#Dallas winston
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military-newsboys · 3 days ago
Johnny: Mama didn’t raise a weak bitch! Ponyboy: Your mama didn’t raise you at all.
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very-super-silly · 3 days ago
please i need more of The Gang being Fucking Fucks!!!!!! please!!!!! i need them smoking on school grounds, flicking out their switches to open things, jumping over fences in broad daylight, prowling the halls while skipping classes, laughing loudly at dirty jokes in the back of classes, just THAT!!!!! PLS!!!!!!! I THINK THEY'RE VERY SILLY!!!!!!!
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lmxpsuedonym · 3 days ago
I love this Dally he’s so non-serious 😭
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jtophat · 3 days ago
The gang played truth or dare once and it ended with Dally in jail, a potential rumble between them and the Shepard gang, Ponyboy admitting to smoking pot with Curly underneath the school bleachers, and Darry drunkenly confessing to the gang his torrid love affair with Paul
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this is your semi annual reminder that book dallas looked a fuckin MESS. motherfucker was a natural platinum with blue eyes. that guy looked like a freak. he was constantly givin the miley cyrus stare. anyways. you may continue.
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dr-gl0rbiez · 3 days ago
Im ready to feed everyone their dinner. Yes, you only get dinner. Maybe lunch if i feel nice.
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Two course meal only. First up, for the appetizer, you get steviepop i think their ship name is (steve x evie x soda). Why? Idk, felt like it. For the main course, another outsiders comic❗️ woohoo
For your drink or dessert, you choose, take picture johnny’s reaction in each frame.
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Inspo!! Both from pinterest
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r0seb100d · 3 days ago
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Take another drag, turn me to ashes
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stew-skys-husband · 1 day ago
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That don't impress me much
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lucyandlucy · 2 days ago
Dallas: Alright, listen up you little shits.
Dallas: Not you Johnny. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 3 days ago
what’re everyone’s favorite animals?
Uh. I ain't real big on animals. probably like. cats. if I had to pick.
HORSES. (do we even gotta ask) (NOPE!! :D)
birds :) I love a good Canadian goose :)
rats >:] (you would like some freak shit huh) (wouldn't ya know it baby;) ) (FREAK)
horses. (HEY I already picked horses) (tf since when do you have a claim on every horse) (since I got to the note before ya) (FINE probably. like. those fish with the teeth) (...piranhas?) (sure)
Hmm. I dunno. I think my favorite animal was the dog we had when we were kids. He was a real good herder (N I could use all the help I could get with how damn wild Pony n Soda were) ((Are))
hmmm. there's so many to PICK from. uhh (watch he's gonna say some freak shit none of us have ever heard of) I am NOT. I was gonna say. uhh. okapi. (SEE) (YOUD KNOW WHAT IT WAS IF YOU EVER WENT ANYWHERE BUT THE DX N MY GODDAMN COUCH)
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randle00 · 2 days ago
Dallas definitely knows a lot of smart words from Ponyboy but also doesn't pronounce them right (and it's funnier with his NY accent)
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military-newsboys · 3 days ago
Darry: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done. Ponyboy: When I was younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real. Darry: They're not. Pony: Haha, very funny. Darry: I'm serious. Didn't you hear? Pony: No... what happened? Darry: ...Now why would you fall for this again-
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nutsackx · 12 hours ago
Is there a specific reason you dont like shipping in the outsiders ? Ive seen people give a few diff reasons and im curious
This is gonna be a yap sesh but I’m hoping this will make people stop asking me. I’ve never been super into shipping as a whole, but here’s a few reasons:
One, I don’t think a lot of people recognize that the character are based off of SE Hintons real friends and that she’s expressed discomfort with it several times. I know people don’t often care about that kinda thing, but idk I think we should give that woman some peace
Two, it’s just the fact that 99% of ships in the fandom don’t sit right with me. I don’t hate them all, I like Cherrycake, Marbit, Parry, etc. but a lot of ships have either an age gap I don’t agree with or a vague toxicity surrounding them. I know some people don’t mind that in certain situations, but it makes me uncomfortable.
Three, and this one is pretty big to me, I feel like a lot of the shipping has people completely ignoring the character or the whole message of the story. I don’t care that it’s the 60s, gay people were alive and well and I think that’s a shit reason to hate on a ship, but the idea that two guys can’t be close without wanting to kiss is so sad to me?? I especially see this is Johnnyboy and Jally fans, but the idea that they can’t be loyal/devoted to each other without it being overly sexualized is just…weird.
And that brings me to my fourth and final point. Almost every single character in the franchise is a MINOR!!! Obviously shipping isn’t inherently a sexual thing, but the amount of nsfw content of these guys is sickening. I will never hate on someone for liking a ship in a sweet puppy love kind of way, but if you’re making that kind of content about characters who are under the age of 18 I do think you’re a creep and I do not want to be associated with you.
and I’ll say this again, if you ship something I disagree with, I don’t hate you!! Shipping is a huge part of fandom culture, I am fully aware of that!! I think leaving hate comments about ships you don’t agree with is rude, which is why if I see too much content for one I disagree with I just block and move on. post whatever and whoever you want! The only times I’ve even expressed my opinion of these types of things is when someone asked me.
I’m fully aware that my opinion isn’t widely agreed with, that doesn’t bother me. But just know leaving hate comments about a ship I like BECAUSE I don’t agree with one you like is a little hypocritical!
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far-away-from-tulsa · 2 days ago
thinking about darry curtis in high school just being a dumb kid. sure he got boy of the year and was captain of the football team and was super smart and what not but he was also a kid and kids (especially those who want to fit into a mold) do stupid shit. he partied and got drunk and came home after curfew and argued with his parents and argued with his brothers and set off fireworks recklessly and had a temper that would build and build until there was nothing left but rage and he tried to be what everyone else wanted him to be but they never asked what he wanted and all he wanted was to get out of tulsa. but that was years ago. he’s stuck here now
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dallasgallant · 18 hours ago
The guys would like marbles growing up, like the game. Have a decent collection too, they’re easy to snag and walk out with a ton of really nice ones too.
As they get older this would probably just turn into shooting dice but sometimes it’s like cards where you just need a nice for fun game. Not many or anything else just a straight game
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