dipplinduo · 6 months
These are based on your submissions. :) I will refer to the ship as what's voted most on in my blog/works unless we get a more established name somewhere else!
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wait FUUUUCCCKKKKKK we have to meet with our college smth counselor tomorrow and we straight up dont have a name. we dont have a name
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koinotame · 9 months
all yours and all mine
word count: 2.5K content warnings: unhealthy relationship dynamics, alcohol consumption (childe is drunk, but there’s no depiction of drinking itself), vague implication of breaking and entering and subsequent murder, dehumanisation/objectification (not at reader), they/them is used for reader
a/n: this a repost (lightly edited)! and a sequel to this. like the previous installments, you can read this as a modern au but (this one in particular) it'll make much more sense with the previous context. also on ao3! no intruders were harmed in the production of this chapter
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the way he whines out your name, pulling you into stumbling arms before you can say anything in return, is more than enough to tell you ajax is almost definitely drunk.
he giggles when you wrap your arms around his back, then abrubtly stops. "ah wait, your name is sacred and I shouldn’t use it so casually…. I’m sorry, please forgive me, your grace~"
…your grace?
well. that confirms your suspicions, you guess?
"you don’t sound very sorry," you quip without any real malice, trying to close the door with him still wrapped around you. the guy who dropped him off (some friend of ajax’s you’ve seen once or twice before) snickers behind his hand and waves when you shoot him a grateful look.
ajax giggles into the crown of your head. "that’s because I love you~ and I love using your name… but not as much as I love you."
"mhm, I love you t—" you squeak when he suddenly throws his arms around your waist, picking you up and twirling you around. he responds to your protests with more laughter, but he does put you down swiftly and instead stuffs his face into your shoulder.
"they said they love me…. I’m so lucky, ahh." he keeps going before you can ask him about the title he used earlier. "you’re all mine, and I’m all yours."
come to think about it… didn’t he say something similar when he was proposing?
"but," he whispers into your neck like he’s telling you some secret only the two of you can be privy to, "even if you weren’t all mine, as long as I’m all yours, I wouldn’t mind."
he rubs his face across your neck and shoulder like a happy cat marking his owner, his hold on your waist tightening slightly. your hand comes up to cart through his hair, and he starts making some sort of rumbling noise.
is he… is he purring?
you try to push all of that out of your thoughts and focus on making sure he’s okay. "…hey, when’s the last time you drank water?"
he stays quiet for a bit, then speaks up just as you’re about to repeat your question. "I dunno."
you sigh, barely registering the whimper that escapes him. "could you sit down?"
he whines, his arms tightening even more. "I don’t wanna leave you…"
"don’t be like that. you need some water… and some medicine." when he doesn’t move, you decide it’s time to pull out the 'good boy' strategy. "I can’t carry both you and the water, so please be good and go sit, okay?"
he stays quiet for a bit again, before his arms hesitantly retract from you. "mmgh, okay…"
he obediently trots over to the couch (not before shooting you a sad look). by the time you come back, he’s discarded his jacket and shoes. you make a note to move them once you get him tucked in.
"I missed you," he whines out, making grabby hands in your direction.
"it’s been three minutes, you sap."
then, figuring he won’t mind too much, you hook your fingers into his mouth and gently pry it open. he makes some sort of choking noise and immediately propels backwards, covering his mouth with his hands.
for a second you’re worried you went too far, but looking at his face he seems more embarrassed than uncomfortable. his eyes look off to the side, his entire face flushed. "don’t look, I don’t want you to think I’m gross."
biting your tongue, you try to hold back your chuckle. "you’re so adorable I could eat you up."
he whines, hands still covering his mouth, and sinks down into the couch further. "I wish you would…"
it’s a weird thing to say, but you chalk it off to his alcohol-addled brain not being able to convey himself properly.
you reach out the pill to him and he takes it without complaint, swallowing it and then the rest of the glass you hand him. when he pats the space next to him and you sit down, he immediately slides his head onto your lap.
his hand comes up to play with your hair, his gaze wistful and distant.
after several moments of silence, he pipes up quietly. "I was made for you, you know."
"mhm," your hand cups his cheek. "and I was made for you."
he frowns, his hand coming down to press against yours. "no."
you tilt your head. "no?" you know he’s always been more focused on you, but there seems to be something deeper to this than just him having low self worth… but then again, you’ve never been good at reading others.
"no," he repeats, still frowning. "you never understand. I was literally made for you. without you, I wouldn’t exist." his hand drops and he sighs before you have the opportunity to really process his words. "it’s flattering when you say you love me and that you were made for me too, but…"
you don’t say anything, your hands suddenly feeling cold and clammy.
his gaze is intense when it turns to you again. "you should treat me like the tool I am… then I wouldn’t get all confused."
his hand clutches at his shirt, around where his heart is. "every time you treat me so gently, I feel like my insides are exploding. it makes me feel like I’m special…"
he stops for a few seconds, blinking blearily at you.
"…to you. like I’m special to you." he repeats the words as if they’re hard for him to believe, as if he can’t accept that you’d care for him even now. as if the idea of you loving him is entirely foreign to him.
weakly, you swallow. "…you should get to bed."
he groans suddenly, his hand coming to cover his eyes. "uugh, I don’t want to get up… I still need to clean up that pest that broke in…"
he needs to what.
"ajax." you shake him, urgency in your tone. "ajax, what."
he groans again, flopping around a bit. "don’t tell them, they’d just get mad 'nd never approve… if they get mad and hate me, I’ll die."
"no you won’t," you shake him again. he whines. "ajax, what did you do?"
"you don’t understanddd," he starts, dragging his hands down his face in a way that would be comical in any other situation, then rolling over and squishing his face against your tummy. "they’re the reason I was even born. if they get mad… my life is over."
and— you’ve always been aware your fiancé has some problems, and maybe didn’t have the happiest childhood, and has a bad tendency to put you first no matter what, but this is way beyond any of that.
is this… how he’s felt the entire time?
you briefly wonder if you made him feel this way, or if the idea of anyone loving him and treating him kindly is alien to him.
"I was so worried, you know," he starts before you can say anything, "when I first saw them, they didn’t recognise me… or any of the others. but the second I saw them, I knew. that was them. that was who I was born for. my whole life’s purpose."
your breath hitches. how… how are you supposed to respond to that? tears sting at your eyes. maybe it’s ironic of you to feel this way, but you can’t stand how fond he sounds.
