impyssadobsessions · 14 days
DpxDC Prompt: Danny Overshadows the Batmobile
... Danny while visiting Gotham saves Batman by possessing the batmobile- unfortunately he gets stuck.
Imma copy and paste my thoughts on how I would take this from discord LOL
Bruce knows there is something wrong with the batmobile and runs test to see if he got hack. But same time conflicted because whoever hacked his vehicle just saved his life.
Also can see Fenton driving skills put to use plus with Danny's ability to phase through. Definitely makes car chases easier if Bruce can jack the runaway vans from the inside.
But Danny freaking out- using the radio or gps to try and speak after he realizes he needs help to get out of the car… and that Batman wont be As upset as he thinks.
Oo meanwhile Fentons are all over Gotham looking for their missing son… having no idea Danny overshadowed a car.
Danny figuring out how to send tuck a message to send to jazz…ends up being tracked by the bats who go investigate thinking tuck's the hacker.
Tucker trying to cover for Danny
Ooo imagine if they try to chase down Fentons because of them driving crazy(and maybe they're attacking batmobile because they can detect a ghost) and its the only car Danny cant phase through and even getting damaged by.
So he tries to plead in the radio to batman.
And then Bruce wonders if it actually was the Fentons but things still dont make sense… until the team that investigating Tuck brings in more evidence and probably Tuck.
Then it clicks.. Danny isnt ai/bot used to hack the car but Danny Fenton the missing child.
Tuck still the key to figure out how Danny got stuck. Apparently a certain part is made from materials similar to the thermos.
But catch is they need tools from Fentons to get him out so they have to bait them and have Tuck and another bat probably Tim help gather the materials.
Maybe batman confronts them, raising his arms as Fentons accuse batman being a filthy ghost that stole their child. While the others steal what they need.
When it looks like the Fentons are not going to cooperate and blast batman (batman ready to go on offensive ) Danny uses a shield to send blasts back at his parents beeping for batman to get back in.
They go on another chase where Danny drives the batmobile off a cliff and into water only to safely fly them back to the cave. Exhausted and powering down as soon as they're on land letting Bruce take the wheel again.
When Tim n Tuck finally get Danny free they all jump for joy then quickly reminded Danny is still in the batcave. And like oh right shit… they know what i am >>'
But Danny already impressed the bats so i can see them offering to help Danny out further.
Tim n tuck become friends and soon Danny gets a support of heroes. He goes back to his family whose so happy to see him safe… Danny putting in a good word about batman but it falls on deaf ears.
Pfft be funny this is the catalyst to have Fentons moving to Gotham to hunt down batman.
Bruce investing in the Fentons just so he can work on their tech and modify them to not work on Danny- and then Danny haunting the car every now and them for old time sake.
Thought this was just fun idea XD
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puhpandas · 22 days
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Call me Percy!🐼
DMs closed for non-mutuals
rarely participate in tag games (sorry!)
dont support my art being used for AI (do NOT use my drawings as reference to feed a prompt to a bot, or feed my fics into ai)
pfps, banners, edits, stimboards, all okay with credit!
fanart for my fics/aus/designs is a-okay!
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DNI: proshippers, transphobes, terfs, exclusionists, v4nilliam shippers, Scott cawthon supporters/defenders, read/write underage, etc
I made the names flashlight duo, 3 star fam, superstar duo, detective rabbit, bell boots, and rab in boots. any other variations of these arent by me
my Dr Rabbit design can be found with the tag #my dr rabbit
below are tags for lots (not all) of my fics, aus, etc! theyll contain my own thoughts, my own art, my own fics, others fanart, etc
and also the tags for my own art (art and fics), and fanart/fanfics made for me!
enjoy my blog!!
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damnfandomproblems · 3 days
I do not care if you think i sound angry or swear too much. I also dont care for you attitude about it making you seem like you think yourself superior for not saying "fuck". You can shove your passive aggressiveness back up your ass where you pulled out from.
Now. I agree about the misunderstanding about what "AI" is, however I was not going to go on a long and complicated tangent about the differences and misunderstandings in a problem venting blog like this. (To the guy/gal that said "OP sounds like a person who hears someone programming an NPC and immediately screams “pick up a pen” at them for that" fuck off, if you could read you would be able to determine what kind of "AI" and use for it im talking about.)
Most of that last paragraph could have been simplified but since you're so hung up on me swearing, I'm gonna not put a lot of effort into rereading it, and just go for what i obviously disagree with.
"What if the options for someone are either using it or not having art for something? What about someone's personal roleplay that they never post anywhere?"
1. Fuckin just dont use it? This is assuming that said hypothetical person is incapable of saving up to commission an artist. Which in this economy can be understandable for those that live paycheck to paycheck. I would argue however, as someone who lives paycheck to paycheck, that they have better priorities than having a painting on their wall or on their computer. What "something" could be so important that you "need" artwork for? And don't mix up "want" and "need" here. I wanna know what is so essential to a person living that they need artwork for it.
2. The same chat bot one person uses for "personal roleplay they never post" is used by hundreds of others for online roleplay, generating responses to real people, or generating fics to post. People have gotten by long enough without chat bots. They do not need them. It is a greedy and lazy want, and people act like spoiled children over the thought of their toy that does everything for them being taken away. This doesn't even mention the resources needed just to generate these responses.
Fandom is a hobby. You know whats also a hobby? Pottery, wood working, glass making, smithing ect.
