#DLC speculation
lopposting · 8 months
I think I did it.
I think I cracked Lies of P.
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(me rn)
i keep going back and forth on carlo's death.
i know i was adamant before, on him dying from the petrification disease. i think logically he would have to have had it because of ergo.
but here's another weird point about his death,
i just realized why we intrinsically think he was killed.
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Carlo is wearing his school uniform when his stalker finds him, and on the floor at that. That's quite odd. Maybe not being on the floor, but the uniform. Why the uniform?
"He didn't even come to your graduation?"
For the son of an aristocratic family, would this be the image of a deathly ill son in care? Did Geppetto know? Wouldn't he be in palliative care, as Lady Antonia could afford?
Why wear the uniform after graduating?
"Oh, she's here! Grab her!"
"...Gemini, get rid of them! I'm off!"
Was his death literally right after his graduation, on the same day?
And also, Gemini is a little lamp guy. (She doesn't look to be carrying the lamp.) Why does she tell him to take care of the boys? What can he even do? Tell them off?
Here's another funny thing... We NEVER see Carlo outside of his school uniform. (at least, in the "past", "real" Carlo time line).
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And as we know, the school uniform has a prominent Sailor collar, the type that is associated with nautical outfits [down to the three stripes, supposedly called a "naval collar"]. The Graduation pendant that he gives to Romeo is of an anchor. [I know that these are all artifacts of the charity house. but they are nonetheless associated in tangent with Carlo]
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When we find Carlo's painting, it's right next to this one of a ship. [also, two bottles on the counter, perhaps representing the "two lives" of Carlo and Pino]
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also... when Carlo's memories materialize... it's in the sand. Only on the seaside.
Remember, Romeo seems to be associated with a fire element, and Pino with water, the same seems to go with Carlo. The original novel of Pinocchio itself seems to have a strange fixation on the ocean.
And now, might I present to you:
The DLC images are also of a ship and some kind of water turbine.
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Director Choi (in pre-release interview): "I'll put it this way: there are more stories I want to tell in Lies of P, so I hope [it] does well."
Also: "There sure are stories we could not introduce in the game" (talking about the story being adapted into another form)
[basically, that there was more to the story than what was really present in the final game.] I'll leave all this to your consideration without adding my own just yet. (I'll add it in a reblog on my own blog without tagging it) Just kidding I want to keep wasting everyone's time
Perhaps after the events of the game,
This is some sort of effort by Pino to either learn more about the deceased Carlo or try to remember his "previous life" as Carlo, by taking to the sea.
Maybe even after the game, Pino will STILL attempt to "awaken" as him so to speak [:(].
[Maybe he actually will.]
Again, Carlo is strongly associated with nautical elements. Again, he is never seen outside of a sailor suit, basically. Also, when we gain the memories of Carlo, they materialize on the sand, at the seaside. Remember, he DIED in the sailor outfit
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Maybe we are to take the "sand memories" more "literally" as they are in the sand?
Did Carlo drown and his body wash ashore, which is why these memories materialize in the sand? Why is he so associated with ships?
Pino is also depicted in the water, remember, including what looks to be concept art that was used for the OST? Maybe it isn't "just" a motif? [even simple things like his "official" coat and his eyes being blue, blue blood's tailcoat, and him being associated with the colour blue in general]
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Which is why Pino is pictured in the water, since he was "born" from Carlo's death... He was birthed in the water the same way Carlo died in it?
[more notes in reblog]
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velvet-apricots · 7 months
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Im cooking on twitter right now.
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I noticed something in Marina's art in Side Order
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She's glitching. Pearl's picture notably isn't glitching and I don't think any other pictures that popped up were glitched.
We all know when a Sanitized Octarian is splatted, they don't have a soul float up like every other Octarian, they just glitch out of existence.
Does this mean Marina might be at least somewhat Sanitized? Obviously not completely, she's not green and her sclera are still white and not black, but...
I hope I'm wrong about this....
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julijbee · 1 year
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dr-zeddy · 3 months
I also believe that Miquella was jealous of Mohg/saw him as competition regarding his original plans
and intentionally made the Mohgwyn Dynasty look like an awful alternative to what he tried to do with the Haligtree.
