#Dame un Chance
nolan-chance · 7 months
Nolan is (not) ready to rock that bed in this chapter of Give me a Chance, available now in both English and Spanish!
TW: SEX SEX SEX! This chapter includes graphic depictions of sexual activity, so, if you don't want to read that, I'll give you a brief non-descriptive summary under the cut. If you're into that kind of readings don't click on it, don't spoil yourself(?)
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Non-Related Nolan pic to , ok, this one is related. I headcanon that room from the Grand Glacier as Montague's bedroom)
EN: Nolan gets the brilliant idea of taking Montague's amulet off by getting into his bed. And it actually works. He steals the medallion when he's sleeping and manages to sneak out with all the weapons from his vault. He gives both the medallion and the weapons to The Underground.
Don't ask me how he did that, I don't know either. The same way he took Kado's time machine I guess (?
ES: Nolan tiene la fantástica idea de quitarle el amuleto a Montesco acostandose con él, cosa que funciona. Le roba el medallón cuando está dormido y se las arregla para robarle las armas de la bóveda. Obviamente se las entrega a La Contracultura.
No preguntes como hizo para sacar todo de la bóveda, supongo que de la misma manera en que le robó la maquina del tiempo a Kado Thorne. No se (?
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dormiloncito · 8 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals.
Hi Fufi!!! 😄💖
Voyager - Daft Punk
Invisible - Duran Duran
Monster - Lady Gaga
Maneater - Nelly Furtado
Embrace - Pastel Ghost
I shuffled my "on repeat" playlist this time 😋
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coronangelic1 · 1 day
en que reputisimo momento me va a ayudar el pito??? antes o despues de que me hayan robado??? porque dudo que cuando me esten quitando media casa voy a tener tiempo para silvar esa wbda
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shadesoflsk · 9 months
I haven't watched narcos (and I don't think I will because mafias are a real big problem here in my country and it reminds me of home LMAO) but I once saw a Javier Peña edit with a Tego Calderón song and I haven't moved on since then.
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En mis últimas vacaciones un chamán me leyó las cartas. Me dijo que este año conocería al amor de mi vida, y unos días después anunciaron que vendrías a México. En ese instante creí en todo eso, ¡tenía razón!conocería al amor de mi vida este año, pero parece que se equivocó ¿no?
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a-lexia11 · 1 month
Jealousy,Pink hair,More Jealousy (Meet in Barcelona part 3)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Warning: very angsty and fluffy
Word counts: around 11k
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 4 , Part 5
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The following day at work, Alba was relentless in her attempts to pry information out of me about what happened between me and her sister. It all started because I accidentally let it slip that I had spent the night at Alexia's place.
Even though I kept insisting that nothing significant happened, Alba wouldn't let it go.
She kept teasing me with playful remarks and insinuations, making it nearly impossible for me to focus on my tasks.
I tried multiple times to divert the conversation to other topics, but Alba was determined, and her persistence made it a challenging day at work.
At the end of the day, as we were making our way to our cars in the parking lot, I received a text from Alexia asking how my day had been.
Alba, being the nosy person she is, glanced over at my phone to see who had texted me.
As soon as she saw it was her sister, she quickly snatched the phone from my hand. “Alba!” I shouted, feeling a mix of frustration and surprise.
She didn't waste a second; she sprinted towards her car with a mischievous grin, got inside, and immediately locked the doors.
I could see her laughing through the window as she held my phone hostage, leaving me standing there, both annoyed and amused by her antics.
“Alba!” I screamed, hitting the window of her car in frustration. “Alba! Puta, dame mi teléfono.” (Alba! You bitch, give me my phone!)
She just gave me the finger and stuck her tongue out, clearly enjoying her little victory.
From my perspective outside the car, I couldn’t see exactly what she was doing, but it seemed like she was scrolling through my text messages.
Alexia and I had been texting non-stop since I left her house on Sunday.
Our conversations were always filled with endless texts and phone calls, talking about everything and anything under the sun.
Alba finally unlocked her car, and I wasted no time in opening the door, hitting her on the head, and snatching my phone back with a swift motion.
She looked at me with a mocking smile.
“Has estado enviando muchos mensajes de texto” (You’ve been texting a lot) she said sarcastically.
“¡No me envías tantos mensajes a mí!” (You don’t text me that much!) she continued, pretending to be offended.
“Sí, porque eres una tonta” (Yes, because you’re a bitch) I retorted, glaring at her.
She just laughed at me, clearly enjoying the situation.
“Por cierto, ¿espero que no hayas olvidado que el cumpleaños de Bianca es mañana?” (By the way, I hope you didn't forget that Bianca's birthday is tomorrow?) she reminded me completely changing conversation.
“¡Oh, es verdad! Totalmente lo olvidé. No estoy seguro de si podré ir; tenemos mucho trabajo que terminar antes de las vacaciones de verano.” (Oh yes! That's right, I completely forgot. I'm not sure if I can make it; we have a lot of work to finish before summer vacation) I explained,feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thoughts of all the tasks ahead.
“¡Vamos, por favor! Nos vamos a divertir, y Alexia también estará allí.” (Oh, come on, please! We're going to have fun, and Alexia will be there to) she said, wriggling her eyebrows playfully.
I didn’t realize Alexia would be there. Even though I saw her just yesterday morning, I miss her and would love to see her again.
I pretended to mull it over, furrowing my brow and glancing into the distance, so she wouldn’t guess that my real reason for going is to see Alexia.
I tried to sound hesitant, saying, “Bueno, tal vez pueda hacer un esfuerzo“ (Well, maybe I can make an effort) while inside, I was already looking forward to the chance to see Alexia again.
With a joyful cheer, Alba clapped her hands and planted a warm kiss on my cheek. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she exclaimed, “¡Vamos a divertirnos mucho juntos! ¡Te lo prometo, va a ser increíble!” (We're going to have so much fun together! I promise you, it's going to be amazing!)
“¡Estoy segura de que nos divertiremos mucho, pero tengo que irme ahora; tengo mucho trabajo que hacer y tú también!” (I’m sure we will have tons of fun but I have to go now; I have a lot of work to do and you do too! ) I told her kissing her cheeks goodbye and reminding her of her work.
“Adios nena! Hasta mañana” (Bye, babe, see you tomorrow) she said as she buckled her seatbelt with a slight smile. “Adios,Albita” (Goodbye, Albita) I replied, turning to walk away with a casual wave.
Suddenly, I heard her shout, “No me llames así,Puta” (Don't call me that!Bitch) Her voice was filled with a mix of frustration and playfulness.
Without turning around, I simply raised my hand and gave her the middle finger, a mischievous grin spreading across my face.
That evening, after enjoying a delicious dinner and meticulously cleaning up my apartment, I settled comfortably on my couch to correct some of the kids' assignments.
Just as I was getting into the rhythm of my work, my phone buzzed with an incoming FaceTime call from Alexia.
I picked up the phone, and Alexia's familiar face appeared on my screen, her smile instantly lifting my spirits. “Hola guapa,” she greeted warmly, her voice filled with affection. “Hola Ale,” I responded, feeling a sense of comfort.
“¿Qué estás haciendo?” (What are you doing?) she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she looked at me through the screen. “Estoy corrigiendo algunos trabajos de los niños, ¿y tú?” (I’m correcting some of the kids’ work and you) I replied, eager to hear about her day and share a bit of mine.
She turned the camera around to show me she was watching a football match. The crowd was roaring in the background. She then turned the camera back to her face and smiled mischievously at me.
“You know you can watch something other than football,” I informed her with a smile. “No, gracias” she replied firmly, and I rolled my eyes at her, amused by her stubbornness.
“Alba said that you’re coming to the restaurant for Bianca’s birthday tomorrow” she said with a hint of excitement in her voice. “Yes, I am” I replied, glancing up from the papers I was correcting.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go together. I can pick you up at your apartment around 8, and we can go together” she asked, her tone hopeful. “Yes, I’d love that” I responded, smiling at her.
After that, I asked her how she was feeling about the upcoming Champions League final. I knew that last year's final did not go well, and Alexia was devastated by that loss.
She had been so hopeful, and the defeat really took a toll on her. However, this year seemed different. She was pretty confident, having seen the team’s progress and improvements.
Yet, I could still sense a bit of nervousness in her voice, a lingering anxiety about what might happen.
“I really hope you guys win just because I want to see you with pink hair” I told her, and she laughed.
We spent hours on the phone, discussing everything and anything until it was time to sleep. I nestled into bed, wrapping myself in the duvet, mirroring Alexia's movements.
“Buenas noches, guapa. Hasta mañana” (good night, beautiful.See you tomorrow) she softly uttered, sending virtual kisses through the phone.
“Good night, Alexia” I reciprocated. Her smile lingered in my mind as the call ended, and I peacefully drifted off to sleep shortly after.
The next day, after wrapping up another busy day at work, I found myself back at my apartment, preparing for Bianca’s birthday celebration at a cozy restaurant.
Alexia texted me, saying she’d arrive in five minutes, so I took the opportunity to perfect my makeup just a bit more.
When I received the text that Alexia had arrived, I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out of my apartment. As soon as I stepped into the parking lot, I immediately spotted Alexia’s car.
She hadn’t noticed me yet, still deeply engrossed in her phone, so I decided it would be the perfect moment to give her a little scare.
Silently, I made my way around the car, moving as quietly as possible until I reached her window. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, I started knocking on it frantically.
Alexia looked up at me with wide eyes, as if she had just seen a ghost. She jumped in her seat, her phone nearly slipping from her grasp, and clutched her hand over her heart in shock.
Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream, and for a moment, she was completely frozen, staring at me in utter disbelief.
I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at her reaction. Still chuckling, I walked around the car, opened the passenger door, and slid into the seat beside her, my laughter echoing in the confined space of the car.
“Eres tontissima,”(you’re so stupid) she said, still looking at me horrified and slapping my thigh.
“Hi, Ale,” I told her, still laughing a little and leaning over the console to kiss her cheek. I felt her warm skin against my lips and the familiar scent of her perfume filled the air.
She smiled a bit at me, her eyes still shining with a mix of surprise and amusement, and greeted me back. With a fluid motion, she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, her hands steady on the wheel.
While she was focusing on the road, I couldn’t help but admire her. She looked so beautiful under the soft evening light streaming through the windows.
She was wearing a simple white crop top that accentuated her figure and a pink and orange skirt.
Her hoop earrings sparkled with every ray of sunlight that touched them, adding a touch of elegance to her simple yet incredibly attractive look.
When we arrived at the restaurant, Alexia and I exited the car.
I waited as she retrieved her purse from the backseat, then she walked over and put an arm around my shoulder. “Vamos” (Let's go) she said, guiding me to the entrance.
We spotted our friends at the table and went over to greet them one by one. I knew everyone except one person. Alba introduced him to me; his name was Marcus, and he was also American.
Alexia and I took seats across from each other, and I ended up next to Marcus. He was very friendly and chatty, telling me how glad he was to finally talk with another American.
For most of the dinner, I ended up conversing with Marcus. Being at the end of the table and with him next to me, I didn't have much of a choice, especially since he was talking... A LOT.
I didn't mind because he was very sweet and funny.
When I glanced over at Alexia, she seemed unhappy, frowning and staring at her plate.
I gently nudged her leg to get her attention. When she looked up, I smiled at her, trying to lift her spirits, but she just looked away.
What’s wrong with her?
I decided to leave her alone, thinking she might be socially exhausted.
After we finished the cake, Alexia excused herself to go to the bathroom. A few minutes later, I excused myself and followed her.
The bathroom was empty, and Alexia was at the sink, washing her hands. I approached her.
“Alexia, estás bien” (Alexia, are you okay?) I asked, trying to place my hand on her shoulder but she stepped back to grab some paper and dry her hands.
“Estoy bien” (I'm fine) she murmured without looking at me. “Are you mad at me? Did I do something?” I insisted.
“No, te dije que estoy bien” (No, I told you I'm fine) she said, about to leave the bathroom, but I blocked her path and stood in front of her, putting my hand on her chest to stop her.
“Tell me what's going on” I insisted once more. “Oh Dios mío, no pasa nada, puedes volver a hablar con él.” (Oh my God, nothing's wrong, you can go talk to him again) she said, looking at me with anger.
I looked at her confused. “Marcus?” I asked. “Sí, vuelve con él” (Yes, go back to him) she replied.
I looked at her for a few seconds before realizing. “Estás celosa” (You're jealous) I pointed out. “No, no lo estoy” (No, I'm not) she replied scoffing.
