nonasuch · 5 months
Guys, I have a problem.
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This is my problem. It is one Ikea DIMPA bag (25.5”x25.5”x8.75”) full of damaged vintage clothing. I need it to be someone else’s problem.
My apartment complex is ripping out the radiators and putting in central heat/air on Monday, so I am deep cleaning my apartment and trying to get rid of all the stuff I need to admit I’m never going to fix.
Everything in the bag is vintage — mostly 40s-60s, but there’s also a couple of Edwardian shirtwaists and some 30s velvet. There is a LOT of it.
Everything in the bag is damaged. Some things are stained, some are torn, some need the buttons or zippers replaced. Some can be restored to wearability, some are only good for fabric.
(It’s really good fabric, though.)
If you are in the DC area and can come pick up this bag tomorrow or Sunday, it’s yours for $50 OBO.
You can pick it up from my shop in Hyattsville on Saturday or Sunday while we’re open, or from my apartment before or after closing.
(I also will probably have a bunch of fabric and craft supplies to get rid of, if anyone’s interested.)
DM me for details.
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kathanglangit · 1 year
The Fourth Blade: Panabas - "For Chopping"
Four days to the launch of the white-hot lightning that is the Gubat Banwa Kickstarter! Gubat Banwa is a TTRPG supported by the twin pillars of tactical martial arts and contemplative war drama. Meditate upon love and violence as warriors of a burning world. Will you stem the tide of blades? Or is it rising by your will?
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I'll be posting the weapons I've drawn for the game as a countdown until the launch on October 10. This was supposed to be a Swordtember series, but we needed a little more time to gain momentum. 4/7 blades, past the halfway point, let us proceed with the PANABAS
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Towering amongst what blade collectors categorize as "Moro weaponry", the panabas is quite possibly the largest blade I've ever drawn. Like- I'm not lying, I drew all the blades in this series to scale relative to each other, and the panabas has by and large been the one determining how big my canvas needs to be. The edge is on the longer curve, the spine of the blade is thicker near the handle, and the handle is about as long as the blade (if not longer).
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(Photo from Kristian Josef Acedo)
The form belies the function; it isn't difficult to guess how this blade is used just by looking at it. The name- if I'm not mistaken- is an even bigger giveaway. Panabas supposedly comes from "pang-tabas" which literally means "for chopping". It also goes by the name of nawi.
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(Photos from Raymundo Lucero) As large as its reputation might be, the choppers aren't always massive. Their utility ranges from agricultural to combative to ceremonial, and the size and shape usually matched the nature of the work.
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(Tools from Datu Paglas, Maguindanao)
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(Photo from Dondon Dimpas)
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(Exhibit at Museum of the Filipino People- biggest one) The panabas is most often attributed to the peoples of Maguindanao, though the range of its use and the variants of its make span across large portions of the Mindanao area.
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(Antiques from the collection of Richard Hudson, size comparison with a kalis) A popular tale (especially amongst Filipino Martial Artists) states that the US Marines wore leather collars to protect their necks during the American Occupation in Mindanao, due to blades like these that gave the troops pause, and feel that the extra protection was necessary. Supposedly, this is where the term "leatherneck" came from. Although the veracity of this latter claim is a bit on par with the claim that the Colt .45 was invented specifically to stop the same Moro warriors, the story has already stuck.
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(Antique from Lake Lanao)
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(Photo from The Metropolitan Museum of Art) We touched upon "Traditional" blades last time, referring to blades made by the same people to whose cultures those blades belong. This time we look at the other side of the coin. "Modern" is the term collectors here often use to refer to reinterpretations, usually by modern smiths who are separate from where a blade traditionally belongs. The point of reference I used for "Traditional" blades before is a katana forged by a traditional Japanese swordsmith. If- instead- a white blacksmith in America were to forge a katana using their own smithing methods, that would be considered as a "Modern" blade under this categorization. I'll leave it to you to spot the differences in these next few photos:
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Traditional panabas with a rattan ferrule (Photo from Lorenz Lasco)
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Modern blades by Jun Deuna (Espanola) and RE Pandayan (Quezon) (Photo from Dennis Andrew Golez)
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Traditional blades (Marawi and Maguindanao) (Photo from Dennis Andrew Golez)
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Modern full-tang build by Traditional Filipino Weapons (I know who forged this but I won't doxx their location) (Photo from the TFW website)
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Modern full-tang build by Batangas Armory (Batangas) (Photo from Job Abat)
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Pair of panabas and a binuaya (leftmost) by Traditional Moro Blade, Maguindanaon (Maguindanao)
Say it with me this time! Blade culture is alive and still developing. Mindanao was never conquered by Spain- the fierce resistance of the Moros made sure of that- and again it shows in the blade cultures. Though the panabas is now popular enough to have modern reinterpretations made by smiths across the Philippines, the traditional panabas and the people who make them are still around.