This is on my personal speculative side but with the in-game context of what the Formless Mother religion symbolized in the Land's of Shadow, we may assume Mohg and his followers celebrated her in a similar fashion before Miquella took over his mind.
The bloodfiends are literally just vibing until you attack them/invade their territory. Bloodshed isn't the only thing this Outer God represents, it's also a symbolism for maternal love/birth/rebirth for those shunned and cursed (Hence why she blessed Mohg and showed up to the "subjugated tribe" in the Land's of Shadow), which we know from the "Outer God Heirloom"
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I believe this deity is still twisted and not to meddled around with, but I don't think the Formless Mother exclusively stands for murdering people. We also know that the bloodfiends resulted to SH occasionally to serve their "mother" (which is in itself a little problematic but it also indicates that they do not walk around and randomly kill everything in their path) (see "Bloodfiend's Fork")
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So my take is that when Miquella brainwashed Mohg this entire cult got corrupted too, making it the center of (mercy) killings and death while Miquella is the only anchor of life, we see this in the "Lord of Blood Exultation Talisman":
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Spilling blood to create a new life. Which is, naturally speaking, nonsense and as I said before, a lot of things point to the fact that the FM has natural roots, while giving hope to those who were shunned.
This indicates that Mohg had similar goals to Miquella with his Haligtree, offering outcasts a haven/place to be/belong to. Miquella always relied on enchanting/manipulating people to achieve his goals, I guess he was pissed that Mohg was able to do this, only by being naturally charismatic, since we know that he had to be quite the leader if he pulls actual reasonable people like Ansbach to his side. He was the perfect leader for outcasts and the oppressed (see additonally my post about Mohg's appearence being extremley devine in the Land's of Shadow) and therefore was a direct threat to the things Miquella wanted to achieve with his Haligtree. Because why follow Miquella when there already was a similar cult/religion with a charismatic leader like Mohg?
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jadeazora · 1 year
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Addressing the theory that Kieran is experiencing Toxic Chain-possession, CaylaCapsule of Twitter noticed a very brief purple glow around Kieran's fist when he punched their memorial.
My thought is it acts in a similar manner to what Nihilego's venom did. It twists the desires and emotions of its hosts/victims and corrupts them to lose their inhibitions, and become more aggressive/ruthless in how they act.
Looking at Bulbapedia, the L3 were mentioned to be weak, dull Pokemon before the contact with the chain, with no mention of them being evil or anything beforehand, and with the chain altering Munkidori's brain to give it Psychic abilities, it's possible it altered all their mental states too:
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val-of-the-north · 7 months
More observations for the trailer I am going insane!!!
I can't claim the original observation of this candle tree detail is mine, but it's from a Japanese Twitter user, here's a screenshot of the post and a link to it as well [x]
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The rest of this observation IS mine though, so let's get to it:
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With all the talk of cardinal sin, Messmer having a few parallels to Lucifer as pointed out by some friends of mine [x] I have to wonder if he is the cause of a speculated first burning of the Erdtree.
If this is the first time you have heard about this concept, I'll give a short summary. You know how Leyndell is covered in ash by the time we reach it in-game, and how that goes unexplained? We know for a fact that must be the Erdtree's ashes because after we claim the Rune of Death and the Erdtree burns even more, the capital is entombed in it.
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We are also told that the Age of Plenty, an age in which the Erdtree gave physical blessings from its sacred sap, swiftly came to a close and the tree had to be changed to simply an object of faith...
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So the theory claims that the reason why the Age of Plenty ended so swiftly was due to the Erdtree being set on fire. In theory spaces, the go-to culprit for this speculated action has often been the Gloam-Eyed Queen, with her connections to fire (Blackflame specifically) and Destined Death, but now there's the possibility that this was all Messmer's doing after all. Promotional material and dialogue seems to really denote his affinity for scorching and setting things ablaze.
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This probably also means he is the inventor of that scary flame construct that according to Miyazaki as per this interview [x] was an old war machine, no doubt used during this "unsung battle".