"I’m so happy…" his arms tighten around you. "even if they only know me as their sweet roommmate ajax and not the ajax that would give up everything for them, that would take over the world and sacrifice his entire life for them…" he sighs dreamily. "I’m so happy."
the more he talks, the less his words make sense, and the more your stomach drops.
"ajax," you try shaking him again. "come on, get up. you should sleep."
he whines but dutifully unrolls from your stomach, blinking up sleepily at you. then he puts up his fist and goes "woof!"
and, despite everything, you stifle a chuckle.
"come on, big boy, get up." you pat his cheek gently, affectionately.
he makes some noise of complaint but sits up anyway, rubbing at his eye. it’s like he’s forgotten that he thought you were someone else just moments ago. "mmgh, good tools shouldn’t need help from their owners…"
your smile falls. "ajax, we’re engaged. I’m not your owner."
he shakes his head, still facing away from you. "no, you do own me."
nervously, you try, "…you mean your heart?"
his head lolls to the side. "mhm, that too." he adds it on like an afterthoughts, and the heavy feeling in your gut intensifies.
"if we’re engaged… that means you can still return me, right?" he keeps going before you can ask about his word choice or rebuke his thought process. "then I gotta work extra hard to keep appealing to you…"
he starts counting off on his hands. "you don’t like it when I take care of our household, or when I cook for you, or when I get you stuff…" he trails off, then lights up just as you’re about to tell him you don’t dislike him when he does any of that, you just don’t want to take advantage of him. "oh! what about my body?"
his empty eyes stare at you as he brings your hands to the bottom of his shirt. a whine escapes him when you don’t move your hands.
"my body is no good either?"
"your body is fine," you let go of his clothes to intertwine your hand with his. "and I don’t mind if you do stuff for me, really! I just… you’re always so eager, and it makes me feel kind of bad. I don’t want to take advantage of you."
he tilts his head, looking genuinely confused. "why not?"
it’s your turn to blink at him in confusion. "wh… what do you mean?"
he squeezes your hands. "isn’t it good if I’m useful to you…? I’m all yours, you shouldn’t hesitate to use me. I…" he looks away, almost bashfully, though his eyes keep darting back to your face. "want you to take advantage of me. that means I'm useful and worth keeping around, right?"
"that’s, um, why." your throat is dry. "I don’t… I don’t want either of us to think of it as using you."
he stays quiet for a few seconds, and you almost think you’ve finally gotten through to him. "…are you worried about me?" a lovesick smile spreads on his face and he sighs sweetly. "ahh, you’re so sweet, I love you… but I can take it. if I couldn’t, then I’d have no right to call myself yours."
he brings one of your hands to his mouth and presses a gentle kiss to it. "being a weapon in this world is no good… but I can at least be a useful tool for you."
he presses another kiss to your other hand. "I want to be useful to you… it’s the least you deserve."
"I don’t deserve this much," you begin but trail off, unsure what words would fit best.
"you do." he insists, holding your stare. "you deserve so much more. if anything, I’m the one who feels selfish."
your throat runs dry.
"you should be living in a palace built especially for you, worshipped by everyone in the land… but here I am, selfishly keeping you to myself and cooped up in this small apartment. I’m greedy, insatiable, and I don’t feel bad about it at all…"
you almost don’t want to ask. "who else would even worship me? I’m really not that special."
"you are," he insists, squeezing your hands. "tons of people would. there’s those people I have the disgrace of calling coworkers, that haughty excuse of a dragon, and…" he trails off, listing some more people you don’t recognise.
it’s definitely not the most outrageous thing he’s said (a dragon? gods? worshipping you? yeah, he’s definitely drunk), but you can’t help but wonder. "aren’t you unemployed?"
he doesn’t say anything, simply staring at your intertwined hands.
"I wish our fates were intertwined like our hands," he says, and somewhere in the back of your head that sparks a small memory. "but the truth is my fate is like a string tangled up in your fingers."
you squeeze his hands in return, and he sighs. you can’t tell if it’s in fondness or something else.
"if I can’t be your tool, can I at least be your loyal knight?"
you hate the part of you that just wants to tell him yes, the part of you that wants to just surrender and stop fighting him. it’s clearly what he wants… but another part of you is just as aware that wouldn’t do any good for either of you.
instead of voicing any of that, you change the subject. "how about you go to bed now?"
he frowns. "just be’cuz my head is all fuzzy doesn’t mean I didn’t mean any of that."
I know, you want to say, and that’s the scariest part.
"ajax, please." he whimpers, but drops the topic.
it’s quiet for a couple more minutes before he pipes up again. "can we at least take a bath together before going to bed? I wanna wash your back and hair."
you sigh, dropping his hands and getting up. "fine, but no more talking about this."
he doesn’t make any noise of acknowledgement, and you’re halfway out the door before you notice. when you turn, he’s staring blankly at his empty hands. "ajax?"
his head snaps to you. "right."
he almost falls asleep while you’re washing his hair, and you’re worried he’ll fall asleep in the bath for real, but he wakes up enough to protest when you try to get out without him having had the chance to return the favour.
you try not to think too much about the claw-shaped scars on his side, about how his earlier comment about some dragon might not have been too farfetched. about how that would even be possible. about what that would mean for how he insists he was made for you.
he asks you if you really don’t like his body ("I’ve honed it for you for years," he insists! you can only hope that’s an exaggeration on his part) again while attempting to dry you off, then starts whining when you don’t answer him.
you usher him to bed while he continues complaining, but he falls asleep fairly quickly once you get him tucked in (and wrapped around you, a fact you’ve come to accept just comes with sleeping with ajax).
it takes you a while longer to clear your own thoughts and nod off. you just hope he won’t remember any of this tomorrow.
wait, your eyes snap open just as you’re on the verge of fully falling asleep, he never answered your questions about that intruder.
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prowlerverse · 7 months
smiling critters x reader (valentines edition !)
disc ; lowercase intended .
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before you and dogday got together, he would usually just hang out with his friends for valentine's day since well, he had no lover!
but now that your with him, he spends all his time with you!
since of course, playcare doesn't have many places to go, he tries to find little gifts for you!
he also does little coloring dates with you.
"i appreciate you a whole bunch, did you know that?" dogday would tell you.
