djpachipikachu · 6 months
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posting new graves chapter in t minus a few minutes🙏🙏
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phykoha · 1 year
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Alter Ego AU my beloved
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dandylovesturtles · 11 months
leo and mikey, treat
(fav duo tbh, pretty underrated)
More Sidelined AU! Are you sick of me yet? Hopefully not because this has consumed my brain.
Part 1
Part 2
We're jumping ahead a bit in time to hopefully give you guys a bit more idea of The Flavor of this AU. And also to give it a bit of a happier note. It's not all doom and gloom!
No content warnings to speak of on this one
Mikey lands on the roof and powers on his earpiece, whispering, "Mikey in position. Can you hear me, Base? Come in Base."
"Helloooo New York City," comes Leo's voice, loud and clear. "You're tuning into L.A.I.R 179.12, with your host, DJ Neon Leon! Bringing you the hottest rock from the other side of the millennia."
Mikey snickers, then tries to pull himself back together. "Leo, come on! I'm here."
He sighs, even though he isn't mad at all. "I'm here, DJ Neon Leon."
"Ohohoho, excellent." He hears the click of typing, and then Leo says, "Can you get me visuals, Shelldon?"
"Right away, Neon Leon," Shelldon's voice crackles through the comms. There's a moment of silence, and Mikey can just imagine Leo rolling his chair around his "command center."
(He and Donnie had spent ages building it to look like the bridge of the S.S. Starbolt, with added mobility access, of course. Leo loves it as much as Donnie loves his lab.)
"Got your visuals, dudes," says Shelldon. There's some more typing from Leo's end, then he says, "Alright, Miguel, you should see two guards coming around the building riiiiight... now!"
Sure enough, two guards in plainclothes circle either side of the old apartment building across the street. Mikey watches as the two of them meet in front of the entrance, exchange a few words, then turn and head back the way they came.
"Right on time, Leo."
"Perfect, we're synced." Some more typing, and then, "The rooftop will be clear - let me know when you're over there and I'll get you inside."
"Roger that," he says. "Mikey out." Then he clicks his earpiece to silenced.
A hop, skip, and a jump later he's on the opposite roof. There's a door here, and he edges toward it before contacting Leo again.
"I'm here!"
"Alright... Disabling alarms... now!" Mikey can just see how dramatically he must have pushed the button. "Check the door to see if it's locked."
Mikey reaches out and jiggles the handle, but it doesn't budge. "Locked."
"Alright, no problem - you got your lockpicks?"
"Remember what I taught you?"
"Yeah, I got it."
"Alright. Make me proud, little bro."
Mikey grins, pulling his lockpicking kit out of his gear. It takes him a few minutes, because he's nowhere near as fast at this as Leo is, but he gets it done without needing to ask for help. The training Leo made him go through is still fresh in his mind.
"Alright, I'm in," he says as he slips through the door. He's in a deserted stairwell, but just to be safe he crouches down into the shadows near the wall.
"So far, so good. You need to go down two flights of stairs. No guards are coming around right now, but keep it quiet just in case."
"Don't worry, I'll be silent as a mouse!"
"Knowing Dad that's not giving me as much confidence as you think."
Mikey giggles, then sucks in a breath and gets his game face on. Right. Silent. Ninja skills GO.
He does manage to make it to the right floor without major incident. There's no one in the hall when he enters, looking at the rows of numbered doors. He doesn't know why this is where the artifact is being kept hidden, but it doesn't matter.
"According to our intel, you should be looking for door four-oh-nine," says Leo. "The floor's clear, so get goin'."
"Got it," whispers Mikey, then hurries along in a silent crouch to the door Leo specified. He stops when he gets there, hissing in disappointment.
"What's up?"
"There's some kind of keypad lock."
"No problem. Just hook Donnie's doohickey in there."
Donnie would definitely hate it if he heard them calling it a "doohickey," and that makes Mikey grin. He pulls it out of his gear (it looks like a USB stick, but slightly thinner) and slips it into the maintenance slot on the keypad.
"Alriiight, hacking in progress," says Leo. "Big solo mish is going pretty smoothly so far, huh?"
"Yep," says Mikey proudly. "Told you guys I got this."
"That you did. Oh, and... alakazam!"
There's a click as he says it, then the red light on the keypad turns green. Mikey grins and opens the door, slipping inside the dusty apartment.
"You're getting pretty good at that hacking thing."
"Uh, you know I don't actually hack anything, right bud? I just get Shelly here to do it for me, or shoot it off to Dee if it's too complex."
"Don't sell yourself so short, dude!" says Shelldon. "You're picking it up real quick!"
"Ugh, don't say that. It makes me sound like nerd."
Mikey laughs again, searching the apartment for... well, he's not sure exactly. But he's pretty sure he'll know it when he sees it.
"What's the Foot Clan want this thing for, anyway?" he asks.
"Ours is not to question why, Miguel. I'm leaving that question for Donnie to answer."
"Mm... guess so..." He's about to say something else, but then he feels... something. Like a pulse, getting stronger as he moves toward a closet.
"...I think... I can feel it."
"Feel it?"
"Yeah... it's like..." He frowns, moving forward. "Like it's calling to me."
He opens the closet to find a safe. It also has an electronic lock, so once again he inserts the doohickey. The safe door opens with a click, and he peers inside.
There's only one item: a glittering green stone, with markings he doesn't understand carved in its surface. The pulse is super strong now, waves of energy washing over Mikey. Whatever this thing is, it's definitely powerful.
"I found it!" he says to Leo, a little louder than he should. He reaches in and wraps his fingers around it.
"Great! Hold on, just let me see if-"
Before he finishes his sentence, Mikey pulls the stone out - and immediately a loud alarm starts blaring, making him jump.
"What the heck is that!?" he yelps, jumping to his feet. He hears Leo curse on the other end of the line.
"Pressure alarm. Get out of there!"
The windows are barred - it's why he didn't come in that way in the first place. Mikey has no choice but to go back the way he came, dashing into the hallway. He turns on his heel and is making for the stairwell when his earpiece crackles again.
"No good, they're coming up the stairs."
"Then where am I supposed to go!?" he asks, frantic. All the windows are barred in the hallway, too, so that's no good.
"Okay, okay, hold on... oh, I got it! Opposite direction, about five doors down. Laundry chute."
Mikey sprints. Just as he hears the door of the stairwell open, he's tipping into the chute, pulling his limbs into his shell.
Getting chased by guards? No fun. Sliding down a laundry chute? Very fun.
