nicolasdelavy · 1 month
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random-brushstrokes · 5 months
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Maurice Delavier - Poissons - chats (1982)
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"The Melting Building"
The Hausmannian Building on Georges V Avenue in Paris, France, is called the 'melting building.' Referred to as trompe l'oeil (trick the eye), it's a mural and an optical illusion that appeared in 2007.
The old building needed restoration work, but instead of contemplating the scaffold, a creative solution was found. Artist Pierre Delavie made pictures of the building in its original form. Then, the images were distorted by a computer program and printed on large canvases, which completely shut down the house's facade.
Frederic Beaudoin pasted over the image of the foam cornices, and distinguishing reality from the picture has become very difficult, especially at a distance.
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lookcaitlin · 2 years
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girlsattack · 1 month
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Ed DeLavy, 1930s
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sheltiechicago · 19 days
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Melting Building In Paris
The Hausmannian Building on Georges V Avenue in Paris, France has been referred to as the ‘melting building’. Referred to as trompe l’oeil (trick the eye), it’s actually a mural and an optical illusion that appeared in 2007. The old building needed restoration work but instead of contemplating the scaffold, a creative solution was found. Artist Pierre Delavie made pictures of the building in its original form, and then the images were distorted by a computer program and printed on large canvases, which completely shut down the facade of the house. Frederic Beaudoin pasted over the image of the foam cornices, and distinguishing reality from the picture has become very difficult, especially at a distance.
Melting building in Paris is actually a mural and an optical illusion referred to as trompe l’oeil
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romualdgralak · 8 months
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boomgers · 1 year
Una historia de confusiones, amor y mucha música… “Todo Está Bien”
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En una reunión, Pedro conoce a Ana, una artista con una carrera musical en ascenso con la cual está triunfando en las redes y que sabe disfrutar del momento. Al lado de Ana, el camino al éxito parece posible. Pero enseguida Pedro recibirá una difícil misión de parte de Toni, su jefe, que pondrá en riesgo las importantes decisiones de su vida. En ese proceso, Pedro repensará sus prioridades y el real significado del éxito.
Estreno: 12 de abril de 2023 en Disney+.
La comedia cuenta con las actuaciones de Pedro Calais, Ana Caetano, Vitão, Toni Garrido, Clara Buarque, Julia Mestre, Gita Delavy, Lucas Mamede, Rubel, Cynthia Senek, entre otros.
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vigilantkatholixx · 4 months
VI. Embracing Masculinity
Robert Moore – King, Warrior, Magician, Lover David Deida – The Way of the Superior Man Walter Newell – The Code of Man: Love, Courage, Pride, Family, Country Frederic Delavier – Strength Training Anatomy Mark Rippetoe – Starting Strength Tony Robbins – Awaken The Giant Within Marcus Aurelius – The Meditations Sun Tzu – The Art of War Robert Greene – The 48 Laws of Power Yamamoto Tsunetomo – Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai
VII. Traditional Christianity
G.K. Chesterton – Orthodoxy Venerable Fulton Sheen – The Moral Universe Hilaire Belloc – Survivals and New Arrivals Michael Walsh – Roman Catholicism: The Basics Archbishop James Gibbons – The Faith of Our Fathers Henri Daniel Rops – This is the Mass Fr. Frederick William Faber – The Precious Blood or the Price of Our Salvation Fr. Frederick William Faber – The Creator and The Creature Robert Hugh Benson – Christ in the Church Cardinal Manning – The Holy Ghost, The Sanctifier Colin Lindsay – The Evidence for the Papacy Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre – An Open Letter to Confused Catholics Fr. James F. Wathen – The Great Sacrilege Fr. Luigi Villa – Vatican II About Face! Fr. Joseph Deharbe – A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion ——– Alexander Schmemann – For the Life of the World Kallistos Ware – The Orthodox Way Lorenzo Scupoli – Unseen Warfare John Marler – Youth of the Apocalypse and The Last True Rebellion Seraphim Rose – Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future
