#DAY 7: alternate timeline self
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archivewriter1ont · 2 months ago
In Your Eyes, I See A Stranger: Tech and Alternate Timeline Hunter
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**Set during "The Faults in Our Timelines"** The unexpected appearance of Hunt -- a version of Hunter who hails from an alternate, destroyed timeline -- has left the present Hunter and his brothers in a state of shock and wary caution. So far, Tech has tried to keep his distance from his ori'vod's alternate self. But the problem with distance is that it gives you several opportunities to observe, and far too much time to think.
Febuwhump 2025 DAY 7: alternate timeline self
So this is not just a fill for Day 7 of Febuwhump...it's also the first installment for Tech February! I'm attempting to make more fills fit in with the in-progress series so I can knock out two birds with one stone.
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crowleychild · 2 months ago
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Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: T
Warnings: Gender dysphoria, intense guilt, depression, wrong puberty
When he was in the Clan, it hadn’t really matter. You train, play, learn and live with everybody, boy, girl or neither. Obi-Wan wasn’t really close to anyone, but he was always read as a boy by his peers, and by Masters who didn’t know him personally. Pronouns didn’t make sense for him at that time, so he didn’t see anything weird in people calling him a “he”. It was what it was. He didn't think he was different from other girls, but he didn’t see how they were different from other boys either.
But one doesn’t stay a kid forever.
Obi-Wan wasn’t stupid. As soon as he studied galactic biology and learnt about differences between sexes in his species, he knew there was something wrong with him.
“I am a girl” he would think, looking at his holo book. But his mind fought against that idea. He had always been happy with being himself, Obi-Wan, and he didn’t quite get the difference between boys and girls yet, other than how their bodies were meant to look different.
But by looking at other humans his age, he only came to the conclusion that they were pretty similar.
“I am a boy” he would think, and that thought did feel right.
He couldn’t remember which Jedi had found him at three, so he didn’t know who else knew his secret. He guessed Yoda knew, but he had always referred to him the same way he referred to the other boys, and he had never called him a girl, so that was fine.
And then, too soon, he was a teen.
His puberty was late, so when he was assigned to Qui-Gon he could still pass as male. But again, he wasn’t stupid. He knew that sooner or later, he had to go through that process that would surely bring him more pain, and that was something he could simply not let happen.
Maybe he should have asked Qui-Gon for help, talked about it with his Master, but at first their relationship was far from perfect, so he didn’t want to add anything to the list of things that bother both of them. Plus, Jedi weren’t supposed to care about mundane matters such as the body and how you look, so he always believed his thoughts were wrong and incorrect. He feared punishment or judgment if he told his Master.
He needed a solution, though, so any second he had of free time he spent it on the Archives. And while he searched for it, he kept with his Jedi training, except that someone did punish and judge him: himself.
Every time he couldn’t run as fast as other boys or lose at a training combat because he hadn’t been strong enough, he felt like he was letting his Master down. Everytime he couldn’t do something perfectly at his first try, it was because this thing that was wrong with him was making him fail.
Qui-Gon felt his bitterness every time this happened and he would tell him he didn’t need to be like anyone else, that his puberty would come eventually and he would be faster and stronger. But this only made his heart sink even more.
Yeah, his puberty would come, but not the one that it should be.
He kept searching in the Archives for an answer.
And he found it.
“Testosterone”. He realized. “That’s what I need”
He could go to any clinic on Coruscant and say he was a boy with a testosterone deficit, and that he needed a supplement. He knew everyone in the upper levels respected and almost feared the Jedi, so they wouldn’t ask him too many questions. Now, how to go there without raising any suspicions?
The solution presented itself in the form of homework. He had to choose an optional subject to study, and he found one that could work as an excuse: Community service. He could volunteer to help at some clinic, help the doctors, heal the wounded, and just after his shift ended, he would take his T shot right there. It seemed easy.
At first, it worked. He enjoyed working there, he learnt he liked helping others, and nobody knew why he was really there. Testosterone did his work. He became faster and stronger. Yet still, he kept punishing and judging himself, as if he couldn’t put down that old habit. He would tell himself everything he was was a lie, that he was lying to his Master and that that was why his bond was weak and they didn’t have a good relationship even when years had passed since they met. He told himself that he could be fast and strong but just because he had cheated, he didn’t deserve to have come this far as a Jedi.