"Whoooohoohooo!" he cheers when he reaches the bottom, landing in a pile of old rags and t-shirts. "That was awesome!"
"I remember having a distinctly less fun time the last time I had to do that," says Leo. "Anyway, stay there. I'm going to set off the roof access alarms and lure the guards up top, then you go up the stairs and slip out the front. Got it?"
"Got it!"
Leo's plan goes perfectly, and within a few minutes he's back outside. One later and he's back on the rooftops, running to safety.
"Yessss!" he yells once he's finally far enough away, jumping in the air and pumping his fist. "Mission successful baby!"
"I knew you could do it, little bro!" cheers Leo, his voice full of pride, and it makes Mikey beam.
"Couldn't have done it without you, Leo," he says back, truthfully.
It takes Leo a second to answer, which puts the smallest damper on Mikey's enthusiasm, but finally he comes back with, "Sure thing. You know I'm always here to help."
It's not perfect. But it's getting better. Leo is getting better, every day.
Mikey's celebratory mood cannot be quashed. He whoops again, eliciting laughs from Leo's end.
"Alright, now get your butt home before Raph freaks out. He's walked past my door twelve times."
"Thirteen," Shelldon corrects.
"Thirteen!" Leo echoes.
"You got it! Mikey out!"
He clicks the earpiece to silent, then runs and jumps to the next roof with an extra spring in his step. His solo mission was a complete success!
Of course, no missions were truly solo anymore. Not with his faithful older brother ever in his ear.
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soapiemomorphine · 2 years
My Rottmnt Separated Au!// Masterpost
(*Dj Khalid voice *: Another one ) (scroll to bottom for links to other posts)
This one’s called:
How I Met Our Brothers
And it’s an au of my own inspired by all the greats, like @daedelweiss @dianagj-art @trubblegumm @red-rover-au and more! (Seriously go follow their blogs)
Mainly by @trubblegumm and by the feral Leo from @cupcakeslushie , and you’ll soon why
With out further ado;
(Also dont worry ab my chicken scratch I have it all written down lol)
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Since my writing’s shit (lol) here’s the transcript for what I wrote: the character descriptions first, then the pluses from top to bottom
Donatello Hamato:
Raised by Splinter/Hamato Yoshi/Lou Jitsu in the sewers under Brooklyn
Started looking for his bros after his dad told him about them
Met April when he was 9 (she was 11)
He met Leo when they were both 11
Baron Michelangelo:
(I hc that Baron is a title, not a name; like Lord or Lady, so Mikey inherited Draxum’s title)
He’s been training to be a mystic warrior since he was born
Muninn (the one with a larger body and the underbite) wanted him to be named Angel, Huginn (the one with a larger head and overbite) wanted him to be Michael, so they compromised with the perfect name (don’t tell Draxum they saw it in a human pamphlet )
Raised by Draxum alone until he was seven
At 7 y/o he met Raph and ever since both Big Mama and Baron Draxum have joint custody over them
BM and BD raise them like a divorced couple, they alternate houses weekly and they celebrate each holiday twice, (Big Mama and Draxum only come together for their b-days)
Besties with Raph and Cass, (met Cass when he was 10, she was 13)
Rapheal Jitsu :
Training to be a mystic warrior since he was 9
Big Mama named him what she and Splinter would have named their first son; (he proposed to her, you can’t tell me that they didn’t talk ab baby names)
Big Mama was not the only secretive one in the relationship, she didn’t know what Splinter’s real last name was, (and as a gang leader she doesn’t use her name anymore) so yes, Jitsu is Raph’s legal last name
Met Mikey when he was 9 y/o
BM and BD raise them like a divorced couple, they alternate houses weekly and they celebrate each holiday twice, (Big Mama and Draxum only come together for their b-days)
Besties with Mike and Cass, (met Cass when he was 12, she was 13)
??????? —> Leonardo Hamato:
He grew up in the sewers in Staten Island, the one who brought him there was *REDACTED*
Staten Island is full on awful people, so nobody took him in, and he learned to fear people
Donnie found him, and named him Leonardo and gave him his birthday, making him 11
Other Info:
+ because Leonardo was hella malnourished as a growing young lad, Donnie ended up being the 2nd tallest by the time of the movie
+Splinter became more proactive in Donnie’s life ever since he lost sight of the other three brothers and became more proactive in his training when he met April because he’s more paranoid than he is in the show
+Don didn’t really care for Leo (he was comfortable as an only child and Leo changed his routine), until Leo got deathly sick and nearly died
+Big Mama and Draxum (somewhat) reformed only b/c Mikey and Raph would cry and throw tantrums (they won the moral argument slay) when they would talk ab their plans and beliefs (Draxum loves his children more that he hates humanity, and Big Mama finally learned how to love with Raph)
+Mama truly loved Splinter, but was insecure about him loving her as a Yokai (she had trust issues) and b/c her morals are hella skewed, it seemed like a great idea to keep him the only way she knew how, by putting him in Battle Nexus (and she makes bank with him there! In her mind it seemed like a win-win)
(Note: Big Mama’s and Splinter’s relationship will solely be as exes, because it would be hella unhealthy for Splints to trust her after she betrayed it like it. (They both lied to eachother during their relationship in this au) Their relationship in my comics and fanfics in this au will solely be as estranged exes, they will not be getting back together)
If this post gets like, at least 30 notes then ill post a comic on how Leo and Donnie met! (Edit: oh wow. U guys did it)
Lists of HIMOB Posts:
Disaster twins post
Sunset duo post
HIMOB Donnie meets the Canon Mad Dogs // Bonus Comic
Donnie and the Stranger: Part 1 // Part 2
The name Rapheal: Part 1 // Part 2
The Caretaker: Part 1 // TBC . . .
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Hamato Saki AU
When he learnt of his true origin, Oroku Hamato Saki sided with his adoptive family. Unlike his canon counterpart, he never tried to date Tang Shen, never set the fire, never killed her, and never stole Miwa.
Instead, he moved to New York along with them. He witnessed the mutations of his brother and the four turtles. However, the members of the Foot Clan in the canon world still know Saki. None of them are villains and instead help the turtles when facing other threats such as the Kraang and random mutants.
Hamato Yoshi and the turtles: Their part is short because they're basically the same. Only difference is there's no Foot Clan to fight and Miwa and Shen are with them.
Tang Shen: Not dead. She's always been with Miwa and the turtles. A+++++ parenting. She's been trained in a little ninjutsu, just enough to defend herself but no where near the level of Yoshi, Saki, and the kids. Great friends with Kirby O'Neil too.
