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sasswonfp · 2 years
Truly u can never feel more disgusting than when u have to use random paper esque shit for tissue bc u dont have any/cant get any when u need too. Use a post it note to blow ur nose even once and you will understand what it is like to be in the 9th circle of hell
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polkadotmotmot · 5 months
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Muhammad Zeeshan - deMONSTERate III, 2024 - Acrylic on canvas
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noirgasmweetheart · 2 months
Lorre's Cat Cafe: Ugarte
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The best thing about Ugarte is also the worst thing: he loves attention.
Ugarte is chronically purring, loudly. He slinks into the room between obstacles purring like a motor, rubbing against every human leg he can find as well as other random surfaces. At his most affectionate, he brings presents.
Ugarte is a cunning hunter, and extremely proud of it. He frequently leaves bloody, mangled gifts for his humans in the worst places imaginable. Every time you find his newest kill, he stretches his head up expecting praise and ear scratches, and is startled when you yell at him for being such a disgusting animal.
As he slinks sadly away, you see that he's leaving bloody paw prints on the floor. And you remember that he rubs himself against everything. That's gonna violate a few health codes. Unfortunately Ugarte hates baths, and never goes quietly.
It takes multiple people to hold him down for a wash, and the demonsterous noises he makes have some guests asking if a rabid wolverine has gotten into the building.
After he's towled down, he crawls off to a hiding place, and isn't seen for days. Multiple guests ask where the cute little Siamese is, and are heartbroken to hear he isn't available today.
Eventually he timidly returns to socialize, and is back to his friendly purring self. He's a sweetheart until he goes for another hunt, and the cycle resumes.
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theomnicode · 4 days
Rose tinted glasses; Characterization difference of Blast and Saitama between rewritten & canon chapters
Warning: Long post ahead Warning: Mild webcomic spoilers ahead
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Flash asks a very, very good question here. Meanwhile, here we have Blast who is intent on capturing Void alive so he could begin the demonsterization process since according to him on rewritten chapter, Void is key to god's dimension.
However, Blast does not divulge this information on the current canon timeline and does not explain to Flash why he wants Void alive, even if he sympathizes with Flash's blight because he and other ninja village people been abused and brainwashed to produce potential minions for OPM God.
Instead, Blast chooses to lie.
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The timeline of the ninja village birth, Flash's birth inside the ninja village and growing up there and his and Empty void's search for the cubes coincide, so it means that Blast was well aware of Empty void already doing monstrous acts on some level and turned a blind eye to it...or he was very easily hoodwinked because he actually cared about his partner a lot. He even wear's Void's glasses.
Either Void was already under OPM God's control more than 15 years ago...or he was always this kind of person from the very beginning and Blast was just drawn to this enigmatic persona.
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(How cute, he's actually holding hands with the objectively handsome devil itself)
And if you think hard enough, Flash's question is very important regarding Void because this guy can apparently just warp between dimensions like he pleases and create entire parallel timelines with each strike of his sword. It's actually quite nutty.
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Void's answer to Blast's portal powers is to literally pull the curtain and transport himself into another dimension in a blink of an eye, before Blast's attack has even hope to connect and laugh at his pitiful attempt.
What is worse, Blast does not seem to realize or does not want to think about the fact that even if he magically succeeded to get Void, Void would not cooperate him in turning back into a human because the psychological mental state of wanting to demonsterize is the key to undoing the transformation.
And if he somehow cooperated...OPM God would just swoop in and suck the very lifeforce out of Void and make him a cold, empty husk. Like he did to Homeless emperor on Chapter 153: Forfeit.
There is no winning in this scenario for Blast, yet he tries anyway.
But why then...if he's so heroic and good at his job that he believes he could save Void...why did he not even attempt such with Genos when Garou had a hold on Genos' head? When he can apparently hide body parts between dimensions like he did to Sonic???
