koda-bear01 · 1 year
So, I've been in the TMNT fandom for a decent while now. Read a lot of fanfiction, kept up with a bunch of comics and artists, and I honestly love it here! There's so much content, and I love seeing everyone's creativity!
Now, with that said, let it be known I have been scouring the internet far and wide- asking any and every friend I've made, and gathering data on a singular topic.
Researching, if you will.
However, nothing seems to give me a conclusive answer.
At first, I imagined it like a higher pitch kinda purr. One in the back of the throat. But then I tried looking it up. When Google didn't work, I went to YouTube. When that didn't work, I started asking people, AND NOW NOTHING MAKES SENSE???
Please! Eggsplain!!!!!
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You know how small children, especially toddlers who just started walking and talking could be, so I'm curious how the turtles would handle their oldest kidd at this age especially since they never got to interact and take care of kids before this. From my personal experience, toddlers can be either innocent and cute little angels or annoying devils who bother everyone in public if they don't get what they want
First Steps or Words (Fluff)
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: I’m not fully sure what you mean with toddlers just having learned to walk and talk, as kids typically take their first step or say their first word during the infant stage, but it could very well be my limited English that is getting in the way here😅 Anyway, in my internship I work with kids in the age group of 3 - 5, so I agree and disagree. Kids have a limited knowledge, both of themselves and their surroundings. Oftentimes they don’t think of how their actions can affect others, which is then my job to help them understand, and at the same time help them verbalize their emotions in a better way. But boy, sometimes the last thing you need is 4 year old that’s crying over something so simple as a toy, even though to them it's their whole world at that moment😭 Enough of that, time for some cute stuff💙❤️💜🧡
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Warnings: I already had baby fever before this, so I don’t know if you guys will get it too😭💚
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Never had Leo thought he would get to experience something like this. You and him in your shared bedroom, relaxing after a long day of working, with little baby Romeo smiling and giggling in the bed, kicking around in his little onesie. Your son had been a giggling delight all day, making all sorts of sounds from his play pen, almost distracting you, Leo and the first of the turtles in your work, building to extend the lair so that there would be space for your growing family.
Recently, Romeo had learned of a new sound to make, showing it off proudly with or  without a crowd to watch or hear him. Pressing his lips together with his tongue poking out, Romeo would blow out air, creating what sounded like a fart noise, with bubbles of spit forming where the air came out.
This was nothing new to you, having seen many human babies do things like that, either on the internet or in real life. You didn’t find it any less cute however, you had just known that Romeo would start doing it at some point. Leo however, was totally mesmerized. He had never seen nor heard a baby make noises like that, even though he watched hundreds of baby videos after the day he learned you were pregnant. But nothing prepared Leo for how fast it was going. In less than a year, Romeo had gotten from this little emobile green bean with big staring eyes, to this little bundle of loud noises and kicking limbs. Leo’s heart swelled, and as he watched Romeo kick around on your shared bed as you and Leo was cleaning up for the night, Leo couldn’t stop himself from hovering over your son, nuzzling his beak against his little stomach, causing the young boy to let out a high pitch scream of laughter. Leo lifted his head from Romeo’s stomach, looking down at his smiling son as he pressed his lips together around his tongue, kicking his legs as he made the noise he had been making for the last few days.
“Bbrrrrrrr”, Romeo let out, small bubbles forming around his mouth, making it impossible for Leo not to smile.
“Bbbrrrrrrrr”, Leo said back to your son, the small child laughing at his mimicking, reaching out for him, his small hands touching Leo’s face.
“Is daddy being silly?”, you asked in a baby voice, smiling with a chuckle as Romeo continued his small sounds, only for Leo to say them back to him. Romeo let out a high pitched shriek with a big smile, holding on to Leo’s face as his bright small eyes started at him. You wouldn’t help but smile as you watched the two of them, feeling warm throughout your body. It was wonderful to see Leo be so calm and loose around his child. He was truly at peace. “I think daddy’s being silly”, you teased, causing Leo to poke his tongue out at you as Romeo rambled on.
“No, daddy is having fun”, he said, turning his attention back towards the rambling Romeo.
“Brrrr, ba, babababa, dadadadada”.
You and Leo stared at each other in shock. Did you hear right? Did Romeo just say what you thought he said? All of your questions were soon answered when Romeo reached out for Leo once more, continuing his newly learned word.
“That’s right!”, Leo exclaimed, picking up the happily screaming Romeo. “I’m dada! I’m your dada! Did you hear that mama?! He said dada!”
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There was nothing more entertaining than watching Joan crawl around the floor, trying to get from one place to another, closely following behind either you or Raph as you walked around the lair. With her small arms and legs and what you could only describe as a happy battle cry, she tried to keep you the best she could, soon gaining very strong leg muscles that could push her around the floor with ease. It was just a matter of time before she would start walking, and Raph was more than ready for that.
Everyday, Raph watched Joan intently, waiting for the moment she would start walking around on her small legs. He was fully intended to see her first steps, especially after having heard Leo complain more than once that he wasn’t home to watch his own son’s first steps. Raph wouldn’t make the same mistake. He would be there with a front row view when his first born started walking. But so far, she had only been crawling or sitting on her but, screaming loudly before following people around.
But Raph never once gave up hope, continuing to watch Joan each and every day, for the moment she would start carrying herself around on only two limbs. Which was one of the many reasons why he now sat on your shared bedroom floor on Joan’s playmate, with the young child between his legs, hoping that she would support herself on him and start walking. You sat on the bed, watching them with a smile, feeling your heart swell as Raph baby talked with your daughter.
You could have stayed there and watched them for hours, had your parents not called, asking about the next time they could come and visit you and Raph, and see their adorable little granddaughter. Therefore you stood up with your mother on the phone, heading towards the living area, in order to hear the other turtles and their partners, if they were okay with your parents coming over that following weekend.
And just like any other time, when either you or Raph stood up around little Joan, she looked in your direction, let out a high pitch sound before following you, supporting herself on Raph’s legs. Raph held his breath, waiting for the moment Joan would let go, and follow without anything supporting her. But as soon as she let go of Raph, she fell to her knees and started crawling for the door.
Raph chuckled, only slightly disappointed that Joan didn’t walk, but highly amused by her determination. “Don’t worry sweetpea”, he said. “Mommy will be back in just a moment”.
Joan sat back on her butt, looking at Raph for a moment with her fingers in her mouth, before she let out another sound, crawling back towards him. Or that was what Raph thought she was going to do. As she placed her hands on the ground, just like she usually did when she crawled, she did not start to move forward. Instead she used them to push herself off the ground, before wopling on her own two feet.
Raph let out the biggest shriek you had never heard, making you stop and turn in the living area, your mother still on the phone. Flailing around on the ground with his arms open, as if to tell her to come to him, Raph called out for you. “Babe! She’s walking! (Y/N)! She’s walking!”
You almost fell back into the room at the sound of Raph’s shriek, almost forgetting about your mother on the phone, not hearing her concerned questions, fearing that the roof was falling down on top of Raph and Joan. So did you for a moment, not registering the words Raph had yelled, but the sight of Joan taking small hesitant steps towards Raph was almost enough to make you fall to your knees with your arms open as well.
“Mom!”, you yelled into the phone, turning on the camera so she could follow along. “She’s walking! Joan’s walking!”, you continued to yell, capturing the moment Joan walked straight into Raph’s arms with a bright smile.
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Have you ever seen a baby get mad, when they can’t do the things people around them can? Well, that was Galileo when it came to walking. Watching his parents, uncles, ants, grandparents and cousins walk, while he was stuck on the floor was enough to make him angry, supporting himself on everything, trying his best to walk on his own. But it was the same story every time. As soon as Gali let go of whatever he was holding onto, he fell to the ground with a sad and angry expression. He wanted to walk!
You and Donnie did your best, lending him a helping hand whenever he wanted to walk, feeling pure happiness when you saw the big smile upon his face and heard his loud happy noises. But there were times where you couldn’t help him, or walk him in circles around the living area for hours. But Gali wanted that. He wanted to walk so bad, almost to the point where he got hysterical when he was tired. So you and Donnie did what you could do and helped him practice, enjoying his laughter and smile and how it brightened your world up.
One day, you and Donnie found yourselves sitting in the middle of the living area, sitting on the floor in front of each other with your legs out scratched. You held Gali’s hands in yours, his infectious laughter making both you and Donnie break out in bright smiles as you watched your son stand on his wobbly legs, holding onto you in order to stay up.
“Come on, Gali”, you said, fighting not to break into another fit of laughter. “Go over to daddy”.
You slowly guided Gali forward with the help of your arms, Gali laughing all the way, even as Donnie took his hands from yours, helping him all the way into his embrace.
“Hey, big boy!”, Donnie smiled, causing Gali to throw his head back in further laughter. It was adorable. Donnie held Gali close in a hug, looking at his hysterically laughing son, taking off his own glasses in order to rub his eyes, that had glossed over in tears due to his own laughter. “I’ll never get enough of this!”
“Imagine how much he will laugh when he can walk on his own”, you said, massaging your cheeks as they started to hurt from all that laughing.
“I can’t wait to find out”, Donnie said, turning Gali back towards you, holding him by the sides. Still smiling wide, Gali looked back over his shoulder, smiling at Donnie, a little bit of drool running from the side of his mouth. “Go to mommy, Gali. It’s mommy’s turn”.
Gali started laughing again, his legs giving out under him, letting him fall down into Donnie’s lap. However Gali kept laughing, causing Donnie to hide his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking from his own chuckles.
Gali stopped laughing, and grabbed onto Donnie’s arm, pulling himself up on his feet. Donnie quickly recovered, ready to hold on to his son once more, only to find that Gali had already taken a few steps away from him, still holding onto his arm. And then Gali let go. Both you and Donnie expected him to fall to the ground, followed by loud crying, but that did not happen. Instead Gali continued to walk towards you, laughing and screaming happily as he did so, before almost falling into your arms, you and Donnie staring at each other in shock.
“Gali’s walking!”, Donnie exclaimed, as if he did not fully believe it.
“He is”, you said, letting go of your young son, only for him to walk back to Donnie with more happy screaming.
“You’re walking!”, Donnie yelled excitedly, lifting Gali up for a bear hug, the young boy screaming and laughing all the way.
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Nothing could beat mornings like this. You and Mikey in the kitchen with Sunny in her high chair, eating alone together before the rest of the family woke up. Who would have thought that you and Mikey ever would become morning people? Well, neither you nor Mikey, but then you gave birth to a daughter that tended to rise with the sun every day, and there was nothing that would make her go back to sleep. But both of you had to admit it was nice, sitting just you three in the kitchen, engaging Sunny in small conversation, her small sounds and her finger that kept pointing everywhere with curiosity, without the rest of the family around. It wasn’t because you didn’t want the others around, no not all, but because when Mikey’s brothers and their partners woke up, then so did their toddlers. And as much as you loved your nephews and niece, it was nice with some time only for your little family, enjoying your early breakfast together.
Once all of you had finished eating, you would stay in the kitchen for a moment, waiting for the rest of the lair to wake up. During those moments, Mikey tended to take Sunny out of her highchair and set her on his lap, letting her play with his hands, the tails of his bandana, or whatever caught her wandering attention that morning. And today it was his thumb, her small fingers holding onto it as she made all the sounds she could think of.
“Mmmmm”, Sunny hummed, her small hands grabbing onto Mikey’s thumb, before putting it into her mouth with a small grin. “Mmmmmm”.
“Do you think she’s about to say her first word?”, Mikey asked, wiggling his thumb a little, making Sunny giggle. “I think she’ll say her first word today”.
“Yesterday you thought she was going to say her first word”, you smiled, chuckling at the drool that dripped from her mouth.
“Mmmmmm”, she continued, her bright blue eyes looking up at her father.
“What’s that?”, he asked, bouncing his leg slightly, making her giggle once again. “Are you about to say mommy?”
You rolled your eyes. For the past few weeks, Mikey had tried and tried his best, wanting Sunny’s first words to be your parental title. And why exactly? Well, because Mikey thought you deserved it. You gave birth to her, so at least her first words could be mommy.
“Mikey, she isn’t going to say mommy”, you said with a smile, shaking your head at your husband.
“Bet”, Mikey said, lifting Sunny up so that she was standing on his thigh with both his hands under her arms. “Come on, Sunshine, say mommy”.
“Mikey”, you said in a teasing warning.
“Mmmmmm”, Sunny continued.
“Nono babe, she almost got it”, he said, his eyes never leaving her small face. “Come on, Sunny, say mommy. I know you can do it”.
“Mmmmm”, she said one more time, and then, suddenly. “Mikey!”
Mikey stared at Sunny in confusion while you broke out in laughter, Sunny giggling in the way she always did.
“No, no, Sunshine”, Mikey said with a chuckle of disbelief. “I’m daddy, not Mikey”.
“Mikey!”, she said with a big and bright smile, giggling even more at his confused expression. This was definitely not what he had expected, nor did he fully know how to react. But for a long time afterwards, no one was allowed to call him Mikey, until Sunny started calling him daddy.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 months
If you have any spots open for request stories, I would like to request little!reader x Sibby/big brother! JJ X caregiver John B where they go to the aquarium. Maybe the little!reader is autistic and hyperfixates on marine biology specifically sharks.
🐛 have a good day 🐛
˚. ❝₊˚ aquarium ❞ ˚₊·
» john b routledge x jj maybank x reader
» a/n: I don’t know much about sharks so this is just facts I stole off chloé hayden’s tiktok that you can find here (sry I am a chloé fangirl & also she’s autistic so !!! yay autistic hyperfixation sharing!)
» warnings: classification au, autistic!reader, pet names
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John B smiles watching you and Jj bound hand-in-hand into the aquariums entrance, already having gone through bag checks and getting your tickets hole punched. It’s still early enough in the morning that the crowd is small, a few eager littles with their caregivers peeking into tanks of fish and some parents holding their kids up to see the touch-tank of animals near the entrance.
“John B! C’mon!” Jj calls out, louder than anyone else in the place, and you giggle beside him. John B takes the hint and starts to jog up to where the two of you stand near a tank of turtles.
“We gotta get a pic for Kie!” You exclaim with a pull on John B’s pant leg, he nods and quickly reaches to grab the polaroid camera Sarah let you guys take to the aquarium to capture moments, alongside John B’s phone camera of course.
“Okay, you two smile.” Jj hauls you into his side with a massive grin that you easily mirror. This trip has been in the works for nearly two months now, trying to plan around the new school year, job schedules, etc, has been difficult but you finally did it. You’re all here.
“Let’s start exploring, we can take some more pictures.”
Eventually you all end up in front of the massive tank of sharks, it’s bigger than all the other tanks, stock full of sharks that look to be having a ‘rad time’ according to Jj in his tween headspace. It’s easily your favorite part of being at the aquarium, kneeling on the wood bench to stare up at where the sharks swim around.
“Like what you see bug?” John B places a gentle hand on your back, glancing behind his shoulder for a moment to check that Jj is still occupying himself with the hand sanitizer dispenser on the wall. He should probably stop Jj, but, he’ll get to it in a minute.
“Yeah, but they don’t have my favorite one.” You’ll still never get over seeing this many sharks this up close, but it’s always been a dream of yours to see your favorite species of shark in person.
“Which one’s your favorite?” John B already knows the answer, because of course he does, he’s your caregiver and has listened to you ramble about sharks plenty of times- but he likes the way your eyes light up at the opportunity to talk about your hyperfixation.
“The basking shark! It’s so big John B, like, this big!” You outstretch your arms dramatically as John B nods along with a grin.
“That’s pretty big.” You nod excitedly, shifting to sit back against your calf’s and turning to face John B head on.
“Mm, the biggest! But they’re really nice, they have little throats so they only eat plankton and small stuff like that. And- and there’s a video of them breaching like dolphins do which is so cool!” Just as you’re about to demonstrate what breaching is to John B with your hands, Jj comes barreling into your side and his hands instantly reach to wipe globs of hand sanitizer onto your arms.
“Ew Jj!” You squeal and climb into John B’s lap as Jj laughs across from you.
