#DXA scans
drforambhuta · 11 months
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Applications of DXA Bone Scans
1. Osteoporosis Detection: DXA bone scans are primarily employed for identifying osteoporosis and assessing the risk of developing this condition. Osteoporosis is typically diagnosed when an individual's bone mineral density (BMD) significantly deviates from the average BMD of a healthy young adult.
2. Evaluating Fracture Susceptibility: By measuring bone density, DXA scans empower healthcare professionals to predict an individual's susceptibility to fractures. Those with lower BMD are at a heightened risk of fractures, even from minor accidents.
3. Treatment Progress Monitoring: For individuals already diagnosed with osteoporosis, DXA scans offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of treatments, which may include medications, lifestyle adjustments, and dietary changes.
4. Body Composition Assessment: DXA scans occasionally find utility in evaluating body composition, including aspects like fat distribution and lean tissue. This is particularly valuable for athletes, individuals managing specific medical conditions, and researchers studying body composition.
You can undergo regular health checkups including DXA bone scans at some of the most reputed hospitals in Mumbai, like full body checkups at Saifee Hospital Mumbai.
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drpriya · 11 months
Bone density testing, also known as bone densitometry or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), is a medical procedure used to measure the density of your bones. It's primarily performed to assess the strength and health of your bones, especially for diagnosing conditions like osteoporosis, which causes bones to become brittle and prone to fractures.
During the test, a specialized X-ray machine measures the amount of mineral (usually calcium) in a specific area of bone, typically in the hip, spine, or forearm. The results are usually expressed as a T-score, which compares your bone density to that of a healthy young adult.
A lower T-score indicates lower bone density and a higher risk of fractures.
Bone density testing is important for assessing fracture risk, monitoring the effectiveness of osteoporosis treatments, and making informed decisions about bone health. It's often recommended for postmenopausal women, older adults, and individuals with risk factors for bone loss.
While DXA scans are not part of a standard full-body health checkup, they can be included in a comprehensive health assessment when bone health is a concern or risk factors are present. Get DXA Scans and other tests done, which are well included in full body checkups at Saifee Hospital Mumbai.
DXA scans are more specialised and are primarily used for assessing bone density and bone health, especially in the context of diagnosing conditions like osteoporosis. They are typically recommended for individuals who have specific risk factors for bone loss or those who need to monitor their bone health. Commonly, postmenopausal women, older adults, and individuals with a history of fractures or other risk factors may be advised to undergo DXA scans.
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tevanbegins · 3 months
Rewatching 9-1-1 currently and I love it when I discover new gems like these. 👇🏽😂 The parallels parallel so hard when they do!
One more link to include in the Buck x Tommy invisible string theory (ft. Chimney), I guess? 😍
2x01 (Under Pressure) —
Buck: A DXA scan. It measures your body fat. You can see your percentage in every part of your body. 😌
Chimney: Oh yeah? It measure the fat in your head? 😏
2x12 (Chimney Begins) —
Chimney: So you're back. How's that head of yours? 😄
Tommy: Still fat, but clearer. 🤪
Just two fat-headed future boyfriends separately talking to their future matchmaker years ago. 🥰😘
Pretty sure Chim's first thought on realising Buck and Tommy were a thing in 7x06 was, "Wow I'm thrilled this is happening cuz now that I think of it these fat-headed idiots were always perfect for each other and now they are together because I introduced them!" ☺
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ebdaydreamer · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
tagged by the lovely @buddiearemydads
im so close to being done with the hook up fic, I've just been so busy recently. interact with this post the be tagged when I finally post it
So, when he bounded into work one day, having just got the results of his latest DXA scan, he was practically floating.
“Oh, yeah? They measure the fat in your head?” Chimney teased.
But not even that could bring him down. “Ah, see, that would be funny, but we’re about a week away from submissions being due for the Hot Days, Smouldering Nights: Men of the LAFD wall calendar, and I’m already at my goal weight, so it seems like my head is clearly working perfectly.”
Predictably, Hen rolled her eyes.
The four of them bickered about the calendar, and Buck couldn’t help but tease Bobby and Chim a little. Younger sibling habits never die.
“I mean, sure, let’s be real. They are only picking one candidate from each station.”
Chim pointed behind him. “Ok, that is a beautiful man.”
Hen followed Chim’s finger and saw her eyes widen. “Where’s the lie? And I like girls.”
Buck turned slowly, wondering who the hell they could be talking about. Stevenson, from the B shift? Was he working today? He was fairly handsome.
Then he saw who was shirtless in the locker room, and he couldn’t help but agree. He was perhaps the most beautiful man Buck had ever seen in his life. And he knew what the others didn’t. He remembered the feeling of those abs under his tongue. He remembered his mouth pressed to his skin, a mark still adorning his collarbone. He remembered the taste of his come in the back of his throat.
Eddie. Eddie was in the locker room, putting on a LAFD uniform.
“Who the hell is that?” Why the hell is he here?
“It’s Eddie Diaz, new recruit.”
Hold on. A probie? Bobby had hired a new probie?
