#Dagur especially
jackshiccup · 1 year
woah this maces and talons shit is getting serious !
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
sometimes i like to think that if RoB/DoB and RTTE Hiccup met each other, they would both be a little unsettled by each other - younger Hiccup would be like "geez, I get really reckless, huh?" and probably roast his older self about it. Older Hiccup would be like "why is younger me so mean? ;-;"
just imagining young Hiccup watching older Hiccup jump off a cliff wearing clearly too-heavy wings and making some sardonic comment and older Hiccup being like "now listen here, you little shit!"
Funnily enough I kind of feel like RoB/DoB Hiccup and RTTE are like two sides of HTTYD 1 Hiccup's personality divided in half.
Also, I think it would be very funny to see different HTTYD characters react to their younger selves. I feel like Astrid especially would see her younger self and be shocked. Like "I wasn't that angry all the time, was I?" Everyone else would be like...YES ASTRID
Dagur would see his younger self and probably be partially embarrassed/ashamed about the villainy and partially overwhelmed by how much of a gremlin he was. Like if he found Gustav tiring, imagine how he'd react to his teenage self.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 6 months
I think Hiccup is more like Dagur and Heather than we give him credit for, simply because he does tend to become obsessed with certain things, too.
Dagur has obvious obsessive traits. He starts a whole war just to get to Hiccup because he betrayed him and then spends a whole three years after that war thinking about getting back at him. All because of a personal slight.
Heather also has this trait and it shows itself when she's obsessed with her quest for vengeance. And I do mean the word "obsessed" because at some point, she puts her life as well as Windshear's life in danger in a mission to kill Dagur, a mission in which she saw ahead of time she was outnumbered, Hiccup told her she was outnumbered, and she still decided to take the risk. Which ended in Heather immediately being overwhelmed. And despite her recklessness almost costing her Windshear and her life, Heather still asked the Dragon Riders for help behind Hiccup's back. She probably wouldn't have even been there to go behind his back if it wasn't for Hiccup saving her life.
And then, after all of that, she would even infiltrate the Hunters by pretending to be their ally just to get close to Dagur.
Not to mention that Heather came into RttE sinking ships (not caring who they belonged to) and even hurting the Dragon Riders to avoid being seen only to later capture and hurt them again (Astrid especially when she and Dagur infamously keep her awake, which is an actual real life torture method) all in the name of keeping her cover.
So you may be thinking... Okay, but how is Hiccup, of all people, similar to them?
Well, the most obvious example is when Hiccup grows obsessed with dragons. He does it to the point that he can neglect other people and things in his life.
And then he obsesses again in RttE when Viggo shows up, to the point that Astrid and Fishlegs had to bargain for one single day off and the dragons getting infected by a grimoras was mistaken for a rebellion caused by Hiccup's actions. Even Dagur noticed Hiccup nursing the seed of revenge and warned him not to let him consume him.
So yeah... Berserker siblings indeed.
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useless-moss · 5 months
This post was originally going to be "Dagur/Viggo hate sex" but as I was typing that my brain screamed "Hiccup sandwich" instead.
Hiccup trapped between his two, arguably, most dangerous enemies. Two sets of hands on his body, two mouths kissing him and leaving hickies along his neck, two voices whispering vague threats and obsessive praise respectively into his ears.
Dagur and Viggo working together and getting 'along' for this and only this and then immediately arguing about who gets to cuddle Hiccup's wrecked body the closest afterwards. Dagur recommending branding in the form of carving his name into Hiccup's skin and they both end up shooting it down because they don't want anyone to claim what's theirs in such a way.
Hiccup being both terrified and unreasonably turned on, especially when Viggo suggests they "take him at the same time" since they can't agree on who should go first. "No no no you'll rip something you'll hurt me-" Hiccup tries to plead only for Viggo to pull out a full jar of oil and say, very calmly, "we'll use the whole thing if needed."
Dagur's eyes light up at the suggestion and Hiccup knows he's, literally and metaphorically, fucked.
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rosiethedragongeek · 11 months
More Halloween hcs for the gang, this is the Halloween candy I think they'd like best (w some dubious reasoning lol)
Hiccup - Kit Kat guy honestly idk it just feels RIGHT
Astrid - Those messed up cinnamon ones (just looked it up they're called Red Hots. She is the ONLY person on Earth capable of enjoying them)
Snotlout - Sour Patch Kids but he always eats so many he hurts his tongue (sour fruity candy in general honestly)
Fishlegs - Almond Joy 100% I can feel it in my SOUL (he also likes Reeses)
Tuff - he chews hard candy
Ruff - She's obsessed with m&m's
(I can totally see the twins doing a whole bit where Ruff only eats Left Twix and Tuff only eats Right Twix too (Ruff eats Left bc it would be too obvious if she ate Right bc it's alliterative)
Bonus bc I'm feeling like it lol
Dagur - Nerds 100% he takes like twenty of the little boxes in a bunch of different colors and he pours them into a cup and like,,, drinks them
Heather - Tootsie Rolls (and especially like Tootsie Pops once it hits October she ALWAYS has one in her mouth)
Gustav - Candy Corn he loves it so much
Viggo - Milkyway bc it's so smooth
Ryker - Crunch bars (bc they're not smooth ig i didn't even think about that lol)
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myadmiringmind · 2 years
𝗦𝗻𝗼𝗴𝗴𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗼𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗪𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵𝘀 | 𝗛𝗶𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽 𝗛𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗼𝗰𝗸
Hiccup Haddock Masterlist
Word Count: 6.9K
Genre: Action | fluff
Pairing(s): Hiccup x fem!reader, platonic!gang x reader, platonic!heather/dagur x reader
Summary: Dagur and Heather show up unexpectantly show up for Snoggletog but something more important comes up.
Warnings: Caves, dragon hunting, dragon hunter shenanigans, water, unwanted swim (you'll see)
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout, (redeemed) Dagur, and Heather
Dragons: Toothless, Stormfly, Meatlug, Barf and Belch, Hookfang, Sleuther, and Windshear
Enemies: Viggo and Ryker Grimborn
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“Okay, Hiccup, you called all of us here so what is it?” Astrid asked, arms crossed.
It was early in the morning. Fog covered the grounds of Dragons Edge and the air was especially chilly.
“I got a terror-mail from Johann-“ Hiccup was cut off by Snotlout
“Oh, come on! You dragged us out of bed because Johann sent you a letter!” Snotlout cried, Hookfang made a noise of agreement.
“No bueno, amigo.” Tuffnut shook his head while stroking chickens feathers.
“Hiccup,” Astrid sighed, “Please tell me whatever Johann said in that letter is worth telling this early in the morning.”
“It is, I promise.” Hiccup said
Everyone groaned in union. You had all been hoping to be sent back to bed.
You leaned against your dragon, enjoying the body heat they brought, as you waited for Hiccup to carry on.
“Go on then, Hiccup.” You said
“He said he visited Glacier Island recently-“ Hiccup began
“No! We are not going back to that bag of ice, no way!” Snotlout roared
Hiccup ignored him, “As I was saying, he said it's been unusually quiet, so,” Hiccup raised his voice so he could be heard over the shouts of protest, “We will be going to check it out.”
“This is what you woke us up to tell us.” Ruffnut complained
“It takes some time to get there so we might as well start early.” Hiccup reasoned
“Hiccup, are you sure this is a good idea? Every time we’ve been there we’ve nearly escaped death.” Fishlegs spoke up
“Those dragons aren’t exactly friendly.” You put in
Hiccup sighed, “I know, I know. But we have to make sure.”
“Do you think the dragon hunters have something to do with this?” Astrid asked
“What would the dragon hunters want with the Snow Wraiths? They don’t have the Dragon Eye anymore, we do.” Fishlegs said
Hiccup shook his head, “I have no idea. But I’m definitely curious.”
Fishlegs nodded in agreement.
“Everyone needs to change into their warmest clothes, we all know how cold it can get there, especially at this time of year.” Hiccup said
Everyone nodded and made their way to the clubhouse door.
As Snotlout was about to open the door, it opened for him.
“Surprise!” Dagur shouted, arms open wide as if expecting a hug.
Snotlout shrieked in fear and hid behind Fishlegs.
Heather appeared behind Dagur, a pleasant smile on her face.
“Dagur, Heather, what-what are you guys doing here?” Hiccup asked
“We’re here to celebrate Snoggletog with you guys, of course!” Dagur said
“I thought you guys knew we were coming?” Heather asked
“Nope, we didn’t.” Astrid said pointing to Snotlout
Heather turned towards Dagur, “You didn’t send them a terror-mail?”
Dagur looked shocked, “Me? I thought you were doing it.”
Heather shook her head, “No. We agreed you would do it.”
“No. We agreed you would do it.” Dagur argued
“It doesn’t really matter.” Hiccup interjected, “It’s a nice surprise, really.”
“Are you sure?” Heather looked worried, “We don’t want to be a bother.”
Hiccup shook his head, “You aren’t. It’s just…”
“..Just what?” Heather asked
“We got a message from Johann and we were gonna check it out.” Astrid said
“Johann? Is that the skinny guy with the long beard?” Dagur asked, genuinely curious
“That would be the one.” Astrid confirmed
“I think I stole his ship a couple of times.” Dagur muttered to no one in particular.
“What did he say? Maybe we can help.” Heather motioned to her and Dagur.
“Do you remember Glacier Island?” Hiccup asked
Heather and Dagur nodded.
“Johann said that the island has been unusually quiet. We think that the dragon hunters have done something to the pack of Snow Wraiths.” Hiccup explained
“And we’re going to check it out because Johann has never been wrong, and definitely hasn’t sent us on missions full of dead ends.” Snotlout spat
“A possible deadly mission full of wild, untamable dragons…I’m in!” Dagur said excitedly
Heather smiled at her brother's enthusiasm, “We’d be happy to help. If you’ll let us.”