“Jj how many times do I have to tell you not to wipe things onto other people?” He shrugs, swiping the rest of the hand sanitizer onto John B’s shorts, leaving behind a wet streak that’s dark against the khaki colored material.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” A smaller coral shark swims by Jj’s face when he turns to stare into the tank, making a small noise of amazement at the creatures in front of him.
“Sharks. They’re so cool, right?” Confident you won’t get any other substances wiped onto you, you climb off of John B to settle next to Jj and peer up into the tank with him.
“So sick.” He mumbles in agreement.
John B takes the moment to step back from the bench and snap a photo of the two of you from behind. He knows he’ll get this one framed when he gets home, and he’ll keep the polaroid version in his wallet until Sarah inevitably steals it from him for her own collection.
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britt-kageryuu · 4 months
It's kinda Stupidly Late into the night, and Leo decided since sleep is not his friend tonight, he'll stream to any fans that might also be also awake at this time. Apparently there were quite a few people watching, though many might be in Europe or Asia for all he knows. River and Shelldon were charging so no one was really moderating the stream or chat.
His model is in royal blue sweatpants with subtle Hamato Clan symbols as a pattern, a loose white tank top with a cartoony trans pride turtle graphic, his long tailed mask, and bunny slippers that had their ears tied with blue ribbons, and little felt swords on the sides.
He's laying on a huge multicolored beanbag chair that was made to hold Raph, and the background was set to a light blue tye dyed starry void. With sparkles!!
"I sometimes wonder how worth it, it would be to just be a normal turtle just swimming in a pond somewhere, probably annoying the other turtle species, maybe bask on the back of one of Dees' distant cousins, until they try to eat me." Leo rambles while staring at the ceiling. "If I would even care about anything else? Not care about my family... now I'm just making myself depressed. Gotta remember that as a normal turtle I wouldn't be able to be with my Bunny Boy." He let's out a sigh, and kicks his feet a bit, then lifts his legs, and stares at his slippers while wiggling his feet.
Chat is filled with random spam of emojis, hearts, random messages that just get lost right as they pop up. Though an ad for Grandma CJs Bakery pops up with a note about international delivery.
Leo turns his head to the side, and drops his legs back down. A few seconds later Donnies model in just his purple hoodie, purple socks, and black shorts, walks into the scene before just flopping onto the beanbag on his plastron next to Leo, letting out a noise that was a cross between a groan and a hiss. His rear end is unintentionally facing the camera, and his tail seen drooping across his legs.
"What brings you to the studio at this dreadful hour mi hermano?" Leo asks while trying to sit up, though it's a bit hard with the beanbag, and his brother on the other side of said beanbag.
Donnie lifts his head to look at Leo with a slight glare that loses some of the effect without his mask with his eyebrows. "If you must know. I had a dream I was getting married to someone, but every time I looked at the other person, they kept turning into someone different." He looks more disturbing as he talks, "Then they turned into Dad in a skimpy wedding dress!!! I ran away, crashed into Ke- someone also in a wedding dress, then woke up after falling out of bed." He then tries to bury his head in the beanbag while letting out another odd sound.
Leo just stars at Donnie while his face cycles through a few emotions just processing what he just heard. He then leans off to the side reaching for something while trying to not get up. He pulls himself back with a couple things not mapped to a model in his hands.
"Would you like to look at random memes while drinking your favorite drink, or do you want to continue trying to smother yourself out of despair?" He offers, while lifting what is apparently a tablet, and drink containers.
Donnie quickly grabs the drink and has a hard time turning over, but makes it, and leans onto Leo who looks up something on the tablet.
They spend then next number of hours reacting to various memes that the viewers don't get to see, though they could kinda hear some of the audio when they switch over to video meme compilations. They laugh, cringe, and have weird looks while watching. Occasionally one of them gets up to get more drinks, or head to the bathroom.
Though at an early hour probably close to 6-7 Mikey comes in with a slightly disappointed look and askes what they want for breakfast. The stream ends shortly after.
I was going to have Leo call Donnie 'My Purple Twin' in Spanish, but Google translate would give me different ways to write/say it depending on how I asked it.
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toomanysurveys9 · 1 year
This time last year, what was happening in your life? This time last year, I was on “summer break” from work for the week, just like I am this year, but I am pretty sure I stayed home last year. This year we are in Florida.  Did you/will you have coffee or some other form of caffeine today? I have not had coffee or caffeine today, but I probably will at some point.
Who did you last have a text conversation with and what was it about? Uh, probably in our family chat... talking about Florida and asking how things were going at home.
Are there regular trains in and out of your town/city? I think so.
Do you bathe your pets regularly? I do not.
Do you have a mailbox or do you collect your mail from the post office? We have a mailbox.
What was the last animal you saw, and was it a pet? It was a teeny, tiny lizard, and it was not a pet.
Have you ever had an ear infection? So many.
If you could watch any TV series right now, what would it be? I kind of started watching Jane the Virgin and Supernatural again.
Would you have any clue when your best friend last got their hair cut? Nope.
Someone messages you just as you’re about to go to sleep. Do you reply? Depends who it is and what it is about.
Do you grind your teeth, and if so, why do you do it? Not that I know of.
Have you ever been hospitalized due to dehydration? I don’t think so, no.
Is there anything you need to remember to do before the day ends? Not today. I’m on vacation.
When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it? I blast it. For sure. Unless my kiddos are with me. Then I usually have a lot more quiet and/or leave one in and one out.
What’s your favorite online radio site? I don’t know. I use Pandora a lot if that counts.
Do your parents have any authority over who you date? Nope. I’m going to be 30 this year. I’m married though.
How many different shades of nail polish do you have? None.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? I haven’t actually had breakfast. I ate a few grapes though.
Are you lucky enough to have an ice maker in your refrigerator door? I’m not sure we are lucky because of it, but ours does have one in it.
Are you the type to wake up before the sun has even risen? Only when I have to.
Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish? I have not.
Do you feel the need to rant about anything right now? If so, go for it. I actually don’t right now.
Do you have a favorite towel? What color is it? I just bought a new one. It’s blues and greens and has a sea turtle on it and I only paid $7 for it.
Have you seen any films with Judy Garland in them?: I have.
How did you feel when you woke up today? Why? Tired. We’ve been sleeping in a bit more than we do at home, but we didn’t get any sleep Saturday morning (we maybe slept from 2-4 AM after driving nonstop from 3 PM) and then kept driving from 5:30 AM until we got to the house we’re staying at about 9 PM Saturday night (there were some food and gas stops in there).
Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? Our family group chat.
When was the last time you saw them? Some of them are with us now, some are at home and I have not seen them since this past Friday.
Do you have a friend named Nick? What’s his favourite food? My brother-in-law is named Nick. I don’t really know what his favorite food is though.
What are you listening to? Rose and Nora have YouTube videos playing and Lilli is watching SpongeBob Squarepants.
What year are you/did you graduate? BA was in 2016. I’ll be getting my master’s degree soon (I hope).
Are you obsessed with anything? A Court of Thorn and Roses series. I love it so much. Lol.
Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? Lately, I think I prefer waffles.
Do you prefer non-diet or diet soda? Non-diet.
Do you like seafood? I do not.
Are you craving anything right now? An ocean water from Sonic OR Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets.
Do you dress appropriately for your age? Yeah, I would say so.
If McDonald’s sold hot dogs, would you buy them? Absolutely not.
How long is your hair? It’s varying lengths.
Do you like your neighbors? I don’t think the neighbors to our right like us much. I don’t mind the neighbors to our left except they let their kids into our yard to play with our toys all the time and they don’t always clean up after themselves. Our neighbor across the street is nice.
What’s your school motto? I honestly don’t know.
Has a bird ever flown into your window? It did once. Speaking of birds flying into windows.... Wyatt ran straight into the backdoor last night. It could have been SO BAD but the glass is evidently very strong.
Which word did you say first, mama or dada? I don’t know. I think my mom has said “dada” was my first word.
How old were you when you learned to walk? I have no idea.
What was your first pet’s name? Rocket.
How many kids were in your class in kindergarten? I don’t remember.
Who was your best friend in elementary? Leslie, Julye, and Ariel.
Who was the best athlete in your freshman class? No idea. That wasn’t the people I hung out with.
What teacher did all the high school boys/girls have a crush on? I don’t know. If there was one, it was probably Mr. Sabo.
Where do you see yourself in a year? Hopefully almost done with my master’s degree.
If you were able to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Oh man, so many things I want to change... but I would love to change my body. I hate it.
Are you content just blending in with the crowd? Yeah, I think so.
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hoony-parker · 2 years
Hiii!! I was wondering if you could do a Steve x reader which is based of the lyric “as long as I’m here, no one can hurt you” where the reader is going through something and Steve is there to help her?? xoxo
a/n: i loved this, anon 😭❤️‍🩹 also, i changed the "no one" for "nothing" for the sake of the context bahaha. enjoy! <3
btw, the dreams i mention were actually dreams i've had lmao
warnings: none, ig? fluff and angst, not proofread (oops)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
w/c: 1.9k (i just couldn't stop i'm so sorry)
steve could see right through you.
and he was very proud to say that he was the only person that knew you so well. of course that didn't come easily. he's had years of practice.
it came with being your best friend since you were sixteen, up until now, at nineteen years old, and now your friendship's developed into something more.
in reality, though, steve firmly believed he had some sort of gift when it came to you. he could almost feel whatever mood you were in radiating from your body and flying towards him.
it was like, apart from the cedar and apple scent he smelled on you every time you were near him, god, that intoxicating scent of yours, he could smell the mood you were in at that exact moment. and he'd swear to robin that no, it wasn't as creepy as he made it sound.
he really did believe he could tell when you weren't feeling your best. and it actually helped him make you feel better without having you tell him what's happening inside of that pretty head of yours, because he knows damn well you wouldn't tell him a thing.
he'd buy you flowers, offer to give you a massage, or even bring your favourite corny rom-com from family video to watch with you. no matter how much he hated the movie, he'd learn to love it with how many times you've made him watch it.
but, today, you were giving steve the silent treatment. not a single word heard from you since you've last spoken through the phone yesterday, and he couldn't help the little tingle he felt in his upper arms, the limbs growing numb in worry. he couldn't even explain the feeling.
last night you sounded just fine during your usual late-night phone call. should he have paid more attention to you? your tone? if you've spoken less than usual? how many pet names you've told him through the phone?
had he done something to upset you? 'cause, as good as steve was reading your expressions and your mood, he really had no idea what was going on with you.
so he drove directly to your house after his shift at work ended, grabbing the little ceramic turtle that laid beside your front door, a big, white-pearl smile on its lips that freaked steve out every single time, and was quick to grab the spare key that was hidden beneath, shuddering when he placed the small, greenish figure back down, and the brown eyed could have sworn he saw the damned frog's eyes following his moves.
he gave it a glare, opening the door carefully as not to make any noise in case you were sleeping, closing it behind him and locked it with the key, letting the key chain swing shortly, and took his shoes off and laid them under the coat rack next to the door.
your parents weren't home— something about an anniversary trip, he recalled you telling him— so he relaxed that he didn't have to deal with your dad interrogating him about what he had planned for the rest of his life with that stern look of his that made the little hairs in steve's arms raise. yeah, your father could be quite intimidating when he wanted to.
he climbed up the stairs, sock-clad feet barely making any noise against the wooden floor of your home, and he just begged to remember correctly which stairs squeaked so he could avoid them; you've always been a light sleeper.
he reached your room, your door completely closed, wich made steve frown. you never usually closed your door completely if there wasn't anyone home at all, and he was almost certain that you knew that you were home alone.
he softly turned the doorknob, pushing the door open, frown deepening when he found the curtains closed and a big lump under your covers.
steve walked towards your bed, sitting on the edge and put a hand over your sheet-covered body. "y/n's not here," your voice sounded muffled from under the covers. "leave a message after the sound."
steve chuckled. "how did you know it was me?" he asked. "it could have been a murderer, for all you know."
"saw your car from the window," you explained. "and i really doubt that freddy krueger has a 1981 BMW."
"hey, don't judge a book by its cover. the dude's a serial killer during the night, but he could be a car lover during the day," he said. "you're right. sorry for supposing," you said, still hiding under the covers.
he rubber your back, staying silent for a couple of seconds before speaking up. "were you sleeping? did i wake you?"
he saw your head moving repeatedly under the fabric, and he could only assume it was a shake of your head. "nuh-uh. woke up a while ago, though," you informed him, and he smiled rather sympathetically at the lack of energy in your voice.
he nodded in understanding, although you couldn't see him. "in a scale from one to ten, how weird was your dream?"
these were usually the kinds of conversations you had. you had the craziest dreams, and would always tell him what they were about. from you being a superhero fighting a gigantic blowfish that was attacking the earth, to buying weapons from your favourite rock star during a zombie apocalypse.
after learning this from you, he'd always ask you, on a scale from one to ten, just how weird your dream had been after a long nap you had taken. this time, though, his little, hopeful smile faltered when you stayed silent.
"sweetheart?" he asked, grabbing the edge of the covers. "can i see you?"
you didn't answer, and steve took the silence as a yes and uncovered you. you were curled up in a ball, laying in your pijamas and his sweatshirt covering your upper half. he looked quickly up to your face, noticing your exhausted look and the dark circles under your eyes. "angel," he cooed, laying down next to you.
you buried your face further into your pillow, bottom lip quivering and you had to bite it to stop shaking, your eyes squeezed shut.
steve took one of your hands, noticing how both of them were curled into fists, something he'd noticed you did whenever you felt anxiety. from the strength of your grip, after a while, your fingers would start aching, or you'd quite literally bury your fingernails into the palms of your hands. so, he took the hand that was resting agains the half of your body facing up, bringing it to his lips and placing soft kisses on your fingers and knuckles.
once he felt the tension leaving your hands a bit, he gently used his other hand to open your hand, massaging your fingers to help the ache in your muscles fade away. when he finished up with that hand, he pushed your shoulder carefully, signing you to lay on your back, so he'd have easier access to your other hand.
you obliged with a huff, opening your eyes to look at the ceiling. they were glazed over, steve noticed, filled with unshed tears that he determined to kiss away as soon as they fell.
he repeated his movements with your other hand, and he took both of your now relaxed limbs into his lap, pushing them together and rubbinf gently over the skin to replace the cold with a little warmth. "wanna talk about it?" he offered. you shook your head, turning to your side so you could hide your face in his lap.
steve accommodated, himself so you could lay more comfortably, and he run his fingers through your hair, sighing a little in concern. "don't feel like talkin' jus' yet," you told him, voice soft and vulnerable, and steve could feel his heart stuttering at the sound, at how small you sounded.