“Graduated top of his class just this week. Guys over at Station Six were dying to have him, but I convinced him to join us.”
“What do we need him for? Um…” Buck tried to bite down his panic and was met with laughter.
“He served multiple tours in Afghanistan as an Army medic. Guy’s got a Silver Star. It’s not like he’s wet behind the ears,” Bobby told them.
Army. That must be where he got those scars.
“Come on, I’ll introduce you. He likes to be called Eight Pack.” Bobby is definitely teasing him, but Buck’s ears are ringing.
Eddie was here to replace him. He had to be. With a guy that competent on the team, what use would Bobby have for him?
Buck grimaced as Chim patted him on the stomach. He locked up that amazing night far back in his brain. Eddie might be the hottest man Buck has ever seen in his life, might have had sex with him that put him on cloud 9, but none of that mattered. He meant it when he told Bobby this job was all he had even more so as Abby drifted further and further away. But it wasn’t just the job, it was this team. Chimney, who cracked jokes and teased him like there was no tomorrow. Hen who rolled her eyes and gave great hugs. Bobby, who gave him advice and taught him how to cook and was already more of a father to him in the past year than his own father had been his whole life. He couldn’t lose it, no matter what. He’d fight and cling like his life depended on it.
He followed the group into the locker room and saw Eddie’s eyes flicker in recognition.
The team could not find out about them sleeping together. For one, they’d all think that he had returned to his Buck 1.0 days, and then all the respect he fought for would disappear. Respect that they just seemed to be throwing at the new guy. So he stuck out his hand. “Evan Buckley.”
Eddie gave a slight nod of understanding. He shook his hand firmly, and Buck briefly remembered that strong hand around his cock. “Eddie Diaz, nice to meet you.”
Buck snatched back his hand and tried his best to not storm off.
He’s pretty sure he failed.
tagging: @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @911onabc @gayedmundodiaz @wh0re-behavi0r @heartbeatdiaz @alyxmastershipper @gentoodiaz @honestlydarkprincess @bigfootsmom @buck-coded @wildlife4life @shortsighted-owl @monsterrae1
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lucky-bishop · 2 months
Steter! 9-1-1 AU??
The probie's muscles have muscles, for fuck's sake. Stiles immediately hates him, is incredibly jealous of him, wants to be his best friend, and wants to fuck him within an inch of his life all at once. It's a pretty confusing combination. And here Stiles was so excited about his his half-percent improvement on the DXA scan and his chances at being picked for the calendar when he got here today. Hot Days, Smoldering Nights: Men of the LAFD isn't the most important thing in the world to him, but it's pretty close. And now this sculpted asshole is going to ruin his chances of getting picked! Coach mentions that they call the guy "eight pack", and Stiles seethes, even as the rest of the team goes over to meet him. What the hell do they need Peter Hale for, anyway? Well. Apparently they need him to correct Stiles on treating a patient on their first call together. And apparently they need him to reject getting a nickname, and to brag about his silver fucking star. Sure, Stiles can still admit that's a hell of a man, but it doesn't touch his burning rage at just how easily this guy fits in with their team. It's not fair. His night is saved when he gets back to the apartment and thinks that Lydia has finally figured out what she needed and come home, only to find his brother, Scott in the shower instead, really effectively killing the mood. And then all of a sudden, there's a live goddamn grenade in this guy's leg, and it's just the two of them, Stiles and Peter, and they're his only chance. And there's also a chance that none of them leave this ambulance. Peter has his back, and Stiles assures him that he has his. Their tension is resolved. Who knows what'll happen next?
Send me a pairing and an AU and I’ll write (at least) a 3-sentence fic!
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ferel6 · 1 year
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(Tldr: new research study, got my first 12 lead ekg 🥰)
Have a new research study that I'm going to participate in, but needed to go to an initial screening to make sure I qualified for the research (you know you need to start working out/eating better when they call you in for research because your BMI is over 30 😑)
Regardless, I am still VERY excited to be a part of it. They are testing Angiotensin, which is naturally created in our bodies, but they want to see if it will help with lowering blood pressure and spark metabolism in obese patients (that's me 😓)
The screening was a blast. Had to fast for 12 hours prior, got up in the morning and brought my wife and son with me to drop them off at the zoo for the day while I completed my screening. Long car ride, lots of time to get hype. Watching them eat breakfast only got me more excited (I wasn't really that hungry and the fact that I couldn't eat was just a reminder of the coming events).
I dropped the fam off at the zoo and made my way over to the familiar parking garage and began my walk over to the vascular center, past the main hospital entrance with patients and staff milling about, past the cancer center (feeling lucky that I was here for a different reason than those poor souls), and finally past the emergency room entrance, watching an EMS crew loading up an ambulance. I've always enjoyed this walk, getting the sounds and smells of the hospital, seeing all the staff everywhere in their scrubs. Anticipation mounts.
I got up to the Clinical Research floor and the study coordinator was already waiting for me. She greeted me like I was an old friend (I've done maybe 7 study sessions with them now, so I know the two main coordinators well, and I'm starting to recognize some of the techs) and we walked past our usual room, through a set of doors, and into a less lit hallway and back rooms I'd never been in. She explained there was another patient here for the study so we had to do the screening elsewhere.