“Of course you guys can come, Heather. You and Windshear would be a lot of help.” Astrid said
“And, yes…you can totally ride with me because I know you’re dying to ask.” Snotlout said
Astrid glared at him.
“It would be nice to have a couple extra riders.” Hiccup considered
You sent him an encouraging smile, urging him to accept their offer.
“Of course we’ll help, brother!” Dagur clapped his hand on Hiccup's back making Hiccup stumble, “With you dragon riders, and us Berserkers, nothing can stop us.”
“I guess it’s decided then.” Fishlegs said
“Alright, everyone, gear up. It’s gonna be a long flight.” Hiccup announced
You added a couple more layers than you normally would, and just to be safe added some blankets and an extra jacket in your satchel just in case you had to stay longer than you would like to spend on an island made of ice.
As you and your dragon landed by the clubhouse, Hiccup walked over to you.
He held out his hand to help you down. You accepted it with a smile.
“You have everything?” He asked
“Yep, do you?” You asked
He nodded. He paused for a moment and then sighed.
“What is it, Hiccup?” You asked worriedly
“This. All of this. What could Viggo possibly want with the Snow Wraiths? He knows how dangerous they are and he doesn’t have the dragon eye so..” Hiccup took a moment to think
You sighed, “If anyone can figure out Viggos motives, it’s you. But, that doesn’t mean you should spend all your time worrying about it. We don’t even know if Johann was right, and the Snow Wraiths are gone! One thing at a time Hiccup, or you’ll drive yourself crazy.” You cupped his cheek affectionately.
He smiled gratefully and pulled your hand from his cheek and kissed the back of it.
“Ugh! Are you two done yet?” Snotlout shouted, obviously revolted by the display of affection.
You glared at him, “Yes, Snotlout, we are.”
“Amazing! Let’s get this show in the sky!” Dagur shouted excitedly
“Remember guys, one Snow Wraith is dangerous enough. But a whole pack of them-“ Hiccup began
“Is extremely deadly. Blah, blah, we get it!” Snotlout interrupted
Hiccup nodded, “So steer on the side of caution.” Hiccup warned while mounting Toothless.
“Of course, our dear Hiccup. We will steer on the side of most caution.” Ruffnut grinned mischievously
“We hear you loud and clear, H.” Tuffnut sent two thumbs up with a similar grin as his sister.
Hiccup sighed, knowing they weren’t going to listen to him.
“We’ve got a lot of ocean to fly over, so let’s go!” Hiccup shouted as Toothless jumped into the air with the rest of us following close behind.
How you were still freezing under three layers of clothing, you didn’t know.
Normally you would’ve tried to get your jacket from your satchel that was attached to your dragon's saddle, and risk falling off. But, the thought of falling into the water in this weather, was worse than the chilling wind that made your eyes tear up.
“There it is.” Hiccup shouted for the first time in hours.
You shivered at the thought of stepping onto the island of ice. But followed the others nonetheless.
“Finally.” You heard Astrid mutter in exhaustion.
Any other time of the year the flight would’ve been fine, even enjoyable. But of course Glacier Island would be a problem during the coldest time of the year.
When you hopped off your dragons back you took a moment to observe your surroundings. It was peaceful, just like it always was when you first got here. No sign of any disturbances, so that was good.
“We should spread out, we’ll cover more ground that way. Regroup back here in an hour.” Hiccup commanded
Fortunately, but also unfortunately it didn’t take long to find something.
You gasped when you saw the nets, you hadn’t truly believed Johann.
You tried to convince yourself that they were from the last time you had fought the dragon hunters at the island.
Your hopes were gone when you heard Fishlegs and Heather shout for Hiccup at the same time.
You all grouped up around Fishlegs who was holding a dragon root arrow. Snotlout was a small distance behind him holding his foot in pain.
“What did you find?” Hiccup asked
“It’s a dragon root arrow alright. I found it right around this area.” Fishlegs answered
“You found it? I’m the one who stepped on it! Why does this always happen to me?” Snotlout cried
“I found these.” You held up the nets.
Hiccup looked at the nets in your hand in distress.
“How do we know those aren’t from the last time we were here?” Ruff asked
“Because the wood I found was recently burnt.” Heather spoke up
Hiccup sighed, obviously much more worried than before.
Dramatically, a snow storm began to brew.
“Fishlegs?” Hiccup looked towards said Viking.
“These dragon root arrows are fresh.” Fishlegs answered Hiccup's unsaid question.
“How fresh?” Astrid asked
“A couple days, maybe. No more than a week.” Fishlegs said nervously.
Hiccup cursed.
Snotlout gasped and covered his ears.
“Hey, boss, the Snow Wraiths normally come out during the storms right?” Tuff asked
Hiccup nodded.
“So, if the Snow Wraiths are still here, they would come looking for us, right?” Tuff went on
“Yes, because they can make out the heat of our bodies, while we can’t see them.” You answered, shuffling closer to Hiccup.
Hiccup wrapped his arms around you subconsciously, still in thought.
“Can we make a plan before we all turn into ice.” Ruffnut complained, latching onto Fishlegs for some body heat.
Tuff nodded, his teeth chattering as he did the same.
Hiccup nodded and looked up, “We’ll set up camp and make a fire. The more heat, the bigger the target.”
“We want them to attack us? Give me one good reason we shouldn’t just feed you to the nest right now!” Snotlout shouted angrily
“I like your idea, brother. I’ve been itching for some action.” Dagur said, pulling out an ax, and chuckled evilly.
“Uh, no, we’re not going to fight them, we’re just gonna draw them out so that we know they’re still here.” Hiccup said
“Great plan, genius. So what happens if they are here? Do you plan on making us dinner.” Snotlout protested
“We’ll fly away, and head back to the edge.” Hiccup said
“Uh, Hiccup, are we sure that’s the best idea?” Astrid asked doubtfully
“No. But it’s simple and easy. We don’t want to be here any longer than we need to be.” Hiccup said, rubbing the side of your arms as a hint to the cold being a problem.
Everyone nodded and got to work.
“Sorry, baby. Daddy Dagur will use you soon enough.” Dagur stroked his ax affectionately
With the tents set up, and the group huddled around the small fire they made, they waited.
You were close to Hiccup's side, both of you sharing the blanket you brought. You and Hiccup leaned against Toothless, while Toothless and your dragon used their wings to cover you from the harsh wind.
“They should be here any time now.” Hiccup reassured you
You nodded, wishing to believe him.
So, you waited.
The blizzard only got worse and the Snow Wraiths were still not showing.
“Hiccup, we can barely see a thing!” Astrid shouted
“We have to make sure they’re still here!” Hiccup said desperately
“If we want to do that, we have to go to the nest. We’re wasting our breath sitting out here.” Heather said
Hiccup didn’t look pleased but he nodded.
When he remembered no one could see him but you he shouted, “Saddle up, we’re going to the nest!”
Inside, you didn’t have to suffer from the harsh wind. Which was a big bonus.
You don’t know why you didn’t try to convince Hiccup to do this sooner.
The only downside was that Snotlout led you out of the caves (why did you guys follow him? Probably to make sure he wasn’t the one who found the Snow Wraiths first. He’d find a way to make them mad, if they weren’t already mad at seeing a stranger in their territory.).
When Toothless used his sound waves to locate the nest, things went a lot smoother.
You held your breath as you entered.
“Everyone, spread out, and look.” Hiccup ordered
You and your dragon covered one area of the nest but you didn’t see a Snow Wraith.
When you turned to report this to Hiccup, you noticed the look on his face and you knew you wouldn’t have to say a word. Because he already knew.
Hiccup shouted in outrage.
“What should we do, Hiccup?” Fishlegs asked in an anxious voice.
“We go back to the edge, I’ll send a letter to Johann, and-“ Hiccup was cut off by a gurgling noise.
It was coming from a small crack in the ice.
Hiccup flew down to check it out.
After he examined it for a few moments he said, “Fishlegs, come look at this.”
Fishlegs looked at the area Hiccup had pointed to and gasped.
“What? What is it?” Snotlout asked
Fishlegs turned to Hiccup, “Is that…”
Hiccup nodded, “I think it is.”
“Ooh, is this a guessing game! Okay, I’ll go first, meatloaf, lamb, hamster!” Tuffnut shouted
When everyone looked at him strangely he said, “What? I’m hungry.”
“Hamster?” Heather asked
“Hey! If you have a problem with my dietary choices, you can keep it to yourself.” Tuff accused
Heather looked at Astrid in confusion, in the return the blonde only shrugged.
“Hiccup.” He looked up at you, “What it is.”
“I think…” he paused looking back at the crack in the ice, “it’s a baby Snow Wraith.”
Someone gasped.
“Are you sure?” You asked
“Pretty sure.” Hiccup answered
Snotlout groaned in annoyance, “So if she asks a question, you answer? Your favoritism is showing, Hiccup. And I don’t like it.” Snotlout narrowed his eyes.
Hiccup just rolled his eyes.
“How did it even get there?” Snotlout asked
“Your mom never had that talk with you?” You teased
You laughed under your breath while Snotlout muttered for you to shut up.
“Hiccup, do you know what this means?” Fishlegs said in a concerned voice
“What? What does it mean?” Snotlout asked
Hiccup nodded.
“It means that this baby has been left vulnerable. He’s too young to provide for himself, much less protect himself.” Fishlegs said
“Well, we can’t just leave the baby Snow Wraith here, then.” Heather said
“Yeah, no baby dragons left behind.” Dagur said
“We aren’t going to leave it.” Hiccup reassured
“But, Hiccup, we’ve never seen a Snow Wraith outside of Glacier Island. How do we know we’ll be able to inhabit him anywhere else? The edge isn’t nearly as cold as it is here.” Fishlegs said
“Maybe, one of us will stay with him, while the others go get the other Snow Wraiths back.” Hiccup suggested
“It’s far too cold for any one of us to stay here for that long. Even with our dragons.” You said
“She’s right, Hiccup. Staying here isn’t an option either.” Fishlegs agreed
“Well, what do we know about the Snow Wraiths?” Hiccup asked
Fishlegs pulled out his dragon cards, “We know that they can blend in with the snow..they can only make out our body heat..and that they typically live in cold places.”
