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lunaiz4-misc · 1 year ago
Thinking about the specific genre of book/show/media in which there is a portal to dinosaur world, then something terrible happens to Earth and they have to colonize it.
I find that... problematic, for a number of reasons, but you have to admit "settlers in dino world" is pretty freaking cool. So here's my idea.
Someone basically builds Jurassic (or whatever period you fancy) Park. The full ecosystem, down to the tiniest organism, using science/magic of some description.
Something horrifying happens. Maybe, like, undead bees or something. We can't breed resistant ones because the zombie ones eat their brains. IDK, zombie bees sounds fun, and is honestly way more realistic than zombie humans, but you could do a lot of things here.
The Jurassic ecosystem is uniquely suited to survive this disaster. Maybe it's temperature. Maybe it's pollinators that aren't bees. Whatever the reason...
To prevent total ecological collapse, lost modern species are replaced with Jurassic ones.
You're welcome.
I may try to write this myself, but if we're being honest I've never written anything longer than ten pages and this really wants to be an anthology of short stories or maybe SEVERAL novels, so if you like it... please have at it.
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captainendgame · 9 months ago
this is the funniest thing i saw today. dinosaurs should ONLY dance to abrar ul haq
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jmtorres · 4 months ago
question: I get that evolution and civilization and progress are none of them linear, but in the dinoworld that's contemporaneous with ours (where they continued on for several million years without a great rise of mammals presumably), what does dinosaur society look like? Does it parallel humans society in anyway? are they technology using? Do they speak anything we would recognize as a language? Do they still resemble dinosaurs or did they undergo carcinization or something? 
like, do they not have a USSR because they haven't formed the kind of society that nation builds, or because they're not societies at all they're animals still however you want to define that? or their society is broadly comparable but just has developed different philosophies, or like there's dinosaur China and dinosaur Inca Empire but nothing from the Atlantic to the Balkans is recognizable politically?
because the way you've described it with the one guy so certain about the future of dinosaurs, it sounds like dino world is existing circ ancient Egypt or something right now – like physiologically equivalent with us, society a few thousand years behind, which would be weird with the several million years evolutionary difference
like I'd expect them to be either a) so enormously different it's hard to make comparisons or b) if there's some logic pushing things in our direction, then like us, but several million years of advanced technologically and culturally not behind
although frankly, given that you can't measure human history in millions of years, like we haven't been around long enough to do that, maybe it's impossible to predict how we will be in several million years for comparison. Maybe your guy has got it backwards and they had a USSR 3 million years ago and it's so long ago for them that's it's not even in their history media for you to discover when you travel there contemporaneously
I visited the world where Gerard Way was visiting family in Minneapolis on 9/11 so he kept his Cartoon Network job instead of becoming a musician.
It's pretty similar to ours. He didn't go into cartoons as you might expect, but he is way more famous in the comic book world.
As for butterfly effects, MCR doesn't exist, so Twilight doesn't exist, which means 50 Shades of Grey doesn't exist. I couldn't find any references to Stephenie Meyer or E. L. James, so either they didn't go into writing or they didn't use those same pen names.
Robert Pattinson was in Harry P*tter and then mainly independent stuff from then on out.
Kristen Stewart is somehow a bigger star than in this world? She was in Red Revenge, 2012 Soviet film about WW3 happening in the 60s and then in the 80s the survivors come over to the US to find out of anything survives of the cowardly US leadership that started the war. (yes, they shoot Reagan. He's out of his mind and it's shot like Old Yeller). She's been in a lot of USSR films since then, as this greatly raised her profile.
Taylor Lautner seems to have become a writer instead of an actor. He wrote one of the later seasons of Firefly, after it went all season-long-arcs. He technically cameo'd in season 6 but it was just as a guy who ran a casino station. He had like three lines, two of which were "get off my station!" and "guards!"
I didn't see any real differences in the music world. Sometimes you take out a band or form a super-group with interdimensional exploration, and it changes the whole field. Like if you take out Nirvana the 90s look very different, or if you help the Back Road Boys form then the 2010s are all about the retro-country revival. Anyway: MCR, as good a band as they are, don't appear to be one of those "linchpin" bands that affect the whole musical landscape.
