#Damsel Magenta
Lady Red and The Rainbow Legion (Magical Girl Story)
(There's still some concepts that are a work in process and you guys can give advice and ask questions about it if you want)
-In a different universe, there's a world with kingdoms of different colors. One day, The Lord of Darkness attacks the kingdoms. The rulers of each kingdom decide to send their children to earth so that they can one day take down The Lord of Darkness and restore their homes. Years later, our main character Àn Méi (Lady Red), a high schooler, is being raised her her human dads, Shuji and Tomi, in Japan where she arrived when her parents sent her to earth. While walking home from school, she meets a red bunny named Mei who reveals to her that she and other girls from school are magical girls. The characters and their colors are themed around different cultures. Àn Méi: Red. The red kingdom is based on China and Chinese culture since in China, Red is the color of good fortune (luck) and summoning. Àn Méi is very lucky and her powers are based around being able to summon creatures to help her fight. Àn Méi and Bella get along because they both like art. Àn Méi is a high school student who lives with her two dads who adopted her along with her little brother. She's very lucky and enjoys art and writing. Her animal friend is a red bunny named Mei. Kaira: Orange. The orange kingdom is based off of India since orange is seen as their most sacred color but also represents courage. Kaira is courageous and her powers allow her to summon fire since orange also represents purity because fire burns away impurities. She doesn't get along well with Lilou because of her water powers. Kaira lives with her adoptive mom and dad and her two older sisters. Kaira is a high school student who is a bit rebellious and a tomboy but still kind and cares about her friends. Her animal friend is an orange parrot named Mango. Bella: Yellow. The yellow kingdom is based off of America (Insert gun joke here) because in America, yellow represents creativity and happiness. Bella's powers let her summon a sketchbook and lets her draw whatever she wants and then have it come to life. Bella is raised by her single father. Bella is a high school student who enjoys art and other types of crafts like crocheting. Her animal is a yellow mouse named Sunny. Heba: Green. The green kingdom is based off of Egypt since in Egypt, green represents hope and spring. Heba has the ability to control plants like vines, flowers and grass. She doesn't get along well with Kaira because of her fire powers. Heba is raised by her two moms. Heba loves plants and wants to be a botanist. Her animal is a green hummingbird named Sage.
Lilou: Blue. The blue kingdom is based off of France since in France, blue represents trust, reliability and water. Obviously, Lilou has water powers. Lilou and Heba get along because Lilou helps water her plants. Lilou is raised by her mom and dad as well as her older brother. Lilou is a high school student and is calm and quiet and likes to play the violin. Her animal friend is a blue fish named Coral
Charlotte: Purple. The purple kingdom is based off of Europe, specifically the U.K. because purple represents royalty. She has the powers of magic including invisibility, teleportation, shape shifting and super speed. Charlotte is raised by her rich aunt because her adoptive parents passed away when she was seven. Charlotte is perceived by others as spoiled because she's raised in a rich family but she's actually a really nice person who loves animals and likes to collect dolls. Her animal friend is a purple cat named Ribbon. Other Characters:
Eiji: Pink. The pink kingdom is based off of Japan since in Japan, pink represents good health. Because of this, he has healing powers. I chose to make him pink because I mainly wanted to break gender norms. Also, pink is well liked by men and women in Japan. Eiji is an adult (Twenty Five) and his adoptive parents passed away when he was ten (Two years after e came to earth) which left him to be raised by his aunt and uncle (Not Fumiko's parents but his adoptive mothers family) who wanted to make him famous. He's older than the other girls and is an idol on earth. He's been aware of his powers for longer since he's older than the other girls (who are all sixteen and seventeen). He protected the city before the other girls could. The girls are big fans of Eiji because of his music. His animal friend is a Pomeranian dog named Candy.
Fumiko: Magenta. Fumiko is Eiji's cousin (that he didn't know he had) and the youngest magical girl in the group, being nine years old. Her animal friend is a magenta frog named Bow. She has the ability to summon a ribbon wand weapon that she can disarm by tying one of their limbs up and causing their bodies to freeze. This allows her to use her strength (which she gets from tying the person's limb up) to toss them away or throw them against a wall. She's meant to be a play on the "looks like a little girl but is actually a one thousand year old demon or dragon" when in reality, she is actually nine years old. She's not very good at using her powers at first, but learns more. She was born on earth because her parents, the rulers of the magenta kingdom, were able to make it to earth and live as humans.
Emile: Teal. Emile is the cousin to Lilou. Like Fumiko, his moms were able to get to earth when he was only 4 years old (like the other girls). He has the ability to summon and control ice and freeze things. He doesn't get along well with Lilou because of that but, in exchange for not melting his ice, Kaira and him get along and prank Lilou by freezing the water she controls and then melting it. He's a highschool student like most of the other girls and his animal friend is a gecko named Snowball.
Junseo (The Lord of Darkness): He was once the king of the black and white kingdom, which is based off of South Korea, with his wife, Miyoon. Miyoon was killed by shadow monsters and after her death, one approached him and tricked him into becoming their king. In exchange, they promised to bring his wife back but said it would take time to do. They said he needed to take over the rainbow kingdoms to gain power to bring her back so he did but it wasn't enough to bring her back. Now that he knows the children of the Rainbow Kingdoms rulers are on earth, he's trying to take it over with the help of his children. He can control shadow monsters that feed off of the color and power from the world (Similar to the buffoons from Glitter Force and yes I know that's not the real name of the show but I've never watched the original series so lay off.) so they can bring Miyoon back to life. He's a surprisingly good father.
Mari: Resembles her mother with her long white hair and pale skin. Her appearance makes her seem innocent but she's secretly evil. She once believed the Rainbow Legion was evil but her father revealed his plans to her and how they were technically the villains of the story. She still helps him though because she's THAT evil. She can also summon shadow monsters but also can summon strings from her hands and uses them like puppet strings. She's a lot like Azula from ATLA. Suwon: He's a bit more complex than his sister. He resembles his father with black hair and black eyes. He doesn't know the Rainbow Legion is actually the good guys because he still believes they're evil. He can summon shadow monsters and has a scythe that was gifted to him by his father. Eventually he discovers the truth about the Rainbow Legion and leaves his father. He forms an enemies to lovers relationship with Eiji and joins the Rainbow Legion to fight against his father.
Yubin: The secret older sibling to Suwon and Mari. They look like a fusion of both of their parents with their gray hair and eyes. They replace Suwon after he leaves to join the Rainbow Legion. They're nonbinary (FTNB). They can summon shadow monsters but can also turn things into stone. They become really close to Mari over time. Once they see their father try to hurt their brother, they begin to reconsider being evil. Danyi, Yeorin and Heeso: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Essentially the gods of the world the Rainbow Legion are from. Seiu: Rainbow. Seiu is genderfluid and has the ability to change their color or become all of them once they gain enough power. Seiu was raised by rich adoptive parents. She didn't realize that she was a magical girl because she was homeschooled and not allowed outside because her parents thought she would be mugged or kidnapped because of how rich their family is. Her animal friend is a calico cat with rainbow spots named Natsu. They hide their genderfluid identity from their parents and strictly pose as a girl around their parents. They aren't human. They were created as a last resort by the rulers of the kingdoms in case their children couldn't defeat Junseo by themselves and needed extra help.
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determinedowl23 · 9 months
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My own Voices designs!! I wanted each of them to have their own distinct color and article of clothing, which was inspired by @bubblybloob’s designs for them. Individual notes below the cut:
Broken: I wanted his outfit to look haggered and worn. At first I was thinking to have his outfit be like a medieval prisoner’s, but I also added elements of friar robes to go along with Tower’s offer of making us a priest for her. I also made his beak chipped and made it that he doesn’t have the lower set of feathers on his wings (Idk what they’re called- primaries and secondaries I think?)
Cheated: I was stuck on Cheated for so long lol I had no idea what I wanted to do for him. I asked a friend for some medieval outfit ideas and eventually he came up with an executioner and I loved it. He is bitter about his death to Razor. He wants to find a way to kill her himself and will do anything to make sure, even consistently sacrificing LQ in order to get more Voices and become more powerful. And there’s the obvious blade theme going on. I’m pretty sure I had a third reason for it that I forgot too 💀 Now that I’m thinking about it, the Razor route actually kinda mirrors the Witch route, but the roles are swapped…
Cold: I wanted him to wear something an assassin would wear, so I just gave him a cloak lol. I thought that would be a little boring, so I made the front of it look like a scarf. Because…….. he’s Cold.
Contrarian: The obvious thing to do was make him a jester, so I did. The top half of his collar and the color are inspired by Sophist because the Party Crashers brainrot never leaves (I’m watching the Vernias Subathon as I’m writing this post) and if you’ve seen even one of his videos- especially a Mario Party one, you’ll know that he and Contrarian have basically the same personality.
Hero: He’s the main guy, and obviously a hero, so I gave him a knight helmet and cape. The color of the helmet feather changes based on what your Chapter II is (ex. his feather will be magenta during Damsel to match Smitten, and it will stay magenta during Burned Grey. Honestly I may change this lmao) and it’s black in the endgame sequence. He also shifts his cape so that the clasp is in the center during the endgame.
Hunted: Hunted has a torn and tattered vest that’s green to help with camouflage. He and Paranoid have the largest eyes, both because they are always on the lookout for a threat, but it’s more obvious for him and his prey nature. He’s the best flier of all the voices- in fact, he honestly might be the only one who can fly.
Opportunist: Sleazy loser car salesman. He’s the most put together (physically) of them all, and uses this clean look to make himself look “professional” so he can weasel his way out of a sticky situation. I might change his yellow to something less bright, I’m not sure if I like it. I just wanted to make sure his color was distinct enough from Hero’s and Skeptic’s.
Paranoid: His hat and shoulder cape are that of a plague doctor’s, since he single-handedly keeps you alive during Nightmare, and even when Hero takes over the Heart Lungs Liver Nerves™ it’s still Paranoid who’s calling the shots that he thinks are the best. He and Hunted have the best self-preservation skills and best survival instincts.
Skeptic: Honestly Skeptic’s personality was hard for me to identify when I first met him, but I view him as someone who’s skepticism comes from a place of curiosity and an itch to learn as much as he can before coming to a definite conclusion. So I gave him a stereotypical detective cape
Smitten: He’s a bard serenading his beloved Princess! His vibrant magenta outfit represents his love for the darling Damsel <3 His outfit was pretty straightforward lmao. Also, his and Opportunist’s chest feathers are meant to resemble an ascot.
Stubborn: Originally I wanted to make him look like a gladiator, but I didn’t want to give him armor so that Hero would feel more distinct from the others. Plus, he just wants an all out brawl where you and your opponent are even, and if he doesn’t believe in traps, I don’t think he’d believe in armor. Because of that, he doesn’t care too much about clothing. A simple sash will do- a red one so that the bloodstains will blend in. He has a scar over his chest and his eye he gained from the fight with the Princess in Chapter I.
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alchemania · 1 month
Snow White Dove, Blood Stained Wings.
(Or, the Traveler has a harrowing encounter which leaves her reeling.)
There is a shivering blob of white amongst the snow of Dragonspine, and as Lumine draws closer, jet black hair accented by hot pink stands out in sharp contrast.
Oh. That's a body.
“Hello?” the blonde called, kneeling down and ignoring how the cold bit into her legs. “Can you hear me?” No answer, so she shook the smaller person a little roughly, causing a pair of snow white wings to pop up and flitter rapidly as they jolted awake. Lumine screamed and leaned back, trying to avoid getting walloped in the face, and watched as the other person hissed and grabbed their right wing- now that the Traveler looked closer, it was moving oddly …was it broken? “Here, let me help you up. There's a church down in the city,” and strong hands lift the other person out of the snow - now that she can see the face, it seems to be another young lady, and her cheeks and nose are rosy from the chill.
“..thank you,” the girl manages, leaning all her weight on the Traveler. “You are too kind..”
It doesn't take too long to get to the church, taking the teleporters. The petite young lady is tucked into a bed and told to rest, and after ensuring she'll be alright, Lumine makes way to go.
