#Dakota { Canon and HC Notes }
balladofbeasts · 2 years
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Name: Dakota Donovan Dude Species: Anthropomorphic Bovine Eyes: Duke Blue Height: 6’ Birthday: May 12 MBTI: ISFP
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Personality: Quiet and soft spoken, despite his rough voice. Usually coordinated, serious, and observant. He may not smile frequently, but he has a heart as large as he is. He can be as fierce and intimidating as he can be gentle and comforting. Although he may not always give the best first impression due his frequent frowning and muscular size, he is great with animals and children, and has tended to many an orphaned critter or minor injury acquired during child’s play. His pride will not allow him to back down from a fight if provoked, but he is usually a protector, not an instigator. Succeed in wearing out his patience or pressing too many buttons, however, and you will face the wrath of an angry bull. He is brave, unselfish, and sticks to the country manners he was raised to have.
Relatives: Moo Montana (cousin), Cowlorado Kid (cousin), Babe Dude (father), Bessie Dude (mother).
A few other things:
His physical strength is incredible.
He owns and plays a concertina.
His faithful companion is a brown draft horse named Rebull (pronounced rebel), and while Dakota is not fond of heights, Rebull is actually afraid of them.
He cannot carry a tune without music, but with music, he’s not quite so bad.
The Western LawcowDefault, Show Based Background, but with some headcanon thrown in. Posts for this verse will be untagged.
Dakota is a Deputy Marshal that works alongside Marshal Moo Montana and part of the band of cowboys who enforce the Code of the West across the mesa they call home. He is never without his gray stetson, and unlike most of the lawcows, he does not wear a pistol. In combat, Dakota mostly relies on his strength, but he does carry a rifle on his saddle for times when there’s nothing around for him to throw at the enemy.
Toon variation: As I am known for fourth wall breaking, and this is often the easiest for many interactions, I do not feel the need to tag posts set in a Roger Rabbit, Epic Mickey type world.
Although in this case, an explanation for the anthropomorphic Westerners’ existence is far simpler than the mutation concept: they are Toons. They were created for television like many, many other cartoons, and although not nearly as famous as Disney and Looney Tunes, they live with other Western-based Toons who once worked for various companies, small and large. The C.O.W.-Boys work and socialize with many other officer and hero creations in film history, and they are much more familiar with technology and humans than in show. Dakota does not care much for technology, and his serious personality is unchanged, showing no sign of adapting the slapstick and silliness of some other Toons. That doesn’t mean he can’t find some of it amusing, however, even if he does not participate (unless his physics-defying strength counts).
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f0xgl0v3 · 8 months
Camp Jupiter Ranking Hc
Alternatively: ‘Camp Jupiter: Re-imagined Ranking hc rework thingy?’ Wooo okay, 14 pages later of me trying to get this all formulated I can finally share the fruits of my labor!
Like always I’ll talk about roles that were in the Ancient Roman military, mushed together with concepts from Camp Jupiter and my own ideas, and then still don’t take anything I say like super duper seriously. I’ll also mention the units, which are based on after the Marian reforms(?). I kinda ripped apart the legion..? Nicely, love my guys but I wanted to nerd out a little for the ranks, but I pretty much just switched some stuff around but it’s totally still like the three levels and I still think it’s pretty simple? Or like yeah, I did like metaphorically smush the sandcastle and then rebuild it in my design, but that’s the whole point of it being a headcannon/au/re-imagining thing. Hopefully, uh. I’ve tried to make all of this actually make sense and have function. So, enough of me yapping,
Senior Officers/ the important people
Senior officers get their own little thing. This is where you’d put your like Praetor, Senator, Centurion in canon terms. I’m just calling them senior officers (I did it for note optimization so I wouldn’t pull my hair out while writing) but yeah. There are some new roles; Legion Legate(s), Tribune Lacticlavus(?), Senators, and Centurions.
Legion Legates have effectively taken the role of what Praetors are in canon? I kept the 2 (even though historically there would be 1 legion legate) they would run in pairs (most of the time, though there’s probably exceptions). The legate would serve for 4-5 years, it’s possible for the Senators if needed to remove a Legate or Tribune from power. Legion Legates have to meet the same requirements a Centurion would, and would be voted in by the majority. Like I said really similar to Praetors (just not Praetors because I wanted to move that to the New Rome government.) doing most of the same roles that a Praetor in canon would serve, being the referees during the War Games, directing the legion in battle. They’d also decide what the war games would be that time, form the schedules of the cohorts, call for senate meetings under certain circumstances.