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(Photo from Iniingatang Talim at Kaluban, taken by Ramon H. Bathan)
One of the Five Major Mahamandalas of Gubat Banwa pays homage to and gleans inspiration from living cultures like those I mentioned here. Yes- I repeated the text from the previous installment, because it's equally true, here. Additionally, the panabas shows up as the iconic weapon of the Martyr- one of the 25 Disciplines (read: "character classes") whose moon-bright martial techniques you could pick up in-game. Anyway, go check out the Kickstarter!
The Gubat Banwa Kickstarter launches in 4 days! Check it out here:
Not long now- this is a very small team of creators from the global south knocking on your doors asking for help to get the word out. I truly cannot understate how small this team is, and how amazing it is that they've come this far- we just need a little bit of a boost! With your help, this grand ambition can be realized. We would greatly appreciate any help rendered towards getting more eyes on this game!
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ett-hus-i-skogen · 23 days
Partikelverb NER(E)
lägga ner: put (down), close down, stop lägga ner på: expend ligga nere: stop working temporarily (of a website/internet) bryta ner: divide something in smaller parts bränna ner: burn down dimpa ner: fall heavily, appear (surprisingly) flotta ner: get grease stains on gräva ner: bury gå ner: set (heavenly body), descend, lose weight, (+sig) crash through kladda ner: make dirty korta ner: shorten ladda ner: download lugna ner: calm down meja ner: mow down (kill/slaughter, brutally) packa ner: stuff (in e.g. a suitcase) slå ner: knock down, strike/hit (something below) slå sig ner: sit down, settle supa ner: drink alcohol to become drunk ösa ner: pour down (rain) skräpa ner: litter, spread trash/debris stänga ner: shut down, take down vika ner sig: give up fälla ner: fold, close grisa ner: make a dirty mess (less angry sounding than svina ner) svina ner: make a dirty, disgusting mess (angrily said) gå ner sig: get bogged down and stuck, become shabby/unkempt kavla ner: roll down (sleeves, socks and the like) kämpa ner: destroy lägga ner på: expend nörda ner sig: geek out, nerd out racka ner på: belittle, sharply criticize
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zerojanitor · 3 months
I feel pretty confident saying this:
Hooba goobla dimpa limp
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heavenangela · 2 years
Shann's Fave Outfits
Good day everyone! I'm Veronica Shann Dimpas and now let me show you my favorite outfit that I bought from ukay ukay in Davao city. Ukay ukay is one of my favorite stores when it comes to clothes, because in ukay ukay are so affordable and you can see some branded clothes there.
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This is my one of favorite outfit that I bought in ukay ukay, as you can see I'm wearing a backless crop top and highwaisted short. I found this top in lakitan ukay ukay store in San Pedro street and their ukay clothes are so affordable and nice while the short one is in aurora ukay in mintal it's also nice the clothes of aurora ukay and it is also affordable. Buying clothes at ukay shouldn't be something to be ashamed of just because you don't have the money to buy clothes at an expensive store, buying cheap covers also helps us to save more. Wearing cheap clothes should not be ashamed because all we want is to look presentable and comfortable.
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littlehen · 1 year
Listening to my dad and brother have one of those excruciatingly literal conversations they specialise in
D: Right. Someone has to help me put the Dimpa bags up the loft
B: Dimpa bags?
D: Dimpa bags
B: What are Dimpa bags?
D: These are Dimpa bags
B: Okay, but what are they?
D: They are large plastic bags with a zip
B: I mean, what is in them?
D: Clothes
B: Whose clothes?
D: My clothes
B: Why do they need to go up the loft?
D: Because I want them to go up the loft
B: Why do you want them to go up the loft?
D: Because they are my winter clothes and there is no immediate need for them. Anyway, someone has to help me
B: Who do you want to help you?
D: You
B: Oh, you should’ve said
D: Hang on, what’s all this stuff up here?
B: Bags
D: What bags?
B: Bags of clothes
D: Whose clothes?
B: My clothes
D: Why are they here?
B: Because they are my winter clothes and there is no immediate need for them. Dad, stop handing them down to me
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shann17 · 2 years
Shann's Fave Outfits
Good day everyone! I'm Veronica Shann Dimpas and now let me show you my favorite outfit that I bought from ukay ukay in Davao city. Ukay ukay is one of my favorite stores when it comes to clothes, because in ukay ukay are so affordable and you can see some branded clothes there.
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This is my one of favorite outfit that I bought in ukay ukay, as you can see I'm wearing a backless crop top and highwaisted short. I found this top in lakitan ukay ukay store in San Pedro street and their ukay clothes are so affordable and nice while the short one is in aurora ukay in mintal it's also nice the clothes of aurora ukay and it is also affordable. Buying clothes at ukay shouldn't be something to be ashamed of just because you don't have the money to buy clothes at an expensive store, buying cheap covers also helps us to save more. Wearing cheap clothes should not be ashamed because all we want is to look presentable and comfortable.
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loveandbuy · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DIMPA Storage bag, clear, 25 ½x8 ¾x25 ½ ", new.
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barron · 2 years
Brompton, Dimpa, Etc.
