#Daniel Barbiero
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marcogiovenale · 9 months ago
numero doppio di 'utsanga', appena uscito
utsanga.it, nn. 39 e 40 (marzo/giugno 2024), con opere diLamberto Pignotti, Carlo Belloli, Lucia Sapienza, Anna Guillot, Nadia Cavalera, Francesco Muzzioli, Daniel Barbiero, Francesco Aprile, Cristiano Caggiula, Dixie Denman Junius, Gianluigi Balsebre, Fernando de Filippi, Fernando Miglietta, Cecelia Chapman, Alfonso Lentini, Tim Gaze, Gian Paolo Roffi, Egidio Marullo, Shadi Fathi, Ninfa…
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alterna2mag · 1 year ago
OMBRA Festival celebra una exitosa quinta edición en su nuevo recinto
Guiomar Fernández
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OMBRA Festival celebró su quinta edición del 1 al 3 de diciembre en su flamante nueva ubicación, la Antigua Fábrica ENMASA Mercedes-Benz en Barcelona. Durante tres días, el EBM, la música industrial, el post-punk, el darkwave o el techno, entre otros géneros alternativos, convivieron en las desvencijadas instalaciones de un recinto que no podía ser más idóneo. Una nave enorme en desuso en la que no hacía falta cambiar casi nada.
Nos encontramos con un lago pasillo de acceso, ventanas rotas y pareces desconchadas. Lo que en su día parece que fueron unos vestuarios (aún pueden verse las taquillas oxidadas) se han convertido en pista de baile. OMBRA transformó ENMASA en una rave de tres días.
Excelente jornada inaugural con actuaciones conferencias y apertura de OMBRA GALLERY
El jueves 30 de noviembre tuvo lugar la jornada inaugural. En colaboración con la marca MAYAKI, OMBRA organizó un pequeño micro evento que ofreció unas conferencias, exposiciones y música en vivo.
Ximo Noguera (Industrial Complex) presentó su libro Atom™ El virtuoso Inconformista, que profundiza en la trayectoria artística de Uwe Schmidt, más conocido como Atom™. Le acompañó Uwe, a través de video conferencia, y unos invitados de lujo: Andrés Noarbe (Discos Rotor) y Angel Molina. Entre todos desgranaron la ecléctica trayectoria de uno de los productores más multifacéticos y versátiles de la escena electrónica internacional.
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David Townsend, fundador de Townrock Energy, presentó BODYHEAT, una empresa emergente basada en sistema de generación de energía renovable a partir de las pistas de baile. El proyecto aprovecha la energía generada simplemente al bailar, transformándola en calefacción o aire acondicionado para el propio recinto. Ya está en uso en Escocia.
El artista Umwelt, cuyo nombre real es Frederic Andre Bernard Poncet, compartió su evolución en el uso de sintetizadores, con algunas fotos y vídeos de diferentes aparatos que ha ido coleccionando y con los que continúa experimentando. Durante la charla, ofreció un workshop en directo.
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Finalmente, la DJ, productora Chloe Lula entrevistó al artista Ancient Methods (Michael Wollenhaupt), en una charla que recopiló algunas canciones que, de alguna forma, influyeron en su trayectoria, y que sirvió para que conociéramos las inquietudes y motivaciones del artista.
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Tanto Umwelt, como Chloe Lula y Ancient Methods formaban parte del cartel del festival.
En este primer día, se inauguraron también una exposición, en colaboración con el HR Giger Museum, sobre Hans Ruedi Giger, el creador de Alien, y las instalaciones del colectivo Ex Abrupto, Evgeny Shvets, Javier Ripoll y Daniele Barbiero. De este último destacamos The Cure Division, una instalación que, a través de machine learning, combinaba en una proyección letras de ambas bandas.
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Years of Denial, The Invincible Spirit y Neon Electronics, nuestros destacados por día
El cartel de OMBRA 2023 aglutinaba viejos conocidos del festival y muy variados estilos. Por supuesto con mucha presencia del sello Oraculo Records, coorganizador del festival. Por el escenario OMBRA, el principal, desfilaron artistas muy diversos. Las primeras horas del viernes, los balcánicos I Tpame I Tvrame sorprendieron con sus hipnóticos pasajes sonoros. Interesante también el proyecto, Mitra Mitra, duo capitaneado por la misteriosa vocalista Violet Candide. Junto a ella, Mahk Rumbae, cuyo proyecto en solitario, Codex Empire, también se pudo ver en el mismo escenario el sábado.
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Derriere le Miroir, banda alemana con tres décadas de historia, derrocharon elegancia con temazos como Alibis. Ralf Jesek deslumbró con su característica voz y afilada guitarra. Years of Denial volvían a OMBRA, donde los habíamos visto en 2019. De nuevo se metieron al público en el bolsillo, sobre todo por la performance de su irreverente jefaza, Barkosina Hanusova. Jerome Tcherneyan despliega los beats, y ella actúa como dominatrix del escenario, cautivando con su voz y sus excéntricos bailes. Todo un espectáculo. Su prolífica discografía nos deja este 2023 un nuevo reléase, Suicide Disco Vol. 2. El siempre acertado Kris Baha cerraría el escenario el viernes.
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El Operator stage deslumbró con Manisdron a primera hora de la tarde. El japonés Takafumi Okada basa su show en batería con sintetizadores, un combo explosivo. La locura de WLDV o las sesiones de grandes como Ivan Logos y Ancient Methods mantuvieron abarrotado el espacio. En Megabreakz, el tercer, y no por ello menos visitado escenario, acogió también nombres más que interesantes, como la DJ residente en Tresor, Chloe Lula.