Machines can automate a lot of that work for you. Hell most of the mugs in your cup board are probably made by a machine. Made perfectly identical to eachother that you bought at walmart or something. Designed by a human but still made by a machine. Same with pins and charms and stickers you find of etsy. Designed by humans made by machines.
You can't automate the design process. That's why things you buy in store or online designed by a human can still be considered art, are still appreciated by people as art and are bought to support the artist. Consensual copies of the original designed/made by a human maybe but still better than stolen work chopped up and put together by a machine.
The thing about fandom is that it has always been about art and the artists. Whether you write, sing, paint, or what have you. You cannot automate the process of making something original. You cannot automate the process of appreciating something. A machine cannot appreciate the show you love. Producing generated responses to a roleplay you are in just shows how little you value someone elses effort they put into their writing. People who think you can automate art don't view art as art. They view it as content to consume. Entertainment for them.
Its a greedy and selfish desire that drives people to use "AI" to automate content for them to consume. They don't want human connection. They want entertainment and they want the easiest way of obtaining it. Its lazy and soulless. And I'm sick of it.
Posting as a response to a previous ask.
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littlegreekhero · 3 months
Lonnie Machin (a.k.a. Anarky/Moneyspider) headcanons
Thank you again for inspiring me to think more of him @megaaceofspades <3 (i also have a lot of timlonnie ones but the post would be too long, i have it queued up)
I started the timeline from when Lonnie is still stuck to machines(AND HE'S BALD), only having bodily autonomy over in the Ünternet, and boy has he been there for a decade now, i think he's already founded the anarchist utopia whose sparks we were shown at the end of Red Robin(2009).
Ünternet can be an escapade for Tim and anyone aware of it when life is too much, Gotham is too much, when there is no hope left etc. They go over there and have a picnic with a few books aside, eat snacks produced 100% ethically and regain faith in humanity again. Lonnie is like a never extinguishing candle of hope and in every situation he can bring a hopeful smile to his visitor's face.
When Leslie Thompkins, having read Moneyspider's conversations from the monitor, comes to the conclusion that Lonnie shows strong signs of autism, he absolutely rejects the label. He thinks psychiatric associations are no authority in naming behaviours for the sake of classification.
He isn't actually bald. His poor health condition has surely affected the number of hair follicles, but it's the doctors that keep it shaved to facilitate access to all those equipment around his head. He still has the cool asf mullet in the simulation.
His body is still a child's, around 15, but his eyes do not seem to belong to one. His gaze tells you he's seen so much. It's almost as if he is watching every corner of the world with the same attention and seeing everything from a unique universal perspective not many can achieve. If they had been alive, their parents would confirm it's been that way since his perception of the American Dream (TM) has first shattered.
He's still a anarchocommunist, and those canon ancap tendencies then neotech propaganda never happened (there is no anarcho corp in ba sing se ^-^) (why did he say "eat the rich" then took the money to himself in comics i will never understand)
He continues to publish after his book, it's little booklets, articles, forum posts, whatever reaches to the people.
Newer modern devices and softwares no longer support acces to Ünternet. When Tim claimed no responsibility over this (it's singlehandedly his doing, as much as HE trusts Anarky, several forces around the world including Batman dont want the threat of worldwide madness resurface again), Lonnie laughed at his face and started a global technological device preservation movement. He could not risk losing an entire civilisation to consumerist propaganda.
Somewhere around the world, an ecology movement constantly recieves donations from some guy named Lonnie.
Anarky's bots indirectly control the Bats' communications and systems. If there's a problem Babs is first to know, then she decides if its worth sharing to Tim, who shoots it over to Moneyspider, who has quite a few AIs and bots to work on it and ensure ethicality in every step. (This is also how i legitimize his acess to 3D models of Batman's gadgets in Urban Legends) (there's no urban legends#22 in ba sing se)
One time Lonnie requested Tim to collect some memorabilia from the remains of his old bases. Once arrived, Tim found a dog wandering around the same place over and over again. It was Yap!!!! Lonnie's old friends had kept it in good care and it was thrilled to go back to snuggle on its companion's lap in the hospital.
His caregivers and doctors suspect he might have started to reject rehabilitation to stay forever in the simulation because his condition seems to stay stable in one state no matter what they do. It's not the case. With every single thing from his old life gathering around him slowly, he is more than thrilled to regain mobility and participate in everyday life. He's also working on transporting audio files that technically don't exist outside of the Ünternet to create a voice box for himself. He already has the plans for a wheelchair suited just for his needs ready.
I think he's extra sensitive about earthquakes and helping those who survived in the aftermath since he lost his parents under rubble. He's there to support every rescue team after every earthquake no matter how small scale the destruction is, wherever in the world it is.
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luvhsclericandpaladin · 5 months
-I will usually just post shit posts bc I usually have no time to actually do stuff BUT I'll try to actually post then rather just reblogging EVERYTHING.
My pronouns:She/her/hers/they/them/Theirs (Any of those)
I support LGBTQ+ if you couldn't tell and I'm pretty sure I'm a part of it (Bisexual)
I'm a multi-fandom Disaster..
Just before you follow me or anything here are some of my dislikes:
•Homophobic people (Like ones that hate on it constantly. Not the people that can't support it/be it bc of their religion)
•S3x bots
•posting/showing your fresh S3lf h@rm
•S3xualising anyone/anything
•Hating on people for their looks,identity,etc.
Ships I love:
Billy and Stanley (From IT)
Beverly and Bill
Nick and Charlie (Heartstopper)
Imogen and Sahar (Heartstopper)
and probably more :)
My other socials:
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(I'll take requests on this post if you like..😭)
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cenri-monpi · 4 months
New pinned post !! ⋆˚🐾˖°
(on hiatus rn)
!! minors be aware! !!