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Another important part of Messmer's design is the two snakes, which point us back to the Age of Plenty! Godfrey likely ruled during and directly after that time, and the arenas were likely built because of him. It had to be during Godfrey's rule because by the time Radagon became Elden Lord the practices of the colosseums had died down, as told to us by the Ritual Sword and Shield Talismans:
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One of the more interesting aspects of the gladiatorial battles that once took place is the snake symbolism on the gladiators' armor.
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So the snake was a symbol of a generic "traitor to the Erdtree", and it predated Rykard's blasphemy by an entire age at least... so what if it wasn't generic at all and it represented Messmer himself? He might have been the perpetrator of a betrayal so foul that Marika removed all traces of his existence from her empire's history, but kept the symbol of the snake as a spiteful reminder of him and all other subsequent traitors. After all, she does seem to have power over which one of her children gets remembered or not, and if not her, then the collective of the Golden Order:
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Do note that we don't know when she said this. It could have been while she was still at the height of her rule or right before the Shattering. What we do know for a fact is that the soulless demigods inside the Walking Mausoleums have no known history to speak of, which is quite unlike Godwyn, one of the more accomplished members of the family. So yeah, being forgotten by history might be something the Golden Order does to those they deem unfit, so Messmer could be a likely candidate for such treatment... except instead of doing nothing noteworthy he did TOO much lol.
Now I gotta wonder if Marika hated him more or less than her Omen babies. One could argue that locking them down in a sewer close to where she lives was done more as an obligation than any true resentment. She could have sent them to the Shadow Lands if she really wanted them gone and unaccessible, as that place seems filled with Crucible-related things...
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I am not saying she was a good mother to them because she didn't kick them to the Shadow Lands, but perhaps she DID have some small affection for them that she really couldn't follow through with.
Of course, maybe she just couldn't banish them anymore after banishing Messmer for whatever reason (maybe she cut-off a connection to that realm?). However, the most likely possibility is that he WAS known like the many soulless demigods and that Mohg and Morgott predate him. It's just that while those two were born undesirable through no fault of their own and were thus only hidden away, he BECAME undesirable which was worse in Marika's eyes so he gets the extra banishment and the removal of all of his history... there are so many possibilities...
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maranull · 2 months
I want Loretta to strut into the DLC, smack everyone to their senses and drag Miquella to the Haligtree by the ear
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wazzappp · 10 months
So. @quasar-crew made a post about all the fun fic ideas they've been thinking of and within that was an 'Everyone gets infected funtimes' au. It has consumed me.
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Ashleys mutations mostly focus on allowing her to GET AWAY and doing it QUICKLY. Most of her time while infected with the Plaga is spent trying to get away from threats, so it responded to that when developing its 'improvements'. She's mostly based off of the Novistador enemies found in the later levels.
Her clawed feet allow for climbing and perching on small objects. Armor extends up the leg because lets be real bro. I saw Jacksepticeyes playthrough theres no way her legs didnt at least get OCCASIONALLY grazed by wayward bullets from Leon trying to shoot whoever is carrying her away. NEVER AGAIN. Her armor is not as strong as I would imagine Leons is because it needs to be light enough to allow her to fly.
The Novistador's only have three fingered 'hands' so that translates over by only mutating three of her fingers. She has mandibles but they're mostly meant as a last resort self defense, along with her new sharp teeth (TEEF. TEEEEEEEEEFFFF). They don't move much beyond slight up and down motions. She also has a nictitating membrane that rests on the edges of her eyes when not in use. It activates after she blinks (think like a windshield wiper clearing away debris) and also covers her eyes when she's flying. This does impede her vision a little bit, so its best for her to find somewhere to rest if she's up there to spy.
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Ashley has considerably less armor than Leon because 1. thats not the focus of her mutation. the focus is allowing her to get away from threats and 2. because she needs to remain light enough to actually get in the air. Her wings are extensions of the Plagas legs that have shifted to rest more on its back than its sides. That way its less strain on her back muscles (shoulders are already so fuckin complicated bro). They move in more of an x motion than an up and down. The best thing to compare them too would be a hummingbird. I briefly considered looking to dragonflies and their flight, which led me to this very cool video but I think she's just too large for that to work. Her wings have no bones in them, instead relying on the Plagas strong exoskeleton (carcinization strikes again) to keep her lightweight but strong. In theory, if she practiced enough, she should be strong enough to just. Pick an enemy up, lift them into the air, and then drop them.
