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rykundsz-art · 10 months ago
DB x Splatoon AU doodles dump
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Chronoa + comically large brush
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Gogetas (4 works for grizzco and got affectes by the fuzzy ooze)
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And added an S Broly
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starryeyedstray · 2 months ago
sorry i couldn't focus on my other things until i got this drawing out of my brain but it's school girl kara and school boy connor . they're both newly transferred students. this is them meeting the jericrew. (see this post for context lmao)
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it's done in ms paint bc i don't have time and krita makes me draw things too preciously.
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ruuibos · 10 months ago
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reminded of mom
fanart for @grimmcheems comic thingy!! I thought their designs are so so cute and sweet 🥺🤧😭
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arschgesicht6969 · 5 months ago
Desaturated and darkened to reduce eyestrain.
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d3spairisart · 7 months ago
So I. Did something. I couldn't focus so I got on my phone and didn't FEEL like drawing in the. Goofy style I normally do. But its not like I can fully mimic the dragon ball art style just yet,,, so I ended up with,,
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stardustpinkart · 9 months ago
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OHHHH my brain exhausts me. It gives me a million idea I probably will never have time for ^^' This is for my friend @swanpit. I dident know we both liked Dragon Ball! Usedta watch it after school like a soap. The idea in general is an AU I had, what if Earth and Vegetasei were close in the galaxy, saiyans not quite so bloodthirsty, characters intermingling and meeting in diffrent ways. Even the franchise itself does some retcons and changes so, if they can do that? In this AU Goku's bioligical family is still alive, so even more extended family amongst there children. Unfortunatley for Great Uncle Raditz, lil Pan is a curious, and very STRONG little baby XD
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silverwoodwork · 2 years ago
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DarwaArts on Twitter made a gorgeous, adorable Vomi design in her college years, so ofc I HAD to make a younger Gero to complete the set
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thechildbesuffering · 1 year ago
dbz au where chi-chi gets turned into a saiyan. but instead of the typical gocchi romance, she gets saiyan brain, so she and goku share a braincell.
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experimentjr · 3 months ago
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And finally, I've decided the design of prince Sadala!!!
Now using a similar unitard as Sadala's defense force, but with its own design (such as a unitard merge with baggy pants, and adorned with similar attire from universe 7's saiyajins' royalty. Thrice his shoes, leg pads and braces similar to both Broly and Kale ws it kinda looks royalty.
Prince Sadala is a scaredy cat saiyajin that is afraid of his own strength and a pacifist that thinks it's best to solve matters with words rather than using one's fists, but if you think he's just a wimp and a pushover, you will be finding youserlf in terrible trouble once he powers up. A monstrously powerful saiyajin with a gigantic and nearly impenetrable body that can go toe to toe with most of his universe's finest combatants and could even become one of the strongest kings of Sadala if he overcomes his cowardice and, one day... a secret he and his father both have been keeping. A secret that king Sadala had since he was a great warrior for the king before him, and one prince Sadala has since he was but a young boy dealing with his enormous reserves of ki.
So I've finally made him! And he's just the first of plenty more I want to do (keyword WANT TO), but primarily, lemme not focus too much on this one tho XD I still have my Hilda AU to make and I really want to continue it XD
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biscuit-munchies · 1 year ago
is it possible to find out what kind of character your hakaishin is and how he is related to Zeno? and how does Daishinkan feel about this? :"D
:O OOOOOO yeah for sure! I don't really have a fully written out thing for Kyo but I have a general idea about their lore! So in my AU, Kyo is essentially the First Hakaishin and came into existance right before Zeno (as before creation comes destruction).
Kyo is refered to as a Voidling, or Void given Sentience. They essentially 'ruled' over the abyss that was the multiverse for a bit until Zeno popped into existance. Kyo was enthralled by the purple and blue creature, as they've never seen anything like it in their void before. Zeno was also interested in Kyo, as he didn't think that there would be anyone else in the nothingness. Zeno then started creation of the 18 universes, making galaxies and planets and such. Kyo was enraptured at all the things Zeno could do, and tried to 'create' their own things (they ended up destroying a fresh galaxy that Zeno just created). Rather than Zeno getting mad, Zeno was interested in Kyo's primal destruction abilities and wanted Kyo to be the one who disposes stuff he didn't like. Kyo took to being a hakaishin like a fish to water, and both enjoyed their respective duties for a time.