Hii !! My name is Kenri (Ken 4 short!) and I’m a beginner artist / writer ! Also developing my own fangame based on Dialtown! Speaking of dialtown, that's what I'm gonna be posting about for the majority of the time !! (pronouns in bio)
also : you can use my art for personal use ONLY (like pfp's n stuff) without asking for my permission! but please dont use it for nft's, claim my art as your own, to train ai bots or overall anything profitable !! it really isnt nice :<
╰┈➤ Pinterest !
╰┈➤ DM me for my discord !
also pls read this one post before interacting!
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Side blogs:
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╰┈➤ i am very busy working on stuff so I can go from being very active to being very inactive !! So just keep that in mind if I take a while to answer your ask / dm please !
╰┈➤ the reason i say minors should proceed with caution is because i can act rather hypersexual at times and don’t wanna make anyone uncomfortable !! dw i don't post any actual explicit content on my blog !!!
╰┈➤ i enjoy acting like a dog so forgive me if you see me barking or anything! whenever i get really excited i tend to bark n stuff :))
╰┈➤ audhd, bpd, social anxiety and a few other things so i might act really weird at times so please forgive me ! also kinda dyslexic!
╰┈➤ i can get really emotional very easily so please don’t be a dick. if you genuinely have something to critique about me or anything i do then please do it in a way that doesn’t make me have a mental breakdown. thanks
╰┈➤ due to the harassment i have been getting lately anon might suddenly turn off or ill clear my whole inbox so i may not get around to your ask!
╰┈➤ i do suffer with pretty severe ptsd and can be triggered easily, if you want to know these triggers then i will only share them in dm’s because of the stuff people have sent me. i’m just trying to be safe
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╰┈➤ #self post
╰┈➤ #my art <3
i do also put tw tags under my art when needed
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╰┈➤ I’ll just be using the basic DNI criteria (racism, homophobia, Israel supporters, anyone under the age of 13 at least, not respecting my boundaries, etc etc.) 
i’ll also put this here
╰┈➤ i would HIGHLY recommend anyone like this to please not interact with my stuff! and if you do i will block you sorry
╰┈➤ lastly, please put up a header or have actual content on your blog. i block and report all bot accounts including accounts i think are bots. also : because of the harassment i will also block / report all new accounts that send me any asks.
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also this is my self insert oc !!
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side note: i tend to vent on here a lot but my askbox / dm’s are always open if you need someone! i’m not always the best but uhh i try :)
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frostbite-the-bat · 22 days
stop that.
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yknow how you can start with idk.. a mascot or vtubing? hit up an artist. support them. pay them. does your friend draw? maybe they'd be willing to help!
or maybe get involved!! start drawing yourself! in this day and age i know people are often very busy but if you have time to look at this ai shit and want a hobby like, as they for example say, fandom or vtubing - you probably have time to draw and design a thing.
its not about affordability, though yes, many adopts are overpriced but artists DESERVE PAYMENT FOR THEIR WORK!!! there are issues with adopts and scams and all this, and i agree that people hyping designs up because they're by someone famous is a bit... meh... and many artists will underprice because of this in the end.. but really. ai. is that your solution. stealing more art?
none of this is embracing creativity. you are stealing artwork. embracing creativity is being brave and drawing something yourself. even if it "sucks" at first - you created something! who else was going to draw it the same way you have? ai sure wont. it's just data making images based on prompts.
nobody can draw like you can!! embrace it!!! that's what is wonderful about art!!! i know people can be rude and exclude newbie artists, and people seek out these sleek "professional" art styles and you will get overlooked in certain areas of the internet if you DO not look like that. but like... why follow that??? just!! do your own thing!!!
i am all for supporting anyone starting art!! it is a difficult journey and i am still going through it!! but if you want to do an artsy thing WITHOUT putting any effort into the art itself... why fucking bother? why care? is art just assets to you??? how swallowed by everything corporate are you???
it's fucking disgusting that these people are SELLING these. art they didn't make themselves. i do give them props for "cleaning them up", at least there is minimal effort put in. but to me it is no excuse. you can draw then, right? make your own adopts!!! hell back then i had worse art and people bought my designs regardless because (it was cheap) and i put it where people sought adoptables in the community!! these people even turned their comments off. you don't even need to speak to them to get an adopt. you just buy it on the side and can download the image (which, is often cropped)
like my hand drawn adopts sold better and faster than most my base adopts - which i think says something??? not to say all base stuff is bad! it is not a bad thing. but going out of a comfort zone and drawing my own thing ended up working for me. here's the art below. it wasnt perfect but it was genuine. y'know?
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you can make base adopts!! there were people even sought after and well known back then who made designs on bases and they sold WELL!! it allowed people to buy designs someone made and it was quicker with the help of a base. like as long as those are okay to use by the creator you can use them. theres nothing wrong. its like a coloring book. you still put in some effort and your own spin.
with this ai fixing you just fix the text being weird and the paw being off and are good. you did nothing.
sorry for popping off but it's pissing me off. i do believe that ai could be used for useful things - but art theft like this branded as CREATIVITY AND FREEDOM is. so sick to me. that's what ART is. that's what ANY CRAFT IS. that's not what telling words to a bot that shits out pictures based on other, real artists, art.
im so mad. ai art where fandoms come to life. no, artists who work their asses off making art for things they love out of passion is where fandoms come to life. interacting with fellow fans is where fandoms come to life. not this shit. i feel so bad for the new generation of young deviantart users. it wasnt perfect even back when when i began using it early 2015 - god it was horrible, but at least we didn't have art theft like this painted as CREATIVITY AND ART COMING TO LIFE! no the fuck you dont. but man things sure have changed since 2018, damn.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
My Master List; To stay organized with everything
- 🖤: Angst
-🎉: Crack
-⭐️: Fluff
-⚡️: Requested
-👼: Yandere content
Warning: I do not write smut -I feel uncomfortable writing it so please don’t ask for it 💀 I may be ok with writing it in true future but now. DONT EVEN ASK-
Disclaimer: I don’t hate Christian’s or men. Also I don’t take people seriously half of the time, unless if it’s deep talks.
