rightnewshindi · 6 months
मंडी की गोहर और बासा पंचायत में फैला पीलिया, एसडीएम के संज्ञान लेने पर मचा हड़कंप; बगस्याड़ में भी मिला एक मामला
मंडी की गोहर और बासा पंचायत में फैला पीलिया, एसडीएम के संज्ञान लेने पर मचा हड़कंप; बगस्याड़ में भी मिला एक मामला
Mandi News: गोहर और बासा पंचायतों में पीलिया फैलने पर एसडीएम गोहर लक्ष्मण सिंह कनेट ने स्वास्थ्य और जल शक्ति विभाग के खिलाफ कड़ा संज्ञान लिया है। एसडीएम ने स्वास्थ्य विभाग को दोनों पंचायतों के प्रभावित गांवों का सर्वे कर पीलिया के मरीजों का उपचार और बचाव करने को लेकर निर्देश जारी किए हैं। वहीं, एसडीएम ने जल शक्ति विभाग को जल्द पीने टेंकों और पेयजल लाइनों की सफाई करने के आदेश जारी किए हैं। एसडीएम…
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anotherfandomtrash · 26 days
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Since we got news about modern adaptation of C&P, I started to think about "What these characters in 21th century would think about the fact that some random book from 19th century completely copies their life to the minor of details" and these are just some little doodles that came into my head
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vyorei · 11 months
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Dunya Ghanem speaks on the murder of her son in the West Bank
Real people, humans, are suffering and losing everything they hold dear. She dreamt of seeing him get married, like so many mothers around the world dream for their children
Full story here:
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giannic · 6 months
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New Video: JOVM Mainstay Mariaa Siga Shares Breezy and Uplifting "Mame Bamba"
New Video: JOVM Mainstay Mariaa Siga Shares Breezy and Uplifting "Mame Bamba" @mariaasiga @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron
Now, if you’ve been frequenting this site over the past couple of years, you’d probably recall that I’ve managed to spill quite a bit of virtual ink covering Senegalese-born and-based singer/songwriter, musician and JOVM mainstay Mariaa Siga.  So far, Siga has released three singles, which I’ve written about on this site: “Le murmure des anges,” a track that saw her collaborating with Artikal…
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toychest321 · 6 months
With the end of Ramadan rapidly approaching, I'd like to give attention to another Muslim doll line. Though unlike the others, this one is far less obscure...
You know them, you love them, give it up for the Arabian Friends!!!
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While Fulla is objectively more popular than Arabian Friends (having a longer span of releases and merchandise), I'd definitely say Arabian Friends are more talked about in western doll collecting circles. This is likely because while all the other Muslim doll lines I've found use Barbie proportions, these moreso resemble Winx or W.I.T.C.H.
Arabian Friends were released by Newboy, the company behind Fulla, in 2007. They were first teased in issues 08 and 10 of Fulla Magazine, before being officially revealed in issues 11 and 14 (the latter seen above).
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Only 8 dolls in total have been released for the line: a Deluxe and a Budget doll for each of the four characters. The Deluxe sets came with two outfits, accessories, and an Abaya. The Budget sets came with one outfit and a matching Hijab. Each doll had 7 points of articulation, with bend-and-snap knees.
A third line was announced in 2008 in Fulla Magazine issue 19, advertising that whoever could answer which character had which profession would enter a raffle with the chance to receive a full Arabian Friends collection, but this ultimately never came to pass. (The answers were: Muna - Fashion Designer, Amal - Kids' Teacher, Dunya - Coach, and Ahlam - Air Hostess)
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It's said on Dollect there might have been an accompanying animated series, but the most I was able to find were two videos. One seems to be a trailer for the animated series.
The other includes a Back To School merchandise advertisement, and what might be an animation where the girls reminisce on when they were younger and how their aspirations led to their respective careers (the trailer seems to re-use animation from both of these).
A comment beneath the Trailer claims these were actually meant to advertise for an upcoming movie rather than a series, but no further news came out after these videos were released. If this is true it's honestly a shame, and might have been cancelled around when the third series was intended to release. The animation provided reminds me of Sailor Moon, and I would've loved to see it in a full storyline!
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First character up is Amal, whose name means "Hope"! Her description reads:
"Never forget that hope is the key that opens all closed doors. With hope in your heart you will never be alone and nothing in life will seem impossible.."