"that's okay," he said, combing his fingers through your hair, careful not to pull on any knots. he braided your hair, humming to a song he listened on the radio on his way to your house, and you even smiled a little at the sound.
steve hadn't noticed, though, busy working on your hair. you looked up from your spot on his lap, cheeks heating up at the mere sight of him.
even from down there, he looked so pretty— lips pursed and a gentle, almost non-existent crease in his brows in concentration as he continued to braid your hair with fine strands. they were a little messed up, some bumps and hairs out of place, but you appreciated the efforts nonetheless, heart swelling in affection.
you noticed he wasn't wearing the family video vest anymore. instead, he wore that yellow sweatshirt of his that you loved so much on him, and some blue, worn out jeans that sometimes hung too low on his hips and left little to the imagination as soon as he lifted his short from his body.
his hair looked tousled, and eyes almost as exhausted as you could only imagine looked yours, but you smiled at the sight anyway. he looked awfully pretty, and there was just something domestic about him taking care of you this way that left your head spinning, your mind dizzy and your heart fluttering.
he looked down, noticing your stare and your smile widened just slightly when you saw the tips of his ears turning a deep pink. steve smiled down at you, happy you found comfort in him and that he could lift your mood up at least a little bit, and he leaned down to give the tip of your nose a kiss that had you scrunching it up adorably, just the way that made steve want to grab you entirely and wrap himself around you under the covers and just stay there for the rest of eternity.
now you could feel a little more energy running up and down your body — it could've been the giddy feeling you had every time steve was around, too — but, either way, you sat up and quickly, without giving steve time to question your sudden motions, you sat on his lap, thighs wrapping firmly around his and, embracing him with a little more force than you had meant to, you accidently brought the two of you down to the mattress — not that steve was complaining at all.
he chuckled deeply, the vibrations of his voice resonating all the way to your chest, and you hugged him even tighter, face buried deep into the juncture of his neck. his arms wrapped all the way around your waist and back, big, calloused hands rubbing up and down your bag affectionaly. the warmth made you feel dizzy, and the way this man cared for you do deeply brought tears to your eyes, already emotional from your previous mood.
it seemed as if steve had noticed without even having to look properly into your face, the way you wrapped your arms tighter around his shoulders and how you nuzzled deeper into the skin of his neck had him bringing a hand to the back of your head, keeping you in place, where you hid and felt the safety you hadn't felt in the last couple of days.
he still hadn't gotten you to talk to him, but having you close and feeling safe with him wrapped around you was more than enough for now, and way more than he thought he was getting when he stepped into your home earlier that day. so, keeping this in mind, he hugged you closer, rolling the two of you to the side and bringing the duvet back on you, still caressing sweetly your hair.
he kissed your forehead a couple of times, lips moving against the skin as he spoke, the warmth of his breath spreading comfort to your body.
"as long as i'm here, nothing can hurt you."
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
Have you ever seen those "dad reflexes" videos? With dads like swooping their kids out of the path of cars, bikes, animals- or doing lightening quick lunges to keep them from falling off tables and chairs and docks &stuff? I feel like I can absolutely see witcher dads just doing that. Like full on across the room one moment and then catching their falling kid the next. Or tuck n' rolling them out of the way of hourses and carts. Or doing the "foot-scoop" when their hands are full.
A/N: This has been in my ask box for a long time and I am so so glad that I finally could get around to finishing it!! We haven’t had any dad!witcher content and I’m positive this is just what I needed :) Here is my masterlist for more dad!witcher content and here is where to go if you’d like to be on any of my taglists!
Today was one of those rare days that you had the chance to relax with your husband and daughter. 
Lambert was finally back from a three week long hunting trip with Eskel, and the first thing that Eva suggested to do was have a picnic down by the lake. 
You and Eva couldn’t travel alone beyond the walls of the keep. Not only was Lambert very against the idea of the two loves of his life being without him in the woods, but also the Blue Mountains were dangerous. Forktails and wyverns had a knack for moving into the wooded mountains, and nekkers and drowners had been known to wander around. 
The young witcher didn’t like the idea of taking you both down to the lake, but it was hard to say no to Eva. When she was adamant on getting what she wanted, she knew how to play her cards right even at the tender age of four. 
So now you three were on the dock down at the lake. You sat leaning against Lambert’s shoulder, listening to Eva rant about how Vesemir told her unicorns weren’t real. Lambert was watching her like a hawk, yellow eyes never leaving her as she moved around the dock. It was difficult to get her to stay still sometimes. 
“It’s so good to have you back.” You murmured quietly, turning your head to look at the witcher.
He tore his eyes away from her, finding your gaze and offering you a smile. 
“It’s good to be back.” He leaned forward to kiss you.
At the same time, he felt the boards on the dock move ever so slightly. She curiously moved towards the edge of the dock, spotting a turtle surface on the water. 
Eva knelt down at the edge and leaned over.
“Mommy, look!” 
She leaned over too much and lost her balance. Before she could fall head first into the water, Lambert caught her ankle, pulling away from you to focus on her. 
“Eva!” You gasped, realizing what had almost happened. 
Lambert pulled her up onto the dock and laid her down on her back.
“Eva, you can’t do that!” Lambert couldn’t help but raise his voice a little. 
Eva giggled, sitting up and crawling over to the edge of the dock to look at the turtle. 
You put your hand on Lambert’s arm, squeezing softly. 
“She’s okay.” You told him, taking a steady deep breath.
“I swear, she’s going to give me a heart attack.” He mumbled. 
Eva watched the turtle for a few more moments before it disappeared beneath the dock they were on. Then she stood up and turned to face Lambert, looking up at him silently. 
“What do you want?” He scowled, somewhat irritated that she had made him worry so much. 
She grinned mischievously and started to run towards him. He caught her in his arms and threw her into the air, the irritation dissolving as her giggles and squeals filled the air. Her delighted laughter made you smile.
“I think it’s time to go home.” You said, and Lambert agreed.
“Daddy, put me on your shoulders!” Eva squealed. 
“Okay, okay. Hold on a second.” 
Lambert placed Eva on her feet and then turned her around so her back was to him. From there, he could grab her by her hips and lift her up onto his shoulders. 
“You ready, princess?” He asked her, looking up as best as he could. 
She giggled and fisted her fingers in his hair. 
“Little monster.” Lambert muttered, wincing when she pulled on the strands too hard. 
You stuck close to Lambert, your arm wrapped around his as you started up the mountain. 
Eskel’s grip on your hand tightly a little as you moved through the market. It was busy and crowded, but you did your best to navigate through the swarms of people. Eskel held Nadia on his hip. The curious little toddler enjoyed all of the sights and sounds.
Usually you came to the market on your own or just with Nadia. The quiet witcher did not like the noise or being so close to so many people. But today, he decided to go with you. 
“You deal with…. this every time?” Eskel asked. 
“Yes.” You nodded, smiling softly as you looked over to him. “I quite like it.”
“I don’t.”
“I know.” You squeezed his hand. “I appreciate you coming with us today.”
“Had to get out of the house for a few.” His eyes followed everyone who walked too closely. “But now I’m sort of regretting it to be honest.”
“You can go back home, love. Nadia and I won’t be much longer.”
“No. I’ll stay.” He sighed.
“Down, daddy!” Nadia squealed, tugging on Eskel’s shirt. 
He placed her on her feet and settled with holding her hand. He had to slow down in order to walk at her pace, but he didn’t mind. 
“Go on ahead, doll.” He told you. “We’ll catch up with you later.”
“Are you sure?” You asked him, tilting your head to the side a little as you smiled down at your daughter. 
“Positive.” Eskel put his hand on your arm and kissed your cheek. 
You kissed him back and then leaned down to kiss Nadia’s head.
“I love you.”
“Love you.” She giggled. 
Eskel watched you disappear through the crowd, his thumb rubbing over Nadia’s little knuckles. 
“Daddy!” Nadia jumped up and down excitedly. He looked down to her, a little smile coming to his scarred lips. 
Beneath his boots, the ground trembled. His ears picked up a noise, heavy breathing and hooves against dirt. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a brown figure moving towards him and his daughter. A donkey was running straight for them. 
At the very last second, Eskel snatched Nadia up by her wrist, pulling her into his chest. Eskel’s other arm came up to wrap around her, holding her in the safety of his arms. 
Her hands clutched his tunic, pulling at the dark red material. 
Eskel could hear her heart racing, becoming frantic as she watched the donkey dart past. 
“You okay, love?” Eskel rubbed her back, pressing a firm kiss to her head.
“Daddy!” She wailed and tucked her nose into his neck, tears springing from nowhere and trailing down her cheeks. 
“It’s okay, Nadia.” He rubbed her back. “You’re okay, baby.”
“Where did mommy go?” Her words were muffled but he could still understand her. 
“Let’s go find her.” Eskel suggested, feeling his own heart race. His hands felt a little shaky and he found the crowded street even more suffocating than before. With you no longer in his sight and Nadia almost being trampled, he needed something- someone -to calm him down.
The witcher followed your scent, finding you at a little stand that sold herbs. His hand found the small of your back. 
You turned your head, smiling softly at him. However, that smile didn’t last long. Seeing his brows furrowed and a frown prominent on his scarred features, you knew something had happened. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, turning to him. You placed your hand on Nadia’s back, praying she was okay. Her head rested against his shoulder and she clung to him for dear life. Not even five minutes ago when you left them, she was cheerful and smiling as she walked alongside her father. 
“There was a donkey.” Eskel explained quietly, turning his head to look at Nadia as best as he could. 
“Is she okay?” Your brows drew together and you moved around Eskel to get a look at her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut tightly and a little crinkle formed between her eyebrows. Her cheeks were red and tears dampened them. 
“She wasn’t hurt. I think it just spooked her. It ran past us. I got her before it could get to her.
“Nadia?” You brushed a few pieces of her hair back out of her face. 
She opened her eyes and reached out for you, her face scrunching up as she began to cry again. 
“Oh, my love.” You took her from Eskel, holding her tight to you. 
“I think it’s time we go home.” He said, his hand still on the small of your back. 
“I have a few more things I need to get.” You told Eskel, frowning. To go all the way home without what you came for would be a waste of the pretty weather. 
Eskel held your gaze for a few moments, trying to think of what to do.
“You’ll be okay here by yourself?”
“Yes.” You nodded your head. 
“Okay.” He let out a little breath and leaned down to kiss your cheek. “Be safe. We’ll see you at home.”
The White Wolf glanced up from the cards in his hand, eyes finding Lambert. The young wolf held Bram on his hip with one arm as he crossed the room.
“Why don’t you sit down, Lambert?”
“Because you don’t need to be walking around with the little one.” Eskel placed his cards down for a moment to take a drink of ale.
“I wouldn’t drop him.” Lambert rolled his eyes. He looked down at his nephew, bouncing up and down just a little. “Besides, Bram loves his favorite uncle.”
Eskel snorted. 
“You’d make me feel a lot more comfortable if you sat down, Lambert.” Geralt spoke up, keeping his gaze on his son. 
“And you’d make me feel a lot more comfortable if you weren’t staring at me right now.” Lambert rolled his eyes. 
Geralt muttered a few curses under his breath and looked at his cards. 
Lambert took a seat at the table across from his brothers. He placed Bram down on the edge of the table. The toddler was happy there, chewing on a couple of his fingers. 
“Please don’t tell me you’re going to leave him there, Lambert.” Eskel said. 
“He’s fine.” Lambert reached over for his tankard. “Who’s go is it?”
“Yours.” Geralt answered, eyes carefully watching Bram. 
The toddler didn’t seem panicked being sat on the edge of the table. His balance was fine and he was content. 
Geralt tried to relax. Lambert was right there and would stop anything from happening to Bram. 
Time passed and the toddler seemed to be having fun climbing off of the table and then running around to the other side to climb back onto the table. He’d pause to say something to one of his uncles or to Geralt and sometimes to steal a card one of them had. 
Bram developed a game of his own by doing this. He’d take a card from one of the witchers and give it to another.
But the little boy was getting too excited. He wasn’t watching where he was going as he walked across the table. He tripped over an empty tankard and would’ve fallen to the floor if Geralt had caught him. The White Wolf grabbed his son’s shirt, stopping the toddler from hitting the stone floor head first. 
Geralt was on his feet in a heartbeat, setting Bram down on the floor on his feet. Geralt knelt down to inspect Bram, making sure he was okay. 
“Shit.” Lambert cursed, standing up. He and Eskel both looked over their nephew, who just giggled and clapped his hands. 
Geralt pulled Bram’s shirt back into place and let out a heavy breath, rubbing his brow.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” Bram nodded, grinning mischievously. 
“You need to be more careful.” Geralt told him as he stood up. He watched Bram climb up onto the bench next to Eskel and sit there quietly. The fall must’ve spooked him a little. 
“Anything happens to him, Lambert, and I’m telling Y/N you let him walk on the table.”
“You what?” 
Geralt turned around to face you. You stood in the doorway, arms crossed as you looked at your husband.
“Er, hello…. dove.”
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @crazybutconfidentaf @runawayolives @she-wolfoftheinquisition @onlygeraltofrivia  
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Shinsou x Reader x Deku Zoo HC’s
Pairing: Poly ShinDeku x Reader/Shinsou x Reader x Izuku
Description: A day trip to the zoo with Reader!
Warnings: Established poly relationship, otherwise none. Maybe tooth rotting fluff.
A/N: First and foremost! Both boys and the Reader are in an established poly relationship, are Pro!Heroes, and are aged 21+. Bet y’all can’t guess where I went today lol. Today had hella Shinsou vibes, and of course I will forever love the green ball of sunshine that is Izuku Midoriya, so this happened. Enjoy!
A Day At The Zoo
-It’s so rare that the three of you ever end up with the same day off together, so most of the time you have to plan ahead if you want to have outings or adventures, the zoo included!
-It was Deku’s idea first. Well, not idea per se; he just suggested it in passing and you hopped on that train of thought so freaking fast! A whole day spent looking at cute animals with your cute boyfriends? Um, yes please!
-Shinsou had never been to the zoo before, so he didn’t really understand the hype at first. What exactly was the point in visiting animals other than cats? Especially when you can’t pet or hold them? But if it made you and Izuku happy, then who was he to say no?
-Izuku recommended a zoo that was a little bit farther away than your local one, but it had so much more than the typical barnyard animals at yours. He’d gone a few times himself for fundraisers and meetings but you and Shinsou had never been there before.
-So the three of you planned out a day in advance, took the day off from your respective places of work, and thus, the adventure began!
-You talked about it for weeks beforehand, right up until you were parked at the front gates. “Are you guys excited? Because I am SO excited! I’m gonna pet the goats, and the stingrays, and the sharks, and look at all the birds, and take so many pictures-!”
-The first thing you spot is the giant monarch butterfly chilling on the flowers outside of the front gates, so you already know it’s gonna be a good day. You already have your camera whipped out to take a pic.
-Izuku thinks it’s the cutest thing, and Shinsou is literally taking a picture of you taking a photo of the butterfly. The butterfly might be photogenic, but honestly, he thinks you’re the real work of art here.
-The three of you pay and no sooner than when the receipt was in Shinsou’s hand were you running off to the first exhibit, both boys trying to keep up with your pace so they didn’t lose you.
-The first exhibit had some arctic animals like polar bears and seals, which you watched for a while with a content smile on your face. The bears were up and playing around with a dented bucket and a huge rubber ball, and you got some really cool pictures of them. Izuku even managed to get a video of a seal gliding through their underwater tunnel.
-Once again Shinsou is taking pictures of you taking pictures of the animals, because he thinks it’s absolutely adorable. He has this little smirk on his face as he watches you from the camera lens. Although he has to admit, the polar bears are super cute. 
-You keep bouncing around from exhibit to exhibit. One moment the boys are watching the wolves with you, and the next, you’ve wandered over to the giraffes by yourself. Shinsou briefly wonders if they should invest in one of those backpacks with a leash for you.
-Eh, they can just use Izuku’s arms instead. At some point in the day, you’re not really sure when, Izuku just resulted in wrapping his arms around you and holding you while you’re looking at exhibits to keep you from running off. He likes to rest his chin on your head and listen to you gush about how cute the animals are.
-And when you’re walking from place to place, you can bet he’s immediately reaching for your hand to lace his fingers in yours. You end up in between him and Shinsou who also wants to hold hands with you.
-You point out all the animals, even the ones that aren’t a part of the zoo, and the boys think it’s endearing. “Awe, look at this dove over here in it’s nest! Isn’t it so cute!?”
-”Y/N, I don’t think-” He’s being good-natured about it and laughing because he finds it sweet, but Izuku can’t finish his sentence because Hitoshi is slapping a hand over his mouth.
-”Just let them be. It’s precious.”
-”Hello, Mr. Squirrel!” You probably name all of the local ducks and geese walking around, too.
-Eventually you guys make it to the aviary, and you start to explore all the bird exhibits.
-Shinsou, immediately: “It’s so loud in here.”
-Izuku seems to know little random bits of information on the birds, and really enjoys watching them fly around.
-”Shinsou,” you beg him, “can you take my picture next to this giant bird!?”
-He perks up a little after that. Also, he already took your picture. He’s super sneaky and really good at taking pics while you’re not looking. Some of the best photos he has of you and Izuku are candids he took without you knowing. Nothing terrible; they’re all literally still shots of your smiles, your eyes, or just of the two of you doing routine things. His whole camera roll is full of you and Izuku.
