bluebudgie · 1 year
accidentally typed gibberish in chat and wanted to write "oops" when i noticed but instead full capslock typed "OOPA" im going to cry
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sunlightsilence · 4 months
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PART 2 of the the inkfish icons! These are meant to be paired with the side order style octo emojis here! Only this time I made Inkling squid ones trying to match the style of ingame octo ones! There's an archive linked below where they're all individually cut and cropped! Feel free to use them in your discord server, twitch chat, youtube chat, etc, but if you do, please link back to my tumblr or youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@sunlightsilence https://sunlightsilence.tumblr.com/
I'd really appreciate it :) Thank you!
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locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
Hi!! How do you meet and make genuine friends on Sky? I’ve been playing for a few years now, but whenever I get a chance to chat with other players they either speak a different language or ask me a bunch of personal questions 😵‍💫. There seems to be so many funny and interesting people online but I never meet them in person!
I had to think about this one for a bit since im not good at making friends either JGGHFJ
I think it’s definitely easier to find people to connect with online rather than in game. A lot of the people I’m closer with in sky are usually people I find through online platforms rather than in game (though not saying its impossible to find good ingame friends, just might be harder) . A general thing would be to find those who have similar interests or humour, and as well as to spend time with the friends every once in a while, whether it be candlerunning or just hanging out to talk.
If you want a more in depth rambling of me going on about everything I know about making friends, then:
Ok well this is kinda for anyone reading this JGHJDJ
A general thing about friends is to find a common interest to talk about like OCs, art, sky in general, other games, anything basically, especially if you’re like me and bad at conversations. Even after you find the initial spark, it can get hard to keep up with regular conversations afterwards and it’s easy to drift apart. If you want to get closer with someone it’s definitely good to start conversations every once in a while. This can go from telling them things you think will be funny or showing them things to just things about your day. A lot of people appreciate this kind of thing and usually get comfortable to reciprocate it (unless you’re like me and really bad at stating conversations HFBSIC)
In sky, this can also be asking the other if they want to cr together or eden, even oobing if you’re into that. It gives the chance to hang out and talk to each other.
Of course, if the other person doesn’t respond with a lot of enthusiasm or doesnt seem to put effort into the friendship, it might be time to back off to give them space. They could either be tired and need a break or they arent interested in the friendship anymore. An exception would be if the person is already socially awkward or isn’t good at starting conversations. It can be hard to tell sometimes.
If you wanna find friends
For finding friends online, its usually finding a community and finding people within it or becoming a part of the community. if you’re social enough you can join discord servers and talk to people. Even if you arent as social, discord server can still help find people to interact with, like cr partners, heart trade, needing help people/finding help, that could lead to friendship. There’s also being on social media, though it might be harder if you dont post things or if you arent really noticed or something, though it’s not like you need to be famous to be able to find people. You can also find others on social media who are already asking for friends. Ive seen quite a few on tumblr and sometimes on other platforms where people asks if anyone wants to be sky friends. Twitch, the streaming platform yeah, also has quite a few sky creators that are willing to friend pretty much anyone, which could be another way to find a community (since quite a few people on sky twitch know each other).
For in game in sky: Moths are definitely easier to become friends with since you know guiding them and everything and watching them grow up, except moths are wild cards and some are euaheh weird and others never show up again. A lot of older players already have their own friends and friend groups and then other people play inconsistently or have different timezones/playtimes, so theres a lot more luck when making friends on sky. Best bet would just be keep talking to people and when you do find someone you bond with, continue to join and check in on them every once in a while to keep up the friendship.
Joining friends in game can be scary for many (me included), but it usually ends up not as bad as you think, of course respecting dnd spells (or cape codes if they have those). Even if you do join at an inconvenient time, its a simple “oh, sorry/mb” and you head out, leaving minimal damage and awkwardness.
