#Daniele Calcaterra
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silviascorcella · 1 year ago
Calcaterra a/i 20: ascolta il silenzio del superfluo, scopri il bello nell’essenziale
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C’è la poesia della purezza leggera eppur concreta nella moda di Daniele Calcaterra. Il suo è un linguaggio di stile sartoriale squisitamente personale e allo stesso tempo generoso: il suo è il gesto di un couturier italiano che opera con la morbidezza rigorosa della rinuncia agli orpelli per far brillare il bello riposto nell’essenziale delle forme e delle idee. Ogni collezione regala una visione piacevolissima, una conferma confortante e allo stesso tempo coraggiosa: sin dagli esordi professionali, accaduti vari anni or sono di esperienza preziosa, la sua devozione alla moda è infatti sempre una dichiarazione d’intenti virtuosa che ha che fare con la sostanza del mestiere, anziché con la volatilità vanitosa dell’apparenza.
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Con la sua moda, Daniele Calcaterra dichiara la fiducia nell’eccellenza tipicamente italiana di ogni azione che compone la creazione, dalla qualità altissima dei materiali che guidano la concezione dei capi a quella altrettanto perfetta della sapienza che ne rende possibile la realizzazione. Dall’amore per la cultura che suggerisce l’ispirazione, alla convinzione entusiasta riposta nel valore della bellezza che non sfida il tempo: ma lo accompagna nel suo scorrere senza sfiorire mai, perché frutto di quell’autenticità che la rende davvero timeless, ma sempre perfettamente calata nella contemporaneità. E quest’alchimia accade nuovamente e felicemente con la collezione a/i 2020-21. Il titolo che la battezza è già a suo modo preludio di ricercatezza: “What inspires you?”
Prima di fornire la risposta attraverso il carosello di capi e accessori affascinanti, Daniele Calcaterra ci fornisce l’indizio su cui si è inerpicata la sua ispirazione per compiere il percorso di creazione: spiazzante e salvifico, come il messaggio stesso della collezione. Il riferimento ha infatti la stessa sofisticatezza di sostanza della sua moda: l’opera 4’33’’con cui il genio sperimentale di John Cage rivoluzionò il concetto di musica facendo suonare il suo opposto, il silenzio. Era il 1948 quando Cage parlò solo di un ipotesi, un’ispirazione “di comporre un brano di ininterrotto silenzio. Sarà lungo tre minuti o quattro minuti e mezzo, dato che queste sono le durate standard della musica preregistrata, e s’intitolerà Silent Prayer. Inizierà con una singola idea che cercherò di rendere tanto seducente quanto il colore e la forma o la fragranza di un fiore”.
Era il 1952 quando l’opera fu performata per la prima volta da David Tudor a New York davanti ad un pubblico che da un musicista e il suo pianoforte si aspettava di ascoltare una sinfonia di note, e invece si trovò immerso in un silenzio in tre atti. Ed è proprio John Cage ad illustrare il grande inganno del silenzio musicale e la rivelazione della verità in “Silenzio”, il suo libro cult del 1961: “la musica è in primo luogo nel mondo che ci circonda, in una macchina per scrivere, o nel battito del cuore, e soprattutto nei silenzi. Dovunque ci troviamo, quello che sentiamo è sempre rumore. Quando lo vogliamo ignorare ci disturba, quando lo ascoltiamo ci rendiamo conto che ci affascina”. Or dunque, è ascoltando il silenzio che si scopre la presenza, la bellezza peculiare, dell’essenziale. Ecco, Daniele Calcaterra con la collezione a/i 2020-21 fa sua l’intenzione che a suo tempo solleticò l’intuizione di John Cage: ha iniziato con una singola idea, ovvero la rinuncia alla seduzione degli orpelli inutili in favore della semplificazione, e l’ha resa seducente
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“Basico irrazionale”, così Daniele Calcaterra definisce la sua opera, come fosse un percorso di meditazione concreta: l’esercizio sartoriale va dritto a plasmare i volumi e le forme, a scolpire le spalle volitive dei capispalla come nei ‘90s, ad amplificare l’ampiezza dei cappotti che si allargano come mantelle o ad asciugarla come fossero vestaglie, ad equilibrare l’oversize casual con l’appiombo elegante, ad appaiare con i jeans ampi e sdruciti ad arte il cappotto cammello con i baveri affilati o la giacca che sfoggia uno dei rari decori consentiti assieme alle piume, cioè le frange, a disegnare la fluidità dei completi dove la lavorazione delle bordature cieche rendono gonne e pantaloni leggerissimi come coperte, tanto agili da poter essere infilati negli stivali.
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Basico irrazionale perché il minimalismo, quando non è esasperato, ma esercitato con consapevolezza, dimostra che ci si può avvolgere in un ampio cappotto dai bellissimi intarsi geometrici anni ’20, e nel frattempo ci si può infilare nel rigore affascinante di un abito nero che pare appoggiato per caso sul corpo, invece è un piccolo capolavoro di dote di sintesi sartoriale come la palette. Naturalissima, e per questo conferma di ricercatezza purificata.
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Or dunque, niente ostentazione di ascetismi frutto di complessi percorsi concettuali, bensì una risposta moderna alla necessità di lasciar andare il superfluo per ritrovare il godimento di vestirsi della sofisticatezza che proviene dalla sostanza sartoriale maneggiata con cura e passione, con la competenza affinata delle tecniche sartoriali allacciata alla sperimentazione curiosa di materiali pregiati e al rispetto profondo della bellezza femminile. Bravò Daniele Calcaterra!
Silvia Scorcella
{ pubblicato su Webelieveinstyle }
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perfettamentechic · 8 years ago
CALCATERRA, brand omonimo creato da Daniele Calcaterra nel 2014. Daniele Calcaterra è un fashion designer che riscuote molto interesse nella fashion community: piace per la sua cifra stilistica intrinseca, concettuale e sofisticata. E’ uno di quei nomi su cui tutti sono d’accordo: ha un vero talento, cosa indiscutibile.
Daniele Calcaterra nasce a Milano nel 1973. La sua formazione nel campo moda…
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erba · 5 years ago
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#FASHIONWEEKMILANO #SPRINGSUMMER2020 Colore must #OCRA #SENAPE legati sempre a #ARANCIO e #GRIGIOPERLA #BEIGE Molti blazer sopra abiti romantici lunghi da indossare sempre La voce è: voglia di normalità dopo tante trasgessioni. Piace lo stile bon ton anni '70, da Gucci a Celine. Assolutamente già ora vincono i tessuti classici inglesi così fashion...Tuttavia la ventata di contaminazioni di questi anni non sparirà. È diventata irrinunciabile, in molti versi e modi. I nomi nuovi sono Tiziano Guardini Francesca Liberatore Daniele Calcaterra Le Twins #photostreetstyle #summer2020classicoetrasgressione #summer2020colorisenapearanciogrigioperlabeige https://www.instagram.com/p/B2qzEkyowQs/?igshid=1gg3zovw6taz7
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0-1. Sporting Cristal sorprende a Olimpia y sella visado a la Sudamericana
Asunción, 9 may (EFE).- Sporting Cristal se despidió este jueves de la Copa Libertadores con un sorprendente triunfo por 0-1 en la cancha del Olimpia, primer clasificado del Grupo C a los octavos de final, y el pase para jugar la segunda fase de la Copa Sudamericana.
Un gol de Cristian Palacios decidió el partido, cambió el semblante del equipo peruano y puso fin al invicto del equipo paraguayo.
