#Daniel Larusso's father
msfbgraves · 17 days
The cruelest thing Daniel’s Pop ever did was make him go back/playing with his feelings so that he’d go back to Terry after the rape, knowing how hurt and scared Daniel was. Using his 18 year old son to save the family via marriage to a murderer was bad, this was way worse. Pop is an interesting character, but a horrible person. Great story btw!!
I see how it can read that way, Nonnie, and if my parents would do something like Daniele's Pop does, I think it would be straight up cruelty. But I don't completely agree. You know how mobsters never say anything outright? The implication here is, "You want him dead, caro? Say the word, he's dead. You won't have to do it, or be implicated or even be sure that's what happened. But I will kill him for you, and you can come back home. Except I'm not sure that is what you want deep down." Because it's not, his Daniele wants a divorce. And that cannot happen. It would weaken the power of marriage as a political tool, but more importantly, as this is aboverse - Terry wouldn't stand for it. It would mean war. A hell of a lot of killing. Amanda says the same. Would the kindest thing have been to grant him that divorce anyway and help him hide? Sure, if he could pull it off, but this beautiful young man would be preyed on by Alphas and betas alike. It's not feasible, the pups could get hurt, it's all kinds of trouble. Also, if Daniele does not want him dead - and Antonio is more than willing to kill, as is Michael - isn't there something left they could at least try to build on? He'd take his son and his pups in, of course, but ultimately he'd have to wed him to someone again, there would be too many suitors to hold off forever... It's do or die, and that's what Daniel resents. He's more American than his Pop. Individual happiness can trump the concerns of the whole family structure in his head. To both his parents that's unthinkable. Family is everything. Everything. The only safety that exists. And if that means sacrificing some individual happiness, that's a price you'll have to pay for the unconditional belonging. Even canon Daniel isn't above that. Sure, Louie is a pain in the ass but he's family. Vanessa's family and if he has to bring them to California to have them near it's what you do. If Lucille has to drop her whole life to nurse Louie sr. she does. But in this story Daniel rightly asks: what's in it for me? How much personal happiness can I sacrifice before I can't bear it anymore? But he has an infant with this man, a toddler and three young children, whom he loves above all else. He can see in Michael what happens when that loyalty and warmth isn't there, or at least not enough of it to curb the ego. It's terrifying to Daniel. Still, loyalty has a cost, and so does love. It's a choice mothers face the world over. If he'd up and left - left the pups, left his family, everyone would think he was the monster. Society can make it so there are no good choices and yes, I think about the toll of a loving family too. It's not all Sunday dinners and warm hugs.
Still I understand where his Pop is coming from. To him, the family is worth almost any price and he's just lucky as the patriarch, other people pay it. He wasn't always, though. He's done unspeakable things to build a sanctuary and fight his way out of poverty, for himself and his wife and pups, for his brother, his neighbors, his countrymen.
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koolaidjamm3rs · 2 months
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Rewatched the karate kid n then thoguth of a headcanon that mr. miyagi taught daniel how to make onigiri
(i do NOT know how to draw old ppl💀💀)
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danielslaw · 10 months
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2dieavirgin · 2 years
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"and then one day i realized, i did the greatest thing for him before he died. i was there with him, and i held his hand, and i said goodbye."
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soupforsoup · 1 month
Yeah I'd love to make new and original content but unfortunately there's only so many ways that I can say how the opening scene in 1x07 where Daniel's training Robby in the home dojo makes me scream and cry and claw my eyes out
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skyf0ckz · 2 months
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How many times have I said I'd do a sketchbook tour and STILL haven't? Yall..it's coming I swear.
Anyways have a Nun!Johnny bc I watched immaculate(2024)
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21kmoonz · 4 months
Anthony : Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops! Johnny : loads shotgun I got this. Anthony : Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
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merv606 · 2 months
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If this ain’t Daniel and Samantha LaRusso I don’t know what is.
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Father’s daughter 🥰
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zappedbyzabka · 3 months
Happy Father’s day everyone!
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Johnny: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven’t decided yet' is typically a good response.
Robby: *nodding* Noted!
Sam: See that dad, they can get along quite nicely!
Daniel: …
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terrence-silver · 8 months
how do you think terry would react to beloved having a child who trains at miyagi-do or doesn't like cobra kai?
Why do I think Terry Silver would...just try and buy Miyagi-Do?