Her antennae are controlled by a small tendon anchored just above her ears. They act to gather extra sensory information. They can detect smell, temperature (fire chaser beetle style babyyyy), and they are sensitive to touch which allows her to sense wind direction when she's flying up high. When in a situation where too much is going on, they will flatten back to try and avoid sensory overload. It's like when you turn down your car radio to see a parking spot better.
Also, because I forgot to draw it sometimes, the armor on her back wraps around her neck to protect more of her main veins and arteries. Plus, no more choking so thats a bonus.
And heres just. Some random doodles because I ended up really enjoying drawing her (bonus Leon with an awkward cutoff because idk how I want to draw his feet yet. Some kind of fucked up digitigrade deal most likely I just haven't figured out the details.)
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Next up, Ada Wong you can not run from me.
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lopposting · 8 months
Adding to your theory and the fact P seamlessly steered a freaking submarine near the beach sequence, i believe it was just Carlo's memories guiding through what I asume it's extremely complicated maneuvering. Now the Pistis/submarine is a nod to tge Dogfish 🤔 where according to book analysis it represents the symbolic "descent to the underworld" in Pinocchios journey. Could it be that it was the place where Carlo died/was murdered before being thrown into the sea? 😢Just a thought
The "descent to the underworld" is reminding me of something
In an earlier datamine, supposedly there is something from the game files called "Patala Ruins guardian stone", possibly cut content or DLC content!!
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I did a quick google and apparently "Patala" is a name for the "underworld"
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That is crazy
Big brain ask
PS: I've noticed that the earlier reddit post of the datamine was removed. maybe neowiz asked reddit for it to be removed. If this datamined stuff was just cut content, why would it matter to them for it to be taken down? SO Maybe it is leaked DLC stuff? Does it mean anything? I don't know.
[btw im so sad I should've backed that reddit post up IDK why I didn't, but you can tell what some of it was from the comments, it was a shotgun/canon legion arm!!]
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sykam0re · 2 years
Analysing the new Splatoon 3 Wave 2 DLC - Side Order
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I am about 90% sure this is supposed to be Agent 8!
As such, what I talk about next will be based entirely around this assumption - if this is wrong, then this analysis is void, but it's just for fun anyway so hskshj
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I personally believe this wave of the DLC will be tackling the loose ends in regards to Octo Expansion, and more specifically: 8's amnesia prior to starting it. Having no memory of who they are or where they came from, they fight their way through the metro, defeating Tartar along the way and reaching their freedom on the Surface.
But then...
Who are they still?
Besides the memcakes, this issue is never quite resolved. As such- I believe the DLC will focus on that! With Agent 8 rediscovering who they used to be, and who they are now. Figuring out their identity and sense of self so they can finally know who they are. And based on what we saw in the trailer, I have several ways to back up this idea.
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First up: the hub. A coral-ridden, colour-bleached version of our beloved Inkopolis Square. There is a strong coral themeing throughout the entire DLC trailer, and I think the reason why might be relevant to 8.
Coral bleaches when exposed to stressors in its environment, such as light, temperature and nutrients. So perhaps this is a metaphor for all the stressors on Agent 8's psyche. Their environment has changed dramatically, from Underground to the surface world of Inkopolis, so it wouldn't even surprise me if such changes still left them quite out of it.
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It could also be a metaphor for how Inkopolis Square still isn't home for them. Considering the very intentional hotel-esque interior of the tower, a hotel being a place travellers go to stay in, this could very well encourage the idea that this still isn't home for 8. Just a glorified trip, regardless of whether or not they even can go 'home'. If they even remember home. The fanciness of it could also be a nod to how out of place they feel, as though they were in a place far out of their league. Like a common man in a palace, it feels...out of place.
