say,” he starts, and then chirps grandly, ”Welcome to Casper High!”
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anthropwashere · 8 years ago
of all the things that might have been: ch.6
ch.1 | ch.2 | ch.3 | ch.4 | ch.5
(A month later than I said I’d have this up by, but here we are! Finally back in Danny’s original timeline, just not quite when he’d prefer to be.)
Tucker's the first to arrive. Hands in his jean pockets, he shuffles from foot to foot, head ducked to keep the afternoon sun out of his eyes. It's a nice day, not too humid yet, and just enough of a breeze to stay cool. He casts an appraising glance over the park that’s sprung up where a couple city blocks used to be, but sees no one around. The bushes and trees planted over the years have grown enough that the statue at the center can't be seen from the parking lot.
He turns back to the statue. It’s a gratingly familiar sight. Twelve feet tall, all weather-stained bronze and concrete, depicting two young figures standing back to back. The human looks plaintively skyward, a toy space shuttle cradled in his hands. The ghost looks stoically toward the horizon, spine ramrod straight, fists clenched at his sides. The faces are at best a passing resemblance to the people they’re supposed to represent, and of course that means Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom barely resemble each other.
Gone but not forgotten, the plaque beneath reads.
“Ain't that the truth,” Tucker mutters.
Fifteen years since it happened, and people still leave flowers. Not as many as there used to be, but it’s clear people still remember what Phantom did for Amity Park. Tucker smiles at the white bouquet of gladioli carefully wrapped in black paper and ribbon and placed between two pairs of bronze feet. He should message Lancer on Facebook, see how the old guy’s doing these days. As usual, he feels a twinge of irrational guilt for not bringing anything. He quashes it with a scoff.
Danny hates the stupid thing anyway. The whole park’s a waste of money that could have been spent on ghost-proofing the hospital or rebuilding whatever latest building got wrecked. Sam’s spiteful about it, Danny’s disdainful, and Tucker’s just tired of this park and the lies it’s built on.
He walks back out to the parking lot in time to see a sleek black Tesla pull up; an aggressive thing that doesn’t look half as eco-friendly as it is. That’s Sam all over though.
Sam gets out of the backseat-- which means it’s Tucker’s turn this year to handle everything, apparently, thanks so much for the heads up. She takes a minute to speak to her driver, then waves the car off. There's a tension in her shoulders as she straightens, a stiffness to her clicking stride as she walks up to him that makes Tucker’s  jaw tighten with something like dread. He can sense the fight coming as clear as a cold front on the horizon. It happens every year they come here, and every year it gets a little bit worse. Tucker’s a reactive type of guy, whereas Sam’s always been the most aggressive of them all. Nobody can drive him up the wall like she does.
It's hard, not having Danny here to be their buffer.
“Hey,” Tucker says.
“Hey.” She's grown her hair out, pinned it back with a fancy glass hair stick shaped like a bunch of forget-me-nots. It’s a delicate quirk that softens her business suit’s asymmetrical angles and dark stripes.
“A little on the nose, isn't it?” Tucker asks, nodding toward it. She smiles, all teeth, and strides down the winding path toward the statue.
“I've got a meeting at seven with the mayor,” she says over her shoulder. Tucker scowls, jogs to catch up.
“Seriously? You know he can't be sure what condition he’ll be in when he shows up.”
“Today's the only day she had time to see me,” she snaps, defensive. “And I have to be in Chicago tomorrow for--”
“Spare me,” Tucker interrupts, disgusted. “We said we'd make time for him. We said we'd always be here for him, because no one else can be--”
“It's been fifteen years!” She throws her hands up, her voice rising as she continues. “You might be fine with dropping everything for him when he shows up with another crop of sob stories, but I'm sick of it. He knows how to fix this, he just won't because--”
“Because what? You can't actually think he enjoys this.” She glares at him, sullen. Disbelief makes him laugh. “Jesus, you actually do. You're still jealous, aren't you?”
She laughs right back, which isn't any answer at all.
“Alright, play it off,” Tucker says. “But I know exactly what being jealous of him looks like.”
At least she winces at that, even if does try to play it off as fussing with her hair.
“So if you won't admit to that, will you at least admit you're sick of him?”
“I'm not sick of him. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of handling him, of hiding him away from anybody who might recognize him because he still refuses to let even his parents know the truth.”
“Because it’d break their hearts!” Which-- ouch, bad choice of words there.
She sneers like she didn’t even hear him. “I'm sick of pretending he's dead, and I don't care what he's said, there has to be a way to fix this.”
“You know he's tried everything--”
“No,” she says coolly. “We don't know that.”
Tucker's watch beeps before he can reply, and their argument is cut short before they can really tear into each other. They retreat from the foot of the monument, wait quietly in the grass for the light show to start. Only a few seconds pass before a disorientingly complex sound, like the sigh of the ocean and the hiss of falling sand and the rustling of autumn leaves, fills the air around them. As the sound diminishes Tucker’s ears pop, and a lurid blue light he’s come to anticipate and dread scorches the sidewalk in a perfect circle. With a pop of displaced air a body falls out of empty space, sprawling limply at their feet.
Tucker thinks unconscious and runs through a list of potential causes before his brain catches up with what-- with who-- he's looking at.
