#DONT SPOIL ANYTHING unless i’m right. if i’m right you can tell me please tell me
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counting-stars-gayly · 3 months ago
hmmmmm the more i read htn, the more convinced i am that gideon’s narrating…
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suiana · 11 days ago
can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person… I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i’ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isn’t as fun when you’re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i’m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life. ahh 😣😣🥺🥺😵😵😢😢😲😲😫😫🤑🤑 /j
Hey, are you there? Haha.. I know this may sound cheesy, but.. I just really love you. I love everything about you. Whenever I see you online.. I can't help but smile. Seeing you is enough to make me flustered. Seriously, how could such an angelic person such as you be my friend? I really don't deserve you. You're so perfect.. my discord kitten. I'm in love with you. You're the light of my life. Without you, I would've never been this happy. Can we talk more? I enjoy your company. Can we call more? I like listening to your voice. Can we just be with each other for a little longer? I love you so much. I'm sorry if I don't reply, discord daddy needs to do his discord mod work. But don't worry, kitten. I will reply to you ASAP. Haha.. let me get to the point. Can we be... more than friends? Can you be... more than.. just my discord kitten? I want you to be my girlfriend. If not, that's fine.. not like it matters.. haha. I respect whatever you say. But I just really want you to be my girlfriend. I can be your boyfriend.. we can get online married in the future. I'll spoil you with money from my paycheck. I'm deeply in love with you.. FUCK. I love you so much. I can't bear to part from you. I just want to hug you forever. I love your smile, your voice, your personality, your laughter, your everything. I understand if you don't want to be my girlfriend.. after all.. you are more than what I am. I'm just saying.. I can give you yearly discord nitro if you want to be my girlfriend. Honestly, at this point... what I feel is more than love. I can't explain it.. but it is deeper than the word "love." Let's just talk for a little longer. When you go offline.. I immediately miss you. I don't want to be with anyone else but you. I want us to have matching My Dress-Up Darling icons. I want to be closer to you. My darling, my kitten, the love of my life.. please be my girlfriend. I will do anything for you to be my girlfriend.. I can be your boyfriend. Fuck, I love you so much.....
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wri0thesley · 4 years ago
Nat... 👉👈 since requests are open can I please request some Gojo fluff? If you need a little inspo maybe like, reader and him meet after they were abroad for a mission or something? I'm in love with this funky man and I just wanna give him kiths
sweet tooth - gojo x reader, sfw, 2.5k
the early bird catches the worm. or the cake, you guess.
(just a lot of talking about food tbh . . . i dont get to write pure sfw fluff much, thank u for letting me indulge in my jjk brainrot NFJVND. gn reader! )
You know as well as anyone how little free time a jujutsu sorcerer has. You’ve spent most of your past few years rushing around from place to place, calling it a good night’s rest when you manage to fall amongst your coverings before the clock strikes three in the morning. You think this probably has to go double for somebody in such a constant state of being needed as Gojo – but still, he’d shown up outside your room this morning, bright and early, and said; “We’re going out!”
He hadn’t mentioned that you were still clad in pyjamas, your hair still a mess about your face, eyes still sleep and shadowed. You had jumped out of bed at the knock, of course – you’re used to being needed at the drop of a hat – but there is nothing at all in the way Gojo is looking at you to suggest there’s any kind of danger brewing.
He got in last night at the same time as you, after an exorcism had dragged on longer than expected – you know this. So how is his skin still glowing like moonlight, his voice still so bright, his hair still falling over his blindfold in that effortless perfectly-styled-without-being-styled way?
If he’s slept, he’s gotten the same hour and fifteen minutes you’ve gotten.
“Not even a warning?” You sigh, stifling a yawn. “I haven’t had time to clean my weapons or anything--”
“Woah!” Gojo’s grin doesn’t fade, but he holds up his hands as if he’s trying to avoid a savage attack. “Just you and me. No curses, promise. You won’t be needing those.” He cocks his head to the side. “Unless you wanna try and take me. I think you’d lose!”
Your brow furrows. You know you’d lose, and so does he.
“Have you seen the time?” You ask him, instead. You don’t question why or how he’d gotten into the hallway to stand like this outside of the room you’re renting in Tokyo for a while. You’ve learnt after knowing him for a while that what Gojo wants, he gets – besides. If he’d sweet-talked your landlady into letting him in, you couldn’t blame her for falling for his charms.
He sticks his head into your room and turns his face towards the clock on the wall, ticking merrily away, mocking you. You had hoped, after last night, the next time you saw a clock the hour hand would be well past twelve again. He pulls back.
“Now I have.”
“. . . aren’t you tired?”
Gojo shrugs, maddeningly. Half of what he does is irritating to the highest degree – the other half makes your stomach do strange somersaults that you try and push away. Getting a crush on Gojo Satoru is just going to lead to disaster. Although at this point, you have to admit to yourself that it’s more a case of ‘having a crush’ – there’s not much denying it, when he twinkles at you like this.
“You’ve gotten a good hour of beauty sleep,” he chirps. “Not that you need it. Let me take you out!”
You’re still focussing on the compliment, slipped into his words as if it’s as simple as breathing, when he enters your room full-on and is opening your wardrobe.
“H-hey,” you say, weakly. He’s rifling through the rack without a care in the world. “I—I can dress myself--”
“It’s quicker if I do it,” he replies, pulling out one of your favourite shirts. “Here, catch--!” Your reflexes allow you to not make a fool of yourself in front of him. “The colour of that one’s pretty! It’ll look nice on you.”
You’ve had more clothes piled into your arms before you can blink. You guess that Gojo must know his way around clothes – you’ve seen some of the brands and price tags of things he wears – but you can’t help but be a little flabbergasted by just how casual he is about everything. Maybe it’s the fact that your brain is still short-circuiting after being woken up earlier than you were expecting.
He finishes and walks over to you.
“I’ll wait outside.”
“W-what a gentleman,” you manage, and he throws his head back and laughs, and the laugh feels like it lodges warm in your chest. “After waking me up, bursting into my bedroom--”
“I’ll pay for everything,” he promises. He saunters out of your room, pulling the door closed behind him, calling; “I’ll make it up to you, promise!”
You stand there for a few more moments, still struggling to process the whirlwind that is Gojo’s presence in your life – half joking, half serious, half making you think that maybe you stand a chance, when he calls through the door;
“I can’t hear you moving!”
You jump. You wriggle out of your nightwear, your cheeks heating up, as you snap back;
“You said you were going to wait out there, not that you were going to press your ear to it and listen like some kind of stalker--!”
You stare in confusion at the fancy window in front of you, decorated with swirling cursive in gold. From outside, you can see into the establishment – the white scrollwork chairs, the cake stands, the menus standing up in their pale white leather covers. The early morning sunlight from outside is reflecting off a perfectly organised display case teeming with tiny little perfectly formed cakes.
“If you were craving something sweet,” you say, eventually, “surely there was an easier way to get it than this.”
Gojo grabs your arm cheerfully, pulling you towards the entrance of the patisserie.
“Well, I got the first sweet thing I was craving,” he ticks it off with his other hand. “But then I had one of my patented brainwaves.” He elbows you. “Put them both together!”
“I’m not feeling very sweet after you interrupted my sleep,” you mumble, but you know that there’s no real bite in your words. You hope Gojo doesn’t notice the reaction that you have – you know he’d never let it go. You often don’t know how to respond to his flirting – he has a reputation, after all, and you are just . . . you.
“We had to get here early, anyway,” he says, as he stands before the counter. The man in the apron and chef hat behind it recognises him immediately, lighting up – you wonder how much money Gojo spends on expensive patisserie. Everyone knows he has a sweet tooth. “They sell out of some of the best stuff well before ten!”
Gojo knows exactly what he’s doing as he points out various desserts from the display case, the man falling over himself to get the – frankly absurd amount of sweets – carefully packaged up for him. You’re not surprised, knowing Gojo, about the cute animal-shaped cakes that he chooses, the smiling bears and cats with ears made of sliced strawberries. You’re a little more surprised by all of the fancier pieces he chooses that you don’t recognise, but you don’t have much time for dwelling on it.
Spoils in hand, you peer further into the establishment to choose a table.
“Nah, don’t worry about that,” Gojo says cheerfully. “We’ll find somewhere outside to sit. It’s such a nice morning!”
You don’t miss the grin he shoots you as he says ‘morning’, the sidelong tip of his head as if he’s waiting to see if you’ll scold him again for interrupting your sleep. You do no such thing, content to be pulled along behind him again as he goes off in search of a place to enjoy his spoils.
People just tend to be pulled along by Gojo’s magnetism, you’ve discovered – and you are, hopelessly, no different.
He finds a quiet bench in a shady corner of one of the local parks; the only other people going past occasional elderly, walking their little dogs. He pats the wooden frame of the bench next to him, smiling.
“You’re not going to make me eat all of this by myself, huh?”
“It’s enough for eight people,” you say, sighing and resigning yourself to your fate as you take the place. He’s lucky you have a sweet tooth too; if he’d brought someone else, they’d probably be shirking back in horror at all the sugar. “You could probably eat it by yourself anyway.”
He pouts.
“I want to share it with you,” he says, cajoling – his fingers hover over one of the smaller cakes, a perfect bite-sized morsel. You try not to think about the elegant lines of his fingers and the power behind them as he plucks it up and offers it to you. “This one’s really good.”
You bring up your hand to take the sweet from him, but he laughs as your fingers bounce away from him, not quite able to get a purchase.
“Let me feed you,” he says to you, and blood rushes to your face all over again.
“I—I can feed myself,” you say, swallowing thickly. Gojo’s smile, on full, sculpted lips, makes butterflies crash into one another in the pit of your stomach.
He brings the treat to your mouth and he’s right, it does look really good. It’s a neat little roll cake, small in Gojo’s fingers, with the green colouring so many sweets you’ve eaten in Japan have been – you hope it’s not matcha, knowing the flavour will surprise you and Gojo will probably laugh, but you open your mouth in defeat and let Gojo pop it in there. His fingers linger a little too long against your lips, his expression fluttering so quickly you don’t quite catch it.
If you didn’t know better . . . you’d say that he had just fought back a blush.
“Is it good?” He asks, and his voice sounds a little strangled. You bite down on the cake, the juice of the strawberries coating your tongue – it is matcha, but the flavour is offset by the sweetness of the vanilla and fruits, and you’re glad about it. You nod enthusiastically, and he laughs.
“I told you!” He taps your cheek. “I know what I’m talking about!”
“You’re so smug,” you tell him, unable to hold back the laughter that’s bubbling out of you. Alright, maybe he woke you up too early and maybe he’s dragged you outside and maybe he’s been haunting your daydreams for months now, but . . . you think he means well. And you can’t deny that the sun is shining and the cakes are really delicious.
“If you were me,” he says, stretching out his arms over the back of the bench, “you would be smug too.” You shake your head at him, but he has a satisfied smile on his face. “Feed me one!”
“Are you going to let me?” You ask. “Or are you just going to bounce it away with your Infinity to make fun of me?”
You hover over the selection yourself, considering what to choose for him. In the end, you go for one of the mini slices of mille crepe cake, reasoning with yourself that even if it’s unusual to be eating so much cake this early, at least crepes are a traditional breakfast. Gojo obediently opens his mouth wider as you lift the slice.
You falter.
“You really want me to feed you?” You ask him, unsure. He laughs, grabbing ahold of your wrist – you almost start as he takes a bite from the treat, his lips tantalisingly close to your fingers. Another bite, and the cake is gone (you’ve never seen slices of mille crepe so small – but then again, judging by the eye-watering amount Gojo paid for his spoils, you’d never be able to afford to buy from a place like that).
“Mm,” he smacks his lips together. “It’s good.”
You swallow, noticing that there’s a smear of the cream between layers at the corner of his mouth. Gojo notices you staring, and quirks his lips into a smirk. “You’re staring,” he says. “I know I’m gorgeous, but--”
“You’ve got . . .” You say, awkward, motioning to his face. Somehow, it feels too intimate to lean forward and dab it away yourself – he’d asked you to feed him, after all. If you did it of your own accord. . .
“Huh? Oh,” He moves one of the arms casually draped over the bench to his face, and you think he is going to wipe it away – but instead, he hooks his thumb under his blindfold, pushing it up casually so the light hits the swirling colours in his eyes.
You’ve seen them before, of course – you’ve seen Gojo at work, after all – but they’re still a surprise, a bright moment of swirling starshine dropped on you when you’re least expecting it. Your stomach does that flip-flop again, the one that you try so hard to ignore – but when he’s looking at you like that, curious and smug all at once, you don’t really know how to handle it.
You’re glad you’re in a secluded spot. There’s nobody to see the embarrassing display of you not quite knowing what to do with yourself.
“You can get it,” he says to you. “I don’t mind.”
“Look.” His other hand rises, cups your face, thumb ghosting across the same spot on your cheek that he’d tapped earlier. “I left icing sugar on your face. I’ll get that, and then we’ll be even.”
(Did he do that on purpose, you wonder? You wouldn’t be surprised.)
Your hand is trembling as you reach for the cream. You try and force your fingers to be still as you lean in closer to him, eyes concentrated, as you wipe the little splotch of cream from his mouth. You’re so close you can see galaxies in his eyes, the fan of white lashes, the way that his throat bobs when he swallows as if he’s nervous--
Nervous? Gojo? That can’t be true.
“I got it,” you breathe, though you don’t move. Your faces are so close together. You could lean forward, just a bit, and meet his lips with your own. Gojo’s eyes stay trained on you, not faltering in the least. His thumb is still on your cheek. Your own finger hasn’t moved from the corner of his mouth.
“Wanna know what it tastes like?” Is that a falter, in his voice? You’re stuttering all over the place, but Gojo--
“I’m not gonna put that in my mouth after it’s been on your face,” you tell him, without moving. Your heart is beating ten to the dozen. Gojo’s eyes crinkle at the corners.
“That’s not what I meant,” he says – and he breaks the distance himself, and suddenly he is kissing you. The hand on your cheek cupping your face into his, the other hand going about your waist, holding you tightly against him like he’s been wanting to do it since the moment he woke you up that morning.
(The mille crepe cake is delicious, you find out, from the lingering taste on his lips. Next time you two go there in the early morning rush, Gojo buys two slices.)
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ssplague · 4 years ago
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Chapter 0ne
“And so it begins”
Katsuki B. X Reader
Rated M
Warnings: Gaslighting, manipulation, power play, light degradation
The day before the two of you left for UA; Your best friend gave her word to your mother that she would always look after you. Now that the two of you are in your third year she’s officially FED UP with your attitude and childish antics. Mentioning her dilemma to your shared group of friends results in the most unlikely person offering to be her solution to the problem that is YOU.
A/N: The girl in the banner is NOT how the reader is “supposed” to look, it was just a drawing I did specifically for this. You look however you want to, I don’t really make any specific references to your appearance in this story.
Its Saturday morning; Ive been awake for about five minutes now, but I’m not ready to open my eyes and embrace the conscious world just yet. Hearing the door of my room unlock and open does the trick though. Only one person (other than myself of course) has a key to my dorm room.
“I made breakfast for the both of us, its your favorite” announces Euphie as she walks in, kicking the door shut behind her. I sit up, just as she’s pushing my black out curtains to the side I let out a hiss of disdain as sunlight immediately begins to permeate the room.
“Thank you Euphie” I say with a yawn.
She hands me a plate before settling down on my bed, acknowledging my thanks with a nod as we both tuck in.
“We have plans this afternoon, can you be ready by at least 12:30? No need to get super made up but at least out of your pajamas?” Euphies voice is gentle, but I catch the underlying “I’m not asking, but telling you” vibe she tries to hide.
“For sure”
She smiles at my seemingly agreeable mood so early in the morning and we easily segway into our standard start of the day discussions. “Are we um…Are we going to be busy all day? I….I kinda planned on going to hangout with-“ Euphie cuts me off as she picks up our plates: “No worries you’ll have plenty of time for that, I promise!” Giving me a wink before shutting my door.
She didn’t even know who I was referring to, or what I was going to say….
At 12:55 Euphie reappears to rush me out of my room.
“Hey I forgot my purse I-“
“Don’t need it”
“But my wallet is-“
“Not necessary”
Her tone is clipped, and she has a death grip on my wrist as she quite literally drags me down the hallway. Initially I was taken aback, not being used to receiving this type of treatment from her. My bearings have started returning along with growing frustration each time one of my questions are receiving one word answers, or met with a complete dismissal. Reaching my limit I fail to notice that she’d began to slow down, and I’m wrenching my wrist free of her grip at the exact same time she’d come to a stop.
“What in the fuck is your problem?! You told me that we had plans to go out this afternoon, and you’d treat me to whatever I want!
This-“ I’m interrupted again.
“I certainly wouldn’t do anything for a fuckin’ brat throwing a tantrum like this”
My eyes snap to the side where I see the irritated scowl of one Katsuki Bakugou, as he leans against his door frame glowering at me. Embarrassment further fuels my anger as I turn toward him, pointing an acusatory finger as I begin “No one fucking asked you, stay out of it Katsu-“.
Kirishima suddenly emerges from Bakugo’s room, giving Euphie an enthusastic greeting
“Hey there! You look nice, ready to head out?”. The red head is flashing his signature shark toothed grip at my best friend as he offers her his arm. “You know it” she giggles, taking hold of his muscular bicep. The two of them start to walk off, confused and furious I start to head after them, but a large hand grips my shoulder grounding me in place.
“Bakugo told me he wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on you while Kiri and I went out this afternoon, this way you’ll stay out of trouble and get to keep the plans you’d made with him, bye!” The closing elevator doors add a sudden finalization to her brief explanation.
“Plans?” Bakugo questions while uncermoniously yanking me backwards.
I stumble back, falling through the doorway and landing flat on my ass in front of the now closed door (Which he is standing in front of). Glaring up at him as he continues: “She must have me confused with the local brothel, because thats the only place I’d imagine wearing a skirt as short as that would be deemed appropriate”. His insult doesn’t deter his crimson eyes from roaming the length of my body, lingering on the aforementioned skirt. Getting to my feet, he walks around me and move towards his desk, taking a seat behind it.
“Oh fuck you Katsuki, you can be a real dick sometimes, I dunno what stupid Euphie told you about keeping and eye on me, but I dont need a fucking baby sitter! So ill be off now” with a huff you turn towards the door. “________, I’m not in the mood for bullshit today so just sit down and shut up” he growls, not turning to look at you. He always feels embarrassingly giddy when you adress him by his first name, thats why he insisted you call him by it. That in itself should be an indication of how he seems to favor you.
It makes him almost feel a bit guilty for using a harsh tone when he’d spoken to you. Despite how he treats others, Katsuki is hardly ever outright mean to you; He’s never even given you a derogatory nickname like he has for everyone else. Today’s an off day though…He’s just not used to running on little to no sleep. That paired with his already non existent level of patience makes for a blow up. Especially when YOU were the cause of his latest bout of insomnia….turning to look at you has his thoughts beginning to wander.
Those lips of yours flapping away as you berate him…
They sure would look a helluva lot better wrapped around his-
“-Not even fucking listening to me are you?!” You snarl, starting towards the door again. “I cant believe I woke up this morning wanting to hangout with YOU, guess I’ll change my plans and hangout with someone not so shitty to me…. Like Deku!” A loud crash comes from behind you. The now enraged man had stood up so abruptly, it sent his now vacated chair careening into the wall and toppling over.
“You really just cant help yourself can you?”
His voice is so eerily quiet as he turns to face you, something unidentifiable flashes in his rapidly darkening crimson orbs. You couldn’t exactly identify it, considering it disappeared as abruptly as it had originally came.
“Course you cant, I already know that”
A menacing smile appears on his face as he takes his first step toward you, immediately triggering your natural “Fight or flight” response.
“I know what you need”
He’s only an arms length away when you start to step back.
“You dont know shit”
You somehow summon the courage to speak, but are unable to summon any false bravado to keep you from betraying how unnerved he’s got you feeling as he takes another step.
“I know that your best friend cant stand what a spoiled fuckin’ brat you’ve become, I know she’s so fed up with your shit that she’s about to write you off completely”
The defiant expression you’d worn all this time finally starts to falter.
This marks the first time Katsuki has ever seen how you look when your confidence begins to ebb away, only to be replaced with a mixture of uncertainty and fear.
His sadistic side emerges with glee as your now saddened doe eyes meet his.
“You’re constantly disregarding everyone’s opinion of you unless it aligns with your own, but you dont even know what to think of yourself now that your faced with the possibility of being alone now…do you?
You remain silent, taking yet another step back as he continues speaking.
“You need someone who isn’t afraid to correct you, but they’ll have to of earned your respect….So when you inevitably step out of line, you wont put up a fight when you get put over their knee”
Your back hits the wall.
You swallow down the panic that slowly begun to rise from your chest up into your throat as you realize there is nowhere left for you to go.
“You desperately want to be a good girl, just dont know how to be one, huh princess?”