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Si el viernes había sido intenso, el sábado no se quedó atrás. Uno de los aspectos que más nos gusta de OMBRA son los horarios. En el OMBRA stage se pudieron ver Linear Movement o The Ne-21 entre los primeros. El directo de HAMMERSHØI fue un chute de adrenalina. Los franceses pusieron el escenario patas arriba. Sus líderes, Anne a los mandos y Ben se comieron el escenario. Ben, con mucha actitud y sin camiseta, lo dio todo e incluso invitó a subir al escenario a una chica tan entregada como ellos. Belgrado, unos habituales de la escena de Barcelona, cumplieron como siempre con una actuación impecable. Los franceses Little Nemo, sin embargo, resultaron algo flojos, aunque brillaron en un par de temas. The Invicible Spirit, referentes del EBM, cerraron por todo lo alto la programación del viernes. El electrizante Thomas Lüdke sacó toda su artillería con perlas como Love is a Kind of Mystery, de su proyecto Invisible Limits, o Push! El momentazo del concierto fue su cover de Atmosphere, de Joy Division, muy bien llevada a su terreno. La maravillosa Anyway, que sirvió de epílogo.
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En Operator se pudieron ver el sábado a artistas como Oliver Decrow, Toulouse Low Trax, o Teslasonic, entre otros. La DJ norteamericana Andi estuvo al inicio de la tarde al mando de los platos del escenario Megabreakz, donde la mejor actuación, aunque corta, corrió a cargo de los gallegos Fotocopia. El proyecto de Teo Cid González es una suerte de punk industrial con directo explosivo que voló la cabeza del público en OMBRA.
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El domingo, tercer y último día del festival, actuaron en el OMBRA stage Zona Utopica Garantita, una banda italiana que bebe de grupos como DAF. Neon Electronics, liderados por Dirk Da Davo (The Neon Judgement) y Glenn Keteleer, que también actuó en OMBRA como Radical G, demostraron por qué el darkwave y el post-punk están tan en plena forma. Estos pioneros llevan desde finales de los 90 al pie del cañón, y dieron buena cuenta de ello ante un público entregado.
Otro belga, Eric Van Wonterghem (mitad de Absolute Body Control) volvía a OMBRA un año después, esta vez como Monolith. Su actuación no pudo ser más explosiva. Artillería pesada que dejó in aliento a la masa congregada, ávida de trallazos.
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Todavía había tiempo para disfrutar con Terence Fixmer o el DJ de San Francisco, Solar, y para cerrar el escenario, el brutal directo de los también norteamericanos, Spike Hellis, duo de Los Angeles que empezó su andadura hace tan solo 4 años, y resultó una grata sorpresa.
El sábado sobresalieron además Spammerheads, o Umwelt en Operator, así como Maquina Corrupta en Magabreakz.
La Sala Upload sirvió de after party tanto el viernes como el sábado, con un siempre bienvenido Curses, pinchando a altas horas de la madrugada.
Tras cinco años de trayectoria, solo resta decir ¡larga vida a OMBRA!
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cc-electronic · 2 years ago
Along the Shore / Along the Shore (Chris H. Lynn & Daniel Barbiero)
Along the ShoreTime: 18:02Album: Along the Shore (Chris H. Lynn & Daniel Barbiero)Link: https://plustimbre.bandcamp.com/album/along-the-shoreNetlabel: Plus Timbrehttps://www.plustimbre.com/index.htmlDate: 2023-05-21License: CC BY-NC-NDEn “Along the Shore”, Chris H. Lynn ha grabado el sonido de las mareas en la bahía de Chesapeake, un gran estuario de Estados Unidos en el que desaguan más de un…
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youarecominggoing · 8 years ago
kind words for lunge by daniel barbiero and ken moore! 
Daniel Barbiero and Ken Moore sculpt acoustics amongst electronics in the compellingly rich “Lunge”. Exploring the experimental while retaining an emotional core these four pieces are remarkably gr…
Source: Daniel Barbiero and Ken Moore – Lunge – Beach Sloth
kind words for lunge by daniel barbiero and ken moore!  was originally published on pan y rosas discos
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maplehousecollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Daniel Barbiero / Sam Byrd / Jimmy Ghaphery
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continuo-docs · 4 years ago
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Music reviews by Laurent Fairon, July 2021 Epsilon-Delta – Music for Recurring Decimals (March 2021) Dino Felipe – The Gardeners (June 2021) Shane Cooper – Happenstance (June 2021) RhaD – Metamusic (June 2021) Angel Bat Dawid – Hush Harbor Mixtape Vol. 1 Doxology (June 2021) Ron Nagorcka – Lovregana - Music From A Tasmanian Forest (July 2021)
Epsilon-Delta – Music for Recurring Decimals (433 Records) https://433records.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-recurring-decimals Lovely collection of short, poetic synth sequences build on simple mathematical algorithms by Hong Kong mathematician Addy Choi working under the Epsilon-Delta alias. Algorithms are based on decimal fractions like 4/7, 7/9 or 3/11, using the resulting digits as the basis for the sequence. Far from being arid or too cerebral, the tracks are poetic and varied thanks to the beautiful MIDI synth sounds chosen by the programmer, who is also a clever musician apparently. Tracks may be repetitive but the album isn't. This is textbook Systems Music as practiced in the U.K. during the 1980s by the likes of The Dead Goldfish Ensemble or The Lost Jockey. Exquisite album.