It's like looking at a pile of old Halloween decorations. Dirty, torn up rags draped over a stick-thin frame, matted hair, more scab than skin, no bag in sight. He's never looked as bad as this before, Tucker thinks. But-- oh.
Danny’s never shown up so young either.
Wordlessly, Sam finds Tucker’s sleeve, tugs on it like he might have been looking elsewhere when the fucking kid version of their absentee best friend busted back into their timeline. Tucker yanks his arm free just as Danny groans and comes to.
Danny rolls onto his hands and knees just in time to retch up a thin splash of fluid. His thin arms shake under his weight; his knifeblade shoulders strain with each cough. He spits, spits again, and sighs out something indistinct. Either he knows they’re there and doesn’t care, or he’s just that unaware. In the shape he’s in, Tucker’s betting on the latter.
“Hey,” Tucker says, his voice hitching.
Danny stiffens, ragged nails scratching lines in the ashy concrete. He eases back on his heels, slowly looks up at them. There's no recognition in his sunken eyes at first as he shifts his gaze from Tucker to Sam and back again. Then, he must find something familiar, something recognizable, because his eyes widen and his jaw drops. He looks briefly terrified.
“Sam? Tucker?” He asks in a papery whisper. His vowels creak.
“Yeah, man,” Tucker says with a forced smile. “It's us.”
“Hey,” Sam says, hushed.
Danny shakes his head feebly. He paws a lock of matted hair out of his eyes with a scabby hand. Forget Halloween decorations, he looks like he just walked off the set of a zombie flick. “I… Where am I? How old are you guys?”
“You don't have to say it like that,” Tucker protests with a weak laugh. “It's not like we've got grandkids and arthritis. We both turned thirty a few months back, that’s all.”
Danny looks pained, but that could just be from the jump. He’s still wheezing a little, after all.
“Where am I this time?” Danny asks, getting to his feet. He sways, catches himself on the concrete base behind him without looking. “Oh, right, when. Man, I am so sick of time travel.”
Danny’s cautious in his movements, younger than they’ve ever seen but already learning, the shift of bone and slide of muscle under grimy rags and skin that says changing, that says adapting, that says permanence. Tucker wonders how much of a mess Danny’s insides are, or if this is still so early there's nothing more than a hitching heartbeat, a warning of what’s to come.
“Welcome back,” Tucker says, gently. Danny frowns at him.
“What do you mean?”
Sam huffs. “You're back in your own timeline again. I’d say happy anniversary, but you look like you crawled out of a dumpster fire so I’m guessing you haven’t had a good time.”
“Yeah? Well you’ve got crows feet.” He rubs his eyes with the heels of his dirty hands and misses Sam’s nonplussed expression entirely. Shame Tucker didn’t have his camera ready for that. “If I’m back in my timeline, why are you two so old?”
“We’re not old,” Sam insists. “Why are you acting so weird? Did you hit your head or something?”
Danny glowers. “Did you? You’re acting like-- like you know me!”
“We do, man,” Tucker says quietly. His stomach has dropped down to his shoes. He’d forgotten. They both had. They’d forgotten this visit hadn’t happened yet, and now here it is and they aren’t the least bit prepared for it.
“Well I don’t know you. I don't know what's going on at all. I’ve been getting yanked from one crazy timeline to another with no way to control it! I've seen like three other versions of myself, I have no idea when the last time I ate was, and the few hours of sleep I have managed to get recently was rudely interrupted by a pack of wolves! So please, whatever Sam and Tucker you are, just tell me what’s going on!”
Tucker walks nearer to Danny to get a better look at him. Under the dirt and grime and half-healed scrapes, he's young. He's so young. Clumsy hands and feet, bones yanked overlong by puberty, skinny as a rail but still not half as wiry as he’ll grown up to be. And his face-- he doesn’t even have the scar yet.
“How old are you?” He asks softly. Danny scowls.
“Fourteen. Why does it matter?”
Sam crosses her arms, taking a step back. “Fuck, seriously?”
Even expecting that answer, Tucker goes cold. “How long have you been time traveling?”
“Three months, nine days, sixteen hours, thirty-four minutes, fifteen seconds,” Danny rattles off, then blinks owlishly. “How am I doing that?”
Tucker bites his lip and looks at Sam. She nods, understanding if still reluctant. “I'll cancel my appointment,” she sighs, pulling out her phone and walking toward the parking lot. Tucker looks back at Danny.
“It's a long story. A really long story. Let’s get you out of here for now before somebody sees you, okay?”
Danny still looks at him like he's an obstacle or a threat; guarded, wary despite his weariness. But he nods, willing to trust a friend. A friend who is now twice his own age, but they had been best friends, once.
They take him to a hotel, the easiest option these last couple years. Sam pays and gives Tucker the spare key card to squirrel Danny in through a side door. There are cameras, but with a couple taps on his phone it’s like they were never there. It’s a good room, not ritzy but comfortable. There’s a bed Danny could practically swim in and a little living room with a couch and coffee table, as well as the expected desk, TV and mini fridge. Sam booked a room on the top floor with a balcony, just like Danny prefers.
Well, will prefer. Eventually.
Danny lurches toward the white fabric couch with clear intent to sleep for a week, but Sam catches him by the elbow. “If you sit down I’ll have to buy that couch, and it’s frankly too tacky to burn.”