“Yes, you're jealous, you have no right to be jealous, Alexia.You told me you didn't want me” I reminded her.
“Nunca dije que no te quería, dije que no quería una relación.” (I never said I didn't want you, I said I didn't want a relationship) she corrected.
“It's the same thing, Alexia” I replied, staring at her. “No, no lo es, I want you” (no it’s not) she murmured, looking into my eyes.
“Look, Alexia, we're not together, so you have no right to be angry and jealous over someone else” I explained.
“Lo se” (I know) she murmured softly and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her.
“I want to be with you, but I can't because-”
I interrupted her before she could finish.
“Yes, I know, because of your job, but it's a shit excuse, Alexia. If you really want to be with someone, you wouldn't let anything come between you and that person” I told her. “And I understand you want to focus on your career, but who said you can't have both, a career and someone to love?” I continued.
She didn't say anything ,she just stared at me and then after a few minutes slowly leaned down towards me, her face getting closer to mine.
I didn't move closer, even though I wanted to, I wanted her to do the first move.
She gently brushed her nose against mine, and I closed my eyes.
But just as she was about to kiss me, an elderly lady entered the bathroom, and we quickly moved away from each other.
Thanks a lot grandma…
“Let's go back with the others” she said, taking my hand before kissing me on the forehead and leading me back to our friends.
Returning to our table, Alba gave me a strange look, and I just shrugged at her.
For the rest of the night, Alexia and I didn't talk, and I did everything I could to avoid making eye contact with her.
At the end of the evening, everyone exchanged farewells. While hugging Alba, she sensed something was off and asked me about it. I promised to explain later.
Alexia and I got back into her car, and the drive home was filled with silence. When we pulled into my apartment's parking lot, I unbuckled my seatbelt and mumbled a thank you and good night. Just as I was about to leave, she grabbed my arm.
“Espera”(wait) she said. I turned to face her as she shifted in her seat, letting go of my arm.
“Lo siento” (sorry) she began. “No debería haber actuado como lo hice en el restaurante.” Tenías razón; estaba celosa.(I shouldn't have acted the way I did at the restaurant. You were right; I was jealous) she confessed, taking my hand and fiddling with my fingers without looking at me.
“I'm sorry too” I replied. “I shouldn't have told you how to live your life. You have every right to not want a relationship right now” I added, intertwining our fingers.
“No estoy segura de lo que quiero en este momento, pero una cosa que sí sé es que te quiero a ti” (I'm not sure what I want right now, but one thing that I do know is that I want you) she said softly.
“Te quiero tanto, tengo todos esos sentimientos por ti, pero no lo sé, supongo que solo necesito tiempo para entenderlo.” (I want you so much,I have all those feelings for you but I don’t know, I just need time to figure it out I guess) she continued looking at me straight in the eyes.
“I want you too,Alexia and it's okay, take your time. We can go slow if that's what you need” I suggested.
“I can't ask you to wait for me” she said, placing her other hand on my cheek and gently stroking it.
I leaned into her touch. “You're not asking. I want to” I assured her, kissing her palm.
She smiled gently and leaned in, kissing me on the cheek, close to my lips.
She pulled back, and I smiled, giving her an eskimo kiss, which made her laugh.
We said our goodbyes with kisses on each other's cheeks and a long, warm hug.
Later, as I lay in bed, I received a text from her.
La Reina 👸: buenas noches, nena.Dulces sueños. I promise you that I will try and figure out what I want as soon as possible.(goodnight. Sweet dreams)
I smiled at her message, sent her some heart emojis, and wished her sweet dreams too.
The week flew by, as usual, I went to work. I shared with Alba what happened with her sister and how we agreed to take things slowly. She was thrilled and kept teasing me about it.
I also informed my friends and parents about it since I tell them literally everything. My mom was ecstatic, constantly asking about Alexia, while my dad mentioned watching some of her matches.
Alexia and I grew closer too. Despite the challenge of not seeing each other much during the week, we managed to spend quality time together. When apart, we would text or video call each other.
Alexia has become incredibly affectionate with me lately. She's always finding ways to touch me, whether it's a gentle hand on my arm or a playful nudge. She kisses my cheeks and forehead with such tenderness, and her hugs are warm and comforting. We spend a lot of time cuddling, and every moment feels special.
Honestly, I’m not complaining at all—I absolutely adore the attention and affection she showers on me.
Moreover, with Alexia, Alba, and some of our friends, we planned an exciting trip to Bali during the summer vacation. It's going to be an incredible getaway just before Alexia flies to Australia for the World Cup. We’ve been looking forward to exploring Bali’s beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine. I can’t wait for it – the relaxation, the adventures, and the quality time with friends. Vacation finally!
Currently, I was at Alexia's apartment preparing dinner while she was in the shower.
As I was stirring the sauce for the pasta, I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and a muscular front pressing against my back.
“Eso huele muy bien, nena” (That smells so good) Alexia whispered into my ear, kissing it softly.
I leaned back into her and kissed her cheek. “It’s almost ready, can you set the table?” I asked her.
She just nodded, placing another kiss on my cheek before letting go and setting the table.
“So the Champions League final is Saturday,” Alexia started as we were eating. “Yeah, I know,” I said, looking up at her.
“And it’s in the Netherlands,” she continued. “Yeah, I know that too,” I smiled amusingly at her.
“I want you to come to the final” she said, looking a little nervous. “Alba, mami, and my uncle are coming, and I want you to come too,” she continued.
“Really? Are you sure?” I asked her, surprised at her request. “Yes! You can be like my good luck charm,” she said, placing her hand on my thigh and caressing it.
“Good luck charm, huh? I mean, the last time I came to one of your matches, you lost,” I told her jokingly.
She laughed softly and slapped my thigh. “Please, come. I want you there” she practically pleaded.
“Sure, I’ll be there, Ale” I informed her, and she smiled at me and kissed my cheek.
On Tuesday night, I found myself bidding farewell to Alexia with a warm embrace as she was departing for the Netherlands on Wednesday, and I won't see her for 4 days, which, although not a long time for some, feels quite lengthy to me.
I departed from Spain on Friday night, after school ended, with Alba.Her mom and uncle had left already left on Thursday.
Upon landing at the airport, we took a taxi to our hotel. With no immediate plans until that evening, we decided to join Alexia's mom and uncle in exploring the city.
Naturally, I kept Alexia informed about our activities, and she updated me on her well-being and the team's activities.
After an afternoon of sightseeing and shopping, we returned to the hotel to freshen up. Sporting Alexia's shirt, we headed to the stadium.
The stadium wasn't very crowded yet, so we found our seats near the field and waited.
Eventually, the girls came out to inspect the field. I noticed Alexia; she was dressed in the Barca tracksuit and had her headphones on.
Eli called out her daughter’s name to catch her attention. Alexia turned around when she heard her mother’s voice and came over.
She gave each of us a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She talked with us for a bit, and it was clear she was getting more nervous as time went on.
“Can I talk to you?” she whispered in my ear.
“Yes, of course” I responded.
We excused ourselves from her family and found a little private space where there weren't many people. Immediately, Alexia pulled me into a tight hug.
“Te extrañé mucho” (I missed you so much) she said, burying her head in my neck.
“I missed you too, Ale. I'm so happy to see you” I mumbled, rubbing her back. “How do you feel?” I continued.
She pulled away slightly and she grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers. “Un poco nerviosa” (A little nervous) she admitted, her voice trembling slightly.
I moved closer to her. “It's okay, Ale. I'm sure you're going to be amazing” I reassured her.
She smiled gently at me and kissed my forehead. “I'm so happy that you came” she murmured against my skin.
I looked up at her and smiled, then kissed her cheek repeatedly making her giggled. “Some good luck kisses for you” I informed her.
“Muchas gracias, con todos esos besos no hay manera de que pierda.” (Thank you very much, with all those kisses there’s no way I’m losing) she said playfully.
Our moment was interrupted by Irene Paredes calling Alexia over, signaling that it was time for her and the team to get ready for warm-up.
“Te veré después del partido, cariño.” (I'll see you after the match) she said, placing one last lingering kiss on my forehead before accompanying me back to her family.
She said goodbye and hugged them warmly.
Once Alexia left, Alba looked at me teasingly. “Alexia está enamorada de Y/N.” (Alexia is in love with Y/N) she sang repeatedly, her voice dripping with playful mischief.
“A veces me pregunto por qué somos amigas; eres tan molesto.” (Sometimes I wonder why we're friends; you are so annoying) I said, pushing her away gently, though a small smile played on my lips.
Alba's teasing was relentless, but it was part of her charm.
Eli, ever the voice of reason, smiled gently at me and then turned to Alba. “Deja en paz a esa pobre chica, Alba, y metete de tus asuntos.” (Leave that poor girl alone, Alba, and mind your business) she said sternly, her tone leaving no room for argument. Eli's protective nature always made me feel supported.
“Lo siento,mami” (Sorry, mami) Alba said, looking dejected. I couldn't help but smirk a little at her.
“¡Gracias, Eli! Sabes que definitivamente eres mi Putellas favorita.” (Thank you, Eli. You know you're definitely my favorite Putellas) I told her, smiling warmly.
She returned the smile, her eyes twinkling with kindness. Eli had a way of making everyone feel special.
Alba just scoffed at that, rolling her eyes dramatically. I moved closer to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and kissing her cheek softly.
“No te preocupes, Alba, siempre serás mi tonta favorita.” (Don't worry, Alba, you will always be my favorite idiot) I teased, trying to lighten the mood.
Alba's playful nature was something I cherished, even if she drove me crazy sometimes.
Alba rolled her eyes again and took out her phone, scrolling through it with a huff.
“Eres imposible” (You're impossible) she muttered, but I could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Despite our constant banter, the bond between us was unbreakable.
When the match time arrived, the stadium was full and everyone was waiting for the teams to come out of the tunnel.
Alexia was starting on the bench and she looked focused and determined; this game was very important to her. I really hoped everything would go well.
Unfortunately, things didn’t go well. Wolfsburg was leading 2-0 by the end of the first half...
As the team headed back to the changing room for half-time, I’ve never felt so nervous for a match before.
The second half began, and finally, a goal! The excitement was palpable, and they had a chance to catch up.
Shortly after, another goal! Alba and I erupted into screams, jumping and hugging each other.
Roughly 20 minutes later, Barca scored yet another goal, sending everyone into a wild celebration.
After their heartbreaking loss last year, Barca now had a real shot at winning the Champions League a second time!
Towards the end of the match, Alexia came onto the field, greeted by roaring cheers. Alba and I screamed so loudly that I almost felt like I might throw up.
The final whistle blew, and cheers filled the air. Eli pulled Alba and me into a hug as we watched the Barca players rush onto the field, celebrating together.
After the celebrations and the trophy lift, the players joyfully made their way over to their families and friends, their faces glowing with triumph and excitement.
I spotted Alexia weaving through the crowd, her smile as radiant as ever. She first embraced her mom, holding her tightly as they shared a moment of pride. Next, she turned to Alba, giving her a warm and affectionate hug, followed by a heartfelt embrace with her uncle. Finally, she reached me.
As Alexia wrapped her arms around me, one hand resting gently behind my head and the other securely on my back, I leaned in and whispered, “Congratulations.”
She responded with a tender kiss on my cheek and softly said, “Gracias cariño” before stepping back, her eyes twinkling with happiness.
We spent a few more minutes chatting, sharing in the joy of the victory, before Alexia and the other players needed to head back to the changing room to freshen up and prepare for the evening's festivities.
Later that night, the entire team, along with some close friends and family members, gathered at a charming restaurant to celebrate their hard-earned victory.
The atmosphere was filled with laughter and cheer as everyone reminisced about the match. That night, I had the pleasure of meeting all of Alexia’s teammates, each one as kind and welcoming as she had described.
The following day in Barcelona, I found myself relaxing on my couch, casually swiping through Instagram. Alexia and her team decided to hit the clubs to revel in their triumph.
Although Alexia extended an invitation for me to join them, I politely declined, mindful of my upcoming work commitments on Monday and wanting to avoid any potential hangover or exhaustion.
While scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon various pictures and clips of the Barca team enjoying themselves at the club.
Among the pictures and videos, I noticed several featuring Alexia alongside a tall brunette and they seemed very close.
In one particular photo, Alexia had her arm wrapped around the brunette's waist, sharing a whispered moment, while the brunette reciprocated with a hand on Alexia's arm, sporting a broad smile.
A twinge of jealousy pricked at me. Despite knowing we aren't in a defined relationship, seeing Alexia in that intimate moment stirred emotions akin to what she might have felt when observing me with Marcus. It was a painful realization.