Olimpia no fue capaz de transformar en goles su dominio casi absoluto.
El experimentado delantero Roque Santa Cruz tuvo la oportunidad de marcar en dos ocasiones pero se encontró, primero con las manos de Patricio Álvarez, y después con el poste tras un cabezazo.
El conjunto peruano trató de sorprender con contragolpes.
El guion se mantuvo en los segundos 45 minutos con Olimpia jugando en campo contrario y Sporting Cristal buscando un robo que le permita contraatacar.
William Mendieta tuvo la oportunidad de empatar el partido en el minuto 61 tras recibir un pase de Néstor Camacho en el centro del área pero su remate colocado salió por el costado izquierdo del arco.
Apenas tres minutos después, Antolín Alcaraz desaprovechó otra ocasión de igualar después del saque de un córner, que no fue capaz de rematar a puerta.
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Con Olimpia volcado en ataque, Sporting Cristal pudo sentenciar el partido por medio de Christopher Gonzáles que se plantó solo ante Alfredo Aguilar pero mandó su disparo inexplicablemente a las nubes.
- Ficha técnica:
0. Olimpia: Alfredo Aguilar; Jesús Rolón (m.77, William Candia), Antolín Alcaraz, Jorge Arias, Iván Torres; Tabaré Viudez (m.86, Brian Montenegro), Richard Ortiz, Richard Sánchez (m.67, Jorge Ortega), William Mendieta; Néstor Camacho y Roque Santa Cruz.
Entrenador: Daniel Garnero.
1. Sporting Cristal: Patricio Álvarez; Johan Madrid, Gianfranco Chávez, Omar Merlo, Edinson Chávez; Christopher Gonzáles (m.90, Jair Céspedes), Jorge Cazulo, Horacio Calcaterra; Cristian Ortiz, Cristian Palacios (m.81, Jesús Pretel) y Fernando Pacheco (m.65, Gerald Távara).
Entrenador: Claudio Vivas.
Gol: 1-0, m.45: Cristian Palacios.
Árbitro: El brasileño Raphael Claus amonestó a Jorge Arias, Gianfranco Chávez, Iván Torres, Richard Sánchez, Antolín Alcaraz y Cristian Palacios.
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Incidencias: Partido de la sexta y última jornada del Grupo C de la Copa Libertadores jugado en el estadio Manuel Ferreira de Asunción.
(c) Agencia EFE
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danj82 · 6 years ago
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Warriors! ANNOUNCEMENT!!!.....Grateful and Thankful to be CO-STARRING in a New Action Series Original from Coattail Entertainment “THE AGENCY” Starring, Written, and Created by Laurie Calcaterra! 2019 Here we come!!!! “Making my way to the top one gig at a time.” Blessed....Thankful....Grateful!!! #TheWarrior #Warriors #sageligible #actorlife #Viral #Television #stage #Film #commercial #theater #VoiceOver #print #mc #host #inspiration #actor #model #Dancer #Singer #Comedy #MartialArts #stunts #SAGAFTRA #life #positivity #brandambassador #brand #Blessed #Workhard #TheAgency IMDb: Daniel Jeffries Facebook: Daniel Jeffries FB Actor Page: @actordanj or Daniel Jeffries Twitter: @danjjeffries1 Instagram: daniel_jeffries_ Linked In: Daniel Jeffries IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6279982/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWj4drgb91/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uwo1bcdexp44
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elcorreografico · 6 years ago
Se concretó la privatización de la Central Termoeléctrica de Ensenada
Se concretó la privatización de la #CentralTermoeléctrica de #Ensenada
El Ministerio de Hacienda de la Nación confirmó el traspaso de las operaciones de la Central Termoeléctirca Ensenada de Barragán (CTEB) que estaban a cargo de IEASA (ex ENARSA) a un consorcio conformado por YPF y Pampa Energía, del empresario Marcelo Mindlin.
En enero de 2018, el gobierno publicó en el Boletín Oficial una resolución que ordenaba la venta de las centrales termoeléctricas del…
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italianaradio · 5 years ago
ARTI MARZIALI E KICKBOXING Tutti i vincitori del campionato Mediterraneo dell’Acsi
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/arti-marziali-e-kickboxing-tutti-i-vincitori-del-campionato-mediterraneo-dellacsi/
ARTI MARZIALI E KICKBOXING Tutti i vincitori del campionato Mediterraneo dell’Acsi
ARTI MARZIALI E KICKBOXING Tutti i vincitori del campionato Mediterraneo dell’Acsi
ARTI MARZIALI E KICKBOXING Tutti i vincitori del campionato Mediterraneo dell’Acsi Lente Locale
R. & P.
Ha avuto luogo domenica, presso il palasport di Polistena, l’undicesima edizione del Campionato Mediterraneo di Arti Marziali e Kickboxing organizzato dal Comitato reggino dell’ACSI, EPS riconosciuto dal Comitato Olimpico Nazionale, presieduto, a livello nazionale, dal dottore Antonino Viti, in collaborazione con l’Amministrazione Comunale di Polistena, guidata dal Sindaco, Michele Tripodi e dal Comitato Italiano Paralimpico, presieduto, in Calabria, dal dr. Scagliola. Una manifestazione di gran successo, che ha registrato la partecipazione di tanti bravi atleti provenienti da diversi centri della Calabria. A coordinare l’evento il noto Maestro Giuseppe Cavallo, direttore tecnico dell’Accademia di Siderno, Caulonia e Polistena, specialista di alto livello internazionale nel campo delle arti marziali, difesa personale e kickboxing, oltre che insegnante di molti campioni nazionali e mondiali e di membri della nazionale italiana. Accanto al dottore Cavallo,  la presidente Teresa Peronace, la segretaria generale Mariangela Mileto, il dirigente sportivo Franco Garelli e qualificati presidenti di giuria e ufficiali di gara, tra i quali: il maestro Nicola Geranio, il maestro Arturo Messina, l’istruttore Silvano Mario Tavernese, l’allenatore Mery Minniti, l’avvocato Giovanni Audino, il maresciallo Antonio Riggio. L’efficiente servizio sanitario è stato diretto dal medico Bartolo, con l’ausilio di un team della Croce Rossa Italiana del comitato di Taurianova. Al termine della stupenda kermesse, che ha visto competere gli atleti nelle discipline della kickboxing, dei kata, del combattimento con armi di spugna e della lotta a terra, si sono classificati, al primo posto, nelle varie categorie: Francesco Morabito (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Salvatore Iannizzi (Acc. Cavallo), Antonio Cannatà (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Gabriele Pronestì (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Maria Ilaria Serranò (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Giuseppe Garruzzo (Kickboxing Rosarno maestro Messina), Michelangelo Mazzitelli (KB Rosarno), Rocco Mazzone (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Pietro Tropeano (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Vittorio Saraco del 2008 (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Tommaso Platì (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Domenico Carnuccio (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Chiara Ienco (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Francesco Zappavigna (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Rocco D’Agostino (KB Rosarno), Jacopo Platì (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Ababei Darius (palestra Rosarno maestro Messina), Giuseppe Sorbara (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Giovanni Verzì e Umberto Bellocco (KB Rosarno), Caterina Bartolo (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Maria Pia Candido (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Cristian Treccosti (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Alessandro Corti (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Marco Lombardo (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Mattia Congiusta (Accademia Maestro Cavallo), Letizia Fazzolari (Accademia Maestro Cavallo).