“Aww,” he grumbles, but stays where he is. Sam lets go, grimacing when her hand comes away smeared black and brown.
“You are showering before you touch anything,” she says, pointing him toward the bathroom.
“Gladly,” he replies fervently. “But uh, I’m kind of fresh out of clean… everything.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that.” To Tucker she says, “Get some food in him before he passes out. I’ll be back in an hour with clothes and the usual basics.”
“Got it.”
Sam gives Danny one last appraising look at the front door, probably trying to mentally narrow down shirt sizes. God, he’s so small. All the extra clothes they bought for him in the past are useless now. “Make sure he scrubs, Tuck. He reeks.”
“Hey,” Danny protests, but without much effort. The poor kid really does smell like a dumpster fire.
So, after promising both that he wouldn’t go anywhere and that yes, Danny wouldn't go anywhere either-- the shortest he’s ever stuck around is four days, after all-- Tucker gently shoves him into the shower and rings up room service for as much steak as possible. To appease Sam, he orders a double helping of steamed vegetables instead of potatoes. While he waits he kicks back on the couch, feet up on the coffee table, and texts Sam a few things to buy. Toothpaste, deodorant, scissors. They’re gonna have to cut most of his hair off, with how matted it is. She texts back a quick thanks and reminds him to call Jordan.
“Hell,” he mutters to himself, and switches over to his recent texts to bring up her cell number. She picks up on the fourth ring, music hastily being turned down in the background.
“Hey you,” she says, sounding pleased.
“Hey yourself,” Tucker replies, putting a sly grin to his voice. “I just wanted to let you know I won’t be home tonight.”
“He says, as if this is an annual occurrence I’m somehow not aware of by now.”
He snorts. “Alright, that’s fair.”
“Uh-huh. How are Jazz and Sam doing?”
“Oh, y’know. Sam is Sam and Jazz is-- she’s taking some extra time with her parents.”
“Are you and Sam fighting tooth and nail again?”
“It’s bloodless so far, but if I come home with any incriminating scratches down my back I assure you, they’ll be of the strictly platonic and spiteful kind.”
She laughs. “I’ll only be worried if you’ve got that wine red lipstick she wears smeared all over your collar.”
“Aw, no, c’mon. Sam’s the evil step-sister I never wanted.”
“You’re no Cinderella.”
“And you are no Prince Charming.”
“Inaccurate, I am very charming.”
“That’s news to me!”
Jordan laughs, though it softens into a sigh that could almost be called wistful. “I wish I could of met Danny. You really care about him , even after all this time. It’s sweet.”
Not for the first time, Tucker wishes he could tell her the truth. But this isn’t his secret to tell, and Danny’s made it-- will make it-- will have made it-- whatever-- clear that no one else gets to know. He sighs. “He was my best friend.”
“I know. You okay?”
Not really. Not at all. “I’m okay. What are you up to?”
“Grading papers, joy of joys.”
“Ouch. Good luck.”
“You too. Tell Sam and Jazz I said hi, and if they need a stiff drink they know who to call.”
“Will do. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Tucker kills the call and tosses his phone aside. He’s tired. He’d been hoping for an easy visit. He’d been hoping Danny would be their age, or close. Instead, there’s a battered teenager in the shower who has no idea what’s coming for him. He’s only been at this three months.
Tucker groans, slips his fingers under his glasses to rub his eyes. If anyone could use a stiff drink tonight, it’s him.
Sam's not back yet by the time Danny's curled up in a bathrobe on the bed, scarfing down steak at light speed. Tucker’s moved to sit in the office chair by the balcony door so they can talk, but frankly he doesn’t even know where to start. So, feeling a little awkward, he watches Danny out of the corner of his eye as he pretends to mess around on his phone.
Danny’s cleaned up well enough, considering. His hair is still a floppy, matted wreck and it looks like some of his scabs have opened back up. His bare shins have weird, looping scars on them. When he rolls the overlong sleeves of his bathrobe up to keep them out of his plate there are scars to match on his forearms. Dimly, Tucker remembers seeing them years ago, when they were twenty or twenty-one maybe, but never any other time. That’d been the youngest they’d seen Danny before now, though, and his scars tend to fade in years rather than decades.
Still, Tucker’s thirty now. It’s been long enough since he was Danny’s age; he’s forgotten how young fourteen really is.
"You're staring."
Tucker blinks, hastily looking away. "Sorry." God, what's taking Sam so long?
“It's okay, I think.” Danny swallows, wipes his mouth. “Who were you talking to while I was in the shower?”
“You heard?”
He shrugs. “I thought you were talking to me at first.”
“Oh. No, I just called my wife real quick to let her know I wasn’t coming home tonight.”
This makes Danny gape. “You’re married?”
Tucker grins. “Thank you for the tone of surprise, it means so much.”
“No, no, sorry, it’s just-- in high school you’re-- you were-- kind of, y’know….”
“Hopeless with girls?” Tucker finishes for him. Sheepishly, Danny nods.
Tucker pulls up a picture of him and Jordan from a couple months ago on his phone. They’re posing with drinks in hand at a bar, her red curls spilling over her shoulder and arms jangling with bracelets. He stands up to show Danny the photo, smiling. “Her name’s Jordan. She was a bartender at a local place my friends dragged me a few times to in college. Lucky for me I pulled my head out of butt a few years after you left, otherwise I might not have managed a real conversation with her.”