As a note, I am VERY professional when it comes to these studies. While I do them primarily because of my fetish, in the moment I internalize all of that and quash it down hard to remain neutral and keep my vitals from going haywire and throwing off the research. But going through darkened hallways into secluded, partially lit rooms full of carts and tables and wires and tubes and trays and machines, just the coordinator and me, got my mind fantasizing something fierce 😬😈
Luckily, as with all studies, we needed to sit and talk through EVERYTHING they were going to do to me during our session, today and the next if my bloodwork came back acceptable. So I had plenty of time to temper myself while she explained.
The screening would include a DXA scan, full body composition. I'd also receive a full check up from a physician at the hospital and my first 12 lead EKG (!), which the physician would need to check over to make sure it looked good. Then a quick blood draw would round out the screening.
She explained the next visit would include two IVs, one in each arm, one for the infusion of saline or the drug they were testing (blinded) and the other for blood draws during the procedure. I'd have a 3 lead ekg to monitor heartrate, a BP cuff on my arm and a finometer on my finger and strapped around my wrist, a blood oxygen monitor clipped to my ear, blood flow sensors taped to my stomach, arm and leg, and a tent-like canopy over my head to capture my breathing. Unlike some of my other studies with them, she told me I could practically sleep through this one, as it is a LOT of sitting around during infusion and just listening to my breathing, so she said most of her patients literally take a nap 😅.
While all this talk would normally not allow me to relax my anticipation, I tried my best to return dialog, asking questions and getting the coordinator to open up about why they were testing certain things, what the blood draws were for, talking to her about the research I'd already done on the drug and it's effects, and hearing her thoughts on how the study was going. The longer we talked the more I could feel my heart slowing to a much more manageable rhythm 🤭
We finally got to it, hopping up and taking my shoes and socks off for height and weight, then straight over to the table for my first full fledged EKG!! As you can see on my channel here, I have a 5 lead patient monitor, and I've been to other studies where they used a 3 lead, but I've never had the pleasure of a full 12 lead reading before.
The coordinator dragged the machine over, more a printer with a keyboard than the brilliant colorful screen with the green line we all know and love. She already had the square medline electrodes attached to the leads so she set about hooking me up, a constant flow of conversation making me feel at ease and keeping me calm during something that in retrospect turned me on SO MUCH. I felt the cold sticky adhesive on my skin as she talked about how they would unfortunately pull on my hair coming off, if this had been a stress test she'd have to shave my chest because of all the sweat and movement, but it wasn't a big deal for a short resting EKG, how some of her older male patients would complain about the shave because they were going on cruises in a weeks time. Just a constant barrage of stories of her wiring up others just like me.
Once the leads were attached, she wrapped a BP cuff around my right arm and turned on a different monitor behind me, noting the beeping sound on it as the machine complaining that there was no temperature sensor hooked up, "But it broke a while ago, so we had to take it out and now it just yells at us all the time that there's none in there. But it's OK we won't have it on long, just going to take your blood pressure twice and I'll turn it back off again while your EKG is running. 138/85 a little high, it should come down, I'll run it again. Oop, EKGs printing, let's take a look. Oh looks great, but we'll still need to call the physician up to check it over, I'll text him now while I run the other blood pressure check. Ok, messaged, 133/86 better, better."
See what I mean? Constant stream of conversation. She's awesome. I would chime in from time to time, noting things like "oh that BP is a bit high for me" or whatnot, but mostly I just listened and enjoyed.
With my EKG readings printed off, she came back over, unstrapped the cuff from around my arm, unclipped the leads from the electrodes and wheeled the machine back to the corner. I thought maybe I could leave the stickies on my chest this time and have a bit of fun at home later and began to pull my shirt back down, but the coordinator reminded me of my imminent DXA scan and came back over to rip the patches from my chest.
We waited for a while longer, talking again of other patients, the study, what each of the tubes of blood would be used for during the procedure, until the physician finally arrived. He was young and tall, wearing those oh so lovely pale green scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck.
We fistbumped for cleanliness as he introduced himself, talked with the coordinator about what she needed from him, then looked at my EKG printout. He confirmed everything looked fantastic, noted my BP at the top and signed it. Then he turned to me and told me to hop back up on the exam table again so he could check me over.
He got out his stethoscope and began his inspection, asking me questions about my health or telling me to take a big breath and hold it.
Another note here: I am straight, but where my medical fetish is concerned professionals, even males, can REALLY get my heart racing, so I had to slam my breaks hard to not give anything away here. Id already had my BP taken and an EKG run and now a young, fit doctor listening closely to my heart. Man that was a tough one.
Done with his stethoscope, he threw it around his neck again, brisk hands checking the pulse in my neck, both my wrists, my ankles, my feet. All while asking if I took any medications or if I had had any health concerns lately.
We finished up and he was baffled by my perfectly healthy condition 😇. He told us he NEVER gets to examine healthy patients in his line of work and it was very refreshing. I apologized for not having something wrong with me, eliciting a chuckle from all of us in the room.
