#Damian: Because your uncles are morons
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 1 month ago
SOOOO future children of the Robins.
I don't think they would ever put on the Robin costume.
Picture a tiny child who is practically microscopic compared to his bulit like a tank dad. Who has spent his entire life being read classic novels as bed time stories. Who has never had to want for a thing his entire life. Who knows what happened to his Dad why sometimes Dad is so angry he can't look grandpa in the eyes. Running to his cousins who are just starting to fly or run at the speed of sound who had a sleep over at Uncle Damian's house and started to sketch out their suit ideas for when they become Vigilanties.
And every single one agrees they never want to be Robin.
Why would they.
To them they weren't raised by tiny children whole follow after a man who believes in vengeance and hope.
They were raised by:
The Protector of Crime Alley.
The Guardian of Bludhaven.
The Worlds Great Detective.
The bringer of Redemption.
They didn't grow up watching Robin's they didn't see what their fathers were but what they are now. Nevermind the factor of their other parents.
So none of their children have ever dreamed of being a Robin.
They want to be Nightwing, or Red Hood or Cardinal or Wraith. Or The Flash, Arsenal, Supernova, or Superman. Hell maybe even Batman.
But not once did they ever consider Robin.
And I think that is why one day Jason might just let his son wear a bat on chest or why Dick or Tim will because their kids never have worn a brightly colored death Shroad.
Damian will never be chill and is super not ok with what his menace of a child is doing.
"BABA I'm bullet proof!"
"I don't care get back to your room. Your Grounded!"
"I'm 22!?"
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the-delta-42 · 2 years ago
The Dead Guy
The Dead Guy
Jason grunted as Ryuko kicked him in the chest. The heroine using him as a springboard to get to higher ground than him. The woman was around Dick’s age, but had the temperament of Bruce on a bad day. Jason absently acknowledged Adrien dropping onto a ledge.
“Ryuko, I thought we all agreed to keep sparring inside the base.” Said Chat, his chin resting on his knee.
“I thought you were helping your wife.” Bit Ryuko, folding her arms.
“She got fed up with me waiting on her hand and foot.” Shrugged Chat, his leather ears twitching into different directions.
“Can you actually hear through those things?” Asked Jason, examining the ears.
“Yup, I can see in the dark too.”
Chat dodged something, before snapping his fingers and throwing a black, stormy, ball away from him. Ryuko was suddenly beside him, lightning running along the blade of her sword.
“Anubis?” Questioned Ryuko, as a sudden burst of air nearly knocked the three to the floor.
Chat waved his hand, the wind stopping. He walked over to a wall and pulled a sickle out of the wall, “Or one of his subordinates.”
Chat and Ryuko landed on the room across from Adrien and Marinette’s home, while Jason drove onto the driveway. Adrien ran up to the front door and scrambled to get his key into the lock. The door swung open, revealing Chloé staring at them.
“What the fuck’s gotten into you?”
Adrien rushed past Chloé, leaving the woman to stare after him. He skidded to a stop, staring at Marinette, who had her head in her hands, and Damian, who was wearing make-up, with Emma clambering over her uncle, humming a little tune.
Marinette slowly raised her head, before quickly depositing it back in her hands. A mix of a whine and a laugh snuck out of Marinette’s mouth.
Jason froze at Damian’s new look, “Hey, Demon Spawn, trying out new looks?”
“Not a word gets to father, Todd.” As Emma decided to draw whiskers on Damian’s cheeks.
There was a flash, followed by a shutter sound as Chloé took a picture of the pair. Marinette looked at the group of four, before scowling at Jason.
“Jason,” Started Marinette, “I believe I made it clear that weapons are to be left at the door.”
Adrien suddenly shook his head, “One of Anubis’s lackeys appeared tonight.”
Marinette stiffened, before standing up, “Damian, stay with Emma. Emma, you’re doing great sweetie.”
Emma beamed, as Marinette left the room and closed the door.
“What do you mean ‘one of Anubis’s lackeys appeared tonight’?” Demanded Marinette, staring at her husband.
“The one with the sickles,” Responded Adrien, “I think they were watching Ryuko and Hood.”
“But they only appear in the presence of death, or someone surrounded by death.”
“What about someone who’s been brought back from the dead?”
The Miraculous holders all looked at Jason, who was staring at the floor.
“Brought back how?” Asked Marinette, “Because there’s multiple ways, the Pagan Deities, the Kwami, Celestial and Primordial beings and witches can resurrect the dead, so you need to give me more to work on here.”
“The Lazarus Pit.”
Marinette’s face curled in disgust, leaning away from him, “Yeah, that’d attract them.”
“Who’s them?” Asked Jason, irritation colouring his tone, “And who the fuck is ‘Anubis’ and who are ‘his lackeys’?”
“Anubis is a Miraculous User that, until recently, was imprisoned in an eternal cage under the lowest depths of the tallest mountain.” Said Adrien, “Some moron thought it’d be funny to break him out.”
Jason looked between the group, “Who’s the moron?”
“Some boy band that wanted Satan to bless them so they could be famous.” Growled Marinette, her hand going to her bump, “Jason, come back here tomorrow, I need you for something.”
Jason frowned but nodded and allowed Adrien to guide him out of the house.
Marinette ducked her head into the room where she’d left Emma and Damian, “Emma, come on, it’s time for bed.”
Emma groaned, but let her mother guide her ways. Adrien arrived with some wipes and gave them to Damian, “So you don’t have to walk through the streets looking like a clown.”
Damian tried to smile, although it looked more like a grimace, “Thank you.”
Adrien nodded and left the room, leaving Damian to clean the makeup off his face.
Adrien watched Marinette quietly praying, he seriously hoped that an angel actually responded this time and not Constantine, or the devil for that matter. And Marinette didn’t have the patience to sweet talk a pagan god without insulting them.
A flapping sound made them look at an open window. An angel with dark hair, bright blue eyes, a suit and a trench coat stood in front of the window.
“Hello.” Said the angel, in his signature gravelly voice.
“Hello Castiel.” Smiled Marinette, rising to her feet to greet the angel.
Jason scowled at the light, before putting on a pair of sunglasses. He strode into Marinette and Adrien’s home, dropping his guns into a tray by the door and stalking further into the home.
“So, what’s gonna happen, cupcake?” Asked Jason, as soon as he saw Marinette.
“Please, don’t call me cupcake.” Said Marinette, “And, we’re going to remove the taint of the Lazarus from you.”
“How’re you gonna do that?”
“We’re going to kill you and bring you back to life.”
Jason froze, before looking around the room, “Okay, are there any alternative?”
“Yeah, we send you to purgatory to get your soul cleansed and then wait anywhere from a day to ten years for you to return.”
“Will it hurt?”
“No, I’ve been told this method is quite enjoyable.” Jason whirled around and stared at the man that suddenly appeared behind him.
“Hello.” Greeted the man, tilting his head to the side.
“Then, who the fuck are you?”
“I’m Castiel.”
“What?” Sputtered Jason, looking at Marinette.
“Castiel’s an angel, I met him a couple years ago in the states.” Shrugged Marinette, “He works for the man of ladders or something.”
“The Men of Letters?” Asked Jason, looking at Castiel, “Hold on, are you the guy that hangs out with the Windsor’s?”
“Winchesters, and yes” Replied Castiel, “I do ‘hang around’ with Sam and Dean.”
“The guys that go travelling around and killing people?”
“The Winchesters are hunters, Jason,” Corrected Marinette, “They hunt monsters, or at least, the ones the Justice League has no interest in.”
Jason shook his head, “Okay, so, you said I needed to die, how do you plan on doing that?”
“Castiel’s going to overdose you.”
“What?” Squawked Jason, before he felt a pinch on his neck, and everything went black.