Blast is pragmatic to a fault and may have thought Genos was already beyond saving...but he's now showing his unscrupulous side. Which is kind of classic characterization for infj personality type to think end justify the means (like Dumbledore from harry potter) and he also casually endorses the torture of human turned monsters for simply his own gain and not for the gain of humanity as a whole. It's easier to justify torture if one emphatizes less with the person who is being tortured.
Allow me to demonstrate the difference between Blast and rewritten Blast and other such differences in characterization in the chapter 195: Threat and rewritten chapter 195: Tenninto.
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Here we see Blast, Saitama and Flash observe the demonsterization process and and Blast is visibly disturbed, much moreso than Saitama who is just looking blankly ahead (ill get to that in a moment). He then makes the conclusion from the effects of electroshock that the psychological state of the person is key to demonsterize. So the characterization of Blast here is more aligned with the empathic hero who sometimes needs to make some hard decisions for the betterment of mankind.
Now, lets jump to the current canon Blast who also left Genos to die, without even attempting anything because he was beyond saving. (I've touched upon this on my meta Empathy's resonance).
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The first thing he says about the experiment is...to ask the other people in the room if they fancy watching human turned monsters getting electrocuted. While smiling.
Holy shit Blast you're actually fucked up. If he actually thought this one through and was emphatic towards his fellow humans, he'd have told em NOT to watch or that it might be disturbing. Or at the very minimum not smirk like that, like observing it is supposed to be fun, human or monster.
Another negative point in Blast favour is when the electroshock therapy/torture ends.
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He does not say anything and instead it's Sitch who points out what seems to be the key element they are missing. He's just observing impassively. Blast is being amoral.
Amorality (also known as amoralism) is an absence of, indifference towards, disregard for, or incapacity for morality. Some simply refer to it as a case of not being moral or immoral. Amoral should not be confused with immoral, which refers to an agent doing or thinking something they know or believe to be wrong.
So now, Blast's reasoning to actually observe and justify this electroshocking of human turned monsters is far more feeble. Rewritten Blast gave good justification to why they're doing this (turn Void back to human so they can end OPM God once and for all and help humanity as a whole) and he seemed far more altruistic. Now he is essentially just...secretly pining for his old partner and not saying anything about it. He believes a bit too much on the Empty Void he used to know and has forgiven Void's cruelty with a shrug, essentially he has rose-tinted glasses on.
Blast: "We need to find the cure for demonsterization asap for the good of humankind, I'm sorry you have to go through this. If you help us, we can probably turn you back to human as well." Also Blast: "How convenient, willing test subjects. Proceed."
His complete lack of reaction to Hamukichi's heartfelt speech speaks volumes.
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One interesting thing to note here, is also Saitama's characterization that changed between the rewritten chapters.
If you look closely...Saitama is hiding behind everyone else. The revised panel for this is far larger than in the retconned version so we can see his expression more clearly. Saitama's body language and expression are far more clear and all these factors make him seem a lot more timid, concerned and even upset at watching the human turned monsters electrotorture. Saitama has always been sensitive to violence and aggression in general and he did not even muster himself to kill Boros who destroyed an entire city, nor Garou at the end when Garou was spent and completely at his mercy. (Chapter 168, Awakening of the gods)
In the revised chapters, Saitama is not shown in all panels to make this reaction more pronounced when we actually see it, because Saitama is also innately highly empathic person, but his emotions and empathy have been gravely hurt when he became too strong. They also don't show Saitama observe with a blank face at any point, they rather show him trying to shut his ear because of loud noise.
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By comparing between the canon and rewritten chapters, you can see the master writer and mangaka at work when it comes to proper characterization. Because Saitama's empathy is real and Blast well...is not empathizing or trying to remain emotionally detatched from everything. And ONE had to lay some more foundations here.
There was also the problem of mischaracterization of Saitama as someone who would just stare at this blankly, instead showing that there is a lot of hidden depth to Saitama's emotions and empathic skills. Which is probably an oopsie from miscommunication between Murata-sensei and ONE, but it could also be...intentional, considering the parallel timeline Empty Void can cause. Which would be so ultra meta if we could also observe the parallel timelines from rewritten chapters, the "what if" scenarios if you please
These kind of characterizations are the reason for many a rewritten chapter, intentional or not. Each one is still very important because choices matter and real humans can be very complex.