La medaglia d’argento è, invece, andata a: Manuel Tropeano, Rebecca Mammoliti,  Giuseppe Cannatà, Umberto Bellocco, Giovanni Barone, Ilaria Piscioneri, Giuseppe Gioffrè, Rita De Franchis, Antonio Santostefano, Greta Commisso, Domenico Nobile, Massimiliano Scala, Federico Vallelonga, Salvatore Condoleo, Gaetano Rao, Michelangelo Mazzitelli, Desiree Scala, Antonio Sassano, Francesco Galluccio, Roberto Guarneri, Vittorio Saraco del 2007, Antonio Saraco, Gloria Gallo, Carlo Scarfò, Daria Martelli, Ilario Fameli
Al terzo posto: Francesco Ingegnere, Gabriele Morabito, Andrea Morabito, Baildè Saidou, Simone Singh, Giovannino Verzì, Alessia Ierace, Autora Ciccone, Matthias Marafioti, Antonio Dichiera, Lorenzo Guttà, Cosimo Ruga,  Daniele Aloi, Rocco Rao, Francesco Astorino, Samuel Cimino, Maria Cosimina Ruga, Rosario Saraco, Niccolò Dimasi, Tommaso Ciancio,  Vincenzo Brizzi, Kevin Meduri, Giuseppe Riitano, Bruno Demasi, Nicola Multari, Gabriele Piccolo, Francesco Sorgiovanni, Pietro e Francesco Frammartino, Pietro Casile, Stefano Macedonio, Alex Martelli, Cosimo Tassone, Caterina Calcaterra, Gabriele Graziano,
Un bel combattimento dimostrativo di kickboxing è stato, infine, effettuato dalle cugine Serena e Sara Leotta della palestra di kickboxing di Rosarno.
ARTI MARZIALI E KICKBOXING Tutti i vincitori del campionato Mediterraneo dell’Acsi Lente Locale
ARTI MARZIALI E KICKBOXING Tutti i vincitori del campionato Mediterraneo dell’Acsi Lente Locale
R. & P. Ha avuto luogo domenica, presso il palasport di Polistena, l’undicesima edizione del Campionato Mediterraneo di Arti Marziali e Kickboxing organizzato dal Comitato reggino dell’ACSI, EPS riconosciuto dal Comitato Olimpico Nazionale, presieduto, a livello nazionale, dal dottore Antonino Viti, in collaborazione con l’Amministrazione Comunale di Polistena, guidata dal Sindaco, Michele Tripodi e dal […]
ARTI MARZIALI E KICKBOXING Tutti i vincitori del campionato Mediterraneo dell’Acsi Lente Locale
Gianluca Albanese
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jessicakehoe · 6 years ago
Milan Fashion Week Fall 2019: The Top Trends, Themes & Fashion Moods.
Elegance, brutalism, belt purses, cinched waists, relaxed power suits, grunge and masks that conceal and reveal: these are just some of the trends, themes and fashion moods that inspired the Milan Fashion Week Fall 2019 collections. Let’s take a closer look…
Plus don’t miss what our editors spotted at New York Fashion Week and London Fashion Week for fall 2019.
 The New Age of Elegance:
As a counterpoint to the IDGAF street-style sensibility, designers explored an understated and fluid expression of elegance that felt fresh and liberating.
  Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography Courtesy of Imaxtree
The New Age Of Elegance
Anna Molinari’s sweeping chiffon dresses epitomize retro, ethereal elegance.
The New Age Of Elegance
Paul Surridge’s gorgeous billowing cocktail dress was refined and graceful.
The New Age Of Elegance
Dolce & Gabbana’s show was themed around a return to elegance. Backstage Steffano Gabbana told the Guardian that he would like to “turn the page” and teach the new generation about timeless elegance. “I don’t know if it’s wrong or good but this is our point of view … fashion is the mirror of the times [reflecting] what is outside – sometimes we get it right, sometimes not.”
The New Age Of Elegance
At Salvatore Ferragamo, Paul Andrew’s daywear pieces were elegantly understated with a stylish hint of sensuality.
The New Age Of Elegance
Karl Lagerfeld’s last collection for Fendi was modern, glamourous and refined.
The New Age Of Elegance
Elegance came with a seductive, tailored twist at Ermanno Scervino.
The New Age Of Elegance
Lucie and Luke Meier created thoughtful, sensual silhouettes that remain timelessly elegant.
The New Age Of Elegance
Agnona’s creative director Simon Holloway excels at discreet relaxed elegance.
The New Age Of Elegance
Daniele Calcaterra’s take on elegance was abstract and monastic.
The New Age Of Elegance
At Ujoh, designer Mitsuru Nishizaki mastered a stylized, kimono-like breezy elegance.
The New Age Of Elegance
Alberto Zambelli’s draped and genteel aesthetic was sensual and feminine.
  Fashion Politics
The political sentiments and aesthetics being expressed on the Milan Fall 2019 runways ranged from a brutalism-inspired response to today’s pressing political and environmental concerns, to OTT commentary on consumption, to an exploration of the sexiness in the #metoo era.
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree
Fashion Politics
This season it was about romance and fear for Miuccia Prada. “In the sense that the two forces I feel at the moment are fear and danger, but at the same time romance is the solution. So these are pieces of love stories, introducing good in a world that has a lot of bad,” she told reporters in a scrum after the show.
Fashion Politics
Romance with a punkish protective twist was also seen at Act N1.
Fashion Politics
Francesco Risso’s Marni woman was wrestling with giving into guilty pleasures. Risso called it a “neuroerotik” duality that came with an unexpected kinky twist.
Fashion Politics
There were plenty of sensual, softer offerings at Daniel Lee’s runway debut for Bottega Veneta, but this look tapped into a collective yearning for protective gear in dangerous times.
Fashion Politics
Protection was also at the heart of the collection Simone Rocha created for Moncler. She said she imagined these were clothes that Girl Guides might wear to protect themselves from nature.
Fashion Politics
The Gucci show, which took place in a mirrored dome lit by pulsating strobes of light, was inspired by views on totalitarianism expressed by philosopher Hannah Arendt. Alessandro Michele was also inspired by Arendt’s take on masks, which she felt people wore for protection and deception.
Fashion Politics
Marco de Vincenzo brought his own seductively twisted take on femininity in complicated times.
Fashion Politics
Alexandra Moura’s collection was quirky with a slightly menacing sensibility inspired by fantastical beasts and monsters.
Fashion Politics
Alessandro Dell’Acqua of N21 said he was inspired by Brian De Palma’s 1980 film Dressed to Kill. He created a noirish take on sexuality where the woman was in charge.
Fashion Politics
Donatella Versace’s 90s punk-like collection was meant to challenge our fascination with the perfection-obsessed Instagram worlds we create. In press interviews she made the cultural declaration that “imperfection was the new perfection.”
Fashion Politics
Jeremy Scott’s Moschino game show was seen by some as ironic commentary on society’s fixation with possessions and wealth.
Suit Up!
Call it the Pelosi-effect: designers offered women grownup suiting options that are timeless, inclusive and exquisitely crafted with a modern and relaxed silhouette. Other designers at Milan Fashion Week Fall 2019  added a touch of punk as well as oversized and exaggerated shapes to layer in a creative twist to biz-wear.
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Image courtesy of Imaxtree
Well Suited
After Nancy Pelosi wore a Max Mara red jacket to meet with Donald Trump to discuss funding for the border wall, it reinforced the power and allure of power dressing. Max Mara’s offerings for fall are similarly understated and confidence-inducing.
Well Suited
The power suit at Salvatore Ferragamo was earthy, tailored and exquisitely made.