Jason suddenly jerked, finding himself in a room with Dick and Tim. He looked around, there was no Bruce, Alfred, Demon Spawn or other ‘Bat-Family’ member. He couldn’t remember when he got here or how.
“You okay, Jay?” Asked Dick, holding a beer out to him.
“Yeah, just got a bit confused for a sec.” Answered Jason, looking at Dick, “Why are we here?”
“Drinks, Bruce and the others are out getting snacks, remember?” Said Dick, as Tim powered up his laptop.
“I don’t understand.” Muttered Jason, looking around. He knew this place, he remembered this night. It was the night Bruce had chosen to spend time with him while he was sick instead of going on patrol.
It was his happiest memory.
But it was just him, Bruce and Alfred. Dick and Tim weren’t there. Jason shook his head, before looking towards the door, as if they’d always been there, Bruce, Alfred, Demon Spawn, Selena, Stephine, Barbara and, Jason bit down a groan, he could never remember her name, Cassie? Carla? It was something with a C. Jason groaned and rubbed his eyes, before seeing the Kanes, a couple Titans, Kory and Roy, and Marinette.
“This isn’t what happened.” Murmured Jason, before someone snapped their fingers.
In a blink of an eye, everyone was gone. Jason looked around, before spotting Zatara.
“Hold on, aren’t you the guy that Doctor Fate’s using as a suit?” Asked Jason, approaching Zatara.
“That’s a…crude way of putting it, but yes.” Responded Zatara, “Nabu’s able to enter heaven, but he can’t enter someone’s personal heaven.”
“Personal heaven?”
“Each and every person has their own personal heaven,” Explained Zatara, “of course, there’s the main heaven where everyone is together, but personal heavens are usually for one person. Their happiest memory, if you will.”
“But I remember that night, no one else was there aside from Alfred and Bruce.” Said Jason, looking around.
“The memory has remained the same, but the people you love have grown.” Responded Zatara, looking around the room, “Whether you want to acknowledge it or not.”
Jason swallowed, “So, what, I’m dead?”
“Until you want to return.” Said Zatara, “Time passes differently here, a few minutes down on Earth can be equal to several years here.”
“But those years aren’t worth anything without them.” Finished Jason, looking at Zarata, “So, how am I getting back?”
“Don’t hold your breath.” Said Zatara, before tapping Jason’s forehead.
Jason sat up with a loud gasp. He vaguely heard Dick and Tim shriek, while Barbra and Stephine laughed at them.
“What,” Jason coughed, “the fuck was that?”
A small hand ineffectively swatted his arm, “Naughty! Go put money in the jar!”
Jason stared down at Emma, who had her hair in tiny braids. Jason then looked around the room and spotted Constantine having a staring match with the angel.
“What took you so long?” Asked Marinette, spooning ice-cream and mustard onto her celery.
“I don’t know, maybe the fact that I didn’t know I was dead?!” Retorted Jason, staggering to his feet, “What the hell was in those needles?”
“Opioids.” Said Castiel, looking over at Marinette, “Can I go now?”
Marinette waved her hand, making a sigil on the wall vanish. Castiel was gone with a flap of his wings.
“How do you know an angel, anyway?” Asked Dick, looking over at Marinette.
“Why’s Jason asked us here again?” Asked Kori, as Dick shifted uncomfortably.
“No idea.” Replied Dick, as Barbara and Zatanna talked to each other across the room.
“Are you still uncomfortable around people?” Asked Kori, quietly.
“I’ll be fine.” Dismissed Dick, as Emma toddled into the room, chasing Alfred the cat.
“He spent several weeks asking everyone what their favourite movie was.” Said Roy, slumping in the seat next to them, “For such a big group, you all gave more or less the same response.”
Dick heard Jason and Adrien enter the room, while Marinette and Bruce quietly talked to each other.
“What’s this about?” Asked Damian, folding his arms across his chest.
“Nothing, I just never realised before that we all liked Oliver Twist.” Said Jason, depositing snacks and drinks onto the table, “Or Robo-Cop, Die Hard, or every Disney movie under the sun.”
“Meaning?” Asked Damian, glaring up at Jason.
“Meaning, it’s been a while since we had a movie night.” Shrugged Jason, as Emma climbed up onto Damian’s lap, “So, what one do we want to watch first?”
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pl-panda · 5 years ago
Damienette arranged marriage: part 7
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Damienette arranged marriage: Part 7
She was maybe the second person to learn the truth behind his name. Damian means to tame and his mother named him that because he was ultimate proof that she tamed The Bat. He expected her to laugh, but instead she pulled him into a hug to comfort him. He also revealed that he loved painting and went as far as to sketch her. She was happy to pose as long as he in turn allowed her to take measurements. 
Marinette brought out what was best in him and he would be damned if he let her just suffer in silence. 
Marinette was so tired that she found herself unable to sleep. This day was so full of emotions: both good and bad. 
When she first met Damian, back at the temple, he was rather cold and indifferent. He struck her as selfish even. But he was also dead honest and very serious about his loyalty. He even stabbed his own brother to defend her honor. Okay, after spending the day with him she was pretty convinced he would stab him for some more meager reason, but it was still… cute in some strange way. Nobody has ever done something like this before. Even Chat Noir never stabbed anyone to defend her honor. Hit on the head with a baton? Sure. But never stab. And he threatened Lila. Marinette was unsure if he wouldn’t actually follow up on his threat. 
The date she went on was great. She felt the freedom unlike ever before. She knew she could tell him anything since they already knew each others’ greatest secrets. She could freely tell him about her adventures as Ladybug. And he was also quite handsome when he smiled. Not that he wasn’t when he was not smiling, but she liked his smile. His actual smile not the malicious grin he often wore. Damian played the cold and closed mean guy, but he was actually quite soft. He loved animals and painting. He even wanted to sketch her! Damian was yet very grounded person. He had this no-nonsense aura around himself. But he was patient enough to endure with her small panic attacks. She remembered his gentle touch on  her hands. His words of encouragement. And his deep green eyes. They were two whirlpools of emerald. So majestic, yet so caring. With that image imprinted on her mind she finally fell asleep. Her dreams were undisturbed by a knocking on her window.
Next day Marinette woke up still tired, but in much better mood. She was ready for school. Well, good for her since she was almost late like usual. In panic, she quickly grabbed her purse and was about to run downstairs when Tikki flew in front of her.
“Marinette! Aren’t you forgetting something?” The girl looked around and didn’t catch what Kwami ment. “Your clothes!” Marinette looked down and saw she was still in her pijama. In record time she managed to dress up and was about to run downstairs when Tikki stopped her again. “Backpack?” Once again Marinette rushed to grab her things and get down and not get late. Her parents were already waiting for her in the bakery. 
“Here is your breakfast cherie.” Her mother smiled handing her a box of pastries. 
“And here is something special for you to share with your boy.” Her father smiled and handed her a box of macaroons. They both had a smile.
“And remember Mari. If he hurts you, just say a word and I will break his every bone into dozen pieces.” Her mother gave her most prominent smile ever. Somehow, it made the threat even more real.
“I will maman. Bye papa! Bye maman!” Marinette shouted and run away before they offered more ‘help’. She loved them, but after yesterday’s evening she was not sure she would allow them to meet Damian any times soon. She couldn’t protect him forever, seeing as he was technically her husband, but she could at least give them some time to get used to the idea of her dating someone. Maybe once Hawkmoth was gone. She did not want to have to escape from another thorny prison. Or maybe after the trip to gotham. They should be happy to see her back that they might not outright kill him for marrying her without their knowledge. She fully planned on telling them everything once there was no threat looming over their heads. Marinette giggled imagining Talia facing her mother. It was funny that somehow the confrontation would always go in favor of Sabine. 
She barged into class almost right when the bell rang. None of her classmates cared enough to even batch an eye at her. She did notice Damian in the back and made her way to him.