Eventually, of course, his Master discovered.
Obi-Wan remembered he had been so scared that he had thought of leaving the Order, leaving Coruscant, if that meant not seeing his Master or anyone who knew him again. But if fighting to be himself had taught him something, was to be brave. He faced his Master, looking him in the eye when he declared he was a boy.
He may abandon the Order, but he wouldn't do it feeling ashamed for who he was.
To his surprise, Qui-Gon was okay with it. He told him that of course he was a boy, and that there was nothing wrong with wanting to change your body, especially if that change makes you love yourself in a better way.
Many things changed from that day on. Obi-Wan didn't have to carry that weight on his own anymore, his Master always helped him and defended his true self from others. Together, they organized everything for his top surgery and hysterectomy.
Those were happy years.
And despite all, Obi-Wan never felt quite right ever again. His mind was always telling him it was his fault when a mission failed. It was irrational, but he felt like that every time something went wrong. Even if there was nothing he could have done about it.
Maybe, if he had told everything to his Master before, the guilt would have never appeared in the first place.
He would look at his scars, at his beard, at his muscles, and knew it was worth it, but irrationally he thought he should pay for some sin he had never committed.
And now, when Obi-Wan is old, living on Tatooine, he wonders a lot what his life could have been if he had had the correct body.
Maybe, in another timeline, he is confident and never felt like there was something wrong with him. Maybe, in another timeline he was able to help Anakin, their bond stronger because they would feel more aligned, since they were both real men. Maybe, in another timeline he wasn't living on that desert planet, where he couldn’t get his T and where he was dying every day, remembering that his body wasn't what it was supposed to be and it was driving him crazy.
Again, this was all irrational. He knew he was a real man, testosterone or not. He knew a bond had nothing to do with one's body. And he knew he couldn’t have done anything more for his padawan.
He knows now he has a sin to pay for, his wrong body was not the excuse for all his failures, and that thought hurts even more.
link to my ao3 work:
tags: @febuwhump
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febuwhump · 3 months ago
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this year's prompts were chosen through an open suggestion poll (in which we received over 4,000 prompts) and a subsequent vote, where 5,019 votes were submitted. the top 28 make up the core prompts, and the febuwhump mod's favourites that remain have become the alternates. the first prompt in the 28, "vocal chords", was our number one prompt of the vote, with 1,625 total votes.
i am so insanely excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and i hope they're inspiring enough to trigger a whole month's worth of creativity for you!
as an extra added challenge, some creators will be undertaking another, smaller goal, of including apples in each of their prompt fills as an ode to the wildly popular prompt suggestion of "apples" that didn't make it through to the poll. this is totally optional, but is a good extra challenge if you'd like to take part in it!
if you have any questions, please check out the faq before sending an ask, or skim the blog's previously asked questions to see if your question has already been answered.
please note: notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form released towards the end of febuwhump, and if you are interested in joining the febuwhmp discord server, the link will be available to do so for one week towards the end of january.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
DAY 1: vocal chords
DAY 2: holding back tears
DAY 3: pinned down
DAY 4: hivemind
DAY 5: not trusting reality
DAY 6: forced to stay awake
DAY 7: alternate timeline self
DAY 8: bleeding out
DAY 9: necromancy
DAY 10: magic exhaustion
DAY 11: demonic possession
DAY 12: used as practice
DAY 13: “i don’t trust anyone else”
DAY 14: becoming the monster
DAY 15: icarus
DAY 16: eaten alive
DAY 17: power instability
DAY 18: living weapon
DAY 19: death wish
DAY 20: “i did good right?”
DAY 21: put on display
DAY 22: “grab the little one”
DAY 23: gunshot wound
DAY 24: forced to beg
DAY 25: bound and gagged
DAY 26: concealing an injury
DAY 27: post-victory collapse
DAY 28: recovery
is there a specific day’s prompt you don’t want to fill? here are ten alternatives you can switch them out for!