Dino Felipe – The Gardeners (self release) https://dino-felipe.bandcamp.com/album/the-gardeners Mini-LP of 16 very short tracks by Miami-based electronic musician with previous full length releases on ¡Mayday! and Schematic. The music on The Gardeners is based on samples, sound collages, occasional beats and various sound treatments like speed modification, sound stretching, accumulation, heavy reverb, or else. Felipe thus creates colorful and humorous vignettes based on ethnic music snippets, found vocals, musique concrète or cheap electronic sounds. Glitch-y textures abound, as well as grotesque sounds and weird juxtapositions, the music being deliciously direction-less and erratic.
Shane Cooper – Happenstance (Kit Records) https://kitrecs.bandcamp.com/album/happenstance Gorgeous ambient, ethnic and experimental jazz music by South African double bass player and multi-instrumentalist Shane Cooper. The album is actually constructed as a collage of short excerpts from sessions recorded with Johannesburg guest musicians in 2020. The whole project was commissioned by contemporary artist William Kentridge's The Centre for the Less Good Idea, an artist run facility he founded in Johannesburg to promote local independent art projects. Cooper obviously selected the interesting and relevant parts from two days' worth of collective improvisations and the 2 side-long tracks of Happenstance are bursting with ideas and surprises. The 1st side is rather varied in instrumentation, including superb piano and cello parts, lush Rhodes electric keyboard notes and incredible South African traditional instruments played by Cara Stacey. The music is moody and adventurous, jumping gracefully all over the place. The flip side is more about exploring rhythm textures and deep bass sounds and features Shane Cooper on double bass along 3 percussionists. The collage technique is applied here as well, producing pleasant mood changes and exciting U-turns. Cooper delivers a variety of sounds on his instrument, from walking bass lines to long-held notes played with arco (briefly played backward at some point), and also performs beautiful electric bass guitar parts with reverb. The non-linearity and unpredictability of the collage strategy used in Happenstance ensures the music is keeping away from jazz music's clichés and each new listen is surprising and interesting. Two more episodes were recorded during these sessions and are available on YouTube and other platforms, like the vocal only piece called 'Tongues'.
RhaD – Metamusic (Unexplained Sounds Group) https://unexplainedsoundsgroup.bandcamp.com/album/metamusic Standing for Research for Historical Audio Documents, RhaD is a musical project by Italian music activist Raffaele Pezzella, also known as electronic music producer Sonologyst, as well as Unexplained Sounds Group label director and publisher, not to mention radio host and sound researcher, among others. Metamusic is a 40mn sound collage of mysterious radio transmissions, found vocals, spoken words, vintage electronic sounds and a number of guest stars on classical music instruments like organ, guitar, bass or piano – respectively Michael Bonaventure, Stefan Schmidt, Daniel Barbiero, Francesco Arrighi and Mara Lepore. Adroitly avoiding any ca 2021 digital artifact along the way, Metamusic's sound design is bringing the listener back to the glorious 1960s and '70s, yet the music sounds rather timeless to these ears. Metamusic recreates the sound of early European avantgarde with plenty of tape manipulations, sound collages, buzzing sounds, French spoken word and contemporary classical music instruments. The sound crafting is superb, the collage technique creating an ever-changing musical soundscape full of weird sounds, grotesque sound manipulations and Surrealist juxtapositions. What's not to love?
Angel Bat Dawid – Hush Harbor Mixtape Vol. 1 Doxology (International Anthem) https://intlanthem.bandcamp.com/album/hush-harbor-mixtape-vol-1-doxology Very personal and original album by Angel Bat Dawid, a US clarinet player, singer, electronic musician and DJ from Chicago. Created with a few sounds and a minimum of means, devoid of spectacular solo outing, these mostly desolate tracks form a meditative musical travelogue through the Black people psyche. Track titles deal with themes of slavery, racism, and Black culture tropes, though neither the occasional lyrics nor the strange music on offer here can pass for angry or vindicatory, the music being far too personal for that. The clarinet confers a neo-classical atmosphere to some of the tracks, sometimes interestingly contrasted with synthesizer sounds or electronic beats. Harmonica and vocals on Autotune also contribute to the unique sound signature of this album, with occasional hints at gospel and rural blues. Playing in continuous mode in a kind of stream-of-consciousness style, the music would work just fine as a soundtrack to a Kara Walker exhibition—Bat Dawid actually composed the soundtrack to a Yoko Ono outdoor installation in 2020. On a side note, she also released the Harkening Etudes mini album on Longform Editions earlier in April 2021, where her classically-trained clarinet playing is contrasted with sampled piano accompaniment and electronically processed vocals in a series of short, bizarre classical music études, also worth checking out.
Ron Nagorcka – Lovregana - Music From A Tasmanian Forest (Invisibilia) https://invisibilia.bandcamp.com/album/lovregana-music-from-a-tasmanian-forest-1990-soundscapes-from-wilderness-1988 This CD reissue combines 2 cassette tapes of manipulated field recordings by Australian composer Ron Nagorcka, born 1948, namely 'Lovregana - Music from a Tasmanian Forest', 1990, and 'Soundscapes from Wilderness', from 1988. Both are based on bird recordings from northern Tasmania island, where Nagorcka relocated in 1988, building himself a house and makeshift, solar-powered recording studio deep in the primeval forest. On Lovregana, short samples of bird songs are run through a sampler and harmonized in just intonation, producing eerie soundscapes of disembodied and supernatural bird singing. The music is reconstructing a fictional and artificial forest populated by dozens of birds, some far in the distance, some near ; some slowly developing a song, others performing in sudden bursts, with a variety and unpredictability akin to actual birds in nature. To this, Nagorcka adds minimal electronic loops in the background, dreamy synthesizer notes in strange tunings and discreet didgeridoo playing, all very well integrated to the sampled bird songs. These tracks are thus poetical evocations of a primeval forest via electronic sounds. While Lovregana's tracks more or less focused on one specific bird song at a time, the two tracks of 'Soundscapes from Wilderness' take a more holistic approach to nature recordings. The 1st track, 'Black Forest, Victoria', is a reconstruction of the deep forest sounds via the accumulation of various field recordings, creating a particularly dense soundscape through layers and layers of nature recordings. Here again, the natural-vs-artificial dichotomy is what interests the composer, and arguably this forest never existed, it was rather reconstructed in the studio. The 2nd track, 'Rainforest in Northern Tasmania', uses forest sounds as the basis for slow, mysterious didgeridoo improvisations, perhaps examining how the musician can dialog with the environment, being a part of it, being one with it. The superb didjeridoo playing is what fascinates most here.   .     .     .