Hamato Saki: A lot, lot, lot, LOT more tame than Oroku Saki, but still has major anger issues. He’s Miwa and the turtles’ uncle and father figure to what would be the Foot Clan mutants. Never ends up mutated, never kills Splinter.
Hamato Miwa: Splinter’s daughter, the turtles’ older sister, Saki’s niece. She never ends up mutated, but is still dating Shinigami (and obviously never has that romance with Leo bc wtf)
Chris Bradford: Saki ran a dojo in New York for a few years where he met Chris Bradford. Since then, he’s trained as Saki’s protege. He does end up as a mutant in the Gauntlet episode and is double-mutated too, but the second time is caused by a fight with the Kraang.
Xever Montes: The Hamatos + Chris went on a trip to Brazil for *insert really good reason*. There, Miwa met a young Xever. Chris brought Xever back to New York with him, and he's been there ever since. And later on, yeah he gets mutated. Donnie builds his legs and breathing thing instead of Baxter.
Baxter Stockman: A criminal (sad guy with robots) who gets rehabilitated by the Hamatos. he works with them for a while, but betrays them in Baxter's Gambit in hopes of using his StockmanxTurtle Tech to rule the world, he doesn't and gets rehabilitated again, this time for good. He doesn't get mutated (he's honestly sad enough).
Tiger Claw: Knew Saki in Japan. After the Gauntlet, Saki calls TC to help out the Hamatos and is now one of their allies. However, that past with Alopex and the Kraang is hidden for ages.
Anton Zeck and Ivan Steranko: Ivan is an old friend of Saki's. After the Kraang invasion of s2 he joins the Hamatos with his boyfriend, Anton. Ivan's still an arms dealer but is very particular about who he sells to. Anton is not a thief, he's a DJ. They get mutated by the Kraang instead of Saki.
Ask Me Stuff!
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hostess-of-horror · 10 months
❄️A Pristine Carol ❄️
A Mario + Rabbids AU Revisited...
In the Space Opera Network, during the most festive time of the year, the Phantom of the Bwahpera prepares for his annual Winter's Ball performance at Pristine Peaks. Much to the dismay of everyone, his ego is increased tenfold as he refuses to acknowledge his struggling employees. When the Phantom is greeted that night by his dead companion and three other spirits, he begins to realize the error of his ignorant ways.
A holiday ghost story... About a ghost being haunted by ghosts. How ironic!
Inspired by Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, this AU has both holiday cheer and all the spooks you'll ever need!
@randomrabbidramblings @bramble-scramble @minnesotamedic186 @deezeyrabbidy @pastelprince18 @murd3r-rabbids @mimizzin @mothstache @sneklover @salamifuposey @spaceiis0daz
The Cast:
The Phantom of the Bwahpera (Ebenezer Scrooge)
Bea (Belle, Scrooge's Lover)
Judas Morose (Jacob Marley)
Jedidiah McGruff (The Ghost of Christmas Past)
Z.I.N.G. (The Ghost of Christmas Present)
Mal "Fleshcarver" Steward (The Ghost of Christmas Future)
Leo (Bob Cratchet)
Little Lottie (Tiny Tim)
Dolly Mallard (Fred, Scrooge's Nephew - OC by @minnesotamedic186)
The Whole Story in a Nutshell:
The story begins with Phantom reminiscing about his best friend, Judas Morose, who died five years ago while preparing for the Winter's Ball at Pristine Peaks.
Leo, his assistant, asks if he could take a vacation on that day so that he could bring his wife and daughter to his performance, and Phantom does under the condition that his pay will be docked (permanently).
They then get a visit from the kind-hearted Dolly Mallard, who invites him over at her mansion to celebrate the winter festivities. Phantom declines, saying that his performance is far more important than some simple social gathering.
That night, Phantom comes home to get some beauty sleep until he is suddenly visited by Judas Morose, a wretched soul bounded and dangled by heavy chains, who tells him that he must change or else he'll be just like him.
Judas, before he returns to the afterlife, shows Phantom all of the celebrities who were just like him - self-centered and greedy.
Thus begins the haunting. As the clock strikes, Jedidiah McGruff, a country singer with a hankering for smoke and whiskey, appears. He takes Phantom to the past, revealing every moment that made the opera ghost who he is.
In the past, the Phantom was defeated by the hands of Mario and his crew of Heroes at his birthplace, Spooky Trails, and is met by Morose, who seizes the opportunity to make him a star.
Phantom does become a major star, popular for his operatic roasts, and becomes a big part of Morose's party inside a nightclub. Here is where he meets Bea and they fall in love. But their relationship soon became strife with heartbreak as Phantom obsesses over the spotlight, ending with him breaking up with her through text.
The clock then strikes twice, and Phantom encounters an electrifying rapper and DJ named Z.I.N.G., who shows him the present.
Leo arrives home to his wife, Lucille, and his daughter, Little Lottie, who is a huge fan of Phantom. The opera ghost realizes that she's autistic - a lonely girl with a big imagination and an even bigger heart. Lucille laments on how Phantom treats Leo, but Leo remains positive, for their daughter's sake.
Z.I.N.G. then takes Phantom to Dolly Mallard and her gathering of friends playing a guessing game, which turns out to be an excuse to make fun of Phantom. Z.I.N.G. then turns Phantom's attention to his backup dancers, Ignorance and Want, before leaving him.
And finally, when the clock strikes three, the final spirit, Mal "Fleshcarver" Steward of the metal band Rabbid Stew, appears from the darkness. She shows Phantom a vibrant and bustling world of fame and fortune, which was caused by the disappearance of a certain bad celebrity.
This celebrity was so horrible, so terrible, that everyone began praising his absence and goes as far as to sell off his items at an auction for extremely cheap prices. With Phantom not getting it, Fleshcarver then shows Lucille receiving a sudden call from the local school about Little Lottie.
Little Lottie, badly injured after another of her encounters with bullies, is in the nurse's office with her dad. When her mother arrives, she nonverbally communicates that she wants to disappear forever so that everyone can be happy.
Heartbroken by this little girl's predicament, and extremely scared of his future, Phantom begins to realize who the missing celebrity is. Fleshcarver then takes him to a decrepit mansion where he - that very celebrity - was crushed by a hanging chandelier while alone, wallowing in his failed career.
Phantom pleads for forgiveness and begs for another chance at redemption, vowing to put others before himself.