You know, buy it? Like someone buys a car? Or a watch? Or an expensive suit? His child likes Miyagi-Do? His stepchild? His ward? His whatever? Guess what? Terry Silver immediately starts making plans how to acquire this franchise and pretty much...you know, give it to his offspring like it's a mere thing. Why? The sole reason his kid likes something is enough reason for him to have an innate and almost burning desire to do this for them, and he would, if push came to shove, try to make this into a reality by any means necessary, no matter how long it took. Spreading around rumors to damage the rival dojo's reputation? Maybe someone mysteriously starts gossip how Miyagi-Do discriminates on the basis of...literally whatever to fuel some fake outrage? Sabotage the business so they lose students and by extension, money? Goodness gracious, does he have to go the route of paying someone to go as hilariously low as tipping off Sanitary Inspection on the place due to a termite infestation on dojo grounds (which he may or may not have personally planted to entire devalue the property to the degree the Larussos would be forced to sell?) Use a strategic middle man when conducting the purchase so nobody would immediately know he's the one actually buying the property? Tactics he'd utilize are as varied as human imagination and you'd be shocked what a man can achieve when he has money to blow and he's willing to step over literal corpses to get what he wants. Regardless, Terry's child gets Miyagi-Do. All of it. Every rock. Every stone. Every bit of hallowed legacy. Terry gives it to them and by extension, to himself, like a war trophy.
Now, they can train at that place to their heart's desire.
Quite literally go and knock themselves out.
The offense Terry takes at his kid not preferring Cobra Kai as a dojo option isn't as huge or as pronounced as one would think it is in this situation; not when you consider it's massively overshadowed by the triumphant, gleeful joy that he can go and turn whatever place he touches into Cobra Kai too --- especially Miyagi-Do, perhaps the very antithesis of everything Cobra Kai stands for. Oh, if that old coot that trained Daniel all those years ago could rise from the grave right about now and check out the new state of things, would he be in for a surprise or what! Heck, the very look on Daniel and Amanda Larusso's faces once they realize it's actually him who bought the place and not someone else is enough to fuel him for the rest of his life. And in Terry's own words vaguely paraphrased, he can utilize the literal legacy of these grounds for mulch, all while giving his kid the gift of a lifetime at the same time. His kid --- they don't like Cobra Kai? Well, guess what? Anything Terry Silver sets his eyes on is and can be Cobra Kai, whether they realize it or not. He could buy out a whole mall tomorrow and turn it into exactly the very same thing too. Can't ran from what you are. It keeps following you regardless of the color of your Gi.
Once Terry Silver's done buying out Miyagi Do, though...
The Larusso Car Dealership could be next.
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Aww that's cute and sad that Danny's Pops wanted to spend his days cuddling Omega Danny and his puppies. But no way on earth Terry would let his omega be in the arms of another Alpha all day!! Even if it is Daniel's Dad!
Does Terry like to wave his dick around (metaphorically speaking, ahem) when the Don is around? Like, maybe, hand on Daniel's back, fingers grazing his mating bite, or getting Danny to agree with him over his Dad. He's MINE. You know?
Kind of innocent shit (or not so innocent 😈).
They have some unspoken agreements.
The Don does not come to the Silver house. Lucille, his pups, his brother, Daniele's cousins, yes. And they'd better be welcome. But the Don does not get to step unto Terry's turf. (Like he'd want to anyway).
Not even for the christenings. He'll attend the ceremony, of course. But he does not visit. They come show the puppies to him, if Daniele does not stay in hospital long enough for the Don to go there first.
That means that Daniele will have to come to him a lot. Which means Terry will have to be on his turf a lot.
And on his turf Daniele defers to him, and not to his mate, should it have to come to that.
And it shouldn't come to that, should it?
Of course the Alpha bristles. They all do. But he won't let him put Daniele on the spot. Ever.
And to the Don it's not really that important. Because what both Terry and Michael may not realise, is that the true heir to their empire is neither Terry, Michael, or any of his other children....
It's Samantha.
If he lets this generation squabble, he'll have free rein to mentor her.
Because Samantha Silver has fire and brains enough to keep up with her uncle, but it's the warmth of her mother that will keep her people loyal to her. Terry would set the world on fire and Michael would freeze out his own blood. It's Daniele's warmth and Terry's brains that will rule the city one day, her Irish spirit, Italian warmth and American practicality. But for now she's barely ten and wants to play hide and seek while her father and uncle butt heads, so that is what he'll do. What is a Nonno for, after all.
With his son, his heart, watching them close by.
Nessa sometimes complains that Daniel's become even more of a golden child in his absence and she isn't wrong...
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yenforfairytales · 1 year
Thinking about Terry Silver as a dad. Specifically with a baby. You know he would fall into baby talk like
-picks up baby anthony-
Terry: "Look at you! Did you kick Mr. Miyagi in the face? Yes you did. Yeshyoodid."
Daniel: "He laughed while he did it."
Terry: "Did you laugh?? Did you strike first??"
Daniel: "Pff. It was sneaky. He gets that from you."
Terry: "Nooo. We're not sneaky. We use our brains! Go for the eyes and throat, don't we? Don't we?"
Daniel: ಠ_ಠ
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danielslaw · 10 months
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Nariyoshi Miyagi - Daniel LaRusso - Robby Keene - Samantha LaRusso
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landslided · 9 months
you ever remember how good of a movie the karate kid is...... yeah same
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Carmen and Johnny being best friends instead of partners would be the best thing ever. They’d love each other so much platonically but Carmen would be so tired of Johnny’s shit. She’d also figure out that he loves Daniel long before he does.
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