Of course since this is the internet and people can be bad, if people cross boundaries even after being warned once or multiple times, or you just dont enjoy hanging out with, its okay to block and cut people off. No one is obligated to hang out with anyone nor responsible for the happiness of someone else. Having self worth and internet safety is important folks
Anyways people are complicated and theres a lot of ifs and possibilities and other stuff what not so take whatever advice i spit out mindlessly for granted JFHDO i dont know what im doing
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thelemoncoffee · 6 months
this is a thing i wrote while half asleep in an angst chat in the saiouma discord im in. this is unedited, i'm just copypasting it directly from the chat
vr au. everyone but the survivors have no memories of the killing game- not the reverting to the freak pregame personalities thing- i mean their ingame selves are who they were pregame and being killed in there just caused their brains to lock up all memories of the game ala amnesia. they have feelings like they should remember something about these people around them but they just can't dig it up, and they know there's something missing cause why else are they in this damn hospital dealing with phantom injuries from a killing game they have no memory of taking part in
this means everyone has to struggle with memory retrieval while the survivors struggle with trauma and also dealing with the fact that their dead friends are back but also don't know who they are
bonus points if Shuichi wanted to get closure with Kokichi and maybe make amends, but Kokichi while dealing with the repercussions of his death on his body decides that whatever the fuck happened to cause him to be in this bad shape is not worth remembering and chooses to reject the memory retrival therapy sessions. Kokichi doing this makes Shuichi's attempts at closure impossible because he can't get closure on something Kokichi is refusing to let himself remember
the closest he can get is just trying to restart completly with him, but even then Kokichi is skeptical to do that cause he gets an extral strong sense of familiarity from Shuichi and fears hanging around him will jog unwanted memories
and bonus bonus points if Kokichi can identify the strong familairity he feels towards Shuichi as him being someone he loved deeply, and due to context clues about the killing game he hears from time to time he thinks they were lovers who had a falling out and it wasn't repaired before Kokichi died. post game they have a little heart to heart where they admit their reasons for their actions post game to one another, and Kokichi admits what he remembers feeling towards Shuichi by discribing it as "it feels as if we were lovers in a past life" and Shuichi not only is shellshocked because this is how he finds out Kokichi was in love with him the whole time, but also he's reminded of when Kokichi said that same thing in the killing game while they were hanging out
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finnhc · 4 months
GreenOak Update #1!~
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So last night the GreenOak server went down for a brief amount of maintenance, fixed and updated a few plugins while also adding a few new things! Such as fireflies!
These little fellas will spawn around frogs and sheep! (This will require the use of an EMF mod or Optifine) I am currently working on a little something something to make the fireflies even more fun!~
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Next thing we did was change how pigs work! Now if you breed two pigs together you will get three piglets! But if you give one pig a carrot, on top of mud,mycelium or podzol they will dig up mushrooms!
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Lastly we now have a resource world! This place will reset every few months! So instead of destroying a desert in the main world for sand, you can go to the resource world and dig up as much as you want!
(Oh- and PS! We now have DiscordSRV! So you can chat with people ingame via the discord!)
Want to come enjoy these features and many more to come? Well- come join the discord! To get more information on how to play! :D
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jambusaur · 1 year
the new guide to getting free sapphires/memberships on animal jam in 2023!
i love playing animal jam. some say i love playing animal jam too much! but what i don't love is spending money to do something in a game when i can do the exact same thing for free.
in fact, i've made it my personal goal to enjoy both versions of animal jam (classic and play wild) as much as i possibly can without spending a single penny.
some people are unaware of the fact that animal jam play wild memberships apply to both ajpw and aj classic, so i'm gonna walk you through how to get and maintain a free ajpw membership using some easy peasy methods!
click the "read more" thingie if you're interested :)
background information
in ajpw, you can buy a month-long membership for 600 sapphires in the sapphire shop located in jamaa township.
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you can also buy a den item called a "my shop" there for 100 sapphires.