He signed off my paperwork again and we walked him out of the clinic on our way to the DXA scan. We talked the whole way, him asking if this was my first study (the coordinator cutting in "No he's one of our regulars!" 🥰) asking if I was close to the facility (told him I'm about two hours away, "Wow! That's far! Well thank you so much for the help with these studies!")
We parted ways and the coordinator led me to a tiny room with a bed and a scanner over top of it. I changed into shorts and laid on the bed while she got the program under way. 7 minutes of lying stock still while the bed moved me around, taking the whole composition of my body (it's a very light x-ray). She printed an extra copy of my body comp (if you ever need motivation to get fit...go get a DXA. It is the most unflattering picture ever).
Then we went back to our room and she had me hop up on the bed again for the final thing: a blood draw. She told me it'd be quick and mostly painless, as she only needed two vials and was just using a butterfly needle.
A pro as always, strapped a tourniquet around my arm, cold alcohol wipe, a quick flash and her stream of conversation started back up as she pushed on my bicep to get the blood flowing through the tubes.
She wrapped my arm up and sent me on my way with my packets of paperwork.
The whole day was over in like an hour and a half, but was just so....chill. So relaxed. I'll update again on how my study goes once I go through that date, but I was just so excited to be examined, poked, prodded, carefully scrutinized again. And for my first ever full EKG.
These will always be long winded posts cause I need to get my feelings out, decompress. Feel free to message me to talk about similar experiences or if you have questions. Ya know...if you read this far 😅. I love talking to people about these feelings!
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trashyinfernomusic · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
I've been so busy, I haven't lots of time to really sit down and write - which sucks, because I've got a birthday gift I'm working on and I have fics I really need to sit down and write ;-;
Anyway, here's something from the Greek Mythology!AU I've been thinking about for a while now :D It's kinda a PJO/9-1-1 crossover because events and details are mentioned, but as of right now, I don't plan on any character crossovers! -----
The day starts off well. He wakes up, makes himself a coffee, doesn’t bother with breakfast – Bobby will probably have something for him at the station – changes, slips his knife into his boot, and grabs himself a bell pepper for the road. He makes sure to check his phone and the mail for postcards or messages before he leaves the apartment. Just in case.
It’s an easy routine, one that he’s somewhat happily fallen into post-Abby’s departure.
It doesn’t hurt that he’s dropped a half percent in body fat since his last DXA scan. Hot firefighter calendar, here he comes.
The drive is even easier than his wake-up routine. He makes good time, traffic isn’t actually all that terrible – a miracle in LA – and he’d managed to get the Jeep’s cooling fixed last week just before the heat wave hit the city.
It’s all easy. Too easy, even.
When Buck gets within one block of the station, the air shifts.
To most people, the kind of shift he’s talking about is one that’s imperceptible. A shiver down the spine, the hairs on the back of the neck rising in alarm, the uncomfortable feeling of being in an odd fog – things people explain away as an odd feeling or exhaustion or paranoia.
To Buck, it means that something is Wrong. He doesn’t mean wrong as in, oops, I got a math problem wrong. No. When he thinks Wrong, he thinks of Monster Donuts and the one-eyed daycare teacher who tried to eat him when he was a kid Wrong. Wrong is a field trip to the AACA Museum that ended with Buck driving off in one of the vintage Camaros after he’d asked the museum attendant very nicely for the keys (though that one had ended with the car catching fire when a very angry harpy decided to chase after him).
Okay, so maybe Buck’s life is a little weird. He gets it. But the weird has taught him to pay attention, to focus on the Wrong.
Ignoring Wrong gets people killed.
Complacency gets people killed. Good people.
Sometimes bad people, too, but things aren’t always that black and white when it comes to gods and monsters.
And Buck’s never been all that great at ignoring problems. He’s caused his fair share of them, sure, but ignoring a problem when it’s staring him in the face? No. He’s not great at ignoring problems.
The Mist is wrapped so tightly around Station 118 that Buck feels like he can barely see the building through the haze. It’s almost as if he wants to look away, like the building itself is too blinding, too present, for him to see. He wants to drive past. He thinks about pulling out his phone (flip phone, obviously, because a smartphone is one heck of a Bad Idea) to call Bobby and say, hey, I’m not coming in today –
He frowns, shakes the thought away, and pulls into the parking lot.
And then he immediately tries to pull out, suddenly struck by the urge to take another lap around the block. It wouldn’t hurt anything, would it?
But then again, he’s spent the past few months working hard to prove himself to the rest of the 118. What would they say if he were to just not show up for his shift? He’s worked so hard recently, and he hasn’t even used his mom’s gift to do it.
It wouldn’t be that big of –
He pulls the knife from his boot and quickly slices a small cut across his palm. The urge to leave instantly dulls into a gentle prodding at the back of his mind. The familiar building snaps into focus. The fog is still there. It tugs at him, gently dulling his senses in a manner only the Mist can. He’s never really been the best at controlling it – he’s not a Hecate kid, and he’s got no affinity for illusion work – but he knows enough to protect himself from its influence.