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catnap didn't exactly celebrate anything before you came along.
he'd usually just watch from afar to make sure his friends were safe.
but, you changed that.
the first time you both met, valentines was right around the corner, so you decided to make a paper bouquet.
at first, he ignored your calls when you tried to get his attention but he somewhat gave in.
instead of running away, he stood staring at you.
"for you," you offered. he stared at the paper in your hand. "for me?" he questioned. you nodded and smiled. he hesitantly took it and hit his face in it, shutting his eyes. "thank you."
now, it's mostly catnap who puts in a effort to make you gifts. he loves seeing your reactions and smiles. it warms his heart.
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bobby has always been a loving and caring person,especially on valentines day.
so when you both got together, valentines was the best!
you'd cuddle, talk, draw for hours, kisses here and there, a bunch of love.
sometimes, you swore her middle name was love,or, maybe it was.
bobby approached you with a heart shaped box along with a wide smile on her face.
when she got close to you, she pushed it out to you. "here! i got this for you," bobby smiled. "hmm? what is it Bobby — oh!" you opened the box to see hand written notes along with your favorite snacks. she smiled when your mouth went agape. "do you like it?" you stammered over your words for a bit.
"i love it, bobby! thank you!" you hugged her tightly and pecked her cheek, which she returned.
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picky piggy of course, is piggy but really loves to eat, and she loves to see you eat, too!
so instead of paper crafts or anything else, she cooks things for you, fruits, veggies, anything she can shape into a heart!
"lasssst one!" picky happily said as she placed a platter full of heart shaped fruit in-front of you. you smiled, then looked at her. "picky, you know you didn't have to make it all alone, you could've let me help!" picky shushed you and closed her eyes, then made eye contact with you. "No need! This is a special day, and I wanna spoil you, dig in!"
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hoppy is usually in a rush for most things, so when valentine's day comes around, she gets worried she won't make things on time, even though she always does, it's just a stress.
"hoppy, seriously, you don't have to rush," your reassured her. "take your time, okay?"
hoppy shook her head in a 'no'. "but — but what if I don't make it on — on time?" you placed your paws on hers. "you will. you always do, don't you?" you kiss her on the cheek and she nods.
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Kickin chicken sometimes lets his cool ego overrun him, so when that does happen, you lightly scold him.
"but (nameeee).."
"no buts!" you said, tugging on his charm. "don't tire yourself out. I love the gifts but I care for you more, okay?" you pulled him down for a hug.
"okay.. I'll try not to overdo it next time." kickin' mumbled, pressing kisses onto your shoulder.
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bubba is usually studying mathematics and more 'boring' stuff, that's how you view it.
other than him studying, he pushes it aside to spend time with you.
you guys don't do anything really special, his love language is quality time. he loves just being around you and spending time with you.
or, he watches after you while you play with the kids.
he loves seeing you in his sight. he loves you.
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crafty loves anything, well, crafty! that's exactly why every holiday, especially valentines, she makes a bag of things for you.
it scales to clothes, shoes, drawings, anything she can think of.
"I love it, crafty." you gasped in awe at the shirt you were holding. it had a heart transitioning between red and pink.
"you do? thank god!" crafty sighed. "I had to ask the workers for more red because we ran out! but I'm glad you like it!"
you smiled and her and she smiled back, giving you a gentle kiss.
end: this was rotting in my drafts soooo ^^
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shotmrmiller · 7 months
it just kills me thinking like you’re basically so so in love with ps!ghost and you manage to get his number and you’re a nervous wreck messaging him and finally decide to give him a call and when he does there’s barely muffled moans and cries and his real name coming through the speaker and the shame and hurt just linger in your throat like acid because how stupid could you be thinking he might actually want something with you
and it makes it hard to work with him especially when his phone pings and you get a glimpse and see your unread message and your number isn’t even saved while his former costar is called something ridiculous like “queen of my life”
and sweet puppy johnny hates seeing you all hurt because you’re everything and more to him and he just sits by you on the floor, thigh pressed against yours, letting you lay your head on his shoulder and cry until he offers to take you out for drinks and vows that he’s not gonna stop until he sees your pretty smile.
you are NOT going to do this to me
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it hurts so good but like my eyes are actually stinging rn?
i'd be gut for life! no recovery!
his real nameeee i just—
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to answer and oh OHHHHHHHH
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vinnystarxx · 1 year
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✦₊˚🎤 ଓ ₊˚You’re my idol ୨୧
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pairing : yandere idol ( Angel ) x black! fem!reader
synopsis : He's a idol, famous for his looks, charms, and talents. Everywhere he goes, he HAS to get praised ( it's his routine ) but when someone like you don't praise him, why is he attached?
including : Fluff, light smut, reader is mentioned to have big breasts ( apologies to my small chest black beauties )
warnings: Possessive, obsessive behavior, stalking, dub-con, breaking-entering
wc : 461
extra info : Angel is a brat, super bratty to the point of annoyance. But when he gets obsessed, he will calm down ( like a pet when listening to its master ) ( not proofread or edited )
author’s details : My first yandere post now ! Hooray
timestamp started : August 2nd, 2023 ; 9:39pm
timestamp finished : August 3rd, 2023 ; 7:41pm
LINKS : masterlist | homepage
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Watching the same dead ad again, the ads that you can't skip. But it's with this famous idol, Angel McNight, his name is. Honestly you're sick of his face. But he isn't sick of yours. You honestly wished you decided to kiss his ass and make him leave you alone after this. Shifting your bonnet, while you remember that terrible meeting with him.
"Oh I'm so sorry, are you alright miss?" You crashed into someone, 'I should really look where I'm going' you thought. "Yea I'm fine, sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." He stares at you and figure or body, I guess. Your curly braids, your glowing dark skin in the skin, your curves and hips, your little bloated stomach with your adorable crop top. "You're...very beautiful.." he meant to say in his head but he already spoke it out loud. "Oh? Thank you, I think you're Angel, right?" He nodded with the brightest smile you've ever seen. "Thank you for helping me up again, I'll be leaving now." Huh? You didn't compliment him? Even his boydguards were confused, you didn't appreciate his looks, strange, "Miss?" you turned around, "You didn't...compliment me.." You gave him a strange and offensive look, "I need to compliment you? Don't you get enough of that already?" You kissed your teeth, and walked away faster.