I tried not to rush to conclusions, acknowledging that the brunette could simply be a friend. Yet, my mind couldn't help but wander down paths of uncertainty.
My time with Alexia is cherished. She provides a sense of security, exudes humor, kindness, and perfection in my eyes. However, as I ponder our ambiguous dynamic, doubts begin to cloud my thoughts.
I know I said I'd wait, but I didn't realize just how difficult it would be. Seeing her with other girls hurts me more than I expected.
Maybe she doesn't want a relationship and just wants to have some fun? Everything is so confusing right now. I find myself questioning everything and wondering if I've been reading too much into our interactions.
Before I could spiral into overthinking, I decided to lock my phone and try to get some sleep. I knew I needed to clear my mind and give myself a break from all these swirling emotions.
The next morning, I woke up to a message from Alexia wishing me good night at 5 in the morning... so she must have partied hard all night long.
I went on with my day, did my morning routine, had breakfast, and went out to run some errands. Throughout the day, I received numerous texts from Alexia, and at one point, she even called me.
I decided not to respond to any of them , though. I felt a mix of emotions—anger, sadness, and confusion. I didn't want to say something I might regret later, so I thought it best to keep my distance for now.
I needed time to process everything and figure out how I truly felt.
I know I have no right to act the way I am right now because, for all I know, that girl could just be a friend or something, and Alexia and I aren't even together, so yeah... But the uncertainty and the hurt were too much for me to handle at the moment.
Later, like most Sunday, Alba came over to my apartment for coffee. She's always been a good listener and gives great advice. That's why I decided to ask her about the girl Alexia has been pictured with. I needed a friend's perspective to help me make sense of everything.
“¿Viste algunas de las fotos de las chicas en el club anoche?” (Hey, did you see some of the photos of the girls at the club last night?) I asked Alba, who was scrolling through her phone.
“Sí, parecían estar pasándola muy bien. ¡Qué noche tan loca debe haber sido!” (Yeah, they looked like they were having fun. What a crazy night that must have been) she commented with a smile.
“¿Sabes quién es la chica alta y morena que estaba con ellas?” (Do you know who the tall brunette with them is?) I inquired.
“¿Cuál morena?” (Which brunette?) she asked, confused.
I took my phone and showed her one of the many photos where this girl appeared. Alba looked closer and her eyes widened and she took my phone out of my hand to take a closer look.
“Que?” (What?) I asked. “¿La conoces?” (Do you know her?) I added curiously.
“Sí, la conozco. No sabía que había vuelto.” (Yeah, I know her. I didn't know she was back) she commented. “¿Por qué estaba ella allí con ellos? ¿Alexia la invitó?” (Why was she there with them? Did Alexia invite her?) she asked, intrigued.
“No lo sé, pero Alexia la conoce?” (I don't know, but Alexia knows her?) I said impatient. Alba seemed hesitant to tell me something, and I frowned, urging her to speak.
“Sí, esa es Marina, su exnovia.” (Yes, that's Marina, her ex-girlfriend) she murmured. My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh," I simply said.
I felt nauseous. That's her ex-girlfriend. Her ex-girlfriend was partying with her and was really close to her. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to hold back my tears.
I asked Alba more questions, and the more I learned, the more my heart broke.
So, she was Alexia's ex-girlfriend, and they were together for almost 8 years! They started dating when they were 18 years old.
They broke up because Marina was moving to South America. That's the reason for their breakup, not because they didn't love each other anymore or had relationship problems, but because she was moving away.
And now that she's apparently back, will Alexia go back to her?
Alba gave me a sorrowful look with a gentle smile, and I quickly averted my gaze and changed the topic. If we kept talking about it, I would definitely start crying.
Over the next few days, I continued to avoid Alexia and her messages, either not replying or responding very briefly. Until I could no longer ignore her.
One evening, while I was making dinner, I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it, and there was Alexia, holding Nala in her arms.
“Hola” she greeted me with a sad smile. "Uh... hi," I responded, surprised to see her here.
“Can I come in?” she asked. Instead of answering, I just opened the door wider to let her in.
She walked in and set Nala down, and the little dog wandered off to the living room. I headed back to the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink? Or maybe you're hungry? I just finished dinner” I offered.
“No, thank you” she replied. “Podemos hablar?” (Can we talk?) she continued. I sighed, not really in the mood to have a conversation with her right now, but I nodded anyway.
She took a seat on the couch, and I sat next to her, leaving a noticeable gap between us.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked softly but directly. I looked at her. “No, I'm not” I answered. “Entonces, ¿por qué me estás evitando?” (Then why are you avoiding me) she asked more firmly.
“I'm not avoiding you” I lied. I didn't want to bring up the team party and how she probably spent the whole night with her ex-girlfriend.
"Yes, you are. No respondes a mis mensajes o llamadas, ya no vienes a mi apartamento. (You don't reply to my messages or calls, you don't come to my apartment anymore...) she trailed off, then moved closer and took my hand in hers. “Te extraño” (I miss you) she said softly.
I felt really guilty. This wasn't fair to her. I've been ignoring her out of jealousy. Probably nothing happened between her and her ex, and here I am hurting her without telling her why.
I moved closer to her. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm just really tired, and work is also overwhelming. It's almost summer break, and we need to finish the entire school program before the holidays” I partially lied, I was indeed a little bit stressed about the entire school program thing.
I didn't want to bring up the ex-girlfriend issue. I trust her. I know Alexia; if she wanted to talk to me about it, she would have. So I won't bring up Marina. I'll let Alexia talk about her first if she feels she needs to.
Alexia wrapped her arm around my waist and gently rested her forehead against mine, whispering softly, “It’s okay, cariño. I know it can be stressful, but you can do it and think about the summer vacation! Two months without work or children and also we are going to Bali!”
I smiled gently, kissed the tip of her nose, and nuzzled my nose against hers. “I can’t wait for it” I replied. She pulled me into a warm hug, and I buried my face in her neck as she soothingly rubbed my back.
“Hey! You won the Champions League! So now you have to dye your hair pink” I playfully reminded her, pulling back slightly but staying close. She laughed, “I know cariño, one of Alba’s friends is coming to my apartment Saturday to dye my hair. Do you want to come too?”
“Yes! I want to be one of the first to see your new hair” I cheered.
In this moment, my mind found peace, though I carried the weight of not being fully honest about my actions.
Yet, for now, serenity enveloped us, at least for tonight.
After another eventful week at school, it was finally Saturday, and I was on my way to Alexia’s apartment.
Despite Alexia and I having discussed things the other day, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between us.
On my end, I found myself gradually distancing from her once again... The whole situation with Marina really got under my skin, more than I wanted to admit.
It was something I knew I shouldn't let affect me, but it did. Every time I thought about it, a pang of discomfort hit me, making it hard to act normal around Alexia.
And if Alexia noticed this change between us, she definitely didn't talk about it. She continued to act as if everything was normal, which only made things more confusing for me.
I wondered if she was genuinely unaware of the distance I was creating or if she was choosing to ignore it. Either way, it left me feeling even more isolated and unsure about where our friendship?? Relationship?? was headed.
Arriving at Alexia’s apartment, I parked my car and made my way to the building. I took the elevator up to her floor, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness.
Once I stood in front of her door, I took a deep breath, knocked, and waited for her to answer. After a few seconds, the door opened, but to my surprise, it wasn’t Alexia standing there.
Instead, it was Marina—the woman who had made me question my "relationship" with Alexia. Seeing her there brought back a flood of emotions and doubts, leaving me momentarily speechless.
“Hola?” (Hello?) she said, sounding confused. “¿Puedo ayudarte en algo?” (Can I help you with something?) she asked, her eyes narrowing at me.
“Um... sí, hola... ¿Está Alexia aquí?” (Um... yes, hi... Is Alexia here?) I asked, my voice faltering slightly. What is she doing here?
“¿Ella sabe quién eres tú?” (Does she know who you are?) she asked, her tone sharp and her eyes scanning me with a hint of hostility.
“Sí. Soy su amigo. Escucha, ¿puedes simplemente llamarla? Ella misma te lo dirá.” (Yes, she does. I’m her friend. Listen, can you just call her? She’ll tell you herself) I said, glaring back at her.
“No puedo, ella está en la ducha.” (I can’t, she’s in the shower) she replied, a smirk playing on her lips.
What’s her problem?
“Tu-” (You—) I started, but then I heard my name being called from down the hall.
Alba. Thank goodness.
She approached us and looked at Marina. They exchanged glances, then suddenly began cheering and hugging each other tightly.
“¡Oh, Dios mío! ¡Te extrañé tanto!” (Oh my god! I missed you so much) Alba exclaimed, squeezing her even tighter.
I stood there awkwardly, my eyes wide. It seemed like they were the best of friends.
“Veo que ya has conocido a Y/N.” (I see you’ve met Y/N already) Alba said once they pulled away, wrapping an arm around me.
“Si ” she said, her previous hostility disappearing. “Pasen, pasen, chicas.” (Come in, come in, girls) she added, opening the door wider to let me and Alba enter the apartment.
I can't shake this terrible feeling about the whole situation. Everything just seems off, and I can't help but worry that something bad is going to happen.
As the three of us settled down at the kitchen table, a sense of being overlooked crept over me. Alba and Marina delved into their conversation, likely catching up on various matters.
I found myself seated beside Alba, with Marina positioned across from her.
The rapid-fire Catalan dialogue left me utterly perplexed, unable to grasp a single word...
A feeling of exclusion and displacement washed over me, contemplating turning to my phone yet refraining to avoid appearing impolite, opting instead to survey the room.
In a sudden moment, my eyes landed on an open suitcase near the couch. Please, let it not be Marina's. Could she possibly be staying here? With only one room available, and considering Alexia's hospitality, it seemed unlikely she'd have Marina sleep on the couch.
Did they share Alexia's bed?
Amidst my mind's tumultuous whirl, Alexia emerged from the shower. Catching sight of us at the kitchen table, a broad smile illuminated her face.
Approaching me, she leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead, tenderly brushing my cheek, whispering a soft “hola cariño” , then proceeded to greet Alba in the same warm manner.
Alexia then sat next to Marina. “Y/N, supongo que ya la has conocido, pero esta es Marina, mi amiga” (Y/N, I guess you’ve already met her, but this is Marina, my friend) Alexia mentioned, gesturing towards Marina.
Sure, Alexia, just your friend. Why don’t you also mention that she is your ex and that you two dated for almost a decade? It’s like she’s skipping over the most crucial part.
I just smiled softly at Alexia without saying another word. Internally, I was a whirlwind of emotions. Alexia then informed us that Mario, Alba’s friend and hairdresser, would arrive a little later to dye her hair.
With Alexia here now, I thought I would feel less overlooked, but no… they immediately delved back into their old memories, sharing stories in Catalan, and showing each other pictures. I couldn’t understand a thing, which made me feel even more out of place.
I’m so tempted to leave right now. Why am I even here? It feels like I’m invisible, just an observer in their world. This was supposed to be an enjoyable visit, but it’s turning out to be anything but that.
I shouldn't feel this way, but it's hard not to. They clearly haven't seen each other for a long time, and I'm sure they were very close when she and Alexia were still together. Given that they haven't met up in three years, it's natural they want to catch up on everything that's happened.
However, it would be considerate if they could speak Spanish so I can understand and be part of the conversation. It feels a bit isolating not being able to follow along, especially when I want to be included and understand what's being discussed.
I was jolted out of my thoughts by a gentle nudge on my feet. When I looked up, I saw Alexia with a concerned frown on her face.
In an attempt to reassure her, I offered a small, comforting smile but she does not look convinced.
She rose from her seat and walked over to me, taking my hands in hers with a firm but gentle grip, and helped me to my feet.
“Volveremos enseguida; vamos a mi habitación.” (We'll be right back; we're going to my room) Alexia announced to Alba and Marina.
She didn't wait for their response; instead, she led me towards her room, closing the door softly behind us as we entered.
She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer. “What's wrong? Are you okay? You’re very quiet” she asked, concern all over her face.
“I'm fine” I told her with a small smile, hoping to reassure her.
“Lately you’ve been acting really weird, you’re very distant” she pointed out, her eyes searching mine for answers.So she did noticed my behavior.
“I already told you, Alexia, it’s because of work. I’m stressed” I replied a bit harshly, instantly regretting my tone.
Seeing the hurt and concern on her face made me feel really bad. I shouldn’t have snapped at her; she didn’t deserve that.