It’s so adorable the way your bottom lip juts out, but at the first quiver it quickly gets sucked between your teeth.
“That’s why you’re acting out right now isn’t it?
I bet you drench your cute little panties every time you get a rise out of me. Always hoping that its going to be the time I yank you the fuck up and put this brat in her goddamn place, hah?”
You shamelessly lean into the large hand thats now cupping your cheek, letting out a sigh as his thumb caresses your soft skin.
It’s horrifying how easily you just admitted your most guarded secret! The triumphant smirk he sports makes it even harder to accept.
His tone is surprisingly gentle when he starts addressing you once again;
“I can do that for you baby….Let me be the one that finally brings the princess down on her knees”.
Your eyes are practically sparkling at the feel of a sudden pressure being applied to your throat. His calloused fingers squeezing the delicate skin of your neck, effectively making it harder and harder for you to breathe. The thrill of this foreign feeling is instantly addicting.
“Tell me if thats what you want: If its not then shake your head and we never speak of this again”
Bakugo has to at least give the illusion that you have a choice in the matter. Even though its more than obvious that you need want this just as much as he does.
“I want it, I want you” your words come out in a breathy whisper as he releases his hold on your throat.
“I wanna hear you say it princess, what do you want me to do with you”
“I want…no I NEED you to….t-to make me into your good girl please…”
He gestures for you to continue, his raised brow implying you must be forgetting something.
“Please make me into your good girl….Daddy”
The pleading expression and twinge of desperation in your voice stirs something deep inside Bakugo. It was something akin to the last vestiges of some ancient seal had disappeared: The monster that it had rendered dormant had finally roused from its slumber, intent on wreaking havoc.
“You do understand that you’re mine now right ________? Every part of your being belongs solely to me”
Gorgeous ruby eyes scrutinize your face carefully, searching for a single trace of fear, uncertainty, or possible apprehension. All they found was admiration and girlish excitement, and this earned you a genuine smile from the almost always scowling young man.
“Yes, every part of me belongs to you now Katsuki”
“Better get used to this then”
Before you could inquire what he was referring to, he was kissing you.
A/N: So concludes chapter one
Oh god I hope this is well received.
Should I get a tag list together? Is it too soon? If anyone would be interested leave a comment. SMUT in the next chapter, we’re moving faster here because let’s be honest; Smut is what all of us want! 💦
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meltwonu · 4 years ago
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 7]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, fingering, daddy!kink, dirty talk, ‘cuz you can touch touch me~ 😏 ur gonna need to imagine headband/bandana wearing left&right cheol for this cuz that’s the fantasy i was imagining for this chapter the entire time i was writing it hehe 🍒 quick apologies to anyone who thinks this is moving a little slow 😩 I literally don’t know how to shut up and I end up writing too much LMAO and as always, thank you for the continued interest! Have a great weekend bbys! 💕 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - ?
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dom.cheol has donated $400
therealchan99: yea this is about right on course
dom.cheol: what, did u miss me? 😏
gentleman_josh95: loosely
chwenon: more like the obscenely large donations were missing lolol
You jokingly roll your eyes, exhaling deeply as you push your toys off to the side of the bed. You’d just finished your Saturday show without a hitch, albeit feeling a little lonely. “Aww, c’mon you guys! Don’t tease~” Glancing around the room, it did feel a little odd to you now that Seungcheol wasn’t there but he had called earlier in the day and told you that it might’ve been better if he stayed back.
In truth, you understood exactly how he felt.
Part of you was ready to throw all caution out of the window when it came to Seungcheol and he felt it too. But at the same time, you knew it wouldn’t be that easy and that there were still things that the two of you needed to discuss before deep diving into intimacy, especially when it came to powerplay.
kitty_junjun: hey dont take this in a weird way but like
kitty_junjun: i feel like i saw u earlier today…
universe_WZ: ooo i never thought abt that before
sleepy_wonu has donated $75
xcaliburDK: have ppl recognized u irl before? :o
dom.cheol: i feel like i might’ve seen u irl before too…
Your cheeks bloom a hot pink; a nervous giggle on your lips. “Oh! I mean, yeah, there’s been a handful of times. I’ll wear wigs out sometimes though. Can’t have people calling me out in a grocery store, y’know?”
kitty_junjun: wait so maybe i did see u? I dont wanna give out locations tho…
“Maybe! I’m still out on my little weekend trip and I was out and about earlier~ if you see me next time, don’t hesitate to say hi! I promise I don’t bite~” You pause, leaning closer into the webcam as you wink.
“Unless you want me to~”
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You start running a bath right after you end your show, stretching and turning on some music as you start to unwind. Thankfully you didn’t have a tiring show today, so you decided to take the rest of the night to pamper yourself in preparation for your day with Seungcheol.
Biting your lip, you pick up your phone, already seeing a multitude of messages from Seungcheol on your lockscreen.
cheollie ✨: don’t forget ur glass of water!
cheollie ✨: also don’t forget i’m picking you up at 9:30am
cheollie ✨: hope ur ready to spend all day at the roller rink with me baby
You can’t help but grin, already excited to see how Seungcheol spent his day at work. Typing a response, you quickly hit send before setting your phone down onto the nightstand and making your way to the bathroom.
‘I can’t wait! I’m so excited~ u promised me free skates and free food so don’t forget!!’
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It’s exactly 9:29AM when Seungcheol messages you that he’s downstairs.
You check yourself in the mirror one last time, smoothing down your dress and hair and grabbing your bag before you rush down to meet Seungcheol. 
There’s a mild feeling of nervousness that pours over you, but you quickly shake it off once you see his blue headed figure standing outside of the lobby.
He turns around to face you just as you stop in your tracks; gasping when you see the cute way he’s styled his hair for today. “Whoa… wow, uh, j-just.. Wow. You look great in bandanas...”
Seungcheol laughs, eyes forming crescents. “I don’t usually work the weekends so I thought I’d spice it up a little. Guess it looks good?” You can only nod shakily, mentally cursing yourself when you feel the arousal already pooling inside your body. He winks at you once, opening the passenger’s side door as you slide into his car.
“Hope you’re ready to have a boring day at the roller rink with me.” He gives you a tight lipped smile, shutting your door before he rounds the car to get in on the driver’s side.
“I’m telling you, it’s not going to be… y’know, anything crazy.”
“Who says it has to be! I’m excited to see where you work and anyway you promised!” You tease, poking him in the arm as he starts the car. “I know, I know… I just---I don’t want you to be disappointed. I bet you thought I was some rich old hotshot before, huh?” Seungcheol shoots you a glance, smiling gently.
“Mmm.. not really.”
“No? You didn’t think I was some lonely CEO with loads of money with a thing for camgirls?”
You laugh at his response, placing your hand over his on the gear shift.
“Nah, if there’s anything I thought about you, it was that you were way too nice to be on some camming website.”
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The two of you have idle conversation as Seungcheol takes his time to drive to the roller rink. In all honesty, he was a little nervous himself, although he’d never say it to your face.
“Oh my god, is that it?! It’s so cute!”
He parks close to the entrance, turning the car off as he jogs over to your side to help you out. “‘Cheol, you know you don’t have to be so sweet~” You pout, latching onto his arm as he locks the car.
“Oh but I do. You deserve to be spoiled once in a while!”
A blush coats your cheeks yet again, shy eyes fixated on the floor as he walks you towards the entrance. “Yeah, but all you ever do is spoil me… That sybian was no joke and my god, Seungcheol, the price! I almost had half a mind to return it…” You end in a mumble. Seungcheol laughs, opening the door for you as you unlatch from his arm and step in first.
“You’re worth spoiling. Now stop worrying, okay? I promise I’m not up to anything illegal in order to afford your gifts.” Giggling, you lean up to kiss him on the cheek, nodding firmly.
“Fiiiiine, I trust you, y’know?”
“I know, baby. I trust you too, now let’s go meet my best friend who’s going to play butler for you today.”
He leads you over to the concession stand where an equally tall yet bored male stands. “Hey, Jeongguk!” The said male looks up from his phone, eyebrow quirking when the two of you walk up. “Uh, hey Seungcheol-hyung…” Seungcheol feels a weird tenseness fall over the three of you, clearing his throat to get Jeongguk’s attention when he finds the younger male staring.
“Um, this is my friend. She’s---uh, she’s gonna be hanging out here for the rest of the day. I promised her that you’d give her free food, so uh, just--just let me know how much it is so I can tell Namjoon to take it out of my paycheck.” Jeongguk grins, a sly look in his eyes when he finally meets Seungcheol’s concerned eyes.
“Sure! Can I talk to you over there? It’s about our paychecks actually.” Jeongguk turns to you, leaning over the counter. “Sorry, employee only info, ch--uuuuuh, you know the deal.”
“Yeah, of course!”
Jeongguk points off to the side, gesturing to Seungcheol who follows suit.
The younger male makes sure they’re a safe distance away, watching as you pluck your phone out of your purse before he starts talking in harsh whispers. “What the fuck, dude!? You’re---no, you’re not fucking Cherry. She doesn’t have a boyfriend so what the fuck?”
The blood drains from Seungcheol’s face; the feeling in his fingers going numb as his throat goes dry. “Wuh--what? What are you---what are you talking about?” Jeongguk scoffs, eyes rolling jokingly.
“So, hyung, how do you know her?”
“You’re asking me?! How do you know her!?” Seungcheol’s eye twitches just as Jeongguk shoots him an incredulous look, arms crossed in mock annoyance. “I’m a horny boy, what can I say.”
“Please do not ever use those words to describe yourself again.”
The younger male stands in silence, nodding in thought.  
“Fuck, wow, I should’ve noticed. All those extra shifts you were taking, the reason why you could never come hang… You don’t like working here as much as Yoongi-hyung but you--holy---holy shit, wait--you… you can’t be…”
Fuck, here it comes.
“You’re fucking ‘dom.cheol’ aren’t you? You’re the one always leaving her insane fuckin’ donations all the time… and the gifts.. Oh my god. The ‘cheol’ was from Seungcheol, I should’ve known...”
Seungcheol dies a million deaths inside his head; the ringing in his ears becoming unbearable while Jeongguk stares at him in mild disbelief. “It all clocks out, holy fuck. No wonder you were so fucking eager to pick up so many extra shifts…” Seungcheol’s mouth opens and closes a few times, unsure what to say.
“I mean, fuck hyung, I--I’m kind of impressed but wow. You think you know a guy, huh?” Jeongguk laughs, patting the older male on the shoulder. “She’s only one of the hottest camgirls out there right now. You’re a lucky man, hyung.”
A weird possessiveness washes over Seungcheol, hands gently balling up into fists at his side. “Okay, well, she… she’s just here to chill, alright? Don’t do anything weird. And most of all, don’t say anything weird either.” The younger male nods, already walking back to where you were standing.
“Hey, sorry, hyung’s paycheck is gonna be pretty sad next week and I had to let him down gently. Anyway, I’m Jeongguk. You are?”
You give him a fake name; shaking his hand over the counter as he grins at you.
“It’s my pleasure.”
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You spend the first two hours on the floor skating; catching Seungcheol’s eyes on you from time to time as he sits nearby cleaning skates. The place seemed pretty empty, which was something that Seungcheol was immensely glad for.
Eventually you skate off out of the rink, making your way to Seungcheol who smiles at you when you come sit next to him. “Told you. Bored already, huh?” The two of you share a laugh, watching as the few other people continue to skate around the rink.
“I mean… it’s different! Right about now I’d usually be six episodes into a new series or something… It’s nice to be somewhere else and doing something different.”
He nods in return, slightly pouting when he turns to face you. “I hate that you have to go home tonight.” You mirror his sentiments, lips quirking into a sad smile.
“I know… I don’t wanna go home…”
Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek, eyes flitting over to Jeongguk. “Hey, maybe we can bail a little early. This place is pretty dead anyway, and I--I can have Jeongguk clock me out when he leaves. My shift is supposed to end at 3PM and it’s noon now so… We can leave in a hour? Maybe get a late lunch?”
“Seungcheol… I don’t want you to get in trouble…” You mumble, brows furrowing in concern. “Really, it’s okay! We can just hang here ‘til then and still have time to get dinner!” He sighs, knowing you were right. Now was not the right time to be testing the waters with Jeongguk and Namjoon.
“Okay, okay, you win, baby.”
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It takes 45 minutes.
45 minutes and a free drink from the concession stand before your mind starts wandering.
You watch Seungcheol converse with Jeongguk behind the concession stand; his cute laugh sending you into orbit when your eyes meet and you can’t stop the thrums of lust pouring over your body when a certain idea pops into your head.
Seungcheol turns his attention back to the younger male and you quickly start to unlace your skates and put your normal shoes back on before Seungcheol’s entire break gets taken up. 
You walk up to the two; Seungcheol cleaning off his hands before he exits from behind the counter.
“Seungcheol…” You softly call out; a look of concern crossing his features when he stops in front of you. “Hey, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, mmhmm! I just--I need to talk to you, if that’s okay?” Jeongguk already turns to leave, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You drag Seungcheol away, tugging him towards an even emptier part of the roller rink as the concern builds up inside of him. “I have an idea.” He feels himself gulp, already anticipating what you have to say.
“Well… It’s… It won’t t-take long I don’t think, just… hear me out?” You question gently, head tilting cutely up at Seungcheol who already knows he can’t say no to you. “Okay, shoot.”
“Wh--what if we… film a small POV v-video… like, not a live one! Just a small upload on my channel to test the waters maybe? I just---you don’t have to say anything and--and it’ll be quick, and--and like, nothing major just a little, um, f-fingering and--oh my god, sorry, I shouldn’t have a-asked, that’s just---I’m s-sorry I was thinking about it and it kinda got to me and I’m---I’m kinda already wet just thinking about it and--”
“No, let’s… let’s do it. To be fair, people seem to like risqué public things like that right?” A crimson blush falls on Seungcheol’s cheeks as he turns the tables, wrapping a hand around your wrist as he walks you to the employee restroom. “It’s… there shouldn’t be anyone in here so we should be safe.” He mutters, checking to make sure before he ushers you inside and locks the door behind him.
“I don’t know what to do so you’ll have to guide me a little here, baby.”
You nod, pulling your phone out and opening the camera app. Scrolling, you put it in video mode, clicking the red button before passing it to Seungcheol. “I’ve never done it either but I’m sure I can just… crop it and I m-mean it’s meant to be a little shoddy, right?” You giggle nervously, body already on fire when Seungcheol makes the camera face you. “You don’t have to say anything if you’re not comfortable with your voice being in the video, I just need… this.”
You reach for his free hand, playing with it as you run your fingertips across the veins. “I’m sorry, daddy… I just… I couldn’t help but think about your fingers inside my tight pussy...” Seungcheol almost loses his grip on your phone; palm clammy when he watches as you bring his hand underneath your short dress.
“Please… please, won’t daddy fuck me with his fingers? I promise I’ll be good for the rest of the day if he lets me cum on his fingers…” You whine.
Seungcheol isn’t ready to have his voice heard yet, so he nods, fingers twitching in your hold.
You take this as an okay to continue, dragging his hand up until his knuckles graze your panties. “O-oh, fuck…”
This time Seungcheol takes the lead; his own body ablaze when he can already feel your wetness soaking through your panties. He presses into it, digging his fingers into the wet material until it sticks to you like a second skin. “D-daddy, please, please, put them inside, I need it!!” You mewl, trying to keep your voice down as much as possible while still being audible enough on camera.
He shoots you a look; one that tells you to hike your dress up until your soaking panties are seen through the camera lens. And you easily follow, holding your dress up as Seungcheol drops to his knees, angling the camera upwards until only his fingers and your clothed pussy are in view. You spread your legs a little more, back resting on the wall behind you.
“Please, I can’t wait any longer…”
He gulps once, saying a prayer before he slowly pushes your panties to the side. And you all but lose any semblance of sanity the second he runs his fingertips through your wetness, pussy clenching around emptiness. “Fuck--fuck me, please!”
Once Seungcheol deems his fingers wet enough, his eyes meet yours, asking for silent consent before he makes any further moves. You nod frantically, fingers gripping the material of your dress tightly.
Seungcheol bites his lip the second he starts sinking his first finger into your tight warmth; already feeling the drool pooling in his mouth when you moan loudly. He starts a slow pace, mentally noting just how obscenely wet you are when he drags his finger out slowly. “Ngh, daddy m-more, please, I can take it, I wanna be f-full~” He gives it a few more thrusts of his index finger before he adds his middle finger; this time slowly sinking both digits into your pussy as you whimper above him.
His eyes flit up, mesmerized when he sees your face contort in bliss. “O-oh my god, I’m--I’m already so close… Daddy’s fingers are so much bigger and thicker than mine, it fuh--feels so good…” You mutter; squirming when Seungcheol doesn’t move.
And it takes him a second; too fixated on the way your tight walls only seem to suck his fingers in deeper.
But he starts a moderate pace, scissoring and curling his fingers inside of you until you’re reduced to whines and soft breathy moans.
He can already feel you getting tighter around his fingers after a few more minutes; doubling his pace when you start to beg.
“Oh my god, oh my god, ‘m so close, fuck! P-please touch my clit, daddy, please make m-me c--cum!”
Seungcheol feels his cock throbbing in his pants but he focuses on you, thumb immediately on your clit as he rubs harsh and quick circles on the swollen nub. He doesn’t know how much time has passed or if his break is over, but the look of absolute pleasure on your face is enough to make him not care.
He curls his fingers into your g-spot, holding them still as he continuously rubs your clit until you’re cumming; thighs shaking as you let out shaky breaths above him.
“Oh m-my god, daddy!” You mumble in a hurried frenzy, thighs clamping around his hand between your legs as the pleasure washes over you.
Seungcheol lets you ride out your high, gently wiggling his fingers inside of you as he starts to slow down.
“Mmh… Seungcheol…”
Oh fuck.
He definitely liked it when you moaned his name. 
“Y-yes…?” It’s his cue to turn off the camera, shaky finger pressing the ‘stop’ button. He gently slides his fingers out of you, muttering an apology when you wince.
“You don’t have to say sorry! It’s just… ‘m sensitive…” You mewl, already missing the feeling of his fingers inside of you. “Y-yeah, of course! I, um, I hope that was okay? I’ll give you a second to get cleaned up, I’ll uh, run and get you some water.”
You nod in response, thanking him before he quickly washes off his hands and bolts out of the restroom; ears and cheeks redder than a tomato.
Once you’re alone, you quickly open your camera roll, clicking on the video as you hurriedly crop out the beginning and end, making sure that the short video didn’t have any incriminating details before you open up your camming homepage.
There’s a moment of unsureness that makes you pause. You bite the inside of your cheek, weighing the potential outcomes of posting this to your page. 
But before you can change your mind, you quickly start the upload; adding a title and a short description before you lock your phone to let it process.
In the meantime, you get cleaned up, checking your appearance in the mirror once before picking up your phone again. Unlocking it, you find the upload has finished and you exhale sharply, publishing the video before locking the device again.
You move to exit the restroom, already finding Seungcheol holding a bottle of water on the other side.
“Oh, there you are! Everything okay?”
“Mmhmm! I uploaded the video before I could change my mind so I’m a little nervous…” You trail off, accepting the bottle that Seungcheol passes you.
“Well, the good news is, we’re bailing, now. I told ‘Guk to clock me out so we should get out of here so I can get your mind off of that.”
He shoots you a genuine smile, offering his hand which you take.
“Let’s fuckin’ get some ice cream, I think we deserve it.”
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Seungcheol takes you on a scenic drive, taking you to an ice cream shop further away from town.
The two of you sit down in a booth towards the back of the shop and he helps clear your head, talking about various topics to keep your mind off of the huge risk you’d just taken.
“Anyway, that’s one of the reasons why I’m never bar-hopping with ‘Guk again. He’s got no limit, nobody can keep up and nobody wants to keep paying the uber fees.” You laugh as Seungcheol finishes his story, taking a sip of your milkshake.
You can’t help but sigh after a few seconds, pouting at Seungcheol who blinks questioningly at you. “‘Cheollie, I don’t wanna go home…” He stares back, unsure of what to say. A million different thoughts run through his mind in the split second before he opens his mouth.
“Why don’t you stay with me for a couple more days?”
Seungcheol doesn’t understand the gravity of his words until they spill out of his mouth; a panicked look on his face when you go completely silent in the seat across from him. “I m-mean, uh, I mean, like, fuck. I’m sorry, that must’ve been way too out of bounds. I just---it’s just, you don’t want to go home and---and I can take care of you while you’re here! Even if it’s just a couple days. I can help you film too!” He curses himself for rambling; immediately shutting himself up.
“I--I don’t want to bother you, ‘Cheol… That’s really too kind of you…” A shy blush coats your skin; chewing on your bottom lip when you shyly avoid his gaze. “A-and my filming stuff is back home too… I brought a few toys with me so I could film my weekend shows but--but my camera…”
“I can ask Jeongguk!”