Tribune Lacticlavus, the second in command to the Legates. Generally there acting as a stand in for distributing things like spoils to the cohorts after battles, takes majority of the words from legionnaires and sorts out smaller issues, would run with their legate pair and serve the same amount of time as their legates. Also removed the gender lock on them that the Praetors in canon had. Not necessarily needed (A legate pair can slip past having on and still perform their duties) though it’s very, encouraged to have one? It’s basically odd to have a term where there is no Tribune Lacticlavus
Senators; very similar to canon, elected annually, with 2 senators per cohort. Can run for re-election, Centurions/other lower ranked roles can also be senators jointly (excluding things like an Aquafiler)
Centurions; Elected by the Senate (like canon) 2 serve per cohort, typically have 4-5 year long terms. Though can serve for longer times (*Like Jason for example) Centurions must’ve served at least one year in the legion and performed in a quest to be eligible. This time they get to have their silly special names for differentiating the Centurions. Primus Pilus for the senior Centurion of the First cohort (*My dude Octavian. Uses it too, needs all the respect he can get from his title so maybe people will actually listen to him-) Pilus Priors for Senior Centurions of the other cohorts (Example; someone like Dakota would be the Pilus Prior of his Cohort.) and the basic Centurion for the not senior Centurion (sorry Primi Ordines but I didn’t really want to make this more long than I already made it). Most names for Centurions literally are just to differentiate (Like the Decanus role I’m gonna bring up). Other than being able to pull rank by being the Senior Centurion but that’s about it.
Optio; Optiones(?)/ default Optio Centuriae, are the second in commands to the Centurions essentially. They keep the troops in order, re-enforce orders from Centurions, and generally just like- helping out? Their specific title can change based on what their curated role is (like an Optio being an Optio Valetudinarii; or in charge of the Hospital) but as default Optio Centuriae; there to be aid to the Centurions. Usually each Centurion will bring up one of their friends to be their Optio.
Aquafiler; actually a canon role (Our current camp Jupiter Aquafiler is Jacob!) holds the legions standard, carefully picked by the Senate. A very honored position.
Okay that is the like, important roles that are more than like. Just an extra role? Like a title that aaa, but here are the just. Legionnaire extra silly roles,
Decanus; a title with no power. Decanus is the term for those who commanded a Conterbanum (more info on them later). Saying someone is a Decanus is more of a way to distinguish and make separating the Conterbanums easier (like being in a line of people and having the first person be what the line is referred to as) a Decanus is chosen as a group in the Conterbanum, there is no standardized way and it doesn’t really affect how the Conterbanum works.
Immunes; Immunes are the specialized members of the legion. Medics, engineers, those types of specialized jobs. They still fight but are exempt from basic legionary duty (trench digging and stuff). They play a role in like Conterbanum stuff that’ll come up later.
Probatio; The same to canon. I didn’t change it but thought it was still worth to include them and stuff.
Okay. OKAY. Almost done, it’s taken upwards of almost a week to type this and finally I establish the one last thing, the introduction of Conterbanums!!
Conterbanums are a sub unit in the Roman military made of 10 people (8 common legionary, 2 Immunes) these relate to the Decanus role I mentioned. But like in the Roman military these serve more just for troop like morale? Building that family bond stuff. A Conterbanum is formed of like I said, 8 common legionnaires and 2 Immunes. The immune distribution is most likely with one being a medic and the other being… something? Conterbanum’s are mainly implemented 1) for organization, it’s easier to manage the cohorts and keep records with everyone in these easily recorded groups. And 2) to make Camp Jupiter overall more interwoven, to promote more community and more of a bond between legionnaires, it would probably serve a narrative purpose to like make camp seem more alive, and also does what it did in the Roman military which was like. Comradery (I can’t spell but you know what I mean).
Okay! Okay that’s all, I think. I’m sure. I did a lot of yapping, and I did a lot of things. Generally do I have any issues with how camp is structured? Not really, other than the gender locks on Praetors and like the super duper murky rules I don’t really have anything against it. But for the re-imagining that exists in my head I want Camp to be much more traditional, and much more complex because like something something we first see it through Percy’s eyes and it’d be confusing and whatever.
Also it took me a week just to write this out not to mention the month of cursory research because I’ve been getting sick and recovering then getting sick again all throughout January so I apologize for not including New Romes government system. But I also didn’t want to think about the Roman government system of like Julius Caesar time frames (what I’m generally planning on basing it off of. Just that general time period because it’s the one I’m most familiar with-)
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strawberri-syrup · 2 years
I really wanna post about PD hc's I have but it's just stuff I'm completely making up because we have no info about Will or Deadwood. Do you have stuff like that? Just things that seem like they'd be cool? Even with no basis in canon?