Somewhat, anyway.
He slips the knife back into his boot and frowns. Something’s brought the Mist to his metaphorical front door. Something powerful if it’s affecting him this badly. A part of him wonders if everyone else at the station feels the effects, too.
He steps out of his car and grabs his duffel bag, quickly pulling out his recent DXA results so that he has something to crow about when he makes his appearance. Hopefully, he’ll be able to gauge everyone’s level of awareness based off their reactions.
He smiles as he walks into the engine bay. Everything seems to be normal. C Shift is finishing up their work as scheduled, Bobby and Hen are talking over by the locker rooms, and Chimney’s still not in yet, but that’s not entirely surprising. The Mist is still present, annoyingly so, but it’s not impacting normal station operations.
“I got another DXA scan,” he calls loudly both in the hopes of catching his co-workers’ attentions and finding whatever it is that’s brought the Mist into the building. Hen and Bobby turn to him. Buck waves the papers with his results in the air once he gets close enough to them. “Guess who dropped another half percent?”
“What?” Hen asks, her eyebrows furrowed as she squints at the papers. “Wait, Buck, is that blood?”
Buck glances at the papers that are rapidly turning red where his palm meets their edges. Ah. Right. That.
“Uh, yeah,” he says, his smile faltering a bit. Bobby’s own smile has fallen into a concerned frown. “I cut myself making breakfast this morning, was running late, so I didn’t have a chance to take care of it.” He grimaces, mostly for show, and purposefully glances back towards the parking lot where he’d left his Jeep. “I’m going to have to wipe down the steering wheel later.”
Bobby gently pulls the papers from his hand so that Hen can snatch the offending injury and get a better look at it. “Buck, you could have called,” he chides. “I would have been alright with you being a little late if it meant you’d take care of it properly.”
“You know I only use my phone for emergencies, Cap,” Buck replies with a shrug. “And I knew I’d have access to some awesome medical care when I got here. Not a huge deal.”
“I’d say this qualifies as an emergency, Buck.” Hen looks up, clearly about to order Bobby to go get something, but she stops when something catches her eye. “Chim! Can you get me some gauze, wipes, and some antibiotic cream?” She levels Buck with her best glare and says, “Who knows what you’ve been touching since you injured yourself. Does that fancy scan of yours check for brain cells? Because I’m a bit worried about a deficiency.”
Buck grimaces for real this time. Chimney’s already scurried off towards one of the ambulances so he’s safe from razzing for a bit, but Bobby’s already giving him the Disappointed Dad Glare and honestly, that’s worse. “No,” he says, “a DXA scan measures your body fat. You can see your percentage in every part of your body.”
“Oh yeah?” Chimney asks as he walks up to them, Hen’s requested items in his hands. “Did they measure the fat in your head?” He glances down at Buck’s cut and sucks in a loud breath. “Ouch. I hope that’s not as bad as it looks.”
It really isn’t, Buck thinks to himself. He knows his body; he knows injuries. He knows his body and injuries. It’s really not that big of a deal.
The old scar along his side twinges painfully at the reminder of a time something was a big deal.
But there’s a difference between a sword going through your side and a knife barely cutting your palm. Buck knows – he’s had both happen. He’d much rather take the knife.
“Ah, see, the fat joke would be funny,” he says quickly, hoping to change the subject as Hen begins poking and prodding at the wound on his palm with a wipe. “But we’re about a week away from submissions being due for the Hot Days, Smoldering Nights: Men of the LAFD wall calendar.” He lets a bit of smugness drip into his voice. “And I’m already at my goal weight, so it seems my head is working perfectly.”
Hen scoffs, none-too-gently scraping at a bit of dried blood on Buck’s hand with her wipe. Buck almost yelps when she literally rubs his skin the wrong way, but he bites down on his tongue before it can escape. “Do you really need to use the whole title?” she asks. “You could just say ‘that idiotic, reductive, sexist calendar that insults the dignity of this organization and furthers the myth that all firefighters are male.’ Chimney, the antibiotic please.”
Chimney wordlessly hands over the cream with a she just went there look on his face.
And Buck? Well… Buck doesn’t really have an answer for that. Neither does Bobby, who shifts awkwardly from one foot to the other.
Definitely the Mist’s fault. Mhm. Yep. That’s what he’s going with.
He internally breathes a sigh of relief at the fact that his co-workers seem to be unaffected by the Mist – on the surface, at least. His mind wanders just for a moment back to the Princess Andromeda in the early days of the war.
Back then, he’d thought the mortals were funny as they’d stumbled around in what seemed like a drug-induced haze. Now, he gets how truly fucked up the Mist had made them.
“Yeah,” he finally says, “that’s not any less words.”
“Hen, come on, it’s for charity,” Bobby cuts in with an amused grin.
“No, Bobby, you too?” Hen despairs. She hands Chimney the cream and takes the gauze from his hands without even looking.
Bobby shrugs. “Well, why not? They say a man is at his sexiest when he reaches fifty.” And it’s then that Buck knows Bobby is joking.