Danny’s face falls as he looks at the picture. “I ...I'm not going home again, am I?”
Tucker winces, pocketing his phone. Hell. “No. You aren’t.”
He sets his mostly-eaten dinner aside, places a hand to his chest. Tucker hopes Sam remembers to buy some nail clippers to hack those talons off before he hurts himself. “The time medallion. It did something to me, right? Something I can’t fix.”
“And you two. You were there, waiting for me. You knew I'd be there.”
“At your monument?” Tucker smiles at the bemused expression that gets him. “Guess you didn’t notice it. There's a big bronze statue of you where the Nasty Burger used to be.”
“Ugh, thank you for raising more questions.” He ticks them off on his fingers. “Why is there a park where the Nasty Burger was? Did the Nasty Burger still blow up? What happened to evil me? What’d I get a statue for?”
Tucker holds up his hand, laughing. “One at a time, dude. It blew up a couple days after we came back from Dan’s timeline. The park’s a commemorative thing for both halves of you. It started off as just the statue but there was a--” He hesitates, not sure he wants to get into that. “--uh, a pretty major ghost fight a couple years after that leveled the surrounding buildings, so the mayor just opted to turn it all into a park. The statue’s there because you-- future you-- uh, time traveling future you, not the evil one-- faked your-- fourteen yours, not his-- human death and Phantom’s destruction so nobody would look for either of you. Oh, and Dan’s timeline got langoliered.”
Danny squints at him, baffled. “You lost me.”
“At which part?”
“Every part.” He sighs. “How about you tell me who ‘Dan’ is first?”
Tucker blinks. Huh. “Y’know, the evil you slash Vlad hybrid ghost. Mister big, bad, and inevitable?”
“Stop, stop, stop.” Danny looks faintly nauseous. “Okay, one: a me and Vlad hybrid? Eew. Two: eeew. Three: Dan? Where did that come from? That's the name of a harried accountant, not a homicidal supervillainous ghost.”
Tucker laughs. “I know! But that’s what you’ve always called him so we just kinda went with it.”
“I-- what?”
A knock at the door finally heralds Sam’s return. Tucker jumps up to help her with several department store bags, dumping the lot of them on the foot of the bed.
Danny’s jaw drops. “S-- Sam, hey! What am I going to do with all this? Did you buy out the whole men’s section or what?”
Sam yanks a pair of orange-handled scissors off its cardboard packaging and starts to clip tags with harried efficiency. She’s taken the forget-me-not hair stick out while she was gone, replaced it with a regular ponytail. Tucker opts not to comment. “You can take a bag with you, and the rest of this stuff will be here for you next year. I grabbed some stuff a couple sizes bigger, since we’ve seen the last of your teen years now that you’ve showed up.”
Danny almost seems to shrink in his oversized bathrobe, looking at the pile of clothes with something like dread.
Sam hesitates, sets the scissors down. She huffs and levels a glare at Tucker. “I guess you didn’t actually tell him anything, huh?”
“I, uh, I mostly just confused him,” Tucker admits.
“I have to do everything around here, don’t I?” She shoves clothes out of the way, enough to make a space she can comfortably sit, and waits for you to do the same. She looks at the bathroom rather than Danny as she talks.
“The time medallion in your chest isn’t special,” she begins, as blunt as ever. “We’ve gotten that much out of Clockwork, at least. It’s just like all the other ones he had, made up of the same magic and metal. What made it special was how it fractured when Dan fused it to your core.”
“What do you mean?” Danny asks.
“Time is… complicated,” she says. “A lot more complicated than I ever imagined. Maybe it’s because of Clockwork and the Observants getting their hands all over everything, or maybe it’s all just like this anyway and they do the best they can to keep the whole, I dunno, time-space continuum of the multiverse from imploding.” She flaps her hand dismissively. “Point is, there isn’t just a single timeline. There’s millions.”
“Maybe billions,” Tucker adds. “Not like we’ll ever know. Clockwork won’t tell us much, and most of what Sam’s saying is just stuff future you conjectured to us in our past.”
“My head already hurts,” Danny jokes, but nods at Sam to go on.
“The function of a time medallion is to allow someone to remain within a point of time they aren’t meant to be in-- like when we went to Dan’s future. The second Tucker and I took the medallions off we popped back to our present. When that happened, that future was still going to be our future, right up until the time medallion reacted weirdly to your ghost core and sent you time traveling. Once that happened, the timeline--” She makes a face, gesturing vaguely. “--fractured is kind of too strong a word, but it’s the only one I can think of right now. You get what I mean?”
“Like the flip of a coin?” Danny offered. “The medallion breaks one way, I don’t start time traveling; the medallion breaks another way, I do?”
“Exactly. We know this because you’ve met-- will meet, I guess-- other Dannys this happened to and you-- will have told us about it?” She grimaces. “Tenses, ugh. You’re going to have told us about Dannys that had evil ghost futures too, but they managed to fix things.”
“Well, most of ‘em,” Tucker adds reluctantly. “You’ve met-- uh, will meet-- some Dannys who got the short stick too, ended up dead or worse.”
