#DOn't let's start verse
bosstoaster · 1 year
OKAY I talk too much for the post comment character limit so bringing it back to your inbox: GOSH see so since you mentioned this, it is something SO INTERESTING TO ME that I think about every time I am thinking of this fic (so hearing you say that is lighting up every neuron in my brain atm. I could literally discuss this fic for years, I have so many questions and SO MUCH INTEREST) but re: the Ryou genuinely not caring thing. Is his not caring about it a lack of self-worth or at least what he thinks of as a lack of entitlement? Is he able to comfort/distance himself from it a bit bc tho he remembers it at his own experience, he knows rationally that it wasn't he - Ryou - who had made that choice because he literally didn't exist yet? It was Shiro, and he just got implanted with the experiences of another man? Or does it actually make it even harder on him, because he doesn't feel entitled to struggle with these awful memories because they aren't really "his"? Or is it a combination of both? One of the things that I find so fascinating about any Shiro and Kuro story that is and could have been is this struggle. Part of me feels like it would be so easy for them to hate each other, with so much Shiro self-loathing to go around, but equally easy to sympathize with each other because of how empathetic and generally nice guy he and they are. My Shiro stan heart forever ruminating on this. You have another fic that sticks with me a lot, where the Ryou verse boys meet the canon boys post S6, and they get so angry at everyone for letting Kuro die to save Shiro like he didn't matter, and I can't remember the exact quote, but someone questioning whether Kuro still is alive in Shiro or if Shiro just has his memories, and Shiro (exhausted and untethered and raw and recently back from an eternity alone, practical to a fault canon!Shiro) being like "Is there a difference?" and no one could say anything.
Ahem, sorry for rambling, your Shiro fic is forever among some of my favorite stuff in the fandom, I could fawn over it and discuss it for days.
Okay, so first of all: thank you SO MUCH for a chance to talk about my favorite thing to explain, which is Ryou Shirogane, my boy, my scrungly creature, my actual son.
Okay, so, Ryou's lack of caring on the subject of what Shiro did in the arena. Under the cut b/c this is long
So, Ryou remembers all of it perfectly. Better than perfectly, even. The memories were implanted into his brain through the nervous system connection in his arm. They're permanently etched.
But Ryou has a few advantages here. First and foremost is that Ryou did a lot of work in his own head to separate him from Shiro. A big part of that was the acceptance that the Black Lion was never going to accept him. He was never and would never be the team's leader - or, at that point, he didn't even think he could be a paladin.
That was a blow, because being Black Paladin was what Shiro used to separate himself from what he'd done in the arena. He's a good guy, he fights the very obviously evil bad guys who do evil bad guy things, the lion of being Responsible and Leaderly thinks he's worthy.
Ryou is not.
So at that point, Ryou said 'fuck it, if I'm not the leader, if I'm not a paladin, why hold myself to these ridiculous standards of perfection that Shiro expects of himself?' And he cut it out. He essentially literally took a hack job to his own personality. Fuck it. If he can't be a leader, he won't act leaderly. He won't care about the big picture, only about his people. The universe is full of terrible shit and pain and disappointments, but he has a family and he's going to protect them.
THAT is the start of the Yellow Paladin personality, actually: These are my people they are mine and no one can hurt them, because that's all I have in the universe. No role, no greater purpose, because I wholeheartedly reject the thing I was literally made to do.
From there, Ryou and Shiro did not expect to like each other. And honestly, my goal wasn't even to make them! Just to get Shiro comfortable enough with Ryou's existence to keep them from being at each other's throats. Because it IS easy for Shiro to hate Ryou. He's a physical manifestation of how he was abused by the Galra, and he represents everything Shiro tries to hide about himself: the damage, the parts that aren't nice, aren't leaderly, aren't buttoned up and perfect.
Except Ryou refused to feel the same way. He looked at Shiro and went 'literally no one understands you like I do, and I don't give a shit about your posturing. You're suffering. I remember how you're suffering. You need help. I am going to help you.'