Generally highly emphatic people hate to see others get hurt because they feel that hurt so keenly themselves, so they have to take some distance emotionally as self-protection, else they're going to cry their eyes out when they hear polar bears no longer have place to live since ice caps are melting, during a nature document. 😂That or they can get compassion fatigue from doomscrolling or nursing, so empathy can definitely be seen as double-edged sword.
Blast could also be doing this emotional blunting for self-protection...but insert doubt. He has those rose tinted glasses on and is in for a harsh awakening. And Blast should start caring less about people he cannot save and focus on those who can actually be saved.
Blast may be the #1 hero in rank, but he's not number one hero on heart and he still has a lot to learn even as a middle-aged dude. He could learn a lot from Mumen, Genos and Saitama. He's isolated himself from the realities of OPM world by surfing around with his Blasticide gang.
As my buddy @gofancyninjaworld stated and I quote, "I've been saying that Blast is not a good hero. A pretty mediocre one, in fact."
And most importantly...Blast needs to take off those rose-tinted glasses. They're a bit too shady. He needs to see things with clear eyes for once.
Tl;dr Blast is shady and pining after his buddy a bit too much.
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autisticbee · 2 months
Finished the final season of swe.et ho.me yesterday and man what a shit show. Shame the first season was so good and then the rest went off the deep end. I got a headache bc so much was so goddamn confusing also the women characters in this show were so let down by the writing from s2 onwards I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR WHAT THEY DID TO BADASS FIREFIGHTER LADY they shafted her character so hard and what was the damn point of having her nearly die+become monsterized+get DEmonsterized+die for fucking real this time in a very anticlimactic way
But man the tragic homoeroticism of the one soldier who was gay with the other one TRANSFUSING ALL HIS BLOOD TO SAVE HIM. I. Probably one of the very few actual emotional bits of S3 that made me tear up. normally don't give a shit about soldiers but am glad the other guy survived. Every time he put himself in a situation I was yelling at the screen like REMEMBER WHAT YOUR BUDDY DID FOR YOU. YOU GOTTA LIVE, FUCKER
Why the fuck did the dog never come back. I thought for sure when it ran off in s2 it would be like what happened in S1 where it ran off for most of the season only to reappear to show the safe exit. I guess at least I can imagine it lived when I was terrified the show would kill it off lol
If you were debating watching s.weet hom.e I would recommend watching just the first season (which covers the events of the original webtoon anyway I think) and just. Ignore the existence of s2+3 it's not worth it
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smugmugvoid · 6 months
dopamine drain is demonsterous i think ive literally thought about suicide hourly daily for months
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nonagesiimus · 3 years
howwww did katie keep a straight face was thomas said his character was being "demonsterized" by the other guys in the house
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myblacknightworld · 7 years
What does someone for a school project during Halloween?
A de-monster-ation
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anarchotolkienist · 4 years
Do you have advice about how to get past a love of hierarchy? I don’t trust my own thoughts, feelings, or actions, and only feel safe when I’m obeying orders from a higher authority so I don’t have to face moral consequences. This does not make me an effective anarchist, to say the least
This is probably not going to be good advice, but I struggled with the exact same thing - I kind of hierarchical instrinct that sat in my backbone, the instinct to either make decisions for other people or, much more commonly, have decisions made for me. For me it was a case of recognising that tendence in myself, recognizing how dreadful of an instinct it is and how far away from what we want politically, and having to force myself to confront that instinct by standing up and saying that the person(s) telling me/us to do something in an authorotative voice were wrong - in my case it was a matter of fighting off a Maoist coup and going on enough anti-Nazi demonstrations - something about trying to surround or running away from or having to de-arrest comrades always makes the police tell you to stop, and you just have to keep going. As for the impulse to give others instructions, a year of two of anarcha-feminist comrades telling me to fuck off in no uncertain terms whenever I started in that direction eventually got me off it (thanks for your patience with me, sorry I never learned how to not talk too much), but I don’t think that’s your problem, yeah? In other words, it was a political and practical awareness of the undesirablity of that impulse, combined with lots and lots of practice at combating it and practical demonsterations of being really unsafe due to obeying orders, which eventaully got rid of it. I can’t give any better tips, therefore, than to just keep at it being an anarchist and keep working on it, sorry. If some of my followers have any better recommendations help anon out, since mine was a nothingburger.