ALT 1: major character death
ALT 2: blowtorch
ALT 3: pick who dies
ALT 4: body swap
ALT 5: die a hero
ALT 6: emergency surgery
ALT 7: body horror
ALT 8: on the run
ALT 9: in another life
ALT 10: feeding tube
soft rules:
prompts should be answered in the form of whump
creators can produce any kind of media they want
you don't have to complete all the prompts to take part
you can use the prompts after the event ends
you can complete them in tandem with any other event
you can post to any platform you want, however this blog will only be sharing links and prompt fills posted to tumblr
if you want to be featured on the hall of fame, you must inform this blog by the 3rd of march that you have completed all of the days using the provided form
if you have questions, consult the faq before asking
hard rules:
to be a completionist, you must complete all 28 prompts, in order, in whatever medium you want, before the end of the event
(specifically for being featured on the blog)
when uploading febuwhump content to tumblr, please use the tags:
febuwhump (or febuwhump2025)
the relevant day's tag e.g. febuwhumpday1, febuwhumpday2...
nsfw (if relevant)
any important trigger warnings
you can also tag the blog: @febuwhump
I cannot guarantee your work will be archived on the blog. a random selection of properly tagged works will be reblogged every day of february.
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checkeredflagggs · 2 months ago
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Febuwhump 2025 Masterlist (in Chronological Order)
Bahrain (Day 1 - Vocal Cords)
Saudi Arabia (Day 2 - Holding Back Tears)
Miami (Day 16 - Eaten Alive)
Montreal (Day 15 - Icarus)
Montreal (Day 18 (Alt 2) - Blowtorch)
Montreal (Day 20 - “I did good, right?”)
Austria (Day 14 - Becoming the Monster)
Austria Aftermath (Day 25 - Bound and Gagged)
Belgian (Day 3 - Pinned Down)
Belgian Aftermath (Day 4 (Alt 6) - Emergency Surgery)
Belgian Aftermath/Summer Break (Day 5 - Not Trusting Reality)
Summer Break (Day 6 - Forced to Stay Awake)
Summer Break (Day 9 - Necomancy)
Before Singapore (Day 24 - Forced to Beg)
Austin (Day 23 - Gunshot Wound)
Brazil (Day 26 - Concealing an Injury)
Brazil (Day 27 - Post-Victory Collapse)
Las Vegas (Day 17 - Power Instability)
Abu Dhabi (Day 8 - Bleeding Out)
Abu Dhabi (Day 10 (Alt 10) - Feeding Tube)
Abu Dhabi (Day 12 - Used as Practice)
End of the Year (Day 28 - Recovery)
y/n is bored on Blueksy (Day 7 - Alternate Timeline Self)
The Apple Incident (Day 11 - Demonic Possession)
Texting Logan (Day 13 - “I don’t trust anyone else”)
Prank War (Day 19 - Death Wish)
Calling People Out (Day 21 - Put on Display)
Video Gaming (Day 22 (Alt 1) - Major Character Death)
This will be updated as more pieces are published!