You will be blocked for;
•Hate speech
•Disrespecting Hello Kitty
•Supporting; Incest, p3dophilia, r@pe , fetishizing: SA, lgbtq, disable people or POC.
•Also please DNI if you’re younger than 14
(I feel like these are good rules to settle down on the table, so y’all better behave now 🫡.) (They’re not hard to follow )
I am also currently taking in request just make sure they go by the rules haha
——————Fandoms ⬇️
Twisted Wonderland
Mystic Messenger
Obey Me
Arcana Twilight
COD (Court Of Darkness)
The Arcana
My homies⬇️
@l1ttleclouds My spouse 😍
@jaysquid My son
@juvellianovo My daughter
@vtoriacore My therapist
@atomsminecraft An actual mood who is under my protection. But id also drop kick that mf
@bitchkay @sallylovessweets @marsipanic @ithseem
The victims who survived me
@rayisalive The mf who first talked to me asking me “Who is your favorite Twisted wonderland character” and when I responded sent me cursed pics of them
@bobasis The one who traumatized me
@shiba-inu200-6 The one who matched my energy
@snow-fall1 My new found shawty and I give em character ai bots to try😉
@suck-mein-pokeballs The ones who don’t know what I’m capable of and are here for the ride
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chl-owo-e · 1 year
It does! If you go to an AI bot and ask it to write something for you it will! Im only gunna use this bot for art ideas and maybe for promt ideas too. But in this case I did an experiment for some Spencer Reid fan fiction. Should I make this a series? And see what the bot makes for some well liked characters?
(Spencer Reid X Reader)
Title: A Chance Encounter
Spencer Reid was sitting in a coffee shop, lost in thought, when he heard a soft voice say, "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
He looked up and saw a woman standing in front of him, holding a cup of coffee. She was standing there shyly, and her eyes sparkled with intelligence and warmth. Spencer couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty.
"No, it's not taken," he said, gesturing to the empty seat across from him.
The woman sat down and smiled at him. "Thanks. My name is Y/n," she said, extending her hand.
"Spencer," he replied, shaking her hand.
They struck up a conversation, and Spencer bc found that he enjoyed talking to Y/n. She was smart, funny, and had an insatiable curiosity about the world. As they talked, Spencer felt a connection forming between them, and he realized that he was beginning to develop feelings for her.
Over the next few weeks, Spencer and Y/n continued to meet at the coffee shop. They talked about everything from literature to science, and Spencer found himself looking forward to their meetings. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but he was afraid of ruining their friendship.
One day, as they were walking out of the coffee shop, Spencer mustered up the courage to ask her out on a date. "Y/n, I know we've been meeting here for a while, and I really enjoy your company. Would you like to go out on a date with me?"
Y/n smiled and replied, "I'd love to, Spencer."
Their first date was at a museum, where they explored the exhibits and talked about their favorite paintings and sculptures. Spencer felt like he had finally found someone who understood him, and he knew that he wanted to be with Y/n for a long time.
As their relationship progressed, Spencer and Y/n faced challenges, but they worked through them together. They supported each other through their personal and professional struggles and grew closer every day.
Years later, as they sat in the same coffee shop where they had first met, Spencer looked at Y/n and said, "I'm so glad that I met you that day. You've changed my life in so many ways, and I can't imagine living without you."
Y/n smiled and replied, "I feel the same way, Spencer. You've brought so much joy and happiness into my life, and I'm grateful for every moment we've spent together."
And as they held hands and looked into each other's eyes, Spencer knew that he had found the love of his life in Y/n.
A/N; I dont want this to be me just using AI to get some like on tumblr so if I do make this a series Ill edit it and add my twist to it. AI is getting dangerous for artists and writers and a lot more people, all because its just a robot creating things for free for someone to use and I dont want me to ‘capitalize’ off of it. As a Artist and a Writer, Im kinda worried for my un-forsaken future because of this thing.
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randompurr · 1 year
Hi everyone! I am doing an overdue pin post introduction! [it’s time for an EDIT UPDATE]
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About the artist:
I like to draw! So I mostly post fanfic of my anime and manga crushes! I’m into manga, webtoon, anime and wuxia!! I also post random stuff that happens to me through out the day and random thoughts.
* From time to time I might open requests or art trades also my commissions are always open if y’all are interested (just send a quick message I won’t bite) ^u^
I would perfer if 18+ people follow my page, I am NOT responsible for the things I might post(…if I post o.o im not consistent since I’m always busy or procrastinating)
FYI my art changes based on my mood (///‘~’////)
(If you are a bot I will report and block on the spot don’t play with me)
Side blogs are
@xputting-my-pieces-togetherx (for oc art and related stuff)
Discord server Thread 🥰
My original characters are Aida(my main oc), Ren(ML), Azari and Zo (the couple), Aró(the silent but deadly) the amazing Malaikah aka Mal 💜,side original characters are Xayah, Zija, Esteban, Sai and Emmi.