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Then? You have this image of multiple octolings. Multiple '8s', that perhaps could imply that they are still struggling to find their identity in a sea of so many like them. So many soldiers like them, so many test subjects like them...
They were always one of thousands, nothing more than a number in a crowd, so they never had any individuality. They never felt they were unique. So why is them who got to find their freedom? Why were they special?
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And now we make it to the key in all this:
Pearl and Marina.
Pearl and Marina were a key component in helping 8 escape the Deepsea Metro. So if anyone would be here for them in such a struggle: it's them. The idea of it being a recollection of 8's memories could also explain Marina's glitched out appearance here.
It's just a memory. Were her tentacles blue, or green? Was this her outfit? Or was it something else? Maybe 8 even has some lasting memory issues after everything...hence how even newer memories seem to escape them.
Pearl seems to meet them in the blanked out square, so they're likely a key part in all of this. Just a hunch.
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Overall though, I'm really really excited!! This DLC looks like it's shaping up to be something amazing, and I hope my silly ramblings at least interest some of you <:)
Thank you for reading! ♡
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Sooooo, what do you guys think the DLC is gonna be about? We know for sure Off The Hook is involved, and some people think that Lil' Judd or Marigold might be the big bads
Perhaps what I'm hoping for is ludicrous, but....
I wanna see a literal battle of the bands in the DLC
We got Harmony from Chirpy Chips in game.
Whose to say we can't see literally everyone else?
Like, let's see just how deep Ink Theory's and Bottom Feeders rivalry goes.
Could we maybe fight them?
Don't tell me Warabi or Finn Bottom wouldn't throw hands with a teenager
IDK, just putting my thoughts out there
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v0id-echoes · 1 year
another interesting twitter observation I wanna talk about
people may have just uncovered a new / upcoming pokemon in Teal Mask related to the Loyal Three
story spoilers for Teal Mask ahead, also pretty long post warning
so in this image used when Carmine and Kieran’s grandpa is explaining Ogerpon’s real backstory to us, people noticed this cut off shape above Okidogi’s head.
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Some people seem convinced that this is Okidogi’s hand / fist, but I personally don’t think it looks like that at all. One person suggested that this is Ogerpon without its mask on, which is hilariously wrong, hilariously stupid and makes zero sense in context.
However, a full image of this “mysterious shape” was apparently found in the games files, with all the other assets used in this sequence.
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So naturally, people believe this is a new Pokemon. And while I find it reasonable to an extent to doubt this image’s validity, there is something in game to corroborate this. In the shop in Mossui Town, there’s a plush that looks exactly like this supposed Pokemon, just upside down, which is interestingly coloured the same as the Loyal Three’s toxic chains.
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For those who don’t know, although the roles are reversed Ogerpon and the Loyal Three are based on the Japanese story of Momotarō, a boy who befriended a talking dog, monkey and pheasant (the Loyal Three) and worked with them to defeat a band of Oni (Ogerpon). However as you probably know if you’ve finished the Teal Mask story, the Loyal Three don’t really have a leader or Momotarō equivalent as far as we can see. However if we’re to assume this little purple thing is a real Pokemon, it’s safe to assume it’ll fill that role.
There’s even more evidence to back up this suggestion too. For one, the Loyal Three are all classified as “Retainer Pokemon” in the Pokedex. One definition of the word “retainer”- the only one that really makes sense in this sort of context- is essentially a servant or domestic worker. It’s very interesting that they’d choose to classify the Loyal Three as Retainers, rather than something more fitting to what we see of them in the game like “Ruffian Pokemon” or just the animals they’re based on or something, because this implies that they are indeed working under something or someone.
The other bit of evidence is that, like I said, the plushie of this supposed Pokemon is coloured the same as the Loyal Three’s toxic chains. Their Scarlet dex entries talk about how their bodies were changed and enhanced by these chains, implying that they were something different, probably smaller and weaker pokemon, originally. It’s possible that this pokemon was the source of these chains and the one who gave them to the Three, maybe in exchange for them becoming its “Retainers”.
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So essentially, this supposed Pokemon is the Loyal Three’s “Momotarō”.