Well Suited
Giorgio Armani’s Rhapsody in Blue collection brought an unexpected twist to classic suiting with an elongated jodhpur leg.
Well Suited
Anteprima added a high-waisted feminine touch to a classic masculine silhouette.
Well Suited
Marni’s woman means business: classic tailoring yet edgy and modern.
Well Suited
Nothing says “don’t mess with me” more than this leather suit from Scervino.
Well Suited
Annakiki contrasted a classic shape with playfully bulbous sleeves that added a bold and witty touch.
Well Suited
At Jil Sander, suiting options were oversized and softer, but still powerfully chic.
Well Suited
Moura paired an innocent sensibility prairie girl skirt with a reserved and somber jacket.
Well Suited
With the exception of the spiked belting, this silver suit was an example of a sharper, more pared-back direction at Gucci.
Well Suited
Elisabetta Franchi brought a 60s-meets-streetstyle twist to her modern mini suiting.
Well Suited
At MSGM, the sensibility was an artsy boy-meets-girl suiting that was playful and confident.
Well Suited
At Dolce & Gabbana suiting was retro, stylish & chic.
History Lessons
Many designers were in the mood to look to the past to redefine their future. The results, which were inspired by archival references, historical muses or experiences in their private lives, are sentimental, sexy and inventive.
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Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
History Lessons
Donatella Versace entered the time machine and dialled it back to 1994 when Versace transformed the safety pin into a stylish fashion staple. It’s back and so too is Stephanie Seymour, the 90s supermodel who closed the grungy lux inspired show.
History Lessons
Canada’s own iconic Liisa Winkler returned to the runway to wear this stunning cashmere robe coat from Salvatore Ferragamo.
History Lessons
Salvatore Ferragamo’s creative director Paul Andrew was inspired by a shoe designed in 1968 by Fiamma Ferragama.
History Lessons
Angela Missoni dove back into the mid 70s to ensure the collection had the same linear silhouette paired with new interpretations of the timeless knits associated with the house.
History Lessons
The shirt collars at Fendi were reminiscent of the style worn by Karl Lagerfeld, who passed away days before the show. He had been with the house since 1965.
History Lessons
The boho-artist has long inspired the aristocratic-posh look at Etro. She returned this season with a tighter silhouette but the same exotic vibe.
History Lessons
Of the 127 looks at Dolce & Gabbana, the ones inspired by avant-garde artists brought a fresh dimension to their work.
History Lessons
Chinese designer Angel Chen’s fall 2019 was inspired by ancient nomadic shepherds based in the Sichuan region called the Qiang people.
History Lessons
The clavicle-baring necklines at Bottega Veneta were inspired by 16th century portraiture.
History Lessons
Nicola Brognano was imagining a modern day Marie Antoinette when she designed this collection.
History Lessons
Paul Surridge took the Roberto Cavalli classic tiger print and transformed it into an abstract pattern that was modern and unexpected.
This Season’s It Bag
Designers delivered on form and function with this season’s bags that were either cinched to a belt, worn as a necklace or a scarf. #brilliant #musthave
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of ImaxtreePhoto courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
Shalom Harlow sports the belt bag at Versace.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
Maryling’s take on this season’s functional and fashionable belt bag.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
Fanny pack fantasies at Iceberg.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
Etsy meets mountain climber-chic at Gilberto Calzolari.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
A fun, OTT street-style take on the fanny pack from GCDS.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
Perhaps the chicest take on the belt bag this season from Fendi.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
A two-toned classic take from Elisabetta Franchi.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
A dangling twist from Cividini.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
Don’t-mess-with-me perfection from Cavalli.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
Fashion mirage at Anteprima for those who want something a little more stealth.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
The first of three honourable mentions for free-floating bag options. This necklace bag from Beatrice is cute and chic.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
It’s not a belt bag… but this front-loading bag from Max Mara is envy-inducing.
The Season’s It “Belt” Bag
This duel scarf non-belt bag from Max Mara is stylish and oh so practical.
This Season’s Key Silhouette
At Milan Fashion Week Fall 2019 fluid layers and loose shapes were given a stylish and feminine touch with wide belts that hinted at and accentuated shapely curves.
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
Photo courtesy of Imaxtree
The Season’s Key Silhouette: Waist Management
Fluid lines are tweaked and tightened at Missoni.
The Season’s Key Silhouette: Waist Management
A street-style take on high-waisted pants at Marios.
The Season’s Key Silhouette: Waist Management
Corseted femininity at Kisada.
The Season’s Key Silhouette: Waist Management
Game of Thrones belt vibe at Etro.
The Season’s Key Silhouette: Waist Management
A campy take at Burani.
The Season’s Key Silhouette: Waist Management
A wide-belted artful wrap from Arbesser.
The post Milan Fashion Week Fall 2019: The Top Trends, Themes & Fashion Moods. appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Milan Fashion Week Fall 2019: The Top Trends, Themes & Fashion Moods. published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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cynthiajayusa · 6 years ago
Community Celebrates Pompano Bill
Pompano Bill
1926 – 2018
Like so many other, I was deeply affected when I heard that Pompano Bill had passed away.  At first, I went into a deep silence and just wanted to be alone to collect my thoughts. A sense of calm overcame me as I thought that Bill had just ended a spectacular journey we call life on earth.  Bill and I often talked about our community, politics and of course, gossip. One thing is certain, I came to trust him like a father. In our last conversation he shared with me the fact that he decided not to undergo Chemotherapy while in the hospital.  I refused to consider that he was telling me his time had come. Denial, as you know, is one of the first phases of dealing with grief. Ironically, as I checked my last email to him regarding Hotspots business, the subject line was “time to relax.” God knows, I did not want him to take it literally by going to his eternal resting place.  
William Calcaterra, aka Pompano Bill, was born on January 12th, 1926 in Norway, Michigan.  He had a normal childhood, however, as he matured, he realized that he was different.  Back then the word gay wasn’t used, instead the word was “queer.”  Growing up in such a small town of 3,728 people, he kept his difference suppressed.
He graduated high school in June of 1944 and was immediately inducted into the Navy, attended Radio Operator School in Madison, Wisconsin and was assigned to a ship in the Pacific Theatre.  World War II ended and he returned to the U.S. 
While still on active duty and stationed in San Francisco he stumbled into a bar on Market Street, not realizing it was a bar frequented by homosexuals, and was invited out for cocktails at the Saint Francis Hotel and treated to a weekend of fun and luxury. He saw that gentleman again during the week. Although he said the experience was amazing, shortly afterwards he got his discharge papers and returned home, where he again went into suppressing his desires.   A year later, with the GI Bill, he went to Ferris State College and then moved to Detroit and completed his education at the Detroit Institute of Technology.  It was in Detroit that he really discovered gay life. 
While in Detroit he had his first relationship, which ended due to his partner being drafted for the Korean War.  After graduating from college, he joined IBM (which Bill says stands for I’ve been moved) in 1951, where he stayed until retirement 36 years later in 1987. During his employment at IBM he made his way up to middle management and was transferred to many places throughout the country.
Eventually, Bill had the good sense to move to the Florida.  After a few years he became bored and bought a camera.  In 1992 he started his second career as a photographer and was published as Pompano Bill in Scoop Magazine. Since then he has worked for Outlook, Buzz, 411, Express, The Blade and, for the last dozen years or so he was very happy shooting exclusively for Hotspots Magazine. Over the years he has accumulated tens of thousands of pictures, which have become his life, he says they are like his friends. He had all his old photos organized in shoe boxes and digital images were stored on 2 computers.  He often wondered what the stories were behind some of the people he captured on film when he looked back at them.  As many of you know, Pompano Bill had a huge heart and donated much of his time to charities including Poverello, Tuesdays Angels, Broward House, The Pride Center and so many others. 