He then wakes up! He is alive, very, very much alive, and he is beyond ecstatic! The story ends with Phantom adding a great sum in everyone's paycheck, allowing Leo and his family to his performance for free, and arrives at Dolly Mallard's party, who was greeted with open arms.
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percyaugod · 6 months
I will take literally any more info on the “Brother from another Ooze’’ au you have. Please.
— Anon
Splinter is surviving. Leo doesn't need all that responsibility on his shoulders. Donnie is not above just sniping the guy with a krang weapon while he's distracted by Splinter.
It's so unfair that Donnie is grounded after. He took down the big bad, so what if he's been keeping alien weapons in secret?
I want Casey and his family to survive the Mutant apocalypse but get separated from the others. Just so when they find Donnie years later they can be horrified by the realization of what happened. Also think it would be fun if they got to experience losing Donnie themselves while most of the others lose him again after just getting him back.
Bonus points if the one he is stuck with is Splinter. Sure their relationship improved, but the guy was so stoic most of the time and tried to turn so many things into a lesson unnecessarily. It got old fast.
The fact Splinter also had little care for Donnie's tech was a big problem. Donnie can't believe he had to make a cheese phone just to get Splinter to use one. Now that it's the only reason Donnie is "alive" Splinter seems a lot more open to it, that's for sure. Splinter regrets not learning more about tech when he has to help piece his son back together.
During this time Donnie learns more about fighting from Splinter. The training and repeated movements helped Donnie get accustomed to his new body. It's also easier for Donnie to call Splinter Sensei than Dad.
They do get to meet up earlier at least. Little under a decade. Leo may be larger than Splinter now but that doesn't mean his father can't still toss him like a salad.
Had a random thought of Casey and his family getting mutated but couldn't decide on what or even if they were all the same animal or each a different one.
Baxter Stockman is one of Donnie's biggest fans because he listens to the podcast all the time. He's even called in regularly. It's so hard to find someone to talk to who understands and appreciates his genius. "DJ" has also helped him get through blocks in his work.
Stockman has gotten curious and tried to find DJ to see who he is. Every attempt at hacking or tracking has been blocked or met with some kind of virus. The challenge has just made him want to know even more.
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shrimpscream · 2 years
Rottmnt/Fnaf sb AU
I’ve been seeing a bit of ‚future Donnie builds a robot Raph‘ stuff combined with finding out about the fnaf ruin dlc announcement and started mixing this au together…
Right off the bat, I got some loose ideas for April (maybe a security guard) and Draxum (either a mechanic or animatronic/maybe both?) so this will be about the turtles (look! they even glow in the dark!).
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I was thinking that the rise turtles or ‚mad dogs‘ were a quartet of animatronics made for Alberto’s who were bought by Fazbear entertainment after the place had to close down, due to a lawsuit from fazbear entertainment regarding copyright issues (with the whole ‚Alberto being copied off of Freddy‘ thing)
At Alberto’s and later the pizzaplex their actual names are: Rocking Raph, Dancing Donnie or Dancing Dee, Laughing Leo and Magic Mikey due to their personality’s and the activities they often performed for/ with guest. Thought a lot of people just call them by the second half of their names because it’s shorter.
They get their own attraction in the pizzaplex in form of a sort of ninja warrior obstacle run/ martial arts training area.
They all have a certain time slot in which they can be found in their attraction since fazbear entertainment thought it isn’t necessarily to have all four of them be there all the time.
Raph is a new addition to the main band by filling in as a drummer, Donnie is working with DJ music man, Mikey is helping out sun/moon in the daycare by painting with the kids or showing them magic tricks, and Leo as the ‚face man‘ of the mad dogs is basically always at the obstacle course.
Although they aren’t interested in catching Gregory like the other animatronics, they will wander the pizzaplex and can hinder his Progression by accidentally alerting other animatronics to his location simply because they are curious teenagers. Therefore Gregory can decommission them as well.
Important to note here is that if Gregory chooses to disassemble/kill one of the turtles, the others WILL find out about it and attack him on sight like the others.
!it gets a bit more brutal from here on!
Donnie will mostly be seen near areas with arcade games. If you get too close to him, he will tell you to back off and snoop around elsewhere (which will alert any nearby animatronics). If you bother him in the west arcade, where he shares a stage with the DJ, he will start to chase you around the area and you are forced to decommission him by messing with his setup on the stage to cause the system to shortcircuit his headphones, effectively making his head explode. Gregory can then take his headphones which allow him to better hear what direction other animatronics are approaching him from.
Donnie won’t be attacking him afterwards and is instead seen shaking and cowering completely disoriented in corners, silently crying for one of his brothers to find and comfort him.
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Mikey can be encountered basically everywhere in the pizzaplex wanting to show Gregory magic tricks, paint with him or just generally ask him questions, making him the most annoying to Gregory. During the moon segment, he will hide on top of the playstructures though.
In order to get Mikey to stop bothering you, you have to lure him to the west arcade with paint. More specifically, the room in which the robot head for the Roxy segment can be fixed. The paint has to be placed inside the lid that the robots head was taken out of after repairing it. Mikey, acrobatic as he is, will try to get the paint containers out of the machine by basically hanging from the top of the machine. Once Mikey reaches in, Gregory will kick the lid shut, startling Mikey so he falls and thus getting his lower arms snapped off.
Directly afterwards, Mikey will start to cry and run away from Gregory in fear. From then on, Gregory can see him walking around the pizzaplex with his stumps covered in paint and crying. Mikey will immediately run away if he spots him.
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Leo will mostly bother Gregory around the MainStage and the turtles attraction. He will bother him by repeatedly challenging him to a match of either running through the obstacle course or a swordfight.
If Gregory chooses to run through the obstacle course, he will push Leo off balance, making him fall into the machinery of some spinning elements, which slowly crushes his lower half until it reaches his main power source.
During the swordfight, Gregory will be given one of Leo’s katanas because the practice ones aren’t ‚fun’ enough to Leo. He will trip Leo with some wires, giving him the opportunity to stab the sword through Leo’s main power source, effectively killing him.
In both instances, Leo’s last words will be „I just wanted to prove I’m better at something“ in a shaky voice.
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Raph won’t bother you anywhere. He will be practicing on his drums or ‚sleep’ in Monty’s showroom/ backstage areas in a random pile of plushies and pillows he found somewhere around the pizzaplex. Mikey will oftentimes be with him.
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However if you disassemble one of his brothers, he won’t be practicing/sleeping anymore and instead chase you.