I am still making up their story cuz I keep changing it and changing their designs xD but they are my nephilims 💜 except Aida cuz she was an angel! I guess, their story would be more like a slice of life story 😌
Also if you love my art and would love to support me, you can follow the link bellow, I will appreciate it very much!
My background consists of multiple talented artists who drew my oc Aida, I really appreciate it and love the drawings very much 💜
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REQUESTS (closed)
Thank you all who have requested so far!!
Art trades(Im interested, send me a message or ask!)👾
Also please I ask that no one puts my art into a AI generated program, or REPOST my art in any other website or copy and claim. thank you!
I should disclose that 90% of the time i am using a reference for the pose unless im getting payed or if im brimming with inspiration, if you want the pose just ask for it but also don’t be rude about it xD my references consist mostly of photographs I like unless someone asks for a specific pose. (Im so sorry I forgot to add this!)
Reblogs is what makes me keep going if you like my art and want to support me you are welcome to reblog and spam like, it motivates me!💜💜
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rigil-kentauris · 1 year
tw unresolved whining
so i had to cancel my writing ai subscription today because i found out they were doing images and its just making me reflect. i dont use it so i didnt notice, i mostly just wanted to tool to grow and mature. it was like my one indulgence. anyway. i wasnt involved with ai writing tools at the the BEGINNING beginning, but i was definitively there before All This. and i remember having never been so excited in my life about writing. i hadnt actually had fun writing in years, i realized (went to college for creative writing degree, for reference. like this was supposed to be my whole ass Life).
and i felt so hopeful, because it seemed to me that this was the perfect tool for me personally. it filled in all the parts of me i struggle with because of Depression and Exhaustion and We Live In A Society disease. im not sure whether or not i was using it like it was supposed to be used back then (definitely not how its supposed to be used now), but it reall felt like having a dance partner. we went back and forth sentence by sentence (sometimes word by word), making something that pushed and challenged me because it would 'write' things that i wouldnt have even considered. and i could go off of that one word or turn of phrase for paragraphs. until i got stuck. and i suppose you could get that if you wrote with another human being, which could be cool, but it was also a paradoxically safe space. sometimes you dont want to write extremem trauma whump angst with other people and i think thats okay
and it was fun. and there were issues. but it was okay
and then the art bots came.
and i felt... angry, obviously, on behalf of all the artists who were getting jacked. but i was also... pissed off. because all of a sudden people hated AIs for theft unilaterally (a good thing to be mad about) but they hadnt given a shit before. back when it was writing. because i am also a writer of normal human works. on places where content was being scrapped from. and all of a sudden there was a new cultural norm, at least in the circles i cared to be in, and no one cared about writers. at all. in fact to date ive only seen one post/piece about ai theft of text and i went out looking for that.
and it was like. i hadnt thought about the datasets before, not really. no one thinks of this is stealing (fiction) writers jobs. its only just now, like the past couple months just now, becoming a talked about problem because it steals journalists and REAL writers jobs. academic jobs. serious good people. not nasty little fiction writers. much less poets i am not a poet but i have never ever seen anyone talking about ais taking jobs from poets. and they can. people who think ai cant write mostly, i think, dont know how to use them correctly. (then again i also think people who think they CAN write fall under the same umbrella, so... ai writing programs have. problems as unique spottable and predictable as image ais adding an extra finger.)
anyway at the time, though, i hadnt really thought about tet theft in datasets. back then you really had to KNOW what generative ais were to understand what was going on. no one was explaining except to other people who got it. and of the people who got it, no one was talking about it. i wish they had been. obviously we are all of us individually responsible for our participation in society but. why wasnt anyone talking about it before? why is it okay to steal someones words? or at least, passable. why is it still passable?
it just makes me feel things. and i dont have any answers. besides that writing AIs should be the EASIEST thing in the world to fix. unlike with art, the public domain for written fiction is both massive and still popular. as in, people will use an AI trained on older writing whereas AFAICT, the only ai image makers that make money need to mass-steal anime and pop art. no one's arguing about Ye Olde Oil Painting Ai.
i dunno. it feels. odd. because obviously i cant support a place that steals. but i feel some kind of emotion about dropping a tool that made me feel connected to writing again, in order to support a (good and important) fight that doesnt seem to care about writers at all
i dont have any resolution. just upsetness. i wish we could use this tool for all the good its capable of. instead right now its just a big theft machine.
one day with the march of tech i guess we'll be able to run beasts like these on our own, and then i think we'll see more ethical options. it just sucks in the meantime.
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roleplayhonestybox · 5 months
tbf yeah i think a lot of people in the rpc need to start using ai bots instead. i dont support ai but it's like a match made in heaven for shitty tropes and stereotypes and self indulgence
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lasclleads · 2 years
Fortnite crosshair overlay
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#Fortnite crosshair overlay driver#
#Fortnite crosshair overlay software#
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#Fortnite crosshair overlay mac#
* Super quick and easy to use, just click and drag anywhere on the page to draw an overlay, then move and resize it to your heart's content.