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onekindredspirit · 4 months ago
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Family Recipes - *Plum Upside Down Cake* I had a message from my older brother. "Hey Bro, How's it going? I'd enjoy a catch up soon." It was 6pm. I decided to call him the next day. I knew by now he would be drunk and I hate to see any Uber Sapien lower themselves that way, as if a sound mind had no value at all. When I was a child Plum Upside Down Cake was baked with peaches, and for children, that is the perfect topping. But we grow up. The transition from peaches to plums happened around the same time I stopped flinching whenever I heard my childhood name. Preheat your oven to 180 Celsius (350 F). Take a 20 cm (8 inch) circular baking tin and in that melt 4 tablespoons of butter. Once melted blend in 1/2 to 3/4 cup of brown sugar. The aim is to incorporate all the butter resulting in a smooth, not stiff base. Spread evenly in the bottom of the pan. Lay canned plum halves over the entire butter and brown sugar mix. In a separate bowl cream together 1/4 cup butter, 1/2 cup white sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence. Add 1 unbeaten egg and beat until the mix is light and fluffy. Add 1 cup flour and 1 and 1/2 tsp baking powder (blended) alternating with 3/8 cup of milk. Beat lightly and pour over the plum halves. Bake. Once the top of your batter begins to brown, cover loosely with tinfoil for the remaining time. Bake until your knife comes out clean. Perhaps 30 to 45 minutes. I called my brother the next day but later than I had hoped for and by 3pm he was already slurring drunk. Me: How's it going? Older Brother: Well, I've decided. Me: What have you decided? Older Brother: I've decided to drink myself to death. Me: Why would you do that? Of course I knew the answer. I would have killed myself too, long ago, if I had been him but I'm not and he wouldn't. Older Brother: I've got nothing to live for ... I don't need a detailed list of all the people who have deserted him to save themselves. Or the employers who found ways to get rid of him. Nor the social clubs that banned him for life or his children who don't want to know him. My brother has an anti-social personality disorder. I spent the first 14 years of my life under the rule of this violent and remorseless narcissist. In my 14th year, and already 7 years into what would turn out to be a 25 year stretch of PTSD, my own sense of personal survival finally kicked in. Under threat of another violent encounter I drew my 20 cm hunting knife and I went for him. The kitchens here on Rikers Island are considered the best in the American penal system and I am proud to be speaking to you from the cake division. Okay, I'm not on Rikers Island but perhaps somewhere in a parallel universe I am. But in this timeline, my brother ran and locked himself in the bathroom and that was the last time he threatened me. Recipes evolve. So do people and I consider myself lucky to have a personal evolution. I no longer flinch when I hear my childhood name and I bake cakes with plums instead of peaches. But some people never evolve, like my brother, trapped for an eternity in the hell of a malignant self. I didn't speak to him for 20 years but as Tom Ripley said in the movie Ripley's Game "... we are constantly being born," So, I will call my brother again when I know he'll be sober. I'll suggest we have lunch together and I'll make sure that, for an hour or two at least, he believes he is human and that he is loved. Take your cake straight from the oven, lay a large platter over the top and invert. Carefully lift the baking tin off to reveal the glory of your Plum Upside Down Cake. Let it cool a bit but don't wait too long. Now is the time to decide. Do you want a piece of the cake? Well then, just draw your blade and take it. One Kindred Spirit
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minyard-05 · 2 months ago
Orpheus' Febuwhump Masterpost 🦊
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look at me doing events!!! lets go!!!
okay, so, this is a complete list of all of the fics I'm writing for Febuwhump this year. i will tag all of my usual suspects but if you'd like to be added, let me know (in an ask or the notes of this post). this post will be updated as i post the fics, if you want notification updates then subscribe to the collection. day 1 is up and posted now :))
Day 1: Vocal Chords
Day 2: Holding Back Tears
Day 3: Pinned Down
Day 4: Hivemind
Day 5: Not Trusting Reality
Day 6: Forced To Stay Awake
Day 7: Alternate Timeline Self
Day 8: Bleeding Out
Day 9: Major Character Death
Day 10: Magic Exhaustion
Day 11: Demonic Possession
Day 12: Used As Practice
Day 13: "I don't trust anyone else"
Day 14: Becoming the Monster
Day 15: Icarus
Day 16: Eaten Alive
Day 17: [alt prompt 6] Emergency Surgery
Day 18: Living Weapon
Day 19: Death Wish
Day 20: [alt prompt 8] On The Run
Day 21: Put On Display
Day 22: "Grab the little one"
Day 23: Gunshot Wound
Day 24: Forced To Beg
Day 25: Bound and Gagged
Day 26: Concealing An Injury
Day 27: Post-Victory Collapse
Day 28: Recovery
usual suspects taglist: @bsideheart @you-know-i-get-itt @millportisntreal @absolutely-existing @sunriseabram @tessasilverswan @andrewsleftarmband / @phosphorescentdreaming @givemethedamnflowers @pink-hydrangea
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whumpdreaming · 5 months ago
My introduction!
Hi! My name is Heather (they/them). I've been a lurker for some time, but I now realize what I've been writing has been whump all along, so.. hello!