If Gregory disassembles Leo, Donnie and Mikey, Raph will go savage and actively starts hunt him down and try to get Donnie’s headphones back while crying for his brothers.
The only way to get him to stop is to lure him to the obstacle course/training area se he gets distracted by Leo’s mangled body, which allows Gregory to collapse a catwalk on top of and thus behead him.
He will spend his last moments apologizing to his brothers for not being strong enough to protect them.
Throughout the night, Freddy will make a few comments about how nice and pure the turtles are and that he finds it interesting to have these younger animatronics around as well as wonder where they are if Gregory takes them out.
Is this a bit too overkill? Maybe, but this is still a fnaf au and we all know how dark the rottmnt au‘s/ fanfics can get…
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djpachipikachu · 6 days
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unstoppable force vs immovable object
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— All! —
“Can you play with my hair?” - in which reader is touch starved and doesn’t wanna admit it.
Turtles x Pianist!Reader - in which reader shows an interest in piano and the arts.
Turtle Blush and Hand-holding - in which you make them flustered / in which you figure out how to hold such unique hands.
Oddly Specific Headcanons - in which regret has no f-ing idea why people indulge them.
Insomnia is a B-tch - in which you can’t sleep, giving you a horrible headache.
Yandere!Turtles x hypersomnic tendencies - in which reader sleeps a lot, like a LOT, and how the boys react to that.
Literally Anything Else - in which reader is a bunny yokai who doesn’t like their ears or tail being touched.
———Raphala ———
Freakout (A Oneshot) - in which Raph develops a sudden allergy and reader tries to stop his brothers from freaking out over him.
Teddy Bear (A Oneshot) - in which reader makes plushies by hand, and can’t help but make one of Raph.
Raph x Reader who likes to knit - in which reader finds a special way to bond with Raph.
Raph x Reader who’s bigger. - in which reader is taller/stronger, fwhich freaks Raph out.
———DJ. Delicate Touch ———
———Neon Leon———
Reader who is a jumpy feline (A Oneshot) - in which reader likes the quiet things in life.. in which opposites attract.
Priorities (A Oneshot) - in which shy!reader doesn’t like Leo’s competitiveness
Rizz-o-nardo - in which regret rambles about why tf they write Leo with rizz
Touch - in which regret rambles about Leo being a tease (also slight Yandere vibes??)
Bickering - in which Rise!Leo is certain 2k12!Leo is taking advantage of you— how could he not be!?
Unbelievable - An au in which Y/n is transferred from the Yandere dimension to canon.
No Difference (A Oneshot) - In which reader thinks their new glasses make them look stupid
See the Sun (a Oneshot) - in which reader is depressed and hasn’t been eating.
Smarter. (A Oneshot) - in which reader doesn’t understand Donnie’s soft spots.
Doesn’t exist.
There’s nothing here
———Dr. Prankenstien———
I see nuthin
———Mr. Autism———
Bickering - in which Rise!Leo and 2k12!Leo don’t get along, why is that?
Donnie x Villain/antihero!Reader - in which reader is good with tech and messes with Don’s head.
Requests are Closed!
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phoebehalliwell · 1 month
can I send you another silly ask lol I'm curious about how your characterisation of each character came about. across all of your next gen aus and canon lol. I've got my own next gen ocs for another fandom and some of them were a full character immediately while others I still have no idea. I have to assume making like aesthetic edits and stuff helps you with that but what else? did you have to think about it much or did some appear in your mind with a full personality and vibe already?
so a lot of it depends i would definitely say some appeared in my mind more fulfledged than others (charactrers like henry jr, parker, sheridan, & pj i had a pretty solid handle on from the start whereas like melinda, tamora, dj & mikey morris, and patricia halliwell-trudeau were definitely slower processes and a lot of coming up with something then scratching it lol). but, in general, for next gen specifically, i would say my greatest influence is both parents + birth order, just because i think those are the thing that will make a next gen character feel the most like a next gen character to the audience. it is a personal pet peeve of mine where next gen media kind of goes yeah they were kind of shitty parents like. those are the people i grew up with!! you shut your whore mouth!!! (no i am still not over the characterization of aang in lok.) but yeah, so like, a large part of what their character is like will come from what i perceive their childhood to be like. so for example: pj, phoebe and coop's eldest, is def going to be a romantic and totally going to meddle in everyone's business, and then, being the eldest, is also going to have that protective/overprotective streak we see so often modeled by the eldest sibling in charmed, as well as her own mother (think back to when paige was with richard). so next gen does offer a kind of cheat sheet like that.
there is, of course, a little more difficulty when, like, you just straight up don't really know which route to go/where to start. for melinda, i had trouble because she's already coming in on two really strong personalities: wyatt & chris, who also already have an established dynamic without her. for this, i really just kind of worked backwards to establish what i didn't want. for melinda (and this is personal preference) i really didn't want the stereotypical ya 2014 badass heroine who wears eyeliner and black leather jackets. for starters, i feel like those tropes have gotten really overdone, especially in the urban fantasy medium, and then secondly i just didn't want everyone in this family to be the same kick ass leather boots type (which, given that i already had visions for parker, henry jr, kat, chris, pj, etc who all kind of fit comfortably into those ya tropes, i really wanted someone on the softer side). i also think that like, for her, piper and leo are you know they have this tenderness this sweetness and i wanted to embody that. so i didn't want black leather melinda, but narrowing it down further i also really didn't want doormat melinda either. again, we're looking at her parents. they're stubborn, they're fighters, they don't take shit. so i wanted to work to combine a softness and like a take no shit vibe. from there it was just kind of holding up puzzle pieces in my mind until i found ones that fit (e.g. i think she swears at her brothers and calls them out on shit but i think outside of the home she's a lot more passive not everything needs to be a fight because quite frankly she's got plenty of tension in her life already no need to be adding more, she's shy when it comes to love interests, she's a perfectionist, she's a mom friend/mama bear, all just little character quirks that exist in my little character brain bank that i decided i liked how they worked for her)
there is the separate category of the true oc, one who has not previously engaged with canon at all, and those are usually shaped through motivation, and their motivation is usually shaped by what i need to happen in the plot. so, for viola, for example, her main motivation is a wish to be left in peace. why? well, because i wanted kat to try to find the twice blessed and that kind of meant the twice blessed had to be hiding. so for that main motivation, a couple potential pathways arose: she could straight up not give a fuck and be apathetic towards the whole thing. she could be scared of her destiny and not want any part of it out of fear of herself/her own power. she could not want to complete her destiny because doing so would involve making a choice she feels like she can't make. i ended up going for the last one bc to me it definitely seemed the most fun. based off canon, i decided that the twice blessed destiny, while never explicitly stated in canon, was to wipe out all evil. of course, this meant there was the flipside there was the potential to wipe out all good. now i feel like to the average person this has a fairly easy answer like if you could wipe out all mosquitos. like, yes, you know there are prob going to be some like ramifications from removing a species from existence, but, like, fuck those guys. also, hello, malaria? i feel like you'd be saving a lot of people. so like i felt like i needed to give her some tie to evil, some bond, something that would motivate her not to want to destroy evil because if she did she'd be destroying her loved ones. next question is why/how does she love something evil. so i built her a backstory of being raised in a defect clan (witches who have turned into warlocks, something we established could happen in the show), giving her a different perspective of being people raised in say the manor might have. from her backstory more parts of her personality started to bloom, she doesn't let herself be tread on and hates feeling like a pawn in someone else's game, she's very protective over the ones she loves and is willing to remove herself from their lives to save them, she likes helping people, she likes making people smile, her sense of humor can be a little bit twisted and she thinks selfish people should be cut down before they hurt others.