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eddsworld-tbatf · 5 years
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Time for a quick deMONSTERation. This comic was written by: Makenzie Matthews, Jaculynn Kristiansen, and Alyssa Grissom Thumbnails and blue pencil sketching by: Makenzie Matthews The editing, outlining: Jaculynn Kristiansen Colorig by: Brittany Clark Background by: Jaculynn Kristiansen Edited by: Alyssa Grissom
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worldsbiggestalpaca · 4 years
Do you think monsters when trying to start a war will demonsterize their enemies and try to make them seem as human as possible?
Chimera: And, the dragon also does yoga!
Crowd: *Collective gasp*
Chupacabra: What a human!
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21! Happy Birthday!
21. Favorite animal
… ummmmmmmmmmmmm
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All of them?  lol
In my name for birthdays and Christmaseses there have been donations for tigers and wolves, my friend thinks I remind them of otters and i like otters.
I have mild and ever decreasing cases of arachnophobia and selachophobia which I combat with learning about spiders and sharks to demonsterize them in my mind, so I also have a weird like in learning about them?  
Though if I have to pick one and only one.  It’s Monica my kitty.  I can go from terrified to ready to rumble if I think she’s in danger-
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harryglass · 2 years
The demon will do a demonstration to make some demons The monster will do a monsteration to make some monsters The teacher will do a demonsteration to get rid of all the demon monsters The teacher will now do a teamonstration to get rid of all of the tea
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theomnicode · 2 years
Flashy Flash, Saitama and the quest for redemption
Watch Manako turn out to be one of the kids from Flashy's ninja village who survived the carnage, but monsterized as a result of that. But when Flashy openly and sincerely regrets what he has done when Saitama is through with him, Manako will suddenly forgive Flashy for what he has done and reveal she was one of the kids he tried to slaughter and demonsterizes.
So Flash can finally stop the cycle of self-hatred he's been stuck on, because the reason he even goes after all these people in his adulthood, these drug lords and whatnot?
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"After all, he would not stop sending assassins my way." "Eliminate anyone who tries to hunt me down."
(That solemn, far-away look, it's so well done)
If he had killed any other people previously, crime lords, ninja village leaders and brainwashed ninja kids alike and poisoned his friend Sonic who aspired to become a good ninja leader, it only fed that same self-hatred because he realized what he had done at some point to all these people.
Thinking that because he had the power, after being brainwashed and traumatized, that he also had to dispact these individuals who abused their powers to bring harm to others.
Individuals he thought would abuse their powers in the future.
So other people don't need to experience what he went through and the self-hatred he goes through, but it won't justify any of his actions.
He knows it's not justifiable. He knows it well.
That's why he keeps doing it.
That's why he can't forgive himself for getting caught in that horrible situation when he was still a kid. That's why he can't forgive himself when he continues killing people to justify his existence.
That's why he hates himself and tries to distance himself from empathy and has become cold to his enemies. Dispact them before they can attack, so he needs to feel less. Why he attacks Saitama so ruthlessly and why he continues attacking, because he felt so instinctually threathened by Saitama's mere presence in his battle state, that he felt he had to defend himself. Yet he says he held back subconsciously, because he still has morals.
(Ironically, Saitama was also feeling fear, fight or flight response and is trying to suppress the reaction. Just two guys pissing themselves in fear of the other.)