“..it seems the rumors were true, you really will help just about anyone.. I wonder if one day, that will be your downfall..”
Lumine stopped in her tracks, looking to the inhabitant in the bed in her peripheral vision. She looked so small, the blankets covering her up about to her chin, but the room suddenly felt very, veryyyyy cold.
“..what do you mean by that,” she hears herself say, by some miracle.
“Oh…don't pay me any attention,” the raven haired girl placated, waving a hand weakly. “Simply thinking aloud..”.
“..who are you,” Lumine demanded, turning fully around to face the bed as her expression hardened.
“Does that matter..? Would you have left me alone on that mountain to die if you didn't like the answer?”
“.. I don't mean you any harm, Traveler, or the people of Mondstadt, if that's what you're worried about," was the quiet reply after a long moment. "I swear it. But I'm aware you do not like the people I work with very much, and so I deemed it best to keep my mouth shut until you offered me assistance.”
“The folks you work with,” Lumine repeated almost dumbly, looking more and more rattled by the moment.
“You got one of my coworkers killed back in Inazuma. Does that ring any bells???”
Lumine can't breathe.
“You're a Harbinger?”
Rapidly, she goes down the list in her mind. Signora was dead, and she'd already met Arlecchino, so this had to be either Sandrone or Columbina.
“Which one?” she barely manages.
“The Damsel,” the girl replies easily, eyes finally opening - they're a beautiful magenta, almost mesmerizing. “Nice to meet you, Traveler. You don't have to be afraid. Like I said, I have no desire to harm you, or anyone here. It's a little disheartening to think you may have simply abandoned me if you knew who I was beforehand….. but at least that's not what happened, no? I don't know why you're so flustered, Master Childe speaks so highly of you -”
“He's NOT my friend!”
There go the wings again, slightly.
“.. we're not all horrible people, you know. Not all of us had a choice in this.”
Lumine thinks of the twins, and Freminet.
Columbina looks sad now, genuinely so.
“...Why can't you understand that?”
“Well, sorry for being a little on edge, considering some of your coworkers have tried to KILL me -”
“But I'm not them. I already said I have no interest in harming you. Do you think that I'm lying?”
Silence, painful.
“Perhaps if you stopped looking at us through your black and white lens, you'll see that we, and you, are much closer to grey than you'd like to admit -”
The door slams, the sound resounding. Lumine is gone.
Columbina closes her eyes, sighing.
“...well. You can't fault a girl for trying.”
She steeples her hands over her chest then, expression thoughtful. “The heart that forever bleeds will one day cease to beat. . I wonder if she will realize that before it's too late. I surely hope so.”
And the Harbinger slept.
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pookiecowpoke · 2 years
hi hi, can you do a rare pair of guido martelli x mary beth? i know they literally have 0 interaction but if they met at the mayors party i think he would probably want some hahahahah thank youuuu 💖💖
Pairing: Mary-Beth Gaskill/Guido Martelli
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption II
Tags: My brain is flopping on tags for this. It’s just Mary-Beth at a garden party y’all. 
Rating: Teen
Word Count:  Less than 1700
Comments: I decided to replace Bill for Mary-Beth for this because… why would they take Bill in the first place??? He is legit the least classy guy of the entire gang smh. Mary-Beth is a romantic and while she sees this hot Italian dude she’s also smart enough to know he’s a piece of shit XD, it was very interesting to write!
Mary-Beth nervously played with the folds of her dress as they neared the Mayor’s house. The three boys were loudly laughing as they took gulps of champagne, which made Mary-Beth smile under the powder she had dusted her cheeks with. Dutch had thought bringing a lady to the party would allow the crowd to be worked over a bit better. Especially a ‘fine young lady like Ms. Gaskill’ as he had put it. 
Arthur had been a little hesitant about bringing her, his big brother side coming out, but Mary-Beth had reassured him that she could handle herself among high society. Plus she was good at playing damsel in distress. 
When Lenny pulled the carriage to a stop, everyone piled out, and Arthur offered his hand to her so she would not trip over her dress. The dress Mrs. Grimshaw had pulled out of storage was elegant. It was a soft cream color with rich magenta accents along the many folding layers, and it made Mary-Beth feel like one of her protagonists about to be whisked away by some handsome suitor. Arthur walked Mary-Beth towards the Mayor’s mansion, her hand resting on his forearm. 
Dutch, Hosea, and Arthur had to hand over their guns to the front security detail, but no one questioned little ol’ Mary-Beth even though she had a small knife tucked against her leg under her dress, just in case. 
A servant, by the name of Luca, led the outlaws through the house, which Mary-Beth soaked in for future uses in her writing. From the tall ceilings to the beautiful décor that took her breath away, Mary-Beth was in heaven and they hadn’t even made it to the garden yet. 
Luca announced that Bronte was upstairs and he would take Dutch and Arthur up to see him. Mary-Beth reluctantly let go of Arthur’s arm, bidding the man good luck as he followed behind Dutch. She was struck by a buzz of nerves as Hosea gestured for her to come with him outside. How gorgeous would the party look? All the beautiful dresses and Saint Denis baronesses with their dashing husbands. She was not disappointed when she looked out at the crowd from the raised landing overlooking the party. 
It was more than she would ever have imagined, and she sighed dreamily as she leaned against the railing of the landing. Hosea chuckled at her antics and shook his head. “Is it everything you wanted?”
“Oh, it is Hosea! Look at the lights and feel the tantalizing atmosphere. It’s like a romance novel.” Mary-Beth smiled at Hosea who looked out at the crowd.
“A romance novel, you say? I wouldn’t call a bunch of lazy fat cats romantic, but I’m not a romantic like you are.” Hosea’s eyes scoured around looking for victims for his silvery tongue, but Mary-Beth was more focused on who she thought was the most attractive man she could go seek out later that night. 
After waiting a short while, Dutch and Arthur joined them once again. Arthur looked solemn and a little pale, but Dutch had a fiery look in his eyes and a wicked smile. Mary-Beth was about to ask Arthur if he was okay, but Dutch started giving everyone their missions for the night. 
Don’t steal anything unless it's information. Right, Mary-Beth guessed she could get some information out of the sharp looking gentleman she had spotted by a table of drinks. She dropped her shoulders back and and tipped her head to the side, hoping to give off an innocent, shy look to capture his attention as she walked down the stairs. 
Mary-Beth quickly realized that every handsome man here was an asshole who actively scorned her country accent. Feeling dejected after her third attempt to seduce some rich aristocrat, Mary-Beth found a quiet corner to sip at a flute of champagne and think of a new game plan. Arthur seemed to be hitting it off with the mayor’s circle, even if he looked uncomfortable. 
Sighing dramatically, Mary-Beth leaned her hip against the large plant pot she was hidden behind. She wished Tilly or Karen were here, they would make it a real party. 
“You look bored, Miss.” 
Mary-Beth startled, nearly dumping her glass on the ground. Whipping around with wide eyes, Mary-Beth gazed at a sharply dressed man with slightly tanned skin and a warm, but dangerous look in his eyes. 
“Oh uhm, I suppose you could say I’m a tad bit bored.” Mary-Beth recovered from her shock and put on her best high society façade. 
The man chuckled and dipped in close to her, his nose nearly brushing hers. “You don’t have to fake it for me, tesoro. I know you are running with those rotten bumpkins; I just didn’t realize they had someone so pretty like yourself with them.” 
The Italian accent made Mary-Beth swoon as a blush crept up her neck and under her powdered cheeks. “I don’t even know your name, sir.” 
“Oh, pardon my rudeness.” The Italian took one of Mary-Beth’s gloved hands into his and pressed a kiss to the silk. “I’m Guido Martelli. Second only to Signor Bronte.” 
Mary-Beth was sure there were hearts in her eyes as she brushed one of her curls off her shoulder. “It’s lovely to meet you, Mr. Martelli-”
“Per favore, call me Guido.” His wink made Mary-Beth weak in the knees. “I saw you wandering around like a lost puppy and had to come save you. You don’t know much about the upper class do you?”
Irritation flared in Mary-Beth’s gut before she stamped it out. This was about getting information by any means necessary, if that meant flirting with this smug albeit very hot Italian, she would do it. “I suppose I don’t, Guido. Oh, I’m Mary-Beth Gaskill by the way.” 
“Mary-Beth. My it sounds like you came right off the range.” Guido chuckled but offered his arm for her to grab. “Might I have the honors of truly introducing you to high society?” 
Mary-Beth should have slapped him for being an ass, but she took his arm and pressed close to his side. “I don’t think I’m cut out for these social events.” 
“Oh, me neither, Mary-Beth, I despise these gatherings. But I know a thing or two about public relations. Plus,” Guido tipped his head down to whisper in her ear. “These people fear the Bronte name.” 
A shiver ran through Mary-Beth’s spine as his hot breath curled around her ear. “I-Is that so?” 
“Just watch. Ah! Mr. Garrius I haven’t seen you in a while. How are you doing, you old devil!” Guido flashed a smirk that bared his whitened teeth. 
Mary-Beth had to stop the giggle that wanted to erupt from her throat as Mr. Garrius paled. This had been one of the men that blew Mary-Beth off just a few moments before Guido introduced himself. 
She supposed this night wasn’t going too terribly as Guido led her around making a show of embarrassing the men she had tried to woo earlier in the evening. When the fireworks began to explode in the night sky in an array of colors she paused to watch, her hand tightening on Guido’s expensive suit. 
For once Guido didn’t make some snarky comment about a country girl never seeing fireworks, and when Mary-Beth turned to look at him their eyes locked. He didn’t wear an arrogant smirk, instead a half smile curled his lips. The reds and blues flashes of color framed his face, and Mary-Beth imagined herself leaning forward to brush her lips against his as fireworks lit up their bodies. 
“You know, you’re a lot more interesting than the people here tonight. I almost had to spend the night listening to Bronte’s underlings squabble for his entertainment, but I’m glad I came down to talk to you.” Guido brushed a lock of her auburn hair out of her face, letting his fingertips trace down her cheek to her chin. “If you ever would like to eat something better than shoe leather, I know a restaurant.” 
Mary-Beth’s tongue was heavy in her mouth and her face on fire with a blush. “I’d really like that, Guido. I-”
“Mary-Beth.” Arthur’s gruff voice pulled her from the depths of Guido’s dark eyes. 
She felt like a teenager getting caught kissing behind the school house. “Oh, Arthur-” Mary-Beth turned from Guido’s hold on her chin and dusted off the front of her dress. 
“We’re leavin’.” Arthur narrowed his eyes at Guido and stepped forward in a challenge that Guido laughed at. 
“So soon? It’s not even midnight, cowboy. Scared you’ll turn back into a pumpkin?” Guido put his hands on his hips and let that stupid smirk cross his face. 
Mary-Beth put a hand up to cover her smile as Arthur bared his teeth and gently ushered Mary-Beth away from Guido. “Yeah, terrified. Come on, Ms. Gaskill.” 
“I’ll be seeing you, Mary-Beth. You have yet to try Italian cuisine.” 
Mary-Beth bit her lower lip and waved goodbye to Guido as Arthur scowled and marched toward the exit to the garden. “I don’t like him.”
“You don’t like many people, Arthur. He was charming.” Mary-Beth giggled and wrapped her arms around one of Arthur’s.
“He’s tryin’ ta get in yer pants- er… under yer dress- ya know what nevermind.” Arthur sighed and looked down at Mary-Beth. “Ya gotta be careful with these men, Mary-Beth.”
Mary-Beth rolled her eyes and patted Arthur’s arm. “I was a con-woman before joining the gang. I know what he’s playing at, but maybe I can play him too. And get a little something on the side too…”
Arthur feigned a gasp and put a hand to his chest. “Why, Mary-Beth, I never.” 
“I’m a grown woman with grown woman needs.” 
“Yeah, well, ya best tell Dutch ‘n’ Hosea ‘bout this ‘fore ya go in guns blazing.” 
Mary-Beth shook her head as they neared the carriage. “You worry too much, Arthur.” 