“Cloud Blue Brompton” Cedar Park, 2022 Today I went to IKEA to buy a couple of Dimpa bags. These particular bags are the perfect size for putting a Brompton folding bike into. They cost only $7 so are a popular choice for Brompton owners to use when traveling. There are plenty of videos about using them, so if you are interested, check them out! I also picked up a Pivring backpack (only $4!) to…
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angelloverde · 7 years
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* Giorgos Dimitriadis & The Small Heroes *
On November of 2015, George Dimitriadis celebrated his 20 years of discography at Rythmos Stage with two wonderful nights full of music and lots of fun on stage.
Here are the links to watch the videos of those two live shows.
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hevcrap · 3 years
I like the words seeing ABA makes your brain produce
She does somrtbing to me. My onglydoople. My weeby slimpo. My dimpa mubort.
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adpushup · 4 years
Team Adpushup enjoyed an online team up activity on 29th May 2020 while doing work from home
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nairasong-blog · 6 years
Download Mp3: Dimpa – Vibe (Space Mix)
Download Mp3: Dimpa – Vibe (Space Mix)
Dimpa Vibe. Check out this fresh release from Dimpa called Vibe (Space Mix).
Take a listen below.
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loveandbuy · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DIMPA Storage bag, clear, 25 ½x8 ¾x25 ½ ", new.
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malangtoday-blog · 8 years
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Bersyukur Mahasiswa UMM Selamat Dari Goa, Begini Kronologinya!
MALANGTODAY.NET - Pihak kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) membenarkan adanya kejadian yang dialami oleh keenam mahasiswanya yang tersesat di Goa Lo Bangi, Donomulyo, Kabupaten Malang. Korban diketahui sedang melaksanakan kegiatan rutin Dimpa, salah satu komunitas mahasiswa pecinta alam di UMM. Pihak kampus mengaku sangat bersyukur karena ke-enam mahasiswanya dalam keadaan sehat. "Alhamdulillah, informasi dari anggota Dimpa UMM yang ada di lokasi sudah menemukan mereka dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat. Hal itu setelah dilakukan susur goa," kata Kepala Humas UMM, Rina Wahyu Setyanigrum. Mereka yakni Anis Febrianti Rahmanda (Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, angkatan 2014), Tagar Al Aziis (Teknik Elektro, angkatan 2015), Hera Amalia (Akuntansi, angkatan 2015), Nabila Fauziah (Hubungan Internasional 2016), Dwi Candra Hadiansyah (Teknik Mesin, angkatan 2014), Tengku Zulfikar (Hubungan Internasional, lulusan 2009). Keenamnya ditemukan oleh sesama anggota Dimpa sendiri, dan mengaku kehilangan jalur untuk keluar dari dalam goa. Beruntung mereka ditemukan dalam keadaam selamat dan langsung di bawa ke puskesmas Donomulyo untuk pemeriksaan kesehatan. Kejadian tersebut berawal saat mereka menginap salah satu rumah warga pada Sabtu (04/03) sore. Kemudian Minggu paginya sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB, Tegar Anis Febrianti Hera bersama Nabila memasuki Goa Bangi. Namun hingga pukul 17.00 WIB, ke-empatnya tak kunjung keluar dari dalam Goa Bangi yang bisa tembus ke Goa Lo itu. Mengetahui hal itu, dua temannya yakni Candra dan Zulvikar menyusul ke dalam goa untuk mencari mereka. Ternyata hingga pukul 21.24 WIB, ke-enamnya masih belum saja keluar goa. Kemudian anggota Dimpa yang lain melakukan pencarian dengan membagi tugas. Sekitar pukul 00.00 WIB mereka masuk goe, berselang 1,5 jam ternyata hasilnya nihil. Kemudian dilakukan pencarian kembali pukul 09.15 - 12.10 WIB dan masih juga tidak ditemukan. Kejadian tersebut kemudian dilaporkan ke Polsek Donomulyo. Sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB tim dari Muspika Donomulyo ikut melakukan  pencarian di dalam Goa Bangli. Sekitar pukul 17.00 WIB, akhirnya semua korban berhasil ditemukan dan dievakuasi ke Puskesmas Donomulyo.
Source : https://malangtoday.net/malang-raya/kabupaten-malang/bersyukur-mahasiswa-umm-selamat-goa-begini-kronologinya/
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jackiechen6919jc · 6 years
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After 今天深夜上架練身體之三 前兩趟的整理好之後⋯⋯ 還是沒搬完勒😓 皮卡丘的奇幻旅程 #搬家人生 #before #toy #文件箱 #雜誌 #magazine #ivar #india #書架 #dimpa #ikea #226 #玩具 #iphone6plus #拍照 #Pikachu @pokemon @pokemongoapp #art @pokemon.fan.art #PHOTO #新莊 #無印良品 #皮卡丘 #Pokemon #寶可夢go #pokemongo #瘋得雄 #taipei #臺灣 #中華民國 #taiwan @nintendoproperty @nintendo.hk #任天堂 @ピカチュウ #ピカチュウ @Nintendo #Nintendo(在 三重湯城廣場)
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