VIII. History Revisited.
Admiral Raphael Semmes – Memoirs of Service Afloat Anne Jean Marie René Savary – Memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo Claude François de Méneval – Memoirs to Serve for the History of Napoleon I K. P Pobyedonostseff – Reflections of a Russian Statesman Edmund Burke – Reflections on the Revolution in France Regine Pernoud – Those Terrible Middle Ages: Debunking the Myths Lothrop Stoddard – The French Revolution on San Domingo Sidney George Fisher – True History of the American Revolution Lawrence H. Keeley – War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage Alexis de Tocqueville – The Old Regime and the Revolution Peter Oliver – Origin and Progress of the American Rebellion
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artmialma · 2 years
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Maurice Delavier (1902-1986)
"Nude Au Chat Noir“     1934
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worldsandemanations · 5 months
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Maurice Delavier - Poissons - chats (1982)
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nicolasdelavy · 10 months
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fitnesscourse · 2 months
Frederic Delavier – Strength Training Anatomy 2nd.Edition
Frederic Delavier – Strength Training Anatomy 2nd.Edition More courses from the same author: Frederic Delavier  
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movienized-com · 7 months
Tá Tudo Certo
Tá Tudo Certo (Serie 2023) #PedroCalais #AnaCaetano #Vitao #ClaraBuarque #ToniGarrido #GitaDelavy Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- Genre: Comedy / Romantik Hauptrollen: Pedro Calais, Ana Caetano, Vitão, Clara Buarque, Toni Garrido, Gita Delavy, Sandra de Sá, Manu Gavassi, Serjão Loroza, Vitória Falcão, Rayssa Leal, Gabriel Zoldan, Agnes Nunes … Serienbeschreibung: Pedro träumt davon, ein berühmter Musiker zu werden. Durch einen Zufall trifft er Ana, eine Sängerin und Songwriterin, die ihm die Vielfalt…
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franckdalmeida-zolty · 8 months
Carlos d'Almeida e eletricidade.
Museu da Electricidade de Lisboa por Franck de Almeida.
terça – feira, 23 de janeiro de 2023.
Em 2023, por ocasião do 150º aniversário da Sociedade Francesa de Física, foi publicada em 30 de junho de 2023 uma obra pelas Edições Edp Sciences "O 150º aniversário da Sociedade Francesa de Física", na página 10: Sr. Nicolas Nio dedica uma página ao Físico Joseph Charles d'Almeida (Paris 1822 - Paris 1880). Em Portugal, é José Carlos de Almeida, filho ilegítimo de um diplomata português instalado em Paris e filho abandonado de Manuel de Almeida nascido no Porto em 14 de março de 1780, feito prisioneiro a bordo do navio Suzanne e Marie sob O Imperio. Charles d'Almeida foi o fundador do Journal de Physique em 1872 e desempenhou um papel importante na criação da Société Française de Physique em 1873; conforme mencionado na página 10 desta obra: d'Almeida trabalhou em telegrafia elétrica e mais precisamente em telegrafia pelo Sena = telegrafia terrestre. Ao lado do engenheiro Gustave Bourbouze (Paris 1825 - Paris 1889) e do físico Quentin Paul Desains (Saint-Quentin 1817 - Paris 1885), membro do Comité Científico sob a égide do seu amigo Marcelin Berthelot, o Sr. Charles d'Almeida teve a missão a pedido do Governo de Defesa Nacional para estabelecer comunicação telegráfica entre a Província e Paris durante a Guerra de 1870-1871 utilizando a água do Sena como elemento condutor. O princípio desses experimentos é o mesmo das transmissões telegráficas ou telefônicas por Terra: A telegrafia por Terra será utilizada pelo segundo-tenente André Delavie (Vayres 1882 - Paris 1951) até 1918, sob a égide do futuro General Gustave Ferrié (1868 Santo -Michel-de-Maurienne - 1932 Paris). O trabalho na telegrafia terrestre permitirá ao General Ferrié progredir na telegrafia sem fio e em 1900, Gustave Auguste Ferrié assumiu o comando da TSF militar francesa. Gustave Ferrié, em associação com Gustave Eiffel, salvou a Torre Eiffel usando-a como antena. O inventor oficial da telegrafia sem fio é o Sr. Edouard Branly (Amiens 1844 - Paris 1940), este cientista foi aluno de Edouard Desains (nativo de Saint-Quentin, aluno de Charles d'Almeida).
O Sr. d'Almeida, cidadão português até 1844 e cidadão francês até à sua morte em 1880, ajudou a máquina de Gramme em 1872; Em 1871, Zénobe Gramme (1826 Bélgica - 1901 Bois-Colombe) apresentou à Academia de Ciências e patenteou um gerador ou dínamo de corrente contínua que permaneceu conhecido como máquina de Gramme. Carpinteiro que se tornou eletricista, Gramme é uma mente empírica que compreendeu claramente que a rotação de um enrolamento no entreferro de um ímã deve gerar uma corrente contínua, mas não possui ferramentas físicas e matemáticas. Foi José Carlos de Almeida quem o desenvolveu em 1872. Por ocasião da morte de Charles d'Almeida, foi erguido um busto dele na Sala de Reuniões da Sociedade Francesa de Física com as palavras "Fundador da Sociedade Francesa de Física",o físico Augustin Bertin - Mourot (1818 - 1884), embora tendo dado o seu parecer favorável, mandou retirar este busto alguns anos depois, (situado na rue de Rennes 44 em Paris), alegando ao seu amigo Louis Pasteur (Dole 1822 - 1895 Marnes – la – Coquette) que não tinha recebido o merecido reconhecimento dos seus alunos, o Sr. Bertin ficou amargurado.