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tigerstyping · 2 years
Tagged in by: @fingors
Relationship status: yes I have a thrall / victim / boyfriend
Favourite Color: Red, with magenta as a close second
Song stuck in my head:
been playing cookie clicker again and the ost is pretty catchy
Last song I listened to:
don't really have anything to say about this, just had my library on shuffle
3 fav foods: pineapple, falafel, black bean soup (something that expires quickly and two things I'm too lazy to make regularly lol)
Last thing I googled: "iOS adblock reddit" (I wanted to see if there was something better than what I had installed)
Dream Trip: Somewhere that's a desert, not sure where. It would just be a huge change of pace from anywhere I've been before. I'd also like to drive there, so I could just sorta spend a ton of time on the road listening to music.
Anything I want right now: time off work please. or a motorcycle, that would be fun
Tag-ins: hmmm why not @cybergoth-damsel and @goodjobrammy
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mixology-expert · 7 months
*kumo's pupils turn magenta as he says her name*
D-Damsel?.. Like...
I- Um- I c-can't help with t-that... I'm... sorry...
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seiraphic · 8 months
“ are you going to kill me? ”  
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It's a question she has heard many times over the centuries — sometimes terrified, sometimes pleading — but she cannot recall a time it as been draped in wry humor and without a quiver of true fear. She laughs at the delightful novelty of it, and she reaches out to snag the Duke's hand with her own.
❝ What would be the point of that? ❞
She tugs him along the quiet forest path. Although she hadn't been sure this human would accept a request to entertain her again, she'd taken the time to ensure this path to the top of the hill would remain quiet. Perhaps one day soon, this nation's authorities would find the Mek pieces stashed inside rotting logs and under fallen trees, but for now, they remain out of sight and out of mind.
Her feet skim over the ground, barely flitting against fallen leaves, but just as sure as his heavier footsteps behind her.
❝ Time is precious, when you only live for a hundred years. And yet you gave me some of yours — and you have done so again. ❞
The trees break, sunlight hits her face, and they emerge onto the top of the bluff. The sea stretches to the horizon, far enough below them it is quiet. The Court of Fontaine sprawls to one side, but it, too, is far enough away it will not disturb them. She turns to face him, the deep magenta of her eyes finding his icy blues.
The attention of the Damselette is a very dangerous thing to have, but looking at her, it would be very easy to forget. A small smile graces her lips, and the breeze stirs the delicate fabric of her dress around her legs : the very picture of an unassuming, innocent damsel.
❝ How rude of me it would be, to kill you without reason. No — I brought you here to thank you. Dance with me. ❞
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doldoldolcetto · 2 years
To the untrained eye, Dublith was a tourist town and relatively boring. To one Yae Miko, Chief Editor of one of Central City's most read newspapers, it was a town full of secrets begging to be unraveled. Something about humans who could transform into animals, or a man who couldn't die---the rumors were all over the place. Her reporters couldn't seem to dig anything up, though. What a shame she had to come here herself...
A magenta umbrella over her head to protect from the rain, she browsed the shop windows. So far, everyone seemed cordial. They exchanged pleasantries with her every so often, and children scampered to and fro---why would they care about a little weather? She let them be. For now, she needed to uphold her cover as a tourist from the city, lost and hungry. Were she in one of her novel, she could classify herself as a damsel in distress.
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"Sorry to bother you," she started, her voice wavering as she looked to the ground, "But I got turned around in this town, and I have no idea where I'm going. Do you know where I could stay and rest for a minute? Maybe get something to eat?"
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"Somethin' t' eat, huh?"
Dol hadn't been expecting anyone to talk to him, especially when he was smoking in the alley near the Nest, taking his break. In fact...why was this person even here? It didn't make sense for tourists to wander in the worse parts of Dublith, one would figure the less-then pleasant sights would drive them away. But still, he could give her the benefit of the doubt. Besides, she seemed visibly upset, hunched and staring at her shoes.
He put out his pipe, quickly dumping the remains onto the concrete, rubbing his heel over it.
"There's a butchers shop not too far from here--they sell sandwich meat and that sorta stuff. 'm sure there's a cafe nearby too. If y' really need t' rest though..."
He glanced down the alley to the Nest, watching the fuzzy shapes of his fellow chimeras mill about outside, eventually following the dark blog that was Greed down the stairs and inside.
"I work at th' bar down there. We're not open for th' night yet, but 'm sure th' boss'll understand if y'gotta rest for a bit. "
0 notes
mikomischief · 2 years
@doldoldolcetto liked for a starter!
To the untrained eye, Dublith was a tourist town and relatively boring. To one Yae Miko, Chief Editor of one of Central City's most read newspapers, it was a town full of secrets begging to be unraveled. Something about humans who could transform into animals, or a man who couldn't die---the rumors were all over the place. Her reporters couldn't seem to dig anything up, though. What a shame she had to come here herself...
A magenta umbrella over her head to protect from the rain, she browsed the shop windows. So far, everyone seemed cordial. They exchanged pleasantries with her every so often, and children scampered to and fro---why would they care about a little weather? She let them be. For now, she needed to uphold her cover as a tourist from the city, lost and hungry. Were she in one of her novel, she could classify herself as a damsel in distress.
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"Sorry to bother you," she started, her voice wavering as she looked to the ground, "But I got turned around in this town, and I have no idea where I'm going. Do you know where I could stay and rest for a minute? Maybe get something to eat?"
1 note · View note
mulberrysilk · 4 years
rumour has it
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Shiratorizawa (Ushjima, Tendou, Goshiki,Yamagata, Semi) x fem!reader
summary : Goshiki pined over no one else other than the teams manager, you, his sweet darling senpai. So loved and respected by the team, that you were so close to the third year line up. He didn’t question it, everyone loved you. But there had been rumours. Rumours that slowly died out after Ushijima, and his fellow third year’s graduated. He just didn’t expect that in his final year at Shiratorizawa , during a training camp with the alumni he would discover that those rumours to be true.
warnings : senpai/kouhai relationship, gangbang, cream pie, slight coercion, manipulation, size kink, anal, Goshiki’s v-card is gone now,
words: 5.5 k
a/n: this turned out to be actually FILTH. hjsfkafsjddla this is just self indulgent cause um Shiratorizawa men make my brain go brr brr  my hell pass has been revoked. Devil revoked it :<
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ღ   tip me on  ᴋᴏ-ꜰɪ    ღ
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He never knew his name would sound so beautiful in his life. It was definitely because it was you saying it. You gave him a smile and handed him a water bottle and a towel, your fingers brushing against his own making his already red face even redder.
He bowed in thanks, his gaze on the tip of your white trainers and your ankles covered by the dark magenta track pants. The image of you sporting their school uniform during class hours crossed his mind, remembering how your skirt would flit against the wind or when you walked, your legs exposed for all to see.
Sometimes he wanted to take off his blazer and wrap it around your waist to keep wandering eyes off of you.
Goshiki wouldn’t let anything happen to his senpai.
Besides, why would anyone want to do something horrible to someone as nice and pretty as you? In fact, everyone he’s ever come across in Shiratorizawa adores and looks up to you, and those praises would fill his chest with pride, even more so when other freshmen would ask him about you.
But among the upper-classmen, there were rumours. Rumours that had started when you and the third year line up had turned 18. Whispers that were kept from the first years, murmured now and then by the second years but discussed almost too freely by the third years. Goshiki didn’t miss the way some of the third-year girls would smile your way when you passed only for that same deceiving smile to drop into a snarl when you weren’t looking, muttering words Goshiki refused to believe was true.
What’s worse were the male third years. 
They’d corner you in the hall or in between the shadows of the buildings on campus, surrounding you till you had nowhere to go and hounding you with remarks that had your eyes welling up with tears and a timid bashfull look to appear on your face. Hands would be on your lower back only to travel and wander to grope your ass and breasts, your small dainty hands trying to push them away, and your quivering voice begging them to stop.
He’d hear them say the same rumours that went around but these boys added their own comments to add more bite to it, to scare you into submission.
“C’mon, don’t be such a tease.”
“Bet your legs open so willingly when they tell you too huh?”
“Are you really their manager? Or are you just their little whore?”
“Do they take you all at once or do they take turns?”
“Don’t be shy, Y/N. Don’t you think it’s not fair that only they get to have a pretty little cum bucket like you?”
“Do you let them fuck you before their games?”
Every time this happened, Goshiki was ready to pounce and save you. This slander was clearly hurting you as you tried to pry their greedy hands away. What they said couldn’t be true. It can’t be. It was absurd. The volleyball club members loved you, they would never do such a thing. He was ready to save the damsel in distress and be seen a hero to your eyes and maybe win your favour too...but he never gets the chance. Because Ushijima always beat him to it.
He even felt his heart get stepped on every time Ushijima-san glared at the other boys who disrespected you as he pulled you to his side where you’re almost clinging to him so helplessly like he was your lifeline. Was Ushijima-san really going to beat him at everything? He looked up to him and sought after his approval during practices, all this so that he too could become an even better ace. But did Ushijima really have you all to himself?
Yamagata, Tendou and Semi would be around you often during school hours, even Rheon. Goshiki didn’t think much of it since it made sense you all were close since you were in the same year as them but as days passed and weeks went by, he slowly began to notice some things that didn’t feel right. The way you’d be flustered and breathing heavily before practice, with Ushijima arriving after you, changed into his practice wear and an impassive expression on his face, but his eyes always glanced at you.
Semi would flirt so openly with you during practices and breaks, Yamagata would always touch you when he had the chance but it was so discreet that no one would bat an eye, but what was far more disturbing was the way Tendou-san would look at your from across the court or hall, how his hooded eyes would narrow with mischief when you were around as if he could see right through you, as if he knew something so incriminating about you. Plus, he was the most handsy of them all. His arms would wrap around you whenever he had the chance to, his fingers would caress your neck and brush against your thighs.
But all this was because you guys were close right?
Goshiki treated you as if you were an angel made of porcelain, a goddess would be a better word. He would do anything to make you happy and keep you safe, he even would ask you to tutor him just so he could spend time with you which the older third years were a bit teasing about. He didn’t listen to the rumours. The team would never do that to you and those mean assholes probably only said what they did because you were so nice they knew they could they advantage of you for it.
Fast forward to now, his seniors have graduated and he was on his final year. The alumni were invited to the training camp and he didn’t expect to have seen you here too. Hair longer than before, a couple of centimetres taller and radiating that college girl sophistication. Still, so pretty, he noted, feelings from the past resurfacing and making his heart race in his chest.
‘I’m the ace now, senpai. Told you I could do it! Are you proud of me?’ He thought to himself and beamed up at you as his former seniors greeted the team.
But on the fourth night of that one-week training camp, when he had finished up practising his serves in the gym and was about to go to change in the club room and call it a night, he heard voices. The door to the clubroom was slightly ajar, lights were off and it was eerily silent but that silence was broken in a matter of seconds because he heard a familiar grunt that he knew all too well, a sound that was usually accompanied by the most powerful spikes.
“Toshi, mhmf—ah..wait...” you whined out breathily, your voice easily recognised by Goshiki. “Too big...wait.”
Goshiki gulped at the sultry softness of your voice. Were you being hurt? He held his breath as he looked through the small gap of the door, a familiar tall frame huddled around whatever was happening on the laid out futon in the middle of the room.
“Awe, she’s so cute,” a voice cooed. Semi-senpai? “God, her expression takes me back.”
The silver-haired was shirtless and wearing the matching gym shorts that went with their jacket, and on his lap was you with your back curved against him, knees pulled to your chest by Semi while the hulking broad frame of Ushijima hovered above you, his pelvis connected with yours.
“After all this time, she still struggles to take Wakatoshi-kun,” Tendou chuckled , the red haired watching eagerly at how your tight little cunt struggled to stretch and take Ushijima’s cock. “But she loves his cock the best. Don’t you Y/N-chan?”
“Can feel you so d-deep,” you cried out when Ushijima bottoms out, legs trembling to close but Semi kept them up, giving not only him but the olive haired captain a view of your tight, drooling, pink cunny stretched around his fat cock. You wriggled back into Semi as Ushijima began to thrust in and out of you, his movements deep and powerful.