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blackkudos · 5 years ago
Stephanie Mills
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Stephanie Dorthea Mills (born March 22, 1957) is an American singer, songwriter and actress. Mills rose to stardom as "Dorothy" in the original Broadway run of the musical The Wiz from 1975 to 1977. The song "Home" from the show later became a Number 1 U.S. R&B hit for Mills and her signature song. During the 1980s, Mills scored five Number 1 R&B hits, including "Home", "I Have Learned to Respect the Power of Love", "I Feel Good All Over", "(You're Puttin') A Rush on Me" and "Something in the Way (You Make Me Feel)". Mills won a Grammy Award for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for her song "Never Knew Love Like This Before" in 1981.
Early life and career
Born Stephanie Dorthea Mills to Joseph and Christine Mills (as well as raised) in Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, Mills sang gospel music as a child at Brooklyn's Cornerstone Baptist Church. Mills began her professional career at age nine, appearing in the Broadway musical Maggie Flynn. After winning Amateur Night at the Apollo Theater six weeks straight at age eleven, Mills went on to become the opening act for the Isley Brothers. In 1973, Mills was signed to Paramount records by Michael Barbiero, and her first single "I Knew It Was Love" was released. Mills was later signed to Motown. Her first two albums there failed to produce a hit, and Mills left the label in 1976.
Mills's career took a rise when she portrayed Dorothy in the Broadway musical The Wiz, an African-American adaptation of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Her song "Home" from the show would become her signature tune for years, and would be covered later by Diana Ross for the movie adaptation three years later. Commercial success in the music industry remained elusive until 1979, when she signed to the 20th Century Fox Records label. There, Mills found her niche in mainly disco music, recording songs such as "Put Your Body In It", "You Can Get Over", and "What Cha Gonna Do with My Lovin'". The resulting album, What Cha' Gonna Do with My Lovin', was Mills's first gold record and the first major hit for the James Mtume-Reggie Lucas production team. She quickly followed the success with 1980's Sweet Sensation, which featured Mills's hit "Never Knew Love Like This Before". The single became a #12 R&B and #6 Pop hit in 1980, as well as reaching #4 in the UK Singles Chart. 1981's Stephanie featured a top hit for her and Teddy Pendergrass entitled "Two Hearts".
Her 1983 album, Merciless, featured her hit cover of Prince's "How Come You Don't Call Me Anymore?", as well as the #3 dance chart hit "Pilot Error", which was her first dance hit in the U.S. In 1984, Mills had her third UK hit with "The Medicine Song" (#29), which also reached #1 on the U.S. dance chart and #8 on the R&B chart. On May 24, 1984, Mills returned to theater to star in a short-lived touring revival of The Wiz. The production closed on June 3, after 13 performances and 7 previews. In 1985, Mills's recording of "Bit by Bit (Theme from Fletch)" was featured in the Chevy Chase film, Fletch, and reached #52 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks chart, #78 on The Billboard Hot 100 and #15 on the Dance Chart.
Success for Mills had peaked until 1986, when her version of the Angela Winbush-penned "I Have Learned to Respect the Power of Love", hit #1 on the R&B singles chart. Mills truly returned, however, with her next release, If I Were Your Woman in 1987 under MCA Records, which she was now signed. The hits from the album include the title track, originally a hit for Gladys Knight & the Pips in 1971, a three-week #1 R&B hit, "I Feel Good All Over", and "You're Puttin' a Rush on Me", to name a few of the songs released. The album reached platinum status. That same year, she appeared in the NBC TV special, Motown: Merry Christmas along with other musical artists and actors, performing the song, "Christmas Everyday", which was written by actor/comedian Redd Foxx. Mills's success continued with 1989's Home album. The hits from that album include "The Comfort of a Man", the title track, a cover of her old standard from The Wiz and another song penned by Winbush titled "Something in the Way You Make Me Feel". It became another platinum record for Mills.
Mills would record one more album (1992's Something Real) and a Christmas album before being released from her contract with MCA in 1992. In 1993, she once again starred in the role of Dorothy in "The Wiz". This revival was also short lived, closing after 28 performances. Mills released a live gospel recording in 1995 on GospoCentric Records entitled Personal Inspirations. The set was produced by Donald Lawrence and featured a spiritualized retooling of her hit "I Have Learned To Respect The Power Of Love". Thereafter, Mills took a break from recording to care for her son.
In 1997, Mills played the lead in a major production of Stephen Schwartz's Children of Eden in New Jersey, which Schwartz has called "the definitive production" of the show. Mills was heavily featured in the cast recording CD that resulted from this production.