“Okay, so where does uncontrollable time travel fall on the good-bad list?” Danny asks. “And more importantly, can I fix this?”
Tucker reaches over to touch Sam’s knee before she can open her mouth, giving her a warning look. She just rolls her eyes and slaps his hand aside. “Clockwork is a real piece of work once you get to know him,” she says. “We’ve only tracked down his lair maybe a dozen times over the years--”
“It moves,” Tucker explains. “We never know when it’ll be.”
“--yeah, and the few times we managed to get a conversation out of him he just gave us this smug look and said stuff like, ‘There’s nothing to be done for Danny Fenton. Even I won’t meddle here.’” She pulls a shirt off the top of the pile and starts to yank at price tags and size stickers, her mouth a bitter twist. “What kind of condescending bullshit is that? Future you told us about plenty of times that tick-tock lunatic has cheated to save other Dannys out there, so clearly this is something personal--”
“Sam,” Tucker interrupts with resigned patience. “Ease up. He hasn’t even had a chance to wear that yet.”
“Huh?” She looks down, at the shreds she’s made of the stitching in a shirtsleeve. “Oh. Sorry, Danny.”
“It’s okay,” Danny says, amused. “It’s not like you didn’t buy me two dozen other shirts or anything.” He tries to run his fingers through his hair but catches on nothing but knots. He tugs his hand free, glares at his ragged nails. “How’d you guys know to meet me?”
“You’ve shown up there every year since we were fourteen,” Tucker says. “Same day, same time. Just about down to the minute. Not in any particular order though. You don’t have any control of it; at least, not that you’ve ever-- will have ever-- told us. It’s just….” He looks at Sam, trying to find a word. Luck? Kindness? Clockwork playing with his favorite toy?
She shakes her head. They don’t know why. Maybe they never will.
Danny looks between their faces, sighing. “Well, that’s convenient, sort of. I’ll be able to rely on you guys every couple of months at least.”
Tucker winces. Sam goes back to tearing price tags off. And Danny-- well, Danny’s always been smarter than anyone ever gave him credit for. “How long-- Tucker said I don’t come home, but you just said I do. So what’s the deal?”
“I meant that--” Tucker hesitates. God, this sucks. “You don’t come home to stay. The longest we’ve ever seen you was, what, a month? Five weeks? And then you got pulled away again.”
Danny’s next breath rattles in his throat, one hand pressed to his chest. “That’s-- Okay. That's okay. That’s what you two know. But it's like you said; this is all a coin flip. There are Dannys that had this happen to them and they got better, right? They fixed it, even if the me you two know doesn’t. Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones.”
Another couple of seams pop in Sam’s hands.
Danny sinks into his bathrobe, looking miserable. “I guess not.”
“We can’t know for sure,” Tucker says. “You get really tight-lipped after a couple years. Uh, your years. It’s been all over the place for us.”
“You stop telling us anything beyond vague details, brush us off and tell us you can handle it even as we’re stitching you back together because you never stop playing the hero. You’ll tell us it’s to keep from meddling in your own timeline any more than you have to.” Sam bares her teeth at a memory. Danny still flinches.
“Years?” He echoes, like it’s finally sinking in, and Tucker aches with a grief he hates himself for feeling. How dare he feel pity, when he can’t even imagine the hell Danny will go through? The hell he’s already been through?
“Yeah,” Tucker says, softly. “I’m sorry. We both are. But you need to know the truth. It’s gonna get worse for you.”
His eyes flutter closed. “How much worse can it get?”
Sam drops the ruined shirt to reach out and pat his ankle. Her nails must brush the sensitive scars on his leg, because he flinches away with a sharp intake of breath. Sam bites her lip, but goes on. “The medallion in your chest, it…. It’s going to mess you up pretty bad. You won’t let us help with that either, after a while. It’s going to-- it’s going to reshape you. A lot of your human half is going to get… repurposed.”
She pauses. Danny says nothing, so still it’s almost like he fell asleep-- no. He’s too tense for that. “It’s because your core is trying to absorb the medallion. If you were a normal ghost it probably wouldn't be so bad, but your human half throws a wrench into things. You have some time before it’ll start to show, but once you get that scar on your face--”
She throws a scowl at Tucker. “Oh, so what? It’s hardly any kind of spoiler. Danny gets lots of scars--”
Tucker groans. “You’re killing me here.”
“What’d I do?”
“Seriously? He’s barely been doing this three months and you’re trying to drop all the worst of the bullshit early, and you don’t see anything wrong with that?”
“Don’t you think it’d be better if he had a little forewarning? Maybe if he knows what’ll happen to him he can try to avoid the worst of it!”
“You know what Danny’s said about that. His timeline’s set in stone.”
“It’s only ‘set in stone’ because he stopped trying to fight it!”
Tucker freezes, faces inches from Sam's and not sure when he jumped to his feet. He looks back at Danny. God, but he’s swallowed up by the king-sized bed. He can't remember being so frail at fourteen.
“Please,” Danny says miserably. “I know you’re all grown up now and there’s clearly a few levels to this argument I’m missing here, but can you maybe, just once, not fight?”
Tucker backs off first. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to freak you out anymore than we absolutely have to.”
Sam nods begrudgingly. “I just don’t want you to go through what you've already gone through, if that makes sense.”
“It doesn’t,” Danny says through a badly smothered yawn. “But thanks.”