“It feels so good doesn’t it, baby?” Semi kissed your forehead, his cock rubbing against your rear and his fingers caressing your stomach before rubbing slow tight circles on your swollen clit, helping you get even wetter for Wakatoshi, the squelching of your walls hugging his cock with a vice grip filling the club room.
“We missed you so much,” he cooed, your mouth falling open when Ushijima easily found your sweet spot. The sweet spot that once found would have you so pliant. It was like a switch where your mind just goes off, no logical coherent thoughts, the spot that would have you begging for more, getting your fill of all their cocks because you never wanted one of them to feel left out, and if they were lucky, you’ll beg them to cum inside of you too.
Tendou stepped forward, kneeling beside your jolting body, tits bouncing with every thrust. He tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Y/N, why don’t you take Semi too, Hm?”
“Ah! C-cant, too f-full,” you yelped, Ushijima’s cock stretching your soft walls and abusing your cervix, that particular spongy spot inside sending a gushing wave of tingling, mind fogging pleasure.
The redhead leaned close and kissed your cheek, the saltiness of your tears exciting him, his finger teasing your puckered hole. “Are you sure?” He softly and teasingly hummed, knowing by the heavy-lidded look in your eyes and the way your tongue was lolling out meant that they’ve flipped the switch. Their sweet, not so innocent, manager has been reduced again to nothing but a cocksleeve who wanted to please them.
Wakatoshi halted briefly, a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead as he hoisted you into his arms so easily with your calves resting over his shoulders, cock still buried inside of you while Semi took his place behind, his chest pressed against your back.
“Go ahead, Semisemi,” Tendou chirped, making the former setter mutter about not calling him SemiSemi as he lined his cock at your other entrance, the juices spilling from your cunt lubing you enough to make it easier for you.
Goshiki couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. There was his beautiful, sweet and loving senpai, being used. Your sweet moans of pleasure bounced off the walls as Ushijima and Semi rutted into you, their own groans and grunts melding with your sounds.
His hands balled into fists, nails digging into his palm.
The rumours that were whispered back in the day, were true.
He didn’t want to believe them but he’s seeing it happen with his own eyes. There was no way of sugar coating or even trying to find a reason to explain what this was. So many questions wracked his brain but all the blood that drained from his face at the revelation rushed to his groin.
No! He told himself. This was wrong. He kept trying to deny and deny those feelings but every moan that slipped from your lips and how you were whining blissfully at how you wanted them to feel good, made his cock harden.
And it didn’t help that in his eyes, you looked so beautiful, even like this. Your body with a sheen of sweat appeared to glitter in the dim lighting, your soft supple breasts bouncing at the fast tempo rhythmic motions and your pretty eyes were helplessly looking up at Ushijima. The love and adoration you had for the team still present in them.
“Gonna cum,” Ushijima grunted, the snap of his hips never faltering in pace.
“Heard that Y/N? Wakatoshi-kun is going to fill you with his cum,” Tendou murmured, hand slipping between you and Ushijima to rub your clit. “I bet you missed that. Missed us making you feel good like this.”
“Toshi,ah! Toshi!” You whimpered, arms dangling around his neck as Semi filled you up. Whenever Wakatoshi pulled back, Semi thrust in, and it was like clockwork, you couldn’t think straight at all. No coherent thought was able to form in your head as you babbled on and on. “Want Toshi and Semi to feel—ah! G-good!”
“We do feel good, baby. You’re so nice and tight for us,” Semi rasped against your ear. “You’re gonna cum nice and pretty for us aren’t you? Never fucked anyone else while you were away at college right?”
You shook your head. “Didn’t want anyone else other than ah—all of you,” clutching onto Ushijima’s shoulders. Goshiki wanted you to look at him that way too...with such want, such need.
“She’s still our little pet,” Tendou hummed in approval, shoving two fingers in your mouth that you eagerly sucked and swirled around with your tongue, the way you knew Tendou liked.
“Goshiki,” a deep voice rumbled from the back.
Startled he turned around, ears flaming red and heart pounding against his chest, he was met with the team’s alumni libero. He took a glance over Goshiki’s head and chuckled.
“Looks like they started without me,”
‘Even Yamagata-san...’, Goshiki’s mind repeated over and over, nagging him.
“Oh, look, Y/N, Yamagata is here!” Tendou announced with a wide grin on his pale face, his fingers popping out of your mouth. His smile dropped so quickly at the other uninvited figure... his innocent little kouhai. “What’s this? Tsutomu-kun...what a surprise.”
“Seems like he’s been watching for a while,” Yamagata guided the boy in by the shoulders and closed the door behind him, Goshiki felt like he walked into a trap.
“Fuck!” Semi groaned, unloading himself inside of you, his hot cum painting your plush walls and still thrusting slowly, pushing it inside of you.
“Mine,” Ushijima growled against your ear, rutting into you like a beast in heat until nothing but broken moans and gasps sounded from you. Panting, you tried looking at him, the man who you deeply admired since you first met and had fallen deeply in love with, you kept your gaze locked on him, wanting to see how his face would relax in bliss when he reached his release.
Ushijima noticed your look and even he could see how your swollen pink lips screamed at him to kiss you, and he did exactly that. A couple more sharp thrusts and you clamped around him and Semi, your orgasm ripping through every fibre of your being, and Ushijima crashed his lips unto yours, muffling your lewd noises as he spilled inside of you. Thick hot ropes of his cum filling you up. You whimpered when you still felt him cumming. There was so much. So much that you were already so full that the excess was seeping out of your fluttering cunt. But you didn’t mind. No, you didn’t mind at all because it’s your darling Wakatoshi.
Semi pulled out of you first, catching his breath while Ushijima held you in his strong arms, not letting go and parting from you till your back was pressed softly against the futon again. The now Schweiden Adler player, realising how much he actually missed you since you all parted after graduation.
“Ah, looks like they’re done,” Tendou tore his piercing gaze from Goshiki to gaze at your glowing form instead, your eyes were shut, completely blissed out.
Pulling out, Ushijima watched as his cum dribbled down your throbbing hole, beautifully painted white that he couldn’t help but shove some of his seed back in with his two thick fingers, making you squirm. Tendou licked his lips at the sight.
“How beautiful,” he sighed before remembering Goshiki was here. “Oh right! Guys looks like we’ve been found out!” His tone was far from worried nor guilty.
“What?” Semi’s eyes widened, glancing towards the door only to see the red in the face blushing captain of the Shiratorizawa team. Yamagata on the other hand walked towards you and gave Goshiki a sly smirk before kneeling down beside you, caressing your body before placing your head on his lap and gently waking you from your fucked out state with a gentle nudge of his cock against your lips.
“We really tried to keep it secret, Tsutomu-kun,” Tendou got up, his height towering Goshiki’s.
“S-senpai,” he stuttered not knowing what to say, his eyes shifting from Tendou and to you...your head bobbing up and down Yamagata’s length, your pretty hand wrapped around the base to stroke the parts you couldn’t take fully in your little mouth.
Tendou followed the youngsters gaze before looking him up and down, red eyes darkening with twisted glee when he saw the tent in his shorts.
“C’mon Tsutomu-kun!” He placed his hands on his shoulders, guiding him closer to where you were sucking Yamagata off, Goshiki’s steps light and hesitant as if the floor beneath him would give way. “You’re now apart of this secret of ours.”
“He is?” Semi raised a brow.
“Tsutomu-kun has had a crush on our manager-chan for the looongest time,” Tendou sang, the tune void of mirth.
“Well it’s clearly more than a crush,” Yamagata huffed, eyeing Goshiki’s erection and pushing your head further down till the tip of his cock touched the back of your throat, making you gag and cry around him.
Semi grinned, getting hard again at the sight of you still being the little cumslut they had trained back then. “I bet he wants in.”
“Fuck!” Yamagata swore, his release spilling down your throat, his callous hands keeping you from moving away til he was done. “Good girl,” he praised, petting your head as you obediently swallowed his cum and even opened your mouth to show that you didn’t let a single drop go to waste.
Goshiki was glued to his spot. Everything was going too fast. His conscience kept telling him to say no, walk away and never speak of this again. But the ache of his cock, numbed those thoughts, more so when you shifted onto your back, your body that was far more beautiful than his imaginations, on full display.
“I bet you touched yourself thinking of our cute little Y/N, haven’t you Tsutomu-kun?” Tendou grinned, pushing down at Goshiki’s shoulders, whose knees buckled and collided with the futon too easily. “Thought about how her soft lips would wrap around your cock.”
Tendou knew that being this close to you would drive him mad, and the adrenaline was pumping in his veins as he enjoyed the sudden turn of events.
He was like the devil over Goshiki’s left shoulder.
“Go on, touch her. Don’t be shy,” he whispered the temptation in his ear.
No. No. Don’t say my name like that. Please no. I won’t be able to control myself, senpai. Goshiki looked at anywhere but you, Tendou noticed this and held Goshiki’s head in place to fix his gaze on your form.
“Tsutomu...” you sighed, eyelashes gently batting up at him. “I’m sorry you have to see me like this...”
Why were you apologising? He didn’t understand.
“Do you want me too?” You asked, your tone almost so innocent, knocking Goshiki out of his daze that had been ogling your naked body. His eyes met yours that has noticed the bulge in his shorts, he tried to cover himself with his hands. “It’s okay if you want to, Tsutomu-kun...” you slurred, it was as if you were drunk. “Unless...” your voice softened, eyes watering a little. “...you’re disgusted to find out the rumours that were said about me were true...”
“No!” He protested, cheeks growing hotter as his lips trembled. “S-senpai would...I would never see you like that.”
“Y/N-chan, look at Goshiki...he’s gotten so hard at the sight of you. Even looks painful,” Tendou caressed your thighs, he’s already had his turn before Semi and Wakatoshi. He wanted to be a good senpai and give his kouhai a taste of what has been reserved and exclusive to them. “Why don’t you relieve him, hm?”
Tendou kissed your knuckles lovingly, before placing your hand on Goshiki’s hard-on, the noirette wincing at the mere touch. If this kept going, Goshiki was going to snap. Was it so bad he wanted to bury himself into his senpai too? Was it bad that he wanted to kiss you, touch you and make you moan so sweetly just like they did?
When your nimble fingers wrapped around his throbbing length, his hips bucked into your hand so eagerly, body betraying him. They were so soft. So soft and warm. You tugged his shorts lower before leaning closer seeing the glisten of pre-cum of his swollen pink tip. Your hands slowly gliding up and down his shaft.
It felt good. He was literally in the palm of your hands. But when you gave him a little kitten lick, he let out a choked moan. Yamagata has positioned himself behind you, holding you by hips and teasing your cum dripping entrance with his cock, making you moan around Goshiki’s length.
“Don’t hold back too much Tsutomu-kun, once in a while you need to wind down. Y/N-chan has made that so much easier for us back in the day...” Tendou tempted once more. “Makes me play better on the court too.”
You cried out softly when Yamagata took his turn at your pussy, cock pounding into your throbbing walls that squeezed around him for more.
“Fuck, I missed this pretty little cunt,” he hissed, massaging the flesh of your ass.
Goshiki watched the way your face melted into that blissful lewd expression, looking up at him through wet lashes, lips around his cock and deep in your throat, Tendou’s fingers tangled with your hair, guiding you up and down Goshiki’s sensitive cock.
Soft moans were escaping him, the swirl of your tongue and the tightening of your throat bringing him embarrassingly close to climax already. He couldn’t believe that you had your lips around something so lewd like his cock, the same lips where praises and words of encouragement came from.
He couldn’t take it anymore.
“S-senpai!” He croaked out, pulling out abruptly from your mouth with a pop, drool dripping down your chin and Tendou side glared at the blunt fringed boy. Was he not grateful to him for giving him this chance to fuck you? But a sadistic smirk formed on the red head’s face knowing that contorted blushing and panting expression anywhere.
Your eyes shut as warm hot ropes of cum splattered against your cheeks, your body still jolting from Yamagata’s thrusts that were becoming quicker signalling his second climax.