; Ao contrário de d'Almeida, Bertin-Mourot não era republicano, mas monarquista. Em Paris a concessão do túmulo de Charles d'Almeida terminou no ano 2000 e o corpo do falecido foi transferido para o ossuário Père Lachaise e o Arquivista do Cemitério desconhecia o que o Sr. Charles d'Almeida tinha feito na electricidade e para Ciências Físicas convidando todos os cientistas do mundo para o Journal de Physique.
. Penso que seria sensato expor o trabalho eléctrico deste académico franco-português no vosso museu da electricidade em Lisboa.
Mr Franck d'Almeida
Charles d'Almeida et l'électricité.
Musée d'électricité de Lisbonne
Par Franck d'Almeida.
terça – feira, 23 de janeiro de 2023.
En 2023, à l'occasion des 150 ans de la Société Française de Physique, un ouvrage est sorti le 30 juin 2023 aux Editions Edp Sciences "Les 150 ans de la Société Française de Physique", à la page 10 : Mr Nicolas Nio consacre une page au Physicien Joseph Charles d'Almeida (Paris 1822 - Paris 1880). Au portugal, il s'agit de José Carlos de Almeida fils illégitime d'un diplomate portugais installé à Paris et fils abandonné de Manuel de Almeida né à Porto le 14 mars 1780 , constitué prisonnier à bord du navire Suzanne et Marie, sous L'Empire. Mr Charles d'Almeida est le Fondateur du Journal de Physique en 1872 et joua un rôle majeur dans la création de la Société Française de Physique en 1873 ; comme le mentionne la page 10 de cet ouvrage : d'Almeida a travaillé dans la Télégraphie électrique et plus précisément dans la Télégraphie par la Seine = Télégraphie par le Sol. Aux côtés de l'ingénieur Gustave Bourbouze (Paris 1825 - Paris 1889) et du physicien Quentin Paul Desains (Saint-Quentin 1817 - Paris 1885), membre du Comité Scientifique sous l'égide de son ami Marcelin Berthelot (Paris 1827 – Paris 1907, Mr Charles d'Almeida avait pour mission à la demande du Gouvernement de la Défense Nationale d'établir une communication télégraphique entre la Province et Paris lors de la Guerre de 1870 - 1871 en se servant de l'eau de la Seine comme élément conducteur. Le principe de ces expériences sont les mêmes que celles des transmissions télégraphiques ou téléphoniques par le Sol : la Télégraphie par le Sol sera utilisée par le sous-lieutenant André Delavie (Vayres 1882 - Paris 1951) jusqu'en 1918, sous l'égide du futur Général Gustave Ferrié (1868 Saint-Michel -de - Maurienne - 1932 Paris). Les travaux sur la Télégraphie par le Sol vont permettre au Général Ferrié de progresser dans la Télégraphie sans fil et en 1900, Gustave Auguste Ferrié prit en main la TSF militaire Française. Gustave Ferrié en s'associant avec Gustave Eiffel sauva la Tour Eiffel en l'utilisant comme Antenne. L'inventeur officiel de la Télégraphie Sans Fil est Mr Edouard Branly (Amiens 1844 - Paris 1940), ce savant fut l'élève d'Edouard Desains (natif de Saint-Quentin, élève de Charles d'Almeida).
Mr d'Almeida de nationalité portugaise jusqu'en 1844 et de nationalité française jusqu'à sa mort en 1880 va aider la machine de Gramme en 1872; En 1871, Zénobe Gramme (1826 Belgique - 1901 Bois- Colombe) présente à l'Académie des sciences et brevète une génératrice à courant continu ou dynamo qui restera connue sous le nom de machine de Gramme. Menuisier devenu électricien, Gramme est un esprit empirique qui a bien conçu que la rotation d'un bobinage dans l'entrefer d'un aimant doit y générer un courant continu, mais n'a pas d'outillage physique et mathématique. C'est José Carlos de Almeida qui la mettra au point en 1872. A la mort de Charles d'Almeida, un buste lui a été érigé à la Salle de Réunion de la Société Française de Physique avec la mention "Fondateur de la Société Française de Physique", le physicien Augustin Bertin - Mourot (1818 - 1884) , bien qu'ayant donné son avis favorable, fera retirer ce buste quelques années plus tard, (situé au 44 rue de Rennes à Paris), prétextant à son ami Louis Pasteur (Dole 1822 – 1895 Marnes – la - Coquette) qu'il n'avait pas eu la reconnaissance tant méritée de ses élèves , Mr Bertin était aigri. Contrairement à d'Almeida, Mr Bertin - Mourot n'était pas républicain mais royaliste. A Paris la concession de la tombe de Charles d'Almeida prit fin en l'année 2000 et le corps du défunt fut transféré à l'ossuaire du Père Lachaise et l'Archiviste du Cimetière de Montparnasse ignorait ce qu'avait fait Mr Charles d'Almeida dans l'électricité et pour les Sciences Physiques en conviant tous les scientifiques du Monde dans Journal de Physiqe.