"Find about out about her name and everything else important about her. Immediately"
"Ohhh [nameeee]! Are you home?" His annoying pitched voice rang throughout your apartment. you groaned, "Omg, [nameeee], you're in your bedroom!” He ran inside and plopped down on the bed, causing a bounce impact effect. “How was your day, my love?” His face lips was so close to your neck you could feel his breath. “It was going smooth until you came.” Your eyes remained on the YouTube video you were watching on the TV. “Aww, why do you I always ruin your day baby?” His hands trail up from the rim of your panties to under your shirt and just below your breasts. “You’re so soft..” rubbing his thumb underneath.
“When are you going to leave me alone? You’re starting to piss me off Angel.” You shoved him his hand from beneath your shirt. “Whyyy?” He pouted, lightly pressing his lips against your neck, “Your bonnet—I gifted it to you, do you like it?” You can possibly see the light in his eyes glow. “Yea…it’s good material and quality is nice.” You absolutely hated the fact that you didn’t throw this but the bonnet was too good to pass up. “I’ll buy more for you then.” He mumbles into your neck. His voice deepened when he’s tired, ‘guess he’s sleepy’ you thought before turning your eyes towards the news on the TV.
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©︎ 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚢𝚡𝚡. ᥲᥣᥣ rіgһ𝗍s rᥱsᥱr᥎ᥱძ. ⍴ᥣᥱᥲsᥱ ძ᥆ᥒ,𝗍 ⍴ᥣᥲzᥲrіzᥱ, ᥴ᥆⍴ᥡ, ᥆r s𝗍ᥱᥲᥣ ᥲᥒᥡ ᥆𝖿 mᥡ ᥕ᥆rks ᥕі𝗍һ᥆ᥙ𝗍 mᥡ ⍴ᥱrmіssі᥆ᥒ, 𝗍һᥲᥒk ᥡ᥆ᥙ !
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oxtori · 2 years
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┊PAIRING :: portgas d. ace x gn!high bounty!reader
┊CONTAINS :: swearing, established relationship
┊A/N :: wahoo!! first request ^_^
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In the noisy restaurant, Ace was eating dishes after another. And there you were, beside him, minding your own business. You and Ace pretty much didn't recognise each other. It's been a few months. You were not only given new attire, and you're even wearing a facemask. After all, you had a huge bounty on your head. You really didn't want people recognising you, pirate or not. As for him... You didn't really recognise him, mainly because you were paying no attention, and he wasn't really saying anything.
A few plates of food later, he bumps your arm. "Ah! sorry," "It's fi— holy shit Ace?!" You jolted and quickly turned your head to him, looking up and down. "Eh?" Ace said with a confused look, tilting his head. You pulled down the mask, "How come you don't recognise your own lover?!" "[Name]?! Whoa?! How many months has it been?!"
His crew and some others were staring at you two at this point, but Ace just laughed it off, and everyone else pretty much just went back to what they were doing. As for Ace, he suddenly decided to go for a hug, "[Nameeee]!! It's been so long..." "Oii! Get off me!" You yelled, pushing him away.
Eventually, you two got to talking about your accomplishments and adventures, and he was extremely shocked after you told him that you stole a national treasure, beat a few warlords, offed a few Marine captains, hell even killed a celestial dragon?! He was impressed and asked lots of questions, and so were some of his crewmates. Though, after a few stories, you two got to talking about your bounties.
"Well, since you've done all this insane shit, how much IS your bounty? Mines a good 550 million~" he said, nudging your arm in a teasing tone. "550 million? That's cute. Well... About mine..." You took your wanted poster, showing it to Ace. "It's just gotten raised after I stole another national treasure." Ace was just staring at the bounty in disbelief, for real??? THAT MUCH????
"You... You're insane," he chuckled, "Eh, it's no big deal," "No big deal?! You did all that, and you think it's no big deal?!" "N... No??? The navy captains and warlords weren't even that bad... Though, the celestial dragon was kind of a pain." Ace looked at you, dumbfounded, he really had no words for what you just said.
"You're insane..."
"I know that."
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nian-7 · 2 years
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Yosano, Ranpo, Junichiro, Kunikida, Atsushi x gn!reader
✧kissing headcanons
✧fluff, part 1
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-Atsushi always gives the sweetest kisses. He's never too rough and always makes sure it's okay with you! He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable or embarrass you.
-He'll give pretty quick kisses because he gets a little shy after them and prefers to keep most of the affection private. It's not that he doesn't like when you give him longer kisses, he just prefers for others to not see it.
-" A kiss? Well.. If it's alright with you then just a quick one, okay? "
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-Kunikida is a gentleman to say the least. He doesn't prefer to give kisses during work hours but, will give them occasionally if you ask him. Normally, they'll be on your forehead unless you specify.
-He's very simple when it comes to kissing. He doesn't need affection to get through the day but, he doesn't mind it. He'll accept a kiss on his cheek while he's working or even a quick peck on the lips.
-Usually, kisses are quick with him if they aren't at home. He likes to keep them short and sweet so don't expect much more unless you both are alone at home.
-" Hm? A kiss? Just a quick one. "
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-Ranpo loves kissing. It's one of his favorite forms of affection. Nobody at the Agency ever questions him when he whines at you for a kiss from across the office either. They all basically ignore it since you'll get up and go give him what he wants.
-Big fan on longer kisses and would kiss you forever if that was an option. He knows he can't but, it won't stop him from wanting to. He loves to hug you when he kisses you as well!
-His favorite place to kiss you is very obviously your lips but, he doesn't mind kissing your cheeks or letting you kiss his cheeks. It's honestly adorable when you do kiss his cheeks cause he's happy!
-" (nameeee)! I want a kiss! Please? "
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-Junichiro isn't the clingy or overly affectionate type when it comes to kisses or honestly any affection. That doesn't mean he doesn't like them though, he really likes them!
-He loves to kiss you but, only occasionally. He'll kiss you more often than Kunikida does but, he still isn't too overly affectionate with them. He'll kiss your cheek the most or the top of your head if he happens to be taller than you.
-" Oh, hey, (name). Did you want a quick kiss before I headed out? "
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-Yosano is so polite and sweet with her kisses. It's honestly almost like a 180 from part of her normal personality. She's very gentle and will often kiss your hand or your forehead while holding your face or placing her hand on your shoulder.