In 2008, Mills began a comeback with singles recorded with BeBe Winans and rapper DMX to name a few. She made a comeback in independently-releasing Born For This (released on Expansion Records in the UK) on August 3, 2004. Her first single in over a decade, "Can't Let Him Go", garnered buzz at urban contemporary radio. Mills is currently touring. A 2-disc, career-spanning greatest hits compilation entitled Gold was released by Hip-O/Universal Music earlier last year. Mills just finished production of a live DVD recorded at BB Kings in New York which will be sold online and at her shows.
Mills made an appearance in the 2007 gospel TV series Sunday Best and was recently featured in a live interview on The Yolanda Adams Morning Show, where she mentioned that she now has her own record label (JM Records). Mills performed prior to Pope Benedict XVI celebrating Mass at Yankee Stadium in New York on April 20, 2008. Her track, "Yesterday", is available for download on iTunes.
Towards the end of 2012, Mills released a new single "So In Love This Christmas", available for download. In 2015, Mills was cast as Aunt Em in the NBC live musical production of The Wiz, forty years after her initial Broadway run in the show.
Mills made headlines in August 2018 with her response to singer Sam Smith, who remarked in a video posted to Instagram that they did not like Michael Jackson, but the Jackson hit "Human Nature" was a "decent song". Mills' fiery response quickly gained traction as she criticized Smith in her own Instagram responses, both accusing Smith of cultural appropriation and referring to them as a "one hit wonder".
On June 25, 2019, The New York Times Magazine listed Stephanie Mills among hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire.
Personal life
Mills has been married three times:
Jeffrey Daniel: (1980–1983), Jeffrey Daniel was from the R&B/soul group Shalamar.
Dino Meminger: (1989–1991).
Michael Saunders: (1993–2001), Minister Louis Farrakhan officiated the wedding ceremony.
Mills has a son, Farad Mills, who was born with down syndrome.
Mills had a brief relationship with fellow singer Michael Jackson.
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mello-w-tron · 7 years ago
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koufax73 · 7 years ago
Daniel Barbiero e Cristiano Bocci, "Non-places": la recensione
Daniel Barbiero e Cristiano Bocci, “Non-places”: la recensione
Daniel Barbiero e Cristiano Bocci pubblicano Non-places, in uscita per Acustronica il 30 settembre, come download e CD. “Non-places” è una raccolta di costruzioni sonore ispirate ai non-luoghi, luoghi pubblici che spesso, anche se non esclusivamente, hanno una funzione commerciale, e che conferiscono un senso di anonimato o di estraneità a chi passa attraverso di essi e li usa per i propri scopi.
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marcogiovenale · 9 months ago
numero doppio di 'utsanga', appena uscito
utsanga.it, nn. 39 e 40 (marzo/giugno 2024), con opere diLamberto Pignotti, Carlo Belloli, Lucia Sapienza, Anna Guillot, Nadia Cavalera, Francesco Muzzioli, Daniel Barbiero, Francesco Aprile, Cristiano Caggiula, Dixie Denman Junius, Gianluigi Balsebre, Fernando de Filippi, Fernando Miglietta, Cecelia Chapman, Alfonso Lentini, Tim Gaze, Gian Paolo Roffi, Egidio Marullo, Shadi Fathi, Ninfa…
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annjake · 2 years ago
“Lang nadat ik was opgehouden mijn vaders paden na te lopen, had ik van hem geleerd dat er in sommige levens bergen bestaan waar je niet naar terug kunt keren. Dat je in levens als het mijne en het zijne niet terug kunt naar de berg die het middelpunt is van alle andere, en het begin van je eigen geschiedenis. En dat mensen zoals wij, die op de eerste en hoogste berg een vriend hebben verloren, niets anders rest dan dwalen over de acht bergen.”
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teatrogag · 2 years ago
Amore e Psiche, favola dell'anima
Amore e Psiche Favola dell’anima
Int.: Daniele Molino, Roberta Crivelli,  
Francesca Tripaldi, Simone Tudda, 
Roberta Barbiero, Caterina Bonanni, Pietro Cerchiello.
adattamento e regia Daniela Capurro.
Conferenze precedenti a cura di Paola Martini
e Guido Milanese. Moderatrice: Maurizia Migliorini
Produzione Teatro G.A.G.
Il 6 e 7 ottobre alle ore 20:00
Museo diocesano 
Chiostro dei canonici
Nella programmazione di ActorsPoetryFestival 11th, un filone di ricerca interessa arti figurative e rappresentazioni teatrali. Letteratura musica e poesia interagiscono in teatri, spazi, chiostri, musei chiese e territorio. Il tema della “Fabula” permea il progetto suscitando una nuova drammaturgia, costruita ad hoc. Il bicentenario della morte di Antonio Canova, del quale Genova conserva la Maddalena penitente a Palazzo Bianco e molte opere che costituiscono il gran teatro di Staglieno, è appena uno spunto. Ci si chiede il perché di tanta fortuna in tutte le arti di “Amore e Psiche”, favola dell’anima, attraverso cui si individua una linea per coproduzioni e partenariati anche con l’estero. Della Fabula di Apuleio sono molte le trasposizioni e/o traduzioni in almeno una ventina di varianti: dall’India antica (Urvashi e Pururava), alla Cina (favola del bifolco e della tessitrice separati dal Fiume d’Argento), al Giappone col Kojiki, la più antica cronaca esistente e il primo testo di narrativa giapponese pervenutoci, che narra di Toyotamabime e Ho-wori. Dal mondo celtico con Melusina, al mondo germanico con Lohengrin, agli Ojibway dell'America Settentrionale, agli Zulù dell'Africa meridionale, ai Chota Nagpur dell’India, non si contano le versioni estratte dal patrimonio orale. 