They were joint kings, the King of All (Zeno) and the King of Nothing (Kyo), Zeno ruled those it created while Kyo ruled over the expansive void that was inbetwix Zeno's creations. Kyo refined their primal destruction abilities while Zeno refied his creation ability. Sometimes the two would butt heads over what could stay and what could be destroyed, but other than that it was pretty chill. That's all I really have for right now before going into rambly ficcy nonsense ( plans for a Void War, supposed Death of Kyo, the creation of Angels and Modern Hakaishins, Endlings, etc etc.) I'll eventually make a doc on the entirety of Kyo's and Zeno's backstory! As for Daishinkan, he absolutely H A T E S Kyo for reasons relating to the Void War and anything to do with the King of Nothing's 'creations'. He probably has some residual loathing for modern hakaishins because of this lol
sorry I saw this earlier but I was at my college so I couldn't respond right away! I'll be planning more in the future :)
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arjengelly · 10 months ago
Another Useless AU 😜
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Sooo I wanted to make a universe where the old Launch is two separate people. Blonde Launch would be Tights Briefs and her blue counterpart wouldn’t exist until GT and be hers & Lapis (Android 17)’s daughter…and actually have the name Launch. Lapis & Tights would later have twin sons Okreh (Ochre/Okra) & Iroh (Iron/ruddle).
It has something to do with Marron, Pan & Bulla living in a post apocalyptic world where most of the Z-Fighters are dead and they are the new champions of the planet.
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rykundsz-art · 1 year ago
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[DB x Splatoon AU]
More of this bcs I got some—
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Made Zamasu as well. At first I thought it'd be funny if I just made him a salmonid lmao.
Just thought his corrupted form would fit ink stuff and all :)
Also Janemba !
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Got inspired after finishing sploon 3's storymode. It was cool. I think Janemba would be a cool fish. (Gogeta kept him.)
Previous one here!
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upgradewater · 2 years ago
Can't draw for shit but just had an AU idea; what about a timeline where Goku and the gang just kept exploring space after Frieza?
The main reason that I came up with this was a general re-thinking of the Android Saga. What if instead of a random Earth scientist creating the androids, it was an intergalactic team of scientists, working to create something to beat Frieza. Of course, they can't control the perpetual energy machine they've created and it goes rogue.
So now you have a bunch of androids going around breaking shit. And since they have perpetual energy, you can't beat them in a traditional fight. And they've started terrorizing a new planet. This planet?
A race of bug aliens that can absorb energy.
So Goku and gang have to collaborate with the local population to drain the Androids all at once, so that Goku can finally finish them off.
That idea just seems more in-line with the old "problem solving" way of fights that the early era had. If it's not that good, forgive me.
This seems fun, anon!! GT took things back into space (they had the right idea, just poor execution) and eventually we got a taste with Super and the past couple manga arcs. But there's still so much they could do with space exploration! Speaking of which, there's still that strange lore drop about namekians being from outside universe 7? huh??
I love the Buu arc, but it is a little sad that they stopped the whole space exploration thing after Namek. Even Buu was a space-problem that happened to be sealed on Earth for millions is years. or was that retconned when toriyama said buu is an ancient being and but bibidi's creation? anyway
Like you suggested, turning the next threat after Namek into an off-planet issue tied loosely to Freeza seems like an obvious way to up the ante and expand the world. (Though I get why it ended up being tied to Red Ribbon instead, and Earth is just more convenient. Toriyama loves his convenience.)
I'm curious about how Future Trunks would fit in--or if he and time travel were still involved at all.
With space travel involved again, what's keeping barely-domesticated Vegeta from taking off? Maybe he takes off when he hears there's a threat so he can prove himself, only to realize traditional fighting won't work? How did our heroes first hear about this threat anyway?
And would alien Cell be friendly until he goes on a power trip? Does he go mad after absorbing one of the androids' energy, and the Earthlings in this au still have to protect the other androids from being absorbed?
So much could happen!! Write a fic if you can't draw!! Or if you love comics, draw anyway! Make the thing! I'd read a fanfic of that. ^^
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drag-on-my-balls-z · 1 year ago
Art dump 2-
Dragon Ball AU: Super Saiyajin Romance (SSJR)
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Vesper ref sheet & drawing
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dontaskchaosandco · 2 years ago
might make a Dragon Ball AU mainly to write ideas for what happens between the Cell Saga and the Buu Saga
does "Unskipped" sound good? I think "Unskipped" sounds good
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bahnloopi · 3 months ago
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My ZGine again
Brought back Ki-Skates
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