Scott Holland once asked Pompano Bill:  What are the benefits of living longer?
Bill replied: “You can teach an old dog new tricks, outliving a few assholes, the ability to meet and enjoy younger people…especially those that like to hear about gay history that I experienced.” 
Many have asked if funeral or memorial services will be taking place.  One of Bill’s closest friends, Toni Barone, reminded me that he did not want anything special or grandiose after his passing.   It is our understanding that a few family members will be arriving to discuss plans and we will announce the outcome of their decision the moment it happens.  One thing is certain, if a celebration of life takes place, it will be one to remember!
Now, I find myself trying to fill yet, another hole in my heart…
A special thanks goes to Scott Holland for contributing the biographical content of this article
From a Grateful Community
Last week, our community lost an icon and friend.  Bill touch many lives over the decades as he served our community, not only as a photographer but as a mentor and friend to many.  With so many condolences still pouring in, we thought the best way to communicate our feelings just was to capture a few comments that capture the essence of a man who was loved and admired by so many:  
Brad Casey: Dear Friend
It has been a day of reflection on my 27 year of friendship and association with Bill Calcaterra, Pompano Bill. It’s been a difficult day but I am at peace with his passing. Both Pompano and I knew his day of crossing the Rainbow were near. He was tired of fighting Cancer and loosing his eyesight. He now can see clearly and can rest. Thank You Pompano Bill for an amazing 27 years.
Richard Gray:  Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB
He was an amazing man with an incredible zest for life.
Michael Goodman:  Public Relations
He was so much a part of our community. I have very fond memories of him. He left his mark.
Billy Sand: Friend
R I P. Will always love him
Stephen R. Lang: Co-worker and dear friend
I don’t know what exactly to say and I have loved this man since the second time I met him. [The first time he did his groping thing.] We have had a wild ride standing next to   and he ALWAYS looked out for me and making sure I was getting my shots and doing my job. I remember one of his BIGGEST warning about nightclubs was the smoke and how he got some sort of Cancer from it. He was a Trooper and loved my many–including myself. Una famiglia italiana e un dono di Dio.
Michael Albetta: Broward Sherriff Community Liaison
Memories captured from my dear good friend who now rests in Heaven, William “Bill” Calcaterra aka POMPANO BILL.. Our beloved LGBT community will miss him more than we think. Let’s honor one last request from Pompano Bill: GET OUT TO VOTE AND VOTE DEMOCRATIC!
Jose Javier: Friend
I think every gay man in South Florida has a picture taken by him. I never got a chance to have a long conversation with him, but the short chat after he had taken a picture where always nice. Will be missed. Rest in peace Pompano Bill Calcaterra.
Mike Trottier:  Co-worker and dear friend
Pompano Bill…You can rest now my friend. Miss you already Peanut Butter!
Row lliescu:  Equality Florida
Don’t be sad! Of course, we will miss you, Pompano Bill—but what a life you lived–an example to all of us to seize the day and make the most of every situation–or so it seemed. Indeed, the place won’t be the same without you, but it’s immeasurably better because of you. I look forward to celebrating your life with the throngs who adored you.
Steven Walker: Friend
I was in two of his photos in Hotspots Magazine. One all dressed up at The Opera Broward Center, the other less put together in the pool at Inn Leather-tee hee!
Ken Evans:  Our Fund
Sad to learn of the passing of Pompano Bill. A wonderful friend to so many of us in the LGBTQ community. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bill without a smile or his camera ready to take that perfect shot. He will be greatly missed by our community. Thank you for all the memories Pompano…Rest In Peace good friend.
Howard Andrew: Talent Scout
I found myself driving to Pompanos Bills house today, and sitting in the car outside of his home. Shaking my head for not stopping by earlier, and for always saying I’ll stop by tomorrow I’ll stop by tomorrow I’ll stop by tomorrow. We’ll, tomorrow has come and Bill has gone. Don’t wait to see friends and loved ones…. Don’t miss the chance to tell someone you love them. Life is short….. Rip Bill
Robin Bodiford:  Attorney
I loved Pompano Bill. He had such a wonderful vibe and over the years such a big part of our community and also chronicled our community.
Kevin Clevenger, Poverello
Rest in peace Pompano Bill
Kenneth Flood: The Pub
So sad to hear of the passing of Pompano Bill Calcaterra. I have known this man pretty much since day one when I first moved to Fort Lauderdale. He was such a kind wonderful man. He always greeted me with a Hug & a Kiss(or three,LOL). I am saddened by the loss of this man, a treasure, R.I.P. my friend.
Daniel Curtis:  Friend
I’m celebrating the life of my friend Mr Pompano Bill Calcaterra.
The Snapchat & Instagram of his time from the Golden Cost to the Golf Cost South Florida has been best pictured by you!
I’ll lend you my ear anytime! Thank you for for your gifts the smiles & magic in our memories! You’re having a great time in the afterlife this I’m sure! Salute and cheers my friend…
Jim Libonati:  Friend and former Hotspots Executive
I miss him very much; like others we had a great history as friends, and he was once my neighbor back in the late 80’s… RIP My dear Friend!
Gary Resnick: Mayor, Wilton Manors
“Our community has lost an Icon and a loving man who gave so much to so many”
Toni Barone: Close Friend, Community Leader
“How do you say goodbye to such an Icon?  Our community will come together and heal but right now, we are still coming to terms with our loss.  
Steve and Zak:  Owners of Ramrod
We grieve the sudden loss of a long-time community member and dear friend
Michael Murphy:  Photographer
I’m not sure how to express my love for Pompano, my own shortened nickname, in a paragraph. Over 25 years of sharing great images with one another, playfully bumping each other while shooting, comparing butts and bulges and yes telling secrets. I’m grateful that he had the best life, surrounded by so many people that loved him and that he loved even more. Many of us forget that when he was young and gay, he couldn’t be out.
So, his last 25 years, the 25 I got to enjoy alongside of him, truly were his Golden Years and he lived every minute to the fullest!  I love you Pompano!
Watch for next week’s edition of Hotspots for a special photographic retrospective of Pompano Bill’s life and legacy.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/10/25/community-celebrates-pompano-bill/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2018/10/community-celebrates-pompano-bill.html
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 6 years ago
Community Celebrates Pompano Bill
Pompano Bill
1926 – 2018
Like so many other, I was deeply affected when I heard that Pompano Bill had passed away.  At first, I went into a deep silence and just wanted to be alone to collect my thoughts. A sense of calm overcame me as I thought that Bill had just ended a spectacular journey we call life on earth.  Bill and I often talked about our community, politics and of course, gossip. One thing is certain, I came to trust him like a father. In our last conversation he shared with me the fact that he decided not to undergo Chemotherapy while in the hospital.  I refused to consider that he was telling me his time had come. Denial, as you know, is one of the first phases of dealing with grief. Ironically, as I checked my last email to him regarding Hotspots business, the subject line was “time to relax.” God knows, I did not want him to take it literally by going to his eternal resting place.  
William Calcaterra, aka Pompano Bill, was born on January 12th, 1926 in Norway, Michigan.  He had a normal childhood, however, as he matured, he realized that he was different.  Back then the word gay wasn’t used, instead the word was “queer.”  Growing up in such a small town of 3,728 people, he kept his difference suppressed.