What do you guys think of this? With how much evidence there seems to be, I find it hard to believe nothing will come of this at all, although I am curious exactly how they’d introduce this thing if Kitakami’s story is all wrapped up.
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surelyspacejunk · 3 months
Messmer & Melina Speculation
After playing the DLC, I'm starting to wonder if both Messmer and Melina were sired by Marika and two other gods who weren't Radagon. A few DLC spoilers and big speculations under the cut:
If we are to take the butterfly theories to heart, the introduction of a the black pyrefly in the DLC would support that there are four siblings born from a union of gods. Messmer's Kindling also states that he has a sister who also bore visions of fire; supporting that they are all siblings.
Unlike the twins though, Messmer and Melina seem to have been completely glossed over in the Lands Between.
I'm guessing it's because they both have traits that simply could not have let them exist within the Golden Order; these traits being their affinity towards fire and traits of The Gelmir Serpent (Messmer) and the Gloam-Eyed Queen (Melina.)
Marika/Radagon has already been seen settling disputes through unions with the Carians. Even the Golden Order created a union with the dragons when they realized they could not defeat them. Could Marika have started the pattern of creating truces and betrayal before the creation of the Golden Order? The Hornsent Grandam calls Marika a strumpet, and while she could just be slutshaming Marika, could there be some implication that Marika had relations that were looked down upon?
When you play the DLC, you learn that Messmer is still devoted to Marika, while the latter seems to have abandoned him while being the one responsible for his bloody campaign. While it's obvious to see why the Hornsent despise him, most accounts show that he commanded great loyalty from his men and had genuine friendships with Gaius and Radahn. All this makes me believe that Marika got rid of two birds with one stone, by sending her Messmer who could have never found a place in her order away to do her dirty work of enacting her revenge and solidifying her rule.
As for Melina, the circumstances of her birth seem a little shaky and I don't really have a timeline for when she could have come to existence. That said, her color scheme in the Frenzy ending, the color of her eyes and her quest to deliver destined death seem to tie her to the Gloam-Eyed Queen. The butterflies and Marika/Radagon being able to sire her either way makes it seem that this might not be too crazy but idk, im extremely sleepy now from staying up too late playing this game and theorycrafting.
Anyways those are just some thoughts from a sleepdrunk fan, what do you guys think?
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raygirlramblings · 1 year
Your stance on Rayman and guns is well known; how are you feeling about Blood Dragon Remix Rayman and firearms? Not so sure he's mostly 'armless anymore after all...
I see what you did thar ;)
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I think in regards to Blood Dragon all bets are off, and my opinions on whether Rayman should be allowed to have a firearm are pretty moot. XD. We're not dealing with Rayman's own world where the most 'accurate' firearms would be a Robo-pirate cannon or Razoff's rifle/shotgun thing. In the Blood Dragon universe guns are pretty much a given and part of the world and culture and it would be more out of place for Rayman NOT to have one, or handle one in some way.
While I don't like to imagine Rayman as the type to carry his own gun constantly I would be watching in rapt anticipation for him to use his limblessness to steal a gun from someone else in the middle of a shoot-out.
All I'm saying is that if Rayman turns out to be a cold blooded villain, the protags would be wise to not underestimate his weapon skills and keep track of all his limbs at all times.
And if he’s not a villain…there would have to be a very good reason for him to suddenly pull a gun on anyone, pro or antagonist.
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noroamenial · 2 months
Ranni thoughts (DLC SPOILERS!!)
Literally in game it’s talked about how her mentor was the snow witch (which can be assumed it was just her all along but whatever) but given the amount of empyreans with alternate personalities it wouldn’t be a surprise if Ranni simply was communing with her alter??
It would not be surprising if in slaying her empyrean flesh she instead melded her two parts together. (Hence the dual face?)
Her doll body looks like it was created to mimic that of an ascended empyrean (four arms, flowing fur cape (hair) similar to Miquella at the end of the DLC)
Miquella and Ranni have a lot of dual parallels when it comes to their empyrean nature. Would it be such a stretch to consider that Ranni acknowledged and accepted what was a part of her, unlike Miquella discarding himself?
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