They gather up his new clothes, make neat piles of For Now and For Later, let Danny pick out something comfortable to sleep in, and then Sam nods toward the balcony.
“Tucker,” she says in a tone that brooks no argument. Oh boy.
“Be right back,” he says to Danny, who only grunts as he settles deeper into the blankets. Poor kid. “You gonna be alright?”
“Tucker,” Sam insists.
He purses his lips, giving Danny a Tired Look. Danny just barely hides a grin behind the comforter. Good. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”
He follows her out onto the skinny balcony, shutting the door behind him to lean against it as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Alright, what’s got you so tense?”
“He’s fourteen,” she bites out, as if that explains anything.
“Uh, yeah. I got that.”
“He’s fourteen.”
“Yeah, I got that.”
He cuts her off. “I know what you’re gonna say and the answer is no. Not this year, at least.”
She stares at him, brow furrowing with disbelief. “We never knew we’d see him this early. There might be the way we actually can save him!”
“Or kill him!” Tucker winces, remembering too late to keep his voice down. “He can barely stand right now. He needs to sleep for a week and about fifty square meals, but he’ll be lucky to get half of that. He’s in no shape to go gallivanting through the Ghost Zone on a wild goose chase!”
“But--!” But Sam catches herself, chews on her lip as she thinks. “Then I’ll go, alone.”
He scoffs. “And what are you gonna do, beg Clockwork to fix what he hasn’t given a shit about so far? You gonna try to Thermos a ghost that can stop time?”
“I’ll think of something! We have to try. Seeing him like this, it--” Her voice catches. “--Knowing what he’ll grow up to be like. I don’t want that for him, even if we’ll never get to see him. He doesn’t deserve what’s coming.”
Tucker drops his arms, steps away from the door to rest his elbows on the balcony. It’s night now, a few stars bright enough to cut through the light pollution. He’s never been interested enough in constellations to pick out more than Orion, and it’s the wrong season for that. He takes a deep breath, lets it out slow. “Me too.”
“I-- oh.” She joins him against the railing, her arm not quite brushing his. “Well. I’m glad we’re on the same page for once.”
“Sure,” he says. “But the Fentons are a bit too busy at the hospital to let you in, so good luck getting through their security system.”
“Wait, what? Are they okay? Is that why Jazz isn’t here?”
Tucker squints at her. “She didn’t tell you?”
“She texted me she couldn’t make it today, that’s all. What happened?”
Damn it, Jazz. “Jack had a heart attack two days ago.”
Sam hisses through clenched teeth. “Shit.”
“He’s stable now, but Jazz couldn’t leave her mom alone after that. Not without… y’know.”
“Yeah. God.”
“She really didn't tell you?”
Sam shifts uneasily. “Jazz and I don't really… talk anymore. She just said you knew what was up. When you didn't say anything at the park I figured it wasn't serious.”
“I thought you knew.”
She sighs, shifts to brace her hands on the railing, setting her shoulders and letting her head hang. “Should… should we tell him?”
Danny never said anything about a heart attack, in the past. Did he know, and choose not to warn them? Or were they kind tonight, and spared him the worry for one more thing out of his control? There’s no knowing, not until the next visit. Even then, Danny might not say. Tight-lipped is right. “...No,” he says eventually. “It would only scare him, and he doesn’t need that right now.”
Sam nods, then makes a soft noise of surprise. “Oh man, he doesn’t even know about Jazz, does he?”
“Oh god, you’re right.” Tucker can’t help but laugh a little. “This is so weird.”
She laughs too. “It’s always weird with him.”
“Yeah, but usually he’s the one with answers. I mean, how much do we even say? What if we mess it up somehow and make it worse for him?”
“Well, it’s like Danny said-- will have said, ugh. Whatever happens when he visits us is a constant, isn’t it? Everything we remember together always matches up. So… we can’t mess up that badly if we still remember him, right?”
She sounds like she’s trying to convince herself, or at the very least pulling all this out of her ass. Tucker laughs again. “They should teach this kind of crap in college.”
“I don’t think a regular physics class ever covered this. Maybe we should have taken, what, quantum mechanics? Quantum something-or-other, probably.”
“Our bad, right?”
She smiles, standing up straight. “Yeah. Definitely our bad.”
“You gonna try and track down Clockwork still?”
“...No. Not tonight, at least.” She slips past Tucker, rests her hand on the doorknob. “I might call Jazz, let her know what’s going on with Danny.”
“She’d appreciate that.”
He follows her back into the hotel room, quietly shutting the door behind him. Danny’s out cold, slumped and gently snoring. Sam hesitates at the foot of the bed, hands clenched.
“I’ll be back tomorrow morning,” she says after a moment. “Let me know if anything happens, okay?”
“Sure thing.”
Tucker lets his shoulders relax once she’s gone, tension bleeding from him and leaving only exhaustion behind. It could have been worse, considering. He kicks his shoes off, quietly empties his pockets onto the desk, and grabs a spare blanket from the little closet next to the bathroom. Sleeping on a couch always messes up his neck, but whatever. He kills the lights, using his cell phone to navigate around the piles of stuff Sam bought and the coffee table. He still stubs his toe on the edge of the couch, but manages not to make any noise about it.