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The fear is what motivates him to hone his skills. So he would not get caught in such helpless situation again. So others would not get caught in helpless situation like that again.
That's why he's working as a hero, to try and alleviate that sense of guilt as well and trying to redeem himself somehow. To "make up" for the bad things he keeps doing.
It's a cycle he has been caught on because he feels he must personally do it as punishment, so nobody else has to and the people in power won't ever be able to come back for revenge or continue abusing others.
A self-perpetuating cycle of self-hatred.
That's why it's also funny to me that when Flash tries to "doorslam" on Saitama because he does not want to deal with the empathic response of failing to protect Saitama from harm, that he can't get rid of him anymore because Saitama got the smart idea of following him around. Saitama's high empathy will essentially follow Flash till he stops resisting and accepts it. xd
(Also important that Saitama not parallel this and doorslam him back when he hears what Flashy has actually done...)
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Why is it important that Saitama not actually remove Flash from his life then? Because he needs to deal with the empathic response? Because otherwise Flash won't get redeemed?
Because this is really not so much different from Saitama knowing he has killed monsters that used to be human.
Killed other intelligent beings in self-defence and in protection of others. And hating himself for it. And trying to justify his existence by being heroic.
It's why Saitama's self-worth keeps eroding so much. It's not like he hasn't seen monsterization with his own eyes before and doesn't know how some people become monsters.
Such as Crablante, who just ate too much crabs. That's not a crime.
But suddenly he turned into a monster and became violent because of that. Not because we can prove he had previously been an evil guy who just wanted to harm other people innately or even WANTED TO ditch his own humanity, but in the process of monsterization, the subconscious limiters on becoming less/more/not/? human were removed.
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Becoming animalistic, aggressive and posturing, prone to violence and not having humanity's traits like morals, empathy, kindness or compassion.
With divine power, soul power, as your drug of choice, you can become anything you want to be. Subhuman or God, no limiters.
The important thing we can possibly glean from this?
Basically, we can disprove the cognitive dissonance and reveal the illusions that humans are inherently capable of evil acts because some individuals just lack capacity for empathy and other human values and thus become immoral, violent and monstrous and that these kind of people turn into monsters, inside out. That they were deserving to be taken out because they were inherently evil. Or deserving of bad things happening to them. Deserving of dehumanization.
Rather, it is the disconnection from our humanity, our empathy, compassion, kindness and morals which defines humanity and our higher cognitive functions, is what allows humanity do evil acts if they so choose.
You can't remove these qualities from people normally. But you can disconnect and be disconnected from them. Voluntarily or involuntarily, depending of the circumstances. Upbringing, environment, mental health, you name it.
Fearing and being ashamed of your own humanity and the resulting empathic response, can also turn people into monsters.
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There is always a choice though.
Saitama too, can forgive himself and feel actual self-worth because he too, is human. Even though if he feels he has made mistakes in the past that he deems as morally reprehensible acts because he has that high moral integrity.
Not romanticizing killing here and the intent of Flashy going after the bosses of people who send assassins after him and killing bunch of people and comparing it to Saitama who only kills in self-defence. Yea, he's a serial killer alright. But we can still understand where the guy is coming from and why he keeps killing in the first place and the emotions fueling the motivation behind it. He would have all the skillset in subduing anybody he ever desires and bring them in instead of killing them, meanwhile Saitama probably doesn't feel so lucky. Helping him to break the cycle does not mean absolving him of his crimes or romanticizing killing. Future Garou killed and then he took his own life to absolve himself. But Flashy is a person who could definitely be rehabilitated with proper help and have his own redemption, because he's not that far gone yet to not have some sense of morals and empathy. Not yet a character who does not retain humanity.
That's why, I feel ninja village arc is important. For self-forgiveness. For both of them.
If Saitama can get into Flashy's shoes for a moment and feel empathy for him, then he too, can forgive himself.
If kindness is strenght, then one cannot attain true strenght and self-growth without being kind to themselves first.
Help yourself first, before you can help others.
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