i hope this helped answer you question if you have any more qs just let me know and i will do my best to answer
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megari9818 · 1 month
My original character for Splatoon Maria Wilkins.
Species: human
Legally identifies as an inkling
Family: marina and pearl (adoptive moms), Agent 8 (sister), Callie (Wife), Acht(new mom)
Friends: Captain 3 (Best/Closest friend), Cuttlefish, Marie, Agent 4, Sheldon, Neo Agent 3, Shiver, Frye, Big man.
Enimies: Dj Octavio, Octarians, Tartar, Mr. Grizz, Order.
Weapons: Splat-shotgun (self made), inksniper (bolt action charger), Splat bombs, Splatana (an ink katana), heavy splating.
Special weapons: Tempa missiles, Splashdown, killer wail 5.1, Trizooka, Crab Tank.
Occupation: mercenary (formally), Agent 7 of the Squidbeak Splatoon (Currently).
Time-line: 6/12/2037- maria is born. 2047- Becomes a mercenary, 2048- Becomes an alterna resident, 2049- She's Cryogeniclly frozen, 14049(splatoon 1)- is unfrozen and joins the squidbeak splatoon, Early 14050- starts chatting with Dj hyperfresh and mc. Princess, late 14050- starts dating Callie, pearl and marina get married and adopt maria, (splatoon 2) early 14051- meets Agent 4, (Octo expansion) late 14051- meets Agent 8, and meets her mom's in person, 14053- Maria and Callie get married, 14054- Craig retires and Agent 3 Becomes Cap'n 3, 14055- maria "retires" from the squidbeak splatoon, (Splatoon 3) early 14056- meets Neo Agent 3, Shiver, Frye, and Big man, (Side Order) late 14056- joins her family on a new mission, Early 14057- pearl and marina marry Acht.
Real names of the Agents (my AU): Trace (Cap'n 3), Ash (Agent 4), Ocho (Agent 8), Leo (Neo Agent 3).
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phykoha · 1 year
so what is the premise of the alter ego AU? is it just like the turtles do stuff on their own like a night or whatever? and if so, what do they do?
So it takes place after the movie. And you've pretty much got it on the money right there hdsfhds
I made Donnie (DJ DEE) first. His brothers don't know that DJ DEE is actually Donnie, but ironically they all have alter egos. And none of them know that. He goes around to big clubs in the Hidden City to DJ it up, and he's really good at it- There are a few places that actively seek him out to do music there. Eventually, he gets big enough to play at the Battle Nexus.
Speaking of the Battle Nexus, Leo (Blue Lightening) is a Nexus champion! He sneaks off to fight, and even Big Mama is like "who tf is this kid and how did he get in here?" But lets him fight anyway because he draws in huge crowds. She's the first to figure out that he's Leo. It's really not that hard once she gets close enough to get a good look at him hfdsjfsd
(Fighting helps Leo to get his energy and frustration from the whole Kraang situation out.. :) a pretty bad coping mechanism given how it's the fucking Battle Nexus)
Raph (Nightwatcher) goes out at night to fight crime and protect New York on his own. After what happened with the Kraang, he's too paranoid. He's always stressing and worried that his brothers will get hurt again, despite trusting them to take care of themselves. He saw firsthand how well they can fight, especially when they're working as a team... But he can't help it. So he works as the Nightwatcher to take on the bigger problems on his own.
Mikey (Name pending but he calls himself Dr Splatter for now. The city just calls him M.) is a graffiti artist. He goes out to paint up the town as a way to destress. You'll know if a piece is his, due to the big orange M as his signature. He's actually done a few walls for money too. He's gotten into doing pieces for the Purple Dragons, even. Fun fact: Some of his paint glows, bc he infused his mystic powers into it.
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djxbliss · 2 months
Tumblr media
(  madelyn cline,  cis woman,  she/her,  muse  15  )  was  that  DAPHNE-JEAN “DJ”  BLISSETT  i  saw  heading  towards  the  water?  you  know  the  TWENTY-SIX  year  old  from  MOONLIGHT BEACH?  can  you  believe  they've  only  lived  in  manoa  bay  for  4 MONTHS,  it  seems  like  so  much  longer.  last  i  checked  they  were  known  around  town  as  the  PRIMADONNA because  of  their  tendency  to  be  ALLURING  and  HIGH-MAINTENANCE,  but  what  else  did  you  expect  from  a  LEO  who  reminds  you  of  SEA SALTED KISSES, PERFECTLY MANICURED FINGERNAILS, AND GLITTER THAT GETS EVERYWHERE  …  since  hayden's  disappearance  they  have  been  happily  working  as  a/an  DJ  at  OASIS NIGHTCLUB,  but  that's  all  about  to  change  because  the  eye  HAS  set  their  sights  on  exposing  all  of  their  lies,  as  well  as  {REDACTED} .  i  really  hope  they  don't  incriminate  themself. 