Amal reminds me the most of Usagi from Sailor Moon, as the animation seems to portray her personality as being kind yet clumsy. It's ironic that she eventually becomes a schoolteacher as well, considering she apparently had a habit of arriving to classes late. She's also seen tucking a child into bed, so perhaps she's a mother, older sister, or aunt as well?
While depicted in the animation as having honey blonde hair, her doll has dirty blonde hair in two low pigtails (possibly tied by pink ribbon or thread). And ironically, despite her Deluxe doll using more patterns than her friends, her Budget doll is the only one without a patterned shirt.
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Next is Muna, whose name means "Wish". Her description reads:
"Wishes are like bright stars in a dark sky although they are only small they fill our lives with happiness and make the darkness beautiful."
Muna is a Fashion Designer with an eye for intricate design and detail. She spends a good amount of time in her studio, seen drawing on her friend's leg cast and her highschool classroom's chalkboard. At one point, Muna is also seen helping an elderly woman across the street, so clearly her devotion to her work doesn't stop her from being charitable when she can be!
Her fashion style in both doll and animated form definitely seems the most bold out of her friends, reminding me of when 2000s-era fashion would draw inspiration from the 70s! While in the animation she and Dunya were depicted with tanned olive skin, their dolls have the same skintone as Amal and Ahlam. She has brown hair with red highlights. In the animation her hair was often depicted with side part bangs and a headband. However, her Deluxe doll has a red beanie, and her Budget doll has a middle part with braids coming down on either side of her head.
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Ahlam's name means "Dreams". Her description reads:
"Dreams are like beautiful butterflies that fly in the wide blue sky. It is good to have dreams because they take you to a place where anything is possible.."
Ahlam is apparently a pianist in addition to her Air Hostess job, having dreamt of flying since she was in school. She seems to be portrayed as considerate and low-key, which aligns with her cool blue color scheme!
Her doll's fashion style seems to be Boho Chic, with beads, frills, and florals. In the animation her hair is short, with a side part and a blue butterfly barrette. Her doll, meanwhile, wears her black and blue hair beneath a navy cap in her Deluxe look, and a middle part tied back in her Budget look. Visually, she reminds me of Ami Mizuno!
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And last but not least, Dunya! Her name means "Life", and her description reads:
"Your friendship is like a beautiful flower to me. Your nice words, kind deeds and positive attitude are sure to be rewarded with happiness and love.."
Dunya seems to be a healthy eater, going to someone's house with a bowl of greens (salad or kale perhaps?), and making a smoothie while on the phone. She also does stretches and runs on her treadmill. All of this makes her the perfect fit for a coaching position!
Weirdly enough, her hairstyle in the animation is exactly like Amal's doll, with two low pigtails tied by pink ribbon. Her doll, meanwhile, has brown hair in a side part tied in a high pony with silver elastics (giving me Vidia vibes tbh). Her olive green fashion seems to be relatively modern (at least for the 2000s) and urban. Her clothes are the ones I can most easily see on a Bratz doll!
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Overall, I simply adore this line!!! It feels more character-focused than other ones I've covered, and I'm a sucker for such strong color-blocking! It's hard for me to even pick a favorite, since their centralized aesthetics are all so compelling and unique! If anyone who knows Arabic would be able to translate what they say in the animations, I'll happily add an addendum to this post for clarification!
It's a shame the line and its movie was cancelled before it could receive the acclaim it deserved, I would've loved to see what more it had to offer! Regardless, I'm thoroughly impressed with what they managed to put out, and hope the designers have been able to apply their clear talents in other endeavors!
Ramadan Kareem!
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stuckinapril · 6 months
Do you have any poetry recommendations? The poem poll made me realize that I like. ONLY know Iraqi poets. Like the only non-Iraqi poet I can name off the top of my head is Robert Frost
i'm literally hooked on poetry. even on days where i can't sit down to read a book, i try to consume at least one poem a day bc it keeps me sane. it actually does. i recommend signing up to one poem a day newsletters--those have been a game changer for me. as for recommendations, my favorite poems change every week, but current faves (whose authors i regularly go back to/are a good starting point) would be:
elegy for my sadness - chen chen (Who invented the word / “ennui”? A sad Frenchman? / A centipede? They should’ve never / been born. They should’ve seen me / in Paris, a sad teenage / exchange student. I was so sad / & so teenaged, one day my host sister / gripped my hand hard & even harder / said, SOIS HEUREUX. / BE HAPPY. & miraculously, / I wasn’t sad anymore. / All I felt was the desire to slap my host sister. / See, I was angry in Paris, which is clearly / not allowed. One can be sad in Paris (I was) / & one can be in love in Paris (I was not), / but angry? Angry in Paris?")