My first encounters with whump were in Sunday school 😭😭 some of those kid's bible books were insanely whumpy for no reason at alI, and then it's only now I learn what the term actually is. I speak decent French (getting back into it after not using it for a few years), I intend to go to culinary school and become a professional chef, and my main fandoms include Overwatch, Baldur's Gate (not into it as much anymore, sadly), Epic: The Musical, and Ultrakill and FNAF (which I don't write much fic for).
This blog will never contain NSFW content! Kink blogs and antis please DNI!
What this blog will contain:
Whump (obviously)
My own writing (lots of drabbles, occasionally some of my more involved work ; aka my two big projects, a BBU story since that setting grabbed me by the brain as soon as I saw it for the first time, and various Overwatch characters getting whumped to hell and back --- I don't see enough talk about Cole Cassidy's big sad puppy dog eyes)
Lots and lots of reblogs since that's easier than actually writing 😅
Keep in mind that this isn't a NSFW blog and I won't be posting anything sexual/explicit, but I'm a fan of intense/graphic whump and things can get pretty dark. In those cases, there'll be a warning at the top of the post along with the content listings just to make sure everyone stays safe!
Some of my favorite tropes:
Living weapons!!
Gore (I'm not a fan of major character death, so I like it best when a healing factor is involved if it's very intense)
Parental caretakers
Transition/weight gain in recovery
Recovery in general, especially when difficult!
Lab whump!
Pet whump!
Chronic pain (totally not coping with this one)
Panic attacks
Emotional distress of all kinds
If you send me any asks or requests or interact with my posts or say literally anything nice about me whatsoever I will give you my firstborn child
Some of my favorite whump blogs that inspired me to make a blog in the first place: @painonthebrain @whumpninja @defire @whumpwordsoftheday @sowhumpshaped
@sickfictropes @allthingswhumpyandangsty @writinglittlepains @whumpyourdamnpears --- sorry in advance if you didn't want to be mentioned! 😭
Btw --- check out my Widowmaker whump fic :)
Barbara Summers has a bad time with the mob (I'll update it someday I promise) ; also called "Consequences"
Drabbles: (Electrocution+Unconscious+"Say Please") (Warm Bath + Fresh Bandages + "..Nothing. It just hurts") (Broken Fingers+Trying not to scream+"Aw, poor thing")
Character/setting introduction
"Foul Play"
"Pulling Strings"
Whump+Hurtcember: (Day 1: Collapse + Broken Bones) (Day 2: Breakdown + "This is your fault") (Day 3: Blood + Begging) (Day 4: "Help me" alt prompt + "This isn't my blood") (Day 5: Faint + Concussion) (Day 6: Touch Starved + "Please stop") (Day 7: Abandoned + Kidnapped) (Day 8: Cuddle + Fire alt prompt) (Day 9: Exhausted + Shaking) (Day 10: Touch Aversion + "Let me help you") (Day 11: "It's my fault" alt prompt + Manipulation) (Day 12: Cry + "I have nowhere else to go") (Day 13: Nightmare + Trauma) (Day 22: Self Harm + Hallucinations)
(Poisoned + Pleading + "You never do shut up, do you?")
Stages of blood withdrawal
Stage Zero
Not Dead
Stage One
(Delirium / Good dream with an unpleasant wake-up / "..Mom?")
Taby's terrible horrible no good very bad life
Various unnamed superhero things
(Anxiety attack / Apologizing / "I just.. I just need a minute.")
Febuwhump: (Day 1: Vocal Chords) (Day 2: Holding Back Tears) (Day 3: Pinned Down) (Day 4: Major Character Death, alt prompt) (Day 5: Not Trusting Reality) (Day 6: Forced to Stay Awake) (Day 7: Alternate Timeline Self) (Day 9: Necromancy) (Day 10: Magic Exhaustion) (Day 11: Blowtorch, alt prompt) (Day 12: Used as Practice) (Day 13: "I don't trust anyone else") (Day 14: Becoming the Monster)
That's about it for now!! Thanks for reading!
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months ago
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[ID. A drawing of Espa, a teen girl with afro hair and a yellow cape soaked in blood, with her back turned as she watches a young girl that looks like her, running off cheerfully. There is a trial of blood behind her. End ID.]