-She really enjoys kisses herself as well! When you kiss her hand or cheek, she smiles at the affection you gave her. It makes her feel loved and happy so she really enjoys it!
-If she does happen to be taller than you, in hugs she'll kiss the top of your head and just rest her lips there till you both decide to pull away which is normally around 10 seconds.
-" Aww.. (name), that was sweet. Could I have another? "
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
tags: @kizuraa
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
Hello! Could I request Che'nya x reader with pocky kiss prompt?
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"Nyehehe! cmon (name) It'll be fun~" ♡︎
In which you and Chenya decide to play the infamous pocky game!
PAIRING: Chen'nya x reader
INCLUDES: established relationship (youre already dating), sfw, fluff, a bit of crack bc its chenya cmon
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"Ohh (nameeee)~" The feline in front of you drawled out mischeviously, tail flicking from side to side as he stared at you with that cheeky grin. Amused by his antics, you merely rolled your eyes and held your bag closer to you, knowing full well he could smell the new treat you brought. "It's pocky isn't it?" He snickered, playfully cooing at you
"Awee~ aren't you the sweetest mouse~ y'know prefect there's a game associated with this"
He teased, knowing full well of your intentions. You huffed at him, smacking him in the head (affectionately) as he feigned to be hurt. "Meowch~ that hurt :(" he pouted, clinging onto you, sighing you merely shook your head at him, offering him a quick kiss on the forehead and muttering an apology, giggling at your affectionate gesture he thanked you as he blew a kiss in your direction dramatically, earning another playful eye-roll from you.
"Hehehe~ thanks hun I'm feline a lot better now" he snickered, enjoying the way your face scrunched up at his cat pun "Ugh please for the love of god chenya not the cat puns" you groaned, earning laughter from him in return. "Alright alright~ let's start the pocky game then!" He smiled, leading you to his dormroom, away from prying eyes.
The walk there was relatively short, with little friendly banters here and there to fill the athmosphere until you finally reached his bedroom, sitting on his bed you take out a piece of pocky and plop it on your mouth, humming at chenya to do the same. He grinned, nibbling the stick at the other end in satisfaction, getting closer and closer until your lips met his, a sweet combination of the taste of your lips and the stick biscuit, he hummed, pulling you even closer as he tilted his head, sighing in satisfaction as you both parted breathless. Licking his lips in a teasing manner, he kissed you again, the sweetness enveloping his senses all over. Giggling at his needy behaviour you kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck for support.
Eventually, you parted your lips as you smiled at him with fondness.
"Wanna try another round?"
"Hehehe~ you bet!"
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wallywise · 1 year
Drawing some Spider byler right now and soon some other characters (you can totally offer some proposition and ask 😌)
But I have a dilemma for my spider byler names so please help me decide I’m so bad at that 😔
Spidey Mike is based on a paladin design with heart pattern and Spider Will is based on a cleric design with star pattern (some heart too cause it’s a couple of heart 😌 💙⭐️)
Anyway thanks to anyone who’ll answer and help my stoopid mind find the best nameeees
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donutsupremacy · 2 years
Lantern Rite/Chinese New Years Special 🧧
"Walking through the streets of Liyue, your gaze around to see your friends and loved ones having the time of their lives. And as you gazed up to see the sea of lanterns floating in the sky, you wondered; How did I get so lucky?"
Fluffy, so fluffy, i'm drowning-
Reader is not traveller
Reader can choose whether they have or don't have a vision, no vision mentioned whatsoever
Includes Liyue characters only, the two travellers (Aether and Lumine) and Childe
Both travellers appear together
The main storyline plot can be viewed as finished or does not exist
Reader does not have a distinctive romantic partner
All relationships can be viewed as platonic or romantic (Qiqi, Lumine/Aether are strictly platonic)
Dialouges are said in order of which characters was written down first
A/N: 恭喜发财! (Wishing you prosperity and health!)
Directed especially for chinese and asian ppl! I'm malaysian, chinese specifically. Unfortunately, I am a disgrace to the family because my chinese and malay suck ass while the only language i'm mediocre in is english lol—
But that doesn't matter, it's now 2023 and there's more suffering to come from here! Therefore, I present to you a special oneshot that's extremely shorter than usual because i'm hella busy!
Since Lantern Rite is basically CNY, I decided to base this on the event, which unfortunately excludes all but Liyue characters and a few exceptions.
The lanterns above you shine down brightly...
You walked through the busy streets of Liyue Harbor, greeting many familiar faces with smiles and waves. The atmosphere was bright, the air filled with idle chattering, joyous laughter and beautiful music.
Children run back and forth, giggling in the midst of their game. The storyteller, Iron Tongue Tian, reciting yet another thrilling tale of Morax to large crowd of listeners enjoying their tea. Streets full of stalls, encouraging passersby to purchase a snack or two.
It seems every year, the Lantern Rite only grows more and more lively.
Your smile grew the more you strolled through Liyue, eventually spotting a certain group by Wanmin Restaurant.
There sat Chongyun, scarfing down on one of his popsicles. Beside him was Xingqiu, holding a book in one hand and telling the story within while using dramatic hand gestures to.
In front of Chongyun was Shenhe, the woman who listened to the story with a small smile of amusement on her face, a rare sight. Next to her was Xiangling, devouring a bowl of noodles as though she had been starved for years.
You stopped in your tracks, causing their attention now driven to you and their smiles growing wider than ever upon seeing you.
"[Name], it's a pleasure to see you again. Would you like to join us? We have an extra seat here."
"My liege, I am currently telling [favorite story], would you care to listen in on it's tale?"
"It is a delight to see you once more, [Name]. Please, you may sit here. We will always welcome you with open arms."
"[Nameeee]! Check it out! I made noodles with Whopperflower nectar as the soup! You gotta try it!"
How could you say no to them?
The sound of singing filled your ears, your legs automatically following the melodious voice and relaxing tune of the music. Guided to Yujing Terrace, there stood a large stage in the middle with crows surrounding it.
You walked towards the stage, seeing the look of admiration on everyone's faces at the beautiful performance unravelling on the stage. You could feel your heart stop the moment you got in front.
There stood Yun Jin, the black haired singer swaying her body and arms to the rhythm of the music, her lips singing out the most elegant voice you've come to know and love. Behind her was none other than Xinyan playing her guitar with enthusiasm that could rival an energetic child, it was a surprise to hear such a wonderful mixture of her rock'n'roll music combined with Liyue's traditional calming tunes.