-After the birds, you come to the penguin exhibit.
-Penguins just so happen to be Izuku’s favorite animal at the zoo. He loves how they waddle around without a care in the world, and he thinks their black and white patterns are just so unique!
-Definitely embarrasses Shinsou by imitating the penguin walk. He’s a goofball with the two of you, you know he would! And you’re right there with him, following him around with your hands at your sides as you waddle behind him. 
-”I don’t know them,” Shinsou jokes with the people next to you. But he loves you both, you can tell by the way he’s smiling. He thinks it’s cute how the two of you act like this together...in a dorky way, but still.
-Finally, you guys get to the aquarium. The moment you step through the door, Shinsou is practically mesmerized by the fish. He’s never seen so many before; there’s so many colors and shapes and sizes...
-He feels peaceful while he’s watching them swim around.
-You like all the really weird fish. Izuku likes the tropical ones with all the crazy colors, and Shinsou...
-He loves the moon jellies. The second he stepped in front of that tank, he was gone. You and Izuku just watch him for a moment as he relaxes his shoulders and stares into purple tinted waters, totally serene and carefree.
-Izuku takes a 2 minute long video of him bc the moment is just so precious. RIP anyone else who wanted to look at the jellyfish today, bc Shinsou’s literally been there for like 10 minutes now
-Shinsou decides he really likes the zoo after that. Every other exhibit is much more enjoyable and he’s in such a better mood. Not that he was in a bad mood when he first got there, it’s just that he didn’t see the point in all of it at first. 
-Izuku also spends a while looking at the sea turtles, which happen to be his second favorite animal.
-You guys spent the most amount of time in the aquarium no thanks to Hitoshi, but you did manage to make it to the museum before it closed for the afternoon as well.
-Izu reads all the plaques out loud to the two of you and tells you all about the animals and displays. Some of them are interactive, and you can’t help yourself from pressing every single button and listening to the noises and information it gives you.
-There’s a section in the museum where you can pet stingrays. You had never done something like that before, and neither had the boys, so the three of you decided to give it a go.
-It was so soft.
-Stingrays feel like wet velvet, almost. 
-Izuku decides he’s done so he just ends up taking pictures of you and Shinsou. But soon you’re done too so you grab Hitoshi to leave, however-
-You and Izuku are walking away and suddenly: “Uh, Y/N? Wasn’t Shinsou with you?” “No, I thought he was with you?” “Where’s our boyfriend!?”
-You turn back around and he’s still there petting the stingrays. He’s SO fascinated, please don’t make him leave. He’s having the time of his life! It melts both of your rapidly beating hearts (you know, from the mini heart attack you had bc your other third was missing for a second).
-You both let him stay there for however long he wants, and when he reluctantly leaves (finally), you make your way to the giant gift shop at the end of the zoo.
-You guys buy so much stuff it’s not even funny. Partly because as Pros, you have the money to spend, and partly because you want to support the zoo so you can come back. They always appreciate business and donations.
-Speaking of donations, Izuku whips out his checkbook and makes a huge donation to a cause for sea turtles. The zoo is super thankful and you couldn’t be more proud. 
-You’re sure that if there was fund for jellyfish, Shinsou would be donating too.
-You all end up buying each other a plush of your fav animals; Izu gets a penguin, Shinsou gets a jellyfish, and you get your favorite animal too.
-You may or may not have bought a shirt as well... It has the zoo’s museum name on it along with some really cute animals.
-All in all a really great day! 
Bonus Content:
-Shinsou wants to book another trip as soon as you all are back home. He loves the zoo now and he wants to go, like, all of the time.
-You and Izu have caught him watching jellyfish videos on youtube on more than one occasion. He finds them relaxing and can’t wait to go see the real thing again.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Hi Goldy! I am curious about your take on how Jikook are edited in the behind the scenes clips since October (such as the ones for the Life Goes on music video, ABC Holiday Dynamite, and the Japan one (search on youtube for BTS japan shoot || behind the scene of Japan)). Do you think Jikook are interacting less, being just friends, being more professional, or is BigHit editing their interactions out? It just seems so different from the ones before Oct (FILA, Dynamite MV, Season's Greetings 2021)
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BigHit is doing what what now?😥
Do you mean that as a fact or theory?🤔
Why though?👀 They are not Tae Kook? 😥
There's Bangtan video of Jimin with his third leg dangling loose in the air somewhere on the internet, I don't think BigHit is that savvy.
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Lmho. I mean I see what you mean but they are editors and cutting is what they do for a living. But this is Jikook sis. I don't see BigHit's incentive for 'cutting' Jikook's moments and you shouldn't assume that-
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You don't think Jikook's been groping eachother homoerotically on set lately have you? Cos, chile I'll believe that! I don't trust Jikook anywhere near eachother's vicinity and personal space.
I've seen enough to traumatize the devil himself. Chilee. Lol.
Bighit, in recent times, mostly tend to cut scenes and moments if they are a bit risqué. Like JK shoving his butt in Jimin's groin face, sliding his hands down Tae's chest...
Often times too they cut moments if its redundant. If a part of a scene is already in the main content they don't bother showing it in the behind scenes. From my observation.
When an interaction is awkward they skip it too, I feel. I mean I am still waiting to see JK touching all over Jimin and feeling him up in Run 106- honey, I'll pay to watch that shit with my kidneys. Lol.
Often too they save some scenes for memories or some other shit that they use all those pent up footages for. Lol.
BigHit is a business, they produce content that per their research and analytics garners more engagement, audience retention and a whole other metrics. They put a lot of creativity into what they do as creatives and artists- I mean if the baby noises is anything to go by. Those bites are tired!
But often times too, they're tired and they're lazy, and they just put anything together and toss it out there without giving it much thought- isn't that how they leave Jin or Tae out of packages, how certain Jikook moments that should have never made it into screen time ended up in screen time- how JM's third leg made it to the internet? They should have cut that shit before uploading it with those subtitles and yet here we are.
I think people give BigHit too much credit- talking about JK shouldn't gay panic and run away from certain moments with JM if he knows BigHit editors are going to cut those moments.... JM's dixk begs to differ. Chilee, Jimin you should have just worn pants. Can't trust these phony ass editors my guy.
The editing is really not a big deal. Not to me. But I love your question anyway. Especially the bits about what's different about Jikook and the content BigHit has been putting out since October.
Well something sure did go down in October, I don't care what anybody says.
I keep saying BigHit banks on the bond and intimacy of the boys, and the boys are more than happy to showcase their bond for the cameras just as Tae said and confirmed in a recent interview- Tuktukkers y'all did an Oopsie on the whole Taekook don't like to show their bond on cameras! Lol
Tae said it himself not me- he lives to showcase his bond with the other members. *where is my skull head emoji. Lmho.
I think what has changed since JM's birthday in October to now, to me where BigHit is concerned, is the general marketing strategy of the company.
It seems to me the company is adopting a marketing module opposite of the strategy they had been using before the pandemic. I think I've talked about this though...
Hate to say I said it, but I said it. Lol.
They are limiting access to the boys to drive sales as and when. BTS dominates the internet and have amassed greater reach and attention partly due to the free content they put out on the internet. But those were never monitised- not in a direct or significant way.
In the wake of the virus, they've had to monetize their online presence. A single tweet from their Twitter account is a phone brand promotion as I pointed out in past posts. There's been an increase in their sponsorship collaborations, in Soop and many of the content they've put up this year. They even turned on ads on their YT channels it seems.
Like I've been saying, this situation is global and novel, they are going to experiment with means and methods till they find that sweet spot and that is what I feel we are experiencing- amongst other things.
Unfortunately for us, our access to Jikook is gonna take a hit like I said before because the numbers are in their favor. I mean go to their YouTube page and see the metrics for yourself.
Jikook's holiday remix pulls way ahead of their counterparts. If their going to monetize any ship brand in BTS it's Jikooks. Trust. But that doesn't mean any ship in BTS is spared.
Someone asked me a while back, when I talked about this, whether all these changes the company was going through was going to affect the way Jikook interact on camera and I couldn't answer that with conviction then.
But I mean we are seeing a subtle, if not drastic change in the way Jikook interact with eachother and with their glass closet.
What that means for us, I think, is the company is going to choose when and where to show us content and certain interactions but that doesn't mean Jikook aren't interacting- know what I mean? I mean they have them. The juicy moments that's gonna make us slap our mamas. BigHit has it all. They are just gonna save it for as and when based on their marketing strategy, if you know what I mean.
I mean we all saw that blackswan performance, we all saw the holiday remix performance etc.
And you are right about the less interactions post October and I've shared my thoughts on it so I won't go into it. But I will state again that they are not broken up either, not to me. Lol.
I think we need to examine what interacting less means. To me, I consider Jikook interacting less if they have an opportunity to interact and they don't interact in a way that is usual of them.
Majority of the content we've gotten in recent times are pretty much very official contents, interviews, etc. The entire BE era, as I said is not about Jikook or even BigHit.
It's about BTS, all seven and Jikook can't monopolize the shine like they tend to do in other BigHit marketed contents in my opinion.
Jimin tried to be funny and chill in the dynamite mv and RM nearly went ninja turtle on his ass when he called him out for not taking things seriously enough during the shoot- Left to grandpa Joonie, the kids will sleep at five. Lol.
Seriously though, there is a huge gap between what BTS views as marketing and marketable and what Jikook or even BigHit views as marketing, in my opinion. And conversations like that between RM and Jimin goes to prove it.
Another interesting thing about this whole marketing approach is how BigHit isn't substituting any other particular pair in Jikook's stead. I see them giving equal screan time to the individual members- well not in a technical sense but I think you know what I mean.
Are Jikook required to be professional in certain situations, absolutely. And in previous years, I think they took too many liberties with it. But as I said, now more than ever they are learning and need to learn to read the room because they wouldn't be able to get away with much if they don't.
BE is a self produced project, after Soop- after when they were isolated to help them bond and repair fractures in their bond. If there were anything they were not happy with that led to Soop, trust that they are going to fix it post Soop and it's going to reflect in every sphere of their interactions.
RM for example has chilled on his monitoring and censorship of Jikook, Jikook have been pretty considerate of the group and have tried not to do anything to have RM pop a vein, Tae has been stepping up too- with the members going out their way to praise him and push him to the fore front of the group unlike in previous years *cough cough I don't want trouble but chilee.
I mean Jimin pointed it out in the Be behind when he said Tae was working hard and putting his best foot forward because the members had been showering him with lots of compliments in recent times and he wasn't kidding.
In the LGO comeback live, RM praised Tae for working hard forgetting it wasn't just Tae and JM's reaction was telling. Of course he backpedaled to compliment JM too.
Suga did the same thing in the Be behind video when he was talking about JM and praising him- I mean it's Suga and his Jimin, uWu. But then he too backpedaled to compliment Tae when he realized what he was doing and I was like CAN SOMEONE PRAISE KOOKIE TOO PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Lol.
Anywho, the company is equally chilling on their Jikook agenda which I have speculated on several ttimes so won't get into- it's all so very kumbaya and God, I hate it. Lol.
Give me the chaos goddammit!
I feel Jlkook loosen up in contents that aren't like super official business moments and that's when you see their domesticity. Lol.
You see them having their me time in the background of some of the content, and in one of the interviews where they were sat a good feet apart but they kept moving closer and closer till eventually after their lunch break cut, they were sat very close to each other.
I'm not a fan of the cameras being shove in their faces during their private moments- Kookie certainly doesn't appreciate that either.
But they are working for a living nonetheless and making content is what they do for a living. So we are definitely gonna get the content from them alright, the fanservice, the organic moments passed off as fanservice, the moments that should never make it to screen- all nine. Lol.
We are just not going to get them in a way we are accustomed to. And it certainly doesn't help that they are each on their own personal growth journeys- gradually disconnecting from their fanbase, I mean Jk's been long gone duh, and Jimin did say he has come to the realization not everyone in the fandom loves him and he is learning to react less strongly to them; which to me translates as bye bitches you don't deserve me. Lol.
I mean dude didn't bother posting for new year this year- y'all Jimin is done with our ass. We might as well pack our bags and join him in Kookie's Casa. I call dibs on the broom closet under the stairs. Lol.
Jikook gets called fanservice and other creepy slurs in this fandom but people forget all of this is their choice too. They choose, are choosing to share all the bits of them they share with us, with us. Inspite of all the hate and insults, they choose to do that- if they did it for the fanservice don't you think they would have called a time out on it long ago because it's not worth it?
I hate it here.
I guess what I'm saying is, you are right about these observations you've made and some of the things you've pointed out are facts.
But we have talked about all of that so it really shouldn't be anything new? Kindly check my previous posts. I think I shared my point of view on what I think is going on with Jikook, BigHit and BTS.
Other than those, I don't think there is anything major up with Jikook honestly. I keep saying I don't think they are broken up. I don't see either of them closed off, emotionally open to connecting with the others.
If anything I said I feel Jimin is falling in love all over again with Kook. I mean when he looks at him he looks to me as if he is seeing Kook in a different light.
And it's funny how all through out 2020 he kept reiterating how his friends and family and relationships were important to him, shading the ef out of Kook during the Japan Stay Gold promos claiming his relationships were important to him and was what was Gold in his life.
He even went on to talk about picking an accent spending time around his friends and talking with his friends around his birthday but suddenly in the Be behind scenes he was talking about how he's come to the realization BTS is his only true friends and how friends come and go.
Clearly he's had an epiphany of a sort and has been through something post his birthday that has him setting his priorities straight in the aftermath.
In his Weverse magazine, he mentioned how he's recently discovered something about himself, about how he loves to be loved. He then went on to clarify that when during festa he talked about having a desire to perform with the members for a long that that he meant to say he wanted to be with them for a very long time.
But then JK said Jimin said that bit to him first. And if this is the interpretation Jimin is giving to that statement then- one plus one is two honey. Numbers don't lie.
Dude don whispered those sweet empty nothings in JK's ear telling him he wants to be with him for a very long time and shit.
And now homeboy out here setting up roots in gay boulevard. I don't think their well is drying up any time soon. Lol.
They are in a honeymoon phase again and they are not showing us. Stingy bastards! Lol
And when JK said to JM in response, that BTS is his home- wow. He really said that...
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He is Jimin's home. Literally. Please, my heartu😭
Jikook is real. Please support them.
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luverofralts · 3 years
Arkhelios University
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Roman closed his eyes, while Abe dug through the boxes still piled in Roman’s room.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen this guy before,” Abe noted, looking at a stuffed turtle.
Roman kissed Abe’s neck absentmindedly, his head still flooded with feelings. For once, the pull towards Abe was silent and probably would be for some unknown amount of time. Had the last time it restarted because they were arguing, or because a silent timer flipped back on? Either way, Roman was thoroughly happy to have a clear head for however long it lasted. Once the demonologists had an answer, maybe he could feel like this all the time.
“I think that’s something Wanda bought for Theo,” he answered. “I don’t think it was ever mine.”
”So, uh, you’re feeling more clearheaded, right? It’s not just me?” Abe turned to face Roman, searching his face for clues as to how he felt.
Roman nodded and kissed Abe for the first time in a long time just because he wanted to, and not because he needed to.
“Yeah, just like last time,” he confirmed. “Until Lucy barged in on us anyway.”
“Do you feel like you have an answer about how you feel about me?” Abe asked. “No pressure or anything. Just since we’re both thinking more rationally now.”
Roman thought about it, and hugged Abe closer to him.
“Well, I think that-”
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“It’s Lucy! Lucy’s in labour! She’s having a baby in the hall downstairs, you have to come!”
“Lucy?” Abe repeated with shock. “Lucy’s pregnant?”
That precious clarity started to evaporate from Abe’s mind, and the same wanton pulling towards Roman descended on him once more. Beside him, Roman groaned with frustration.
“You too?” Abe asked, already knowing the answer. Roman nodded, and stood up to make his unhappiness clear.
“Who the hell are you to come barging in unannounced to someone’s bedroom?” he demanded. “We were clearly busy and didn’t want to be disturbed.”