“He came,” Tendou sighed, loving the way you looked so beautiful defiled with all that cum on your face.
Yamagata released all over your back, your knees trembling and giving way, body falling into the mattress and panting hard.
“Fuck, she needs to rest,” Semi stepped forward, concern written all over his face a cigarette dangling in between his lips.
“S-senpai, I’m so sorry,” Goshiki apologised, embarrassed and ashamed for making such a mess on your beautiful face as if he didn’t imagine it countless of times.
“Tsutomu-kun,” you called out softly, flipping into your back and with whatever energy you had left, parted your legs for him, making him even redder.
“Awe, would you look at that?” Tendou smiled softly down at you, wiping the mess on your face with a towel. “My little paradise still has some fight left in her. She wants you, Tsutomu.”
“N-no...I can’t,” he stuttered. “I shouldn’t.”
Ushijima made his move, his actions making a heavy aura wash over the room, like a lion approaching his prey. He knelt down on the mattress and placed you easily on his lap, your back melting into him and head resting in the crook of his neck.
“Toshi?” You raised your head to look at him only for him to catch your lips in his in a kiss so gentle it was almost uncharacteristic of someone as strong as him.
Warmth bloomed in your chest at Ushijima’s rare act of affection, the man you’ve loved and supported on the sidelines kissing you as if he loved you as much as he loved you.
His large hands hooked under the back of your knees and folded them to your chest, bodies sticky and warm with sweat.
Goshiki felt jealous...he wanted to kiss you like that too. He wanted you to melt into him like you do with Ushijima.
“Don’t be shy, Tsutomu-kun. Don’t leave her waiting, it’s rude,” Tendou commented, eyes on you and Wakatoshi. “If you don’t take your turn now, Wakatoshi-kun is going to have it. This won’t happen again you know.”
Tendou’s words came out almost empathetically, luring him into a false sense of belief that he fell for. Goshiki might not see you again after this, that much was true. As much as he wanted to deny the offer, his still hard cock was erect and aching once more.
“Toshi...” You moaned, his fingers massaging your clit nice and slow, hips bucking with need.
“Shit, I wanna go again,” Semi groaned.
Legs moving on their own, Goshiki found himself closer to you, closer to where you were just open and ready to be used again.
The underside of his cock rested against your pussy that he could feel it throbbing like a heartbeat. 
He took a breath. Was he really going to do this? Lose his virginity to his senpai?
He raised his gaze, his conflicted expression so evident.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, neck being kissed and marked by Ushijima. “I won’t get mad, I promise.”
And just like that, the tip of his cock popped inside you, making you sigh blissfully as if you wanted his cock for so long. You felt so warm too and inch by inch he was being enveloped by your plush velvety walls.
He’s never felt anything like this in his life. Never imagined that his first time would be with his senpai.
“Tsutomu,” you moaned, feeling him all the way inside of you, filling you up nicely. “Are you o-okay?” You managed to ask.
And you asking would’ve made him stutter as usual, but he processed it differently.
“I’m not a boy anymore, senpai,” he spoke, hands caressing your inner thighs. “Can you stop treating me like I’m nothing but your little kouhai?” He snapped, slipping out and thrusting deep inside you, making your eyes roll back.
“Ah! Tsutomu!”
He set his pace and focused, focused on making you feel good. Show you that he was man. His thrusts were shallow and deep, reaching and stimulating that part inside you that made you feel as if you were melting.
“S-senpai—agh—feels so good,” he sputtered out, looking at how your cunt was split apart by his cock. He was inside of you. He was connected with you.
Tendou chuckled from the side, perched on a chair watching with wide eyes.
“How does she feel?”
“L-like—ah,” his voice faltered, too focused on gliding in and out of your walls, the friction, a sensation he found addictive. “Like she’s sucking me in.”
“True that,” Yamagata snorted from the corner, enjoying the little show.
Your head was spinning at this point. Years of not seeing your boys, making your body overwhelmed from the sudden touches and sensations that you missed so much. Funny how in your college everyone thought of you to be such a goody two-shoes, turning down every guy who asked you out and not even going to parties. You didn’t want anyone else to touch you or even be with you, you reserved yourself for them. You often wondered if it was really your choice or if they had conditioned you to think that way. But what didn’t change was the love you had for them and especially Ushijima, who now was kissing you and caressing your skin as Goshiki fucked you.
He gasped and moaned with such a cute expression, your heart was swarmed with the feeling of wanting to embrace him close. Sweet little Goshiki. Opening your arms Goshiki was quick to lean forward into your embrace, his torso pushing against your hoisted legs, cock reaching deeper and forcing another orgasm to snap within you.
“You made her cum, Tsutomu. Good job,” Tendou heartily cheered from the side, Semi rolling his eyes at how much he teased the younger man.
Goshiki blushed, your lewd fucked out expression something he burned into his mind to remember and felt your essence slick him wet and drip down your thighs. Your walls clamping around him tightly, making his movements stutter.
“G-gonna cum,” he panted, still rutting in and out of you, your arms wrapped around his neck and gazing up at him so sweetly.
“Go ahead, Tsutomu-kun.” You caressed his cheek, his heart pounding against his chest.
You looked so sweet beneath him that he completely forgot that Ushijima was right behind you, holding you almost possessively as if to tell him that you were his. But Goshiki couldn’t think straight, not when your cunt was still throbbing and tightening around him. Everything was foggy, all he saw was you.
“Y/N-san,” he whined, your heavy-lidded eyes blinking at him and he leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours, sloppily kissing you. “Mhmf...Y/N-san,” he moaned. Your lips were so sweet despite having remnants of saltiness from Yamagata’s cum, they were so soft and perfect like everything else about you.
A strangled sound escaped Goshiki, a mix of a moan and a gasp, as his hips slammed against yours one last time and stilled.
The room well silent and only yours and Goshiki’s heavy panting was heard as he came inside of you, cum shooting into your womb making your body tremble.
Goshiki before he could crush you in his weight, pulled out before lying on his back, panting and gaze blurry, adjusting to see the lamp that seemed to swing on the ceiling.
Tendou wore a satisfied victorious grin and laughed softly to himself because he just witnessed what he thought could only ever be seen or happen in hentai or manga.
“Tendou, hand me a towel,” Wakatoshi’s low voice seemed to boom as it broke the silence.
“Yes, sir!” He saluted before doing as he said.
“I’ll go get her some water. Yamagata get her some clothes,” Semi added, this routine of aftercare still like second nature to them even after all this while.
Goshiki eventually collected himself, still in a haze, in a dreamlike state. But when his eyes adjusted to his surroundings, he saw you. It wasn’t a dream.
You were now wearing an oversized t-shirt and on Ushijima’s lap, cradled in his arms while the rest sat around you. Softly talking and catching up with each other as they took care of you. And you were finally a little level headed.
“Tendou, why is there a hint of vodka in this chocolate?” Yamagata asked, face scrunching up.
“It’s my new concoction. Vodkalate,” he announced proudly and you softly giggled.
“Don’t worry Y/N-Chan, I have a special box just for you! Your favourites!”
Goshiki wondered how after all that, everything seemed to be back to normal. Has it always been like these for you five?
“Tsutomu-kun, what are you doing there sitting all alone? Come closer. Tendou brought chocolates,” you kindly invited him, your hair a beautiful matted mess.
“I made those for you—“ Tendou sighed. “Fine. Since he lost his v-card I guess he can have some.”
Even when he sat with all of you half clothed, he still felt as if he was watching everything from the view of a window. He was there but he wasn’t truly with all of you. There was a bond that he could never come between in.
“Next time we do this,” Ushijima spoke as he fed you a piece of heart-shaped chocolate, warmth creeping up at your cheeks. “No one else can cum inside of her.”
“And why not?” Semi scoffed.
“That is my business,” Ushijima answers vaguely, all of them giving him a pointed look before signing.
“Y/N-san,” Goshiki finally spoke your name, too scared to have done so after having such an experience with you, an experience he will never forget and cherish.
“What is it, Tsutomu?”
He rubbed the nape of his neck still feeling the division of senior and junior between him and the rest.
“A-are...” Are you in love Ushijima-san? “Are you feeling okay?”
He couldn’t ask that. He’s found out enough today.
You giggled and gave him a warm smile, while you reached for Yamagata’s hand who was on your side and the other gently cupping Ushijima’s face.
“I’m more than fine. I missed my boys so much.”
“We missed you more!” Tendou attacked you with a bone-crushing hug, almost pulling you away from Ushijima.
“T-that’s good,” Goshiki sputtered, blushing.
“Geez, if that’s your pillow talk game...”Semi began to comment but you nudged him with your foot. “Ah, okay! I’ll shut up.”
“Tsutomu-kun, before you go...can I ask you of something?”
Like the lovesick puppy he’s been for years, he eagerly nodded. Y/N-san needed him to do something? Just say the word.
“Don’t tell anyone the truth. It’ll be our secret okay?”
Your smile was sweet as ever but there was something hiding behind your eyes that Goshiki will never see, a look that only Yamagata, Tendou, Semi and Ushijima knew. The one that you subtly gave that always has anyone doing anything for you.
“Our little secret.” You winked.
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writingatsunrise · 3 years
An Evening's Haze
Bucciarati x Reader
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Request/Commission Info: A 3500 word piece that involves Bucciarati and the reader when they get affected by a lust stand during a Passione event.
Content Warnings: Drugging via Stand, NSFW Content, AFAB Reader
The role of a careless woman was easy to play.
Draped in a luxurious magenta dress, all you needed was the right flash of jewelry and stilettos thin enough to be used as a weapon. It offered you a free pass to sweep around any party without concern. People smiled at you and allowed you to hang off their arms while they spoke about matters that really should have been kept secret despite having watched you enter on the with a partner.
You could eat a whole meal without going near the buffet table yourself and not have to fear poisons. Perhaps you grew too comfortable.
After all, you forgot that there were things that crept around Passione with abilities far beyond slipping something into your drink. Things that could be almost entirely invisible even to those who knew they existed.
To say he seemed harmless would have been a lie. You knew he was dangerous – you had simply forgotten why you may have been targeted.
He spoke to you in a rolling Italian, fixating on you from the moment his eyes drifted across your façade. You had no reason to speak to him but you indulged because others would be drawn to try and win your attention.
“You arrived with Bucciarati,” he said, after several minutes without a single word of importance mentioned.
You sought out your partner without even meaning to, expression softening from a mask of facetiousness into something far too real when you spotted him across the room. He stood beside one of the large white pillars, keeping the attention of men far too important for your casual conversation.
He was beautiful as always; dark hair cascading around his face and framing him with a pitch more breath-taking than onyx. His expression was welcoming but his bright blue eyes surveyed everybody with a critical analysis.
“I did,” you said, dragging your thoughts away before they betrayed you. “Passione has been growing their influence, haven’t you noticed?”
Said as though it was an explanation. To most, it was.
You didn’t work for Passione directly but your existence could no longer remain hidden. There was a technical truth behind your words – Passione was always growing in power and your act suited not knowing too much about the world you were involved in. Everybody would assume your role as a hapless damsel.
Perhaps, that too, was a weapon you wielded.
“It seems a little cruel for him to abandon you surrounded by so many dangerous people.”
The line was common enough. Too many thought it was a way to impress you without knowing, as you did, that Bucciarati watched your every move.
The man traced his fingers over the back of your hand, snapping your attention to him. You slowly pulled away as to not make it obvious that your skin crawled at his touch. He wasn’t an unattractive man exactly but there was a horrible feeling hovering around him like an aura. Trusting him would be stupid.
“Bucciarati is very busy,” you acknowledged, adding a soft sigh to further the tease of an abandoned woman.
“It’s this line of work,” the man agreed. He shook his head in sympathy. “I always feel so sad when I see a woman like you, filled with so much potential, and yet trapped in this life. It’s so unfair.”
You nodded in a sad agreement, eyes glinting in the light. “But isn’t it just so exciting?”
A flash of interest, deeper than the superficial attraction and worryingly hazardous, crossed his darkening expression. “Perhaps we could share something to drink,” he mentioned.