“Is that what they say?” Hen asks, her voice heavily laced with disbelief. She carefully tapes off the gauze and releases Buck’s hand with a gentle pat. “That’s what they say.”
Buck wisely, in his opinion, stays out of it.
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georgemathew8899 · 3 months
Why Bone Mineral Densitometry is Crucial
Bone mineral densitometry (BMD) is a diagnostic procedure used to measure the density and strength of bones. It is principally used to analyze and assess the risk of osteoporosis and other conditions that cause bone loss. These are significant general health issues because of their association with expanded fracture risk and consequent morbidity, especially in more established adults. BMD testing assumes a critical part in preventive healthcare by empowering early detection of bone density issues and facilitating timely intervention to prevent extreme bone-related health issues.
The most common method of bone mineral densitometry testing is dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA), which uses low-portion X-rays to measure bone density. DEXA scans are typically performed on the lower spine and hips, as these areas are most susceptible to fracture because of osteoporosis.
The procedure is harmless, quick, and painless, generally taking a couple of moments to complete. Patients lie on a padded table while a scanning gadget passes over their body, emitting X-rays at two energy levels to differentiate between bone and soft tissue. This allows for accurate calculation of bone mineral density.
Bone mineral densitometry results are often expressed in terms of T-scores and Z-scores. A T-score compares the patient's bone density with that of a healthy young adult of a similar sex, giving a benchmark to assess the level of bone loss.
A T-score of - 1.0 or above is viewed as normal; between - 1.0 and - 2.5 indicates osteopenia (lower than normal bone density but not low to the point of being delegated osteoporosis), and - 2.5 or below indicates osteoporosis. Then again, Z-scores compare the patient's bone density with that of a typical individual of a similar age, sex, and size. They are convenient for diagnosing auxiliary reasons for osteoporosis in younger individuals.
Despite its advantages, bone mineral densitometry testing has limitations. It fundamentally measures bone density and doesn't give information on bone quality, which can affect fracture risk. Furthermore, factors like obesity, spinal deformities, and past fractures can affect the exactness of results. Therefore, BMD ought to be viewed as close by other clinical risk factors and diagnostic tools for a thorough assessment of bone health.
In synopsis, bone mineral densitometry is vital in overseeing bone health, particularly in diagnosing and treating osteoporosis. By empowering early detection and progressing monitoring of bone density, bone mineral densitometry testing forestalls fractures and maintain quality of life in individuals at risk of bone loss. Accordingly, it stays an irreplaceable part of current healthcare.
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pdiziblog56 · 4 months
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Spandan Diagnostic Centre Pvt. Ltd. is one of the top diagnostic centre in Bhubaneswar & one of the leading businesses in the Pathology Labs. It is situated at Plot no.1294 CRPF square, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar. It is the Largest Health Care Chain Of Eastern And North Eastern Region. Spandan Diagnostic Centre Pvt. Ltd. is built on four major founding factors, which plays a key role in delivering the best of possible care to each and every patient. Each factor takes care of individual needs of patients, thereby enabling customised care for everyone according to their needs and health conditions. At Spandan they have 3.0 T MRI Scan, Cardiac CT Scan, BMD/DXA Scan, USG/Colour Doppler, Full Room DR (X-Ray) & Advanced Pathology.
For more info visit: https://spandandiagnosticcentre.com/
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superbmrictscancentre · 4 months
Dexa Scan in Chandigarh - Superb Diagnostics
Dexa Scan in Chandigarh uses topnotch Dexa scan system, which gives the proficient test and complete bone density analysis.
Dexa Scan, or more precisely, Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) is a very important non-invasive imaging technology for detecting osteoporosis and evaluating bone density. Superb Diagnostic's Dexa Scan facility benefits from the latest digital techniques, giving us instant precision of results.
The residents of Chandigarh who look up to reliable bone density evaluations will always have our best experienced medical personnel to carry out Dexa scan with the utmost of care and precision. Through such services, we are offering bone health screening or treatment checking.
The DEXA Scan is a useful medical tool alongside this. With a dedication to excellent care and the comfort of patients, Superb Diagnostics, which is the best in Chandigarh for Dexta Scan services, has standards that do not compromise on quality, as they make sure that every individual is assessed properly and cared for through a personalized approach.
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discoverybody · 6 months
Can a Bone Density Test Reveal Arthritis?
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A bone density test, also known as a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA or DEXA) scan, is a typical way to evaluate bone strength and density. It assesses the amount of radiation received by the bones and computes a T-score that compares the patient's bone mineral density (BMD) to that of a healthy young adult of the same gender. A T-score of -1 or higher is considered normal, whereas -1 to -2.5 indicates low bone mass (osteopenia), and -2.5 or lower indicates osteoporosis.
A bone density test can help diagnose osteoporosis, but it cannot directly diagnose arthritis. Arthritis is a condition that causes joint inflammation and pain and cannot be easily detected by a bone density test. Instead, clinicians diagnose arthritis by combining variables such as a physical examination, medical history, imaging tests (such as X-rays or MRIs), and blood tests (to detect particular inflammation markers).