“But Lucy’s actually having a baby, right?” Abe added. “That’s actually happening?”
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“I know you,” Roman accused, staring angrily at the woman who’d interrupted them. “I’d know you anywhere. What a surprise to see you here snooping on me and Abe. I guess even dying can’t give you some tact.”
Abe was torn between the drama of Roman screaming at a mystery woman, and the drama of his sister giving birth downstairs to a baby no one had been expecting. Both were extremely tempting.
“Maybe you can yell at her downstairs,” Abe suggested. “You know, so we can also check on Lucy?”
Roman gave the red eyed woman the angriest glare Abe had ever seen from Roman, which was pretty impressive considering how many people he did glare at everyday.
“We’ll go check on Lucy,” he decided. “She’s not worth our time. I’ll talk to her later.”
The woman looked saddened by this choice, but not surprised.
“I’ll talk to you anytime you want,” she said dejectedly. “I just thought you’d want to know about Lucy, since no one else wanted to come up to tell you.”
Roman sighed, but followed Abe down the stairs in his underwear. They weren’t fooling anyone in Arkhelios, so why bother changing clothes? Everyone apparently knew what they’d been up to.
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The hallway was a busy mess of people, noise and towels. Most of Arkhhelios stood in shock at this unexpected drama, never once guessing that Lucy would steal the party like this.
“Abe! You’re about as dressed as I figured you’d be,” she joked, gritting her teeth in pain.
Adam was currently helping Lucy through her contractions as best he could, while Wanda, Hunter and Elaine surrounded her for moral support.
“Lucy?” Abe said cautiously, and his sister looked at him gratefully.
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Everyone turned to look at the two men who’d arrived late and barely dressed. Abe could feel every single eye judging him and Roman, but that didn’t matter. His sister was having a baby; who cared what people thought of him?
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There were only two people who weren’t watching either Lucy or Abe. Nathan and Nickolas continued playing video games, happy to ignore Elaine’s other two children.
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“Abe, get over here and hold your sister’s hand!” Elaine commanded, and Abe instantly obeyed.
Roman was having flashbacks to Theo’s birth, where he had been in Abe’s position, holding his hand and being sworn at profusely. If that had been bad with just Theo, how bad was having twins going to be?
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Not too long after Abe’s arrival, Lucy gave birth to a baby girl. The excitement had long been stolen from the party, and once everyone got a look at the newest member of Arkhelios, people started drifting out the door to head home. Lucy’s dress was ruined, so Wanda gladly lent her a housecoat to wear while she recovered upstairs. Monty was also curious to see the crying infant, though he kept his distance.
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“So again, I’m going to ask about the other parent involved here,” Elaine stated plainly. “We need to contact them. It’s only fair that they know they have a daughter.”
Lucy shook her head adamantly.
“I told you, I don’t know,” she lied. “I slept with a lot of people, and I have no idea of when I actually got pregnant.”
“How many people are there potentially?” Elaine demanded. “Are there any that look like her?”
“Mom, it’s a baby, they all look the same at this point,” Abe interrupted. “You can’t just interrogate every person in the area with black hair and and brown eyes. They might not even have brown eyes, Lucy could have given her those.”
“A rough idea then?” Elaine practically begged. “I already have Abe being caught red handed with a married duke, I don’t need the stress of not having another parent involved in raising my granddaughter.”
“Roman’s getting divorced,” Abe announced. “It doesn’t matter if people see us together, he’s going to be single soon.”
Elaine rubbed her temples, fighting the urge to slap some sense into her children.
“Soon is not now,” she sighed. “Never trust a man’s promise when he wants something from you. At the very least, you’re going to end up as a tabloid headline in a very public divorce. Who would want to hire you? Who else would want to date you? You’ll be the other man to an entire country of people, and even more gossiped about than you are now. Please think about this before people outside of Arkhelios start to know.”
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Abe hadn’t really thought about that. He knew that Roman wouldn’t abandon him like his mother feared, but look at how many people had been gossiping about him and Roman just at the party. He closed his eyes and could still feel the pounding in his brain urging him to go find Roman. The need was so urgent, he could hardly breathe, and Roman was just downstairs packing up the extra food. How bad could it get if Roman was stuck in Twikkii Island for the duration of the divorce? How devastating could it be if Roman spent months wrapping things up with Adrian, and cared for their twins until they were old enough to transport between countries?
Abe took Lucy’s daughter from her and let her cuteness take his mind off of his problems. Maybe he would have to start talking to these so called demon experts himself. He wasn’t a genius, but even he could see that something was wrong with the deal they’d made. That was the only way he and Roman were connected, aside from Theo. At least if he could regulate whatever curse had befallen him, people might stop gossiping about him and Roman.
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giraffe-lesbian · 4 years
Do You Want To Go? - Darksparks Fic
“Okay, then I won’t go either,” Renee announced with a sigh of relief. She leaned back into her chair like a momentous weight had just been taken off her shoulders. The skirmisher then glanced over to the blonde and mumbled, “Not because you’re not going, I’m just staying because I don’t want to go.”
What Wraith and Wattson were actually doing instead of going to see Fuse introduce himself in Kings Canyon
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29233782
“Do you want to go?” Renee asked as they sat beside each other. Her gaze had shifted over to Natalie, curiosity sparking in her eyes. She was munching on a bowl of cereal, but it looked like she was now just playing with it. The skirmisher rarely ate breakfast with the other legends, but if she was, she was always by Natalie’s side.
“Mmm...” Natalie responded, resting her spoon inside of the bowl. She tapped the side of her chin as she thought, trying her best to think through all of the options.
Of course, the excitement that came with a new person joining the Apex Games was always fun. Everyone became so involved and so excited, trying to piece together exactly who it would be. They were just as clueless as the public sometimes. Besides that, it was nice to see a new face and see what they would bring to the table. Of course, sometimes they turned out to be kind of sucky like a murderous robot, but sometimes they turned out to be nice like the sweet, motherly scientist who had joined recently.
However, the opening ceremonies, in Natalie’s opinion, were a bit different. There were crowds, maybe too many adoring fans, and lots and lots of noise. It was fun, she supposed, for a little bit, but they often got too overwhelming.
And if anything, it looked like this new guy was going to make a grand entrance.
“We don’t have to,” Renee started, picking up a spoonful of cereal before letting it fall back into the bowl. “Or, well, um. You don’t have to go, but if you don’t go, I probably won’t go,” she added rather cautiously. “Well, no, fuck, I mean... You don’t have to go for my sake, I honestly don’t care if I go-“
“Mmm... Well, I don’t know,” Natalie said, stopping her girlfriend before she became a rambling mess. Her girlfriend. The thought made her smile. They hadn’t been dating for very long; it was still such a new thing, but it had been wonderful so far. Sneaking to each other’s rooms, watching movies, holding hands underneath the table, sometimes cuddling... Absolute perfection if you asked the blonde. It was, however, still a secret to every other legend and, well, the entire universe. Natalie didn’t really mind though; the privacy was nice, and nobody could stand the media after all.
Renee looked up at her almost expectantly, now falling quiet. Was there a little bit of hope in her eyes?
“I feel like we should go, but...” Natalie spoke up again before taking another bite of her cereal. She chewed it, once again weighing her options. To go or not to go... To tell you the truth, she did and she didn’t. Eventually, she shook her head and continued, “I still need to do some work on my pylons, check up on the ring’s status, make sure it’s still working properly for next season... Dieu, c'est tellement de travail...”
“... English, Nat?”
Natalie blinked at her before softly smiling. “We’ve still got to teach you some French, but... I suppose I will not go. I have some things I need to do,” she finally answered. “Besides, it’s too noisy.”
Oh, the look of relief on Renee’s face was priceless. It made Natalie’s smile just grow. Sometimes, if you paid just enough attention, you could read the skirmisher like a book. That was Natalie’s little secret though.
“Okay, then I won’t go either,” Renee announced with a sigh of relief. She leaned back into her chair like a momentous weight had just been taken off her shoulders. The skirmisher then glanced over to the blonde and mumbled, “Not because you’re not going, I’m just staying because I don’t want to go.”
Natalie giggled, looking at her girlfriend with amusement in her eyes. “Oh, chérie, you are so silly sometimes,” she said, reaching underneath the table and holding the other woman’s hand. “If you didn’t want to go, you could of just told me. I would rather stay with you than go.”
“Well, I didn’t want you to feel like you had to stay behind for me if you did wanna go,” Renee reasoned. Her face was turning a light pink now at the sudden contact, but she didn’t pull away.
“No, I wouldn’t feel like that at all,” Natalie replied, shaking her head. “I’m sure... Fuse, was it? Monsieur Fuse is nice and all, but I would rather spend the time with you.”
“Can I come stay with you then instead?” Renee then asked quietly. Her eyes then widened and she, once again, began to ramble. “Not... not if you’re busy, I was just thinking I could sit in the same room as you worked or just play with Nikola. I won’t bother you; you’re just nice company to have.” As she said that, her face only grew brighter. Instinctively, the woman tugged on her scarf, trying to hide her face. It always reminded Natalie of a turtle trying to hide away in its shell.
It seemed Renee was wonderful at beating around the bush.
Once more, another smile graced Natalie’s face. “Of course you can,” she replied, trying to put her girlfriend’s worry away. Ah, there was that word again! “Just know I have to do some work, but you’re free to come over,” she continued. “We can’t just cuddle the entire time, just so you know,” Natalie said, giving the skirmisher a wink and playfully wagging a finger at her.
Renee nodded, and there it was. One of her rare smiles was on her face. “You’ve got it,” she replied in an official way, trying her best to play along. “No cuddling. No girlfriend stuff. I will remain quiet and out of your way. In fact, you won’t even know I’m there.”
This caused both of the women to quietly laugh.
However, was it likely they’d uphold this promise?
Well... they thought it was.
Natalie tried not to make a big deal about hanging out with her girlfriend this time around, but she did prepare some breakfast for her. Which, for your information, did not take up that much time and didn’t mean all that much. She was still thinking about doing her work and simply just enjoying Renee’s far away company, sort of like how Nikola hung out with her everyday. Silent but always there, just quiet company. The blonde did wake up just a little earlier to have a nice stack of fluffy pancakes waiting on the skirmisher when she opened the door to the blonde’s room, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. No, she was still thinking about work and not about her girlfriend.
And yes, she did sit down with Renee as she ate them just to make sure she ate them. And yes, she maybe did talk to her after that, but only for a little bit!
But now, especially now, she was going to work.
The blonde settled at her desk, definitely ready to work. She was going to work. Work on her pylons, yes. Get to work on those pylons. The pylons... The pylons that needed to be worked on. She needed to work on them, yes, and she was going to work.
She looked over a few wires of some pylons for a few moments before scrunching her nose, shaking her head, and swiveling around in her desk chair. Renee was laying on the couch, Nikola laying on her chest and a book in her hands. Natalie stared over at her for a moment before sighing, jumping up from her chair, and going to stand in front of the couch.
Renee looked up from her book, giving her a questionable look.
“Bouge, Nikola, bouge,” she shooed the cat off the other woman’s chest. Once he didn’t budge, she simply picked the cat off of Renee’s chest and placed him on the floor.
“Nat? What are you doing?” Renee interjected, looking even more confused. She had closed her book now, holding it to the side. “I thought...? Aren’t you going to work?”
Natalie shrugged at her and then clambered on top of her girlfriend, now practically laying on top of her. She snuggled into the older woman’s chest before letting out a satisfied sigh.
Renee was still... rather confused. However, as she opened her mouth, Natalie quickly shushed her and snuggled closer. So they settled down like this for a while, Natalie curled up on her chest and Renee holding her book in one hand and the other running through Natalie’s short hair.
“Turn on the TV?” she finally piped up after a few minutes passed, looking up at Renee. “Find a movie or something, or we can watch the opening ceremony for Fuse?” she suggested. Curiosity had gotten the better of her now, but she’d still rather be here in her room, snuggled up with her girlfriend, than actually there. That was for sure.
“Alright,” the skirmisher replied rather simply, reaching over to the remote that sat on the coffee table. After turning the television on and flipping through the channels until it got to the Apex Channel, Renee sat it back down along with her book. She let her now free arm fall over Natalie’s back while the other continued to play with her hair.
The video panned over all of King’s Canyon at first before finally stopping on the rather large crowd that had gathered to meet Fuse’s arrival. It showed a few of the legends that had gathered to see this new legend’s grand entrance, and it even caught a few of them to give short interviews. What did they know about the new legend? How did they feel about him? How will he change the game? It showed Ajay first, then Makoa following not too soon after, and then...
Renee chuckled when she saw Elliot on the screen, shaking her head. “Hopefully he doesn’t make a fool of himself,” she said, causing Natalie to quietly giggle against her chest. The skirmisher had an expectant look on her face as she looked at the screen.
“Surely he won’t,” Natalie replied, playfully tapping Renee’s side. “Maybe a little stuttering, but I’m sure he’ll be fine. Besides, I think the crowd eats it up anyway. Part of his charm, non?”
Renee frowned at that and huffed, “What charm? As far as I know, he doesn’t have any.”
The legend on the screen stumbled through his words for a few moments, but made it through the interview without much more difficultly. He commented a little on his initial thoughts of Fuse and how he looked forward to working alongside him, a rather plain answer really, and mentioned that he was a little shocked by how big the ship he was coming in on.
The video then switched to show the massive ship that had come to King’s Canyon today. It looked like almost everything was ready to go, and it seemed like Fuse was finally about to introduce himself.
“Jesus,” Renee commented. “Elliot wasn’t kidding... you suppose they could find a bigger ship?”
Natalie gave an amused hum in response. It was a ridiculously massive ship; the blonde would hate to see who’s wallet had to take that hit.
“Has anyone gotten this big of an entrance? I mean seriously, does anyone else’s even remotely come close?” Renee retorted.
“Am I hearing a little bit of jealousy, Renee?” Natalie teased.
“No,” Renee promptly replied. “Absolutely not. I’d rather be killed than ever get something like that thrown for me. It’s just... Excessive.”
“It’s for the fans, I suppose,” Natalie suggested. “The games have been doing really good this year with the viewings, sponsorships, and all! Maybe they just wanted to- Oh! Look, there he is!” She started, now scrambling to sit up. Unfortunately, she sat up on her elbows, right on top of the skirmisher’s stomach, pressing all her weight against the shorter woman.
Renee let out a hiss. “Nat. Nat. Please, you’ve got to get off of me,” she began to plead.
Natalie blinked and quickly mumbled a quick sorry. She quickly sat up the rest of the way, moving a little and finding extra space on the couch to properly sit. Renee followed soon after, pausing only to stretch her arms and back for a few seconds.
“G’Day Kings Canyon!” Fuse greeted on the screen. He was responded with a momentous amount of cheers and screams from offscreen. Natalie frowned at the thought of actually being there and having to hear those right in her ear. “You lot ready for the biggest party in the Outerlands?” he then exclaimed, now gearing up to set off his signature canon.
“Looks like a fun guy,” Natalie said. Unsurprisingly, she had already moved back over to Renee, now curling into her side. The skirmisher, unsurprisingly, had been expecting it and draped an arm over the other’s shoulders, pulling her just a little closer. “People will like his attitude; I’m sure they’ll eat him up,” she continued, looking over to see her girlfriend’s face. She tried her best to read the other’s face before the skirmisher gave her own thoughts.
“Hm... I want to see him on the battlefield,” Renee replied, narrowing her eyes at the screen. “Then I’ll decide.”
“Oh come on, Renee, you’re being too hard,” Natalie replied, playfully batting her on the side. “He seems nice enough, and his accent is funny- oh,” she abruptly stopped herself. The blonde’s eyes widened, and her mouth was agape. “Uh, Renee, do you think... that’s suppose to happen?”
“Uh...” Renee began, raising an eyebrow at the event playing out on the screen. “No. I don’t think that was suppose to happen.”
And that’s when the shit the fan in Kings Canyon.