a pity, we were such a good invention - yehuda amichal ( "A pity / We were such a good / And loving invention / An aeroplane made from a man and wife / Wings and everything / We hovered a little above the earth")
like a small cafe, that's love - mahmoud darwish ("I say to myself at last / Perhaps she who I was waiting for / was waiting for me, or was waiting for some other man / or was waiting for us, and did not find him/me.")
bible study - tony hoagland ("Who knows, this might be the last good night of summer / My broken nose is forming an idea of what’s for supper / Hard to believe that death is just around the corner / What kind of idiot would think he even had a destiny?")
mother and child - louise gluck ("Why do I suffer? Why am I ignorant? / Cells in a great darkness. Some machine made us; / it is your turn to address it, to go back asking / what am I for? What am I for?")
america, america - saadi youssef ("We are not hostages, America, / and your soldiers are not God's soldiers... / We are the poor ones, ours is the earth of the drowned gods, / the gods of bulls, / the gods of fires, / the gods of sorrows that intertwine clay and blood in a song... / We are the poor, ours is the god of the poor, / who emerges out of farmers' ribs, / hungry / and bright, / and raises heads up high...")
the duino elegies (seventh elegy respectively) - rainer maria rilke ("Not only the devotion of these unfolded forces, / not only the paths, not only the evening fields, / not only, after a late storm, the breathing freshness, / not only approaching sleep and a premonition, evenings... / also the nights! Also the high summer nights / also the stars, the stars of this Earth! / O to be dead at last and know them eternally, / all the stars: for how, how, how to forget them!")
the endlessness - ada limon ("How was i supposed to feel then? About moving in the world? How could I touch anything or anyone without the weight of all of time shifting through us?")
psalm - adonis ("Open my memory and study my face beneath its words, learn my alphabet. When you see foam weaving my flesh and stone flowing in my blood, you will see me. I am closed like a tree trunk, present and ungraspable like air. Thus I cannot surrender to you.")
the war works hard - dunya mikhail ("The war continues working, / day and night. / It inspires tyrants / to deliver long speeches / awards medals to generals / and themes to poets / it contributes/ to the industry / of artificial limbs / provides food for flies / adds pages to the history books / achieves equality / between killer and killed / teaches lovers to write letters / accustoms young women to waiting / fills the newspapers / with articles and pictures / builds new houses / for the orphans / invigorates the coffin makers / gives grave diggers / a pat on the back / and paints a smile on the leader's face.")
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badrrr · 1 year
Be women of the akhira. Do things with the intention of it benefiting you in the next life. Sacrifice for the Ummah. My beautiful sister, we don’t live in the golden ages so we shouldn’t live a life as if we do. Life isn’t just about girl parties, shopping and cute dates with spouse.
My precious sister in Islam, your role is big and your responsibilities are many. There are a plethora of captives and a shortage of those willing to free them. Raise up young men and women of Tawheed. Usool ath- Thalatha has dwindled from us and the youth. Memorize it and teach it the young to live upon it. Our elders, May Allah grant them a long life full of good deeds, are unaware of the plight of the Muslims. Where is your beautiful handwriting in making leaflets to spread awareness? The deviants and slanderers have increased and are poisoning the masses. Learn the deen and educate the new generation of muslimaat. Sell your jewelry for ransom. Spend from your money in charity. Give up some sleep for tahajjud.
My beloved sister, your husband is not just for you. As much as you adore him, he is for the Ummah and should be encouraged to get dirty in the path of Allah. Don’t stop him or discourage him. Make dua for him, motivate him, prepare him accordingly. If you hold him back from his duties, then you have deprived the captives of their freedom and Islam of spreading far and wide. If you love him for the sake of Allah, stand with him in the path of Allah ﷻ. Encourage even the men in your family to get dusty for the sake of Allah.
My sister, keep company with the sisters on the same path. You will only flock regularly with those who are the same as you. You will become like those who you are around mostly. Righteous, pious akhawaat should be your company. Gatherings of knowledge and the remembrance of Allah should be your dates with them. If they advise you, keep them close. If you sin and they encourage you, they don’t truly love you. If they only care about the glitter and glamor of this dunya, it’ll only pull you towards that and away from the ultimate goal.