Febuwhump day 7: Alternate timeline self
Taglist: @whumpinthepot || @for-the-love-of-angst @thewhumpywitch || @febuwhump
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randomnessofthehighestorder · 4 months ago
Arcane season 2!
Just watched Act 3 and I’m not ready to say goodbye after all that happened…
(Spoilers under the cut)
Hextech really was the problem all along. Ep 7’s alternative timeline is proof of that. Without it, both Zaun and Piltover would be at peace…
Mylo, Claggor, Vander, Silco, Benzo, they’re all alive and Powder never turned into Jinx in that timeline. The only bad thing there is Vi’s dead. What could’ve been…
Jayce’s actions make sense now, goes to show that you shouldn’t rush to judgement before you know the whole story.
TimeBomb kiss! TimeBomb kiss! I ship them so much!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Heimerdinger is no more. But at least he lived a life of peace in another universe… Rest in peace, Professor.
Mel’s fully embraced her mage status, her magic looks amazing, and her new look! She’d make a good in-game champion…
Viktor’s fully embraced the glorious evolution now, and turned his followers mechanical. Low key kinda scary though… his new look must be the rework Riot was talking about for his in-game self!
Warwick NOOOOOO! 😭😭😭 Vander is gone, only the beast remains, with a mechanical twist… RIP Uncaged Wrath of Zaun.
Ambessa really was the villain all along, even if her intentions were misguided. She truly deserved a warrior’s death…
They did it! CaitVi did the deed! I’m so happy for them! They truly belong together, far from being oil and water… ❤️❤️❤️
Jinx took Isha’s death hard. Someone give her a hug… 🫂
We lost some good people in the war, Loris, that Jinxer. But it was worth it now that the good guys won…
Zaun entered the fight in a truly epic fashion! The twin cities are united! 🎉🎉🎉
The Boy Saviour did what he meant to do! He shattered time and saved the day! Ekko FTW!
The mage that saved Mrs Talis was Viktor?! It all makes sense, he traveled across timelines giving young Jayce a crystal with a different rune to save the future, and only one was successful. MIND. BLOWN. 🤯🤯🤯
What happened to Jayce and Viktor? They used the crystal, but at what cost? Maybe we’ll never know… also, they hugged! He truly has forgiven him…
JINX NO!!!! She sacrificed herself to save her sister from Warwick! Guess Isha won’t be lonely up there… RIP Loose Cannon… 😭😭😭😭
CaitVi got their happy ending. But what’s next for them? Fanfic writers, you know what to do…
Maddie betrayed Piltover?! Guess all the hate was rightfully placed, especially now that she’s dead…
Swain? What’s your crow doing here?! Watching Noxus retreat? I don’t trust you…
This show was amazing and it ended on a truly epic note. I’m really gonna miss it. Thank you, Riot and Fortiche for giving us a story we’ll never forget…
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 year ago
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 23
River Song chose Bernice Summerfield as her tutor in university because she knew the Doctor. Benny remembers that she was the most annoying student she ever had, rarely attended class, but still graduated on top.
Not only does the Sixth Doctor wear a cat brooch, but he wears cat cufflinks too.
Jenny had managed to track the Eleventh Doctor down during the Siege of Trenzalore but was unable to get to him due to the forcefield kept by the Papal Mainframe.
The Sixth Doctor has twelve identical spare coats in the TARDIS wardrobe.
Leela once stabbed the Second Doctor with a Janus thorn. Jamie immediately began a knife fight with her in response.
Peri Brown once had to disguise herself as Queen Elizabeth I, big dress and all. The Sixth Doctor was much more amused by this than she was.
When Helen first became a companion, she thought the Eighth Doctor was scary.
After the Twelfth Doctor kicked Rassilon off Gallifrey, Rassilon allied himself with the Cybermen, was converted into the CyberPresident, and created an alternate timeline where the Cybermen had taken over the universe. This timeline was later eradicated.
There are 76 different color tones in the Sixth Doctor's coat.
While at university, River stole a vortex manipulator in order to get help from her future self on essays. The reason she wasn't expelled was because she argued that it was impossible to plagiarize off of herself.