And thus, Shiro became one of Ryou's People. It's only later that Shiro met him at that same place.
But that's why Ryou doesn't care. Because it's sad that the kid died, but it's not actually Shiro's fault. He knows how Shiro feels, he knows why Shiro feels that way, but he can also see him from the outside. And Ryou doesn't care because Shiro is more important. That kid would have died no matter what. Shiro was being abused and starved. He survived. Nothing else matters to Ryou. Shiro could slaughter whoever he wanted if it meant he came home.
Ryou loves Shiro.
Ryou protects Shiro.
That's all that matters to him, at the end of the day.
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glassesandpassion · 7 months
[𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞] [Ken-chan 👀]
𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝: [ 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 ] : sender and receiver are finally sharing a passionate kiss.
[please take this ~1k monstrosity that took me 3 sleepless nights to finish]
Miyako felt Ken's gaze searing into her way too many times that summer afternoon, to the point she even wondered if he noticed what he was doing - to the point she even wondered if he was doing it on purpose.
Time and time again, she'd fix her hair, waves already fading due to the humid weather. It'd always been hard to keep her hair in any flattering hairstyle while straight, and she was already regretting not choosing a simple yet reliable braid.
Maybe that's what made Ken stare: she was looking positively ridiculous with hair strands refusing not to fall on her face and sticking up where they shouldn't. Miyako took one last attempt at taming the strands before turning to him, apologetic.
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- It's a mess, isn't it? My hair. But... But, is it that ugly? You've seen me looking worse, right? I mean, we've spent days together here at the Digital World without proper showers, there's no way my messy hair would be such a problem to you... right?
Ken kept staring at her, now with his brows knitted together as if trying to comprehend whatever alien language she spoke. Out of his agape mouth slipped an almost monotone "What".
- Wha... - Miyako stared back at him, unconsciously imitating his befuddled expression - ...what what?
A beat of them awkwardly studying each other's expressions passed until Ken relented, his mask of confusion breaking into an embarrassed smile that was quickly hid by his hand.
"Oh no. Is that what it seemed to you?" But despite the space he gave her to respond, she remained unusually quiet. From where she stood, there was no way to tell he wasn't making fun of her. Or if there was even a right answer to him. He sighed, "I'm sorry, Miyako-san. I'm so sorry. It's just-- no, forget it, it's not even appropriate for me to say it. I'm just really sorry."
Ken's face was noticeably flushed once he was done with his apologies. Despite his plea - or maybe because of it - Miyako found herself even more curious. She shifted closer, a way to press him into a proper answer.
- Ken-kun, you can't just stare at me the whole day and expect me to let it go just because you said so. Spill it out already! This is getting way too weird! - her eyes were wide glaring at him, and the muscles of her face strained with tension. Not the most persuasive look, perhaps, as the embarrassment on Ken's face was gradually being replaced by alarm.
There had to be a way to make him say it, she pondered as her eyes stirred away from him. The situation, it seemed, required more tact than she was used to. Tact that Ken didn't have when he decided it was a perfectly good idea to stare at her so intently earlier.
Tactfulness be damned, she'd use force to pry the truth out of him if needed.
- KEN!! - she barked, using the moment he was startled to pull him even closer by his hand - This is no time to play coy!! If you really were that shy, you wouldn't have stared at me so much, now would you?! Just tell me, I don't bite!! I mean, I will if you don't.
His head moved slowly from side to side as he chuckled, defeated. "You know I wouldn't mind it that much, don't you...?" She saw his dark blue eyes take a quick glance at her, expecting something, but she remained impassive. "...you don't. Oh. This is going to be way harder to exp--"
- Just go on with it already!! - she hissed, squeezing his hand. A part of her was already forming an idea of what he was about to say, but she wouldn't let herself assume things before hearing it from his own mouth, not when that habit had led to so much heartbreak before.