(it's like a whole little essay about William's ancestors and why the wisps are interested in him btw)
literally everything ive EVER said about deadwood is just from my brain I love just saying shit about that place. it is like nightvale to me
headcanons i have w no basis in canon:
william knows sign language
vyncent tries to teach the boys and tide his language (common???) and they try so hard but it isn't the same
dakota transgender fr
he almost never wears a shirt unless he has to. dakota in sports bra is real
William is also transmasc
vyn is above gender. it makes sense to him and him alone elf gender fr
vyncent fucking LOVES makeup he has so much fun with it
not like everyday stuff NOOOOOO he's like a fucking makeup guru
William paints his nails and lets dakota do it sometimes
William would listen to sidney gish he would he would he would
kind of music he would never admit to liking because of his image but he would listen to her (especially no dogs allowed)
dakota crochets William sews vyncent weaves
they r a trifecta
dakota runs hot William runs cold vyncent is vyncent
tide packs school lunches for them with little notes
it does not matter how hard the boys try to hide it if something is Wrong tide will find out and he will have a productive conversation about feelings
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balladofbeasts-a · 4 years
@sewn-cutie replied to your video “dakctadude: deputydakota: { Another short video...”
{ Dakota’s strength levels are absolutely ridiculous even by toon standards and this is a big reason I link his heritage to an American/Canadian legend, Babe the Bl ue Ox
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mangora · 3 years
I like seeing people’s headcanons for the characters’ full names so here’s my post (+ my hc ethnicities bc why not.)
Note: I’m mostly basing last names on like online research and not all last names correlate with ethnicity for a variety of reasons, so sorry if they’re not like accurate. And I didn’t have super strong opinions on some characters. Also nonwhite people can live in and originate from predominantly white countries for reasons like immigration or carriers of recessive traits for skin color, so when I say things like Alejandro and Mike are from Europe I’m not saying they’re white swearsies)
Gen 1:
Gwen: Gwendolyn Addams (German/British)
Duncan: Duncan O’Doherty (Scottish)
Courtney: Courtney Barbosa-Gonzales (Filipino/Puerto Rican)
Lindsay: Lindsay Beaudrie (French)
Heather: Heather Himura (Japanese)
Beth: Elizabeth Blaine (German/Polish)
Leshawna: Leshawna Ndiaye (African Canadian, family mostly has roots from Senegal)
DJ: Devon Joseph* Wright (Jamaican)
Cody: Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson (...duh)* (Idk British or something)
Noah: Noah Mudaliar (Tamil)
Harold: Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V* (Irish/Japanese)
Eva: Eva Bortsov (Siberian)
Izzy: Isabella Kennedy (Greek/Irish)
Owen: Owen Ellis (Mixed Western European)
Tyler: Tyler Cain (German [Hebrew])
Justin: Justin Alika (Hawaiian)
Ezekiel: Ezekiel Rudd (Norse/Dutch)
Sadie: Sadie Byun (Korean)
Katie: Katelynn Pakhrin (Nepali)
Geoff: Geoffrey Sawyer (Mixed Americanized Western European, mostly British)
Bridgette: Bridgette Langley (Same as Geoff)
Trent: Trenton Loveridge (Greek/Romani & Israeli)
Sierra: Sierra Wilde (Métis/Angolan)
Alejandro: Alejandro Burromuerto* (Spanish, ancestors are from various parts of Latin America)
Gen 2:
Mike: Michael Chiarelli (Italian [Sicilian with Western Asian ancestors]/Peruvian)
Mal: Mal Grimoire (Mixed indigenous Mexican, chose his own last name)
Svetlana: Svetlana Berezovsky (Russian)
Vito: Vito Valentino (Italian)
Manitoba: Manitoba Smith* (Murri/Koori)
Chester: Chester Young (Lithuanian/Mexican)
Zoey: Zoey Ahn (Korean)
Cameron: Cameron Corduroy Wilkins* (Mixed African Canadian, no clear roots)
Lightning: Rudolph “Lightning” Jackson* (Same case as Cameron)
Brick: Brick McArthur* (Scottish/Mexican)
Jo: Joanna Gryffon (Welsh)
Sam: Samuel Croft (Mixed Western European)
Dakota: Dakota Milton* (Venezuelan/British/French)
Staci: Staci Sweet (British & Swedish/German)
