to: me, sarah
132 posts
Just a girl blogging a little bit of therapy with a whole lot of life © to-me-sarah
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
Happy First Father's Day, Daddy!
Happy First Father’s Day, Daddy!
I actually surprised my fiancé with an early Father’s Day before we left to come to Taiwan. I came up with the idea when I realized we would be in Taiwan for Father’s Day and Father’s Day in Taiwan is on a different day than in Canada. 
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I wanted to make it special and to show my appreciation for him. I’m so fortunate to have a partner that actually is my partner in parenting. You hear about moms…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
Fed Friday's - Red Bell Peppers
Fed Friday’s – Red Bell Peppers
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
to: my readers - life update
to: my readers – life update
to: my readers
In a couple weeks I will be taking my fiancé and son to Taiwan to visit my family and for my family to meet the baby. 
Keeping that in mind, my goal is to at least have one post up per week from now till I get back from Taiwan.
That being said, I have so many ideas for posts and hope that I can post more than one post a week. 
I just wanted to update you all before I seem like I…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
Monday Momplaints - Diaper hoarders
Monday Momplaints – Diaper hoarders
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to: parents
I know a lot of moms who buy up a bunch of diapers when they are on sale or there’s a misprint to save money. I know that some babies need to be changed the minute they wet their diapers. I know that others just want to be prepared.
Come on. Seriously? How do you even figure out you need like 5 or more cases of diapers? How do you know how quickly or slowly your child is going to…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
Fed Friday's - Baby's first solids pt.2
Fed Friday’s – Baby’s first solids pt.2
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So, our journey with solids continues. Since last week, he’s tried cucumber (randomly) and peas yesterday.
First of all, are babies allowed cucumbers raw? I can’t imagine eating cucumbers not raw. He had a bit of a taste when we were over at my fiancé’s moms house for a barbecue. He just wanted to eat what I was eating, so I looked at my fiancé and he shrugged sure so I let my baby suck on a…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
to: parents - it doesn't matter if you are sick
to: parents – it doesn’t matter if you are sick
to: parents
It doesn’t matter if you are sick or not, you still have to look after your child.
After I posted my post on Monday, I fell ill (this is why I haven’t had a chance to take a pic of my #mombod). I ended up getting a mild fever and just didn’t feel well. Unfortunately for me, my fiancé was at work and was going to be working the next day as well.
Parenthood is about being sick and still…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
Monday Momplaints - The Mom Bod
Monday Momplaints – The Mom Bod
to: everyone
You hear about the dad bod but what about the mom bod? The dad bod is hot, the mom bod… Not so much?
Some moms call their stretchmarks, their tiger stripes but some moms don’t get stretchmarks. So that’s not very inclusive of all moms.
So, why don’t we start a new thing, the MOM BOD? 
It’s not about the scars or stretchmarks you can get from bearing a child and giving birth to a…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
Fed Friday's - Baby's First Solids
Fed Friday’s – Baby’s First Solids
Since Tux is now 6 months and we have just had our 6 month doctors appointment, it was time for solids.
We may have gotten too excited and may have started with two things. Please keep in mind, we asked our doctor and we did wait till the new recommendation of 6 months to feed him solids even though he has been ready for months.
One being baby mum-mums, which by the way was his very very first. 
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
to: me - parenthood changes almost everything
to: me – parenthood changes almost everything
to: me
Before my son was born, I was still set on becoming a counsellor. Now, I’m not so sure.
Before I got pregnant, we wanted to travel the world together and get married (elope). Now, we have to think more about where we should spend our money.
It seems like everything has changed since being pregnant and having our son. Priorities have definitely changed.
It’s not a bad thing but it is what…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
Fed Friday's - Fed is Best Rant
Fed Friday’s – Fed is Best Rant
Disclaimer: This is a rant. It’s not meant to offend anyone but it probably will and I accept that. Please be respectful of everyone’s opinions. We can all agree to disagree right?
to: parents
I never knew there was such controversy over how you feed your baby till I was pregnant.
First, Fed is Best. It shouldn’t matter how you feed your baby as long as you are providing for your baby. You are…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
to: my baby - you are half a year old
to: my baby – you are half a year old
to: my baby
Yesterday you became a 6 month old. I can’t believe half a year has already gone by. I’m sorry daddy wasn’t here to celebrate with you but he loves you dearly.
I can’t believe how big you have gotten.
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Time is just flying by. 
In your short life, you have already been to a graduation (your dads) and a wedding reception (your aunts). 
But mostly we stay at home.
When you are older (old…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
Happy First Mother's Day to:me!
Happy First Mother’s Day to:me!
to: me
Yesterday was a bit bittersweet.
I had received my mother’s day gift from my baby daddy and baby the night before because daddy had to go up north for training. The gifts were everything I wanted, chocolate, tea, a card and a selfie stick (not for selfie-ing but for me to watch stuff while laying down with our son). Proof of what I got:
Side note: top left corner, is my baby a poser or…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
#selfcaresundays - working out and winding down
#selfcaresundays – working out and winding down
 to: me
On March 1, 2016, I braved the scale. I weighed myself for the first time after giving birth. On March 1, I weighed 144lbs or approximately 65kg. I never use to weigh myself but this time I did because I needed to have a goal for me to work towards. That and I have a wedding reception to go to in a months time. 
So, here are my goals (keep in mind I’m 5’2 or 158cm tall):
Dream weight:…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
#selfcaresundays - thank goodness for ebooks
#selfcaresundays – thank goodness for ebooks
to: me
Sometimes you have to go back to an old favourite. I use to love reading as a child but as I got further and further on with my studies, I started not to read for enjoyment anymore. 
Now that I seem to have more time. I say seem to because well a baby takes up a lot of time. One of those times while I’m feeding the baby, I started to read an ebook on my phone. Unfortunately an actual book…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
to: holidays - Happy Chinese New Year 2016!
to: holidays – Happy Chinese New Year 2016!
Hope everyone had a Happy Chinese New Year!
Here’s a picture of our little Tux in his new year outfit.
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  Plaid red shirt with jeans.
May the year of the monkey bring everyone good health and fortune. 
<3 Sarah 
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
to: my mom
to: my mom
Even though you can’t read this. I needed to write it. I’m sorry for being such a stubborn kid.
I know life hasn’t been the easiest for you and I know I’m not making it any easier by getting knocked up before I got married. Well at least I’m engaged which is more shocking than anything I think because I never wanted to get married.
Love always,
Your daughter
One of my first decisions…
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to-me-sarah · 9 years ago
#selfcaresundays - walks
#selfcaresundays – walks
to: me
This week as my fiancé goes for runs, Tux and I have been going for walks.
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   I decided to go for walks while my fiancé goes for runs because I needed to get out of the house. 
I’m tired of being at home all day and night. 
I’m tired of going out just for errands. 
I’m tired of the chaos that is bringing a baby anywhere. 
I’m just tired of being a mom. 
Yes, I said it. 
Some days, I really…
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