It’s only once he’s settled down and gotten comfortable that Danny, the little sneak, speaks up. “Tucker?”
“Ggh--! Jeez, I thought you were asleep!”
Tucker rolls his eyes. “What’s up? You okay over there?”
“I’m okay. I just wanted to know. Um. How… how old have you guys seen me?”
Tucker can’t answer that one. It would be too cruel. “...Go to sleep, Danny.”
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lonely-bored-writer · 6 years ago
Is Everything Okay? Ch. 14
"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Anderson's eyebrows furrowed, the concern was clear on his faces. The pale and ever so slightly shaky teen gave the older man a small smile.
"Yea..." Danny nodded, looking down at the cup of water before him. His mind reeling to try and explain who was the reason for his fainting spell. He bit his lip, and glanced up. He tensed and pulled in on himself at the sight of Spectra and her minion Bertrand. "It's just..."
"It's Ms. Spectra, isn't it." Anderson was met with a wide eyed teen. The man released a sigh, looking of at the demon-like redhead. "The way you two look at each other, it's like a predator looking at a prey. I'm going to see what I can do to get her removed-"
"You don't have to." Danny cursed himself inside. He didn't want Spectra here, she fed on his emotions which made him worse, but he didn't want Anderson to go through the trouble. He's already helped him enough. "I-I can handle it..."
"Danny, you knew she worked for Vlad. That alone shows that something happened between the two of you, and I can tell it wasn't good." The blonde slouched to the teen's level. "I know it's hard handling this with Masters alone, so I'm going to help have Spectra dismissed. "
Daniel didn't know how to the respond to the man's kindness. A man who he didn't even know existed until a few weeks ago. His response was a watery smile, which was returned with a sturdier smile as the agent left to speak with the Judge. Danny curled in on himself, trying everything he could to drown out the soft whispers that sounded like roars. He didn't expect anything else anyway, he was the kid who fainted in the middle of a hearing.
A sigh escaped him, he kept his cobalt eyes on the white tile at his feet. The raven haired teen just couldn't help but be glad to have had Anderson, who had told him everything that he didn't catch in his hazy. Spectra somehow had a video of him acting like Phantom, rather than shifting. That made things a lot easier, he could have been acting for all everyone knew. It couldn't be that hard, right?
"Any evidence, or testimony that Ms. Penelope Spectra is to be ignored." Judge Montreal addressed before turning to the two lawyers before him. "Mr. Anderson will start."
"I call Tucker Foley to the stand." Danny's head shot up to see his best friend walking to the podium. He felt happy that Tucker decided to show, but he couldn't believe he missed him. How could he not notice this? "Mr. Foley can you tell me about the first time my client, Daniel, came to you about Vlad." Even from his seat, Danny can see the slight tremors running through his friend. Tucker never did fair well under pressure.
"Uhm, he had gotten back from the reunion. I had questioned him what was wrong, I've been his best friend for years, I can tell when something is bothering him, ya know? He didn't tell me at first, but I promised not to tell anyone unless he gave the gr-green light. When he told me, I tried to get him to tell someone just how much of a froot-loop Vlad is." Tucker paused when he caught the dark gaze of the silver haired man. Anderson noticing the small exchange effortlessly blocked the teen's view. Prompting Tucker to go on, said teen swallowed thickly before continuing. "But he didn't want to. I got-get it really, the man had threatened to kill his dad and somehow marry his mum! With all the surveillance Vlad had, Danny was to worried that Vlad would find out if he planned to tell anyone and he would hurt his family."
"What about his parents? Do you remember either of them making a move or noticing what Mr. Masters was doing?"
"No..." Tucker paused, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "Wait, I know his mum thought something wrong was going on with the man. So they stopped visiting him, but then he became Mayor and he spent more time in Amity Park and..."
"What about Jack Fenton?" Anderson decided to save the kid from having to finish the sentence. Meanwhile, Danny was dumbstruck by how well his friend was lying... Well partially lying.
"He can be a little slow when it came to things like that..." Tucker gave a nervous chuckle. wishing nothing more than to have his PDA which sat in Jazz's lap out of the techno geeks reach. "He still thought Vlad for being his best bud from College."
"So would you say that Vlad Masters didn't only seem psychologically and physically capable of harming the Fenton family, but he also was able to manipulate people?" His answer was a jerky nod from the antsy teen who sat at the stand. Anderson bit back a sigh, he wasn't going to drain the kid before the shark of a defense attorney got to him. "No further questions." Anderson nodded, taking a seat at his table next to the still fidgeting Danny.
"Thanks for coming." Danny smiled at his two friends. "I wasn't sure if you were going to..." The teen gave a nervous smile and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Of course we were coming!" Chris shook his head in mock disbelief. The blonde beside him chuckled softly. "What kind of friends do you think we are!" The teen exaggerated his point by placing a hand over his heart. The smirk playing on his lips dismissed any notion of actual hurt. The purple haired teen's smirk only grew at his friends laugh.
"So, how'd you think it went?" Danny questioned, glancing between the two of his friends. He kept his knees pressed to his chest, and bit his lip. He wasn't hopeful about the whole thing. Vlad had power and influence, knowing him he would have somehow paid off the jury.