Scott: Scott Baur (Austrian/Scottish)
Dawn: Dawn Orion (Norse/Greek)
B: B. Keen (Egyptian/Ethiopian & Sudanese)(Adopted, canon dead name omitted)
Anne Maria: Anne Maria Ortega (Argentinian)
Gen 3:
Sky: Sky Oxendine (Cree)
Shawn: Shawn Torres-Vidal (Mexican)
Jasmine: Jasmine Maguire (Wangkatha)
Sammy: Samantha Lafitte (French)
Amy: Amy Lafitte (French)
Dave: Dave Shukla (Indian)
Max: Maxwell Delaney (Chinese/Welsh)(Adopted)
Sugar: Reese “Sugar” Houston (Mixed Western European)
Topher: Christopher Fitzroy (Mostly French and British)
Scarlett: Scarlett Fernsby (British)
Beardo: Badru “Beardo” Mohamed (Kenyan)
Leonard: Leonard Hart (Mixed African Canadian)
Ella: Eleanor Darling (British/Scottish)
Rodney: Rodney Feldman (German/Irish)
Gen 4:
Sanders: Jasper Elizabeth Sanders (Mixed African Canadian/Angolan)
MacArthur: Marsha MacArthur (I think the Valentina Escobar thing was total BS that’s just her mom’s name)(Scottish & Irish/Colombian & Mexican)
Dwayne: Dwayne Turner (Mixed Western European)
Junior: Dwayne “Junior” Turner Jr. (Same as Dwayne)
Brody: Brody García-Santos (Mixed Latino)
Mary: Maryam Yitzhaki (Israeli/Afghan)
Ellody: Ellody Mahir (Maldivian)
Emma: Emma Ozaki (Japanese)
Kitty: Kit Ozaki (Japanese)
Josee: Josee Lachance (French Canadian)
Jacques: Jacques Laurent (French Canadian)
Carrie: Caroline Lubomir (Bulgarian/Swedish)
Devin: Devin Linyang (Taiwanese)
Tammy: Tamara Burnside (Scottish)
Jay: Jason Durand (French Canadian)
Mickey: Michael Durand (French Canadian)
Crimson: Sarah “Crimson” Murphy (Mixed Eastern European)
Ennui: Simon “Ennui” Mayer (Romanian)
Miles: Miles Deniz (Turkish)
Laurie: Lauren “Laurie” Soleil (Turkish & French/Dominican)
Stephanie: Stephanie Armstrong (Mixed African Canadian)
Ryan: Ryan Mathura (Trinidadian)
Gerry: Gerald LaPointe (French Canadian)
Pete: Peter Manh (Vietnamese)
Lorenzo: Lorenzo Bandara-Whitaker (Sri Lankan/British)
Chet: Chet Frances (French/British)
Rock: Evan “Rock” Manson (Mixed Western European)
Spud: Andrew “Spud” Cooper (Mixed Western European)
Kelly: Kelly Fournier (French Canadian)
Taylor: Taylor Fournier (French Canadian)
Tom: Thomas Hemingway (British/French)
Jen: Jennifer Carrillo (Chilean/Laotian)
Notes: Chet and Lorenzo keep their last names the same, B and Max's last names are based on that of their adopted parents. Also, my headcanons change a lot. Also also, I'm really interested in world cultures but mostly self-taught on them so if you disagree for some reason or see something inaccurate/stereotypical lmk. Also depending on the character, they either use a nickname or chose their name themselves, in which case I don't want to give out their dead name/s. Also before someone corrects me on Bridgette and Geoff the creators have said they are both from California and came to Canada.
Edit 2: Edited recently because I realized I got some of the canon ethnicities wrong, also I’ve just changed some opinions or learned more about the etymology of names.
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harzeke · 3 years
tai | adult (20+) | he/him 
main tumblr | art tumblr | ko-fi
twitter | fanfic rec list | TD fan playlists
this is my account for total drama & associated shows like disventure camp
top 5 TD faves: harold, ezekiel, ripper, dakota, sierra
top 5 DC faves: connor, alec, riya, fiore, grett
i made an AU about various total drama characters in physical/mental rehabilitative therapy that you can read the scattered notes of here
i don't want to interact with anyone who sexualizes minors, incest, rpf, zoo, etc. it makes me extremely uncomfortable and i would really appreciate if people who did so did not follow/interact with me
in that regard, this sideblog is SFW and the only characters you will ever see me make jokes implying NSFW about are characters who are confirmed adults in canon and will be tagged accordingly (this includes gen 1 cast as they’re all confirmed adults by TD:RR, but even still i don’t really talk about that cast in that way since i grew up with them)
if you make fanart or fanfiction based off of my hcs or art, please @ me! i love seeing that stuff!