“What about the snow capped mountains back on the edge, those are pretty cold.” Ruffnut said absentmindedly
Fishlegs gasped, “Yes, that could work. Good idea, Ruff!”
Ruffnut looked shocked at being praised, “Oh..really?”
Fishlegs nodded.
“Well..you're welcome.” She said
“Good idea, gang.” Hiccup spoke, “Now how do you get this little guy outta here?”
We bribed him with a chicken leg of course.
Tuff had to leave the room before we pulled it out so he wouldn’t get upset.
Apparently, Dagur carries around cooked chicken legs.
He claimed that he was always getting hungry on long flights.
Now the dragon was nestled comfortably in Fishlegs arms. Sleeping peacefully as we made our journey back to the edge.
When Dragons Edge was finally in sight, Hiccup called out orders, “Fishlegs, Heather, you take the baby Snow Wraith up to the mountains and make sure that it can safely inhabit the mountains. The rest of you, to the clubhouse. I need to get something from my hut but I’ll meet you there.” And with the final word he set towards his hut.
“You heard the man.” Dagur shouted
What you weren’t expecting when you landed was a certain trader standing there, looking quite nervous.
“Trader Johann?” You said in surprise
“Ah! Good, you’re here. I have the most important news that must be shared with master Hiccup straight away.” Johann said
“He’ll be here in just a moment.” You said
But Johann just shook his head, “We don’t have a moment. I must tell master Hiccup this information now. Before…it is too late.”
You and Astrid shared a worried glance.
“What information?” Astrid asked stepping forward
Johann looked even more nervous to be addressed from Astrid.
“Johann, what information?” Astrid continued
“I was hoping to wait for master Hiccup..” Johann began
You sighed, “No need, because there he is.” You pointed towards the sky
Hiccup climbed off Toothless’ back with something in his hand. When he looked up, he was surprised to see everyone looking at him in worry.
“What? What is it?” He asked
You nodded your head towards the unexpected guest.
“Johann?” Hiccup said in surprise
“Yes, master Hiccup, I have urgent news for you.” Johann said
“We got your terror mail-“ Hiccup began moving to your side to get a clear look at Johann.
“It is not about that. Or rather it is, but it is new information.” Johann said
“And what would that be?” Hiccup questioned
Johann chuckled a little, “Well you see..”
“To the point, Johann. If this information is as important as you say it is, then we can’t waste any time.” You cut in
Johann sighed a little, “You’re right, miss. I was chatting with a few of my merchant friends when I caught wind of some dragon hunters heading out east. I heard them mention big, untamable, dragons who could see body heat. I was certain they were talking about the Snow Wraiths.”
“How far east, Johann?” Hiccup asked, sounding urgent
Johann perked up a bit, “I’ve brought you a map.” He pulled it from his bag and handed it to Hiccup.
Hiccup opened it and quickly glanced over the information, then nodded.
“Thank you for all your help, Johann.” Hiccup said
“Of course, master Hiccup. As always, it is a pleasure to serve you.” Johann bowed dramatically
Hiccup turned towards the rest of us, “Okay, gang, Snotlout, find Fishlegs and Heather and pass on Johann's message. Tell them to stay here and look after the baby Snow Wraith until we get back.” Snotlout nodded. He and Hookfang flew off towards the mountains.
“I'm sorry to interrupt, master Hiccup, but did I hear you correctly? Baby Snow Wraith?” Johann asked
Hiccup nodded
Johann gasped, “Oh, dear. If the mother has been taken from her baby she will be in much hurry to get back. You must proceed with caution, master Hiccup.”
Hiccup nodded, “Thank you, Johann. As for the rest of you, change your winter gear for protective gear. You heard Johann, the Snow Wraiths won’t be able to tell the difference from us and the hunters. Once Snotlout gets back, we take off.”
Everyone nodded.
“So how far away is this place, Hiccup?” Astrid asked
“Not far.” Hiccup replied
“You don’t sound too happy about that, brother.” Dagur commented
“I'm not. What are the dragon hunters doing so close to our island.” Hiccup responded
“We’ll figure it out and then we’ll deal with it. We always do.” You said
Hiccup sent you a small smile, and you returned it with one of your own.
“That’s the island.” Hiccup pointed downward
You all peered down.
“Uh, is it just me, or does that island look pretty abandoned?” Tuff asked
“It’s not just you, Tuff. They must be hidden somewhere on the island.” Hiccup said
A huge explosion caught all your attention.
“There!” Hiccup shouted, “Ruff, Tuff, Dagur, you pressure them in from the right.” The twins and Dagur nodded
Hiccup called your name and Snotlout's next, “You two will take the left.” Hiccup looked towards Astrid, “We’ll come up from behind.”
We did just as Hiccup told us to, but where we were expecting a battle or flying arrows, there was a mess instead. Bins and barrels were knocked over, some had been filled with food, others with weapons, but not a hunter in sight.
“I'm confused, I thought we were supposed to be dodging the flying arrows, not following them to find the hunters who want to hunt us and our dragons.” Snotlout said
“If we find the hunters, we find the Snow Wraiths.” You replied
“Right, the dragons who also want to kill us. Great.” Snotlout muttered
A roar could be heard in the distance.
You and Snotlout made eye contact. A knowing, displeased look was on his face, “We’re going to go towards the angry dragon instead of away from it, aren’t we.” Snotlout said
You grinned a little, “Yep.”
“Of course we are.” Snotlout muttered
When the two of you got there you found the rest of your group was already at the scene.
One of the Snow Wraiths was fighting a couple hunters on the ground.
The gang tried to help but the Snow Wraith thought that you were a threat so they started to fire at you.
The hunters were too busy dodging the Snow Wraiths attacks to care about the rest of you.
You saw a hunter run for the woods, and Hiccup and Toothless following. You followed, not knowing where the rest of the hunters were and not wanting Hiccup to run into them.
Hiccup stopped in front of him, blocking his path. You stopped behind him, blocking his escape route. When he turned to the right, Toothless blasted down the tree. When he turned to the left your dragon knocked over a couple of trees.
“Where are the rest of the Snow Wraiths?” Hiccup demanded
The hunter whimpered in fear.
Your dragon growled, “Answer him.” You said
“I-I-I don’t know. O-one minute we were working, just like normal. Then that Snow Wraith cornered us.” The hunter spilled
“Where are the rest of you?” Hiccup demanded, Toothless opened his mouth ready to fire a warning shot.
The hunter screeched, “Un-under the island. There’s an entrance a few feet underwater. The rest of us were working up here.”
Toothless relaxed and Hiccup smiled.
“Thank you for the help!” You yelled as you dropped the hunter on top of a tree.
When you made it back to the others the Snow Wraith was gone.
“What happened?” Hiccup asked
“It just flew away.” Dagur answered
“We tried to stop it, but..” Astrid added
“It would’ve torn all of us to shreds!” Snotlout roared
“Believe me, it was compelling.” Dagur added
“Tell me about it.” Ruff muttered
Hiccup just rubbed his hand over his face.
“What did you guys find?” Astrid asked
“The location of the other hunters.” You answered
“Where?” Tuff asked
“Under the island.” Hiccup said
The other six raised their eyebrows.
“Under the island?” Astrid sounded confused
You nodded
“How far under the island?” Tuff asked
“Only a few feet.” You said
“It shouldn’t be too difficult, but proceed with caution.” Hiccup warned
You hovered over the water uncertainty. On one hand, you were ready for this to be over. On the other, you weren’t exactly looking to go swimming this trip.
“Alright, gang, I’ll go in first. Wait a few minutes before following me in, just in case it’s a trap.” Hiccup said
“Why does he get to do all the fun stuff?” You heard Tuff mutter
You watched anxiously as Hiccup and Toothless dove for the water.
And you waited…
When nothing happened, Astrid spoke up, “I think that means it’s clear.”
“Remember to be cautious.” You said before all of you dove
You held your breath as you plunged into the water. Given the speed your dragon was going it felt like a slap to the face. You tried to ignore the sting as you resurfaced under the island.
It was cave-like. A few torches lit here and there providing a little bit of light.
Hiccup stood (dripping wet) waiting expectantly with a torch in his hand.
Once all of you had made it in, Toothless led you all through the dark underground, using his special ability to locate the rest of the hunters.
The ground shook under your feet when you heard a bang.
Toothless let out a growl, positioning himself to be ready for whatever was coming. The rest of the dragons followed.
Before you knew it Hiccup was yelling “Duck!” and pushing you to the ground.
You gasped as you watched 1…2…3…5? Snow Wraiths fly past you in quite the hurry.
Hiccup's arm was on your back trying to push you back towards the ground. Toothless and your dragon were covering the both of you but with the speed the dragons were going at, no one knew if staying on the ground would keep you safe.
After a few moments of silence, Hiccup pulled you up.
“Well that was great.” Snotlout grumbled
“I’ve never seen a dragon of that size move so fast.” Astrid commented
“Me either.” Hiccup stated
“They had to be running from something big.” Ruffnut said, excitedly
“It had to be a-a…a dragon as big as this island.” Tuff said
“If it was as big as the island, it wouldn’t be able to fit in here.” Astrid said, annoyed
“Habitat change, perhaps?” You added
“Those both could be- uh, possible.” Hiccup said
“Well, what are we waiting for, let’s go take a look shall we?” Dagur said
Said person tried to fly off, but Hiccup stepped in his path and stopped him.
