#DGM fandom
avarrenlar · 4 months
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Happy 20th anniversary, my favourite manga! I havent finish any greeting card yet unfortunately, but i wanna show Allen's sketch i did several days ago Wish a lot of patience for fandom for getting all answers we want, and lots of mental and health strength for mangaka, to make all she wanted to show us Thank you for everything, Hoshino-sensei
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wingfril · 4 months
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Page #1 that I did for @dgm20thproject ! See the zine at that blog. I also got 8 poster card printed with this design and a few posters printed. If anyone in nyc or Chicago want them, let me know! We can meet up when they arrive in two month :)
Oh man this was fun to experiment and draw. I had no idea what I was doing since again, this was the first (serious) thing I’ve drawn in about 4 years. There’s quite a few runner up ideas.
Did anyone notice that the outer ring is literally the piano score (irl) for the 14th song 👀 . I played piano as a kid specifically for college, but that piece was the only piece of music I’ve ever learned on my own accord.
My original page was pretty boring, so I had to come up with some way of spicing it up :)
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arimiaromage · 2 months
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saaraofthesand · 2 months
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wow I have no idea what’s going on in D.Gray Man 👍 👍 👍
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greenapplebling · 3 months
It's funny going into the Yullen tag and everyone there being like 'it's been like 20 years but I'm still here' and meanwhile there's me like
Hi, me new
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jean-optimal · 3 months
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Иллюстрации к тРПГ по D.Gray-Man к эпизодам:
"В поисках Потрошителя"
"Родная Кровь: И где я так согрешил?"
Разумеется, с участием маршала Кросса)
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mananea · 11 months
She literally breaks her back/neck/wrist for this series and you can’t even show her that much respect for her wishes. It’s insulting at this point.
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the-gentle-jellofish · 4 months
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amidrawings · 1 year
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I love them sm! They’re such a pretty character 😭 this was so much fun too draw ah it’s been so long since I drew someone this colourful!🤧🤧✨
Also if you like dgm pls be my friend I beg you😭 just slide into my messages I wanna know more people who likes dgm
Hope you like it!💜
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catacosmo · 6 months
doing god's work by making Alma Karma live in a dgm au
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cluelesslesbian · 2 years
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allenwalkerbitch · 1 year
Oh my god Allen's finding out about pasta. holy fuck.
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wingfril · 4 months
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Preview #2 for the second page I did for @dgm20thproject
I don’t know why but I ended up drawing the earl so much across all my pages, and none of the adult form of the main characters.
I actually wanted to do pointillism for the first page that I did. And then realized that it might’ve been too boring. For this page, I was in much more of a rush since the deadline was in 2 weeks, so going with pointillism instead. Pure black and white still wasn’t interesting enough imo, so of course I chose to made the moon pop more and tie the panels together. I intended the moon to be golden so it looks like a mesh of different materials, but it looked too outta place :/
Some other color runner ups for the moon
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vitamiiiiins · 1 month
god i just love jasdevi . they're so fascinating to me i hope we get more of them at some point
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zaryapotg · 5 months
my piece for @2000sgothichorrorzine! d.gray-man is one of my favorite examples of this nostalgic gothic fantasy horror genre and the lee siblings changed my brain chemistry. i hope you enjoy this fic and the rest of the zine, which you can find on itch.io! https://2000sgothmangazine.itch.io/obbmf-zine
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maskedjoker · 2 months
Alright so I want to talk about some fandom stuff since I've been getting back into it with a few people/places. It seems like some old issues are still kind of around. The biggest thing is we all have been in this thing for a while, and it's been so slow I think we've all kind of made our own theories and views we keep most of the time. We all then "check in" when chapters do actually come out and since we are all very invested in the story and in more closed groups the rest of the time there is conflict.
Now I'm well past being upset by differences in story interpretation. We can all enjoy dgm without agreeing on everything, especially all the unrevealed stuff. I don't like it all the time, but it's perfectly fine.
What's bugging me most is there seems to be some inconsistency to how people treat certain characters/ideas. There is A LOT of headcanonning and fans of the past! crew like Allen, Nea, and Mana as well as Cross(and bookman Jr if you interpret them as separate, though I personally do not). People get very defensive of their relationships and circumstance when it comes to debate. This is on its own not so great, but not particularly a problem either. Trust me, I get character offense.
I'll just cut to the point and say it though, the main reason this becomes a problem is people seem to care about characters in order of attractiveness. I've been a fan of The Earl/Adam since almost the beginning of the series, and it's been hell. People have never treated him with the same care or thought they do to other characters, despite him being very central and important to the story. I'll also say before anything more that no, he's not more amoral than the other villains, so that doesn't matter here.
Being disinterested would be one thing, but it's usually more than that. When this stuff started it was just basically calling him Hitler(pre mana stuff) and treating him much worse than the other Noah(like tyki). Later on, when his human form was revealed, people jumped into basically replacing him with mana. Let me be clear, I don't mean they realized the connection. I mean they were actively ignoring the current character(personality/goals/identity) in favor of mana walker or Campbell's personality, and would only reasonably talk about the earl in context of Nea or Allen in the past. Memory loss or no, the actual earl was treated as a non-character that only existed as a way to recreate other characters. The stuff around 219 was especially rough as most people did not even consider what the earl said or felt, it was just about Sad Mana Is Confused TM and should go back to being like him right now. This was done with no consideration of Mana's feelings towards Adam or Adam's feelings towards Mana.
Now that we have confirmation from hoshino that there is a third entity, that his name is adam, and that he's basically past!earls Noah memories+suit as well as having his own autonomy and personality, people are still treating him poorly. I have had people assert to me he doesn't have a soul OR separate personality and isn't the earl(?) because Mana is. Now that he can be separated from Mana, it's back to treating him as Evil and Not A Person. He's an AI or a machine or fake in some way, despite him basically being the only character we've ever known as the earl. Those same people also assumed, somehow, that when the story said the earl was being used by the other Noah without his knowledge that he was somehow Not Included and was actually both aware and part of this betrayal on Mana. That's not to say there is no crossover with Mana, because they've shared a body for some time and Mana is his host after all, etc. That doesn't excuse these behaviors though.
And all of that nonsense is because frankly, people don't want to bone him. They look at his design(suit form usually, but not always) and immediately assume Evil and Gross despite the story's themes, writing, and Hoshino's own words against it. Ive literally had people say as much, especially when talking about shipping. He is actively pushed away from character groups or dynamics people actually talk about. The only other character treated even remotely similar are characters that don't like Allen(like chaoji, some of you must have been around long enough to remember the hate he got at the time) and/or are perceived as not attractive(like apo or Leviare). I don't think it's justified there either.
It's just really getting me down that a really well written and interesting character that is quintessential to the narrative is basically shit on, while people clutch their pearls if Cross or Allen's back stories are a little different than they expected. I expect this from young teens and the like but this fandom has frankly aged out of that a long time ago and it's not cute anymore
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