You shoot him a bewildered look, brow quirking. “He--he streams sometimes too, like, video games ‘n shit. He actually offered me his extra equipment a while back, if I ever wanted to get into it myself. I can ask to borrow it, if you want?”
You drink in his words, unsure. The thought of staying with Cheol might’ve danced across your mind a handful of times, but now that the offer was on the table, you weren’t sure how to respond.
You trusted Seungcheol, and you knew by now that he would never do anything to hurt or betray you. But this was a far leap from how things were the last time you’d seen him.
“Listen, I can see the cogs in your head turning, baby. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, I’m not forcing your hand into anything you don’t want. But I know you’ve been wanting to get out a ‘lil more and… well, in truth, I think it’d be nice for both of us? I can take care of you while you’re here with me and we can keep each other company.” He pauses, smiling at you from across the booth. “But I can also take you back to your hotel room and let you pack so you don’t get home too late.”
“‘Cheol I trust you.. It’s just that… I’m s-scared…”
“Scared? Of what, baby?”
The warmth blooms inside of you; shy eyes meeting his.
“Scared that I’m not gonna wanna go home…”
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Seungcheol takes it easy for the rest of the day and doesn’t make an effort to get an answer out of you. He takes you around the city, tugging you into shops he thinks you’d like and walking around with you aimlessly until the sun goes down.
But time seems to go even faster once he takes you to dinner; a sigh on his lips when he knows he has to bring the topic back up.
“I hate to ask but… I have to take you back to your hotel after this so…” Seungcheol trails off, leaving it open-ended for you.
“I know… I just want to know… Why do you like me so much?”
The question takes Seungcheol by surprise; eyes wide as saucers. “I--I’m sorry I don’t follow?” You chuckle under your breath, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“It’s just… we were strangers, kind of, before Friday, you know what I mean? And now you’re offering your place to me to just… crash at for a few days? What if I rob you blind? Or what--what if you try something with me that I don’t like?” You suddenly start catastrophizing; mind going a mile a minute with potential outcomes.
“Hey, whoa, whoa, wait. Calm down, sweetheart. It’s okay! Breathe!” You let out a shaky exhale, groaning as you hide your face in your palms. “God, ‘Cheol, ‘m sorry, I--I really want to stay with you for a few days. It’s just that my brain is going light speed and I can’t keep up. I really like you too, you’ve been nothing but kind and sweet and you’re so handsome, it’s just so crazy to me...” Your words are slightly muffled but Seungcheol catches it, a soft chuckle on his lips when he leans his head on his palm.
“I’ll sleep on the sofa and leave you alone. You can take the bed. Hell, you can even rob me blind and I’d say thank you.”
He reaches his free hand over, fingers circling your wrist as he pulls your hand down. “And I’m offering you my place because I like you as you. You’re cute and funny, and so fuckin’ humble. And I want to get to know you better. In person, y’know?”
“Y-yeah… I wanna get to know you better too. And it’s only a couple days right?”
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Seungcheol drives you back to your hotel, a smile on his face when he sees you in better spirits.
He parks his car in front, turning to face you. “So I’ll just wait here while you grab your things and check out, okay? I’ll contact ‘Guk to see if I can swing by and take that extra equipment he offered.”
This time you nod cheerily, body buzzing with excitement as you hurriedly step out of his car. “I’ll be quick!”
He gives it a moment before he picks his phone up, taking a deep breath before typing out a message to the younger male.
‘Hey, ‘Guk I have a favour. Get back to me asap if u can.’
Jeon 🥴 : bold of u to msg me…
Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s features; fingers hovering over the keyboard. ‘What are you talking about?’
Jeongguk takes a second to send a screenshot, Seungcheol’s cheeks burning a crimson colour when he sees the content.
Jeon 🥴: it’s the employee restroom for me.
Jeon 🥴: bruh it’s also the fuckin way i knew it was u before i even played the video… fuck man is that why u too so long on ur break? u do kno u went over right, I clocked it cuz i was expecting u to come back sooner
Jeon 🥴: for the rec im not mad, actually im impressed just cant believe this is u
Seungcheol ignores Jeongguk’s messages, instead opening the screenshot again and re-reading the video title.
‘I was so needy… 🥺 so I asked daddy to finger me in public…’
Jeon 🥴: bitch i kno ur reading this im dropping the hyung bc u kept this from me!!
Jeon 🥴: after i even offered u my extra camming stuff u were already doing it behind my back…
Seungcheol rolls his eyes at the younger male’s dramatic nature, fingers quickly swiping across the keyboard.
‘Alright, I’m sorry okay? I just didn’t think my online habits needed to be public knowledge and for the record, that was the first time I’ve ever done anything like that. I promise no more secrets, unless absolutely necessary. And also speaking of that extra equipment, can I swing by and grab it from your place?’
Jeon 🥴: r u gonna cam now? u got one sip of the devils juice and now ur all in?
‘Would u stop being dramatic oh my god. It’s not for me, it’s for ‘cherry’. She’s going to be staying with me for a few days and I fully expect you to keep your mouth shut on this.’
Seungcheol grimaces when he calls you by your online handle; already feeling unfamiliar with it.
Jeon 🥴: o i c. sure, u can come pick it up, simp. I’ll make sure she’s got all the necessary things before u get here and u owe me one!! i fully expect u to come stream with me at least once for keeping ur secrets 
‘It’s a deal. I’ll be there in an hour and a half.’
A sigh escapes Seungcheol’s lips, his eyes dancing over to your figure that skips towards the car. He locks his phone just as you tap on the glass, popping the trunk before he steps out.
“How’d it go? All checked out?”
“Mmhmm! Did you get in contact with Jeongguk? What’d he say?”
A nervous laugh spills from his lips as he puts your small luggage in the trunk, slamming it shut before rounding the car to open your door. “I’ll help you get settled in at my place and then I’ll drive over really quick and grab the stuff from his place.”
You hop in his car, fiddling with the seatbelt until Seungcheol slides into the driver’s seat.
“He didn’t ask what you needed it for?” Gulp. Shit.
“I just told him that I was thinking about streaming, for--for gaming stuff. He was okay with it.”
He’d tell you the truth. Soon, he promises.
No. Now.
Seungcheol sighs, hands on the wheel as he stares straight ahead. “No, no, I--I can’t sit here and lie to you. Jeongguk knows you. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you earlier, I told him to keep his mouth shut because I didn’t want him to bother you while we were at the roller rink.”
He can only nod; eyes dancing over to you as you play with the hem of your dress. “Yeah, I--I’m really sorry. He--He also found out I was ‘dom.cheol’ too and, fuck, I--I don’t know, I kind of panicked too. I hid that part of me from everyone I know so it was just… it was a lot.”
You meet his sad eyes, shooting him a small smile of your own. “It’s okay! It’s a little funny that happens right after that ‘kitty_junjun’ says he saw me in person too, huh? I mean, thanks for trying to protect me at least. It must’ve been weird for you too.”
“Yeah… If you’re not comfortable anymore, I… I’d understand too.” Seungcheol prepares himself for the worst, knowing that there was a chance that this was goodbye.
“Are you kidding! What’s one person gonna do? And you said he’s your best friend and you trust him… I’ll have to take a leap of faith on that one but… I trust you.”
You lean over the center console, kissing him on the cheek. “And anyway, as long as he’s not one of those weirdos asking for ‘favours’, I think we’re in the clear, right?”
Seungcheol grimaces; as long as it’s from me and not you, he thinks.
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nurtleteckye · 4 years ago
ok ok ok ok OK i am going to attempt to give a run-down of what the heck is going on with my villain all might au (i think i’m gonna call it Cursed)
with badly drawn doodles to help explain
CW: intrusive thoughts, generally dark themes?
so it starts to veer off from canon at Kamino (AM vs AfO), where just as Toshi landed the united states of smash, AfO used a last-resort quirk on Toshi. This quirk is called Deadspikes (idk what to call it :v)
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so how does Deadspikes work? It's similar to that zombie quirk from one of the OVAs, but a lot more harmful. When the user touches a human (themself or someone else), and wants the quirk to work (like kirishima's quirk, it can be accidental sometimes when you're little, but you learn to control it), it'll make a black spike (deadspike) grow from the spot they touched. Usually there are no effects to the person who now has a deadspike, unless it grows on the person's face or head, in that case it severely affects their mind, and causes all sorts of problems.
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if it hits a person's head it makes a kind of mental clone of that person except the clone’s opinion of people can change, since they have similar memories but view it from a very negative perspective.
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The clone also is sort of like a living version of all the person’s deepest fears and intrusive thoughts (sounds weird to say but only of murderous or mischievous kind, you know what im talking about, there wont be any really weird weird kind of intrusive thoughts yaknow).
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ok so now, how does this connect to Toshi?
when AfO hits Toshi with Deadspikes, the blow lands on his head. At the moment toshi doesn’t really notice it, but soon after the battle he notices a little black spike growing off to the right on his head. You can’t see it unless you move his hair out of the way, and it doesn’t hurt or anything. The doctors monitor it closely, and once he’s released from the hospital he’s told to keep a close eye on it.
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The night he leaves the hospital, he has vivid nightmares about hurting the other teachers or his students, and he knows that it isn’t him doing that, he doesn’t want to do that and he never would do it. But of course, it’s a dream, and sometimes in dreams, you’re not really in your right mind. It’s just a nightmare, he thinks.
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The next day, he stays alone in his room in the dorms, saying he's just taking an extra day to fully recover. He's unnerved, and the nightmare keeps popping back into his head whenever he sees his students or coworkers, so he stays as far away as he can. Later that night he thinks the memories have subsided enough. Itching to go outside, he decides to go outside and walk around the campus by the dorms. Aizawa and Mic see him leaving and Mic asks to tag along. All Might hesitates, but says yes. He didnt want to explain what was going on. Mic drags Aizawa along too.
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Then, something goes very wrong with Toshi and the deadspikes >:3
and then angst ensues i guess, i dont wanna say what exactly because if i do something with this i dont wanna spoil it lol
i already have an ending in mind too! that is unusual for me
please tell me if you think this sounds interesting 👉👈
also also also also listen to the playlist for it if ya want
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all-things-mlqc · 5 years ago
Boys reaction to MC who never have date before meeting them. Like, the boys as MC's first love.
My first HC on here and I was memeing half the time while writing it. Included what the boys would do after hearing this news as well because why not. I’m not a Lucien fan but lord have mercy on my soul, I couldn’t help making his romantic af. He is the ideal boyfriend/date minus the l i e s that come in the MS and I hate it. All the crossed out stuff is just commentary because I couldn’t help myself. Hope you enjoy~ Thank you for your ask <3
How the MLQC boys react to being MC’s first love below the cut~
Follows with some snarky comment after he calls her “Dummy”.
Let’s be real here, if he doesn’t call her dummy immediately, then something is wrong. Reminds me of when we streamed the first episode of MLQC and we were all yelling “CALL US BAKA” the second Victor came on screen.
While he seems cool and collected on the outside, you can hear the computer shutdown sound play on the inside.
To him, this is a shocking confession.
Victor: I’m not surprised a dummy like you hasn’t been in a serious relationship before.
Victor, internally: How has she never been in a serious relationship before??
He’s not very good at expressing himself honestly through his words but he truly admires MCs hardworking nature.
He finds that very attractive in a woman and is surprised that other men in the line of business haven’t taken their shot with her yet. it’s because they can feel your death stare on the back of their heads, kind sir
One thing he struggles with is being himself. He tries to act like everything is in his control all the time.
Because of this, upon hearing MCs confession, he invites her to a fancy dinner at his penthouse insert Victor’s Dazzling Date because THATS ALL THAT MATTERS. Jkjk haha... unless...
He wants to impress her as much as possible even though he knows deep down that she doesn’t care about what a person has and rather how they are as a person
BUT ALAS. The stress be real for her first boyfriend.
He wants her to know she made a good decision without verbally telling her out of his own bitch mouth I love you, please call me baka so he goes over the top with their first date.
Basically pulls a Mr. Krabs when taking Mrs. Puff on a date. Just add shades to Mr. Krabs to represent Victor’s “I’m calm. I’m chill. I’m all good. We vibin out here.”
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All MC wants from him is his honest and genuine thoughts. and a lifetime stock of pudding because good god a girl has chocolate needs
MC eventually figures out Victor’s intentions with all the gifts he rains on her because hE dOesNt nEeD tHeM he can’t give her anything more than a cup of pudding up front
MC knows this and accepts the secret gifts with a smile.
She sends a gift in return to his office the following day along with a thank you for the wonderful date.
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of Victor’s heart rate slowing to the average persons.
insert pikachu meme
This boy is mind blown.
“How have you never been in a relationship before??? That can’t be true!”
Kiro sees the good in everyone, so hearing that MC has never been in a relationship before him is
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He gives her a bright smile and playfully hugs her from behind.
The two of them laugh together as he whispers genuinely in her ear,
“I promise to make you happy. You won’t regret it.”
He immediately drags her off to Loveland’s Amusement Park, where they spend the whole day together.
Rides, snacks, games, you name it, they did it all.
Kiro naturally spoils MC without putting much thought to it.
It’s like a reflex for him. It’s just who he is as a person. Always wants to share the happiness in the world with the people he cares about.
As for how anxious he is after hearing the news about being MC’s first love, he is screaming at a pitch only dogs can hear.
Almost 100% of the time he has a smile on his face and even convinces himself that he’s not worried about it.
But he is.
It only hits him when he thinks about another man taking MC away from him after seeing her talking with another guy.
MC will catch him without his carefree smile at times and eventually confronts him about it.
He shows her a wide smile and says there’s nothing to worry about.
After a few attempts of trying to get Kiro to open up about it, he gives in and says he’s worried he’s not good enough for her HAHAHHA, GOOD ONE KIRO
MC, however, turns it around on him
MC: I’m afraid IM the one who isn’t good enough for you.
They both smile and embrace each other, knowing they’ll get through any little concerns like this.
He knows.
We’re talking about the boy who has been in love with MC since high school; Who has protected her behind the scenes ever since he laid eyes on her.
He would know if she had been in a previous or current relationship.
It only comes as a shock when she says she’s never been interested in anyone else romantically before. Lies. Have you seen the other suitors, MC. In a world where guys are that hot, you must’ve had at least 1 crush, c’mon sis.
Gavin respected her personal boundaries and never looked into her personal affairs so he had very little knowledge of her views on other guys.
He gets a little bit nervous, since he believes her standards must be high if she hasn’t been interested in anyone else before.
Does the full on soldier oath, bend the knee cliche which includes “I promise to always protect you” and “Nobody will ever be good enough for you”
Mc: Gavin no...
Spoiler alert: You are waayyyyy too good for me, Gavin.
He doesn’t have too much anxiety over the thought of being MC’s first love though since he’s very good at staying true to himself and knows MC is one to admire that about others.
Gavin is a quiet guy in general. He’s more of an observer and watches MC to take note of what she enjoys.
When he sees her eyes shine bright after seeing a delicious dessert cafe, he offers to take her. He makes sure to express how he also wants to go since he knows she won’t accept unless he is interested as well.
Boy literally has no interests the moment he’s with MC. He is essentially that vine
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Doesn’t even wait until the question is over and just “Absolutely. Let’s do it”
MC: But I haven’t even said anything yet...
He isn’t much different from how he is now. Has around the same amount of anxiety just from being in MCs presence.
Boy just wants to PROTECC and is always panicking on the inside but tries to remain calm.
He is very good at calming his anxiety though since he’s had so long to understand what MC values and knows she just loves people for themselves.
That’s all he needs.
His eyes widen slightly at MCs confession.
It’s nothing too mind blowing for him since he knows how refined MC is and how dedicated she is to her work.
It’s still surprising to him that nobody has tried to sweep her off her feet yet.
With how kind MC is, it would be hard for her to refuse a date with a gentleman.
Lucien gently presses a kiss to MCs hand upon hearing her confession.
Lucien: I am honored to be given the opportunity TO WOO to take such a beautiful lady out on a date~ AND MORE PLEASE
Lucien is the definition of a gentleman shhhh we aren’t speaking of current chapters in the main route Lucien. Cover your eyes. Pretend you do not see.
With little to no anxiety showing on his face after the reveal that he is MCs first love, he insists on taking her out to a nice restaurant the most classy and romantic 5 star restaurant Loveland City has to offer as a way to thank her for dealing with his bs (both his bullshit and black swan hahaha I’m so funny oml) being given the opportunity to treat her as a beautiful young lady should be treated.
He’s also more on the less anxious side of being MCs first love.
Lucien is a traditional man and does stuff by the book.
Because of this, he respects and likes the idea of being MCs first love.
He doesn’t go over the top yet isn’t cliche with dates and little actions.
He knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Though he may struggle with being openly honest about his own thoughts and feelings, he tries his best to express himself for MC. a lot of the time he just assumes talking to her about his personal affairs would bring her down.
This, however, gets better overtime as they continue to date.
They spend a lovely evening at dinner together and take a midnight stroll through the city oh god city stroll PTSD
He gently wraps his jacket around her bare shoulders with a soft smile as he thanks her once again for believing in him believing he is worthy of her
Shaw, smirking: Is that so?
Oohhhhh you know what that smirk does to me. DOWN BOY D O W N.
He’s surprised but his reaction is very mutual.
His internal thoughts are more on the line of “Hmm I’m her first boyfriend, aye?” and “OYA OYA”
He very likely most definitely places his hand on the wall beside her head and leans in closely to get a reaction from her as he growls,
Shaw: So that means you really like me, yeah? I’m making this way too hot gdi. Shaw stans please enjoy your food
MC looks up to see that same playful smirk resting on his face.
highkey don’t know how to respond because Im just “ok think of 3 things she would probably say and go from there” while my brain just computer error sound
MC: and what about yourself? I’m sure there are tons of girls throwing themselves at you yet you choose me.
He pulls away and places his hands in his pockets with a chuckle.
Shaw: I’ve had my fair share before.
iVe HaD mY fAiR sHarE bEfoRe MY ASS
I’m convinced he’s had one time things with girls purely for information or he isn’t the least bit interested in relationships because he thrives on stimulation and entertainment and nOboDy iS gOoD eNouGh plus he literally asks what people do on dates when taking mc out in his first date in game SO
Either way, this is a LIE. The man can’t relationship for the life of him so he has no RIGHTS to tease her.
Just let him believe or you can try to tease him about it in hopes of getting a little pouty face out of him.
Honestly, their first date would just be the first date we got in the game and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Shaw is a wild child and doesn’t care for romantic dates. at least that’s what he wants you to think
A little insight on his character: He’s very blunt and easily pushes people away all the while keeping them close enough to gather intel. He doesn’t get emotionally attached to anyone and makes sure it’s mutual on both ends. Personal relationships only drag him down, especially in his line of work. He prioritizes other things before relationships which makes him so damn FRUSTRATING BUT I SWEAR I WILL CRACK YOU OPEN LIKE A WALNUT JUST YOU WATCH ME.
With that being said, after actually being in a relationship with MC for a while and opening up about their personal lives more, Shaw can be very romantic. He may be awkward for a bit at first since he literally doesn’t know what a date is but he gets there eventually.
He’s still full of fun but is also very gentle and makes sure MC is enjoying herself.
I got sidetracked with the actual HC on this one but Shaw stans need food I NEED FOOD
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loptyrs-moved · 4 years ago
Can you talk more abt ur fandoms ocs? I like your writing a lot and would like to know more abt em
Oh my goodness I’m 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you’re SO sweet thank you!
Well, I have quite a few and some have their own deeper lore stories that go with them. If you guys want more information on them, I can do separate posts on all of them. But Here they are! I’m so excited to share my babies with you!
More is under the cut. The Picrew I used is here.
Ikemen Revolution
Black Army Side
Corrin Fukui
Age: Appears to be in mid-early twenties
Hair: Brick white
Eyes: Blood Red
Height: 4′11
Any other Qualities:
Draconic features -- She’s literally a dragon but not by nature
Curved Opalescent Horns
Shimmery opalescent tail
Wings that also shimmer in the light
Pointed ears
Easily frightened by loud noises and sudden movements
stunted growth
Hoards blankets and comfort items
writes in a journal every day 
its one luka got for her and she refuses to write in anything else. she pours her heart out on the pages, and all her memories
she had a brother! but he passed away because of the magic tower :(
turns into a gIANT DRAGON 
Was found by Luka while on a patrol near the forbidden forest, lost and afraid, so she was taken in
Had amnesia at first
She actually is an experiment of Amon and she managed to escape
Excellent at sewing and gardening
Sufficient with baking
She’s for Luka! The way they fell for each other was a slow, gradual trust, and mutual understanding. She saw him as a man, as he was, and nothing else.
Sometimes is called Corri
gentle hearted and innocent
but not as innocent as you’d think 
she’s a dragon, and she’s a greedy little one
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Ophelia Dae
Age: 24
Hair: Crimson red
Eyes: Jade green
Height: 5′8
Any other Qualities:
A skilled swordsman, and one of the Chosen Thirteen
9 of Spades baybeee
While she is more accustomed to short swords and sabers, Phelia is a magic user! But she isn’t really in agreement with Ray with his stance on magic
“Is he bothering you Queen?”