“I swear… If that harlot tries telling another lie about me or my family, I will not even need the bleacher. They will never know where to look in the first place.” He growled.
“What did she say?” Marinette grasped. While Damian had a soft side, she also knew he would not hesitate to stab her, making it look like a nasty incident. 
“She kept babbling about how she knows the Waynes and She and Me have an on and off ‘thing’ and probably this whole trip is because we had a fight and now I want to apologize that way.” His hand twitched dangerously close to his sword. Why did he bring the sword today?
“I can’t let you just stab her. And it’s not like you can convince any of them change their minds that way.” Marinette placed her hand over his, at the same time making sure it would make it harder for him to grab the sword if he heard something more from Lila. “Here. My parents made them for us.” She opened the box of macaroons. 
“I am not a fan of sweets.” He answered, but with relief she noticed he stopped glaring daggers at Lila. 
“Then try this one.” She pointed to the yellow one. “It’s made with a bit of lemon juice to add more sourness.”
Damian reluctantly picked the treat and took a bite. Suddenly, the corners of his lips went up. She proudly watched the ‘ice prince’ smile at something so common as a macaroon. “This is a very good macaroon. I am sure it could rival whatever Alfred makes.” He exclaimed, trying not to sound overly excited.
“Somehow I feel like this is better compliment than when Uncle Jagged offered to write a song about my parents’ bakery…” She giggled. Damian looked at her stumped. She only giggled again. “You should’ve seen how Tim reacted when he heard. Suddenly next day Wayne enterprises ordered catering for the whole building. Apparently the CEO wanted to celebrate some deal. I am not sure if any worker besides Tim saw the pastries though.” 
“Knowing him? I have no idea. If it was Jason or Dick, they wouldn’t even make it to the building before this morons ate it all.” Then, a dark realization dawned on Damian. “Was by any chance a blonde with him when they picked up the order?”
“Uh… I don’t know. I was at school when it happened. Why?” 
Damian groaned. He should have connected the dots sooner. Brown was suddenly not hanging in the mansion twenty-four/seven and she was not seen on patrols. Father said that he was aware of her location. “If Brown is here too, then I am almost sure this pastries didn’t make it. And she might be causing a sudden jump in the bakery’s revenue.”
“Huh?” Marinette wasn’t following.
“Stephanie Brown is Drake’s girlfriend. Saying she has a sweet tooth is understatement of the century. More of a sweet jaw if you ask me. She can smell sweets from mile and always get there before you. Especially when Alfred is baking. And she can rival Cass in her stealth skill when it comes to stealing them.” Damian explained to Marinette and watched her stiffen another giggle. What was it with girls and giggling? But Damian had to admit Marinette looked cute when she did. Slow down Romeo or you will crash into a stop sign.
“Well then. I will be happy to bake her something. But Tim didn’t mention her.”
“He said he is running his independent investigation, so I assume you do not see him often?”
“Yeah. He is quite busy at the office. Isn’t he missing the school though?”
“Drake is seventeen and already has three P.H.D. He goes to school either to hang out with his less intelligent friends or to argue with the underpaid teachers by pointing every mistake and inaccuracy.” 
“Sounds like fun.” The mention of the teacher suddenly made Marinette aware that Madame Bustier was nowhere to be seen. “We’ve been sitting here for almost twenty minutes now. Maybe I will go check for her…” Marinette suggested more to herself than Damian. She was about to stand up when Madame Bustier walked into the class with Chloe following her. Only now anyone noticed that the blonde was gone. 
“Children. Chloe wanted to say something to all of you.” The teacher started.
“Yes. I wanted to apologize for my utterly ridiculous behavior in the past and hope that you will give me chance to earn forgiveness from the better part of you.” Chloe stated nonchalantly.
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell  @sturchling @lokiifriggasonn @redscarlet95 @melicmusicmagic @interobanginyourmom @the-fusionist @razzledazzle247 @miss-mysterys-blog @darkthunder1589 @i-is-mysterious @catthhay @the-one-woman-army @zestyzealot @dahjokester @write-for-your-life2 @mermaidreject @peachedpocky
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secondgenerationnerd · 4 years ago
Request from @the-ace-of-spades-is-a-queen!! Very funny little drabble about something I thought about a while ago. Enjoy ❤️❤️❤️
Omega squad has their Friday routine down pat. After the all leaders meeting the day before, Lian and Irey had shown up a little later than they would other weeks. Jon’s already working on dinner for the night, filling the living area with deliciousness, kept company by Milagro as she goes over her Corps files. Colin and Jai jokingly bicker about what the best solution to the movie they’re watching is.  Jai looks up as his girlfriend leans over the back of the couch to kiss him.
“Hey, beautiful.”
“Hey. Batface here yet?”
Colin snorts, “No, Li. Damian hasn’t shown up just yet. Mar’i either.”
“Not surprised.” Irey shrugs, sitting next to Milagro at the breakfast bar. “Her dance classes have been going late the last month.”
Lian’s phone blasts Highway to Hell before any of them can say anything else. The archer pulls it from her back pocket and answers without looking at the caller id.
“Harper’s Crematorium. You kill ‘em, we grill ‘em.” She waits a beat, “No, Uncle Jason, I will not change how I answer the phone. What’s up?...Damian and Mar’i? We were just talking about them...They left a while ago? No, we haven’t heard from--”
The twins look up as the tv beeps loudly. Jai frowns reading the alert, “‘Facial recognition in traced transmission?’” 
“It’s been a while since we’ve had that.” Irey points out as Jai changes the channel. They’re not sure what they’d expected to see, but definitely not Damian and Mar’i scowling at a camera, rope tied tight around their wrists and a metal collar around Mar’i’s neck. A bit of dried blood on Damian’s scalp should have them worried...If only Damian didn’t look pissed off to all hell. 
“Er, Uncle Jason, turn to Gotham News 17. We found them.”
“Attention Bruce Wayne.” The team looks at the discount kidnapper stepping out from the shadows. Even Zachary would have called it over the top. “We have your son and granddaughter. If you want them returned safely, you will listen to our demands.”
Amateurs. That much is clear to see for the team, especially with the generic demands of money and no police involvement. While the kidnapping should still worry them, it doesn’t stop the stifled laughs. Of all them to take, they really picked the worse two.
“Alright, Uncle Jason...No, we’ve got it...Love you too, bye.” Lian hangs up. “Okay, who’s going to pick up Princess and Batface? Apparently the Batkids are under orders if captured by, well, morons just looking for money to sit tight.”
“Oh, I’m sure Damian loves that.” Jon chuckles, lowering the heat on the stove. “Mil, can you make sure no one burns dinner?”
“Of course.” 
Irey gets up, stretching her arms, “Mind if I come along?”
“And not give you a chance to hold something over your boyfriend’s head? What kind of a friend do you think I am, Impulse?” 
Laughing at the super’s dramatics, Irey heads to the door, “We’ll be back.”
“Remind me why I can’t break the ropes.” Mar’i grumbles to her uncle. Damian watches the guards step out for another smoke break.
“The same reason I can’t dislocate my thumbs to get out of them.” He murmurs back. “We’re not supposed to be able to.”
“They have kidnapping training for rich kids--”
“And they mainly teach cooperation if escape is unlikely--”
“It’s not like it’s a secret that I have super strength--”
Damian gestures to the metal collar around her neck, “And no one knows meta collars don’t work on Tamaraneans. I’d prefer we keep it that way.”
The princess groans, letting her head fall back against the metal post and leaving a dent, “I hate when you’re right.”
“I’m aware.” He grunts. Neither of them of likes sitting down, other parts of their training kicking in. Eyes track the guards as they pace the room. Noting how long it takes them to a sweep. Which are armed, which is more comfortable.  Neither of them react as the door opens and the leader walks toward them.
“You two comfortable?” Neither teen answers. He lifts Mar’i’s head with a finger, “I asked you a question, pretty.” 
