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agentsofmarvel · 26 days ago
me: *reading the final kingdom keepers book ever* 😀
*only finn and amanda being an actual part of the book, but they just sit around and wait for their son & other kids to do sh*t and almost d*e, charlene having a page long moment, and the rest of the original keepers barely being mentioned in passing*
me: 😕
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opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 1 year ago
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✏️Note: Turkish,English and German description is below.
🇹🇷🇹🇷Saç ekiminde artık klasik hale gelen FUE (Folicular Unite Extraction) yönteminin bir şekli olan DHİ(Direct Hair Implant) geliştirildi.
👉👇DHİ tekniğinin avantajları;
👉DHİ(kalem tekniği de denir) yönteminin FUE’den farkı saç greftlerinin tek tek alınıp, tekrar tek aşamada ekilerek, greftlerin daha az zarar görmesi sağlanır.
👉FUE yöntemi gibi mikromotor kullanılır, ancak kullanılan ‘Choi implanter kalemi’ çapı daha azdır(0.6-1mm arası).
👉Dönor alanda hiç iz/ skar kalmaz.
👉Dönor alandan alınan greft oranı %3’ü geçmez ise gözle görülür seyrelme anlaşılamaz. 👉Her saç grefti, 1-2-3-4 saç teli içerir( ortalama 2.5 saç teli).
👉Tek aşamada yerleştirmede mantık tekli olanların en öne ve asimetrik( düz şekilde ekilmez), diğerlerinin sırasıyla arkalara yerleştirilir.
👉Tek tek yerleştirilen greft oran daha fazladır, yani yüksek sayıda ekime oşanak sağlar.
👉Titiz çalışmayı gerektirdiğinden normal seç ekiminden(ortalama 6-8 saat) daha uzun sürer(10-14 saat).
👉Daha doğal ve saç ekimi ‘yapılmamış’ gibi saçlar çıkar.
👉Tek dezavantajı Choi kalemleri kişiye özel olduğundan maliyeti yüksektir.
✏️Note: Turkish, English and German description is below.
🇻🇬🇱🇷DHI (Direct Hair Implant), which is a form of the FUE (Follicular Unite Extraction) method, which has now become a classic in hair transplantation, has been developed.
👉👇Advantages of DHI technique;
👉The difference between the DHI (also called pen technique) method and FUE is that the hair grafts are taken one by one and replanted in a single stage, ensuring less damage to the grafts.
👉A micromotor is used like the FUE method, but the diameter of the 'Choi implanter pen' used is less (between 0.6-1mm).
👉There is no trace/scar left in the donor area.
👉If the graft rate taken from the donor area does not exceed 3%, visible thinning cannot be understood.
👉Each hair graft contains 1-2-3-4 hair strands (average 2.5 hair strands).
👉The logic in single stage placement is that the single ones are placed at the front and the others are placed asymmetrically (not planted straight) at the back respectively.
👉The rate of grafts placed individually is higher, which means it allows for a higher number of transplants.
👉As it requires meticulous work, it takes longer (10-14 hours) than normal planting (6-8 hours on average).
👉More natural hair looks like it hasn't been transplanted.
👉The only disadvantage is that since Choi pens are personalized, their cost is high.
✏️Hinweis: Die türkische, englische und deutsche Beschreibung finden Sie unten.
🇩🇪🇩🇪DHI (Direct Hair Implant), eine Form der FUE-Methode (Follicular Unite Extraction), die mittlerweile zu einem Klassiker in der Haartransplantation geworden ist, wurde entwickelt.
👉👇Vorteile der DHI-Technik;
👉Der Unterschied zwischen der DHI-Methode (auch Stifttechnik genannt) und der FUE-Methode besteht darin, dass die şHaartransplantate einzeln entnommen und in einem einzigen Schritt wieder eingepflanzt werden, wodurch eine geringere Beschädigung der Transplantate gewährleistet wird.
👉Ein Mikromotor wird wie bei der FUE-Methode verwendet, der Durchmesser des verwendeten „Choi-Implanterstifts“ ist jedoch geringer (zwischen 0,6 und 1 mm).
👉Wenn die Transplantatrate aus dem Spenderbereich 3 % nicht überschreitet, ist eine sichtbare Ausdünnung nicht nachvollziehbar.