Was friends with Ray and Fenrir while in school, and was just as much of a hellraiser as them
she was there when the day things went dark happened and was almost taken but that day is a blur for her
phelia REFUSES to talk about it
she still has nightmares
raised by a single mother
TRIVIA! She was an old fire emblem oc i had and she was the daughter of Arvis -- so if you squint when she uses magic you’ll see Valflame
joined the army probably because Fenrir was too, and she was inspired by him 
she joined for her own reasons but he made it easier for her to do it too
his passion was what made her fall for him in the first place
has a personal vendetta against the magic tower for what they did to her and her friends
will sacrifice herself if necessary to the cause
Bruh girl
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Amira Nasiri
Age: 22
Hair: Chocolate brown
Eyes: Turquoise blue
Height: 5′3
Any other qualities:
My version of Alice! Difference is that she’s Persian
That’s it
She’s just as spunky as Alice 
however she responds with being called Alice a little different
she’s adamant about being called Amira
At some point she just accepts Seth does it to distance himself
also an avid baker like alice
Amira is just Alice except she’s just my take on her. 
She has the same vibrant spirit as Alice
and I personally consider Seth the canon route for REASONS
just ask me why fjgdfgjksd
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Red Army Side
Azul Flores
Age: 25
Hair: Raven black
Eyes: Wisteria purple
Height: 5′0
Any Other Qualities:
An old friend of the Queen of Hearts
like she met him when she was 8 years old
fought his bullies when they would give him a hard time when he was a kid
they dated for a WHILE
did NOT work out
Ambitious, hard working young woman who was married into a high standing family on the Red side. Her mother was a teacher and gained the attention of one of the Chosen Thirteen on that side, and got married
Azul is NOT the officer’s daughter. She’s his step daughter
Has had extensive studies on the History of Cradle and of the Red Territory.
Wants to be a Cradle Historian
Works for the Red Army as a personal assistant to the queen
Look their story is very dramatic and it hurts me every day so please stay tuned with them. 
Heckles Jonah like its her job — she knows him better than anyone elsd, if anyone knows his bs, its her
Bad resting bitch face
Actually really shy, and quiet when in different surroundings
A sweetheart and will cut a bitch for you once she knows u
She is perhaps one of the most transparent, honest, genuine person. there is no bullshit with her. she will tell you her honest thoughts with you
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Cerise Nam
Age: 19
Hair: Berry Pink
Eyes: Petal Pink
Height: 5′2
Any other qualities:
Her mom came to Cradle from a far off place, and set up a food and pastry shop in the Central Quarter. Met her dad. Been there since
They live in Black Territory
She works for her parents and works with the pastries/desserts
loves making desserts from where her parents are from
She knows the Queen of Hearts VERY well since she makes the best mille feuille
Got a job from him actually, and works for the Red Army Headquarters kitchen
Loves to cook and bake!
a little naïve, but she’s a realist
youngest of FIVE kids!!
Morning girl
She may be petite but she can HEAFT heavy bags of flour/rice/dry goods
Met Zero by accident, and crashed into him while in town
love at first sight for her. how can you fault her?
she thinks he’s dreamy... and sweet...
does she flirt with him a little? Cerise can’t help it...
She and Zero have more of a hidden relationship because she fears her parents won’t approve
family stuff -- and she understands
look im cheesy
dont worry it works out
zero has to consider himself and his own personal stuff too so its a little difficult 
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Non Army Suitor(s)
Lucile Lidell
Age: 20
Hair: Straw blonde
Eyes: Aqua blue
Height: 5'1
Any other qualities:
She and her twin, Noelle, are the actual descendants of the original Alice
Inherited unusual hairpins that were from cradle
More of the 'modern woman stuck in the wrong time' kind of gal
Noelle and Luci: partners in crime
Short skirts galore
Does not give a singular shit of what MEN think of her
Wants to be taken seriously
Sometimes acts like an airhead in order to get attention. She's actually pretty somber as a person and prefers to be in the background as her sister takes the stage
loves her sister more than anyone else in the world
When she and Noelle fall into Cradle, they kind of hightail it and live in the woods with Harr and Loki
Sticks with Harr since he's literally the least threatening man ever
First man to feel safe around
"Excuse me he said NO pickles!"
Will cut a bitch for him, or use magic -- luci will hurt someone if they even think a bout looking at him wrong
Loves to make clothes
'I mended the holes in your cloak for you...' 'Bye Harr, be safe and have a good day.'
'Welcome home, I missed you.'
Puts up a tough girl front but she's just a big softie just like him
Doesn't realize she has a crush on him until shit starts to hit the fan
Actually very vanilla tbh but wants to spoil her bf
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Ikemen Sengoku
Ito Tsunade
Age: 26
Hair: Straw Blonde
Eyes: Molten Gold
Height: 5′5
Any Other Qualities:
Graduate student at the same university as Sasuke 
got stuck in the storm with him and Mai, and was tossed into the sengoku era
but she got separated from Mai
Met Shingen first much to her luck because uh.... lets say Tsunade is aint the sharpest tool in the shed
her aesthetic when she gets there?
her head might be empty but her tits are fat and they will protect you
Music nerd — loves traditional Japanese instruments, especially the difficult ones
Specializes in girl metal in modern day
eventually proves herself and plays some sick chords for the takeda/uesegi forces
she has entertained them for now
puts sake away like a monster
when she meets sasuke, she finds comfort in the fact he’s also lost with her, so she clings
asks him how to protect herself from shingen bc he’s horny lolol
genuinely thinks sasuke is hilarious
also does NOT realize she’s in love with him until the gravest of grave happens
her name was UNINTENTIONAL
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Aibana Hinata
Age: Presents in his early-mid twenties
Hair: Black Midnight
Eyes: Haunting gold and vermillion
Height: 5'3
Any other qualities: 
The concubine of Nobunaga
Please know I made him a long while before the other guy was dropped so I’m just gonna offer this little gay boy
Nobunaga bought him from a brothel after being so intrigued by him. Hina entertained him so well that he was set for life
Likes to challenge Nobunaga in battles of wits
board games
debate as pillow talk
swordplay if the lords will entertain him enough
Bisexual as hell
Gender? Don’t know her
He uses all pronouns
True pronoun: princess
Smart, and educated
former geisha
he can read! and write!
if there is mai, he would bond with her like no one else
he would be her best friend
her confidant
genuinely adores her
even if she is pursuing nobunaga, he doesn’t resent her ... he just wishes that she would find room in her heart for him too
puts up a tough exterior
a softie.....
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Definitely some spoilers for Batman - the telltale series ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Ok so, I was so lost in the first three eps I forgot I even had thoughts, ikr. So heres from 3rd to 4th episode :)
*Selina and Bruce kissing after Batman was electrocuted and she saved him. *
"Ok well, obviously I have to kiss her"
"Wait wait no"
*it gets.... more physical*
*disgusted face, but I'm super uncomfortable 😭*
"I dont like this, keep me out if this omg"
"Hhwhsjahwjsgahhahwha SHES UNDRESSING AND THATS A BRA"
"oh thank God, black screen, I didnt have to watch them have sex, jesus thank you"
"Underwear gang"
"Did they put on clothes again after the sex? I have no knowledge. That sounds awkward"
"Excuse me, u mean things l, wait excuse me, wow, hoe. I'm here like cute and you're not"
"Hey, theres my graple gun"
"...where did he put that, hes in his boxers"
"Hes not deadpool either, doubt he stuck the gun up his ass"
"Mmm bagels"
"Hahaha the little run he did"
"The drug is making him aggressive"
"I'm not saying anything"
"Does Harvey turn into a monster?"
"Who is he"
"Ahahhaha he crashed into the wall"
"No, wait, Harvey sorry"
"Come and live at my gigantic place, theres apparently a lot of rooms, and two bathrooms and two kitchens"
"I have like, no knowledge about batman and dc tbh, I watched smallville"
"Ok, ok"
"Talking in front of people"
"None of the options were right, staying quiet is best then"
"Why are the brits evil, if you have a posh accent, that means u wanna stab people while drinking tea. According to dc"
"sTiCk To ThE sCrIpT bRuCe"
"Shut up"
"ok, ok stay cool, stay cool. Batman is all about cool, no unnecessary violence, law above personal feelings, unless the law is corrupted and is personally trying to murder everyone.... BUT it got our boi detective on the case, so it's not corrupted and I will stay with the law.... but with high heels"
"Nooooo??? What no?? That is not, excuse me no??? I didnt want him to attack, that's the opposite!!"
"I helped the montoya and let harvey fend for himself.... which apparently was a... weird thing"
"I did not punch Oswald, cuz that's anger and wont look good, when you're trying to show composure in an annoying situation"
"I asked Lucius to chill at the bat cave, bcuz I thought it would keep him safe from dangers."
"Yes, I did romance Selina, ik ik, it was a situation. And apparently 90.4% other people did too.... probably very thirsty for cat woman"
"I did not beat up harvey, bcuz it was the drug and not him."
"Okay, next episode"
"Hes in the insane place, ik he owns it, eventually, and is like helping them, and keeps like the bad bad in another level? Or, I... I'm not sure"
"I wonder what would happen if I walked out the door naked"
"Omg, is this??"
"I'm actually nauseous from all that sudden surprise xD"
"Wow, ok, this is new, ok ok cool, lets go, what does he want what what what what????$&#&^3^63^$37#&36"
"Ok ok.... I wont know unless I play, ok, pppppppppppppp, I'm ready"
"Ok but, is this the first time he meets the joker? Is this even lore for batman? Or am I just???"
"Fuck you joker, I'm not lying for you. This woman looks good and normal"
"Joker looks scary "
"Does he even have a name tho? John doe, but, should I google this? Nono what if that spoils"
"The batman logo name, looks like Dat Man"
"Episode four "
"Why is he shirtless"
"Why do I like victor zsasz (?)"
"Oh, bad scars, I am sorry, oh nevermind"
"Guess I have to talk to joker"
"Rude harvey, I thought we were friends"
"Two faced?"
"Does the joker colour his hair?"
Joker: I've been watching you, Bruce, and I can tell there's something darker in you.
Me: it's a poop, he needs to drink more water
Joker: I know what you really are.
Me: say it... out loud
Me: hey >:(
"I dont want to, but ok sure"
"Oh yeah btw, I gave away the key"
"Damn, dramatic, ofc I stopped the fighting. Oh god, I should've said fuck off to joker, oh god, I'm a fool"
"Batman would never "
"Yea, I shouldnt have slept with her"
"I'm not paying bullies"
"What am I supposed to do? Oh... I forgot to read"
"Choices time, okay"
"I did promise joker a favour but so did 49% other people"
"I did not go with joker's plan, and 31% people are with me"
"Damn, 48% rammed the barricade, and 51% gave money"
"Wow, ok a lot more went with meeting harvey as batman, I felt that was... not right"
"Oh god, 54% went with stopping Oswald and 45% with stopping harvey... and now my house is on fire"
"Last episode...."
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blkgirlcafe · 5 years ago
Brat Life Chronicles
Tried to keep the looks as open as possible but she definitely is black. Follow America Golden Boy, Steve Rogers as he deals with his spoiled brat of a girlfriend Delilah. A series of One shots that are just fun to write when I dont feel like working on my series. 
Characters: Steve Rogers x Delilah (Black OC)
WordCount: 1667
Warning: Smut, cursing, teasing, daddy kink
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“Babe please…..” lip poked out, big doe eyes, whiny voice, usually she didn’t have to go this route to get her way but Steve was being an ass. 
“Delilah, baby stop.” Steve Rogers went back to reading the mission report he had to prep for. 
“Ugh fine.” She rolled her eyes, causing Steve to quirk an eyebrow at her, she was being disrespectful and she knew Steve wouldn’t go for that. 
Honesty she wasn’t asking much, just asking to take one of the private jets to go to a concert in Atlanta this weekend. 
“I’ll just ask Tony.” She started to walk away heading towards the elevator. 
Before she made it 5 steps, Steve picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. 
“Couldn’t stop when I asked, now you wanna drag Stark into this. I give you everything you ask for baby.”
“Expect for this.” She pouted. In for a penny in for a pound, she knew she was digging a hole that she wouldn’t be able to get out of. 
“Because you don’t need this, you and your friends already have first class tickets booked, a private car to pick you up and drive you around. VIP Seats and backstage passes, plus new clothes and spending money. I think you can do without this one things.”
“No.” She huffed as she was dropped on the bed. 
“Maybe you don’t need to go at all then Delilah, stay here with me, while I prepare for my mission.” 
“No Daddy! Please…” Delilah bit her bottom lips, trying to entice him. 
“You are such a fucking brat.” 
“Language Captain.”
He growled before advancing on her. 
They were an unlikely couple, and they met in an unlikely way. You would think Captain America saved her life or something but it all started with an Instagram like. 
Captain America had finally made it to Instagram, not that he ran it, Sam did but sometimes he liked to browse the app. 
He was on his explore page when he came across Delilah page, a picture of her in a cap and gown, graduating from college. 
Steve has liked it and left a comment out of encouragement. 
“Congratulations, much success on your future.”
Delilah has all but fainted when she saw it, but she took it a step farther and sent him a DM, telling him thank you and she hoped they would meet one day. 
Sam took over, telling her if she ever in NYC he would love to take her out for coffee. 
“Steve…” she moaned as her boyfriend sucked on her neck. 
“Hmm.” He hummed against her brown skin. 
“Please Daddy?” 
Her eyes fluttered close. 
“Please What?”
Steve licked a strip from her neck to her ear, sucking on the sensitive lobe. 
“Please, I want you.” 
“I know you do, girl, but you've been really bratty lately, you know I don’t like that.” Steve pulled away, leaving her frustrated. 
“Now pack for your trip.” 
Steve left Delilah on the bed, hot, wet, and frustrated but two could play that game. 
It was quiet, too quiet Steve thought. Delilah never went this long without wanting his attention unless…
He shot up, spilling papers all over the living room floor. He checked the bedroom first, bags half packed and clothes everywhere greeted him. Next he checked the bathroom and then finally the extra bedroom. He sighed. 
Living in Stark tower had its perks, like their private apartment, top of the line facilities, and F.R.I.D.A.Y. 
“Friday, where is Delilah?”
“Common area kitchen Captain Rogers.” 
Steve punched the bottom to take him to the common area of Avengers Tower. 
He smelt the brownies as soon as the door opened. He walked past Sam and Clint going straight to the kitchen. Tony looked over her shoulder as she stirred something. 
“That smells so good.” Tony said but to Steve it looked like he was smelling your neck. 
“Thanks, family recipe so I can’t tell you.” Delilah giggles. 
Her name being called caused her to Jump, Tony his hand on the small of her back. 
“Yeah babe?” Her voice was sweet like honey but it was all an act. 
Delilah looked over to Steve to see him doing his signature jaw clenched that singled he was angry. 
“You need to finish packing.” 
It was a demand, a demand to get her ass back to their suite and now. 
“OK. Tony just pop these in the oven for 30 minutes and you’ll have the best brownies ever, save me a corner piece.”
“OK Princess.” Tony muttered. 
If looks could kill Tony would be dead, the way Steve was throwing daggers at him wasn’t lost on Delilah as she walked over to Steve. 
Once in the elevator Steve didn’t say anything to her and Delilah knew she fucked up big time, maybe she could clean it up. 
“I don’t want to hear it.” 
“You never let me explain.” She whined. 
The elevator opened and she followed Steve out. 
“Explain what? Why you are prancing around Tony in basically nothing?”
“It’s a little more than nothing, all the important bits are covered.” 
That stopped Steve in his tracks, he turned to look at her up and down. She suddenly felt self conscious about her outfit. True the cotton shorts did little to cover her ass or thick thighs. The tank top she had on was super thin and tight and basically putting her breast on display. 
“Get to the room and clean that mess up, your trip is cancelled.” 
“What you can’t do that!”
“Yes I can and I just did now go Delilah before you get in more fucking trouble.”
Delilah rolled her eyes and went to their shared bedroom and began to put clothes away, as she stuffed her panties back into the drawer she came across a light blue lace teddy. 
Delilah quickly put it on before Steve caught her, finishing off her lips with some gloss because he loved it. 
She hoped no one had entered their shared living space as she crept down the hallway wanting to surprise the super soldier who could hear anything.  
When Delilah rounded the corner Steve was on the couch, laptop propped opened. 
“I can hear you Babe, you know that.” 
“Close your eyes, I got a surprise.”
Just as he started to protest Delilah hit him with a “Please Daddy.” And he did. 
She walked over to him, gently taking the laptop off his lap and setting it on the table. 
“You can open them now.” 
Delilah stood in front of him, proudly displaying her body for his eyes. 
“Fuck baby.” 
Steve's rough hands went to her waist, gliding down her hips and back up again. 
Steve pulled her down to his lap, her knees on either side of his thick thighs. 
“You like Daddy.” Delilah has changed the tone of her voice to be super sugary sweet and it was working. 
He melted under her as Delilah gently massages his shoulders. 
“You look gorgeous like you always do.” 
“Thank you baby. I’m Sorry for acting like that earlier.”
“Hmmm acting like what?”
Steve gently peppered kisses from her collarbone to the top of her breast. 
“Being a brat.” she moaned.
“Apology accepted, and yes you can still go, and yes I will see about getting you a private jet, you know I cant say no to you for long.”
Delilah groaned as his hands gripped her ass, picking her up. 
“Tell Daddy thank you.” Steve muttered against her neck as he walked them to the bedroom. 
“Thank you Daddy.” she purred. 
Steve laid her gently on the bed, reaching between her legs and ripping the delicate lace, cool air rushing to her heated core. 
Steve got on his knees, kissing her thighs before pushing his face into her pussy. America Golden Boy loved to eat pussy, he ate pussy like his life depended on it. Some dudes got mad when they couldn't get their dick sucked, but Steve turned into a whiny person if he couldn't wrap his lips around her clit. 
“Fuck baby.” Delilah ran her hands through his golden locks, loving that he had grew it out a little. 
The nasty slurping sounds he made turned her on more, A long lick from her clit that ended with him dipping his tongue into her wet hole. 
Delilah moaned out lout, calling out his name. Steve slipped a thick finger into her, hooking it, finger rubbing back and forth against her spot. Delilah tried to move away from his mouth as her first orgasm approached, but Steve pulled her back onto his mouth, wanting her to come right on his face. 
“Good girl Delilah.” Steve cooed at her. He stood up, finger lazily running up and down her slit as his other hand unbuckled his pants, pushing them down. He removed his hand from her and she whined, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it down, stepping out his sweats and boxers. Steve crawled onto the bed towards her, covering her body with his. Delilah wrapped her legs around his waist, his hard dick poking her thigh. 
“Daddy please…” Steve cut her off, catching her in a heated kiss. Catching her off guard he pushed into her wet walls. 
Nails dug into his muscled back as he pushed in balls deep in the first stroke. 
“I...better...not...see...you...around...tony...again…” each word meet with a deep stroke. 
“Yes Daddy!!!”
Mouth gaped open in a silent scream Delilah had her second orgasm, squeezing Steve dick as he trusted in her one final time, cumming deep inside of her. 
“Good girl.” Steve kissed her face until their breathing calmed down, going to lay on the side of her. 
“Want me to finish packing for you?” Steve could tell she was about to go to sleep. 
“Mmmhmm please.” 
Steve gave Delilah a kiss on the forehead before getting up and finding his boxers.