“What are you talking about? Clearly the problem has worked itself out. So let’s go home before we get ourselves killed!” Snotlout said
“Because we don’t know if the problem has solved itself, Snotlout. There could still be more Snow Wraiths. And we don’t know if the Snow Wraiths were running from something. So we have to plan this accordingly before we jump into the volcano.” Hiccup said
“There’s a volcano?” Tuff asked, looking around
“Yeah, it’s over there.” Ruff pointed the other way
When Tuff looked, Ruff hit him hard on the back of the head.
“Hiccup, we don’t have time to come up with a super brilliant plan. The baby Snow Wraith needs its mother. Heather and Fishlegs can only look after it for so long.” Astrid said
Hiccup nodded, “Yes, yes. That’s a good point, but-“
“She’s right, Hiccup. We need to act now, we can’t plan for all the possibilities. Who knows what being here has done for the Snow Wraiths. So, if there are more..” you cut in
Hiccup sighed, “You’re right. On your dragons and approach with caution.”
It was so dark, that without our dragons we would have run into the hard walls.
Then, something grabbed you off of your dragons back.
You screamed in surprise, feeling claws dig into your forearms.
You could faintly hear Hiccup scream your name in panic over the sound of your dragon's worried calls.
You were flying fast, you weren’t sure where you were going as it was pitch black.
That was until you were plunged into cold water.
Water went up your nose, unfortunately. And your eyes burned at the sudden salt water.
You quickly tried to swim up to the surface. Also, unfortunately for you, there were small tides pushing this way or that. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to fight the tides or allow them to take you. You hadn’t remembered these from before. Maybe because you were focusing on holding your breath.
You felt something grab the back of your clothes and pull you up. You coughed urgently, desperate to get some air.
A tongue was trying to be helpful by licking the water from your face. By the worried grunts you knew it was your dragon.
“I’m alright.” You gasped out a little
You felt a human body come in contact with yours, gently cradling you while asking too many questions for your mind to comprehend.
“I’m okay.” You assured Hiccup
“What was that?” You asked when you finally sat up on your own
“That's something we would all like to know.” Snotlout said unhelpfully
“We couldn’t see anything. By the time we made it back here it was gone. Just..vanished.” Astrid answered
“What do we do then?” You asked
Hiccup was deep in thought, “We draw it back to us.”
“What?” Multiple voices said
“Some of us will wait here while the others go out to be bait. When the dragon brings one of us back, we corner it.” Hiccup explained
You sighed, “I’ll do it.”
Hiccup sent you a harsh look, “No. Someone else will.”
“Hiccup, it already happened to me once-“
“I said, no. That’s final.” Hiccup said, looking very authoritative.
“I’ll do it.” Astrid volunteered
Hiccup nodded, "Thank you. Astrid and I will fly back. The rest of you, wait here. Remember, we don’t want to hurt it.” He said mounting Toothless's back once more
“Hiccup-“ you tried once more
“Stay. Please.” His eyes were pleading
Reluctantly you stepped back.
Hiccup's plan was successful as usual.
The dragon that threw you into the water was an unknown species.
Hiccup had already calmed it down, thankfully. Or so you thought until the dragon threw Hiccup on his back and flew off.
“Hiccup!” You shouted in horror, quickly mounting your dragon and flying up.
You paused when you heard Toothless’ worried growl from the ground.
Sighing a bit, you landed and mounted Toothless, while your dragon flew after you.
You had ridden on Toothless before, but Hiccup was always on the reins. This was new, Toothless and you were both worried for said boy's safety, in a place where the dragon who had taken him could easily dodge past all of you, so you had to search for him in the complete darkness.
None of these thoughts seem to occur to Toothless as he flew at record breaking speed through the darkness.
Minutes felt like hours as you were desperate to come in contact with them.
Toothless only seemed to move faster when Hiccup's voice could be heard.
Settling down in a poorly lit portion of the cave you jumped off Toothless and ran for Hiccup.
“Are you alright? What happened?” You asked worriedly while checking for any cuts and bruises.
“I’m alright.” He assured you and Toothless.
“What was that?” Astrid asked jumping off a Stormfly's back
“It was a very bad plan. As usual.” Snotlout commented
“It was amazing. One minute you were there and then..you weren’t! Like magic!” Tuff said in a tone as if he were telling a poorly written story.
“This dragon wanted me to see this.” Hiccup lit a torch and used its flames to brighten the cave wall.
Markings and pictures were shown.
“What does it mean?” You asked
“It’s why Viggo came here. He took the Snow Wraiths because they can see body heat, so this dragon couldn’t get past them, like it could us. And with the Snow Wraiths unparalleled abilities and the uneven numbers taking this guy down would’ve been pretty easy.” Hiccup placed his hand on the dragon sympathetically, “But, Viggo underestimated the Snow Wraiths abilities, and they were able to fly away before they could ever get near here.”
“But what is it?” Snotlout asked impatiently
“I think it’s…I think it’s a new species of dragons.” Hiccup said
You all were taken aback.
“Are you sure?” Astrid asked uncertainty
Hiccup nodded, “I am.”
“So, what do we do now?” Tuff asked
“We can’t leave this kind of information for people like Viggo to find. I’ve already copied a bit of the drawings in my book, but the rest of it…” Hiccup looked toward the dragon, a silent request.
The dragon fired on the wall, completely destroying what had been there.
“Fishlegs is going to be so upset he missed this.” Snotlout commented
“Heather, too.” Dagur added
“So, what about this guy?” Astrid asked pointing the new dragon
Hiccup turned to look at everyone, “I say, we take him back to the edge. He no longer needs to protect this information, and he’ll be better protected there. But if anyone has a problem with that…” Hiccup waited for an objection that never came.
“I call riding him!” Snotlout shouted
Hookfang growled and flamed his body.
Snotlout recoiled, he chuckled nervously, “I’m just kidding, Hooky.”
Hiccup seemed satisfied, “Well then-“ he was cut off by a distant growl
You all knew the look on his face, you were going to check it out.
With Toothless and Hiccup in the lead we flew back where you came from. Following the sounds of the unknown dragon.
When you got there your new companion dragon was already at the scene. Surprising you, but no one commented on it.
Next to it was a Snow Wraith fighting desperately to get out of a dragon proof cage.
“All of them didn’t get out on their own.” Astrid said tone filled with pity.
“It’s hurt.” You commented seeing the nasty scratches on its side.
It stopped making noise as soon as Hiccup held his hand up in the air.
“Hiccup..” you began
“She’s the baby Snow Wraith's mother.” Hiccup finished your thought
“She must have been fighting so hard to get free that she hurt herself.” You added
“Yeah.” Hiccup said sadly, noticing the scratches
“It’s okay, we’re on your side, and we’re going to get you out of here.” Hiccup said, approaching cautiously
When he deemed the dragon to be calm enough, Hiccup nodded towards Toothless.
Toothless opened his mouth ready to blast the lock but our new dragon companion beat him to it.
He blasted it straight through the cage.
Once again, you were all shocked speechless.
Toothless grumbled unappreciative at his thunder being stolen.
“Let’s see…it’s the key to the dragon proof cages and information on a species of dragons..and it flies really fast…I’ve got it! Keyflyer!” Tuff shouted
Ruff scoffed at her twin, “Keyflyer, really?”
“Do you have a better suggestion?” Tuff fired back
“No. But I will!” Ruff said, determinedly
“Hiccup, this is incredible.” You said
Hiccup grinned widely at you, “I know.” You could see the wheels in his head turning.
“But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.” You reminded
“What? Oh, you’re right.” He turned towards all of you, “Let’s head home.”
Hiccup's bed was far warmer than yours. But, maybe that was because there were two people in it instead of one.
You enjoyed using the excuse that Hiccup's bed was much warmer than yours so that you could spend the night at his without too many remarks from the others.
Hiccup didn’t mind at all, it was much more comfortable to cuddle with another human than a dragon that weighs 5x more than you do.
Your arms were curled around each other, barely any space between you two. If someone were to come on it would look as if there were only one body in the bed instead of two.
Most mornings you wake up and Hiccup had left with Toothless for a morning flight. He comes back eventually, crawling back into bed, so that the two of you could talk softly about whatever was on your mind that morning. Or, you might join him for a morning flight.
Your favorite mornings are when you woke up with him right next to you, no rush for a morning flight, just taking your time. Until, you are inevitably interrupted by someone. These mornings could be counted on one hand, but they were the best.
To your luck, today was one of those mornings. Snoggletog was still a bit away, but you and the gang did a few things to celebrate together before heading back to Berk. This year, Dagur and Heather joined in those festivities.
Hiccup was absentmindedly stroking the hair from your face, making you melt in a feeling of bliss. His eyes were unfocused, meaning he was thinking, his eyes were trained on the floor on the other side of the bed.
“Hi.” You said, voice quiet but it still came out louder than you meant it to.
He smiled down at you, “Good morning.” He softly kissed the crown of your head.
You hummed in approval.
“How long have you been up?” You asked, stilling his hand by your hair and intertwining your fingers.
Hiccup shrugged, “Not long. I didn’t expect you to wake up so soon.”
You smiled teasingly, “Oh, planning to do a bunch of Hiccup things before I woke up and started to annoy you.”
He huffed out a small laugh, “Yes, that’s it.”
Then, a loud bang came from downstairs as Toothless dashed up the stairs in surprise and jumped on you and Hiccup.
“Get up, brother! Breakfast is warm and tasty!” Dagurs voice shouted from below
Toothless lifted one of his wings to reveal a grinning Dagur.
Dagurs grin changed to a look of surprise at the sight of you.
“Oh, am I interrupting something?” He asked
“Are both lovebirds in there? Shocker.” You could Snotlout laugh outside of the hut.
“Yeah, those two are attached at the hip all the time.” Tuff said
“Imagine being with someone all the time, I could never do that.” Ruff added
“Same here, sister.” Tuff agreed
Hiccup groaned in annoyance, “Yes! You are interrupting something. Leave, all of you!”