Focus and stay on track. Learn skills to benefit the Ummah. Have very high aspirations because it only befits the people of the best nations. Make continuous istighfaar and rush to the good deeds. Be mindful of Allah in private so it translate to that in public. Ask Allah for a soft heart that weeps at disobedience and sinning. Build up a heart that is so attached to Allah it weeps for missing acts of sunnah. Think about the captives and the oppressed muslimeen. When is the last time you shed tears because of them ? May those tears be a witness for you on the day of judgement.
The path isn’t aesthetic nor is it easy. It is not smooth and it never ends until the Angel of death takes our soul. Any khayr you put forth is not because of your actions or your intellect. Rather it is from the mercy Allah has bestowed upon you . Ask Allah for steadfastness. Constantly clean off you slate with istighfaar and keep the mindest that your life is for the sake of Allah and you must live accordingly.
You are the backbone of the Ummah Ukhti. You are a precious jewel and you have an honorable status. Be a women like how the sahabiyat were. Be a woman who corrects what others have corrupted.
May Allah aid you and honor you. May Allah increase us all in thabat and make us from the forerunners of the deen.
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ladychlo · 7 months
Solidarity is also an act of selflessness, even at its most simple ways like boycotting a product or something that will not impact the quality of your life, let alone your life as whole. As an act of solidarity for other communities' perpetual extermination and genocide. Ya Allah, I'm telling you it feels so sad to contemplate, the continuous call to boycott some stuff, what is so difficult about cutting of products or events etc? What's so difficult about taking on alternatives, why is boycotting a fast fold chain or a music competition is a hard compromise against the death and starvation of Palestinians, why is buying second hand electronics and not engaging in buying new fucking iphone is a harder decision in front of millions of Congolese lives being murdered and exploited.
Don't fall for the dehumanising aspects of individualism, you should care, your whole comfortable existence should be a act of solidarity and resistance to those who are stripped from the mere comfort of existing, of life and of basic rights.
You need others and they need you, we're for each other's company and community in this world, in this Dunya, we owe others solidarity and support with everything we can, solidarity is not a choice, it is an act of life, an act of being human and don't let anything strip you off of your humanity.
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iman-92 · 9 months
i was feeling down about going into the new year without my dad and then i had a dream about him and he was really happy. idk if it’s a sign from God but maybe i need to make dua that someday I can get to a place where i can remember that the afterlife is better for him than the dunya. and to let myself be happy for what he’s gained instead of feeling sad about my loss. May Allah make it easy for me
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anotherfandomtrash · 9 months
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I've connected the dots
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pyaariposting · 1 year
Photos of pizza, steaks, burgers and desserts on Snapchat before we even eat. Announcing engagements before things are certain, our best nikah photos, latest baby scans, and our kids looking really cute on insta and Facebook. New job, better body, newer car, more exciting holidays updated on What's App every few hours. If Prophet Yusuf was advised not to share his dream - what do you think about sharing too much of your dunya? Take precautions, seek Allah's protection, and be sensible. It just takes one eye for everything to be destroyed.
a reminder for me, you, us, we all.
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fluffy-appa · 6 months
Disconnect from the Dunya to reconnect with ALLAH.
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Lyric Video: JOVM Mainstay Mariaa Siga Teams up with FissBassBeats on a Banger
Lyric Video: JOVM Mainstay Mariaa Siga Teams up with FissBassBeats on a Banger @mariaasiga @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron
Over the past couple of years, I’ve spilled quite a bit of virtual ink covering Senegalese-born and-based singer/songwriter, musician and JOVM mainstay Mariaa Siga. So far this year, she has released two singles which I’ve written about: “Le murmure des anges,” a track that saw her collaborating with Artikal Band, who contribute a shuffling and buoyant reggae riddim paired with a slow-burning…
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Something I made for well...if it ever happens. It may sadly not. But just the possibility of this game getting the remake treatment. Maybe along the lines of some of the Resident Evil remakes. Or maybe something like the Modern Warfare remasters and The Last of Us.
"Welcome to LV-1201. Experience what many in 2001 and onwards consider to be the greatest AVP game ever.
Remade from the ground up for a new generation of gamers. Running on a new engine with an updated soundtrack, voice actors, and everything else. Experience the terror in a new way. But if you're wanting to replay the original version. It's also included and finally playable on next gen consoles.