They both watched in shock as the scene unfolded on the screen. Civilians being shot at from the huge guns holstered on the ship, secret bombs going off hidden within the orange rock of the canyon, the ship eventually slamming into the ground and ultimately exploding. How they were still able to catch this on film was a mystery.
However, it soon switched to an awfully conveniently commercial. The two still, however, gawked at the television. Natalie drew her legs up onto the couch and essentially hugged them, still trying to decipher what exactly happened. Renee just stared at back at the screen blankly.
It was the skirmisher who finally broke the silence. “Oh my god,” Renee muttered before letting out a groan. “Well, the Syndicate is about to get sued out the ass.” She hopped up off the couch, raising her hands above her head as she stretched out her back. “I’m... gonna get a drink. You want anything, babe?”
“A water... would be great,” she quietly mumbled out. Her eyes were still fixated on the screen.
Renee nodded, gave the other girl’s shoulder a few pats, and went off to the kitchen.
They sure were glad they didn’t go.
“Are you not... are you not phased by this?” Natalie spoke up a little louder just so the skirmisher could hear her while in the kitchen.
“Not really,” Renee called back. Natalie could hear the refrigerator being opened and the contents inside being messed with. “I mean, we see it every day, don’t we?” She then paused, and she peaked over to Natalie. “Nat... do you still have some ice cream left over?”
At that, Natalie shot off the couch. “Absolutely not, you are not eating eating ice cream for lunch!” She huffed, dashing over to the kitchen. “Vous êtes absurde! Rappelle-moi encore pourquoi je t'aime?! And don’t you dare phase!”
Attention already lost, it looked like the events in King Canyon would be touched on at a later date. That is, until Elliot comes limping back or something.
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altonkastle · 3 years
Hair. Make-up. Wardrobe. Lights. Camera. Action. 
Tonight was going to be his Alton’s biggest night post the collapse of order and stability in the Galaxy. The last time he was sitting on something big it had been the death of the Emperor and he hadn’t even been allowed to cover it. Just like that story this was going to crack the foundations of the New Republic, the only difference.....he could and was about to share it with the galaxy as an exclusive. It had taken some convincing to let him air it, but Alton’s higher ups weren’t fools they wanted the same thing.....higher ratings, and a return of the Empire which this could very well lead to would ensure that once again they dominated the news waves. 
Alton wore a crimson velvet turtle neck, with matching pants complete with a sash that had fringes at the bottom with matching boots. He was sure that Senator Amidala would appreciate the fact the first person breaking what had happened to her looked good doing it. His desk was were Alton felt natural. It was his throne room. Nothing could shake his confidence when he was on camera in the studio. Being given the one minute warning, Alton began to run through tongue twisters to loosen his mouth. 
“Nine nasty Neimoidians knitted navy blue knickers.” 
“Six silly Sullustans sat eating sandwiches” 
Stopping when he saw the fingers....3.2.1
   “As many of you saw last night the Holonet News made the announcement I would be sharing a massively important exclusive story. Before we get to that however, I plan on sharing what I saw, and what I went through at the New Republic Fundraiser on Onderon. This event was meant to bring the galaxy together, which is why I was there....to see what our new leadership has planned for us...all of us. Instead the event was a massive debacle and a major security failure. The Chancellor of the New Republic, and the vast majority of its leadership was there. The recently re-emerged, and leading figure of the New Separatist Union, Nute Gunray was there. Countless Jedi were there. Yet somehow, someone allowed drugged desserts to slip into the party. Lets all be grateful they were dangerous, or else even I wouldn’t be here right now sharing this news with you. 
How can we trust a government to keep us safe, if it cannot even keep events like this safe? I supported Mon Mothma and the New Republic when it first emerged as a legitimate government, that had alleviated our fears by showing us they weren’t like the terrorist rebel leader Saw Gerrera. I mean thanks to this New Republic government the press can operate freely, I get to write my own monologues and pieces, I was able to proudly announce I am a gay man because it doesn’t threaten some family, pro-creation policy. Yet, despite all that I am now witnessing gross incompetency at the hands of the New Republic. Now before I go any further I have a five minute video, we have left it unedited because we at Holonet News believe you deserve the truth, and the whole truth. However, I will warn you it is graphic, and if you have children in the room please, now is the time to remove them.” 
Letting the video playout in its entirely, Alton sat stoically, he was going to have to be everyone��s watching rock. They needed him not to crack a smile, or laugh as he had done the first few hundred times he’d watched it with Hux. The people needed him now more than ever, he was so many’s source of comfort, and familiarity during these chaotic times.  Once the video finished, Alton sat in silence for a few moments allowing his viewers to process what they had just seen. Finally speaking again, 
“That was Senator Padme Amidala. Many had noticed she had stopped attending meetings, but now....now we have confirmation she has been kidnapped, and she is in danger. The New Republic could not keep her safe....how will they ever keep you safe? It’s absolutely disgraceful, and that is why I am the first one who needs to say this. Mon Mothma needs to immediately resign as Chancellor and allow someone who has a back-bone take over. Even more distressing however, as you all saw as me.....that was a Jedi holding Senator Amidala hostage. That was someone with the power of the force. As far as I know all the bad ones are gone. Only the Jedi are left. They’re rebuilding their order, who’s to say this is just the first in many attacks they are planning. It was after all a former Jedi who started the Clone Wars, and the details around all of that are still so shrouded in mystery. Palpatine was bad, but why should we trust any force user? Especially after watching that?” 
Pausing for a moment to let his words resonate with everyone watching. Alton let out a soft sigh, so to show he related with the masses, that this was just as frustrating for him as it was for everyone else. “I hope that Senator Amidala is found, I hope in the end she is safe and healthy. I also hope however, that Mon Mothma takes our calls seriously and steps down, and that we seriously consider the implications of allowing a new Jedi Order build up right under our noises. Stay safe, and as always This is Alton Kastle for the only news you need: the HoloNet News.” 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever felt a baby kick? Yeah, when my mom was pregnant with my brother.
What color pants/shorts are you wearing? I have red shorts on at the moment.
When is the last time you did something truly fun, and what was it? Last Friday, I’d say? Hahaha. Counted down the hours and minutes before the Butter MV drop, celebrating and freaking out with Army when it finally came out, watched the OT7 VLive that happened that afternoon, and streamed the video for nearly 24 hours straight so we could break some records, all of which we ended up achieving. It feels great to stan a group again after being out of the loop for so long lol.
What was the scariest moment of your life? A few men have lunged towards me - just to get attention, I guess? - in the past, while I was just peacefully walking. I always hear them snickering once I’ve flinched, and I always ended up crying once I’ve processed the situation.
Have you ever heard of Leonard Cohen? I know of the name, but I have no clue who he is or what he does (did?).
Pancakes or flapjacks? I don’t even know what flapjacks are, so let’s go with pancakes.
What kind of computer are you on? I’m using a Macbook Air.
Do you eat Chinese food? If so, what's your favorite dish? Yes. Minced pork with eggplant.
What are you usually doing at midnight? On weekdays, I spend it in bed, either watching videos or already reading fanfics to get ready to turn in. On Friday nights and weekends, I will usually be found on the rooftop taking a survey or two.
Have you ever developed feelings for a friend, but you were already with someone? No, I’ve never developed feelings for another person while in a relationship.
If so, how did it turn out?
Give me your brief definition of love. I will always stick by this quote, “Love never says, ‘I have done enough.’”
What is the most beautiful part of the human body, male or female? This is subjective, of course, but personally I find it to be thighs.
What kind of shoes do you wear? I’m not wearing any at the moment; but in general, I like to wear sneakers.
What is the worst thing you've ever done when you were really angry? Physical violence.
Are there any pills you take on a daily basis? If so, what? Nope.
Do you like the smell of coconuts? Not so much. I like coconut milk, though.
What is the heaviest you think you can lift? I think my personal best was like 60 or 70 lbs, back when I had weight training classes for PE in college. I remember being in so much pain once I gave the 80 lbs barbell a shot.
Do you take Tums? No.
Have you ever walked on a pier at the beach? ...Ugh. I’m pretty sure I’ve taken this survey very recently but I might as well just take it again because I don’t feel like searching for another. Anyway, I haven’t... at least not that I can remember.
How about under one? Definitely not.
At what age do you first remember feeling butterflies in your stomach around someone? I was around 12 when I was starting to feel confused about getting nervous around Andi.
Do you feel that way around anyone now? I don’t.
Do you ever talk to yourself or think deep thoughts while on the toilet? No haha but I usually bring my phone with me to keep me company.
Do you ever sing to yourself? Pretty often.
What is a sound that relaxes you? Ocean waves.
How hard has it been to reach your main goal in life? I don’t have a main goal set in life. I just live in the now and try to do things or make decisions that would keep me consistently happy.
Do you remember the song about hoes in different area codes? HAHAHAHAHA definitely took this recently; this is so embarassing. No, I still don’t know about this song.
What is your main heritage? Filipino.
What kind of pickles do you prefer, if you like pickles? I hate pickles and I find them absolutely nasty, but there are other pickled things I like, like radishes.
What kind of cheese do you prefer, if you like cheese? Mozzarella and feta.
If you could have a sea creature as a pet, what would you want? No thanks. I’m not capable of providing them proper care.
How about a farm animal? I would just stick to dogs.
So, do you have hoes in different area codes?
What is the most annoying song you can think of that came out recently? I’ve been in a BTS bubble for a solid month or so and I honestly can’t tell you my opinion about songs that have recently come out, because I literally don’t know any.
What is a song that you hate to admit you like? There isn’t any I’m guilty about.
What inspires you to get off your bum and do something productive? Knowing I’ll feel accomplished once I do it.
Do you ever use Urban Dictionary? Never anymore. I used to browse through it only when I was a lot younger.
Do you find the definitions on there to be generally funny or stupid? Both.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'transformation'? The Transformers series, lol.
What was something you regularly played with as a child? I always liked clay and I never really graduated from that interest, since I find the texture fascinating and fun to play with.
Have you ever given in to peer pressure? Sure.
If so, what did you do? I had my first sip of alcohol at Kaira’s 18th birthday and I was feeling left out since literally everyone else was drinking. For vaping, Gabie introduced it to me; and for smoking, it was another case of FOMO that made me want to try it out.
What part of your body have you had the most problems with in your life? My back.
Do a lot of people check you out when you're in public? Idk? I don’t take note of that kind of attention, anyway; I would find it creepy.
How many people do you know for sure to be interested in you right now? Zero.
What is a good name for a turtle? I think it would be the same process as the way I think it would be for any other pet; it would depend on their personality, their aura, etc. 
Can you imitate any accents well? If so, which one(s)? Not really. I can read Hangul and am familiar with the different tonalities used in Korean but I wouldn’t say my imitation would be considered spot-on.
Do you like having your ear nibbled on? Yes.
What makes a good kisser a good kisser? When they know how to use their tongue in a teasing way, for one. Eugh it’s too early for this lol
How many times a year do you have a family thing? What even is a family thing?
What are the best things to put in a smoothie? I don’t like smoothies.
Do you ever eat with your eyes closed and just focus on the taste? Yup, especially when I’m either eating somewhere pricey or when I’m eating at one of my favorite restaurants.
What do you dislike most about where you live right now? It’s a pretty uneventful city, and if I want to have some fun I always have to go to Manila.
Has anyone ever given you a rose/roses? Yup.
Are you watching your weight? No.
Have you ever became really good friends with someone you found online? Yes. Aliyah and I are still friends and I’m glad we’ve been able to maintain our friendship even after mine and Gab’s falling out. It’s a shame the three of us didn’t get to meet in real life though, and it will 100% never happen now. I also used to have a group of Twitter friends back in my wrestling stan days but it’s been a very long time since we’ve gone our separate ways. I have yet to find friends on Army Twitter but I really doubt I would get to build established friendships any time soon because EVERYONE IS SO YOUNG OVER THERE
What makes your best friend your best friend? They understand me better than anyone else does.
Do you have a drunk uncle? I have a couple of them.
Do you hear weird noises in your house at night? Nope.
What is something you do that is generally more like something the opposite sex does? Ignoring this question.
What is the girliest thing you do, if you're a girl? Also ignoring this.
What is the coolest tattoo you've ever seen? I find line tattoos to be pretty cool and beautiful in general. The minimalist look it goes for works really well.
Have you ever created anything artistic that you're proud of? If so, what? That vase I molded during my Vigan trip :) It was the first (and so far) only thing I’ve made from scratch, and even though I didn’t get to take it home, I’m still glad I had the opportunity to try pottery.
Do you only eat the middle of the oreo, if you eat oreos? No? That’s pretty wasteful. I eat the whole cookie.
Do you know anyone with a huge ego? Hahahahaha. Yes.
If so, is there anything else about them you actually like? Not anymore, no.
Have you ever used a racial slur, even jokingly? Most likely as a stupid teenager when I didn’t know any better.
Do you have any friends who are more like siblings to you? Angela and Laurice.
If so, what about them do you like most? They’re very easy to talk to, and they’re both selfless and generous.
What is everyone else in your house doing right now? My mom is making dinner while I believe everyone else is just on their phones waiting for the dish to be made.
What is the most money you've ever had at one time? I don’t remember the exact amounts anymore but my mom used to hand me cheques and regularly assign me to pay for me and my sister’s tuition back in grade school and high school, since she had work during the day and didn’t have time to stop by the school herself.
How long do you think it would take you to run a mile? I don’t know but definitely longer than what would be considered a decent duration for a fit person.
Look down. What do you see? I can see my legs but just barely since it’s dark out.
What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable? Topics I don’t know too much about.
What is a subject you can talk on and on about and not get sick of it? BTS, my field, and history.
What kind of mood were you in most of today? Comfortable. We had the aircon on all day and I just watched BTS MVs and live performances, and I don’t really feel bad about being unproductive for once.
Has anyone ever walked in on you naked? Just once or twice.
Tell me an inside joke you have with someone. Togepi.
What is the worst thing someone could do to you emotionally? Tell me hurtful words.
What is the worst thing you've ever done to someone emotionally? Idk...maybe cut them off unexpectedly? I'll usually have no problem doing this with people who make me uncomfortable.
How do you feel now about the first person you ever dated? Nothing. She’s not in my life.
How about the last person (your last ex)? She’s the same person.
What is the best invention ever invented? The internet.
What is something that needs to be invented? Not a completely new invention but I wish programs that can identify songs for you, like Siri, can be more improved to be able to recognize songs just by humming the tone. So far they can only name songs if you play it clearly for a few seconds, but it can be a hassle if I wanna have access to a certain song but only remember the melody and otherwise have no idea what the lyrics are or who sang them.
Describe your eyes. I don’t think they’re anything special. I don’t count them as a striking feature of mine.
What always makes you burp? Eating quickly. And beer.
What is something you hate doing that most couples do? There isn’t anything.
What's your astrological sign? Taurus.
What are you doing tomorrow? I wanna finally watch the Friends reunion special since I didn’t feel like watching it today. I also have a press release to write for one of my clients – they requested for it Friday and want it by Monday :(
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A ROTTMNT Fanfiction: The Lucky One Chapter 1
Word Count: 4137
Summary: Leo has never considered himself to be unlucky, but when meets a young rabbit samurai wielding a bokken he wonders if luck is all its cracked up to be
Pairings: Whats zero times zero? MORE ZERO
[1]“Are you Miyamoto Usagi?”
 Those were the first words Katsuichi had ever said to him. At the time he had been a small child just shy of five years and half drowned by a rain storm determined to finish him off. The tree he had found refuge under was barely doing its job of keeping him somewhat dry. The storm had drove him to seek out shelter after a puddle, one that had failed to drown him had taken his sandal as collateral.
 Truth be told a wiser person wold of turned back, even a stupider person would of decided to go back. But there was nothing left for him back in the village. Except for his fathers grave and the pitying eyes of well meaning villagers.
Truth be told, any one fo them would of taken him in and he was sure he’d have a happy life with them.
 But to be thought of as a burden, even as young as he was, was unbearable.  
 That was the reason he didn’t answer immediately. He thought maybe one of the villagers had sent the man after him, but at the moment he was too tired to lie. All he could do was nod before pulling his knees under his chin o help preserve some warmth
 “There’s a lot of people worried about you little one.”
