#Cycling Infrastructure
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detragefietser · 3 months ago
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the-city-in-mind · 6 months ago
"Having access to safe walking and cycling routes is a basic tenet of social justice."
The new Labour government in Great Britain will invest "unprecedented levels of funding" in cycling and walking as a critical part of plans to improve health, wealth inequality and the environment, has said Louise Haigh, the new secretary for transport.
"We're in a climate crisis. We're in a public health crisis. Getting people walking and cycling and moving more are essential to solving both of those," she said.
Haigh added: "Car ownership now is just so expensive, insurance as a young driver is completely out of reach for a lot of people. So having that access to safe cycle routes is a basic element, is a basic tenet of social justice."
More at bit.ly/46VOSNk
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wittylittle · 1 year ago
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Rue Rachel, 2019
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diocletiansbikelane · 6 months ago
Feels like the bikepath design in this 17 second clip tried to kill the cyclist like 3 times. Like, I’ve biked all my life - including routes where I had to share the road with cars - and I’d be way too terrified to follow the bikelane’s instructions to actively weave at an angle directly into the middle of traffic
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atlurbanist · 1 year ago
It's taking too long to get safe routes for cyclists in Atlanta.
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While looking at Google Maps photos of Boulevard (this is a couple of blocks south of North Avenue) I spotted a couple of cyclists grappling with the mixed traffic on this six-lane street.
Why have we not put bike lanes here for safety? This isn't a state road that we don't control. It's a city street that we could change tomorrow.
Why does this mess of a car-sewer still exist in 2024?
On the Atlanta DOT website, the plans for a "complete street" redesign for this part of Boulevard only state "consideration for bike lanes" 🙄 (meanwhile a linked PDF shows a concept with no bike lanes.)
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Also, the project start is 2016, and the end is 2028. Ugh. This should not be acceptable by anyone in our city government. Atlanta voters have approved special taxes *twice* in the last 10 years for safer streets.
Aside from the special taxes, Atlanta is a gentrifying city with escalating land values that should be funding improvements with equitable results.
The fact that we still have a major lack of safe routes for cycling in much of the city, especially on major routes like this, is ridiculous.
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bhrarchinerd · 10 months ago
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jb5d · 2 years ago
Wild Beast Alchemy
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Cycling adventures of Beast & Smol
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rage-city · 2 years ago
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Great turnout today!
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detragefietser · 7 months ago
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the-city-in-mind · 1 year ago
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megalopolousity · 1 year ago
Also add: the "why would we invest in and improve the bus because only the poors take it" mentality that prevents us all from having a world class transit system in this country!
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pauldotbike · 3 months ago
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Direct Action Alert! Join us Thurs. Nov. 21 as we deliver Ghost Bikes to Queen's Park while the Govt finalizes their reading of the anti-bike lane Bill 212. Meet at Matt Cohen Park at 5, ride leaves 5:30, QP meet at 5:45:
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diocletiansbikelane · 5 months ago
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This is not so much 'bicycle infrastructure' as it is 'vehicular manslaughter'
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 9 months ago
Just a reminder to my European followers that the European Parliament elections are coming up and they are very important! The far-right parties are projected to win a lot of seats and many of the left/environmentalist parties are expected to do poorly.
This could have serious implications for major issues like climate action in the EU. It is very important that young people turn out to vote, EU elections typically have relatively low turnout but the composition of the EU Parliament does impact the lives of people in the European Union in a lot of ways.
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bhrarchinerd · 1 year ago
Are cyclists better people than drivers? A recent study published in the Journal for Environmental Psychology found that people who navigated cities by cycle were more interested in the common good than drivers. “Duh,” you’re probably saying to yourself. The study looked at a pool’s orientation toward the common good by looking at four key indicators: political participation, social participation in organizations, neighborhood solidarity, and neighborly helpfulness. Their data showed that the predominant throughline was that these folks were more likely to participate in active transportation (walking, cycling). This news isn’t necessarily new, as previous studies showed how proper urban street design can increase community engagement. But it does reinforce things we already know. How does cycling increase that orientation? Being outside helps. Finding yourself around other people makes you more likely to have spontaneous contact. Navigating a community on foot or by bike gives you a better sense of what your built environment is like and a stronger emotional bond around your neighborhood. That bond, the study says, leads folks to be more likely to be active participants in a community’s direction. In contrast, being in a car removes those sensory connections. A driver’s interaction is predominantly with the origin and destination of their travel, removing them from the diversity within a community. This isolation can lead to more individualistic behaviors, many of which reduce opportunities for social interaction. It’s much easier to be a jerk to someone outside when you’re isolated in a two-ton hunk of metal and glass, as we can all agree on.
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rage-city · 2 years ago
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Here is a digital version of the zine from today's Critical Mass event in Anchorage, AK!
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