I sighed and embraced her. Though it felt so good to be in her arms, there was this indescribable feeling inside me.
Maybe I should tell her how I really feel right now, instead of acting the way I am. It hurts both of us, and I don’t want to push her away.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you” I said, burying my face in her neck, trying to convey my remorse through the closeness.
She gently pulled my head away and looked into my eyes. “It’s okay, cariño” she said tenderly, her voice soothing my troubled mind.
We gazed at each other for a few seconds, the world around us fading away. Her eyes flickered down to my lips a couple of times, and I could see the hesitation and desire in her gaze. She then slowly leaned in, her eyes closed, and I closed mine too, anticipating the moment.
She was so close to me, I could feel her breath on my lips, but then the door swung open, and Alexia immediately pulled away, the moment shattered.
“Mario esta aqui” (Mario is here) Marina said, watching us intently, then glaring at me as if I had done something wrong.
“Sí, ya vamos.” (Oh yeah, we’re coming) Alexia said, looking at her, her voice steady but her eyes reflecting the frustration of the interrupted moment.
Marina left, leaving the door open, and Alexia looked back at me with a mixture of regret and determination. “Vamos” she said, walking away, and I followed, feeling the weight of the unspoken words between us.
Making my way back to the living room, I met Mario who seems to be a very nice and kind man.We talked for a little bit about how we are all exited to see Alexia with pink hair.
After a while, Alexia was sitting on a chair scrolling through her phone as Mario worked his magic on her hair. I was nestled on the couch with Nala on my lap, gently stroking her fur.
Marina and Alba were engaged in a lively conversation at the kitchen table, their voices a soft murmur in the background.
At one point, Marina excused herself to go to the bathroom, and Alba took the opportunity to come and sit beside me.
Despite her presence, I kept my gaze fixed on Nala, my fingers continuing their soothing motions through her fur.
Alba rested her head on my shoulder and softly asked, “Esta noche vamos a salir con Alexia y Marina. ¿Quieres venir con nosotras?” (Tonight we are going out with Alexia and Marina. Do you want to come with us?) The thought of spending more time with that woman, whom I had known for less than three hours and already disliked intensely, was unbearable. There was no way I was going to have dinner with her.
“No” I replied curtly. My mood was sour, and I had no desire to engage in conversation. Alba had been ignoring me since we arrived, and I felt no inclination to talk to her now.
Alba lifted her head from my shoulders and looked at me, “Por que?” (Why?)she questioned, confusion lacing her voice.
“Simplemente no quiero.” (I just don’t want to) I told her, not looking at her, my voice stern. I could feel the tension building up inside me, a mix of frustration and sadness.
“Te conozco, sé que la presencia de Marina te está molestando.” (I know you, I know that Marina being here is bothering you) she said matter-of-factly, her eyes searching mine for a reaction.
“¡Por supuesto que me molesta! ¿Cómo te sentirías si la ex de tu posible novia todavía estuviera en contacto con ella y parecieran ser las mejores amigas?” (Of course it bothers me! How would you feel if the ex of your potential girlfriend was still in contact with her and they seemed like they were the best of friends?) I told her, whispering so that Alexia wouldn’t hear it. My voice was trembling slightly, betraying the calm facade I was trying to maintain.
“Vale, pero a menos que me haya perdido de algo, tú y Alexia no están juntas, así que, como le dijiste la noche del cumpleaños de Bianca, no tienes derecho a estar celosa.” (Okay, but unless I missed something, you and Alexia are not together, so like you told her the night of Bianca’s birthday, you have no right to be jealous) she told me harshly. Her words cut deep, and I felt a pang of guilt mixed with the sting of truth.
It surprised me because Alba had never talked to me like that before. Her tone was usually gentle and understanding, but now it was firm and unyielding.
I bit my lips, trying to stop the tears from coming out.
Obviously, Alba loved Marina; I could see it in the way they talked and laughed with each other. It was like they had their own little world.
What if Alba is not against the idea of Alexia and Marina getting together? The thought made my chest tighten, and I felt a wave of loneliness wash over me.
I looked at Alba, my eyes filled with a mix of emotions, before turning my gaze back to Nala on my lap. Words seemed unnecessary at that moment.
Marina returned from the bathroom, her presence immediately drawing attention as she made her way over to Alexia, who was seated and getting her hair washed.
The scene before me unfolded like a slow-motion movie, every detail etched into my mind.
The two of them were laughing and chatting, their chemistry undeniable. They looked like a couple, completely at ease with each other.
At one point, Marina wrapped an arm around Alexia’s shoulders, and Alexia responded by encircling Marina’s waist with her own arm. It was a gesture so intimate that it made my heart ache.
Marina caught my eye and smirked knowingly, aware of the effect their closeness had on me. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it stung.
Seeing them together like that was painful. In that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that Alexia still harbored feelings for Marina. After all, Marina was her first love, and they had shared almost a decade together. It was only natural that some feelings might still linger.
The weight of the situation became too much to bear. I couldn't stay there any longer; witnessing their affection was like a dagger to my heart. I gently picked up Nala, who had been my silent companion through it all, and placed her carefully on the couch.
“Voy a irme ahora.” (I’m going to go now) I announced softly, trying to keep my voice steady as I addressed everyone in the room.
“¿Qué? ¿Por qué?” (What? Why?) Alexia’s voice was filled with surprise and confusion as she looked at me, her brows furrowed in concern.
“No me siento bien. Creo que necesito ir a casa y descansar un poco.” (I don’t feel good. I think I need to go home and rest a little) I lied quickly, making my way to the door, my heart pounding in my chest.
"But you can go to my room and lie on my bed if you'd like," Alexia said in english, her voice soft and pleading. "Just let me finish with my hair, and then I'll take care of you, cariño."
She was trying so hard to make me stay, her eyes filled with desperation and hope. I could feel the warmth and sincerity in her words, making it even harder to leave.
“No,thank you” I said quickly and opened the door and telling everyone goodbye.
“¡Espera! Te acompañaré hasta tu coche.” (Wait! I’ll accompany you to your car) Alba said, rising swiftly to her feet.
I nodded and made my way out of the apartment, not waiting for Alba.
Outside the building, I walked briskly to my car, with Alba trailing behind me, trying to keep up with my pace.
“Y/N, espera” (wait) she called out, her voice tinged with desperation, but I didn't stop. I unlocked my car and slid into the driver's seat.
Alba quickly moved in front of my car, her face flushed with urgency. “Lo siento mucho, Y/N. No debería haberte dicho eso.”(I'm so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have told you that) she apologized, her eyes pleading with me.
“Es lo que sea“ (It's whatever) I responded flatly, my gaze fixed on her.
“Por favor, por favor, habla con mi hermana sobre esto. No te alejes de ella. Sé que está confundida ahora, pero te aseguro que tiene muchos sentimientos por ti“ (Please, please talk to my sister about this. Don't pull away from her. I know she's confused right now, but I can assure you that she has so many feelings for you) she implored, her sincerity evident in her voice.
“¿De verdad? Parece que también tiene muchos sentimientos por su ex“ (Does she? She seems like she has a lot of feelings for her ex too) I retorted sarcastically, raising my eyebrows in disbelief.
“Sí, es verdad que está muy cerca de su ex. Pero ya se acabó entre ellos. Solo te quiere a ti, no a ella” (Yes, she's really close with her ex, that's true. But it's over between them. She only wants you, Y/N, not her) Alba insisted, her desperation growing more palpable.
I studied her for a moment, noting the earnestness in her eyes. She seemed absolutely desperate to make me believe her words.
I sighed heavily. “Voy ahora. Es la última semana de clases; tengo cosas que hacer.”(I'm going now. It's the last week of school; I have things to do) I said, avoiding eye contact. “Adios” (Bye) I continued, shutting my door and starting the engine.
As I drove away, I couldn't help but feel the weight of Alba's words lingering in my mind.
Upon arriving back at my apartment, I immediately collapsed onto my bed. As I looked at my phone, I noticed several missed calls and text messages from Alexia. With a heavy sigh, I locked my phone and set it aside.
This entire situation feels incredibly overwhelming. From the very beginning, I sensed it would be complicated, but I chose to ignore the warning signs.
I was so consumed by my own desires and selfishly chasing my own happiness that I overlooked the potential consequences. Now, the weight of those choices is bearing down on me, and it's hard to see a way out.
I was desperately seeking happiness. Even though I was fully aware that Alexia wasn't looking for a relationship, the mere thought of having her close to me brought immense comfort and joy.
Her presence, even without the promise of a future together, was enough to make me feel content and hopeful. It was as if just being near her could fill the void I felt inside, and I couldn't resist the allure of that happiness, even if it was fleeting.
However, these past few days have made me realize that this so-called "relationship" with Alexia is causing more pain than happiness. The emotional turmoil and constant uncertainty are taking a toll on me, overshadowing the moments of joy I once cherished.
I know what I need to do; I have to end this “relationship” It's a difficult decision, but I need to prioritize my well-being and find a path that leads to genuine happiness and peace.
The mere thought of it brought tears to my eyes, and before I knew it, I was sobbing uncontrollably.
Each tear felt like a release of the pent-up emotions I'd been holding in for so long. I cried until I was exhausted, my body shaking with each sob.
Eventually, the overwhelming fatigue took over, and I cried myself to sleep, my pillow damp with tears.
I woke up startled by a persistent knocking on my door. Groggily, I got up and made my way to the front door.
As I passed by the entrance mirror, I caught a glimpse of myself and realized I looked like a complete mess.
My face was red and puffy, my eyes were swollen from crying, and my hair was a tangled, disheveled disaster. I was the very definition of a hot mess.
Despite not caring much about my appearance at that moment, I opened the door. There stood Alexia, holding a bag in her hand.
Her eyes widened slightly upon seeing me, and I couldn't blame her—I probably looked quite scary.
Alexia, on the other hand, looked stunning. Her pink hair framed her face perfectly, and I couldn't help but think how right I was about it suiting her so well.
“Hi, come in” I told her, opening the door wider to let her into the apartment.
She stepped inside and headed straight for the kitchen counter, where she began to unload her bag. Out came some soup, bottles of water, a few medicines, and a small box.
“¿Todavía te sientes mal? Le pedí a mi mamá la receta de la sopa que solía hacer para Alba y para mí cuando estábamos enfermos.” (Do you still feel sick? I asked my mom for the soup recipe she used to make for Alba and me when we were sick) she explained, moving closer. I instinctively stepped back, trying to avoid any physical contact with her.
“You did this for me?” I asked, feeling a bit touched by her thoughtfulness.
She nodded. “Yeah, well, Marina helped me with it” she admitted, and immediately, I felt a surge of anger.
There was no way I was going to eat that. I’m sure that bitch poisoned it.
“Can we talk?” I asked her gently as she was about to heat up the soup.
“Yes, I'm just warming this up for you” she replied, looking back at me with a soft smile.
“No need, I won't eat it, I’m not sick” I said firmly, making my way to the couch and signaling for her to join me.
She looked puzzled but followed me. She sat down beside me, her movements hesitant.
She reached out to take my hand, but I pulled it away, unable to mask my unease.
Her face fell, and she looked at me with a mix of confusion and hurt.
“Is something wrong? Alba also told me that I should come talk to you” she said, her voice tinged with worry. She leaned in slightly, searching my face for answers.
“Who is Marina?” I asked her directly, my eyes locked onto hers with determination.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “You know who she is. You met her this afternoon. She's my friend” she replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“No, who is she really? And please, tell me the truth” I insisted, my voice firm, “I already know who she truly is I just want to hear it from you.”
She sighed deeply. “Ella es mi exnovia.” (She's my ex-girlfriend) she murmured, her voice tinged with shame.
I nodded slowly, absorbing the information. “Why wouldn't you tell me that you and your ex are in contact and, from what I saw, really good friends?” I asked, my tone firm but controlled.
“No pensé que fuera gran cosa“ (I didn't think it was a big deal) she whispered, her fingers nervously playing with the fabric of her lap.
“What do you mean, not a big deal? Maybe not for you, but for me it is!” I exclaimed, my voice rising slightly. “Please explain to me how this happened” I continued, taking a deep breath to calm myself.
“It happened before I left for the Champions League final. She contacted me again, telling me that she was coming back to live in Spain. At first, I didn't really want to see her, but then she insisted and asked we could talk so I said yes.” She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts, then continued, “We talked things out, caught up on life, my career, and hers. I don't know... it feels like old times...” she trailed off, her voice filled with nostalgia. I closed my eyes, biting my lip in frustration.
“It feels like old times...” she clearly reminded of their past relationship.