👉Jedes Haartransplantat enthält 1-2-3-4 Haarsträhnen (durchschnittlich 2,5 Haarsträhnen).
👉Die Logik bei der einstufigen Platzierung besteht darin, dass die einzelnen Pflanzen vorne und die anderen jeweils asymmetrisch (nicht gerade gepflanzt) hinten platziert werden.
👉Die Rate der einzeln platzierten Transplantate ist höher, was bedeutet, dass eine höhere Anzahl von Transplantationen möglich ist.
👉Da es sorgfältige Arbeit erfordert, dauert es länger (10–14 Stunden) als das normale Pflanzen (durchschnittlich 6–8 Stunden).
👉Mehr natürliches Haar sieht aus, als wäre es nicht transplantiert worden.
👉Der einzige Nachteil besteht darin, dass die Kosten für Choi-Stifte hoch sind, da sie personalisiert sind.
‎✏️ملاحظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية أدناه.
🇮🇶🇸🇷تم تطوير تقنية DHI (زراعة الشعر المباشرة)، وهي شكل من أشكال طريقة FUE (استخراج وحدة البصيلات)، والتي أصبحت الآن كلاسيكية في زراعة الشعر.
‎👉👇مميزات تقنية DHI؛
‎👉الفرق بين طريقة DHI (وتسمى أيضًا تقنية القلم) وطريقة FUE هو أن بصيلات الشعر يتم أخذها واحدة تلو الأخرى وإعادة زراعتها في مرحلة واحدة، مما يضمن ضررًا أقل للبصيلات.
‎👉يتم استخدام محرك صغير مثل طريقة FUE، ولكن قطر قلم تشوي المستخدم أقل (بين 0.6-1 ملم).
‎👉 لا يوجد أي أثر أو ندبة في المنطقة المانحة.
‎👉إذا كان معدل التطعيم المأخوذ من المنطقة المانحة لا يتجاوز 3%، فلا يمكن فهم الترقق المرئي.
‎تحتوي كل طعمة شعر على 1-2-3-4 خصلة شع (متوسط ​​2.5 خصلة شعر).
‎👉المنطق في وضع المرحلة الواحدة هو أن يتم وضع المفردات في المقدمة ويتم وضع الآخرين بشكل غير متماثل (غير مزروع بشكل مستقيم) في الخلف على التوالي.
‎👉معدل الطعوم التي يتم وضعها بشكل فردي أعلى، مما يعني أنها تسمح بعدد أكبر من عمليات زرع الأعضاء.
‎👉 نظرًا لأنها تتطلب عملاً دقيقًا، فهي تستغرق وقتًا أطول (10-14 ساعة) من الزراعة العادية (6-8 ساعات في المتوسط).
‎👉يبدو الشعر طبيعيًا وكأنه لم تتم زراعته.
‎👉العيب الوحيد هو أنه نظرًا لأن أقلام تشوي مخصصة، فإن تكلفتها مرتفعة.
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kafsho · 27 days ago
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estemedicalgroup01 · 2 months ago
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Explore the best hair transplant options in Turkey. Learn about the latest techniques, cost comparisons, and why Turkey is the leading destination for hair restoration.
Visit- https://www.estemedicalgroup.com/female-hair-transplant-in-turkey
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caymannewsservice · 4 months ago
Dart seeks to avoid beach retreat with unproven concept
SMB South on 9 October 2024 (from social media) (CNS): The Dart Group has begun circulating a video on social media that rejects the idea of a managed retreat combined with imported sand replenishment to address the erosion problem on Seven Mile Beach in favour of ‘sand engines’, a scientific solution developed in Europe. Dart hired Denmark-based consultants DHI to conduct a study of Seven Mile…
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bikeaospedacos · 6 months ago
Cabirou e Brosnan vencem a Copa do Mundo de DH em Mont-Sainte-Anne
Mont-Sainte-Anne encerrou a temporada 2024 com corridas emocionantes; Marine Cabirou e Troy Brosnan foram os grandes vencedores.
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scoredoc · 8 months ago
Hair Restoration
We all have a special attachment to our hair; it’s a key part of our identity. Losing it can be an emotional journey, but you don’t have to face it alone.
 Hair restoration and transplant centers offer advanced treatments to help you regain a full, natural-looking head of hair. These centers specialize in procedures like follicular unit extraction (FUE) and scalp micro-pigmentation. 