He graduated high school in June of 1944 and was immediately inducted into the Navy, attended Radio Operator School in Madison, Wisconsin and was assigned to a ship in the Pacific Theatre.  World War II ended and he returned to the U.S. 
While still on active duty and stationed in San Francisco he stumbled into a bar on Market Street, not realizing it was a bar frequented by homosexuals, and was invited out for cocktails at the Saint Francis Hotel and treated to a weekend of fun and luxury. He saw that gentleman again during the week. Although he said the experience was amazing, shortly afterwards he got his discharge papers and returned home, where he again went into suppressing his desires.   A year later, with the GI Bill, he went to Ferris State College and then moved to Detroit and completed his education at the Detroit Institute of Technology.  It was in Detroit that he really discovered gay life. 
While in Detroit he had his first relationship, which ended due to his partner being drafted for the Korean War.  After graduating from college, he joined IBM (which Bill says stands for I’ve been moved) in 1951, where he stayed until retirement 36 years later in 1987. During his employment at IBM he made his way up to middle management and was transferred to many places throughout the country.
Eventually, Bill had the good sense to move to the Florida.  After a few years he became bored and bought a camera.  In 1992 he started his second career as a photographer and was published as Pompano Bill in Scoop Magazine. Since then he has worked for Outlook, Buzz, 411, Express, The Blade and, for the last dozen years or so he was very happy shooting exclusively for Hotspots Magazine. Over the years he has accumulated tens of thousands of pictures, which have become his life, he says they are like his friends. He had all his old photos organized in shoe boxes and digital images were stored on 2 computers.  He often wondered what the stories were behind some of the people he captured on film when he looked back at them.  As many of you know, Pompano Bill had a huge heart and donated much of his time to charities including Poverello, Tuesdays Angels, Broward House, The Pride Center and so many others. 
Scott Holland once asked Pompano Bill:  What are the benefits of living longer?
Bill replied: “You can teach an old dog new tricks, outliving a few assholes, the ability to meet and enjoy younger people…especially those that like to hear about gay history that I experienced.” 
Many have asked if funeral or memorial services will be taking place.  One of Bill’s closest friends, Toni Barone, reminded me that he did not want anything special or grandiose after his passing.   It is our understanding that a few family members will be arriving to discuss plans and we will announce the outcome of their decision the moment it happens.  One thing is certain, if a celebration of life takes place, it will be one to remember!
Now, I find myself trying to fill yet, another hole in my heart…
A special thanks goes to Scott Holland for contributing the biographical content of this article
From a Grateful Community
Last week, our community lost an icon and friend.  Bill touch many lives over the decades as he served our community, not only as a photographer but as a mentor and friend to many.  With so many condolences still pouring in, we thought the best way to communicate our feelings just was to capture a few comments that capture the essence of a man who was loved and admired by so many:  
Brad Casey: Dear Friend
It has been a day of reflection on my 27 year of friendship and association with Bill Calcaterra, Pompano Bill. It’s been a difficult day but I am at peace with his passing. Both Pompano and I knew his day of crossing the Rainbow were near. He was tired of fighting Cancer and loosing his eyesight. He now can see clearly and can rest. Thank You Pompano Bill for an amazing 27 years.
Richard Gray:  Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB
He was an amazing man with an incredible zest for life.
Michael Goodman:  Public Relations
He was so much a part of our community. I have very fond memories of him. He left his mark.
Billy Sand: Friend
R I P. Will always love him
Stephen R. Lang: Co-worker and dear friend
I don’t know what exactly to say and I have loved this man since the second time I met him. [The first time he did his groping thing.] We have had a wild ride standing next to   and he ALWAYS looked out for me and making sure I was getting my shots and doing my job. I remember one of his BIGGEST warning about nightclubs was the smoke and how he got some sort of Cancer from it. He was a Trooper and loved my many–including myself. Una famiglia italiana e un dono di Dio.
Michael Albetta: Broward Sherriff Community Liaison
Memories captured from my dear good friend who now rests in Heaven, William “Bill” Calcaterra aka POMPANO BILL.. Our beloved LGBT community will miss him more than we think. Let’s honor one last request from Pompano Bill: GET OUT TO VOTE AND VOTE DEMOCRATIC!
Jose Javier: Friend
I think every gay man in South Florida has a picture taken by him. I never got a chance to have a long conversation with him, but the short chat after he had taken a picture where always nice. Will be missed. Rest in peace Pompano Bill Calcaterra.
Mike Trottier:  Co-worker and dear friend
Pompano Bill…You can rest now my friend. Miss you already Peanut Butter!
Row lliescu:  Equality Florida
Don’t be sad! Of course, we will miss you, Pompano Bill—but what a life you lived–an example to all of us to seize the day and make the most of every situation–or so it seemed. Indeed, the place won’t be the same without you, but it’s immeasurably better because of you. I look forward to celebrating your life with the throngs who adored you.
Steven Walker: Friend
I was in two of his photos in Hotspots Magazine. One all dressed up at The Opera Broward Center, the other less put together in the pool at Inn Leather-tee hee!
Ken Evans:  Our Fund
Sad to learn of the passing of Pompano Bill. A wonderful friend to so many of us in the LGBTQ community. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bill without a smile or his camera ready to take that perfect shot. He will be greatly missed by our community. Thank you for all the memories Pompano…Rest In Peace good friend.
Howard Andrew: Talent Scout
I found myself driving to Pompanos Bills house today, and sitting in the car outside of his home. Shaking my head for not stopping by earlier, and for always saying I’ll stop by tomorrow I’ll stop by tomorrow I’ll stop by tomorrow. We’ll, tomorrow has come and Bill has gone. Don’t wait to see friends and loved ones…. Don’t miss the chance to tell someone you love them. Life is short….. Rip Bill
Robin Bodiford:  Attorney
I loved Pompano Bill. He had such a wonderful vibe and over the years such a big part of our community and also chronicled our community.
Kevin Clevenger, Poverello
Rest in peace Pompano Bill
Kenneth Flood: The Pub
So sad to hear of the passing of Pompano Bill Calcaterra. I have known this man pretty much since day one when I first moved to Fort Lauderdale. He was such a kind wonderful man. He always greeted me with a Hug & a Kiss(or three,LOL). I am saddened by the loss of this man, a treasure, R.I.P. my friend.
Daniel Curtis:  Friend
I’m celebrating the life of my friend Mr Pompano Bill Calcaterra.
The Snapchat & Instagram of his time from the Golden Cost to the Golf Cost South Florida has been best pictured by you!
I’ll lend you my ear anytime! Thank you for for your gifts the smiles & magic in our memories! You’re having a great time in the afterlife this I’m sure! Salute and cheers my friend…
Jim Libonati:  Friend and former Hotspots Executive
I miss him very much; like others we had a great history as friends, and he was once my neighbor back in the late 80’s… RIP My dear Friend!
Gary Resnick: Mayor, Wilton Manors
“Our community has lost an Icon and a loving man who gave so much to so many”
Toni Barone: Close Friend, Community Leader
“How do you say goodbye to such an Icon?  Our community will come together and heal but right now, we are still coming to terms with our loss.  
Steve and Zak:  Owners of Ramrod
We grieve the sudden loss of a long-time community member and dear friend
Michael Murphy:  Photographer
I’m not sure how to express my love for Pompano, my own shortened nickname, in a paragraph. Over 25 years of sharing great images with one another, playfully bumping each other while shooting, comparing butts and bulges and yes telling secrets. I’m grateful that he had the best life, surrounded by so many people that loved him and that he loved even more. Many of us forget that when he was young and gay, he couldn’t be out.