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toshisae · 5 years ago
call me baby
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summary: in which chenle gives you the entire world in exchange for some love
genre: crack, fluff and another pinch of angst 
theme: ceo!chenle (sugardaddy au but without the sexy shit its just he buys you things in exchange for you loving him ok? ok) 
word count: 2.8k
author’s note: HIIIII ITS BEEN A LONG ASS TIME SINCE I WROTE SOMETHING SO HERES THIS also theres no sexy time unless the sexy time u want is going on an endless shopping spree then this fic is for u!! its just another crack idea i had lol and this is just to get rid of writers block or smth despite having this in my drafts for the longest time
you know how people say not to chat with random strangers from the internet?
because it’s terrifying and shit??
well you never listened 
here you are on a friday night on your phone
looking for some 40 year olds to troll
on this sugar daddy app you randomly found one day
not like you needed money or whatever
you lived with your brother jaemin who’s a doctor
so i guess you could say u’re: $$$$
and it’s just that you have nothing to do
what’t the worst that could happen right?
your phone vibrates in your hand
it looks like you’ve matched with your designated sugar daddy
“congratulations! you’ve matched with 6chittaphon9”
you looked at his profile and saw that he’s a 23 year old dancer
not up for it, you swiped left
“give me the good shit bro” - you tell the phone
you clicked the globe icon on the bottom of the screen
it switched you to a radar where it scans for possible sugardaddies who use the app
a little later your phone dings again
“congratulations! you’ve matched with zhong$”
and when you clicked on his profile,,
you let out a big big gasp 
he’s a 18 year old ..
looking for.. sugar babies??
if you were drinking something then you would’ve spat out that liquid real quick
you swiped to the right and sent this dude a message
ok so chenle right
chenle is the youngest billionaire in the world
bye kylie jenner oof
after his father’s passing, his company, zhongs inc. was in his hands
his father’s last wish was to have chenle get married at a young age
but chenle obviously didn’t like that idea
he wanted to experience a normal teenage life where he parties, drinks, date some random girls or whatever a pesky teenager does
so he found himself downloading a sugarbaby app
also just for the lolz like c’mon this is chenle the king of clownery
the c in chenle means clownery wbk
he had the money, the looks, almost anything you need for a man
so he quickly made his account
and not a minute later he already matched with someone named ‘<y/n3’
he sees that this y/n person already sent him a message
so obviously he replies
you: asl?
chenle: 17 / m / seoul; u?
you: same except im a female
chenle: well ain’t that obvious
on the outside you bursted out laughing
you: ok capt. crunch so would you like telling me your name or is it confidential
chenle: i mean, i guess its kinda confidential but the company wont know anyway but im zhong chenle 
you: ????? are u important or sumn
chenle couldn’t believe his eyes
chenle: um.. im ZHONG chenle
you: whats so special with your name
chenle was actually quite glad you dont know about his name or his background
chenle: nothing so wyd
it didn’t take awhile for you two to get along 
since you two had the same type of humor and age
you: why are you on this app tho if you are “young and rich”
chenle: i could ask you the same question
you: its friday my dude and im bored 
chenle: well,,,,,,,,,,, idk my friend recommended it to me
you: you’re friends with a bunch of old people?
chenle: nO I MEAN YES?? I MEAN NO 
you: ... are u fucking with me
chenle: no i’m not fucking with you, im talking to u :D 
in the end chenle asks you if it was okay that he’ll send you some money for fun
chenle: yk this app is about sugardaddies looking for sugarbabies right so lets make the most of it and give me your paypal or venmo and ill send you some cash for talking to me <3 
you: wtf chenle no its fine!!! i had lots of fun talking to you and this app is just a whole ass joke but im glad i met a new friend here but its okay dont send me some money !!!!!
chenle: nooo think of it like i’m treating you out for some dinner so please allow me 
you: still ! i wont let you,, till i get to see you so i know youre not some 40 year old i still think you are
chenle: how many times do i have to tell you im really 18 years old ffs but sure, when are you free?
on the inside youre just like: ASJDHJHDUIADHASJKDAHAHD WHAT THE FUCK
you: uhh i have school so i’m always busy hehehe
chenle: then i’ll see you in your school, what school do you go to?
this kid doesnt know when to give up
you: hhhhhhh i guess then i’m free tomorrow 
chenle: GREAT! I’LL SEE YOU ON HONGDAE here’s my number boo
and there you have it
your first unofficial meet up with zhong chenle himself
you were too much in thought about meeting him you didnt even notice jaemin standing there with pizza in his hands
“what are you staring at sis?” - jaems
“uh nothing” you snatched the pizza from his hands
fast forward to tomorrow
you were getting nervous to meet chenle
“hey where are you going?” jaemin takes a peek of you in your room
can he stop scaring you like that
“going out” - u 
“going where?” - jaems
“cuteee do you have a date today?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you
“are you going out with that pizza delivery boy?!” jaemin suddenly gushes
“jeno?” you ask him
“yeah that one” - jaemin
“no, i’m just gonna go shopping” you brush him off
jaemin shrugs and gives you some pocket money to spend
“be safe and have fun” he closes the door of your room
after safely arriving in hongdae, you sat somewhere thats not that crowded
who knows if this chenle person is famous right
so there you were waiting for him to text you or something
and just like that, your phone rings
it was an unknown number
but you answer anyway
“hello this is chenle, may i ask if you are in gongcha right now?” 
you looked around the people who’s passing by hoping to see someone fancy looking holding their phones
suddenly someone stops right in front of you
“found you” 
with that, chenle hangs up and sits across the table from you
“hi, i’m chenle” he gives his hand out for you to shake
and man, you were shookt
he looks like an ordinary teenager 
or a hypebeast for this occasion 
“o-oh .. h-hello” you bow
chenle suddenly laughs at your reaction 
his laugh is beautiful 
“don’t be nervous baby, i mean no harm” he smiles
his smile that totally made your heart melt
“how could i not? you’re the youngest billionaire out here” you gushed
chenle shushes you after the billionaire part
“sorry about that, it’s just i don’t like it when people tell me that” he tells you casually
ok humble king
“have you ordered yet? if not let’s order right now, on me” he grabs his wallet from his pocket and heads inside gongcha
after taking your orders, you two sat outside again with your drinks
“so y/n.. tell me about yourself” chenle takes a sip of his drink
“well, like i told you last night, i’m a student in college and i live with my brother who’s a doctor and that’s about it.. what about you, mr. zhong” you giggled
“first of all, don’t call me mr. zhong. you can call me lele instead and i love music and i like to play the piano and sometimes i sing” he shares, showing off his pearly whites
and after some many more conversations with him, he finally asks you an important question
“ok last question” he laughs, “i know it’s kinda weird but i really like your company and i know we met through a sugar daddy/sugar baby app but would you like.. stay with me..?” he asks cautiously
you stared at him with wide eyes
“i’ll pay for everything you want.. just,, stay or keep me company..?”
you kept quiet, just in shock on what just happened
“it’s okay if you don’t want to, just forget that i asked” he laughs awkwardly
“no it’s okay, i’ll keep you company but please please don’t pay for everything. i can pay for myself” you tell him
“why not? i got money, i can spoil you with gifts” he looks at you confused
“if you can’t remember, i’ve got a brother who’s a doctor and i guess we’re loaded too you know” you roll your eyes at him
“pfft okay then so.. where were we” 
and with that you guys carry on your conversation 
months has passed and you’ve been with chenle through everything
every time something happened in his company, you were there comforting him or just keeping him sane through out everything
and within those months, you’ve seen different sides of him as well
like the serious side of him– when he’s in business meeting and you’re his plus one 
aside from his secretary of course
the funny side of him– when he’s cracking jokes to literally everyone
sometimes he takes days off in the midst of his own company just to pull pranks on his secretary, renjun
and of course, his vulnerable side– when he feels he can’t do what his father left him, the family legacy
there were night where you had to stay over at his place just to make him calm down or just to make sure he’s sleeping or eating well 
and tonight was those vulnerable nights of chenle
here you were in his room, on the floor holding his hand as he rants about how his day turned to shit 
“it’s just so.. hard you know?” he opens up, “when everyone expects you to follow a certain life but i’m not all about that business shit life! i want to sing or fucking play the piano or do some teenager shit not this paper work life!” his voice cracks at the end of his sentence
“ah shit i’m crying in front of you again” he laughs, wiping the tears 
you don’t say anything but held his hand tighter
“thanks y/n.. you’re the best” he smiles down at you
“anything for you, chenle. that’s why i’m here for you right? to keep you company” you smile back
“can you.. come up here with me” chenle motions for you to sit beside him on the bed
you agree and climbed up
chenle sits up awkwardly, staring at you.
“woah this is the first time i had a girl on my bed” he giggles
“then i’m honoured” you laugh
suddenly your phone vibrates multiple times
you take a look and its your brother looking for you
“who is it?” chenle asks
“it’s my brother, he said i should go home” you slowly push yourself from his comfy bed
“no, it’s late. i’ll take you home first thing in the morning” 
“i don’t want to be a burden to you lele” you say shyly
“you’re never a burden to me y/n” chenle smiles again
that night, you slept in his very arms for the first time
you wake up earlier that him and decided to prepare breakfast for him
you set the eggs and bacon on the table with orange juice
you smiled at your efforts, hoping he’d like it
chenle woke up in distraught since you were no where in sight
he was in his pajama pants and he rushed downstairs to check if you were still there
and thankfully, you were
you were on the dining table, waiting for him with breakfast ready
“good morning” he grins, face looking brighter than ever
you smile back at him, “good morning to you too, sleepyhead. help yourself with some breakfast”
chenle takes a seat and sips on the orange juice next to him, “did you make this?” he asks
you nod, “for you” 
you could’ve swore you saw him blush for a moment there 
and with that, you two ate in peace, just enjoying each other’s company
a few days later
you couldn’t make it to chenle’s office since you had classes and it was exam week 
chenle was obviously very lonely that week
even his own secretary checked up on him cause he was awfully quiet ever since you came into his life
“so how are you and y/n huh” renjun casually asks chenle who was busy reading papers on the table
“we’re doing great” chenle replies nonchalantly 
“are you two going steady now?”
that question made chenle halt to a stop on what he was doing
renjun notices that chenle turned quiet
“i never asked her to be official” chenle gasps, scaring renjun in the process
“renjun hyung can you get me the biggest bouquet bundle you can find” chenle rushes
renjun nods and grabs his ipad, looking for what chenle requested
“fuck.. what did y/n wanted again” chenle asks himself, trying to remember the bag or things you told him about
“call jisung and tell him we’re going to the mall” chenle tells renjun yet again, rushing to the elevator so he could go to the mall with his best buddy
“so what are we buying your special someone again?” jisung asks chenle who was busy pacing around the mall
“y/n said she wanted a bag but i cant remember what was it” chenle tells jisung who just looks as lost as he was
chenle ended up going to every luxury store they had in the mall
like louis vitton, gucci, prada, balenciaga, fendi
you name it he went there and bought one bag each
he even went to some make up stores thanks to jisung’s suggestion
surprisingly he had a girlfriend who was a makeup artist and puts make up on jisung’s face when they have nothing to do
and of course, chenle followed what his best friend suggested
now they were on their way back to your place cause you just texted chenle that you were almost done with your exam
chenle and jisung unload his car and went straight up to your apartment that you shared with your brother
and your brother answers the door
���uh chenle? what are you doing here?” jaemin answers the door
chenle stood there in shock once again, “jaemin hyung? you’re y/n’s brother?” he stares at jaemin confused.
jaemin nods slowly before realization hits him, “you’re the person y/n is seeing?!” 
chenle nods uncertainly, slightly offended you never told jaemin about him but quickly shrugs it off. 
“well surprise! now can you help us with this? i’m asking y/n to be my girlfriend when she arrives home” 
jaemin immediately steps in and helps the two boys
after an hour or so, everything is now set into place
now they were just waiting for you to arrive
chenle stood there with his usual work attire which was a formal suit, holding a big ass bouquet and the paper bags right behind him
“jisung how do i look?!” chenle looks at jisung who was showing him two thumbs up
“dashing bro, she’ll say yes in no time”
and as if on cue, you walked in
and to say you were shocked to see chenle standing there 
“lele! what are you doing here?” you covered your mouth in shock as you saw the never ending line of paper bags right behind him and the bouquet he was holding
“i’m here to ask you to be mine” he replies, staring at you once again
“does my brother know you’re here?” you look around your living room and you spot jaemin in the kitchen, watching the entire thing go down
“yeah. why didn’t you tell me he was your brother” chenle pouts, but shakes his head as he hands you the bouquet
chenle clears his throat once again, “na y/n.. would you be my first and last girlfriend?” he closes his eyes tight, waiting for your response
“i would be honoured” you take the bouquet off his hands and jumped into his arms
“about time you asked her” jisung comments in the background
“baby look, i got you some gifts!” chenle puts you down and shows you the abundant amount of things he got you
you smacked him in the chest, “what did i say about you giving me expensive gifts!” 
“let me spoil you, please? you showed me how loving someone wholeheartedly is priceless, and i want to return the favor in my own way” chenle shows you his infamous puppy eyes.
“lele you’re making me cry!” you tear up, hidng your face in his neck
“also because i can’t remember the thing you told me you wanted a few days ago so i had to compromise” chenle giggles
you were happy
and he was happy
who knew an app could bring you two together and end up like this
the end!
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mythiica · 5 years ago
Reader x Lucien {MLQC} - Obsession {Day 10}
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Title: Obsession
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Character: Lucien
Warnings: i dont want to spoil it for you, but its not creepy or overly violent so dont panic
Word Count: 4164 words
Other comments: i dont have the energy to put comments atm so , tomorrow, i also am not paragraphing it right 
Lucien had asked for your help to splatter fake blood onto his lab coat, and you willingly complied because it meant you could paint your skin red and stamp your palms onto his ass (to make the perfect imprint of your hands on him just in case anyone got any ideas during the Halloween party.) He entertained the idea of letting you leave the apartment with your super-short skirt, but ultimately offered you a long pair of his pants that scraped the floor. The two of you came to an agreement: white tights to match your overly revealing nurse outfit. 
Victor was hosting a Halloween party, and much to your surprise, Lucien accepted the invitation without a moment’s hesitation. It surprised you even more when you learned that it was a costume party designed for couples to match. Lucien suggested a few ideas that you vetoed immediately (pine + apple, Schrodinger + cat, Albert Einstein + Elsa Einstein, etc), but you took a liking to good old doctor + nurse. 
However, as you make final adjustments to your costume in the mirror next to the door, you ponder if it is too late to cancel. The white stretches across your sides and leaves nothing to the imagination. Lucien adores it, but you suspect that you might attract lustful gazes from other, unwanted, people. 
“Is it cold outside?” you ask, throwing your head back to glance out of the window. It is too dark to see anything, but Lucien has his phone in his hand and can check the weather. 
“Do you consider below negative to be cold?” A smirk tugs at his lips as he reaches for your coat. 
“Yes?! Is that even a question?” Putting one hand through the jacket, Lucien helps it over your shoulders before opening the front door. 
You nearly run into Kiro because you have your back turned to the hall as you exit. His hands land your side to catch you from falling, but he quickly returns you to an upright position. “You haven’t left! Oh good, I was worried I wouldn’t catch you–” Kiro is wearing a full black tuxedo and a pair of aviators. He takes them off and leaves them to rest atop his blond hair as he talks with you. “Can I please ride with you to the party? My agent was supposed to take me… but I made him mad…” 
Giggling, you nod your head. “Did he find your snack stash?” 
Lucien locks the door behind you and ushers the two of you down the stairs. 
“He did… it’s kind of embarrassing to be honest. He said I had to walk to Victor to make up for lying, but it’s so cold I couldn’t even dream of it!” 
Lucien pockets the keys and glances at Kiro. “What… are you?”
Kiro jumps off of two steps and lands triumphantly. “I’m a spy! Could you not tell? It means I’m blending in well with the general public…” 
This makes you giggle, and Lucien takes your hand in his. He huffs slightly, now that he has realized that he will have to behave himself in the drive to the party location. 
In the garage, Kiro is kind enough to open the door for you, so you step inside and fold your skirt so that it sits comfortably without wrinkling. Kiro sits behind you, and Lucien takes his chances tucking his hand up your skirt. 
Although you squirm around, Lucien’s hand slips up the skirt. He finds the smallest hole in your tights and manages to push his finger through the fabric. Lucien is unusually good with his hands, even if he cannot see what he is doing. 
“So, are the two of you Dr. Jekyll and a nurse?” Kiro cannot see Lucien’s joyous smirk from where he is sitting, and thankfully, he can’t see that Lucien’s hand is up your skirt either. 
“M-More of just generic doctor and nurse…” you reply breathlessly. Lucien has pushed his digit past your underwear and is rubbing your folds gracefully. 
“Oh! I see… why the blood though?” 
Lucien chuckles to himself and he is at least two knuckles deep inside of you, and his palm is pressed flush against your thigh. The warmth from his skin makes you giddy on its own, but he rubs your walls in an attempt to make you moan. 
You have to bite back the urge to scold him for trying something so risky in front of Kiro. “Spur of the moment and I got a bit carried away with how I placed my hands–”
“I should have put some hand prints on you, don’t you think?” Lucien says this with a smile, but you see past it and know that he is enjoying himself. 
“I think that you have enough hands in– on me as it is.” 
Kiro squeals, and the high pitched sound masks the soft moan that escapes your lips. “The two of you are so cute together!” He taps a finger against his lip. “Do you think you will win the couples’ costume contest?” 
Lucien’s finger brushes past the spot that is overly sensitive, and you cross your legs over each other. “I did not realize that he would be judging instead of participating.” 
Kiro laughs and nods. “Minor managed to convince Gavin to wear a matching shirt, even if they aren’t a romantic couple. But I don’t know anyone who could out do you!” 
At a stoplight, Lucien leans over and brushes your hair back with his free hand. As his lips graze your ear, Lucien whispers, “My how wet you are.” 
“Lucien!” You cover your mouth for a moment, but then you point at the light. “It’s green, we don’t want to hold up the line…” 
The engine revs, and you are off again. Your heart has started pounding against the tight vest you are wearing. Lucien is pumping his finger faster, but still manages to keep the sound softer than the music from the radio. Kiro put headphones in, so he couldn’t hear much anyways, but you do not want to take any chances. 
When the three of you arrive at the party venue, Lucien pushes your underwear back in place and laps at his finger to clean off the slick (only after Kiro has gotten out of the car). You lean against Lucien as he tucks an arm over your shoulders. “Are you disappointed we’re here?” 
You shove him playfully. “You are ridiculous. How would you have explained that to Kiro if he caught us?” 
Lucien shakes his head. “He would not have.” 
“But if he–” 
Lucien grasps your hands and kisses them. His breath fogs up in the cold night air, but his warmth envelops you. “I apologize if I have made you uncomfortable. I only wished that he hadn’t interrupted us–” 
You pout slightly, but Lucien gives you a swift kiss and leads you inside, out of the cold. “It won’t happen again unless you give me permission.” 
Inside, someone takes your coat, revealing your entire outfit. Kiro is on the other side of the room, but he sees you and waves, beckoning you and Lucien over to speak with Victor. He wore an extravagant Dracula costume, and upon seeing you, he smiles to show his fake fangs. “Ah, a nurse, exactly what I needed,” he jokes, taking your hand to kiss your knuckles. 
Lucien says hello, and Victor steps back. “Ah, and the doctor.” 
You giggle and pull your skirt down in the back a bit. “Victor, your party is lovely, and I adore the decorations you’ve had put up. Kiro mentioned something about a contest?” 
Kiro is eating a generous slice of cake and nods enthusiastically. 
“Yes- I should not be telling you this, but I am one of the few judges that will decide who has won… you have an advantage.” 
Victor coaxes you to spin for him, and the edge of your skirt to fly around your legs. “Because you look amazing. I do not think that I have seen you in white before. It is a fitting color for you.” 
“Thank you, Victor.” You land against Lucien’s chest and lace your fingers with his. “I would not be complete without my doctor though–” 
Victor bows his head. “Of course, that is understandable.” Someone calls his name, so he takes his leave to go attend to his host duties. 
Lucien offers you a glass of black punch (colored in celebration of the spooky holiday) as he eats a cookie. It is one of those soft cookies with pure sugar for icing. But he makes a point to eat it slowly and sensually because he knows that you are watching as his tongue flicks against the crumbs before the have a chance to fall. 
Rolling your eyes, you take the half-eaten cookie from his hand and finish for him. “You’re trying to tempt me, aren’t you?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, not in the slightest.” 
He pulls you to the dance floor and leads you into a waltz – a row of musicians sits against the back wall and the melody floats through the air. When Lucien dips you back, you admire the ceiling. It is decked out in fake cobwebs and felted spiders – they hang from the chandelier and drip down to the ballroom. It looks beautiful, and you feel like you are suspended in the middle of a dream. 
Lucien tightens his grip on your waist to lift you into the air. Your hair flutters behind you, and you squeal as he tips his head up to kiss you. 
“I have to keep you close. It has barely been an hour, and already you have attracted the gaze of many.”  He brushes another kiss against your jaw to seal his words in your mind. “Maybe you should have been the doctor, and I should have been the sexy nurse.” 
This makes you erupt with laughter (the thought of seeing Lucien wearing a slut-worthy skirt and a garter brings tears to your eyes). You excuse yourself to go and fix your mascara now that it has touched your skin. 
It does not take long to pat the mascara away. But, as you open the door to leave and return to the party, Lucien stands in the doorway, keeping you from leaving. “Lucien, do you need the restroom?” It is a single stall room, and you are using the only one in the area. 
“Hm..” He savors your words before taking you back inside. “I need something else… from you, that is.” 
When Lucien locks the door behind you, you understand what he is doing. His hands pull your skirt up, exposing your tights and panties to him. 
“W-What are you doing?!” 
“Allow me to indulge myself. We have time before they need us back, so might as well.. No?” 
You ponder it, but you surrender because you have been dying to let him touch you more since your drive coming here. “Lucien, you are the devil–”
He smirks and bows for you, but that is only a ploy because he drops to his knees and invites himself to your crotch. The tights to not seem to be much a problem, because he rips them within seconds and he pulls them from the way. 