“Someone’s grumpy.” You heard Snotlout mutter before the door slammed shut.
He turned to look at you, a look of regret on his face. You knew he felt bad for this morning being interrupted.
You smiled, “Breakfast?”
He smiled in return, knowing you weren’t. He leaned down for a sweet kiss.
“…and there they were. Great great Uncle Hopnutt with his one leg and a bucket, staring straight into the eyes of the big bass, the size of a Toothless!” Tuff told his story in a dramatic manner that all of you were used to.
Toothless’ head shot up at the sound of his name.
“The size of Toothless? Please.” Astrid laughed, clearly not believing Tuffnutt's story.
“Don’t barf on the yak until you taste it, A. Double G Uncle Hopnutt swore on his other leg!” Tuff pointed to one of his legs.
“And that’s a big deal! Because..Y’know..he only has one leg.” Ruff added
“Oooh, what happened next? What happened next!” Dagur demanded like a child about to receive a new toy.
It was later in the day, you had just finished dinner and now are sharing stories.
Fishlegs opened the clubhouse door walking over to you and Hiccup.
Hiccup sat watching the twins with his arm around your shoulder, you were snuggled into his side.
When he noticed Fishlegs he smiled.
“Hey, Fishlegs!” Hiccup greeted
Fishlegs grinned, “I can’t believe you found not one, but two new species of dragons.” Fishlegs squealed in delight, “This is more amazing than I thought. And, you would not believe what I found out from the baby Snow Wraith!”
Snotlout walked over to us, “For the record, I was the only one who was brave enough to go in the cave in the first place. The rest of them were too chicken to go in.” Snotlout bragged
You rolled your eyes, “Yep, that’s how it happened.”
“Yeah, good thing we brought you along Snotlout or things would’ve gone south.” Hiccup added dryly.
“You’re welcome.” Snotlout said, examining his nails.
Fishlegs looked unamused, he opened his mouth to speak when chicken jumped on him in fright.
“Not cool, A. I told you that your face makes her nervous.” Tuff raged
“I didn’t even do anything!” Astrid complained
“Sure you didn’t, Astrid.” Ruff said accusingly
“Hey, get off of me!” Fishlegs pulled chicken off of him
“Be careful, Gronkle lover, she’s fragile!” Tuff roared, picking up chicken and cooing at her.
“Hey! She took my book!” Fishlegs yelled
Tuff chuckled menacingly, “Did she?” He smirked holding Fishlegs book up in the air.
“Give me that!” Fishlegs ran towards Tuff in search of his book.
Tuffnut through the book in the air, towards where his sister was standing. But instead of landing in Ruffnut hands it landed on Snotlout's face.
Snotlout shrieked as he fell over.
Astrid fell to the floor laughing.
Heather ran over to pull Fishlegs off of Tuffnut.
“Should we help them?” You asked Hiccup
He examined the scene in front of him, “We’ll step in once Astrid pulls out her ax.”
You nodded in agreement, enjoying the scene in front of you.
You and Hiccup laughed silently at the chaos that was currently your friends. Enjoying these last few moments together before you were sure to have to step in before anyone could get really hurt.
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 1 year
Much Ado About Snotknuckles:
Something Rotten on Berserker Island (5x03) is a completely underrated episode, especially amongst Snotlout fans. Like, even if you’re not much of Gustav or Dagur fan, it’s great as just a Snotlout episode. Such examples (though most do include him and Gustav):
Snotlout constantly sassing Gustav and saving him from falling. He also just manages to lift him up effortlessly by one arm, with one arm. (Man, this man’s strength really fluctuates depending on the plot.)
Snotlout’s (perceived) incompetence completely vanishing when placed in a situation of danger and shifted power dynamic similarly to how he is when placed with the twins, only far stronger.
Snotlout calls the dragons “war machines” again and, in a sassy, aggressive way, attempts to sate Gustav’s nerves when he expresses that it’s different without Fanghook by (indirectly) empathising by name dropping Hookfang.
Snotlout saying “grow some hair on that barren chest if yours” while the camera is in a position for us to see all the hair on his own chest. This is a metaphor.
Snotlout immediately using himself as a distraction against the coup’s guards so that Gustav may escape, whereas if he were with the other riders he probably would have been the last one to volunteer.
When Gustav calls for Snotlout’s help after immediately being captured by some guards, Snotlout without complaint immediately defeats the guards that were chasing him to go help.
Snotlout conceiving a trap for the guards (and successfully fooling one into setting it off) to break Gustav out of jail.
Snotlout not correcting Dagur when he gets his name wrong and only silently seething over not getting much attention or duly credit due to his gargantuan man-crush (or just outright crush) on him.
Snotlout finally correcting Dagur and standing up for himself before they’re about to go into battle with Savage’s men.
Dagur and Snotlout going into battle with Dagur commenting “Two against twenty” and Snotlout saying “Could be worse.”
This man is an excellent warrior, brother, and man-whore.
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drkineildwicks · 1 year
A thought:
HTTYD AU where Hiccup shoots down a Deathgripper instead of a Night Fury
Hiccup names it Tuskless because he wasn’t aware of the whole retractable tusks thing
Tuskless did break a tusk in the crash so it still counts
Tuskless is also going I got downed by this thing and instead of killing me it wants to feed me and give me skritches?  I like this pack where do I sign up?
Hiccup has to keep a knitted sock/mitten on his stinger because if Tuskless were allowed to solve every problem with violence there would be issues
It takes a long time for Tuskless to stop giving the other riders and Stoick the stink-eye and if it were up to him Mildew and Alvin would have been dragon-chow way early
Is torn on Dagur because on one claw threat to pack alpha and on the other I vibe with this energy
Drago doesn’t get a chance to try his stunt because Tuskless agrees with Soick on this yes Hiccup I understand your feelings but the evidence says otherwise time to choose violence
Hiccup is mad at him for a long while afterwards until more of what Drago was doing comes to light
The Hidden World is less of finding tail the Hidden World because sometime in the RTTE era they stumble across a pack of Deathgrippers
Tuskless convinces them that Hiccup is a Good Alpha and suddenly Hiccup is very popular
Grimmel, instead of hearing of a Night Fury he missed (because one guy wiping out an entire species is bs) he hears of someone else controlling a pack of Deathgrippers and goes wtf no that’s illegal I trademarked that
Is Confused when he meets Hiccup and his Deathgrippers because how are you controlling them???
Hiccup: Uhhhh feed them?  Give them scritches?  Play fetch with them a lot they like that
They rescue a bunch of dragons from Grimmel’s allies and decide to escort one (the Light Fury) back to its territory because apparently Grimmel really wanted this one
Hidden World?  Other dragon sanctuary? IDK but I feel there should be a Fury meeting, specifically with Toothless
Toothless and Tuskless start arguing about who gets to be Hiccup’s best friend especially after the whole thing with Grimmel is taken care of
Hiccup is bemused but happy to be in high demand
Hiccup as the Feral Dragon Boi AU but raised by Deathgrippers specifically
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dopscratch · 1 year
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mugshot meme with the trio :) i love fishlegs which reminds me....
INCOMING BOOKS-MOVIES RAMBLE- even if you only know the movies please stick around, i cant make you but maybe you'll find the rest of this interesting
SO, so so so. i love the movies (well the first two...) but i will never forget their transgressions on the original plot
they took away hiccups Heroic Hair why would you do that he's nothing without his Heroic Hair
they swapped hiccup and fishlegs's personalities why would you do that why would you take away my nerd protagonist my nerd self is weeping
hiccup and fishlegs are no longer best friends why why would you do that to me i live for their loser friendship its just like me
they took away camacazi and made a mid love interest i dont care what you say astrid is mid tier never liked her much apologies i also dont like love interests so take my opinons with a grain of salt
in the movies toothless is actually Super Cool and hiccup also becomes Super Cool and earns massive respect and is not a laughingstock ever since the very first movie which hurt his appeal to me in the movies since, believe it or not, i am a Loser and hiccup also being a Loser and Becoming A Hero The Hard Way was very compelling to me
hiccup is the Absolute Main Character in the movies and the supporting characters don't get much spotlight while in the books it's a pretty well balanced group which i like
snotlout is no longer hiccups cousin and is just comic relief which is a HUGE missed opportunity for drama and depth that i loved in the books
villains in general are sort of mid tier throughout (except viggo viggo was cool. also i love dagur he's the best)
dragons are no longer complex. i loved their society of sorts and their unique morals (generally selfish, cruel creatures who have full knowledge of their actions and just don't care- though have the capacity for kindness) and their whole language and the fact hiccup knew that language because he is a Nerd
HOOOOLY CRAP the story is SO much darker i'll avoid huge spoilers but let's just say. war. slavery. torture. death. surprisingly generous amounts of blood.
more main-line content- technically yes the shows and other companion materials count for the movie-verse but some things are questionably canon and all that. meanwhile you have 12 whole books that are irrefutably canon and are incredibly well-connected especially through the end.
thats everything that my brain feels like spitting out now. there's obviously more (ESPECIALLY in regards to my uh... opinions about the third movie) but im too lazy to do anything about it at the moment
overall all two movies and the shows are still good and i cherish them so my smack talking is pretty lighthearted. still love the books more though
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headfullof-ideas · 15 days
Rivalries (at least ones that aren’t in the pre-existing lore, Ala Viggo and riders, Alpheus and Ant, so on and so forth…)
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I genuinely don’t really see Snotlout and Alpheus getting along. Their personalities clash too much, and Snotlout just gets beef with anyone new in this story, due to trying to protect the other riders. Alpheus being a little pompous and cocky and ‘so this is the brainless muscle-head?’ Upon first meeting didn’t really help either. Lots of petty pranks and fights between these two, with poor Ant playing mediator, albeit reluctantly due to not knowing Alpheus too well himself, he just knows Snotlout. Honestly I’m not sure about Alpheus and Dagur either, i don’t know if Alpheus would play nice with someone named Deranged, though I do see Dagur enjoying messing with him, but that’s neither here nor there-
Kaiko and Viggo have had beef for longer than Fontaine has been alive, so Viggo starts sweating when he realizes that Ant is Kaikos kid. She also scares him a little bit…or a lot a bit. Assassination attempts have been had, on both sides. As well as petty smack downs with whatever they can get their hands on. Like the drawing above, where little-sibling-extraordinaire Viggo (not to be confused to these two being siblings, just that their fights can resemble sibling fights sometimes) is utterly losing.