#Fortnite crosshair overlay mac#
* Inspired by the excellent Mac app, Crosshairs () Report issues and submit suggestions on github (pull requests are also welcome!): So its easier to aim with pistols and stuff, just like a dot or something.Drag and resize a ruler overlay to quickly measure pixel dimensions, positioning, and alignment of elements on any webpage. I dont really like the ones in game i want them like to be smaller, Im wondering if its possible to change some crosshairs? Unique PVP Battles - Pets - Items - Quests - Jobs - Wonga and so much more If reliablility is what you want then Beta-Max is for you. Also users will be rewarded for helping when we go live, Which you can find more information on this at the forum.įantastic Server. During this time users will receive 5000 Wonga as soon as you register this is part of the BETA test. The BETA will last one week, to find any small bugs that may still exist. I would like to announce the BETA opening of Astro Server, We are here for the community not for competition. PokeMMO! Custom Bots, Exp Leveling Bot, Shiny Catcher! īOT IS NOW FULLY AIO SUPPORTS ALL LOCATIONS IN POKEMMO!!īeta-Max Online ~ 120 CAP ~ D13 ~ Custom Events ~ Custom Quests ~ Custom Areas
#Fortnite crosshair overlay free#
Feel free to prove me wrong but I can get reputable coders in here to back me up on what I said.
#Fortnite crosshair overlay software#
Is it cheating to use a crosshair in DBD I did some research into crosshairs in DBD and learned that it’s not bannable since the software used simply puts a dot in the middle of your screen, without messing with any game files. Since this is a 3rd party software that is used by many people, some who don't even use it to cheat/gain an advantage by adding a custom crosshair to their game, the software will never be blacklisted, and therefor it's undetectable. Fortnite has never mentioned custom crosshairs in the official rules for FNCS or even in the official rules clarification posts. Packed with the asset are 60+ Crosshair assets, 1 PSD file containing all assets for further customization, Crosshairs for all kinds of guns including Shotguns, Rifles. Get this pack of 60+ FREE Crosshairs and instantly give your Shooter Games a premium feel. The program is Custom desktop logos, I changed instructions inside the app along with adding some custom crosshairs.Īnti cheat systems are not AI or smart individuals, they do not just go "Oh this guy looks suspicious, let me ban him", they ban you based off of a list that is consisted of blacklisted 3rd party software, cheats and bypasses are required to inject cheats. Crosshairs are an essential part of any shooter game. If you search up custom desktop logos cross hairs on youtube there are plenty of videos dating back to 2015 of people using em without getting banned. There shouldn't be any issues whatsoever and it only works in Windowed or Borderless Window. Do not claim that users will "likely" be banned if you have not tested it out yourselves, I don't release undetected cheats and especially something detected as my first thread.Ĭustom Desktop Logo (Custom Crosshair) doesn't hook to the program to begin with.
#Fortnite crosshair overlay driver#
Crosshair V2 is the leader in crosshair overlay technology ReShade is often not compatible with other overlays or similar software, including the Origin overlay, Razer Cortex, Razer Synapse and driver anti dessin fortnite. However, this is factual that you cannot get banned and never will unless they black list Custom Desktop Logos (Which by the way has been used for Custom Crosshairs by many as early as 2015), as it is a back ground picture and I cannot stress this enough. For Fortnite on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Red crosshair'. There is always a chance of being banned as of course you are cheating. I have been using it myself for the past 5 months in multiple games including the ones that has both BE and EAC.
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geneluxury285 · 2 years
Future Hacked Client Free Download
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Jigsaw Client.
Top 5 Best Minecraft Bedrock Hacked Clients - Touch, Tap, Play.
Future Hacked Client Free Download - Wakelet.
Hacked/Modded Clients (Free) | DirectLeaks.
Hacked client | BlackS.
Future Client Free Download - Catalog tools.
Best Minecraft Hack Clients for Bedrock and PE (How to Download Them).
5 Best Minecraft Hacked Clients for Windows 10 - MiniTool.
How to Download and Install Impact Hacked Client - MiniTool.
Where can i get the Future client for free? - reddit.
Cracked future client? minecraftclients - reddit.
Hacked-client · GitHub Topics · GitHub.
Future hacked client - Jett Cycles.
Jigsaw Client.
Future Hacked Client Free Of Charge; Future Hacked Client Download Tags Secrets; Future Hacked Client Free Of Charge. Upcoming Hacked Customer for Minecraft Travel on the machine, kill enemies with the help of an extremely powerful aura and of course not consider damage from foes, thats all and even even more can be done using the cheat client.. Prestige Minecraft Cheating Client FULL Review ☆ Beautiful, customizable and bypassing! The product can only be used on one device, using it on multiple devices will result in a. Minecraft future hacked client download - PROGRAMS FREE powered by.Minehacks - Download Wolfram 1.8 - 1.8.9.Minehacks - download 1.18.x hacks.Wolfram Minecraft hacked client.Downloads - Wurst Client - Google.Minecraft how to install Wolfram 1.11.2 Hacked Client (with.Como Baixar Hack Minecraft 1.8 Huzuni - Blogger.Wolfram Support Quick Answers: How to Install, Purchase.ZeroDay Minecraft Hacked Cli.
Top 5 Best Minecraft Bedrock Hacked Clients - Touch, Tap, Play.
Sigma 5 Hacked Client Omikron Free Download, Borrow, and. Lightroom Crack 2022 Version - Is It Possible to... - FixTheP. Google.... download: dl. Future client is a Minecraft runtime injection client which currently supports 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2 and 1.8.9. TINA Design Suite is a powerful yet affordable circuit simulator, circuit designer and.
Future Hacked Client Free Download - Wakelet.
👍 35 dremonq, adamphan31, tertaco, baxicat, eggEGER, singaporehacker, Game332, 2bored2talk, Nik6587, Nutelaspaceman, and 25 more reacted with thumbs up emoji 😄.