 “I’m not going back.” Usagi had been sure of that just as he had been sure he’d never have a say in the matter. His numb body and spirit had nothing left in him.
 There was a shuffling coming from the samurai in front of him,  but rather then drag him away by his ears, the samurai settled by his side ,sitting with his back to the tree. Curiosity got the better of Usagi and he finally glanced to the stranger.
 He had seen samurai before, his father had been one, but none like this. A tall lion with long red hair and matching beard that barely gives room for his eyes and mouth, wearing a for black silk kimono and a dark blue happi. Both were finer then any clothing he had ever seen but well cared for.
For a moment the two sat in silence, with nothing but the rain to fill the silence. Then the samurai spoke “I am sorry about your father. When I received word of his passing,, I cam as quick as I could.”
 At the time Usagi could only look at the lion samurai in confusion, he was sure he hand known all his fathers friends, “how did you know him?”
 “I  knew him from many years ago, . I made a promise that if anything happened to him I would look after you.”
 “I don’t want another father. I liked the one I had.”
 “As you should. You are a faithful son. You will be my student. Nothing more nothing less.”
 Usagi looked down to the ground. The rain had continued its onslaught since the samurai had joined him, and at this point it almost seemed like the world was drowning.
 What chance did he have other wise?
What choice did he have?
 Taking his silence as a answer ,the samurai  rose to his feet and Usagi with him. If he had known how far they’d be walking, he would of gone back for his sandal. But he kept silent. Through years of training, of living in isolation, and everything he kept silent.
 He would never allow himself to become a burden  
Ten years later
  “Alright, you two, what are the rules?”
 Leo rolled his eyes, “I don’t know, ask Don he was listening.” He could hear Hueso grinding his teeth together but couldn’t be bothered to look up from Miscord, “Right D?” His brother was now giving him the same unamused look but he made sure to give him a smile before looking back to his phone, “Right?”
 “Yeah.”Don looked back to Hueso,” The rules are: Don’t’ leave Hueso’s side, don’t annoy Hueso, don’t’ say anything to anyone but Hueso. And don’t let Leo talk to anyone even Hueso.”
 That brought him back, “What?! Hey!” Leo glared at the skeleton, “I don’t remember that one.”
 “You didn’t remember any of them that’s the point.” Hueso jabbed a finer in his face,’ You didn’t even remember your portal sword. That I told you explicitly to bring”
  Leo puffed up his cheeks before crossing his arms, trying to ignore Donnie smirking at him , “Look I just wont talk to anyone.” He clearly lied, Ok, so he had left his sword implanted in Dad’s armchair, it wasn’t’ because  it was huge, bulky and tired of carrying it around (who could be sick of carrying around a giant portal sword that was almost bigger then most of his friends)but for other reasons that he didn’t have to justify to anyone, “I didn’t know we’d be going to the Mystic City! You’re the ones who supposed to have those toppings! I figured the most dangerous thing we’d be doing is
 “It is not my fault my restaurant ran out of those toppings hours ago and the only way to get more is front the market. And almost every time you go anywhere in the Mystic City you end up being chased by a mob.”
 “I thought Karlos picked up your groceries from the Market?” Donnie asked from disinterest, “and wait on tables, and deliver food.”
 “I need to get that kid a raise.” Hueso said to himself, “And apparently he’s got a weird form of rabies and tetanus  so he’s taking some time off. That is why if you REALLY want those toppings wer can only get them here, in the Mystic City Farmers Market. Now I will ask you two this ONCE. Is this all worth the hassle?”
 Leo glanced at his brother, and this time Donnie actually made eye contact, albeit nervous eye contact , with him. Making a quick agreement  as Don held his phone up higher and switching over to Raph’s number. Leo ducked in closer to be in the video lens. “Um, Mabye its better to show you?” Don gave him clear ‘the hell are you thinking?!’ Look before rolling his eyes back at him and pulling up his phone and pressing on Raph’s number, their brothers phone only rang for a moment before Raph’s desperate face filled the screen, “Don thank god where are you?! Do you have the toppings!? Are you outside!? Are you coming in!? Are you calling to tell me you’re in the kitchen and you’re about the bring it out?!”
‘Heeeyyy buddy.”  Leo squished his face by Don’s so he could be in frame, “Just want to check in on you, hows our sick wittle brover?”
 Raph’s face, which had been young and full of hope a week earlier fell further (Leo noted a plate going flying behind his head, “just checking in?!” Are you crazy?! Do you know what happens when I turn my back on Mikey-“ Raph gave a shriek and dropped the phone, in the background Leo could hear him yelling,” JUST PLAY DEAD POPS! MIKEY PUT THE FRIDGE DOWN!”  It took several seconds before Raph came back into view, judging by the wood behind Leo guessed he had crawled under a table, “Listen to me right NOW. Mikey’s already taken Dad hostage and is dominating the living room. He’s trying to conquer the kitchen next and I don’t know how much longer I can hold him off! My barricade isn’t  going to hold off forever!”
 “Michelangelo is about as intimidating as a wet kitten,” Hueso paused, “Wait, he threw the fridge-“
 Raph gave another shriek before he disappeared from sight followed by a dead tone.  Don put his phone away, “That’s why we need the toppings. Mikey has had a stomach flu all week and hasn’t been able to eat anything other then gluten free dry granola bars. If we don’t give him what he wants, he’s probably going to end up a orphan and a only child.”
  Hueso pinched his brow taking a few steps away cursing in Spanish. Leo could only catch a few snippets, of what he was saying but he was pretty sure Hueso was cursing him out. He couldn’t help but sigh and drop his head on Don’s shoulder watching the Yokai passing by with disinterest. He had heard Hueso mention the Mystic City Farmers Market a few times, normally with scorn and a complaint about “the price of Basilisk Cheese” or something. Hueso finally straightedges, out brushed his hands down the front of his suit and turned to look at them with a deep breath,”alright, but again follow my rules, don’t annoy me and we’ll be out before blood worm hour in the Pizza Restaurant.”
 Leo wasn’t sure he wanted to know what ‘blood worm’ hour was all about. But Hueso  was already walking into the crowd, (“don’t wander off!” Hueso yelled)  He gave his brother a shove on his battle shell to keep in him front , “Hey D?” He started, “I know I already asked you this, but are you going to be ok? If you can handle this I’ll just go with Hueso alone.”
“I’m not letting you go alone,I just.” Don took a deep meditative breath pressing his palms together, “We could of avoided this whole thing if we had just left the Lair on time.”
 “I know, I’m sorry.” He could admit fault sometimes. He just did always like doing it, “We’ll do this as quick as possible. In, out, and I’ll make it up to you I promise. I’ll buy you...” Leo though for a moment, bribery really was the best wa to deal with a stressed Don, “Three Jupiter Jim comics of your choosing.”
 Don gave him a long look, and for a sec Leo though this brother was too off with him to take his offer but Don sighed, ‘It’s fine I have my noise cancelling headphones, now immune to mystic energy, and three back ups. Plus my special noise canceling bandana Dad made me so I’m fine. Let’s just go.’”
 “Great! That’s my man!” Leo did a half skip sideways through the portal for the usual flash of blue before he ended  up on th either side a second later in a crowd of Yokai with Donnie by his side a a second later. Thankfully it wasn’t crowded as he was used to, but like any other time he had gone to the Underground city it was  the sheer number of different Yokai caught him off guard. None of them gave a glance to the two turtles that appeared out of no where. Leo made sure to check on his brother for a moment, “Ready D? Are you ok for splitting up? Who can ever find the creeepy toppings first owes the other five comics!” Rather then wait for Don to verify (or rightly accuse him of trying to weasel out of paying his comics) Leo ducked off.
 The last few times he had been here he didn’t really have the chance to look around stalls too closely. Now he could see that most of them held strange trinkets, like necklaces made necklaces out  of eyeballs and  flasks containing different swirling colors. And a crap ton of weapons that made him feel like he was in a ‘shop’ in a video game store.
 There was a bump on his shoulder and for a moment his vision was filled with starkingly white fur, “Sumimasen,”said the slightly shorter figure before moving past. Leo barely gave it another thought until something white  hanging of its head pricked him in the eyes, “ow!” Leo rubbed his eyes before half glaring at the person who passed him, “Long ass ears. “ he cursed lightly, was that a rabbit? He glanced for a moment. Yup a bright white rabbit who was already giving him no second thought.
 “Looking for something Kappa?”
 Leo drew his attention  to the vendor he had been getting ready to talk to, who somehow had more mouths then head, “Yeah buddy  my bone man, me and my bro are looking for some like weird worms with eyes that normally goes on pizza? You seen anyone who sells it?”
 The Vendor twisted its mouths for a moment, “Uh, not sure what a pizza is.”
 He narrowed his eyes, “You have a infinite amount of mouths and NONE of them have eaten pizza? You lead a. A sad life “ Don gave a half nod of agreement before going back to his wrist tablet. There was a yank on his mask and he found himself Stumbling back into Hueso’s face, “Why am I not surprised you ignored everything I said?”
 “Because its my charm?”Leo said with a big smile. Hueso opened his mouth, probably to tell him off or to threaten to drag him before something behind Leo caught his eye, “oh boy.” He said with the same tone he’d use whenever Leo enter the pizza joint. Leo turned around, glancing around trying to find the source of his concern. There was a Pirate Puppy Yokai, a Cat Cavalier Yokai, that white rabbit looking at a booth, and a yokai that was just a eyeball wearing a fedora. He was about to ask who Hueso was talking about but his eyes were fixated on the rabbit, “You mean Bugs Bunny over there?”
 “Karlos mentioned seeing a white rabbit the last few times he came here. He’s always here by himself which is not a good idea.”
 “Why not? We’re here by ourselves, and we’re fine. And you just said Karlos comes here alone.”
 “Its is not the same, you’re here with me. Trust me if you were alone you would of already had your shell stolen. And Karlos only comes down here on days I designate. As I said its not always safe here-“
 “What are you looking at boy!?” A loud voice shouted over the already loud crowd.
 The rabbit jumped nearly a foot in the air (literally and figuratively) not a that Leo could blame him, the yelling Yokai was some sort of Cyclops Octopus Yokai with fat arms and giant bat ears and looked as though he was the owner of the booth the rabbit had been standing at, “You’ve been here five times in the past two days, are you going to buy something or what?!”
“I-I-I um” the rabbit stuttered out before his arms magnetized to his side and he bowed in a Almost robotic manner,” I’m sorry please forgive me. I didn’t mean to cause you problems-“
“You’re causing me problems by taking up space!” The yokai suddenly grabbed the rabbit by the front of his shirt and yanked him close to his  face in a way Leo could tell he was very uncomfortable with, “Are you trying to steal from me boy!?It’d be the last thing you ever-“
 “OI.” Hueso shouted, finally shoving past a Yokai made of Play-do, “Berbi quit acting like a thug.”
 The Yokai, apparently Berbi, swung to look at him, “I know a thief when I see once Hueso. I’m not  a idiot.”
 “You have glaucoma Berbi, you think everyone is a thief.  Now go eat a candy bar and quit scaring off your real costumers.”
 Berbi glared hard Hueso with snarling broken teeth, but after a moment he flinch and  looked away with a snarl shoving the rabbit away  stomping back behind the curtain behind his booth. When Hueso started walking Leo followed him on autopilot. He was used to seeing Hueso dealing gang members and Big Mama he had almost forgot Hueso was capable of as much intimidation as anyone. Now that they were closer, he could see the the rabbit was his age, if a bit shorter. Wearing a short blue untucked kimono with a white obi and black pants (they were called hakamas right) and some sort of samurai sandals his ears tied back in a pony tail his fur was so fluffy that some of it stuck out on his scalp,  his bright pink eyes looking to them in concern as though he wasn’t sure what to do or expect from them. Instead he did as he did before and bowed, “Thank you, I’m sorry for causing you trouble as well.”He said with a soft Japanese accent
 “Do not thank me, are you here alone? Where are your parents?”
 The rabbit looked at him in surprise,”I-I’m not, I don’t-“ he looked away for a moment as though in shame
“If you don’t’ have parents, then I’ll take you to one of the shelters nearby.”
 “I’m-“ the rabbit froze, “I have a home. I’m just not there.”
 Hueso looked him hard,  causing the rabbit to avert his eyes. Leo could just remember that it was supposedly a sign of respect. Right? Atleast according to the Samurai Sam movies he had watched (not nearly as good as Jupiter Jim or Lou Jitsu but still enjoyable). He took a moment to glance around, don was no where in sight, hopefully finding the toppings they needed. They had a good enough signal  that Don would text him if he needed him-“
“Fine, go home boy. Before someone less pleasant then Berbi decides you’re a thief. You’re drawing too much attention to yourself and here that is dangers out. So go home rabbit,  go back to your family And I better not find you here again.” Hueso turned on his step and walked away. Leo turned after him, looking over his shoulder at the rabbit who was still staring at his feet, but the pain coming off him was enough even for him to notice, “dude, bone man wasn’t that a little mean?”
“No. Not mean. Just harsh. This isn’t a safe place for children to be hanging gout alone. Some yokai who come from neighboring villages like to make a bet out of coming here and seeing what they can get away with, I doubt he’s one of them but he needs to go where he belongs where he can be safe. IF my son were in this situation i would want someone to give him the same advice.’

Sometimes Leo forgot that Hueso was a dad, he had never actually met HUeso’s son, but in the few times he spoke of him and judging by the photo on the wall he loved his son dearly. Which was in no way a bad thing. But He looked back over his shoulder at the rabbit again. His whole body slumped as he turned and disappeared around the corner.
 He wasn’t sure what drove him to do it, but Leo stopped long enough to duck behind a large platypus yokai. Hopping Hueso wouldn’t notice his disappearance for too long. He glanced at his phone, Donnie had sent him a picture of some Creepy Toppings, atleast he had found some. They’d be gone in a few minutes but he didn’t’ want to leave yet.
  Leo ducked the way he had seen the rabbit go, with such a thick crowd he could only guess that the rabbit had ducked between two small buildings. The rabbit was ducked in the buildings shadow, leaning his forehead against the wall with a shadow cast over his face. Leo couldn’t tell if he was frowning or what, and a wiser person might of decided to leave it  be
 and yet
 Leo waved “Hey! Bunny man!” grinning as the rabbit once again metaphorically and physically jumped a foot in the air, looking as though his fur was on end, looking at him as though he was a car insurance salesman and not a overly cheerful rabbit, “what do you want?!” the rabbit asked not rudely, “I’m leaving just please leave me alone-“
 “Don’t let Bone man bother you, he’s a sweetheart. I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
 The rabbit blinked at him, momentarily stunned “Y-yes I’m fine thank you for your concern but I must go .”
 “Oh come on don’t let Hueso scare you off, why don’t you come hang out with me and my bro-“his words were cut off by a sudden shove on his shell sent him hard  to the ground, his beak cracking against the ground and filing his mouth without blood, he went to raise his head again when something pressed hard on the back of his skull pressing his face hard on the ground
 “I knew you stole something! I knew it! you and this fish kid are working together!”  Leo couldn’t help but groan loudly at Berbi’s voice, “ Aw you again?! Go take a vitamin man-“ before his mouth was full of ground again
 “I- I haven’t stolen anything!” the rabbit said ,” Please don’t hurt him-“
 “Empty your pockets!”
 Oh boy, Leo was starting to see why Hueso didn’t want him or Don  coming here alone.From the lid of his eye he could barely see the rabbit feel around ,”All-all I have is a onigiri and some water-“
 “Then give me that thing you have at your waist!”
 The rabbit hesitated, before reaching for his obi, because Leo had seen far too many samurai movies he had expected the rabbit to pull out a magic katana or a sword bigger then his, but instead he slid out a polished wooden sword, bowing and holding it out, “just please stop hurting him and you can have it.”