“Take. Your. Hand. Off. Her.” Damian glares at him.
“Or what?” The man grabs Mar’i’s face, making the princess look directly at him, “What’s stopping me from letting my men at this little slu--”
Mar’i sinks her teeth into his hand, making him howl. Her sharp canines make it harder for him to shake her off and even hitting her in the face just hurts him more. When Mar’i finally lets go, two of his burly henchfolk pulling him back, the three of them falling back. Spitting blood on the ground, Mar’i gives them the charming smile she learned from her father, “I’m what’s stopping you.”
“You little--” The man reaches for the gun only to find it missing. Before he can look at them, a familiar form comes crashing through the ceiling. Mar’i’s eyes brighten at the sight.
“Oooo, Superboytoy.”
“Really, Mar’i?” Damian rolls his eyes. 
“Let me have this.” A crack of lightning enters the room, Impulse throwing a henchperson into another. She comes to a stop in front of the two tied up teens.
“You need some help?” Irey asks, not bothering to hide her smile. Jon flies down, catching the leader as he tries to hit Irey from behind. Lifting the man up by his collar, Jon narrows his too blue eyes, letting them grow red.
“Put me down, you fucking freak!” 
“Well, if you insist.” Jon throws him into the last two henchpeople by the door, knocking them all out. 
“Finally.” Mar’i breaks the ropes with a flick of her wrists. Damian pops his thumbs out of socket, slide the ropes off. Reaching up, Mar’i crushes the collar, tossing it to the side. “That was making me itch.”
“You two okay?” Irey asks, handing Mar’i a bottle of water from her belt, “Not everyday we’ve got two damsels in distress.”
Damian turns red at the comment. Laughing, Irey kisses his cheek, “C’mon. Let’s tie these guys up and get out of here.”
“I’ll call Father. Let him know that we’re safe and they can release a statement in an hour.”
“You all are way too prepared for this.” Jon snorts. 
Rinsing the blood from her mouth, Mar’i shrugs, “We’re Bats. Expect the worse, prepare for the worse.”
Not long later, the team settles at the dinner table, watching the Wayne’s lawyer annoucning Damian and Mar’i’s safe return. That the two are at home with their family, safe and sound. Of course, the two of them are actually at the tower. 
“Starshine, are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, Dad.” Mar’i mills outside the living area, pressing her phone close to her ear. “I already made an appointment with Dinah in the morning.”
“I know, Star.” Her father sighs, “Are you sure you don’t want me to come up tonight?”
“No, I’m okay tonight...but if you want to stop by for lunch or dinner tomorrow, I wouldn’t mind. We could make mici. Maybe make something vegetarian too for Damian?”
She can hear the soft smile in his voice, “I think I can make that happen. Call me before you go to bed, okay, baby?”
“I will...I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you more, Starshine.”
Hanging up, Mar’i walks into the living area. Damian looks about thirty seconds away from murdering most of their teammates. 
“So they gassed you and Mar’i, then, because you were an ass, they hit you?” Colin snorts.
“Yes, Wilkes. If you keep this up, I’m happy to give you a demonstration.” Damian grumbles. Mar’i sits between Jon and Lian, accepting a sweet kiss from her boyfriend.
“So,” Lian points her spoon at the two bats, “Can we ask why you’re not allowed to fight your way out with punk kidnappers?”
“Father says we have to maintain reasonable doubt with our civilian personas.”
“So that includes looking like you have rotting food under your nose?” Jai asks with a snort. 
“Jai,” Mar’i gives him that charming smile. “Keep this up and I’ll hang you from the ceiling by your underwear. Again.”
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msephy · 5 years ago
Upbringing: chap 6/?
Yep, writing on some older Batman fanfic for Nanowrimo :) I hope I can get this one to the end, if I manage to figure out what that is XD
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
Cross-posted to AO3
Earth ? - Jason Todd
Jason waited near the car while Bruce reassured Dick and explained to him that no, he wasn’t his uncle, and that he was dangerous, and to stay away from him, all the while glaring at Jason. So, alright, he shouldn’t have punched the kid – but what did he expect, really, showing up like a nightmare from the past?
The Perfect Dick Grayson, as he was back in the time of the dynamic duo. The one Jason had spent his teenage years trying to live up to, without ever quite managing to.
Anyway, this one should learn to recognize his local Jason and not to jump so close to dangerous-looking strangers. Or strangers, period. (Jason hadn’t even punched him that hard, in any case.)
Bruce seemed to finish giving his explanations and left Dick to come at Jason, still glaring. Like he had anything to say about the whole thing!
“Child endangerment, B., really?” Jason spat without giving him the opportunity to strike first. “Don’t look at me like that. How can you do that? Putting a child in the streets? Face to face with people even you can’t handle!”
Bruce winced – strike!- and Jason snorted. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You’re the worst parent ever. Some things just don’t change from earth to earth, do they?”
“Shut up!” Dickie squealed, always the knight in shining armor whenever Bruce was concerned. Dickie dick. “He doesn’t put me in danger at all!”
“Contrarily to what you might think, he can’t protect you from everything and everyone, Dickie,” Jason answered. “He isn’t invulnerable himself and certainly isn’t infallible.”
“That’s not what I meant!”
“Oh? And what did you mean?” Jason spat again, going in his direction – only to be stopped by Bruce’s hand on his chest.
“That’s enough,” Bruce growled. “You’re going to stay away from him.”
“I’m not going to break the baby bird, you moron. You are!”
“I’m not allowed out in the streets!” Dick screamed. Jason froze. Dick nodded at his expression. “I’m not allowed out until I reach 18, I’m only helping from the computer. And, you know, training. It’s boring, by the way.”
“But it’s safe, mostly,” Jason whispered before looking up at Bruce, who still had this faint guilty look on his face. Jason frowned. “Why do you look so fucking guilty if I’m talking bullshit?”
Bruce frowned, debating whether to tell him or not, then shrugged, his lips corners turned down. “Because it’s not my rule. It’s yours. I mean, Jason’s, my brother’s.”
Jason’s eyes widened, then – he couldn’t help it – he started to laugh. He didn’t know if he was amused, or relieved, or annoyed. Maybe he just wanted to annoy Bruce, which seemed to work.
“It doesn’t make the rule any less important,” Bruce was adding toward Dick. “As you can see for yourself.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Jason said, swallowing back the laugh that kept wanting to bubble out. “The street is no place for a kid to be. Little Robins get killed on the job. It must be real fun to inforce it with Damian, too, by the way, so congratulations I guess.”
Dick frowned, as if the words didn’t make sense. On Bruce’s face, though, the shock was clear; for anyone who knew him well enough, that’s to say.
“Anyway, adopting kids is fine as long as they’re kept safe,” Jason continued, feeling giddy.
“Who died, in your world?” Bruce interrupted, looking very pale. “If I can avoid it here…”
“Oh, no need to worry. I’m sure your brother would be able to defend himself and he doesn’t seem to feel the need to look for his biological mother,” Jason answered with a smirk. “I suppose she really is Catherine in this earth, on account of his father not being good old Willis.”
Bruce frowned, matching Dick’s expression so closely that Jason felt the laugh come back up from his belly. He managed to swallow it back, this time.
“So, I’m exhausted. Can I sleep upstairs? Or shall we contact the league first?”
“I hoped to serve some dinner before anyone headed upstairs,” said the familiar voice of Alfred from the top of the stairs. “Also, shall I prepare a room for our guest?”
“Yes, thank you, Alfred,” Bruce answered absentmindedly, still obviously worrying over Jason’s sibylline comments.
Jason himself was staring. Alfred. Jesus. The old man looked – well, less old, for one – and also much less tired than he ever had. Jason bit his lip. “Do you need help? I mean. I’m not from around here, but I can use a mixer. It would be soup, at this time of the year, no?”