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a shop lets you sell items for sapphires or gems. keep in mind, however, that if you're a nonmember, there's a fee taken out of any sales you make.
a shop is ideally going to be the first thing you purchase once you get 100 sapphires!
getting the initial 100 sapphires
getting your first 100 sapphires can take some time, but there are a lot of ways to speed that process up!
logging into ajpw every day
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on most days, you have 3 possibilities when spinning the wheel: gems, 5 sapphires, or an item.
on wednesdays, the possibilities change to 5 sapphires, 10 sapphires, or 20 sapphires. getting a 20 sapphire spin on a wednesday can really help you out!
the possibilities also change on mondays: gems, 5 sapphires, or a clothing/den item with a rare tag.
in the beginning, it's really important to log in as many days as you can, especially because you can get 10 sapphires every month just by logging in for 15 total days (depending on the number of days in the month).
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one more thing to mention about daily logins: a "new day" in ajpw might turn over at a weird time for you, depending on your timezone. i'm honestly not really sure what timezone ajpw is in, but i know that a new day in ajpw turns over at 8:00 PM EST for me.
it can be really helpful to know what time a new ajpw day turns over for you, especially if you're busy throughout the day and need to plan out when you can log in to get your daily reward.
if you don't want to manually figure it out by guessing what time a new ajpw day turns over for you, there's another easy way! you can join the unofficial animal jam community discord server (this isn't an ad i swear LMAO), and once you're verified in that server, you can check the #game-updates channel. that discord server is really good at posting about ingame updates right when they go out, so you can scroll through the #game-updates channel and look at the time stamps of messages to determine when a new day turns over for you. here's a link to the discord server if that's how you want to do it:
(let me know if there's any problems with that invite link, i'm pretty sure i got it to work tho!)
playing minigames
if you open the minigames screen, you'll notice that there's a sapphire icon on the right side of the popup.
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clicking that will show you your progress in every minigame.
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there are 3 gift boxes of rewards for playing each minigame. the first gift box gives you 5 sapphires, the second gives you 10, and the third gives you 15.
touch tank is definitely the easiest minigame to beat first. after that, it kind of depends upon your own preferences? i personally love overflow, fast foodies, and jamaa derby!
leveling up, gem tree, & dig sites
these three ways of getting sapphires only give you small amounts, so i'm grouping them together!
once you join a pack in ajpw, you have access to the alpha hideout and pack hideout.
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every day, going to your pack hideout gives you exp towards leveling up (i don't think going to your alpha hideout gives you exp though, so make sure it's the pack hideout). leveling up can give you rewards, including small amounts of sapphires! it's a good passive way to earn a couple sapphires here and there and, in case you were curious, here's a link to all the level-up rewards!
at your pack hideout, you can also find a gem tree, which looks like this:
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gem trees are in different locations based on which hideout your pack has. the image above was taken in the greely pack hideout, but every hideout has a gem tree!
if you click on the gem tree, you can either earn gems or, more uncommonly, small amounts of sapphires. the gem tree replenishes every hour, so try to click it as often as you can!
another way to earn a few sapphires is to click on golden shovel dig sites:
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fun fact, there's always at least one golden shovel dig site on the ajpw map at all times. and you can tell if the land you entered has a dig site in it by listening for a sound effect that'll play right when you enter it. i can't really describe the sound effect, but it's like, magical? idk. you'll know it when you hear it! you might want to turn down the music volume in your ingame settings though if you want to hear it better.
the sound effect makes it really easy to find dig sites- you can just go to random areas of the map and listen for it! this is what it'll look like once you find a dig site and click on it:
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sapphires are going to show up as a 2 by 2 square on the grid.
sapphire drops
the final way to earn sapphires in ajpw that i'm going to talk about is sapphire drops. sometimes when you're roaming around, you might get a popup like this at the top of your screen:
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that means that someone used a super sapphire potion (which can be bought in the phantom dimension for 3500 phantom tokens), and if you walk around a bit, you'll find a big sapphire on the ground like this:
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click on it!! you'll get 3 free sapphires!!