NAME: Daphne-Jean Blissett "DJ Bliss"
AGE: 26
BIRTHDAY: August 10, 1997
ZODIAC: Leo Sun, Libra Rising, Virgo Moon
SEXUALITY: Bisexual (Lesbian-Questioning)
FACE CLAIM: Madelyn Cline
OCCUPATION: Synthpop/Electropop Singer & Songwriter / DJ @ Oasis Nightclub
Daphne-Jean was the production of a whirlwind love story. Her mother was a part of a traveling tour group from the US, taking a 32 day trip to go see the world. They were stopped in Australia for 2 days, where she met Daphne’s soon-to-be father and they fell in-love. To make a long story, short, her mother never finished out her trip; cutting all ties from her birth state of Florida to just make roots with this new guy in a foreign country. Wanting to move somewhere more family-oriented than the city of Sydney, they chose to start their family in the small coastal town of Port Fairy. It took a year for them to tie the knot, and another year for Daphne-Jean to be brought into the world. It was a job opportunity that uprooted the Blissett household from Port Fairy and rooted them here in Manoa Bay merely two years after DJ was born.
Growing up in the Blissett home consisted of going to the local roller rink or bowling alley on Fridays, and dancing around on Sunday mornings whilst making a hearty homemade breakfast. Though the town was small, Daphne-Jean was never deprived of activities to do. The beach providing good waves for surfing in the summers, and the local theatre never short of local and global talent on their calendar.
Daphne-Jean was first coined as ‘DJ’ by her father, and though her mother was diligent in calling her by her full name (being named after her grandmother), her mom even eventually caved. The usage of the nickname grew as she attended school and made more friends beyond her dance classes. Her mom always bragged about how DJ danced before she genuinely walked, and as she has always been known for running on her toes because of it. Her younger years in dance classes marked her love for music, and a major bonding point for her and her mother. One of DJ’s favorite memories as a kid was doing jazzercise videos with her mother. They also shared a love for the 80′s aesthetic and music. Still being a huge part of her brand to this day; both fashion-wise and music-wise with influence. DJ always admired the bold color choices, and the upbeat music that just made you wanna breakout in dance.
It was DJ’s charm and outgoing personality that made her popular. Sure, her looks played a part, but the genuine compassion that radiated out of her so easily made her liked even by those who would normally hate the popular kids. Though she was a social butterfly who had no issue with making friends, there was always a struggle in the romance department. Maybe it was a form of self-harming in a weird addiction sense, or maybe it was just the fact she was popular and attracted the attention, that she always seemed to be in a toxic relationship. Even if it was not always the other person, DJ always had a way of shifting blame because there could never be anything wrong with her. At the end of the day, she always had a justification for her actions - and her perception of it would be the only one that mattered. That didn’t mean she didn’t deal with her fair share of assholes; one in particular being a constant through her high school career. It was a toxic circle of jealousy and games, but DJ just couldn’t find an ‘out’ - mostly because she liked the highs so much, that she didn’t want an ‘out’.
During her 3rd year of high school, DJ started drinking and partaking in experimentation of drugs. It was triggered by her toxic flame at the time, but also her parents’ divorce. Her wild side came out as a scream for help, not necessarily wanting to lean on her father or mother because of how hard both were taking it. It was also the fact that both were taking it so hard, that it confused DJ as to why they were getting a divorce to begin with. It wasn’t until she graduated high school, that she became aware of her mother’s BPD and the negative aspects to her respective case that caused the split; overspending, infidelity - it was too much for DJ to see her mother that way. It also was marked as a wakeup call for DJ when her father would state she was ‘acting’ like her mother. It caused her to cut ties and flee, a part of her always unsettled by how easy it was for her to leave her small town and travel to the city with nothing more than $10 to her name.
DJ never took school seriously, and thus she had to fall back on her skills to obtain a job that could support her in Sydney: stripping. It was during this time in her life that she genuinely felt the most alone she’s ever felt, and so she turned to alcohol and drugs to cope. One of her good friends who was a co-worker of hers, hooked her up with a ‘nice guy’. He did wind up getting DJ into a rehab facility, and DJ instantly obtained a therapist to stay clean when she got out of rehab. The issue was, he started to change - expecting way more from DJ because he credited himself fully for getting her clean. It was like clockwork, how the toxicity followed her in such a vicious cycle. She relapsed twice before actually leaving him.
DJ’s therapist made the correlation known to her, between her happiness and music. It was supposed to be a silly little ‘project’ for her therapy session to come up with a song to air out her emotions about her most toxic ex who wouldn’t leave her alone. She wasn’t expecting her drunkenly posting it on TikTok to go viral. It was an overnight sensation, and that had everything to do with how brutally honest she was; her songwriting more like she was speaking to her best friend that just so happened to be the world. She kept her stage name as DJ Bliss, and is known as DJ, Bliss, or just DJ Bliss by her fanbase - her old identity now something she quickly forgot.
A major record deal came into the picture after 3 years of DJ being a pop star in her bedroom. Though she felt hesitance with what the label contract entailed (practically going from home-based to now international), she signed on and moved to NYC. She’s only been signed to the label for 8 months, but her debut EP is set to be launched by this upcoming October. ‘Til then, she’s still learning the ropes when it comes to this music industry stuff; only really used to fully managing and running her stuff, herself. And also just leaking stuff she shouldn’t be, currently. Recently, she came back to Manoa Bay to see how her family is doing as well as hearing the gossip about Hayden's case progressing. You can catch her as a guest DJ at Oasis Nightclub!
DJ’s either in a super good mood, or in the worst mood ever. She’s coded in extremities, and maybe that had something to do with a mental illness in her family history, but she’s not properly diagnosed with anything. She seeks out thrills, and is a sort of ‘yes’ woman when it comes to last minute trips or activities such as skydiving. DJ is a huge partier, though she is over 8 months sober (and counting), she still loves to let loose and have fun; never turning down an opportunity to dance and have fun. She’s quick to make friends, and can be very supportive. The downfall, is that in a romantic sense she is easily bored. So, if it’s not something toxic, she will make it toxic herself just to watch it self-destruct in her face. She is prone to jealousy and will try to make others jealous. She’s also petty in the sense of loving the chase more than anything, and to be chased. DJ is quick to fall into lust and infatuation, but hates being romanticized. Even though, she’s prone to romanticizing things (especially strangers), and this is because she feels everything so deeply but also because the way she sees things is just how they are to her. This also makes her really stubborn, and it’s hard to have her see things from a different perspective other than her own. DJ doesn’t really think things through, but it makes for great stories. She loves fashion with lots of color, even her black clothing having some rainbow-esque or neon accents to it. She also loves her hair curled and she’s coined a hot pink as her signature color: loving how it’s confident yet happy as a color. She’s also almost never in pants. Her go-to is a skirt or dress, and if she has to wear pants then they’re either sheer or short-shorts. DJ is prone to being optimistic to an unrealistic degree, but she means well and for the most part it’s a self-coping way for her to get in a better mindset. She’s currently questioning her sexuality; thinking maybe it’s not her but the boys who’re making it hard for her to build serious meaningful connections with, but she’s keeping that on the down-low as she’s experimenting more with her bisexuality to figure it out. At the end of the day, she’s someone who radiates fun and she understands struggle - so she’s a great person to have in your life if you need some sunshine, just be careful when her storm clouds start brewing.