Camicazi and Mad Madeline are a case of thief meets thief, but Madeline is better at it than Camicazi, with the additional bonus of being a sea-faring pirate, and also being nearly five to six years younger than Camicazi. And Camicazi HATES someone being better at something than she is, especially something she insists on being so good at. So naturally they clash. Maddie spends most of it just messing with Camicazi, much to the older girls infuriation.
I would like to clarify that Astrid and Fontaine’s rivalry has nothing to do with race, though Astrid has never really interacted with a person of color due to the overall whiteness of the Archipelago, Ant being the only person with darker skin she’s ever met till she leaves the Archipelago. No, it’s because they’re both stubborn, Astrid hates being called out on her not-so-great actions, and being held responsible for those actions, and Fontaine loves pointing this out and poking the metaphorical sleeping bear that is an easy-to-piss-off Astrid Hofferson. There may be a bit of petty grudge-holding due to what Fontaine has heard about stuff that happened between Astrid and Ant too, which also pisses Astrid off. Fontaine has the same flaw of being incapable of acknowledging her own mistakes though, so Astrid makes plenty of jabs in her direction too with the same effectiveness.
Heather is obsessed with Kari’s dragon Ardyn, and Kari is mad about the time she straight up tried to run off with Ardyn. This is probably the pettiest of rivalries here, next to Camicazi and Madeline anyways. Heather pretty much just pulled an Alpheus and started having beef with a thirteen year old for no real reason beyond spite and petty rage. Granted, little Kari is a menace who is not above biting, and has bitten Heather, so there’s some of a reasonable grudge there. (Especially not helped by Heathers older brother teaching the little brat how to shoot a crossbow-) It’s hard to feel justified venting to someone about it though when you’re reminded you’re getting into squabbles with a tweenager a head and a half shorter than you who hasn’t even started puberty yet. Heather’s younger than Alpheus is in the show, so it’s a little less embarrassing when she loses, especially when it’s over something wildly different
These are the ones I can think of, and I’ve got doodles i want to draw to further elaborate on these dynamics, that might not come to light in the actual story itself. I dunno yet, we’ll see. I’m juggling a couple of things irl at the moment, so new stuff might be a bit scarce, but i’m hoping to send chapter three to my beta in a few days! So hopefully chapter three comes out sometime in the next few weeks
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empressgeekt · 4 months
HTTYD/Trolls - Crossover - Branch is adopted by Gobber AU -Part 2, post movie
Okay, the basics of this au is that Branch was sent to the HTTYD universe as a young child and was placed in Gobber's care. I recommend that you read the first post.
Okay, so I did decide to match Branch up with the Light Fury, he names her Cirra, after cirrus clouds. Not entirely sure exactly when in the time line they would meet, but I know it would take place during, Riders/Defenders of Berk. Currently I'm thinking that Branch frees her, after Alvin captures her to try and have a "night" fury of his own. The outcast leader, disregards the light color scheme, as other species have different color variations. No Idea how Branch would end up on outcast island, maybe he snuck in after Astrid, but he'd find Cirra chained up and free her. Unlike the other riders, he doesn't have a saddle as a saddle would mess up with Cirra's cloaking, but they manage. Gobber is rather surprised, but accepts her.
And here is some horrible art I made of Branch and Cirra.
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Now! On to the Post movie Plot!
After Hiccup recovers, Things around Berk change. With the red Death dead, their aren't any raids, meaning the need for weapons had dropped dramatically. Poor Gobber and Branch are left with out much to do in the forge, at least weapon wise. There's still the need for pots and every day tools, but business is much slower. Branch has his part time work with Gothi to fall back on but Gobber....It's a struggle to find a new role in the new normal. But in the end it works out. Being a Dragon dentist is something both father and son can work together on, as branch's medical training from Gothi can help.
I don't have much planned regarding Riders/Defenders, other then furthering the relationship between Branch and Dagur. And Cirra coming into the picture.
RTTE however I have a lot of thoughts on. Considering at the beginning of the Pilot that Snotlout was the offical weapons tester, then that means he'd spend more time at the forge, meaning he and Branch wouldbe spending more time with Snotlout. Probably form a similar sibling relationship like Branch has with HIccup. Not as close, but Branch would definitly become a more positive influance on Snotlout.
During part 2 of the RTTE pilot rather then going with the rest of the riders to the get the snow-wraith tooth, he stays on Berk to help Gobber man Gothi's healing shack. And despite Branch's best efforts, his Dad still manages to set one viking on fire and maybe kill another with a mystery potion that Gobber fudged. But there would be a bunch of bonding and funny scenes between them, with Cirra looking on in horror.
Branch would end up leaving with the rest of the riders, as and extra smith and assigned Healer. IN regards to the group, he's closest too Fishlegs and Hiccup, all of the mebing thinkers. Astrid is fine they can get along. Snotlout, once more their a little closer cause of the time Snouloat spent at the forge between RTTE and RIders/Defenders, but Branch still thinks he's a muttonhead. The twins? Branch just makes sure they don't kill themselves on accident.
When the events of "Crushing it" Roll around, I'm torn between Branch and Cirra saving Gobber from the watch tower or having Branch chase his brain-damaged father around the Edge. "Branch come over here and meet Peppy!" "Dad that's not a yak...you know what...never mind."
During "Have Dragon Will Travel" Part 2, Branch would 100 percent, have a chat with Heather before she left, about brothers and things like that. Brozone might not have killed everyone in his village but he knows how complicated family can be, especially after they abandon you. Probably be some Snotlout and Branch moments in the season 1 final too. During "The A Team" Branch supports Astrid with her extra training, staying behind on Berk to "Re-stock" with Gothi when he reality he stayed to keep an eye on her. "The Night of the Hunters" Branch ends up with Hiccup and Snotlout, helping them sew the Screaming Death armor. Though, i also like the idea of him stuck with all the Blondes in the cell, maybe slowly going insane from being stuck in there with them, and picking fights with Dagur.
Its when "Bad Moon Rising" Rolls around that things get much more interesting. It's a week before the episode starts, and on the shores of berk an interest group washes up.
Lets jump back to the troll world. When John Dory comes looking for Branch during TBT, he only finds Poppy, who has vague memories of a troll by that name, but they don't know where the trolling vanished too. Somehow they all pull together in the end, freeing Floyd and heading back to Pop village after the fact. But there's a piece missing and everyone can feel it. The last anyone heard of Branch was when the trolling ran off into the woods that surrounded Pop village. It being there only Lead they began to search the surrounding forest. The older three know it's a long shot, but they go anyway. Floyd is desperate to get back to his baby brother. He's not adjusting well to post captivity, all he wants to do was apologize to Branch for leaving.
They find a small little shelter out in the forest, a cave next to it. shovels and supplies are crowded around the place in neat little piles. No one had been there for a long time, clearly, but they look anyway. Floyd finds Croco next to a makeshift nest, and breaks down. Eventually they look into the cave...only to go too deep and get sucked into a wormhole that took their brother 19 years ago.
They don't remember much of the trip, but they wake up soaking wet and freezing on a rocky sea shore. The troll to human transformation is freaking them out some what. John Dory even more so, but not because of what happened to him. Rhonda went into the cave with them, and suddenly she's shorter then John and had a set of wings. She's still his girl though, and continues to follow JD everywhere. Poppy would spot what looks like a village up on the cliffs, and with out any better options they all trudged up to it.
Clay takes notice of the odd stares that the Villagers give them, and he suddenly he's very aware of the subtle differences between his brothers and the Pop Princesses and this village. While they appear to be the same species, All the villagers are much Paler then Clay and his brothers. Poppy and Viva are closer in skin shade, but it's still clear that they were outsiders too. They wander for a few hours before Bruce suggests they talk to someone. This makes Rhonda walk up to an older woman with long brown hair and green eyes, and a man with grey eyes and Black hair.
Woman: Oh well yer a friendly Gronckle *pets Rhonds*
JD: Sorry about her.
Woman: On it's not an issue, My boy has a dragon of his own, i'm use to there energy.
JD:Uh, hi I'm John Dory. Me and my brothers are new in town and-
Man: Ey! Step away from my wife!
Woman: Oh Spitelout, Hush! These lads are just asking for some help. Get back inside if ye, can't behave.
Spitelout: *huffs*
Woman: Sorry about him, he's boar-headed sometimes. Erika, now what can I help ye with laddie?
Bruce: Well, uh, like my brother was saying Ma'am, we're new in town and we're looking for someone. He'd be in...his twenties...might look like us?
Erika: If this is a vengeance quest, ye need to ask someone more idiotic, I'm not going to send ye to that boy to kill him.
Floyd: No killing, no vengeance, we're just looking for our younger brother, we were separated as kids.
Erika: Hmmm, alright what's the boyo's name?
Clay: Branch ma'am
Erika: The Smithy's boy?
Poppy: You know him?
Erika: Only child by the name of Branch I've met, sweet boyo, Ye won't find him here though. Lad moved off the island a few months ago....His father's still here though. Works down at the forge, just up the way.
Upon arriving at the forge, The brothers and sisters are greeted with an interesting sight, a Blonde haired human with a long mustache, a missing arm and leg, and a rock for a tooth, hammering away at a metal sword, while humming to himself.