Amore e Psiche è una fabula che..."occupa il centro esatto delle Metamorfosi, quasi mise en abyme dell’intera parabola...”(Carlo Ossola). Il successo della Fabula deae Psicae et Cupidinis, dalla Loggia di Psiche alla Farnesina (Raffaello), a Polidoro da Caravaggio, 1524, e Giulio Romano, e poi tanti altri sino ad Antonio Canova in una scultura che ha ispirato a sua volta generazioni di artisti, al cinema (La bella e la bestia), alla musica (Lohengrin), non lascia dubbi. Tracce di un ciclo narrativo orale che dall’Anatolia e dall’Iran, attraverso il Caucaso, assume origine letteraria nell’India del II millennio a.C., per giungere poi sotto molteplici vesti (Dracula, La Bella e la Bestia, Biancaneve), fino ai giorni nostri. L'ambizione di farla recitare in diverse lingue da attori noti nel panorama internazionale è un'importante valorizzazione culturale internazionale per la Liguria concretizzata ad ActorsPoetryFestival, che si impegna ad allestire alcune delle versioni interpretate da attori italiani/UE ed extra UE. Amore e Psiche è il primo di una serie di spettacoli sul tema. Regia e adattamento: Daniela Capurro. Int:. principali: Daniele Molino, Roberta Crivelli, Roberta Tripaldi, Roberta Barbiero, Pietro Cerchiello. Conferenze e spettacoli in programma:
 6 ottobre, ore 18:00 “Iconografia di Amore e Psiche tra sacro e profano”.  A cura di Paola Martini. Moderatrice: Maurizia Migliorini.                     ore 20:00 Amore e Psiche, favola dell’anima. Int. Daniele Molino, Roberta Crivelli, Francesca Tripaldi, Roberta Barbiero, Simone Tudda, Caterina Bonanni, Pietro Cerchiello.     
  7 ottobre   ore 18:00 “Amore e Psiche tra fantasy e filosofia”. A cura di Guido Milanese. Moderatrice: Maurizia Migliorini.               
          ore 20:00 Amore e Psiche, favola dell’anima. Replica.
Lo spettacolo è in programma IL 6 E 7 OTTOBRE alle ore 20:00 presso il MUSEO DIOCESANO - CHIOSTRO DEI CANONICI a Genova.
Vendita biglietti online: WTICKET
INFO www.teatrogag.com 
UFFICIO STAMPA Luigi Di Stefano  - [email protected]
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madeinpop · 6 years ago
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 17 al 23 Gennaio 2019 ǁ stagione 16 ǁ
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, l'anno �� cominciato carico di mille appuntamenti, speriamo che questo sia un anno molto frizzante, per tutti quanti. CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ Ω SABATO 19 Gennaio 2019 Ω VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 94 ROSÀ (Vi) festa sixties & seventies celebration con il grandioso live di ARIANNA ANTINORI rock blues e una strizzata d'occhio al mito di Janis JOPLIN nell'anniversario della sua nascita. afterparty con i djset di ANGIE Blue Eyes, LEO Faq e CHECcO MERDeZ tra rock, beat, psychedelia, glam, garage, soul e funk. https://www.facebook.com/events/2399237673451576/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 17 Gennaio ᴥ HOPS Birreria vicolo Castello 7 ROVIGO serata folk in acustico con i SEMENZA, La BOTTEGA del COMPENSATO e Michele CARANDINA & Arianna D'ALBENZI. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA serata jazzy con il Frank MARTINO DISORGAN Trio. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) in rampa di lancio verso il minitour teutonico, suonerannole band punkrock The CHROMOSOMES e The LIVERMORES. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) habituè del palco del Jack, con il loro corposo rock blues saranno qua i BLACK MAMA. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) twist'n'roll e sound retrò per LORD BYRON & le sue Amiche Ruspe. ► VENERDÌ 18 Gennaio ᴥ FISHMARKET Club via Frà Paolo Sarpi 37 PADOVA Iguana Eventi ospita la prima data del bravo cantautore ALESSANDRO RAGAZZO accompagnato da una band, a seguire djset ORDINARY NOISE & CASTE. ᴥ SUONI in PESCHIERA via Barchessa 30 LIMENA (Pd) ore 21:30 Porto Vecchio festival organizza in barchessa una serata con il concerto per LE ZAMPE DI ZOE duo cantautorale mantovano + djset Omino Bianco. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13/L San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) icona alternative rock degli anni novanta con i suoi Malfunk, ora apprezzato cantautore solista, qui stasera MARCO COCCI. ᴥ Cso PEDRO via Ticino 5 PADOVA in viaggio verso il Padova Pride 2019 saranno qui in concerto il duo IO & LA TIGRE indie-alternative. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA in collaborazione con PULSE sarà ospite JOSEF VAN WISSEM liutista avant-garde olandese. ᴥ HALL via Nona Strada 11b PADOVA Veneto Contemporaneo celebra il ventennale della scomparsa di Faber De Andrè con gli artisti Ricky BIZZARRO, Ulisse SCHIAVO, Marco IACAMPO, Erica BOSCHIERO, Folake OLADUN e altri ancora. ᴥ AI DARDI via Badaloni 27 ROVIGO accattivante rock jazz e world music per Daniele GOTTARDO & the NUTS. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) serata LIZARD Records con presentazione del nuovo album per I PARAFULMINI alternative & prog rock da Pisa, in partura il progetto L'UNIVERSO guidato da Adriano Barbiero. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO ospite per la prima volta in Italia il polistrumentista FRANKY SELECTOR e la sua band (Canada). ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) Bassano Hardcore stasera propone in apertura GORE NASH grindcore e a seguire NEBULOSA progetto solista del chitarrista di Anna Von Hausswolff. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) heavy rock stasera per due local band, MADDOX e BLARING SILENCE. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) questa sera il fusion funk degli ENDLESS SEASON. ᴥ La STAZIONETTA borgo Pieve 109 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) sonorità pop-rock con cantato in italiano per i padovani BARUFFA. ᴥ MORION Laboratorio Occupato salizada S.Francesco de la Vigna VENEZIA saliranno sul palco GmG & the Beta Project a seguire LeCRI djset. ᴥ AL BARCO via Basilio Dalla Scola 255 VICENZA dalle 19 aperitivo alla Cooperativa Insieme con il concerto alcolico e bucolico dell' OSTERIA POPOLARE BERICA folk nostrano. ᴥ VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) Festival per la DISCHI SOVIET Studio, suoneranno in questo bel happening ALCESTI + BOB BALERA + LIMONE + grandi ospiti A TOYS ORCHESTRA + djset s-coppia-ettante GAS & ALE. ᴥ ALLA CRICCA Birreria piazza Redentore DUEVILLE (Vi) si esibiranno qui le scatenate BLUE RIMMEL rock alt-pop. ᴥ LUCA's Bar via Jolanda 122 STROPPARI di Tezze sul Brenta (Vi) serata rockabilly & psychosis con il one/man/band LOW RANGER & his Dead Horse. ᴥ Osteria RIVE Jazz Club via Rive 14 CARTIGLIANO (Vi) blues noir d'autore per i milanesi GUIGNOL. ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA suoneranno qui I SORDI demente duo non demenziale. ᴥ CICLONE Cafè viale Martiri Libertà 20 CASALEONE (Vr) in acustico l'aostano Simone LEON PERRON, poprock, che propone il suo nuovo disco. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) rock strumentale e cinematico per gli APTA ZOOTA. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA con il suo carico di suggestioni musicali, blues e grinta, qui SIMONA NORATO cantautrice. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA dritti allo stomaco tra violenza pura e tecnica sopraffina il combo OTTONE PESANTE, ad aprire la serata O'CIUCCIARIELLO gipsy folk-core. ► SABATO 19 Gennaio ᴥ MARZOLO OCCUPATA via Marzolo 4 PADOVA dalle 20 grande evento punk in collaborazione con GRIND HOUSE, suoneranno qui le leggende streetpuk The CASUALTIES, in apertura CALL the COPS (Bo) LATEBRA (Tn) e CHARGED ATTACK (Pd) posti limitati, meglio prevedita. ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA turbofolk armato di fisarmonica e qualche altro strumento per il gipsy COSTEL. ᴥ BAHNOHF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) dalle 21 festa per la presentazione disco "The Abyss" per i locals NEITHER metalcore, a dar man forte anche DAMN CITY rap-HC/Bo, KRASHAH alt-metal/Vr, RECURRENT PAIN HC/Austria + djset per le due SCARLET BRIGADE. ᴥ GEKYGIO via Albarese 1 TREMIGNON di Piazzola sul Brenta (Pd) potente rock alternative per il trio RED MALDERA capitanato dal grande Carlo De Bei. ᴥ HALL via Nona Strada 11b PADOVA live per gli storici combact folk MODENA CITY RAMBLERS, a seguire gipsy balkan night. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO una band culto della scena rockabilly & psychosis, i gallesi DEMENTED ARE GO infiammeranno il palco del Nasty, cazzo, in apertura gli italici EVIL DEVIL. ᴥ BRITANNIA Pub via Crico 29 FOSSALUNGA di Vedelago (Tv) doppio concerto per i progetti solisti degli ottimi cantautori LO STRANO FRUTTO (Teno già Muleta/iMelt) e PINO NUVOLA (Stefano giò Ishaq), inoltre degustazione da vari birrifici italiani. ᴥ CATEN Pub via San Pio X 208 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) folk rock per MATT & his DRIFTERS, nell'occasione presentazione nuovo video in uscita per Sorry Mom. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) cantautorato folk pop che sa di west coast per l'eclettico DAMIEN McFLY e la sua band. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) cazzuttissimo hardrock per la festa di compleanno del dj Saint Kate, suoneranno i JOKERHEAD e superfast The BROKENDOLLS. ᴥ RADIO GOLDEN Bar piazza San Martino 13 CONEGLIANO (Tv) stasera qui il rock dei QUARTO PROFILO, con la guest del grande musicista Carlo COLOMBO. ᴥ ANDA VENICE via Ortigara 10 MESTRE dalle 21 concerto acustico in questo nuovo spazio artistico, all'interno di una struttura ricettiva come un ostello, per la band VERTIGINE dei GIGANTI rock/Ve. ᴥ Cso RIVOLTA via Fratelli Bandiera 45 MARGHERA (Ve) serata di presentazione Ep per i BULL BRIGADE streetpunk (To) e per i DSA COMMANDO (Sv), in apertura 360FILP locals HC-sk8-punk. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA aperitivo lungo suffragato dal live del FRANK MARTINO DISORGAN Trio. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) in collaborazione con Bside Modern trash serata punkrock con i toscani The DIRTIEST (Slovenly records)e i modenesi The INNOCENT + djset Ale Riptapes. ᴥ TABOO food & drink corso Italia 9e VALDAGNO (Vi) Giardinetto concerti organizza questa serata, dalle 20 suoneranno SAM (acoustic emo) STRANGER (fake emo) e JUNKSTREET (alternative). ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) grande evento per gli amanti della musica prog, saranno ospiti i GOBLIN del maestro Claudio Simonetti. ᴥ FABEMOLLE borgo Madonna di Pol PASTRENGO (Vr) serata di musica emergente con le band STOLEN DREAM alternative metal e i milanesi RHUM ON THE ROCKS poprock. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) musica gitana per il polistrumentista bologneseEusebio MARTINELLI e la dua GIPSY Orkestar. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA in versione trio elettroacustico ci sarà la CHIARA GIACOBBE CHAMBER FOLK Band. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA jot jazz ragtime e balla sfrenati per The HOT STUFF il progetto ballerino di Michele Bombatomica. ► DOMENICA 20 Gennaio ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di S.Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivi e dischi nuovi, suoneranno i nuovi dischi due ottime band HOW PIANO psych/rock e GRAPPA psych/funk. ᴥ Cantina IO MAZZUCATO via San Gaetano 21 BREGANZE (Vi) dalle 17:30 tra degustazioni di torcolato il concerto dei VERONIKA? capitanati dal Pet, alt-rock. ᴥ RED ZONE Art Bar piazza della Pieve 15 S.GIORGIO di Sant'Ambrogio Valpolicella (Vr) dalle 17:30 aperitivo cantautorale con il grande CASO (Bg), che presenterà le canzoni del nuovo disco, e FRANEK WINDY cantautorato punk (Bo). ᴥ COLOR Cafè via SS. Trinità 8 BASSANO del Grappa (Vi) aperitivo per festeggiare i tre anni di attività dell'agenzia sociale FOR ACTION, a celebrare la festa lo showcase del bravissimo PHILL REYNOLDS cantautore folk/blues. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) si esibirà, all'aperitivo, con il suo progetto AMA di sperimentazione indietronica il Captain MANTell polistrumentista e produttore. ᴥ GOTO STORTO via Villanova 8a TREBASELEGHE (Pd) aperitivo stoner'n'funk con l'accoppiata di band ACAJOU e UBRIS. ᴥ CATAI ponte San Leonardo 1 PADOVA dalle 20 aperitivo accompagnato dalla voce e chitarra di MUTE SWIMMER ovvero il romantico e ironico Guy Dale dal Nord Inghilterra via Berlino ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA dalle 21 ultima data del tour italiano di presentazione nuovo disco per i torinesi NOISE TRAIL IMMERSION grindcore/death metal. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA tra jazz e ritmi latini si esibirà il Sabrina GAGLIANO Trio. ► LUNEDÌ 21 Gennaio ᴥ URBAN CENTER via Roma 26 THIENE (Vi) ore 20:30 all'interno della rassegna "SAFARI" organizzata dal Progetto Giovani Thiene presentazione del libro "IL TEMPO BRUCIA LE TAPPE" con l'autore Massimo Fagarazzi, che racconterà la scena alternative vicentina degli anni novanta. ► MARTEDÌ 22 Gennaio ᴥ il martedì dedicatelo alla cultura personale, per migliorarsi, un po'. ► MERCOLEDÌ 23 Gennaio ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Ponte Corvo PADOVA sarà ospite in questa serata l'italo-somalo SAMMY OSMAN neo-folk . • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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youarecominggoing · 8 years ago
pan y rosas release lunge by daniel barbiero and ken moore!
daniel barbiero (1958, new haven ct) is a double bassist with an interest in gestural, modular and sound-based composition and improvisation in acoustic and electro-acoustic environments. he frequently works with improvisational dancers and writes regularly on music and related subjects.
ken moore. percussionist living in northeast ohio. plays synthesizers, piano, bass guitar, udu and cajon drums, didgeridoo and glockenspiel. also does private recording and recently some video.
lunge is a suite of improvisations for analog synthesizers and double bass, recorded live in the studio on the afternoon of 31 march 2016 in silver spring, maryland.
get the album here!
pan y rosas release lunge by daniel barbiero and ken moore! was originally published on pan y rosas discos
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miragestation · 3 years ago
Mirage Station playlist for February 16th, 2022
1. Isouna Xipoliti (You Were Barefoot) / A. Kostis 2. Frasia / Alexis Zoumbas 3. Timekeepers Map the Already Gone / Daniel Barbiero 4. Ghost Pipes / Ben Vida and Lea Bertucci 5. Narita Airport Rock / Jon Appleton 6. Bruitistisk koncert nr. 1, 1948 / Hans Kragh-Jacobsen 7. Screen Test / Appleton & Treu 8. An Insight To All Minds / Kaidi Tatham 9. Chants of Africa / Teno Afrika (aka Lutendo Raduvha) 10. Struggle / William Parker & Patricia Nicholson 11. Sougei / Kukangendai 空間現代 12. Pinyon / Kiln
Listen to the show in the archives (available for 2 weeks) https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/mzb79x
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quarkmaster · 7 years ago
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Captain America 1/4 Scale for Sideshow Collecitbles
Since the first moment that I saw a super hero statue I started dreaming with the idea to one day become a sculptor and be able to create something similar. But what I never tought is that I would have the posibility to do it proffesionally and also sculpting for the best company in the world. So guys! I´m so happy to share with you my first piece for Sideshow Collectibles. I need to say big thanks to David Igo, Martin Canale, William Harbottle, Guillermo Barbiero, Igor Catto, Ed Bradley, Kat Sapene and to all of the rest of the amazing team that I so proud to be part. Thanks a million to my family, beloved wife and daugther, friends, collegues and collectiors for bring me your unconditional support and guidance. I love you guys! Big hugs!!! =D
Daniel Bel
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