syrena-del-mar · 1 year
His Man 2, Episode 9 Discussion
His Man 2 episode 9 really cemented my want for Jeongwook to exit the show.
The amount of times that people misunderstand him, in the guise of Jeongwook being the one that misunderstood, is unreal. I understand that Hyungjin prefers to clarify and settle things, but he could have easily left it at ‘we had a good time as friends’, but the fact that he essentially told Jeongwook that the date was a waste of time and that he wouldn’t have done that if he knew he had the ability to turn down dates…. When he’s the one that went to Jeongwook first after being rejected by Minsung… And the fact that he’s the one that asked Jeongwook to sing for him…
I honestly think that Jeongwook just needed a reason to go see his dog and didn’t think much of just inviting Hyungjin over. He knew he wasn’t Hyungjin’s choice and just accepted the date because they were the two that were stuck without a date. I’m assuming cultural differences play a role in the misunderstanding, because it felt like it wasn’t that big of a deal for Jeongwook to bring him over (even if he wanted to do with Yonghee.) It honestly felt like Jeongwook was just appreciative of him as a friend and they had a good day. It didn’t seem like Jeongwook felt any sparks either aside than being appreciated, but now that feeling probably got muddied because of how Hyungjin approached the subject.
But man, Hyungjin could have ensured that there was no misunderstanding with more tact. Like Sungho said, this was a conversation that he needed to have directly with Jeongwook, not first consulting Junsung and him. The intentions of ensuring that he wasn’t leading Jeongwook on was great, but the execution was horrid. Especially when he wasn’t even sure that Jeongwook had misunderstood.
And Jeongwook said it himself, he doesn’t care that they don’t have feelings towards each other, Hyungjin just should have gone about it a different way. He wants to learn about each person and so he invited him to his home just because that’s who he is. And hearing Hyungjin say that if he had known that he didn’t have to go on a date, he wouldn’t have gone with Jeongwook (when he’s the one that invited him!!!), that definitely sounds like he’s saying that the date he spent with Jeongwook was a waste of time. Oof, I completely understand why Jeongwook is hurt.
This episode really explains why Jeongwook looked so somber on his video on IG when the first episode aired.
I still hold the same opinion as last week. I hope Jeongwook finds happiness in his life and is treated how he deserves to be. He’s been getting hit with so many low blows this whole season without any reason that I sincerely want him to find the success, fulfillment, and love that he wants.
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lgbtally4ever · 8 months
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⮡ Dabi x Abiteth
AbiTou flavor
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syrena-del-mar · 1 year
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