So she waited, impatiently, her eyes fixed on his lips, anxious for whatever words they might form.
He cleaned his throat, turning his face away from her. "You were right, Miyako-san, I was staring at your hair. But not because I thought it was ugly, I could never. I just..." His free hand raised to her face and stopped at her temple, almost as if hesitating to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Every time I noticed you fixing it, I found myself wondering how it would feel to run my hands through it and... well, I'm sure you're aware of how beautiful you are, Miyako-san", his voice was low, almost a whisper. He pulled his hand away from her and apologized, "But I should know how to control myself, or things might get awkward between us."
- ... since when are you a coward, Ken-kun? - Miyako shook her head in disbelief, eyes still wide and voice almost as low as his. She brought his left hand, which was still trapped by her grip, to her face and leaned into it. A smile graced her lips, softening her features - You really think I'm beautiful? Even when I'm looking like a mess?
"You're not looking like a mess." His gaze finally met hers, warm, half-lidded, embarrassment still staining his handsome face. She felt his thumb caress her cheek, and a giggle escaped her mouth.
- Liar! - her free hand found its way to his hair, digging her fingers into his sweaty scalp. It was a wonder it didn't gross her, only bringing out her need to touch him. She pulled him closer and closer until she could feel his breath mix with her. His only protest was a meek "Are you sure?"
- Why wouldn't I be? - was the last thing she said before closing the remaining distance between them in a kiss.
It was remarkable how cold Ken's lips felt against hers, especially considering the weather. Not that she minded - it felt soothing, somehow, and yet the tingling sensation of his mouth melting extended all the way to her spine, her arms, her stomach. Electrifying.
Meanwhile, Ken's right arm snaked its way around her waist, for once him being the one making a movement to bring them closer. It pleased her, it really did, to finally feel his walls crumble around even if just for a bit. For Miyako, Ken always felt like he was encased in a glass dome, his truest self forever out of her reach.
But if he wanted, as it seemed to be the case, then there would be a way to bring him to her. His mysteries could now become hers to solve. A thought so pleasant she broke their kiss into a soft laughter, which turned into quick pecks on his lips and the rest of his face.
"...what is it?", Ken murmured, his fingers now tangled deeply into her hair and his lips red and slightly swollen. There was a glint in his eyes that turned them into galaxies, easy to get lost in.
- I'm just... - she stopped once more to drink into his features, smiling so much her cheeks were starting to hurt - Ken-kun, have I ever told you how happy I get when I'm with you?
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deiscension · 6 months
I've mentioned before that S.hi Q.ingxuan has codependent tendencies and usually said so in a light-hearted "haha yeah watch out she'll latch onto your muse like a leech" manner but it really is a major problem that sets her up for nothing but failure.
Everything she does, from the way she dresses to the way she handles her responsibilities, cries "look at me, look at me!" Some of it has to do with vanity and having been spoiled by her ge's attention, yes; she's pretty, she's kind, she's the lady wind master, so why shouldn't she be admired and adored? A good majority of it is just naturally how she is; even when keeping face, she's never once thought to hide the heart she so openly wears on her sleeve. If it were just those two facets of her personality, it wouldn't be so debilitating. But it's not. She does not know how to exist without being seen. It's not a lack of confidence in who she is as a person (she knows who she is- she thinks she knows -and she's so very confident in who she believes herself to be). But that confidence has a foundation based in there always being a hand to hold, always a back to hide behind, always a pair of arms to catch her when she falls, and if there's just one thing she knows how to do it's to be a persistent presence. Everyone needs someone else around, so it all works out quite nicely, doesn't it? She has no reason to believe otherwise.
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not-poignant · 1 year
Hi Pia
Just to be clear, will the old version of Fae Tales remain available on ao3 or will it be replaced with the newer edited versions?
I'd appreciate knowing so I'll know whether to download the older versions before their replaced.