+ Compassionate, Energetic, and Alluring
- Apolaustic, Destructive, and Petulant
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saturn-xvoid · 1 year
Basically all my TMC Aus/headcanons!! Please lemme know yours if you have I lobe them so much 😭
Anyways, Let’s get started!!
Fav tosses:
Mark = Strip toss
Cesar = single half 45, catch behind back
Jonah: Pop toss
Adam: Lasso
Least fav tosses:
Mark = Silk double, spin underneath it
Cesar = Silk toss
Jonah = 45
Adam = Any toss where he has to do jazz splits on the floor 
Mark = Outside hitter
Adam = Setter 
Jonah = Middle blocker
Cesar = Libero 
Sarah = Opposite hitter 
Joel (mystifying oracle) = Defense specialist 
Evelin = Manager or Setter 
Thatcher, Dave, Ruth = Coaches 
Evelin = Goalie 
Cesar = Pivot 
Adam = Left wing
Sarah = Right wing
Mark = Left back
Jonah = Right back 
Thatcher, Dave, Ruth = Coaches 
(Self indulgent tbh)
Mark: Blue
Cesar: Red
Jonah: Orange 
Adam: Black
Sarah: Green
Evelin: Purple 
I imagine that if Mark was getting injured by something and Cesar (or anyone really) was near, he wouldn’t call Cesar for help in fear of Cesar getting hurt by the thing as well.
Adam would just yell and cuss which is what normally alerts Jonah that he needs help.
Cesar would call Marks name but that’s it, he wouldn’t ask Mark to help him, just for him to come over. 
Jonah would ask anyone and everyone for help when getting hurt but back then (MY AU) he never did because of TRAUMA. 
Cesar = Night fury
Adam = Monstrous nightmare 
Mark = Cesar’s rider (that sounds weird but it’s not i swear) 
Jonah = Adams rider (once again not weird leave me alone)
(I also have a fanfic of this btw so lemme know if ya want me to link that ;))
Mark = Gun
Cesar = Spiky bat
Adam = Knife or anything sharp 
Jonah = Axe
Mark = He/him
Cesar = He/they
Jonah = All pronouns 
Adam = He/it (Possibly xe/xer too)
Sarah = She/her
Evelin = She/he/they
Dave = All pronouns 
Ruth = She/her
Thatcher = He/they
Mark = Mugman 
Cesar = Cuphead 
Jonah = Dice 
Adam = Devil 
Sarah = Mrs. Chalice 
Mark = Kitty softpaws
Cesar = Puss
Sarah = Perrito 
Jonah = Baby bear 
Adam = Goldie 
Six = Papa bear
Lynn Murray = Mama bear
Mark = Stan
Cesar = Kyle
Jonah = Kenny
Adam = Cartman 
A tmc au where everyone lives and no one dies (Like Unwound Wounds by SoundlessNoise on ao3) but Jonah has an alternate attached to him.
The alternate isn’t visible to anyone but Jonah and it doesn’t turn Jonah into an alternate, instead it tells jonah to… ya know… commit die. Jonah doesn’t give in and he debates telling the boys but the alternate convinced him not to. 
Maybe have the boys find out?? 
Sorry I like Jonah angst LMAO 
Mark = Violin
Cesar = Viola 
Jonah = Violin 
Adam = Cello 
Mark = Geno sans
Cesar = Ink sans
Jonah = Fresh sans
Adam = Error sans
Mark = Donnie
Cesar = Leo
Jonah = Mikey
Adam = Raph
Sarah = Usagi
Evelin = April 
Jonah is a juggalo fr.
Dave Lee reminds me of the do the flop guy.
Mark = Gregory 
Cesar = Glamrock Freddy
Jonah = Sun
Adam = Moon
Sarah = Roxanne
Evelin = Chica 
Thatcher = Monty 
Ruth = Vanny
Dave = DJ music man
Jonah = Moana
Mark = Mal
Cesar = Evie
Jonah = Carlos 
Adam = Jay
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tmnt-tychou · 2 years
2023 Goals
While I have been a life-long fan of our boys in green, I only started this blog around September of this year. And I have to say it's been my absolute pleasure to immerse myself in this community. All you Bayverse fans especially are just so sweet and supportive and are absolutely lovely.
One of my goals is to reach out more to fellow fans. I would love to get to know you all better. Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed and can't keep up with all the amazing updates you talented people post for us. And sometimes I am so paranoid that me reaching out to people will annoy them or stress them out (I also can get stressed out easily) so I spend a lot of time staying in my own lane and not talking to anyone. Those of you who have this talent for reaching out and making people feel appreciated and involved, you are like super human to me. Keep doing what you're doing.
I would like to extend a big, open invitation to anyone who wants to talk to me about turtles, you can PM me. I don't mind AT ALL. You want to put anonymous weird turtle-related shit in my ask box, go ahead. Randomness from the internet ether is kind of exciting. You wanna talk to me about poly ships? You can send that shit to me right now. In the meantime, I will also try to be more proactive and reach out as well. If you get comments from sketchytychou, that is also me—my main blog.
Current projects on my To Do List you will see in the next few months:
Battle Nexus AU: “The Pit Boss” - fanfic short “Paint Me In Your Colors” -fanfic short
ROTTMNT: Leo fluttering comic More 2K3 crossover comics Various Raph pics LJ/DJ fanfic ask sitting in my Ask Box LJ/DJ time travel hijinks
Bayverse: New Years Reader x turtles fic “When Leo Met Mona” chapter 10 Head Canon- Intimacy
Current tag list:
I do not add people to my tag list unless they ask. (Again, I am paranoid about bothering anyone.) If you asked and I missed you, I am so sorry. I was unprepared when people first started asking to be tagged. If you want to be added, please let me know. I am making my list like Santa Claus. If you want to be tagged in some things but not others, you can say so. It will not hurt my feelings. I don't want to tag anyone that doesn't want to be tagged.
All writing tag list:
@thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @hotredphoenix @post-apocalyptic-daydream
Battle Nexus AU only(?)
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