"I think it looks great actually." Dash spoke, taking his seat on one side of Danny while Chris took the other. Although a bench was seated not even five feet away from the trio, they had chosen to join their distraught friend on the floor. "Masters lawyer didn't have a case against you. You've got this in the bag."
"Yea Dash is right. That lawyer of his is just grasping at straws, theirs no way you'll be losing." Chris agreed with the jock, giving Danny a smile. "Besides, even if the prick paid any Jury people to vote in his favor no one will do that, not after the panic attack you had in there."
A grim silence filtered between the two, all of them sat against the wall. Daniel was hugging his knees, with his chin resting between them. Dash sat with one leg bent and the other stretched out. While Chris sat with his feet pressed together, leaving an opening between his legs. The trio sat and waited, waited for the case to be called in and for the verdict to be told.
"Danny!" The teen jumped, his cobalt eyes landed on a panicked Jazz running towards them. Her aqua eyes wide, swimming in tears while she panted, stopping in front of the three. "Danny, it's dad. We have to get to the hospital!"
Danny froze, his mind swimming in possibilities. He couldn't just leave could he? But he had to go, he had to see how his dad was doing... But the verdict. The pressure started to build on his chest, but all he could do was stare at his fraught sister. The feeling of a hand on his shoulder snapped him from his panic. He turned quickly to be met with Dash's slightly worried blue eyes.
"We'll call and tell you the verdict, you should go"
"Mum?" Jazz questioned, walking up to her crying mother. Danny lagged a few steps behind, a familiar sense of dread and trepidation growing inside him, wrapping tightly around his throat. His eyes flashed to his father's room... Or what was his father's room. The bed was bare, any sigh of anyone having occupied the room was now gone. The tears began to slide down his cheeks before he came to the full conclusion.
"He's gone." Danny stated, knowing immediately that it was true. "Dad... He's dead?" The harsh sob his mother gave told the siblings what they needed to know. Jazz acted first, pulling her mum into a tight hug, letting her cry into her shoulders. But Danny stood frozen, his whole body felt like it was just drenched into an ice cold bath. He felt numb, but he felt so much at the same time.
"-Your fault!" Danny looked wide eyed and crying at his angry mother. Her leaking eyes trained on him, anger flaring them. Just hearing the two words from her, he knew what she thought. He couldn't agree more, he knew he was at fault. He deserved the anger and hatred from her.
"Mum, wait-"
"No Jazz!" Maddie cut her daughter off, moving towards her trembling son. "It's all your fault! If you had just-If you had just done something before none of this would be happening! Your father would still be here, we would still be living in OUR home. This-This is all on you." Her words got colder the more she spoke, they dug deep into Daniel. Even if he felt that way, it hurt more than any wound hes gotten to hear his own mother say them.
"No!" Jazz got between the two, everyone seemingly forgetting about everyone else in the hospital. Everyone who stood or sat around watching the exchange with various emotions. "This isn't Danny's fault! This is-"
"She's right." Daniel's soft whisper shocked his sister into silence, but seemed to please his mother. "Mum's right, this is all my fault." He chocked out, the tears clouded his vision as he turned and booked it out of the room. He didn't want to see his mother's rightfully hateful glares, or his sister's pity looks. The pressure on his chest increased by ten folds, making it harder for him to breath.
All he knew was that he needed to get away from all of this.
"Dude you won! Masters got 25 years!"
Danny's blurry eyes stared down at the sentence on his phone. Those word did nothing to appease the pressure, or the guilt inside him. If anything it all increased, he figured getting Vlad out of the situation would make everything so much better, but it didn't. Everything hurt, everything was falling apart and there was nothing he could do.
A choked sob escaped him, he tossed his phone roughly onto the cement of the roof he found himself on. His eyes found the large billboard that sat in front of him. Confusion and paranoia raced through him when it shut off. The electronic billboards were always up, so why would this one suddenly shut off? Nonetheless his questions and worries were answered and confirmed when the face of a certain silver haired halfa found itself on screen.
"Hello everyone of Amity Park, this is your Mayor. The same Mayor who had just been wrongly convicted of child abuse if you are watching this. I had hoped all this could have passed over without the need to reveal young Daniel Fenton's secret. A secret he had thrown his own godfather under the bus to protect. A secret he in trusted me with for some time. I had hope little badger would have came to his senses and retract his false statement so I wouldn't have to go to such extreme measures to clear my now tarnished name..."
Danny's vision focused instantly, fear curling through him. The alarm raced through his veins, his mind going to the only thing he could think Vlad would do with his. Vlad was going to expose him...
"Many of you may not believe my words, and so I had decided to display for all of you video evidence to support this. Very well, for all of Amity Park to know, Our resident Daniel Fenton is also our resident hero Danny Phantom. He had gathered his injuries doing nothing more than protecting this town, he did not want you to know of this, and so Daniel had put the blame on me. I can see how this is hard to grasp, and so here is the proof."
From his perch on the roof, Danny could hear the out roar below him as the video of his transformation played on loop. The very transformation he had been forced to do by Vlad well before any of this occurred. Danny should have expected Vlad to have insurance, should have expected things to never be easy for him. His head snapped up, eyes trained on the white hover craft heading his way. They GIW already tracked his ecto-signature. They were getting better.
Swallowing down the fury of emotions running through him, Danny knew one thing for sure. He needed to get out of Amity Park.
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