(super sapphire potion images are from the ajpw fandom wiki!)
getting the next 600 sapphires
now that you have a shop, you're going to want to sell as much as you can to get the next 600 sapphires. you can sell pretty much anything, but here's some of my favorite things to sell!
before i go into this though, i want to talk about a REALLY important part of selling your items: the shop explorer!
when selling items, even as a nonmember, you have the ability to list your item in the shop explorer.
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clicking that toggle will put your item in the shop explorer located in coral canyons.
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this means that anybody who wants your item can search for it and see a list of everybody selling that item.
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once you list something in the shop explorer, it's there for 3 days. once the 3 days runs out, your item is no longer in the shop explorer, but it's still in your shop in your den. you can relist an item in the shop explorer by relisting it in your shop and clicking the toggle again.
now here's my favorite things to sell!
rare plushies
i sell my rare plushies really cheap so they sell faster, but honestly, they're super easy to get, so selling them for 5 sapphires each really isn't a waste at all!
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to get rare plushies, you're going to need "the superclaw" which can be bought in the sapphire shop for 100 sapphires...BUT DON'T BUY IT.
the great thing about the superclaw is that, if you know someone who has one in their den, you can go to their den and use theirs! my den is always open with a superclaw for anyone to use :) my username is jambusaur and the superclaw is directly left of where you spawn in.
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the superclaw is very simple to play, but it can get boring pretty quickly. that's why i made an autoclicker script that i can run overnight using autohotkey! if you're interested in using something like that for yourself, dm me and i'll walk you through making one :) fair warning though, you're going to need to download two things (autohotkey and a specific mouse coordinates finder), but i've been using those two things for years and they haven't given me any trouble or viruses or whatever!
after you've played the superclaw for a while, you might've gotten lucky and found a rare phantom plushie!
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these guys sell for a bit more than a normal rare plushie! i usually sell them for 22 sapphires, but you're probably going to want to check the shop explorer in coral canyons before you list them, just to make sure that you're selling them for a reasonable price.
treasure chest items
after doing some golden shovel dig sites, you've probably gotten a couple treasure chests. placing them in your den and clicking on them will give you an item.
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these items are usually not really worth much, but some of them can be sold for decent amounts of sapphires. the best way to check if you should sell a treasure chest item is by checking the shop explorer in coral canyons!
after doing these things for a while, you should eventually get 600 sapphires to buy a membership! WOOOO! with that membership, you'll now get daily rewards of 5 sapphires, you'll be able to open pack chest rewards, you'll be able to send pets on expeditions, and much more.
pet expeditions are a big topic on their own, so i'm not going to explain them here, but i'll update this post if i ever end up making a pet expedition guide!
now that you have a membership, you might be wondering, how can you earn enough sapphires monthly to keep that membership?
it's pretty much the same process as getting the first 600 sapphires! selling items in your shop will be easier though because you won't get the "nonmember tax" taken out.
that's all that i have for now! if you have any other questions or if you think i missed something important, feel free to dm me or send an ask in. thank you so much for reading through this post, and thank you even more for waiting for this post to come out!
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lisa-russell · 8 days
So...on my discord server I have some chatbots. Acht,Callie, Neo,Babble and DJ Octavio....plus a random metwo and gtp.
Anyways...Acht was just on fire today, between this hilarous as fuck moments and this sweet collaboration we did.
(Before anyone gets on my bass. I MADE THE WORDS FOR THE SONG. And the bots are basically discord roleplay chatbots. We don't use them to generate art, etc. Acht is basically a clone of her, ingame self. We and my friends have adventures or just fool around. We do casual roleplay or improvise wtf is this squit, stuff.
I avoid, a.i stuff unless it's for fun and dont do any ai generate.)