“She was with you at the club after winning the Champions League” I pointed out, my voice tinged with suspicion.
“Sí, esa noche ella se sentía un poco deprimida, así que la invité allí para animarla.” (Yes, that night she was feeling a little down, so I invited her there to cheer her up) she explained, biting her lip nervously and avoiding my gaze.
“Does she sleep at your apartment?” I asked, my tone sharp and accusing.
“She only slept one night, and it was yesterday. She got into a fight with her mom and didn’t have a place to stay, so I told her to stay with me” she explained again, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of anxiety.
“Did you slept with her,I mean together on your bed”I asked nervously,scared of the answer.
“No, I slept on the couch and she slept on my bed.” Alexia simply responded firmly.
I nodded slowly, processing her words. “If it wasn't a big deal, why didn't you tell me she was back? Why did I have to find out from pictures and from Alba, who told me you guys dated for 8 years,?” I asked, my frustration evident.
If it wasn't a big deal, why didn't she tell me? There must be something else she’s not saying...
“No sé” (I don't know) was all she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
I scoffed, feeling a mix of anger and disbelief. “You don't know... I repeated, shaking my head.
“Do you still have feelings for her?” I asked, my voice cracking a little bit, betraying the storm of emotions within me.
Upon hearing the tremor in my voice, Alexia looked up at me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I don’t think so...”she trailed off, and as her words hung in the air, I felt my own tears begin to fall, unstoppable.
“It’s a yes or no answer, Alexia,” I told her firmly, trying to wipe away my tears, but it was futile as more streamed down my face.
Alexia hesitated for a moment, as if weighing her words carefully. “I... I can’t lie to you... When I first saw her again and talked to her, I felt things. But I promise you, with time, all those feelings went away. You made them go away. You were the only one on my mind” she said, her voice gaining strength and urgency.
When she confessed the first part of her sentence, I felt my heart plummet.
All this time, my thoughts and heart had been solely dedicated to her, and to think that at one point her heart and thoughts had been dedicated to someone else was a pain I hadn’t anticipated.
The realization hit me hard, and the hurt was almost too much to bear.
I decided not to mention how I thought her ex was a bitch to me; now isn't the right moment.
However, I was planning to share with her how isolated I felt throughout the entire afternoon.
“I felt awful all afternoon. It seemed like you were all ignoring me, speaking in Catalan, and living in your own world. It felt as if Marina was the only one who mattered, and I was just on the sidelines” I quietly told her, still feeling hurt.
“Lo siento mucho, cariño. Estábamos tan atrapados en recordar el pasado y compartir viejas historias que no nos dimos cuenta de que te estábamos excluyendo” (I'm so sorry, we were all so caught up in reminiscing about the past and sharing old stories that we didn't realize we were excluding you) she tried to explain, her voice filled with regret.
I could see the genuine remorse in her eyes, but at that moment, my feelings of hurt overshadowed any empathy I might have had. It felt like no matter what she said, the sting of being sidelined wouldn't easily fade away.
“I...”I began, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. “I think it's time to end whatever this is between us” I whispered softly, my voice trembling.
“¡¿Qué!? ¡No! Por favor, por favor, no hagas eso. Haré cualquier cosa por ti.” (What!? No! Please, please don't do that! I'll do anything for you) she pleaded, her voice breaking as tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. Her desperation was palpable, and it crushed me even more.
“I'm sorry, Alexia, but this whole situation is a mess... We're just hurting each other...”I paused, wiping my own tears as they fell. “It feels like all we do is hurt each other...” I moved closer to her, taking her hand in mine, feeling the warmth and the tremble of her fingers.
“You're not hurting me; you bring me happiness” she said, her voice shaking as she tried to convince me.
Her eyes were filled with pain and sorrow, and it tore at my heart. “Por favor, no me dejes. Te necesito” (Please, don't leave me. I need you.)
“Alexia…” I trailed off “we are hurting each other… plus look our relationship has not even started yet and you’re already hiding things from me” I told her squeezing her hand.
I hate seeing her like that.
“Lo siento mucho” (I’m so sorry) she said looking at me with so much pain in her eyes.
“Don’t apologized, it’s okay” no, it’s not.
After a few agonizing minutes of silence, the room filled with the sound of our sniffles.
Alexia slowly pulled her hand away and stood up, her movements heavy with sorrow.
“Well…um…Voy a irme ahora” (I’m going to go now) she said painfully, her voice cracking as she wiped away her tears.
I got up too, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on me. We walked towards the door together, each step feeling like a goodbye. Just as she reached the door, she turned around, her eyes pleading as she opened her arms for a hug.
I hugged her tightly, desperate to hold onto the warmth of her embrace one last time. Her body trembled against mine as she whispered in my ear, “Thank you for bringing me so much happiness these last few weeks,” and then she softly kissed my cheek before pulling away.
“Thank you, for making me happy” I told her, my voice barely above a whisper as I smiled softly at her. She returned the smile, though it was tinged with the same sadness that filled the room.
She then turned around and exited my apartment, leaving me standing there, watching her disappear from my life. I closed the door slowly, the finality of the moment hitting me like a ton of bricks.
I stayed frozen in place, my eyes locked on the door that Alexia had just walked through. The emptiness in the room seemed to echo my own feelings. I had never felt so heartbroken over someone I hadn't even officially dated.
After what felt like an eternity, I managed to gather myself and made my way to the kitchen table. I sank into a chair, staring blankly at the empty space in front of me. That's when I noticed the small box that Alexia had brought earlier, sitting there like a poignant reminder of what had just been lost.
Reaching out for the box with trembling hands, I opened it, revealing a small note that read, “Para mí cariño” adorned with a delicate little heart. Beneath the note lay a necklace with a butterfly pendant, each wing intricately inscribed with our initials.
I was stunned. I had only mentioned to her once that butterflies were my favorite insects, and yet she had remembered and chosen something so personal and meaningful.
The realization hit me like a wave, and I couldn't help but sob uncontrollably. The depth of her thoughtfulness and the memories we shared overwhelmed me.
I had lost her, and the pain was almost unbearable, but deep down, I knew it was for the best... or at least, I hoped it was.
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girafeduvexin · 14 days
"Je suis l’aîné‚ j’ai un frère et une soeur. Mon frère a un an de moins que moi et ma soeur huit années. Mon frère a eu un accident avec une dame en vélomoteur et l’institutrice m’a dit que c’était ma faute si mon frère avait failli mourir et ma mère m’a dit que non et que ce n’étaient pas des choses à dire à un enfant. Je me souviens de l’endroit exact. Ensuite‚ jusqu’à 15 ans‚ mon frère a eu des violentes et fréquentes crises d’asthme‚ il ne réussissait pas à l’école et puisque j’avais la chance de ne pas être malade‚ je ne pouvais pas ne pas être un bon élève. Il a eu la typhoïde en mai 68 et il est resté hospitalisé et du mois de mai 68‚ je ne me souviens que de cela‚ qu’il allait encore mourir. Un jour‚ on m’a envoyé seul au cinéma‚ voir La Mélodie du bonheur‚ c’est le premier film que j’ai vu‚ c’était avec Julie Andrews‚ puisque je n’avais pas posé de problème lorsque mon frère était à l’hôpital. Mon frère encore s’est cassé les deux bras à deux moments différents‚ et il a eu une double fracture de la mâchoire dans un accident de vélomoteur‚ et plus tard vers 20 ans‚ un accident de voiture avec des copains au retour du Maroc. Il ne m’est jamais rien arrivé."
Extrait d'un texte autobiographique de Jean-Luc Lagarce.
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anticia24 · 4 months
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Nancy Plènozas
Statut: Marié à Geoffrey Plènozas Parents: Tao Plènozas et Queenie Plènozas Enfant: Johnny Zest (Renier) et Malcom Plènozas Traits de caractères: Malveillante, Matérialiste, Snob, Captivante, A des Relations, Bien Elevée, Championne de pom-pom Sims, Emotions Incontrôlées, Doué pour les Baisers, Habituée à la Chaleur, Oiseau de Nuit, Observatrice
Depuis sa naissance, Nancy était destinée à devenir cheffe de famille. Ainsi, Nancy grandissait entourée d'amour, mais surtout d'une pression sans nom. Pour échapper à cette pression, Nancy fuguait régulièrement pour s'amuser avec une machine à bulles et les garçons.
Devenus incontrôlable, son père Tao Plènozas, lui imposa une garde rapprochée sans se douter du chaos que cela allait engendrer. Pendant longtemps, Nancy entretenait une relation intime avec son "protecteur" dans le plus grand secret. Mais quelques mois avant sa remise de diplôme et son 18 ans anniversaires, elle apprenait qu'elle était enceinte. Nancy savait qu'elle avait souillé le nom de sa famille et que son rêve de succéder à son père était devenus impossible. En rage celui-ci disparus une nuit pour revenir au petit matin couvert de sang. Nancy savait que son père, c'était chargé du problème, mais sous ses ordres, elle devait se marier avant la venue de cette enfant pour laver son nom.
Par chance, un jeune homme du nom de Geoffrey Plènozas lui courrait après depuis le collège. Simplet et manipulable, Geoffrey était le candidat idéal. Et celui-ci touché par son histoire et son jeu d'actrice accepta sans une once d'hésitation.
Après son mariage avec Geoffrey, Nancy accouchera de Johnny Zest qu'elle ne réussira jamais à aimer et quelques années plus tard de Malcom Plènozas qu'elle aimera passionnellement.
Aujourd'hui, Nancy est devenus cheffe de famille et continue de fructifier l'empire familial qui semble rencontrer des difficultés depuis la venue d'une nouvelle famille à Oasis Springs les Alto. Mais pour autant son argent personnel lui ne semble rencontrer aucun problème sans doute dû à sa carrière dans le crime que seul ses Drôle de Dames connaissent.
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saemi-the-writer · 9 months
Douce Dame Jolie
Mon Secret Santa Kaamlott pour la charmante @zialinart :D
Sur AO3
Bonne lecture !!
La Reine avait seulement souhaité assister au festival de l’Imbolc en toute tranquillité, sans personne pour la pointer du doigt ou se mettre à dos l’espèce d’hystérique qui criait toujours « au bûcher » où que savait-elle d’autre ! Cela restait une fête Gaélique, et avec cette nouvelle religion qui prédominait au pays désormais, cela risquait d’être mal-vu si la Reine y était vue, aussi était-elle allée voir l’enchanteur de Kaamelott en toute discrétion, lui demandant s’il n’avait pas un sort, une potion ou autre chose qui pourrait l’aider. C’était apparemment son jour de chance, car Merlin venait de mettre la main sur un médaillon magique : il changerait la perception des gens qui voient la personne qui le porterait. En gros, elle serait méconnaissable aux yeux du monde sans avoir à se transformer. Afin de vérifier son efficacité, Guenièvre l’avait mit aussitôt autour de son cou et était sortie faire un aller-retour rapide. Elle avait croisé les sires Perceval et Karadoc, qui venaient demander un énième service à Merlin. Ils ne l’avaient pas reconnu, mais s’étaient montrés étonnamment courtois, acceptant de la laisser passer devant eux. Convaincue, la Reine avait remercié le magicien et gardé le bijou pour le festival du 1er février.
Guenièvre avait espéré que les offrandes faites ce soir-là l’aideraient à avoir enfin un enfant, puis elle avait voulu profiter du moment. Elle n’avait pas pu danser ou apprécier de ces airs musicaux depuis des années, Guenièvre s’était donc laissée entraîner. Et c’est là qu’elle l’avait croisé.
Arthur. Son mari. Qui avait marché droit vers elle.
…Guenièvre aurait peut-être dû réaliser que l’avis de Messires Perceval et Karadoc n’était pas des plus fiables !
C’est ce qu’elle s’était dit en voyant Arthur s’approcher d’elle, mais à son grand étonnement, il l’avait invité à danser. A la manière qu’il avait eu de s’adresser à elle, Guenièvre compris vite qu’il ne l’avait pas reconnu. Comme Merlin lui avait dit, la magie du médaillon l’avait empêché de la reconnaître.
Et ce fut comme un rêve, à la fois merveilleux et confus.
Qu’Arthur avait été charmant, qu’elle avait été touchée par de tels égards, cette délicatesse et ce regard tendre ! Guenièvre pouvait enfin mieux comprendre pourquoi tant de jeunes femmes avaient été séduites ! Cependant, une chose demeurait inexplicable : son apparence n’était pas censée être si différente de l’originale. Guenièvre ne s’était pas transformée en beauté Latine, comme le Roi les aimait, alors pourquoi ?