“Oh, that’s quite alright,” you said in a breathy tone. You looked around the room and caught the eye of another man. “If I accepted every drink offer I received, I wouldn’t be going home standing.” You brushed past him and tried to instantly forget about the concerning expression he had when he followed your movements.
A glow, initially brushed off as a simple reflection of light, had to have been a stand ability. Looking back, you cursed yourself for not realising it sooner.
The food you ate, chosen at random from the platter of the waitstaff, had been normal at first. But the taste had shifted the moment it touched your tongue – melting from a soft pastry into a buttery chocolate.
The effect was near instantaneous.
A cloud of delirium flooded your brain and a wave of pink heat rushed through your body. The sheer unexpectedness of it nearly knocked you down.
Writhing, unidentifiable sensations wrapped around your insides. They pulsed through your heart and made your legs feel weak. You leaned heavily against one of the walls and gasped to clear your lungs. It didn’t work.
The lights were all too bright and you squinted through them. There was a ringing in your ears. The burning was getting lower and lower, pooling deep in your stomach and make you shiver with a desperate need. If you didn’t find somebody to touch you… shit, you were struggling to even think straight.
The man from before… you could see him in the corner of your eye. Was he watching you? He almost seemed to be moving forward.
You forced yourself to find Bucciarati, a ridiculous bolt of desire stabbing into your throat when you located him.
He was sitting at a table as the picture of poise. Every piece of his façade had been carefully constructed to suit the men he was speaking to. His voice flowed smooth through the air – words chosen to flatter without appearing desperate for the connection between Passione and whatever group they were working for.
It was against your better judgement to waltz over there and drape across his shoulders. You’d seen other partners do it so the men themselves wouldn’t be affected but Bucciarati never appreciated interruptions.
The pink haze in your veins sent another pulse through your body. Your legs buckled a little and you bumped into the table with your hip. There was no way this wasn’t some kind of drug or stand ability… the latter being a greater possibility given the interactions of the night.
It pushed the concerned thoughts from your mind instantly.
You fell across Bucciarati’s shoulders and smiled at the casual chuckles from the table. Comments about too much to drink followed.
Bucciarati also believed you to be tipsy and he took your arm to guide you to the seat beside him. His expression darkened only slightly as he took as he took in the flush of your cheeks and the hitch of your breath.
You sat but not without a whisper. It was scarcely audible but desperate enough, “Please. I need you.”
He didn’t pause in his conversation but he heard you. His answer came through a small squeeze to your thigh.
It was painful to sit and wait but his hold on your leg remained tight. He prevented you from squirming and the burning grew more intense with each minute that passed. Your face was ignited and your heart was deafening behind your ears. If anybody was looking, they’d certainly think you to be wasted.
Bucciarati rose from his seat with an unmatchable grace. He guided you to join him and thanked his interlocuters for the conversation.
“Bruno,” you whispered. You tried to make your voice obey you and speak instead of whimpering. It didn’t work.
He touched the small of your back, unwittingly sending sparks through your body. “It’s alright,” he hummed. Even his voice made you want to press your thighs together. “Just tell me what’s going on when we get outside.”
The night air was a sigh of relief against your clammy skin. It gave you a brief reprieve before your body could heat up once more.
There was nobody else in the gardens and Bucciarati took you deep into the maze of bushes and trees until he found a spot he approved of. It would be impossible for any eavesdroppers to get close enough without making themselves known. He could also see the main windows of the venue and keep an eye on everything.
He pressed a hand to your forehead like he was taking your temperature. “What did you have to drink?”
“Nothing more than water,” you breathed. “I think something was slipped into my food.”
You leaned close to him and instantly located a source of relief from your overwhelming need. His body fitted so well against your own. If only you could get rid of the ridiculous amount of clothing he was wearing.
And his smell…
“It’s an aphrodisiac of some kind.” Bucciarati caressed your cheek and you just about moaned, mouth falling open eagerly when his thumb brushed your lips. “I’ll organise a ride home for you.”
You shook your head. The lust screamed beneath your skin and demanded a solution now. “I don’t want to deal with it alone. Please –“
Bucciarati’s resolve was strong and unwavering most days. You could see hints of it shining behind his cerulean gaze in that moment but it was fragmented. The temptation was there but he would always put off his desires for the sake of his work.
In your current state, you didn’t care about work in the slightest.
He didn’t stop you from kissing him even as your arms wound around his neck. You pushed up against him as much as you could. His touch was a balm to your fever and you wanted every part of him. He was always sweet but now he had become the kind of drug you never wanted to walk away from. Couldn’t, even if you tried.
When you gently nipped at his lips, Bucciarati moved away. He stroked your side softly, unaware that even the soothing movement was making things worse. “This isn’t the best time for anything. You’re not in the right state of mind.”
“Bruno,” you complained through gritted teeth. “I already always want you.”
“There are people who need to speak to me,” he said.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, messing up the undoubtedly perfect braid as you brought your lips to his once more. His tongue glided smoothly with your own, making you moan far too loudly against him.
His touch danced across your waist and you knew his resolve was fading.
Taking full advantage, you ran your hand down his chest, stopping only to briefly tug on the edges of his suit. When you reached the waistband of his pants, he caught your wrist.
“Not here.”
You whined in protest, expression pleading. Did he not see how you were suffering? The desire was painted across your face; neediness showing through your panting breath and your trembling lip.
Bucciarati looked around and you brought your lips to his throat, whimpering a ‘please’ between soft kisses and bites.
“I still think it would be better if I organised for you to go home,” he said, fingers dancing along your pulse and travelling higher along your arm. “But you seem very determined to make sure I’ll regret that.”
The logical part of your brain was still there even if was being stifled by whatever was moving through your body. It warned you that this could easily be a trap. Stands were very specific – perhaps it hadn’t been aimed at you after all. You should go home. You should try to fight whatever this ridiculous desire was.
Then Bucciarati kissed you again and any rational thought disappeared in the wave that flooded your system.
You didn’t ask when he started leading you somewhere. The heat between your legs didn’t care where you were going as long as he kept touching you. If only your dress wasn’t in the way.
The back of the hall loomed before you, loud chatter somewhat punching through your clouded mind. You couldn’t be bothered with what they were saying but getting this close to other people seemed like it could be dangerous.
A zip and you were back inside, isolated in a darkened conference room with chatter on the other side of a large door. It was hot inside. Worse than it had been in the fresh air of the garden. Your clothes were beginning to itch your skin and you wished you could get rid of them.
But first, you wanted something else.
“This room is rarely in use,” Bucciarati said. “Locked during events unless some of the higher ups want to speak to each other in private.”
You didn’t care. It could have been anywhere and it would matter little in your mind as long as he allowed you to have what you needed.
He didn’t stop you from sinking to your knees, dress pulled up and bunched around your thighs. His eyes darted around the room to make sure you were alone but when you began to mouth at his cock through the fabric of his pants, he couldn’t concentrate on that anymore.
You clenched your thighs together as tight as you could. The buttons were nearly thwarting your plans, trembling fingers refusing to obey you as your head swirled.
Then you managed it.
A small warning in your brain reminded you to move slowly. You chose to ignore that thought.
Bucciarati gasped, hand flying to your hair as you took him deep into your throat with one movement. It burned the back of your throat and you gagged around him but you refused to relent. The stretch of your lips, the weight against your tongue, the taste that was so uniquely his… it made you dizzier still.
You were awfully sloppy. There was no poise or purpose as you moved. There was a fire in your stomach that only grew as you tried to get him deeper and deeper still. Your lungs were actually hurting but still you refused to take a break.
Red lines followed your nails as you sunk them into the skin of his thighs. You could hear his noises, small and painfully restrained, and didn’t bother holding back your own.
The hand in your hair tightened its grasp and pulled you off, tears running down your face and blurring your vision. You stared up at Bucciarati, trying to understand why he was taking you away from him. Was it too much? No, even in your addled mind, you could see that he was enjoying himself. He took in your expression and closed his eyes as though to steady himself.
“Please,” you whined.
The pull against your hair as you pushed forward, rubbing his cock against your cheek, was delicious. You wanted him to tug your head back and drag his teeth across your throat and –
“Are you happy with just this?”
Your thighs clenched around nothing, small bolts of almost-pain running through your legs as a reminder of what else you could have. You shook your head. You wanted more.
Bucciarati helped you up, the slight tremble in his hands betraying just how close you’d brought him with your frenzied need. His touch dipped between your legs and you threw your head back, wanton moan falling free now that you were no longer occupied.
“Quiet,” he reprimanded. “We’re not far enough away for that kind of noise.”
You tried. You really, really did. But it was unfair of him to expect you to remain silent when he was running his fingers across your core like that.
“I don’t know what I was expecting,” he chuckled, half to himself. “You’ve ruined your panties entirely.”
You bucked against his hand, knees weak and trembling. Why did it even matter? You just wanted him to be inside of you.
There was a zipping sound and your eyes flew open, the cold press of a zip across your lips making you startle. Bucciarati caressed the seal with his thumb, eyes bright when they met your own.
“I already know you won’t be able to control yourself.”
He was so, so right.
You were backed into the table in the center of the room, head pushing back against the wood as you arched against it and bucked your hips against the too-gentle touch against your core. The zip muffled your noises but it couldn’t contain them fully, their desperate pitch slipping out through the smallest of gaps.
Bucciarati understood your desperate ‘please’ without needing to hear it properly. He could make out the moans of his name as he slipped two fingers into your slick heat.
A steam of ‘please’ and ‘more’, blocked by the zipper, made him decide against drawing this out for much longer.
The heat inside you was screaming. Maybe you were also. You could barely focus on your thoughts, especially when you finally got what you wanted. Then everything just melted away into a primal need for more. To get him deeper and force him to move faster. To have more of everything.
Bucciarati was struggling a little to keep himself stable.
There was something unnatural about your body. The way you were squeezing around him was more addictive than usual. The heat was almost leaking across into him, pulsing through your silken walls and racing through his veins.
He dropped his head onto your shoulder, feeling the way your body arched up into his own, ragged gasps managing to slip through his gritted teeth.
You bucked against him, the smooth wood of the table growing too hot beneath your back. Electricity flared across your skin as though you’d grabbed onto an open wire. It buzzed deep inside you. The restraint of the zipper was getting suffocating. You wanted to scream, to moan, to feel Bucciarati in your throat as well as in your cunt. You wanted him everywhere.
“I think this may be contagious,” Bucciarati managed to growl out.
Honestly, you didn’t care. His voice was another strike of fire in your chest. Maybe it was good that it was contagious, maybe it was good that he would be dragged into this with you.
The tension built higher and higher until all you could see was the haze of pink that was covering your eyes. Your nails dug into the wood as it surged through your systems. It flooded you, straining against you more and more before it snapped.
Your orgasm hit the air from your lungs. You screamed behind the zipper, tears streaming down your face without your notice. The pleasure was hurting you. It was uncontrollable, flooding every part of your body and making you writhe desperately but you didn’t even know what you wanted.
It roared and then died, returning to little more than a buzzing below the surface.
But Bucciarati was still moving.
His lips were parted against your skin, puffing sharp breaths against you as his hips snapped forward. The movements were so much clearer now. You could feel the way he dragged against your sensitive core, jolts of pleasure driving you back into the moment.
Why… the concern and reality hit you all at once. The drug had been cleared from your mind but it wasn’t gone, you could still feel it coiling in your stomach. You reached up to unzip your mouth.
A soft groan was your only answer. His grip on your hips was bruising, undoubtedly going to leave marks for days after. Curses flowed freely from you without the muzzle and you had to bite your lip to stop the moans from following.
The pink was returning again. It sent a pleasant pulse through your veins in encouragement, coming back to destroy your logical mind once more. You rezipped your mouth, head falling to the side and head swimming.
When Bucciarati came, deep and pulsing within you, he dragged you over the edge for a second time.
The haze was chased once more and you sat there, a headache building, before you realised it was beginning to come back.
“Bruno,” you forced yourself to say after removing the zip. “The user is wearing a blue suit, silver lining, and rose-shaped cufflinks. Dark hair and a very roman nose. He likes skulking around the shadows and I can probably guess why.”