Poppy: Um exucse me?
Gobber: Hmm? Oh, hello Lassie! Sorry I was bit distracted, with this piece. Wanna get all teh details right Anything I can do for ye? New sword, Axe? Personally I think you are a dagger lass, or are yet looking for something more special. *holds up piece of jewerly*
Poppy: Umm, Not looking for a weapons, but... actually that's really pretty, *admired neckless*
Gobber: Isn't it? It's my son's work. He's usually more practically minded but when asked to make something pretty he delivers. Makes a lot of lassies interested in him, but sadly none have made his cut.
Bruce: Sounds like he's great guy. Where is he? I might need to commission him for something.
Clay: Really Bruce?
Bruce: what, I need an anniversary gift in a few months.
Gobber: I'll let him know he's got a new customer, but ye might be in for a long wait, he's not home currently.
Bruce: Well when will he get back, we might be on a time crunch.
Gobber: I'd wish I knew, war seems to have no end once your in it.
Viva: You're son's at war?
Gobber: ey, why'd ya think I'm making 'im a sword?
Bruce: You let your son go to war?
Gobber: Let? No of course I didn't let him, it was his choice and if I had anything to say about he won't be anywhere near fighting, but he's his own man now. Faced 24 winters, and is still going strong. Besides I taught him everything he needs to know, hurl a bola, throw an axe, swing a sword. My boy will handle anything those namby pamby beserker throw at him. Now, ye wanted something lassie?
Poppy: Oh yes, but not for metal stuff, we were actually hoping you could help us find someone.
Gobber: Oh well, yer in luck, Ol' Gobber practically knows everyone on Berk, perk of being the only metal worker on isle. Does this person yer looking for has a name?
Floyd: Yes, its' Branch.
The next day or so is rather awkward. Gobber would drag the group, pulling a rather confused Stoick in, to Gothi's hut and made her read them. Eventually the old crone would confirm that they were from Branch's original tribe and they were sent on mission of reconnection by the gods. Poppy isn't so sure, about the Gods thing but she does step forward as a her peoples queen and begins to talk diplomacy with Stoick. Gobber however reiterates his question of how they know his son. Once them being brothers is out in the open, Gobber and the others are gobsmacked, the idea of having 5 children living to adulthood is almost unheard of in berk. With all the plague and fighting that happened in Viking life. Gobber immedately wants to know how his son was abandoned when he had such a large family. He's unsure about the answer of "We were seperated when he was very young", as some of the boys looked hesitent to tell him that, but He accepts it and even helps them find a place to sleep that night...these boys are technically family after all...and the girls with them are sweet.
By some coincidence, Gobber gets a letter from Branch the next day (curtesy of their personal Mail Terror "Gary"), inviting him to the edge, to learn how to make Gronckle Iron. He's excited and begins to prep a ship. Floyd would ask if they could join him, and not knowing how Branch would react, and just happy to receive a letter from his son Gobber agrees.
Over the week long boat trip, Gobber learns a lot about Branch's bio-family. John Dory is a bit of a mutton-head, but it's clear he cares, he's also the one most eager to learn how to sail (Apparently there isn't alot of ocean where their tribe was from, and that was a baffling thought). Bruce is easy going, and apparently has 13 children (once more baffling), he's also probably the one most vocal about thanking Gobber for taking care of Branch. Clay is clearly as smart as his boy, but sadly the lad spend the first few days of the trip horribly seasick. Poppy and Viva's boundless energy really liven up the trip and Gobber enjoys their bubbly nature.
Floyd is the one that sends a few alarm bells off in Gobber's mind. The Lad is show a lot of the signs that Branch gives off when something is bothering him Bad, so Gobber keeps a close eye on him. Not sure if there's going to be a confrontation on the trip there yet, but if there is Gobber would talk to Floyd during a sleepless night help him through the heavy guilt he feels. This is also how Gobber learns of the break up, and he wonders who on earth would let an 11 year old leave home. He can't even be mad at these boys for it. He's pissed off at the grown up who left, these kids to fend for themselves with and elderly woman. Gosh, when Stoick was too busy to take care of Hiccup Gobber was ready to care for the kid.
Over all the trip goes well. Gobber tells them all about little stories from Branch's childhood...some of which they don't believe. "What no way Branch hit a another kid" "Hah oh he did. Gave that brat a good bruise too, oh Oswald and Stoick were so mad but they couldn't punish him since technically he was defending his future chief". Gobber even teaches them some sailing chants, which leading to conversation about Branch only really singing while working the forge.
Eventually they arrive at the Edge, and port. Fishlegs and Hiccup meet them there. Meatlug immediately begins to play with Rhonda, the gronckles roughhouse on the deck. Fishlegs is very interested in speaking with Branch's brothers, and Poppy even more so. Ever since he learned that Branch was originally from a foreign tribe, there had been an underlying curiosity about what kind of people the elder rider came from. He wanted to know everything, adout their customs and culture. However, after Branch snapped at him for asking, Fishlegs dropped the questions. But these newcomers were prime researching material, and Poppy is very willing to teach him about "Pop Culture" (after she's done cooing over toothless of course). Hiccup is a little less enthusiastic, but he's polite, and ever sassy. "Wait you're named after a body function?" "And you're named after a rock, Clay, I don't think you can judge."
They're led up to the training arena, where they see a dark-haired dark skinned man, setting up a metal statue of a viking, with a snow white dragon laying lazily lounging on some boxes near by. Gobber, would immediately brighten at the sight of his son, and they'd would happily reunite, with a large hug, while Brozone would look on in shock. Their little blue baby, was now this rugged grown man. JD on impulse who be screaming, "Bitty B" and run up to snatch Branch in a hug of his own. Only to get ripped off by a flash of growling White, and Cirra leaped down to her rider's defence. The situation only escalates from there, Branch losing it at his Brothers for abandoning him, and not even Gobber can stop him. The other riders (minus tuffnut), look on in shock. Most of them didn't know about the fact that Branch was abandoned by his family, (other then hiccup but even then he didn't know the full extent). Branch only calms down Gobber redirects him towards sharing the Formala for Gronckle Iron and Branch breaking several swords on the gronckle iron dummy...at least until he has to patch up a rambling tuffnut.
The events of the Lychwing episode still play out. Only this time, you'd see Branch's Brothers try to make up with him, but hanging out near by. Listening to scary stories with Gobber, talking to the other riders, JD and Clay wandering into the workshop, while Branch is fixing up Snotlout after all the bites. It's only after they stop Tuffnut from Jumping off a cliff that Gobber intervenes regarding Branch and his family situation.
Gobber: Look son. I know yer angry
Branch: Angry doesn't begin to cover it, Dad. They left me! As a baby! They think they can just waltz back into my life after 20 fucking years! Well, guess what they can't!
Gobber: Branch...
Branch:...I don't know why your not more pissed! I remember hearing you rant to Chief when I was little, 'how could someone leave behind a kid like him!' 'you know i count my blessing the gods gave me my son!' where's all of that now?! Do I not matter to you anymore?!
Gobber: No, Laddie, don't ye ever think that! Ye are the best thing I have ever forged and don't ye forget that. And don't take my compassion for a lack of rage. Believe me, I'm pissed, but I can't blame your brothers for my anger.
Branch: *scoffs* oh really, you can't blame the people who threw me to the boars and abandoned me. How could you not blame them?
Gobber: because they were kids too, son. Listen just for a moment, do ye know how old yer brother's were when they left?
Gobber: 17, 16, 14, and 11. Now the older two, maybe if they were mature enough could move out, but Clay and Floyd, they never should have been allowed to leave. No child that young should be on their own.
Branch: And I was even younger.
Gobber: That ye were. But it was the Adults around ye who were the name problem. Tell me, when Stoick was busy with the raids and winter rations, did he leave Hiccup alone. No, he left him with us, people he could trust to help. Remember that raid when you were 7 and I couldn't get to ye, what happened that night?
Branch: Miss Ingrid took me to her hut's celler with all the other children.
Gobber: Exactly, On Berk we were always looking out for each other, especially when it came to wee ones. However, you're birth tribe? From what I heard, they left a 14 year old in charge of a household of 6 with only and elderly woman for help, and after three years he finally snapped....you're brothers did hurt you Branch, they failed you, I'm not denying that. But they were also failed, by their community, the adults that should've stepped in and helped. You don't have to like them, you don't even have to forgive them, but you should at least let them apologize, let them and yerself have closer. Because I'll tell you now, the guilt their feeling...it's going to eat them alive.
Thanks to Gobber's instance it pushed Branch towards a confrontation. After icing Snotlout's Paper Jaw from Hiccup's punch (Good Job Hiccup), he finally has a sit down with his bio-siblings. He agrees to try and get to know each other again, but he has conditions; No calling him 'bitty B' (he does not need the twins picking that up), no bringing up the whole troll thing ( "Dad will start on the sock thing" "What sock thing?" "We don't talk about the sock thing"), no treating him like a baby, and Branch was not singing. (Unless it's a special circumstance). During this Branch Properly introduced his Family the girls to Cirra, and then there's the bang of a Zippleback distress call.
In "Snotlout gets and Axe" Tuffnut accidentally marries Clay and Viva.
At some point John Dory does ask for rider training, considering that Rhonda was now a gronckle. Branch makes him a saddle, and just sits back to watch at John Dory learn how to fly, laughing at every stumble. Cirra is not open to many riders other then Branch, she doesn't trust humans easily, and these "brothers" stress her rider out, but reluctantly she allows Branch to take Poppy on a rather romantic flight, and at some point Floyd needs a ride. Viva, and Bruce want to try it out, but Clay doesn't want to risk air sickness, apparently his human body doesn't like travel.
The brothers do help defend the Edge when Dagur and and Ryker attack. Once the fight on the beach broke out, Branch gets into the fist fight with Dagur, the latter wielding a knife. They are horrified with how bloody it nearly gets.