 There was a pause, judging by the way the foot shifted on his  head he could guess Berbi was trying to get a better close at it before the Yokai burst out laughing,” That’s all?! a stick?!You run around all day with a stick playing samurai?! God” he snorted, “you’re just a nobody aren’t you?” his face leaned close to the rabbit who kept his gaze to the ground. a meaty fist grabbed him by ear and yanked hard, forcing his gaze up to his, “ I bet you wouldn’t last five seconds in then Nexus-“
 The pressure was finally off his head enough that Leo rolled away, “Go eat a damn vitamin you bitch!” Leo swung his leg out and kicked Berbi hard on the side of the knee causing the large yokai to shout out in pain and stumble away, releasing the rabbit, Berbi grabbed his leg and glared at him, the rabbit suddenly grabbed him by hand, yanking him to his feet “Come on!” dashing down the opposite side badly giving Leo enough time to get on his feet. Berbi was already back on his feet, yanking out what looked like brass knuckles out from his pocket ,” You’re a bitch!” Leo yelled
 Despite running the rabbit looked back on him with a surprised look, “I am not a bitch! My name is Usagi!”
 “No not you, him!” Leo blinked, ignoring the Yokai yelling and running after them, “wait you’re a rabbit named Usagi? Did your parents hate you?!”
 Usagi’s eyes widen,” WhA- no my parents hate-“ before nearly running smack dab into a wall. Leo, being closest to the turn, took the lead dragging Usagi after him before realizing they were at a dead end barely a second later Berbi slammed into the wall after them. He barely had time to shoulder Usagi behind him, “ You two are DEAD,-“ Berbi shouted, “I was going to sell you two to the Battle Nexus. but i think i’d rather keep you and beat some manners into you-“
 “Would you stop talking like a anime villain for five seconds?!” Leo asked ,” Seriously you’re boring me!”  he managed to get his phone. Don had sent him a few messages asking him where he was. He had no doubt that Donnie was already tracking his location. So he  and Hueso would be here soon. Not soon enough though his head was hurting so bad he hadn’t noticed that Berbi was in face until his hand closed around his head before a shout came from behind him
 “Leave him alone!”
 Before Leo could acknowledge what was going on, Usagi had charged forward slamming his wooden sword hard into Berbis stomach sending the Yokai hard into the wall. Any relief that Leo might of ,could of, felt disappeared when the building next to them began to tremble, larger cracks forming, “ah BEANS.” He had fallen of buildings plenty of times but he wasn’t sure he could survive one falling on him-
 Suddenly a familiar blue lights formed behind him. Before he could turn and fully give a reaction, Usagi’s arm hooked around his neck and drug him back, filling Leo’s vision and world with familiar ring of a portal ring he himself had built many times
 Not for the first time that day, he really wished that he had brought his portal sword
thats right! as a huge Usagi fan it was inevitable that I would write a Usagi fic.  design and certain aspects  for Usagi was inspired by the great and powerful @lesbianleonardo
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bakgouarchived · 4 years
LOL ok so i realized that i sounded RLLY stupid in the recording, it was like 12am and half of the things i said were just “AHHHH???” “[inaudible]” or “like… ykwim??” so i decided to write it out instead
> fourteen thousand?? damn wth (amazed bc that’s a lot of words)
> why is he so annoying *laughs*
> i agree, disney’s tangled… wonderful, amazing, show stopping, i was gonna say never have been… what? never… been… never been done before but it has *laughs*
> i agree, his ego is alrdy big
> like a flower that had not yet met the right conditions to bloom… that’s so sexy ok
> the target is iced out
> love the action, not boring, very engaging, very sexy *laughs*
> i wanna punch him *laughs*… with love.. actually no he’s annoying… still one of my favorites tho
> DAMN i just got here and there’s already guns… FIRING
> woah ok so… the scene where it’s like… where time slows down?? and the reader could see the bullet move like it’s in slow motion… putting in the readers thoughts or like thought process really helps make the scene as if it rlly slows down like… in a movie, if that makes sense… YKWIM?? it’s good, very sexy (i was trying to say that by putting in the readers thoughts, you drew out the moment and really made it seem as though time slowed down, and gave the same slow motion effect you see in movies LMAOO)
> “u sure u want me to be honest?” SHUT UPPP
> his gift is so… UGH it’s not aggressive it’s not the word… it’s not violent either… ykwim (intense…i think that’s what i was going for)
> they’re like… passively aggressively flirting and i’m LIVING for this
> all that… all that and you can’t figure out that it’s futakuchi????… UGH
> the metaphor! it’s back! (“that same seed of infatuation you’d swallowed months ago threatens to sprout”)
> omigosh… is this a date
> AH THEY TOUCHED SHOULDERS!! that’s like, flirting, right?
> YEAH u idiot, you’re in love with him UGH… imagine…
> THEYRE KISSING!!¥{¥{ THEYRE KISSING!! that’s illegal
> oH ok metaphor, come thru!! (“The house of cards you two had so delicately put together is lit aflame, but in this single selfish moment, you have no regrets. You pour gasoline all over everything you know, tilting your head to take as much of Ace as he’s willing to give.”
> yo… yo is… is he gonna erase her memory??
> is thiS A DATE?? this is a date right
> i wanna punch him for getting the turtle… do i have permission
> yes agree, oikawa is very cute. reader says “kind of cute” but i think he’s very cute
> *laughs* “tobio” *laughs some more* (why did i find this funny????)
> *panic noises* HIS MASK!! HIS MASKJDJDJ
AHH.. i hate that the reader knows that ace is futakuchi but he doesn’t know that she *noises* AH this is frustrating
> yea… leave me alone :/
> omg… omigosh HDBSJXB i’m scared
> omigosh… he’s leaving her on delivered… or read idk… pain
> OH it’s on read… pain… OMIGOSH WAIT NO THEYRE MEETING…. crying… CRYING
> bro… it was tsukki this whole time?? i mean i shoulda guessed since he was blond but… *laughs*
> and there’s the title reference!
so then i tried to post the end of the audio but APPARENTLY THE VIDEO IS TOO LONG !?:!:637 so here’s after i finished reading
> i’m literally gonna dream abt this... and go to sleep like thinking abt this
> this was so sexy i can’t even like... UGH ugh ok
> man... MAN!! idek what to say
> i kind of want to see this... not animated.. or ig yea but like... as a movie? idk
> just college students w gifts, who work part time jobs *laughs* one of the part time jobs happen to be ...working for criminal organizations
> i would love to watch this, reading this was very fun
> i feel... UGHH
> i KNOW futakuchi looks so hot w his mask on... even mask off, but yk, i would never tell him that
> so sexy. idk how many times i said that already, but i had to say it again
> i hate that your works don’t get more notes. it rlly shows that notes don’t reflect the quality of the writing because this... this was so good
> the action scenes were so... so UGH
> and it’s not... what is the word for it... whatever, ykwim... actually maybe you don’t BUT just know that i’m trying my best to compliment your writing *laughs* but my brain... my vocabulary... it can’t... it cannot... no words... actually there are probably words, i just don’t have them *laughs*
> anyways besides the point
> will most definitely be rereading this
> this was so good... gave me miraculous lady bug vibes, but better, a lot better
> *sigh* thank u i hope u enjoyed this *laughs* this... asmr... very sexy for this, thank you
> ok, goodnight! wait damn, fourty minutes?? fuck... ok i have to listen to 40 minutes of audio *laughs*
> ok goodnight for real... except idk when you’re going to hear this... listen to this idk
> ty for this very lovely, sexy, entertaining, exciting fic of my boyfriend
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melonkooky · 5 years
bts reaction - introducing their newborn baby to the world
genre: members x female reader, suuuuuuper fluffy, like there should be a warning for how much pain you will feel in your chest from how cute this is
warnings: just cute, domestic bangtan
author’s note: yall my heart was on the verge of combusting as i was writing this. also, i hope that this gets just as much attention as the reaction where their child runs up to them during an interview/vlive. bts as dads really hit the spot
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog it. thank you!!!!
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kim seokjin
the world already knew that you and seokjin were pregnant with a girl. the world was raving about how cute she would look, of course because of seokjin’s already impressive attractiveness. but when your daughter was finally born, seokjin was absolutely smitten. he would never leave her alone. he wanted to bring her everywhere he went. but, you told him to wait a bit. you were still nervous about the publicity factor of being married to a famous kpop star.
but one night, you fell asleep on the bed. you hadn’t meant to, but being a stay at home parent was hard and had taken a major toll on you. seokjin was laying next to you, your baby daughter almost sandwiched between you and seokjin’s bodies. he was watching the tv when suddenly your daughter suddenly tugged on his hand. she made an adorable sound, and seokjin’s heart erupted. he cooed at her, just as an idea popped into his head. you were asleep, and now it was his chance to show his pride and joy to the world. he took a picture of her, a wide smile on her face as she looked at him. then, he posted it on twitter.
the next morning, seokjin seemed extra happy. you didn’t know why until you went on your own social media and saw that a picture of your daughter was trending on every single site. but you were more surprised to find all the support, and how many compliments not only your baby, but you were getting. you weren’t mad at seokjin, if anything, you had a burst of confidence.
min yoongi
from the use of social media, from the very start, it seemed that yoongi was even more excited than you were about being pregnant. every night for the entire 9 months, you fell asleep with the image of how ecstatic yoongi was the day that you told him that you were pregnant. it was the happiest, most proud, most gummiest smile you had ever seen. and now, your baby boy had arrived. you were still exhausted, and it helped a lot that yoongi had taken a rather long family leave in order to spend a lot of time with him. yoongi was such father material, and your heart burst every time you saw him playing or interacting with him.
one night. yoongi was doing a vlive. he wanted to update the fans and just talk about random thoughts to them, something he did often. although he had been busy recently. however, it got to a point when for the past ten minutes, he had been talking about his son. at first the comments were full of uwus and awws, but one by one, every kept commenting to show his son. yoongi was uncomfortable with it, given that his son was only a month old and he wasn’t sure if he wanted his son to have a spotlight at such a young age. he told the fans to wait, and he went to find you and ask you for permission first. he was shocked when you agreed, wanting to be there yourself. you usually always stayed hidden from cameras, but this was for yoongi. he was proud.
he held up his son to the camera when he returned, you standing next to him with a big grin on his face. “this is my son.” he said proudly. and the fans swore they had never seen yoongi so happy ever in his life.
jung hoseok
hoseok nearly blew out your eardrums over the news that you were expecting your first child with him. he had screamed so loud, and even called the other members to tell them the news. then they were yelling, already calling themselves uncles even though your baby was only the size of a bean. every so often, you and hoseok would he cuddling, and out of the blue he would say, “ah, i can’t wait nine months.” and you would have to tell him that the baby will come when its ready.
and finally, after a long, hard wait, a son was born. hoseok was nervous at first. at home he would hang around but be as careful as possible, almost too careful. you had to reassure him that everything was alright, that he could touch and hold and play with his own son. and then he was comfortable.
one day, hoseok got home from practice and started singing quite loudly, but he was singing playfully. he wasn’t actually trying. he was excited to see his son. but as soon as your son heard hoseok’s singing, he began to clap and giggle. you immediately pulled out your phone and captured the exact moment when hoseok finally entered the living room, arms out as he walked towards the baby. your heart clenched at the moment, and you immediately sent it to him. from there, hoseok grinned and posted it on twitter. and that’s how your son was introduced to the world, as well as the fathering side of jung hoseok.
kim namjoon
namjoon was probably the calmest out of the members, but that didn’t mean there was hardly a reaction at all. instead, his eyes went wide in surprise, he was utterly speechless. he kept asking if it was real, or if you were messing with him. then, he pulled you into the tightest hug you’ve ever felt. and from then on for the nine months, namjoon was the happiest he’s ever been.
when your baby daughter was finally brought into the world, namjoon would never leave her side. he wanted to be there for her and to stay in her life as much as possible. namjoon, however, was the type to keep his life kinda private from the public. the world new about his newborn, but he didn’t want her to be in the spotlight.
months later though, when you, namjoon, and your daughter went to the zoo, you were crouched down, your daughter in your arms, as you pointed to an otter swimming around. your daughter was heavily intrigued by it, attempting to follow it with her arm but it was too fast for her. namjoon liked taking pictures, so while you and your daughter were distracted, he took a picture. later, he posted it on twitter, feeling comfortable showing both your face and your daughter’s face only because they were from the side, so he wasn’t fully exposing you both. but the comments later, he showed them all to you. they were very positive and full of support.
park jimin
you always pictured how jimin would react when you finally told him that you and him were having a baby. you picture him to be utterly speechless, frozen from shock. though his jaw did drop right after you dropped the news, instead of being speechless, he was quite the opposite. he was gasping and asking a bunch of questions, all by which made you laugh. and from that point onwards, both you and jimin were looking forward to the due date.
soon, your son was born, and jimin took an extended family leave in order to stay at home with you and the baby. he was absolutely ecstatic. words couldn’t explain how happy he was. one night, while you and him were chilling on the couch with the baby in a playpen so he couldn’t wander, he was on social media. he looked at you, “i want to show everyone was you did.” he said fondly. you blushed. “why?” he grabbed your hand and peered over at the baby as he threw down a toy. “look at him. he’s adorable.” both you and him laughed. later, jimin posted a video of himself playing with his son. he was cooing at him in the video as he handed the baby a toy, to which he threw away. it was a fluffy ball. jimin laughed at him in the video, asking why he was so mean to the ball. a funny yet loving caption was included with the video. he blew up the internet.
kim taehyung
you and taehyung had tried a few times to get pregnant, and he was getting quite sad when there seemed to be no luck. but finally, on a late night, you found out that you were, indeed, pregnant. it was almost too good to be true. and when taehyung came home from practice, tired and complaining that his legs were sore, you jumped into his arms and told him the news. he was the happiest person alive, swinging you around, yelling loudly. you laughed at his reaction, and so the process began.
taehyung was super careful around you, and he was constantly asking if you were okay. he was the one that made sure the house was extra extra safe for the baby and was always bringing home things he wanted the baby to have. he was always yelling random names. like you could be in the shower and he would pop his head in and yell, “eunjung!” or you would be in the kitchen making food and from the living room, he would just yell a random name that he thought of or heard. and when the baby finally was ready, he was there by your side every step of the way.
taehyung was attached to his new daughter. he honestly couldn’t believe that he was finally a father, especially to the cutest baby in the world. he was proud. one day, you and taehyung took your daughter to the aquarium. she was absolutely amazed by all the fish and kept pointing at all of them, making noises that you presumed was her attempting to communicate. when in an exhibit with lots of colors fish, and a sea turtle, taehyung took the baby out of the stroller and crouched down in front of the glass, sitting her on his knee. he smiled happily, hands pressed against the glass. taehyung’s smile was stunningly bright. you snapped a picture, later sending it to taehyung. he immediately posted it on twitter, and just like jimin, he basically caused twitter to go down.
jeon jungkook
jungkook was absolutely stunned. you and him were on a date as you wanted to reveal the news in a special, memorable way. he thought you just wanted to spend time with him, until you looked at him in the eye, grabbed his hands and smiled so widely, your cheeks ached, and told him everything. jungkook admitted that he was nervous, and you told him you were two. this was a first for both of you, so you would be each other’s support.
jungkook had researched as much as he could about having a baby, especially for first time parents. if the members had children of their own, he would ask them for advice. he would call his own parents and ask for advice. he wanted everything to be perfect and ready. and when the time came for the baby to arrive, he nearly passed out. he was worried that he forgot something, or didn’t do something right. he was scared, but afterwards, he was reassured by you.
now, months later, everything was settled. he wasn’t so nervous, although there were some occasion when something would happen but only minor things. he was happy. his dream had come true. in the middle of the night, your baby daughter started crying. you were very tired, so jungkook said he would try to get her to sleep again. you were a bit worried, but you let him. so jungkook got up and went over to the crib in the other room. he picked up his daughter and he began singing to her, his voice as smooth and as calming as ever. you couldn’t help but get out of bed with your phone. luckily the light was on. carefully you took a video of the moment, heart swelling with love. later, after jungkook asked you to send it to him, you found it floating around on twitter with many sweet captions, headers, and comments.
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