“Thank you, sir, but I have everything ready and merely need heating it up.”
Alfred disappeared through the door. Jason didn’t insist, turning back to Bruce instead. “So, can I user your showers or what? And maybe steal one of your sweatpants?”
He hated the idea of stripping out of his weapons but there was no way Bruce would allow guns upstairs. If he played it right, he might slip one, or at least a couple of knives.
Bruce eyed him suspiciously, but nodded. They both smelled after their earlier spar. “I’ll find some of Jason’s.”
Jason headed for the showers, turning his back to them as if he didn’t care. He wasn’t safe here, he reminded himself. He wasn’t home.
Earth 1 – Jason Wayne
The next day was a busy one. Jason woke up in an unfamiliar guest room and sighed as the events of the previous day came back to him; but that was the least of it. He found Damian and an unknown teenager in a suit in the kitchen with Alfred when he went down for breakfast.
“Sir,” Alfred salutated him. “Do you also care for English Breakfast?”
“Always,” Jason said, accepting the cup with delight.
“And maybe some toast? I made some freshly for Master Tim.”
So that was his name. The teenager was eyeing him suspiciously over his cup of coffee, looking away and pretending to be sleepy as soon as Jason glanced his way. Jason pretended not to notice and sat down to enjoy his meal, to which Alfred added orange juice (freshly pressed) and an apple (all bitter, from the garden).
“Thank you so much, Alfred. You’re the best, in this Earth as well as mine; and likely all of them.””
“I do try, sir. Though the multiverse certainly removes any pretention one has about being unique.”
Jason nodded at that. “Doesn’t it? Even though this is my first encounter with it. So far, I’m not impressed with my doppelganger, if I have to be honest.”
Tim snorted in his cup, earning himself a frown from Alfred.
“Master Jason had a troubled youth and is still searching his path,” the old man commented with a fain disapproving tone.
“Of course,” Jason corrected right away, “and I apologize. I shouldn’t judge, not knowing him.”
Alfred nodded.
Tim shook his head. “He hasn’t given us much not to judge him badly.”
That attracted him another frown, but he ignored it. Damian, though, seemed ready to bite. “He’s trying to follow his own path,” he said, trying to keep his voice level.
“And it’s the wrong path,” the older teenager insisted.
“You’re Tim, right?” Jason intervened. “I’m… well, Jason, obviously. The other one.”
“You’re not in the clear yet,” Tim warned, while nodding to indicate that yes, that was his name. “But Cassandra seems to like you.”
“You still had to come and check?”
Tim emptied his cup of coffee and smiled a perfectly insincere smile that would have suited Lex Luther. Jason fought back the need to applaud. “I’m only the first,” Tim said. “I arrived early because I live in town. I heard Dick was on his way and Barbara, of course, but Barbara is a decent human being who doesn’t show up at people’s doors before nine.”
As to underline his words, they heard the doorbell, and Alfred abandoned the plates he was washing to go answer. Jason was curious and somewhat wary to meet Dick. He didn’t know Barbara well enough, admitting Tim was referring to Barbara Gordon, Jim’s daughter. Was she part of this whole vigilante business as well, here? How many of them were they?
He probably didn’t want to know the answer to this question.
He wondered if he should talk to Cassandra about where he could find her, in his world. She might not have a traumatic past, but then, she also might, and if Jason could help her earlier rather than later…
Chattering noise came from the corridor and, soon enough, Alfred introduced Dick and Barbara. She was definitely Jim Gordon’s, and also in a wheelchair, which shocked Jason slightly. He smiled with the ease of someone who raise funds regularly and therefore had to dwell in politics and got up to shook her hand, then Dick’s.
The latter raised his eyebrows, looking up at him. “Christ, you’re taller than our Jason. It’s Jason Wayne, right?”
“It is. And you must be the local Dick Grayson. I do hope our Dick, I mean, the one from my world, will grow quite that tall and handsome.”
“Most of them do,” Barbara intervened, accepting a cup of coffee from Alfred. “So you also have a little robin at home?”
“And Damian, too,” Jason admitted easily. “I’m afraid I didn’t know Tim and Cassandra until now.”
He didn’t like to give information like that, but felt much more relaxed after his exchange with Bruce the previous night. He wasn’t at home, he realized that much; but it wasn’t so far off that he needed to worry. Those people were worried that he was dangerous to their family. He could understand as much, and try to put their minds at ease.
“I used to live next door,” Tim offered.
“With the Drakes? Ah yes, now that I think about it, they do have a son. I don’t spend as much time as I’d like at the manor, much to Alfred’s distress. I’ve started to use the flat back in town, just not to drive back when my work day extended beyond reasonable hours. Of course, Alfred keeps telling me that I should get a drive…”
“That would be most sensible.”
“… But while I like providing jobs, I prefer them to be community oriented. The flat is perfectly serviceable, in any case.”
It felt weird to have this conversation with an Alfred who wasn’t the one he knew, and from the looks of the people around, seeing a Jason so comfortable in the manor weirded them out. Jason cleared his throat.
“Sorry. I got carried away.”
“It’s alright,” Dick said, conveying their shared feeling. “Just unusual.”
“That, I entirely agree,” Jason sighed, earning a fugitive smile from Barbara. “So what did you plan for today, apart from quizzing me?”
“Master Dick and Miss Gordon can do whatever they wish, but younger people have to go to school,” Alfred said, taking away the remaining plates from the table.
“I will tell Bruce that you called Wayne Entreprise ‘school’,” Tim commented, sounding amused, but he grabbed the suitcase he’s left on a chair and saluted everyone before heading out.
Damian, however, was harder to convince. “I already know all that stuff!”
“We went over that when you arrived,” Dick reminded him in a paternal tone. “You need to learn how to socialize with kids your age. Jon doesn’t count!”
Damian grumbled but allowed himself to be sent away. Jason was trying very hard not to laugh. He had the exact same conversation with Damian every morning when he was in a mood.
“Sounds familiar?” Dick sighed.
“Wish it wasn’t. I really should let Bruce handle it but he’s hardly ever at breakfast. Is he still sleeping, or already downstairs?” Jason asked, turning to Alfred.
“Still asleep, thankfully.”
“Did he tell you he was hurt? The stiches were done properly, but the dressing will have to be changed and he can’t do it himself,” Jason said, allowing his exasperation to show.
Alfred looked at him, then nodded, once. “Thank you for pointing it out, sir. I’ll make sure it’s taken care of.”
Jason nodded back, satisfied. Dick and Barbara were looking at him with a strange expression on their faces; he grimaced. “In my world, he’s my little brother. It’s hard to break the habit even here where he’s ten years older than me.”
“I’ve never seen anyone else than Alfred fuss over Bruce,” Dick said in an amused tone.
Barbara rolled her eyes. “I have. You, for one,” she added, pointing at Dick. “And Dr Thompson, of course.”
“People who knew him when he was a kid don’t count!” Dick protested.
“He is still a kid at twenty and, apparently, at thirty,” Jason grumbled.
That startled a laugh out of Dick. Jason relaxed. Whatever the day prepared for him, it would be fine.
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teentitansblackbird · 8 years ago
Chapter 4
The Watchtower. April 24th, 2028. 2:40 PM EST.
Damian entered the computer room and pulled his cowl off, letting a worn sigh pass his lips as he approached the seated figure currently still unaware of his presence. He didn’t think too much on it, but he and Drake hadn’t talked much since Damian became Batman. After Tim earned his Master’s in Forensics, he and Stephanie were in and out of Gotham rather frequently. Of course they saw each other every November, but they hadn’t actually sat down and had a proper conversation since… well, since Damian had been Robin.
“You certainly seem to enjoy monitor duty,” the Batman said as he leaned over the other cowled figure’s shoulder.