Thanks x
Hi anon,
I've talked about this a lot over the years. But basically I have actually edited and tweaked all of my stories many times over the years firstly, so that's a thing that does happen and it's worth backing up versions (if you want to keep the typos and some of the continuity errors x.x)
Secondly, I will save the 'references to SAL' version of Game Theory, so that this version is always available. I'm still on the fence about whether I'll make the AO3 version fully original, I always said that I would, but that was before I made the decision to actually try publishing, and now I think I could probably keep both.
However, even if I do that, I get a lot of people saying they find Game Theory confusing - why was Augus defeated? What did he do wrong? What's the difference between Seelie and Unseelie fae? Etc. etc. Questions that got answered in SAL for some, and certainly get addressed in COFT and TIP, never get addressed in GT, and that's kind of an issue for a free serial that is meant to help people get interested in my writing.
Some people overcome that (or have no issue with it), but it really is the biggest barrier to folks picking up the series.
In that sense, I have considered adding extra scenes, and also removing the scenes that have been completely OOC for over 8+ years, like Gwyn masturbating early on in GT, or the spanking scene later on. Neither one fits Gwyn's character, and it's very quickly established after that - and then maintained for almost a decade afterwards - that they really don't fit his character.
Those inconsistencies might be charming for some, but they're actually really frustrating for me! I haven't been able to reread Game Theory for enjoyment for like 4+ years because of it.
So, will I fix those things to make GT have decent continuity of character and add new scenes to GT on AO3? Maybe. Will I keep the references to SAL? Maybe! This one's more likely, especially for the folks - the many of us - who love fanfiction and love AO3 and came to GT (including me) from fanfiction. There's always a transitional story for people who need it.
My biggest stumbling blocks are the character continuity issues.
Also for those who probably don't know, I've made some actually pretty big edits to SAL for character continuity re: Gwyn and Augus. Augus, in particular, has had some major reworking in that story (like 4-5 years ago).
Every single one of my stories gets edited over time, especially if I do rereads. Most don't get new scenes, but like... oof I'd say there's about 2000 extra words on Gwyn and Augus in SAL, and I remember I did an edit about 6 years ago which easily removed about 12,000 words.
No one's ever brought it up, so ideally the edits felt smooth and just made the reading process more enjoyable.
But yeah if you want old versions of anything I write, anon, save/download them.
But if I make big structural changes (removing scenes / removing chapters), I will make a back-up copy myself and host it on Dropbox or something for folks to download going forwards. But hopefully they try the edited version too :)
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voxxisms · 5 months
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@mothvalentino whispered a line ;; unprompted ( always accepting! ) ཐིཋྀ "Why should I join forces with you?" //hi, I'd like to start a thread about their first meeting if you want to :3
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WELL NOW. it seemed his offer had at least received the attention of the moth overlord, && vox was entirely too happy to offer a wide smile, leaning back in his seat, opening up his body in an attempt to appear more genuine, to appear more welcoming && friendly. he was good at these kinds of meetings, these portrayals of his abilities && what he could offer.
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❝ well, i do have plenty of hands in many pockets, you know. i am a little familiar with your work by now, && it's really good stuff, but i think you && i both know you could benefit from more mordern && up - to - date sets && equipment! i can provide the perfect space for you to do your thing, you know, i can make a proper investment. your turnaround times for production, if my research proves correct for your videos, would be more than doubles, && i know all the trends in the market for advertisements, && i can push your work more out there exactly where it needs to be — anywhere it isn't already. ❞
he had planned for this, had notes in his mind for each point he wanted to make.
