j0celynh0rr0r · 4 months
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my-midlife-crisis · 20 days
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wh40kartwork · 3 months
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Surprise Attack / Chaos Bride
by Rémi Le Capon
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notaplaceofhonour · 7 months
I was raised in the People of Destiny cult (later renamed, and more well-known as, Sovereign Grace Ministries, now Sovereign Grace Churches).
The valorization of martyrdom and The End Times was so ubiquitous it was ambient noise. We stood in the church lobby theorizing about who the antichrist would be, we argued about whether Jesus would rapture us all before, after, or during the Tribulation Period where Satan would be given free reign over the earth. There was a strong Christian Zionist fixation on Israel as the final battleground and capital of the coming Messianic Age. But the one thing we were all certain of was is that we were in the End Times, that we were not of this world and couldn’t get too attached to our lives here.
We were raised to believe our sin nature made us undeserving of life, that we deserved death and eternal conscious torture.
My parents read us the Jesus Freaks books (a series by Christian Rap group DC Talk about martyrs). I spent “devotional time” reading Fox’s Book of Martyrs. We had guest speakers from Voice of the Martyrs, their pamphlets were often stocked in our church’s information center. We grew up with our dad listening to right wing talk radio and making us listen to songs about how the Godless atheists were outlawing Christianity in America, that we could all become martyrs soon.
The group’s theology was damaging & traumatic in a lot of other ways that contributed to the suicidality I have continued to struggle with for the rest of my life. For a long time I did not believe I would live past 20. There are times when the idea of giving my death meaning by using public suicide to make a political statement has appealed to me.
So now, seeing so many social media posts glorifying the suicide of a US Airman this week, I have been furious. Reading his social media posts, I recognize so much about the way I was raised in his all-or-nothing, black-or-white mindset, the valorization of death-seeking & martyrdom, and the apocalyptic fire-and-brimstone imagery of self-immolation. The moment I saw people I followed celebrating his self-immolation, I said to myself “this feels like a cult”
So when I learned he was raised in a cult too, nothing could have made more sense to me. His political orientation may have changed, but his mindset did not—it was no less extreme or cult-like.
I’ve talked about so many of the reasons this response from the broader left scares me, including how it’s laundering that airman’s antisemitic beliefs, but I cannot think of anything that would hit me in a more personal place than this specific response to this specific situation has.
When I see the images, I think: that could have been me. That scares me, and what scares me more is that so many prominent people are overwhelmingly sending the message to people like me that there is nothing else we can do that would have a more meaningful impact than killing ourselves for the cause.
I do not believe that. I will not even entertain it. And having to see his death over and over and over again, to argue against people who are treating this like an intellectual/moral exercise or a valid debate we all have to consider has been immensely triggering and fills me with a rage I rarely feel. It’s unconscionable that we are even putting self-harm on the table, and that pushing back against that is somehow controversial.
There is hope. Our lives do have meaning. There are far more effective means of fighting injustice. And the world is a better place for having you in it. Don’t fall into believing this is a way to give life purpose.
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noaluvs · 13 days
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Hezbollah still murdering and blaming Israel for their crimes !
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odinsblog · 1 year
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I mean, they been a cult. A death cult for the NRA, a hate group for the KKK, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc etc etc. Republicans (writ large) are just an extension of the Tea Party & the Confederacy, and whatever other shitty misogynistic racist movements preceded those shitty misogynistic racist movements
I was about to say, “Here’s to hoping they gulp down ALL the Kool-Aid when he loses,” but if the election of 2016 taught me anything, it’s to never underestimate the propensity of a majority of white voters to vote for thee worst possible candidate.
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Unfortunately, Trump’s loss at the ballot box and in court is not guaranteed, not by any stretch of the imagination.
They’re a cult.
So no matter what, let’s don’t get too cocky.
We still gotta do the work.
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theatheistgirl · 6 months
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secular-jew · 3 months
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Another snapshot of Iran life pre Islamist takeover. Post Islamic theocracy, you get murdered for the clothing you wear.
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possible-streetwear · 1 month
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sugarbabyfeeder · 7 months
Thinking of starting a Mind Blowing Extremely Fucked up fetish cult, mainly feeding women to death with immobility but also other things
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j0celynh0rr0r · 5 months
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Death Magic 🩸🔪
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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wh40kartwork · 3 months
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Death Cult Assassin
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notaplaceofhonour · 7 months
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“aw what are you too wussy to kill yourself?” jfc get a grip lmao
maybe spend less time telling people to give up their life and spend more time getting one
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noaluvs · 1 month
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This ideology is pure evil !
It's demonic !
There is nothing peaceful about this ideology
It's nothing but violence
Nothing good comes from it
Why isn't anybody speaking out about this ?
The world blames Jews for the world's problems but the real problem is this demonic ideology of hate , that forces itself on you and tries to take over your country.
True colonizers !
This is what true colonizers look like ( Israel was never a colonizer ) you can't colonize land that was always yours !
💔💔 for the Hindus !
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sunder-the-gold · 1 month
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I hope you don't mind if other people get to observe your arguments, @kemlo. Rather than me leaving them confined to my post about the absurdity of the Labor Theory of Value and how it makes the Communist Utopia impossible.
As a fair warning, I become increasingly sarcastic and critical as this goes on.
It's not that I want to be mean to you personally. I'm tagging you because otherwise I'd be criticizing your ideas behind your back. I'd rather you have the warning that you might want to defend them. But anyway...
By their own words, Kemlo believes:
The State is the violent law-enforcement mechanism of the government
Communists should take over the government so that they can use The State to destroy their enemies, because when they don't it means the liberals will instead control the government and use The State to destroy the communists. (Therefore, liberals and communists are caught in an all-out war to control the institutions, and since basic survival is on the line presumably every tactic is justified, no matter how low.)
Once all of the enemies of communism ('capitalists', 'liberals', and potentially others) are destroyed, the communists will keep control of the government and abolish The State and live in a utopian condition of perfect peace and harmony where no one else will ever decide to disagree with them ever again, no matter how bad things get.
This utopia isn't a utopia BECAUSE Marx was anti-utopian, and this ideal state of existence isn't idealism because Marx was anti-idealist. (This logic isn't circular because it isn't circular or else it would be circular logic, which it cannot be.)
Everyone who becomes unhappy under the communist regime isn't unhappy because they're hungry, or because the regime is enriching itself at the expense of the the people... no, anyone who criticizes the regime for any reason is a 'liberal' and therefore an enemy of the state. Because if they weren't an enemy of the state, they wouldn't be unhappy no matter how bad their life gets, because in the utopian not-utopia of true communism, it is impossible that the government is anything but perfect and blameless or that the people might not have enough to eat.
No thought is given to foreign adversaries or why a government might need a violent law-enforcement mechanism to protect against such. Or else communists don't want to admit that as long as they can claim there is a foreign adversary, they don't ever have to justify keeping the violent law-enforcement of The State, which is convenient since it means the communists can rely on The State to keep hammering down all of these liberals who keep appearing among the people for some reason. Perhaps all of the liberals are secretly foreign agents from countries that living in terror of the mighty power of a nation which cannot afford to feed its own people.
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As yet, I received no answer to this puzzle.
Again, there's this idealistic, utopian assumption that once all of the capitalists and liberals are 'eliminated', there's no more need for the violent law-enforcement of The State.
Except as established, liberals just magically keep popping up even though they're not supposed to.
Whelp, I guess as long as they keep popping up, we have to keep The State around to keep killing them!
But the end-goal is totally not a utopian ideal, because that would mean this is a Sisyphean Task where we never stop killing people who disagree with us!
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