The Red Robin smiled as he looked back to meet his younger brother’s eyes. “Well, Stephanie always says I’m good with computers.”
“How are they, by the way?” Damian asked, taking the open seat beside Tim and running his eyes over the swarm of displays before him.
“Good,” Tim smirked. “Ryan’s about ready to start walking.”
“That’s big,” The younger man remarked, his eyebrows raised.
“Well… not as big as your news,” Tim said with a wink. “Congratulations, man.”
“Thank you,” Damian replied, rolling his eyes. He wasn’t surprised; Tim had a way of finding things out.
“Boy or girl?” The older brother leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, his eyes moving back to the screens.
“We don’t know yet,” Damian leaned back, looking at the photograph Tim had placed on the console. In it he could see Stephanie smiling back at him, holding young Ryan in her arms. The boy had her hair and Tim’s eyes. Ryan was rather soft-spoken, not quick to warm up to new people. Still, the baby took to Damian well enough, much to his relief.
“You got names picked out?”
“Yeah.” Damian smiled. “Thaddeus if it’s a boy. Angela if it’s a girl.”
“Thaddeus…” Tim turned to look back at Damian. “Like Alfred.”
“Mhmm,” Damian replied. “And Angela for Arella, Raven’s mother.”
“Where is she, by the way?” Tim reached for his coffee as he asked.
“She’s gone to see Zatanna, tell her the news…” Damian paused for a moment before looking back to Tim. “Is Superman around?”
“The big one? Yeah, he’s here talking to some of the new guys,” the other replied. “Haven’t seen yours around, though. Sorry.”
“Ah well. Thanks anyways…” Damian sighed as he looked past the displays out at the planet below. He’d seen the Earth from orbit countless times during his time as Batman, being in and out of the Watchtower periodically. But even so, the sight of the world from so far away still seemed to mesmerize him every time.
“You hear anything from Jason lately?” Tim asked, casting his gaze out at the planet as well.
“No, not in awhile…” Damian was a bit slow to reply, thinking to himself. “Pretty sure he’s still on the road with Harper and Starfire.”
“Hmm…” Tim leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. “I should probably give him a call. Make sure he’s not in jail or anything.” Damian stifled a laugh at the idea. Wouldn’t surprise him one bit; Todd was as dependable as they come, but that didn’t make him reasonable. He was still a loose cannon, and rarely did he ever do things by the book. That pattern of behavior evidently had rubbed off on Kori and Roy as well, earning their little triad a new moniker: “The Outlaws”. Damian thought it was a bit concerning, but he knew Jason meant well.
“Oracle to Batman. Dame, you there?” Damian jolted back to the present as Barbara’s voice came over his communicator. He quickly slid his cowl back on and engaged the suit’s HUD to see his sister-in-law looking back at him.
“Batman here,” the Dark Knight replied. “Go ahead, Oracle.”
“You need to get back to Gotham, now. Quinn says she’s going after Joker, and she needs you to come with her.”
“For God’s sake, I told her not to…” the Bat let out an irritated groan. “Fine, I’m on my way.” Damian looked back over his shoulder at Tim with a smile. “Drop by the Manor sometime. Dad’d probably like to hear from you.”
“We will,” Tim waved back at him. “See you soon, Little D.”
John Constantine’s apartment. Paddington, London. April 24th, 2028. 7:45 PM BST.
A light splash of water spilled into the doorway as the sorcerer stumbled through the doorway, his coat drenched from a walk in the rain. Cursing himself for not bringing an umbrella, Constantine stared back at his reflection in the mirror as the door slid closed behind him. He ran a hand roughly through his greying hair, studying the subtle lines of age beginning to show beneath his light beard. Time was beginning to catch up to him, it seemed. He smiled weakly, wondering why time had been so much kinder to his partner. Zatanna had hardly changed in the past ten years, he thought. Or maybe he just didn’t notice because they were always around each other. Despite the occasional fighting and butting heads, Zatanna Zatara was the only person John could always come back to at the end of the day. She just got him, better than anybody. Sure it sucked a little not living in the House anymore, but he didn’t mind. He hardly used all the space to begin with.
“Z, I’m back,” he called into the apartment as he stepped away from the mirror. “Knocked of early tonight, everybody was ‘eaded on home an account of all the…”
Constantine trailed off when he discovered that Zatanna had company over, locking eyes with Raven as he walked into the room.
“Hey John,” the younger mage spoke gently, leaned back into the sofa next to her sister. “How’s work?”
The detective chuckled. “Crap as always,” he replied. “Good to see ya, Sunshine.” Constantine shuffled further into the room, planting a quick peck on Zatanna’s forehead as he walked by her before dropping into his recliner.
“You hear the news?” Zatanna looked over at John as she took Raven’s hand. “You’re gonna be an uncle, pal.”
“I hadn’t heard,” John answered, peeking up as he did so, “but I could feel somethin’ comin’ off ya when I walked in. Kid’s got a strong spirit, an’ that energy comes off ya real strong if ya know how to sense it.”
“I know what you mean,” Raven said, looking down at her abdomen. “I could feel it almost as soon as it happened. I didn’t realize then what it was, but…”
“It?” John piped up curiosity. “What ya mean 'it’? Can’t ya… can’t ya tell what…”
Raven’s eyes widened. “Wait… you can??”
Zatanna turned back to Raven, one eyebrow cocked. “You really can’t? I thought you knew, what have you been doing up in that penthouse if you can’t tell?”
Constantine let out a laugh. “Boy, are you outta practice, aren’t ya kiddo?” He smirked as he began to pull off his tie. “You wanna know?”
“No!” Raven threw her hands up as she spat the word out, almost frantically. “I mean, not yet. Damian and I said we want to find out together.”
“Seems fair,” the older magician grunted as he propped his feet up on the coffee table. Before Zatanna could open her mouth with a “get your feet off the table, you moron”, a quick alert tone sounded from Raven’s communicator.
“Crap, I gotta take this, it’s from… huh.” Raven looked down in surprise at the ID displayed on her communicator. “That’s… wow, after all this time… I’ll be just a second.” Without another word, Raven quickly stood up and walked into the kitchen. Just as she left the room, John and Zatanna both looked right at each other, their faces both beaming.
“Ohhhhh ho ho, boy,” Constantine whispered. “Little Batsy’s gonna 'ave his 'ands full!”
“Right?” Zatanna replied, grinning wildly. “Can you even picture that punk with a kid?”
“Swear to god, we HAVE to get over to visit sometime,” the detective began to scheme, “even if i’s just to catch the freakin’ Batman at a little tea party in makeup for his princess!”
“You shut your mouth, John Constantine,” the older mage-girl snipped playfully, “there’s no way that little girl is gonna be the princess type. Have you SEEN her parents?”
“Z, I’ve 'eard the stories about that wank Raven 'ooked up with! They called 'im 'Prince Damian’! The girl’s already a prin–”
Both of them froze upon hearing the thump of Raven’s communicator hitting the floor, turning to see her walk back into the room.
“… cess.”
Raven’s eyes widened. “… you’re messing with me.”
Zatanna quickly stood up, walking quickly to Raven’s side. “Sis, I’m so sorry. We didn’t mean for you to– oof!” The words cut off as Raven’s arms slung around Zatanna’s neck, holding her tight.
“It’s fine,” Raven assured, a smile forming on her face as her cheek pressed into her sister’s. “This is… this is just… oh my god, it’s a girl, isn’t it?”
Constantine rose to his feet, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Heh, sorry kid. But 'ey, at least now namin’ the kid’ll be easier!”
Raven beamed back at John contently. “Actually, we already have a name picked out…” her cheeks began to redden slightly as she looked down. “… her name is Angela.”
CADMUS Headquarters, Washington DC. April 24, 2028. 11:36 PM EST.
“Welcome back to the real Project CADMUS, Mr. Wayne.”