“Hey! Don’t rip my underwear–” 
“If you insist…” 
Lucien simply pulls them to the side and gives your slit a long lap. You release a breathless moan and clutch his hair. Another moment later, and Lucien hoists you to sit on the edge of the sink. You grip the quartz as he tongues you. Damn Lucien for knowing all the things that make you go crazy. He laps at your clit before dipping his tongue into your hole. 
“Oh fuck…” 
As the curse leaves your lips, Lucien bites your folds. “Don’t curse. It is unbefitting of you, my love.” 
“Shut up!” you scold. 
Lucien does not take lightly to this and starts fingering you at the same time. The added stimulation makes you moan loudly, but you hear someone pass by the bathroom. Clasping your hand over your mouth, you try to push Lucien away, but he continues to suckle at you. 
The doorknob jiggles, so you bite back a moan and call out, “I–It’s occupied!” 
He leans back for a moment, a string of slick hanging from his tongue, and smirks at you before diving back in. 
“L-Lucien.. Ahh.. please, there–” 
“Here?” Lucien’s fingers hit your g-spot directly and you feel the knot in your stomach coming undone. You pant heavily and realize that you blacked out for a split second. Lucien’s chin is dripping wet, but it makes you laugh. 
“Are you really laughing after–” 
You pull Lucien back up for a long kiss. “Thank you…” 
He nuzzles you for a moment and smiles. 
The tights are ripped, so you cannot put them back on. Instead, Lucien takes his lab coat off and drapes it over your shoulders. Before he opens the door, Lucien cleans his fingers off and washes them properly with soap and water. “We should return, no?” 
You unlock the door and step outside. “I think they are announcing the winners of the costume competition. Did we really take that long?” 
Lucien is behind you in a moment, and the two of you take your leave and return to the main room. “No, actually, I think I made you unravel in record time–” 
His lips curl into a smirk. “If you beg to differ, prove me wrong next time.” 
Huffing, you enter the ballroom and gravitate to the large crowd gathered around Victor. He gives the usual host speech and thanks everyone for attending. “And, of course, without further delay, I would like to reveal the winners of the costume contest. It is no surprise that the best dressed nurse and her doctor have won first place tonight, as they are not only matching, but also a couple. And no, Minor, I am not awarding you pity second place.” 
Everyone laughs and then claps for you and Lucien. As the two of you make your way to the stage, you process how Victor announced the two of you: he mentioned you first, and then Lucien (the nurse’s doctor). It warmed your heart, and Lucien helped you up the steps so you would not trip in the heels. 
Victor hands you a gift card to use how you wish, but you know that Lucien will promptly take it the moment you arrive home (to either get some research books or sex toys, there is no anticipating what he orders until it comes in the mail). 
It does not take long for the party to resume in full swing: people glide across the dance floor and everyone is seemingly in sync to Thriller. Gavin catches you and congratulates you on winning. He is wearing a keep him shirt, so you assume that Minor has the matching if found, return to Gavin top. “Victor was right – I didn’t see you earlier, but your outfit looks great.” 
Lucien is chatting with another couple a few feet away from you and Gavin, so you exhale and relax. Who knows what he would do if he heard Gavin complimenting you. “Thank you. I take it your better half has been abandoned somewhere?” 
“Minor?” Gavin laughs. “Do you know how hard I have been trying to get away from him? I’m surprised he hasn’t found me… now that I say that, I feel like someone is watching me.” 
When you glance over your shoulder, you catch Lucien glaring at Gavin. 
To be expected. 
You laugh nervously and excuse yourself. Nestling yourself at Lucien’s side, you loop your arm through his. “It’s getting late, don’t you think?” 
Lucien nods. “If you will excuse us, I have a meeting tomorrow, and we must take our leave. Have a wonderful evening!” 
He is always such a gentleman, which you adore. The two of you say goodbye to Kiro, Victor, and (reluctantly for Lucien) Gavin before you are off. The music hums, and you enjoy the time alone with Lucien. Parties are wonderful, but when Victor goes full out like that, you tend to get drained. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Lucien inquires with a smile. 
“Yes! It was wonderful to see everyone having fun. I think I even caught Gavin laughing at Minor.” 
“Well I caught Gavin doing other things…” 
Lucien waves a hand. “He must have been admiring the handprints on your backside. I don’t see any other reason he should have been tracing your form with his eyes.” 
You laugh and capture his hand. “You have demonstrated today that I am yours. Promise you won’t let it get to you?” 
“I intend to show you my love one more time tonight. Is that acceptable?” 
His voice drops when he says this, and your heart jumps at the thought of what he has planned. Lucien knows how to keep you on your toes, so you nod your head enthusiastically. 
You had not even realized that the two of you have arrived home in the meantime. Lucien leans over the divider between your seats to brush his lips across yours. It is not a full kiss, and it leaves you craving more. 
All night, Lucien has been teasing you with the promise of sex, and now you are finally getting it. 
You do not hesitate to run out of the car and up to the apartment. Lucien has not even made it up the stairs, but you want to take your costume off before he rips it to shreds. Bouncing to the bathroom, you let the coat drop to the ground before you pull the top over your head. As you fumble with the skirt zipper, you feel Lucien’s warm breath on your neck. 
“Need help?” 
Lucien’s hand trails up your torso and then back down to unhook it before pulling the zipper down. He is incredibly steady and slow, making you wait for it. The fabric drops from your waist and to the floor: he lets you step out of it before Lucien spins you around and cups your face to kiss you. “You look even more beautiful without clothes on…” 
He knows exactly how to make you squirm with just words alone. With his lips so close to your skin, you can only think of how he made you cum earlier. “L-Lucien?” 
“Yes, my nurse?” 
Swallowing hard, you lean against Lucien. He supports your weight and pulls your hair back to kiss your neck. 
“Tell me what you want…”
     Lucien trills his fingers up your side until he unclasps the back and removes it slowly. As it drops to the ground, you hold your arm over her breasts, but they spill outwards still. Lucien’s hand presses to the small of your back and he kisses your bare shoulder down to the top of your breast, coaxing your to reveal yourself to him. 
“I desperately want you to Dr. Jekyll me…”
“Oh?” He guides you back into the bedroom, keeping a hand on your bare hip. “You’d like me to ravage you?” As the back of your knees hit the mattress, you fall onto the bed. Lucien looms over you and pushes his knee between your legs. “You want me to make you cum again?” He starts kissing down your body and stops once his lips meet the hem of your panties. “Tell me so I know...” 
“Yes! Please, Lucien. You have been so naughty all day, but now, when I really want something you have the audacity to deny me it. How very Mr. Hyde of you.” 
Lucien leans back to remove his tie, and he uses it to bind your wrists above your head. “What about this?” 
Squirming around, you giggle at Lucien. “I like this…” 
His next movements are swift and fluid: he removes his belt and then pants, followed by his shirt and underwear. Lucien presses his body to yours so you can feel his erection pressing against your underwear. You wonder if he will continue the game of foreplay and fuck you through your underwear, but he seeminly reads your mind and pulls your underwear down to your knees. 
“Ah… you are still wet from earlier. How beautiful~” 
“You did eat me out in record time…”
“So you admit that I have the ability to make you cum fast? Let us see if I can do it again–” 
Lucien pulls your leg over his hip and inserts himself into you. His cock rubs against your walls and stretches you. It makes you moan loudly and squirm around again. He holds your abdomen down and gives you a moment to adjust before he begins to thrust in and out of you. 
All night, you have been waiting for this, and now that it is finally happening, you surrender yourself to the sensation without hesitating. Lucien envelops your senses as he kisses you everywhere, leaving marks in his wake. 
Heat radiates from his muscles, and your breath catches in your throat when Lucien traces the curve of your thighs. Lucien repeats your name over and over again, and it makes you wetter than if he would dirty talk you. There is something about how his voice dips lower and lower that makes you giddy. 
“Lucien, please tell me you have been thinking about this since we left..” 
“I’ve been thinking about this since you got your costume,” he admits.  
You cannot stop moaning as Lucien thrusts into you. Although your wrists are bound, you hook them over Lucien’s neck and you bury your face against his skin. Consumed by lust, you can't help but dirty talk him to the moon. "Lucien! You feel so amazing inside of me... your cock.. I wish you would have fucked me in the bathroom instead of just eating me out. That would have been so hot.” 
“I’ll take it under consideration for next year.” With that, Lucien tucks his hand between your legs and finds purchase directly on your clit. This earns him a few more moans from your lips, and he laughs triumphantly. When he does, his hair curls over his eyes, but you are quick to push it back. You clench around him tightly and watch Lucien’s face contort with pleasure. 
He had been denying himself pleasure as well, but now you have a chance to show off to him. "You are so incredibly warm.." Goosebumps ripple down his arms and Lucien groans loudly – it's music to your ears. "Clench around me again – won't you?" 
His words seemingly make you respond on command, because you fall over your edge as his tip brushes the spot that makes you see stars. You thought the squelching sound was loud before, but now it is the only thing you can hear.
“Yes, my beautiful nurse… cum for me… how wonderful you sound…” 
Cream dribbles down your inner thigh, making Lucien grin with pride. He does not stop thrusting until squirt forces him out. It wells out of you and makes the bed wet like nothing else you have ever experienced. He makes sure to pleasure you before he pumps himself a few times. 
“Lucien, doctor… I want you to cum too.” 
When you arch your back to entice him, your breasts fall outwards and his eyes go wide. “Cum on me and make me yours. That’s what you want, no~?” 
You fight against the tie until it loosens and you have the ability to use your hands again. Swatting Lucien’s hands away, you pump his tip rapidly and don’t stop until you feel him tense against your palm. 
A string of curse words escape his lips, and you know that he is close, so you remove your hand and smile at him. “Edging me?” Lucien grips your jaw and laughs. “You are the naughty one.” His thumb dips into your mouth and he coaxes you to open for him. His tip is smoothe against your lips, and you do your best to take him all down your throat. He wraps his fingers in your hair and tugs slightly, but then groans as you hum against his length. 
So much has happened in a day, and now it has come to this. 
With your mouth full of his cock, you look up at Lucien with big eyes and hope that your expression is enough to make him cum. His grunt is drawn out and breathless, and then you taste the bitterness of his cum as it trickles down your throat. Having been stimulated from fucking your pussy, it did not take much to have him unravel like you did before. 
However, you do not swallow it as he wishes. Instead, you let it drip down onto your breasts. 
Lucien smiles and takes the tie to throw it away as he kisses you. “Perfect, my little nurse.” 
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shikai-the-storyteller · 5 years ago
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Homestretch....the final Cyberverse episodes... :’(
Season 3: Episodes 21 - 26
Episode 21
Ok so before we start, I gotta fess up and say I got spoiled for something because Twitter Sucks, so I know Tarn is in this series. Here are my predictions about that: 
Megatron said he rescued Astrotrain from a tyrant. I thought he meant an Alt!Universe version of him, but now that I know This Bastard is gonna be in it, I’m guessing it’s Tarn
If Megatron DID save Astrotrain from Tarn, it’d be hilarious if Tarn & co. weren’t actually planning to kill Astrotrain, they were just using him as transport, in which case Megatron essentially car-jacked (train-jacked?) them.
As much as I rag on Tarn and the DJD I actually do genuinely love the idea of an Autobot + Decepticon teamup against the DJD THAT WOULD BE SO FRICKIN COOL....
Anyways, on to the episode!
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Pics taken 10 seconds before disaster, rip Cosmos.
MEDIA BOT and Cosmos! :D GOSH COSMOS REALLY IS CONFIRMED FOR BABY THAT”S ADORABLE.....I’m so glad he’s finally back in a cartoon
LUNA 3???
The “FORBIDDEN” moon? 
Chromia: You can go there anyways! Bee: Huh?  Chromia: When have the rules ever stopped you before? Bee: Fair point
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aw I love all those photos of him and cosmos, that’s cute
Oh no did he quit the business because he lost Cosmos???
METEOR-FIRE what a cool name
I like this dude a lot
I love that he’s obviously depressed about losing his partner but immediately gets convinced to go break into Luna 3 lmao
LMAO I was gonna say “Wow you just flip the switches alright” THEN HE JUST RIPS THE CORDS OUT I love this guy
Hmm suspicious
Aw I love the space-shots of Cybertron, what a gorgeous planet....
Oh hello cannon-fodder #418
It’s probably a sim that shows you the scariest thing you can think of
Ok I take it back, it’s probably like MTMTE’s “Cyberutopia” thing where it reads your memory files
Watch the cameras Bee!!!
“Bee, I don’t mean to alarm you, but the alien presence has taken over my circuits” *HEAD DOES A 180* GOSH I LOVE THIS FRICKIN SHOW
The facial expressions in this show are SO FUN Bee’s so expressive I love that
I like that Meteor-Fire is so chill about this, this ain’t his first rodeo
He just snaps his neck back into place that’s so freaky and they play it off so well lol
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Gosh I’d legit buy a gem like this if it had constellations engraved on it THAT’S SO PRETTY I LOVE IT
It’s a good thing that Bee’s got Meteor-Fire with him, this is his field!!!
Well so much for the alien, rest in pieces
I think Saling already said this in their liveblog but I love that Bee’s collecting Windblade’s parts a-la-Megaman X2 style
COSMOS!!!!!! Yay I’m so glad they got him back!!!
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Meteor-Fire: Look everybody, Cosmos is back!!! :D ME TOO BUD I’m so excited to see my space-baby
RODDY AND ARCEE!!!! I love that Percy took over for Maccadam, but that’s also so sad!!! ALSO WHY HAS HE NOT FIXED HIS EYES, RATCHET PLEASE HELP THIS POOR GUY
Episode 22  
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The background designers on this show are great
Rodimus: That place has nothing but bad memories for me Every Drift fan simultaneously: Mood....
I really don’t think they’ll bring Drift back (unless he’s like, a zombie, which would still suck) so that’s a bummer
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Rodimus: *Talking about his trauma* Me, very distracted: Wow Bee looks really cute here
SERIOUSLY THOUGH THEY NEED RUNG IN THIS SERIES They need a therapist in every Transformers series, all these bots need therapy (though tbf they tried to give Starscream therapy and that sure didn’t help, pft)
Repugnis?? I don’t remember who that is
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lmao the frickin voice actor for that grey dude cracked me up
Energon masters???? What
Interesting that they used “She” for Grimlock
Oh great these guys are the Cybertronian bourgeoisie 
Oh boy they’re just wasting energon huh
That’s a pretty bubble but JEEZ
WAIT WHERE”S THE AUDIO oh wait no OP did mention there was an audio dropout
Is Grimlock gonna make friends with the bugs!!!
OH RIGHT the bug is Repugnis 
Aw the bugs are way nicer than the bourgeoisie, surprising absolutely no one
“If we let you go, things will change! We like things the way they are” jeez
I wonder how the Shocks came about
It frickin figures
“Well this is quite astonishing” cute....
YEAH I WAS WONDERING IF THEY HAD THE SAME ALT MODE they looked like they had bug-bits, I didn’t realize that thing was keeping them from transforming though
Episode 23   
Oh right Megatron has a Matrix of Leadership I FORGOT ABOUT THAT
Aw poor Rack n Ruin...
RATCHET BABY BOY!!! I forgot he was a New Yorker in this series lmao
“I LOVE Jetfire!”  “I know, me too!” CUTE....
I love that every continuity has Ratchet stuck with someone who annoys him in a ship
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I love that Ratchet’s not even concerned
Wait UNSPACE???? Isn’t that where they sent a bunch of bad people????
Different Quantum Frequencies??? Dimensionally aligned??? MAN I LOVE THIS GOOFY SHOW
“It’s a blue-purple” CUTE....
UH OH HERE COMES ASTROTRAIN throwing dead-end??
I love that Astrotrain is so HUGE compared to everyone else, thank you Cyberverse for my life
“Every time..” LMAO GOSH THIS SHOW IS LITERALLY THE BEST someone please make a gif of that. I love that this implies that every time someone rides in Astrotrain they get ejected at 100 mph and skid 50 ft face-first, that’s such a delightful mental image. I think this 5 second scene is legitimately one of my favorite goofs / scenes in this show IT’S JUST THAT GOOD
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You can tell I really enjoyed something when I make a meme of it
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LMAO I LOVE ASTROTRAIN he’s such a turd to DeadEnd
“Time to pay Ratchet a house-call. ‘Cuz he’s a doctor!” I almost snorted my drink up my nose, I LOVE THE DORKY HUMOR IN THIS SHOW
I swear this series was made with me in mind
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You wonder if Shadow Striker and Soundwave ever just rock-paper-scissor to see who has to deal with the latest Autobot bs that day
“And we don’t” OH SHOOT THEY’RE BEING LEFT OUT OF THE DECEPTICON’S PLANS TOO...This is more dire than I thought
Man I really do love Shadow Striker and Soundwave, they’re the only competent Decepticons
Ohh so Astrotrain is still a triple changer in this series!! :O
REST IN PIECES DEADEND lmao he and Percy both have good survival stats it seems
NICE MOVES GRANDPA glad your hips still work lol
Oh good I’m glad they actually kept the purple thing
RIP Rack n Ruin
“You’ve been told this area is off-limits” Oh shoot so Megatron really doesn’t trust them with this huh??? Must be some serious stuff they saw while universe-hopping
Love that he’s pissing off this dude who’s literally 4 times his height, love my son
Shadow Striker & Soundwave are Goth / Jock solidarity
Ratchet: Yeah yeah yeah I know Cuteeee
Wow they’re really not gonna help Shadow Striker and Soundwave????
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THEY’RE LITERALLY JUST DOLL-SIZE IN HIS HANDS which is probably a not great reminder for Soundwave after that Dr. Tentacle Dude incident
Astrotrain: *bops their faces together* heehee Soundwave: BI Shadow Striker: >8(
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THE STYLE IS SO JARRING I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE UNSPACE AND HOW IT LOOKS (especially when contrasted with the regular drawing-style of the show. Really great artistic choice!)
Oh shoot so Astrotrain can just leave whenever huh
Aw what cute high fives, man this show has such good vibes
Episode 24  
WINDLBADE!!!! I hope she’ll be ok
DID it work?? Wait you guys still have two frickin shards left, YOU”RE SO BAD AT THIS
It’s not Skybyte obviously but he’s a shark too so WHO IS THAT
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Wait wtf the Decepticons are attacking?? Oh wait RACK N RUIN DID YOU REALLY TELL THEM THAT
Is this referencing the other time when he glitched oh no....I knew that’d come back to bite us
In other news, I love that we’re learning more about the life and (cyber)biology of Cybertron, I’m so glad we got to have pretty much almost the entire series set on Cybertron
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I MEAN JUST LOOK AT THAT!!! THAT’S SO COOL!!! This is the stuff I want to see in Transformers shows!!!
Hasbro could literally make a nature documentary set on Cybertron and I’d be ecstatic. Gimme more details about their world and architecture and city stuff
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“Fellow Primes, why have I been summoned?” Oh shoot so the other past primes can just jack OP’s consciousness whenever??? That frickin sucks. I do love the Atlantis vibes I’m ge HOLY FRICK IS THAT MAC
Chromia: Bee are you crazy?? Bee: YES! *jumps off the ship*
I love that this weird storm cloud area is basically like an ocean, that’s so cool
OH NO BEE!!!!!!!
Jeez that startled me, the shark sounds just like Bee
“Well you’re doing a scrap job” lmao Chromia please
Oh it’s the Argon Sea, it IS an ocean pft
“An ancient evil” hooo boy
BEE he’s so cute. Wait don’t just jump down a random hole AT LEAST WAIT FOR CHROMIA
Aw man, not you too Bee
MISTRESS OF FLAME!!!! I get so excited about every IDW reference haha, I love Caminus and I love that they’re letting that still exist
Is this a Titan???? IT IS A TITAN
It’s like a Cthulu titan huh
Chromia: That is THE creepiest thing I’ve ever heard THANK YOU CHROMIA, SAME THOUGHT
Chromia’s just like “This doesn’t even come close to my Top 10 list of BS I’ve had to deal with lately”
More weird smoke, oh great
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“But this is not about me” I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU THOUGH
Wait why is a part of Windblade in Megatron’s Matrix
WHY WOULD THEY ALSO BE IN THE OTHER MATRIX oh they mean alt-universe them
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It’s frickin HYSTERICAL that every time Optimus has some ~deep spiritual~ conversation with the past Primes he’s just standing there frozen while the Autobots wait for him to unfreeze like he’s some kind of ancient computer doing updates. Like, that’s legitimately one of the funniest pieces of information canon’s given us so far, thank you for my life Cyberverse writers.
I wonder if Arcee and the other bots ever take selfies with him while he’s frozen like that THERE’S SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR COMEDY HERE
Optimus: *is frozen for a couple hours while talking to old Primes* Autobots: *put on PJs and unroll their sleeping bags so they can have a slumber party while waiting for him*
Heck now I’m just imagining them playing truth or dare or some similar game while waiting for Optimus to wake up. 