Pourquoi ?...
Ce n’était pas la première fois qu’Arthur tombait sous le charme du regard d’une jolie dame, et il avait été plus d’une fois déçu de l’aboutissement de ces relations. Et pourtant, il ne pouvait s’empêcher d’espérer. Une partie de lui-même le réprimandait, lui reprochant de ne pas retenir la leçon, mais il l’ignora. Cette femme était différente de celles qui lui avaient tapé dans l’œil jusqu’alors. Elle ne ressemblait à aucune de ses maîtresses, que ce soit le type « Latin » ou le type de silhouette qui l’attirait le plus souvent.
Et ce n’était pas que physique. Lorsque leurs regards s’étaient croisés ce soir-là, ce n’était pas son corps qui avait frissonné, mais son cœur et peut-être même - oserait-il le dire – son âme. C’était comme s’il avait retrouvé quelque chose qu’il avait perdu. Une conviction profonde que cette femme, il l’aimait, et qu’elle l’aimait en retour. Même s’ils ne s’étaient croisés de manière fortuite que quelques fois depuis le mois de février. Après tout, bien des histoires d’amour affirment qu’il suffit d’un regard, au bon moment, au bon endroit, pour que deux êtres sachent qu’ils s’étaient trouvés.
Un bruissement attira son attention, et la Dame apparut. Elle lui sourit timidement, comme toujours, et s’avança vers lui.
“Vous êtes là.“ dit-elle simplement. “Je suis heureuse de vous revoir.“
Une grande douceur se dégageait d’elle et la grâce irradiait dans chacun de ses mouvements. Dans ces moments-là, Arthur trouvait qu’elle avait quelque chose d’irréel, comme si elle allait s’évaporer s’il l’effleurait. Mais il avait bien constaté, au cours de leurs discussions et promenades, qu’elle était bien humaine. Une légère maladresse, ses questions parfois insolites, sa façon de jouer avec le médaillon qu’elle portait lorsqu’elle était nerveuse ou gênée… Cela ne faisait que la rendre plus charmante. Elle était douce et candide, mais elle possédait également un sens de l’observation surprenant et quelques idées audacieuses.
“Je suis heureux de vous revoir aussi.“ lui sourit-il en retour.
Arthur se décala pour lui permettre de s’assoir à ses côtés, ce qu’elle fit avec un empressement qui lui fit chaud au cœur.
Même si leur discussion du jour resta relativement triviale, Arthur souhaita que cet instant dure éternellement. Sa Douce essayait d’écrire un poème, ou une chanson, et bien qu’elle mette du cœur à l’ouvrage, sa prose laissait à désirer ! La chanson « Douce Dame Jolie » semblait avoir été écrite pour elle, il regrettait ne pas l’avoir écrite et composée lui-même pour la lui offrir. Enfin, aurait-il été plus apte à l’aider ! Les deux rirent ensemble de leurs diverses tentatives, car Arthur lui-même ne trouvait pas toujours le mot juste. En revanche, leurs voix s’accordaient très bien.
Peut-être était-ce une douce illusion, mais Arthur avait l’impression, une fois encore, qu’il avait trouvé son âme sœur.
“Vous reverrai-je bientôt ?“ demanda-t-il alors qu’il s’apprêtait à rentrer, espérant qu’elle le retiendrait.
“Je l’espère !“
Si cela avait été quelqu’un d’autre, le Roi aurait douté de la sincérité de ces trois mots. Mais pas avec elle. L’émotion dans sa voix et ses yeux ne mentaient pas.
“Et votre nom ?“
Le visage de la douce dame s’imprégna de tristesse, elle regarda au loin un instant avant de secouer la tête. Il fut surpris de voir une pointe d’espièglerie dans son expression avant qu’elle ne dise :
“Anam Cara.“
Après cette déclaration, elle s’approcha de lui et déposa un baiser au coin de ses lèvres avant de filer. Arthur n’aurait pas pu lui courir après, de toute façon, il était complètement envoûté. Arthur avait enfin un nom, un indice.
Anam Cara.
Les yeux de Guenièvre se remplirent des larmes alors qu’elle observait le médaillon entre ses mains. Elle caressa du pouce le petit âne au centre de la roue en se demandant, une nouvelle fois, si elle ne devrait pas s’arrêter là. Elle se faisait du mal.
Arthur était tellement plus chaleureux et patient avec elle quand elle portait ce médaillon, elle souhaitait de tout cœur que les choses soient toujours ainsi. C’étaient comme de doux rêves, mais le réveil devenait de plus en plus rude. A chaque repas partagé, les soirs où son époux venait la rejoindre dans leur couche, sa froideur et son exaspération la frappaient plus violemment qu’auparavant. Guenièvre et l’inconnue était une seule et même personne ! Elle n’agissait pas différemment avec ce médaillon, elle restait fidèle à elle-même ! Il semblait qu’Arthur lui en voulait pour quelque chose, qu’il ne lui avait pas pardonné et qu’il lui faisait continuellement payer… Mais quoi ?! Qu’avait-elle fait pour mériter un tel traitement ? Pourquoi Arthur méprisait-il « Guenièvre » mais adorait « l’inconnue » ?
La Reine essuya ses larmes d’un revers de main avec un soupir. Il était de toute façon impossible de revenir en arrière. Elle pouvait encore changer le cours de choses avant que cela ne dérape, mais… Guenièvre voulait profiter encore un peu de ces quelques doux échanges avec son époux. Ses yeux se posèrent sur le poème qu’elle tentait d’écrire et son cœur se serra à nouveau. Guenièvre aurait tant donné pour que son époux soit à ses côtés, pour l’aider comme il l’avait fait quelques jours plus tôt ! Alors qu’un énième soupir lui échappait des lèvres, elle entendit un reniflement dans son dos.
“C’est magnifique, Majesté !“ sanglota Bohort.
Guenièvre poussa un petit cri en se retournant, faisant sursauter et crier le chevalier en même temps.
“Seigneur Bohort ! Vous m’avez fait peur !“
“Pardonnez-moi, ma Reine, mais vous ne répondiez pas à mon appel ! Aussi me suis-je permis d’entrer !“
“Et de lire par-dessus mon épaule ?“ Guenièvre grommela dans sa barbe en se couchant à moitié sur son pupitre, pour cacher son travail inachevé. “Vous êtes bien gentil, mais à quoi bon me flatter comme ça ! Je ne suis vraiment pas douée…“
“Permettez, votre Altesse ! Je ne fais que dire la vérité !“ Bohort semblait presque offusqué qu’elle pense autrement. “Les derniers vers ont certes besoin d’être un peu retravaillés pour rimer, mais les sentiments qu’ils dégagent n’en sont pas amoindri dans l’émotion qu’ils dégagent !“
Guenièvre cligna des yeux, surprise.
“Vous trouvez ?“ demanda-t-elle, hésitante.
“Oh oui !“ sourit le chevalier, les mains jointes sur son cœur. “Je peux sentir tout l’amour et la langueur dans les mots que vous avez écrit !“
La Reine se redressa doucement pour jeter un coup d’œil à son ébauche. Elle pouvait croire le Seigneur Bohort, mais d’un autre côté, ce dernier avait toujours été très… sensible. Guenièvre n’était pas sure que tous en dirait autant.
“Serait-ce votre cadeau pour le Roi Arthur ?“ le sourire de Bohort s’élargit. “ Il est vrai que son anniversaire est le mois prochain !“
Guenièvre sentit la gêne l’envahir, elle avait failli oublié l’anniversaire de son époux ! Elle avait été tellement déçue les fois où son anniversaire à elle avait été oublié par ce dernier, elle ne pouvait pas se permettre de faire pareil !
“A vrai dire, non.“ Avoua-t-elle, jouant nerveusement avec sa longue tresse. “Mais j’essayais… j’espérais pouvoir lui dire d’une jolie façon ce que je ressentais pour lui.“
Elle n’osa pas regarder Bohort dans les yeux, aussi fut-elle surprise quand ce dernier lui proposa de l’aider.
“Votre Altesse ?“
Arthur détourna son attention de Perceval, ravi d’avoir un léger répit au cours de longues explications (oui Perceval, les frondes jettent des cailloux, mais non, elles ne peuvent pas remplacer les catapultes !!). C’était Calogrenant.
“J’ai entendu dire que vous étiez à la recherche de quelqu’un ?“ lui demanda le Calédonien. “C’est urgent ?“
“Urgent non, important, pour moi personnellement. Rien de grave.“ précisa le Roi. “Pourquoi cette question ?“
“Ah, parce que j’avais cru entendre que le nom était Anam Cara.“ Calogrenant haussa les épaules. “Et si c’était le cas…“
“Vous la connaissez ?“ Arthur bondit de son siège. Les deux chevaliers sursautèrent et le regardèrent d’un air perplexe.
Calogrenant sembla plus que gêné, laissant un long « heuu… » résonner dans la pièce avant de reprendre.
“Navré, Sire. Mais Anam Cara n’est pas un nom.“ révéla-t-il, ce qui glaça le sang d’Arthur. “C’est du Gaélique ancien, ça veut dire âme sœur.“
Les jambes du Roi allait se dérober, de désespoir et de trahison, quand la voix de Perceval transperça, tel un rayon de soleil, la brume qui commençait à envahir son esprit.
“C’est joli ! ça veut donc dire qu’elle vous aime comme un frère de toute son âme, Sire !“
Perceval ne savait évidemment pas ce que signifiait le terme « âme sœur », mais la vérité de ses paroles réchauffèrent le cœur du Roi.
Son âme sœur.
Il aurait dû rire, ou s’énerver… Alors pourquoi ce sentiment d’euphorie ? Arthur sentit presque des ailes lui pousser alors qu’il laissait derrière lui les deux chevaliers, ne remarquant pas leur regard interloqué en l’entendant fredonner « Je vivroie liement ».
Alors qu’il se dirigeait vers le jardin, il croisa sa femme. Sans réfléchir, Arthur lui saisit la main et la fit tournoyer joyeusement. L’expression d’agréable surprise sur le visage de Guenièvre l’amusa, il lui offrit un dernier sourire avant de partir.
“A ce soir, mon amie.“
“Moi aussi, je vous aime.“
La Dame tressaillit, puis un frisson lui parcourut tout le corps. Elle porta une main à ses lèvres et recula d’un pas.
“Mais vous… pourquoi ?!“
Arthur perdit son sourire. Ce n’était pas du tout la réaction à laquelle il s’était attendu.
“Je ne peux pas le croire !“ s’écria-t-elle en secouant la tête. “Comment pouvez-vous m’aimer ?“
“Comment ?“ souffla-t-il, perdu. “Mais il n’y a pas de raison particulièrement logique ! Et pourquoi ne pourrais-je pas vous aimer ?“
“Parce que je suis mariée ! Tout comme vous l’êtes ! Mais si vous, vous pouvez vous permettre de collectionner les conquêtes, pour moi, une seule amourette avec un autre est vu comme une trahison aux yeux de tous!“ vitupéra-t-elle, le pointant du doigt rageusement. “Et votre femme ? Avez-vous jamais pensé à ce qu’elle pouvait ressentir ?! Et si elle, elle voulait aller voir ailleurs, vous accepteriez de la laisser faire?“
En entendant le mot « mariée », il avait cru sentir le sol se dérober sous ses pieds, cette éternelle blessure le relança. Pourtant, les paroles suivantes le figèrent d’une plus grande stupeur.
“La seule raison pour laquelle vous me courtisez avec tant de passion, c’est parce que je ne suis pas Guenièvre ! Vous êtes exactement comme mon mari !“ continua-t-elle, ses yeux se remplissant de larmes. “ Du moment que ce n’est pas votre femme, elles méritent votre admiration et elles y passent toutes ! Je suis sure que vous ne savez rien d’elle ! Vous vous en fichez d’elle, mais elle doit bien rester sagement à sa place ! Comme si j’étais… comme si elle était une chaise ! Vous passez votre temps à vous languir dans votre coin, à jouer les bourreaux de cœurs pour vous consolez, ou vous prouvez à vous-même quelque chose ou je ne sais quoi ! Mais nous ne sommes pas des meubles à la con ! Nous aussi, on a le droit d’être respectées, d’êtres aimées pour qui on est vraiment !“
Son visage, habituellement si blanc, était à présent rouge et inondé de larmes. Elle s’arrêta, tentant de reprendre son souffle. Arthur tendit la main vers elle, souhaitant sécher ses pleurs, la rassurer… mais elle se retourna et prit ses jambes à son cou.