What surprised you more was the table at the very front, slightly further away from the crowd and closer to the stage sat Ningguang, her striking red eyes watching the stage performance with an impressed expression and sipping on a cup of tea as elegantly as ever. Right across her was Beidou, cheering just as loud as the music while swinging a large cup of beer in the air.
Quite odd, a pair of opposites whose personalities clash against one another joining together to witness another pair of personality opposites creating a masterpiece that would leave a mark in this special event. Yet, you couldn't have it any other way as they turned to you.
"Ah, it seems a special someone has arrived. [Name], please, take a seat... This next song is especially for you."
"Hey! [Name]! So glad you could make it! Didn't think i'd join this band, huh? Me too! But hey, beggars can't be choosers, i'm having way too much fun to care anyways! Now, c'mon, take a seat, we've got a special one coming right up for ya!"
"An evening like this couldn't get any better... but it seems it could, now that you are here. Care for a cup of tea? I would love to have you as our company. It's a rare opportunity to join the Liyue Qixing's Tianquan for tea like this, you should take the chance."
"Woah! [Name]? Hahah! Didn't think i'd see ya here! Hey, I got an extra cup of beer here, wanna chug one up with me like old times? It's your favorite too! Hahah, don't look at me like that, you always have the best taste in anything!"
Witnessing their performance with them was like watching a fairytale unfold right in front of you.
Verr Goldet was certain surprised when you dropped by, but was nonetheless as she and the other regular residents had dearly missed you, her husband gladly offering you a room in the Wangshu Inn upon your arrival.
As much as you'd like to stay in their cozy rooms, you had to decline as you were only planning to stay for an hour or two just to catch up with them and the regulars.
But just before leaving, you always made sure to take a quick trip to the top of the Inn, to admire the breathtaking scenery of the land and sea with a plate of Almond Tofu for a certain Adepti. What you didn't expect; was to see a group of familiars already taking your sightseeing spot.
Standing in your favorite spot was Ganyu and Yaoyao, the half-Adepti smiling in content at the sight while holding the little girl's hand as she munched down on a Grilled Tiger Fish. On their left was Yanfei and Keqing chatting away in a carefree manner, gossiping about the most recent incidents the Pyro Adepti had aided in.
On the right was Xiao, standing next to Yelan in silence as they, too, admired the view of Liyue. Xiao's lips, although barely noticable, curved upwards, his golden eyes holding a sense of nostalgia and relaxation. And you swore, you saw four other faint silhouettes standing next to him, holding the same expression as he did before vanishing into thin air after gracing you with smiles. Yelan, on the other hand, had her back towards the sight, arms crossed and her back leaning against the wooden railing with the same sly grin on her face.
Your arrival did not go unnoticed, now all eyes on you, expecting and all.
"Hello, [Name]... it's a pleasant sight, isn't it? I heard that this is where you go to every time you're at Wangshu Inn. You certainly chose the most perfect view of Liyue. Come, we can make room for one more, please join us."
"Oh! [Name]! Come look! You can see an exquisite view of Liyue Harbor from here! I also have an extra Grilled Tiger Fish with me, you can have it!... Don't look at me with that face, you know I took the one without the vegetables for a reason..."
"[Name]! Just the person we knew would come here, I take it you're here to drink in the view of Liyue before leaving? Well, before you do that... come over here! You don't wanna miss out on what kind of stuff i've dealt with yesterday!"
"A pleasure to see you again, [Name]... I came here because I heard that this was where you found relaxing, you never disappoint, as always... I've finished my work today and I have some free time now, it would be an honour of you'd like to join me."
"[Name]... I knew you'd be here. You always came here during the festival and greeted me, regardless of whether or not you were aware that I was around. I see you've brought yet another plate of Almond Tofu, for me, as always... As much as I don't enjoy consuming mortal meals, I always find pleasure sharing one with you... What are you standing there for? Get over here, the Almond Tofu will grow cold."
"You know, it was absolutely pure agony trying to get the Yaksha to reveal your location on this time of the year... but it was worth it just to see that adorable surprised face of yours... What? I'm not telling the truth? Come over here, then, allow me to share you some... 'secrets' in gathering information."
Liyue is a sight to behold, especially when you are with others.
The trip back to Liyue Harbor was but a slow one, you realized you never took the time to enjoy the scenery during the night. Tonight, you decide to slow down your walking and gaze at the ocean.
Though dark, the moon shining in the sea's surface caused it's surrounding lands to glow, creating a calming and elegant aura. You could feel a cold breeze in the air, brushing against your skin and causing several goosbumps to rise.
You held yourself, still admiring the forest during the night despite the coldness settling in. Yet, you never noticed a pair of footsteps following closely behind you.
"Feeling a little... cold?"
You spun around in shock and fear, not registering the familiar voice in your head until you saw those cheery blue eyes staring right into yours.
Childe, or Tartaglia— but you prefer calling him Ajax, the name he preferred you called him by instead of his aliases. The ginger, standing mere inches away from you with a hand on his hips, grinned at you.
"Evening, comrade! I take it you're out on a midnight stroll through the forest? Now... don't get me wrong, I know you're quite capable of defending yourself, but venturing outside into the woods without any proper protection isn't the brightest idea... Buuuut, since i'm heading back to the Harbor myself, what say you and I head back together while I protect you from any lingering danger?"
A gloved hand extended out for you, to which you happily took as the two of you returned to the Harbor, taking your sweet time walking.
After a nice fulfilling meal at Liuli Pavillion, you've decided to stroll around the city once more before sending your own lantern off and clocking in for the day.
The streets remained just as lively as ever despite being so late into the night, your mind still functioning properly but you knew you had to call it a day soon.
Before so, you stopped by the Harbor to purchase a special gift for a certain someone, not counting to run into a group of people here who you are all too familiar with.
Standing in front of the stall you plan to purchase from was Zhongli, the Geo gentleman was holding one of the trinkets and examining it carefully, deep in thought while listening to the seller explain its functions at the same time. And you swore, you saw a silhouette of a female in a cloak, joyously laughing at the focused look on his face, sending you a soft smile before disappearing just as fast as she appeared. Next to him was an amused Baizhu, the green haired male was also listening in, but also watching a little girl.