So, his last 25 years, the 25 I got to enjoy alongside of him, truly were his Golden Years and he lived every minute to the fullest!  I love you Pompano!
Watch for next week’s edition of Hotspots for a special photographic retrospective of Pompano Bill’s life and legacy.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/10/25/community-celebrates-pompano-bill/
0 notes
bravemodels · 7 years ago
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25 Feb 2018
Alicia Holtz, Nya & Carl for Daniele Calcaterra - MFW FW18
0 notes
leitch · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
As you may have seen, today is the last day of publishing for Sports On Earth. I wrote many, many words for Sports On Earth, but I also hosted more than 500 The Will Leitch Experience podcasts. For the first two years, the show was in fact a daily podcast, which seems insane now. I do not know if the podcast itself is going to continue – obviously Grierson & Leitch and WSLS are continuing – but if it does, it won’t be under the Sports On Earth name.
So at the very least, this seems like a good time to reflect on the podcast itself. I don’t know if I’m the best interviewer, but my philosophy on podcasts has always been that if you get two smart people and just tape them talking to one another, you can’t help but capture something worthwhile, even accidentally. I loved doing the show because I loved talking to smart people about things they cared about. That’s what podcasts are for, I think: To dig deep into things with people who don’t usually get to dig deep on things. That was always the goal.
And we had a rather insane assortment of guests, from Patrick Stewart to Peter Billingsley to Red Panda Acrobat. Below is a list of every guest every to appear on The Will Leitch Experience podcast. This seems about as thorough a cross-section of sports media over the last five years that I can come up with.
Red Panda Acrobat
Rick Ankiel
Jorge Arangure
Nicole Auerbach
Katie Baker
Chris Ballard
Steve Bardo
Howard Beck
Andy Behrens
Michael Beller
Alex Belth
Ted Berg
Jonathan Bernhardt
Neil Best
Carl Bialik
Peter Billingsley
Sigmund Bloom
Jon Bois
Mike Breen
Will Brinson
Chris Brown
Matt Brown
Jay Busbee
Mary Byrne
Craig Calcaterra
Peter Robert Casey
Anthony Castrovince
Rick Chandler
Jim Cooke
Cliff Corcoran
Dom Cosentino
Noah Coslov
Tommy Craggs
Chuck Culpepper
Ed Cunningham
Chris Cwik
Kavitha Davidson
Noah Davis
Josh Dean
Joe DeLessio
Jack Dickey
Michael Brendan Dougherty
Ezra Edelman
Rich Eisen
Leigh Ellis
Ryan Fagan
Doug Farrar
Paul Finebaum
Chad Finn
Roy Firestone
Steve Fishman
Alyson Footer
Reid Forgrave
James Freedman
James Frey
Fred Frommer
Jason Fry
Shawn Fury
John Gasaway
Jason Gay
Willie Geist
Matt Giles
Aaron Gleeman
Andy Glockner
Derrick Goold
Aaron Gordon
Rick Grayshock
Jon Greenberg
Karl Taro Greenfeld
Tim Grierson
Andrea Hangst
Spencer Hall
Dirk Hayhurst
John Heilemann
Chris Herring
Jon Heyman
Ty Hildenbrandt
Jason B. Hirschhorn
David Hirshey
Greg Howard
Patrick Hruby
Ed Hula
Vinnie Iyer
Jay Jaffe
Nate Jackson
Rany Jazayerli
Sally Jenkins
Lindsay Jones
Richard Justice
Jim Kaat
Kevin Kaduk
Danny Kanell
Brian Kenny
Trey Kerby
Jonah Keri
Dave Kindred
Paul Klee
Dan Klores
Sarah Kogod
Rafi Kohan
Gwen Knapp
Molly Knight
John Koblin
Matthew Kory
Trenni Kusnierek
Jenifer Langosch
Keith Law
Matthew Leach
Joe Lemire
Josh Levin
Kevin Lincoln
Ben Lindbergh
Mark Lisanti
Zach Lowe
Jerry Lucas
Jeb Lund
Steven Madden
Drew Magary
Erik Malinowski
Chris Mannix
Beckley Mason
Ben Mathis-Lilley
Jack McCallum
Randy McClure
Ben McGrath
Howard Megdal
The Mighty MJD
Bernie Miklasz
James Andrew Miller
Sam Miller
Earl Monroe
Leigh Montville
Jack Moore
Jamie Moyer
Paul Myerberg
Amy K. Nelson
Joe Nocera
Matt Norlander
Chris O’Leary
Paul Pabst
Sridhar Pappu
Gary Parrish
Jeff Passan
Kevin Pearce
John Perrotto
Mike Pesca
Mike Petriello
Michael Pina
Dan Pompei
Joe Posnanski
Shaun Powell
George Quraishi
Scott Raab
Ray Ratto
Josh Reed
Tomas Rios
Daniel Roberts
Selena Roberts
C. Trent Rosecrans
Seth Rosenthal
Michael Ruhlman
Shane Ryan
Gar Ryness
Richard Sandomir
Bill Scheft
Jonathan Schuppe
Michael Schur
Frank Schwab
Cory Schwartz
Peter Scolari
Dan Shanoff
Joe Sheehan
Drew Silva
J.E. Skeets
Michael David Smith
Emma Span
Harrison Stark
Jayson Stark
Brandon Steiner
Adam Sternbergh
Patrick Stewart
Chris Strauss
Dan Szymborski
Mike Tanier
Pete Thamel
Chase Thomas
Wendy Thurm
Mike Tollin
Marc Tracy
Michael Tunison
Matt Ufford
Bobby Valentine
Matt Vasgersian
Grant Wahl
Ron Wechsler
Michael Weinreb
Jon Weisman
J.R. Wilco
George Will
Jason Wojciechowski
Dan Wolken
Alex Wong
Cyd Zeigler
Jeff Zillgitt
Tom Ziller
Dave Zirin
0 notes
usatrendingsports · 7 years ago
2018 NFL Draft: Replacements for the highest 20 underclassmen leaving school early
As ordinary, the suspense has been taken out of declaration day. Monday marks the deadline for underclassmen to declare for particular eligibility with the NFL forward of the 2018 draft.
You’ll find the complete record of underclassmen who’ve already finished so proper right here. However who replaces the perfect of the perfect?
These are the 20 juniors you simply do not change. Certain, there are alternatives at every of those faculties. However there may be additionally a cause these star gamers are popping out early.
They’ve finished sufficient … with out getting paid.
In alphabetical order, this is the highest 20 underclassmen who’ve declared and who their respective groups hope will change their manufacturing subsequent season.
Josh Allen, QB, Wyoming: Whereas Allen solely went 16-11 as a starter, he led the Cowboys to the 2016 Mountain West title sport. Meaning the sting of New 12 months’s Six relevance. It seems like a battle will begin led by senior Nick Smith (Three.9 GPA in finance), who stuffed in for a few video games when Allen damage his shoulder. Redshirt freshman Tyler Vander Waal will see the sector for the primary time, whereas early enrollee Sean Chambers, a three-star from Kerman, California, might even be within the combine. Not one of the three are getting comparisons, like Allen, to John Elway simply but.
Josh Adams, RB, Notre Dame: The very best bets are senior Dexter Williams (9.2 yards per carry) or Tony Jones Jr. That includes both one means changing a robust franchise again who briefly grew to become a prime Heisman challenger.