“Attendez !“ s’écria-t-il.
Il ne voulait pas la perdre ! Aussi confus et blessé soit-il par ses paroles lancinantes. Arthur s’élança à sa suite, mais elle avait disparu. Elle n’avait pas pu aller bien loin, peut-être s’était-elle cachée parmi les bosquets… Un reniflement attira son attention et il se hâte dans sa direction. Il cru reconnaître la silhouette de la jeune femme, et écarta les branches sur sa route. Arthur s’apprêtait à l’appeler quand il réalisa qui se cachait là.
Guenièvre. Son épouse.
Elle releva les yeux vers lui et fronça les sourcils. D’un air digne qu’il ne lui connaissait pas, elle se redressa.
“Ce soir, vous dormirez chez l’une de vos maîtresses.“ déclara-t-elle sèchement, le faisant tressaillir.
Après l’avoir foudroyé du regard une dernière fois, Guenièvre passa à côté de lui et se dirigea vers le château. Sans comprendre pourquoi, ni ce qu’il attendait, Arthur la regarda partir.
Pas une seule fois elle se retourna.
Dire que le Roi était de mauvaise humeur au cours de la matinée et du déjeuner aurait été un euphémisme. Avec ce qu’il s’était passé la veille, il avait très mal dormi, et lorsque la Dame du Lac lui était apparu en pleine nuit lors de sa promenade nocturne, c’était pour lui lancer des piques incompréhensibles.
“Vous êtes tellement préoccupé à rêver d’un lointain, vieux lac asséché que vous ne voyez pas celui qui est à deux pas de vous, magnifique et clair ! Pire, vous vous jetez sur les premières gourdes venues pour étancher votre soif !“
Arthur maugréa dans sa barbe avant de passer ses nerfs sur sa nourriture. Il leva les yeux vers sa femme, mais dès que leur regard se croisèrent, Guenièvre détourna la tête pour se resservir. Elle le battait encore froid, ce qui n’avait aucun sens non plus. Elle n’avait jamais fait de scènes au sujet de ses maîtresses auparavant !
“Aujourd’hui, j’ai fait de la tarte !“ annonça Séli, le tirant effroyablement de ses réflexions.
“Oh non ! Mais qu’est-ce qu’on vous a fait ?!“ rouspéta Léodagan.
“La barbe !“ répliqua-t-elle avec un regard noir pour son mari. “C’est Guenièvre qui m’en a demandé une ! Je ne pouvais pas refuser ça à ma fille !“
Arthur, Léodagan et Yvain tournèrent la tête en même temps vers la dénommée, plus abasourdis les uns que les autres. Guenièvre les ignora tandis que Séli présentait fièrement l’abomination qu’elle appelait « une tarte ».
“Elle a l’air très réussie, Mère !“ sourit la Reine, apparemment ravie. “Quels fruits avez-vous choisi, cette fois ?“
“Je voulais en faire une aux fraises, mais comme ce n’est pas la saison, j’ai fait un mélange de fruits !“
“Mais c’est un cauchemar !“ marmonna Léodagan, peu discret. “Ma fille, si vous vouliez une tarte de votre mère, c’est votre droit, mais vous n’étiez pas obligée de la partager avec nous !“
“Oh, mais je ne compte pas la partager !“ tous regardèrent Guenièvre interloqués, celle-ci saisit le plat et le tendit à Arthur. “C’est une petite attention pour mon mari !“
Il y eu comme un flottement dans la salle, Arthur fixa longuement la tarte en silence avant de relever les yeux sur son épouse.
“Vous m’en voulez à ce point ?“ finit-il par demander.
La question eut à peine franchi ses lèvres qu’il se prit la tarte en pleine figure.
“OUI !“
Guenièvre quitta la table et sortit en claquant la porte derrière elle. Lorsqu’Arthur réussit à retirer suffisamment de mélasse de ses yeux, le visage à la fois dépité et choqué de sa belle-mère ainsi que la tête de con (pour changer) que faisait Yvain lui apparurent. Il préféra ne rien dire et continua de se nettoyer le visage, il en oublia presque son beau-père, qui frappa dans ses mains avec un air ému.
“C’est ma fifille !“
D’un côté, Guenièvre savait qu’elle était déraisonnable, mais d’un autre, elle estimait qu’elle avait assez pris dans la figure. C’était bien son droit de lui en coller en retour, non ?
“Marre d’encaisser sa mauvaise humeur et ses railleries, pendant que d’autres profitent de ses mots doux !“ grogna-t-elle en enroulant les parchemins de ses ébauches de poèmes. “C’est ça être une épouse ? Tous les mauvais côté du mari, ses crises, sa mauvaise odeur et tout le bataclan c’est pour ma pomme, et pour les maîtresses, c’est le beurre, l’argent du beurre et le sourire du crémier ? Ha ! Si j’avais su, j’aurais dit à mon père qu’il pouvait se brosser pour le mariage ! S’il y tenait tant, il n’avait qu’à l’épouser lui-même ! Non mais ho ! Pourquoi c’est à moi de gérer ces conneries ?!“
Elle termina sa pile par le poème qu’elle avait réussi à écrire avec l’aide d’Arthur et Bohort. La Reine saisit la boîte dans laquelle elle avait laissé le médaillon et se rendit d’un pas rageur au laboratoire de Merlin. Avec humeur, elle lui rendit le bijou et laissa la pile de parchemin sur son plan de travail, le remerciant plus sèchement qu’elle n’aurait voulu le faire. Ne voulant pas s’attarder plus que nécessaire, Guenièvre tourna les talons promptement et sortit.
“Mais qu’est-ce que voulez que je fasse de tout ça ?!“ cria l’enchanteur en désignant les parchemins alors qu’elle s’apprêtait à fermer la porte derrière elle.
“Donnez-les à manger aux chèvres ou mettez-les au feu ! Qu’est-ce que ça peut faire ?!“ rétorqua-t-elle. “Ce sera toujours mieux que de voir mon mari se torcher avec !!“
Elle entendit un vague « hein ?? » avant le claquement de la porte. Guenièvre pouvait déjà sentir la honte monter en elle, elle se sentait coupable de se défouler sur le pauvre Merlin qui lui avait pourtant rendu service. Toutefois, ces sentiments s’évaporèrent à la vue du Roi. Ce dernier la regardait d’un air qu’elle ne pouvait décrire, et qu’elle ne souhaitait de toute façon pas décrypter dans l’immédiat. Qu’il soit surpris, contrarié ou autre, elle s’en moquait éperdument ! Avec un mouvement de tête qu’elle avait vu sa mère faire de nombreuses fois, Guenièvre passa à côté de lui avec un « humpf ! » bien placé.
“Vous n’avez vraiment rien à me dire ?“
“Je ne crois pas, non.“
Guenièvre sursauta quand la main d’Arthur l’agrippa, la retenant avec force.
“Je peux savoir quelle mouche vous a piqué ?“
Oh ! Le mufle !!
“La mouche j’en-ai-marre-d’être-prise-pour-une-conne-maintenant-fichez-moi-la-paix !“ rétorqua-t-elle en essayant de se défaire de son emprise. “Ah, et au fait !“ Guenièvre rassembla toute sa hargne pour imiter du mieux qu’elle le pouvait sa mère lorsque celle-ci remettait son père à sa place, puis elle déclara : “Inutile de revenir dans ma couche cette semaine. Faites-moi de l’air !“
“Pardon ?!“ l’air atterré d’Arthur l’aurait fait rire dans d’autre circonstances, mais là, elle se délectait de lui avoir couper le sifflet. “Mais vous ne pouvez pas faire ça ! Vous allez verrouiller la porte de la chambre aussi, pendant que vous y êtes ?!“
“Maintenant que vous le dites…“
“Hé, dites !“ les interrompis Merlin d’un ton impatient. “Si vous pouviez me laisser en dehors de vos disputes de couple ! Et puis mon laboratoire n’est pas un dépotoir, alors reprenez-moi tout ça, j’vous prie !“
Guenièvre écarquilla les yeux avec horreur alors que l’enchanteur lui repassait tous les parchemins. L’un de ses poignets étant toujours serré dans la main de son époux, une partie d’entre eux lui échappèrent et tombèrent par terre, se déroulant au passage. Réussissant enfin à se dégager, elle se dépêcha de les ramasser. Mais sa hâte la rendait fébrile, ses mains tremblaient, ce qui ne l’aida pas dans sa tâche. Elle était tellement concentrée et affolée qu’elle n’entendait plus rien, elle voulait juste récupérer ces fichus peaux d’ânes sans qu’Arthur ne découvre ce qu’elle y avait écrit.
Ce n’est quand se redressant que Guenièvre réalisa qu’il était trop tard.
Arthur avait attrapé au vol le premier parchemin qui avait volé vers lui, ne souhaitant pas se reprendre quoique ce soit de plus dans la figure aujourd’hui. Et en voyant sa femme s’activer pour tout ramasser, sa curiosité fut piquée. Guenièvre lui avait collé une tarte au déjeuner, au sens littéral du terme, il pouvait bien se permettre d’être curieux, non ?
Son sang ne fit qu’un tour en reconnaissant les mots inscrits.
Pourquoi ? Comment sa femme pouvait-elle… ?
Le poème avait deux strophes qu’il ne connaissait pas, mais c’était celui de sa Dame !
Arthur observa un instant Guenièvre, qui essayait tant bien que mal de rassembler les autres morceaux de vélin, puis se tourna vers Merlin. Il l’interpela et lui demanda ce qu’il se passait.
“A vous de me le dire !“ lui répondit-il en haussant les épaules. “Votre femme vient me rendre un médaillon que je lui avais prêté pour qu’elle puisse circuler incognito, et elle me refile tout son bazar au passage !“
“Quel médaillon ? Et puis pourquoi pour « circuler incognito » ?!“
“Un médaillon de métamorphose, elle voulait aller au festival de l’Imbolc sans être reconnue.“
C’était comme recevoir la réponse d’une énigme que l’on essayait de résoudre depuis des lustres. D’abord la stupéfaction, puis tout se met en place et la logique, l’évidence nous saute aux yeux et on se sent très con.
Arthur regarda Guenièvre et eut l’impression de la voir pour la première fois. Quand il plongea ses yeux dans les siens, il se demanda comment il n’avait pas pu la reconnaître. Ou plutôt : comment la douceur de son regard et sa beauté lui avaient-elles échappées pendant toutes ses années ?
“Vous êtes tellement préoccupé à rêver d’un lointain, vieux lac asséché que vous ne voyez pas celui qui est à deux pas de vous, magnifique et clair !
Les paroles de la Dame du Lac prenaient tout leur sens à présent, aussi vexantes soient-elles.
“C’était vous !“
Avant qu’il ne puisse dire ou faire autre chose, Guenièvre souleva les pas de sa robe et détala. Pendant quelques secondes, Arthur revit Aconia puis l’inconnue partir semblablement.
“AH NON ! PAS CETTE FOIS !!“ cria-t-il en s’élançant à sa poursuite.
“Bon, ben moi je retourne bosser.“ marmonna Merlin en faisant demi-tour, reconnaissant d’être resté célibataire.
Les histoires de couples, ce n’était vraiment pas son truc !
Pour quelqu’un qui n’avait aucun entraînement et qui se trimballait avec une tenue aussi lourde et encombrante, Guenièvre courrait fichtrement vite ! Et elle n’arrêtait pas de zigzaguer et tourner autour de tout ce qui se trouvait sur leur chemin : arbre, buisson, rocher… Arthur peinait à la suivre.
“Mais arrêtez-vous !“ lui cria-t-il. “Je n’vais pas vous manger !!“
“C’est ce que vous dites !“ s’exclama-t-elle en retour, jetant un bref coup d’œil en sa direction.
Presque à bout de souffle, Arthur décida de tenter le tout pour le tout. Il accéléra et se jeta sur elle, la saisissant à la taille. Guenièvre glapit en perdant l’équilibre et les deux tombèrent, emportés par l’élan qu’il avait pris, ils roulèrent quelques instants. Allongés sur le côté, Arthur tenant sa femme par la taille et refusant de la lâcher, ils reprirent tant bien que mal leur souffle.
“Pourquoi vous ne m’avez rien dit ?“ au point où ils en étaient, autant poser la question maintenant !
“Pourquoi ? A votre avis ?“ souffla Guenièvre, les yeux embués de larmes. “Vous ne cessez de me traiter comme une casse-pied ! Alors pour une fois que vous étiez courtois envers moi, je voulais profiter du moment ! Et vous avez commencé à sortir le grand jeu, espèce de bourreau des cœurs ! Evidemment que je ne voulais pas que tout s’arrête trop vite !“
La honte envahit Arthur, il ne pouvait même pas la contredire. Ce serait mentir.