Je pense qu'il serait judicieux d'exposer les travaux d'électricité de ce savant franco - portugais dans votre musée d'électricité de Lisbonne.
Bien cordialement.
Franck d'Almeida
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jcmarchi · 11 months
From Space to Your Face: Less Wrinkles - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/from-space-to-your-face-less-wrinkles-technology-org/
From Space to Your Face: Less Wrinkles - Technology Org
Radiation-resistant microbe studied in space leads to fewer wrinkles, less sun damage on Earth.
After surviving the cosmic radiation and extreme temperatures of 18 months in space, an organism first identified by NASA decades ago is now improving sunscreens and anti-aging products.
Skin care – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license)
Bacillus Lysate, which doesn’t actually contain any live bacteria, is a skincare additive derived from Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032, a bacterium identified by NASA in the late 1990s.
Found in a clean room at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, where Mars-bound spacecraft were assembled, the microbe stood out because it had survived intense sanitization efforts by the Biotechnology and Planetary Protection Group, which aims to prevent planetary contamination.
“When you are going to look for life on other planets, it’s better you don’t take any microbes along with you as hitchhikers,” said Kasthuri Venkateswaran, a senior research scientist at JPL, explaining why the space agency goes to such great lengths to sanitize spacecraft. Venkateswaran identified Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 in 1999.
This microbe did end up making it to space after all, when astronauts, in a highly controlled study, set it outside the International Space Station for 18 months. Then Venkateswaran and his team performed extensive analysis on it, resulting in about 30 publications over two decades.
The extremophile – an organism that can thrive under extreme conditions – is resistant to hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet (UV) and gamma radiation. In fact, it’s one of the most resilient microbes known.
The original bacterium, Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032, was collected in the late 1990s in a clean room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where it had survived intense sanitization measures. Over the next two decades, the organism was studied extensively and even survived for 18 months outside the International Space Station. Image credit: NASA
The NASA team patented the bacterium, based in part on its potential usefulness in medicine, sunscreens, and research on how to keep clean rooms clean – once Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 has been cleared out of an area, most everything else has been as well.
NASA and the California Institute of Technology, which manages JPL, licensed the organism to Worcester, Massachusetts-based Liberty Biosecurity, a company that had previously been recognized by the space agency for its work on mitigating radiation during long-duration space missions.
Initially thinking Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 could be incorporated into fabric or possibly coatings to add radiation resistance, the company analyzed Venkateswaran’s research and conducted its own, determining that the organism’s ability to absorb UVA and UVB radiation could be most valuable in skincare.
“That’s what sunscreen blocks, right?” said Kyle Landry, who helped Liberty Biosecurity spin off skincare-focused Delavie Sciences LLC, where he is now president. Delavie Sciences, which is also based in Worcester, developed Bacillus Lysate using an extract of the organism Venkateswaran found at JPL.
Bacillus Lysate is also a key ingredient in Delavie Sciences’ own line of anti-aging skincare products. Image credit: Delavie Sciences LLC
“UVB and UVA are linked to skin damage,” Landry said. “They’re linked to sun damage, sunspots, wrinkles, and other health conditions. So, we thought, let’s see if we can enhance sunscreen with the addition of Bacillus Lysate.”
The company registered Bacillus Lysate as an ingredient for use in cosmetics after conducting safety, efficacy, and stability tests. Now Delavie Sciences produces Bacillus Lysate in large quantities and sells it as an SPF-boosting additive for sun care products. The company also started its own line of face and eye creams – the Aeonia Age Defying Serum and the Aeonia Eye Refresh.
“We were able to expand on Venkat’s research and go from lab to reality,” said Landry, referring to NASA’s Venkateswaran, who agreed.
“We just do the basic science and apply it to NASA’s missions,” Venkateswaran said. “Then we have to connect with companies like Delavie Sciences that come forward and do their own research to make something for people on Earth.”
Source: NASA
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