I’m sure at some point during their voyage on the Ark, Optimus froze and they all played the “who can do this silly / embarrassing thing in front of Optimus and get away with it before he wakes up” game. Like, Rodimus somersaults down the hall while spouting fire in front of Optimus, Bee does a handstand while singing the alphabet backwards, etc, and whoever’s in front of Optimus when he “wakes up” loses. (It’d be even funnier if Optimus kept pretending to be frozen while they played until someone did something REALLY embarrassing and he unfroze to freak them out. Then again, the Matrix going back into his chest would probably be too much of a giveaway huh)
Episode 25
I love Astrotrain’s design (both in bot-mode and his alt mode) because he just looks like a grumpy evil train and that makes me so happy.
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Also RAIN!!! I love rain and this looks so pretty
LMAO ASTROTRAIN YOU’RE SUCH A TURD I had no opinion of him before this show but now I frickin love him
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Megatron running like that while holding the Matrix in his hands reminds me so vividly of a younger sibling stealing their older sibling’s diary and fleeing at top-speed from said older sibling and that’s hilarious to me. Megatron is so petty
Dang, so that’s how his eye got messed up. Ngl it’s a good look
Wow that wall is so WEAK the Decepticons are so dumb lmao
Oh yeah they have a new furry on their team
Rodimus: Math isn’t my strong-suit.
Arcee: Especially me!  Arcee you are ADORABLE
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Ok I know I said “Shattered-Glass Optimus” earlier but based on that spoiler some moron on Twitter posted, IT’S PROBABLY TARN...man I wish I hadn’t seen that spoiler but despite that IM STILL EXCITED
Makes you wonder how TARN got the Matrix though (not that I can’t guess 8( )
Oh my gosh I just realized we have the potential to see Windblade kick Tarn’s butt in this series. Cyberverse PLEASE, I’D LOVE TO SEE THAT
Ah so Astrotrain is the new scientist
Ur bugs are probably dead dude
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As much as I Die for loyal Soundwave, it’s really cool seeing him being his own character and acting on his own in this series and trusting his own judgement / surveillance! It’s so good. Soundwave you’re so smart (and I love that he loves Laserbeak :’) )
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Oh shoot the Insecticons are deserting 
“No one can stop him. Not even you” dang son
“He doesn’t want us. He wants you” OH BOY
SEEKERS!!! I forgot we still had a few who Starscream didn’t frickin kill
NICE JUMP-ATTACK OPTIMUS I love that he cuts the dude’s weapon in half meanwhile Grimlock just frickin eats the guy lmao. So much for Optimus’ mercy
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Dead End: Yeah, I see your point Lmao I love this guy
Everyone’s gonna frickin die in this series
OH NO WHIRL oh wait yeah he and Dead End know each other, Whirl’s fine
I love Skybyte’s voice
Oh so that’s why they had a wall, Megatron you turd
WHIRL NO!!!!!!! oh he’s fine thank goodness
Did Megatron get taller??? He looks taller than Optimus now
Just use Optimus’ matrix you big baby
“It’s time I called in that debt you owe me. Now it’s time for you to save me” I LEGITIMATELY SHRIEKED OUT LOUD, AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 26
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OH FRICK IF OPTIMUS IS THERE THEN TARN REALLY DID KILL HIM or it means he beefed it in that universe, as he usually does
“I wish I’d gotten to know you better” 8((((((
What happened to Alt!Universe Optimus!!!!!!! How did you die!!!
Windblade: Optimus, you’re speaking in riddles... Optimus: I always do, it comes with the job of Prime. Windblade: Oh right
“A perfect Decepticon race” HOO BOYZY.....
“All because I spared your life” MAN THAT HURTS
At least they aren’t attacking them right now?
ASTROTRAIN YOU COWARD not that I blame him, every bot for themself I guess
Optimus: Can’t keep-- Megatron: WE MUST! Me: *SOBS*
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Definitely not the right time for this joke but: AU where instead of saying “Powers of Cybertron, unite!” they say “GAY RIGHTS” to activate their Matrix powers
Frick what if they kill MEGATRON in this series
Megatron: We must join our Matrixes together! Optimus: Now REALLY isn’t the best time for a marriage proposal Megatron: What Optimus: What
Thank you for telling Optimus to get down for once instead of just blasting him AND the Tarn-copies, Megatron
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MEGATRON NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“Prime...one shall stand...one shall....” THIS IS THE SADDEST FRICKIN THING THAT”S HAPPENED IM LEGIT GONNA CRY, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“Hold on...my friend...” IM GONNA BAWL MY EYES OUT OPTIMUS
I legit had to take a moment to get up and do a lap around my room while processing what happened LIKE OK I KNOW THEY PROBABLY (???) WON’T PERMA-KILL MEGATRON BUT FRICK DUDE THAT WAS SO EMOTIONAL
What’s fricking me up rn (granted, several things are fricking me up right now) is that this universe’s Megatron knew he could’ve achieved his goals if he’d just killed Optimus. He said so himself; he could’ve had it all but he failed “all because I spared your [Optimus’] life”. Whatever he saw in that other universe convinced him that killing Optimus just wasn’t worth it (or perhaps, deep deep DEEP down, he really doesn’t want to kill his old friend).
I’m rewatching that last minute and this feels like a frickin fanfiction. I’m Living but also Dying
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Two reasons he could’ve done that: to keep Shadow Striker from getting super pissed off and lashing out at this enemy who’s way above their level, or because the “jacked up Frankenstein experiment” thing is a sore subject for her and Soundwave recognizes that (and frankly I’m leaning toward option B because SOBS....I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP)
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Dang so Megatron did kill Optimus
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Oh shoot so the Quints came to that world too
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I’m loving this throwback to the IDW design
WOW Y’ALL JUST IMMEDIATELY WENT “SURE WE’RE ONBOARD” (I mean, good way to stay alive but C’MON GUYS....)
“I have no need for any of you” WHOOPS SO MUCH FOR THAT should’ve seen that coming
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wow you guys really just let Megatron fall to the floor COME ON OPTIMUS WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SMOOTH MOVES
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“And now you will pay the price...for being a hero” DANG THAT”S A COOL LINE BUT DON’T HURT MY BOY
Yeah don’t turn your back on the body please
YO Astrotrain came back
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MAN I wish we could’ve stayed in the universe of this show for a little longer but dang!!! That was really really good!!! I’m so grateful we got to have such a wonderful series like Cyberverse! :’) Thank you to everyone who worked on this incredible show!!!
Man now I gotta wait for WfC for new Transformers content....at least I can look through the tag w/out getting spoiled now
A few more thoughts now that I’ve re-read my liveblog:
If Megatron could hop into the Matrix of Leadership he possessed, I wonder if he ever had a chance to talk to that universe’s Optimus Prime... :( based on what he said, probably not, but that makes me so sad!!!! Did they ever get the chance to work things out!!! IS MEGATRON ALIVE OR NOT.....
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valiisthea · 5 years ago
So I dont have a ton of super duper helpful information, just because I went there September 1-7th which was when Dorian was scheduled to hit Orlando. Of course, it never did. All we got was one night of rain. HOWEVER, thousands of people canceled their trips in fear. The parks were EMPTY. And I mean, EMPTY. So I don’t have any valuable data on crowd control or accurate wait times for Smuggler’s Run.
As it currently stands, Hollywood Studios is opening at 6am every morning (I think only until the end of Sept 2019) for people who are staying on property. My friend and I went September 2 and September 6th, and we got there at 6:30 am each time. One time, the wait was 40 mins for the ride, another was 20. We actually rode it about three times when the wait had gone back down to 30 one of the days. However, I HIGHLY URGE YOU DOWNLOAD THE DISNEY PARKS APP AND ADD YOUR DISNEY EXPERIENCE TO IT. THIS APP HAS THE WAIT TIMES FOR THE ATTRACTIONS ALL OVER THE PARKS. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND KEEP AN EYE ON SMUGGLER’S RUN FROM HOME!!!!! I look at it every day to see if it gains more attention.
I’ve seen the wait times hit 80, 90, and 120. And that was with an EMPTY park. So just keep your eyes peeled. I do NOT know when they will open fast passes for the Galaxy’s Edge Attractions. AT this time, Rise of the Resistance is NOT currently open. I think it opens next month, so I can’t review that.
Smuggler’s run was good. It’s a mix between Star Tours (in Hollywood Studios outside of GE) and Mission: Space (Epcot). You have buttons to push to complete certain actions that happen during your flight. They will light up when you need to press them. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy a highly immersive flight inside the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. I loved it, but it wasn’t quite as cool as I thought it would be. Not to worry, it was still AMAZING. The queue line is very decorative and hilarious. You won’t be bored waiting in line. Also, right before you’re ushered into the Falcon to fly it, you will come to a very memorable location upon the Falcon that I will show you in my photos below B)
The blue milk is tastier than the green milk, but they’re both delicious. You can get them alcoholic or non alcoholic and they are DAIRY FREE. They are almost like a slushie, but they use plant dairy instead of animal dairy so it shouldn’t upset anyone unless you have specific allergies. Very inclusive of Disney, I was impressed. Get the milk, you won’t be disappointed. Also, Galaxy’s Edge had only been open 2 days before Mecca and I got there -- so lots of cast members were asking us what our favorite flavors were when they saw us holding milk!
Chewbacca, Rey, First Order officers and Storm Troopers walk around randomly. I’ve heard Kylo does too, but I never saw him. Rey stops and takes pictures and interacts with guests. Chewie doesn’t do photo ops (but there is a spot to meet Chewie, BB8, and Vader at the Launching Pad not too far outside of GE in Hollywood Studios). Chewie recruits kids for a “special mission” which is really adorable. I won’t spoil that for you. The FO officers and the Storm Troopers have very limited photo op time. They’re really performing, so it’s hard for them to take photos. Try to just enjoy them without bugging them for photos.
Droid Depot is amazing. There, you can assemble your own BB-Unit or R2-Unit. It costs 99 dollars. The droids, as far as I know, are remote controlled and you can purchase a personality chip for them to beep and boop at you. They come in all sorts of colors so they’re highly customizable. You pull parts off of a conveyor belt and assemble the droid yourself. If you just want Droid Merch (which I did) you can also just look at the shop. It has merchandise with all sorts of droids on them!
ALSO, here is where you can meet the life-like, 25 thousand dollar R2D2 by the registers!!!! He is AMAZING. You MUST stop in the droid depot, if only to meet R2. He is fantastic. He followed Mecca and I around the store while we shopped and made conversation with us. He will beep back at you if you talk to him, he will react if you say certain things to him. Mecca told him he was her favorite, and he shrieked and spun in a circle. Very adorable and interactive. Definitely go meet him.
There is also a spot where you can build your own lightsaber. I did not go in there because it is 200 dollars to do so and I did not want to tempt myself. The sabers look amazing though, I saw multiple people with them around the parks.
There are two places to eat as far as I know. One is more “quick service” and the other is a restaurant. We did not eat at either place because we are picky eaters and we also went at 630 am - not a great time for dinner LOL.
That being said, I’m not sure when Fast Pass will become available for the rides, but IF YOU STAY ON PROPERTY YOU CAN ALSO SELECT FAST PASSES MONTHS IN ADVANCE. DO THIS. I CANNOT STRESS IT ENOUGH.
Aside from those hot spots, there is a market place that has TONS of little shops inside of it. We did not stop at every single shop so I cannot tell you what specifically each store sold. I know one shop sold all sorts of critters!!!!! From the SW movies new and old. There is a first order shop if you’re with the first order, and there is a resistance shop. There are some outposts with resistance merch too! 
The decor of the place is phenomenal. You really feel like you’ve stepped onto another planet. You are ON BATUU when you are there. Fully. The cast members even speak to you as such, and so does Rey when you meet her! It’s 600000% immersive even for Mecca and I, as adults. Imagine what it will be like for kids!
There are lots of places to obtain FREE WATER all over Galaxy’s Edge - and the Coke stands sell Coke bottles shaped like Thermal Detonators!!! They’re super cute and such a novelty. Be prepared to spend a lot of money for that coke, though. IT’s like a 7 dollar coke just because of the bottle.
Oh, also, they speak in SW lingo while you’re there. My apologies, it will be seven CREDITS, not seven dollars.
All in all, it was truly an amazing experience that I would highly recommend to anyone and everyone. I will be returning in July 2020 so I will get to review Rise of the Resistance then since it will be open. I will also review anything that might be new (character encounters and such) between now and then.
SIDE NOTES: Hollywood Studios still has Star Tours. It is OUTSIDE Of Galaxy’s Edge and it has been UPDATED to include TFA and TLJ characters! It’s randomized, so you still may encounter some older characters as well! The Jedi Training still happens RIGHT ALONGSIDE of Star Tours and it now includes Kylo Ren (which I think has been there for quite some time now). Little tiny Jedi’s get to go toe to toe with Ren and Vader. It’s adorable.
The Launching Pad is over by Voyage of the Little Mermaid. Here, you will meet Chewbacca, BB-8 (yes, hes interactive. you may speak to him and he will speak back, and the cast members will translate for you. very cute), and Darth Vader. We met all of them and had glorious experiences. Very well done. There are also some shops at the end of the encounters here. 
AND SPECIFICALLY FOR @brokenspaceprince WHO ASKED ABOUT TRANSPORT FROM THE ORLANDO AIRPORT TO THE RESORTS - yes, the magical express still operates. You HAVE to be staying at a DISNEY RESORT on Property though, or it will not take you to your hotel. It’s fantastic. The Orlando airport as a whole is a great airport. You can’t get lost.
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wydmariana · 6 years ago
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well hellooooo beautiful people !!  my name’s dani, i’m one of the admins on the main! i’m 20, i’m from toronto & i also play the hailey fc alanna !! i’m so fkn excited to have wealthy back up & running and to bring my baby mariana back ! she’s the same old girl and if you don’t know anything about her...everything u need is under the read more ! i rly need all the connections rn so like this & i’ll hit you up for plots !!!!
❛ new york’s very own mariana cavello was spotted on broadway street in  christian louboutin’s. your resemblance to selena gomez is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty-third birthday bash. while living in new york, you’ve been labeled as being reticent, but also quixotic. i guess being a gemini explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be fishnets, tequila shots, notebooks filled with lyrics. & ( cisfemale & she/her ) + ( dani, 20, she/her, est )
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛ STATISTICS :
full name: mariana marisol cavello
nickname(s): mari
age: twenty three
date of birth: june 4th
hometown: new york city
current location: upper east side, new york city
ethnicity: half mexican
nationality: american
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
parents names: tanner hastings, liliana cavello
orientation: pansexual but she doesn’t like labels
religion: grew up catholic, undecided
political affiliation: democrat
occupation: singer/songwriter
living arrangements: lives in her own mansion in the upper east side
language(s) spoken: english, spanish
accent: american
face claim: selena gomez
hair colour: x (most basic/accurate/but it changes)
eye colour: brown
height: 5″5
weight: 120lbs
build: petite
tattoos: mostly selena’s canon, but x instead of the music note
piercings: x (both ears)
drugs/alcohol/sex: yes/yes/yes
pets: one cat, 5 years old, named sergio - x
astrological chart: gemini sun, cancer moon, scorpio rising
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛  BACKSTORY/CURRENT :
mariana was born to tanner cavello (famous hotel owner, entrepreneur, multimillionaire, been on forbes, think bart bass) & lilliana cavello (hispanic model/socialite)
her parents marriage was very much settling, the two of them cared about each other & were excited to start their life together in effort to please their parents and keep their images pristine
they were quick to fall out of love though, if you could say they were even ever in it
once mariana and her brother became teenagers, their dad started having affairs with his employes, the hot, young ones of course. & their mom found out, but confided in a 16 year old mariana about her father’s actions
( sexual abuse tw ) this infuriated mariana, especially considering the hours she would spend waiting outside her father’s office doing homework while his business partners molested her in the empty conference room starting at the age of 14
she never told anyone about it, although she knew her father had known the whole time, remembering how many times he’d interrupt it by summoning his partners for work or a meeting
mariana began absolutely hating her father, while still yearning for his approval, & this went on for 4 years until she turned 18 and got revenge by sleeping with one of her dad’s business partners & allowing his wife to find out
so his wife threatened to tell the media about this little scandal, unless mari’s dad paid them off, which is exactly what he did but not before taking his anger out on mariana & blaming her for the whole mess
she has barely talked to her dad since & moved out right as that whole situation went down. she does her best to avoid family gatherings, doesn’t visit the house to see her parents too often. she does have weekly phone calls with her mom & tries to see her as often as she can, no matter how much she resents her
she got into the party scene around 17/18 as well, and became new york’s resident “wild child rich kid/socialite” in her teen years, so she has that reputation in the media still to this day
her parents have been rich as fuck since the day she was born, so she’s definitely a spoiled brat, never worked a day in her life, had daddy’s credit card whenever she needed it
music had always been a passion of hers though, being her favorite class in school(on days when she would actually attend)
so when she was 20, she started getting back into writing, sold a couple of her songs to artists like zendaya, the weeknd, etc
when she turned 21 she released her first single & album within the same year, began touring, and got to the top of the charts almost right away & gained a huge fanbase, whom she loves
she’s now 23 and has two studio albums out !! she’s v successful and happy w her music <3 she releases things very sporadically & im probs gonna  release random selena songs along with other voice claims maybe IDKDKKD hope yall dont mind  my  messy ass kskffsk
she works hard though, & loves writing and releasing music now and never wants to stop. it’s truly the thing that makes her most happy in the entire world and keeps her sane
☇   ❪    ˚・゚ ❛  PERSONALITY  :
mariana can be a brat, to put it simply. she thinks she’s always right about everything & it’s rare you’re ever gonna get an apology from her when she’s done something wrong (unless she really cares about you which….)
she’s lowkey a softie, bc of her cancer moon tbh. she tends to get herself into relationships and then mess them up for the sake of it or because she stops trusting herself to be in the relationship at all
but when she loves someone, she LOVES them, like w every fibre in her body u know?
and she cares fiercely about people, it ends up being a problem for her a lot of the time
she hasn’t worked through her trauma & probably never will, she bottles that shit up tight & doesn’t let anybody know it’s there. the only way she’s ever opening up is if she’s writing, cause she wants that shit to be real
but she’s still gonna hoe it up, catch her in the club trying to get some dick for the night, u know what i mean?
super depressed if we’re being real here. she’s sad, and she has abandonment issues because of her dad. so her mindset is- there’s no forming attachments, because everyone leaves me anyway
( drugs tw ) she loves cocaine, is most definitely an addict (but who isn’t in this city), tequila is her alcohol of choice, but she’ll drink anything you give her & weed is her creative saving grace
she started popping pain pills on her 21st birthday, opioids occasionally & mostly xanax, stuff like that, is most definitely also addicted to those
we love a bitch who doesn’t care about her health!
her management team frowns upon it, but she does smoke cigarettes pretty often, but mostly only when she’s stressed
mariana’s the type of bitch to call the paparazzi on herself, she loves attention. but with her music career now it’s been 10x harder for her to keep her life private, not that she cares. but at least she doesn’t have to call the paps on herself anymore lol
she thinks it’s important to treat people w kindness and respect, but no doubt she’ll be ready to fight a b*tch if she has to…
catch her at any protest that involves saying “fuck you trump”
her instagram is a big mix of stories of her cat, dumb selfies, ig model posts, her friends, career stuff & political posts. she’s very active on the gram & snapchat lol
honestly thank U for reading this trash if u didnt…i understand. catch her pinterest board for more here & i have a wanted connections page here ! ok bye i love u, plot w me <3
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asianpower5 · 6 years ago
Ok so its been 24 hours since I saw the movie and I wanted to write down my thoughts, most of it is for me so I can go back and read how I felt about it years from now, its going to be very long and wordy but im just writing as the thoughts come and now worrying about grammar or anything, that includes timeline, so my thoughts may come to me out of order . I’m going to put it all under read more so i dont spoil it for any of you lovely people
So I got to the theater like 40 minutes early because I just couldnt contain myself and I wanted to get my perfect seat. Wore my new HTTYD shirt and brought my toothless plushie from build a bear (another little girl had the same idea she was so cute)
but now onto the movie
they threw me for a loop I was totally expecting a “this is berk’” speech as the very opening, not the raid, but honestly this movie is about change so I liked the change. But I still got my fix, because as they flew back to Berk my only thought was “this is berk”, AND THEN HE SAID THE THING YES.
Loved the scene in the great forge, it just really showed how big Berk is and how many vikings there are, and seeing them all happy and enjoying a meal together just warmed my heart, plus Gobber teasing Astrid and Hiccup about marriage and Valka beating Spitelout at arm wrestling haha.
Tuffnut was comedic gold, talking about his “beard” and giving hiccup bro pep talks. And when he said the earth was round? and the stars? I almost died laughing. 
Grimmel  being a complete jerk and drugging those poor dragons with their own venom.
Fetch with Hiccup’s leg?? and him dropping it in Astrid’s lap and then being over protective of the leg when Stormfly came near it? Then Hiccup tickling Astrid, what did we do to deserve such a cute Hiccstrid scene?