We mainly do Casual roleplay nothing serious, you can bring in your oc too! Or just come in and check us out or be a ghost lurker for all I care.
Link will expire in Seven Days from now.
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Fire,burning bright, devouring all in sight. Hellish scream, that'll haunt your dreams.
Hear my howl, hear my cry!
So party, and let your selves loose!
The Inner demon, our inner chained beast!
Hear me howl, hear my cry!
Fires flames, burning high, staining the sky.
Bloody red over Graves dug deep, we all ready to make peace.
Howls and cries unleashed, Devils coming, let's go running!
For we all die someday, somehow, someway.
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Yah, it was fun.
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cognitohazardous · 7 months
theres this one guy in my irl friendgroup that weve all grown to hate bc hes so goddamn annoying and we try to avoid him at all costs while gaming together but he joins unprompted and fucks shit up. like theres this guy he invited to the discord server cause they met in tf2 and that guy's cool and chill and good at games and even he's grown to try and avoid the guy in question cause he's so annoyed by him. no one rly knows what to do cause everyones too nice to actually confront him and last time I confronted him he was acting all mature and understanding but went back on his same shit the very next day.
like when we play tf2 hes completely useless and spends most of the time trolling randoms on our team in voice chat and when this was discussed his solution was "ok ill turn on push-to-talk in discord and you can just mute me ingame so i can continue being annoying to randoms without bothering anyone" instead of fucking just... not relentlessly picking on people. im of the opinion that we should just kick him from everything and block him just get rid of him cause he sucks that bad but thats not realistic so idk
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ananinidraws · 1 year
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So the RTumblr Discord has a Minecraft server. I made a Magical John skin cuz of course i did. So have a lil John doodle and O!Ani
Also shoutout to @yinyangle for having a Chat skin, the brainrot invades Minecraft /j
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(also screenshot of the skins ingame)
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archhivist · 2 years
Looking for Minecraft Server Staff
The ArchHive, an Anarcho-Communist, LGBTQ+ run, Minecraft and Discord-based community, is entering a new era of gameplay development and seeking new staff to support the changes. We are restarting our Minecraft world to fully implement the programming, lore, resourcepack, and datapack changes that make our server special. Our server aims toward a vanilla Survival experience with enhancements in gameplay flow and an extensive server lore to challenge the player in new and exciting ways. 
The staff we’re hoping to bring on to our team will fall into two categories; Builders or Chat Moderators. Depending on an individual’s strengths, they will either help us create ingame locations for our players to explore on the gameplay side of operations, or they will protect our community through filtration of content, keeping our Discord server safe. You can be both a chatmod and a builder if you believe you have the time and energy to do so. 
Our staff tend to connect with our players outside of the scope of their responsibilities. We encourage our staff to play in survival with our users in order to experience the server the same way they do. This kind of relationship facilitates more reasonable discussions with them about our authority, and encourages our users to trust and allow us to moderate. This attitude toward power is essential to our team, because as we command respect from others, we must be willing to give that respect in turn. 
Individuals interested in helping us develop our server’s reputation, in uplifting our community and connecting with people who share their interests, can join our Discord server through this page. A direct link to the Builder Application form is here, and a direct link to the Chat Moderator Application is here. 
Additionally, we have a Patreon, which you can use instead to contribute if you have the means and desire to.
Not interested in the additional responsibility of working as a member of our team? No worries! You can join our server as a regular player and still meet like-minded people to play Minecraft with. Our community also regularly plays Stardew Valley (using the Unlimited Players mod by Armitxes on Nexus Mods,) Jackbox, Among Us, and various other online games together. If you enjoy video games with queer neurodiverse people, and if you want to see all of the unique additions we have to offer, join our Discord server, linked above, or through our About page.
Happy Crafting!