❝ i know how to get you networked with some well - established actors, too, && where to put out the line for you if you need it. the only thing i need from you is that you do your thing! make us plenty of money, && the rest is easy as missionary. ❞
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huntershowl · 3 months
❝ I KNOW YOU.❞ THE VOICE COMES FROM A ROOFTOP somewhere to benjamin's left. it's rare that persephone engages first — she prefers solitude, reacts with hostility to those who reach out. but it's true: she does know him. knows of him, at least. her boss briefed her on this guy a long time ago, to make sure persephone was aware of the major players in new york's faction game.
apparently the unseen nearly tried to poach him themselves. superhuman aim, ruthless killer, excellent marks from quantico. their connections in the FBI spoke of him as unforgettable. ultimately, however, they decided he was too unpredictable. the tower leads the unseen like a chessmaster: they never take on an underling they cannot infallibly control.
reading benjamin poindexter's file, persephone couldn't help a slight sting of envy. her marksmanship skills are the best among the ranks of the unseen — god knows she worked like hell to get there, and the unnatural steadiness of her mechanical arms helped push her over the edge and become the tower's right hand. but this is different. from what she's read, poindexter is able to perfectly calculate the ricochet of a projectile in a split second before he launches it. that's a skill she'd kill to see in action. but orders are orders, and she has been told to proceed with caution. worst case scenario, get up close and fight hand-to-hand.
and they're not on a job today. she's not sure what possesses her to reach out — it'd be easy enough just to tail him and observe from afar. instead, persephone makes herself visible. she approaches the edge of the roof and crouches at its edge, dark eyes studying him. ❝ bullseye. right? that's what they're calling you? ❞
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crossbackpoke-check · 1 month
nosy anon again making a return because i think what my brain did was read that i helped find some kind of writing and then did not fully process what the writing was?? but upon rereading i am very intrigued if you ever get the urge to share i will be all eyes/ears/senses required to enjoy things!!
I GET TO DO WIP WEDNESDAYYYYYY!!! the writing exists mostly in the form of a tag (fantastic! 'verse) and also a thirty-two page doc of snippets and planning, so the sense you will be using most is imagination:
don't think i have ever actually formally written out anything about fantastic! 'verse but! the tl;dr of it is that it's a semi-college au: joel is still a hockey player for the lv phantoms, but morgan is a college student-athlete. it's incredibly relevant to the plot that joel falls in love with morgan in the check-out line of a wegman's, lies a little bit, and ends up going back to get his degree.
most of it is just good fun about college kids growing up, but i think there's a lot of parallels between making your way through a development system where traditional "success" isn't always guaranteed (ahl -> nhl, completion of higher education -> pursuit of a career) because that development system isn't always designed for you to "succeed" or have opportunities. heavy quotation marks around success because part of that struggle is learning what you want in life and how you define success. are your dreams achievable? are they still the same dreams you always used to have? it's infinite branching universes of would you still love me if i was a worm (ahl player forever) (a college dropout) (a college graduate) (older) (realizing the fallibility of your body) (uncertain of the future) (human).
silly little snippet:
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#do i LOVE this snippet no we're still workshopping but i felt like y'all needed context for why it's fantastic! 'verse#and i can't link ash's tweet because. priv nor can i link kay or jos' replies so this is me saying Just Trust Me the tweet is this scene#anon the gift keeps on giving. i get to gab i get to be nosy the world is ideal i am here for it#does it count as wip wednesday if the w in question has been ip for four (?) years?#liv in the replies#HI THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO GO OUT WHEN I FIRST GOT IT BUT I MISSED WEDNESDAY SO I HAD TO WAIT A WHOLE WEEK TO HIT IT AGAIN#BECAUSE I GOT EXCITED ABOUT DOING THE DAYS OF THE WEEK wip wednesday#you know the one oh i LOVE this part audio? that's me any time somebody asks me questions i am SO inclined to share.#one time somebody made a comparison about the blog and walking through a garden and it made me weepy i can't even lie#ALSO I SAW YOUR OTHER ASK i am in the trenches about whether i want to post it or not i did also go look and see her morgan posting in 2019#and maybe she is the same girlfriend?? maybe they broke up and got back together?? maybe she just cleaned up her vsco??? SO confused#(the debate is for all the reasons you mentioned lol it's just me deciding how Public you have to be before i think i want to paper doll yo#into my narratives? in a public forum because i would absolutely dm/gc/etc where there's no chance she could see or be involved#(as if she is on tumblr) but also figuring out how much i let into the sandbox. To Me things like the edm polycule or including wags can be#interesting within the narratives and sometimes i just pretend they don't exist! right now i am intrigued by the fact of whether or not#i invented a girlfriend (???) for morgan but she really doesn't fit into my narratives in a fun/interesting way besides that#and i don't want to spread misinfo if i DID invent this other girlfriend. rip morgan's imaginary (??) gf although i KNOW there was one#with the artsy vsco claw marks on his back. i promise!!! maybe it was just her!!!#fantastic! 'verse#i have better snippets i promise this au is funny it also features like. all of the 2019-2020 flyers because that's when i started writing#AND probably ten of those 32 pages are plans for a sequel/companion about isaac ratcliffe my beloved 😭#don't think too hard about who is actually playing on the flyers or draft orders without people. EYE know who is still on the team#but i did not do the math shenanigans to figure out who replaced people like morgan or scooty loots. vibes only no PP units
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truly-quirkless · 3 months
[ @penandswords || Liked for a Fin Starter!]