Mark Andrews, TE, Oklahoma: The lack of Baker Mayfield’s favourite goal is much less about Andrews than changing Mayfield himself. Kyler Murray will likely be throwing to a deep receiving corps. The subsequent man up at tight finish is sophomore Grant Calcaterra, who caught 10 passes as a promising freshman.
Saquon Barkley, RB, Penn State: There will not be one other one like him for a very long time. That does not imply Penn State is not a prime 10 program going into 2018. Rising junior Miles Sanders is extra of a velocity man. James Franklin in contrast Sanders’ arrival with Barkley in place to Aaron Rodgers coming in and studying below Brett Favre at Inexperienced Bay. Excessive reward.
Can Miles Sanders actually step in for the nice Saquon Barkley? USATSI
Orlando Brown, OT, Oklahoma: In all probability the important thing to Mayfield profitable the Heisman when you think about his blindside obligations. Proper sort out Bobby Evans will almost definitely transfer to left sort out to switch Brown. Evans was graded second within the Massive 12 and prime 10 nationally amongst tackles, forward of even Brown, in accordance with Professional Soccer Focus.
Sam Darnold, QB, USC: Reclassified freshman J.T. Daniels has a shot together with redshirt freshman Jack Sears. Daniels was already the No. 1 prospect within the 2019 class. Now Daniels — the Gatorade nationwide participant of the yr — has an opportunity to be the man this yr if he follows by way of on his dedication. USC has had a bunch of success with Santa Ana (Calif.) Mater Dei merchandise. Do Matt Barkley and Matt Leinart ring a bell?
Derrius Guice, RB, LSU: Leonard Fournette begat Guice who begat … who? The Subsequent One at LSU must be a difference-making energy runner in Ed Orgeron’s second full season as head coach. Three gamers — none who ran for a complete of 100 yards in 2017 — have a shot: senior Nick Brossette, sophomore Clyde Edwards-Helaire and junior Lanard Fournette. Sure, he is the youthful brother of Leonard. 4-star signee Chris Curry is also within the combine. Clip and save for additional use this fall. The Tigers lose 92 p.c of their 2017 speeding complete.
Sam Hubbard, DE, Ohio State: The Buckeyes’ fearsome entrance takes an enormous hit as Tyquan Lewis and Jalyn Holmes are additionally leaving. However solely at Ohio State can that line be simply as fearsome. Joey Bosa’s brother Nick is the following nice one after posting eight.5 sacks and 16 tackles for loss.
Josh Jackson, CB, Iowa: You do not simply change the nation’s greatest defensive again. Iowa’s All-American had freshman Matt Hankins beginning reverse him. The opposite nook initiatives to be junior Manny Rugamba, who was suspended and misplaced his beginning job final season. Iowa simply appears to pump out difference-making defensive backs (see: Desmond King).
Lamar Jackson, QB, Louisville: How do you change a Heisman winner? You do not. However Jawon “Puma” Move — that is actually his identify — will attempt. As a freshman, the 6-foot-Four, four-star from Georgia handed for 238 yards in mop-up obligation. Motive to be optimistic: In that restricted taking part in time, Move truly had the next passer ranking than Jackson.
Will one of many sport’s greatest names be one in every of its greatest gamers in 2018? USATSI
Ronald Jones II, RB, USC: Solely 4 gamers had extra speeding touchdowns than Jones’ 19 final season. Solely 4 different Trojans have extra profession speeding yards. That is a giant ask for the following man up at Troy. Freshman Stephen Carr averaged 5.5 yards per carry getting solely 6.5 carries per sport. Additionally watch redshirt junior Vaeve Malepeai and junior Aca’Cedric Ware. Collectively they mixed for barely greater than half of Jones’ 1,550 yards. 
Christian Kirk, WR, Texas A&M: Some of the productive school gamers lately, Kirk will not get replaced by one participant. No different Aggie apart from Kirk had numbers in all 4 all-purpose classes (speeding, receiving, punt return, kick return). The closest factor to it’s tailback Trayveon Williams, the main rusher and third-leading receiver.
Hercules Mata’afa, DT, Washington State: The most effective inside offensive line disturbers within the nation, the All-American contributed to what was Mike Leach’s best-ever protection. Redshirt junior Nnamdi Oguayo, one other undersized lineman, began six video games posting 4 sacks and 7 TFLs.
Da’Ron Payne, DT, Alabama: Nick Saban covets that noseguard who can occupy two linemen within the A and B hole. Payne was that man this season turning into each the Sugar Bowl and School Soccer Playoff Nationwide Championship defensive MVP.  Saban additionally loses Payne’s backup in senior Joshua Frazier. Changing Payne is a real concern with Saban wanting on the 2018 recruiting class for assist or rising senior Johnny Dwight.
Kamryn Pettway, RB, Auburn: The bigger concern is the best way to change among the finest 1-2 combos within the nation? Gus Malzahn can be shedding 2017 workhorse Kerryon Johnson. The Tigers will not be as deep at tailback Kam Martin was the following man up with 453 yards however solely 16 of his 74 carries got here when the rating was inside a landing both approach.
Calvin Ridley, WR, Alabama: From Julio Jones to Amari Cooper to Ridley, Saban normally options an NFL-quality edge receiver who can stretch the protection. With Ridley gone to the NFL, search for Jerry Jeudy to fill it. Jeudy was a distant second this season in receiving with 14 catches averaging virtually 19 yards.
Josh Rosen, QB, UCLA: Who is aware of who Chip Kelly needs with what is out there on the roster? Redshirt sophomore Devon Modster is the quarterback with expertise and had been backing up Rosen. Dorian Thompson-Robinson, an incoming freshman from Las Vegas Bishop Gorman, is a chance. That is vital as a result of Gorman runs an offense much like Kelly’s well-known unfold.
Bo Scarbrough, RB, Alabama: The largest information might not be that that Scarbrough left however that rising senior Damien Harris stayed. Harris ran for precisely 1,000 yards and is inside 1,300 yards of Derrick Henry’s faculty file.
Roquan Smith, LB, Georgia: Whoever replaces Georgia’s Will linebacker will likely be in comparison with one of many program’s all-time greatest. Rising senior Juwan Taylor — in Smith’s recruiting class — will seemingly get a shot however the competitors will likely be unbelievable. Senior Natrez Patrick is predicted again, however is he dependable after getting remedy for substance abuse? Sophomore Monty Rice has essentially the most upside. Whoever it’s, the following man should have velocity — maybe Smith’s greatest trait. Any dialogue of Georgia in 2018 begins with the linebackers with center linebacker Reggie Carter additionally leaving.   
Vita Vea, DT, Washington: CBS Sports activities’ Chris Trapasso believes Vea “could be the strongest prospect in your entire draft.” Greg Gaines, a rising senior, is already a U-Dub defensive position starter however seems like the following nice one. He graded out the fifth-best D-lineman within the Pac-12 and a top-20 nationally run stopper. Gaines missed solely 5 tackles in 520 snaps.
Connor Williams, OT, Texas: The Longhorns acquired a very good take a look at the longer term as Williams, a 2016 All-American, began solely 5 video games in 2017 as a result of damage (solely 28 in his three-year profession). Search for Elijah Rodriguez, an rising expertise, who missed your entire common season with an ankle damage however then performed within the bowl sport. That could be sufficient. As Williams’ alternative at left sort out, Rodriguez will likely be a central determine in Tom Herman creating a difference-making quarterback.
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Por: Craig Calcaterra
Tomado de nbsSports
Traducción del Palco de la Historia
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