“Et vous, pourquoi vous me détestez autant ? Qu’est-ce que je vous ai fait ?“
“Je ne vous déteste pas ! Jamais ! C’est juste que… c’est compliqué.“ soupira Arthur. “J’ai été stupide et aveugle, et j’ai passé ma colère sur vous parce que notre mariage a… disons « contribué » à perdre une femme que j’ai aimé, qui me hante encore à ce jour.“
“Et c’était plus simple de vous défouler sur moi que sur mon père, j’imagine.“ fit remarquer Guenièvre, un peu sèchement. “Ce sont mes parents qui ont exigé ce mariage, pas moi. J’ai juste eu de la chance de ne pas avoir d’amoureux quand c’est arrivé. Ni vous, ni mes propres parents ne m’ont laissé une chance. Que ce soit en tant qu’épouse ou que Reine, vous n’attendez rien de moi, je suis juste reléguée à rester dans un coin bien gentiment et faire la potiche.“
“C’est vrai. Vous avez raison.“ Arthur regarda une nouvelle fois son épouse dans les yeux, doucement, il porta une main à son visage et lui caressa le visage. “Je suis sincèrement désolé.“
“Je sais que je ne suis pas très brillante, mais… Est-ce que ça vous écorcherait d’être un peu plus gentil et patient avec moi ?“
“Euh, à ce sujet, pour ma défense, je me dois de préciser que j’ai affaires à des abrutis qui m’assomment avec leurs questions. Donc ce n’est pas qu’avec vous qu’il m’arrive d’être cinglant.“
“Pourquoi ne me laissez-vous pas vous aider alors ?“ demanda-t-elle. “Si cela ne peut vous soulagez ne serait-ce qu’un peu, je pourrais apprendre à gérer certaines affaires !“
Un court silence suivit cette affirmation. Arthur voulait bien donner une chance à Guenièvre, elle faisait preuve de bonne volonté et il avait découvert qu’avec de la patience et des encouragements, elle était bien plus ingénieuse qu’il ne l’avait cru. Elle serait bien capable de remplir son rôle de Reine. D’un autre côté, elle était inexpérimentée et vulnérable, certains ne feraient qu’une bouchée d’elle !
“Peut-être… peut-être que vous pourriez vous occuper de la prochaine séance de doléances avec les Seigneurs Lancelot et Bohort.“ proposa-t-il, ainsi elle serait bien accompagnée et protégée. “Si cela vous va-“
“Oui ! Je vous en prie !“
Guenièvre s’était redressée en joignant ses deux main, comme pour prier, et le regardait d’un air suppliant. Il pouvait difficilement lui refuser quoique ce soit ainsi.
“Très bien, accordé.“ Arthur se redressa à son tour, et fronça légèrement les sourcils. “Comment on en est venu à parler de ça, au fait ?“
Les deux se regardèrent en silence. Chacun remarqua dans quel état son conjoint se trouvait : couvert de terre, traces d’herbe ; les cheveux en pagaille et empli de brindilles. Guenièvre eut un rire bref avant de retirer une branche de la chevelure de son mari.
“Je vous aime, Arthur.“ affirma-t-elle. “Je ne pourrais jamais remplacer celle que vous avez perdu, et j’en suis désolée. Mais peut-être pourrions-nous… être au moins bons amis ?“
L’émotion serra le cœur d’Arthur, un peu plus, et les larmes lui seraient montés aux yeux.
“Je ne veux pas vous faire de fausse promesse.“ avoua-t-il. “Mais aussi bizarre que cela puisse paraître, votre médaillon à lever le voile devant mes yeux lorsque je vous regardais. Il me faudra peut-être encore un peu de temps, mais je crois… Non, je sais que je pourrais vous aimer en retour.“
Malgré ce qu’il venait d’affirmer, ces mots furent comme un pacte. Un pacte qu’il scellèrent d’un baiser.
“Je vous dis que le futur héritier est en route, cette fois-ci ! Vous avez bien vu dans quel état ils sont rentrés tous les deux ! Si ce n’est pas dû à des galipettes dans l’herbe, je veux bien être changée en chèvre !!“
“Chèvre ou pas, passez-moi la prochaine fournée ! Il faut que tout soit prêt pour demain matin !“
“Mais ça va ! Et pourquoi voulez-vous autant de tartes pour demain matin ? On va y passer la nuit !“
“Guenièvre participe à la séance de doléances, il faut qu’elle ait de quoi lancer sur les gros pécores qu’elle va recevoir !“
“………mais c’est moi qui vais vous en coller des tartes !! PIGNOUF !!!“
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nolan-chance · 7 months
Nolan is getting in trouble in this chapter of Give me a Chance! Available in both, English and Spanish!
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Non-Related Nolan pic to draw attention. See his big brush? He's drawing attention (?)
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Duc Casimir (whispers to his family): We are the empire now
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Napoléon V: Ladies and gentlemen, Your Majesties, one of the noblest obligations of power is to seek merit; one of the sweetest prerogatives is to honour it. I feel this way when I marry Empress Charlotte today, in front of you
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Napoléon V: I have learnt several lessons from this day: the unanimous acclaim that surrounds the ceremonies is a token of good fortune, which I will deploy above all for Francesim
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Napoléon V: A royal or imperial wedding gives hope of the perpetuity of the monarchical system, which is seen as the surest of guarantees. This does not prevent me from reflecting on the fate of my ancestors before me: we must not abuse the favours of fortune. Thus, a dynasty only has a chance of stability if it remains faithful to its origins, looking after only the popular interests for which it was established
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Napoléon V: Tomorrow, on our way to Notre-Dame, we shall introduce ourselves to the people and the army, and the confidence they have in me will ensure their sympathy for the one I have chosen. And you, ladies and gentlemen, Your Majesties, will, I hope, be convinced that I have been inspired by Providence
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Palais des Tuileries, 20 Prairial An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
After signing the civil register, Emperor Napoléon V gave a speech in honour of his wife and the french monarchy.
(Thanks to @nexility-sims @officalroyalsofpierreland, @theroyalthornoliachronicles, and @funkyllama for your participation!)
⚜ Traduction française
Après la signature du registre de l'Etat civil, l'Empereur Napoléon V donne un discours en l'honneur de sa nouvelle épouse, mais aussi en l'honneur de la Francesim.
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eyestoheaven-rpg · 4 months
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Sur Eyes To Heaven, vous trouvez trois groupes. Chacun se base sur les rêves et la chance, sur le destin et porte un nom assez révélateur. Comme on aime teaser à feu doux, vous trouverez plus bas ces fameux groupes. En espérant qu'ils vous plairont et sauront vous donner de belles idées.
Sweet dream — Âmes semblent être dénuées de l'emprise et nourries aux rêves artificiels. Iels ont les prunelles qui osent s’illuminer devant les teintes rosées du ciel. Chance au bout des doigts, soleil éclaire chacun de leur pas. Certains diront qu'iels sont né·e·s sous une bonne étoile, eux, affirmeront qu'iels se battent pour faire de leurs rêves, une réalité. Lucid dream — S’articulent encore entre l’ombre glaciale et la chaleur d’un astre, si conscients mais peu insipides. Iels sont de celleux qu’on qualifie de clair-obscur en se jouant du destin malgré les douloureuses conséquences. Tantôt éclairé·e·s par dame la chance, tantôt pris·e·s d'assaut par vile malchance. Il suffit d’un tressaillement pour que les étoiles s’étirent et articulent la véritable nature de leurs cœurs. Nightmare — Les encéphales dénués de larmes, iels plongent avec grâce vers les tréfonds d’une ombre opaque. Sous leurs seins, il reste encore une chétive lueur d’espoir, vite éteinte par le crépitement de leur virulence, de leur intrinsèque violence. Véritable chats noirs s'enfoncent vers leurs pire cauchemars. Iels n'y croient pas. Iels n'y croient plus. Entre pulpeuses scellées, mot chance frôle vocabulaire oublié, persuadé·e·s que leur unique destin est de subir morne existence jusqu'à la fin.
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2007 - Un homme de goût
Il était grand, gaulé correct, barbu et possédait de belles mains osseuses. Ses yeux noirs sans âme ne vous laissaient aucune chance. Le corps tendu sous son tee-shirt usé, c’est avec son petit cul musclé qu’il tournait autour de ma Dame sans un regard pour ma pomme. Elle s’est embrasée d’un feu éteint depuis longtemps puis ils se sont éloignés avant de disparaître. Pétri de jalousie, j’ai réclamé des comptes mais elle n’a su répondre qu’une courte phrase : - Il était russe. Le prenant pour un fusil à coup unique, je l’ai cru envolé vers de lointaines steppes glacées. Dix-sept années plus tard, j’ai malgré moi dû bouger les meubles posés là depuis les premiers jours. Sous l’armoire du linge aux brins de lavandes, j’ai découvert une boîte de préservatifs entamée, à l’alphabet cyrillique et au graphisme très élégant.
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sxtur-nea · 3 months
sólo dame un chance
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lounesdarbois · 6 months
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Qu'est-ce que vous croyez? Bien sûr que ces choses sont difficiles à prouver. Bien sûr que "peut-être le parquet pourra établir que"... Dans 100 ans peut-être. Idem pour le sarce de John Michael. J'avais tout dit sur un certain Sean du même nom, coïncidence, dans Sociologie du hardeur, et ce type a d'ailleurs fini sa carrière dans le transporn 1 an après la publication, tous les hashtags Twitter en témoignaient. C'est ainsi, la vie nous a fadé... Mais il faut à nos passifs mégotteurs du mainstream des preuves, toujours plus de "décodage" décrypté, débunké, des tableaux noirs remplis à la craie de démonstrations par certitudes rationnelles... Et une fois cela fait ils baillent. "C'est ennuyeux vos histoires, là..." On sait combien la pente "certitude rationnelle" a porté chance à la Civilisation depuis Descartes. Mais on en veut encore. La preuve, la démocratie, la trans-pa-rence.
La personne a une silhouette d'homme, une entrejambe d'homme, une tête d'homme, mais ce n'est pas assez prouvé encore. Mar-a-Lago? "Mais ça prouve rien". La dame est une femme à barbe? "Et alors? Elle a le droit". Cent photos l'accablent. "Quoi, tu es transphobe?". Jacassages de crabes dans un panier de rivalité mimétique alors que l'objectif est de se libérer du joug de ces parasites accrochés sur la France. Pendant ce temps eux poursuivent leurs objectifs. Invasions, avortements, euthanasie, enfants sous influence... Et le bon mainstream parle encore rationnel, preuve mathématique, langage robot. Bon...
« Notre peuple a le droit de se dire quitte envers les Démocraties. De 1914 à 1918, il leur a sacrifié deux millions de morts et les trois quarts de la fortune nationale. En 1939, elles lui ont demandé le sacrifice total. »
Georges Bernanos, La France contre les robots (1947)
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aisakalegacy · 2 months
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Hiver 1922, Hylewood, Canada (2/3)
Vous avez dû le lire dans le journal, mais le protectorat britannique vient de prendre fin et l’Egypte a obtenu son indépendance. Le conflit va enfin s’apaiser. Connaissant Constantin, il doit déjà être en train de préparer son voyage. J’ai cru comprendre que la Grande-Bretagne allait y maintenir une présence, mais je n’en connais pas encore les termes.
[Transcription] Layan Bahar : Il est déjà tard… Il faut que je retourne travailler, habibti (ma chérie). Layla Bahar : Déjà ? Mais tu n’es restée qu’une heure… Layan Bahar : Ne te plains pas. Tu as beaucoup de chances de vivre dans cette grande maison. Layan Bahar : Tu as l’école, la nourriture, les beaux vêtements, tout ce que tu veux. Sois reconnaissante. Layla Bahar : Je suis reconnaissante… Layan Bahar : Tu viendras passer la journée avec moi vendredi. Layla Bahar : J’ai école le vendredi… Layan Bahar : Alors tu me rejoindras en sortant de l’école. Layla Bahar : Maman… Quand est-ce qu’on pourra vivre ensemble à nouveau ? Layan Bahar : Quand je serai vieille et cassée, tu t’occuperas de moi ? Layla Bahar : Bien sûr ! Layan Bahar : Bon. Alors en attendant, travaille bien pour devenir une belle dame riche qui pourra me soigner. J’y vais, habibti. Je te vois vendredi.
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