Arthritis is a complex disease that affects over 100 different joints and surrounding tissues. The most prevalent forms include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. The diagnosis include assessing joint pain, edema, range of motion, medical history (including family history), and blood testing for inflammation markers.
While arthritis can induce changes in bone density over time, a bone density test alone is insufficient to diagnose the condition. It may indirectly offer information regarding the impact of arthritis on bone health by detecting bone loss due to chronic inflammation. Other diagnostic techniques, such as imaging tests and blood testing, are required to confirm the existence of arthritis and identify the kind.
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instrumentsbyvj · 7 months
Latest Trends in Pharmaceutical Research Equipment: Plethysmometers, Radial Arm Mazes, Watermazes, and FBD Fluid Bed Dryers
The pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving, driven by innovations in research and development. This continuous push for advancement extends to the equipment used in preclinical and clinical trials, as researchers seek tools that are more accurate, efficient, and reliable. Here, we delve into the latest trends in four key pieces of equipment used in various stages of drug development: plethysmometers, radial arm mazes, watermazes, and FBD fluid bed dryers.
Measuring body composition is crucial for understanding the effects of drugs on metabolism, energy expenditure, and overall health. Plethysmometers, which utilize air displacement or water displacement techniques, have long been the go-to tool for this purpose. However, recent trends highlight advancements in:
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) plethysmometers: These combine the traditional air displacement method with DXA scanning, providing highly accurate and precise measurements of fat, lean mass, and bone mineral density simultaneously.
Whole-body plethysmometers: These chambers accommodate larger animals, enabling studies on species like pigs and sheep, which are closer to humans in physiology than rodents.
High-throughput plethysmometers: These automated systems allow for rapid measurement of multiple animals, improving efficiency and throughput in preclinical studies.
Radial Arm Mazes:
Assessing cognitive function and learning abilities is essential for evaluating drugs targeting neurological disorders. Radial arm mazes (RAMs) are popular tools for this purpose, and recent trends encompass:
Touchscreen-based RAMs: These eliminate the need for physical barriers and reward mechanisms, simplifying setup and operation while offering flexibility in task design.
Virtual reality (VR) RAMs: Immersive VR environments provide more complex and natural stimuli, potentially leading to more robust and ecologically relevant behavioral assessments.
Automated RAMs: These systems track animal movements and choices electronically, reducing human error and increasing data accuracy.
Spatial learning and memory are critical cognitive functions often impaired in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. Watermazes, where animals navigate to a hidden platform submerged in water, are widely used to evaluate these functions. Recent trends include:
Morris watermaze variations: Modifications like the probe test, radial watermaze, and Barnes maze offer additional insights into specific aspects of spatial learning and memory.
Video tracking systems: Automated tracking eliminates manual scoring, improving objectivity and data consistency.
Chemogenetic watermazes: Combining watermaze testing with chemogenetic manipulation of specific brain circuits allows researchers to pinpoint the neural substrates of spatial learning and memory.
FBD Fluid Bed Dryers:
Drying pharmaceutical products is a crucial step in manufacturing, and fluid bed dryers (FBDs) offer several advantages over traditional methods. Recent trends in FBDs focus on:
Continuous processing: This approach improves efficiency and scalability, particularly for high-volume production.
Advanced process control: Real-time monitoring and adjustment of parameters like temperature, airflow, and product moisture content ensure consistent and high-quality drying.
Integration with other unit operations: Seamless integration with granulation, blending, and coating equipment streamlines production processes.
Energy efficiency: Newer FBD designs incorporate features like improved insulation and heat recovery systems to reduce energy consumption.
The trends discussed above highlight the continuous advancements in pharmaceutical research equipment. These innovations aim to improve data accuracy, efficiency, and throughput, ultimately accelerating drug discovery and development while ensuring the safety and efficacy of new medications. As research continues to push boundaries, we can expect further developments in these and other equipment, paving the way for even more effective and personalized healthcare solutions.
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asto-labs · 8 months
Skeletal Wellness Tests for Optimal Bone Health
Skeletal wellness tests are medical evaluations and diagnostic procedures aimed at assessing the health and integrity of the skeletal system, which includes bones, joints, and associated structures. These tests can help identify conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, fractures, and other bone-related disorders. Here are some common skeletal wellness tests:
1. **Bone Density Test (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - DXA or DEXA):**
   - Measures bone mineral density (BMD) and helps diagnose osteoporosis.
   - Determines the risk of fractures and assesses response to treatment.
2. **X-rays:**
   - Traditional imaging technique used to visualize bones and detect fractures, tumors, infections, or abnormalities.
   - Commonly used for joint evaluations.
3. **MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging):**
   - Provides detailed images of bones, joints, and soft tissues.
   - Useful for detecting injuries, tumors, and degenerative conditions in joints and surrounding structures.
4. **CT Scan (Computed Tomography):**
   - Offers cross-sectional images of bones and joints, providing detailed views.
   - Useful for assessing fractures, joint disorders, and identifying tumors.
5. **Blood Tests:**
   - Blood tests can be conducted to measure specific markers related to bone health, such as calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, and vitamin D levels.