Hacked/Modded Clients (Free) | DirectLeaks.
Hack This Site is a free wargames site to test and expand your hacking skills. Part 3: Instagram Account Hacker Tool - IG HACK If you are only interested in being an onetime Instagram password cracker, you might as well use a free web-based tool.
Hacked client | BlackS.
Welcome to r/MinecraftClients! Here we can discuss everything related to Minecraft Hacked Clients and Ghost Clients. Please be sure to read the rules. Dont forget to join our Guilded! You can also talk about badlion/lunar but you.
Future Client Free Download - Catalog tools.
This will help you to find the best Minecraft hacked client for you. Impact: A free client with built-in Baritone, an AI pathfinder bot that can automatically escape spawn and go to your desired co ordinates. It has many modules that are useful for explorers, travelers, and builders. Future: A paid client ($20).
Best Minecraft Hack Clients for Bedrock and PE (How to Download Them).
Blog; Future Hacked Client Free Download. 2022.06.24 20:59. 1) Open source or not with enough dedication any "anti cheat" can be bypassed. With more eyes looking at the code it is more likely that weaknesses can be found and patched. Some of the people who might have otherwise made a cheat might even patch the "anti cheat" and fix the vulnerability they found. Impact Client - A. Horion Hacked Client. One of the more well-known clients for Minecraft Bedrock edition, the Horion Hacked Client would be the way to go for most people. Keep in mind that this hack is only compatible with the Windows version of the game (not mobile). In addition to the more mainstream hacks (like aimbot and Xray), it adds many other unique. Posts by tags. It seems you have no tags attached to pages. To attach a tag simply click on the tags button at the bottom of any page.. Watchers. vaastanfullbe1976.
5 Best Minecraft Hacked Clients for Windows 10 - MiniTool.
Hacked Clients!. Downloads. Downloads. Client. The Wurst Hack Client for Minecraft is packed full of the latest and most exciting mods, commands and other features. It contains over 70 mods and over 20 commands that let you rule the game. Download. More info. Download the project as ZIP. Enter the quot;srcquot; folder. Here you can find nulled / cracked leaked clients which are for free download. Categories Categories. Limited Events 68. Halloween 2020 26. Halloween 2021 6. Winter/Christmas 2020 30. Winter/Christmas 2021 6.... hacked client. 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Downloads 118 Updated Apr 21, 2021. MC-CLIENT Labymod 1.16.5 without login 2021-04-12. It allows you to play with your favorite 1.12, 1.14, and 1.15 mods without sacrificing the features of future versions of Minecraft. A client, often known as a cheat client or hacked client, or utility mod, is a modification to Minecraft which offer modules, also known as cheats or hacks, which are not in vanilla (the default form of) Minecraft.
How to Download and Install Impact Hacked Client - MiniTool.
Future client – Features Features Main Features Minecraft 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.8.9 support. Vanilla, OptiFine, Forge and Liteloader support. Easy to use account manager. Auto-reconnect mod. Commands 43 Add – Add a person as a friend. Remove – Remove a friend from the friend list. Breed – Breeds animals around you. Damage – Damages you.
Where can i get the Future client for free? - reddit.
Jigsaw was a Minecraft hacked client, revolutionary at its time. It could switch between a ghost client and a normal client, and was the first client with infinite reach. I started beveloping the client when I was 14 years old, and it quickly grew to be one of the most popular ones! There are no longer any official download links availabe, but.
Cracked future client? minecraftclients - reddit.
Use them at your own risk. A Minecraft client, often known as a hacked client, cheat client, or utility mod, is a modification to the game which offer modules, also known as cheats or hacks. These features are not in the vanilla form, or default form, of Minecraft. No clients are affiliated with Mojang, similar to most mods. Strike GitHub. Known to many as one of the best Bedrock Edition hacked clients, Strike enables users to do many, many things. It’s probably the most advanced client on this list, but it requires a bit of setup in order for it to run properly. You can contact the developer or join his Discord for detailed instructions. Minecraft Future Client Free 1.15.2. Hacked client Sigma 5.0 for Minecraft 1.8 - 1.15.2 - of course, you can now call it the best hacked client among all existing ones. This is due to the fact that the developer has taken care of saving. Jun 22, 2020. The go-to place for free Minecraft hacks, hacked clients and cheats.
Hacked-client · GitHub Topics · GitHub.
Free Download: Server IP: Download Sigma Free: DISCO. Future hacked client cracked Let me guess... you are probably here because of this video: Archives: Minecraft Hacked Clients Minecraft 1.14.x WWE Hacked Cheat Client + Download Minecraft 1.12.x Flare Hacked Client UPDATE (with OptiFine) + Download. You guys really have to stop believing what xTurtle says. There's nothing special about this client. Downloads. Impact supports Minecraft 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, and 1.11.2. Impact does NOT support cracked/non-premium launchers. If you have an Impact Account you can login here to download without waiting, or download the Nightly Installer. If you don't have an Impact Account, you can register for one after donating.
Future hacked client - Jett Cycles.
Then in your launcher, select forge installation -> Click edit -> Scroll down -> Click "More Options" -> Scroll down -> in JVM Arguments at the beginning add "-noverify" - Click Save and you can now launch it... Haizivs. Resource. Feb 26, 2021. cane mod forge hacked client mod. Category: Other / Miscellaneous. I personally believe Future Hacked Client is a waste of 20 dollars. The process of installing it is so tedious and pointless. The client isn't even that special, and yet there is such a huge amount of security on this thing. Because of the amount of security on this client, this client is really difficult to leak. Download Minecraft Hacked Client for free. Minecraft Hacked Client. It's a Hacked client for the popular PC game called Minecraft. With this hack you can add unlimited items to your game and do other fun things.