Read our blog that highlights the 7 best hair restoration and transplant centers around Chevy Chase, MD. 
Discover the most trusted experts and state-of-the-art facilities to help you on your journey to restore confidence. These centers are backed by patient’s reviews and ratings and trusted by many people.
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interlockingfuetechnique · 10 months ago
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hairlossprp · 10 months ago
Why Choose Gold Coast for Hair Transplant?
The Gold Coast boasts a thriving medical tourism industry, attracting patients from across Australia and around the globe. With its world-class medical facilities, experienced surgeons, and picturesque surroundings, it's no wonder why many individuals choose this region for their hair transplant procedures. Additionally, the Gold Coast offers a range of accommodation options, recreational activities, and post-operative care facilities, ensuring a comfortable and pleasant experience for patients and their families.
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Impacting self-confidence and self-esteem
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gregnrealestate · 10 months ago
D.R. Horton, Inc. Announces the Passing of Company Founder and Chairman, Donald R. Horton
America’s Builder, today announced the sudden passing of Donald R. Horton, the Company’s Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
D.R. Horton, Inc. (NYSE:DHI), America’s Builder, today announced the sudden passing of Donald R. Horton, the Company’s Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors. David V. Auld, the Company’s Executive Vice Chairman, has been appointed by the Board to serve as Executive Chairman, effective immediately. David V. Auld shared, “It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my friend…
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wally-b-feed · 1 year ago
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Anthony Fineran, Han Dhi, 2024
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fmarkets · 1 year ago
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EPS Trails Revenue in Q1 2024 Earnings Season: D R Horton Inc Report Reveals Promising Growth https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=DHI&date=2024-01-25212010&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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sajibahmed12 · 1 year ago
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Avoid temporary solutions and get a hair transplant for a more youthful and confident you.
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With modern innovations in hair restoration and heartwarming success stories from those who've chosen hair transplantation, the solution to your hair loss concerns has never looked more promising. If you've experimented with countless DIY remedies, pills, and miracle potions, only to find temporary or disappointing results, it's time to put those searches to rest. Permanent hair transplantation treatments at Arcus Hospital offer a path to lasting relief.
Connect with us to know more! 📞: : +91-9032802805 📩: : [email protected] 🌐: : https://www.arcusplasticsurgery.com/
Please Follow our SM Pages: 1)Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArcusPlasticSurgeryClinic 2)Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arcusplasticsurgeryclinic/ 3)Twitter: https://twitter.com/arcusclinic 4)Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/Arcusclinic123/ 5)Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/company/89536913/admin/feed/posts/ 6)Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/arcusplasticsurgeryclinic 7)Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/arcusplasticsurgery 8)Flickr: https://flickr.com/photos/198305088@N04/ 9)Imgur: https://imgur.com/user/Arcusplasticsurgeryclinic
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akel-hair-transplant · 2 years ago
Hair Transplantation and the Evolution of Societal Perceptions
Introduction:Hair transplantation, once a procedure shrouded in secrecy, has undergone a significant transformation in societal perceptions over the years. As techniques have advanced and success stories have proliferated, the way society views hair transplantation has evolved. This article delves into the changing societal perceptions surrounding this procedure. 1. Historical Stigma:In the…
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fmsskin12 · 2 years ago
Best Hair Transplant Procedures
Are you looking for permanent solution for hairloss problem? Hair Transplantation is the most sorted solution for both men and women who are suffering from hair loss.
Hair transplant treatment is a surgical procedure where in hair follicles are transplanted from one area of the scalp (the donor site) to hair thinning or balding area (the recipient site). Hair follicles are extracted and seggragated into grafts and implanted. There are different hair transplant procedures are adopted based upon patients need and other factors.
Most Common Hair Transplant Procedures include.
• Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)
Choosing the right hair transplant procedure is important concern, Each techniques has its own pros and cons. FUE & DHI are concerned as the best hair transplant procedure as they involve minimal scarring and less downtime.
At FMS Skin and Hair Clinic, Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Hyderabad. We provide 100% result oriented hair transplant services. With in-house expert team of Hair Transplant Specialists and well trained supporting staff. Our team of hair transplant surgeons recommend the right hair Transplant procedure based on hair, scalp analysis and patients concerns.
Know more about hair transplantation at https://www.fmsskin.com/best-hair-transplant-clinic-in-hyderabad/
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