That little girl was none other than his assistant— Qiqi, the young zombie who was watching a nearby paper theatre from afar. But with a crowd of taller people blocking the girl, it was no wonder that she was forced to sit on Hu Tao's shoulder just to see the play.
You walked over to the group, waving to them as soon as their eyes lit up and saw you.
"Good evening, [Name]. I take it you're here to purchase an item of interest? I see you're eyeing the item in my hand— come here, let us examine it's value together."
"Ah, [Name], I didn't think you'd be here. We are planning to take a walk to the nearby paper theater, would you be so kind as to join us? Don't worry, you can hold one of little Qiqi's hand while I hold the other."
"[Name]?... Hello, Qiqi didn't realize you were here, sorry. Qiqi wants to see the paper theatre... but Qiqi is too short. Hu Tao is tired... Can Qiqi sit on your shoulders too?"
"Oh, hey, [Name]! Came here to buy something, did ya? Is it for me? Thank you, hehe~ But, uh... Keep this between you and me; Qiqi's kiiiinda heavy. Do you mind if we switch? Or maybe you can help me pick one of these decorations. I kinda need to buy some for the parlor, the interior's getting a little bland, plus, a gift from you? Nothing better than that!~"
After buying a gift, all of you couldn't resist but to accompany Qiqi to the theatre.
On the balcony of your home, you hold the lantern in your hand, the warmth of the candle inside carressing the skin of your palms. You looked up into the sky, seeing the sea of lanterns floating in the air.
The lantern in your hands glowed bright golden, as if it awaited to be released into the air with the rest. To that, you shall grant, taking a step foward and lifting it up into the air. As your fingers release the base, it seems as though the lantern glowed brightly in acknowledgement, drifting off to join the others in the air and above Liyue.
Your eyes followed the sea of lanterns drifting in the wind, the golden glow emitted growing brighter as more and more lanterns joined in the air. Resting an elbow on the railing, you placed your chin on the palm of your hand, staring in awe at the sight.
Your eyes eventually trailed over to a nearby mountain, widening upon seeing a pair of familiar silhouettes and another small one floating beaide them. Upon a closer look, you realized it was the blonde twin travellers and Paimon, smiling at you and waving.
Your eyes widened in shock, before you returned with a soft smile of your own and waving back at them. Their grins grew, realizing you had noticed them despite being so far away, but you could never forget those memorable blonde hairs and their bizarre clothing. As you lowered your arm, they clasped their hands together and nodded at you while mouthing the phrase;
'Happy Lantern Rite, [Name].'
A/N: Happy Lantern Rite and Happy New Year!
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mattspoetdepartment · 9 months
I’m thinking in my dad jack we could have three kids
Clementine, Wren, and a boy but we must all decide on a boy nameeee
The only reason I’m saying this is cause I’m working on something and I need the boy name for it 😩
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ash-the-porcupine · 1 year
Ash: Alright motherfluffers, today's we must complete our mission of naming this group chat. Ash: Because we've been trying and failing for seven months. Ash: It help if someone would DRAG ON MOON'S FLUFFY BUTT TO THE DANG THING- Meena: …That image has scarred me. Meena: Like, for life. Johnny: Agreed. But you're right, Ash, we need a nameeee Nooshy: ISIS. Porsha: But that's a terrorist group- Rosita: It's also an Egyptian god, honey. Ash: …how the hell is that related to this group chat- Porsha: It isn't! But it's fun! Ash: *GROAN* Miss Crawly: How about Chaos Incarnate- Rosita: I mean, it's accurate. Gunter: We should like totally involve missiles- Ash: Why? Gunter: Just because! Porsha: Maybe the Group of Drunk Morons. Rosita: SERIOUSLY? Rosita: I- I give up. Nooshy: The Cult of Rule Breaking? Rosita: Rules aren't meant to be broken. Nothing is. Gunter: Glowsticks, spaghetti when you have a small pot- Ash: Eggshells, piñatas- Johnny: Laws. Nooshy: Rules. Rosita: Johnny, should I be concerned? Johnny: My dad is an gang-leader, Rosita- Rosita: …okay you win. Miss Crawly: The League of Theatrical Clumsiness- Porsha: Where did that even come from- Johnny: Mr. Moon slipped down three flghts of stairs yesterday and somehow landed in a box of costumes. It's a safe bet that's why. Ash: Crawly, would you drag the fluffy idiot onto here? Rosita: Fluffy idiot- lol Ash: He's a fluffy idiot. No denials. Ash: But he's OUR fluffy idiot so I'll take it. Meena: Oh! That reminds me for some reason- Meena: Mr. Moon came to eat with me and my family this week. Meena: And my mom asked him how many kids he had… Meena: And his answer was "Biologically, legally, or emotionally?" Rosita: AW- that's actually adorable. Ash: Did he ever say how many emotional kids he had- Ash: DOES HE HAVE ANY REAL KIDS WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT- IS MOON HIDING A CHILD FROM US- Buster: I can assure you I am not hiding any kids from you, Ash. Ash: THERE YOU ARE-! Porsha: You were gone forEVER! Buster: It hasn't been THAT long- Buster: Only two months. Rosita: No it's been three. Rosita: Because the last time you were on was the day you lost a bet and had to send us a video of you breakdancing. Buster: Fine. Buster: I wasn't that bad though- Ash: You were admittedly decent until you slipped and broke your arm. Ash: Moron. Buster: You know you love me. Ash: I won't deny it. Buster: You guys still haven't found a name? Gunter: It's like totally impossible! Porsha: It really is! We can't think of anything decent! Buster: The Cult of Insanity. Ash: That- fair enough. The theater family's cult of insanity. I'll take it. The rest of you? *after a few minutes, it is decided and they all agree* Ash: LEZZ GOOOOOO WE HAVE A NAME NOW MOTHER FLUFFERS.
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earth2eden · 1 year
i wanna make a punk sona, but also a skinhead spider, but also a skater????? I WANNA MAKE THEM AALLLLLLLLLL AAAAAA
an damhán alla mór mayhaps :3 tuaisceart Éireann spider???? eugh :(((((((( HELLPPP
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mudwingprince · 3 years
i feel really uncomfortable now T-T
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xiaowhore · 3 years
in drunken nights
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in which you take care of a drunk, clingy kazuha.
when men had stormed into your home and obnoxiously chanted, “emergency, emergency!” you hadn't expected the so-called urgent crisis to be...
