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folklorespring · 1 year ago
genocide is happening, brooklyn poets: but how do i make this about me
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there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop by vinay krishnan
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rocknrollinbitchforu · 7 months ago
holy shit i cannot believe i got back on the shipping real human people side of tumblr GET ME OUT OF HERE
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fer3112 · 27 days ago
Them basically saying We not only order food we also eat frozen food is sending me
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pretty-little-martyr · 1 year ago
terfs: we should try and infiltrate trans men's spaces, and in this post where I detail how, I keep misgendering them and referring to them like lost stupid women
people on this website, somehow: This Is Trans Men's Fault For Speaking About The Transphobia They Face
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reality-detective · 6 months ago
Senator Kennedy explain how it works at 21 weeks. This is painful to watch but this is exactly what Kamala Harris supports 🤔
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fantasybooksandtealeaves · 2 months ago
i'm gonna need ya'll to put the AI art down because it's rotting your fucking brains
what do you mean you'll only watch the adaptation of your favorite book "if it's AI"? what do you mean "only AI art can do justice to the characters"? never mind that every piece of character "art" AI spits out all looks like the same version of a photoshopped plastic mannequin. never mind that it relies on actual, stolen art to even exist. never mind that big studios are already trying to find every possible avenue to replace talented, dedicated human workers with AI
it terrifies me how willing some of you are to yield our crafts, our humanity, our passions in favor of worshipping at the altar of the black hole of vapid soullessness that is AI. all because the actors they cast don't live up to the insane, arbitrary standards you made up for your fictional boyfriends
I beg ya'll to think critically. I beg you to consider the very real implications of the things you say. because they exist and they aren't fucking pretty.
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snoopyviktor · 1 month ago
i'm so tired of people saying viktor looks more feminine specifically because he's skinny.
there's nothing wrong with seeing viktor as feminine. however, can we please leave the "look how tiny his waist is" and other comments about his body type out of it. people's weight should have no influence on how you see one's gender identity and gender expression.
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beemovieerotica · 1 month ago
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bruh people are so fucking stupid, I had a job funded by the department of defense that was researching drugs for parkinson's disease, it's shocking but the government does in fact throw a lot of money at objectively beneficial shit you wouldnt believe because they do in fact have to pay people's medical bills, and guess what they also benefit financially in the long run from diseases not mutating out of control in developing countries and jumping over here
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clairenatural · 10 months ago
one can only imagine the plight of supernatural fans who think dean winchester is heterosexual. struggling daily under the watchful eye of big gay destiel, whispering affirmations to each other under the cover of private discords, tiptoeing around conventions in fear of hearing someone say "bisexual" out loud. only they and they alone can understand the horrors that jensen ackles must endure, having fans express how important he is to them and suggest that a fictional character he played may be queer.
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scramratz · 5 months ago
just because you're black doesn't mean that wasn't an insanely fucking weird thing to say dude. like I'm not here to talk about robots. it's obviously not just a joke. it's coming from actual animosity. someday there's going to be some new outclass that's considered "below" you somehow and jokes are how you're going to start snowballing into real bigotry. you're not immune to being an asshole.
What do you think the new outclass is gonna be?
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littlefankingdom · 4 months ago
In continuity to my "when Bruce joined the JL, he already had a young Dick as Robin", I present to y'all: the og JL members spoiling Dick ROTTEN.
None of them have kids, or are taking care of kids YET. Bruce is the only one with knowledge on the matter, and he is proud to have developed the ability to resist Dick's puppy-eyes since he got him. Far away is the time where Bruce was like "Dick is special. If he doesn't want to go to school, he doesn't have to". But now that Robin, small adorable Robin, has been introduced to the JL, Dick is using his new victims fully.
Bruce said "no" about something? Anything? Well, okay, Dick isn't going to complain. He waits for the next JL's meeting (or trains his hacking skills on the batcomputer the night where he cannot go out because he has school but Batman is already on patrol, and plans one), then sneaks in behind Batman, before confronting the League with how miserable he is that Batman isn't letting him do this! And these fools, they all go "Awww, poor baby!" and gang up on Batman to force him to accept to give Robin what he wants.
Dick played them all like fiddles, and the villains from the whole univers WISH they had the track record he has in manipulating the JL to get what he wants.
Now that he is an adult and a leader of a team of teenagers, he is also very good at not falling for the same trick he pulled up so much.
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months ago
I’m just sad tonight. One of my friends thanked me for educating her about antisemitism and then stopped talking to me completely in December.
My former roommate nannied for Jewish families and worked at a Jewish school despite being a goy. I lived with her for 6 years and invited her to Hanukkah and other holidays. I said I had a question for her about Palestine (that’s it. That’s all). She told me she’d reach out to me when she had the headspace for it. She hasn’t reached out to me but she has posted several times about Palestine.
So many people who said they’d always be there for me suddenly disappeared when I actually told them I needed them and idk that it will ever stop hurting tbh.
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lovetommyactually · 2 days ago
He has been fighting THE URGE to call [buck] for months vs. he has been JONSEING for [calling tommy]
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despairhasitsowncalm · 8 days ago
tumblr is the only place where well articulated sentences get misinterpreted. you can say “i think it's fucked up that people can just go in the severance tag and spread rape apologism rethoric” and somebody will say “so you're denying that helena is a complex character with her own very real struggles?” no bitch, that’s a whole new sentence wtf is are you talkin about
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j-ustkeepdriving · 1 year ago
People calling todays race boring. Checo did NOT drive into Lewis within three seconds of the race starting, pit to get a new front wing, drive into KMag, pit AGAIN to get a second front wing, retire, get put back in the car, sit there in the garage for fifteen minutes waiting to be released, make a surprise guest appearance on lap 42 to do one (1) lap, come back into the pits to serve a five second penalty, and then retire AGAIN for the race to be called boring. Have some RESPECT
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killmymind · 6 months ago
it’s okay to admit you’re wrong about a celebrity btw.. not everyone is secretly gay and pushed into the closet. just because you want his relationship with maya to be fake doesn’t make it fake. stop making up excuses to defend an abuser and believe women for once 👍
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