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the-nubiest · 3 years
Sweet Elite (Main 10 taking care of a fake baby)
Teacher: Each of you will take care of a baby for a week as an assignment.
Scholar: This is the weirdest setting to do such a thing
(they dont even take care of it, they just project themselves onto the baby)
(What is this post anymore)
This girl doesn't know what to do with a baby
After being told by Tegan to treat it like her bots, her motherly instinct activated
She even built it support systems so the toy can walk on it's own (Raquel requested to add one on hers)
Axel and Claire are lowkey scared of dolls now bc of her
When the assignment was over, she asked the teacher to keep the doll
Now uses it to intimidate opponents at robotic competitions
Treats it like a mini him
Even though it isnt alive, he teaches it coding languages (for some reason, python, C++, and java to be specfic)
Implemented an AI into the doll, and plays against it
The AI is too good, now it plays in place of Tegan in online smash bro fights
The perfect reference for drawing
Has recreated famous paintings on it, why? (bc he wants to)
Whenver he is stressed, he'd throw the doll across the room (its oddly therapeutic he says)
Requested Tegan to put an AI
The AI plays shooter games for him
Soccer dummy (kidding)
She pushes her ball to it and expects them to kick it back
Ellie built limbs in the baby, and can move with a controller
Raquel has now traumatised Claire and was kicked out the dorm for 2 days
Carries the baby, lion king style and shouts "KUMBAYA" with Axel and Ellie
Has a fear of baby dolls now (thanks Ellie and Raquel)
Will unknowingly run tests on it, and panicks whenever the tests comes back bad (the doll isnt alive, Claire, pls sleep)
Commissioned Neha to make baby clothing and related products
Actually take cares of the doll
Ellie traumatised him in their dorm lot at 3 AM with her doll
Sings it his songs in process
Raquel will sing to them country lullabies
Axel threw his notebook at her because it is literal torture
Shows off his future finanical projects to it
Vents his issues to the doll
"My mom gave me one of my old suits when I was a baby. So I dressed them up! Cute, right?"
Tyler and Neha made a Tadashi wig for the baby (imagine it pls)
When practicing some moves in his dorm, he punched the doll too hard
The baby has a dented face now
Put little boxing gloves on the doll
Had taken pictures of it, edited it, and posted on IG (it gotten over 5,000 likes)
Whenver she doesn't feel like modeling for a big audience, or is just burnt out, she does little fashion shows for the 10 (and the babies)
Made the doll look exactly like her (uncanny valley effect)
It has the eyes and everything
Was commissioned by Claire once to make baby clothes, now she cannot stop
Uses the baby to model clothes she is making (Karolina thinks the doll is replacing her)
"Making designer baby clothes may be an interesting idea, Tadashi seems to like it."
Even puts makeup on it
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veeranger · 4 years
ok let me try to get this down in one post, what i have so far. about cyber rider. not her final name by the way
in the vaguely future year of 20XX the world is your typical dystopian cyberpunk setting. neon citys with dark alleys, shadowy mega-corporations pulling all the strings, human modification and cybernetics, and propaganda everywhere. 
one such piece of propaganda is a “ai mascot” created by one of the mega-corps. think like...virtual idol and company mascot rolled together, she’s kind of technically not an ai, she isn’t really intelligent or anything and everything she says is scripted and programmed in by her creators. 
one day this ai “wakes up” and actually becomes a sentient being, albeit a little bit of a weird one. her time as a propaganda bot and her suddenly growing a personality in like one second made her kind of a weirdo and a bit damaged in the “how to act normal” department, also she was never going to act normal because she was an idol program. idk the exact details of how she wakes up yet though so. mystery. 
anyway as there is want to be, a resistance group exists, trying to stick it to the mega-corps and maybe someday even garner public support towards clawing their way out of the dystopian nightmare they live in. this group just so happens to be launching an uncharacteristically frontal assault on a mega-corp at the exact same time our ai friend wakes herself up. 
she observes the battle while simultaneously downloading a shit ton of information and concludes 1) fuck this company and 2) anti corporation terrorism sounds pretty fucking fun. she also downloads some information on something she found called “kamen rider” and again decides thats pretty fucking cool. 
lucky for her nobody ever counted on her spontaneously gaining sentience and she’s basically completely unshackled because theres no internal security to stop her from interfacing with other systems. she transfers herself to the building’s weapons R&D facility, 3D prints herself a physical version of herself to inhabit, and then steals (and destroys the data of) experimental weapons technology and uses it as a basis to 3D print herself a rider belt and arsenal. 
its at this point that she waltzes her ass downstairs to where the fight is, announces to god and everyone that the corporation can fucking eat shit and she’s going rogue, henshins, and just starts kicking ass. etc etc fighting happens and she ends up with the resistance group when they pull out after the job, and decides to stick with them since they have mutually aligned goals, at least for the moment. 
and basically what happens after this is that the rider spurs the group on to take more aggressive action than they would otherwise. their enemies control everything and dont need to be out in public attacking people because they literally already won. so rider and her group have to hunt down targets, make disturbances in the streets, get people to see the truth, etc. the companies start manufacturing monsters of some kind to counter the group and there’s your rider fights but again the bad guys are basically playing defense this time. also because rider is an ai she sometimes has fights in like cyberspace against threats that are purely digital. 
uhhh i think thats all i got right now. 
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