When listening to a device that sounds like the voice of someone the listener admires and respects, Ianto heard Jack, and Jack heard the Tenth Doctor.
In a parallel universe, Rob Tyler was the son of Jackie and Pete Tyler. He was the male counterpart of Rose and in a relationship with Mickey.
By one account, Rassilon’s first body was male; by another, female.
After a conversation with the Third Doctor, River became convinced that the Sixth Doctor was copying her hair.
After learning about messages in bottles, Jenny wrote to the Doctor, hoping it would one day find them.
Dalek juice is a beverage made from the secretions that come out of a Dalek as it is tortured.
The Sixth Doctor developed a weak form of night vision from the carrot juice Mel had him drink.
Jamie has disguised himself as a woman on two different occasions (that I can think of).
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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linecrosser · 27 days ago
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Febuwhump 2025 Masterpost - SVSSS Art Edition
Day 1 - Vocal Cords - Shen Yuan|Shen Qingqiu & The System
Day 2 - Holding Back Tears - Shen Yuan|Shen Qingqiu, Shen Jiu|Shen Qingqiu, Yue Qingyuan
Day 3 - Pinned Down - Gongyi xiao, Zhushi Lang
Day 4 - Hivemind - Shen Qingqiu, Shang Qinghua & The System (with an appearance of Liu Qingge and Yue Qingyuan
Day 5 - Not Trusting Reality - Shang Qinghua & Mobei Jun
Day 6 - Forced To Stay Awake - Yue Qi, Shen Jiu
Day 7 - Alternate Timeline Self - og!Shang Qinghua & Airplane!Shang Qinghua
Day 8 - Bleeding Out - Shen Jui, Stick-Version
Day 9 - Necromancy - Luo Binghe, Liu Qingge, Shen Qingqiu
Day 10 - Magic Exhaustion - Shen Qingqiu, Liu Qingge
Day 11 - Demonic Posession - Shang Qinghua, Mobei Jun
Day 12 - Used As Practice - Shen Jiu
Day 13 - "I Don't Trust Anyone Else" - Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu, Liu Qingge
Day 14 - Feeding Tube - Airplane
Day 15 - Body Horror - Shen Qingqiu
Day 16 - Eaten Alive - og!Luo Binghe, Ming Fan
Day 17 - Power Instability - Shen Yuan (of the fic SYonR), og!Shen Qingqiu
Day 18 - Living Weapon - Luo Binghe, Shen Yuan, Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Day 19 - Death Wish - Shen (Jiu) Qingqiu
Day 20 - "I Did Good Right?" - Shen Yuan (of the fic SYonR, Mu Qingfang
Day 21 - Put On Display - Shang Qinghua
Day 22 - Grab the Little One - Shang Qinghua, Mobei Jun
Day 23 - Emergency Surgery - Yue Qi, Shen Jiu
Day 24 - Forced to Beg - Shang Qinghua, Mobei Jun
Day 25 - Bound and Gagged - Shang Qinghua
Day 26 - Concealing an Injury - Shang Qinghua
Day 27 - Post-Victory Collapse - Shang Qinghua, Mobei Jun
Day 28 - Recovery - Shang Qinghua, Mobei Jun
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l3ominor · 2 months ago
Febuwhump day 7
Alternate timeline self
A Trip down Memory Lane(Recalled spoilers)
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There, in the darkness of the depths in front of her, that spirit stood, a ghost from the past in every sense of the phrase. His face was nearly smooth, save for the thin scar on his lip. His eyes were whole, staring into hers with a silent desperation and confusion.
"Princess?" his voice was quiet and hoarse, a voice that she'd only heard in memory for the last hundred years. Tears escaped her eyes, rolling down her cheeks
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whumpinthepot · 26 days ago
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Febuwhump 2025 Masterlist
@febuwhump There may be triggering content in these links, proceed with caution. Some may include blood, death, pet whump, gore, horror, ect.
Link to other Febuwhump Masterlists.