It was so early in the day- but they had every single report already laying beside the site entrance when they arrived. It caused a faint sense of joy in them- they'd heard from the others, the brief mumblings that they'd been getting their jobs done quicker...Fin didn't have much, but maybe they'd use the yen they didn't spend on themself to host a party...a sort of thanks to the construction crew for their hard work. A small smile dared to cross their face.
Maybe things in Japan wouldn't be so bad- of course, several of the crew still defaulted to English around the young adult, but they had been quick to try to show how much they knew in Japanese... Fin had always been a quick study, anyway.
They were happily walking down the hall of U. A., most of the students having gone to their classes for the day. Their eyes closed for a few moments, thinking about what they'd do to celebrate everyone's accomplishment-
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"Shit-!" Fin stumbled- the reports they had between their crossed arms suddenly falling out from under, sliding along the ground and scattering in all directions. "--fuck-" They nearly fell, themself- stumbling as their shoe hit a paper and slid, barely catching themself- eyes snapping to the student they'd bumped into. "---I'm so sorry,- are you alright-?! Here- I-- lemme help you." Fuck they just cursed around a student-
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bamgeut · 7 months
the pain of knowing bighit will probably never officially release that acoustic version of dreamer from the trailer
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bosstoaster · 2 years
Hi Boss! Would you answer these for DLS Ryou? He is, by FAR, my favourite character in any divergent fic I've read 🥰🥰
1: sexuality headcanon
2: otp
3: brotp
4: notp
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
6: favorite line from this character
7: one way in which I relate to this character
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Of course I will! Ryou is still my boy and I love him dearly. Also, thank you!!! That is beyond flattering, oh my gosh.
I go back and forth on this one, actually. My kneejerk is bi, but, ya know, clone of a gay man? But imperfect messy clone? Let's just go with MLM, especially give how he's taken to Lotor as of late.
OTP - Ryotor or Ryance are both very good with me
Brotp - I mean, the actual bros :3
lol none of the above. I guess him and Keith would be weird at this point, but I could be persauded.
His entire existence?? I don't think it counts as a headcanon when he's basically entirely my creation.
Gosh, this is hard, considering the, ah, sheer volume of lines. Shout out to the time he rambled for like five minutes about if the UN Law of the Sea means that earth copyright law applies in space. This is an actual debate I have had. Also shout out to @velkynkarma who honestly gives Ryou better lines than I do.
I am very 'stab first, interrogate later' in terms of problem solving. Ryou gets a lot of that from me.
Honestly? Not too much. Probably just how funny he thinks he is, but I find that funny, so...