Bucciarati fumbled for his phone, head still resting on your collarbone. He managed to get the call through, muttering out the description before tossing it down. “We should try and make it to the house,” he said. “I should have thought this through more. Stands don’t behave like normal drugs.”
“Do you think it’ll wear off or…?”
“Either way, once they find the user, he won’t be breathing enough for it to continue much longer.”
You rolled your hips up, managing to get a guttural groan from him as a result. He twitched inside you. His eyes were becoming glassy again, breath hot against your sticky skin.
“Then why even bother with the house?”
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Damsels, Chapter Nine: You Can’t Touch Me
By SisterSpooky1013 / Rated E
Read previous chapters here / Tagging @today-in-fic
Some things cannot be fully explained nor rationalized. Human behavior is mysterious and unpredictable, even to a profiler like Mulder. He cannot, for example, fully explain to himself why he’s never told Scully how he feels about her. He cannot fully explain why he withdraws from her when he needs her most. He also cannot fully explain why he’s in his car right now, driving back to Philadelphia hours after being reprimanded by Skinner for no-call, no-showing to work the last two days. Why is he incapable of staying away? He tries not to think about it, knowing that the answer probably isn’t one he wants to admit anyway. Turning the radio up, he flips down his visor to block the blinding rays of the setting sun and propels himself towards certain doom.
When he arrives at the club and takes his seat, he’s embarrassed by the knowing smile on Gemini’s face as she approaches him. It says “I knew you’d be back,” and he hates that she’s right. He sticks with soda this time and she hovers close by after bringing it to him, clearly having something on her mind. Finally, he meets her eye and lifts his eyebrows expectantly.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to have Desi come say hi, Mr. Mysterious? She’s really, really nice.” There’s so much pity in her voice it makes him cringe, but his sheer terror at the idea of her sending Scully over here overrides his shame.
“Gemini, please do not do that,” he pleads with her. “I...I really don’t want to talk to her. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but please don’t.”
She seems to respond to his serious tone and sighs with defeat before turning on her heel and leaving him to his solitude.
Entering the club that night, Scully half expects Ricky to accost her with questions about why she was there at 5 am the day before. Instead, she gets his customary “Hi, Darlin’” and a gap-toothed smile. All is calm on the Western Front.
In the dancer’s room, she sits down at her station and starts doing her makeup. Magenta is beside her doing the same, while Tibet is perched on the counter of her own station eating a burrito. Lexie is also present, though as usual she does her best to appear wholly disinterested in what they are discussing.
“So, what’s the latest with that man friend of yours, Desi?” Magenta asks as she dusts powder over her face, setting her foundation.
Scully shrugs. “Nothing. I haven’t spoken to him in a while.”
“Why the hell not?” Tibet asks, her words muffled by a mouth full of food.
She can’t very well explain to them that she’s not allowed to speak to Mulder because she’s on an undercover assignment, so she just shrugs again.
Magenta shakes her head. “What are you so afraid of, Desi? Does the phrase ‘no risk, no reward’ mean anything to you?”
Scully smiles sheepishly. “I know you’re right, Magenta, it’s just easier said than done. Even if I did decide to act on my feelings, once I’m in the moment I know I’ll lose my nerve.”
Tibet gives her an incredulous look, swallowing before she speaks. “I’ve seen you out there on the stage and on the floor, girl. I have a hard time believing that you’re a shrinking violet.”
Scully is gluing on her false lashes, something she’s only recently gotten the hang of. Tibet’s statement hangs in the air until she’s gotten them positioned just right and is fanning her face while they dry.
“I would argue, Tibet,” Scully says, turning towards her, “that it’s not me on the stage or floor. It’s Desiree. When I’m with him, I’m just me. Diane, while not necessarily a shrinking violet, has a hard time being open about her feelings.”
“Well, next time you see him,” Magenta replies, “which should be soon , ma’am, just be Desi. Ask yourself ‘what would Desi do?’ and then do that.” She says the last part with a flourish of her hands and a wry smile.
Scully is pulling on the green velour outfit that Angel picked out for her, positioning it just so and rubbing grip powder on her hands, behind her knees and in the crooks of her elbows. Her stage set is in about five minutes.
“I’ll be sure to do that next time I see him,” she replies with a sarcastic lilt, then stands tall with her hands on her hips. “How do I look?” she asks. Magenta, Tibet, and Lexie all turn to give her a once-over.
“Needs more booty dust,” Lexie replies, and Scully is surprised to hear the woman speak in a tone that isn’t angry or mean.
She holds out her hands as Lexie tosses an aerosol can at her, and sprays it on her chest and thighs before she heads to the kitchen for something to drink.
As she leans against the kitchen counter sipping a bottle of water, one of the waitresses wanders in. Scully recalls that she’s one of those who’s a beater and will never make it to the stage. She feels a little sad for her, now knowing that the stage is everyone’s hopeful destination.
“I’m sorry, I don’t remember your name,” Scully says, and the young woman jumps as though she had thought herself invisible.
“It’s Gina. Or, sorry, Gemini,” she says nervously.
“I’m Desiree,” Scully responds, offering her hand. Gemini takes it cautiously and Scully recognizes the behavior of someone who is intimidated by her.
“I know who you are. You’re a great dancer,” Gemini gushes. “One of my regulars is obsessed with you. He comes to see you every night.” Scully can tell that Gemini derives some kind of misplaced pride from this fact.
“Really? Who’s that?” she queries. Aside from Mr. Keane, she doesn’t have many regulars, and certainly none who come every night.
“I’m sure you’ve never even noticed him,” Gemini explains, “he never talks to you or pays for dances, he just kind of watches you from the back. He’s a really good tipper, though, and he’s really cute. His eyes remind me of Richard Gere, except he has dark hair.”
Scully feels a flush of adrenaline course from her head to her feet. Her hearing cuts out, replaced briefly by a ringing in her ears. Gemini is staring at her, clearly confused by her demeanor. She swallows thickly.
“This man,” she asks, “do you know his name?”
Gemini shakes her head. “I call him Mr. Mysterious. I think he might be a cop, though. I saw a gun under his coat.”
“Desi! You’re on next!” another dancer calls as they exit the stage, giving Scully only about two minutes before she’ll have to go out.
“Thanks, Gemini,” she says curtly, and the younger woman leaves the kitchen.
Scully takes a few deep breaths, deciding what to do next. If it’s Mulder out there, he’s already seen her on stage more than once. This is a fact that should horrify and disgust her, but she’s surprised to find that it’s a little bit thrilling. If he keeps coming back, does that mean he likes what he sees? She remembers what Magenta had said and asks herself ‘what would Desi do?” What Desi would do, she decides, is give the man a show. He drove all this way, after all.
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cynthiaandsamus · 2 years
Thoughts on DBS: Super Heroes
I liked it, probably put it on par with Resurrection F, which I liked more than most people so that’s not bad. It feels like a joke movie in a weird way, like there’s serious bits but at the same time nothing’s taken super seriously except the final action bits.
I actually ended up seeing the subbed version on accident, I don’t mind either way but I think the one I had set up was the sub so I may have missed a few minor details while trying to read the dialogue and see the action. The art style was a bit distracting but it looked pretty good all things considered, I noticed the fights were using a lot of wrestling/grappling moves, I don’t know if those are easier with the new style or if someone in development was just a big fan but dramatic wrestling moves combined with the Super Hero themes of the villains kind of made the whole thing seem kind of melodramatic and silly which like I said it’s clearly what it was going for so it’s not bad just noteworthy. The movie seems to be aware of how contrived it is since Piccolo himself wants to put on a show for Gohan to get him to get serious and help fight these new Androids, him getting Pan to act the part of a damsel was kind of cute but after Broly this is the second time we’ve manipulated a situation to purposely milk out a transformation and I feel like the characters may be getting too meta about how their narrative works XD.
I like Dr. Hedo and his silly superhero gimmick and how he’s basically “I want to be a good guy but I’m way too lazy to do research on how sketchy this guy hiring me to build death warriors is” like it’s kind of a funny way to not make him an idiot or a scumbag, just a well-intentioned guy that’s not necessarily picky enough about where he gets his paycheck. I also REALLY like the idea that the bad guys think Bulma is this Mafia Don head of an alien organization and they think she’s the final boss in all this because of all the weird shit that seems centered around Capsule Corporation, it’s nice to see how the world thinks of all the shit the Z-Fighters do in general. Gamma #1 is kind of bland and straight-laced because all the focus goes to Gamma #2 since he’s the one that gets character development and a full fight, like #1 gets a little skrimish with Gohan and that’s all he does the whole movie except feel sad when #2 dies. Still I like that #1 gets to survive and be part of the world and maybe his brother’s death will develop his character for stuff in the future (also they call them both Androids which is to say they’re probably Cyborgs like 17 and 18 but are they human or what? They look completely mechanical even with mettalic sounds when they’re hit or do some hitting so maybe they ARE actually Androids after all these years? I mean #2 does melt away into ash which doesn’t seem like something an organic would do) Also Hedo and Magenta’s little mini-fight showing off their normal-level cyborg enhancements was pretty funny.
The Goku/Vegeta Interlude is kind of out of place to fill up time but it’s nice to flesh out what they’re up to while all this is going on and development since the Broly movie, almost feels like they thought they couldn’t get away with a DBS movie without Goku and Vegeta in it for at least a couple minutes. Still Beerus being a Cheelai simp is pretty cute (my god that’s a weird love triangle, a thief chick, her oblivious space puppy himbo and the ultimate god of destruction) and really honestly who doesn’t love Cheelai, and seeing Broly’s group come to hang with Beerus is neat but makes me wonder why they dumped them on that random planet at the end of Broly if they were just gonna bring them straight to Beerus anyway. Also Bulma’s butt is good, think I heard a small cheer in the theater when we got to the scene with her sticking it out. Speaking of which I kind of like the idea of Bulma gathering all the dragonballs as soon as they become active and wishing for random bullshit to keep them inert as much as possible to keep people from wishing for Frieza to be revived or giant space trees or young namekian emperors or some shit, like it’s treated as a joke but it’s actually pretty smart to make sure the villains aren’t grabbing them up all the time, though if Super ever does decided to adapt the Dark Dragons arc you can bet Bulma is behind like 90% of the negative energy the dragon balls accumulate which I think would be funny, like have one of the Dark Dragons just be the epitome of all of Bulma’s bullshit superficial wishes and basically be Superpowered Evil Bulma.
Hulkbuster Piccolo is a cool transformation and all but it fucking comes out of nowhere, like Piccolo asks Shenron to untap his power and the dragon’s like “Oh new transformation? Sure!” and Piccolo just kinda unlocks it out of nowhere, feel like a lot of DBS doesn’t really have a handle on how to make a transformation engaging and just tosses them out as plot developments. We also get Teen Goten and Trunks but they specifically avoid showing us real Gotenks despite teasing it twice and we get Fat Gotenks who for some reason still acts and looks like a twelve year old.
Gohan’s Beast Transformation was at least kind of led up to but probably could’ve been dwelt on a little more like have Gohan thinking about how Piccolo kept telling him to be ready for danger and he wasn’t and that guilt triggers the Beast, like milk the emotion a little more than him just seeing Piccolo get beat up pretty bad and replaying his Super Saiyan 2 transformation with a new coat of paint. Cell Max looked really freaking cool like Semi-Perfect Cell always looked like an awkward middle stage pokemon but they really did make him an awesome beastly looking thing and the sheer size of him made for a cool Kaiju battle with Piccolo. When they mentioned his weakness was in his head I kind of groaned because it’s another of those ‘we made the bad guy too strong so here’s a video game weakspot’ deals that crops up every now and then but I really don’t mind it too much here because Cell Max seems to lack the intelligence to use regeneration when his arm was ripped off and Gohan blew his whole head off so he probably would’ve been done anyway. Gohan using the Special Beam Cannon was ridiculously hype like think that’s the first time since Raditz that technique’s actually killed anyone and it was really cool to see it in such a large scale.