The glass elevator doors swiveled back as Bruce walked alongside Director Waller into the dimly lit corridor. Aside from the hum of electricity, the hall of massive marked doorways was eerily quiet, save for the rhythmic clatter of the two elders’ footsteps, accompanied by the tap of Bruce’s cane. The old billionaire scanned his eyes over each doorway carefully, taking mental note of each door’s designation. He’d have to enter these into the Batcomputer when this whole ordeal was done… Bruce never trusted Cadmus. Not when he was the Batman, not they first came to into the public eye, and certainly not now. They made a habit of meddling in affairs that they had no business meddling in.
The two of them stopped abruptly at the end of the hallway and turned to the door on the left. PROJECT: KR, the door read.
“Mr. Wayne, before I show you what’s behind this door, I need to know you trust me, and that I can trust you. No more secrets here…” Waller peered over at Bruce from the corner of her eye. “… so you can go ahead and ditch that two-bit walking stick. I’m not buying your old cripple act.” Bruce looked back at the woman for a moment, before a faint smirk appeared on his wrinkled face. Chuckling low in his chest, the old Bat stood up straight, collapsing his cane and tucking it away in his coat. Waller shook her head subtly as she pressed her thumb to the print scanner on the wall. A puff of steam emitted from the doorway as the enormous metal door rose out of sight, and the two of them stepped forward into the room.
What stood before Bruce shook him to his core: at the very back of the room was a stasis pod, with the shield of the House of El emblazoned on the glass. Inside the pod was a boy, who looked about the age of sixteen, who bore a striking resemblance to…
“Dear god, Amanda…” Bruce muttered. “… what have you done?”
The old woman stepped forward, making her way to the console beside the boy. “Bruce Wayne, I’d like you to meet the Superboy.” Upon entering a few commands into the console, the pod erupted with a billow of steam as the glass case began to rise. As the fog dissipated, the boy opened his eyes slowly, revealing the same electric blue irises that Bruce had looked back into time and again throughout the years. Waller smiled. “Superboy, come greet our guest.” Immediately, the boy dropped to the floor from his pod, and walked up to the old man.
“Hello, Mr. Wayne,” the creature said quietly. “I am Superboy.”
Bruce’s brow furrowed as he thought hard about the situation he was in. The kid even sounded like the Boyscout. But his tone, the way he looked at him, the slight tremble in the boy’s knees… something was off.
“Waller, you need to start explaining exactly who and what this is, and why he’s here.”
Waller cocked an eyebrow. “Go ahead, child.”
The boy looked down at his feet for a moment before looking back up and meeting Bruce’s eyes. “I am a genetic replication of the hero called Superman. My purpose is to supplant the Superman should he fall in battle, or to destroy him should his behavior become contradictory to the interests and survival of the human race.”
Bruce crossed his arms, still processing this information. “You’re a clone of Superman.”
“Yes sir,” the creature replied, “however, I am not a perfect replication. Due to the limitations of modern human science, CADMUS was unable to produce a full Kryptonian. Instead, I am a human-Kryptonian hybrid, engineered to have as many of Superman’s traits and abilities as possible.”
“And I suspect you’ve never left this facility?” The old vigilante asked.
“No sir,” the boy answered. “The risk of Superman discovering my existence was deemed to great to permit my exposure to the outside world. Instead, I have lived here for the past year since my creation, developing my abilities and replenishing my strength through exposure to microscopic yellow suns kept within this facility.”
“Smart…” Bruce looked back to Waller, his expression grim. “So why are you showing me this?”
“Because I need some things from you. Three things, to be exact.” Amanda walked back from the console to join the two others in the room. “First and foremost, I need a favor…”
“A favor?”
“Yes…” Waller put her hand on Superboy’s shoulder. “I’ve had a change of heart after seeing how well the other Superman has been doing. What was his name? Jonathan?”
Bruce remained silent.
“Well, either way…” Waller looked to Superboy, then back to the old man. “Superboy has expressed a few times that he wants to see the rest of the world. He wants to know what it’s like out there, and… honestly, there’s not much left for him here. Doesn’t seem right to keep the boy locked away anymore.”
“This is rather out of character for you, isn’t it?” Bruce asked.
“Maybe so, but I stand by my decision. And I need your help.” Waller took another step towards Bruce. “I need you to take Superboy with you. Bring him to Superman, let him have a chance at a real life.”
“Why didn’t you just call Superman?” The Batman inquired, his eyes squinting with suspicion.
A twinge of a smirk appeared on Waller’s face. “Because you’re easier to reach, Mr. Wayne.” Bruce shook his head before looking back at the clone.
Superboy reached out, placing a hand gently on Bruce's arm. “Please.”
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soepicsokim · 8 years ago
Chapter 6
Since it was the middle of the night when I ran away from the Watchtower I decided to go a few places before I go to Metropolis. The first stop was Gotham. I went to Wayne Manor to leave Uncle Bruce a letter, explaining where I was going and how to get ahold of me. Out of everyone on Earth, I knew he would be the one who would take care of me and keep my secret. I fly into the cave to find Alfred at the computer.
    “Uncle Alfred, will you make sure that you give this to Uncle Bruce? Please make sure that only he reads it. Thank you.” I hand Alfred the letter then wrap my arms around him quickly. I hold him in a hug for a while then let go. “I’ll visit when no one is around Uncle Alfred I promise.” With that statement I fly to Bludhaven to gather my things.
    I stop by the house K.T. and I have been sharing and I grab clothes and threw them in a bag. Photo’s, books, and shoes were thrown in the bag as well. I leave the house and head for Dick’s apartment. I see he isn’t there and I leave him a note.
Don’t look for me. I’m fine, I just need some time away. I honestly need time to heal and figure out who I am. You are my best friend. Please be careful.
I’ll be seeing you,
    With that I fly to the Metropolis suburb house I grew up in. I stand outside until the sun starts to rise. I slowly laugh to myself as the red, oranges, and pink colors wash over the house. My eyes fall on the white picket fence around the house. Mom begged dad for a week to put up that fence.
 Alfred looks at the letter I handed him. It was a sealed white envelope with Bruce’s name written in black ink. He just wonders what I meant when I said I visit when no one was around. He is pulled from his thoughts when he hears the sound of the Batmobile driving up.
 Bruce jumps out of the front seat and so does Robin. “Productive night Master Bruce?” Alfred says watching the two of them make their way over to the changing area of the cave.
 “Lydia ran away from the Watchtower Alfred. We have been looking for her since she went missing.” Bruce said as he walked up to Alfred. Things were unsaid between the two of them with just one glance.
    Alfred turn to the young boy as he walks up to them. “Master Tim, I have a fresh pot of coffee upstairs.” Tim smiles and goes upstairs to get his caffeine fix. Alfred turns back to Bruce and produces the envelope.
 "She was here earlier Master Bruce. She asked that you be the only one who reads it.“ Alfred hands the letter over to Bruce then walks away. Bruce takes the letter and makes his way to the chair in front of the bat computer. Pulling off his cowl he opens the letter and begins to read:
Hey Uncle Bruce,
I know I can trust you Uncle Bruce. I’ll be in Metropolis at the old house. I had to leave, I’m not meant to be a hero. I need space from everyone. Especially Dick, I think I’m starting to fall for him and I’m scared. I’m scared the Lex or Ra’s will find me and they will make me hurt him or you or Kal. I don’t want that. Anyways, my thursdays around lunch will be open if you want to come and have lunch with me.
I love you Uncle Bruce.
Your little princess,
Bruce takes a deep breath. He wasn’t going to lose me again. He makes a mental note to go and see me every Thursday.
2 months later (September)
For the past two months every Thursday at lunch time Bruce and Alfred would come to Metropolis and have lunch with me. Bruce tells me what is new with the Justice League and with Dick. Alfred normally brings me cookies and extra food to keep in my fridge.