Both :)
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kuraikyu · 1 year
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@elegiies : Each tap of buttons produces his expression to become unreadable. With his pink tongue held tight between teeth, dark lenses illuminate as they slide down the tip of his nose. Then, his head tilts, one cheek puffing outwards comically like a squirrel storing its treasures. "Huuuuhh...!" the word leaves his mouth, elongated in the most drawn out effect, suddenly he swaps view of the digital screen. "Hey! This creature reminds me of you" the pink ball inhaling everything in its sight as he has to fight back his laughter, failing terribly at it. Azure hues glimmer with mischief as Satoru snickers, "If only you were pink && squishable"
ㅤ𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐈𝐑. The eternity of rejoicing spree of youth, laughter, and Summer wellspring in understanding unison of two anomalies wandering wast borders of concise lifetime. Sounds of rustling leaves in distant forest shrouded by coating morning mist signalized a moderate raise of wind, but it was still not enough and too hot to be hanging around in anything else than natural fabrics and flip-flops; let alone consume a thing. It reminded him of their common time in Okinawa. So he revised optimal alternative. Something light and nutrimental, taking only a few minutes to prepare on a deadly weapon -- frying pan.
Ever since Satoru began his hard training he would become quite restless. Despite his queer behavior, Suguru was slightly concerned with his new obsessive diet consisting mainly of sugar and snacks. Primarily the Curse Eater wasn't sure about the village name he was going to be sent to but before each of them would take their leave, he wanted to make sure Satoru eats at least some 'relatively' 'healthy' slice.
Although, he felt finally distracted from tightening darkness blooming in his chest whenever he remembered he has to go back, among non-Sorcerers and exorcise; over and ov- ...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ... how utterly, terribly /𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠/.
Geto nearly bit back a quiver that would hang loose on his lip corner when someone (*who) woke up later re-joined him; and of course, he would detect the presence of his dearest friend even with a blindfold.
The albino mumbles something recognizable through increasing sizzles of the pan, so Suguru looks over his shoulder.
With how he scouts the Master of Six Eyes' comical output, his attention stands with click of heel, taking a moment to meander nearby and look properly at what another heartbeat to the same coin tried to show him. Expression on Geto's face was quite a thing to see as if he has seen pipeweed for the first time. That until he came to conclusion that he wants his deadpan to look offended, so he poutily puckered lips in a pretentious duck face accompanied by a faint frown. His breathing evened out, but before he would listen any more closely ... Satoru was already doomed to face opposition.
" Beg your pardon? Since when you get to call me things without my say? " As if he was begging with sincerity for quiet admission or untangle the meaning. In all fact — it has taken a certain amount of glee to not laugh at these twisted mockeries, but his emotions betrays timbre of his tone and easy chuckle flows out.
His inquisitive self looks once more at console screen as if this time re-checking more properly.
" No, Satoru, it looks more like you, '' and it took him almost everything to make it sound flatly with rakish grin of his slip while toying with such implication all the while, " in terms of Pink & squishable. I take the credit for the rest. " Was he wrong at all? That would count only in terms of --, wait, what do these kids say nowadays? Ah, if only pink is the new black!
Now that he received from the situation a word that vast attacker have been quelled, it was now safe to pursue his seat spot and spare conscious melodrama with both plates of Savoury Crêpes reflexively placed on the table. Black glasses slide lower on Gojo's nose-bridge granting him nearly brisk glance at his own contoured reflection illuminated by grandeur duvet of crystalline blues that would sail him away and away into oblivious contemplation. He keeps looking for a solid moment and then switches at cutlery, opening soda can and pouring each of them full glass.
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'' Tsch, you're lucky I can inhale in only curses! '' A playful threat? A playful threat ... One could only hope not to take lightly presence of mind and demeanor of even pleasantries. After all, the guy with such coy demure at the other side of the table was prone to undercut chair leg when one expects it the least. If the Honored One ever tried to make sense of his unidentifiable expression, he would as well capture a small fragment of misdemeanor reflecting in nothingness of Suguru's dark eyes, and he would also know that whenever that would cross radar of his notice - future mischief was coming.