As Corporal Harrison, a colonial marine. Experience intense first-person survival horror. Luckily, you're armed with state-of-the-art weaponry such as the iconic Pulse Rifle and more. But will it be enough?
As the "Prince" Predator. Become the ultimate hunter as you stalk, hunt, and kill prey with iconic weapons such as your wrist blades, plasma caster and more. As you track down a worthy trophy that you should've gotten years ago.
As the Alien. Become the stuff that nightmares are made out of as you slaughter your enemies however you can. Inner jaw, claws, tail, it doesn't matter, as long as they stop living and you expand the hive.
"Primal Hunt". Set before the events of the main story. Discover what happened to pod 5 and play as Major Dunya of the "Iron Bears" an Ancient Predator, and a Predalien.
Multiplayer battles up to 16 players. Featuring the return of Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Survivor, Hunt, Overrun and Evac."
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badrrr · 1 year
The muwahideen are finding marriage difficult, among a lot of things. And I want to say, the path of the Ghuraba isn’t paved with roses. Being from the Ghuraba isn’t an aesthetic. It’s is a path that Allah blessed us to be upon. So remember it , when things became difficult. When marriage isn’t easy, remember this. Make dua and tie your camel.
And when you make dua, consistently do it. Day in and day out. Tahajjud shouldn’t be a once every 2 week thing. Make it part of your routine. Raise your hands to the heavens and beg Allah. Show humility to and tell Allah honestly. If you want companionship, tell Allah that. If you fear falling into zina, be honest about it with Allah. When it rains, make dua. Between the adhan and iqaamah, make dua. In Sujood, make dua. The last hour of Friday, make dua. The dua made at tahajjud is an arrow that never misses its target. So where are you, o you who has a need that needs fulfilling ? Where are your who wishes to have that which they desire? If you are sleeping at that time, do you really want it? You truly don’t want it if you know you have a Lord that descends and seeks to fulfill the need of His slaves.
Ask family, friends and people at the masjid. Do something new and look outside of your town, city or even country. There has been plenty of brothers and sisters on the manhaj who have traveled elsewhere for a spouse or maintain a long distance relationship as a temporary before they are united . If you have a preference, look outside of that and expand your options. Ask those online and if the online route is taken, do your due diligence. It shouldn’t be the first choice but after asking Allah, go for it (for sisters, please always seek permission from a wali and have him every step of the way, online and in real life). Even if the your surroundings are mainly liberals and madkhalis for example, don’t ever underestimate Allah. Allah can send somebody to you when you least expect it in a way that you could never imagine. So have good thoughts of Allah. He is how we think of Him. Do you think He will never give you a spouse? Believe your Lord will answer you and that you will be pleased.
Don’t forget to look into your self. How is your heart with Allah? How much are your sins? Are they greater than your good deeds ? How many sins are you willingly indulging in that you can easily cut off? You want a righteous spouse but are you striving to be from the righteous ? You ask Allah for a spouse and you feel as if your dua isn’t being answered , but what is the amount of sins?
Are you fulfilling your obligations? Are you praying on time , giving zakat, forbidding the evil and enjoining the good , maintaining ties with kith and kin, staying away from the haram? Brothers, are you defending the Ummah and securing the release of the captives? Look into yourself. There could be things that are delaying the response to your dua. Also, think of how you’re close to Allah right now on your state. You’re begging Allah consistently in Tahajjud, your mouth is constantly moving with dua, you’re in a state of hope and wanting a need fulfilled. Yes it’s not easy being patient upon something you’ve been wanting for a long time, but take advantage of how close you are to Allah now. Maybe Allah wants to keep you near Him. Maybe He wants to hear your voice just a little more.
Purify your intentions. The spouse you desire isn’t just for yourself. Have the intention when you get married it is to aid the deen of Allah. It is to bring victory back in the earth and to raise children who will uphold the banner of Tawheed high in the lands. A righteous spouse is part of your enjoyment but remember the bigger picture.
As a last note, work to keep your heart attached to Jannah. We may not get everything we want here but what is with Allah is much better and greater. Dunya isn’t final. It’s just a bridge. Keep your eyes in the prize and your heart connected to heavenly matters. Ask Allah to grant you contentment with your Qadr and to make it easy for you to be grateful in all situations. والله اعلم
May Allah grant all the muwahideen righteous spouses sooner rather than later. May Allah grant us patience and protect us from falling into fitnah. May Allah answer your Adiyah in beautiful ways. آمين
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