 This Thursday isn’t any different. Bruce and Alfred show up at my house. I hug both of them and sit down to lunch. The only thing that’s different is the conversation. I learn that the Justice League is searching for me. Superman has gone into a crazy depression and won’t snap out of it. Dick is out every night looking for me. I learned Barbara and Dick have broken up. Bruce even tells me that he thinks Dick loves me as much as I love him.
    Bruce offers me a job at one of his Metropolis companies and of course I take it. The job is pretty much watching over budgets that Bruce wants to use for the Justice League or Batman. I know he needs someone he could trust that’s why I took it.
 I ask about K.T. and Bruce stiffens. He looks me dead in the eye and proceeds to tell me that she went back home to Bludhaven. She lives with her mother and want’s nothing to do with the hero or villain life. I worry that Lex might pull something but Bruce says K.T. is well protected.
 The one time Alfred says anything is to ask that I at least make contact with Dick again. He patrols around Bludhaven and sometimes Gotham, lately he has become unstable is what they told me. As the conversation goes on I sit there and take it all in. I start to worry about Dick listening to how they talk about him.
 “Uncle Bruce, Uncle Alfred, I’m sorry I caused so much trouble. That is the last thing I wanted to do.” Tears are forming around my eyes as I tell them. I felt bad. There was guilt eating away at me. But I did exactly as I told my father I would do back before I got hurt.
 Bruce and Alfred look at me. Both men have known me a long time. Both of them know that I don’t feel worthy of the title ‘Superman’s Daughter’. They honestly don’t care. As long as I am alive and okay they are happy.
    “I’ll contact Dick. But no one else. I’ll go buy a new cell phone this afternoon.” I tell them as I hug them goodbye at the door. Unknown to all of us Dick had followed Bruce that day. And now here I was telling Bruce and Alfred goodbye. Dick was not happy. In fact, he was pissed.
 He has been looking for me non stop for the past two months and I was in Metropolis the whole time. The only reason he followed Bruce today was because he thought it was weird. Bruce and Alfred left every Thursday and Dick wanted to know where they went.
 An hour or so after Bruce and Alfred leave, I head into the city to buy me a new cell phone. But I can’t shake the feeling like someone is following me. I walk into the Samsung store and start looking at the cell phones. I see pink phones. Phones with all the superhero symbols on them, Batman, the S shield, a lightning bolt, a fish. These people use a fish to represent Aquaman? Morons.
 I finally settle on a plain gold Samsung S7. I leave the store and start the walk back home. The first person I text is Bruce that way he has my new phone number. Then I text Dick.
L: Hey. It’s Lydia. This is my new number.
 I hear a voice. In fact I hear my voice yell “Dick” from somewhere behind me. I scan the streets and use my x-ray vision. That’s when I see Dick looking at his phone. I turn and start running. Thoughts are flying through my head. Why was Dick’s notification sound me yelling his name? Most importantly, how on earth did Dick find me?
 I walk into my house and my phone starts to go off. I pull it out of my pocket to find Dick texted me back. I sigh and open the message.
D: Where have you been? I have been trying to get ahold of you for two months.
D: You need to stop disappearing. Every time you do I have a heart attack.
D: Are you okay? Please talk to me.
 I giggle a little. When I fell for Dick, I fell hard. He deserves better than me. I’m a criminal. I’m trash.
L: Yeah, I’m ok Dick.
 Dick is still pissed at the fact that I ran away without telling anyone. He doesn’t know that I told Bruce. I’ve been texting Dick or having a phone call’s with him every day. He has demanded that if I didn’t send him a text that at least just said ‘hi’ he was going to get the Justice League and rip everything apart to find me.
    So that’s where I find myself now. I haven’t sent Dick his daily message and it’s almost 9pm. But something or someone has actually stopped me from sending a message. So when my phone starts to ring the two of us sit and stare at it.
    “Um, I need to answer that. If I don’t the Justice League will be here in a heartbeat.” I tell the person that is there with me. My eyes don’t leave theirs until they give me a slight nod. Then I answer the phone.
 “Hey Marshmallow.”  “Yes I know it’s late.”  “Busy day. Just realized it was 9.” “No don’t come to Metropolis. Everything is fine I promise.” “Richard I do not sound worried.” “Yes, you are still my best friend.” “Yeah I’ll text you tomorrow.” “I promise, If not you can destroy everything.” “Yeah, talk to you later. Love you.”
    As I hang up the phone I just realized the last two words that came out of my mouth. I feel my heart rate start to beat fast, not out of panic but out of joy. I just told Richard I love him. Oh My GOD, he has to be flipping out.
    “So Richard Grayson, he’s the one who stole you from me.” The other person in the room says. I look at him and roll my eyes.
    “Matt, Ra’s never promised me to you. He promised that Devil spawn to me and Jason. By all right’s in 4 years Damian and I were to be married and you were to be our body guard.” My voice is very hard and stern. I wanted my life with the League to be over but now almost four months later, I find that it wasn’t.
    “Ra’s wants his best assassin back. At all cost. I’m here to bring you in. But I see they will look for you if you miss a phone call or text. I’ll let The Great One know.” With that Matt disappears outside to make a phone call.
    My world is crashing around me, I realize I will never be able to get away. That’s when the panic attack starts. I quickly move to the closest chair and try to breath, my heart's pounding fast, I’m hearing voices, I can’t control anything. It’s hard for me to catch a breath, it feels like my lungs can’t get full of air. That’s when Matt sees me and rushes over to me. He wraps his arms around me and rocks me until the crying and hyperventilating stops.
 Dick just hung up the phone with me. He did hear me right, right? I did just say that I loved him? He feels like a kid again. He won’t stop staring at the phone with the picture of me on it. His smile is a wide dorky smile. She loves me. Oh MY GOD she loves me. This is all he can think to himself as he smile at the picture of me from my birthday.
 I decide to go to the compound with Matt. It’s not my best idea but it isn’t my worst. So I send Bruce and DIck, individually, a text.
L: Hey Uncle Bruce. I’m going to be gone for a while. Can I get a rain check on our Thursday lunches till I get back?
B: Ok but at least text me on Thursday’s so I know you’re alive.
L: Yes Uncle Bruce.
 Now it’s Dicks turn. I pull up his number and look at the picture of him that I have. It’s my favorite memory. So of course it makes me smile. It was from my birthday and Graduation earlier this year. It’s a photo of him holding the present he gave me. The bow for my hair is black with blue polka dots and has his Nightwing symbol in it. His face has the dorky smile he does when he truly is happy or loves something. I smile back then my smile turns into a deep frown. I sigh as I start to text him.
L: Hey Dick.
D: Sup Lyds.
L: I’m going out of town for a while. I don’t know if I’ll be able to have cell service.
D: Tell me where you’re going so I can find you. Just in case.
L: That’s not what we agreed Dick.
D: Fine but at least send me messenger pigeons.
L: LOL, geez Dick. I’ll do my best to contact you. I promise.
D: As long as you promise, Love.
L: I got to go Dick. And I do promise.
With that I nod your head at Matt and he leaves a throwing star lodged in my kitchen table. If anyone comes to check my house they will know who has me. I sigh as the two of us leave.
A/N: O geez, Admitted feeling? Bruce is part of how she got the princess nickname? But not all of it! Ra's was going to force Lyds to marry Jason and or Damian? Matt likes Lydia? Aquaman is a fish? STAY TUNED
Tags: @kathlyan, @pinkwitch21, @solis200213, @speedypan, @memento-amare, @bat-lakota, @queen-of-all-the-fandoms, @femdamian, @just-a-girl-maybe, @teachingpanda, @keepjasontoddsafefromeveryone, @wynterrobin, @gobydana, @chi-townbatgirl, @nightwingdiva, @ellana-ravenwood
(Remember everyone who is tagged are very important people to me.)
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