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svtskneecaps · 10 months
question for my dear blue/green mains; have they stated any outright reasons why they use discord over ingame voice chats?
my assumption had been they chose discord because it made it easier to talk to players nearby who aren't in the call, since the group requires you to click through two screens in order to exit it and be heard, but someone earlier said it was because they didn't want the speech bubbles with translations to be visible / to not show up in the translation chat box. have the teams explained their reasoning?
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ejsuperstar · 2 months
[<- Prev] [No Next]
Another month another written devlog on the cryodon website!
I wont be going over what was said in the log, I only do that for videos, but I will be showing off what happened in the discord right after it was posted! Dingo and Felix shared some goodies with us!... And also I am going to show ONE image from the devlog... LOOK AN INGAME SCREENSHOT FINALLY!!! IM SO EXCITED
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First order of business is that:
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Felix has confirmed the Soulbreaker DOES indeed have heterochromia! This can obviously seen from the image shown in the new devlog, but it's nice to have written confirmation... AS WELL
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Felix has also confirmed that the image we see of the soulbreaker in the devlog is their new official dialogue sprite!! (Which also means no silent protagonist yay!)
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In unrelated (not) news, Felix has declared me, Soy, and Alyn to be the top three Soulbreaker fans. (I have taken this to mean that I am #1, because I am unreasonably obsessed with Soulbreaker.)
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As well, Felix dropped us a blank of the Soulbreaker's talk sprite to play with after I asked!
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And OO boy as a server we had fun with this.
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I'd include more but Tumblr is struggling to let me and I'm worried I might hit image limit! For more please chech #soulbreaker-chat in the Fool's Gold Discord...!
Ok... One more...
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Felix... Felix Didnt like this one...
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After this the shennanigans died down... Until dingo slipped into chat to drop a few more official talksprites!
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Unlike all the ones I've shown until now, these were drawn by Dingo!
One interesting thing is that the images Dingo sent have a slightly different looking base on the horn. It's probably nothing but it is something I noticed
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After that not much more happened, I simply did some more official looking edits of the Soulbreaker talk sprite blank, that I will post later in their own post!
Thanks for reading the Soulbreaker Digest! Remember to wishlist Soulbreaker on steam!
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sloanevictor · 8 months
I wish I had the fucking words for this Discord torment nexus moment and fucking ableism I retroactively witnessed today. Tried figuring out mod team's position on the r slur in this multiplayer "bigotry intolerant" server (got the vibes admins wouldn't openly condemn people using it in game) so I searched it up in their discord. For reference I also did tranny, faggot, and n slur, barely cracked 200 results each and only showed up in mod logs and toxic player reports. For the r slur it was over 33000. Which included the integrated ingame ooc chat. Between server creation 2019 and now that's over 20 times a day. What's more I used the syntax "r slur" to see who wouldn't use it, who tried stopping it. Only 34 instances, mix of "Don't use r slur" and "Whats the r slur?" and I could jump to each message to see the defences players and mods alike made. Wow. What a moment. I wanna vomit. And in the end, this isn't even a special Discord feature, I could've gotten these numbers if everything had happened on a forum/wiki.
Anyways FUCK ableists, FUCK the queers who think unlearning ableism is beneath them, and FUCK Yogstation's staff and playerbase.