Toothless meeting the light fury was even better than I thought, he was such a dork and had no idea what to do, then looking to Hiccup for advice about how to flirt oh gosh silly boy.
Im calling Hiccup out on his saying Astrid isnt a romantic, I mean Hiccup is totally the hopeless romantic, but Astrid in my mind is totally a secret romantic, at least when it comes to her own relationship.
Also Toothless practicing his mating dancing by watching his shadow and studying the naddars as they danced was so adorable.
Ok ngl I actually thought Grimmel had shot Toothless in the house, and I was so happy to see that is was part of their plan and that he had back up (sorry Fishlegs I love you and you took one for the team so good on you!). Why I was surprised by this idk, I know these characters enough to know that they would pull something like that. BUT HICCUP TELLING GRIMMEL OFF AND CALLING HE OUT FOR SITTING IN STOICKS CHAIR, YES BOY. That just made the feeling of Berk being attacked and flames burning everywhere hurt so much more.
The meeting with all of Berk? Just wow, I mean first off I love that Hiccup had his whole gang up there with him, just goes to show that he really trusts them and values them as being part of the team. Astrid sticking up for my boy and Tuff just going “IM WITH HIM WHO ELSE” A plus team work, I loved the support. Not to mention the fact that Hiccup was able to convince them all to pack up what little they could carry and leave. I mean we know from the first movie that vikings are stubborn, but they are also capable of change. The fact that they left their home of 7 generations and probably left some import things they couldnt carry with them was such an amazing gesture. And Berk really is where ever the vikings are, it is not just a single island. It really hurt to see them leave the island, the place where it all started, but the fact that they all stuck together really shows how strong of a bond they have as a people. 
Light fury knocking Hiccup off Toothless, such a sassy girl I love her. I mean come on Toothless was obviously gunna save him. Also the sheeps wanting to be dragons is something I never new I needed, especially after seeing how afraid of dragons they used to be (I mean the dragons did hunt them, but im all here for them cosplaying as their favorite dragons) 
I JUST REMEMBERED I NEVER TALKED ABOUT FLASHBACKS SO LETS DO THAT NOW. First of little toddler Hiccup??? THE FRICKIN CUTEST THING EVER OK. I know there was a line in the trailer that wasnt in the movie the one where Stoick says something like “I believe its your destiny to find the hidden world so dragons and vikings no longer need to fight” but I wasnt sad that they didnt keep this line. I think it makes more sense to have what they did, Stoick talking about finding the hidden world so they could protect Berk from it. I mean this took place when they were still fighting dragons, so yea the line about destiny could mean he thinks Hiccup would destroy the hidden world, but the tone of the scene was so calm and relaxing that to me it gave off the vibe that Stock was implying that Hiccup would unite their worlds, which doenst make sense since again they were still at war with the dragons at this point. So I liked what they had in the movie, I think what they kept fit the tone and it still showed how Berk was at war with the dragons.
NEXT FLASHBACK. Little Hiccup just sneaking down the stairs and then his little face like “oh shit” when he saw his dad was up and trying to sneak back up. The way he said he wanted water, I JUST IT WAS SO CUTE, whoever voiced tiny hiccup good job because omg it was so cute. How happy he was to go over to his dad and sit on his lap.  When he asked Stoick if he would get them a new mom, my heart just broke I mean Hiccup was so young that he didn’t fully grasp the situation, and I mean before Hiccup got caught sneaking downstairs we saw Stoick crying. That was so important to me I mean Stoick the Vast, he is massive, and remember the first movie the fact about him ripping a dragons head off as a baby? Yea this character who basically screams masculinity has yet another vulnerable scene, showing yet again that crying is ok (I mean back in the first movie when he told Hiccup he wasnt his son, and when he met Valka again?? yes please keeping showing people that being masculine doenst mean you cant cry!). Stoick teaching Hiccup about love, yes dad points for you, I adore the scenes like these, that show how much Stock loves his family, he would be so proud of Hiccup and who he has become. OH YEA SIDE NOTE HOW I FORGET HICCUPS STUFFED DRAGON? THROWBACK TO THE TV SERIES THANK YOU.
New Berk, cuz thats the best I got to call it right now, love how everyone basically immediately goes to claiming their areas ahha.
Ok Snotlout my boy did you really just say “who died and made yout Chief” because too soon, I still love you
Low key thought they were gunna make Snotlout and Eret a thing, despite the weird flirting Snotlout had with Valka. I mean he was trying to be taller than Eret, and Eret was like hah no, yall id ship it ngl eret and snotlout 
Toothless meeting up with the light fury again, but this time trusting his instincts is another reminder that toothless is in fact an animal, a very intelligent animal, but an animal who has instincts and a desire to be with his own kind, I mean can you blame him? Its been at least 6 years since hes seen another dragon that was like him, maybe even longer depending on how long he was alone before he met hiccup. 
The throw back to the forbidden friendship scene? With toothless drawing in the sand, and oh God I never thought I would get so emotional about sand but dang that sand animation just was so realistic that I wanted to touch it. Hiccup being like “wow now you can draw”, Toothless growling at the light fury like he did to Hiccup back in the first for stepping on his art, come on guys Toothless worked hard on his art! The light fury flying away but toothless not being able to follow her, another throwback to when he couldnt fly with the dragons during the snoggletog special.
Hiccup making toothless a tail to fly alone, and Im glad they added the part when Astrid said they tried it before, again throwback to snoggletog, and that he didnt want the tail, and Hiccup clarifying that it was because he had no need to fly alone before. Now my only worry here is that the casual fan will just think that the exchange is a copout, I mean unless you remember the special you wouldnt know that they tired making him a tail fin and he didnt want it, so to the casual fan it might seem like they only added the comment to answer the question “If hiccup could make a tail fin why did he never do it before?”. Seeing the special where toothless destroys the tail really adds a layer of depth to the scene, because those of us who saw it remember that it was a statement that even though Hiccup had the ability to create a tail so toothless could fly alone, toothless wanted to fly with his best friend and didnt care for the tail. 
now the actual scene with toothless flying alone finding the light fury, first off it was so cute how he showed her his new tail! He was so proud of it, and no doubt proud of his best friend for making it. The scene itself though reminded me so much of the romantic flight, the way they flew together above the clouds and how it gave a sense of flight because we couldnt see the ground, ugg it was so beautiful. I was honestly blown away by the animation, the clouds and the color, they were all so beautiful. Toothless and the light fury flying together and really bonding, similar to Astrid and Hiccup on their first flight together, ugg all the throwbacks to the first movie really killed me. Also Toothless trying to copy the light fury and how she goes invisible was so cute, he was like “ah yes I got this, wait no shit again, no shit again again!” then he basically summons thors power of lighting and finds his new power, so proud of my baby. 
Now I fully believe that Toothless was going to go back to Hiccup after he spent time with the light fury in the hidden world, no way my boy would leave my other boy without a goodbye. But the other started to freak Hiccup out, I mean Hiccup knew his best friend would come back, but the others made him doubt it and seeing him freak out was heart breaking.
Astrid being like boy hop on we gonna get yo dragon, yes girl. Honestly them going into the hidden world on Stormfly? I mean need i say anything about the animation in this scene? The visuals were just breath taking, I cannot put it into words. Tootheless being the alpha is always a win, also Astrid calling him a king and Hiccup realizing that this beautiful place of dragons, is not place for humans, because Valka said it best, greedy humans ruin everything.
Hiccup and Astrid getting caught by a dragon and then going on a fun slide ride, and of course toothless comes through as the alpha to protect his humans, ALSO STORMFLY DONT THINK I FORGOT ABOUT HER, CUZ YES. I mean just like toothless Stormyfly will protect her human best friend, and I love her. 
How did I forget the next raid scene? I mean dang again the visuals and the lighting were just so spot on. Them all getting trapped? Valka being a badass and working with Cloudjumper to save them? Hiccup jumping and just escaping the clutches of Grimmels dragon? RUFFNUT
Ruffnut my girl dont think I forgot about you, I just I dont even know what to do with you. She was amazing, I mean shes just does not care, not scared that shes a prisoner, she fricking just talks about how ‘hot’ she is and just other random stuff about her life, like girl give me that confidence. But when she talked about the island i was like girl no dont do that, but her flying back and saying she doenst look back in response to being asked about being followed was pretty darn funny.
Bro the scene of the light fury and toothless getting captured? Toothless protecting her and telling the other dragons to stand down, at least until they can escape. Just heart breaking, help is so close, but I guess thats the downside of being the alpha, having that power can be used against you.
Astrid my girl, pep talking my boy Hiccup JUST LIKE THE FIRST MOVIE. And yes parallels again, just like in the first one Astrid said things to hiccup, she was very honest with him pointing out the things that had done wrong, the first pointing out how messy the situation got because of the lies, and in this movie pointing out how he constantly doubts himself, and in both Hiccup has a sassy comment regarding her pep talks, but Astrid always follows up with the good, like how he was the first viking to ride a dragon or how he was always brave, even without toothless, showing how she would always be by his side to support him and help him, especially when hes about to do something stupid. I just ugg they are couple goals, they dont even need to say I love you because they SHOW IT in their actions, in their support for eachother, their cute banters, and I am here for it. ALSO I MEAN HE KISSED HER HAIR EARLY AND THEN HER FOREHEAD THOSE ARE SO CUTE TO ME AND JUST SO NATURAL FOR THEM AHHH. Also “so what are you gunna do about it” “probably something stupid” YES YES YES I AM HERE FOR THAT SHIT
Everyone jumping off the island so they can ‘fly’ on their own, just first off so visually amazing, and second off so symbolic to me of each of them spreading their own wings and growing up into amazing people. 
Fishlegs and his baby dragon, I mean come on lets be real that shit is adorable, and baby dragon had his big dragon (does that dragon have a class name? because I dont remember it) friend and Fishlegs be like dont mess with baby dragon. 
Yooo I knew it, from the trailer I was like “Tuffnut is probs pissed that this dude cut off his hair beard” and boom it happned, but rip hair beard (until the end of the movie that is when it comes back)
I got such satisfaction out of Toothless destroying grimmels arrow shoter thing and watching as Grimmel started to get afraid, I mean this dude was so confident in his abilites, and up until now he has had the upper hand, but then you can see the “oh shit moment” as he realizes he is starting to lose and heck yea im here for it. Speaking of oh shit moments, when hiccup was riding toothless and they wer getting attacked? and then toothless is like “I SUMMON YOU THOR AND YOUR LIGHTING” and hiccup was like WTH?!!??!?!?
Ok yall that scene when toothless got shot, and hiccup is hanging from the light fury with grimmel on his leg? I mean Grimmel really thought that he had won, he underestimated the love Hiccup has for Toothless, and the moment that Hiccup told the light fury to save Toothless and he let go? the hesitation she had trying to pick who to save? her new mate, or his best friend that she now seems to understand has a great important meaning to toothless? The image of Hiccup falling, and the camera angle? I mean seeing him fall from above, seeing it in his face that he was content, content knowing that his best friend would be alive and safe and that Grimmel would no longer be able to hurt the dragons or his people? Such a self sacrifice, a true Chief just like his father. 
Then the light fury to the rescue! Hiccup being like LOL BYE GRIMMLE YOU DEAD. Also reminded me of when he started to ride toothless back in the first movie and they fell and hiccup got back on his back and in control just in time, because dang she saved him his butt just before he hit the water. But seriously I loved this scene, she went back for hiccup, she saw the interactions Toothless had with him, how Toothless protected him and Astrid in the hidden world, how Toothless CHOSE HICCUP when he saw him in danger in the hidden world, she came to realize that this boy is important to Toothless, and she saw that Hiccup was willing to die for Toothless, and she went back and saved him, and God I got emotional.
Also Hiccup leaning on Astrid because he has lost his prostectic leg, yessss im here for it
NOW TO THE REAL TEAR JERKER I mean gosh you could just see the realization again in Hiccup that the dragons didnt belong with them on Berk, that even though they love the dragons and the dragons love them, even though they have worked together for years and they want to live together in peace they just cant do it safely.There are too many people out in the world who would attack berk, and we have seen that both in the movies and the show, and that puts both the people and the dragons at risk. 
It was safest for everyone if the dragons went to the hidden world, where no one could find them, well expect Hiccup and Astrid who have been there once. I just cant though, that scene was just so amazing and heart crushing. I mean you can see it that Toothless doesnt want to leave his best friend, and Hiccup doenst want him to leave, but he reassures him that its ok that its best for everyone and that its time to say good bye for now, not forever though. Then oh God how Astrid follows him, because she knows hes right too, she knows that they can no longer live with their dragons safely, and she takes off Stormflys saddle and says good bye to her best friend. THEN VALKA who has lived with the dragons for 20 years, she knows too and she doenst hesitate to let Cloudjumper go free, and it made so much sense to me that she was so willing to do so even after being together for 20 years, she has protected them for 20 years so there is no doubt in my mind that Valka would do this without a second though if it meant that was the best thing for her friend. THEN OMG EVERYONE ELSE FOLLOWS THAT JUST HURT SO MUCH. I mean ever single Berkian seens what Hiccup did, and everyone knows they have a special bond, I mean they all have a special bond with their dragons, but Hiccup and Toothless are different, they were the only pair that we know of that needed each other to fly, I mean sure the other vikings needed their dragons to fly but their dragons didnt need them to fly, toothless relied on hiccup to control his tail and that bond is so special. Anyway, I just thought that all the others saw Hiccup doing this, and hes their Chief the man who started the whole riding dragons for them, so I have no doubt in my mind that they would follow his lead, and again to me they see Hiccup and Toothless doing this letting go, so they must think “If these two can do it so can I”. I just really think it shows how much the vikings truly care for their dragon friends, when you love someone you want the best for them, you want them to be happy, even if that means you need to say goodbye. And thats what happened here the vikings loved their dragons so much that they were willing to say goodbye to their friends if it meant that they would be save, and the same goes in the other direction, the dragons are not dumb and I believe they knew that leaving is what was best too, that leaving meant that their viking friends would be safer. The love they all have for each other is so amazing. I only wish that the goodbye was long, I am so bad at goodbyes and omg I just wish they had a longer time to say goodbye, not only to their dragons but to the others as well, I mean toothless saying goodbye to Astrid and Stormfly too Hiccup? uG I SUCK AT GOOD BYWS OK I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO BE ABLE TO SAY GOOD BYE TO ALL THE DRAGONS.
But man i said to myself ‘you can do it dont cry’ didnt work, I sobbed, legit sobbed, and it wasnt my normal movie cry were its just tears, it was the kind where you can feel the pain in your chest from your heart beating to hard, from trying to hold back the chocked sobs so no one else would  get annoyed, although lets be real they are did the same thing so we all cried.  Seeing them all fly off, AND THE REVERSE HAND TOUCH I CANNOT, THAT REALLY HURT I JUST COULDNT TAKE IT THE PARALLELS REALLY KILLED ME THE ENTIR MOVIE. Then Toothlesses look back at Hiccup, and then the long shot and seeing the massive wave of dragons, and then seening toothless following from the back as he is the last to leave, the vikings looking on with sadness and fondness for their dragons, really did come for my heart.
NOW ONTO HAPPY TIMES. the Wedding, oh my god, how lucky can a girl be? I got to see the mother of all my OTPs get married, and dang they were beautiful, and they looked so happy, it just warmed my heart to know that these two dorks who truly have a special relationship finally got married. Then Gobber called them Chief and Chiefstriss and wow really hit me hard that these two were going to lead Berk together, because they are always there to support each other. THEN that kiss so cute, and how Hiccup goes to gently cup her face with his hands, just wow my otp is the best.
Then we again have love master Tuffnut who will take Snotlout as his new student, and FISHLEGS HAS A LITTLE BABY GRUNKLE STUFFED ANIMAL IN HIS BAG. aND RUFF being like “you win i love sensitive guys” Then we have Hiccup and Astrid looking out to the sea as their friends and family come together with them, and Astrid lays her head on his shoulder so great.
Now dang my boy HICCUP WITH A BEARD??? BEARDCUP IS REAL, and he is wearing his fur cap, and Astrid looking like a frickin QUEEN, and AGAIN HOW LUCKY CAN A GIRL BE I SEE A WEDDING AND I GET CHILDREN????? MY OTP HAS TWO CHILDREN???? AND THEY ARE GORGEOUS.
buT DANG when they saw Toothless through the fog and then the light fury and then the little baby heads pop up, and you can see how happy Hiccup is. But Toothless doenst immediatly recognize him, which makes sense because I mean 10 year for humans can change the looks drastically, and hiccup has a beard now so he doenst look like what toothless remembered, plus hes the alpha and must protect his family. Astrid protecting her children like a frickin badass mom, and Zephry hidding behind her mom and Nuffink going into her chest? Ug love it, they trust their mom to protec them, and I love this to because it really shows that they are children, I mean I have no doubt that Astrid and Hiccup are going to raise them to be brave, I mean its Hiccup and Astrid, but they are still children and well they have grown in a world without dragons, different than their parents, we know at that age Astrid was fearless, I mean she wanted to fight a flightmare, but now the world has changed and they arent at war and they can raise their kids as kids, and I love that they showed that fear in the children it just gave a sense of realism to me. 
Then HIccup DID THE THING with the hand and Toothless finally was like “WAIT THIS IS MY HUMAN” and his eyes went big and omg how he attacked him with kisses and licks. Then Astrids laugh to see them reunite, and them urging their kids that it was ok, and remember before when I said they would raise brave kids? Well this little cuties were afraid, but they still listened and trusted their parents, and omg Zephry was so stiff from fear and her face, and Nuffink was hiding his face, but Hiccup came and showed them how to approach Toothless, and wow here we go again with the hand touch and HIccup telling them to let him come to them, and Toothless did the thing AND OMG THEIR REACTION WAS SO CUTE. The way Zephry cocked her head and smiled, and how Nuffink dropped his hand from his face and his mouth widened in awe of his dragon. 
THEN I GET TO SEE HICCUP WITH HIS SON RIDING TOOHTLESS? AND HIS SOON IS JUST MAKING THE CUTEST LITTLE WAVING MOTIONS WITH HIS HANDS. And hiccup throwing his kid in the air as he giggles in delight, and I swear I heard him say “Dada” and it killed me. Then Astrid being Astrid flys right passed them ON STORMFLY, like thank you for not forgetting about my girl, because she loves Stormfly and Stormfly loves her and seeing Astrid ride her with her daughter just made the scene even better. They could have easily forgotten about my girl, but they didnt, they didnt do her dirty, I may not have gotten to see the moment when she and Stormfly met again, BUT I SAW THEY RIDING TOGETHER AND THATS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.
Oh yea bonus points for seeing the light fury and the babies flying with them. Then Hiccup just flys upside down dropping Nuffink on Astrids head, and ug the way he just casually clings to his mother, then I was like wow I hope Zephry gets to ride Toothless with he father, AND THEN HE PULLED UP NEXT TO THEM AND HELD OUT HIS HAND TO DO JUST THAT, dreamworks you really came through for me, thank you so much for allowing Dead and all the other hard workers of this franchise make this amazing world for us. It tore my heart apart, but I loved every second of it, and I have no regrets, it was honestly a great ending,no matter how badly it hurt and how badly I wanted them to live together forever, it was just the perfect ending with a great lesson about letting go and moving on, becoming your own person, and being happy with the memories you had, because being able to say you loved something or someone and letting them go is better than never loving them at all, thats what happend to the vikings and dragons, and thats what happened to me personally at the end of it all. I cant wait to relive the magic and watch all the movies again. 
oh how could I forget? The end credits, you thought the pain ended with the end of the movie nope the credits are going to give you every major scene from each movie, reminding us where we started and where we have come to, and that was just the cherry on top of it all. 
Also side note a girl sat behind me and she goes “is that a toothless plushie?” and yes it was so she asked to see it so i handed him to her and we started talking about the movie, she was able to see it during an early release boo i had work. Anyway she asks me how old i was when the first came out, and I said 16, she seemed shook and i asked her the same, she said she was 5, so if math does me right she would be about 14/15. I was older than she is currently is when the first movie came out, thats wild. Then i laughed off the age difference saying “you would never know ill be 25 in a week”, and her (i assume) mom said I looked young haha. But because of the age difference I gave her some good life advice, I told her not to care about what others think of you, Im almost 25 crying over a dragon movie that means the world to me as i sit with my dragon plushie, and her mom just agreed with me and told her to listen to me because I knew what I was saying haha. Shout out to this girl too because shes the one who told me that Hiccup and Astrids’s kids had cannon names, I had been avoiding everything I could about this movie so I was glad to be up to date on that.
Wow this took me like 2 hours to write i think? I mean yea it was mostly for me to read later in life so I can remember this day, all the photos i took before hand, and all the excitement I had, wow Hi future me! Sorry about all the grammar mistakes but Im just typing as the thoughts come, hope I didnt break your heart again as you read all this. Until next time
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