#beautiful brunette bonsai Badasses
merv606 · 1 month
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Mary and Ralph being smiley and happy 🌺 🥰
Tanner is, of course, right behind Mary ☺️
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merv606 · 2 months
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If this ain’t Daniel and Samantha LaRusso I don’t know what is.
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Father’s daughter 🥰
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merv606 · 1 year
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Father’s daughter
My eye bruises the same as yours when someone bigger and stronger than me connects.
But still I don’t back down.
You wouldn’t - so neither will I.
I bare the marks for other people’s confused and misguided passion.
Mistaking lust for something else; violence always the end result.
I know now, why you tried so hard to protect me; why you gave me the tools to be able to instead, when you realized you couldn’t. And that was never your fault - no one can; that’s just growing up.
I grit my teeth like you, clench my fists like you, block blows like you (where I can).
I hurt like you, but I stay silent like you.
They pat my head, “aren’t you cute,” condensation dripping from their voice. My size, my anger, OUR anger, because we both burn bright with that, my everything, reduced to nothing.
They think I can’t draw blood.
They think I won’t draw blood.
But I will, because you have.
I move like you, and I don’t.
Your style mixed with my own; the best parts of you and the best parts of me.
“You have so much of your father in you,” they say.
They all say.
Sometimes it’s said with a smile, a compliment, and sometimes with a sneer, an insult.
I never used to be able to tell the difference but now, now I do.
But it doesn’t matter, not anymore, because my response is the same every time.
I smile to show the blood in my teeth.
“You’re damn right I do.”
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merv606 · 1 year
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merv606 · 1 year
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merv606 · 2 months
CK 6 should end with Chozen running Johnny over and killing him with the party bus and carrying off Daniel to their flight so they can form a throuple with Kumiko. Amanda and Carmen hook up, and there is no baby because it was a false alarm. Kreese retires from evil in S. Korea, Robby becomes a billionaire, and Terry sulks and remains lonely and horny in his mansion while Daniel sends him occasional thirst trap pics for his good behavior.
The end.
Daniel sends him occasional thirst trap pics for his good behaviour 😆 that took me out 😂
Chozen sends audio snippets of him dicking down Daniel real good but that’s to taunt Terry 😏
Robby a billionaire which supports the polyamourous relationship with Sam, Tory, and Miguel 🤔
We talk about Daniel Larusso Derangement syndrome but clearly it should just be Larusso Derangement Syndrome as it has clearly been passed down from father to daughter 😆
Those beautiful brunette bonsai badasses really bring out the obsession in people.
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merv606 · 9 months
Crack Omegaverse idea where Alphas Terry and Tory are getting married to their respective LaRusso Omegas, and decide to have a double wedding. Daniel and Sam are mortified at the outrageous lavishness of the wedding, but there's nothing they can do about that, because when does a Silver ever listen? The wedding becomes a media sensation, and tops the list of Greatest Weddings Ever. All Daniel and Sam want to do is crawl under a rock and die. Terry (and to a lesser extent Tory) don't understand why...
Love it!!!!
Tory and Terry in a competition over who can have the most obnoxiously gauche wedding 😂
Daniel and Sam seriously rethinking their lifes choices.
Orrrr, conversely, if we’re going the full on crack route, Sam and Daniel surprise the shit out of everyone by being bratty little bridezillas 😂
They are both little terrors and their alphas are no good at reining them in (Ha! When are they ever - those little beautiful brunette bonsai Badasses - both of them - have their big bad alphas wrapped around their fingers)
Terry and Tory are all 🥰😍
Making sure their little omegas every last desire is fulfilled and all the details are perfect - seriously no alpha wants to deal with a pissed off Larusso.
Terry beside himself whenever his little omega is unhappy - big brown eyes filled with tears.
“I wanted pink Terry, pink!” Daniel brandishing the tiger lilies that were just flown in from Peru “And these, THESE ARE CORAL TERRANCE!!!”
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