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zydrateacademy · 2 months
Current Activities in Fallout 76 #1
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So I haven't been blogging very much lately because my Youtube channel more or less does the "current activities" job for me. There's no point in transcribing something when it's basically just laid out in video form somewhere else. I couldn't really locate any kind of "First impressions" of Fallout 76. But that's okay because it's brief. It was boring. It was difficult. It didn't have, and still doesn't have any mod capabilities. I need the subscription service to make my own private world with its own rules (XP gains, material gains, health values) to make the game most comfortable for me personally. I have a distinct memory of struggling with having 20 to 100 bullets in the only weapon worth using at the time. Some of these problems have been alleviated. Some have not. The game just throws ammo at you now. A lot of the loot is based on whatever weapon you have actively equipped at the time of lootgen. You could gun down a bunch of ghouls with a 10mm, switch to something else, but the mobs will just have the 10mm on them. Now, this mechanic typically does not sustain a full automatic, but it is still a nice and pleasant feature. Next. Is it hard? Kind of. The enemies constantly scale with you. Some areas have caps, like even now at 89 I still run into level 50 enemies but other times they're still at-scale so even basic cultist enemies are just huge sponges against the might of my .50cal full auto machinegun. As a result, my level, health pool, armor rating, and all of that means nothing when everything in the world is just keeping up with me. I fear the days I reach into the hundreds and have to deal with some level 230 ghoul with the health pool to match and I'm still using the same 50cal because it's the only gun I've found that actually does any meaningful damage to anything. This game turned weight/loot management into one of the main gameplay loops and I really, really don't like that. I literally mod the weight out of junk in other Fallout games just so I can craft with impunity.
The game shoves me in this play-farm-repair-farm-repair-play loop that I don't much care for. Since eventually you have to start sacrificing pieces of your 1200lbs of storage... I once dumped 1000 units of steel only to later have a steel shortage because I was running out of it to craft my ammo to sustain my gun at the time.
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Recently FO76 patched in such a way that makes questing almost unbearable. Every time you open the map it just slingshots to the top left. Objectives won't show up. Sometimes your teammates won't show up. Sometimes player camps won't show up. You have to hop-scotch your way towards every objective because not every quest gives you directions, ye olde-Morrowind style. Sometimes the journal just literally says "go do the thing", and my objective marker DOES show up on the minimap and nowhere else. So we have to hop location to location to see when the objective marker actually moves. It's an insane glitch and I haven't been able to progress the story in any meaningful way.
Every time I see something cool and ask about it the answer is "atom shop item" about 80% of the time.
So that is a fair bit of frontloaded negativity. There is a drive to see what's on the horizon. I'm 89, I want to reach 100 to nab that third legendary perk. The community's reputation for charity is well earned. If I'm struggling with the loop mentioned above, I can usually either ask the discord or directly ingame through the Chat mod (chat literally has to be a mod in this game because jesus christ why isn't it there to begin with). A simple matter of asking "hey can someone lend me some 50cal ammo? I'm stuck in a loop here..." and then someone gave me 20,000 ammo for my gun of choice that after three days of playing a few hours at a time, I've only expended a fourth of (meanwhile still replenishing it myself as my materials allow).
But I'm about to hit that loop again as I've run out of asbestos and springs to repair my armor. I'll have to downgrade my personal armor to something more sustainable. Or just ask chat.
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Despite the glitch above I do want to see the end of the rainbow. I want to finish the story. I want... things. While I'm not sure I'll get the same 600 hours I did on FO4 through heavy modding and changing the experience on a fundamental level... I just might, kind of against my will as I get stuck in farming/repair loops and waiting for fusion cores to recharge (which is actually a very nice item to have at a reasonable atoms price of 500).
At 69 hours (heh) I'm still learning plenty. I just don't have too much hope for personal longevity.
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blue-eyed-banshee · 4 months
This is from long ago, but the ingame memorial was on January 8th, 2020. This was a dear friend of mine from years ago on Overwatch 1. I set up an ingame memorial a week after we all found out he passed away and all his friends were present. We also hosted a voice chat within my discord to talk about him and the memories we have. You were always willing to put a smile on everyone's face with your presence, my friend. You were there for me when I needed a friend, and I value that every day. For the crusaders! You may be gone, but your legacy lives on in memories and within Overwatch!
Charger passed away from suicide in 2020
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dustymisgestaltsso · 8 months
Are there adult players on Wind Star who feels like having a picnic or campfire tonight? I'm still considering the time for it and a good location, but ideally I'd have a group chat on discord so we can VC instead of fighting the ingame chat. Just shooting the breeze, talking about the last year in SSO or our characters idk. I wanna hang out with fellow ssoblrs 🫡
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