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requiemofrebellion · 1 year
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[Karma to Gakushu] ❛  whatever. i didn't think you'd care anyway.  ❜
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" Hm... " At first that was all that left the student council president.
Eyes looked over pages of words as Karma had spoke about something, and it seemed like Gakushu was only half listening, if that. He had seemed preoccupied with his reading and seemed not to give Karma any mind. However, that wasn't the case. He was skilled at multitasking, skilled at being able to scan over words on a page and pick up on every single word a person said to him. When Karma was now dismissing the conversation is when Gakushu stopped scanning the pages his eyes laid upon.
Slowly he lifted his head up, pushing his back against his chair. Violet eyes scanning over Karma for a brief moment. To be honest, he was very much neutral to what Karma came to him about. But how should he approach this?
" Wait. " A sigh left him, a hand lifting to brush back his bangs. " To say that I do or don't care is besides the point, don't you think? I was listening though, to every last word. " His hand dropped from his hair and moved to his book to close it.
" I'm sure you and I could work something out. " More like another rigged agreement. " Why not take a seat and we can come up with... a solution. "
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byanyan · 1 year
finally got around to doing some sizeable updates to byan's google site!
relatively minor bio updates: tweaked a couple small things & updated based on some small headcanons that have developed, updated tattoos, added interests + hobbies, and added a small note regarding their fashion to help convey their appearance to people who haven't been around to read all my thoughts/headcanons since i made the blog
headcanons: just linked everything significant i've posted since my last update
verse updates: added fledgling verse, spider-twin verse, & post-fog verse info, updated space orphan verse info to be less catch-all and instead focus fully on byan being ardaka's bounty hunting apprentice
soft mains update: i know i'm still missing a lot of people who i want to include but for the time being everyone listed is someone i've written with and/or plotted with extensively & whose muse(s) are very significant in byan's life. also added a subtitle labelling which verse the relationship exists in.
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fatestouch · 2 years
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“...You realize because you said that, now I have to scope out my competition for myself.”
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“I figured you would. But if you hurt my boyfriend’s feelings, I’ll kick your teeth in.”
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@necrcmance liked this post for a starter and got Magnus!
My dear friend Malcolm,
Troubling news have been reaching me about London lately. Rather, news have been saying that London hasn’t seen any trouble in quite a while, which is even more troubling in itself. 
Since Ragnor has retired from being the High Warlock, though, I am afraid I am not as privy to the state of the city as I once were, so imagine my surprise when I heard that you were the one residing in the city now, and patron to a very interesting establishment at that! If any of us would go into such a venture, I’d have imagined it would be me (which brings the great question: why haven’t I thought of that myself before? Rest assured I have already berated myself immensely for my lack of vision).
These two pieces of news brought together have urged me to write to you both to congratulate you and to reassure myself of your well-being. How have you been after everything? Are things in London as weird as I have been led to believe or are the tales exaggerated? And lastly: what has taken you so long to extend me an invitation to visit your club? 
Worried but also deeply offended,
Your friend, Magnus Bane
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lalohefalter · 2 years
Signora in her Traveler companion verse looks a lot more like rosalyne ; she loses the mask as well , but her hair covers the burns on her face. Her outfit is less intense also , && without a delusion she can only use the flames that burn her ; which is eased with the Traveler around. I think it would be cool if she found herself a vision during , && having a pyro vision would completely shatter her expectations in a cruel but poetic way. Does she stop being a bastard? Only just , && that's mostly because the pain and vulnerable state she's found herself in ; her memories as Rosalyne can't be contained anymore , so parts of her old personality show through a lot , even if she's still guarded about it. She also still has loyalty to her Queen , but as she is right now , she is trying to regain strength to return home -- even if it's not in the same capacity as before. I just think her having a reliance on the Traveler's purifying capabilities would be the only way those two could work together , even just a bit. As well as her being watched over by the Tenryou Commission , like Scara , but in very much she's a prisoner on temp parole at times.
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