“what are you doing...?” you gazed at the inexplicable picture that was kazuha choking hugging a crewmate and at least five bulky giants attempting to pry him off, all of which were failing miserably.
“kazuha had one too many drinks,” someone belonging from the crux fleet helpfully supplied, gesturing to the empty bottles of sake scattered on the table. “and he's become some sort of a hugging monster.”
which, honestly, still didn't explain why you were brought here. “so... why did you call for me?”
“please take him home,” begged another man, kneeling by your feet and tugging on your pants. “please.”
“hey!” a voice chimed in warning, followed by a hiccup. you turned your head to face kazuha, who had finally let go of the traumatized man gasping for breath in the corner. “don't touch,” hic, “[name]!” he pointedly steered threats towards the beggar(?) before you, approaching with wobbly steps.
you caught him with your arms when he inevitably stumbled, too inebriated to fully function. “woah there, are you okay?” he clung to you tightly, pulling you down with his weight. “who let him drink this much?!”
“captain challenged him to a drinking match.”
“archons...” you heaved a defeated sigh, hoisting up your giggly companion. you placed one of his arms to rest on your shoulders and held him up by the waist, sending an accusing look to a nearby crewmate. “why don't you take care of him?”
“we got our hands full with beidou.”
again, figures.
appearing not too pleased by you neglecting him, kazuha roused awake, leaning far too close to your ear than necessary. “[name]...” he breathed rather than spoke, lips nearly brushing against your skin. “where are you taking me...?”
blood rushed to the tips of your ears. “please don't make it sound like i'm doing something illegal.”
“i can't believe you had it in you, [name],” said beidou, clearly intoxicated with alcohol. she took a swig from her jug and loudly announced, “taking advantage of, hic, kazuha of all people!”
your cheeks burned hotly, amplified by the booming laughter spreading across the tables. “i am not doing such thing!”
kazuha whined, slurring his words. “you... won't do anything...?”
“i swear you're doing this on purpose.”
you were absolute sure he was. tilting his head to your neck, stumbling conveniently, and whispering words to your ear in a calculated manner — he had to be doing this to rile you up. either that or he had the natural makings of a player, with all the flowers that come out of his mouth instead of proper words, unknowingly charming innocent victims with his alluring voice.
“don't be too rough with him, okay?” one cooed in jest as you passed by him, your pace hastening with each teasing comment while dragging kazuha with you. “poor guy's nearly unconscious.”
“i'm not doing anything to him, so shut it!” you retorted, not quite as intimidating as you wanted to be when your face was the same shade as a ripened apple.
“boo, coward.”
“no chickening out!”
“dear archons, please give me patience...” you bit on your bottom lip, deciding to stay silent and cut off the pointless conversation once and for all.
“[nameeee]...” kazuhaa drawled out, tripping on his own feet. you yelped and barely kept your balance.
“what is it this time-” you risked a glance at him, groaning in irritation, and you immediately pulled back your head when your face was closer than intended and you'd just brushed noses. goddamn it.
“pay attention to me!” he demanded as a bratty child would, except a child wouldn't stare at you so deeply and pepper your face with kisses as a means to annoy you.
“what- no- stop moving around!”
“get a room!”
“shut up!”
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getting pushed back to the sofa as soon as you arrived in your house wasn't the last thing you expected to happen, but you were plenty caught off-guard.
“kazuha...” you sighed, effectively pinned down to the couch with him looming above you. his face was buried to the space beside your head, unrelenting to rise. “get up. i have to take care of you, so let me go. you need water to sober up.”
“don't want to.” he stubbornly nuzzled his head against your neck for emphasis.
“this kid...” you exhaled exasperatedly. your fingers ran through his hair, loosening his ponytail. “please? you're crushing me.”
you felt him pause, considering the potential harm he may cause.
even in his terribly drunken state, his childish tendencies came into a full halt and he obediently rose from his position, though the pout on his face was apparent.
“there, good boy.” you praised and sat up, pleased with his docile behavior. “do you feel sick? need to throw up? i can get a few more pillows.”
“[name] is enough.”
“that's sweet, but i'll get seriously angry if you throw up on me.”
“i won't throw up...” his hand inched towards yours, shyly playing with your fingers. “i promise.”
fuck, he's adorable.
still, you liked to think you had self-discipline. you won't let yourself get swayed by a pretty face.
“well, what do you want to do then? feel like sleeping? it's late at night, after all.”
he sheepishly glanced at you, looking with a silent plea. “...stay with me?”
you take that back.
“you know what? fine.” you tugged him towards you and fell on the cushions, wrapping him in a hug. “friends cuddle all the time. this is fine.”
yes, most certainly. this was quite the intimate act, but not totally exclusive to lovers. you chanted that over and over again to convince yourself, belatedly ignoring the fingers softly tracing patterns on your skin that seemed to stray off the levels of platonic.
“what are you trying to do, really...” you groaned, sanity escaping you. kazuha's expression remained vacant, unapologetic for his touchy nature.
“can i kiss you?”
kill me now.
“what if i say no?”
you wouldn't, of course you wouldn't. kazuha knew that too, that's why he didn't flinch and proceeded as if nothing happened. he reached his hand to your face, tracing the edge of your chin.
“would you?”
you stayed silent, and kazuha takes it as his cue.
his lips pressed gently to yours, relishing in the plush softness. your heart picked up its pace, thudding loudly in your chest, and it only raced faster when you felt the sudden sweep of his tongue on your bottom lip, prodding for permission. you stiffened considerably, but you let your eyes close and you lose yourself in the sensation, reciprocating the kiss and fingers grasping on his shirt for purchase.
you were momentarily surprised by his abrupt shift in position, his hand relocating to the back of your neck to pull you impossibly closer, and when you open your eyes, you see pools of red, admiring each expression you make.
“you-” you pulled away, startled into wiping away at your mouth. “don't open your eyes...”
his eyes crinkled at the edges, mirth warming his gaze. “sorry, i couldn't help but get curious.”
you grumbled incoherently, tasting sake on your tongue. “so? when the hell did you get sober?”
at first, he stared at you blankly, processing your words. then his lips stretched into an abashed grin, bringing his hand to shyly rub the back of his neck. “ah, i've been found out?”
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