I think I'll play around with the time line and make "Tone Death" happen before "Maces and Talons", simply because of how much angst i could squeeze out of it. Like abandoned egg hatches on the edge into a dragon that only communicates by singing, then gets adopted by one similar to themselves? This episode is practically a reflection of Branch's story in this au. Also and excuse for JD to show off his songs and everyone, including the Deathsong, trashing on them.
Dagur's redemption might be something interesting to explore. Branch and Dagur never had gotten along, even as kids, to suddenly be playing on the same team would definitely cause tension. Especially for Brozone, the first time they met Dagur would've have been when he was trying to slice their baby brother's throat.
At some point, the topic of going back to the troll world would be brought up and the brothers talked about showing Branch what they had been up too all these years, and branch is just like "I'm not going back with you."
This once more leads to arguments, but Branch can't leave he's happy in the Hyttd, world, and Gobber would be left with out any family if Branch left. Still not sure if Branch decides to stay or return to his world, maybe they find a way to pass between the two at will so Branch can visit, and maybe Bruce's kids can come meet their Grandpa Gobber (Bruce doesn't see Gobber as a dad, but he's Branch's dad and the kids would definitely see him as Grandpa if they ever met).
Once more still figuring things out. Timeline and world building wise, let me know your thoughts.
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violet-moonstone · 7 months
Highlights from "Sins of the Past"
Ok so first off, Snotlout and Heather were great in this episode. Snotlout once again showed his growing leadership skills, and Heather was a great balance of being badass while also showing a lot of vulnerability.
I love Dagur as a protective brother (even if he's a bit...shall we say overzealous at times). This is also the episode where Trader Johann turns out to be Traitor Johann. Uh...I've talked about my opinions on this before, so I'll avoid the rant. But suffice it to say, I'm not a fan of this twist for a variety of reasons.
Anyway, let's get to the screenshots.
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"My father doesn't have a hook." Heather is so cool.
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Krogan!!! I only vaguely remember him from my first time watching (especially because I didn't watch all the way to the end) but I'm loving him more with every episode. Every time he pops up I'm like "what an asshole" (affectionately)
Dagur terrorizing people in his search for Heather was just so...Dagur. Yes he's a good guy now, but that wild side's still in there. And poor Hiccup's just trying to keep it together.
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Hiccup trying to hold Dagur back from hurting someone is soooo good. I love that he has to do this with both Astrid and Dagur. Gods help him if they try to fight each other.
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I'm sorry but there is something so funny about Snotlout making this cute, sad little face while stripped of most his clothes, wearing a belt made of rope, and sporting some extreme tan lines.
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I love them!!!
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Snotlout coined Hiccstrid (in the show) while also being a Hiccstrid hater. He contains multitudes.
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I want them to kiss. And then have a knife fight.
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evilwriter37 · 23 days
Have you ever thought of Hiccup being really hurt by either Dagur or Viggo, but RttE otherwise proceeds like it should and so their time for redemption comes and when it does it just tears open all the wounds they left him with? Because they left him with such deep emotional and mental scars and then they have the audacity to try and be better people where he can see it.
33 writing ideas on the wall! 33 writing ideas!
Yes, hello. I love this! I surprisingly haven't thought of that! It's so delicious and excellent! I can see Hiccup being so mad, especially with Dagur getting friendly with the other Riders. The pure anger of this idea is amazing.
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tirednshet · 2 months
Httyd, Next Gen.
After days of writing, trying to find proper names, and (trying to) make it as accurate as possible, I present to you my version of the next generation of dragon riders in httyd (in this AU)!
*(Btw, the descriptions are from a series of stories im making, so it will contain a shit-ton of lore. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)
Zephyr Haddock - The eldest of the Haddock children, and the future heir to Berk. She reflects her fathers sarcasticness and creativity. She rides a Stromcutter she named Skysplitter. She is also the unofficial leader of the next generation of Dragon Riders, and is willing to protect all of them, especially Nuffink, when they are in danger. She often feels pressured by this new role, due to the fact she was placed in it overnight, but is guided by Avery. She feels guilty and feels as if it is her fault that her parents, and Berk, are in the state they are in in the first place. She doesn't like to talk about it all that much.
Nuffink Haddock - The youngest of the Haddock children, and while not the heir, still the Chief’s son. Unlike Zephyr, he reflects his mother’s traits of being adventurous and brash. He rides a green Nadder named Buckwing. He tries to help Zephyr the best he can on Dragon’s Edge, but sometimes goofs off with the cousins and Eira. He doesn’t like hearing about Berk, because it reminds him of his parents and the condition they are in.
Scullnut Thorston-Jorgenson - The son of Snotlout and Tuffnut (fraternal mother was Ruffnut). He inherits both of his fathers’ chaotic personalities, while also reflecting their loyalty to their old team. He rides a Typhoomerang named Glowtorch. When he escaped from Berk, Thornut wasn’t on the best terms with his parents (there will be TONS of context on that later). He feels guilty about it, and often feels like they ended up in their condition because of him. He takes his guilt out on the other riders in various forms, like questioning Zephyr’s leading, disobeying Avery and running amok on Dragon’s Edge with the cousins, and often zoning out during combat lectures. (He just doesn’t know any other way to deal with it, and certainly is not the type to talk about his problems).
Runa Ingerman - The daughter of Ruffnut and Fishlegs. She inherited Ruffnut’s chaotic personality and Fishlegs’s love for dragons, so the result was a chaotic love for dragons (I seriously don’t know how that would work out). Runa rides Fogs and Gust, a Zippleback from the Hidden World. She and Scullnut are thicker than the hairiest yak on Berk, because I mean, they are cousins, after all. They often secretly go on little adventures around Dragon’s Edge, just to loosen up a little. They also try not to think of the state Berk, and their parents, are in, afraid of what might’ve happened to them.
Arne - The eldest child of Dagur and Mala, and the future heir of the Defenders of the Wing, and the Berserkers. He reflects his mother’s traits, being calm and collected in times of danger, and knowing when the right time is to strike. He rides a Thunderdrum he named Waves, and often helps Zephyr as second-in-command of the riders, and keeps everyone, especially Eira, in check. He also comforts the riders when they feel at their lowest, and assures them that they are going to defeat Zelda and get their islands and people back.
Eira - The youngest child of Dagur and Mala. She inherited her father’s red hair and wild personality, and his fighting skills as well. She rides a Triple Strike named Wildeye. She has a hobby of chasing some of the Night Terrors around Dragon’s Edge, along with the cousins (Runa and Scullnut). Sometimes even Nuffink joins them as well. But Eira does have a more serious side to her. She looks up to both of her parents (mostly her father), and refuses to believe that he fell to a crazy lady and her dragon. So, whenever someone mentions him or anything related to him, she goes quiet and isolates herself for the rest of the day.
*I'm sorry if this isn't accurate/is cringey. As I said before, I tried to make it as accurate as possible (for this AU).
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Viggo: Now, I would never suggest turning on one's own family.. Heather: But if Dagur is standing in the way of your, of our success, that is not to be tolerated. Viggo: Couldn't have put it better myself. Nor is it tolerable if this wrongdoer is my own flesh and blood.
We do not talk about this quote enough. ESPECIALLY the first part. Because, yeah he is literally asking Heather to do that... but... is there an element of truth to what he says?? Like at all??
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wickedcriminal · 4 months
Hey, again, wickedcriminal, I see that the half brother au posts have returned and I am so happy I was going through withdrawal I had to reread all my how to train your Dragon books in order to pass the time. I also wanted to thank you for inspiring me to reread them. The books were so much darker and better than the movies. I would be able to finish all of them if I had them ALL!?! Seriously I have books 1-8. I have trying to get the final ones but my local book stores never have them in stock! Though seriously, I wanted to thank you for posting such an amazing little alternate universe story, I cannot wait for your story to start getting some more attention, and your book based of it to start I will be their to start reading it as soon as it comes.
I would like to go onto my asks now, as with the new law that I’ve recently seen I’ve had a couple of questions that I now have, so if if the twins are keeping a score of how many times one the kids get kidnapped doesn’t that mean that all of them have been abducted at some point? Also what are those situations even like cause if the twins are keeping score than Elder and Youngers friends must have some pretty memorable abduction stories they have to talk about. Wonder who has it worse?
Hello again!! Omg thank you for all your kind words!!! I'm so happy to see you're still enjoying the au!! :DD
The Twins keeping score is hilarious, and I'm sure all of the Riders have gotten their fair share of snatching at some point, with the Twins keeping a nice little tally board on the wall of the clubhouse and the Hiccup brothers are in the lead by a LANDSLIDE 😂 what can they say, they're just very kidnappable ASDHKLSGK
As for who gets kidnapped more; that's a great question! They've both been kidnapped by plenty of people ever since they were kids and all through the canon. The Danger-Brutes, the Romans, the Hysterics, the Berserks (especially when Dagur became chief), and eventually the Dragon Hunters (who are the Lava Louts in this au) all capture and hold the boys prisoner/hostage/ransom multiple times. It's easy to say they probably lost count.
But when it comes to getting snatched by their personal enemies, there is a winner!
Hiccup E has a nice little group of people that want to snatch him and have snatched him multiple times, including Madguts the Murderous (taking the place of TV Alvin in R/DOB and snatching him and Toothless several times), Viggo and Ryker (both separately several times in RTTE), and Krogan (Midnight Scrum in RTTE).
Hiccup Y has a smaller roster by only one person, which includes Dagur (taking Younger instead of Gustav in RTTE), Alvin the Treacherous (the 2nd and 3rd books in R/DOB and the 8th book in RTTE), and Norbert the Nutjob (book 7 in in RTTE).
So its looking like the contest for the most kidnappings goes to Hiccup the Elder!!! 🎉🎉 Someone get that boy a prize!!
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