Prompt - Drawing - Writing - Other
DAY 1: vocal chords
DAY 2: holding back tears
DAY 3: pinned down
DAY 4: hivemind
DAY 5: not trusting reality
DAY 6: forced to stay awake
DAY 7: alternate timeline self
DAY 8: bleeding out
DAY 9: necromancy
DAY 10: magic exhaustion
DAY 11: demonic possession
DAY 12: used as practice
DAY 13: Alt 6. emergency surgery
DAY 14: becoming the monster
DAY 15: icarus
DAY 16: eaten alive
DAY 17: power instability
DAY 18: living weapon
DAY 19: death wish
DAY 20: Alt 3. pick who dies
DAY 21: put on display
DAY 22: “grab the little one”
DAY 23: gunshot wound
DAY 24: forced to beg
DAY 25: bound and gagged
DAY 26: concealing an injury
DAY 27: Alt 10. Feeding Tube
DAY 28: recovery
Bonus: Alt 4: body swap
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aquinnix · 26 days ago
Febuwhump 2025 Masterlist!
Day 1 - Vocal Cords
Day 2 - Holding Back Tears
Day 3 - Pinned Down
Day 4 - Hive Mind
Day 5 - Not Trusting Reality
Day 6 - Forced to Stay Awake
Day 7 - Alternate Timeline Self (Personal Fav :) )
Day 8 - Bleeding Out
Day 9 - Necromancy
Day 10 - Magic Exhaustion
Day 11 - Demonic Possession
Day 12 - Used as Practice
Day 13 - “I Don’t Trust Anyone Else”
Day 14 - Becoming the Monster
Day 15 - Icarus
Day 16 - Eaten Alive
Day 17 - Power Instability
Day 18 - Living Weapon
Day 19 - Death Wish
Day 20 - “I Did Good Right?”
Day 21 - Put On Display
Day 22 - ALT Body Horror
Day 23 - ALT Body Swap
Day 24 - ALT Blowtorch
Day 25 - ALT In Another Life
Day 26 - Concealing an Injury
Day 27 - Post Victory Collapse
Day 28 - Recovery
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oros-ash3s · 2 months ago
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⋆ Febuwhump 2025 ⋆˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙**
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DAY 1: Vocal Chords
DAY 2: Holding Back Tears
DAY 3: Pinned Down
DAY 4: On The Run
DAY 5: Not Trusting Reality
DAY 6: Forced to Stay Awake
DAY 7: Alternate Timeline Self
DAY 8: Bleeding Out
DAY 9: Necromancy
DAY 10: Magic Exhaustion
DAY 11: Demonic Possession
DAY 12: Body Swap
DAY 13: Body Horror
DAY 14: Becoming the Monster
DAY 15: Icarus
DAY 16: Die a Hero
DAY 17: In Another Life
DAY 18: Living Weapon
DAY 19: Death Wish
DAY 20: “I did good, right?”
DAY 21: Put on Display
DAY 22: “Grab the little one”
DAY 23: Gunshot Wound
DAY 24: Forced to Beg
DAY 25: Bound and Gagged
DAY 26: Concealing an Injury
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Welcome to my first attempt at Febuwhump ✶ ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
I’ve never participated in one of these challenges before and I have no clue if I’ll manage to complete it, but we’ll see!
If any of the characters in these one shots interest you, I’d recommend checking out some of my other writing. I have quite a few drabbles posted already ^^
Magicae Masterlist \\ Metamorphosis Masterlist
Golden Veins Masterlist \\ What Lies Below Masterlist
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
taglist || @ohagi505 @vesanal @aalinaaaaaa @fangedcinnamonroll @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @seastarblue @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @iamheretohurt @corinneglass @melodxi @thebookishkiwi @lancedoncrimsonwings @sugaredparchment @cepheusgalaxy @fizzydreamz @robinshandhurts @ieppiq @nosebleedgirlpunch @charlachan @cacophonyofwords
✩ Lmk if you want to be added or removed via ask/dm ✩
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leaperfr0g · 2 months ago
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Febuwhump Day 7, Alternate Timeline Self
Master List (click for better quality)
Side Note,
Terako's death actually made me cry, like I was fine until they said it's name was Terako. I just started crying cause it made it so emotional for me cause they knew EXACTLY what they were doing with that name drop.
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