BTW, the weirdest one of those? Michael Fucking Jackson. He's a super influential musician, inspired so many others, the king of pop, right? NOPE! If his music career is skipped, then it only affects his siblings and the one hit wonder "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell.
Strange, right? There's more downstream time effects on the music industry from taking out David Hasselhoff!
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fernsehfunk-berlin · 1 year ago
Dinoworld im Tierpark Berlin
Ob als Berliner oder als Tourist. In diesem Jahr kann alles passieren, sogar die Möglichkeit, dass dir beeindruckende Urzeitgiganten mit ihrer schieren Größe, ihrer Gefährlichkeit, knochenzerschmetternden Abwehrmechanismen oder ihrer Panzerung über den Weg laufen. Versteckt hinter Büschen oder präsentativ als gewaltiger solitärer Koloss, jederzeit bereit das Leben vor 65 Millionen Jahren zurückzuholen. Die Ausstellung zeigt das phantastische Leben der Dinosaurier,wie sie sich bewegten, was für Töne sie gaben und mit welchen Methoden sie überlebten. Ob Jäger mit ihren messerscharfen Zähnen oder tonnenschwere Giganten. Die Ausstellung, die noch bis zum Oktober 2023 im Berliner Tierpark zu sehen ist, sollte man erlebt haben. Zudem können die Urzeitmonster gemeinsam mit den anderen Tieren bei einem Spaziergang erkundet werden. Es wird einem bewusst, wie klein und unwichtig der Mensch im Gegensatz zu den Lebewesen der Urzeit, zur Natur und der Evolution, die solche Giganten hervorgebracht hat eigentlich ist und wenn sie in unserer Zeit leben würden, könnte ich euch dieses Video nicht zeigen, weil ich bereits zerfetzt und als Frühstücksspeck verzehrt worden wäre. Aber keine Angst, die Dino’s tun einem nichts. Kommt in den Tierpark und staunt über die phantastischen Lebensformen, die die Evolution je hervorgebracht hat.
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snaileo · 8 months ago
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actually love this bitch
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campbenji · 9 months ago
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excitedly waiting for jwct to come out tomorrow and having fun because the world didn't end when i was 15 or smth
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dinosaurnews · 11 months ago
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Tweet by @ElyKreimendahl
“my toxic trait is that if they opened Jurassic park I would still totally go”
10:44 am • 3/23/24
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stavrosskundromichalis · 3 months ago
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The Friday dinosaur dance theme continues with a pair of Podokesaurus holyokensis doing the Monster Mash in the woods of Massachusetts during the Early Jurassic 🎃🦖👻
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bs-fangirl · 4 months ago
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iffasart · 9 months ago
@campbenji JWCTcountdown: release day / free day
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Edit: added some close-ups under the cut
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espricus · 13 days ago
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actual interaction i had during a run today
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chugging-antiseptic-dye · 1 month ago
sending bf! seventeen boomer! new year's greetings 🎊 :
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sylvanticus · 1 month ago
2024 Tumblr Top 10
1. 2,317 notes - Jun 8 2024
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2. 1,025 notes - Feb 13 2024
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3. 926 notes - Feb 4 2024
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4. 314 notes - Feb 8 2024
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5. 300 notes - Jun 8 2024
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6. 264 notes - Apr 7 2024
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7. 245 notes - Feb 2 2024
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8. 137 notes - Apr 11 2024
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9. 100 notes - Mar 29 2024
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10. 86 notes - Jun 8 2024
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riperrudi · 5 months ago
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tarbosaurus in a desert landscape. its coloring was copied from the marsupial wolf, it's a pity that these beautiful animals died out.. but I hope many will remember them to this day.
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fernsehfunk-berlin · 2 years ago
Tipp: "Dino World im Tierpark Berlin"
Ein ganz besonderen Tipp, gerade für die Kleinsten unter uns. Die Dino's sind los. Seit März kann man sie im Tierpark bewundern. Sie stehen lebensgroß und können sich sogar bewegen. Natürlich steckt viel Technik dahinter. Ein Muss für jeden Dinosaurierfan. Die Ausstellung kann man noch bis zum 31. Oktober 2023 im Tierpark Berlin erleben.
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tilkidud · 13 days ago
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Ancient, derelict colony ships that never made it to the surface litter the low orbit of Dolores 18b. Occasionally pieces of them burn up in blinding beauty as they enter the atmosphere at last!
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