Like it’s such a weird feeling that this movie knows it’s running with the B-Team but tries to keep the stakes interesting regardless and for the most part through a combination of decent comedy and character development I’d say it succeeds, they try to pull the “Even if Goku and Vegeta were here we might’ve lost” which is probably bullshit but it’s cool to see them giving a shot to some neglected characters, this’d be like if they made a Naruto Movie where Rock Lee opens the Ninth Chakra Gate and becomes a demon and honestly I’d have loved that. Also the post-credits scene has Vegeta finally beat Goku in their sparring match which is a nice little fanservice bit, like I don’t think it counts because they didn’t use transformations or anything but it’s nice for him to get that bit of closure after all this time.
Anyway yeah, probably my 3rd-4th favorite movie I think?
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bernkastel11 · 3 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒙 𝑫𝒆����𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔
ᴛᴡ: ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ, ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ, sᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ,ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴀ ғᴇᴡ ᴛɪᴍᴇs
Part 1
In the Vermilia Empire,
There once existed a beautiful noble young lady with firey magenta and red hair
She was a kind and pure damsel but then she became a 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔
Her name is Arleta and this is the story of a Famous Empress of Vermilia
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There once were two noble ladies who became friends, their name were Sarah Swerve and Arleta Delonix
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Arleta got along well with Sarah, thinking of her as her best friend. But what she didn't realize is that.......
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Sarah hated her, she was just using Arleta since the beginning. Because knowing her kind nature, Arleta was easy to manipulate. Sarah wanted to destroy Arleta because Arleta was the most famous and beautiful woman in the Empire.
And Sarah wanted to possess what Arleta cherish the most
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Arleta had a fiancé whom she loved dearly, his name is Aish Williaws. A son of a ruined Noble House
Well...... Sarah wanted him too as well
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Truth is the most bitter and ruthless thing, isn't it? Seeing the friend you trusted the most kissing the man you loved, stealing him away from you
𝐼𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑔𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔.......
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Arleta fell into the pit of despair. Despair is not something she can handle very well
So she isolated herself in her own room for a year
While Arleta is wallowing in her own despair, Sarah spread bad rumours about her, basically ruined her social image to everyone
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Arleta came to realize that keep sinking in despair will never help her get better, this time she will swim out of the sea of despair and she decided:
" If they think of me as a Heinous Villainess, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖇𝖊 𝖔𝖓𝖊 "
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Arleta appeared again completely different, wearing makeup and a lavishing dress. That is something she wouldn't do, well something the Past Arleta wouldn't do......that is
Of course it suprised two certain people
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The bastard Aish began to show more interest in the Red haired Lady. Making Sarah awfully furious
Arleta despised him and she shall broke off her engagement with him soon enough
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When Arleta said she would broke off their engagement. Aish said he did nothing wrong so why should they break the engagement? He even told her she has been a Bitch to him these past few days, ignoring him and all that.
Then where were you when Arleta was in depression,Aisn? Busy spending time with Sarah?
"You said you love me then keep doing that, you bitchy girl!!!!!": Aisn said
Well you'll regret ever saying that
Next part—>
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Yo! Thanks so much for the request opportunity! If you're still open could I please have one of the following. I couldn't decide so please pick whichever one you like best ☺️ - "Sorry your hair was in your face..." - "Seeing you between my legs is so hot." - "I'm not a damsel in distress. I'm a damsel doing damage." Thanks for all you do for the fandom! ♥️
I chose:  "Seeing you between my legs is so hot."
*cough* nsfw below the cut!
The crash of the surf meeting slick, slippery rocks roared in Kagome’s ears. Smiling, she adjusted her fluttering sunhat, halfheartedly minding a hand down to her skirts as they fluttered high about her waist- occasionally flashing her underwear.
Feeling a little risque, she found she didn’t care too much as she watched a distant figure burst from the ocean. 
An inuyoukai shook his head, panting as he kicked for the empty shore. He glided through the water like a silver fish. 
Carefully navigating down from the rock-pool, Kagome hurried across scorching sands barefoot, sandals in hand as she settled down on a green towel she’d spread out.
Sesshoumaru trotted over as a smaller version of his true form, water tailing from his soaking form and filling the miko with dread. 
“Oh no- don’t you dare!”
His animal features managed to look mischievous. Kagome swiftly rose. “Sesshoumaru-! I mean it!”
Too late. 
The inuyoukai shook himself wildly- sending a spray of ocean water flicking all over her. Letting out a squeal, Kagome raised her arms, trying to shield herself in vain. 
When he stopped, panting, tail swishing slightly- she glared and sat down with a huff. “Rude! And after I made us a picnic and everything.”
Sesshoumaru shifted down on all fours, wet fur plastering to her thighs as he lay his head down upon them. She rested her hands on him, feeling the change as youki swirled around his form. The slick fur changed to long silver strands, his now nude body resting on the towel, curling around her. 
“It is your fault for declining my invitation to swim.”
“Jerk. So you figured you’d bring the ocean to me?”
“Precisely. I generously shared it with you. I’m a giver.”
Kagome snorted, stroking affectionate hands over his severe brow- now relaxed with contentment- smoothing down over damp, broad shoulders and powerful arms, feeling the heat of the sun warming his pale skin, making the droplets on his body shine. His magenta stripes on full display seemed so much brighter, bathed in pure sunlight.
Sesshoumaru’s lashes lay shut, arms looping around her waist with a rumble of contentment. 
Sighing happily, the miko looked down the empty beach, watching the tide.
The perks of him being a lord were numerous, but a privately owned beach? Now that was some top tier stuff in Kagome’s opinion. She’d never had the vast stretch of the sand all to herself before. It felt a little indulgent; and unnecessary. 
And yet, she couldn’t help but enjoy herself. Maybe take advantage of the setup. Just a little. 
Biting her lip, Kagome slid a hand over his tapered waist, running over a hip and caressing the stripe riding low over his navel with her thumb. 
White lashes fluttered. Sesshoumaru twitched, golden eyes slowly opening. His nostrils flared, sensing the spike in her scent as her imagination ran wild.
And he was always more than happy to oblige. 
Turning his head into her legs, Sesshoumaru pressed a warm mouth to her thighs, kissing a path upwards. Swallowing, Kagome grasped the skirts of her sundress, slowly hitching them up around her waist and allowing him access as her thighs spread. 
“You are surprisingly upfront today, miko,” he purred, face disappearing between her legs.
“Ah-! Y-yeah well...it’s not every day we can do this sort of thing out in the open.”
His arm tightened around her, guiding his mate to lay back, hand splaying at her spine to keep her slightly arched as a wicked tongue ran over the wet patch of her underwear. “So you seek voyeurism? Public sex? I did not think you the type,” he teased.
“T-that’s not it!” she growled, gasping when sharp teeth nipped a trembling thigh. “It’s just- kind of freeing like this.”
“Such a bold woman.”
Her hands tangled in his wet hair, hips bucking needily. “Well I learned from the best how to be a little more shameless.”
Sesshoumaru let out a muffled, silky chuckle that vibrated through her core, turning her insides into mush. His fangs came again- taking her panties between his teeth and dragging them down. A slick tongue then flicked against her folds, and Kagome cried out, arching up. 
Panting hotly as he worked his mouth- pushing inside her and flicking a sinuous tongue against clenching inner walls- suckling at her juices, Kagome watched him, lost in a lusty haze.
"Seeing you between my legs is so hot,” she breathed.
Golden eyes flashed, flicking up to her as his free hand reached, roughly kneading her breast. “It is not an unpleasant view from down here, either.”
Smiling, Kagome tipped her head back, raven locks splaying outside of the fuzzy towel to curl atop heated sand. The sun blazed, white hot in her eye-line. Blue eyes slid shut, body feeling like an inferno. 
Embarrassing sounds slipped out, loud. As loud as she pleased- for there was no one else to hear but her mate. She rode his tongue and gasped, making a high keening noise as she finally unravelled. 
Sesshoumaru grunted, pressing his mouth hard against her sex and lapping up her release hungrily. Lifting his head slowly, the demon lord huffed with amusement, resting his chin upon her stomach as golden eyes danced. 
“I should take you to the beach more often.”
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
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The warnings issued by Inarizaki High’s setter failed to prevent the latest ‘attack’ in his name. A magenta coloured balconette catapulted from the spectators stands onto the court. Rather than step outside of the missal’s trajectory, your feet remained glued to the targeted spot as humour prompted your lips to curl into an inviting grin. The plan had been to snatch the undergarment mid-air, if completed successfully you would earn some brownie points from the others. Except your plan had not accounted for the one factor, or person, that would ruin your big moment. Kouichi Kaneko thrusted his weight ahead of you, bracing for the impact with a crimson hue flushing his cheeks. For an unknown reason, his arms were extended outwards, only adding to his theatrical display. This was what happened to young boys who received the part of the love interest in even a single school play. They develop a hero-complex and become another useless soul, vowing to protect damsels who are not really in distress. Annoying.
The second the garment had nestled onto his head; a chorus of laughter was given life. Using your index finger and thumb, the strap that was hooked along his right ear was used to lift the bra.
“How cute, it’s even my size!” Your gaze travelled from the item swinging from your finger to the person who you assumed was now regretting their decision. Within the fanclub, there was only one girl conspicuously tugging at her uniform. Feeling uncomfortable are we?
“Stop playing with it like it’s a toy.” The grey-haired player had abandoned his position on the court once delivering a blow to his twin brother for failing to secure control over the situation. Naturally he was drawn to your side, although the presence of the third male had almost deterred him. Kouichi had remained paralyzed by something other males would consider a blessing. The average teenage boy would love for the chance to touch a female’s bra. But alas, Kouichi was far from normal.
“And that is not your size. Don’t flatter yourself.” The additional retort came from the black-haired middle blocker who was peering down at the undergarment, surveying its quality.
“Oh yeah? How do you know?” A devilish sparkle had animated your irises – calling him mommy may have not flustered him, but there were other ways to achieve your goal – and now also his punishment.
“It’s obvious, you’re only saying that to sound badass. No one’s falling for it.” Suna was seeking his own revenge for your earlier outburst, not knowing how easily his attempts could back-fire.
“I mean, if you don’t believe me – I could always show you.” With your y/e/c eyes widening in a predatory manner, you found amusement in how your prey involuntarily shivered once realizing he had walked straight into a trap.
But before your fingers could begin tangling with the fabric of your shirt, Osamu slid in front of you, securing your hands in his own. Based on your prior interactions, he was able to predict where this exchange was going the second the words left your lips.
“No.” His cloudy hues were fixed on yours, compelling you to focus on him rather than the ridiculous scheme you had set into motion.
“Awe, moody. I wasn’t really going to do it. You didn’t need to get all jealous.” Wiggling your brows suggestively, you puckered your lips up at the taller male, not minding how ridiculous you probably seemed.
“How am I supposed to fall in love with you if you’re constantly flirting with others, hm?” Osamu squinted down at you, shaking his head slightly at your improper antics.
“Oh my, does that mean the bet is on?” By now you had completely forgotten about your surroundings, including the fact Suna had won your verbal debate by default.
“No. I just needed to distract you long enough.” The strap was no longer curled around your fingers, Osamu utilized your distracted state to gain possession of the ~ cursed item ~ .
“Here, Coach. She is all yours.”  
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Bet you never saw it coming - bra
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A/N: 👀
Taglist: @kara-grayson04 @pure-otaku106, @haikyuufairy @kingkagss @bloomkings @hai-q-haikyuu @it-me-720@sunnyshoyou @fangirling-25-8@svtbitch@shegrewupwithoutafather @namyari @lilacshouko @shakiraisawesome  @cuddlesslut @anime-simp @chaelysian@eixelb27 @ensworks @vicassa @callmekda @newfriendjen@harresexual @otomefan @anhphunnnn @idiot-juice-enthusiast  @obsessedwhxre @stfucanunot @aquariarose @bringmelily @1-800-b @prettysetterboiss @kageyamasbabygorl @sugawarabby @missalienqueen @of-heroes-and-dreams​  @oikawatooruisking @renarderouges @tremendousglitterthing @discourteous-demon @tsukkismamagucci
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