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vynnblr · 3 years
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I posted 60 times in 2021
44 posts created (73%)
16 posts reblogged (27%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.4 posts.
I added 73 tags in 2021
#art - 11 posts
#digital art - 9 posts
#dragon art - 9 posts
#dragon - 8 posts
#kaz brekker - 7 posts
#six of crows - 6 posts
#fantasy art - 6 posts
#wings of fire art - 6 posts
#wings of fire - 6 posts
#percy jackson - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#they tried to make us think it didn't work by telling us it does work but it was all just reverse psychology and it does work!
My Top Posts in 2021
yo back at it with the percy jackson dreams this time Leo Valdez shattered his knee cap somehow and I had to run back to the argo 2 with him in my arms except the world was like a sidescroller and everything was tryna kill me but hey. We saved Leo. It’s ok
14 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 16:16:08 GMT
Nina is right handed
Wylan is left handed
Nina is right handed
Inej is right handed
Kaz is ambidextrous
Jesper is a ambidextrous where instead of being able to use both hands he can't use either
15 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 00:11:26 GMT
head canon that kaz brekker likes to draw but would rather die then let anyone find out so of course one day while he's on a heist Inej peeks into his messy office and finds sketches...
sketches of jesper laughing at a gambling table, guns in hand...
wylan working on a flash bomb...
Matthias and Nina arguing in jest...
and then hundreds and hundreds of pages or Inej, every detail captured, her laughing, her sneaking, her talking, her sleeping, inej inej inej
19 notes • Posted 2021-11-30 02:16:43 GMT
Percy HCs bc he's wonderful (spoilers for Burning Maze)
- Blue ring pops. All the time.
- Totally loves koolaid in honor of Dakota.
- I hc a poly relationship for him? He's dating Annabeth and Jason, but Annabeth and Jason aren't dating. IDK I just like the idea of the chaotic bisexual bromance :)
- Every sunday is reserved for a bro day with Grover. This kid ain't forgetting his satyr.
- I feel like he questioned his gender for a while, but ended up staying cis.
- Obviously bisexual. Kid has called too many guys attractive to be straight.
Totally knows how to bake. Really well. Sally Jackson ain't raising no son who can't bake.
- He makes a blue cake with "prom?" messily spelt on it for Annabeth. They obviously say yes.
- Jason and him like more casual dates where they don't have to dress up or anything, Jason's chill with no prom.
- (In my happy lil AU Jason lives but) When Jason dies, Percy goes into a deep, deep stage of grief. He hates Jupiter with a passion for letting his son die, when he had saved Thalia without a second thought. For a while, he's closer to being like Luke than he's ever been. It takes a long time for him to recover, but Annabeth is there with him through thick and thin.
(feel free to repost with your own headcanons if you want)
21 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 16:13:35 GMT
Leo Valdez hcs because I love him
- He's totally a demiboy. He/they Leo my beloved
- I think he's ace/aro, romance positive! I feel like a lot of his "dang that's a fine so and so" are him kinda pressuring himself into feeling that way, because they think they should? Others all have crushes and partners, so Leo feels like he needs to as well.
- No thank you Calypso. You can be a good friend of Leos. :) It just felt way too sudden, and I in my own little world have decided that they don't date.
- Leo is labeled as gifted, making them 2e! (gifted and having ADHD)
- Leo is a total therapist friend after HOO. He doesn't get super affected by other's emotions, as he doesn't understand them that well, so venting to him won't beat him up. He doesn't always know what to say, but he's there to listen, and make you laugh when you're ready.
- If Leo were to date (seeing as I hc him romance positive) he'd date someone really into the same things as them. Gender does not matter at all Leo just loves the way they talk about machines and science and math with the same passion that he does. It's a best friends to lovers kinda thing.
feel free to reblog with your own hcs! :D
23 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 21:06:26 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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cartoonemotion · 7 years
What’s something you really want to happen in the MML/PnF crossover? Doesn’t even have to have a remote chance of being cannon. What do you want to happen?
i know you said no remote chance of being canon but im still gonna play it pretty lowbrow bc i hate getting my hopes up
dakota and cavendish hug (or some other display of affection)
we get to see vanessa
on that note maybe seeing veronica again? like maybe when they bust everyone out of the pistachion prison or something
phineas and ferb obviously become friends with milo
okay i know i said playing lowbrow but please give me stuff to fuel my “cavendish was a maintenance guy before he was an agent” hc like if we’re gonna be working with doof and inatoring and everything
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balladofbeasts · 2 years
Duke + Dakota Tags.
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balladofbeasts-a · 5 years
Dakota Tags
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