   - These tests help assess metabolic bone disorders.
6. **Arthroscopy:**
   - Involves the insertion of a small camera into a joint through a small incision to visualize and diagnose joint problems.
   - Often used for knee and shoulder evaluations.
7. **Bone Scan:**
   - Involves injecting a small amount of radioactive material into the bloodstream, which accumulates in areas with increased bone activity.
   - Helps detect bone abnormalities, fractures, infections, and tumors.
8. **Ultrasound:**
   - Used for assessing joints, tendons, and soft tissues.
   - Provides real-time imaging and is commonly used for musculoskeletal assessments.
9. **Physical Examination:**
   - A healthcare provider may conduct a physical examination to assess joint function, range of motion, and overall musculoskeletal health.
It's important to note that the specific tests recommended will depend on the individual's symptoms, medical history, and the suspected or known conditions. Healthcare professionals, such as rheumatologists, orthopedic specialists, or primary care physicians, may order these tests based on their clinical evaluation of the patient.
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carescan · 9 months
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, commonly known as DEXA or DXA scan, is a precise and non-invasive diagnostic tool used to assess bone density. This article aims to guide you through the process of navigating Dexa scans for bone density assessment, providing insights into why they are essential and how they contribute to bone health management.
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Osteoporosis in Aging
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Osteoporosis, a progressive skeletal disorder characterized by reduced bone mass and deteriorating bone quality, poses significant health challenges, especially among the aging population. This discussion involves dynamics of bone health, the factors contributing to osteoporosis, and proactive measures individuals can adopt to protect and strengthen their bones as they age.
1.Understanding Bone Structure and Dynamics
Bones, seemingly solid, have an internal honeycomb-like structure. This structural framework undergoes constant remodeling, with cells building new bone tissue while others dissolve existing bone to release essential minerals. As individuals age, this delicate balance shifts, resulting in a gradual loss of bone density and an increased susceptibility to fractures.
2.Prevalence and Impact of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a widespread concern, affecting over 10 million people nationwide. Its consequences, particularly in Adults, extend beyond fractures, leading to a variety of issues such as disability and loss of dependence. The vulnerability of specific areas, including the;
hips, wrists, and spine, underscores the importance of understanding and addressing this condition.
3.Hormonal Influence and Screening
Estrogen, a crucial hormone, plays a major role in bone formation and regeneration. Postmenopausal women, experiencing a decline in estrogen levels, face a high risk of an increased bone loss. Regular screening, typically recommended for women aged 65 and older, involves non-invasive tests like;
Bone density scan(DXA), measuring bone mineral density. A total score of -2.5 or lower is indicative of osteoporosis.
4.Nutritional Factors
The role of nutrition in maintaining bone health cannot be overstated. Calcium, an essential mineral for bone strength and formation, is obtainable from various dietary sources such as, dairy products and leafy greens. Vitamin D, facilitating calcium absorption, becomes increasingly critical with age. This emphasizes the importance of adequate nutrient intake, either through dietary means or supplements. Specific daily calcium requirements for women over 50 and men over 70 are outlined.
5.Exercise as a Protective Measure
Physical activity, especially weight-bearing exercises like jogging, walking, tennis, and dancing, significantly contributes to bone health. These exercises serve as signals to bone cells, promoting density and reducing the risk of fractures. Conversely, lifestyle choices such as smoking and heavy drinking weaken bones, while certain medications may increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Medical Interventions and Future Prospects
Medical interventions, including medications like bisphosphonates, are commonly prescribed to combat bone loss. Ongoing research is exploring drugs aimed at stimulating bone growth, with parathyroid hormone being a current option. The article discusses the potential of these interventions and highlights the importance of timely medical advice and interventions, even after an osteoporosis diagnosis, to positively impact bone health.
Fall Prevention and Fracture Avoidance
More than 2 million fragility fractures occur annually due to falls, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach to bone health. Combining efforts to enhance bone strength with fall prevention strategies is crucial. Factors such as balance, environmental hazards, and the type of fall play significant roles in fracture risk. The discussion underscores the effectiveness of exercises that improve balance and coordination, such as slow intentional movement in preventing fractures.
Maintaining optimal bone health is a course that involves a combination of nutrition, exercise, and proactive healthcare measures. Given the critical impact of osteoporosis on aging populations, raising awareness and implementing early intervention strategies are paramount. This comprehensive approach empowers individuals to foresee the risks associated with osteoporosis, ensuring a resilient and active lifestyle in their later years. The discussion concludes by encouraging individuals concerned about their bone health to engage or consult with their healthcare specialists, pressing on the importance of personalized guidance and bone density testing for proactive management.
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denisemedzer02 · 11 months
DXA Bone Densitometer 
DXA Bone Densitometer beam=pulse-double-energy-x-ray-with-high-energy-85kv-and-low-energy-55kv; X-ray detector=imported-high-sensitivity-digital-camera; X-ray source=stationary-anode-x-ray-tube-with-high-frequency-and-small-focus; Scan sites=forearm; Imaging way Online at Medzer.com
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